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Welcome back to the Hues Legacy, a color-themed joint legacy between
Haleigh/meadowthayer and me, Roxanne/Taube. When we left off, the
spares had gotten married and started their life, and Rose had returned
home from college. She arrived, still fuming about the burglary, to find her
parents excitedly studying parenting and stuff in preparation for her kids.
Just the kind of thing a romance sim loves to see, lol.
As a welcome home present, the Hues buy a new pool table for
their living room, and it immediately sees use as Lilly, Sky, and Rose
jump into a game. Jim is needed for moving in and marriage
purposes, but, like last chapter, he has to come over on a three-day
visit and Rose has to wait until the next morning for him to arrive,
leaving her time to play with her parents.
A gray morning arrives, as does Jim, and Rose goes to greet him in
what might be the least private reunion ever. So much for a little
alone time – not with townies and NPCs swarming the lawn.
And here’s Jim after his move-in and makeover. He’s quite cute, I
have to say. Jim is a romance/fortune sim with a personality of
2/7/2/6/7. He’s a slob, just like I noticed from his eating habits, but
he’s also quite lazy which is a problem since his LTW is to be a Hall of
Famer. You’re going to have to be at least a little active to get there,
Jim. Luckily, he seems to be over his furiousness with Rose although
he’s still furious at the cow.
Speaking of makeovers, here’s a minor one for Rose’s big day. Just an
updo and a veil. Rose is romance/family but she never rolls any family
wants, so the wedding is timed based on neither Rose nor Jim fearing
it. So romantic. Rose, you may or may not remember, is extremely
neat, with a personality of 10/4/10/1/9. Hopefully the kids will get her
neat gene. She wants to be Captain Hero.
The guests of course include Rose’s
three siblings, Red, Olive, and
Carmine. Also invited are Molly,
Carmine’s wife, and Julie, a college
student, who are the only two friends
Rose has that she hasn’t slept with.
The cow also shows up to crash the
party but is swiftly turned away by Sky
before anything annoying can happen.
Rose works out her pre-wedding jitters by jamming in the playroom. I’ve
used pics of her rocking out to her mp3 player on the covers, but I
haven’t mentioned until now how much she loves it. She loves it a lot,
you guys. I’m glad I bought it for her because it’s really amusing to see
her rocking out, especially in a wedding dress, and it makes for nice cover
pictures when she’s outside. Rose will start her walk to the altar from up
here to give the guests more time to get seated.
Despite the extra time, Carmine is still busily vying for Olive’s seat, but
Rose walks down the aisle nonetheless. Her parents are in the front
row, overjoyed to see their daughter settling down. Family sim Sky is
especially pleased with the day’s proceedings.
It’s a small, quiet wedding, but the
couple looks beautiful and they say
their vows with glee. With a final
kiss, I present to you: Mr. and Mrs.
The party centers around the stereo and the pool table, but Sky
and Lilly only have eyes for each other. They’re really a sweet
Missing from the party are Jim and Rose, who decided to spend
some private time alone upstairs. I decided not to send them on a
vacation this time, so they’ll have to find their post-wedding fun
some other way. ;)
Later, after the party is over, Jim
makes the egregious mistake of
bragging loudly about woohoo to
Rose’s father, of all people. To
distract himself from Jim’s crude
comments, Sky heads outside to
cuddle with Lilly, as is tradition
for the Hues couples.
The cow showed up again long after the party is over. She’s furious
with Jim for slapping her, and she shows up at the house to kick over
the garbage or whatever but ends up inviting herself in instead. It’s
quite annoying. Lilly looks thrilled to be telling the cow off, doesn’t
Meanwhile, trouble of a different kind is brewing inside. Sinjin is
on a rampage. When I was doing a little redecorating of the
house, I stupidly sold Sky and Lilly’s bed, which turned out to be
the one Neon and Sinjin claim as their own, so the ghosts are
mad now. I don’t really have a good excuse for that. You’d think
I’d know better by now, but apparently not.
Really? Really?! After 3 ½ years of Jim doing this in college, we’re
going to be treated to the cow continuing the furiousness? I mean, I
don’t care about the newspaper because no one ever uses it, but she
better stay away from the trash can is what I’m saying.
A few days after the wedding, Jim heads off to his first day at
the bottom of the athletic career ladder and Rose waltzes
around with a little bump. Looks like the next generation is
due soon!
Rose learned to hula from Jim, and like Olive and
smustling, she wakes up every morning wanting to hula.
Especially now that’s she pregnant, it seems to be her favorite
activity. Jim works on a different kind of dance as he has very
few skills and needs lots of body points and good fitness to
get to be a Hall of Famer.
Another pop! The first kid of generation four is on his or her way!
This calls for more pregnant hula dancing. This time Jim joins in
too, first thing in the morning. Rose is hilarious dancing around
with her big belly.
Rose goes into labor one night
while the whole family is
gathered around. And yes, that
second pic is a hand-off. Rose is
the third of her generation to
have natural twins. It’s funny
because Rose is one of triplets,
as is her father. I guess multiples
really run in this family.
Rose and Jim welcome a little girl
and a little boy into the family. In
honor of her sister, Rose is naming
all her kids something green. The
little girl with Rose’s eyes and Jim’s
skin is Emerald. Baby boy Forest has
Jim’s eyes and S3 skin. Both twins
have Rose’s brown hair. I’m really
excited that we got the eyes right
Right after giving birth and putting her new daughter in her crib, Rose
wanders outside to the telescope and is almost immediately abducted.
This is bitterly amusing to me because I am trying to get a male sim
abducted in a different family as I write this, and I just cannot get him to
be abducted, but the one night someone uses the usually-abandoned
telescope, she instantly gets abducted. Whatever, game. Whatever.
“You poor little babies. Brand
new to the world and where is
your mommy? No one knows.
You’d think she’d show a little
more commitment to her new
children. Geez.”
“Huh, I wonder where Rose is.
I’ve been wandering around the
house for like an hour wanting to
make out with her but I can’t find
her anywhere. Where did that girl
get off to?”
The mystery is solved when Rose is unceremoniously
returned home later that night. Her family is
appropriately shocked and upset, but Rose takes it in
stride. She never even cried about her abduction once.
Once Rose actually has a chance
to meet her children properly,
she gets on fine with them. She
never rolled wants for
engagement or marriage, but
she rolls all kinds of wants for
her babies. I guess being a
mother really brought out her
secondary aspiration after all.
She even made best friends with
Forest while he was still a baby!
It’s a good thing Rose seems to enjoy being a mother, because it
looks like she has another one on the way.
“Oh hey, Olive. How’re the kids? Yeah, mine are good. Emerald and
Forest. Named them after your color just like I said I would. By the way,
you really should apologize to Dad sometime for the circumstances
surrounding your birth. I suddenly have a new appreciation for what
goes on in the skies at night and it is not pretty.”
I tried to line up a nice birthday pic
for the twins, but Rose had to go
and drop Forest so that she could
announce her pregnancy.
With that out of the way, the
birthday can proceed, but now the
timing’s off. Oh well.
Before she can get a makeover, Emerald crawls off to dance to the
stereo. I love this. It is so cute.
Here’s Emerald and Forest. Emerald
has really small lips, but is otherwise
pretty cute. Forest is handsome. I’m
happy with both of them.
Emerald and Forest are both slobs
like their father. In fact, Emerald’s
personality differs from Jim’s by one
point. She is 2/8/2/6/7. Forest is
much meaner but also more active
– his personality is 2/7/9/6/1.
Sky is delighted to be getting another grandchild. As a family sim, he
just keeps rolling those wants over and over and over.
Ugh! Jim is needing to study several different skills to keep up with
promotions in the athletic field, and every time he switches, he just lays
the book on the floor instead of taking it to the bookcase. If it’s a night
where he’s doing a lot of studying, the room ends up looking like this.
There’s plenty of friend-making going on in the house.
Emerald and Forest are best friends quickly, and Rose is
soon best friends with both her children. Jim followed suit
as well.
Teaching the toddlers their skills is
a family effort, except for Jim, who
has to work. Rose, despite being
pregnant, works tirelessly to make
sure her kids have a good
upbringing. Sky and Lilly are happy
to help too.
Because it’s just the two of them while we’re waiting for baby
number 3, Emerald and Forest even have time to learn a
nursery rhyme. They love singing it with their dad when he’s
home from work.
Jim doesn’t have a secondary family
aspiration like Rose, and it shows.
However, he’ll happily interact with
them when directed to. He just won’t
do it on his own.
“Why are you so unhappy, Emerald?
We’re best friends.”
“I don’t care, Daddy! Put me to bed
like five minutes ago!”
“Thank God you’re a quiet one,
Forest. Girls, am I right?”
Oh, Jim. What you lack in
parenting and insight you make
up for in cute genes.
Rose goes into labor while she and Jim are making out in back of the
house. They make out all over the house, but for some reason
decided to go out back for it this time.
Rose gives birth to another little boy, and immediately dumps him on
the ground. Hand-off? Nope. Just tired of holding him, I guess.
“Grandpa Sky to the rescue!”
Thanks, Sky. Good to see someone’s looking out for the
newborn. The newest member of the family is named
Shamrock, has Rose’s S1 skin and Jim’s light blue eyes. Plus,
he’s blond! Yay for recessive genes! Boo for no rainbow eyes!
Both Emerald and Forest kept rolling wants for mechanical
skills, so I let them keep playing at the table and they both
maximized their skill the night before their birthday, Emerald
a little later than Forest.
Birthday time has arrived. It’s
time for Emerald and Forest to
become children. Jim is so
excited that Emerald has time to
grow up, change, get a piece of
cake, and Jim is still blowing his
horn, lol.
Here’s Emerald and Forest as children. Emerald is still cute
but Forest is a real looker. I think he’s got the best parts of
both his parents, except for having the eyes, of course.
Rose pops right after the birthday,
announcing her third and final
pregnancy. We decided to give it
one more try for the eyes so we
might have a choice. The news that
she is pregnant again is greeted by
Sky with joy and by Rose with hula
Soooo . . . nothing interesting happened between the birthday
and Shamrock growing up a day or two later, so here we are at
another birthday. Lilly is getting quite old so she gets to bring
her youngest grandson to the cake.
How freaking cute is this kid? Shamrock is on my list of all-time favorite
toddlers. I don’t know exactly what it is, but I am just in love with his
little face. I wish so hard that he had the eyes. Like his older siblings,
Shamrock is also messy but has fairly high points in everything else. His
personality is 3/7/10/6/7.
Now that Emerald and Forest are children and Jim’s still working on
promotions, there’s three slobs studying in the house. The maid
spends half her time putting books away.
Rose, Sky, and Lilly once again rally
to teach the little one his skills.
Shamrock’s first word was
‘Grandma.’ Adorable.
Sky and Lilly are very engaged grandparents. Besides helping to
teach skills, they also spend time socializing with Shamrock
over the bunny head and take turns cooing over Rose’s belly.
More friendship building. Jim
takes a bit longer to make
friends with the kids because
he’s usually working, studying,
or working out, but he does
get there. Emerald and Forest
take turns at the table getting
to know their little brother as
So . . . disturbing glitch or super disturbing glitch? For some reason, if
someone does something in this bathroom and then has getting in to bed
as the next action, they’ll climb into an invisible bed before teleporting to
their real bed, which is fine, not a big deal, until Sky had to come and
complicate the picture by er, leaving his mark, so to speak.
“Oh my god, I’m going into labor
again and it hurts! But even worse,
my parents are here and I’m in
naught but my undies!”
Should have thought of that before
you woohooed last night, Rose.
Baby number four is a little boy
named Lime, with brown hair, S1,
and the rainbow eyes! Hurray! I was
kind of hoping he would be S2 so
we’d have one kid of each color, but
I’m quite happy to take just the
rainbow eyes instead. Now Haleigh
and I have a choice for heir.
Can you believe Rose has never been to work before? She got her job
sometime during her first pregnancy and has been pregnant or on
maternity leave ever since. Now that she’s done having children she can
finally go in and get that promotion that will make her permaplatinum.
“What’s that you say? Why are these completely extraneous
pictures with no relevant story attached in here? Why just
some random pictures of moi? Because I’m adorable, duh.”
Rose gets her promotion to Captain
Hero and the sweet, sweet reward
points and permaplat status that go
with it. It’s about time.
Meanwhile, Jim too is getting
close to fulfilling his LTW by
becoming a Hall of Famer. He’s
had to do a lot of studying since
he came with hardly any skills.
On the plus side, it means he
can spend some time with his
oldest kids while they study too.
Rose celebrates her promotion by heading up to the playroom
and rocking out. This girl loves her mp3 player.
Double birthday! Both Shamrock and Lime are growing up today.
Shamrock is still adorable and still
my favorite, although not eligible
for heirship. But he’s so cute!
Lime is pretty darn cute himself. He
takes after Rose a lot, including being
the first and only kid to be neat, and
very neat at that. Lime’s personality
is 10/7/10/1/7. Great personality.
Lime is like Rose’s little gender-swapped mini-me. Like Emerald and
Jim, Rose and Lime have extremely similar personalities. I put the
same freckles on his nose that Rose has so they would be even more
Now that he’s a big boy, Shamrock can join in with his sister and
brother. That means studying on the couch with dad and playing
in the morning before school starts. Forest isn’t allowed to play
Punch You Punch Me though because he always slugs everyone.
It’s the mean sim in him. Shamrock and Emerald behave
themselves, though.
Lilly’s bar has the barest little sliver
of life left, and she rolls wants to
teach Lime all of his skills, so she
does so over the course of the next
day and a half. Lime becomes best
friends with Lilly over all this bonding
Jim has finally become a Hall of Famer! It took him a lot of work to reach
the top, so it’s even sweeter than Rose’s permaplat. Now all the adults in
the house are permaplat and they can focus purely on raising the kids
instead of raising their mood.
Shamrock gets initiated in some of the other rites of
childhood, including learning to study and get along with his
younger brother.
Lilly’s time has finally come. She lived
a full life and left five children (plus
one alien step-child) and many
The loss is devastating to the
family. Everyone was close with
Lilly, but it’s especially tough on
Sky, who feared her death. He
takes a heavy hit of aspiration
As does poor little Lime, who lost his best friend. It’s the night before
his birthday and he’s now in aspiration failure. What a sad state, but
that’s where we’ll leave it this time. To find out how the family will
continue on after this loss, and see how the two potential heirs grow
up, check back next time and check in with us at SiMania!

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Hues Legacy Chapter 7

  • 1.
  • 2. Welcome back to the Hues Legacy, a color-themed joint legacy between Haleigh/meadowthayer and me, Roxanne/Taube. When we left off, the spares had gotten married and started their life, and Rose had returned home from college. She arrived, still fuming about the burglary, to find her parents excitedly studying parenting and stuff in preparation for her kids. Just the kind of thing a romance sim loves to see, lol.
  • 3. As a welcome home present, the Hues buy a new pool table for their living room, and it immediately sees use as Lilly, Sky, and Rose jump into a game. Jim is needed for moving in and marriage purposes, but, like last chapter, he has to come over on a three-day visit and Rose has to wait until the next morning for him to arrive, leaving her time to play with her parents.
  • 4. A gray morning arrives, as does Jim, and Rose goes to greet him in what might be the least private reunion ever. So much for a little alone time – not with townies and NPCs swarming the lawn.
  • 5. And here’s Jim after his move-in and makeover. He’s quite cute, I have to say. Jim is a romance/fortune sim with a personality of 2/7/2/6/7. He’s a slob, just like I noticed from his eating habits, but he’s also quite lazy which is a problem since his LTW is to be a Hall of Famer. You’re going to have to be at least a little active to get there, Jim. Luckily, he seems to be over his furiousness with Rose although he’s still furious at the cow.
  • 6. Speaking of makeovers, here’s a minor one for Rose’s big day. Just an updo and a veil. Rose is romance/family but she never rolls any family wants, so the wedding is timed based on neither Rose nor Jim fearing it. So romantic. Rose, you may or may not remember, is extremely neat, with a personality of 10/4/10/1/9. Hopefully the kids will get her neat gene. She wants to be Captain Hero.
  • 7. The guests of course include Rose’s three siblings, Red, Olive, and Carmine. Also invited are Molly, Carmine’s wife, and Julie, a college student, who are the only two friends Rose has that she hasn’t slept with. The cow also shows up to crash the party but is swiftly turned away by Sky before anything annoying can happen.
  • 8. Rose works out her pre-wedding jitters by jamming in the playroom. I’ve used pics of her rocking out to her mp3 player on the covers, but I haven’t mentioned until now how much she loves it. She loves it a lot, you guys. I’m glad I bought it for her because it’s really amusing to see her rocking out, especially in a wedding dress, and it makes for nice cover pictures when she’s outside. Rose will start her walk to the altar from up here to give the guests more time to get seated.
  • 9. Despite the extra time, Carmine is still busily vying for Olive’s seat, but Rose walks down the aisle nonetheless. Her parents are in the front row, overjoyed to see their daughter settling down. Family sim Sky is especially pleased with the day’s proceedings.
  • 10. It’s a small, quiet wedding, but the couple looks beautiful and they say their vows with glee. With a final kiss, I present to you: Mr. and Mrs. Hues.
  • 11. The party centers around the stereo and the pool table, but Sky and Lilly only have eyes for each other. They’re really a sweet couple.
  • 12. Missing from the party are Jim and Rose, who decided to spend some private time alone upstairs. I decided not to send them on a vacation this time, so they’ll have to find their post-wedding fun some other way. ;)
  • 13. Later, after the party is over, Jim makes the egregious mistake of bragging loudly about woohoo to Rose’s father, of all people. To distract himself from Jim’s crude comments, Sky heads outside to cuddle with Lilly, as is tradition for the Hues couples.
  • 14. The cow showed up again long after the party is over. She’s furious with Jim for slapping her, and she shows up at the house to kick over the garbage or whatever but ends up inviting herself in instead. It’s quite annoying. Lilly looks thrilled to be telling the cow off, doesn’t she?
  • 15. Meanwhile, trouble of a different kind is brewing inside. Sinjin is on a rampage. When I was doing a little redecorating of the house, I stupidly sold Sky and Lilly’s bed, which turned out to be the one Neon and Sinjin claim as their own, so the ghosts are mad now. I don’t really have a good excuse for that. You’d think I’d know better by now, but apparently not.
  • 16. Really? Really?! After 3 ½ years of Jim doing this in college, we’re going to be treated to the cow continuing the furiousness? I mean, I don’t care about the newspaper because no one ever uses it, but she better stay away from the trash can is what I’m saying.
  • 17. A few days after the wedding, Jim heads off to his first day at the bottom of the athletic career ladder and Rose waltzes around with a little bump. Looks like the next generation is due soon!
  • 18. Rose learned to hula from Jim, and like Olive and smustling, she wakes up every morning wanting to hula. Especially now that’s she pregnant, it seems to be her favorite activity. Jim works on a different kind of dance as he has very few skills and needs lots of body points and good fitness to get to be a Hall of Famer.
  • 19. Another pop! The first kid of generation four is on his or her way!
  • 20. This calls for more pregnant hula dancing. This time Jim joins in too, first thing in the morning. Rose is hilarious dancing around with her big belly.
  • 21. Rose goes into labor one night while the whole family is gathered around. And yes, that second pic is a hand-off. Rose is the third of her generation to have natural twins. It’s funny because Rose is one of triplets, as is her father. I guess multiples really run in this family.
  • 22. Rose and Jim welcome a little girl and a little boy into the family. In honor of her sister, Rose is naming all her kids something green. The little girl with Rose’s eyes and Jim’s skin is Emerald. Baby boy Forest has Jim’s eyes and S3 skin. Both twins have Rose’s brown hair. I’m really excited that we got the eyes right away.
  • 23. Right after giving birth and putting her new daughter in her crib, Rose wanders outside to the telescope and is almost immediately abducted. This is bitterly amusing to me because I am trying to get a male sim abducted in a different family as I write this, and I just cannot get him to be abducted, but the one night someone uses the usually-abandoned telescope, she instantly gets abducted. Whatever, game. Whatever.
  • 24. “You poor little babies. Brand new to the world and where is your mommy? No one knows. You’d think she’d show a little more commitment to her new children. Geez.” “Huh, I wonder where Rose is. I’ve been wandering around the house for like an hour wanting to make out with her but I can’t find her anywhere. Where did that girl get off to?”
  • 25. The mystery is solved when Rose is unceremoniously returned home later that night. Her family is appropriately shocked and upset, but Rose takes it in stride. She never even cried about her abduction once.
  • 26. Once Rose actually has a chance to meet her children properly, she gets on fine with them. She never rolled wants for engagement or marriage, but she rolls all kinds of wants for her babies. I guess being a mother really brought out her secondary aspiration after all. She even made best friends with Forest while he was still a baby!
  • 27. It’s a good thing Rose seems to enjoy being a mother, because it looks like she has another one on the way.
  • 28. “Oh hey, Olive. How’re the kids? Yeah, mine are good. Emerald and Forest. Named them after your color just like I said I would. By the way, you really should apologize to Dad sometime for the circumstances surrounding your birth. I suddenly have a new appreciation for what goes on in the skies at night and it is not pretty.”
  • 29. I tried to line up a nice birthday pic for the twins, but Rose had to go and drop Forest so that she could announce her pregnancy. With that out of the way, the birthday can proceed, but now the timing’s off. Oh well.
  • 30. Before she can get a makeover, Emerald crawls off to dance to the stereo. I love this. It is so cute.
  • 31. Here’s Emerald and Forest. Emerald has really small lips, but is otherwise pretty cute. Forest is handsome. I’m happy with both of them. Emerald and Forest are both slobs like their father. In fact, Emerald’s personality differs from Jim’s by one point. She is 2/8/2/6/7. Forest is much meaner but also more active – his personality is 2/7/9/6/1.
  • 32. Sky is delighted to be getting another grandchild. As a family sim, he just keeps rolling those wants over and over and over.
  • 33. Ugh! Jim is needing to study several different skills to keep up with promotions in the athletic field, and every time he switches, he just lays the book on the floor instead of taking it to the bookcase. If it’s a night where he’s doing a lot of studying, the room ends up looking like this.
  • 34. There’s plenty of friend-making going on in the house. Emerald and Forest are best friends quickly, and Rose is soon best friends with both her children. Jim followed suit as well.
  • 35. Teaching the toddlers their skills is a family effort, except for Jim, who has to work. Rose, despite being pregnant, works tirelessly to make sure her kids have a good upbringing. Sky and Lilly are happy to help too.
  • 36. Because it’s just the two of them while we’re waiting for baby number 3, Emerald and Forest even have time to learn a nursery rhyme. They love singing it with their dad when he’s home from work.
  • 37. Jim doesn’t have a secondary family aspiration like Rose, and it shows. However, he’ll happily interact with them when directed to. He just won’t do it on his own. “Why are you so unhappy, Emerald? We’re best friends.” “I don’t care, Daddy! Put me to bed like five minutes ago!” “Thank God you’re a quiet one, Forest. Girls, am I right?” Oh, Jim. What you lack in parenting and insight you make up for in cute genes.
  • 38. Rose goes into labor while she and Jim are making out in back of the house. They make out all over the house, but for some reason decided to go out back for it this time.
  • 39. Rose gives birth to another little boy, and immediately dumps him on the ground. Hand-off? Nope. Just tired of holding him, I guess.
  • 40. “Grandpa Sky to the rescue!” Thanks, Sky. Good to see someone’s looking out for the newborn. The newest member of the family is named Shamrock, has Rose’s S1 skin and Jim’s light blue eyes. Plus, he’s blond! Yay for recessive genes! Boo for no rainbow eyes!
  • 41. Both Emerald and Forest kept rolling wants for mechanical skills, so I let them keep playing at the table and they both maximized their skill the night before their birthday, Emerald a little later than Forest.
  • 42. Birthday time has arrived. It’s time for Emerald and Forest to become children. Jim is so excited that Emerald has time to grow up, change, get a piece of cake, and Jim is still blowing his horn, lol.
  • 43. Here’s Emerald and Forest as children. Emerald is still cute but Forest is a real looker. I think he’s got the best parts of both his parents, except for having the eyes, of course.
  • 44. Rose pops right after the birthday, announcing her third and final pregnancy. We decided to give it one more try for the eyes so we might have a choice. The news that she is pregnant again is greeted by Sky with joy and by Rose with hula dancing.
  • 45. Soooo . . . nothing interesting happened between the birthday and Shamrock growing up a day or two later, so here we are at another birthday. Lilly is getting quite old so she gets to bring her youngest grandson to the cake.
  • 46. How freaking cute is this kid? Shamrock is on my list of all-time favorite toddlers. I don’t know exactly what it is, but I am just in love with his little face. I wish so hard that he had the eyes. Like his older siblings, Shamrock is also messy but has fairly high points in everything else. His personality is 3/7/10/6/7.
  • 47. Now that Emerald and Forest are children and Jim’s still working on promotions, there’s three slobs studying in the house. The maid spends half her time putting books away.
  • 48. Rose, Sky, and Lilly once again rally to teach the little one his skills. Shamrock’s first word was ‘Grandma.’ Adorable.
  • 49. Sky and Lilly are very engaged grandparents. Besides helping to teach skills, they also spend time socializing with Shamrock over the bunny head and take turns cooing over Rose’s belly.
  • 50. More friendship building. Jim takes a bit longer to make friends with the kids because he’s usually working, studying, or working out, but he does get there. Emerald and Forest take turns at the table getting to know their little brother as well.
  • 51. So . . . disturbing glitch or super disturbing glitch? For some reason, if someone does something in this bathroom and then has getting in to bed as the next action, they’ll climb into an invisible bed before teleporting to their real bed, which is fine, not a big deal, until Sky had to come and complicate the picture by er, leaving his mark, so to speak.
  • 52. “Oh my god, I’m going into labor again and it hurts! But even worse, my parents are here and I’m in naught but my undies!” Should have thought of that before you woohooed last night, Rose. Baby number four is a little boy named Lime, with brown hair, S1, and the rainbow eyes! Hurray! I was kind of hoping he would be S2 so we’d have one kid of each color, but I’m quite happy to take just the rainbow eyes instead. Now Haleigh and I have a choice for heir.
  • 53. Can you believe Rose has never been to work before? She got her job sometime during her first pregnancy and has been pregnant or on maternity leave ever since. Now that she’s done having children she can finally go in and get that promotion that will make her permaplatinum.
  • 54. “What’s that you say? Why are these completely extraneous pictures with no relevant story attached in here? Why just some random pictures of moi? Because I’m adorable, duh.”
  • 55. Rose gets her promotion to Captain Hero and the sweet, sweet reward points and permaplat status that go with it. It’s about time. Meanwhile, Jim too is getting close to fulfilling his LTW by becoming a Hall of Famer. He’s had to do a lot of studying since he came with hardly any skills. On the plus side, it means he can spend some time with his oldest kids while they study too.
  • 56. Rose celebrates her promotion by heading up to the playroom and rocking out. This girl loves her mp3 player.
  • 57. Double birthday! Both Shamrock and Lime are growing up today.
  • 58. Shamrock is still adorable and still my favorite, although not eligible for heirship. But he’s so cute! Lime is pretty darn cute himself. He takes after Rose a lot, including being the first and only kid to be neat, and very neat at that. Lime’s personality is 10/7/10/1/7. Great personality.
  • 59. Lime is like Rose’s little gender-swapped mini-me. Like Emerald and Jim, Rose and Lime have extremely similar personalities. I put the same freckles on his nose that Rose has so they would be even more alike.
  • 60. Now that he’s a big boy, Shamrock can join in with his sister and brother. That means studying on the couch with dad and playing in the morning before school starts. Forest isn’t allowed to play Punch You Punch Me though because he always slugs everyone. It’s the mean sim in him. Shamrock and Emerald behave themselves, though.
  • 61. Lilly’s bar has the barest little sliver of life left, and she rolls wants to teach Lime all of his skills, so she does so over the course of the next day and a half. Lime becomes best friends with Lilly over all this bonding time.
  • 62. Jim has finally become a Hall of Famer! It took him a lot of work to reach the top, so it’s even sweeter than Rose’s permaplat. Now all the adults in the house are permaplat and they can focus purely on raising the kids instead of raising their mood.
  • 63. Shamrock gets initiated in some of the other rites of childhood, including learning to study and get along with his younger brother.
  • 64. Lilly’s time has finally come. She lived a full life and left five children (plus one alien step-child) and many grandchildren. The loss is devastating to the family. Everyone was close with Lilly, but it’s especially tough on Sky, who feared her death. He takes a heavy hit of aspiration points.
  • 65. As does poor little Lime, who lost his best friend. It’s the night before his birthday and he’s now in aspiration failure. What a sad state, but that’s where we’ll leave it this time. To find out how the family will continue on after this loss, and see how the two potential heirs grow up, check back next time and check in with us at SiMania!