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i need a taking turn method for a player vs computer battleship game in java. when a user slects
on players board then computer should be able to pick one on the computer board. this should
continue to repeat the order until the first one finds all the ship on their board first.
import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.border.*;
import*; import java.lang.Integer; import java.util.Vector; import*; public class
Battleship extends JFrame { private static JButton ok = new
JButton("OK"),//closes stats menu done =new
JButton("Done");//closes options menu private static JFrame statistics= new
JFrame("Statistics"),//holds stats options=new
JFrame("Options");//holds opts private static JLabel data,//used for stats menu
title;//used for options menu private static JPanel stats=new
JPanel(),//used for stats menu opts,//used for options menu
inputpanel;//for manually inputting ships private static Container
b,c,d;//board and input panel private JPanel input;//input bar private static
JMenuItem m,pvp,pvc,cvc;//menu items private static String[] cletters = {"
","A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I","J"}, //array of letters used for combo
boxes cnumbers = {"
","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10"}, //array of numbers used for
combo boxes ships =
{"Carrier","Battleship","Submarine","Destroyer", "Patrol
Boat"},//strings used for ship combo box direction =
{"Horizontal","Vertical"},//directions level={"Normal",
"Ridiculously Hard"}, layout={"Manual","Automatic"},
colors={"Cyan", "Green", "Yellow", "Magenta", "Pink", "Red",
"White"}, first={"Player 1", "Player 2",
"Random"};//used for options private JComboBox cshi = new JComboBox(ships),//ships
cdir = new JComboBox(direction);//directions private static
JComboBox aiLevel=new JComboBox(level), shipLayout=new
JComboBox(layout), shipColor=new JComboBox(colors),
playsFirst=new JComboBox(first);//used
//for options menu private JTextField mbar = new JTextField();//message bar
private static int enemy=1, i,j,//counters
length=5, you=0,
prevcolor=0,//index of previous color prevFirst=0,
prevLayout=0, prevLevel=0,//tracks changes in corresponding comboboxes
ready=0, sindex=0,//stores index of array
dindex=0;//direction private static Player players[]=new Player[2]; private static
JButton deploy=new JButton("DEPLOY"); private static int
w=0,a=0,s=0,t=0,e=0;//counters to track the use of all ships private static String[][]
shiphit=new String[10][10]; private static String user,user2; private static Color[]
color={Color.cyan,,Color.yellow,Color.magenta,,, Color.white}; private static Object
selectedValue=" ", gametype; private static
BattleshipClient me; private static boolean gameover=false; public Battleship()
{ setTitle("Battleship");
setDefaultCloseOperation(EXIT_ON_CLOSE); setJMenuBar(createMenuBar());
setResizable(false); //gets user to input name
user=JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter your name."); int dummy=0;
while (((user==null)||(user.equals("")))&&(dummy<3)) {
user=JOptionPane.showInputDialog("You have to input something."); if
((user!=null)&&(!user.equals(""))) dummy=4; else
dummy++; } if (dummy==3) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Since you're having trouble inp"
+"utting your name, I'll just call you stupid.","",JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
user="Stupid"; } players[you]=new Player (user);
players[enemy]=new Player ("Computer");
b=getContentPane(); b.add(setBoard(you),BorderLayout.CENTER);
c=getContentPane(); d = getContentPane();
inputpanel=shipinput(); d.add(inputpanel,BorderLayout.NORTH);
pack(); setVisible(true); } public static boolean
getGameOver() { return gameover; } public static void
setGameOver(boolean b) { gameover=b; } //method to
determine who plays first public void whoGoesFirst() { int x=0; if
(playsFirst.getSelectedIndex()!=2) { if
(playsFirst.getSelectedIndex()!=you) flipYou();
x=playsFirst.getSelectedIndex(); } else {
int rand=(int)(Math.random()*2);
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,players[rand].getUser()+" will " +"go
first.","",JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE); if (rand!=you)
flipYou(); players[rand].getTimer().start(); x=rand; }
[x].getUser().equals("CPU2"))) players[x].setMove(true); }
//returns ship color, as selected by the user public static Color getColor() {
return (color[shipColor.getSelectedIndex()]); } //asks if two players
are playing on the same computer or over the web public static boolean isLocal() {
if ((gametype==pvp)&&(selectedValue.equals("Local"))) return true;
else return false; } public static void flipYou() {
if (you==1) { you=0; enemy=1; }
else { you=1; enemy=0; } }
//determines whether or not is shipLayout is set to automatic public static boolean
isAutoSet() { if (shipLayout.getSelectedIndex()==0) return false;
else return true; } //variable that determines whether
or not a carrier has been placed public static int getW() { return w;
} //variable that determines whether or not a battleship has been placed public
static int getA() { return a; } //variable that determines
whether or not a submarine has been placed public static int getS() { return s;
} //variable that determines whether or not a destroyer has been placed
public static int getT() { return t; } //variable that determines
whether or not a patrol boat has been placed public static int getE() { return
e; } public static int getReady() { return ready;
} public static JFrame getStatistics() { return statistics; }
public static void setData(JLabel x) { data=x; } public static
JLabel getData() { return data; } public static JPanel getStats()
{ return stats; } public static void setDeploy(boolean k) {
deploy.setEnabled(k); } public static Player getPlayers(int x)
{ return players[x]; } public static String getDirection(int i) {
return direction[i]; } public static String getCletters(int i) {
return cletters[i]; } public static String getShips(int i) {
return ships[i]; } public static String getCnumbers(int i) {
return cnumbers[i]; } public static int getSIndex() { return
sindex; } public static int getDIndex() { return dindex; }
public static int getYou() { return you; } public
static int getEnemy() { return enemy; } public static void
setYou(int x) { you=x; } public static void setEnemy(int x)
{ enemy=x; } //creates Game menu and submenus public
JMenuBar createMenuBar() { JMenu menu;//menu // create the
menu bar JMenuBar menuBar = new JMenuBar(); // build the Game menu
menu = new JMenu("Game"); menuBar.add(menu); m = new
JMenu("New Game"); menu.add(m); //submenu of New
Game GameListener stuff = new GameListener(); pvp = new
JMenuItem("Player vs. Player"); pvp.addActionListener(stuff);
m.add(pvp); pvc = new JMenuItem("Player vs. Computer");
pvc.addActionListener(stuff); m.add(pvc); cvc = new
JMenuItem("Computer vs. Computer"); cvc.addActionListener(stuff);
m.add(cvc); m = new JMenuItem("Rules");
m.addActionListener(new RulesListener()); menu.add(m); m = new
JMenuItem("Statistics"); m.addActionListener(new StatsListener());
menu.add(m); m = new JMenuItem("Options"); m.addActionListener(new
OptionsListener()); menu.add(m); m = new JMenuItem("Exit");
m.addActionListener(new ExitListener()); menu.add(m); return
menuBar; } //creates panels that used to place ships public JPanel
shipinput() { input= new JPanel(); mbar.setText("Select a ship, its front
position and direction."); mbar.setFont(new Font("Courier New", Font.BOLD, 14));
mbar.setEditable(false); //input.add(mbar); cshi.setSelectedIndex(0);
cshi.addActionListener(new ShipsListener()); TitledBorder title;//used for
titles around combo boxes title = BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Ships");
cshi.setBorder(title); input.add(cshi); cdir.setSelectedIndex(0);
cdir.addActionListener(new DirectListener()); input.add(cdir);
title = BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Direction"); cdir.setBorder(title);
deploy.setEnabled(false); deploy.addActionListener(new DeployListener());
input.add(deploy); return input; } //creates board for manual
ship placement public JPanel setBoard(int n) { players[n].setMyBoard(new
JPanel(new GridLayout(11,11)));//panel to store board JTextField k;
for (i=0;i<11;i++) { for (j=0;j<11;j++)
{ if ((j!=0)&&(i!=0)) {
players[n].getBboard(i-1,j-1).addActionListener(new BoardListener());
players[n].getMyBoard().add(players[n].getBboard(i-1,j-1)); }
if (i==0) {
if (j!=0) { //used to
display row of numbers k= new
JTextField(Battleship.getCnumbers(j)); k.setEditable(false);
} else
{ //used to display column of numbers
k= new JTextField(); k.setEditable(false);
players[n].getMyBoard().add(k); } else if (j==0)
{ k= new
JTextField(Battleship.getCletters(i)); k.setEditable(false);
players[n].getMyBoard().add(k); } }
} return players[n].getMyBoard(); } //creates board and
automatically places ship public JPanel autoBoard(int u,int t) {
players[u].setGBoard(new JPanel(new GridLayout(11,11)));//panel to store board
JTextField k; if (!players[u].getUser().equals("Unknown")) for
(i=0;i<5;i++) {
players[u].setBoats(i,players[u].getBoats(i).compinput(i,u)); }
for (i=0;i<11;i++) { for (j=0;j<11;j++) {
if ((j!=0)&&(i!=0)) {
if ((players[u].getUser().equals("Computer"))||(isLocal()))
players[u].getBboard(i-1,j-1).addActionListener(new AttackListener());
else if
{ if (players[u].getHitOrMiss(i-1,j-1))
} else {
players[u].getBboard(i-1,j-1).addActionListener(new InternetListener());
} players[u].getGBoard().add(players[u].getBboard(i-
1,j-1)); } if (i==0)
{ if (j!=0) {
//used to display row of numbers k= new
JTextField(Battleship.getCnumbers(j)); k.setEditable(false);
} else
{ //used to display column of numbers
k= new JTextField(); k.setEditable(false);
players[u].getGBoard().add(k); } else if (j==0)
{ k= new
JTextField(Battleship.getCletters(i)); k.setEditable(false);
players[u].getGBoard().add(k); } }
} return players[u].getGBoard(); }
//Listener for combo boxes used to layout ships private class ShipsListener implements
ActionListener { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent v) {
sindex=cshi.getSelectedIndex(); if
cdir.setSelectedIndex(players[you].getBoats(sindex).getDirect()); switch (sindex)
{ case 0: length=5; break;
case 1: length=4; break; case 2:
length=3; break; case 3: length=3;
break; case 4: length=2; break;
} if (players[you].getBoats(sindex) != null)
{ Ship boat=new
players[you].getBoats(sindex).placeship(); }
} } //Listener for the Direction
combo box private class DirectListener implements ActionListener {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent v) {
dindex = cdir.getSelectedIndex(); if
(players[you].getBoats(sindex) != null) { Ship boat=new
players[you].getBoats(sindex).placeship(); }
} } //Listener for the buttons on the board
private class BoardListener implements ActionListener { public void
actionPerformed(ActionEvent v) { if (ready==0)
{ if (players[you].getBoats(sindex)!=null)
players[you].getBoats(sindex).clearship(); Object source = v.getSource();
outer: for (i=0;i<10;i++)
{ for (j=0;j<10;j++)
{ if (source==players[you].getBboard(i,j))
{ switch (sindex)
{ case 0: {
if (w==0)
case 1: {
if (a==0) a++;
} break;
case 2: {
if (s==0)
s++; }
break; case 3: {
if (t==0)
break; case 4: {
if (e==0)
} break;
players[you].setBoats(sindex,new Ship(ships[sindex],dindex,length,i,j));
break outer;
} } }
players[you].getBoats(sindex).placeship(); }
} } //creates a panel that tells whose board is which private JPanel
whoseBoard() { JPanel panel=new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
panel.add(new JLabel(players[you].getUser()+"'s
Board",SwingConstants.LEFT),BorderLayout.WEST); panel.add(new
JLabel(players[enemy].getUser()+"'s Board",SwingConstants.RIGHT),BorderLayout.EAST);
return panel; } //Listener for exit choice on Game menu private
class ExitListener implements ActionListener { public void
actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { int r=
JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null,"Are you sure you would l" +"ike to exit
Battleship?", "Exit?", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION); if (r==0)
System.exit(0); } } //listener for New Game submenu
private class GameListener implements ActionListener { public void
actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { int q=
JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null,"Are you sure you would l" +"ike to
start a new game?", "New Game?", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION); if
(q==0) { //resets variables
b.removeAll(); c.removeAll(); d.removeAll();
you=0; enemy=1;
ready=0; if (players[you].getTimer()!=null)
if (players[you].getTimer().isRunning())
players[you].getTimer().stop(); if (players[enemy].getTimer()!=null)
if (players[enemy].getTimer().isRunning())
gametype = e.getSource();
if (gametype==pvp) { if (!selectedValue.equals("no
server")) { String[] possibleValues = {
"Local", "Online"}; selectedValue =
JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Choose one", "Input",
JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE, null, possibleValues,
possibleValues[0]); } if
(!players[you].getUser().equals("CPU1")) {
if (players[you].getUser().equals("Stupid")) {
int w=JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null,"Would you"
+" like to try inputting your name again?","",
JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION); if
(w==JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) {
user=JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter your name.");
int dummy=0; while
(((user==null)||(user.equals("")))&&(dummy<3)) {
user=JOptionPane.showInputDialog("You have to input something.");
if ((user!=null)&&(!user.equals("")))
dummy=4; else
dummy++; }
if (dummy==3) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Still a"
+"cting stupid. Oh well, we'll run with it."
user="Stupid"; }
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"That wasn't"
+" so hard now, was it?","YEAH!",
} }
players[you]=new Player (players[you].getUser());
} else
players[you]=new Player (user);
if (selectedValue.equals("Online")) {
players[enemy]=new Player ("Unknown"); if (!isAutoSet())
d.add(inputpanel,BorderLayout.NORTH); }
else {
c.add(autoBoard(enemy,you),BorderLayout.EAST); ready=1;
} } else
{ //gets user to input name
)||(players[enemy].getUser().equals("Unknown"))) {
user2=JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter your name.");
while ((user2==null)||(user2.equals("")))
user2=JOptionPane.showInputDialog("You have to input something.");
} else
user2=players[enemy].getUser(); players[enemy]=new Player
(user2); b.add(autoBoard(you,enemy),BorderLayout.WEST);
whoGoesFirst(); ready=1;
} //ready=1; } else if
(gametype==pvc)//Player vs Computer {
if (!players[you].getUser().equals("CPU1")) {
if (players[you].getUser().equals("Stupid"))
{ int w=JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null,"Would you"
+" like to try inputting your name again?","",
JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION); if
(w==JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) {
user=JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter your name.");
int dummy=0; while
(((user==null)||(user.equals("")))&&(dummy<3)) {
user=JOptionPane.showInputDialog("You have to input something.");
if ((user!=null)&&(!user.equals("")))
dummy=4; else
dummy++; }
if (dummy==3) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Still a"
+"cting stupid. Oh well, we'll run with it."
user="Stupid"; }
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"That wasn't"
+" so hard now, was it?","YEAH!",
} }
players[you]=new Player (players[you].getUser());
} else
players[you]=new Player (user);
players[enemy]=new Player ("Computer"); if
(!isAutoSet()) {
d.add(inputpanel,BorderLayout.NORTH); }
else {
c.add(autoBoard(enemy,you),BorderLayout.EAST); whoGoesFirst
(); } } else if
(gametype==cvc)//Computer vs Computer {
mbar.setText("Battleship Demo");
d.add(mbar,BorderLayout.NORTH); players[you]=new Player
("CPU1"); players[enemy]=new Player ("CPU2");
whoGoesFirst(); }
pack(); repaint(); }
} } //Listener for Rules menu private class
RulesListener implements ActionListener { public void
actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { } }
//Listener for ok button in statistics menu private class OkListener implements
ActionListener { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
statistics.dispose(); } } //Listener for Stats menu
private class StatsListener implements ActionListener { // public
void setup() { stats=new JPanel();
ok.addActionListener(new OkListener()); statistics.setSize(300,300);
//statistics.setLocation(700,200); } public
void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if
(data==null) setup(); else
stats.removeAll(); stats.setLayout(new GridLayout(6,3));
data=new JLabel(""); stats.add(data); data=new
JLabel("Player 1",SwingConstants.CENTER); stats.add(data);
data=new JLabel("Player 2",SwingConstants.CENTER); stats.add(data);
data=new JLabel("Names"); stats.add(data);
if (you == 0) {
data=new JLabel(players[you].getUser(),SwingConstants.CENTER);
stats.add(data); data=new
stats.add(data); data=new JLabel("Shots Taken");
stats.add(data); data=new
stats.add(data); data=new
stats.add(data); data=new JLabel("Hits");
stats.add(data); data=new
stats.add(data); data=new
stats.add(data); data=new JLabel("Shot Accuracy");
stats.add(data); data=new
JLabel(players[you].getAcc(),SwingConstants.CENTER); stats.add(data);
data=new JLabel(players[enemy].getAcc(),SwingConstants.CENTER);
stats.add(data); data=new JLabel("Ships Left");
stats.add(data); data=new
stats.add(data); data=new
stats.add(data); } else {
stats.add(data); data=new
JLabel(players[you].getUser(),SwingConstants.CENTER); stats.add(data);
data=new JLabel("Shots Taken"); stats.add(data);
stats.add(data); data=new
stats.add(data); data=new JLabel("Hits");
stats.add(data); data=new
stats.add(data); data=new
stats.add(data); data=new JLabel("Shot Accuracy");
stats.add(data); data=new
JLabel(players[enemy].getAcc(),SwingConstants.CENTER); stats.add(data);
data=new JLabel(players[you].getAcc(),SwingConstants.CENTER);
stats.add(data); data=new JLabel("Ships Left");
stats.add(data); data=new
stats.add(data); data=new
stats.add(data); } statistics.getContentPane().add(stats);
statistics.pack(); statistics.setVisible(true);
} } //Listener for Deploy Button private class DeployListener
implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent v)
{ int r= JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null,"Are you sure you
would l" +"ike to deploy your ships?", "Deploy Ships?",
JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION); if (r==0) {
w=0; a=0; s=0; t=0;
e=0; d.remove(input);
b.add(players[you].getMyBoard(),BorderLayout.WEST); ready=1;
d.add(new JPanel(),BorderLayout.CENTER);
if (!selectedValue.equals("Online"))
whoGoesFirst(); pack();
repaint(); } }
} //Listener for Options menu public class OptionsListener implements ActionListener
{ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
if (opts==null) setup(); else
options.setVisible(true); } public
void setup() { opts=new JPanel(new GridLayout(4,2));
title=new JLabel("Computer AI"); opts.add(title);
aiLevel.setSelectedIndex(0); opts.add(aiLevel);
title=new JLabel("Ship Layout"); opts.add(title);
shipLayout.setSelectedIndex(0); opts.add(shipLayout);
title=new JLabel("Ship Color"); opts.add(title);
shipColor.addActionListener(new SColorListener());
shipColor.setSelectedIndex(0); opts.add(shipColor); title=new
JLabel("Who Plays First?"); opts.add(title);
playsFirst.setSelectedIndex(0); opts.add(playsFirst);
//options.setSize(600,800); options.setResizable(false);
done.addActionListener(new DoneListener());
options.setLocation(200,200); options.pack();
options.setVisible(true); } //Listener for the Colors
combo box private class SColorListener implements ActionListener
{ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent v) {
for (i=0;i<10;i++) for (j=0;j<10;j++)
{ if
if (players[enemy].getBboard(i,j).getBackground()
} prevcolor=shipColor.getSelectedIndex(); } }
//Listener for ok button in statistics menu private class
DoneListener implements ActionListener { public void
actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if
(playsFirst.getSelectedIndex()!=prevFirst)) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Changes will take"+ " place
at the start of a new game.","" ,JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE);
if (shipLayout.getSelectedIndex()!=prevLayout)
prevLayout=shipLayout.getSelectedIndex(); if
prevFirst=playsFirst.getSelectedIndex(); if
prevLevel=aiLevel.getSelectedIndex(); }
options.dispose(); } } } public static
BattleshipClient getClient() { return me; } public static
void main(String[] args){ Battleship gui= new Battleship();
while (gui.isActive()) { while (selectedValue.equals(" "))
{ } System.out.println("xenophobia");
System.out.println("Object = "+selectedValue); if
(selectedValue.equals("Online")) { selectedValue=" ";
while (ready!=1) { }
try { me=new BattleshipClient();
if (!me.getServerName().equals("invalid")) {
me.sendShips(); while (!gameover)
{ if (!players[you].getMove())
{ try
{ me.listen();
} catch
(IOException e){ System.out.println("Aw naw."); }
} while (players[you].getMove())
{ } me.results();
} }
else { b.removeAll();
c.removeAll(); d.removeAll();
players[you]=new Player (user); players[enemy]=new Player
d.add(inputpanel,BorderLayout.NORTH); gui.pack();
gui.repaint(); }
} catch (IOException e)
{ System.out.println("You Suck"); } } }
//System.out.println("okay"); } }

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i need a taking turn method for a player vs computer battleship game.pdf

  • 1. i need a taking turn method for a player vs computer battleship game in java. when a user slects on players board then computer should be able to pick one on the computer board. this should continue to repeat the order until the first one finds all the ship on their board first. Solution import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.border.*; import*; import java.lang.Integer; import java.util.Vector; import*; public class Battleship extends JFrame { private static JButton ok = new JButton("OK"),//closes stats menu done =new JButton("Done");//closes options menu private static JFrame statistics= new JFrame("Statistics"),//holds stats options=new JFrame("Options");//holds opts private static JLabel data,//used for stats menu title;//used for options menu private static JPanel stats=new JPanel(),//used for stats menu opts,//used for options menu inputpanel;//for manually inputting ships private static Container b,c,d;//board and input panel private JPanel input;//input bar private static JMenuItem m,pvp,pvc,cvc;//menu items private static String[] cletters = {" ","A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I","J"}, //array of letters used for combo boxes cnumbers = {" ","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10"}, //array of numbers used for combo boxes ships = {"Carrier","Battleship","Submarine","Destroyer", "Patrol Boat"},//strings used for ship combo box direction = {"Horizontal","Vertical"},//directions level={"Normal", "Ridiculously Hard"}, layout={"Manual","Automatic"}, colors={"Cyan", "Green", "Yellow", "Magenta", "Pink", "Red", "White"}, first={"Player 1", "Player 2", "Random"};//used for options private JComboBox cshi = new JComboBox(ships),//ships cdir = new JComboBox(direction);//directions private static JComboBox aiLevel=new JComboBox(level), shipLayout=new JComboBox(layout), shipColor=new JComboBox(colors), playsFirst=new JComboBox(first);//used //for options menu private JTextField mbar = new JTextField();//message bar private static int enemy=1, i,j,//counters length=5, you=0,
  • 2. prevcolor=0,//index of previous color prevFirst=0, prevLayout=0, prevLevel=0,//tracks changes in corresponding comboboxes ready=0, sindex=0,//stores index of array dindex=0;//direction private static Player players[]=new Player[2]; private static JButton deploy=new JButton("DEPLOY"); private static int w=0,a=0,s=0,t=0,e=0;//counters to track the use of all ships private static String[][] shiphit=new String[10][10]; private static String user,user2; private static Color[] color={Color.cyan,,Color.yellow,Color.magenta,,, Color.white}; private static Object selectedValue=" ", gametype; private static BattleshipClient me; private static boolean gameover=false; public Battleship() { setTitle("Battleship"); setDefaultCloseOperation(EXIT_ON_CLOSE); setJMenuBar(createMenuBar()); setResizable(false); //gets user to input name user=JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter your name."); int dummy=0; while (((user==null)||(user.equals("")))&&(dummy<3)) { user=JOptionPane.showInputDialog("You have to input something."); if ((user!=null)&&(!user.equals(""))) dummy=4; else dummy++; } if (dummy==3) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Since you're having trouble inp" +"utting your name, I'll just call you stupid.","",JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); user="Stupid"; } players[you]=new Player (user); players[enemy]=new Player ("Computer"); b=getContentPane(); b.add(setBoard(you),BorderLayout.CENTER); c=getContentPane(); d = getContentPane(); inputpanel=shipinput(); d.add(inputpanel,BorderLayout.NORTH); pack(); setVisible(true); } public static boolean getGameOver() { return gameover; } public static void setGameOver(boolean b) { gameover=b; } //method to determine who plays first public void whoGoesFirst() { int x=0; if (playsFirst.getSelectedIndex()!=2) { if (playsFirst.getSelectedIndex()!=you) flipYou(); players[playsFirst.getSelectedIndex()].getTimer().start(); x=playsFirst.getSelectedIndex(); } else { int rand=(int)(Math.random()*2); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,players[rand].getUser()+" will " +"go
  • 3. first.","",JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE); if (rand!=you) flipYou(); players[rand].getTimer().start(); x=rand; } if ((!players[x].getUser().equals("Computer"))||(!players[x].getUser().equals("CPU1"))||(!players [x].getUser().equals("CPU2"))) players[x].setMove(true); } //returns ship color, as selected by the user public static Color getColor() { return (color[shipColor.getSelectedIndex()]); } //asks if two players are playing on the same computer or over the web public static boolean isLocal() { if ((gametype==pvp)&&(selectedValue.equals("Local"))) return true; else return false; } public static void flipYou() { if (you==1) { you=0; enemy=1; } else { you=1; enemy=0; } } //determines whether or not is shipLayout is set to automatic public static boolean isAutoSet() { if (shipLayout.getSelectedIndex()==0) return false; else return true; } //variable that determines whether or not a carrier has been placed public static int getW() { return w; } //variable that determines whether or not a battleship has been placed public static int getA() { return a; } //variable that determines whether or not a submarine has been placed public static int getS() { return s; } //variable that determines whether or not a destroyer has been placed public static int getT() { return t; } //variable that determines whether or not a patrol boat has been placed public static int getE() { return e; } public static int getReady() { return ready; } public static JFrame getStatistics() { return statistics; } public static void setData(JLabel x) { data=x; } public static JLabel getData() { return data; } public static JPanel getStats() { return stats; } public static void setDeploy(boolean k) { deploy.setEnabled(k); } public static Player getPlayers(int x) { return players[x]; } public static String getDirection(int i) { return direction[i]; } public static String getCletters(int i) { return cletters[i]; } public static String getShips(int i) { return ships[i]; } public static String getCnumbers(int i) { return cnumbers[i]; } public static int getSIndex() { return sindex; } public static int getDIndex() { return dindex; } public static int getYou() { return you; } public static int getEnemy() { return enemy; } public static void
  • 4. setYou(int x) { you=x; } public static void setEnemy(int x) { enemy=x; } //creates Game menu and submenus public JMenuBar createMenuBar() { JMenu menu;//menu // create the menu bar JMenuBar menuBar = new JMenuBar(); // build the Game menu menu = new JMenu("Game"); menuBar.add(menu); m = new JMenu("New Game"); menu.add(m); //submenu of New Game GameListener stuff = new GameListener(); pvp = new JMenuItem("Player vs. Player"); pvp.addActionListener(stuff); m.add(pvp); pvc = new JMenuItem("Player vs. Computer"); pvc.addActionListener(stuff); m.add(pvc); cvc = new JMenuItem("Computer vs. Computer"); cvc.addActionListener(stuff); m.add(cvc); m = new JMenuItem("Rules"); m.addActionListener(new RulesListener()); menu.add(m); m = new JMenuItem("Statistics"); m.addActionListener(new StatsListener()); menu.add(m); m = new JMenuItem("Options"); m.addActionListener(new OptionsListener()); menu.add(m); m = new JMenuItem("Exit"); m.addActionListener(new ExitListener()); menu.add(m); return menuBar; } //creates panels that used to place ships public JPanel shipinput() { input= new JPanel(); mbar.setText("Select a ship, its front position and direction."); mbar.setFont(new Font("Courier New", Font.BOLD, 14)); mbar.setEditable(false); //input.add(mbar); cshi.setSelectedIndex(0); cshi.addActionListener(new ShipsListener()); TitledBorder title;//used for titles around combo boxes title = BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Ships"); cshi.setBorder(title); input.add(cshi); cdir.setSelectedIndex(0); cdir.addActionListener(new DirectListener()); input.add(cdir); title = BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Direction"); cdir.setBorder(title); deploy.setEnabled(false); deploy.addActionListener(new DeployListener()); input.add(deploy); return input; } //creates board for manual ship placement public JPanel setBoard(int n) { players[n].setMyBoard(new JPanel(new GridLayout(11,11)));//panel to store board JTextField k; for (i=0;i<11;i++) { for (j=0;j<11;j++) { if ((j!=0)&&(i!=0)) { players[n].getBboard(i-1,j-1).addActionListener(new BoardListener()); players[n].getMyBoard().add(players[n].getBboard(i-1,j-1)); } if (i==0) { if (j!=0) { //used to
  • 5. display row of numbers k= new JTextField(Battleship.getCnumbers(j)); k.setEditable(false); k.setHorizontalAlignment((int)JFrame.CENTER_ALIGNMENT); } else { //used to display column of numbers k= new JTextField(); k.setEditable(false); } players[n].getMyBoard().add(k); } else if (j==0) { k= new JTextField(Battleship.getCletters(i)); k.setEditable(false); k.setHorizontalAlignment((int)JFrame.CENTER_ALIGNMENT); players[n].getMyBoard().add(k); } } } return players[n].getMyBoard(); } //creates board and automatically places ship public JPanel autoBoard(int u,int t) { players[u].setGBoard(new JPanel(new GridLayout(11,11)));//panel to store board JTextField k; if (!players[u].getUser().equals("Unknown")) for (i=0;i<5;i++) { players[u].setBoats(i,players[u].getBoats(i).compinput(i,u)); } for (i=0;i<11;i++) { for (j=0;j<11;j++) { if ((j!=0)&&(i!=0)) { if ((players[u].getUser().equals("Computer"))||(isLocal())) { players[u].getBboard(i-1,j-1).addActionListener(new AttackListener()); } else if ((players[t].getUser().equals("Computer"))||(players[t].getUser().equals("CPU1"))||(players[t]. getUser().equals("CPU2"))||(players[t].getUser().equals("Unknown"))) { if (players[u].getHitOrMiss(i-1,j-1)) players[u].setBboard(i-1,j-1,getColor()); } else { players[u].getBboard(i-1,j-1).addActionListener(new InternetListener()); } players[u].getGBoard().add(players[u].getBboard(i- 1,j-1)); } if (i==0) { if (j!=0) { //used to display row of numbers k= new JTextField(Battleship.getCnumbers(j)); k.setEditable(false);
  • 6. k.setHorizontalAlignment((int)JFrame.CENTER_ALIGNMENT); } else { //used to display column of numbers k= new JTextField(); k.setEditable(false); } players[u].getGBoard().add(k); } else if (j==0) { k= new JTextField(Battleship.getCletters(i)); k.setEditable(false); k.setHorizontalAlignment((int)JFrame.CENTER_ALIGNMENT); players[u].getGBoard().add(k); } } } return players[u].getGBoard(); } //Listener for combo boxes used to layout ships private class ShipsListener implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent v) { sindex=cshi.getSelectedIndex(); if (players[you].getBoats(sindex)!=null) cdir.setSelectedIndex(players[you].getBoats(sindex).getDirect()); switch (sindex) { case 0: length=5; break; case 1: length=4; break; case 2: length=3; break; case 3: length=3; break; case 4: length=2; break; } if (players[you].getBoats(sindex) != null) { Ship boat=new Ship(ships[sindex],players[you].getBoats(sindex).getDirect() ,length,players[you].getBoats(sindex).getX(),players[you].getBoats(sindex).getY()); players[you].getBoats(sindex).clearship(); players[you].setBoats(sindex,boat); players[you].getBoats(sindex).placeship(); } } } //Listener for the Direction combo box private class DirectListener implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent v) { dindex = cdir.getSelectedIndex(); if (players[you].getBoats(sindex) != null) { Ship boat=new Ship(ships[sindex],dindex,players[you].getBoats(sindex).getLength(), players[you].getBoats(sindex).getX(),players[you].getBoats(sindex).getY()); players[you].getBoats(sindex).clearship(); players[you].setBoats(sindex,boat);
  • 7. players[you].getBoats(sindex).placeship(); } } } //Listener for the buttons on the board private class BoardListener implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent v) { if (ready==0) { if (players[you].getBoats(sindex)!=null) players[you].getBoats(sindex).clearship(); Object source = v.getSource(); outer: for (i=0;i<10;i++) { for (j=0;j<10;j++) { if (source==players[you].getBboard(i,j)) { switch (sindex) { case 0: { if (w==0) w++; } break; case 1: { if (a==0) a++; } break; case 2: { if (s==0) s++; } break; case 3: { if (t==0) t++; } break; case 4: { if (e==0) e++; } break; } players[you].setBoats(sindex,new Ship(ships[sindex],dindex,length,i,j)); break outer; } } } players[you].getBoats(sindex).placeship(); } } } //creates a panel that tells whose board is which private JPanel whoseBoard() { JPanel panel=new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
  • 8. panel.add(new JLabel(players[you].getUser()+"'s Board",SwingConstants.LEFT),BorderLayout.WEST); panel.add(new JLabel(players[enemy].getUser()+"'s Board",SwingConstants.RIGHT),BorderLayout.EAST); return panel; } //Listener for exit choice on Game menu private class ExitListener implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { int r= JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null,"Are you sure you would l" +"ike to exit Battleship?", "Exit?", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION); if (r==0) System.exit(0); } } //listener for New Game submenu private class GameListener implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { int q= JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null,"Are you sure you would l" +"ike to start a new game?", "New Game?", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION); if (q==0) { //resets variables b.removeAll(); c.removeAll(); d.removeAll(); you=0; enemy=1; ready=0; if (players[you].getTimer()!=null) if (players[you].getTimer().isRunning()) players[you].getTimer().stop(); if (players[enemy].getTimer()!=null) if (players[enemy].getTimer().isRunning()) players[enemy].getTimer().stop(); gametype = e.getSource(); if (gametype==pvp) { if (!selectedValue.equals("no server")) { String[] possibleValues = { "Local", "Online"}; selectedValue = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Choose one", "Input", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE, null, possibleValues, possibleValues[0]); } if (!players[you].getUser().equals("CPU1")) { if (players[you].getUser().equals("Stupid")) { int w=JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null,"Would you" +" like to try inputting your name again?","", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION); if (w==JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { user=JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter your name."); int dummy=0; while
  • 9. (((user==null)||(user.equals("")))&&(dummy<3)) { user=JOptionPane.showInputDialog("You have to input something."); if ((user!=null)&&(!user.equals(""))) dummy=4; else dummy++; } if (dummy==3) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Still a" +"cting stupid. Oh well, we'll run with it." ,"",JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); user="Stupid"; } else JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"That wasn't" +" so hard now, was it?","YEAH!", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); } } players[you]=new Player (players[you].getUser()); } else players[you]=new Player (user); if (selectedValue.equals("Online")) { players[enemy]=new Player ("Unknown"); if (!isAutoSet()) { b.add(setBoard(you),BorderLayout.CENTER); deploy.setEnabled(false); d.add(inputpanel,BorderLayout.NORTH); } else { b.add(autoBoard(you,enemy),BorderLayout.WEST); c.add(autoBoard(enemy,you),BorderLayout.EAST); ready=1; } } else { //gets user to input name if((players[enemy].getUser().equals("Computer"))||(players[enemy].getUser().equals("CPU2") )||(players[enemy].getUser().equals("Unknown"))) { user2=JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter your name."); while ((user2==null)||(user2.equals(""))) { user2=JOptionPane.showInputDialog("You have to input something."); }
  • 10. } else user2=players[enemy].getUser(); players[enemy]=new Player (user2); b.add(autoBoard(you,enemy),BorderLayout.WEST); c.add(autoBoard(enemy,you),BorderLayout.EAST); d.add(whoseBoard(),BorderLayout.NORTH); whoGoesFirst(); ready=1; } //ready=1; } else if (gametype==pvc)//Player vs Computer { if (!players[you].getUser().equals("CPU1")) { if (players[you].getUser().equals("Stupid")) { int w=JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null,"Would you" +" like to try inputting your name again?","", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION); if (w==JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { user=JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter your name."); int dummy=0; while (((user==null)||(user.equals("")))&&(dummy<3)) { user=JOptionPane.showInputDialog("You have to input something."); if ((user!=null)&&(!user.equals(""))) dummy=4; else dummy++; } if (dummy==3) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Still a" +"cting stupid. Oh well, we'll run with it." ,"",JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); user="Stupid"; } else JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"That wasn't" +" so hard now, was it?","YEAH!", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); } } players[you]=new Player (players[you].getUser()); } else players[you]=new Player (user); players[enemy]=new Player ("Computer"); if (!isAutoSet()) {
  • 11. b.add(setBoard(you),BorderLayout.CENTER); deploy.setEnabled(false); d.add(inputpanel,BorderLayout.NORTH); } else { b.add(autoBoard(you,enemy),BorderLayout.WEST); c.add(autoBoard(enemy,you),BorderLayout.EAST); whoGoesFirst (); } } else if (gametype==cvc)//Computer vs Computer { mbar.setText("Battleship Demo"); mbar.setEditable(false); d.add(mbar,BorderLayout.NORTH); players[you]=new Player ("CPU1"); players[enemy]=new Player ("CPU2"); b.add(autoBoard(you,enemy),BorderLayout.WEST); c.add(autoBoard(enemy,you),BorderLayout.EAST); whoGoesFirst(); } pack(); repaint(); } } } //Listener for Rules menu private class RulesListener implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { } } //Listener for ok button in statistics menu private class OkListener implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { statistics.dispose(); } } //Listener for Stats menu private class StatsListener implements ActionListener { // public void setup() { stats=new JPanel(); ok.addActionListener(new OkListener()); statistics.setSize(300,300); statistics.setResizable(false); statistics.getContentPane().add(ok,BorderLayout.SOUTH); //statistics.setLocation(700,200); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (data==null) setup(); else stats.removeAll(); stats.setLayout(new GridLayout(6,3)); data=new JLabel(""); stats.add(data); data=new JLabel("Player 1",SwingConstants.CENTER); stats.add(data); data=new JLabel("Player 2",SwingConstants.CENTER); stats.add(data); data=new JLabel("Names"); stats.add(data); if (you == 0) {
  • 12. data=new JLabel(players[you].getUser(),SwingConstants.CENTER); stats.add(data); data=new JLabel(players[enemy].getUser(),SwingConstants.CENTER); stats.add(data); data=new JLabel("Shots Taken"); stats.add(data); data=new JLabel(Integer.toString(players[you].getShots()),SwingConstants.CENTER); stats.add(data); data=new JLabel(Integer.toString(players[enemy].getShots()),SwingConstants.CENTER); stats.add(data); data=new JLabel("Hits"); stats.add(data); data=new JLabel(Integer.toString(players[you].getHits()),SwingConstants.CENTER); stats.add(data); data=new JLabel(Integer.toString(players[enemy].getHits()),SwingConstants.CENTER); stats.add(data); data=new JLabel("Shot Accuracy"); stats.add(data); data=new JLabel(players[you].getAcc(),SwingConstants.CENTER); stats.add(data); data=new JLabel(players[enemy].getAcc(),SwingConstants.CENTER); stats.add(data); data=new JLabel("Ships Left"); stats.add(data); data=new JLabel(Integer.toString(players[you].getShipsLeft()),SwingConstants.CENTER); stats.add(data); data=new JLabel(Integer.toString(players[enemy].getShipsLeft()),SwingConstants.CENTER); stats.add(data); } else { data=new JLabel(players[enemy].getUser(),SwingConstants.CENTER); stats.add(data); data=new JLabel(players[you].getUser(),SwingConstants.CENTER); stats.add(data); data=new JLabel("Shots Taken"); stats.add(data); data=new JLabel(Integer.toString(players[enemy].getShots()),SwingConstants.CENTER); stats.add(data); data=new JLabel(Integer.toString(players[you].getShots()),SwingConstants.CENTER); stats.add(data); data=new JLabel("Hits"); stats.add(data); data=new JLabel(Integer.toString(players[enemy].getHits()),SwingConstants.CENTER); stats.add(data); data=new
  • 13. JLabel(Integer.toString(players[you].getHits()),SwingConstants.CENTER); stats.add(data); data=new JLabel("Shot Accuracy"); stats.add(data); data=new JLabel(players[enemy].getAcc(),SwingConstants.CENTER); stats.add(data); data=new JLabel(players[you].getAcc(),SwingConstants.CENTER); stats.add(data); data=new JLabel("Ships Left"); stats.add(data); data=new JLabel(Integer.toString(players[enemy].getShipsLeft()),SwingConstants.CENTER); stats.add(data); data=new JLabel(Integer.toString(players[you].getShipsLeft()),SwingConstants.CENTER); stats.add(data); } statistics.getContentPane().add(stats); statistics.pack(); statistics.setVisible(true); } } //Listener for Deploy Button private class DeployListener implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent v) { int r= JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null,"Are you sure you would l" +"ike to deploy your ships?", "Deploy Ships?", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION); if (r==0) { w=0; a=0; s=0; t=0; e=0; d.remove(input); b.add(players[you].getMyBoard(),BorderLayout.WEST); ready=1; c.add(autoBoard(enemy,you),BorderLayout.EAST); d.add(new JPanel(),BorderLayout.CENTER); if (!selectedValue.equals("Online")) whoGoesFirst(); pack(); repaint(); } } } //Listener for Options menu public class OptionsListener implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (opts==null) setup(); else options.setVisible(true); } public void setup() { opts=new JPanel(new GridLayout(4,2)); title=new JLabel("Computer AI"); opts.add(title); aiLevel.setSelectedIndex(0); opts.add(aiLevel); title=new JLabel("Ship Layout"); opts.add(title); shipLayout.setSelectedIndex(0); opts.add(shipLayout); title=new JLabel("Ship Color"); opts.add(title); shipColor.addActionListener(new SColorListener());
  • 14. shipColor.setSelectedIndex(0); opts.add(shipColor); title=new JLabel("Who Plays First?"); opts.add(title); playsFirst.setSelectedIndex(0); opts.add(playsFirst); options.getContentPane().add(opts,BorderLayout.CENTER); //options.setSize(600,800); options.setResizable(false); done.addActionListener(new DoneListener()); options.getContentPane().add(done,BorderLayout.SOUTH); options.setLocation(200,200); options.pack(); options.setVisible(true); } //Listener for the Colors combo box private class SColorListener implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent v) { for (i=0;i<10;i++) for (j=0;j<10;j++) { if (players[you].getBboard(i,j).getBackground()==color[prevcolor]) players[you].setBboard(i,j,color[shipColor.getSelectedIndex()]); if (players[enemy].getBboard(i,j).getBackground() ==color[prevcolor]) players[enemy].setBboard(i,j,color[shipColor.getSelectedIndex()]); } prevcolor=shipColor.getSelectedIndex(); } } //Listener for ok button in statistics menu private class DoneListener implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if ((shipLayout.getSelectedIndex()!=prevLayout)|| (aiLevel.getSelectedIndex()!=prevLevel)|| (playsFirst.getSelectedIndex()!=prevFirst)) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Changes will take"+ " place at the start of a new game.","" ,JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE); if (shipLayout.getSelectedIndex()!=prevLayout) prevLayout=shipLayout.getSelectedIndex(); if (playsFirst.getSelectedIndex()!=prevFirst) prevFirst=playsFirst.getSelectedIndex(); if (aiLevel.getSelectedIndex()!=prevLevel) prevLevel=aiLevel.getSelectedIndex(); } options.dispose(); } } } public static BattleshipClient getClient() { return me; } public static void main(String[] args){ Battleship gui= new Battleship();
  • 15. while (gui.isActive()) { while (selectedValue.equals(" ")) { } System.out.println("xenophobia"); System.out.println("Object = "+selectedValue); if (selectedValue.equals("Online")) { selectedValue=" "; while (ready!=1) { } try { me=new BattleshipClient(); if (!me.getServerName().equals("invalid")) { me.sendShips(); while (!gameover) { if (!players[you].getMove()) { try { me.listen(); } catch (IOException e){ System.out.println("Aw naw."); } } while (players[you].getMove()) { } me.results(); } } else { b.removeAll(); c.removeAll(); d.removeAll(); players[you]=new Player (user); players[enemy]=new Player ("Computer"); b.add(gui.setBoard(you),BorderLayout.CENTER); inputpanel=gui.shipinput(); d.add(inputpanel,BorderLayout.NORTH); gui.pack(); gui.repaint(); } } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("You Suck"); } } } //System.out.println("okay"); } }