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Java Programming
Implement an auction application with the following features/functionality:
Inputs for an item and minimum bid amount.
Inputs for bidder name, bid amount and maximum bid. You will implement a class called Bid to
hold this information.
Label controls to show the current high bidder’s name, bid amount and maximum bid. For bid
amounts, you may assume all bids will be a whole dollar value just to simplify things a bit.
A list box to show all entries when the auction is over. You will use the pop() method to retrieve
each bid off the stack and display it. This feature is intended more for test/debug purposes.
You will implement a Stack class that will keep the highest bid at the top of the stack. It must
have the classic stack operations of push() to place an item on the stack, pop() to remove the top
item from the stack, and top() to view the top item on the stack but not remove it. You may use a
linked list of your own design, an array, or the built-in Java Array List or Linked List classes as
the underlying data structure. You may also add an item count property if you want.
The auction will work by the following rules:
When the initial bid is made, it must be greater than or equal to the item’s minimum bid amount
to be placed on the stack.
When another bid is made that is greater than the current high bidder’s maximum bid, that bid
will be pushed to the top of the stack and become the new highest bid.
If another bid is made that is greater than the current high bid but less than or equal to the
current high bidder’s maximum amount, the current high bidder’s bid will be raised to match but
the new bid will not be placed on the stack.
Your application should have a message box or label to indicate the status of the bid operation.
There is no limit on the number of bids.
// To import features as 'Panel, Button, Label, TextArea, TextField, Color', etc.
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
// In this program, "this." is used instead of "this.getContentPane()." in Auction.init() uses;
class Bidacution
public static void main (String[] args)
{ Frame gameapp = new Frame ("AUCTION by Henry C. Joy");
gameapp.setSize (750, 560); // larger than actual applet -- allow for edges
gameapp.addWindowListener (new WindowCloser());
Auction display = new Auction();
gameapp.add (display);
gameapp.setVisible (true);
private static class WindowCloser extends java.awt.event.WindowAdapter
{ public void windowClosing (java.awt.event.WindowEvent e)
{ System.exit (0);
// The MAIN method of the software (the init method): using 20 + classes.
public class Auction extends java.applet.Applet // every Applet is a Panel
public static final int UNIT = 5; // difference between 2 consec. bids
public static final int BREAK = 5; // separate first 5 from last 4
public static final String REPEAT = "repeat game";
// VIEW objects
private Panel boardPanel = new Panel();
private Panel biddingPanel = new Panel();
private TextArea output = new TextArea (11, 93);
private TextArea area = new TextArea (15, 75);
private TextArea crutch = null; // an option changes this to area
private BidPrompter bidPrompt = new BidPrompter(); // It extends Panel
private Player humanPanel = new Player ("HUMAN");
private Player compyPanel = new Player ("COMPY");
private TwoPlayers twoGuys = new TwoPlayers (humanPanel, compyPanel);
// MODEL objects
private GameStatus status = new GameStatus();
private TotalGames gameCounter = new TotalGames(); // tracks num games
private PropList propList = new PropList(); // tracks 20 properties
public void init() // only on initial setup, not for additional games
{ boardPanel.setLayout (new GridLayout (4, 7, 6, 4));
boardPanel.setBackground (Color.white);
Panel bottom = new Panel();
bottom.setLayout (new GridLayout (1, 2, 40, 0));
bottom.add (humanPanel);
bottom.add (compyPanel);
this.setLayout (new BorderLayout (2, 2));
this.add (boardPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH);
this.add (biddingPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
this.add (bottom, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
startNewGame ("");
private void addManyComponentsToBiddingPanel() // only called by init()
{ biddingPanel.setBackground (Color.yellow);
biddingPanel.add (bidPrompt); // using FlowLayout
biddingPanel.add (newButton (" bid ", new MakeBidAl()));
biddingPanel.add (newButton ("pass", new PassBidAL()));
biddingPanel.add (newButton (UNIT +" higher", new HigherAL()));
biddingPanel.add (newButton (UNIT +" lower", new LowerAL()));
biddingPanel.add (newButton ("start new game", new NewGameAL()));
biddingPanel.add (newButton (REPEAT, new NewGameAL()));
biddingPanel.add (newButton ("options", new MoreOptionsAL()));
biddingPanel.add (output);
output.addKeyListener (new Responder());
output.setEditable (false); // I'll echo user's keys myself
output.setBackground (new Color (240, 255, 240)); // pastel green
output.append ("THE AUCTION GAME by Henry C. Joy, Jr. "
+ "Objective: At CASH IN, to have more total value "
+ "(property@$100...$300 plus cash) than compy. "
+ "The hint is the bid that compy thinks the property "
+ "is worth (though bids must be multiples of 5). "
+ "If you pass, compy takes it for the hint, "
+ "rounded down to a multiple of 5 if necessary. "
+ "If you bid what is shown after compy's first bid, "
+ "you get it for that higher bid. "
+ "If you bid what is shown for your first bid, you "
+ "get it for that or else compy takes it for 5 more; "
+ " if the hint ends in 3,4,8,or 9, raise your bid "
+ "5 higher to be sure to get the property. ");
public Button newButton (String label, ActionListener alis)
{ Button but = new Button (label);
but.addActionListener (alis);
return but;
/* The CONTROL part of the software -- 11 ActionListeners + Keys on 5 pages */
private class NewGameAL implements ActionListener // click 1 of 2 buttons
{ public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent ev)
{ int numSold = propList.numSold();
if (numSold >= PropList.FIRST_GROUP && numSold < PropList.MAX)
{ int score = twoGuys.score();
int cash = -;
if ((score > 60 && cash > 0) || (score < -60 && cash < 0))
output.append (gameCounter.updateTotals (score));
startNewGame (((Button) ev.getSource()).getLabel());
/** startNewGame resets all variables and displays for the start of a
new game. This may occur in the middle of the current game.
Called by init() and also by clicking a NewGameAL button. */
public void startNewGame (String newGame)
{ if ( ! newGame.equals (REPEAT)) // no repeat for first game
{ int id = status.nextGameID();
propList.shuffleToRandomize (id);
newGame = "Game " + id;
twoGuys.makeHumanFirst (true);
int initial = status.getInitialCash();
propList.resetIterator (initial);
humanPanel.addHoldingsToPanel (initial, 0);
compyPanel.addHoldingsToPanel (initial, status.getLoan());
int best = propList.selectBestBid (true,,, 0, crutch);
bidPrompt.updateForNewBestBid (true, false, false, best);
int val = best * 100 / ((Property) propList.getNext()).getCost();
output.append (" " + newGame + ": The first " + PropList.FIRST_GROUP
+ " properties total $" + propList.getTotalOfFirstGroup()
+ ". Compy bids " + val + " on 100s, " + (2 * val)
+ " on 200s, and " + (3 * val) + " on 300s. ");
biddingPanel.validate(); // re-layout components
private void addPropertiesToTopPanel() // only called by startNewGame()
{ propList.resetIterator (0);
boardPanel.add (new Label ("Up for bid ==>"));
for (int k = 0; k < PropList.TOTAL; k++)
boardPanel.add (;
boardPanel.add (new Label (""));
boardPanel.add (new Label ("")); // so 28 labels = 7 x 4
boardPanel.validate(); // re-layout components
private class LowerAL implements ActionListener // click "5 lower"
{ public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent ev)
{ if (bidPrompt.getDisplayedBid() > 0)
bidPrompt.changeDisplayedBid (-UNIT);
private class HigherAL implements ActionListener // click "5 higher"
{ public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent ev)
{ int bid = bidPrompt.getDisplayedBid();
if (bid <= twoGuys.getFirst().cash()
&& bid < twoGuys.getSecond().cash())
bidPrompt.changeDisplayedBid (UNIT);
private class Responder extends java.awt.event.KeyAdapter
// respond to certain chars typed inside textarea
{ public void keyTyped (java.awt.event.KeyEvent ev)
{ char key = ev.getKeyChar();
if (key == 'b')
new MakeBidAl().actionPerformed (null);
else if (key == 'n')
new PassBidAL().actionPerformed (null);
else if (key == 'm')
{ new HigherAL().actionPerformed (null);
new MakeBidAl().actionPerformed (null);
else if (key == 's')
new NewGameAL().actionPerformed
(new ActionEvent (new Button ("start"), 0, null));
else if (key == 'r')
new NewGameAL().actionPerformed
(new ActionEvent (new Button (REPEAT), 0, null));
private class PassBidAL implements ActionListener // click "pass"
{ public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent ev)
{ if ( ! (propList.getNext() instanceof Property))
twoGuys.makeHumanFirst (true);
output.append (propList.numSold() == BREAK ? ".p" : "p");
compyPanel.makeSale (, boardPanel,
twoGuys.bothAreReal() ? bidPrompt.getDisplayedBid()
: bidPrompt.getBestBid() / UNIT * UNIT);
private void prepareForNextTurn() // only called by PassBidAL or MakeBidAl
{ if ( ! (propList.getNext() instanceof Property))
{ ((RentLabel) propList.getNext()).flashIntermittently();
if (propList.numSold() >= PropList.MAX)
{ output.append (gameCounter.updateTotals (twoGuys.score()));
payOutRentAndShowResults(); // removes the RENT label
boolean bidbyman = twoGuys.getFirst() == humanPanel;
int best = propList.selectBestBid (bidbyman,
twoGuys.getFirst().cash(), twoGuys.getSecond().cash(),
compyPanel.prop() - humanPanel.prop(), crutch);
bidPrompt.updateForNewBestBid (bidbyman, <= best, <= best, best);
boardPanel.validate(); // re-layout components
private void payOutRentAndShowResults() // only called by prepareForNextTurn
{ boardPanel.remove (;
humanPanel.updateForIncomeReceived (-1);
compyPanel.updateForIncomeReceived (-1);
output.append (((propList.numSold() > PropList.FIRST_GROUP)
? " " : "") + " After " + propList.numSold()
+ ", human: rent= " + (humanPanel.prop() / 10) + ", cash= "
+ + "; compy: rent= " + (compyPanel.prop() / 10)
+ ", cash= " +
+ ((status.getLoan() == 0) ? "" : ", loan= " + (-status.getLoan()))
+ "; human " + ((twoGuys.score() >= 0)
? "is ahead by " + twoGuys.score()
: "is losing by " + (-twoGuys.score())) + ". ");
private class MakeBidAl implements ActionListener // click "bid"
{ public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent ev)
{ if ( ! (propList.getNext() instanceof Property))
int bid = bidPrompt.getDisplayedBid();
int price = twoGuys.compyPayment (bid, bidPrompt.getBestBid());
output.append ((propList.numSold() == BREAK ? "." : "")
+ bidPrompt.echo (price >= 0, ! twoGuys.bothAreReal()));
if (price >= 0)
compyPanel.makeSale (, boardPanel, price);
humanPanel.makeSale (, boardPanel, bid);
twoGuys.makeHumanFirst (price >= 0);
private class MoreOptionsAL implements ActionListener // click "options"
{ public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent ev)
{ final Frame opt = new Frame ("MORE OPTIONS FOR AUCTION");
opt.setLayout (new FlowLayout());
opt.setSize (600, 360);
opt.setBackground (new Color (255, 248, 248));
opt.add (new Label ("Enter a game ID number or initial cash"));
TextField field = new TextField (10);
field.addActionListener (new SetStatusAL());
opt.add (field);
opt.add (newButton ("vs person ", new SwitchOpponentAL()));
opt.add (newButton ("gotcha!", new GotchaAL()));
opt.add (new Label ("loan compy interest-free?"));
opt.add (newButton ("loan $50", new MakeItHarderAL()));
opt.add (newButton ("use the crutch", new DisplayChoiceTreeAL()));
opt.add (area);
opt.setVisible (true);
opt.addWindowListener (new java.awt.event.WindowAdapter()
{ public void windowClosing(java.awt.event.WindowEvent ev)
{ opt.setVisible (false);
private class MakeItHarderAL implements ActionListener // click "loan 50"
{ public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent ev)
{ status.increaseLoan (50);
area.append ("Compy has an advantage of " + status.getLoan() +" ");
private class DisplayChoiceTreeAL implements ActionListener // click "crutch"
{ public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent ev)
{ crutch = area;
area.append ("For each group of 3 properties between RENTs, you "
+ "have up to 8 different sequences of 3 choices. We list "
+ "here all of your choices and their consequences. "
+ "The listing is 4 columns; an entry such as 200C80 in "
+ "the first 3 columns means that on a $200 property Compy "
+ "buys it for $80. The fourth column tells how much "
+ "cash the two players (H and C) are left with after that  "
+ " sequence of choices. It also tells the net change in "
+ "your cash and property holdings.  ");
private class SwitchOpponentAL implements ActionListener // click "vs..."
{ public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent ev)
{ ((Button) ev.getSource()).setLabel ("vs " + twoGuys.opponent());
area.append ("You are now playing against a " + twoGuys.opponent()
+ ". ");
private class SetStatusAL implements ActionListener // for options TextField
{ public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent ev)
{ TextField input = (TextField) ev.getSource();
{ int num = Integer.parseInt (input.getText());
if (num < 100)
area.append ("INVALID: " + num + " ");
else if (num < 1000) // 3 digits
{ status.setInitialCash (num);
area.append ("START = $" + num + " ");
else // 4 or more digits
{ status.setGameID (num);
area.append ("NEW GAME ID = " + num + " ");
catch (RuntimeException e)
{ int num = Math.abs (input.getText().hashCode());
status.setGameID (num);
area.append ("numerically, NEW GAME ID = " + num + " ");
input.setText ("");
private class GotchaAL implements ActionListener // click "gotcha"
{ public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent ev)
{ Player seller = twoGuys.getFirst(); // because he lost the bid
Player buyer = twoGuys.getSecond();
int price = buyer.getPriceOfLastBuy();
if (! twoGuys.bothAreReal() || < price)
Label matching = seller.getMatchFor (buyer.lastPurchaseInitial());
if (matching != null)
{ area.append ("Distress sale of " + matching.getText()
+ " for a price of " + price + ". ");
buyer.makeSale (matching, seller, price);
seller.updateForIncomeReceived (price);
} // END OF Auction CLASS
/** Called once at the beginning of each game. */
public void addHoldingsToPanel (int initialCash, int loan)
{ propAmt = 0;
cashAmt = initialCash + loan;
loanAmt = loan;
priceOfLastBuy = 100000;
propLabel.setText (propTag + propAmt);
cashLabel.setText (cashTag + cashAmt);
this.add (propLabel);
this.add (cashLabel);
size = NUM_BLANKS;
for (int k = NUM_BLANKS - 1; k >= 0; k--)
this.add (blanks[k]);
validate(); // re-layout components
public int cash()
{ return cashAmt;
public int prop()
{ return propAmt;
public int assets()
{ return cashAmt + propAmt - loanAmt;
public int getPriceOfLastBuy()
{ return priceOfLastBuy;
public void makeSale (Label prop, Panel boardPanel, int priceOfProp)
{ cashAmt -= priceOfProp;
propAmt += ((Property) prop).getCost();
priceOfLastBuy = priceOfProp;
if (size == 0)
this.add (prop);
{ this.add (prop, 2 + NUM_BLANKS - size); // 2,3,...
boardPanel.add (blanks[--size]); // also removes from own
cashLabel.setText (cashTag + cashAmt);
propLabel.setText (propTag + propAmt);
this.validate(); // re-layout components
public void updateForIncomeReceived (int increase)
{ cashAmt += (increase >= 0) ? increase : propAmt / 10;
cashLabel.setText (cashTag + cashAmt);
public char lastPurchaseInitial() // only called by GotchaAL
{ Component[] data = this.getComponents();
int pos = data.length - 1;
while (! (data[pos] instanceof Property))//skip blank labels
return ((Property) data[pos]).getText().charAt (4);
public Label getMatchFor (char chr) // only called by GotchaAL
{ Component[] data = this.getComponents();
for (int pos = data.length - 1; pos >= 0; pos--)
{ if (data[pos] instanceof Property
&& ((Property) data[pos]).getText().charAt (4) == chr)
return (Label) data[pos];
return null;
class BidPrompter extends Panel
public static final String HUM_DOWN = " You first; bid this?";
public static final String HUM_UP = "You first; this or more?";
private Label hintLabel = new Label ("hint=000");
private Label promptForBid; // tells human what the bid choices are
private Label currentBid = new Label ("000"); // current or suggested bid
private int displayedBid = 0; // the bid showing in the currentBid label
private int bestBid = 0; // best estimate of amount to bid
private boolean bidHasBeenRaised = false;
public BidPrompter()
{ super();
promptForBid = new Label (HUM_UP, Label.RIGHT);
add (hintLabel); // using FlowLayout
add (promptForBid);
add (currentBid);
public void updateForNewBestBid (boolean bidbyman, boolean humanIsBroke,
boolean compyIsBroke, int best)
{ bestBid = best;
displayedBid = bestBid / Auction.UNIT * Auction.UNIT;
boolean goUp = bestBid > displayedBid + Auction.UNIT / 2;
hintLabel.setText ( (goUp && compyIsBroke) ? "CHEAP!"
: (goUp && humanIsBroke) ? "GONE!"
: "hint=" + bestBid);
if (bidbyman)
promptForBid.setText ((goUp && ! compyIsBroke) ? HUM_UP : HUM_DOWN);
{ promptForBid.setText ("Compy bids " + displayedBid
+ ((goUp && ! humanIsBroke) ? "; go up?" : "; you?"));
displayedBid += Auction.UNIT;
currentBid.setText ("" + displayedBid);
bidHasBeenRaised = false;
public int getBestBid()
{ return bestBid;
public int getDisplayedBid()
{ return displayedBid;
public void changeDisplayedBid (int change)
{ displayedBid += change;
currentBid.setText ("" + displayedBid);
bidHasBeenRaised = change > 0;
public String echo (boolean humanLostBid, boolean vsComputer)
{ return humanLostBid ? "b" : (vsComputer && bidHasBeenRaised) ? "M" : "B";
} // END OF BidPrompter CLASS
class RentLabel extends Label
public RentLabel (String name)
{ super (name, Label.CENTER);
setBackground (Color.magenta);
public void paint (Graphics page)
{ page.setColor (;
Dimension dim = this.getSize(); // required in Java 1.1, not getHeight()
int bottom = dim.height;
int reps = (dim.width - 2) / 8;
int x = (dim.width - 8 * reps) / 2;
page.drawLine (x, 1, x, bottom - 1);
for (; x < 8 * reps; x += 8)
{ page.drawLine (x, 1, x + 4, 5);
page.drawLine (x + 4, 5, x + 8, 1);
page.drawLine (x, bottom - 1, x + 4, bottom - 5);
page.drawLine (x + 4, bottom - 5, x + 8, bottom - 1);
page.drawLine (x, 1, x, bottom - 1);
public void flashIntermittently() // only called from prepareForNextTurn
{ long later = System.currentTimeMillis() + 1000; // 1 second
while (later > System.currentTimeMillis())
{ this.setBackground (this.getBackground() == Color.white
? : Color.white);
for (int k = 0; k < 6000000; k++)
{ }
this.setBackground (Color.magenta);
class Property extends Label
private int itsCost;
public Property (int givenCost, String givenName)
{ super (givenCost + " " + givenName);
itsCost = givenCost;
public void paint (Graphics page)
{ page.setColor (;
Dimension dim = this.getSize(); // required in Java 1.1, not getHeight()
page.drawRect (1, 1, dim.width - 2, dim.height - 2);
public int getCost()
{ return itsCost;
class GameStatus extends Object // tracks status variables set once each game
private int initialCash = 600 + new java.util.Random().nextInt() % 3 * 50;
// nextInt()%3 is -2 to 2, so the result is 500/550/600/650/700
private int compyLoan = 0;
private int gameID = 0;
private boolean haveUsedGameID = true;
public void increaseLoan (int num) // only called by MakeItHarderAL
{ compyLoan += num;
public int getLoan()
{ return compyLoan;
public String showLoan()
{ return (compyLoan == 0) ? "" : ", loan= " + (-compyLoan);
public void setGameID (int num) // only called by SetStatusAL
{ gameID = num;
haveUsedGameID = false;
public int nextGameID()
{ if (haveUsedGameID)
gameID = 55000 + new java.util.Random().nextInt() % 45000;
// so the result is 10001 through 99999
haveUsedGameID = true;
return gameID;
public void setInitialCash (int num) // only called by SetStatusAL
{ initialCash = num;
public int getInitialCash()
{ return initialCash;
} // END OF GameStatus CLASS
class TotalGames // tracks multiple games and totals
private int itsNumGames = 0;
private int itsTotalScore = 0;
private int itsNumWon = 0;
public String updateTotals (int score)
{ itsTotalScore += score;
if (score > 0)
return " ==> GAME OVER: Your score = " + score
+ (itsNumGames == 1 ? ". "
: ". You won " + itsNumWon + " out of " + itsNumGames
+ "; your average is "
+ (itsTotalScore / itsNumGames) + ". ");
} // END OF TotalGames CLASS
class PropList
public static final int MAX = 20; // number of properties
public static final int TOTAL = MAX + 5; // allow for 4 rents + 1 cash-in
public static final int FIRST_GROUP = 9;
public static final int UNIT = Auction.UNIT;
private Label[] allData = new Label [TOTAL];
private Property[] itsProperty;
private Label[] fixed = {new RentLabel ("COLLECT RENT"),
new RentLabel ("COLLECT RENT"), new RentLabel ("COLLECT RENT"),
new RentLabel ("COLLECT RENT"), new RentLabel ("CASH IN")};
private int nextAvailable = 0;
private int totalOfFirstGroup;
private int valueOfFirstGroup;
public PropList()
{ itsProperty = new Property[MAX];
String[] name = {"St.Louis RR", "SantaFe RR", "B&O RR", "Boston RR",
"Arizona", "Alabama", "Connecticut", "California",
"Illinois", "Indiana", "Maryland", "Mass.",
"New York", "New Jersey", "Oregon", "Oklahoma",
"Tennessee", "Texas", "Virginia", "Vermont"};
int[] cost = {100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 200, 200, 200, 200,
200, 200, 200, 200, 300, 300, 300, 300};
final Color RED = new Color (255, 96, 96);
final Color GRAY = new Color (216, 216, 216);
for (int k = 0; k < MAX; k++) // inefficient but only done once per game
{ itsProperty[k] = new Property (cost[k], name[k]);
itsProperty[k].setBackground (k < 4 ? GRAY : k < 8 ? Color.cyan
: k < 12 ? : k < 16 ? RED :;
public void resetIterator (int initial)
{ nextAvailable = 0;
valueOfFirstGroup = Math.min (64 + Math.max (0, (initial - 650) / 18),
initial * 200 / (totalOfFirstGroup + 505 +
(1500-totalOfFirstGroup) / 100 * (1000-initial) / 20));
public Label next()
{ return allData[nextAvailable++];
public Label getNext()
{ return allData[nextAvailable];
public int numSold() // returns 9, 12, 15, 18 on 10, 14, 18, 22
{ return nextAvailable <= FIRST_GROUP ? nextAvailable
: (nextAvailable + 2) - (nextAvailable + 2) / 4;
/** Produce a random ordering of the 20 properties at the beginning of
a new game. Also calculate the total value of the first 9. */
public void shuffleToRandomize (int givenSeed)
{ java.util.Random randy = new java.util.Random (givenSeed);
Property[] copy = new Property[MAX];
System.arraycopy (itsProperty, 0, copy, 0, MAX);
for (int k = 0; k < MAX; k++)
{ int spot = k + Math.abs (randy.nextInt()) % (MAX - k);
Property temp = copy[spot];
copy[spot] = copy[k];
copy[k] = temp;
totalOfFirstGroup = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < FIRST_GROUP; k++)
totalOfFirstGroup += copy[k].getCost();
int pos = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < MAX; k++)
{ allData[pos++] = copy[k];
if (pos == 9 || pos == 13 || pos == 17 || pos == 21)
allData[pos++] = fixed[(pos - FIRST_GROUP) / 4];
allData[pos] = fixed[4];
public int getTotalOfFirstGroup()
{ return totalOfFirstGroup;
public int selectBestBid (boolean bidbyman, int initialBidder, int other,
int comPlus, TextArea options)
{ int cost = ((Property) allData[nextAvailable]).getCost();
if (nextAvailable < FIRST_GROUP) // so in the first group of 9
{ if (nextAvailable == 5 && Math.abs (comPlus) >= 200)
valueOfFirstGroup -= UNIT * comPlus / Math.abs (comPlus);
return Math.min (valueOfFirstGroup * cost / 100,
Math.min (initialBidder, other) + UNIT - 1);
if (nextAvailable < 22) // reduce to $75 per 100 except last group
cost = cost * 3 / 4;
if ( ! (allData[nextAvailable + 1] instanceof Property)) // one left
return Bid.bestBid (initialBidder, other, cost).itsBid;
int b = ((Property) allData[nextAvailable + 1]).getCost() * 3
/ (nextAvailable < 22 ? 4 : 3);
if ( ! (allData[nextAvailable + 2] instanceof Property)) // two left
return Bid.bestBid (initialBidder, other, cost, b).itsBid;
int c = ((Property) allData[nextAvailable + 2]).getCost();
Bid firstOf3 = Bid.bestBid (initialBidder, other, cost, b, c * 3 / 4);
if (options != null && bidbyman)
options.append (firstOf3.toString (bidbyman, initialBidder, other));
else if (options != null)
options.append (firstOf3.toString (bidbyman, other, initialBidder));
return firstOf3.itsBid;
}// END OF PropList CLASS
class Bid // only used by selectBestBid() in PropList
/** For "me" vs "him": "me" denotes the one who has first bid. */
public static final int UNIT = Auction.UNIT; // for convenience
private static final Bid EMPTY_BID = new Bid (-101, 10000, 100);
public final int itsBid; // always non-negative
private Bid bestBidIfKept; // not used by bestBid()
private Bid bestBidIfLost; // not used by bestBid()
private int itsGain; // gain for whoever is first; thus it may be negative
private int itsProp; // always 100 or 200 or 300
/** A bid on the last property. Precondition: itsBid % 5 is 3 or 4 */
public Bid (int bid, int gain, int prop) // only called by 3-param bestBid()
{ itsBid = bid;
itsProp = prop;
bestBidIfKept = EMPTY_BID;
bestBidIfLost = EMPTY_BID;
itsGain = gain;
/** ONE property left. THREE-parameter bestBid calls THREE-parameter Bid
constructor. It is me's bid first. All parameters are non-negative. */
public static Bid bestBid (int me, int him, int current)
{ if (me >= current && him >= current)
return new Bid (current - 1, 0, current);
else if (him > me) // so me < current
return new Bid (me + UNIT - 1, me + UNIT - current, current);
else // so him <= me && him < current
return new Bid (him + UNIT - 1, current - him, current);
/** A bid on the next-to-last of two properties before a RENT.
Precondition: -5 <= estimate <= minimum of other 3 parameters. */
public Bid (int estimate, int me, int him, int one, int two)
{ itsBid = estimate; // always a multiple of 5
itsProp = one;
bestBidIfKept = bestBid (him, me - estimate, two);
bestBidIfLost = (him <= estimate) ? EMPTY_BID // gain of infinity
: bestBid (me, him - estimate - UNIT, two);
itsGain = Math.min (itsProp - itsBid - bestBidIfKept.itsGain,
UNIT + itsBid - itsProp + bestBidIfLost.itsGain);
/** The best bid revised for an estimate 4 higher (to be overbid). */
public Bid (Bid basis)
{ this.itsBid = basis.itsBid + 4;
this.itsProp = basis.itsProp;
this.bestBidIfKept = basis.bestBidIfKept;
this.bestBidIfLost = basis.bestBidIfLost;
this.itsGain = basis.itsGain;
private int gainIfKept()
{ return itsProp - itsBid - bestBidIfKept.itsGain;
private int gainIfLost() // infinity if opponent cannot overbid
{ return itsBid + UNIT - itsProp + bestBidIfLost.itsGain;
public static Bid bestBid (int me, int him, int one, int two)
{ int estimate = Math.min (him, Math.min (me, one));
Bid high = new Bid (estimate, me, him, one, two);
if (estimate < one && high.gainIfLost() < high.gainIfKept())
return new Bid (high);
estimate -= UNIT;
Bid lower = new Bid (estimate, me, him, one, two);
while (lower.gainIfLost() > lower.gainIfKept() && estimate >= 0)
{ high = lower;
estimate -= UNIT;
lower = new Bid (estimate, me, him, one, two);
return (estimate < 0 || high.gainIfKept() >= lower.gainIfLost())
? high : new Bid (lower);
/** A bid on the third-to-last of three before a RENT. */
public Bid (int estimate, int me, int him, int one, int two, int three)
{ itsBid = estimate;
itsProp = one;
bestBidIfKept = bestBid (him, me - estimate, two, three);
bestBidIfLost = (him <= estimate) ? EMPTY_BID // gain of infinity
: bestBid (me, him - estimate - UNIT, two, three);
itsGain = Math.min (itsProp - itsBid - bestBidIfKept.itsGain,
UNIT + itsBid - itsProp + bestBidIfLost.itsGain);
/** THREE properties left. FIVE-parameter bestBid calls SIX-parameter Bid
constructor, which in turn calls FOUR-parameter bestBid. */
public static Bid bestBid (int me, int him, int one, int two,
int three)
{ int estimate = Math.min (him, Math.min (me, one));
Bid high = new Bid (estimate, me, him, one, two, three);
if (estimate < one && high.gainIfLost() < high.gainIfKept())
return new Bid (high);
estimate -= UNIT;
Bid lower = new Bid (estimate, me, him, one, two, three);
while (lower.gainIfLost() > lower.gainIfKept() && estimate >= 0)
{ high = lower;
estimate -= UNIT;
lower = new Bid (estimate, me, him, one, two, three);
return (estimate < 0 || high.gainIfKept() >= lower.gainIfLost())
? high : new Bid (lower);
private static final String BLANKS = " ";
public String toString (boolean bidbyman, int humCash, int comCash)
{ return "human has $" + humCash + "; compy has $" + comCash
+ (bidbyman ? "; human" : "; compy") + "'s bid first. "
+ "Your choices are... "
+ toString (bidbyman, "", humCash, comCash, 0, 0, 3) + " ";
public String toString (boolean bidbyman, String prefix, int humCash,
int comCash, int cahead, int pahead, int level)
{ if (humCash < 0 || comCash < 0)
return ""; // skip this line, since it is impossible by the rules
int padding = Math.max (0, 30 - prefix.length());
if (this == EMPTY_BID) // only after 3 bids
return prefix + BLANKS.substring (0, padding)
+ " H$" + humCash + ": C$" + comCash + " so cash: "
+ cahead + ", prop: " + (pahead * 4 / 3)
+ ", net= " + (cahead + pahead * 4 / 3) + " ";
int loBid = itsBid - itsBid % UNIT;
boolean goUp = itsBid % UNIT > UNIT / 2;
int comPaid = bidbyman ? loBid + UNIT : loBid;
Bid comBid = bidbyman ? bestBidIfLost : bestBidIfKept;
int humPaid = bidbyman ? loBid : loBid + UNIT;
Bid humBid = bidbyman ? bestBidIfKept : bestBidIfLost;
if (bidbyman && goUp && comCash > itsBid) // can bid more to get it
{ humPaid = loBid + UNIT;
humBid = (level == 1 || humCash < humPaid) ? EMPTY_BID
: (level == 2) ? bestBid (comCash, humCash - humPaid,
: bestBid (comCash, humCash - humPaid,
else if (bidbyman) // can pass to leave compy with it
{ comPaid = loBid;
comBid = (level == 1) ? EMPTY_BID
: (level == 2) ? bestBid (humCash, comCash - comPaid,
: bestBid (humCash, comCash - comPaid,
char up = (goUp && (bidbyman ? comCash > itsBid : humCash > itsBid))
? '^' : ' ';
return comBid.toString (true, prefix + (itsProp * 4 / 3) + "C" + comPaid
+ up + " ", humCash, comCash - comPaid, cahead + comPaid,
pahead - itsProp, level - 1)
+ humBid.toString (false, prefix + (itsProp * 4 / 3) + "H" + humPaid
+ up + " ", humCash - humPaid, comCash, cahead - humPaid,
pahead + itsProp, level - 1);

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  • 1. Java Programming Implement an auction application with the following features/functionality: Inputs for an item and minimum bid amount. Inputs for bidder name, bid amount and maximum bid. You will implement a class called Bid to hold this information. Label controls to show the current high bidder’s name, bid amount and maximum bid. For bid amounts, you may assume all bids will be a whole dollar value just to simplify things a bit. A list box to show all entries when the auction is over. You will use the pop() method to retrieve each bid off the stack and display it. This feature is intended more for test/debug purposes. You will implement a Stack class that will keep the highest bid at the top of the stack. It must have the classic stack operations of push() to place an item on the stack, pop() to remove the top item from the stack, and top() to view the top item on the stack but not remove it. You may use a linked list of your own design, an array, or the built-in Java Array List or Linked List classes as the underlying data structure. You may also add an item count property if you want. The auction will work by the following rules: When the initial bid is made, it must be greater than or equal to the item’s minimum bid amount to be placed on the stack. When another bid is made that is greater than the current high bidder’s maximum bid, that bid will be pushed to the top of the stack and become the new highest bid. If another bid is made that is greater than the current high bid but less than or equal to the current high bidder’s maximum amount, the current high bidder’s bid will be raised to match but the new bid will not be placed on the stack. Your application should have a message box or label to indicate the status of the bid operation. There is no limit on the number of bids. Solution // To import features as 'Panel, Button, Label, TextArea, TextField, Color', etc. import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; // In this program, "this." is used instead of "this.getContentPane()." in Auction.init() uses; class Bidacution {
  • 2. public static void main (String[] args) { Frame gameapp = new Frame ("AUCTION by Henry C. Joy"); gameapp.setSize (750, 560); // larger than actual applet -- allow for edges gameapp.addWindowListener (new WindowCloser()); Auction display = new Auction(); display.init(); gameapp.add (display); gameapp.setVisible (true); } private static class WindowCloser extends java.awt.event.WindowAdapter { public void windowClosing (java.awt.event.WindowEvent e) { System.exit (0); }} } // The MAIN method of the software (the init method): using 20 + classes. public class Auction extends java.applet.Applet // every Applet is a Panel { public static final int UNIT = 5; // difference between 2 consec. bids public static final int BREAK = 5; // separate first 5 from last 4 public static final String REPEAT = "repeat game"; // VIEW objects private Panel boardPanel = new Panel(); private Panel biddingPanel = new Panel(); private TextArea output = new TextArea (11, 93); private TextArea area = new TextArea (15, 75); private TextArea crutch = null; // an option changes this to area private BidPrompter bidPrompt = new BidPrompter(); // It extends Panel private Player humanPanel = new Player ("HUMAN"); private Player compyPanel = new Player ("COMPY"); private TwoPlayers twoGuys = new TwoPlayers (humanPanel, compyPanel); // MODEL objects private GameStatus status = new GameStatus(); private TotalGames gameCounter = new TotalGames(); // tracks num games private PropList propList = new PropList(); // tracks 20 properties public void init() // only on initial setup, not for additional games { boardPanel.setLayout (new GridLayout (4, 7, 6, 4));
  • 3. boardPanel.setBackground (Color.white); addManyComponentsToBiddingPanel(); Panel bottom = new Panel(); bottom.setLayout (new GridLayout (1, 2, 40, 0)); bottom.add (humanPanel); bottom.add (compyPanel); this.setLayout (new BorderLayout (2, 2)); this.add (boardPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH); this.add (biddingPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); this.add (bottom, BorderLayout.SOUTH); startNewGame (""); } private void addManyComponentsToBiddingPanel() // only called by init() { biddingPanel.setBackground (Color.yellow); biddingPanel.add (bidPrompt); // using FlowLayout biddingPanel.add (newButton (" bid ", new MakeBidAl())); biddingPanel.add (newButton ("pass", new PassBidAL())); biddingPanel.add (newButton (UNIT +" higher", new HigherAL())); biddingPanel.add (newButton (UNIT +" lower", new LowerAL())); biddingPanel.add (newButton ("start new game", new NewGameAL())); biddingPanel.add (newButton (REPEAT, new NewGameAL())); biddingPanel.add (newButton ("options", new MoreOptionsAL())); biddingPanel.add (output); output.addKeyListener (new Responder()); output.setEditable (false); // I'll echo user's keys myself output.setBackground (new Color (240, 255, 240)); // pastel green output.append ("THE AUCTION GAME by Henry C. Joy, Jr. " + "Objective: At CASH IN, to have more total value " + "(property@$100...$300 plus cash) than compy. " + "The hint is the bid that compy thinks the property " + "is worth (though bids must be multiples of 5). " + "If you pass, compy takes it for the hint, " + "rounded down to a multiple of 5 if necessary. " + "If you bid what is shown after compy's first bid, " + "you get it for that higher bid. " + "If you bid what is shown for your first bid, you "
  • 4. + "get it for that or else compy takes it for 5 more; " + " if the hint ends in 3,4,8,or 9, raise your bid " + "5 higher to be sure to get the property. "); } public Button newButton (String label, ActionListener alis) { Button but = new Button (label); but.addActionListener (alis); return but; } /* The CONTROL part of the software -- 11 ActionListeners + Keys on 5 pages */ private class NewGameAL implements ActionListener // click 1 of 2 buttons { public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent ev) { int numSold = propList.numSold(); if (numSold >= PropList.FIRST_GROUP && numSold < PropList.MAX) { int score = twoGuys.score(); int cash = -; if ((score > 60 && cash > 0) || (score < -60 && cash < 0)) output.append (gameCounter.updateTotals (score)); } boardPanel.removeAll(); humanPanel.removeAll(); compyPanel.removeAll(); startNewGame (((Button) ev.getSource()).getLabel()); } } /** startNewGame resets all variables and displays for the start of a new game. This may occur in the middle of the current game. Called by init() and also by clicking a NewGameAL button. */ public void startNewGame (String newGame) { if ( ! newGame.equals (REPEAT)) // no repeat for first game { int id = status.nextGameID(); propList.shuffleToRandomize (id); newGame = "Game " + id; } twoGuys.makeHumanFirst (true); addPropertiesToTopPanel();
  • 5. int initial = status.getInitialCash(); propList.resetIterator (initial); humanPanel.addHoldingsToPanel (initial, 0); compyPanel.addHoldingsToPanel (initial, status.getLoan()); int best = propList.selectBestBid (true,,, 0, crutch); bidPrompt.updateForNewBestBid (true, false, false, best); int val = best * 100 / ((Property) propList.getNext()).getCost(); output.append (" " + newGame + ": The first " + PropList.FIRST_GROUP + " properties total $" + propList.getTotalOfFirstGroup() + ". Compy bids " + val + " on 100s, " + (2 * val) + " on 200s, and " + (3 * val) + " on 300s. "); biddingPanel.validate(); // re-layout components } private void addPropertiesToTopPanel() // only called by startNewGame() { propList.resetIterator (0); boardPanel.add (new Label ("Up for bid ==>")); for (int k = 0; k < PropList.TOTAL; k++) boardPanel.add (; boardPanel.add (new Label ("")); boardPanel.add (new Label ("")); // so 28 labels = 7 x 4 boardPanel.validate(); // re-layout components } private class LowerAL implements ActionListener // click "5 lower" { public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent ev) { if (bidPrompt.getDisplayedBid() > 0) bidPrompt.changeDisplayedBid (-UNIT); } } private class HigherAL implements ActionListener // click "5 higher" { public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent ev) { int bid = bidPrompt.getDisplayedBid(); if (bid <= twoGuys.getFirst().cash() && bid < twoGuys.getSecond().cash()) bidPrompt.changeDisplayedBid (UNIT); }
  • 6. } private class Responder extends java.awt.event.KeyAdapter // respond to certain chars typed inside textarea { public void keyTyped (java.awt.event.KeyEvent ev) { char key = ev.getKeyChar(); if (key == 'b') new MakeBidAl().actionPerformed (null); else if (key == 'n') new PassBidAL().actionPerformed (null); else if (key == 'm') { new HigherAL().actionPerformed (null); new MakeBidAl().actionPerformed (null); } else if (key == 's') new NewGameAL().actionPerformed (new ActionEvent (new Button ("start"), 0, null)); else if (key == 'r') new NewGameAL().actionPerformed (new ActionEvent (new Button (REPEAT), 0, null)); } } private class PassBidAL implements ActionListener // click "pass" { public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent ev) { if ( ! (propList.getNext() instanceof Property)) return; twoGuys.makeHumanFirst (true); output.append (propList.numSold() == BREAK ? ".p" : "p"); compyPanel.makeSale (, boardPanel, twoGuys.bothAreReal() ? bidPrompt.getDisplayedBid() : bidPrompt.getBestBid() / UNIT * UNIT); prepareForNextTurn(); } } private void prepareForNextTurn() // only called by PassBidAL or MakeBidAl { if ( ! (propList.getNext() instanceof Property)) { ((RentLabel) propList.getNext()).flashIntermittently();
  • 7. if (propList.numSold() >= PropList.MAX) { output.append (gameCounter.updateTotals (twoGuys.score())); return; } payOutRentAndShowResults(); // removes the RENT label } boolean bidbyman = twoGuys.getFirst() == humanPanel; int best = propList.selectBestBid (bidbyman, twoGuys.getFirst().cash(), twoGuys.getSecond().cash(), compyPanel.prop() - humanPanel.prop(), crutch); bidPrompt.updateForNewBestBid (bidbyman, <= best, <= best, best); boardPanel.validate(); // re-layout components } private void payOutRentAndShowResults() // only called by prepareForNextTurn { boardPanel.remove (; humanPanel.updateForIncomeReceived (-1); compyPanel.updateForIncomeReceived (-1); output.append (((propList.numSold() > PropList.FIRST_GROUP) ? " " : "") + " After " + propList.numSold() + ", human: rent= " + (humanPanel.prop() / 10) + ", cash= " + + "; compy: rent= " + (compyPanel.prop() / 10) + ", cash= " + + ((status.getLoan() == 0) ? "" : ", loan= " + (-status.getLoan())) + "; human " + ((twoGuys.score() >= 0) ? "is ahead by " + twoGuys.score() : "is losing by " + (-twoGuys.score())) + ". "); } private class MakeBidAl implements ActionListener // click "bid" { public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent ev) { if ( ! (propList.getNext() instanceof Property)) return; int bid = bidPrompt.getDisplayedBid(); int price = twoGuys.compyPayment (bid, bidPrompt.getBestBid()); output.append ((propList.numSold() == BREAK ? "." : "") + bidPrompt.echo (price >= 0, ! twoGuys.bothAreReal()));
  • 8. if (price >= 0) compyPanel.makeSale (, boardPanel, price); else humanPanel.makeSale (, boardPanel, bid); twoGuys.makeHumanFirst (price >= 0); prepareForNextTurn(); } } private class MoreOptionsAL implements ActionListener // click "options" { public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent ev) { final Frame opt = new Frame ("MORE OPTIONS FOR AUCTION"); opt.setLayout (new FlowLayout()); opt.setSize (600, 360); opt.setBackground (new Color (255, 248, 248)); opt.add (new Label ("Enter a game ID number or initial cash")); TextField field = new TextField (10); field.addActionListener (new SetStatusAL()); opt.add (field); opt.add (newButton ("vs person ", new SwitchOpponentAL())); opt.add (newButton ("gotcha!", new GotchaAL())); opt.add (new Label ("loan compy interest-free?")); opt.add (newButton ("loan $50", new MakeItHarderAL())); opt.add (newButton ("use the crutch", new DisplayChoiceTreeAL())); opt.add (area); opt.setVisible (true); field.requestFocus(); opt.addWindowListener (new java.awt.event.WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing(java.awt.event.WindowEvent ev) { opt.setVisible (false); } }); } } private class MakeItHarderAL implements ActionListener // click "loan 50" { public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent ev) { status.increaseLoan (50);
  • 9. area.append ("Compy has an advantage of " + status.getLoan() +" "); } } private class DisplayChoiceTreeAL implements ActionListener // click "crutch" { public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent ev) { crutch = area; area.append ("For each group of 3 properties between RENTs, you " + "have up to 8 different sequences of 3 choices. We list " + "here all of your choices and their consequences. " + "The listing is 4 columns; an entry such as 200C80 in " + "the first 3 columns means that on a $200 property Compy " + "buys it for $80. The fourth column tells how much " + "cash the two players (H and C) are left with after that " + " sequence of choices. It also tells the net change in " + "your cash and property holdings. "); } } private class SwitchOpponentAL implements ActionListener // click "vs..." { public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent ev) { ((Button) ev.getSource()).setLabel ("vs " + twoGuys.opponent()); twoGuys.toggleOpponent(); area.append ("You are now playing against a " + twoGuys.opponent() + ". "); } } private class SetStatusAL implements ActionListener // for options TextField { public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent ev) { TextField input = (TextField) ev.getSource(); try { int num = Integer.parseInt (input.getText()); if (num < 100) area.append ("INVALID: " + num + " "); else if (num < 1000) // 3 digits { status.setInitialCash (num); area.append ("START = $" + num + " "); }
  • 10. else // 4 or more digits { status.setGameID (num); area.append ("NEW GAME ID = " + num + " "); } } catch (RuntimeException e) { int num = Math.abs (input.getText().hashCode()); status.setGameID (num); area.append ("numerically, NEW GAME ID = " + num + " "); } input.setText (""); input.requestFocus(); } } private class GotchaAL implements ActionListener // click "gotcha" { public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent ev) { Player seller = twoGuys.getFirst(); // because he lost the bid Player buyer = twoGuys.getSecond(); int price = buyer.getPriceOfLastBuy(); if (! twoGuys.bothAreReal() || < price) return; Label matching = seller.getMatchFor (buyer.lastPurchaseInitial()); if (matching != null) { area.append ("Distress sale of " + matching.getText() + " for a price of " + price + ". "); buyer.makeSale (matching, seller, price); seller.updateForIncomeReceived (price); seller.validate(); } } } } // END OF Auction CLASS /** Called once at the beginning of each game. */ public void addHoldingsToPanel (int initialCash, int loan) { propAmt = 0; cashAmt = initialCash + loan;
  • 11. loanAmt = loan; priceOfLastBuy = 100000; propLabel.setText (propTag + propAmt); cashLabel.setText (cashTag + cashAmt); this.add (propLabel); this.add (cashLabel); size = NUM_BLANKS; for (int k = NUM_BLANKS - 1; k >= 0; k--) this.add (blanks[k]); validate(); // re-layout components } public int cash() { return cashAmt; } public int prop() { return propAmt; } public int assets() { return cashAmt + propAmt - loanAmt; } public int getPriceOfLastBuy() { return priceOfLastBuy; } public void makeSale (Label prop, Panel boardPanel, int priceOfProp) { cashAmt -= priceOfProp; propAmt += ((Property) prop).getCost(); priceOfLastBuy = priceOfProp; if (size == 0) this.add (prop); else { this.add (prop, 2 + NUM_BLANKS - size); // 2,3,... boardPanel.add (blanks[--size]); // also removes from own } cashLabel.setText (cashTag + cashAmt); propLabel.setText (propTag + propAmt); this.validate(); // re-layout components
  • 12. } public void updateForIncomeReceived (int increase) { cashAmt += (increase >= 0) ? increase : propAmt / 10; cashLabel.setText (cashTag + cashAmt); } public char lastPurchaseInitial() // only called by GotchaAL { Component[] data = this.getComponents(); int pos = data.length - 1; while (! (data[pos] instanceof Property))//skip blank labels pos--; return ((Property) data[pos]).getText().charAt (4); } public Label getMatchFor (char chr) // only called by GotchaAL { Component[] data = this.getComponents(); for (int pos = data.length - 1; pos >= 0; pos--) { if (data[pos] instanceof Property && ((Property) data[pos]).getText().charAt (4) == chr) return (Label) data[pos]; } return null; } } class BidPrompter extends Panel { public static final String HUM_DOWN = " You first; bid this?"; public static final String HUM_UP = "You first; this or more?"; private Label hintLabel = new Label ("hint=000"); private Label promptForBid; // tells human what the bid choices are private Label currentBid = new Label ("000"); // current or suggested bid private int displayedBid = 0; // the bid showing in the currentBid label private int bestBid = 0; // best estimate of amount to bid private boolean bidHasBeenRaised = false; public BidPrompter() { super(); promptForBid = new Label (HUM_UP, Label.RIGHT); add (hintLabel); // using FlowLayout
  • 13. add (promptForBid); add (currentBid); } public void updateForNewBestBid (boolean bidbyman, boolean humanIsBroke, boolean compyIsBroke, int best) { bestBid = best; displayedBid = bestBid / Auction.UNIT * Auction.UNIT; boolean goUp = bestBid > displayedBid + Auction.UNIT / 2; hintLabel.setText ( (goUp && compyIsBroke) ? "CHEAP!" : (goUp && humanIsBroke) ? "GONE!" : "hint=" + bestBid); if (bidbyman) promptForBid.setText ((goUp && ! compyIsBroke) ? HUM_UP : HUM_DOWN); else { promptForBid.setText ("Compy bids " + displayedBid + ((goUp && ! humanIsBroke) ? "; go up?" : "; you?")); displayedBid += Auction.UNIT; } currentBid.setText ("" + displayedBid); bidHasBeenRaised = false; } public int getBestBid() { return bestBid; } public int getDisplayedBid() { return displayedBid; } public void changeDisplayedBid (int change) { displayedBid += change; currentBid.setText ("" + displayedBid); bidHasBeenRaised = change > 0; } public String echo (boolean humanLostBid, boolean vsComputer) { return humanLostBid ? "b" : (vsComputer && bidHasBeenRaised) ? "M" : "B"; } } // END OF BidPrompter CLASS
  • 14. class RentLabel extends Label { public RentLabel (String name) { super (name, Label.CENTER); setBackground (Color.magenta); } public void paint (Graphics page) { page.setColor (; Dimension dim = this.getSize(); // required in Java 1.1, not getHeight() int bottom = dim.height; int reps = (dim.width - 2) / 8; int x = (dim.width - 8 * reps) / 2; page.drawLine (x, 1, x, bottom - 1); for (; x < 8 * reps; x += 8) { page.drawLine (x, 1, x + 4, 5); page.drawLine (x + 4, 5, x + 8, 1); page.drawLine (x, bottom - 1, x + 4, bottom - 5); page.drawLine (x + 4, bottom - 5, x + 8, bottom - 1); } page.drawLine (x, 1, x, bottom - 1); } public void flashIntermittently() // only called from prepareForNextTurn { long later = System.currentTimeMillis() + 1000; // 1 second while (later > System.currentTimeMillis()) { this.setBackground (this.getBackground() == Color.white ? : Color.white); for (int k = 0; k < 6000000; k++) { } } this.setBackground (Color.magenta); } } class Property extends Label { private int itsCost;
  • 15. public Property (int givenCost, String givenName) { super (givenCost + " " + givenName); itsCost = givenCost; } public void paint (Graphics page) { page.setColor (; Dimension dim = this.getSize(); // required in Java 1.1, not getHeight() page.drawRect (1, 1, dim.width - 2, dim.height - 2); } public int getCost() { return itsCost; } } class GameStatus extends Object // tracks status variables set once each game { private int initialCash = 600 + new java.util.Random().nextInt() % 3 * 50; // nextInt()%3 is -2 to 2, so the result is 500/550/600/650/700 private int compyLoan = 0; private int gameID = 0; private boolean haveUsedGameID = true; public void increaseLoan (int num) // only called by MakeItHarderAL { compyLoan += num; } public int getLoan() { return compyLoan; } public String showLoan() { return (compyLoan == 0) ? "" : ", loan= " + (-compyLoan); } public void setGameID (int num) // only called by SetStatusAL { gameID = num; haveUsedGameID = false; } public int nextGameID() { if (haveUsedGameID) gameID = 55000 + new java.util.Random().nextInt() % 45000;
  • 16. // so the result is 10001 through 99999 haveUsedGameID = true; return gameID; } public void setInitialCash (int num) // only called by SetStatusAL { initialCash = num; } public int getInitialCash() { return initialCash; } } // END OF GameStatus CLASS class TotalGames // tracks multiple games and totals { private int itsNumGames = 0; private int itsTotalScore = 0; private int itsNumWon = 0; public String updateTotals (int score) { itsTotalScore += score; itsNumGames++; if (score > 0) itsNumWon++; return " ==> GAME OVER: Your score = " + score + (itsNumGames == 1 ? ". " : ". You won " + itsNumWon + " out of " + itsNumGames + "; your average is " + (itsTotalScore / itsNumGames) + ". "); } } // END OF TotalGames CLASS class PropList { public static final int MAX = 20; // number of properties public static final int TOTAL = MAX + 5; // allow for 4 rents + 1 cash-in public static final int FIRST_GROUP = 9; public static final int UNIT = Auction.UNIT; private Label[] allData = new Label [TOTAL]; private Property[] itsProperty;
  • 17. private Label[] fixed = {new RentLabel ("COLLECT RENT"), new RentLabel ("COLLECT RENT"), new RentLabel ("COLLECT RENT"), new RentLabel ("COLLECT RENT"), new RentLabel ("CASH IN")}; private int nextAvailable = 0; private int totalOfFirstGroup; private int valueOfFirstGroup; public PropList() { itsProperty = new Property[MAX]; String[] name = {"St.Louis RR", "SantaFe RR", "B&O RR", "Boston RR", "Arizona", "Alabama", "Connecticut", "California", "Illinois", "Indiana", "Maryland", "Mass.", "New York", "New Jersey", "Oregon", "Oklahoma", "Tennessee", "Texas", "Virginia", "Vermont"}; int[] cost = {100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 300, 300, 300, 300}; final Color RED = new Color (255, 96, 96); final Color GRAY = new Color (216, 216, 216); for (int k = 0; k < MAX; k++) // inefficient but only done once per game { itsProperty[k] = new Property (cost[k], name[k]); itsProperty[k].setBackground (k < 4 ? GRAY : k < 8 ? Color.cyan : k < 12 ? : k < 16 ? RED :; } } public void resetIterator (int initial) { nextAvailable = 0; valueOfFirstGroup = Math.min (64 + Math.max (0, (initial - 650) / 18), initial * 200 / (totalOfFirstGroup + 505 + (1500-totalOfFirstGroup) / 100 * (1000-initial) / 20)); } public Label next() { return allData[nextAvailable++]; } public Label getNext() { return allData[nextAvailable]; }
  • 18. public int numSold() // returns 9, 12, 15, 18 on 10, 14, 18, 22 { return nextAvailable <= FIRST_GROUP ? nextAvailable : (nextAvailable + 2) - (nextAvailable + 2) / 4; } /** Produce a random ordering of the 20 properties at the beginning of a new game. Also calculate the total value of the first 9. */ public void shuffleToRandomize (int givenSeed) { java.util.Random randy = new java.util.Random (givenSeed); Property[] copy = new Property[MAX]; System.arraycopy (itsProperty, 0, copy, 0, MAX); for (int k = 0; k < MAX; k++) { int spot = k + Math.abs (randy.nextInt()) % (MAX - k); Property temp = copy[spot]; copy[spot] = copy[k]; copy[k] = temp; } totalOfFirstGroup = 0; for (int k = 0; k < FIRST_GROUP; k++) totalOfFirstGroup += copy[k].getCost(); int pos = 0; for (int k = 0; k < MAX; k++) { allData[pos++] = copy[k]; if (pos == 9 || pos == 13 || pos == 17 || pos == 21) allData[pos++] = fixed[(pos - FIRST_GROUP) / 4]; } allData[pos] = fixed[4]; } public int getTotalOfFirstGroup() { return totalOfFirstGroup; } public int selectBestBid (boolean bidbyman, int initialBidder, int other, int comPlus, TextArea options) { int cost = ((Property) allData[nextAvailable]).getCost(); if (nextAvailable < FIRST_GROUP) // so in the first group of 9 { if (nextAvailable == 5 && Math.abs (comPlus) >= 200)
  • 19. valueOfFirstGroup -= UNIT * comPlus / Math.abs (comPlus); return Math.min (valueOfFirstGroup * cost / 100, Math.min (initialBidder, other) + UNIT - 1); } if (nextAvailable < 22) // reduce to $75 per 100 except last group cost = cost * 3 / 4; if ( ! (allData[nextAvailable + 1] instanceof Property)) // one left return Bid.bestBid (initialBidder, other, cost).itsBid; int b = ((Property) allData[nextAvailable + 1]).getCost() * 3 / (nextAvailable < 22 ? 4 : 3); if ( ! (allData[nextAvailable + 2] instanceof Property)) // two left return Bid.bestBid (initialBidder, other, cost, b).itsBid; int c = ((Property) allData[nextAvailable + 2]).getCost(); Bid firstOf3 = Bid.bestBid (initialBidder, other, cost, b, c * 3 / 4); if (options != null && bidbyman) options.append (firstOf3.toString (bidbyman, initialBidder, other)); else if (options != null) options.append (firstOf3.toString (bidbyman, other, initialBidder)); return firstOf3.itsBid; } }// END OF PropList CLASS class Bid // only used by selectBestBid() in PropList { /** For "me" vs "him": "me" denotes the one who has first bid. */ public static final int UNIT = Auction.UNIT; // for convenience private static final Bid EMPTY_BID = new Bid (-101, 10000, 100); public final int itsBid; // always non-negative private Bid bestBidIfKept; // not used by bestBid() private Bid bestBidIfLost; // not used by bestBid() private int itsGain; // gain for whoever is first; thus it may be negative private int itsProp; // always 100 or 200 or 300 /** A bid on the last property. Precondition: itsBid % 5 is 3 or 4 */ public Bid (int bid, int gain, int prop) // only called by 3-param bestBid() { itsBid = bid; itsProp = prop;
  • 20. bestBidIfKept = EMPTY_BID; bestBidIfLost = EMPTY_BID; itsGain = gain; } /** ONE property left. THREE-parameter bestBid calls THREE-parameter Bid constructor. It is me's bid first. All parameters are non-negative. */ public static Bid bestBid (int me, int him, int current) { if (me >= current && him >= current) return new Bid (current - 1, 0, current); else if (him > me) // so me < current return new Bid (me + UNIT - 1, me + UNIT - current, current); else // so him <= me && him < current return new Bid (him + UNIT - 1, current - him, current); } /** A bid on the next-to-last of two properties before a RENT. Precondition: -5 <= estimate <= minimum of other 3 parameters. */ public Bid (int estimate, int me, int him, int one, int two) { itsBid = estimate; // always a multiple of 5 itsProp = one; bestBidIfKept = bestBid (him, me - estimate, two); bestBidIfLost = (him <= estimate) ? EMPTY_BID // gain of infinity : bestBid (me, him - estimate - UNIT, two); itsGain = Math.min (itsProp - itsBid - bestBidIfKept.itsGain, UNIT + itsBid - itsProp + bestBidIfLost.itsGain); } /** The best bid revised for an estimate 4 higher (to be overbid). */ public Bid (Bid basis) { this.itsBid = basis.itsBid + 4; this.itsProp = basis.itsProp; this.bestBidIfKept = basis.bestBidIfKept; this.bestBidIfLost = basis.bestBidIfLost; this.itsGain = basis.itsGain; } private int gainIfKept() { return itsProp - itsBid - bestBidIfKept.itsGain; }
  • 21. private int gainIfLost() // infinity if opponent cannot overbid { return itsBid + UNIT - itsProp + bestBidIfLost.itsGain; } public static Bid bestBid (int me, int him, int one, int two) { int estimate = Math.min (him, Math.min (me, one)); Bid high = new Bid (estimate, me, him, one, two); if (estimate < one && high.gainIfLost() < high.gainIfKept()) return new Bid (high); estimate -= UNIT; Bid lower = new Bid (estimate, me, him, one, two); while (lower.gainIfLost() > lower.gainIfKept() && estimate >= 0) { high = lower; estimate -= UNIT; lower = new Bid (estimate, me, him, one, two); } return (estimate < 0 || high.gainIfKept() >= lower.gainIfLost()) ? high : new Bid (lower); } /** A bid on the third-to-last of three before a RENT. */ public Bid (int estimate, int me, int him, int one, int two, int three) { itsBid = estimate; itsProp = one; bestBidIfKept = bestBid (him, me - estimate, two, three); bestBidIfLost = (him <= estimate) ? EMPTY_BID // gain of infinity : bestBid (me, him - estimate - UNIT, two, three); itsGain = Math.min (itsProp - itsBid - bestBidIfKept.itsGain, UNIT + itsBid - itsProp + bestBidIfLost.itsGain); } /** THREE properties left. FIVE-parameter bestBid calls SIX-parameter Bid constructor, which in turn calls FOUR-parameter bestBid. */ public static Bid bestBid (int me, int him, int one, int two, int three) { int estimate = Math.min (him, Math.min (me, one)); Bid high = new Bid (estimate, me, him, one, two, three); if (estimate < one && high.gainIfLost() < high.gainIfKept())
  • 22. return new Bid (high); estimate -= UNIT; Bid lower = new Bid (estimate, me, him, one, two, three); while (lower.gainIfLost() > lower.gainIfKept() && estimate >= 0) { high = lower; estimate -= UNIT; lower = new Bid (estimate, me, him, one, two, three); } return (estimate < 0 || high.gainIfKept() >= lower.gainIfLost()) ? high : new Bid (lower); } private static final String BLANKS = " "; public String toString (boolean bidbyman, int humCash, int comCash) { return "human has $" + humCash + "; compy has $" + comCash + (bidbyman ? "; human" : "; compy") + "'s bid first. " + "Your choices are... " + toString (bidbyman, "", humCash, comCash, 0, 0, 3) + " "; } public String toString (boolean bidbyman, String prefix, int humCash, int comCash, int cahead, int pahead, int level) { if (humCash < 0 || comCash < 0) return ""; // skip this line, since it is impossible by the rules int padding = Math.max (0, 30 - prefix.length()); if (this == EMPTY_BID) // only after 3 bids return prefix + BLANKS.substring (0, padding) + " H$" + humCash + ": C$" + comCash + " so cash: " + cahead + ", prop: " + (pahead * 4 / 3) + ", net= " + (cahead + pahead * 4 / 3) + " "; int loBid = itsBid - itsBid % UNIT; boolean goUp = itsBid % UNIT > UNIT / 2; int comPaid = bidbyman ? loBid + UNIT : loBid; Bid comBid = bidbyman ? bestBidIfLost : bestBidIfKept; int humPaid = bidbyman ? loBid : loBid + UNIT; Bid humBid = bidbyman ? bestBidIfKept : bestBidIfLost; if (bidbyman && goUp && comCash > itsBid) // can bid more to get it { humPaid = loBid + UNIT;
  • 23. humBid = (level == 1 || humCash < humPaid) ? EMPTY_BID : (level == 2) ? bestBid (comCash, humCash - humPaid, bestBidIfKept.itsProp) : bestBid (comCash, humCash - humPaid, bestBidIfKept.itsProp, bestBidIfKept.bestBidIfKept.itsProp); } else if (bidbyman) // can pass to leave compy with it { comPaid = loBid; comBid = (level == 1) ? EMPTY_BID : (level == 2) ? bestBid (humCash, comCash - comPaid, bestBidIfKept.itsProp) : bestBid (humCash, comCash - comPaid, bestBidIfKept.itsProp, bestBidIfKept.bestBidIfKept.itsProp); } char up = (goUp && (bidbyman ? comCash > itsBid : humCash > itsBid)) ? '^' : ' '; return comBid.toString (true, prefix + (itsProp * 4 / 3) + "C" + comPaid + up + " ", humCash, comCash - comPaid, cahead + comPaid, pahead - itsProp, level - 1) + humBid.toString (false, prefix + (itsProp * 4 / 3) + "H" + humPaid + up + " ", humCash - humPaid, comCash, cahead - humPaid, pahead + itsProp, level - 1); }}