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Behavioral Science of the Human Mind
     Part 1: Understanding YOU!
           ©2011 Applied Mind Sciences
If you had
your life to
live over
again, would
you change

I like the way
Woody Allen
put it.

You have to
admit, it does
make you
The Wonder of Man

“For You have possessed my inward parts;
You wove me in the womb of my mother. I
will thank You, for with awesome ways I
am distinguished; Your works are
marvelous, and my soul knows it very well.
My bones were not hidden from You when
I was made in secret; when I was woven in
the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my
embryo; and in Your book all my members
were written the days they were formed,
and not one was yet among them. And
how precious are Your thoughts to me, O
God! How great is the sum of them! If I
should count them, they are more than the
sand; when I awake I am still with You.
Human Reproduction
After 12-weeks, the human embryo is full-
developed with the exception of the brain.

Fully two-thirds of a full term
pregnancy is for the development
of the brain.
I will show you that the mind resides in the
brain but the brain is not the mind!
At the 12-week, a baby weighs about ½ an
ounce and is about 3 inches long. If you
could see the baby, you’d see quite an
active little one – twisting, turning and
kicking. The baby is completely engulfed in
amniotic fluid at this point. This fluid is
about 1.5 ounces in volume.
Human Growth
The Third Law of Thermodynamics -
specifically the law of entropy - states that all of
creation is winding down. Order is moving to
As it applies to humans, we are born, grow until
about the age of 22, then we begin to age
(literally deteriorate) and eventually die. Look
around you; some of us are deteriorating at a
faster rate than others. I’m 58 years old or 36
years birth rot; how do I look? the age of 22, the body produces a
From into until approximately
hormone called HGH – human growth hormone. If you have ever
watched children at play and heard the comment, “I wish I could bottle
that energy and sell it, you would be bottling HGH!
By the age of 40, HGH secretion from the anterior lobe of pituitary gland
is almost nil. Ageing accelerates quickly after the age of 40.
There are two things that natually stimulate HGH production – sleeping &
strenuous exercise!
Mental Digestion
In physiology – the study of the physical
human body – food that is ingested is
changed into nutrients that are bio-
available to the body namely carbs, protein
and fat. In essence, whatever you consume
is changed into YOU!
Mental food does the exact opposite.
Whatever your mind consumes will not be
changed into you, like the food your body
eats, but you will be changed into it!
You may be what you eat PHYSICALLY; but
you are what you BELIEVE MENTALLY!
So What Happened?
How did something so
beautifully conceived get
so messed up?

 And more importantly, can anything be done to fix the
Man’s Finite Nature
Our minds are finite in nature. However, as marvelous a
machine that they are, at the same time, they are limited
within the confines of our time-space continuum…our
never-changing 3-dimentional world is where we exist and
where we compare everything on the outside to what is
inside our existence.
We are labeling animals, and when we don’t understand
something, we label it and make it a standard. We define
wants and needs as the same thing when they actually are
quite different. We strive to be different than others…to be
unique even though by becoming unique we become the
same again and negate the definition of “unique”.
Our minds are communal by nature yet we prefer
companionship above communion. We take more than we
give back and we label this commerce. We want to be
loved but we practice lust. So the question arises…
 Do you want to have or do you want to be?
First Cause
In behavioral science, we use a term called “First
Cause.” Taking a cocaine addict as an example,
we are very much interested in the EFFECT -
his/her manifested behavior (addiction to cocaine)
- but we are more interested in what stresses and
anxieties CAUSED this person to self-medicate
themselves resulting in cocaine addiction!
In the above example, the equation has become
inverted. In a cocaine addict’s quest for relief or
to “HAVE” relief, he/she has “BEcome” a drug
In an healthy situation a person first “BEcomes”
(CAUSE) and then the result is the “HAVE”
Wealth, for example is not a cause; it is an effect!
How many of you have inverted the equation to
There are always questions! They realign our minds and cause us to stop
and observe.
Where are you?
Where did you come from?
And where are you going?

Do you ever eat and drink more calories than your body needs?
Do you ever feel you ought to exercise but you don’t?
Do you ever know the right thing to do but you don’t do it?
Do you ever know something is wrong but you do it anyway?
We are bombarded by questions and seek answers daily; however, the
answers we seek are usually ones best fitted to the benefit of the individual
that is asking the question. Truth has become subjective; it is whatever you
want it to be. Absolute truth – truth that never changes is shunned!
But the world doesn’t always subscribe to our agendas; it has its own. And
when this occurs, stress and anxiety build up seeking an outlet of relief. In
our quest for answers, we have educated ourselves into imbecility!
In our quest to define the meaning of our existence…
We ask questions and seek answers
We look for answers on the outside when all along they are not there.
The meaning of life is not in the world; the meaning of life is in us!

 What is your truth? What is the foundation to your identity?
The century-old question arises, “Why do good people lose and
       finish last while evil-doers prevail and prosper?
The good are denounced for their loving kindness and charity
but the bad guys seem to prosper and grow rich.
The evil-doers cannot tolerate the idea that good people are
better than they are.
Evil-doers live within a fantasy, they are pretenders, attempting
to create in their minds an image about themselves that
This pretend image is in conflict with a good person’s real image
so they attack and attempt to take revenge. Their goal is to
crucify the good person’s image that is in conflict with theirs
Sound familiar?
By doing this, evil-doers crucify there own innocence, their own
future, their own true God-given identity.
Evil–doers’ identity is mixed up in their fantasy, their gang, their
tribe or clan!
“What do you see?”
“I see a gallant and victorious knight
and soldier of God. I always wanted
to be a gallant knight.”
“Why is he gallant, why is he
victorious, and why do you say he is a
soldier of God?”
“He has fought a battle for there are
dead soldiers around him and he
wears the sign of the cross. He is
brave and gallant having fought the
battle and the red cross shows he is a
follower of God and a defender of the
“Why, my son, do you behave as if
stupidity is a virtue?”
“You asked me what I see and I tell you and because of this I am
“You are responsible for what you say and do and always for what you
see. Look at the picture, my son and really look at it this time.
Anybody can fight and kill; it doesn’t require gallantry or courage. The
myth of the glory and power of war is only a myth. And God doesn’t
need anybody to fight for Him. God is quite capable of fighting his own
“Oh, and what about Gideon and his 300 men? They fought for God
and were victorious too.”
“God used them to teach a lesson that the power of God, even with
such a small force of 300 men, could defeat an army of hundreds of
thousands. The victory did not belong to Gideon; it belonged to God.
The subject was not Gideon; it was God’s unfailing power.”
“A man who wears a cross on his tunic is no more a man of God than a
pig in a tuxedo is a gentleman….”

“But he fights for God…”
“He fights for himself, for the riches and
spoils of war. He uses God as an excuse
to plunder and kill. A man that fights for
God uses words and not swords.”
“But how would I know this,” I asked.
“When you can answer the question I
asked you – Do you want to have or do you
want to be? – then you will know.”
Gaetano went back to his painting and
work as I sat pondering. I was nervous and
tense as I went back to looking at the
Why was I wrong in what I saw? I asked
What does Gaetano see that I do not?
Do I want to have or do I want to be? What
does this mean?
The painter depicted an event in time and my response was valid insofar
as this is what I physically saw. But Gaetano had just told me that I had
been deceived. I was right that the Templar Knight had been victorious,
for his dead enemies were strewn around him.
But if it was true that he fought for riches and spoils rather than for the
glory of God then he may have achieved his spoils but his victory was in
The knight could not be one thing and receive or have a reward that did
not match what he actually was.
In other words, you must first “BE” before you can ”HAVE”, and although
you always receive something for what you are, the “HAVE” always
matches the “BE”!
I cleared my throat and said, “I want to be true and not a mere deception
so that I can have a just reward.”
Gaetano nodded his head without looking up, “You have finally
answered correctly. So ends the lesson. Now please be somewhere
else so this old man can work in quiet.”
1. Laying a Solid Foundation
Early Mankind
When man first appeared on earth six millennium
ago he was SKEPTICAL! What this means is
that when he saw T-Rex eating his friend he
knew he had to stay away from that big dude.
Man began to understand that certain foods were
more nutritious than others. Meat had a higher
nutritional value than plants so early man spent
most of his time hunting. But meat could not be
preserved and stored so this gave way to
Soon salting and jerking meat became known
and with this invention societies began to form
giving way to tribes, clans, and then nations.
With the ability to store food, early man could
support larger families and population increased.
Everything revolved around survival and warfare
soon developed to protect tribes, hunting
grounds, and food stocks.
Progressing Man
As man evolved and food supplies stabilized, man did not have to spend
every waking hour seeking food. Because of this culture developed. Man,
whose minds were once skeptical, now changed to minds that are now
Man initially used their advantage of high intellect to succeed and survive.
As societies developed and life became easier, man began to have free
time. To fill this time space, culture gave way to entertainment.
Entertainment caused man to move from his intellect to his desires,
emotions and will of his psyche.
Visionary man gave way to fantasy-embracing man. Man began to
worship his own abilities and human philosophy gave way to psychology.
Modern Man
Today we now have minds that are
extremely gullible. We constantly want to
be entertained.
We live in a society of consumerism and
We embrace the desires, emotions and will
of our psyches as demonstrated by our
belief that “seeing is believing.”
We dream of the perfect but live in the
It is easier to dream than to become!
There is no responsibility required of the
dreamer except when his fantasies are
acted out through manifested behavior.
Everyone is a victim of something; we live in
a nation of victims.
Laying the Foundation to the Medical Arts
All medical science and practices come from a religious foundation.
From the 5th century B. C. up until the mid-1800s, all medicine was
practiced based on humoralistic beliefs and techniques. This
practice is attributed to the Greek physician, Hippocrates but holds
a significant resemblance to, the ancient Hindu system called the,
"Ayurvedic" system. Humors are the fluids in the human body. This
was the reason a person was "bled," and leeches employed, to
remove excess fluids. Once this quackery was debunked, western
medicine turned to allopathic practice, or "Allopathy."

Allopathy is a method of treating disease with remedies that
produce effects different (dissimilar) from those caused by the
disease itself. Allopathy is the system of medicine practiced today
by medical doctors (M.D.s) and relies solely on scientific

Naturopathy differs from Allopathy insofar as the former practices
preventative medicine and the latter practices curative medicine.
Allopathic medicine uses medications and surgery. Naturopathic
physicians employ natural or alternative methods.
Homeopathy is a system of medicine, or method of treating disease, with
remedies that produce effects similar to those caused by the disease
itself. This is where we get systematic inoculations.
Osteopathy and Chiropractic systems are methods using manipulation of
the muscles and skeleton to cure problematic parts of the body.
Psychology was born in the mid-1800s too. It used to be called
philosophy but the desire to make it a “science’ overcame the logic of
what it truly is and today it operates under a blanket of respectability that
is unwarranted.
Systematic science first proposes a theory and when it cannot be
disproved (falsification) the theory then becomes a law. All of psychology
is based on the mechanism of the mind: belief systems + thought =
behavior/conduct. In 1957, a noted psychologist name Leon Festinger
proposed the theory of “cognitive dissonance,” which states that actions
are inconsistent with beliefs. This one theory completely contradicts all of
psychology! In psychology’s almost 150 years of existence, not one
theory has ever been proven or disproven. THERE ARE NO LAWS OF
To make matters worse…
Most doctors and drug specialists don't even know how or why
the various drugs do what they do. Largely they have opinions,
notions, and theories which they parade around as
"scientific" facts.
As an example, psychiatrists talk about "chemical imbalances
in the brain" as if these actually existed, yet no such imbalance
has ever been found in any of the many medical studies, and
no medical test exists for such an imbalance. We’ve never
seen one example in our labs in over 30-years.
But this non-existent imbalance, which has never been
detected anywhere at anytime, receives constant attention by
doctors, is discussed casually in medical journals, and is cited
to patients as the "reason" for their problems. It's an illusion, or
more to the point, it's a delusion. It's something that many
people believe to exist, yet it actually does not exist at all in any
way whatsoever. And, of course, the drugs they prescribe
supposedly "cure" the invisible and never detected chemical
imbalance. It is a hoax. It may not be an intentional hoax, but it
is a hoax even if only due to their rampant idiocy.
None of psychology’s methods used today regard the
"mind" as influencing the healing process.
To better understand the human being as it relates to
others as well as its environment, I need you to
thoroughly understand my concept that the
"Complete Person" is made up of mind, body, soul,
and spirit.
The body is made up of 18-chemical elements; these
18-elements are the same chemical elements found
in soil. So when the bible says we are made from the
earth, it is true. You’re dirt; get over it!
Physiologically speaking, the body operates around
the central nervous system made up of two sub-
systems called the somatic nervous system (this is
the system that gives you volitional control of your
muscles and skeletal movements) and the autonomic
nervous system (this is the system, which regulates
our glands and correlates with our emotions).
The central nervous system includes the brain, and
The autonomic nervous system tells the brain, which stimuli have been
received; the brain responds based upon how it has been programmed.
Since an individual is the sum total of his/her experiences, the brain is
programmed based on these experiences, as well as perceived

The brain IS NOT the mind! The mind resides in the brain but they are two
separate and distinct entities. The best way to describe all of the "parts,"
using computer terminology is the autonomic nervous system is the
software, the brain is the hardware, and the mind is the hard drive.

To begin to understand your body, you must first understand the
relationships your body employs as it strives for optimum health. As a
behavioral scientist trained in both secular (non-religious) and religious
protocols, I have noticed that the secular side of the equation tends to view
illness of the body or the mind completely separate from the soul and
spirit. Secular psychologists believe that the cause of illness is because of
the way we choose to feel Using cognitive therapy (having a basis in or
reducible to empirical factual knowledge.), they attempt to change a
person's feelings (emotional control).
But, we now know that illness is cured not by
changing our feelings, but by changing our beliefs
and thoughts (intellectual control).
Many people have mental illnesses, which manifests
themselves in psychosomatic (self-caused) symptoms
of depression, anxiety, chronic fatigue, drug addiction,
insomnia, ulcers etc.
The mind truly does affect the body!
Think of someone who has wronged you in the past and see
how your body responds. You become anxious and stressed.
You begin to think of revenge as your heart races and your
ears pound. Adrenaline begins to course through your body.
You cannot separate the two entities (body and mind always
In the above example, you react the way you do based on how
your mind has been programmed. This is your character. A
child reared in a family, which uses violence to solve problems
always uses violence in its own life to solve problems because
this is how the child has been programmed.
2. The Mechanism of the Mind
Prior to the fall of man into sin as described in the Garden of Eden, man’s
spirit was hooked to God’s infinite spirit. There was no death because
God’s spirit is infinite. Man is the only animal on earth that shares the
eternality nature of God. The subject of eternal life has been a heated topic
of man from the beginning of our existence.
In Greek mythology, there’s a story about a mortal youth named Tithonus.
Aurora, the goddess of dawn, fell in love with the boy and when Zeus, the
king of the gods, promised to grant Aurora any gift she chose for her lover,
she asked that Tithonus might live forever. But, in her haste she forgot to
ask for eternal youth, so when Zeus granted her request, Tithonus was
doomed to an eternity of perpetual aging as a grouchy old man… forever.
In the movie "Highlander," Angus McLeod was born in 1518 as an immortal
being. He could not die and to me, the best part of the movie was the
depiction of this immortal's agony here on earth as he watched everything
he loved die forcing him to begin his life over and over again. He saw all of
the ugliness, which man had caused over four centuries. He witnessed the
Spanish Inquisition, Waterloo, the atrocities of the Third Reich, and more.
He saw the slavery and bigotry of the eighteenth century, the slaughter of
the Native American tribes after the Civil War. This man's life was a living
There is a very big difference between the ways our feeble
minds picture eternal life versus God’s idea of eternal life.
Our understanding comes from Quantum Physics and is
limited within the Time-Space Continuum.
Life is your spirit, but the soul of man has usurped the spirit's
position and psychology is now forced to define "how" we live
our lives based on the animating force of the soul instead of
the spirit.
As I said previously, the soul has usurped the spirit’s place as
our animating force. Let's discuss this now.
Body First Person - When the body becomes our life, we live
as animals.
Body-Mind In Sync - When the soul becomes our life, we live
as rebels and fugitives in a life of desires, emotions, and will
(consuming entities). This is the position of mankind today!
Mind First Person - But when we come to live our life in the
mind/spirit and by the spirit, though we still use our soul’s
faculties just as we do our physical faculties, they are now the
servants of the spirit.
If you live as a consuming entity, you will always lose. In other words,
to get, you must give - you must sacrifice! Have you ever wondered
why you have so many anxieties, phobias, worries and fears? The
reality of this world is evil. So what is reality? I will tell you. This is
“Life without war is impossible either in nature or in grace. The basis
of physical, mental, moral and spiritual life is antagonism. Health is
the balance between physical life and external nature, and it is
maintained only by sufficient vitality on the inside against things on the
Everything outside my physical life is designed to put me to death.
Things, which keep me going when I am alive, disintegrate me when I
am dead. If I have enough fighting power, I produce the balance of
health. The same is true of mental life. If I want to maintain a vigorous
mental life, I have to fight, and in that way the mental balance called
thought is produced. Morally it is the same. Everything that does not
partake of the nature of virtue is the enemy of virtue in me, and it
depends on what moral caliber I have whether I overcome and
produce virtue (GOOD CHARACTER). Immediately I fight, I am moral
in that particular. No man is virtuous because he cannot help it; virtue
(character) is acquired.
•Psychology only studies the observable
aspects of the mind and discounts the
unseen or intangible aspects of the human
•Behavioral science attempts to study the
intangible aspects of the human mind…why
you do the things you do and more
importantly why you don’t do what you
should do.
•There is no such thing as commercial
psychology versus personal psychology.
The mind uses the same mechanism to
evaluate all types of relationships.
•Everything we do revolves around
relationships. We relate to our environment,
our friends, family, co-workers, other people
and even our pets. We are social animals.
The Mechanism of the Mind

Conscious Mind                    Subconscious Mind
5-senses:                         Intellect:
Hearing                           Experiential
Taste                             Empirical
Smell                             DEW:
ESP (women only)                  Desires, Emotions and Will

 Belief Systems + Thought = Action/Behavior/Conduct
Gender Differences in the Human Psyche

The female psyche operates on emotional, spiritual,
physical and intellectual planes

The male psyche operates only on the intellectual and
physical planes.
You will find this interesting…
The female brain is smaller than the male
brain but this has nothing to do with
One interesting trait that the female brain
holds is that the corpus callosum – the white
fibrous mass underneath the brain that
connects both hemispheres – is 40% larger in
the female brain than in the male brain.
This tells us that females use both
hemisphere of their brains while men only use
one hemisphere.
So, gentlemen, if your spouse or significant-
other calls you a half brain idiot, she is
partially correct… but I don’t want to start any
We seem to have difficulty in understanding the difference between
seemingly similar ideas that are not similar at all, when you think
about their true meanings. In the following, many have problems
telling the difference between:
Faith vs. Hope                     War vs. Conflict
Freedom vs. Liberty                Well-being vs. Being well
Rules vs. Ethics                   Cause vs. Effect
Quality vs. Quantity               Relief vs. Cure
Love vs. Lust                      Promise vs. Oath (Vow)
Obligation vs. Legalism            Discipline vs. Punishment
Wealth vs. Money                   Taste vs. Substance
Want vs. Need                      Pain vs. Suffering
Machismo vs. Manhood               Same vs. Equal
Femininity vs. Womanhood           Self-Control vs. Willpower

The meaning of words is not in the words
            they are in US!
Here is an exercise you might find weird but it
       demonstrates the power of the human mind.

Fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too
Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can.
I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I
was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid,
aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it
dseno’t mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the
olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in
the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can
sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn
mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a
wlohe. Azanmig huh? Yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling
was ipmorantt!
You might have found it somewhat unusual that you could probably
read the jumbled mess above. Actually over half the people that see
this exercise can decipher the words at the same speed of reading as
if the words were not jumbled.
It is important to note that the human mind
thinks in packages… concepts rather than
individual ideas.
Your eyes see each letter but the mind
looks at the whole word instead. As you
read, the mind looks at the first and last
letter only.
If you were to listen to an orchestra, your
ear listens to every note from every
instrument but a trained ear can actually
pick out individual instruments from the
whole sound as the mind hears the whole
How does this apply to you? Learning to
observe means going beyond the mind’s
natural ability to only read the first and last
letters of a word. It is training the mind to
see all the letters, not just the eye but the
   Pain vs. Pleasure – people are more
    motivated to avoid pain than seek
   A person that is suffering will seek
    relief before they seek a cure.
   The human mind cannot tell the
    difference between fantasy and reality.
   If there is a conflict between the
    conscious mind and subconscious
    mind the subconscious mind always
   The human mind gravitates to the
    desires, emotions and will of its
    psyche. People grave entertainment
    so fantasy dominates their existences.
   The human mind is easily distracted!
    You can either be the cause of these
    distractions or other stimuli will be the
    cause but rest assured people WILL BE
    distracted because the human mind is
The human mind responds quickly to
        these three forms of stimuli
Sex – Humor - FEAR
But the greatest of them all is
BTW – on the positive side we have
faith, hope, love, but the greatest of
these is LOVE.

Fear usually takes the form of what
is called “Scarcity Thought”
You are afraid that someone will
have what you feel belongs to you
or that others will have more
“stuff” than you.

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•The subconscious mind is often referred to as the "heart,"
and is the control mechanism the body uses to store our

•These beliefs are stored as pictures in our "hearts"
and create frequencies in our bodies.

•We know that the optimum human frequency is a little
below 7.83 hertz. To drop below this frequency brings on
the onslaught of disease. To rise above it a person
demonstrates psychic abilities.

•Harmful beliefs that cause unhealthy frequencies are the
source of almost all problems - physical, mental, emotional.

•The subconscious mind creates a belief system, which we
call "pictures of the heart."

•These pictures involve either visions, or dreams/fantasies.
Self-Treatment Protocols
Abandonment-Rejection      Emotional Bipolar     Obsessive-
Abuse                      Emotional Crisis      Compulsive
Acid Reflux                Energetic             Overwhelmed
ADD-ADHD                   Magnetic Frequency    Pain
Addiction                  Energy                Peak Performance
Allergy                    Eyesight              Phobia
Amouraphobia               Fears                 Preventative
Anger                      Forgiveness           Sadness
Anxiety                    Frustration           Shame-Guilt
Arthritis                  Genetic Diseases      Sickness
Autonomic Nervous System   Grief-Loss            Sleep Problems
Bedwetting                 Guilt                 Stress
Booster Protocol           Headache              Upset Stomach
Carpal Tunnel              Hearing               Weight
Confidence                 High Blood Pressure
Confusion                  High Cholesterol
Constipation               Impotence
Dental                     Irrational Thinking
Depression                 Jet Lag
Eating Disorder            Menstrual
*The subject of all dreams is the dreamer.
*Dreams are born in our desires, emotions and will.
*Dreamers believe in a belief system, which is fantasy.
*A life lived within a fantasy creates a feeling of self-
centeredness, hopelessness and despair. In dreams
everything is perfect.
*The subject of a vision is not the visionary but the
*Visions are born in the intellect. Visions are pictures of
the future that have already been experienced in the
heart of those who give it birth.
*Visionaries sacrifice themselves for the good of
*Visions have a moral quality that transcends the self-
centered nature of dreams.
*By its very nature a vision launches a mission, a
*Visions create a sense of belonging.
•We act upon visions and/or dreams, using thought.
•Thought employs the intellect, in the case of visions, or the
desires, emotions and the will, in the case of dreams.
•Intellectual thought relies on wisdom; emotional thought
relies on the pursuit of pleasure, comfort and delight.
•Dreamers live within a facade; they create a false sense of
worth using imaginary situations.
•Visionaries live within reality; they create change, within a
framework of restraint, and intellectual thought.
•The world is made up of OPPOSITES, which is
usually the corrupted version of the original GOOD. We
have good and evil. We have love and lust!
Learn to love because there are no crimes beyond
Love is born in the intellect; lust is born in the
Love is vision; lust is fantasy.
Love restrains & sacrifices; lust is selfish
Love is being one with someone or something
Lust is being with someone or something.
Visionaries love; dreamers lust!
Visionaries do what is required; dreamers just
do their best!

                   Yes we do!
Pictures of the heart are your belief system.
•We animate these pictures into either fantasies, or
•People do not appear to see the difference
between the matter part of an organism and the life
part, which animates it.
•We seem to think that the organism itself is life. In
other words, it is not our outward appearance that
is our life, but our inward existence.
•Life is what goes into the body. Death is what
comes out.
•A person who lies is not a liar because he tells a
lie. The lie is the manifested behavior of some
subconscious belief system. The lie only
demonstrates that the person is a liar…it is the
•Except for love, the power of words inspired by a
vision or fantasy is the most potent human force.
For a dreamer: “Seeing is believing!”
But they only see imaginary things that are not real!!
This is why “The Secret” is WRONG!
Say it and claim it is WRONG!
Blab it and grab it IS WRONG!
See it and be it IS WRONG!
Dreamers practice companionship – To be with someone or something!

•   Dreamers covet the object of their temptation, BUT they covet the
    temptation more so than the object itself because the temptation is the
    idol of their fantasy.
14.If there is a conflict between the conscious and subconscious mind,
   the subconscious mind always wins…ALWAYS!
16.All reaction occurs in the conscious mind; all interaction occurs in the
   subconscious mind. Fear is a “REACTION” to losing control and is a
For a visionary: “Believing is seeing!”
There are no SECRETS; there are only
challenges to be conquered!
THIS IS NOT A SECRET: Putting a photo of a
Ferrari on your refrigerator and seeing yourself
driving it by employing the so-called law of attraction
is pure BUPKES!!! Why? Because this is all
occurring in the conscious mind and beliefs reside in
the subconscious mind. How do you transfer
something from the conscious mind to the
subconscious mind and make it a belief system?

It is all about ATTENTION & ACCEPTANCE!!!!! I
have a $100 bill in my hand and I am willing to give it
to you. But if you don't ACCEPT it then it is still in
A Ferrari is the object of your temptation but what
you covet most is the temptation of owning a Ferrari
because the temptation is the idol of your fantasy.
Human things must be
known to be loved; but
 divine things must be
  loved to be known.
Which one of the following
    goals are good goals?
•To want to get married and have a
wonderful, happy, loving marriage?
•To want to have children who are
happy, successful, and loving?
•To have a successful, fulfilling and
rewarding career?
•Is it a good goal to want to have fun,
bonded, loving, and meaningful
relationships with other people?
Which of the listed goals are good goals? None of them!
You should never have anything for a goal that is not 100% under your
control, AND each and every goal should be motivated by love.
Almost all goals that we have in our life are wrong. Everything that we do,
we do because of a goal we have. When we get up in the morning, it’s
because of some goal that we have; we are hungry for breakfast, or we
need to go to work. If we go to the grocery store, it’s because of some goal
we have. If we are kind to people, it’s because of some goal that we have.
Now we don’t always know what they are, because a lot of these are
subconscious goals. The goals we have are the reasons for everything we
do. But, do all of your goals involve only YOU? Of course not! And when
the other person, or persons, in your goal do not perform, or act the way
you want them to, then we become anxious and stressed.
When our goals get blocked, it creates anger, anxiety, and frustration. If we
only have good goals, we will not experience anger or anxiety. That’s how
you know, if you are living a wrongful goal. If the result is anger and
frustration, because your control was blocked and blocking your goal, then
you had a wrongful goal. It may have been a fine and noble desire, but a
wrongful goal.
Intellect is left brain function while Desires, Emotions &
                Will are right brain functions
Based on what you have now learned, do
you believe that the true sign of
intelligence is not knowledge, but

A debate inspired by an Albert Einstein quote...
"Imagination is more important than knowledge.“
Imagination can lead to wrongful fantasy
But knowledge can lead to self-determination

 "We can't solve problems
 by using the same kind of
 thinking we used when we
 created them."
3. The Central YOU Concept
I have a home in Las Vegas on a half acre of land. My life is real cushy;
I have a putting green, a pool and tennis court and my entire backyard
is beautifully landscaped. In the morning I arise very early, take my cup
of coffee and go and sit on the patio. All of my senses take in what is
happening around me. I can hear the crickets, the air conditioner (even
in the summer the nights are in the 90s); I can even hear the water
ripple in the pool as the breeze blows. The cars on the street behind
my house often speed down the street and I can watch an owl as it sits
patiently for its prey.

My point in telling you all this is that once I project my
senses outward, away from myself, I can see and hear
everything. I am no longer the “center” of my
existence. My mind is not employing any of the
subconscious filters I have accumulated throughout my
life. I am sitting quietly and observing.
Now look at the picture below…

 An untrained observer will insert themselves in the picture by telling a
 story. This story is different between genders as well as maturity. But
 one essential common element of the story will be that it really has
 nothing to do with the woman; the story you would tell yourself is
 completely about you. This is called the “Central You” concept. All
 sensory input coming into your mind through the five senses are filtered
 and revolve around you. People live their lives with themselves at the
 center of their universe.

 My point is simple: to observe completely you must
 project your senses away from yourself.
Now look at this picture on the right…

 This is another picture of a woman but
 this one is not real; it is an animated
 version. The story you would tell will
 be completely different or there would
 be no story at all. But if there were a
 story; it would also revolve around you
 because every fantasy you have is
 perfect where you are perfect too.

 You are the idol of your fantasy!

 Okay…how does a person project
 themselves outward so that complete
 observation can occur?

 Is it a matter of free will?
Free Will
Much experimentation has occurred on the subject of free will. Does free
will exist and does it act on the brain via attention?
In one of our experiments, subjects were asked to flex their wrists
whenever they chose while being monitored by devices on their scalps,
which were designed to measure the readiness potential associated with
preparation for movement. On average, the readiness potential was
detected 550 milliseconds before movement occurred; however, not all
readiness potentials were followed by movement. When subjects were
asked to report when they were conscious of deciding to move, it was
found that awareness preceded the movement by 100 to 200 milliseconds.
Some experts claim that this casts free will into doubt, as the signal to
move came before awareness of the desire to

Yes, we have free will but
only the freedom to
choose what is wrong!
I posit that contrary to
this disproving the
existence of free will it
is evidence that we are
able to block the
preparation process
and stop movement
from occurring
altogether, since
awareness still comes
before movement. Put
this way, it would seem
as if much of the will we
exert is aimed to stop
subconscious urges, a
concept called “free
What is all-important about this theory is attention.
Selective focusing of attention filters out distractions and
makes one concentrate on one or a few particular elements
present in sensory input. Although the data one receives is the
same whether one is paying attention or not, the brain’s
response to the data is changed. We can decide to some
extent what information registers and what does not. Thus, our
perceptions are changed. Or, to put it another way, mental
force affects the activity of the brain in a perceptible way.
Given that we can change brain activity by paying attention to
something, thus affecting the rate at which corresponding sets
of synapses fire, it follows that attention is important for
(Neuroplasticity is the lifelong ability of the brain to reorganize
neural pathways based on new experiences. As we learn, we
acquire new knowledge and skills through instruction or
experience. In order to learn or memorize a fact or skill, there
must be persistent functional changes in the brain that
represent the new knowledge. The ability of the brain to
change with learning is what is known as neuroplasticity.).
As a certain neural pathway fires more and
more often it becomes stronger and even
more likely to be activated again. Just as
sensory input can change cerebral cortex
organization, PET scans have shown that
attention can too (remember this fact
because it is extremely important).

Our mental states shape what we
perceive more than the original
stimulus does.

WOW! Did you understand this last
comment? Our perceptions shape our
responses and actions more than the
reality or original stimuli!!! Reality versus
perception again rears its ugly head! Our
mental states – the life force of focusing –
shape what we perceive more than the
original stimulus.
In other words, we are what we perceive and reality
takes a back seat!
We observe completely when our focus is away from
This is very similar to “Zen” philosophy but picks up
where Zen is flawed. Zen’s the observation of "what is."
Now, the ‘what is’ is the ‘what is’ below your filters and
In other words, the goal and point of Zen is to watch your
mind as it meaning-makes, while not attaching to either
the process or your assumptions.
In this way, the mind sort of slides to the side, and you
peer past the mind-games to the essential ‘emptiness’ of
I can never prove that what I am observing exists outside
of the constructs of my mind, because the mind filters all
the senses and always creates just as much as it
Things, habits, and beliefs are LEARNED and can be
unlearned just as easily as they were learned in the first
place; however some things learned are not easy to give
up. We call these addictions. The human mind
gravitates toward depravity and all things sensuous and
feeling. And the mind does not give up anything
sensuous! Trained observation is recognizing all stimuli
in the conscious mind first and evaluating it in the
conscious mind prior to subconscious perception.

This evaluation is based on focus, which we will discuss
in detail very soon. Example: a soldier in a combat
situation in a jungle sees a bug but discards it
immediately because a bug cannot hurt him. He sees a
tree and focuses on this because an enemy sniper can
be in the tree. A leaf is discarded…a vine is discarded
but a rock and pond is focused upon because both can
be used for concealment. Evaluation using focus
prequalifies what we see prior to subconscious thought.
The mind strives to think so it is important that we
prequalify what it is we think about.
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06.understanding you workshop

  • 1. Behavioral Science of the Human Mind Part 1: Understanding YOU! ©2011 Applied Mind Sciences
  • 2. If you had your life to live over again, would you change anything? I like the way Woody Allen put it. You have to admit, it does make you wonder…
  • 3. The Wonder of Man “For You have possessed my inward parts; You wove me in the womb of my mother. I will thank You, for with awesome ways I am distinguished; Your works are marvelous, and my soul knows it very well. My bones were not hidden from You when I was made in secret; when I was woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my embryo; and in Your book all my members were written the days they were formed, and not one was yet among them. And how precious are Your thoughts to me, O God! How great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they are more than the sand; when I awake I am still with You.
  • 4. Human Reproduction After 12-weeks, the human embryo is full- developed with the exception of the brain. Fully two-thirds of a full term pregnancy is for the development of the brain. I will show you that the mind resides in the brain but the brain is not the mind! At the 12-week, a baby weighs about ½ an ounce and is about 3 inches long. If you could see the baby, you’d see quite an active little one – twisting, turning and kicking. The baby is completely engulfed in amniotic fluid at this point. This fluid is about 1.5 ounces in volume.
  • 5. Human Growth The Third Law of Thermodynamics - specifically the law of entropy - states that all of creation is winding down. Order is moving to chaos. As it applies to humans, we are born, grow until about the age of 22, then we begin to age (literally deteriorate) and eventually die. Look around you; some of us are deteriorating at a faster rate than others. I’m 58 years old or 36 years birth rot; how do I look? the age of 22, the body produces a From into until approximately hormone called HGH – human growth hormone. If you have ever watched children at play and heard the comment, “I wish I could bottle that energy and sell it, you would be bottling HGH! By the age of 40, HGH secretion from the anterior lobe of pituitary gland is almost nil. Ageing accelerates quickly after the age of 40. There are two things that natually stimulate HGH production – sleeping & strenuous exercise!
  • 6. Mental Digestion In physiology – the study of the physical human body – food that is ingested is changed into nutrients that are bio- available to the body namely carbs, protein and fat. In essence, whatever you consume is changed into YOU! Mental food does the exact opposite. Whatever your mind consumes will not be changed into you, like the food your body eats, but you will be changed into it! You may be what you eat PHYSICALLY; but you are what you BELIEVE MENTALLY!
  • 7. So What Happened? How did something so beautifully conceived get so messed up? And more importantly, can anything be done to fix the problem?
  • 8. Man’s Finite Nature Our minds are finite in nature. However, as marvelous a machine that they are, at the same time, they are limited within the confines of our time-space continuum…our never-changing 3-dimentional world is where we exist and where we compare everything on the outside to what is inside our existence. We are labeling animals, and when we don’t understand something, we label it and make it a standard. We define wants and needs as the same thing when they actually are quite different. We strive to be different than others…to be unique even though by becoming unique we become the same again and negate the definition of “unique”. Our minds are communal by nature yet we prefer companionship above communion. We take more than we give back and we label this commerce. We want to be loved but we practice lust. So the question arises… Do you want to have or do you want to be?
  • 9. First Cause In behavioral science, we use a term called “First Cause.” Taking a cocaine addict as an example, we are very much interested in the EFFECT - his/her manifested behavior (addiction to cocaine) - but we are more interested in what stresses and anxieties CAUSED this person to self-medicate themselves resulting in cocaine addiction! In the above example, the equation has become inverted. In a cocaine addict’s quest for relief or to “HAVE” relief, he/she has “BEcome” a drug user. In an healthy situation a person first “BEcomes” (CAUSE) and then the result is the “HAVE” (EFFECT). Wealth, for example is not a cause; it is an effect! How many of you have inverted the equation to wealth?
  • 10. Questions There are always questions! They realign our minds and cause us to stop and observe. Where are you? Where did you come from? And where are you going? Do you ever eat and drink more calories than your body needs? Do you ever feel you ought to exercise but you don’t? Do you ever know the right thing to do but you don’t do it? Do you ever know something is wrong but you do it anyway? We are bombarded by questions and seek answers daily; however, the answers we seek are usually ones best fitted to the benefit of the individual that is asking the question. Truth has become subjective; it is whatever you want it to be. Absolute truth – truth that never changes is shunned! But the world doesn’t always subscribe to our agendas; it has its own. And when this occurs, stress and anxiety build up seeking an outlet of relief. In our quest for answers, we have educated ourselves into imbecility!
  • 11. In our quest to define the meaning of our existence… We ask questions and seek answers We look for answers on the outside when all along they are not there. The meaning of life is not in the world; the meaning of life is in us! What is your truth? What is the foundation to your identity?
  • 12. The century-old question arises, “Why do good people lose and finish last while evil-doers prevail and prosper? The good are denounced for their loving kindness and charity but the bad guys seem to prosper and grow rich. The evil-doers cannot tolerate the idea that good people are better than they are. Evil-doers live within a fantasy, they are pretenders, attempting to create in their minds an image about themselves that deceives. This pretend image is in conflict with a good person’s real image so they attack and attempt to take revenge. Their goal is to crucify the good person’s image that is in conflict with theirs Sound familiar? By doing this, evil-doers crucify there own innocence, their own future, their own true God-given identity. Evil–doers’ identity is mixed up in their fantasy, their gang, their tribe or clan!
  • 13. “What do you see?” “I see a gallant and victorious knight and soldier of God. I always wanted to be a gallant knight.” “Why is he gallant, why is he victorious, and why do you say he is a soldier of God?” “He has fought a battle for there are dead soldiers around him and he wears the sign of the cross. He is brave and gallant having fought the battle and the red cross shows he is a follower of God and a defender of the faith,” “Why, my son, do you behave as if stupidity is a virtue?”
  • 14. “You asked me what I see and I tell you and because of this I am stupid?” “You are responsible for what you say and do and always for what you see. Look at the picture, my son and really look at it this time. Anybody can fight and kill; it doesn’t require gallantry or courage. The myth of the glory and power of war is only a myth. And God doesn’t need anybody to fight for Him. God is quite capable of fighting his own battles.” “Oh, and what about Gideon and his 300 men? They fought for God and were victorious too.” “God used them to teach a lesson that the power of God, even with such a small force of 300 men, could defeat an army of hundreds of thousands. The victory did not belong to Gideon; it belonged to God. The subject was not Gideon; it was God’s unfailing power.” “A man who wears a cross on his tunic is no more a man of God than a pig in a tuxedo is a gentleman….” WE ALWAYS PLACE OURSLEVES IN THE CENTER OF ANY STORY AND BY DOING SO WE GET MANY THINGS WRONG!
  • 15. “But he fights for God…” “He fights for himself, for the riches and spoils of war. He uses God as an excuse to plunder and kill. A man that fights for God uses words and not swords.” “But how would I know this,” I asked. “When you can answer the question I asked you – Do you want to have or do you want to be? – then you will know.” Gaetano went back to his painting and work as I sat pondering. I was nervous and tense as I went back to looking at the painting. Why was I wrong in what I saw? I asked myself. What does Gaetano see that I do not? Do I want to have or do I want to be? What does this mean?
  • 16. The painter depicted an event in time and my response was valid insofar as this is what I physically saw. But Gaetano had just told me that I had been deceived. I was right that the Templar Knight had been victorious, for his dead enemies were strewn around him. But if it was true that he fought for riches and spoils rather than for the glory of God then he may have achieved his spoils but his victory was in vain. The knight could not be one thing and receive or have a reward that did not match what he actually was. In other words, you must first “BE” before you can ”HAVE”, and although you always receive something for what you are, the “HAVE” always matches the “BE”! I cleared my throat and said, “I want to be true and not a mere deception so that I can have a just reward.” Gaetano nodded his head without looking up, “You have finally answered correctly. So ends the lesson. Now please be somewhere else so this old man can work in quiet.”
  • 17. 1. Laying a Solid Foundation
  • 18. Early Mankind When man first appeared on earth six millennium ago he was SKEPTICAL! What this means is that when he saw T-Rex eating his friend he knew he had to stay away from that big dude. Man began to understand that certain foods were more nutritious than others. Meat had a higher nutritional value than plants so early man spent most of his time hunting. But meat could not be preserved and stored so this gave way to farming. Soon salting and jerking meat became known and with this invention societies began to form giving way to tribes, clans, and then nations. With the ability to store food, early man could support larger families and population increased. Everything revolved around survival and warfare soon developed to protect tribes, hunting grounds, and food stocks.
  • 19. Progressing Man As man evolved and food supplies stabilized, man did not have to spend every waking hour seeking food. Because of this culture developed. Man, whose minds were once skeptical, now changed to minds that are now gullible. TO PROVE THIS I AM GOING TO PURPOSELY FOOL YOU NOW! Man initially used their advantage of high intellect to succeed and survive. As societies developed and life became easier, man began to have free time. To fill this time space, culture gave way to entertainment. Entertainment caused man to move from his intellect to his desires, emotions and will of his psyche. Visionary man gave way to fantasy-embracing man. Man began to worship his own abilities and human philosophy gave way to psychology.
  • 20. Modern Man Today we now have minds that are extremely gullible. We constantly want to be entertained. We live in a society of consumerism and entertainment. We embrace the desires, emotions and will of our psyches as demonstrated by our belief that “seeing is believing.” We dream of the perfect but live in the flawed. It is easier to dream than to become! There is no responsibility required of the dreamer except when his fantasies are acted out through manifested behavior. Everyone is a victim of something; we live in a nation of victims.
  • 21. Laying the Foundation to the Medical Arts All medical science and practices come from a religious foundation. From the 5th century B. C. up until the mid-1800s, all medicine was practiced based on humoralistic beliefs and techniques. This practice is attributed to the Greek physician, Hippocrates but holds a significant resemblance to, the ancient Hindu system called the, "Ayurvedic" system. Humors are the fluids in the human body. This was the reason a person was "bled," and leeches employed, to remove excess fluids. Once this quackery was debunked, western medicine turned to allopathic practice, or "Allopathy." Allopathy is a method of treating disease with remedies that produce effects different (dissimilar) from those caused by the disease itself. Allopathy is the system of medicine practiced today by medical doctors (M.D.s) and relies solely on scientific experimentation. Naturopathy differs from Allopathy insofar as the former practices preventative medicine and the latter practices curative medicine. Allopathic medicine uses medications and surgery. Naturopathic physicians employ natural or alternative methods.
  • 22. Homeopathy is a system of medicine, or method of treating disease, with remedies that produce effects similar to those caused by the disease itself. This is where we get systematic inoculations. Osteopathy and Chiropractic systems are methods using manipulation of the muscles and skeleton to cure problematic parts of the body. Psychology was born in the mid-1800s too. It used to be called philosophy but the desire to make it a “science’ overcame the logic of what it truly is and today it operates under a blanket of respectability that is unwarranted. Systematic science first proposes a theory and when it cannot be disproved (falsification) the theory then becomes a law. All of psychology is based on the mechanism of the mind: belief systems + thought = behavior/conduct. In 1957, a noted psychologist name Leon Festinger proposed the theory of “cognitive dissonance,” which states that actions are inconsistent with beliefs. This one theory completely contradicts all of psychology! In psychology’s almost 150 years of existence, not one theory has ever been proven or disproven. THERE ARE NO LAWS OF PSYCHOLOGY…not one!
  • 23. To make matters worse… Most doctors and drug specialists don't even know how or why the various drugs do what they do. Largely they have opinions, notions, and theories which they parade around as "scientific" facts. As an example, psychiatrists talk about "chemical imbalances in the brain" as if these actually existed, yet no such imbalance has ever been found in any of the many medical studies, and no medical test exists for such an imbalance. We’ve never seen one example in our labs in over 30-years. But this non-existent imbalance, which has never been detected anywhere at anytime, receives constant attention by doctors, is discussed casually in medical journals, and is cited to patients as the "reason" for their problems. It's an illusion, or more to the point, it's a delusion. It's something that many people believe to exist, yet it actually does not exist at all in any way whatsoever. And, of course, the drugs they prescribe supposedly "cure" the invisible and never detected chemical imbalance. It is a hoax. It may not be an intentional hoax, but it is a hoax even if only due to their rampant idiocy.
  • 24. None of psychology’s methods used today regard the "mind" as influencing the healing process. To better understand the human being as it relates to others as well as its environment, I need you to thoroughly understand my concept that the "Complete Person" is made up of mind, body, soul, and spirit. The body is made up of 18-chemical elements; these 18-elements are the same chemical elements found in soil. So when the bible says we are made from the earth, it is true. You’re dirt; get over it! Physiologically speaking, the body operates around the central nervous system made up of two sub- systems called the somatic nervous system (this is the system that gives you volitional control of your muscles and skeletal movements) and the autonomic nervous system (this is the system, which regulates our glands and correlates with our emotions). The central nervous system includes the brain, and
  • 25. The autonomic nervous system tells the brain, which stimuli have been received; the brain responds based upon how it has been programmed. Since an individual is the sum total of his/her experiences, the brain is programmed based on these experiences, as well as perceived experience. The brain IS NOT the mind! The mind resides in the brain but they are two separate and distinct entities. The best way to describe all of the "parts," using computer terminology is the autonomic nervous system is the software, the brain is the hardware, and the mind is the hard drive. To begin to understand your body, you must first understand the relationships your body employs as it strives for optimum health. As a behavioral scientist trained in both secular (non-religious) and religious protocols, I have noticed that the secular side of the equation tends to view illness of the body or the mind completely separate from the soul and spirit. Secular psychologists believe that the cause of illness is because of the way we choose to feel Using cognitive therapy (having a basis in or reducible to empirical factual knowledge.), they attempt to change a person's feelings (emotional control).
  • 26. But, we now know that illness is cured not by changing our feelings, but by changing our beliefs and thoughts (intellectual control). Many people have mental illnesses, which manifests themselves in psychosomatic (self-caused) symptoms of depression, anxiety, chronic fatigue, drug addiction, insomnia, ulcers etc. The mind truly does affect the body! Think of someone who has wronged you in the past and see how your body responds. You become anxious and stressed. You begin to think of revenge as your heart races and your ears pound. Adrenaline begins to course through your body. You cannot separate the two entities (body and mind always interact). In the above example, you react the way you do based on how your mind has been programmed. This is your character. A child reared in a family, which uses violence to solve problems always uses violence in its own life to solve problems because this is how the child has been programmed.
  • 27. 2. The Mechanism of the Mind
  • 28. Prior to the fall of man into sin as described in the Garden of Eden, man’s spirit was hooked to God’s infinite spirit. There was no death because God’s spirit is infinite. Man is the only animal on earth that shares the eternality nature of God. The subject of eternal life has been a heated topic of man from the beginning of our existence. In Greek mythology, there’s a story about a mortal youth named Tithonus. Aurora, the goddess of dawn, fell in love with the boy and when Zeus, the king of the gods, promised to grant Aurora any gift she chose for her lover, she asked that Tithonus might live forever. But, in her haste she forgot to ask for eternal youth, so when Zeus granted her request, Tithonus was doomed to an eternity of perpetual aging as a grouchy old man… forever. In the movie "Highlander," Angus McLeod was born in 1518 as an immortal being. He could not die and to me, the best part of the movie was the depiction of this immortal's agony here on earth as he watched everything he loved die forcing him to begin his life over and over again. He saw all of the ugliness, which man had caused over four centuries. He witnessed the Spanish Inquisition, Waterloo, the atrocities of the Third Reich, and more. He saw the slavery and bigotry of the eighteenth century, the slaughter of the Native American tribes after the Civil War. This man's life was a living Hell!
  • 29. There is a very big difference between the ways our feeble minds picture eternal life versus God’s idea of eternal life. Our understanding comes from Quantum Physics and is limited within the Time-Space Continuum. Life is your spirit, but the soul of man has usurped the spirit's position and psychology is now forced to define "how" we live our lives based on the animating force of the soul instead of the spirit. As I said previously, the soul has usurped the spirit’s place as our animating force. Let's discuss this now. Body First Person - When the body becomes our life, we live as animals. Body-Mind In Sync - When the soul becomes our life, we live as rebels and fugitives in a life of desires, emotions, and will (consuming entities). This is the position of mankind today! Mind First Person - But when we come to live our life in the mind/spirit and by the spirit, though we still use our soul’s faculties just as we do our physical faculties, they are now the servants of the spirit.
  • 30. If you live as a consuming entity, you will always lose. In other words, to get, you must give - you must sacrifice! Have you ever wondered why you have so many anxieties, phobias, worries and fears? The reality of this world is evil. So what is reality? I will tell you. This is reality: “Life without war is impossible either in nature or in grace. The basis of physical, mental, moral and spiritual life is antagonism. Health is the balance between physical life and external nature, and it is maintained only by sufficient vitality on the inside against things on the outside. Everything outside my physical life is designed to put me to death. Things, which keep me going when I am alive, disintegrate me when I am dead. If I have enough fighting power, I produce the balance of health. The same is true of mental life. If I want to maintain a vigorous mental life, I have to fight, and in that way the mental balance called thought is produced. Morally it is the same. Everything that does not partake of the nature of virtue is the enemy of virtue in me, and it depends on what moral caliber I have whether I overcome and produce virtue (GOOD CHARACTER). Immediately I fight, I am moral in that particular. No man is virtuous because he cannot help it; virtue (character) is acquired.
  • 31. •Psychology only studies the observable aspects of the mind and discounts the unseen or intangible aspects of the human mind. •Behavioral science attempts to study the intangible aspects of the human mind…why you do the things you do and more importantly why you don’t do what you should do. •There is no such thing as commercial psychology versus personal psychology. The mind uses the same mechanism to evaluate all types of relationships. •Everything we do revolves around relationships. We relate to our environment, our friends, family, co-workers, other people and even our pets. We are social animals.
  • 32. The Mechanism of the Mind Conscious Mind Subconscious Mind 5-senses: Intellect: Sight Hearing Experiential Taste Empirical Touch Smell DEW: ESP (women only) Desires, Emotions and Will Belief Systems + Thought = Action/Behavior/Conduct
  • 33. Gender Differences in the Human Psyche The female psyche operates on emotional, spiritual, physical and intellectual planes The male psyche operates only on the intellectual and physical planes.
  • 34. You will find this interesting… The female brain is smaller than the male brain but this has nothing to do with intelligence. One interesting trait that the female brain holds is that the corpus callosum – the white fibrous mass underneath the brain that connects both hemispheres – is 40% larger in the female brain than in the male brain. This tells us that females use both hemisphere of their brains while men only use one hemisphere. So, gentlemen, if your spouse or significant- other calls you a half brain idiot, she is partially correct… but I don’t want to start any trouble.
  • 35. We seem to have difficulty in understanding the difference between seemingly similar ideas that are not similar at all, when you think about their true meanings. In the following, many have problems telling the difference between: Faith vs. Hope War vs. Conflict Freedom vs. Liberty Well-being vs. Being well Rules vs. Ethics Cause vs. Effect Quality vs. Quantity Relief vs. Cure Love vs. Lust Promise vs. Oath (Vow) Obligation vs. Legalism Discipline vs. Punishment Wealth vs. Money Taste vs. Substance Want vs. Need Pain vs. Suffering Machismo vs. Manhood Same vs. Equal Femininity vs. Womanhood Self-Control vs. Willpower The meaning of words is not in the words they are in US!
  • 36. Here is an exercise you might find weird but it demonstrates the power of the human mind. Fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can. I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno’t mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? Yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! You might have found it somewhat unusual that you could probably read the jumbled mess above. Actually over half the people that see this exercise can decipher the words at the same speed of reading as if the words were not jumbled.
  • 37. It is important to note that the human mind thinks in packages… concepts rather than individual ideas. Your eyes see each letter but the mind looks at the whole word instead. As you read, the mind looks at the first and last letter only. If you were to listen to an orchestra, your ear listens to every note from every instrument but a trained ear can actually pick out individual instruments from the whole sound as the mind hears the whole symphony. How does this apply to you? Learning to observe means going beyond the mind’s natural ability to only read the first and last letters of a word. It is training the mind to see all the letters, not just the eye but the mind!
  • 38. Pain vs. Pleasure – people are more motivated to avoid pain than seek pleasure.  A person that is suffering will seek relief before they seek a cure.  The human mind cannot tell the difference between fantasy and reality.  If there is a conflict between the conscious mind and subconscious mind the subconscious mind always wins…ALWAYS!  The human mind gravitates to the desires, emotions and will of its psyche. People grave entertainment so fantasy dominates their existences.  The human mind is easily distracted! You can either be the cause of these distractions or other stimuli will be the cause but rest assured people WILL BE distracted because the human mind is gullible.
  • 39. The human mind responds quickly to these three forms of stimuli Sex – Humor - FEAR But the greatest of them all is FEAR! BTW – on the positive side we have faith, hope, love, but the greatest of these is LOVE. Fear usually takes the form of what is called “Scarcity Thought” You are afraid that someone will have what you feel belongs to you or that others will have more “stuff” than you.
  • 40. SEX
  • 41. HUMOR
  • 42. FEAR “New Swine Flu Claims Another Child’s Life…you can protect your children today and prevention is worth more than a pound of cure!” Silver Sol Solution - The New Silver Sol is a very effective, potent, nano-particle solution. It has been tested at 200 times the normal adult dosage, and has been found to be completely non-toxic, unlike many antibiotics and other silver products. It has been tested against some of the deadliest bacteria that exist. In water disinfectant tests, The New Silver Sol was able to kill all the bacteria in raw river water in less than 20 minutes, even after being diluted to 1/200 of the original 10 ppm strength.
  • 43. •The subconscious mind is often referred to as the "heart," and is the control mechanism the body uses to store our beliefs. •These beliefs are stored as pictures in our "hearts" and create frequencies in our bodies. •We know that the optimum human frequency is a little below 7.83 hertz. To drop below this frequency brings on the onslaught of disease. To rise above it a person demonstrates psychic abilities. •Harmful beliefs that cause unhealthy frequencies are the source of almost all problems - physical, mental, emotional. •The subconscious mind creates a belief system, which we call "pictures of the heart." •These pictures involve either visions, or dreams/fantasies.
  • 44. Self-Treatment Protocols Abandonment-Rejection Emotional Bipolar Obsessive- Abuse Emotional Crisis Compulsive Acid Reflux Energetic Overwhelmed ADD-ADHD Magnetic Frequency Pain Addiction Energy Peak Performance Allergy Eyesight Phobia Amouraphobia Fears Preventative Anger Forgiveness Sadness Anxiety Frustration Shame-Guilt Arthritis Genetic Diseases Sickness Autonomic Nervous System Grief-Loss Sleep Problems Bedwetting Guilt Stress Booster Protocol Headache Upset Stomach Carpal Tunnel Hearing Weight Confidence High Blood Pressure Confusion High Cholesterol Constipation Impotence Dental Irrational Thinking Depression Jet Lag Eating Disorder Menstrual
  • 45. *The subject of all dreams is the dreamer. *Dreams are born in our desires, emotions and will. *Dreamers believe in a belief system, which is fantasy. *A life lived within a fantasy creates a feeling of self- centeredness, hopelessness and despair. In dreams everything is perfect. TO A DREAMER – SEEING IS BELIEVING! *The subject of a vision is not the visionary but the world. *Visions are born in the intellect. Visions are pictures of the future that have already been experienced in the heart of those who give it birth. *Visionaries sacrifice themselves for the good of mankind. *Visions have a moral quality that transcends the self- centered nature of dreams. *By its very nature a vision launches a mission, a “cause-that-inspires." *Visions create a sense of belonging. TO A VISIONARY – BELIEVING IS SEEING!
  • 46. •We act upon visions and/or dreams, using thought. •Thought employs the intellect, in the case of visions, or the desires, emotions and the will, in the case of dreams. •Intellectual thought relies on wisdom; emotional thought relies on the pursuit of pleasure, comfort and delight. •Dreamers live within a facade; they create a false sense of worth using imaginary situations. •Visionaries live within reality; they create change, within a framework of restraint, and intellectual thought. •The world is made up of OPPOSITES, which is usually the corrupted version of the original GOOD. We have good and evil. We have love and lust! •EVERYTHING YOU DO IS BECAUSE OF LOVE OR LUST. Learn to love because there are no crimes beyond forgiveness.
  • 47. Love is born in the intellect; lust is born in the DEW! Love is vision; lust is fantasy. Love restrains & sacrifices; lust is selfish Love is being one with someone or something Lust is being with someone or something. Visionaries love; dreamers lust! Visionaries do what is required; dreamers just do their best! WHEN THERE IS NO HOPE OF LOVE DO WE ABANDON OURSELVES TO LUST? Yes we do!
  • 48. Pictures of the heart are your belief system. •We animate these pictures into either fantasies, or visions. •People do not appear to see the difference between the matter part of an organism and the life part, which animates it. •We seem to think that the organism itself is life. In other words, it is not our outward appearance that is our life, but our inward existence. •Life is what goes into the body. Death is what comes out. •A person who lies is not a liar because he tells a lie. The lie is the manifested behavior of some subconscious belief system. The lie only demonstrates that the person is a liar…it is the effect. •Except for love, the power of words inspired by a vision or fantasy is the most potent human force.
  • 49. For a dreamer: “Seeing is believing!” But they only see imaginary things that are not real!! This is why “The Secret” is WRONG! Say it and claim it is WRONG! Blab it and grab it IS WRONG! See it and be it IS WRONG! Dreamers practice companionship – To be with someone or something! VERY IMPORTANT: • Dreamers covet the object of their temptation, BUT they covet the temptation more so than the object itself because the temptation is the idol of their fantasy. 14.If there is a conflict between the conscious and subconscious mind, the subconscious mind always wins…ALWAYS! 16.All reaction occurs in the conscious mind; all interaction occurs in the subconscious mind. Fear is a “REACTION” to losing control and is a “CONSCIOUS MIND REACTION”.
  • 50. For a visionary: “Believing is seeing!” There are no SECRETS; there are only challenges to be conquered! THIS IS NOT A SECRET: Putting a photo of a Ferrari on your refrigerator and seeing yourself driving it by employing the so-called law of attraction is pure BUPKES!!! Why? Because this is all occurring in the conscious mind and beliefs reside in the subconscious mind. How do you transfer something from the conscious mind to the subconscious mind and make it a belief system? It is all about ATTENTION & ACCEPTANCE!!!!! I have a $100 bill in my hand and I am willing to give it to you. But if you don't ACCEPT it then it is still in my hand. BELIEF SYSTEMS ARE CREATED BY ATTENTION & ACCEPTANCE! A Ferrari is the object of your temptation but what you covet most is the temptation of owning a Ferrari because the temptation is the idol of your fantasy.
  • 51. Human things must be known to be loved; but divine things must be loved to be known. BELIEVING IS SEEING!
  • 52. Which one of the following goals are good goals? •To want to get married and have a wonderful, happy, loving marriage? •To want to have children who are happy, successful, and loving? •To have a successful, fulfilling and rewarding career? •Is it a good goal to want to have fun, bonded, loving, and meaningful relationships with other people?
  • 53. Which of the listed goals are good goals? None of them! You should never have anything for a goal that is not 100% under your control, AND each and every goal should be motivated by love. Almost all goals that we have in our life are wrong. Everything that we do, we do because of a goal we have. When we get up in the morning, it’s because of some goal that we have; we are hungry for breakfast, or we need to go to work. If we go to the grocery store, it’s because of some goal we have. If we are kind to people, it’s because of some goal that we have. Now we don’t always know what they are, because a lot of these are subconscious goals. The goals we have are the reasons for everything we do. But, do all of your goals involve only YOU? Of course not! And when the other person, or persons, in your goal do not perform, or act the way you want them to, then we become anxious and stressed. When our goals get blocked, it creates anger, anxiety, and frustration. If we only have good goals, we will not experience anger or anxiety. That’s how you know, if you are living a wrongful goal. If the result is anger and frustration, because your control was blocked and blocking your goal, then you had a wrongful goal. It may have been a fine and noble desire, but a wrongful goal.
  • 54. Intellect is left brain function while Desires, Emotions & Will are right brain functions
  • 55. Based on what you have now learned, do you believe that the true sign of intelligence is not knowledge, but imagination? A debate inspired by an Albert Einstein quote... "Imagination is more important than knowledge.“ Imagination can lead to wrongful fantasy But knowledge can lead to self-determination "We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them."
  • 56. 3. The Central YOU Concept I have a home in Las Vegas on a half acre of land. My life is real cushy; I have a putting green, a pool and tennis court and my entire backyard is beautifully landscaped. In the morning I arise very early, take my cup of coffee and go and sit on the patio. All of my senses take in what is happening around me. I can hear the crickets, the air conditioner (even in the summer the nights are in the 90s); I can even hear the water ripple in the pool as the breeze blows. The cars on the street behind my house often speed down the street and I can watch an owl as it sits patiently for its prey. My point in telling you all this is that once I project my senses outward, away from myself, I can see and hear everything. I am no longer the “center” of my existence. My mind is not employing any of the subconscious filters I have accumulated throughout my life. I am sitting quietly and observing.
  • 57. Now look at the picture below… An untrained observer will insert themselves in the picture by telling a story. This story is different between genders as well as maturity. But one essential common element of the story will be that it really has nothing to do with the woman; the story you would tell yourself is completely about you. This is called the “Central You” concept. All sensory input coming into your mind through the five senses are filtered and revolve around you. People live their lives with themselves at the center of their universe. My point is simple: to observe completely you must project your senses away from yourself.
  • 58. Now look at this picture on the right… This is another picture of a woman but this one is not real; it is an animated version. The story you would tell will be completely different or there would be no story at all. But if there were a story; it would also revolve around you because every fantasy you have is perfect where you are perfect too. You are the idol of your fantasy! Okay…how does a person project themselves outward so that complete observation can occur? Is it a matter of free will?
  • 59. Free Will Much experimentation has occurred on the subject of free will. Does free will exist and does it act on the brain via attention? In one of our experiments, subjects were asked to flex their wrists whenever they chose while being monitored by devices on their scalps, which were designed to measure the readiness potential associated with preparation for movement. On average, the readiness potential was detected 550 milliseconds before movement occurred; however, not all readiness potentials were followed by movement. When subjects were asked to report when they were conscious of deciding to move, it was found that awareness preceded the movement by 100 to 200 milliseconds. Some experts claim that this casts free will into doubt, as the signal to move came before awareness of the desire to move. Yes, we have free will but only the freedom to choose what is wrong!
  • 60. I posit that contrary to this disproving the existence of free will it is evidence that we are able to block the preparation process and stop movement from occurring altogether, since awareness still comes before movement. Put this way, it would seem as if much of the will we exert is aimed to stop subconscious urges, a concept called “free won’t.”
  • 61. What is all-important about this theory is attention. Selective focusing of attention filters out distractions and makes one concentrate on one or a few particular elements present in sensory input. Although the data one receives is the same whether one is paying attention or not, the brain’s response to the data is changed. We can decide to some extent what information registers and what does not. Thus, our perceptions are changed. Or, to put it another way, mental force affects the activity of the brain in a perceptible way. Given that we can change brain activity by paying attention to something, thus affecting the rate at which corresponding sets of synapses fire, it follows that attention is important for neuroplasticity (Neuroplasticity is the lifelong ability of the brain to reorganize neural pathways based on new experiences. As we learn, we acquire new knowledge and skills through instruction or experience. In order to learn or memorize a fact or skill, there must be persistent functional changes in the brain that represent the new knowledge. The ability of the brain to change with learning is what is known as neuroplasticity.).
  • 62. As a certain neural pathway fires more and more often it becomes stronger and even more likely to be activated again. Just as sensory input can change cerebral cortex organization, PET scans have shown that attention can too (remember this fact because it is extremely important). Our mental states shape what we perceive more than the original stimulus does. WOW! Did you understand this last comment? Our perceptions shape our responses and actions more than the reality or original stimuli!!! Reality versus perception again rears its ugly head! Our mental states – the life force of focusing – shape what we perceive more than the original stimulus.
  • 63. In other words, we are what we perceive and reality takes a back seat! We observe completely when our focus is away from ourselves. This is very similar to “Zen” philosophy but picks up where Zen is flawed. Zen’s the observation of "what is." Now, the ‘what is’ is the ‘what is’ below your filters and assumptions. In other words, the goal and point of Zen is to watch your mind as it meaning-makes, while not attaching to either the process or your assumptions. In this way, the mind sort of slides to the side, and you peer past the mind-games to the essential ‘emptiness’ of everything. I can never prove that what I am observing exists outside of the constructs of my mind, because the mind filters all the senses and always creates just as much as it observes.
  • 64. Things, habits, and beliefs are LEARNED and can be unlearned just as easily as they were learned in the first place; however some things learned are not easy to give up. We call these addictions. The human mind gravitates toward depravity and all things sensuous and feeling. And the mind does not give up anything sensuous! Trained observation is recognizing all stimuli in the conscious mind first and evaluating it in the conscious mind prior to subconscious perception. This evaluation is based on focus, which we will discuss in detail very soon. Example: a soldier in a combat situation in a jungle sees a bug but discards it immediately because a bug cannot hurt him. He sees a tree and focuses on this because an enemy sniper can be in the tree. A leaf is discarded…a vine is discarded but a rock and pond is focused upon because both can be used for concealment. Evaluation using focus prequalifies what we see prior to subconscious thought. The mind strives to think so it is important that we prequalify what it is we think about.
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