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      Message from Marty Vondrell, President
      No Meetings in July or August -
      Next ICF Colorado Monthly Meeting: September 13, 2012
      Special Interest Group (SIG) Meetings
      Teleclass September 5th: "How to Find Your WOW, NOW!"
      Member Benefits: Know Any Local Business Owners?
      Calling All Volunteers!
      Membership in the ICF Colorado
      ICF Colorado is on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter & YouTube!
      Resource Library
      General Meeting Information
      Contact Us

Denver Coach Federation in process of rebranding name to ICF Colorado

The rebranding of our name from Denver Coach Federation to ICF Colorado is going well and the
changes are almost complete.

We appreciate your understanding as we work to make updates as quickly as possible.

Please also note that the new contact email is

Message from Marty Vondrell
President, ICF Colorado

Summer is going by fast, and it has been almost 2 months since we have gotten together for a
general meeting. I hope you're enjoying your summer as we start to enter the beautiful, hot
August nights. Summer really is a special time of year that most of us take some extra time to
slow down and take at least a break or vacation from work. That might be even more appropriate
in our coaching business when things tend to slow down a little bit, and it is important to develop
ourselves. I know I have taken my fair share of long weekends with the family, in addition to
week-long family vacations.

As I have shared in the past, I am always working on myself. I think this is imperative for coaches
because it is essentially a requirement to grow and improve yourself when you are growing and
improving others. I also think it is important to do it in a playful way. I thought I would take a
moment to give you my short list for summer reading, learning and reflection.

A couple of re-reads for me are Eckhart Tolle's The Power of Now and Dan Pink's A Whole New
Mind. Not only are these works powerfully influential to help you create a better life for yourself, I
also believe they are very powerful for the business we are in. We can learn so much about
ourselves and ultimately give that to our clients with our presence. For me, these books have
been especially influential; sometimes I can only read a few pages or paragraphs before I need to
"go inside myself" to contemplate what it means to me. I believe these are good practices.

Another couple of books are Brene Brown's The Gifts of Imperfection (or check out her TED talk,
The Power of Vulnerability) and Stuart Brown's Play. Both of these books can be transformational
in re-evaluating how you are being in your life. I emphasize this because it is so important to
cultivate the attributes of ourself that we value. I am wondering if this shouldn't be a future
meeting topic. What do you think? Please let me know.

No matter what you are doing or reading this summer, I hope it brings happiness and fulfillment
to your life or inspires something in you to make the most out of life. We are part of the most
desirable profession I can imagine, and we are all worthy of it.

Do what you love, laugh along the way, and I will see you in September!

With the warmest regards,
Marty Vondrell
President, ICF Colorado

No Meetings in July or August -
Next ICF Colorado Monthly Meeting: September 13

Date: September 13, 2012

Time: 7:00PM to 9:00PM
(SIGs start at 6:00PM before the general meeting)

Location: PPA Event Center, 2105 Decautur St, Denver, CO 80211

Speaker: Ben Dooley
Topic: "The 3-Step Process to Confident Coaching Connection"

It’s an inevitable part of coaching. Sometimes the connection with our clients is great—there’s
energy and flow and the coaching feels effortless—and then sometimes the coaching feels hard
and flops around, and we're not sure how to get back. What makes it even worse is when we get
stuck in a mindtrap and can’t quite figure how to get out.

I don’t care how new or experienced you are, this occurs more often than you think and it’s hard
to prevent. As a result, your coaching is not nearly as effective and impactful as you believe it to

In other words, once that disconnect happens, and it invariably does, there’s little hope.

Until now.

This interactive and fun workshop shows you three incredibly easy and amazingly powerful
techniques that will not only get you instantly “out of your head” but get you back “into your
client.” Armed with this knowledge and experience, your coaching will be more confident and
empowered. In other words, you’re on the path to Your Coaching Magnificence.

Hey, new coaches! Although this workshop deals with some Advanced Coaching techniques, you’ll
find that it is pretty easy to grasp. Not only that, but after this, you’ll have a more solid foundation
of client connection upon which to build your coaching skills in your training.

But suppose you’ve already gotten your coach training. That’s Perfect. This material is an excerpt
from the more detailed and advanced “Fast Pass to Master Coaching” teleclass, designed to take
what you’ve learned and dig it even deeper and help you grow more quickly into that powerful
Master Level coach.

However, if you’re one of those experienced coaches, then you’re cordially invited to join in the
fun. Sure, you may know this stuff already, but most likely not in this specific context. And it’s
always great to get a little spark to your coaching, isn’t it? Well, this workshop is full of sparks that
other MCCs and experienced coaches have found great value in. In other words, you just might
learn something that will sharpen your coaching even more.

There is truly something here for everyone, and after attending, your coaching will never be the

About Ben Dooley
Ben Dooley is a PCC coach who facilitates the bi-weekly COACHING SKILLS FORUM telecalls, is the
author of BeDo Bits Newsletter for Coaches and the eBook “Finding Your First Five Clients”, as well
as also Past President of the ICF Chicago Chapter and is currently serving as the spunky
cheerleader for the upcoming 2012 Midwestern Regional Coaching Conference. In fact, with just
about everything his does in the coaching world demonstrates his overwhelming commitment to
coaching coaches and helping them discover their powerful coaching magnificence, coaching
confidence and coaching success.

His experiences as a professional actor, clown, restaurant reviewer, waiter, and just about every
other temp job in town has taught him some powerful lessons about authenticity and personal
power. His coaching is a delicious blend of playfulness and wisdom, packed with creativity and
learning. He is committed to filling in as many of the gaps that coaches struggle with, and is
winding up his Bigger Game of helping 2012 coaches by 2012.

PLEASE NOTE: Everyone must register for the monthly meetings including ICF Colorado

*CCEUs pending

CLICK HERE TO REGISTER for the September 13, 2012 Meeting.

Special Interest Groups (SIGs)

No meeting in July or August; next meeting is September 13, 2012
6:00PM - 7:00PM

Our discussion may include, and is not limited to:

      understanding how coaching differs from related professions
      learning what makes an exceptional coach
      determining if self-employment suits you
      choosing your niche and specialty
      investigating training programs, certification & mentor coaches
      getting started . . .

No meeting in July or August; next meeting is September 13, 2012
6:00PM - 7:00PM
Facilitated By: Jean DiGiovanna

For the September meeting, Jean will be facilitating a session with the group where each person
may share a lesson learned from running his/her business over the summer, and then Jean will
conduct a short visualization where each attendee may set some clear intentions for the upcoming
ICF year.

Mission – To ensure that new coaches build their business, improve their coaching skills, market
effectively and stay active and engaged in DCF. The SIG will help new coaches chart a course
toward professional and financial success. In addition, coaches who complete this six-month
curriculum should be prepared to mentor the next group of coaches entering the SIG.

Jean DiGiovanna, CPCC

This SIG will be meeting in August
August 22, 2012
7:00PM - 9:00PM
Location: see information below
Facilitated by: Marty Vondrell and Reuel Hunt

5+ Years of Coaching Experience? You’re Invited to Check Us Out

The next meeting of the Experienced Coaches SIG is August 22nd from 7-9pm.

3855 S. Hibiscus Way Denver, CO 80237
(west on Hampden from 1-25 to Happy Canyon)

We look forward to seeing you there!

Please contact Marty or Reuel to receive more details about this SIG.

Marty Vondrell and Reuel Hunt
Email Marty or Email Reuel

Teleclass September 5th: "How to Find Your WOW, NOW!"

Speaker: Ben Dooley

Yes, it’s true. It only takes 5 simple words to completely EXPLODE your coaching!

I know it sounds hard to believe, but these 5 words may be the most important words that you’ve
ever discovered. And once you know them, your coaching will never be the same. These 5 words
will help you discover and define your own personal WOW! Factor. That same factor that will help
you attract the perfect clients, amaze your clients, develop the perfect website, discover an ease
and flow to your coaching and most importantly show up as the powerful, amazing, incredible,
impact creating, world changing coach that I BELIEVE you to be.

Join this exciting and interactive experience and learn How to find your WOW, NOW!

Coaches who attend will:

      Receive instant acknowledgement and recognition for who they are in the world. (Always a
      great encourager for more. You know, what you give attention to grows.)
      Learn how to begin showing up powerfully in their coaching (and in their lives).
      Discover the recipe to creating unshakable and deep coaching confidence.
      Begin to stand out from the ever growing sea of “ Cookie Cutter ” coaches and be able to
      apply this work to their marketing, website, sales, attracting clients, coaching presence...
      shucks, really everything. I’m telling you, I’m not kidding when I say that it will change
      your life. These 5 words are amazing and the applications are limitless. That’s how wow this
      WOW really is.
      Really? Do you need more ? They will also have a fun and powerful exercise they can bring
      immediately to their clients so they can find their own WOW!
      One last one. Wouldn’t you love your coaching to be easy and effortless? Here’s how.

Date: September 5, 2012
Time: 12:00PM - 1:00PM MT
Location: Teleclass; conducted by phone


ICF Colorado Members (Full, Affiliate, Student): Free
Non-Members: $10

**CCEUs pending

All participants, including ICF Colorado Members, must register for the teleclass.

CLICK HERE TO REGISTER: ICF CO September 2012 Teleclass

Member Benefits: Know Any Local Business Owners?

In our pursuit to add value to our membership and increase our visibility as a profession, we are
looking for local businesses to partner with.

Do you have any contacts with local businesses who might be interested in offering our members
a discount for using their services? (For example: a store, restaurant or service that would offer
our members a coupon for discounts).

We’d love to see our logo partnered with other Colorado businesses!

Please contact Tom Lietaert (ICF CO Treasurer) with your suggestions or offers: or (419) 699-6100.
Calling All Volunteers!

We invite you to share your skills, talents, and experiences with ICF Colorado and play a bigger
role in the coaching community. How? Read on to see how easy it is to play full out.

We have opportunities for you to be of service in the following areas:

      Facilitator for one of our monthly Special Interest Groups (SIG) - Facilitating a SIG
      allows you to grow as a leader, meet lots of amazing coaches, and develop an exciting
      program that you can use in other areas of your coaching practice.
      ICF Colorado Blogger - Would you like to learn more about blogging in a safe
      environment and would enjoy sharing emerging trends with the coaching community? Then
      this has your name written all over it.
      Manage ICF Colorado Twitter - Are you a tweeting fanatic and have a few extra minutes
      each week to tweet out to coaches and the community about our ICF Colorado meetings,
      events, and programs?
      Manage ICF Colorado Facebook - Post our events, speakers, coaching tips, etc. It's a
      great way to network.
      Greeters - Remember how you felt when you came to your first ICF Colorado meeting?
      Help our new guests feel welcome and at home.
      Channel 9 News Health Fair - Help us be a part of this great program so that we can be
      of service to the community.
      PBS Phone Support - Set up a date/time for us to give back to this important community
      ICF Colorado Press Releases - Do you have experience writing and sending out press
      releases? We'd love your help in getting this started! - Find out when these events are and encourage our members to attend to
      help coach job seekers in finding their new dream job. It might even lead to new clients!
      Assist with ICF Colorado workshops - We enjoy providing valuable workshops for our
      ICF Colorado members and invite you to be a part of this dynamic, engaging program. We
      occasionally need help in identifying interesting workshops, getting info about the workshop
      in the montly newsletter, etc.
      Identify teleseminar opportunities for ICF Colorado members - Is there a topic you
      think the members would get value from or is there a speaker who you know of who would
      "WOW" our members? Jump in and be a part of this initiative!
      Follow up with ICF Colorado speakers - Assist them with accommodations,
      transporation, special needs, etc. - This will allow you to meet some "Movers and Shakers"
      in the world of coaching!
      Create a member survey asking for feedback on what areas/topics they're interested in
      to ensure we're meeting the needs of our members.
      Resource Management Support - Go through the existing ICF Colorado resources on file
      and determine what's current/beneficial to coaches and what's outdated.
      Resource of the Month - Highlight a resource from our library and write a brief summary
      of it for our monthly newsletter. What a great opportunity to learn a new coaching skill, and
      then share it with your peers.

Please contact Reuel Hunt at 303-734-0444 or to learn more about these
exciting opportunities or to get signed up today.

We value your creative ideas and are committed to being the #1 resource for coaches in Colorado.

Thank you for making a difference! We truly appreciate you and all that you share with us.
The ICF Colorado Board of Directors

Membership in the ICF Colorado

(DCF is officially changing its name to International Coach Federation Colorado next month!)

We’ll be starting our meetings again after our summer break, so now is the perfect time to join or
renew your membership if you’ve not already done so. We’ll be officially launching our new name
and image in September, so it will also be a fun meeting for your first one as a new or returning
member. We’ll have some fun things to give away as we celebrate our new image as well, so be
sure to join us for the fun!

So why should coaches and prospective coaches want to join ICF Colorado? As a member of ICF
Colorado, they will join a wonderful community of individuals committed to making a difference in
the lives of their clients, connecting with other coaches, developing themselves, and contributing
to the profession of coaching. Our community includes brand new coaches as well as very
experienced and highly successful ones. We also welcome those who are exploring coaching as a
profession and who have not yet started the process of becoming a coach.

There are many benefits to membership in ICF Colorado starting with being able to attend the
monthly meetings at no additional cost. The educational presentations during our meetings are
delivered by highly successful coaches with special expertise and are but one of the resources
available for helping our members develop and refine their coaching skills and build their
businesses. As a member, one has the opportunity to network with other coaches and participate
in one of the Special Interest Groups (SIGs). The SIGs are led by experienced coaches, giving
participants the opportunity to learn and engage in lively discussion. Two of the three SIGs are
held immediately prior to the meeting, and we encourage everyone to check them out. In addition
to the SIGs and monthly educational programming, we also have other programs and events such
as workshops and tele-classes, with reduced rates for members.

When highly experienced coaches, coaches building their practices, and those who are just getting
started join together to support their chosen field, magic happens. So please help us grow our
membership and be part of the magic we can create.

It’s very easy to join by going to the ICF Colorado website and filling out the form:

If you have questions about membership, please call me at 303-503-9681.

Thank You!
Karen McGee
ICF Colorado Membership Director

ICF Colorado is on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter & YouTube!

Check out the ICF Colorado on:

Like Us on Facebook


You Tube

If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at

Resource Library

The ICF Colorado has a fabulous Resource Library with over a hundred educational tapes and
books addressing such disciplines as leadership coaching, executive and corporate coaching,
career coaching, relationship coaching, life coaching, and spiritual coaching, as well as practice
development for coaches. Its purpose is to promote education, business development and support
for ICF Colorado members.

The Resource Library is perhaps best known for its great selection of audiotapes. Several years
worth of ICF Conference audiotapes include leadership and coaching topics by such high-profile
individuals as Laura Berman-Fortgang, Ken Blanchard, Jack Canfield, Wayne Dyer, Cheryl
Richardson, and Benjamin Zander, along with many other masterful coaches. A variety of other
resources include such great tapes as "High End Coaching" and "Personal Evolution" by Thomas
Leonard and Frederic Hudson's book, The Handbook of Coaching.

In addition to developing leadership and coaching skills, audiotape topics are specific to
self-promotion and networking, use of assessments, therapists as coaches, attraction principles,
team coaching, self- coaching, emotional intelligence, appreciative inquiry, speaking, and getting
published. Members may borrow up to four resources per month upon signing "The Agreement for
Resource Check-Out".

Brenda Cody, M.S., Resource Librarian

General Meeting Information

Regular Monthly Meetings
Members: No Charge
Non-Members / Guests: $25 per meeting fee

When: 2nd Thursday of every month (unless otherwise noted)
6:00PM - 9:00PM
SIGs start at 6:00PM, and the General Meeting starts at 7:15PM sharp.

Where: PPA Event Center, 2105 Decatur Street, Denver, Colorado 80211
Phone: 303-433-8247

The PPA Event Center is on the corner of 21st Avenue and Decatur Street

PPA Event Center website:

Map to PPA Event Center:
Questions? Comments? Ideas to Share?

We welcome your comments and ideas and are happy to answer questions.

Contact Information:

ICF Colorado Board Members

Marty Vondrell, President

Reuel Hunt, President Elect

Karen McGee, Membership Director

Communications Director
Position Available

Carol Schultz, Education Director
Tom Lietaert, Treasurer

Jennifer Drake, Secretary

Kim Clausen, Past President

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August 2012 ICF Colorado Newsletter

  • 1. AUGUST 2012 IN THIS ISSUE: Message from Marty Vondrell, President No Meetings in July or August - Next ICF Colorado Monthly Meeting: September 13, 2012 Special Interest Group (SIG) Meetings Teleclass September 5th: "How to Find Your WOW, NOW!" Member Benefits: Know Any Local Business Owners? Calling All Volunteers! Membership in the ICF Colorado ICF Colorado is on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter & YouTube! Resource Library General Meeting Information Contact Us PLEASE NOTE: Denver Coach Federation in process of rebranding name to ICF Colorado The rebranding of our name from Denver Coach Federation to ICF Colorado is going well and the changes are almost complete. We appreciate your understanding as we work to make updates as quickly as possible. Please also note that the new contact email is Message from Marty Vondrell President, ICF Colorado Summer is going by fast, and it has been almost 2 months since we have gotten together for a general meeting. I hope you're enjoying your summer as we start to enter the beautiful, hot August nights. Summer really is a special time of year that most of us take some extra time to slow down and take at least a break or vacation from work. That might be even more appropriate in our coaching business when things tend to slow down a little bit, and it is important to develop ourselves. I know I have taken my fair share of long weekends with the family, in addition to
  • 2. week-long family vacations. As I have shared in the past, I am always working on myself. I think this is imperative for coaches because it is essentially a requirement to grow and improve yourself when you are growing and improving others. I also think it is important to do it in a playful way. I thought I would take a moment to give you my short list for summer reading, learning and reflection. A couple of re-reads for me are Eckhart Tolle's The Power of Now and Dan Pink's A Whole New Mind. Not only are these works powerfully influential to help you create a better life for yourself, I also believe they are very powerful for the business we are in. We can learn so much about ourselves and ultimately give that to our clients with our presence. For me, these books have been especially influential; sometimes I can only read a few pages or paragraphs before I need to "go inside myself" to contemplate what it means to me. I believe these are good practices. Another couple of books are Brene Brown's The Gifts of Imperfection (or check out her TED talk, The Power of Vulnerability) and Stuart Brown's Play. Both of these books can be transformational in re-evaluating how you are being in your life. I emphasize this because it is so important to cultivate the attributes of ourself that we value. I am wondering if this shouldn't be a future meeting topic. What do you think? Please let me know. No matter what you are doing or reading this summer, I hope it brings happiness and fulfillment to your life or inspires something in you to make the most out of life. We are part of the most desirable profession I can imagine, and we are all worthy of it. Do what you love, laugh along the way, and I will see you in September! With the warmest regards, Marty Vondrell President, ICF Colorado No Meetings in July or August - Next ICF Colorado Monthly Meeting: September 13 Date: September 13, 2012 Time: 7:00PM to 9:00PM (SIGs start at 6:00PM before the general meeting) Location: PPA Event Center, 2105 Decautur St, Denver, CO 80211 Speaker: Ben Dooley
  • 3. Topic: "The 3-Step Process to Confident Coaching Connection" It’s an inevitable part of coaching. Sometimes the connection with our clients is great—there’s energy and flow and the coaching feels effortless—and then sometimes the coaching feels hard and flops around, and we're not sure how to get back. What makes it even worse is when we get stuck in a mindtrap and can’t quite figure how to get out. I don’t care how new or experienced you are, this occurs more often than you think and it’s hard to prevent. As a result, your coaching is not nearly as effective and impactful as you believe it to be. In other words, once that disconnect happens, and it invariably does, there’s little hope. Until now. This interactive and fun workshop shows you three incredibly easy and amazingly powerful techniques that will not only get you instantly “out of your head” but get you back “into your client.” Armed with this knowledge and experience, your coaching will be more confident and empowered. In other words, you’re on the path to Your Coaching Magnificence. Hey, new coaches! Although this workshop deals with some Advanced Coaching techniques, you’ll find that it is pretty easy to grasp. Not only that, but after this, you’ll have a more solid foundation of client connection upon which to build your coaching skills in your training. But suppose you’ve already gotten your coach training. That’s Perfect. This material is an excerpt from the more detailed and advanced “Fast Pass to Master Coaching” teleclass, designed to take what you’ve learned and dig it even deeper and help you grow more quickly into that powerful Master Level coach. However, if you’re one of those experienced coaches, then you’re cordially invited to join in the fun. Sure, you may know this stuff already, but most likely not in this specific context. And it’s always great to get a little spark to your coaching, isn’t it? Well, this workshop is full of sparks that other MCCs and experienced coaches have found great value in. In other words, you just might learn something that will sharpen your coaching even more. There is truly something here for everyone, and after attending, your coaching will never be the same. About Ben Dooley Ben Dooley is a PCC coach who facilitates the bi-weekly COACHING SKILLS FORUM telecalls, is the author of BeDo Bits Newsletter for Coaches and the eBook “Finding Your First Five Clients”, as well as also Past President of the ICF Chicago Chapter and is currently serving as the spunky cheerleader for the upcoming 2012 Midwestern Regional Coaching Conference. In fact, with just about everything his does in the coaching world demonstrates his overwhelming commitment to
  • 4. coaching coaches and helping them discover their powerful coaching magnificence, coaching confidence and coaching success. His experiences as a professional actor, clown, restaurant reviewer, waiter, and just about every other temp job in town has taught him some powerful lessons about authenticity and personal power. His coaching is a delicious blend of playfulness and wisdom, packed with creativity and learning. He is committed to filling in as many of the gaps that coaches struggle with, and is winding up his Bigger Game of helping 2012 coaches by 2012. PLEASE NOTE: Everyone must register for the monthly meetings including ICF Colorado members. *CCEUs pending CLICK HERE TO REGISTER for the September 13, 2012 Meeting. Special Interest Groups (SIGs) EXPLORING COACHING AS A PROFESSION SIG No meeting in July or August; next meeting is September 13, 2012 6:00PM - 7:00PM Our discussion may include, and is not limited to: understanding how coaching differs from related professions learning what makes an exceptional coach determining if self-employment suits you choosing your niche and specialty investigating training programs, certification & mentor coaches getting started . . . BUILDING YOUR COACHING BUSINESS SIG No meeting in July or August; next meeting is September 13, 2012 6:00PM - 7:00PM Facilitated By: Jean DiGiovanna For the September meeting, Jean will be facilitating a session with the group where each person may share a lesson learned from running his/her business over the summer, and then Jean will conduct a short visualization where each attendee may set some clear intentions for the upcoming ICF year. Mission – To ensure that new coaches build their business, improve their coaching skills, market effectively and stay active and engaged in DCF. The SIG will help new coaches chart a course toward professional and financial success. In addition, coaches who complete this six-month curriculum should be prepared to mentor the next group of coaches entering the SIG. Facilitator: Jean DiGiovanna, CPCC
  • 5. 303-413-8001 EXPERIENCED COACHES SIG This SIG will be meeting in August August 22, 2012 7:00PM - 9:00PM Location: see information below Facilitated by: Marty Vondrell and Reuel Hunt 5+ Years of Coaching Experience? You’re Invited to Check Us Out The next meeting of the Experienced Coaches SIG is August 22nd from 7-9pm. Location: 3855 S. Hibiscus Way Denver, CO 80237 (west on Hampden from 1-25 to Happy Canyon) We look forward to seeing you there! Please contact Marty or Reuel to receive more details about this SIG. Marty: Reuel: Facilitators: Marty Vondrell and Reuel Hunt Email Marty or Email Reuel Teleclass September 5th: "How to Find Your WOW, NOW!" Speaker: Ben Dooley Yes, it’s true. It only takes 5 simple words to completely EXPLODE your coaching! I know it sounds hard to believe, but these 5 words may be the most important words that you’ve ever discovered. And once you know them, your coaching will never be the same. These 5 words will help you discover and define your own personal WOW! Factor. That same factor that will help you attract the perfect clients, amaze your clients, develop the perfect website, discover an ease
  • 6. and flow to your coaching and most importantly show up as the powerful, amazing, incredible, impact creating, world changing coach that I BELIEVE you to be. Join this exciting and interactive experience and learn How to find your WOW, NOW! Coaches who attend will: Receive instant acknowledgement and recognition for who they are in the world. (Always a great encourager for more. You know, what you give attention to grows.) Learn how to begin showing up powerfully in their coaching (and in their lives). Discover the recipe to creating unshakable and deep coaching confidence. Begin to stand out from the ever growing sea of “ Cookie Cutter ” coaches and be able to apply this work to their marketing, website, sales, attracting clients, coaching presence... shucks, really everything. I’m telling you, I’m not kidding when I say that it will change your life. These 5 words are amazing and the applications are limitless. That’s how wow this WOW really is. Really? Do you need more ? They will also have a fun and powerful exercise they can bring immediately to their clients so they can find their own WOW! One last one. Wouldn’t you love your coaching to be easy and effortless? Here’s how. Date: September 5, 2012 Time: 12:00PM - 1:00PM MT Location: Teleclass; conducted by phone Cost: ICF MEMBERS - YOU MUST BE AN ICF COLORADO MEMBER TO RECEIVE THE MEMBER REGISTRATION FEE ICF Colorado Members (Full, Affiliate, Student): Free Non-Members: $10 **CCEUs pending All participants, including ICF Colorado Members, must register for the teleclass. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER: ICF CO September 2012 Teleclass Member Benefits: Know Any Local Business Owners? In our pursuit to add value to our membership and increase our visibility as a profession, we are looking for local businesses to partner with. Do you have any contacts with local businesses who might be interested in offering our members a discount for using their services? (For example: a store, restaurant or service that would offer our members a coupon for discounts). We’d love to see our logo partnered with other Colorado businesses! Please contact Tom Lietaert (ICF CO Treasurer) with your suggestions or offers: or (419) 699-6100.
  • 7. Calling All Volunteers! We invite you to share your skills, talents, and experiences with ICF Colorado and play a bigger role in the coaching community. How? Read on to see how easy it is to play full out. We have opportunities for you to be of service in the following areas: Facilitator for one of our monthly Special Interest Groups (SIG) - Facilitating a SIG allows you to grow as a leader, meet lots of amazing coaches, and develop an exciting program that you can use in other areas of your coaching practice. ICF Colorado Blogger - Would you like to learn more about blogging in a safe environment and would enjoy sharing emerging trends with the coaching community? Then this has your name written all over it. Manage ICF Colorado Twitter - Are you a tweeting fanatic and have a few extra minutes each week to tweet out to coaches and the community about our ICF Colorado meetings, events, and programs? Manage ICF Colorado Facebook - Post our events, speakers, coaching tips, etc. It's a great way to network. Greeters - Remember how you felt when you came to your first ICF Colorado meeting? Help our new guests feel welcome and at home. Channel 9 News Health Fair - Help us be a part of this great program so that we can be of service to the community. PBS Phone Support - Set up a date/time for us to give back to this important community program. ICF Colorado Press Releases - Do you have experience writing and sending out press releases? We'd love your help in getting this started! - Find out when these events are and encourage our members to attend to help coach job seekers in finding their new dream job. It might even lead to new clients! Assist with ICF Colorado workshops - We enjoy providing valuable workshops for our ICF Colorado members and invite you to be a part of this dynamic, engaging program. We occasionally need help in identifying interesting workshops, getting info about the workshop in the montly newsletter, etc. Identify teleseminar opportunities for ICF Colorado members - Is there a topic you think the members would get value from or is there a speaker who you know of who would "WOW" our members? Jump in and be a part of this initiative! Follow up with ICF Colorado speakers - Assist them with accommodations, transporation, special needs, etc. - This will allow you to meet some "Movers and Shakers" in the world of coaching! Create a member survey asking for feedback on what areas/topics they're interested in to ensure we're meeting the needs of our members. Resource Management Support - Go through the existing ICF Colorado resources on file and determine what's current/beneficial to coaches and what's outdated. Resource of the Month - Highlight a resource from our library and write a brief summary of it for our monthly newsletter. What a great opportunity to learn a new coaching skill, and then share it with your peers. Please contact Reuel Hunt at 303-734-0444 or to learn more about these exciting opportunities or to get signed up today. We value your creative ideas and are committed to being the #1 resource for coaches in Colorado. Thank you for making a difference! We truly appreciate you and all that you share with us.
  • 8. The ICF Colorado Board of Directors Membership in the ICF Colorado (DCF is officially changing its name to International Coach Federation Colorado next month!) We’ll be starting our meetings again after our summer break, so now is the perfect time to join or renew your membership if you’ve not already done so. We’ll be officially launching our new name and image in September, so it will also be a fun meeting for your first one as a new or returning member. We’ll have some fun things to give away as we celebrate our new image as well, so be sure to join us for the fun! So why should coaches and prospective coaches want to join ICF Colorado? As a member of ICF Colorado, they will join a wonderful community of individuals committed to making a difference in the lives of their clients, connecting with other coaches, developing themselves, and contributing to the profession of coaching. Our community includes brand new coaches as well as very experienced and highly successful ones. We also welcome those who are exploring coaching as a profession and who have not yet started the process of becoming a coach. There are many benefits to membership in ICF Colorado starting with being able to attend the monthly meetings at no additional cost. The educational presentations during our meetings are delivered by highly successful coaches with special expertise and are but one of the resources available for helping our members develop and refine their coaching skills and build their businesses. As a member, one has the opportunity to network with other coaches and participate in one of the Special Interest Groups (SIGs). The SIGs are led by experienced coaches, giving participants the opportunity to learn and engage in lively discussion. Two of the three SIGs are held immediately prior to the meeting, and we encourage everyone to check them out. In addition to the SIGs and monthly educational programming, we also have other programs and events such as workshops and tele-classes, with reduced rates for members. When highly experienced coaches, coaches building their practices, and those who are just getting started join together to support their chosen field, magic happens. So please help us grow our membership and be part of the magic we can create. It’s very easy to join by going to the ICF Colorado website and filling out the form: If you have questions about membership, please call me at 303-503-9681. Thank You! Karen McGee ICF Colorado Membership Director ICF Colorado is on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter & YouTube! Check out the ICF Colorado on: Facebook Like Us on Facebook Twitter You Tube
  • 9. LinkedIn If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at Resource Library The ICF Colorado has a fabulous Resource Library with over a hundred educational tapes and books addressing such disciplines as leadership coaching, executive and corporate coaching, career coaching, relationship coaching, life coaching, and spiritual coaching, as well as practice development for coaches. Its purpose is to promote education, business development and support for ICF Colorado members. The Resource Library is perhaps best known for its great selection of audiotapes. Several years worth of ICF Conference audiotapes include leadership and coaching topics by such high-profile individuals as Laura Berman-Fortgang, Ken Blanchard, Jack Canfield, Wayne Dyer, Cheryl Richardson, and Benjamin Zander, along with many other masterful coaches. A variety of other resources include such great tapes as "High End Coaching" and "Personal Evolution" by Thomas Leonard and Frederic Hudson's book, The Handbook of Coaching. In addition to developing leadership and coaching skills, audiotape topics are specific to self-promotion and networking, use of assessments, therapists as coaches, attraction principles, team coaching, self- coaching, emotional intelligence, appreciative inquiry, speaking, and getting published. Members may borrow up to four resources per month upon signing "The Agreement for Resource Check-Out". Brenda Cody, M.S., Resource Librarian 720-989-8743 General Meeting Information Regular Monthly Meetings Members: No Charge Non-Members / Guests: $25 per meeting fee When: 2nd Thursday of every month (unless otherwise noted) 6:00PM - 9:00PM SIGs start at 6:00PM, and the General Meeting starts at 7:15PM sharp. Where: PPA Event Center, 2105 Decatur Street, Denver, Colorado 80211 Phone: 303-433-8247 The PPA Event Center is on the corner of 21st Avenue and Decatur Street PPA Event Center website: Map to PPA Event Center:
  • 10. Questions? Comments? Ideas to Share? We welcome your comments and ideas and are happy to answer questions. Contact Information: ICF Colorado Board Members Marty Vondrell, President 720-389-4870 Reuel Hunt, President Elect 303-734-0444 Karen McGee, Membership Director 303-503-9681 Communications Director Position Available Carol Schultz, Education Director 303-805-7635
  • 11. Tom Lietaert, Treasurer 419-699-6100 Jennifer Drake, Secretary 303-507-7993 Kim Clausen, Past President 303-465-0454