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Ict D1 Unit 15
Introduction To achieve a distinction, I will be exploring the future of the gaming industry on each of the various platforms. Consoles Next Gen It
has only been a matter of time since the next gen consoles were released. In 2007 the Xbox360 and the ps3 were announced. Since then we have
come a long way. Then the memory pool was 512 MB. But as the years go new things are developed. And thus with the next gen consoles inbound
they have their pool of a shocking of 8 GB which allows developers to expand their Imagination and pour it into the game. Consoles have always
been very popular. They are one of the reasons gaming really became popular and they have improved a lot over the last few years, in terms of
graphics mainly. Oculus Rift... Show more content on ...
Television Televisions through time went from bulky, low resolution models to elegant High Definition (HD), Ultra HD displays. As they got
slimmer, the resolution went higher as well, allowing for sharper images when gaming or watching movies and shows. It has been made possible
by the addition of more and more pixels to increase the visual quality of the images displayed through it. Audio has improved as well, by being
able to connect wireless speakers to the TV for surround sound, through Bluetooth. Handheld consoles I believe that hand held consoles such as
the PS Vita and PSP (PlayStation Portable) are decreasing in popularity. In the future I do not think they will increase in popularity. This is
because they are expensive considering the hardware they currently use is very limited and not many developers are making games for these
platforms, for example, the vita only has four games published this year so far. However, the new Nintendo 3DS has been growing in popularity
because popular game franchises like PokГ©mon and Super Mario keep it alive. Arcade I believe that in the future the arcade industry won't develop
at all. Even though the technology used on arcade machines is not as advanced as the other platforms more popular nowadays and most, if not all of
the games played on arcade machines can now be played on other platforms, they are still fun and give the player an experience that they can't get from
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James Vs Meow Media Case Study
James v. Meow Media and the Role of Responsibility
In James v. Meow Media Inc., Michael Carneal, an avid video–gamer, is responsible for the murder of his high school peers. Research of Carneal's
daily habits showed that the content of his video games was a potential cause of his disastrous behavior. When dealing with a minor, factors of life
while approaching the level of maturity must be taken into consideration. This case shows the ease in which fingers are pointed in efforts to protect a
child in need of help. Negligence was the common theme for why the affected families felt Meow Media owed a duty of care. In the case of a 14
year–old minor, the presence and the proactive nature of a parent is vital. Because Carneal's parents ... Show more content on ...
Additionally, it was revealed that a history of mental illness was common on his father's side of the family (Moore, Petrie , Braga & McLaughlin,
2003). The symptoms of Carneal's illnesses were apparent in his daily interactions. By being aware of familial disorders and observing his socially
dysfunctional behavior, proper precautions could have been taken sooner. Parents observe the behaviors of their children each day and, therefore,
owe a duty of care. Meow Media Inc. made and sold their video games with no intention of them falling into the hands of a troubled child. The
likelihood of a mentally/emotionally stable individual taking action to endanger innocent lives in order to mimic a game is low. Learning and
understanding right from wrong is instilled during an individual's early youth. Depending on varying circumstances, the environment that a child is
placed in may have an adverse effect on the child's development. Genetic defects are major circumstances that, if not handled with care and caution,
could alter a child's reaction to his or her environment. In 1978, A Dutch woman took action to stop the vicious cycle that haunted her family. Her
family consisted of multiple aggressive men that carried a long history of rape dating back to 1870. When she saw that her son acquired some of these
familial traits, she immediately took action (Richardson, 1993). Geneticists ran a series of tests and found that the personality disorder that
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Stern Electronic Research Paper
'Berzerk' is top view shooting arcade game that is developed by 'Stern Electronic' Company in 1980. The purpose of the game is to survive from
the killing robots. In the game, player needs to destroy the robots, run away from an unbeatable monster, and move to the next randomly generated
area until the player die. The humanoid, a green figure that is controlled by players, uses the green laser to eliminate the enemies. If the humanoid
stays in one place longer or kills every robot in the place, Evil Otto, an unbeatable creature with a happy face, follows the humanoid until it moves to
the other areas. After the player dies for three times, the game shows how many points does the player get and register their score on the high score if
the player is in top 10.... Show more content on ...
The famous games that 'Stern Electronic' published is 'Astro Invader' in 1980, the first published arcade game by 'Stern Electronic,' and 'Amidar' in
1981. 'Stern Electronic' also be known as the pinball machine company, created 'Hot Hand' in 1979, the poker–based pinball game, and 'Flight 2000' in
1980, the first pinball machine with speech. However, 'Stern Electronic' was closed in 1985 because of the North American Video Game Crush in
1983, destroyed the video game console industry until
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Stereotypes In Wreck It Ralph
In the movie Wreck it Ralph, many people stereotype Ralph. He is made to be a bad person and that makes him feel bad about himself into the
thought of him becoming something he isn't. He doesn't want to be the bad guy anymore, and it leads him and his game called Fix it Felix Jr. to
almost become shut down and unplug forever, for almost 30 years. The movie doesn't tell us how old Ralph is,but young adolescents go through a
stage of hard times and have to go by the things they have went through since childhood. Ralph goes on the adventure to try and prove the people in
his game that he isn't a bad guy and that he can win a metal and be good like Felix. Ralph had some issues with being stereotyped. He is 9 feet tall and
643 pounds. He is stereotyped
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The Golden Age Of Online Games
Golden age of Arcade Games Games are something based on entertainment and enjoyment. But they have the tendency to offer you valuable things
like peace, relaxation and happiness without having to spend anything other than time. No one can ever forgot, how extremely they enjoyed while
playing games. Children alone are not the ones who know the value of games. Thus it approached each and every individual in different ways with its
different types and nature. Generally, Games can be categorized into plenty of varieties. The evolution comes up in this form. In olden days, there
were only indoor and outdoor games. Then the middle age witnessed video games along with common games. And now the modern children rely only
on online games and mobile applications. This development is common. But the ones who enjoyed to their heart's content would surely be the middle
ones, who lived in late 1970s to the mid 1990s. For them, games are not just games. They are known to have lived in the century of fantasy. Arcade
games are one among them, which made them fantasize. The Arcade Games are nothing but... Show more content on ...
All games are not the same. Hence the level of enhancement may vary from one age group to another. Through gaming, winning and losing strategy
is understood better. Hence, this may neglect the adults from thinking about suicide attempts. Again, since the games either individual or team
oriented, skills related to managing as well as obeying is furnished to a good extent. Also, as there is a losing result in games, adults would learn to
work hard in order to succeed. Through constant gaming practices, one can stay calm and achieve their goal in no time without straining at any cause.
Above everything, gaming is purely based on rules. So everyone needs to lead and follow in order to win. Thus, this strategy would always make one
learn how to be disciplined and helps them nurture their
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Why Video Games Have Made A Shift Into Mainstream Pop Culture
The term pop culture can be defined as 'The culture of the people' a culture that flourishes through social interaction and mass media that is most
actively involved in by the public. Pop culture can cover a wide range of materials and as such should be looked at as a topic open to discussion,
interpretation as to why it is popular and what makes it popular. Since pop culture includes an expansive spectrum of subjects I am going to be
focusing on one of those and that is Video games. In this essay I will be exploring the ideas and theories of why I believe video games have made a
shift into mainstream pop culture.
Before I start discussing video games I would like to explore the ideas of how cultures emerge and how this eventually relates to my study. Lehman, D.
R., Chiu, C.–Y., & Schaller, M. (2004) in 'Annual review of Psychology' define culture as "represents a coalescence of discrete behavioural norms
and cognitions shared by individuals within some definable population that are distinct from those shared within other populations" These beliefs
and behaviour whatever they may be in any culture can give us a backing for realising individual or group goals that can often be categorised in a
variety of formal or informal ways. For example we could look at the eSports international events of League of legends as a formal organization of a
culture in effect, we have official merchandise, promotions, advertising, a massive fan base and of course the athletes
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Good Man Is Hard To Find Response
In "A Good Man Is Hard to Find," by Flannery O' Connor, the narrator talks about the grandma did not want to go to Florida, but instead she wanted
to go to Tennessee. That part reminded me of when, in the summer of 2012, my family and I took an RV trip across the west coast of the United
States. The first state we stayed in was Tennessee. We had just bought the RV about a month before, and we took it on little test runs before we left
for the main trip. This drive to Tennessee was the farthest we have ever driven in the RV. My dad drove about eleven hours to finally get to our
destination. It was the first day a long three week RV trip. We did not do much in Tennessee, we got Pizza Hut for dinner and just relaxed. I remember
Tennessee... Show more content on ...
That part reminded me of the three years I took French in high school and how I do not remember anything. I started taking French my freshman year
of high school, because my mom took French when she was in high school. My first year of French was the best and it is where I learned and
remember most of the French words and sayings. Than when I became a sophomore I got a new French teacher and everything went downhill after
that. French my sophomore year was not that bad because it was a lot of review until the second semester. All that review helped, but I cannot seem
to remember learning anything new that year. Than when I started taking my third year of French, with the same teacher, I felt like I just forgot
everything. French was honestly a fun class to take because I liked learning about the different cultures and events associated with the country. I liked
when we would watch French movies or read French books I seem to get a better concept of what I was being
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Violent Video Games Affect Us
Violent Video Games I personally enjoy playing video games myself, but I was never those aggressive hardcore gamers. I also never thought
much about these different types of games because I only see them as a time to waste when you're bored or to have fun. However, I have seen my
younger siblings, who are in elementary to junior high school; watched these kind of violent games on YouTube, I would hear faint violent yelling
or common conversations from their room. I've also noticed that there are a lot of adventure games where a character has weapons to defend
themselves from threats, and it got me curious if these types of games will affect us in some way. Since I'm a casual gamer, I thought this topic
would be interesting because I've never thought much about violent video games causing people to become more threatening. So does violent video
games affect us to have a violent behavior? As more video games has these sort of styles such as: fighting or shooting control; many people believed
that violent video games could cause them to become aggressive while others refused to believe such nonsense. Each side of the arguments both has
collected very good fair amount of data ranging to other people's views, facts, and statistics along with interviews from professionals who did studies
on this topic.
Furthermore, the University of Georgia in 1985 made a discovery that arcade games cause an increase in physical aggression. However, a year later,
Albert Einstein College of
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The Influence Of Pro Social And Anti-Social Behavior
The media and advertisement is a great way to promote new products, persuade others, or even influence behavior. The content of the advertisement can
easily promote both pro–social and anti–social behavior depending on the content. When this behavior is studied and theory is applied, individuals can
better understand why people behave the way they do and also raise social awareness. The clips "Bystander Effect" and "Bottle Bank Arcade Machine
show excellent examples of both pro–social and anti–social behavior. An advertisement by the Red Cross also pulls on the heart strings to promote
pro–social behavior, while an ad by Duncan Quinn also depicts anti–social behavior with a gritty image depicting sexual violence against women.
Bystander Effect: Pro–social and Anti–Social Behavior
In the clip "Bystander Effect", a social experiment is done to see how bystanders would respond to a girl potentially being abducted (The Today
Show, n.d.). The experiment is recorded and observed from afar to witness how people responded. In this clip, there are various examples of
pro–social and anti–social behavior to note. Unfortunately, the clip is made up of primarily anti–social behavior. All but one set of people chose not to
respond to the situation. Instead, they kept on walking and chose not to get involved. These individuals seemed to not want to have to be in the middle
of the situation, or take responsibility for what may or may not be happening with the adult
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Examples Of Explosionade In To Kill A Mockingbird
While the rest of his friends are busy storming a Horronym fortress in a final assault, first lieutenant Terry Atticus finds himself all alone back at the
base. Apparently his superior didn't take too kindly to some pipes in the officer's latrine that were accidently reversed by Atticus and thus the hapless
lieutenant is missing out on the biggest battle of all time. However, while rooting around in the supply room Atticus discovers a prototype mech which
he promptly takes into the sewers for some target practice. Instead of finding the snakebats he was expecting, Atticus discovers a whole bunch of aliens
and takes it upon himself to take them all out.
Explosionade is another one of Mommy's Best Games that was originally released on Xbox 360 ... Show more content on ...
Killing everything that moves and collecting all the gold is not only more satisfying, but also results in a better score. For some extra motivation this
Steam version of the game also comes with new leaderboards. In addition to being able to jump and hover for a short period of time your mech also
comes with a handy multi–purpose shield. The shield makes you impervious to enemy fire and you can even bounce enemy grenades off it with good
timing. In addition, you can activate your shield just before hitting the floor or a wall after jumping to perform a nifty shield bounce in order to reach
greater heights. However, the shield overheats very quickly and must recharge between uses.
Although Explosionade is an action packed title it comes with multiple difficulty settings to ensure players of all skill levels have a fair shot at
completing it. Just like the arcade games of old it is possible to finish all the levels in a very short period of time, but the real challenge comes from
upping the difficulty and increasing the gameplay speed while aiming for a high score. Players who enjoy beating their own scores or competing with
others on the leaderboards will find that Explosionade has a lot of replay value. The game also features a co–op mode, which is a lot of
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Character Analysis Of Wreck-It Ralph
Arcade–game character Wreck–It Ralph is tired of always being the "bad guy" and losing to his "good guy" opponent, Fix–It Felix. Finally, after
decades of seeing all the glory go to Felix, Ralph decides to take matters into his own hands. He sets off on a game–hopping trip to prove that he has
what it takes to be a hero. The ordinary world is portrayed since Wreck–It–Ralph is the "Bad guy" in the arcade game "Fix–It–Felix", where his goal is
to destroy the building, and Fix–it–Felix Jr fixes it. When the player in the game wins Fix–It–Felix receives a medal. Ralph isn't a bad guy in real life,
but everyone treats him as if he is. Ralph is just as big of a part of the game as Felix is. Ralph lives in the dump behind the building. He tries to
enjoy life, but it is kind of hard to do that when no one likes you. Furthermore the Call to Adventure is shown when Ralph sees fireworks and can
tell that Felix and the Nicelanders are having a party without him, even though he is a big part of the game. Ralph decides to go up to the
apartment. Felix lets him in but acts like he forgot to invite Ralph. Ralph notices on the cake that all the nicelanders are on the top of the cake
while he is on the ground in the mud, because he will never be a hero or win a medal like Felix. Ralph melts down and says that he will win a
medal, and it will be the shiniest medal anyone has ever see. After Ralph leaves the party he goes to the game "Tapper" he asks the bartender if there
is any game that
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Video Games Stereotypes
Video Games
Video games first started being introduced into the world around the 1970's and since then have evolved and made an impact on the real life and online
world. Throughout the years of video games making more and more of an impact in the entertainment industry, the question to weather they are a form
of media still remains. Media is defined as "the main means of mass communication (television, radio, and newspapers) regarded collectively." And
depending where you're coming from media can include the video gaming industry, film industry, tv industry and of course the news and marketing
The constant evolvement of the video game industry and internet in general has seen the creation of various online communities. These ... Show more
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As video games is such a big medium, they are able to convey messages to the players in a more low–key way, gender representations and stereotyping
are both big things that the video gaming industry can effectively play a big part in. Stereotyping refers to one group's generalised and widely
accepted perception about the personal attributes of members of another group (Ashmore & Boca, 1981; Dates & Barlow, 1990). Within most
traditional media, gender and racial stereotypes are the most pervasive two. Increased distorted representation of women and minorities can have a
negative effect on the way that the viewer sees that particular group. The way that video games are able to influence large masses is another reason
to why it is able to be classified as a legitimate form of media. The definition of media as stated above being,"the main means of mass communication
(television, radio, and newspapers) regarded collectively.". Female characters have changed and evolved throughout the time of video games, the first
ever playable female character in a mainstream game was created in 1986 and then another well known female character was created by 1996, and
that one being the protagonist of Tomb Raider, Lara Croft. By 2014 it is now able to be chosen by the player in a collective of certain games to
weather they play as male or female. It isn't uncommon to see a female characters in a video game to be over sexualised, much like mass media in
todays age. Female characters are also commonly portrayed as a "damsel in distress", and the male protagonist is usually the one to save her. Mass
medias such as the news and newspapers have this in common with video games, making it out that females usually need some sort of male "hero" in
their lives. There is a big push for more women to be involved in the creation of video games
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Airheads Business Analysis Essay
Strategic Analysis Project
Airheads Trampoline Arena
26th July 2012
Table of contents
Executive Summary7
Family Entertainment Center Industry9
Market Size9
Sales Growth10
Stages of Industry Life Cycle11
Key Competitors12
Pest Analysis13
Exhibit 1: Factors of the PEST Analysis14
Political and Legal Factors14
Economic Factors16
Socio–Cultural Factors20
Technological Factors21
PEST Analysis Conclusion22
Porter's Five Forces24
Threat of New Entrants24
Exhibit 2: Barriers to Entry Checklist24
New Entrants Conclusion ... Show more content on ...
This firm falls within the family entertainment center (FEC) industry and opened its first location in 2010. Currently, the business has three open
locations: Tampa, St. Petersburg, and Orlando. It offers services specifically fortrampoline usage but also diversifies by providing an arcade and a
cafГ©. During 2011 the company's revenue was higher than expected,
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Ready Player One Is Made By Ernest Cline
Ready Player One is made by Ernest Cline is his first novel made in 2011. Ernest Cline says that he is a "screenwriter, spoken–word artist, and
full–time geek" and he currently lives in Austin, Texas with his wife and his daughter. Throughout the book 's journey, he had many different
variations of the story. Speaking of the story, in the year 2044 the world isn 't a great place to live. The energy crisis is a large threat, people are
starving, and many people are in poverty. Even though the world isn 't in the best place in the world, there is one thing that people enjoy. It 's called
OASIS,: it stands for Ontologically Anthropocentric Sensory Immersive Simulation. This device is used as a multi–platform, massively multiplayer, ...
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These guys are called Gunters; these guys are going after Halliday 's Easter Egg which is a contest to win the company the owns the OASIS. Like
in every story, there has to be an antagonist or business rather. Meet IOI or Interactive Online Industries, which is hated by most everyone in the
OASIS community. They want to control the free OASIS and charge people for usages. Like every company, there are different divisions, like the
Oology division. This division was created to hunt after Halliday 's Easter Egg to win over the OASIS, the Oology division's head and is the main
antagonist of the story. I didn 't even tell about James Halliday; he is the owner of GSS, Gregarious Simulation Systems (Originally Gregarious
Games before OASIS was released). Halliday was the introverted genius that created many award winning and astounding games. Halliday and
Ogden Morrow founded GSS, Og was the business end of GSS and was the social one of the duo. He ran the publishing, advertising, and most of
the interviews. Og had many different meetings when Halliday died, at the beginning of the book the creator of OASIS died and a video was
released about Halliday 's Easter Egg. This contest was used to find the new heir to the throne of GSS and OASIS. Halliday 's Easter Egg also came
with a large sum of cash to sweeten the pot. Naturally, this contest is widely popular, and everyone is looking to find the first of the three gates to
finish the
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How Gaming Saved My Future
Hello, My name is Marcus Paige. This is my essay on how gaming saved my future. I discovered gaming through watching television. One show in
particular that caught my attention, was called "Nick's Video Arcade". I would really get into that show because during that time I did not own my a
console of my own. So, this was the best I could do at the time. I would also pick up gaming magazines from time to time. I could see what was new
in the gaming scene and read about future consoles coming out. I also became a huge fan of the readers section of these magazines, since you could
send in questions and have them answered. Another thing that got me into gaming was a family friend. I can remember as a child I would always
go along with my mother to visit one of her good friends. While I was there, her son and I would always end up playing games the whole time I was
visiting. By getting into gaming, I feel that it has helped me out in many different ways. For example, back in high school I wasn't the smartest
student. I didn't apply myself much . You could say I was stuck inside a spiral going down–wards. I would notice that things weren't going so well, but
I really didn't bother to try or turn myself around . During my downward spiral, I would find myself constantly making bad decisions. I would go out
and party when I knew I should be at home studying,or doing my homework assignments. I was also hanging out with people who had no care about
my academic
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My Favourite Movie : Pixel : My Favorite Movie
Pixel is My Favorite Movie
Pixel is a comedy movie based on old arcade games. The movie was directed by Chris Columbus and written by Timothy Dowling and Tim Herlihy.
The movie came out in 2015 and had some really well known actors named Kevin James, Adam Sandler, Josh Gad, and Peter Dinklage. The group of
actors worked with actress, Michelle Monaghan, to take down alien life forces that were trying to destroy the Earth. This movie has a competitive feel
because as kids Eddie, Peter Dinklage, and Brenner, Adam Sandler, were in avideo game tournament together and ended up in the championship with
each other. The final arcade game was Donkey Kong. The match between the two got intense when, "We Will Rock You" by Queen came on in the...
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The centipede went into a hotel and stopped in some elderly ladies room and started doing her work out with her then Brenner caught up with it and
the centipede jumped out of the window and almost ate a kid but Brenner shot it from the back and killed it. It gets better because the kid like, "Who
are you mister?" and Brenner said, "I'm just a loser who played video games as a kid." I honestly don't know why that conversation was so funny
because the kid finished it off with, "Well thank God for that". It was time for celebration, but five minutes into the celebration the aliens issued the next
challenge which was Pac–Man so back to work.
Pac–Man is man's best friend or so I thought. It all started when they had to go get Eddie from a federal prison. He had some really high demands
before he decided to work with him especially the one where he wanted a date with Serena Williams. The creator of Pac–Man also came to help and
altogether Eddie, Brenner, and Ludlow they all drove cars to try to "eat" Pac–Man like the ghost it in the actual arcade game. I guess they were at a
handicap because the Creator got his arm bit off by his own creation, which was hysterically funny, so he couldn't drive but they still had a good odds
three on one. Pac–Man had ended up getting his power pellets and ate Eddie and ludlow's car so it was only up to Brenner. Brenner ended up getting
the win for the Earth
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Gaming Observations Essay
At 1:15pm Saturday afternoon, I am currently hanging out at the student gaming center with the pool tables and a line of arcades in front of me.
At least nine to twelve players are gathered around 2 gaming arcade machines in front of me. The two main popular ones that are of interest would
be the Street Fighter 3rd Strike and the Marvel vs Capcom 2 machines. The gamers are heavily immerse in watching the players and cheering them
on. I am observing four players playing on two separate machines. The two players who are on MVC2 are wearing both hooded jackets and baggy
jeans with tennis shoes. It seems they were here for quite a while. Backpacks are off to the side of the machines or lying around randomly near them
on the ground and some... Show more content on ...
I can see the vines pulsing on the sides of their forehead and one of the players just picked up a Gatorade bottle and drank the yellow liquid, lemon
flavor I presume. His opponent next to him just wiped the sweat off his forehead with his right arm and yelled that that was a cheap and dirty
move. The players that have more spectators I observe a higher level of energy being presented and a potential hostility. The gamers who are
playing on the 3rd strike machine were a lot more calm and benevolent. I will hear the players commend each other about how that was a great
move and basically playing nice. Compared to the players on the MVC2 machine where the players would suggest that it was a lucky shot in a mean
way. The players that are watching contribute to the heat by instigating and yelling out fighting words I can see that the players are irritated and
playing much more aggressive, the tapping of the buttons and movements of the joystick is much more prevalent and erratic. The players on the 3rd
strike machine even stopped a few times to watch the battle going on and two guys from the pool table nearby would occasionally look up to watch the
commotion. After thirty minutes in, there had been three rotations of players on the MVC2 machine and I noted that one of the players had been
winning against all his opponents. The surrounding people at the center are all wearing casual dress attire and after fifty minutes
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Personal Narrative
The telephone game.
Little did I know that as an adult I would grow up to play that silly, annoying and pointless game of telephone. Although, this time it was not among
five friends on the playground. The adult version was a giant, Costco–sized, City–wide version of the game.
Just as my childhood game, this "adult" version is played by some more than others. While some of my classmates in grade school would spend their
whole 30–minute recess going around in a circle, whispering in someone's ear and feeling entertained of the outcome word, I was kicking ass on the
hand ball court. Maybe it was that I grew up around boys and the thought of sitting on my butt, whispering in someone's ear and waiting for an exciting
turnout... was not my jam.
Growing up with boys made me blunt and outspoken. Sometimes too opinionated and often times, misinterpreted. When "my gang" and I had an issue,
we acted upon it. If we had a problem with one another, we handled it. Right there and then, the conflicts disappeared.
I remember once, the boys and I had beef with one another about a silly toy car. We all wanted toplay with this car, but didn't want to share it. The
fighting led to the backyard where shit got real. Fists where flying, tennis racquets where swinging, tackling was happening (did I mention I was
always in a dress that matched my ... Show more content on ...
ok... we all sorta play the telephone game. But that is inevitable in the world of social media and gossip. We all have been guilty of he said she
said. We have all sat around a table, across from our friends, with a wine or beer glass in hand and started a conversation with words such as "have
you heard?" "is it true?" "She said this!?" Now, this is when some of us decide to pause, evaluate and assess the situation with the correct party.
Others, take the words gathered and find a way to slip it in to the next "friend gathering", while adding in another JUICY "fact". Why? To keep shit
interesting! DUH!?! Umm... no. Fail.
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All The Arcades Of The World
"Of all the arcades in the world, she had to walk into mine. Tina, the only person who could beat me at Pacman, back to prove it again."(Hill 3
Feb). The very short story spoke to me about love and I felt my heart ache. Of all the hearts in the world, she had to walk into his. He's a player and
the only one that could beat him at his own game is Tina. The man, however, uses thearcade game Pacman to hide his feelings and frustration toward
Tina. Unlike most scenarios Tina is playing with what I'm assuming is, a man's heart once again maybe for her own pleasure. I feel as if this would be
a start to a romantic novel as it starts with "Of all the arcades in the world, she had to walk into mine." (Hill 3 Feb.) If you simply replace arcade with
heart you can see the romance the author is feeling, the love struck feeling. In a way I feel as if the first sentence reveals the gender of the author as
males typically hide their feelings and this seems to be a man in love. The author puts Tina as a person of importance as she is the starting point of
the second sentence and the sentence reveals she has the power to beat him/her, thus the author values her. I feel as if the two sentences suffice and
allows a reader to imagine the rest of the story. Also, the size of the work allows for some mystery as the audience doesn't truly know what the author
means, so it's left for one's own thoughts. Thus, I would consider this to be a work of literature as any piece of writing is no matter
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Essay on How Games Have Changed from Atari to Xbox
Atari was the first commercial video game company with hits like 'break out" and "pong". For many people pong was the first video game they
have ever played. The idea of pong is that there is two rectangles that only move up and down and a little square that bounces around the screen until
one of the rectangles miss, once the rectangle miss' the game is over. This game may seem simple now but it sold 19,000 units so you can say what
you want but back then this was the greatest game ever. Eventually "Pac–man" came along, this is what "" had to say.
On May 22, 1980, the Pac–Man video game was released in Japan and by October of the same year it was released in the United States. The yellow,...
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It was created by Nolan Bushnell and Steve Bristow, influenced by the 1972 Atariarcade game Pong, and built by Steve Wozniak aided by Steve Jobs.
The game was ported to video game consoles and upgraded to video games like Super Breakout. Also, Breakout was the basis and inspiration for
books, video games, film, and the apple 2 personal computers.
Here comes asteroids, but I think I should explain.
Asteroids is an arcade fourth person shooter released in November in 1979 by Atari Inc. It was one of the most popular games of the great age of
arcade games, selling 70,000 arcade cabinets. Asteroids use a vector display and a two–dimensional view that wraps around in both screen axes. The
player controls a spaceship in space, which has a timed traverse by flying saucers. The point of the game is to shoot and destroy asteroids and
spaceships while not crashing with either, or being hit by the spaceships' lasers.
As you can see these games would seem pretty simple to us now, in fact let's explore some of the 20th century video games. Let's start off with
prince of Persia: sands of time. This game is very well known for the puzzles that were so simple but you would over think it because it was a video
game Xbox list says "sands of time is a major advancement in the gaming industry"
Here comes the game that will still have sequels in 2037 halo. "Halo" is a first person shooter that is on top of
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Personal Narrative: My Tomb Raider
This year at Comic Con my husband and I spent a lot of time in the Xbox Lounge. Our hotel was a across the street from where it was being held and it
was never too busy. There were times the lines to play games such as Mortal Kombat X, Gears of War: Ultimate Edition, and Rise of the Tomb Raider,
exceeded 45 minutes, but on the adjacent wall there were 6 huge TVs unoccupied by players beckoning us to play. There awaited Forza Motorsport 6.
Glossy images of different cars and courses flashed across the screen and I glanced at Hugh who was hastily selecting his course to begin a race. I let
out a sigh and figured I would give it a shot. With that being said, playing FM6 stirred a revival for racing games in my soul. Usually if I play a
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Animal Abuse: The Super Mario Franchise
The Super Mario franchise is a popular video game series and has been Nintendo's bread and butter for more than 25 years. With the game's loveable
mascot and main character Mario it's no doubt that the game is favoured, but, there's one thing that has always been a bit off. When playing the game,
you believe that Mario is the protagonist. However, after a lot of research I have found that Mario from the Super Mario games is actually a
murderous, womanizing, family destroying, animal abusing, curle misanthropic, sociopath, and we've been lied to for more than 25 years. Mario is
hiding many things under the bulbous nose and his loud spirited "Ya–Ho"one being that he's an animal abuser. Let's start at the beginning where Mario
made his first... Show more content on ...
The story as everyone know goes like this, a giant ape steals mario's girlfriend and the heroic Italian must try and save her, but has anyone ever
stopped and considered why Donkey Kong steals Mario's girlfriend ? Seeing movies like King kong and hearing stories about damsels in distress
we're prone to think that the giant ape is the bad guy, but did you know that Mario used to be Donkey Kong's master and abused him and Donkey
Kong broke out just to get even. After doing research I found "Donkey Kong circus" from the game watch series a prequel to the arcade game. In the
game and watch game we see Jumpman (A.K.A. Mario) running a circus and the main attraction a giant ape on wheelbarrow juggling pineapples
trying to avoid fire. Donkey kong is made to look like a fool forced to burn his hand scolded and laughed at every time he drops a pineapple surely
this is no way to treat an animal. Mario's tournament to animals doesn't stop there in fact the sequel to Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong Jr. Mario takes
Donkey Kong and puts him in a leaving Donkey Kong Jr. to cheat death and save his father. Mario even attacks insects. Take Wigglers for example an
enemy in the mario series that does no harm to mario whats so ever, but once mario attacks a Wiggler they
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Bowie Vs Kukri Research Paper
The Bowie vs The Kukri Keywords: Bowie Knives, Bowie knives for sale Bowie Knives or Kukri Knives – which is more lethal? "Comparisons are
odious," wrote the poet John Lydgate in the 15th century. While that may be true, comparisons are fun too, and inevitable. Below we look at two of
the most celebrated knives in human history and leave the judgment to you. The Bowie Knife The "Bowie" knife is the quintessential American knife.
Invented by famous pioneer Jim Bowie, its legend originates from a bar fight in which Bowie, armed with his knife, survived despite being up against
guns. That blade was different from the modern–day Bowie knives and more like a butcher's knife. The design later evolved to include some standard
features, such as a... Show more content on ...
The lumbering blade is twice as heavy as the Bowie but it is one uncompromising, destructive weapon. A sharp Kukri in the hands of anyone capable
of wielding it with skill is a force to be reckoned with (Google the exploits of Gurkha soldiers in the World Wars). If your parallel–earth opponent is a
quick, lithe individual with a knife of his own, then the lighter, more wieldable Bowie would be the better option. If he is a big, strong giant of a
figure, and you are unsure of the damage the Bowie would cause, then opt for the Kukri. Granted, it is easier to stab with a Bowie, but a stabbing
stroke is also easier to deflect. Now imagine him trying to parry or deflect the swing of a shiny, heavier Kukri; also, a Kukri strike does not have to
be perfect to inflict damage. Bowie and Kukri in popular culture The knife immortalized by Sly Stallone in the Rambo franchise is a version of the
Bowie knife. Milla Jovovich's Alice from the Resident Evil movies has put many a monster to rest with the Kukri. Interestingly, the Bowie and the
Kukri appears together in the original Bram Stoker's Dracula, in 1897. A Kukri decapitates the Count as a Bowie plunges into his heart. Debate hardly
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Analysis Of Ernest Cline's Ready Player One
Ready Player One is made by Ernest Cline is his first novel made in 2011. Ernest Cline says that he is a "screenwriter, spoken–word artist, and
full–time geek" and he currently lives in Austin, Texas with his wife and his daughter. Throughout the book's journey he had many different
variations of the story. Speaking of the story, in the year 2044 the world isn't a great place to live in. The energy crisis is a large threat, people are
starving, and a many people are in poverty. Even though the world isn't in the best place in the world, there is one thing that people enjoy. It's called
OASIS, it stands for Ontologically Anthropocentric Sensory Immersive Simulation. This device is used as a multi platform, massively multiplayer, open
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Ready Player One by Ernest Cline was a diamond in the rough, I was at a discount book store with my family when I stumbled upon the book. I
looked at the cover and read the back, I was hooked instantly. I bought the book and was over 5 chapters into the book by the time I arrived at home.
I couldn't put the book down! This book fit everything I enjoy into one one book, sarcasm, 80s pop culture, video games, and humor. As you read the
book you get to feel how the author thinks and and acts through the book. The Huffington post calls it "the grown–up's Harry Potter". This book kept
me completely focused into the story. This amazing book has helped me go through tough times and i'm very happy that i found this book. I can't give
a rating on how the book is, but i can say that it's a fantastic 80's culture fueled adventure that is worth
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Essay On The Battle Of Midway
1943: The Battle of Midway [1987]
1943: The Battle of Midway is a shoot 'em up arcade game, or more accurately a vertical scrolling shooter game, designed and developed by Capcom
and published in 1987. The game was the sequel to Capcom's 1984 game, 1942 which was the first in the 19XX series. In this game analysis of 1943:
The Battle of Midway, also referred to as 1943, will be analysed subjectively under the following headings: story, technology, aesthetics, and mechanics.
"We have the ability to project ourselves into just about anything we control." [J.Schell, 2008]
Anyone who grew up in the arcades is very much familiar with 1943: The Battle of Midway. The game is set in the Pacific theater of World War II,
off the coast of the Midway Atoll. In terms of story, what separates the 1942 from the 1943 is that the latter sets specifically on aerial combat around
"We filter reality through our sense, and through our minds, and the consciousness we actually experience is a kind of illusion – not really reality at
all." [J.Schell, 2008]
As this game is somewhat fictional in its nature, Schell states a very relevant point about reality and this 'illusion' games create for us. ... Show more
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'The Japanese main squadron tasted defeat off the coast of Midway Islands'. Some say that this battle greatly changed the outcome of the war. The aim
in this game is to represent a battle during a historical conflict through a screen. The focus in the game is to attack the Japanese air fleet that bombed
the American aircraft carrier, pursue all Japanese air and sea forces, fly through the 16 stages of play, and make their way to the Japanese battleship
Yamato and destroy. The challenge is to destroy the battleship, 'Yamato'. Relive the excitement of "1943" by controlling
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Journal Report On Journal ( Trip ) ( 2011-2012 Item No. 1
Journal (Trip to France) – 2011–2012Item No. 1
The first item in my portfolio is a journal from when my family took a trip to France. Since my dad was granted a sabbatical, our family travelled
to the south of France for a year to learn French and gain cultural experience. We took this trip during the time I was in Grade 6; however, we had to
take school in French instead, which was probably more difficult. I chose to add this journal because it is an accurate summary of many of the things
my family did in France, and it shows my progress throughout the year learning French.
In order to be able to communicate while my family was in France, all of us had to learn to speak and write in French. This was a challenge, but we
took lessons ... Show more content on ...
However, I would make sure to keep a more detailed account of what I was doing. I would need to keep a better journal so that I could remember all
the things I did. There are so many things to do and see that it is nearly impossible not to forget something!
In France, I learned the value of heightened social and interpersonal skills and awareness. I found that when speaking in French, I was much more
confident than when I spoke in English, and this led to me being less introverted. By writing a journal, I also learned how to summarize facts concisely,
and how to communicate effectively.
This journal demonstrates that I have effective communication skills, especially in writing. It also shows how I am always working to improve my
general skill set. You can see this throughout the journal, as my French gets better and better!
Rock (Asteroids Game) – July 2013Item No. 2
As the second item in my portfolio, I chose to add a rock. Although a rock is something very ordinary, to me it represents something very special: the
time when I created a clone of the arcade game Asteroids. This was significant because it was the first time I had created a video game that actually
looked professional; it was also the first video game for which I developed a fully functional computerized opponent. I chose a rock to represent part of
me in my portfolio, because it is a
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Video Games For Good Essay
Gaming for Good
Video Games are entertaining, interesting, and just plain old fun, but many believe that they are poison to the minds children, teens and even adults.
Through studies, scientist and psychologist have determined the exact opposite and that video games actually strengthen your brain and help balance
emotions. Since the rise of Electronic gaming, parents have feared video games were damaging the foundation of influence they have tried to build
unto their children. Over the time that video games developed, controversy had its rise. Scientist, colleges and physiologist have tested with video
games and people that helps put controversy and theories to rest.
Video games have not been around forever. It has only been almost half a... Show more content on ...
When even asked to do even any of these things children would lash out in rebellion against their parents.
Video games had taken all the accusations for the misbehavior of their children. Eventually the children would listen to their parents and go outside to
play. The parents were relieved to see their children outside again but the relieve quickly faded when they saw their children reenact the games they
had played. Seeing them pretend to be the characters from Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat. So the world responed with the rating system." Mortal
Kombat (1992) shocked parents and politicians with its violent gameplay and gory graphics. In response, the video game industry established the
Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB). The board rates games by recommending an appropriate age range for players " (Electronic game.)
The mid eighties was a gaming explosion in history with the rise of a powerful gaming company called Nintendo. The japanese gaming company,
Nintendo, invents and releases the NES, Nintendo Entertainment System. With the release of the NES came games such as Super Mario and The
Legend of Zelda. These games would later grow to become amazing and major gaming franchise. With fun gameplay along with story driven
experience, gamers fell in love. The success of The NES and its gaming titles had turned millions of people into gamers.
Gamers would go home and play on their
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Pac Man Project
Tyrone Mills BSE 15021 C 1 Game Design Document Project Name: Pac Man Project Name: Tyrone Mills Batch: BSE 15021 C Date: 22/06/2015
Lecturer: Shilpa Ranjit Tyrone Mills BSE 15021 C 2 Overview PacMan is a relatively simple arcade style game in which the player controls the
PacMan, guiding him through a maze collecting food pills while avoiding the various ghosts present in the game. Each of the ghosts present in the
game have their own unique pattern of behavior. The red ghost (Blinky) tries to catch the player by moving towards the player at all times using the
shortest possible path. The pink ghost (Pinky) tries to move to a point four movement steps ahead of the player, this has the effect of causing him to
appear to be trying to cut off... Show more content on ...
Additional sound has been added for the additions to the game. This is to add to the effect of the fireball. Sounds has been added for the collection
of the Power pill to indicate to the player that something different to eating normal pills has happened. During the intro screen the original
soundtrack plays once the game starts though this sound is stopped. This is because the sound triggered by PacMan eating the pills and the
original soundtrack add up to become unpleasant at normal speaker settings and there is no method within Game Maker to alter the balance. UI
The UI is very simple having only the score and the player's lives on the screen at the bottom below the maze. This simple display is all that is
needed as the only two factors the players needs is their current score and lift total. A prompt informing the player that spacebar will fire a fireball
will also appear at the bottom of the screen next to the bonus lives counter when the player collects a Power pill. This has been added as the ability to
fire fireballs is not standard and the player will Tyrone Mills BSE 15021 C
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Marketing Analysis : Barcade 's Mission Essay
Barcade's mission is to provide Iowa City with the social experience of a bar combined with the entertainment excitement of an arcade. This
combination of games and drinks will allow customers to have a unique and memorable social experience, one they cannot get anywhere else. It is
important for a business to have an effective mission statement. For a mission to be effective, it needs to be brief yet define what the company aims
to do and why (Crawford, October 4, 2016). Barcade's mission statement does this by stating what it plans to offer to its customers and why the
customers will value the service. Barcade will offer customers a full menu of delectable drinks along with our main attraction which will be a variety
of popular classic as well as sensational new arcade games. The arcade will feature some of the all–time top grossing arcade games such as Pac–Man,
Donkey Kong, and Asteroids alongside newer digital games including Flappy Bird, Guitar Hero, and Angry Birds. In addition to these games
Barcade will also offer shooting games, racing games, pool, air hockey, darts and more. The downtown Iowa City area provides an exceptional
location for Barcade as it is home to one of the nation's top party schools and nearly 30,000 college students. The bar scene in Iowa City is
prosperous and the large population of young adults who reside there will be attracted to the unique idea of Barcade. Specifically, young adult gamers
will be our target market because they are
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Pacman Research Paper
Pacman is a game in which you are a yellow circle character called Pacman, you are trying to eat all of the little white dots to add to your score as
well as eating any other bonus to increase your score. However, there are a number of ghosts which are trying to stop you, if you run into them you
die and lose a life, once you are out of lives you lose and will have to start from the beginning. There are also big dots which will give you a
temporary power up when you consume them, this power up makes the ghosts scared of you and try to run away, during this time you are also able
to eat them to get even more score. Once you have eaten all of the dots you clear the level and have won the game. This game is an arcade game and so
has bright colours and is not meant to look realistic, this also applies to the sound, which has an 8–bit feel to it making the game come to life and
making the player feel more connected to it. I have kept this in mind when making changes to my game as I do not want to disrupt Pacman's unique feel.
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First off, I have made all of the Pacman Ghosts the same colour, I have done this just because I wanted to have 8 Ghosts and found it harder to
concentrate when they were all different colours buzzing around the screen, so making all the Ghosts one colour made it easier to concentrate and still
kept the ghosts fun. I also changed the base number of ghosts from 4 to 8 and increased the map size, also removing the tunnels from the side. I have
done this as I wanted to make a large map however found that it would be too easy if the player could jump from one side of the map to the other, and
found that there weren't enough ghosts for the large map
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Dead Panic Compare And Contrast
The two games designed by Justin De Witt, Castle Panic which was released in 2009, and Dead Panic, released in 2013, that have very similar
mechanics and gameplay. Castle Panic is a game about defending six towers from being destroyed by incoming monsters, while Dead Panic is about
surviving and escaping a zombie apocalypse in a cabin in the woods. The two games have some major similarities that they share, but also some
important differences that make themselves unique. Both games can have 2 to 6 players, but there are other similarities that link these two games, such
as the enemies in the games. Each game has enemies on small tokens that enter the game when drawn from a bag. For both games the monsters have
health that when damaged, is turned to lower their health until it hits zero and is then taken of the board. Another similarity between the games is...
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In Castle Panic there are the plain monsters such as trolls and goblins, and in Dead Panic there are brutes and shamblers. The difference that sets
the two apart is that Castle Panic includes boss monsters that make the game more difficult, while in Dead Panic, when you defeat a monster then
they can enter the game again later. Between the two games monsters move differently in one compared to the other, in Castle Panic monsters
move forward one towards the center after each player's turn, whereas in Dead Panic monsters move in one towards the cabin, unless it's a sprinter
or the zombies have a direct line of sight to someone who is outside, then they move towards that player. The major difference between the two
games is the objective to win the game, for Castle Panic you must survive all the waves of monsters without losing all of the towers in the center,
while in Dead Panic you must collect three radio pieces to call in the car and escape, but you don't need everyone to win if they die to the
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The Marketing Model Canvas As An Analytical Framework
Our group has used the Business Model Canvas as an analytical framework to evaluate The Fun Center and generate recommendations to further
improve the delivery of its value proposition. The Fun Center aims to provide children with an exciting and safe place to have fun by providing an
array of arcade games, food and beverages, and event hosting. We made no changes to the general premise of the Business Plan, but rather we
fine–tuned the aspects we felt lacked clarity. The gaps that we originally identified in the first version of the Business Plan were minor and posed little
threat to the company's overall success. However, we felt that The Fun Center's lack of distinctiveness would limit the company in terms of potential
growth. ... Show more content on ...
Recommendation 1: Market to Children and Parents
Our analysis of the Business Model Canvas has revealed a minor hole in the channels section. We feel as though the company's business plan failed to
account for a very significant customer segment: kids. Currently, marketing is directed towards arcade enthusiasts and middle to upper class adults.
The hope is that parents will be intrigued by the company's value and bring their children to the arcade. However, considering that the value
proposition seeks to serve children ages 5–12 as a target customer segment, the Business Model Canvas would suggest that a channel should exist to
directly connect The Fun Center's value to children. In addition to advertising to adults with traditional methods, we recommend that The Fun Center
also market directly to children in order to improve reputation and garner more interest. For example, advertising The Fun Center on children's shows
and radio stations will communicate to children in ways that are already familiar and comfortable to them. According to small business advice from
Hearst newspapers, it would cost 200 to 1,500 dollar to commercially advertise The Fun Center on a local station, a small investment for a large long
term benefit (Wagner, 2015). In in the same way they react to new toys and cereal, they will ask their parents to bring them to The Fun Center. Further,
to partner with local elementary
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Pac Man Essay
Pac Man is a single game which mainly includes three engagement types: accomplishment, challenge, sensation. Its easy way of control and pixel
style visual directly grab players' attention from the beginning of the game. For accomplishment, as human being's natural instincts of eating, a full
map of pac dots firstly satisfies player's desire to collect all of the rewards. By obtaining not only the pac dots, but also the fruit, player gains points.
The fruit symbolizes higher rewards just like its prettier appearence. Noticing that there are bigger pac dots on the map, player discovers skills after
eating those dots. Meaning by discovery, when first eating the bigger dots, player could not positively acknowledge that amplified dots are actually...
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On a deeper understanding level, Pac Man could be defined as a game of people's limitless desire. And Toru Iwatani cleverly wins on designing such
a game based on this knowledge. No matter which client you play on, either PC or other game consoles, sound always plays an indispensable role of
the game. The dynamic background music enables players to distinguish the progress of the game. With beating notes playing next to players' ears, the
thrill journey begins with hiding from chasing enemies. Gradually, some planning risk–taking tricks appear in players' mind. To know one's own
strength and the enemy's is the sure way to victory. Players preying enemies brings a new outlook as if the world is in an opposite way. Back in
those years Pac Man was just released, players gathered at arcade halls to play Pac Man on the machines. Fellowship grows here. Not like the one in
the online games, this kind of friendship builds up an offline player community. Real People meet from playing games and spectating other's game.
They share game experience and interact with a full human being. Nowadays, though a huge percent of people play Pac Man on PCs, but this time
period of offline fellowship once existed and sometimes is still happening right
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Bill Gates and Nolan Bushnell
Pioneers of Computer Programming
When you think of 21st century computing, two things come to mind: Windows and video games. Learning Team A introduces you to the two men
responsible for these phenomena В– Bill Gates and Nolan Bushnell.
William Henry Gates III
During that late 1960's and early 1970's, BASIC was one of the premier programming languages. At that time, Bill Gates and his friend Paul Allen made
the commitment to learn BASIC by reading the user manuals. In exchange for computer time, they made an agreement with a local company called the
Computer Center Corporation to provide de–bugging services for software on the company's DEC machine. This time was used not only to search for
errors, but also to study the operating ... Show more content on ...
After seeing the magazine article, Gates contacted Ed Roberts of the MITS Company and proposed to that he write some BASIC software for the
Altair. The MITS personnel were impressed with the initial work that Gates and his friends had completed and decided to meet with them to test the
team's code. After a successful demonstration of the code, Gates made the decision to leave school and move to Albuquerque and work with MITS on
the Altair.
After the move Gates would devote his energies to Microsoft, a company that he would establish in 1975 with Allen. Guided by a belief that the
computer would be a valuable tool on every office desktop and in every home, they began developing software for personal computers. Microsoft
would sell its BASIC system to MITS, NCR and Intel. It proved to be more cost effective for companies to buy Microsoft software rather than spend
the time and money to develop their own.
In January of 1979, Gates made the decision to move Microsoft to Seattle, Washington. Gates believed that part of the country was better suited for
recruiting programmers. Microsoft adopted a new standard for hiring employees; the company decided to hire only the most gifted and intelligent new
college graduates rather than experienced programmers. The company was looking for talent that came with no previous programming biases. The
expansions of personnel would lead to the development of a
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Social Underground
Everything you need to know about in this weekly series: How climate scientists can predict the future of our planet with climate models, a book that
teaches you how not to suck, a lesson on how you can control you dreams, and a new video game movie starring Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson.
At Social Underground we go beyond the mainstream stuff and see what's underneath the surface. What should we get into, listen to, read, eat or
watch? If there is something in our culture that needs attention that's our job: Show you the underground things that you need to know about: Books,
music, television, movies, comedians, art, and whatever else we can find to get you into something you never knew about. That's The Underground.
1. How climate ... Show more content on ...
As douchey as it may sounds, some people need a lesson or two on how not to suck. You can sit around with a group of people, overhear them
bragging or talking stupid, and then think, "Man, I wish there was a class for this guy to take to not suck so much."
Well, there may not be a class, but there is a book by Nick Riggle that may help that guy out.
We all know people who are awesome and people who suck, but what do we really mean by these terms? Have you ever been chill or game? Do you
rock or rule? If so, then you're tapped into the ethics of awesomeness. Awesome people excel at creating social openings that encourage expressions of
individuality and create community. And if you're a cheapskate, self–promoter, killjoy, or douchebag, you're the type of person who shuts social
openings down. Put more simply: You suck.
From street art to folk singers, Proust to the great etiquette writer Emily Post, President Obama to former Los Angeles Dodger Glenn Burke, Riggle
draws on pop culture, politics, history, and sports to explore the origins of awesome, and delves into the nuances of what it means to suck and why it's
so important to strive for awesomeness. An accessible and entertaining lens for navigating the ethics of our time, On Being Awesome provides a new
and inspiring framework for understanding ourselves and creating meaningful connections in our everyday lives.
The man knows his stuff. You can go buy this book for relatively cheap at Amazon.
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What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Online...
Task 1A
Communication offline and online can be quite different, it seems like more and more of the population prefer the digital way of communicating.
Online communication can be very practical, easy and fun. Talking to a friend is as easy as clicking a few buttons on your phone, instead of having to
go through the stress of travelling to the other person and talking face to face. Living far away from your friends is less annoying than before. Before
the age of smartphones and technology, you would again have to meet your friend face to face. Luckily, we live in 2017 and now you can just call
them or chat with them online whenever you want. And by the way, you avoid the chance of having an "awkward silence", which is a big plus.
Offline communication also has its pros. The fact that you can see the face of the person you're talking to is nice. Sarcasm is easier to read, since the
other person can see that you're joking, instead of them thinking ... Show more content on ...
I logged off the OASIS and went back to the "stack", but there was no prize waiting for me there. I went to my OASIS console, but no prize was
found. Out of hope, I laid down in my bed and thought long and hard about where the prize could be. I grabbed a pen and paper, which probably no
one else has done in the last two–hundred years. On the paper, I drew a timeline. A timeline of my life. It started with being born, living with his mom
and dad, his dad mysteriously disappearing, going to public–school and then moving to the OASIS–school system. I quickly realised that living with
my mom and dad was the happiest time of my life. So, my old home must be the place that truly means the most to me, and it was there I was
headed. The phone in my pocket vibrated, there was a notification sent to every participant of the competition. Player One released the clue he told
me a few hours ago, to everyone. Millions of people were now searching for the prize, but I had a head
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Animated Movie Wreck It Ralph
The animated film, Wreck–it Ralph, directed by Rich Moore, follows the adventures of a "bad guy" by the name of Ralph as he looks to distinguish
himself as more than a bad guy in the sense of the word. The move takes place inside of a video game called "Wreck–it–Ralph", located in a larger
arcade store filled with customers. Wreck–it–Ralph is a game where Ralph is designed as a muscular freak with only one purpose in his life, to destroy
and damage a high–rise apartment in the game, that is until Fix–it–Felix comes in and saves the day. In the eyes of the viewer, Ralph is the villain who
looks to destroy the building, and the player takes control of Felix in order to fix Ralph's wrong–doings. What becomes apparent to the viewer rather
quickly is that Ralph is no stereotypical "bad guy", and he wishes to be known for more than the guy who just destroys the building, and who is cast
off as a menace to those inside the game. In a very Toy–Story like design, the characters inside the video games become alive when the arcade store
shuts down for the day, and customers leave. Its at this point characters gather together for drinks, nights out or in Ralphs case, a support group for
bad guys trying to deal with the stresses and difficulties of being bad. Looking to prove himself, Ralph eventually leaves his game as he looks to find
a better identity for himself as opposed to his bad guy label, as chaos ensues. The movie incorporates video games into its design through multiple
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Stern Electronic Research Paper
'Berzerk' is top view shooting arcade game that is developed by 'Stern Electronic' Company in 1980. The purpose of the game is to survive from
the killing robots. In the game, player needs to destroy the robots, run away from an unbeatable monster, and move to the next randomly generated
area until the player die. The humanoid, a green figure that is controlled by players, uses the green laser to eliminate the enemies. If the humanoid
stays in one place longer or kills every robot in the place, Evil Otto, an unbeatable creature with a happy face, follows the humanoid until it moves to
the other areas. After the player dies for three times, the game shows how many points does the player get and register their score on the high score if
the player is in top 10.... Show more content on ...
The famous games that 'Stern Electronic' published is 'Astro Invader' in 1980, the first published arcade game by 'Stern Electronic,' and 'Amidar' in
1981. 'Stern Electronic' also be known as the pinball machine company, created 'Hot Hand' in 1979, the poker–based pinball game, and 'Flight 2000' in
1980, the first pinball machine with speech. However, 'Stern Electronic' was closed in 1985 because of the North American Video Game Crush in
1983, destroyed the video game console industry until
... Get more on ...
Chuck E Cheese Segmentation and Target Market by Kimberly D. Stewart Marketing 571 Professor John Mullin Introduction Chuck E. Cheese's Pizza
Time Theatre was founded by Nolan Bushnell in 1977, officially being labeled as the first family restaurant to integrate food, animated entertainment,
and an indoor arcade.CEC Entertainment, Inc. participates in the food and entertainment industry, as it sells fast food and provides places for family
to stay and play together. The food and entertainment industry has been facing challenges. The industry is in a decline. This is because people may be
enjoying cooking at home or other ways, which is a cheaper choice. Also, competitors are everywhere, ranging from... Show more content on ...
The company prepares games, prizes, rides, food and entertainment which are suitable for children whose ages range from toddlers to big kids.
These things can meet children's needs both in physically and mentally. Chuck E Cheese also satisfies family by delicious pizzas and other food.
Families have found an ideal place to have fun and improve relationships through birthday parties, playing games and fundraising events for
school. Chuck E Cheese emphasizes that everyone needs to have a place where they get some relief from the stresses of life. Chuck E Cheese is
the ideal place, where kids and their family can laugh and play in the harmony environment. Chuck E Cheese's hopes that families can be
encouraged to spend more time together and place family values first. Geographic Characteristics For Chuck E Cheese, Papa John's international,
Inc. and California Pizza Kitchen, Inc. are major competitors. Chuck E Cheese opened 545 stores in the USA and six foreign countries. The number
of stores is much more than California Pizza Kitchen, Inc. which has 266 stores in the USA and eleven foreign countries. Chuck E Cheese celebrates
its found and success in the food and entertainment industry for 30 years in 2007 while California Pizza Kitchen, Inc. operates 25 years' history.
Compared to Chuck E Cheese, Inc. and California Pizza Kitchen, Inc., Papa John's international, Inc. operates more efficiently. Papa John's has been
operating well since 1984. There are over
... Get more on ...

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Ict D1 Unit 15

  • 1. Ict D1 Unit 15 Introduction To achieve a distinction, I will be exploring the future of the gaming industry on each of the various platforms. Consoles Next Gen It has only been a matter of time since the next gen consoles were released. In 2007 the Xbox360 and the ps3 were announced. Since then we have come a long way. Then the memory pool was 512 MB. But as the years go new things are developed. And thus with the next gen consoles inbound they have their pool of a shocking of 8 GB which allows developers to expand their Imagination and pour it into the game. Consoles have always been very popular. They are one of the reasons gaming really became popular and they have improved a lot over the last few years, in terms of graphics mainly. Oculus Rift... Show more content on ... Television Televisions through time went from bulky, low resolution models to elegant High Definition (HD), Ultra HD displays. As they got slimmer, the resolution went higher as well, allowing for sharper images when gaming or watching movies and shows. It has been made possible by the addition of more and more pixels to increase the visual quality of the images displayed through it. Audio has improved as well, by being able to connect wireless speakers to the TV for surround sound, through Bluetooth. Handheld consoles I believe that hand held consoles such as the PS Vita and PSP (PlayStation Portable) are decreasing in popularity. In the future I do not think they will increase in popularity. This is because they are expensive considering the hardware they currently use is very limited and not many developers are making games for these platforms, for example, the vita only has four games published this year so far. However, the new Nintendo 3DS has been growing in popularity because popular game franchises like PokГ©mon and Super Mario keep it alive. Arcade I believe that in the future the arcade industry won't develop at all. Even though the technology used on arcade machines is not as advanced as the other platforms more popular nowadays and most, if not all of the games played on arcade machines can now be played on other platforms, they are still fun and give the player an experience that they can't get from ... Get more on ...
  • 2. James Vs Meow Media Case Study James v. Meow Media and the Role of Responsibility In James v. Meow Media Inc., Michael Carneal, an avid video–gamer, is responsible for the murder of his high school peers. Research of Carneal's daily habits showed that the content of his video games was a potential cause of his disastrous behavior. When dealing with a minor, factors of life while approaching the level of maturity must be taken into consideration. This case shows the ease in which fingers are pointed in efforts to protect a child in need of help. Negligence was the common theme for why the affected families felt Meow Media owed a duty of care. In the case of a 14 year–old minor, the presence and the proactive nature of a parent is vital. Because Carneal's parents ... Show more content on ... Additionally, it was revealed that a history of mental illness was common on his father's side of the family (Moore, Petrie , Braga & McLaughlin, 2003). The symptoms of Carneal's illnesses were apparent in his daily interactions. By being aware of familial disorders and observing his socially dysfunctional behavior, proper precautions could have been taken sooner. Parents observe the behaviors of their children each day and, therefore, owe a duty of care. Meow Media Inc. made and sold their video games with no intention of them falling into the hands of a troubled child. The likelihood of a mentally/emotionally stable individual taking action to endanger innocent lives in order to mimic a game is low. Learning and understanding right from wrong is instilled during an individual's early youth. Depending on varying circumstances, the environment that a child is placed in may have an adverse effect on the child's development. Genetic defects are major circumstances that, if not handled with care and caution, could alter a child's reaction to his or her environment. In 1978, A Dutch woman took action to stop the vicious cycle that haunted her family. Her family consisted of multiple aggressive men that carried a long history of rape dating back to 1870. When she saw that her son acquired some of these familial traits, she immediately took action (Richardson, 1993). Geneticists ran a series of tests and found that the personality disorder that ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Stern Electronic Research Paper 'Berzerk' is top view shooting arcade game that is developed by 'Stern Electronic' Company in 1980. The purpose of the game is to survive from the killing robots. In the game, player needs to destroy the robots, run away from an unbeatable monster, and move to the next randomly generated area until the player die. The humanoid, a green figure that is controlled by players, uses the green laser to eliminate the enemies. If the humanoid stays in one place longer or kills every robot in the place, Evil Otto, an unbeatable creature with a happy face, follows the humanoid until it moves to the other areas. After the player dies for three times, the game shows how many points does the player get and register their score on the high score if the player is in top 10.... Show more content on ... The famous games that 'Stern Electronic' published is 'Astro Invader' in 1980, the first published arcade game by 'Stern Electronic,' and 'Amidar' in 1981. 'Stern Electronic' also be known as the pinball machine company, created 'Hot Hand' in 1979, the poker–based pinball game, and 'Flight 2000' in 1980, the first pinball machine with speech. However, 'Stern Electronic' was closed in 1985 because of the North American Video Game Crush in 1983, destroyed the video game console industry until ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Stereotypes In Wreck It Ralph In the movie Wreck it Ralph, many people stereotype Ralph. He is made to be a bad person and that makes him feel bad about himself into the thought of him becoming something he isn't. He doesn't want to be the bad guy anymore, and it leads him and his game called Fix it Felix Jr. to almost become shut down and unplug forever, for almost 30 years. The movie doesn't tell us how old Ralph is,but young adolescents go through a stage of hard times and have to go by the things they have went through since childhood. Ralph goes on the adventure to try and prove the people in his game that he isn't a bad guy and that he can win a metal and be good like Felix. Ralph had some issues with being stereotyped. He is 9 feet tall and 643 pounds. He is stereotyped ... Get more on ...
  • 5. The Golden Age Of Online Games Golden age of Arcade Games Games are something based on entertainment and enjoyment. But they have the tendency to offer you valuable things like peace, relaxation and happiness without having to spend anything other than time. No one can ever forgot, how extremely they enjoyed while playing games. Children alone are not the ones who know the value of games. Thus it approached each and every individual in different ways with its different types and nature. Generally, Games can be categorized into plenty of varieties. The evolution comes up in this form. In olden days, there were only indoor and outdoor games. Then the middle age witnessed video games along with common games. And now the modern children rely only on online games and mobile applications. This development is common. But the ones who enjoyed to their heart's content would surely be the middle ones, who lived in late 1970s to the mid 1990s. For them, games are not just games. They are known to have lived in the century of fantasy. Arcade games are one among them, which made them fantasize. The Arcade Games are nothing but... Show more content on ... All games are not the same. Hence the level of enhancement may vary from one age group to another. Through gaming, winning and losing strategy is understood better. Hence, this may neglect the adults from thinking about suicide attempts. Again, since the games either individual or team oriented, skills related to managing as well as obeying is furnished to a good extent. Also, as there is a losing result in games, adults would learn to work hard in order to succeed. Through constant gaming practices, one can stay calm and achieve their goal in no time without straining at any cause. Above everything, gaming is purely based on rules. So everyone needs to lead and follow in order to win. Thus, this strategy would always make one learn how to be disciplined and helps them nurture their ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Why Video Games Have Made A Shift Into Mainstream Pop Culture The term pop culture can be defined as 'The culture of the people' a culture that flourishes through social interaction and mass media that is most actively involved in by the public. Pop culture can cover a wide range of materials and as such should be looked at as a topic open to discussion, interpretation as to why it is popular and what makes it popular. Since pop culture includes an expansive spectrum of subjects I am going to be focusing on one of those and that is Video games. In this essay I will be exploring the ideas and theories of why I believe video games have made a shift into mainstream pop culture. Culture Before I start discussing video games I would like to explore the ideas of how cultures emerge and how this eventually relates to my study. Lehman, D. R., Chiu, C.–Y., & Schaller, M. (2004) in 'Annual review of Psychology' define culture as "represents a coalescence of discrete behavioural norms and cognitions shared by individuals within some definable population that are distinct from those shared within other populations" These beliefs and behaviour whatever they may be in any culture can give us a backing for realising individual or group goals that can often be categorised in a variety of formal or informal ways. For example we could look at the eSports international events of League of legends as a formal organization of a culture in effect, we have official merchandise, promotions, advertising, a massive fan base and of course the athletes ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Good Man Is Hard To Find Response In "A Good Man Is Hard to Find," by Flannery O' Connor, the narrator talks about the grandma did not want to go to Florida, but instead she wanted to go to Tennessee. That part reminded me of when, in the summer of 2012, my family and I took an RV trip across the west coast of the United States. The first state we stayed in was Tennessee. We had just bought the RV about a month before, and we took it on little test runs before we left for the main trip. This drive to Tennessee was the farthest we have ever driven in the RV. My dad drove about eleven hours to finally get to our destination. It was the first day a long three week RV trip. We did not do much in Tennessee, we got Pizza Hut for dinner and just relaxed. I remember Tennessee... Show more content on ... That part reminded me of the three years I took French in high school and how I do not remember anything. I started taking French my freshman year of high school, because my mom took French when she was in high school. My first year of French was the best and it is where I learned and remember most of the French words and sayings. Than when I became a sophomore I got a new French teacher and everything went downhill after that. French my sophomore year was not that bad because it was a lot of review until the second semester. All that review helped, but I cannot seem to remember learning anything new that year. Than when I started taking my third year of French, with the same teacher, I felt like I just forgot everything. French was honestly a fun class to take because I liked learning about the different cultures and events associated with the country. I liked when we would watch French movies or read French books I seem to get a better concept of what I was being ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Violent Video Games Affect Us Violent Video Games I personally enjoy playing video games myself, but I was never those aggressive hardcore gamers. I also never thought much about these different types of games because I only see them as a time to waste when you're bored or to have fun. However, I have seen my younger siblings, who are in elementary to junior high school; watched these kind of violent games on YouTube, I would hear faint violent yelling or common conversations from their room. I've also noticed that there are a lot of adventure games where a character has weapons to defend themselves from threats, and it got me curious if these types of games will affect us in some way. Since I'm a casual gamer, I thought this topic would be interesting because I've never thought much about violent video games causing people to become more threatening. So does violent video games affect us to have a violent behavior? As more video games has these sort of styles such as: fighting or shooting control; many people believed that violent video games could cause them to become aggressive while others refused to believe such nonsense. Each side of the arguments both has collected very good fair amount of data ranging to other people's views, facts, and statistics along with interviews from professionals who did studies on this topic. Furthermore, the University of Georgia in 1985 made a discovery that arcade games cause an increase in physical aggression. However, a year later, Albert Einstein College of ... Get more on ...
  • 9. The Influence Of Pro Social And Anti-Social Behavior Introduction The media and advertisement is a great way to promote new products, persuade others, or even influence behavior. The content of the advertisement can easily promote both pro–social and anti–social behavior depending on the content. When this behavior is studied and theory is applied, individuals can better understand why people behave the way they do and also raise social awareness. The clips "Bystander Effect" and "Bottle Bank Arcade Machine show excellent examples of both pro–social and anti–social behavior. An advertisement by the Red Cross also pulls on the heart strings to promote pro–social behavior, while an ad by Duncan Quinn also depicts anti–social behavior with a gritty image depicting sexual violence against women. Bystander Effect: Pro–social and Anti–Social Behavior In the clip "Bystander Effect", a social experiment is done to see how bystanders would respond to a girl potentially being abducted (The Today Show, n.d.). The experiment is recorded and observed from afar to witness how people responded. In this clip, there are various examples of pro–social and anti–social behavior to note. Unfortunately, the clip is made up of primarily anti–social behavior. All but one set of people chose not to respond to the situation. Instead, they kept on walking and chose not to get involved. These individuals seemed to not want to have to be in the middle of the situation, or take responsibility for what may or may not be happening with the adult ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Examples Of Explosionade In To Kill A Mockingbird While the rest of his friends are busy storming a Horronym fortress in a final assault, first lieutenant Terry Atticus finds himself all alone back at the base. Apparently his superior didn't take too kindly to some pipes in the officer's latrine that were accidently reversed by Atticus and thus the hapless lieutenant is missing out on the biggest battle of all time. However, while rooting around in the supply room Atticus discovers a prototype mech which he promptly takes into the sewers for some target practice. Instead of finding the snakebats he was expecting, Atticus discovers a whole bunch of aliens and takes it upon himself to take them all out. Explosionade is another one of Mommy's Best Games that was originally released on Xbox 360 ... Show more content on ... Killing everything that moves and collecting all the gold is not only more satisfying, but also results in a better score. For some extra motivation this Steam version of the game also comes with new leaderboards. In addition to being able to jump and hover for a short period of time your mech also comes with a handy multi–purpose shield. The shield makes you impervious to enemy fire and you can even bounce enemy grenades off it with good timing. In addition, you can activate your shield just before hitting the floor or a wall after jumping to perform a nifty shield bounce in order to reach greater heights. However, the shield overheats very quickly and must recharge between uses. Although Explosionade is an action packed title it comes with multiple difficulty settings to ensure players of all skill levels have a fair shot at completing it. Just like the arcade games of old it is possible to finish all the levels in a very short period of time, but the real challenge comes from upping the difficulty and increasing the gameplay speed while aiming for a high score. Players who enjoy beating their own scores or competing with others on the leaderboards will find that Explosionade has a lot of replay value. The game also features a co–op mode, which is a lot of ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Character Analysis Of Wreck-It Ralph Arcade–game character Wreck–It Ralph is tired of always being the "bad guy" and losing to his "good guy" opponent, Fix–It Felix. Finally, after decades of seeing all the glory go to Felix, Ralph decides to take matters into his own hands. He sets off on a game–hopping trip to prove that he has what it takes to be a hero. The ordinary world is portrayed since Wreck–It–Ralph is the "Bad guy" in the arcade game "Fix–It–Felix", where his goal is to destroy the building, and Fix–it–Felix Jr fixes it. When the player in the game wins Fix–It–Felix receives a medal. Ralph isn't a bad guy in real life, but everyone treats him as if he is. Ralph is just as big of a part of the game as Felix is. Ralph lives in the dump behind the building. He tries to enjoy life, but it is kind of hard to do that when no one likes you. Furthermore the Call to Adventure is shown when Ralph sees fireworks and can tell that Felix and the Nicelanders are having a party without him, even though he is a big part of the game. Ralph decides to go up to the apartment. Felix lets him in but acts like he forgot to invite Ralph. Ralph notices on the cake that all the nicelanders are on the top of the cake while he is on the ground in the mud, because he will never be a hero or win a medal like Felix. Ralph melts down and says that he will win a medal, and it will be the shiniest medal anyone has ever see. After Ralph leaves the party he goes to the game "Tapper" he asks the bartender if there is any game that ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Video Games Stereotypes Video Games Video games first started being introduced into the world around the 1970's and since then have evolved and made an impact on the real life and online world. Throughout the years of video games making more and more of an impact in the entertainment industry, the question to weather they are a form of media still remains. Media is defined as "the main means of mass communication (television, radio, and newspapers) regarded collectively." And depending where you're coming from media can include the video gaming industry, film industry, tv industry and of course the news and marketing industries. The constant evolvement of the video game industry and internet in general has seen the creation of various online communities. These ... Show more content on ... As video games is such a big medium, they are able to convey messages to the players in a more low–key way, gender representations and stereotyping are both big things that the video gaming industry can effectively play a big part in. Stereotyping refers to one group's generalised and widely accepted perception about the personal attributes of members of another group (Ashmore & Boca, 1981; Dates & Barlow, 1990). Within most traditional media, gender and racial stereotypes are the most pervasive two. Increased distorted representation of women and minorities can have a negative effect on the way that the viewer sees that particular group. The way that video games are able to influence large masses is another reason to why it is able to be classified as a legitimate form of media. The definition of media as stated above being,"the main means of mass communication (television, radio, and newspapers) regarded collectively.". Female characters have changed and evolved throughout the time of video games, the first ever playable female character in a mainstream game was created in 1986 and then another well known female character was created by 1996, and that one being the protagonist of Tomb Raider, Lara Croft. By 2014 it is now able to be chosen by the player in a collective of certain games to weather they play as male or female. It isn't uncommon to see a female characters in a video game to be over sexualised, much like mass media in todays age. Female characters are also commonly portrayed as a "damsel in distress", and the male protagonist is usually the one to save her. Mass medias such as the news and newspapers have this in common with video games, making it out that females usually need some sort of male "hero" in their lives. There is a big push for more women to be involved in the creation of video games ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Airheads Business Analysis Essay Strategic Analysis Project Airheads Trampoline Arena 26th July 2012 Table of contents Executive Summary7 EXTERNAL ANALYSIS Introduction9 Family Entertainment Center Industry9 Market Size9 Sales Growth10 Stages of Industry Life Cycle11 Trend12 Key Competitors12 Pest Analysis13 Exhibit 1: Factors of the PEST Analysis14 Political and Legal Factors14 Economic Factors16 Socio–Cultural Factors20 Technological Factors21 PEST Analysis Conclusion22 Porter's Five Forces24 Threat of New Entrants24 Exhibit 2: Barriers to Entry Checklist24
  • 14. New Entrants Conclusion ... Show more content on ... This firm falls within the family entertainment center (FEC) industry and opened its first location in 2010. Currently, the business has three open locations: Tampa, St. Petersburg, and Orlando. It offers services specifically fortrampoline usage but also diversifies by providing an arcade and a cafГ©. During 2011 the company's revenue was higher than expected, ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Ready Player One Is Made By Ernest Cline Ready Player One is made by Ernest Cline is his first novel made in 2011. Ernest Cline says that he is a "screenwriter, spoken–word artist, and full–time geek" and he currently lives in Austin, Texas with his wife and his daughter. Throughout the book 's journey, he had many different variations of the story. Speaking of the story, in the year 2044 the world isn 't a great place to live. The energy crisis is a large threat, people are starving, and many people are in poverty. Even though the world isn 't in the best place in the world, there is one thing that people enjoy. It 's called OASIS,: it stands for Ontologically Anthropocentric Sensory Immersive Simulation. This device is used as a multi–platform, massively multiplayer, ... Show more content on ... These guys are called Gunters; these guys are going after Halliday 's Easter Egg which is a contest to win the company the owns the OASIS. Like in every story, there has to be an antagonist or business rather. Meet IOI or Interactive Online Industries, which is hated by most everyone in the OASIS community. They want to control the free OASIS and charge people for usages. Like every company, there are different divisions, like the Oology division. This division was created to hunt after Halliday 's Easter Egg to win over the OASIS, the Oology division's head and is the main antagonist of the story. I didn 't even tell about James Halliday; he is the owner of GSS, Gregarious Simulation Systems (Originally Gregarious Games before OASIS was released). Halliday was the introverted genius that created many award winning and astounding games. Halliday and Ogden Morrow founded GSS, Og was the business end of GSS and was the social one of the duo. He ran the publishing, advertising, and most of the interviews. Og had many different meetings when Halliday died, at the beginning of the book the creator of OASIS died and a video was released about Halliday 's Easter Egg. This contest was used to find the new heir to the throne of GSS and OASIS. Halliday 's Easter Egg also came with a large sum of cash to sweeten the pot. Naturally, this contest is widely popular, and everyone is looking to find the first of the three gates to finish the ... Get more on ...
  • 16. How Gaming Saved My Future Hello, My name is Marcus Paige. This is my essay on how gaming saved my future. I discovered gaming through watching television. One show in particular that caught my attention, was called "Nick's Video Arcade". I would really get into that show because during that time I did not own my a console of my own. So, this was the best I could do at the time. I would also pick up gaming magazines from time to time. I could see what was new in the gaming scene and read about future consoles coming out. I also became a huge fan of the readers section of these magazines, since you could send in questions and have them answered. Another thing that got me into gaming was a family friend. I can remember as a child I would always go along with my mother to visit one of her good friends. While I was there, her son and I would always end up playing games the whole time I was visiting. By getting into gaming, I feel that it has helped me out in many different ways. For example, back in high school I wasn't the smartest student. I didn't apply myself much . You could say I was stuck inside a spiral going down–wards. I would notice that things weren't going so well, but I really didn't bother to try or turn myself around . During my downward spiral, I would find myself constantly making bad decisions. I would go out and party when I knew I should be at home studying,or doing my homework assignments. I was also hanging out with people who had no care about my academic ... Get more on ...
  • 17. My Favourite Movie : Pixel : My Favorite Movie Pixel is My Favorite Movie Pixel is a comedy movie based on old arcade games. The movie was directed by Chris Columbus and written by Timothy Dowling and Tim Herlihy. The movie came out in 2015 and had some really well known actors named Kevin James, Adam Sandler, Josh Gad, and Peter Dinklage. The group of actors worked with actress, Michelle Monaghan, to take down alien life forces that were trying to destroy the Earth. This movie has a competitive feel because as kids Eddie, Peter Dinklage, and Brenner, Adam Sandler, were in avideo game tournament together and ended up in the championship with each other. The final arcade game was Donkey Kong. The match between the two got intense when, "We Will Rock You" by Queen came on in the... Show more content on ... The centipede went into a hotel and stopped in some elderly ladies room and started doing her work out with her then Brenner caught up with it and the centipede jumped out of the window and almost ate a kid but Brenner shot it from the back and killed it. It gets better because the kid like, "Who are you mister?" and Brenner said, "I'm just a loser who played video games as a kid." I honestly don't know why that conversation was so funny because the kid finished it off with, "Well thank God for that". It was time for celebration, but five minutes into the celebration the aliens issued the next challenge which was Pac–Man so back to work. Pac–Man is man's best friend or so I thought. It all started when they had to go get Eddie from a federal prison. He had some really high demands before he decided to work with him especially the one where he wanted a date with Serena Williams. The creator of Pac–Man also came to help and altogether Eddie, Brenner, and Ludlow they all drove cars to try to "eat" Pac–Man like the ghost it in the actual arcade game. I guess they were at a handicap because the Creator got his arm bit off by his own creation, which was hysterically funny, so he couldn't drive but they still had a good odds three on one. Pac–Man had ended up getting his power pellets and ate Eddie and ludlow's car so it was only up to Brenner. Brenner ended up getting the win for the Earth ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Gaming Observations Essay At 1:15pm Saturday afternoon, I am currently hanging out at the student gaming center with the pool tables and a line of arcades in front of me. At least nine to twelve players are gathered around 2 gaming arcade machines in front of me. The two main popular ones that are of interest would be the Street Fighter 3rd Strike and the Marvel vs Capcom 2 machines. The gamers are heavily immerse in watching the players and cheering them on. I am observing four players playing on two separate machines. The two players who are on MVC2 are wearing both hooded jackets and baggy jeans with tennis shoes. It seems they were here for quite a while. Backpacks are off to the side of the machines or lying around randomly near them on the ground and some... Show more content on ... I can see the vines pulsing on the sides of their forehead and one of the players just picked up a Gatorade bottle and drank the yellow liquid, lemon flavor I presume. His opponent next to him just wiped the sweat off his forehead with his right arm and yelled that that was a cheap and dirty move. The players that have more spectators I observe a higher level of energy being presented and a potential hostility. The gamers who are playing on the 3rd strike machine were a lot more calm and benevolent. I will hear the players commend each other about how that was a great move and basically playing nice. Compared to the players on the MVC2 machine where the players would suggest that it was a lucky shot in a mean way. The players that are watching contribute to the heat by instigating and yelling out fighting words I can see that the players are irritated and playing much more aggressive, the tapping of the buttons and movements of the joystick is much more prevalent and erratic. The players on the 3rd strike machine even stopped a few times to watch the battle going on and two guys from the pool table nearby would occasionally look up to watch the commotion. After thirty minutes in, there had been three rotations of players on the MVC2 machine and I noted that one of the players had been winning against all his opponents. The surrounding people at the center are all wearing casual dress attire and after fifty minutes ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Personal Narrative The telephone game. Little did I know that as an adult I would grow up to play that silly, annoying and pointless game of telephone. Although, this time it was not among five friends on the playground. The adult version was a giant, Costco–sized, City–wide version of the game. Just as my childhood game, this "adult" version is played by some more than others. While some of my classmates in grade school would spend their whole 30–minute recess going around in a circle, whispering in someone's ear and feeling entertained of the outcome word, I was kicking ass on the hand ball court. Maybe it was that I grew up around boys and the thought of sitting on my butt, whispering in someone's ear and waiting for an exciting turnout... was not my jam. Growing up with boys made me blunt and outspoken. Sometimes too opinionated and often times, misinterpreted. When "my gang" and I had an issue, we acted upon it. If we had a problem with one another, we handled it. Right there and then, the conflicts disappeared. I remember once, the boys and I had beef with one another about a silly toy car. We all wanted toplay with this car, but didn't want to share it. The fighting led to the backyard where shit got real. Fists where flying, tennis racquets where swinging, tackling was happening (did I mention I was always in a dress that matched my ... Show more content on ... ok... we all sorta play the telephone game. But that is inevitable in the world of social media and gossip. We all have been guilty of he said she said. We have all sat around a table, across from our friends, with a wine or beer glass in hand and started a conversation with words such as "have you heard?" "is it true?" "She said this!?" Now, this is when some of us decide to pause, evaluate and assess the situation with the correct party. Others, take the words gathered and find a way to slip it in to the next "friend gathering", while adding in another JUICY "fact". Why? To keep shit interesting! DUH!?! Umm... no. Fail. ... Get more on ...
  • 20. All The Arcades Of The World "Of all the arcades in the world, she had to walk into mine. Tina, the only person who could beat me at Pacman, back to prove it again."(Hill 3 Feb). The very short story spoke to me about love and I felt my heart ache. Of all the hearts in the world, she had to walk into his. He's a player and the only one that could beat him at his own game is Tina. The man, however, uses thearcade game Pacman to hide his feelings and frustration toward Tina. Unlike most scenarios Tina is playing with what I'm assuming is, a man's heart once again maybe for her own pleasure. I feel as if this would be a start to a romantic novel as it starts with "Of all the arcades in the world, she had to walk into mine." (Hill 3 Feb.) If you simply replace arcade with heart you can see the romance the author is feeling, the love struck feeling. In a way I feel as if the first sentence reveals the gender of the author as males typically hide their feelings and this seems to be a man in love. The author puts Tina as a person of importance as she is the starting point of the second sentence and the sentence reveals she has the power to beat him/her, thus the author values her. I feel as if the two sentences suffice and allows a reader to imagine the rest of the story. Also, the size of the work allows for some mystery as the audience doesn't truly know what the author means, so it's left for one's own thoughts. Thus, I would consider this to be a work of literature as any piece of writing is no matter ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Essay on How Games Have Changed from Atari to Xbox Atari was the first commercial video game company with hits like 'break out" and "pong". For many people pong was the first video game they have ever played. The idea of pong is that there is two rectangles that only move up and down and a little square that bounces around the screen until one of the rectangles miss, once the rectangle miss' the game is over. This game may seem simple now but it sold 19,000 units so you can say what you want but back then this was the greatest game ever. Eventually "Pac–man" came along, this is what "" had to say. On May 22, 1980, the Pac–Man video game was released in Japan and by October of the same year it was released in the United States. The yellow,... Show more content on ... It was created by Nolan Bushnell and Steve Bristow, influenced by the 1972 Atariarcade game Pong, and built by Steve Wozniak aided by Steve Jobs. The game was ported to video game consoles and upgraded to video games like Super Breakout. Also, Breakout was the basis and inspiration for books, video games, film, and the apple 2 personal computers. Here comes asteroids, but I think I should explain. Asteroids is an arcade fourth person shooter released in November in 1979 by Atari Inc. It was one of the most popular games of the great age of arcade games, selling 70,000 arcade cabinets. Asteroids use a vector display and a two–dimensional view that wraps around in both screen axes. The player controls a spaceship in space, which has a timed traverse by flying saucers. The point of the game is to shoot and destroy asteroids and spaceships while not crashing with either, or being hit by the spaceships' lasers. As you can see these games would seem pretty simple to us now, in fact let's explore some of the 20th century video games. Let's start off with prince of Persia: sands of time. This game is very well known for the puzzles that were so simple but you would over think it because it was a video game Xbox list says "sands of time is a major advancement in the gaming industry" Here comes the game that will still have sequels in 2037 halo. "Halo" is a first person shooter that is on top of ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Personal Narrative: My Tomb Raider This year at Comic Con my husband and I spent a lot of time in the Xbox Lounge. Our hotel was a across the street from where it was being held and it was never too busy. There were times the lines to play games such as Mortal Kombat X, Gears of War: Ultimate Edition, and Rise of the Tomb Raider, exceeded 45 minutes, but on the adjacent wall there were 6 huge TVs unoccupied by players beckoning us to play. There awaited Forza Motorsport 6. Glossy images of different cars and courses flashed across the screen and I glanced at Hugh who was hastily selecting his course to begin a race. I let out a sigh and figured I would give it a shot. With that being said, playing FM6 stirred a revival for racing games in my soul. Usually if I play a ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Animal Abuse: The Super Mario Franchise The Super Mario franchise is a popular video game series and has been Nintendo's bread and butter for more than 25 years. With the game's loveable mascot and main character Mario it's no doubt that the game is favoured, but, there's one thing that has always been a bit off. When playing the game, you believe that Mario is the protagonist. However, after a lot of research I have found that Mario from the Super Mario games is actually a murderous, womanizing, family destroying, animal abusing, curle misanthropic, sociopath, and we've been lied to for more than 25 years. Mario is hiding many things under the bulbous nose and his loud spirited "Ya–Ho"one being that he's an animal abuser. Let's start at the beginning where Mario made his first... Show more content on ... The story as everyone know goes like this, a giant ape steals mario's girlfriend and the heroic Italian must try and save her, but has anyone ever stopped and considered why Donkey Kong steals Mario's girlfriend ? Seeing movies like King kong and hearing stories about damsels in distress we're prone to think that the giant ape is the bad guy, but did you know that Mario used to be Donkey Kong's master and abused him and Donkey Kong broke out just to get even. After doing research I found "Donkey Kong circus" from the game watch series a prequel to the arcade game. In the game and watch game we see Jumpman (A.K.A. Mario) running a circus and the main attraction a giant ape on wheelbarrow juggling pineapples trying to avoid fire. Donkey kong is made to look like a fool forced to burn his hand scolded and laughed at every time he drops a pineapple surely this is no way to treat an animal. Mario's tournament to animals doesn't stop there in fact the sequel to Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong Jr. Mario takes Donkey Kong and puts him in a leaving Donkey Kong Jr. to cheat death and save his father. Mario even attacks insects. Take Wigglers for example an enemy in the mario series that does no harm to mario whats so ever, but once mario attacks a Wiggler they ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Bowie Vs Kukri Research Paper The Bowie vs The Kukri Keywords: Bowie Knives, Bowie knives for sale Bowie Knives or Kukri Knives – which is more lethal? "Comparisons are odious," wrote the poet John Lydgate in the 15th century. While that may be true, comparisons are fun too, and inevitable. Below we look at two of the most celebrated knives in human history and leave the judgment to you. The Bowie Knife The "Bowie" knife is the quintessential American knife. Invented by famous pioneer Jim Bowie, its legend originates from a bar fight in which Bowie, armed with his knife, survived despite being up against guns. That blade was different from the modern–day Bowie knives and more like a butcher's knife. The design later evolved to include some standard features, such as a... Show more content on ... The lumbering blade is twice as heavy as the Bowie but it is one uncompromising, destructive weapon. A sharp Kukri in the hands of anyone capable of wielding it with skill is a force to be reckoned with (Google the exploits of Gurkha soldiers in the World Wars). If your parallel–earth opponent is a quick, lithe individual with a knife of his own, then the lighter, more wieldable Bowie would be the better option. If he is a big, strong giant of a figure, and you are unsure of the damage the Bowie would cause, then opt for the Kukri. Granted, it is easier to stab with a Bowie, but a stabbing stroke is also easier to deflect. Now imagine him trying to parry or deflect the swing of a shiny, heavier Kukri; also, a Kukri strike does not have to be perfect to inflict damage. Bowie and Kukri in popular culture The knife immortalized by Sly Stallone in the Rambo franchise is a version of the Bowie knife. Milla Jovovich's Alice from the Resident Evil movies has put many a monster to rest with the Kukri. Interestingly, the Bowie and the Kukri appears together in the original Bram Stoker's Dracula, in 1897. A Kukri decapitates the Count as a Bowie plunges into his heart. Debate hardly ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Analysis Of Ernest Cline's Ready Player One Ready Player One is made by Ernest Cline is his first novel made in 2011. Ernest Cline says that he is a "screenwriter, spoken–word artist, and full–time geek" and he currently lives in Austin, Texas with his wife and his daughter. Throughout the book's journey he had many different variations of the story. Speaking of the story, in the year 2044 the world isn't a great place to live in. The energy crisis is a large threat, people are starving, and a many people are in poverty. Even though the world isn't in the best place in the world, there is one thing that people enjoy. It's called OASIS, it stands for Ontologically Anthropocentric Sensory Immersive Simulation. This device is used as a multi platform, massively multiplayer, open ... Show more content on ... Ready Player One by Ernest Cline was a diamond in the rough, I was at a discount book store with my family when I stumbled upon the book. I looked at the cover and read the back, I was hooked instantly. I bought the book and was over 5 chapters into the book by the time I arrived at home. I couldn't put the book down! This book fit everything I enjoy into one one book, sarcasm, 80s pop culture, video games, and humor. As you read the book you get to feel how the author thinks and and acts through the book. The Huffington post calls it "the grown–up's Harry Potter". This book kept me completely focused into the story. This amazing book has helped me go through tough times and i'm very happy that i found this book. I can't give a rating on how the book is, but i can say that it's a fantastic 80's culture fueled adventure that is worth ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Essay On The Battle Of Midway 1943: The Battle of Midway [1987] 1943: The Battle of Midway is a shoot 'em up arcade game, or more accurately a vertical scrolling shooter game, designed and developed by Capcom and published in 1987. The game was the sequel to Capcom's 1984 game, 1942 which was the first in the 19XX series. In this game analysis of 1943: The Battle of Midway, also referred to as 1943, will be analysed subjectively under the following headings: story, technology, aesthetics, and mechanics. Story "We have the ability to project ourselves into just about anything we control." [J.Schell, 2008] Anyone who grew up in the arcades is very much familiar with 1943: The Battle of Midway. The game is set in the Pacific theater of World War II, off the coast of the Midway Atoll. In terms of story, what separates the 1942 from the 1943 is that the latter sets specifically on aerial combat around Midway. "We filter reality through our sense, and through our minds, and the consciousness we actually experience is a kind of illusion – not really reality at all." [J.Schell, 2008] As this game is somewhat fictional in its nature, Schell states a very relevant point about reality and this 'illusion' games create for us. ... Show more content on ... 'The Japanese main squadron tasted defeat off the coast of Midway Islands'. Some say that this battle greatly changed the outcome of the war. The aim in this game is to represent a battle during a historical conflict through a screen. The focus in the game is to attack the Japanese air fleet that bombed the American aircraft carrier, pursue all Japanese air and sea forces, fly through the 16 stages of play, and make their way to the Japanese battleship Yamato and destroy. The challenge is to destroy the battleship, 'Yamato'. Relive the excitement of "1943" by controlling ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Journal Report On Journal ( Trip ) ( 2011-2012 Item No. 1 Journal (Trip to France) – 2011–2012Item No. 1 The first item in my portfolio is a journal from when my family took a trip to France. Since my dad was granted a sabbatical, our family travelled to the south of France for a year to learn French and gain cultural experience. We took this trip during the time I was in Grade 6; however, we had to take school in French instead, which was probably more difficult. I chose to add this journal because it is an accurate summary of many of the things my family did in France, and it shows my progress throughout the year learning French. In order to be able to communicate while my family was in France, all of us had to learn to speak and write in French. This was a challenge, but we took lessons ... Show more content on ... However, I would make sure to keep a more detailed account of what I was doing. I would need to keep a better journal so that I could remember all the things I did. There are so many things to do and see that it is nearly impossible not to forget something! In France, I learned the value of heightened social and interpersonal skills and awareness. I found that when speaking in French, I was much more confident than when I spoke in English, and this led to me being less introverted. By writing a journal, I also learned how to summarize facts concisely, and how to communicate effectively. This journal demonstrates that I have effective communication skills, especially in writing. It also shows how I am always working to improve my general skill set. You can see this throughout the journal, as my French gets better and better! Rock (Asteroids Game) – July 2013Item No. 2 As the second item in my portfolio, I chose to add a rock. Although a rock is something very ordinary, to me it represents something very special: the time when I created a clone of the arcade game Asteroids. This was significant because it was the first time I had created a video game that actually looked professional; it was also the first video game for which I developed a fully functional computerized opponent. I chose a rock to represent part of me in my portfolio, because it is a ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Video Games For Good Essay Gaming for Good Video Games are entertaining, interesting, and just plain old fun, but many believe that they are poison to the minds children, teens and even adults. Through studies, scientist and psychologist have determined the exact opposite and that video games actually strengthen your brain and help balance emotions. Since the rise of Electronic gaming, parents have feared video games were damaging the foundation of influence they have tried to build unto their children. Over the time that video games developed, controversy had its rise. Scientist, colleges and physiologist have tested with video games and people that helps put controversy and theories to rest. Video games have not been around forever. It has only been almost half a... Show more content on ... When even asked to do even any of these things children would lash out in rebellion against their parents. Video games had taken all the accusations for the misbehavior of their children. Eventually the children would listen to their parents and go outside to play. The parents were relieved to see their children outside again but the relieve quickly faded when they saw their children reenact the games they had played. Seeing them pretend to be the characters from Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat. So the world responed with the rating system." Mortal Kombat (1992) shocked parents and politicians with its violent gameplay and gory graphics. In response, the video game industry established the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB). The board rates games by recommending an appropriate age range for players " (Electronic game.) The mid eighties was a gaming explosion in history with the rise of a powerful gaming company called Nintendo. The japanese gaming company, Nintendo, invents and releases the NES, Nintendo Entertainment System. With the release of the NES came games such as Super Mario and The Legend of Zelda. These games would later grow to become amazing and major gaming franchise. With fun gameplay along with story driven experience, gamers fell in love. The success of The NES and its gaming titles had turned millions of people into gamers. Gamers would go home and play on their ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Pac Man Project Tyrone Mills BSE 15021 C 1 Game Design Document Project Name: Pac Man Project Name: Tyrone Mills Batch: BSE 15021 C Date: 22/06/2015 Lecturer: Shilpa Ranjit Tyrone Mills BSE 15021 C 2 Overview PacMan is a relatively simple arcade style game in which the player controls the PacMan, guiding him through a maze collecting food pills while avoiding the various ghosts present in the game. Each of the ghosts present in the game have their own unique pattern of behavior. The red ghost (Blinky) tries to catch the player by moving towards the player at all times using the shortest possible path. The pink ghost (Pinky) tries to move to a point four movement steps ahead of the player, this has the effect of causing him to appear to be trying to cut off... Show more content on ... Additional sound has been added for the additions to the game. This is to add to the effect of the fireball. Sounds has been added for the collection of the Power pill to indicate to the player that something different to eating normal pills has happened. During the intro screen the original soundtrack plays once the game starts though this sound is stopped. This is because the sound triggered by PacMan eating the pills and the original soundtrack add up to become unpleasant at normal speaker settings and there is no method within Game Maker to alter the balance. UI The UI is very simple having only the score and the player's lives on the screen at the bottom below the maze. This simple display is all that is needed as the only two factors the players needs is their current score and lift total. A prompt informing the player that spacebar will fire a fireball will also appear at the bottom of the screen next to the bonus lives counter when the player collects a Power pill. This has been added as the ability to fire fireballs is not standard and the player will Tyrone Mills BSE 15021 C ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Marketing Analysis : Barcade 's Mission Essay Barcade's mission is to provide Iowa City with the social experience of a bar combined with the entertainment excitement of an arcade. This combination of games and drinks will allow customers to have a unique and memorable social experience, one they cannot get anywhere else. It is important for a business to have an effective mission statement. For a mission to be effective, it needs to be brief yet define what the company aims to do and why (Crawford, October 4, 2016). Barcade's mission statement does this by stating what it plans to offer to its customers and why the customers will value the service. Barcade will offer customers a full menu of delectable drinks along with our main attraction which will be a variety of popular classic as well as sensational new arcade games. The arcade will feature some of the all–time top grossing arcade games such as Pac–Man, Donkey Kong, and Asteroids alongside newer digital games including Flappy Bird, Guitar Hero, and Angry Birds. In addition to these games Barcade will also offer shooting games, racing games, pool, air hockey, darts and more. The downtown Iowa City area provides an exceptional location for Barcade as it is home to one of the nation's top party schools and nearly 30,000 college students. The bar scene in Iowa City is prosperous and the large population of young adults who reside there will be attracted to the unique idea of Barcade. Specifically, young adult gamers will be our target market because they are ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Pacman Research Paper Pacman is a game in which you are a yellow circle character called Pacman, you are trying to eat all of the little white dots to add to your score as well as eating any other bonus to increase your score. However, there are a number of ghosts which are trying to stop you, if you run into them you die and lose a life, once you are out of lives you lose and will have to start from the beginning. There are also big dots which will give you a temporary power up when you consume them, this power up makes the ghosts scared of you and try to run away, during this time you are also able to eat them to get even more score. Once you have eaten all of the dots you clear the level and have won the game. This game is an arcade game and so has bright colours and is not meant to look realistic, this also applies to the sound, which has an 8–bit feel to it making the game come to life and making the player feel more connected to it. I have kept this in mind when making changes to my game as I do not want to disrupt Pacman's unique feel. ... Show more content on ... First off, I have made all of the Pacman Ghosts the same colour, I have done this just because I wanted to have 8 Ghosts and found it harder to concentrate when they were all different colours buzzing around the screen, so making all the Ghosts one colour made it easier to concentrate and still kept the ghosts fun. I also changed the base number of ghosts from 4 to 8 and increased the map size, also removing the tunnels from the side. I have done this as I wanted to make a large map however found that it would be too easy if the player could jump from one side of the map to the other, and found that there weren't enough ghosts for the large map ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Dead Panic Compare And Contrast The two games designed by Justin De Witt, Castle Panic which was released in 2009, and Dead Panic, released in 2013, that have very similar mechanics and gameplay. Castle Panic is a game about defending six towers from being destroyed by incoming monsters, while Dead Panic is about surviving and escaping a zombie apocalypse in a cabin in the woods. The two games have some major similarities that they share, but also some important differences that make themselves unique. Both games can have 2 to 6 players, but there are other similarities that link these two games, such as the enemies in the games. Each game has enemies on small tokens that enter the game when drawn from a bag. For both games the monsters have health that when damaged, is turned to lower their health until it hits zero and is then taken of the board. Another similarity between the games is... Show more content on ... In Castle Panic there are the plain monsters such as trolls and goblins, and in Dead Panic there are brutes and shamblers. The difference that sets the two apart is that Castle Panic includes boss monsters that make the game more difficult, while in Dead Panic, when you defeat a monster then they can enter the game again later. Between the two games monsters move differently in one compared to the other, in Castle Panic monsters move forward one towards the center after each player's turn, whereas in Dead Panic monsters move in one towards the cabin, unless it's a sprinter or the zombies have a direct line of sight to someone who is outside, then they move towards that player. The major difference between the two games is the objective to win the game, for Castle Panic you must survive all the waves of monsters without losing all of the towers in the center, while in Dead Panic you must collect three radio pieces to call in the car and escape, but you don't need everyone to win if they die to the ... Get more on ...
  • 33. The Marketing Model Canvas As An Analytical Framework Critique Our group has used the Business Model Canvas as an analytical framework to evaluate The Fun Center and generate recommendations to further improve the delivery of its value proposition. The Fun Center aims to provide children with an exciting and safe place to have fun by providing an array of arcade games, food and beverages, and event hosting. We made no changes to the general premise of the Business Plan, but rather we fine–tuned the aspects we felt lacked clarity. The gaps that we originally identified in the first version of the Business Plan were minor and posed little threat to the company's overall success. However, we felt that The Fun Center's lack of distinctiveness would limit the company in terms of potential growth. ... Show more content on ... Recommendation 1: Market to Children and Parents Our analysis of the Business Model Canvas has revealed a minor hole in the channels section. We feel as though the company's business plan failed to account for a very significant customer segment: kids. Currently, marketing is directed towards arcade enthusiasts and middle to upper class adults. The hope is that parents will be intrigued by the company's value and bring their children to the arcade. However, considering that the value proposition seeks to serve children ages 5–12 as a target customer segment, the Business Model Canvas would suggest that a channel should exist to directly connect The Fun Center's value to children. In addition to advertising to adults with traditional methods, we recommend that The Fun Center also market directly to children in order to improve reputation and garner more interest. For example, advertising The Fun Center on children's shows and radio stations will communicate to children in ways that are already familiar and comfortable to them. According to small business advice from Hearst newspapers, it would cost 200 to 1,500 dollar to commercially advertise The Fun Center on a local station, a small investment for a large long term benefit (Wagner, 2015). In in the same way they react to new toys and cereal, they will ask their parents to bring them to The Fun Center. Further, to partner with local elementary ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Pac Man Essay Pac Man is a single game which mainly includes three engagement types: accomplishment, challenge, sensation. Its easy way of control and pixel style visual directly grab players' attention from the beginning of the game. For accomplishment, as human being's natural instincts of eating, a full map of pac dots firstly satisfies player's desire to collect all of the rewards. By obtaining not only the pac dots, but also the fruit, player gains points. The fruit symbolizes higher rewards just like its prettier appearence. Noticing that there are bigger pac dots on the map, player discovers skills after eating those dots. Meaning by discovery, when first eating the bigger dots, player could not positively acknowledge that amplified dots are actually... Show more content on ... On a deeper understanding level, Pac Man could be defined as a game of people's limitless desire. And Toru Iwatani cleverly wins on designing such a game based on this knowledge. No matter which client you play on, either PC or other game consoles, sound always plays an indispensable role of the game. The dynamic background music enables players to distinguish the progress of the game. With beating notes playing next to players' ears, the thrill journey begins with hiding from chasing enemies. Gradually, some planning risk–taking tricks appear in players' mind. To know one's own strength and the enemy's is the sure way to victory. Players preying enemies brings a new outlook as if the world is in an opposite way. Back in those years Pac Man was just released, players gathered at arcade halls to play Pac Man on the machines. Fellowship grows here. Not like the one in the online games, this kind of friendship builds up an offline player community. Real People meet from playing games and spectating other's game. They share game experience and interact with a full human being. Nowadays, though a huge percent of people play Pac Man on PCs, but this time period of offline fellowship once existed and sometimes is still happening right ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Bill Gates and Nolan Bushnell Pioneers of Computer Programming When you think of 21st century computing, two things come to mind: Windows and video games. Learning Team A introduces you to the two men responsible for these phenomena В– Bill Gates and Nolan Bushnell. William Henry Gates III During that late 1960's and early 1970's, BASIC was one of the premier programming languages. At that time, Bill Gates and his friend Paul Allen made the commitment to learn BASIC by reading the user manuals. In exchange for computer time, they made an agreement with a local company called the Computer Center Corporation to provide de–bugging services for software on the company's DEC machine. This time was used not only to search for errors, but also to study the operating ... Show more content on ... After seeing the magazine article, Gates contacted Ed Roberts of the MITS Company and proposed to that he write some BASIC software for the Altair. The MITS personnel were impressed with the initial work that Gates and his friends had completed and decided to meet with them to test the team's code. After a successful demonstration of the code, Gates made the decision to leave school and move to Albuquerque and work with MITS on the Altair. After the move Gates would devote his energies to Microsoft, a company that he would establish in 1975 with Allen. Guided by a belief that the computer would be a valuable tool on every office desktop and in every home, they began developing software for personal computers. Microsoft would sell its BASIC system to MITS, NCR and Intel. It proved to be more cost effective for companies to buy Microsoft software rather than spend the time and money to develop their own. In January of 1979, Gates made the decision to move Microsoft to Seattle, Washington. Gates believed that part of the country was better suited for recruiting programmers. Microsoft adopted a new standard for hiring employees; the company decided to hire only the most gifted and intelligent new college graduates rather than experienced programmers. The company was looking for talent that came with no previous programming biases. The expansions of personnel would lead to the development of a
  • 36. ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Social Underground Everything you need to know about in this weekly series: How climate scientists can predict the future of our planet with climate models, a book that teaches you how not to suck, a lesson on how you can control you dreams, and a new video game movie starring Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. At Social Underground we go beyond the mainstream stuff and see what's underneath the surface. What should we get into, listen to, read, eat or watch? If there is something in our culture that needs attention that's our job: Show you the underground things that you need to know about: Books, music, television, movies, comedians, art, and whatever else we can find to get you into something you never knew about. That's The Underground. 1. How climate ... Show more content on ... As douchey as it may sounds, some people need a lesson or two on how not to suck. You can sit around with a group of people, overhear them bragging or talking stupid, and then think, "Man, I wish there was a class for this guy to take to not suck so much." Well, there may not be a class, but there is a book by Nick Riggle that may help that guy out. We all know people who are awesome and people who suck, but what do we really mean by these terms? Have you ever been chill or game? Do you rock or rule? If so, then you're tapped into the ethics of awesomeness. Awesome people excel at creating social openings that encourage expressions of individuality and create community. And if you're a cheapskate, self–promoter, killjoy, or douchebag, you're the type of person who shuts social openings down. Put more simply: You suck. From street art to folk singers, Proust to the great etiquette writer Emily Post, President Obama to former Los Angeles Dodger Glenn Burke, Riggle draws on pop culture, politics, history, and sports to explore the origins of awesome, and delves into the nuances of what it means to suck and why it's so important to strive for awesomeness. An accessible and entertaining lens for navigating the ethics of our time, On Being Awesome provides a new and inspiring framework for understanding ourselves and creating meaningful connections in our everyday lives. The man knows his stuff. You can go buy this book for relatively cheap at Amazon.
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  • 39. What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Online... Task 1A Communication offline and online can be quite different, it seems like more and more of the population prefer the digital way of communicating. Online communication can be very practical, easy and fun. Talking to a friend is as easy as clicking a few buttons on your phone, instead of having to go through the stress of travelling to the other person and talking face to face. Living far away from your friends is less annoying than before. Before the age of smartphones and technology, you would again have to meet your friend face to face. Luckily, we live in 2017 and now you can just call them or chat with them online whenever you want. And by the way, you avoid the chance of having an "awkward silence", which is a big plus. Offline communication also has its pros. The fact that you can see the face of the person you're talking to is nice. Sarcasm is easier to read, since the other person can see that you're joking, instead of them thinking ... Show more content on ... I logged off the OASIS and went back to the "stack", but there was no prize waiting for me there. I went to my OASIS console, but no prize was found. Out of hope, I laid down in my bed and thought long and hard about where the prize could be. I grabbed a pen and paper, which probably no one else has done in the last two–hundred years. On the paper, I drew a timeline. A timeline of my life. It started with being born, living with his mom and dad, his dad mysteriously disappearing, going to public–school and then moving to the OASIS–school system. I quickly realised that living with my mom and dad was the happiest time of my life. So, my old home must be the place that truly means the most to me, and it was there I was headed. The phone in my pocket vibrated, there was a notification sent to every participant of the competition. Player One released the clue he told me a few hours ago, to everyone. Millions of people were now searching for the prize, but I had a head ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Animated Movie Wreck It Ralph The animated film, Wreck–it Ralph, directed by Rich Moore, follows the adventures of a "bad guy" by the name of Ralph as he looks to distinguish himself as more than a bad guy in the sense of the word. The move takes place inside of a video game called "Wreck–it–Ralph", located in a larger arcade store filled with customers. Wreck–it–Ralph is a game where Ralph is designed as a muscular freak with only one purpose in his life, to destroy and damage a high–rise apartment in the game, that is until Fix–it–Felix comes in and saves the day. In the eyes of the viewer, Ralph is the villain who looks to destroy the building, and the player takes control of Felix in order to fix Ralph's wrong–doings. What becomes apparent to the viewer rather quickly is that Ralph is no stereotypical "bad guy", and he wishes to be known for more than the guy who just destroys the building, and who is cast off as a menace to those inside the game. In a very Toy–Story like design, the characters inside the video games become alive when the arcade store shuts down for the day, and customers leave. Its at this point characters gather together for drinks, nights out or in Ralphs case, a support group for bad guys trying to deal with the stresses and difficulties of being bad. Looking to prove himself, Ralph eventually leaves his game as he looks to find a better identity for himself as opposed to his bad guy label, as chaos ensues. The movie incorporates video games into its design through multiple ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Stern Electronic Research Paper 'Berzerk' is top view shooting arcade game that is developed by 'Stern Electronic' Company in 1980. The purpose of the game is to survive from the killing robots. In the game, player needs to destroy the robots, run away from an unbeatable monster, and move to the next randomly generated area until the player die. The humanoid, a green figure that is controlled by players, uses the green laser to eliminate the enemies. If the humanoid stays in one place longer or kills every robot in the place, Evil Otto, an unbeatable creature with a happy face, follows the humanoid until it moves to the other areas. After the player dies for three times, the game shows how many points does the player get and register their score on the high score if the player is in top 10.... Show more content on ... The famous games that 'Stern Electronic' published is 'Astro Invader' in 1980, the first published arcade game by 'Stern Electronic,' and 'Amidar' in 1981. 'Stern Electronic' also be known as the pinball machine company, created 'Hot Hand' in 1979, the poker–based pinball game, and 'Flight 2000' in 1980, the first pinball machine with speech. However, 'Stern Electronic' was closed in 1985 because of the North American Video Game Crush in 1983, destroyed the video game console industry until ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Essay CHUCK E CHEESE SEGMENTATION AND TARGET MARKET Chuck E Cheese Segmentation and Target Market by Kimberly D. Stewart Marketing 571 Professor John Mullin Introduction Chuck E. Cheese's Pizza Time Theatre was founded by Nolan Bushnell in 1977, officially being labeled as the first family restaurant to integrate food, animated entertainment, and an indoor arcade.CEC Entertainment, Inc. participates in the food and entertainment industry, as it sells fast food and provides places for family to stay and play together. The food and entertainment industry has been facing challenges. The industry is in a decline. This is because people may be enjoying cooking at home or other ways, which is a cheaper choice. Also, competitors are everywhere, ranging from... Show more content on ... The company prepares games, prizes, rides, food and entertainment which are suitable for children whose ages range from toddlers to big kids. These things can meet children's needs both in physically and mentally. Chuck E Cheese also satisfies family by delicious pizzas and other food. Families have found an ideal place to have fun and improve relationships through birthday parties, playing games and fundraising events for school. Chuck E Cheese emphasizes that everyone needs to have a place where they get some relief from the stresses of life. Chuck E Cheese is the ideal place, where kids and their family can laugh and play in the harmony environment. Chuck E Cheese's hopes that families can be encouraged to spend more time together and place family values first. Geographic Characteristics For Chuck E Cheese, Papa John's international, Inc. and California Pizza Kitchen, Inc. are major competitors. Chuck E Cheese opened 545 stores in the USA and six foreign countries. The number of stores is much more than California Pizza Kitchen, Inc. which has 266 stores in the USA and eleven foreign countries. Chuck E Cheese celebrates its found and success in the food and entertainment industry for 30 years in 2007 while California Pizza Kitchen, Inc. operates 25 years' history. Compared to Chuck E Cheese, Inc. and California Pizza Kitchen, Inc., Papa John's international, Inc. operates more efficiently. Papa John's has been operating well since 1984. There are over ... Get more on ...