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Welcome back to the Ventures of Boone: Chapter Two!
Thanks for coming to read the new update. I hope that you
enjoy it, of course. If you haven’t already read the first
chapter it’s available on this live journal page.

In the last chapter you met Alex Boone, the founder of my
new legacy. Alex is a popularity/family aspiration. He achieved
his first lifetime want to become a celebrity chef. Now he
wants to marry off six of his children. This is very possible
thanks to Dagmar Bertino Boone. Alex married his mailcarrier
and together they had six children.
Today we’ll pick up from there with a quick who’s who in the
family since there are so many faces to remember lol.
This lovely couple is Alex and Dagmar Boone. They are the founders of this
legacy. In the last chapter you saw them get married and start a family
together. The early years in their marriage were rough, especially on
Dagmar who died and came back to life while pregnant with her fourth
child. But now things are looking bright for the Boones.
Zander was the first born into the second generation of the Boone legacy.
He is the oldest of triplets. His aspiration is knowledge/family with the
lifetime want to become a criminal mastermind. Right now Zander holds a
position of pickpocket in the shady career, but hopes to advance all the
way to the top once he grows up.
Zoe is the second born triplet and the first born girl in generation
two. She is a fortune/knowledge aspiration with the lifetime want
to max all seven skills. I love that Zoe got such an easy lifetime
Zora is the youngest triplet. She most resembles her father in looks and
personality of all the children. She even has the same first lifetime want as Alex –
that is to become a celebrity chef. Alex currently has his own diner (named after
his wife Dagmar) and his own cooking show, so hopefully Zora will have an easy
path up the cuisine career ladder. Her aspiration is fortune/pleasure.
Zack was the baby in Dagmar’s tummy last chapter when she died.
Luckily, Alex was there to save both of their lives! Zack is a happy
child and hasn’t shown much of a strong personality yet, but
enjoys spending time with his family members.
Zeena is the fifth child of Alex and Dagmar. She has Alex’s round,
chunky cheeks and they are so adorable on her as a toddler! Zeena
is a pretty calm toddler. She gets a lot of love and attention from
her parents and three teenage siblings.
Last, but not least, we have baby Zelda. She is the youngest of the
six Boone children. So far she’s an easy mannered baby and doesn’t
require much attention. But now, she is on her way to a birthday
cake so that she and her big sis Zeena can grow up together!
Alex and Dagmar make great parents and have provided a nice
lifestyle for all six kids so far. They love celebrating these big
moments with their little ones.
Zeena grew into a cute little
girl who looks a lot like her
daddy. She still has his round
cheeks and slightly tilted eye

Zelda looks a lot like her
mother Dagmar. She has a
personality that is all Alex
though: She
resembles her big brother
Zander in that she’s a mean
With so many sims in the house, nobody ever gets lonely. The teenagers
are veering off to do their own thing lately, but they still keep each other
involved. Zander is shaping up to become an even better pickpocket and
Zoe is happy to tag along in the yoga workout to earn some body skills.
She’s about halfway to her lifetime goal of maxing all seven skills.
All of the Boone children are doing exceptionally well. Dagmar is
spending the rest of her maternity leave teaching Zelda how to walk and
talk. The teens are breaking into the working world and the children are
finding out the joys of “study time” – which means they have to skill a
little everyday to prepare for college.
“You should be ashamed of yourself, Mr. Boone! I’ve never seen a more
unstable home. You’re just lucky the oldest three get to stay. If it were
up to me, I’d take them all from you!”

Hang on a minute. What’s the social worker doing here? I was just
bragging about Dagmar and Alex raising six happy kids. And now this
lady barges in and tells off Alex. No way!
“I don’t understand. Why are you taking my kids from me? I love them, I
need them. They are my life!”
Alex plead to keep his three youngest kids, but the social worker had
already made up her mind.

I don’t understand either. What the heck is going on!?
Without listening to any more of Alex’s begging, the social worker
went into the master bedroom and to wake Zelda up from her nap.
The little traitor looks happy to be going away and I’m still not sure
what the heck happened for Alex and Dagmar to loose their kids.
After Zelda was taken, the social worker went back into the house
to collect Zack from where he had just stood happily painting a
picture on the easel.
It wasn’t until the lady went to grab Zeena from upstairs in her
bedroom that I knew why the three youngest children were being
taken away from their family…
That little heifer was jumping on her bed for so long that she got
overheated. They aren’t being taken away for being beaten,
neglected or starved. They are being taken away because Zeena
was jumping on her bed. You’ve got to be kidding me!
It goes without saying that Alex and Dagmar are absolutely broken
hearted about losing half of their children. Alex loved those kids since
before he even knew they were coming. Dagmar literally died while
pregnant with Zack and came back to life with a new view and love for
her six kids. I can’t believe they got taken away because Zeena was
jumping on her bed. I could kill her. I better watch what I say, the
social worker just might come back and take the triplets next!
To make matters worse, it’s Dagmar’s elder birthday. It’s been a
long afternoon, so the triplets are sleeping and Alex is in a crying
spell in the bathroom. Nobody helped Dagmar celebrate her
birthday – not that it would have been much of a celebration on
the day half the kids got taken away my social services! She aged
into a beautiful elder nonetheless.
Life is moving on in the Boone house since Zack, Zeena and Zelda
were taken away. Everyone is focusing on their own specific goals.
It’s oddly quiet in the house without the youngest three children
running around and getting into everything.
Alex, who should be retired at his age, has thrown himself fully into his
work. He only films his hit cooking show three days a week and runs D’s
Diner (his restaurant named after Dagmar) in the meantime. He’s taken
up painting to take his mind off of losing three of his babies at once. It’s
sad, but good for the family funds.
The teens are ready for more adventure in their lives. The good kind of
adventure though, not the kind where your younger siblings get taken
away by the social worker in a surprise visit. So knowledge aspiration
Zander has been researching colleges and has decided that he and his
sisters are going to go to Sim State University!
I feel so bad for poor Alex.
He wants to have another
baby, but Dagmar is too old.
So I’ve tried to distract him
from his own wants by lots
of extra love time with his
beautiful wife.
The night before Zander, Zoe and Zora leave for Sim State
University, Zoe achieved her first lifetime want! Great timing,
right!? She has now maxed out all seven of her skills. She now
wants to reach the top of the entertainment career.
I’ve been feeling very guilty
                                   about the youngest three
                                   kids getting taken away – I
                                   should have been paying
                                   closer attention to Zeena. I
                                   feel I’ve robbed Alex of his
                                   second lifetime want to
                                   marry off six kids.

This is why the family got two
new cats! A fluffy, orange cat
named Romeo. And a spotted
yellow cat named… you
guessed it – Juliet! I know, I’m
not very original with the pet
names. It’s better than Fluffy
and Snowball though!
These pictures are purely to show off how handsome the second
generation turned out! And to remind you of the potential heirs.
Zander now a young adult in college with a knowledge/family
aspiration with the lifetime want to become a criminal mastermind!
As a teenager, Zoe achieved her first lifetime want to max all seven skills.
Now she is in college with her brother and sister and has the new goal to
reach the top of the entertainment career. She is a fortune/knowledge
And the last of the kids (that weren’t taken by the social worker)is
Zora! She is a fortune/pleasure aspiration with the lifetime want to
follow in her father’s footsteps and become a celebrity chef!
The young adults all
                           claimed their dorm
                           rooms and declared a
                           major that will help
                           them advance quickly
                           in their future careers.

Then Zora proceeded to
grind on her brother’s
leg… I’m not sure why. I
hope the social worker
doesn’t decide to take
them away for
incestuous dancing.
It’s been a few days since the kids have started college and they’ve
gotten into a pretty dull routine of going to class, studying and
eating. The thing is, they are happy to do it! I’ve never met more
boring college students. So, to fix that, I sent Zoe and Zora out on a
girls night to the bar where they could sing, dance and be silly!
And I’ll be danged if they didn’t run into their father! Alex has really let
his hair down, figuratively of course. This man is a complete bore at
home, so I can’t imagine why he’d leave to go to a bar. But he seems to
be pretty popular and draws up a small crowd with his karaoke singing.
“So you girls having a fun night?” Robin Lee, the bartender, asked.
“Yeah. It’s strange seeing our father here though. Kinda awkward.” Zoe
“Especially since he seems to be the center of attention.” Zora added.
“Well how’d you like to bartend? Then you can one up him!”
Robin clicked right away with the girls. I’m glad I sent them out – they
made a friend, and Zora got the chance to earn some cash bartending.
“Dude! You freaking
stink!” Zora yelled at the
smelly guy at the bar
whose name I didn’t
catch. “You smell like a
wet dog who rolled in his
own mess.”

                             It’s a good thing Zora
                             doesn’t want to be a
                             bartender. It doesn’t
                             look like her
                             customer appreciated
                             her brutal honesty.
While Zoe and Zora enjoyed a girls night out, their big brother Zander
made a new friend back at the dorms. He keeps running into Kaylynn and
I figured why not let him flirt a little? It made him giddy as a schoolgirl
and turns out, they have a lot in common! They only chatted for a
minute, but left with a pretty high relationship meter.
You can tell that Zander takes after his father in personality. They both
have absolutely zero neat points. They’re total slobs. Zoe on the other
hand, can manage to eat her food without gobbling it down and slinging
it all over the walls. Thank goodness she got a few of her mother’s neat
personality points.
I’ll say it again: most
                        boring college students
                        ever. There is a whole
                        campus to explore and
                        people to meet! And
                        what do they want to do?

Write term papers, do
assignments and sell
masterpieces. Such is
the life of knowledge
and fortune sims, I
In an attempt to break up the
boring daily routine, I bought the
kids a makeover chair so they can
try out their styling hands. Zoe is a
natural! Regina Something-or-
Another was her first client. Zoe
softened her curls, added a little
make up and viola! Beautiful!
Regina’s makeover went so well
                          that I decided to have Zoe try
                          again with one of the dormies
                          that desperately needs a
                          makeover. . . It obviously didn’t
                          go as well.

At least one out of two
isn’t so bad, right?
Well, I guess we can
cross hair dresser of
Zoe’s list of possible
careers for the future!
But of course sweet Zoe didn’t leave the poor guy looking like a
total idiot. She fixed his makeup, by removing it, and even gave him
a hair cut. All complementary of course! He looks much better now.
He might even have a chance at a date with Zoe or Zora now.
“Zora! I’m so glad you came to see me. How’ve you been?”
“Great, Robin! I thought you worked at that one nightclub? When did you get a
new job?”
“I work at every bar downtown really.”

I’ve always thought it was funny that one Maxis bartender works ALL the bars
downtown. But anyway, it works for Zora because now she gets to catch up with
her friend.
Zoe and Zora enjoy their girls
night full of karaoke while
being creeped on by some ugly
townie. They even got a
picture taken together in the
photo booth!
The kids have moved out of the dorms and into their own house!
It’s a three bedroom, one bathroom house called the Sporty Shack
that came with Hobbies EP, I believe. It’s pretty great! Nice and
roomy, perfect for a college home.
The new house brings
                             new friends to the Boone
                             family. Jessica Leelaporn
                             was walking by when
                             Zander got home from
                             class. They had an instant

Zander has two bolts of
chemistry of attraction
for Jess already. So I let
them to get to know
each other over a game
of catch.
I’ll be honest, Jessica isn’t the most beautiful student at SSU, but after
seeing her and Zander spend the afternoon together I’m convinced she’s
meant to be with him. She’s just like him! Zander cooked dinner for them
to share, but she wanted to study instead. That’s something Zander
would do! They’re perfect for each other.
The next day Zander decided to throw a housewarming party. He
invited his parents and Jessica of course. Again, I’m thinking Jess is
meant to be in this family. Alex and Dagmar started a smustling
session, and Jessica jumped right in!
During the party, Zander and Jessica got to spend some alone time
together to get to know each other even better. While Zander was
telling her a joke, she also pulled the “the joke is over, but I’m going
to keep laughing” face that Dagmar made when she and Alex first
met oh so long ago. I’m starting to really like this girl, despite her
not perfect face that makes me worry about what their possible
kids might look like…
Zora hired a bartender for the party and I was genuinely surprised
when Robin didn’t show up to the house. So Zora phoned her friend
and invited her to hang out off the clock. They ended up having a
blast, like everyone else at the party. They’re already best friends
from hanging out at the bar, so hanging out while Robin isn’t
working makes it that much sweeter for her, I’m sure.
Zander and Jessica had a
                              blast at the party. They even
                              ended the night with a little
                              crush on each other! And it
                              looks like Robin and Zora
                              have been harboring a secret
                              crush too!

One “sweet talk” from Zora
and the two fell in love!
Looks like what they say is
true: The best love you can
ever have is your best
After the party that night, the gang is back to their boring old
routine of studying and painting on the easel. Zander continues to
be a total slob even in the presence of company.
I’ve been very back and forth about Jessica being “the one” for Zander. They have
an obvious chemistry and I really like her, but her face is very Sandy Bruty-esque.
So I had Zoe work her magic to see if she can help… no luck. I just can’t let Jess
into the family and risk her messing up the good genes this early on.
Both Zander and Zora have had
                          pretty good love lives going on,
                          but Zoe is the only one with a
                          potential love interest. They are
                          in their sophomore year, so I
                          figured it was time to help the
                          girl out.

The matchmaker
delivered a very cute
college student
named Rodney Gast.
He even has red hair :)
He and Zoe seem to
be doing well so far.
On their first blind
                          date, Zoe decided to
                          break the ice by letting
                          Rodney in on her hair
                          cutting talents. So she
                          offered him a free

I must say, Rodney is
even more of a looker
with that silly bandana
off his head!
After the makeover, things went south very quickly! Zoe tried to
wolf whistle at Rodney and he really did not appreciate the flirt! He
got all huffy and walked away. It really embarrassed Zoe and was
something that she even feared would happen. Zoe tried to
apologize and smooth things over by sharing her interests with
Rodney, but he had no interest in listening. He gave poor Zoe the
hand and would walk away every time she tried to talk to him. I feel
so bad for Zoe – I’ve never had a first date go this bad! Poor girl.
Thankfully, the next day, at least one of the kids was having a great date.
Zander decided to pursue his original interest in Kaylynn, the housemaid.
Things went much smoother for this couple than for Zoe and Rodney.
Kaylynn happily accepted Zander’s well placed compliments and blushed
at his flirts.
“Mm, this chili is great Zander! You sure know how to whip up something good on a
cold winter day like this.”
“Thanks. I guess it comes natural when your father is a big time television chef.”
Kaylynn and Zander got to know each other a little better over a few bowls of chili.
It was a sweet little date – Zander kept caressing Kay’s hand and feeding her some
of his chili… even though her’s is the same recipe and doesn’t taste any different.
Things may be cold outside, but they are heating up indoors! Zander
ended his date with Kaylynn with a kiss. Their very first kiss to be exact :)
This is where the chapter ends today.
Since the kids are in their junior year of
college it’s time to conduct an heir poll!
You get to decide who will carry on this
legacy. So head on over to and
cast your vote for Zander, Zoe or Zora.
And come back next time to see if your
favorite won!
Thanks for reading and I surely hope you
enjoyed the chapter :)

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Chapter 2

  • 1.
  • 2. Welcome back to the Ventures of Boone: Chapter Two! Thanks for coming to read the new update. I hope that you enjoy it, of course. If you haven’t already read the first chapter it’s available on this live journal page. In the last chapter you met Alex Boone, the founder of my new legacy. Alex is a popularity/family aspiration. He achieved his first lifetime want to become a celebrity chef. Now he wants to marry off six of his children. This is very possible thanks to Dagmar Bertino Boone. Alex married his mailcarrier and together they had six children. Today we’ll pick up from there with a quick who’s who in the family since there are so many faces to remember lol.
  • 3. This lovely couple is Alex and Dagmar Boone. They are the founders of this legacy. In the last chapter you saw them get married and start a family together. The early years in their marriage were rough, especially on Dagmar who died and came back to life while pregnant with her fourth child. But now things are looking bright for the Boones.
  • 4. Zander was the first born into the second generation of the Boone legacy. He is the oldest of triplets. His aspiration is knowledge/family with the lifetime want to become a criminal mastermind. Right now Zander holds a position of pickpocket in the shady career, but hopes to advance all the way to the top once he grows up.
  • 5. Zoe is the second born triplet and the first born girl in generation two. She is a fortune/knowledge aspiration with the lifetime want to max all seven skills. I love that Zoe got such an easy lifetime want!
  • 6. Zora is the youngest triplet. She most resembles her father in looks and personality of all the children. She even has the same first lifetime want as Alex – that is to become a celebrity chef. Alex currently has his own diner (named after his wife Dagmar) and his own cooking show, so hopefully Zora will have an easy path up the cuisine career ladder. Her aspiration is fortune/pleasure.
  • 7. Zack was the baby in Dagmar’s tummy last chapter when she died. Luckily, Alex was there to save both of their lives! Zack is a happy child and hasn’t shown much of a strong personality yet, but enjoys spending time with his family members.
  • 8. Zeena is the fifth child of Alex and Dagmar. She has Alex’s round, chunky cheeks and they are so adorable on her as a toddler! Zeena is a pretty calm toddler. She gets a lot of love and attention from her parents and three teenage siblings.
  • 9. Last, but not least, we have baby Zelda. She is the youngest of the six Boone children. So far she’s an easy mannered baby and doesn’t require much attention. But now, she is on her way to a birthday cake so that she and her big sis Zeena can grow up together!
  • 10. Alex and Dagmar make great parents and have provided a nice lifestyle for all six kids so far. They love celebrating these big moments with their little ones.
  • 11. Zeena grew into a cute little girl who looks a lot like her daddy. She still has his round cheeks and slightly tilted eye shape. Zelda looks a lot like her mother Dagmar. She has a personality that is all Alex though: She resembles her big brother Zander in that she’s a mean slob.
  • 12. With so many sims in the house, nobody ever gets lonely. The teenagers are veering off to do their own thing lately, but they still keep each other involved. Zander is shaping up to become an even better pickpocket and Zoe is happy to tag along in the yoga workout to earn some body skills. She’s about halfway to her lifetime goal of maxing all seven skills.
  • 13. All of the Boone children are doing exceptionally well. Dagmar is spending the rest of her maternity leave teaching Zelda how to walk and talk. The teens are breaking into the working world and the children are finding out the joys of “study time” – which means they have to skill a little everyday to prepare for college.
  • 14. “You should be ashamed of yourself, Mr. Boone! I’ve never seen a more unstable home. You’re just lucky the oldest three get to stay. If it were up to me, I’d take them all from you!” Hang on a minute. What’s the social worker doing here? I was just bragging about Dagmar and Alex raising six happy kids. And now this lady barges in and tells off Alex. No way!
  • 15. “I don’t understand. Why are you taking my kids from me? I love them, I need them. They are my life!” Alex plead to keep his three youngest kids, but the social worker had already made up her mind. I don’t understand either. What the heck is going on!?
  • 16. Without listening to any more of Alex’s begging, the social worker went into the master bedroom and to wake Zelda up from her nap. The little traitor looks happy to be going away and I’m still not sure what the heck happened for Alex and Dagmar to loose their kids. After Zelda was taken, the social worker went back into the house to collect Zack from where he had just stood happily painting a picture on the easel.
  • 17. It wasn’t until the lady went to grab Zeena from upstairs in her bedroom that I knew why the three youngest children were being taken away from their family…
  • 18. That little heifer was jumping on her bed for so long that she got overheated. They aren’t being taken away for being beaten, neglected or starved. They are being taken away because Zeena was jumping on her bed. You’ve got to be kidding me!
  • 19. It goes without saying that Alex and Dagmar are absolutely broken hearted about losing half of their children. Alex loved those kids since before he even knew they were coming. Dagmar literally died while pregnant with Zack and came back to life with a new view and love for her six kids. I can’t believe they got taken away because Zeena was jumping on her bed. I could kill her. I better watch what I say, the social worker just might come back and take the triplets next!
  • 20. To make matters worse, it’s Dagmar’s elder birthday. It’s been a long afternoon, so the triplets are sleeping and Alex is in a crying spell in the bathroom. Nobody helped Dagmar celebrate her birthday – not that it would have been much of a celebration on the day half the kids got taken away my social services! She aged into a beautiful elder nonetheless.
  • 21. Life is moving on in the Boone house since Zack, Zeena and Zelda were taken away. Everyone is focusing on their own specific goals. It’s oddly quiet in the house without the youngest three children running around and getting into everything.
  • 22. Alex, who should be retired at his age, has thrown himself fully into his work. He only films his hit cooking show three days a week and runs D’s Diner (his restaurant named after Dagmar) in the meantime. He’s taken up painting to take his mind off of losing three of his babies at once. It’s sad, but good for the family funds.
  • 23. The teens are ready for more adventure in their lives. The good kind of adventure though, not the kind where your younger siblings get taken away by the social worker in a surprise visit. So knowledge aspiration Zander has been researching colleges and has decided that he and his sisters are going to go to Sim State University!
  • 24. I feel so bad for poor Alex. He wants to have another baby, but Dagmar is too old. So I’ve tried to distract him from his own wants by lots of extra love time with his beautiful wife.
  • 25. The night before Zander, Zoe and Zora leave for Sim State University, Zoe achieved her first lifetime want! Great timing, right!? She has now maxed out all seven of her skills. She now wants to reach the top of the entertainment career.
  • 26. I’ve been feeling very guilty about the youngest three kids getting taken away – I should have been paying closer attention to Zeena. I feel I’ve robbed Alex of his second lifetime want to marry off six kids. This is why the family got two new cats! A fluffy, orange cat named Romeo. And a spotted yellow cat named… you guessed it – Juliet! I know, I’m not very original with the pet names. It’s better than Fluffy and Snowball though!
  • 27. These pictures are purely to show off how handsome the second generation turned out! And to remind you of the potential heirs. Zander now a young adult in college with a knowledge/family aspiration with the lifetime want to become a criminal mastermind!
  • 28. As a teenager, Zoe achieved her first lifetime want to max all seven skills. Now she is in college with her brother and sister and has the new goal to reach the top of the entertainment career. She is a fortune/knowledge aspiration.
  • 29. And the last of the kids (that weren’t taken by the social worker)is Zora! She is a fortune/pleasure aspiration with the lifetime want to follow in her father’s footsteps and become a celebrity chef!
  • 30. The young adults all claimed their dorm rooms and declared a major that will help them advance quickly in their future careers. Then Zora proceeded to grind on her brother’s leg… I’m not sure why. I hope the social worker doesn’t decide to take them away for incestuous dancing.
  • 31. It’s been a few days since the kids have started college and they’ve gotten into a pretty dull routine of going to class, studying and eating. The thing is, they are happy to do it! I’ve never met more boring college students. So, to fix that, I sent Zoe and Zora out on a girls night to the bar where they could sing, dance and be silly!
  • 32. And I’ll be danged if they didn’t run into their father! Alex has really let his hair down, figuratively of course. This man is a complete bore at home, so I can’t imagine why he’d leave to go to a bar. But he seems to be pretty popular and draws up a small crowd with his karaoke singing.
  • 33. “So you girls having a fun night?” Robin Lee, the bartender, asked. “Yeah. It’s strange seeing our father here though. Kinda awkward.” Zoe laughed. “Especially since he seems to be the center of attention.” Zora added. “Well how’d you like to bartend? Then you can one up him!” Robin clicked right away with the girls. I’m glad I sent them out – they made a friend, and Zora got the chance to earn some cash bartending.
  • 34. “Dude! You freaking stink!” Zora yelled at the smelly guy at the bar whose name I didn’t catch. “You smell like a wet dog who rolled in his own mess.” It’s a good thing Zora doesn’t want to be a bartender. It doesn’t look like her customer appreciated her brutal honesty.
  • 35. While Zoe and Zora enjoyed a girls night out, their big brother Zander made a new friend back at the dorms. He keeps running into Kaylynn and I figured why not let him flirt a little? It made him giddy as a schoolgirl and turns out, they have a lot in common! They only chatted for a minute, but left with a pretty high relationship meter.
  • 36. You can tell that Zander takes after his father in personality. They both have absolutely zero neat points. They’re total slobs. Zoe on the other hand, can manage to eat her food without gobbling it down and slinging it all over the walls. Thank goodness she got a few of her mother’s neat personality points.
  • 37. I’ll say it again: most boring college students ever. There is a whole campus to explore and people to meet! And what do they want to do? Write term papers, do assignments and sell masterpieces. Such is the life of knowledge and fortune sims, I suppose.
  • 38. In an attempt to break up the boring daily routine, I bought the kids a makeover chair so they can try out their styling hands. Zoe is a natural! Regina Something-or- Another was her first client. Zoe softened her curls, added a little make up and viola! Beautiful!
  • 39. Regina’s makeover went so well that I decided to have Zoe try again with one of the dormies that desperately needs a makeover. . . It obviously didn’t go as well. At least one out of two isn’t so bad, right? Well, I guess we can cross hair dresser of Zoe’s list of possible careers for the future!
  • 40. But of course sweet Zoe didn’t leave the poor guy looking like a total idiot. She fixed his makeup, by removing it, and even gave him a hair cut. All complementary of course! He looks much better now. He might even have a chance at a date with Zoe or Zora now.
  • 41. “Zora! I’m so glad you came to see me. How’ve you been?” “Great, Robin! I thought you worked at that one nightclub? When did you get a new job?” “I work at every bar downtown really.” I’ve always thought it was funny that one Maxis bartender works ALL the bars downtown. But anyway, it works for Zora because now she gets to catch up with her friend.
  • 42. Zoe and Zora enjoy their girls night full of karaoke while being creeped on by some ugly townie. They even got a picture taken together in the photo booth!
  • 43. The kids have moved out of the dorms and into their own house! It’s a three bedroom, one bathroom house called the Sporty Shack that came with Hobbies EP, I believe. It’s pretty great! Nice and roomy, perfect for a college home.
  • 44. The new house brings new friends to the Boone family. Jessica Leelaporn was walking by when Zander got home from class. They had an instant connection! Zander has two bolts of chemistry of attraction for Jess already. So I let them to get to know each other over a game of catch.
  • 45. I’ll be honest, Jessica isn’t the most beautiful student at SSU, but after seeing her and Zander spend the afternoon together I’m convinced she’s meant to be with him. She’s just like him! Zander cooked dinner for them to share, but she wanted to study instead. That’s something Zander would do! They’re perfect for each other.
  • 46. The next day Zander decided to throw a housewarming party. He invited his parents and Jessica of course. Again, I’m thinking Jess is meant to be in this family. Alex and Dagmar started a smustling session, and Jessica jumped right in!
  • 47. During the party, Zander and Jessica got to spend some alone time together to get to know each other even better. While Zander was telling her a joke, she also pulled the “the joke is over, but I’m going to keep laughing” face that Dagmar made when she and Alex first met oh so long ago. I’m starting to really like this girl, despite her not perfect face that makes me worry about what their possible kids might look like…
  • 48. Zora hired a bartender for the party and I was genuinely surprised when Robin didn’t show up to the house. So Zora phoned her friend and invited her to hang out off the clock. They ended up having a blast, like everyone else at the party. They’re already best friends from hanging out at the bar, so hanging out while Robin isn’t working makes it that much sweeter for her, I’m sure.
  • 49. Zander and Jessica had a blast at the party. They even ended the night with a little crush on each other! And it looks like Robin and Zora have been harboring a secret crush too! One “sweet talk” from Zora and the two fell in love! Looks like what they say is true: The best love you can ever have is your best friend!
  • 50. After the party that night, the gang is back to their boring old routine of studying and painting on the easel. Zander continues to be a total slob even in the presence of company.
  • 51. I’ve been very back and forth about Jessica being “the one” for Zander. They have an obvious chemistry and I really like her, but her face is very Sandy Bruty-esque. So I had Zoe work her magic to see if she can help… no luck. I just can’t let Jess into the family and risk her messing up the good genes this early on.
  • 52. Both Zander and Zora have had pretty good love lives going on, but Zoe is the only one with a potential love interest. They are in their sophomore year, so I figured it was time to help the girl out. The matchmaker delivered a very cute college student named Rodney Gast. He even has red hair :) He and Zoe seem to be doing well so far.
  • 53. On their first blind date, Zoe decided to break the ice by letting Rodney in on her hair cutting talents. So she offered him a free makeover. I must say, Rodney is even more of a looker with that silly bandana off his head!
  • 54. After the makeover, things went south very quickly! Zoe tried to wolf whistle at Rodney and he really did not appreciate the flirt! He got all huffy and walked away. It really embarrassed Zoe and was something that she even feared would happen. Zoe tried to apologize and smooth things over by sharing her interests with Rodney, but he had no interest in listening. He gave poor Zoe the hand and would walk away every time she tried to talk to him. I feel so bad for Zoe – I’ve never had a first date go this bad! Poor girl.
  • 55. Thankfully, the next day, at least one of the kids was having a great date. Zander decided to pursue his original interest in Kaylynn, the housemaid. Things went much smoother for this couple than for Zoe and Rodney. Kaylynn happily accepted Zander’s well placed compliments and blushed at his flirts.
  • 56. “Mm, this chili is great Zander! You sure know how to whip up something good on a cold winter day like this.” “Thanks. I guess it comes natural when your father is a big time television chef.” Kaylynn and Zander got to know each other a little better over a few bowls of chili. It was a sweet little date – Zander kept caressing Kay’s hand and feeding her some of his chili… even though her’s is the same recipe and doesn’t taste any different.
  • 57. Things may be cold outside, but they are heating up indoors! Zander ended his date with Kaylynn with a kiss. Their very first kiss to be exact :)
  • 58. This is where the chapter ends today. Since the kids are in their junior year of college it’s time to conduct an heir poll! You get to decide who will carry on this legacy. So head on over to and cast your vote for Zander, Zoe or Zora. And come back next time to see if your favorite won! Thanks for reading and I surely hope you enjoyed the chapter :)