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Icwa Consequences
The Indian Child Welfare Act was able to give faith and happiness to many Indian families as well to those children taken away from their families.
Celebration and overall the feeling of the Indian children coming home to their own culture took place worldwide in the United States. On the other
hand, not everything was perfect after the ICWA was passed consequences with the policy started to affect American Indian families in many states
such as South Dakota. As stated in the video Hearts On The Ground: Bring Lakota Children Home, the policy ICWA is violated in South Dakota still
today the Department of Social Services removes hundreds of Indian children from their families. Families in South Dakota are devastated and
frustrated with the government
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Book Of Acts Essay
At the birth of the Early Church there were no Gentiles within the Christian community. The relationship between Judaism and Christianity became
more complex as people began to accept Gentiles into the church. The book of Acts makes clear to us that the conflict that had arisen was between two
different groups of Jewish people, the Hellenists and the Hebrews. The Hellenists, although Jewish, were open to a Hellenistic culture unlike the
Hebrews, and it was through them that a connection to the gentile world was created. The Jewish church would eventually wain and the leaders of the
Christian movement proclaiming the Gospel would then become predominantly Gentile.
The book of Acts is a very reliable source of more content...
Using Antioch as a starting place to proclaim the power of the Gospel, he began his first of three missionary journeys where he began his gentile
mission. Paul's purpose form that time forward was to bring the Gospel to all areas of the world and to open up the Church for everyone. Following
this, when persecution started to become fierce, the leaders of the Christian community in Jerusalem made the decision to relocate to the City of Pella
which was a gentile city. This provided yet another opportunity for the Gospel to be proclaimed, and as time progressed the Jewish church found itself
in increasing isolation. Once converts became a part of the Christian movement the primary focus on Jewish law started to diminish, and the Gentile
community within the Church started to grow. Around 135 CE leadership had passed into the hands of the Gentile Christians. The Law–observant
Jews proved to be unexpectedly resistant to the Gospel and non– observant Gentiles proved to be unexpectedly receptive. The Jewish hierarchy's
rejection of this Christian sect pushed the Church into gentile territory thus aiding the shift from predominantly Jews to predominantly gentile. With
this being said, it is clear that in the Early days of Christianity the gentile church was closely connected to the Jewish church that was in Jerusalem. Paul
patterned the Gentile
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Indians Removal Act Essay
Should we act with violence or just have a civil conversation? Do we rely on trust for the sake of ourselves and others or do we see the face of death
every time we turn our backs on people with such uncertainty? The indians was one of the most horrific acts of history. The act/law was passed on
May 28th, 1830 during the presidency of the 7th president of the United States, Andrew Jackson. Andrew Jackson came up with law that forced Indian
Tribes such as the Cherokee, Choctaw, Seminoles, etc, to move west the the Mississippi River to gain their ancestral land. They promised the Indians a
more "civilized life" but ended up going in the other direction. The Indian Removal Act was a step in the direction because they chose to solve the
action with violence and instead of simply having a negotiation in a conversation. The soldiers, in my state of mind, acted/ overstepped their
boundaries. They took advantage of their authority they were given and handled this the way they should not handle anything. One step in the wrong
direction that occurred , they way the transported the Native Americas. Some people may have believed the American acted correctly in this situation.
They deserved to be whipped, beat, starved, shot, and put into warfare. They treated them the way they would treat slaves but put them in much harsher
environments. The American forced them into warfare while famine and disease was spreading throughout their own people. And
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The War Powers Resolution Of 1973
Who has the power to go to war? Most people would say the President while others would say Congress. The War Powers Resolution of 1973 may
shine some light on who or whom can declare war. The War Powers Resolution of 1973 also know simple as the War Powers Act states the
President must notify Congress within a 48 hour time frame that he is sending troops into military combat. The act does not allow military solders
from remaining in a state of conflict for more than 60 days. After 60 days the President must ask Congress again for authorization. The act was
made to restrain the President strength to send U.S. military overseas by requiring the executive branch to discuss with Congress before involving
U.S. troops in overseas combat. Before the Wars Power Act the Constitution was used to see who could declare war however it was contradictory. In
Article I of The Constitution the power to declare war as well as have the power to raise an army and navy, and fund war efforts was given to
Congress however in Article III of The Constitution the President is named Commander–In–Chief of the armed forces. It is meant to control the
Presidents power over the U.S. armed forces because it requires him to have Congress consent. The War Powers Act was also made to avoid another
Vietnam mishap where Nixon secretly sent U.S. troop to invade Cambodia which caused public rage against an invasion of a neutral country. If you
were told you told you had to ask 535 (congress members) before
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The War Measures Act
The extent rights and freedoms should be sacrificed in favor of security is to a extent where it is justifiable, individuals affected by it and not
found guilty should also receive an apology or compensation for their violation of rights and freedoms. The War Measures Act is a federal law
adopted by parliament in 1914, after the outbreak of the First World War. It gave broad powers to the Canadian government to maintain security and
order during war. This allowed the government to remove all rights and freedoms from an individual. This could be the case with the use of the War
Measures Act in World War 1. During this time, the immigrants in Canada, who lived in one of the Central Powers were considered "enemy aliens"
and forced to register
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Medical Informatic Analysis
As medical informatics becomes involved in ever larger and more complex systems, both the overall organizational leaders and the informatics leaders
must adapt to the following realities.Clinicians are usually (or should be) part of selection and implementation teams and can make valuable
contributions to these teams if they understand some of the best practices.
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Conflict Between Congress And Congress
The underlying question is whether the president or congress should be the one to control the use of fore? It has been a source of conflict in
numerous wars (presidential authority in wartime) The constitution defines the powers of congress and the president during war time. Congress is
given the power to declare war. While the president is the commander in chief of the army. This gives the president the supreme authority over the
army including the army, the navy, the Air force , the Marine Corps and the Coast Guard. He makes the decisions to deploy troops, where to send the
warships, and how the weapons should be used
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The Social Care Act 2014 Essay
Radicalising Social, Care Act 2014 'puts people first' by empowering individuals to utilise their rights, achieve life quality and, with community
assistance, become self–sufficient (First, 2007). Endorsed powers and duties within Care Act, protect and enable individuals to acquire relevant
supportive measures flowing throughout the spectrum of safeguarding. In achieving these objectives, Care Act works alongside other significant
pieces of legislation and policies to strengthen the process (DOH, 2014a). It is becoming increasingly apparent, however, that Care Act could be
more effective on various levels, but for the false dichotomy lurking, and jeopardising success, within Adult Social Care. With the intention of
integrated care, 'The Better Care Fund' (DOH, 2014b) united health and social care budgets yet, left 'unringfenced', health services have been
prioritised at the expense of Adult Social Care. Consequently, substantial funding gaps has forced financial constraints across the board within the
Social Care Sector (The King's Fund, 2015). In turn, this protocol creates a reverse economic effect as, denied of essential support, those most in
need potentially require additional support to counteract the impact of increased risk and harm, and deteriorating wellbeing. This essay discusses
how the duties and powers of Care Act 2014 keep people with care and support needs safer and better protected from harm and abuse by others, as well
as addresses the factors which
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The Importance Of Traditional Values
In addition to religion, although it fits in with this topic, the traditional values seem to rule families today and continue to cause problems with not only
the issue of sexuality, but gender as well. "The traditional american family values very often include: oppositions to pre–marital sex, same–sex
marriage, some elements of feminism, abortion while actively supporting abstinence education, and separation of church and state; but these values
include the beliefs in: Christian–based values, traditional home–based roles for women, the males being the head–of–household, and programs and
public policies that shield their children from exploitation," (Taylor). It is obvious where conflict will arise when the values bluntly state that there is
an opposition to same–sex marriage, but the additional conflict of religion will also contribute to more rising conflict. These conflicts take place in
schools, college campuses, families, churches, and in politics, as it has been seen; what about adults' lives in the workforce? In the United States, only
21 states currently have protections in place for LGBT employees to prevent discrimination ("Past LGBT Nondiscrimination and Anti–LGBT Bills
Across the Country."). "The LGBTQ community earns as little as $0.68 for every dollar that a heterosexual employee earns, even when qualifications
are equal or even greater for the LGBT worker and 21% LGBTQ employees have reported having been discriminated against in hiring, promotions and
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Role Of Congress And The President
The role of congress and the president in diplomacy, and in treaty making and wars, the role that the President and congress play is actually very
significant in governing the country and this is kind of like a balance of power, in which both the president and congress both have extensive powers.
The power to declare war, provide defense and support and raise armies. "The regulation of foreign commerce, to congress." These powers are given to
the President and congress through the Constitution. The President has the power to make executive agreements and treaties and receive foreign
ambassadors and also appoint ambassadors. Treaties must be approved by two–thirds of the senate. Congress sometimes acts in an oversight role by
signing off more content...
The budget for foreign policy functions is distributed among the institutions, this money is used to protect the U.S interest. This money only makes up
1 percent of the overall budget that the President submits to congress. This budget request includes funding for all federal executive departments and
independent agencies that congress must approve in–order for the President to get things done. This will include funding for all U.S. international
activities, like funding military assistance to allies and helping develop places that have weaker democracies. The U.S has key interest in
developing other countries as we trade a lot of goods and services with other countries. Can the President 's war powers be checked, yes, the
constitution gives Congress the power to declare war as a check on the Presidential power. However the President still has the power to use troops
even if Congress has not declared war. The commander and chief is given the power to assess overall threats that congress may not have had time to
take action on. And in the news we have a more recent example of the
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Spirit Of The Laws Montesquieu Analysis
According to the author of the Spirit of the Laws, Charles Montesquieu believed that "Political liberty is to be found only in moderate governments;
and even in these it is not always found. It is there only when there is no abuse of power." (Montesquieu). To prevent the abuse of power, the system
of checks and balances was developed so that each branch of government can keep the other in check, to ensure that no branch became more powerful
than the other. Checks and balances are necessary to the establishment of government because when the power of the authority is limited, higher law is
promoted. For instance, "MEN being, as has been said by nature, all free, equal, and independent, no one can be put out of this estate... without his
consent." more content...
Additionally, the Supreme Court has original jurisdiction "In all Cases affecting Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, and those in which
a State shall be Party..." Although they have major decisions in cases, the most important power of the judicial branch of government is judicial review.
Judicial review is the ability to declare laws unconstitutional. They interprate the laws that Congress creates and they have the power to declare that a
law is void because it violates the U.S Constitution. Regardless of this power, the Congress can amend the Constitution to make the law Constitutional.
Granted this, "The trial of all crimes, except in cases of impeachment, shall be by jury..." ("Constitution"). The Supreme Court can handle any cases
other than impeachment trials because the third section of the first article in the Constitution states that "the Senate shall have the sole Power to try all
Impeachments..." Thus, the Supreme Court's power to hearing a case is also limited by the
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Creativity As An Act Of Creativity
One of the most mysterious traits of human beings, Creativity is difficult to grasp. The common notion is that it belongs few gifted individuals, or the
source of exceptional pieces of work. The Dictionary defines it as 'the ability to transcend traditional ideas, rules, patterns, relationships, or the like, and
to create meaningful new ideas, forms, methods, interpretations, etc.; originality, progressiveness, or imagination', and the word root is 'creative', which
first appeared in 1670s meaning "having the quality of creating". In this essay, I define creativity as the "magical" process through which the abstract
comes into manifestation in physical form: anything that produces the new (even if not meaningful as per above definition), including changes or
transformation to existing lives, spheres, domains or realms, be them desired or undesired, can be considered an act of creativity.
When it comes to psychological creativity, the 'opus' of the individual is "the psyche itself", "the awakening of the soul" (Hillman, 1972, p.21) or, in
Psychosynthesis terms, Self–realisation: realising our creative potential (Whitmore, 2000, p.20). Creativity thus has a central place for Psychosynthesis,
for it awakes the connection to Self. On the personal level, this connection enables clients to better effect desired changes in their lives; for counsellors,
it is essential to enable therapists to use bifocal vision, and regard clients' unmanifest potential. By bringing more awareness
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War Powers Resolution Of 1973 Case Study
A: One of the biggest constitutional conflicts between Congress and the President is their war power. Congress is the only branch of government
capable of declaring war and financially supporting and raising the Armed Forces, while the President holds the position of Commander of Chief
during war. This makes the President in control of all branches of the Armed Forces. B: The War Powers Resolution of 1973 was passed to give
Congress more control over the President's war making power. Under this federal law, all conflicts are limited to a 60 day period, unless Congress
approves continued military action. A second provision is that when possible, the President must consult Congress before sending the Armed Forces
into any hostile situation.
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Vermont Civil Rights Case Study
Vermont has helped to lead the nation with many political ideas which were ahead of their time. For example, Vermont was one of the first states to
abolish slavery, in its 1777 Constitution. Vermont had some other landmark political initiatives, such as Act 250 in
1970, which requires a permit for larger scale improvements on land. Under this law, a person has to prove that their building project would meet
environmental standards. In 1972 Vermont also passed a beverage container deposit law, the purposes of which was to deal with littering and encourage
recycling. And In 2000 Vermont became the first state to adopt a statute providing for acivil union
for same–sex couples. (–court/cases/baker–v–vermont) A coalition supporting gay rights had brought a case before the
Vermont Supreme Court on behalf of gay couples, Baker v. Vermont. The plaintiffs asked the Court to make sure that gay couples were not excluded
from the same benefits and protections that straight couples have.–court/cases/baker–v– more content...
The Legislature adopted the Civil Union law, complying with the Court order. Then in 2009, Vermont took the next step, and legalized gaymarriage.–dyn/content/article/2009/04/07/AR2009040701663.html There is still disagreement in the United States about gay
marriage. For a recent example, in Texas a referendum on November 3, 2015 repealed a Houston anti–discrimination ordinance.
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War Powers Resolution Of 1973 Analysis
The War Powers Resolution of 1973 was the most important attempt to project Congress's authority in foreign and military affairs (Volkomer, 177).
This resolution limited the president's freedom to use military forces in combat situations without having the approval of congress (Volkomer, 177).
This resolution makes it so that the president sits down with congress and before the troops are sent into hostile situations. The president has specific
roles when it comes down to military power. The president must send a written report to Congress within forty–eight hours after American troops have
been sent into threatened or actual war situations (Volkomer, 223). Then, it is up to Congress to declare war or not and if they do not the president
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PDSA Cycle Diagram Examples
Kelly, The PDSA cycle diagram presented and the run chart are exceptionally done. The PDSA cycle should be able to answer the following
questions: what exactly are we going to do, when and how we do it, what were the results, and what are we going to make based on our findings
(Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services, 2017). The PDSA presented answers all four questions thoroughly and precisely. According to the
Institute of Healthcare Improvement (n.d.) run charts assist improvement teams in establishing aims by showing how well or poorly a process is
working. Based on your run chart as stated, there was an increase in central line–associated blood stream infection (CLABSI) over four quarters. As
you implement your improvement project
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Plan Do Study Act Essay example
Plan–Do–Study–Act (PDSA): The Deming Cycle
Patricia DeRiggs
Grand Canyon University: EDA 577
December 19, 2012
Acelero Learning Inc. is a for–profit organization that was founded in 2001. Comprised of four delegates, Camden/Philadelphia, Monmouth
/Middlesex and Las Vegas, Acelero Learning provides Head Start services to over 4000 children and their families. In 2010, Acelero became the
permanent grantee of a head start program in Philadelphia that serviced 536 children. Along with providing educational services to prepare young
children for success in school, Acelero also works to empower the families that take part in the Head Start services. Family goals are set annually
regarding issues such as unemployment and high more content...
The domains identified by the Work Sampling tool align with both the Pennsylvania Learning Standards for Early Childhood: Prekindergarten and the
organizations School Readiness Goals (SRGs). While all domains are assessed, Acelero Learning focuses only on Social–emotional development,
language and literacy, and math and science for the purposes of kindergarten readiness.
Figure 1
Table 1
|Domains |1st Period |2nd Period Total |3rd Period |
| |Total | |Total |
|3y:0m – 3y:5m |Л‚ 8 |9–13 |14 Л‚ |
|3y:6m – 3y:11m |Л‚ 13 |14–15 |16 Л‚ |
|4y:0m – 4y:5m |Л‚ 18 |19–20 |21 Л‚ |
Table 3 New Student Screening Results
|Age Range |Refer |Rescreen |OK |Total |
|3y:0m – 3y:5m |0 |0 |3 |3 |
|3y:6m – 3y:11m |0 |0 |1 |1 |
|4y:0m – 4y:5m |0 |0 |0 |0 |
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Icwa Consequences

  • 1. Icwa Consequences The Indian Child Welfare Act was able to give faith and happiness to many Indian families as well to those children taken away from their families. Celebration and overall the feeling of the Indian children coming home to their own culture took place worldwide in the United States. On the other hand, not everything was perfect after the ICWA was passed consequences with the policy started to affect American Indian families in many states such as South Dakota. As stated in the video Hearts On The Ground: Bring Lakota Children Home, the policy ICWA is violated in South Dakota still today the Department of Social Services removes hundreds of Indian children from their families. Families in South Dakota are devastated and frustrated with the government Get more content on
  • 2. Book Of Acts Essay BACKGROUND At the birth of the Early Church there were no Gentiles within the Christian community. The relationship between Judaism and Christianity became more complex as people began to accept Gentiles into the church. The book of Acts makes clear to us that the conflict that had arisen was between two different groups of Jewish people, the Hellenists and the Hebrews. The Hellenists, although Jewish, were open to a Hellenistic culture unlike the Hebrews, and it was through them that a connection to the gentile world was created. The Jewish church would eventually wain and the leaders of the Christian movement proclaiming the Gospel would then become predominantly Gentile. THE EARLY CHURCH The book of Acts is a very reliable source of more content... Using Antioch as a starting place to proclaim the power of the Gospel, he began his first of three missionary journeys where he began his gentile mission. Paul's purpose form that time forward was to bring the Gospel to all areas of the world and to open up the Church for everyone. Following this, when persecution started to become fierce, the leaders of the Christian community in Jerusalem made the decision to relocate to the City of Pella which was a gentile city. This provided yet another opportunity for the Gospel to be proclaimed, and as time progressed the Jewish church found itself in increasing isolation. Once converts became a part of the Christian movement the primary focus on Jewish law started to diminish, and the Gentile community within the Church started to grow. Around 135 CE leadership had passed into the hands of the Gentile Christians. The Law–observant Jews proved to be unexpectedly resistant to the Gospel and non– observant Gentiles proved to be unexpectedly receptive. The Jewish hierarchy's rejection of this Christian sect pushed the Church into gentile territory thus aiding the shift from predominantly Jews to predominantly gentile. With this being said, it is clear that in the Early days of Christianity the gentile church was closely connected to the Jewish church that was in Jerusalem. Paul patterned the Gentile Get more content on
  • 3. IRA DBE Indians Removal Act Essay Should we act with violence or just have a civil conversation? Do we rely on trust for the sake of ourselves and others or do we see the face of death every time we turn our backs on people with such uncertainty? The indians was one of the most horrific acts of history. The act/law was passed on May 28th, 1830 during the presidency of the 7th president of the United States, Andrew Jackson. Andrew Jackson came up with law that forced Indian Tribes such as the Cherokee, Choctaw, Seminoles, etc, to move west the the Mississippi River to gain their ancestral land. They promised the Indians a more "civilized life" but ended up going in the other direction. The Indian Removal Act was a step in the direction because they chose to solve the action with violence and instead of simply having a negotiation in a conversation. The soldiers, in my state of mind, acted/ overstepped their boundaries. They took advantage of their authority they were given and handled this the way they should not handle anything. One step in the wrong direction that occurred , they way the transported the Native Americas. Some people may have believed the American acted correctly in this situation. They deserved to be whipped, beat, starved, shot, and put into warfare. They treated them the way they would treat slaves but put them in much harsher environments. The American forced them into warfare while famine and disease was spreading throughout their own people. And Get more content on
  • 4. The War Powers Resolution Of 1973 Who has the power to go to war? Most people would say the President while others would say Congress. The War Powers Resolution of 1973 may shine some light on who or whom can declare war. The War Powers Resolution of 1973 also know simple as the War Powers Act states the President must notify Congress within a 48 hour time frame that he is sending troops into military combat. The act does not allow military solders from remaining in a state of conflict for more than 60 days. After 60 days the President must ask Congress again for authorization. The act was made to restrain the President strength to send U.S. military overseas by requiring the executive branch to discuss with Congress before involving U.S. troops in overseas combat. Before the Wars Power Act the Constitution was used to see who could declare war however it was contradictory. In Article I of The Constitution the power to declare war as well as have the power to raise an army and navy, and fund war efforts was given to Congress however in Article III of The Constitution the President is named Commander–In–Chief of the armed forces. It is meant to control the Presidents power over the U.S. armed forces because it requires him to have Congress consent. The War Powers Act was also made to avoid another Vietnam mishap where Nixon secretly sent U.S. troop to invade Cambodia which caused public rage against an invasion of a neutral country. If you were told you told you had to ask 535 (congress members) before Get more content on
  • 5. The War Measures Act The extent rights and freedoms should be sacrificed in favor of security is to a extent where it is justifiable, individuals affected by it and not found guilty should also receive an apology or compensation for their violation of rights and freedoms. The War Measures Act is a federal law adopted by parliament in 1914, after the outbreak of the First World War. It gave broad powers to the Canadian government to maintain security and order during war. This allowed the government to remove all rights and freedoms from an individual. This could be the case with the use of the War Measures Act in World War 1. During this time, the immigrants in Canada, who lived in one of the Central Powers were considered "enemy aliens" and forced to register Get more content on
  • 6. Medical Informatic Analysis As medical informatics becomes involved in ever larger and more complex systems, both the overall organizational leaders and the informatics leaders must adapt to the following realities.Clinicians are usually (or should be) part of selection and implementation teams and can make valuable contributions to these teams if they understand some of the best practices. Get more content on
  • 7. Conflict Between Congress And Congress The underlying question is whether the president or congress should be the one to control the use of fore? It has been a source of conflict in numerous wars (presidential authority in wartime) The constitution defines the powers of congress and the president during war time. Congress is given the power to declare war. While the president is the commander in chief of the army. This gives the president the supreme authority over the army including the army, the navy, the Air force , the Marine Corps and the Coast Guard. He makes the decisions to deploy troops, where to send the warships, and how the weapons should be used Get more content on
  • 8. The Social Care Act 2014 Essay Radicalising Social, Care Act 2014 'puts people first' by empowering individuals to utilise their rights, achieve life quality and, with community assistance, become self–sufficient (First, 2007). Endorsed powers and duties within Care Act, protect and enable individuals to acquire relevant supportive measures flowing throughout the spectrum of safeguarding. In achieving these objectives, Care Act works alongside other significant pieces of legislation and policies to strengthen the process (DOH, 2014a). It is becoming increasingly apparent, however, that Care Act could be more effective on various levels, but for the false dichotomy lurking, and jeopardising success, within Adult Social Care. With the intention of integrated care, 'The Better Care Fund' (DOH, 2014b) united health and social care budgets yet, left 'unringfenced', health services have been prioritised at the expense of Adult Social Care. Consequently, substantial funding gaps has forced financial constraints across the board within the Social Care Sector (The King's Fund, 2015). In turn, this protocol creates a reverse economic effect as, denied of essential support, those most in need potentially require additional support to counteract the impact of increased risk and harm, and deteriorating wellbeing. This essay discusses how the duties and powers of Care Act 2014 keep people with care and support needs safer and better protected from harm and abuse by others, as well as addresses the factors which Get more content on
  • 9. The Importance Of Traditional Values In addition to religion, although it fits in with this topic, the traditional values seem to rule families today and continue to cause problems with not only the issue of sexuality, but gender as well. "The traditional american family values very often include: oppositions to pre–marital sex, same–sex marriage, some elements of feminism, abortion while actively supporting abstinence education, and separation of church and state; but these values include the beliefs in: Christian–based values, traditional home–based roles for women, the males being the head–of–household, and programs and public policies that shield their children from exploitation," (Taylor). It is obvious where conflict will arise when the values bluntly state that there is an opposition to same–sex marriage, but the additional conflict of religion will also contribute to more rising conflict. These conflicts take place in schools, college campuses, families, churches, and in politics, as it has been seen; what about adults' lives in the workforce? In the United States, only 21 states currently have protections in place for LGBT employees to prevent discrimination ("Past LGBT Nondiscrimination and Anti–LGBT Bills Across the Country."). "The LGBTQ community earns as little as $0.68 for every dollar that a heterosexual employee earns, even when qualifications are equal or even greater for the LGBT worker and 21% LGBTQ employees have reported having been discriminated against in hiring, promotions and Get more content on
  • 10. Role Of Congress And The President The role of congress and the president in diplomacy, and in treaty making and wars, the role that the President and congress play is actually very significant in governing the country and this is kind of like a balance of power, in which both the president and congress both have extensive powers. The power to declare war, provide defense and support and raise armies. "The regulation of foreign commerce, to congress." These powers are given to the President and congress through the Constitution. The President has the power to make executive agreements and treaties and receive foreign ambassadors and also appoint ambassadors. Treaties must be approved by two–thirds of the senate. Congress sometimes acts in an oversight role by signing off more content... The budget for foreign policy functions is distributed among the institutions, this money is used to protect the U.S interest. This money only makes up 1 percent of the overall budget that the President submits to congress. This budget request includes funding for all federal executive departments and independent agencies that congress must approve in–order for the President to get things done. This will include funding for all U.S. international activities, like funding military assistance to allies and helping develop places that have weaker democracies. The U.S has key interest in developing other countries as we trade a lot of goods and services with other countries. Can the President 's war powers be checked, yes, the constitution gives Congress the power to declare war as a check on the Presidential power. However the President still has the power to use troops even if Congress has not declared war. The commander and chief is given the power to assess overall threats that congress may not have had time to take action on. And in the news we have a more recent example of the Get more content on
  • 11. Spirit Of The Laws Montesquieu Analysis According to the author of the Spirit of the Laws, Charles Montesquieu believed that "Political liberty is to be found only in moderate governments; and even in these it is not always found. It is there only when there is no abuse of power." (Montesquieu). To prevent the abuse of power, the system of checks and balances was developed so that each branch of government can keep the other in check, to ensure that no branch became more powerful than the other. Checks and balances are necessary to the establishment of government because when the power of the authority is limited, higher law is promoted. For instance, "MEN being, as has been said by nature, all free, equal, and independent, no one can be put out of this estate... without his consent." more content... Additionally, the Supreme Court has original jurisdiction "In all Cases affecting Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, and those in which a State shall be Party..." Although they have major decisions in cases, the most important power of the judicial branch of government is judicial review. Judicial review is the ability to declare laws unconstitutional. They interprate the laws that Congress creates and they have the power to declare that a law is void because it violates the U.S Constitution. Regardless of this power, the Congress can amend the Constitution to make the law Constitutional. Granted this, "The trial of all crimes, except in cases of impeachment, shall be by jury..." ("Constitution"). The Supreme Court can handle any cases other than impeachment trials because the third section of the first article in the Constitution states that "the Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments..." Thus, the Supreme Court's power to hearing a case is also limited by the Get more content on
  • 12. Creativity As An Act Of Creativity One of the most mysterious traits of human beings, Creativity is difficult to grasp. The common notion is that it belongs few gifted individuals, or the source of exceptional pieces of work. The Dictionary defines it as 'the ability to transcend traditional ideas, rules, patterns, relationships, or the like, and to create meaningful new ideas, forms, methods, interpretations, etc.; originality, progressiveness, or imagination', and the word root is 'creative', which first appeared in 1670s meaning "having the quality of creating". In this essay, I define creativity as the "magical" process through which the abstract comes into manifestation in physical form: anything that produces the new (even if not meaningful as per above definition), including changes or transformation to existing lives, spheres, domains or realms, be them desired or undesired, can be considered an act of creativity. When it comes to psychological creativity, the 'opus' of the individual is "the psyche itself", "the awakening of the soul" (Hillman, 1972, p.21) or, in Psychosynthesis terms, Self–realisation: realising our creative potential (Whitmore, 2000, p.20). Creativity thus has a central place for Psychosynthesis, for it awakes the connection to Self. On the personal level, this connection enables clients to better effect desired changes in their lives; for counsellors, it is essential to enable therapists to use bifocal vision, and regard clients' unmanifest potential. By bringing more awareness Get more content on
  • 13. War Powers Resolution Of 1973 Case Study A: One of the biggest constitutional conflicts between Congress and the President is their war power. Congress is the only branch of government capable of declaring war and financially supporting and raising the Armed Forces, while the President holds the position of Commander of Chief during war. This makes the President in control of all branches of the Armed Forces. B: The War Powers Resolution of 1973 was passed to give Congress more control over the President's war making power. Under this federal law, all conflicts are limited to a 60 day period, unless Congress approves continued military action. A second provision is that when possible, the President must consult Congress before sending the Armed Forces into any hostile situation. Get more content on
  • 14. Vermont Civil Rights Case Study Vermont has helped to lead the nation with many political ideas which were ahead of their time. For example, Vermont was one of the first states to abolish slavery, in its 1777 Constitution. Vermont had some other landmark political initiatives, such as Act 250 in 1970, which requires a permit for larger scale improvements on land. Under this law, a person has to prove that their building project would meet environmental standards. In 1972 Vermont also passed a beverage container deposit law, the purposes of which was to deal with littering and encourage recycling. And In 2000 Vermont became the first state to adopt a statute providing for acivil union for same–sex couples. (–court/cases/baker–v–vermont) A coalition supporting gay rights had brought a case before the Vermont Supreme Court on behalf of gay couples, Baker v. Vermont. The plaintiffs asked the Court to make sure that gay couples were not excluded from the same benefits and protections that straight couples have.–court/cases/baker–v– more content... The Legislature adopted the Civil Union law, complying with the Court order. Then in 2009, Vermont took the next step, and legalized gaymarriage.–dyn/content/article/2009/04/07/AR2009040701663.html There is still disagreement in the United States about gay marriage. For a recent example, in Texas a referendum on November 3, 2015 repealed a Houston anti–discrimination ordinance. Get more content on
  • 15. War Powers Resolution Of 1973 Analysis The War Powers Resolution of 1973 was the most important attempt to project Congress's authority in foreign and military affairs (Volkomer, 177). This resolution limited the president's freedom to use military forces in combat situations without having the approval of congress (Volkomer, 177). This resolution makes it so that the president sits down with congress and before the troops are sent into hostile situations. The president has specific roles when it comes down to military power. The president must send a written report to Congress within forty–eight hours after American troops have been sent into threatened or actual war situations (Volkomer, 223). Then, it is up to Congress to declare war or not and if they do not the president Get more content on
  • 16. PDSA Cycle Diagram Examples Kelly, The PDSA cycle diagram presented and the run chart are exceptionally done. The PDSA cycle should be able to answer the following questions: what exactly are we going to do, when and how we do it, what were the results, and what are we going to make based on our findings (Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services, 2017). The PDSA presented answers all four questions thoroughly and precisely. According to the Institute of Healthcare Improvement (n.d.) run charts assist improvement teams in establishing aims by showing how well or poorly a process is working. Based on your run chart as stated, there was an increase in central line–associated blood stream infection (CLABSI) over four quarters. As you implement your improvement project Get more content on
  • 17. Plan Do Study Act Essay example Plan–Do–Study–Act (PDSA): The Deming Cycle Patricia DeRiggs Grand Canyon University: EDA 577 December 19, 2012 Acelero Learning Inc. is a for–profit organization that was founded in 2001. Comprised of four delegates, Camden/Philadelphia, Monmouth /Middlesex and Las Vegas, Acelero Learning provides Head Start services to over 4000 children and their families. In 2010, Acelero became the permanent grantee of a head start program in Philadelphia that serviced 536 children. Along with providing educational services to prepare young children for success in school, Acelero also works to empower the families that take part in the Head Start services. Family goals are set annually regarding issues such as unemployment and high more content... The domains identified by the Work Sampling tool align with both the Pennsylvania Learning Standards for Early Childhood: Prekindergarten and the organizations School Readiness Goals (SRGs). While all domains are assessed, Acelero Learning focuses only on Social–emotional development, language and literacy, and math and science for the purposes of kindergarten readiness. [pic] Figure 1 Table 1 |Domains |1st Period |2nd Period Total |3rd Period | | |Total | |Total | |3y:0m – 3y:5m |Л‚ 8 |9–13 |14 Л‚ | |3y:6m – 3y:11m |Л‚ 13 |14–15 |16 Л‚ | |4y:0m – 4y:5m |Л‚ 18 |19–20 |21 Л‚ | Table 3 New Student Screening Results |Age Range |Refer |Rescreen |OK |Total |
  • 18. |3y:0m – 3y:5m |0 |0 |3 |3 | |3y:6m – 3y:11m |0 |0 |1 |1 | |4y:0m – 4y:5m |0 |0 |0 |0 | Get more content on