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Current Directions in Psychological
2017, Vol. 26(2) 126 –131
© The Author(s) 2017
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DOI: 10.1177/0963721416689563
People routinely navigate choices with important conse-
quences for their physical health. They go to the gym,
smoke a cigarette with friends, work on their tan, order a
salad instead of a double bacon cheeseburger, and get
that recommended colonoscopy. Concerns about death
would seem relevant to these and other everyday health
decisions. Yet it was not until the terror management
health model (TMHM) that this relevance was program-
matically considered (Goldenberg & Arndt, 2008). The
model was born, in fact, from observations of reciprocal
neglect. Health psychology largely ignored motivational
implications associated with awareness of mortality,
whereas terror management theory, despite inspiring
considerable research about social psychological conse-
quences of this awareness, was relatively silent about
decisions with implications for physical health. In the
present article, we consider how the TMHM bridges this
intersection of health and death. We articulate the theo-
retical foundation for the model and then highlight
insights it has generated for how health-relevant contexts
implicate awareness of mortality, how this awareness
affects everyday health decisions, and how it can be used
to foster better health outcomes.
The Genesis of the Terror Management
Health Model
Terror management theory (Greenberg, Pyszczynski, &
Solomon, 1986) builds from a tradition of existential and
psychodynamic theory (e.g., Becker, 1973) to posit that
people need to psychologically manage the unsettling
implications of knowing not just that death is inevitable
but that it could happen at any time. They do this by
identifying with cultural belief systems (i.e., worldviews),
which enable people to view themselves as valuable
members (reflecting self-esteem) of a cultural reality that
persists beyond their own physical demise. The theory
has inspired hundreds of studies around the globe and
been applied to an array of human social behaviors (see,
e.g., Pyszczynski, Solomon, & Greenberg, 2015).
After the initial wave of research on terror manage-
ment theory, studies increasingly suggested that people
GoldenbergHealth and Death
Corresponding Author:
Jamie Arndt, McAlester Hall, Department of Psychological
University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65201
E-mail: [email protected]
Where Health and Death Intersect:
Insights From a Terror Management
Health Model
Jamie Arndt1 and Jamie L. Goldenberg2
1Department of Psychological Sciences, University of Missouri,
and 2Department of Psychology,
University of South Florida
This article offers an integrative understanding of the
intersection between health and death from the perspective of
the terror management health model. After highlighting the
potential for health-related situations to elicit concerns
about mortality, we turn to the question, how do thoughts of
death influence health-related decision making? Across
varied health domains, the answer depends on whether these
cognitions are in conscious awareness or not. When
mortality concerns are conscious, people form healthy
intentions and engage in healthy behavior if efficacy and
coping resources are present. In contrast, when contending with
accessible but nonconscious thoughts of death,
health-relevant decisions are guided more by the implications of
the behavior for the individual’s sense of cultural
value. Finally, we present research suggesting how these
processes can be leveraged to facilitate health promotion
and reduce health risk
health, decision making, risky behavior, terror management,
death, mortality salience
Health and Death 127
defend against conscious and nonconscious awareness
of mortality in different ways (Pyszczynski, Greenberg, &
Solomon, 1999). When thoughts of mortality are con-
scious, people try to remove them from focal attention.
(After all, ending up as fertilizer is a thought on which
people generally don’t like to dwell.) Such proximal
defenses push death-related thought to the mental back-
ground. It is when thoughts of death are active but out-
side of conscious awareness that people more strongly
engage in distal defenses that address the problem of
death on an abstract and symbolic level. For example,
people cling more vigorously to their cultural beliefs (i.e.,
worldview defense) and try harder to live up to cultural
standards (i.e., self-esteem striving). Proximal and distal
defenses are often inferred in experimental research by
measuring outcomes immediately after a mortality
reminder or after a delay, respectively. Conceptual and
meta-analytic reviews (i.e., statistical approaches that
average across different studies) have supported the
unique time course of death-thought activation and the
distinct effects elicited (e.g., Steinman & Updegraff, 2015).
The TMHM (Fig. 1) builds from these ideas. It begins
with the assumption that health conditions have varying
potential to make people think about death. The model
then integrates insights about how people manage con-
scious and nonconscious death-related cognitions with
the recognition that health decisions can be influenced
by concerns central (proximal) and more tangential (dis-
tal) to the health context. The foundational idea is that
when mortality concerns are conscious, health decisions
are largely guided by the proximal motivational goal of
reducing perceived vulnerability to a health threat and
thus concerns about mortality. In contrast, when mortal-
ity cognition is active but outside of focal attention,
health-relevant decisions are guided by distal motiva-
tional goals concerning the symbolic value of the self.
TMHM Research
The link between health and death
Every time people undergo routine cancer screenings,
there is the possibility that what they discover could mark
the beginning of the end. It is perhaps not surprising that
over 60% of people in a population-level survey reported
that when they think of cancer, they automatically think
of death (Moser et al., 2014). Even presentations of the
word “cancer” that participants report not having seen
(i.e., subliminal primes) increase the cognitive availability
of death-related thought (Arndt, Cook, Goldenberg, &
Cox, 2007). Performing breast self-exams (among women;
Goldenberg, Arndt, Hart, & Routledge, 2008) or reading
about risks of cancer from smoking (Hansen, Winzeler, &
Topolinski, 2010) or unprotected sun exposure (Cooper,
Goldenberg, & Arndt, 2014) also makes thoughts about
death accessible. But cancer is just one of many health
domains sharing this connection. Appeals about binge
drinking ( Jessop & Wade, 2008) or risky sex (Grover,
Miller, Solomon, Webster, & Saucier, 2010) and even
insurance advertisements (Fransen, Fennis, Pruyn, & Das,
Health Scenarios/Threats
Conscious Death-
Thought Activation
Motivation: Reduce
Awareness of Death
Oriented Outcomes
Motivation: Bolster Meaning
and Symbolic Self-Conception
Nonconscious Death-
Thought Activation
Fig. 1. The terror management health model.
128 Arndt, Goldenberg
2008) also activate thoughts of death. Such findings
prompt the critical question, how do cognitions about
mortality influence health-related decision making and
behavior? Across domains such as tanning, smoking, can-
cer screening, nutrition, and fitness, the answer often
depends on whether thoughts of death are in conscious
awareness or not.
The proximal and distal health
implications of mortality salience
Routledge, Arndt, and Goldenberg’s (2004) studies on sun
protection provide an illustration of divergent health-
relevant responses to conscious and nonconscious death-
related thought. Women reported greater interest in sun
protection immediately after answering two short ques-
tions about their mortality (vs. a control topic), presum-
ably because it would reduce their vulnerability to a
health risk. However, after a delay, they indicated stronger
interest in tanning, in line with appearance-based esteem
contingencies assessed as part of the experiment.
McCabe, Vail, Arndt, and Goldenberg’s (2014) studies
on product endorsement provide another illustration.
One study featured an ostensible taste test. Participants
sampled a brand of bottled water purportedly endorsed
by a medical doctor (to appeal to health) or a popular
celebrity (to appeal to social status). Immediately after
reminders of mortality, participants drank more of the
water if it had been endorsed by a medical doctor,
whereas after a delay, they drank more of the celebrity-
endorsed water. Such effects highlight the distinction
between health and esteem motivations that follow from
conscious and nonconscious thoughts of death.
Because people are motivated to reduce vulnerability
to health concerns when consciously thinking about
death, explicit thoughts of mortality render health-
promoting (proximal) responses such as exercising more,
using sun protection, and undergoing a screening exam
more likely when people have sufficient coping resources,
optimism, or beliefs in the efficacy of the behavior (and
themselves) to effectively mitigate the health concern.
When lacking these resources, people may respond to
conscious thoughts of death by avoiding or denying the
health threat (e.g., Cooper, Goldenberg, & Arndt, 2010).
Thus, the effect of conscious concerns about mortality on
health decisions depends on factors of immediate rele-
vance to the health context, much as has been found in
research based on rationally oriented models of health
behavior (e.g., Prentice-Dunn & Rogers, 1986).
In contrast, the relevance of the behavior for esteem
and cultural identification often directs health decisions
once thoughts of death are no longer conscious. For
example, when distracted from mortality reminders, indi-
viduals who derive self-esteem from fitness increase
exercise intentions (Arndt, Schimel, & Goldenberg, 2003),
whereas those who derive self-esteem from smoking
report less interest in quitting (Hansen et al., 2010). These
findings mesh well with evidence that self-esteem and
self-presentational motives influence health-related deci-
sion making (e.g., Leary, Tchividijian, & Kraxberger, 1994;
Mahler, Kulik, Gibbons, Gerrard, & Harrell, 2003) but
extend it by demonstrating the role of mortality concerns
in these processes. The TMHM further suggests that
worldview beliefs function similarly. Consider, for
instance, people subscribing to a fundamentalist religious
worldview. Terror management processes may play a
role in their willingness to rely on faith alone for medical
treatment (Vess, Arndt, Cox, Routledge, & Goldenberg,
2009). Taken together, this work helps to delineate when
health decisions will be influenced by factors tangential
to the health context and why people sometimes do the
seemingly irrational things they do when it comes to tak-
ing care of their health.
Leveraging the Terror Management
Health Model to Improve Health
The implications of the TMHM framework invite consid-
eration of a number of different ways to improve health-
related decision making. Indeed, research has begun to
examine how death-related cognition can be used as a
motivational catalyst to facilitate health promotion and
reduce health risk.
Augmenting conventional approaches
to health-related cognition
One research direction involves using conscious death-
related thought to bolster the influence of conventional
approaches to health-related cognition. For example,
Cooper et al. (2014) presented beachgoers with health
communications that did or did not highlight the risk of
death from skin cancer and did or did not elaborate on
the efficacy of sun protection to mitigate these risks.
When appeals emphasized sun-protection efficacy and
raised the conscious risk of mortality, sun-protection
intentions were greater. Such findings offer promise for
using explicit mortality concerns to augment educational
health campaigns that incorporate fear-related messages.
Notably, there are differing views about the potential
of the TMHM to inform research on the use of persuasive
fear messages (see Hunt & Shehryar, 2011; Tannenbaum
et al., 2015). When considering this potential, it is impor -
tant to recognize that appeals need not explicitly men-
tion death to conjure up death-related cognition;
implicating serious health consequences can do so as
Health and Death 129
well. Further, whether people are actively thinking about
death is an important issue for evaluating whether the
appeal encourages health- or esteem-based responses
and necessitates careful attention. Fine-grained measure-
ment of this issue may be necessary, although it is likely
challenging in the context of much health-communica-
tion research. But carefully considering the source of fear
and the potential for health communications to activate
conscious or nonconscious death-related thought may
help to illuminate when and why such appeals are effec-
tive, when they fall flat, and when they backfire (Ruiter,
Kessels, Peters, & Kok, 2014).
Targeting malleable bases of cultural
The TMHM suggests that when mortality concerns are
active but not conscious, efforts to change health behav-
ior may benefit from targeting malleable bases of cultural
value. For example, when smokers viewed a public ser-
vice announcement concerning the social consequences
of smoking (e.g., “Who wants to date someone with bad
breath?”), participants reminded of mortality reported
increased intentions to quit (Arndt et al., 2009; see also
Wong, Nisbett, & Harvell, 2017). Conveying positive
social norms can also be useful in this regard. Grocery
store patrons were reminded of mortality or a control
topic; then, based on research from the prototype-will-
ingness model (Gibbons & Gerrard, 1995), they visual-
ized exemplars of healthy eaters or did not. As determined
from their shopping receipts, those who were primed
with mortality and visualized healthy eaters purchased
healthier foods (McCabe et al., 2015).
The utility of targeting how individuals derive a sense
of value in conjunction with mortality reminders also
shows promise in the context of safe sun behavior. The
guiding idea is that if people can be steered away from
thinking of tanned skin as attractive, subtle primes of
mortality might lead to more interest in sun protection.
Using such an approach, Cox et al. (2009) observed
requests for sunscreen samples with higher SPF among
(Caucasian) beachgoers. Furthermore, framing a UV pho-
tograph of participants’ faces as revealing damaging
effects on appearance, rather than health, interacted with
mortality reminders to lead participants to take more
samples of sunscreen and report greater intentions to use
it (Morris, Cooper, Goldenberg, Arndt, & Gibbons, 2014).
Thus, there seems to be potential for nonconscious
thoughts of mortality to engage healthier behavioral
practices if aspects of social value are targeted.
Recognizing the body problem
The TMHM also fosters recognition of underappreciated
barriers to promoting health behavior. Goldenberg,
McCoy, Pyszczynski, Greenberg, and Solomon (2000)
suggested that the physicality of the body undermines
people’s capacity to maintain the symbolic, cultural value
of the self as a means to manage concerns associated
with mortality. This helps illuminate when and why peo-
ple may avoid health behaviors that involve intimate con-
frontation with the body’s physicality or creatureliness
(e.g., breast self-exams and mammograms; Goldenberg
et al., 2008). That these behaviors are threatening not
only because of their health implications (i.e., what one
might find) but also because of a non-health-related
threat suggests that, like other distal defenses, highlight-
ing the symbolic aspects of the self may benefit efforts to
foster health behavior. Opportunities to affirm symbolic
representations of the body may be effective when health
contexts elicit both mortality concerns and discomfort
with the body’s physicality (Morris, Cooper, Goldenberg,
Arndt, & Routledge, 2013).
The potential for behavioral
An important question is whether the effects observed in
TMHM research are just a brief blip on the behavioral -
change radar. Concerns about inevitable mortality are an
ever-present condition with which people must contend,
and moreover, people are reminded of mortality—some-
times blatantly and sometimes subtly—on a routine basis.
Two recent studies provided initial insight as to how an
enduring influence of awareness of death may affect
health behavior as it unfolds over time.
In Morris, Goldenberg, Arndt, and McCabe (2016),
when participants were primed with mortality and rode
an exercise bike, they later reported exercising more in
the 2 weeks that followed than did participants who were
not reminded of mortality, and this led them to report
basing their self-esteem more on fitness. In a second
study, smokers who visualized a prototypical unhealthy
smoker after being reminded of mortality reported more
attempts to quit smoking in the following 3 weeks and
became more committed to an identity as a nonsmoker,
and this in turn inspired continued attempts over the next
3 weeks. These studies lay the groundwork for a longitu-
dinal model in which death-related thought encourages
identity-relevant behavior, the behavior fosters more
identity relevance, and this in turn promotes more of the
(healthy) behavior.
Becoming comfortably numb
Research has also begun to examine other processes
through which death-related cognition might influence
health-relevant choices. For example, perhaps because of
the potential for anxiety involved, death reminders can
motivate people to become “comfortably numb” (to
130 Arndt, Goldenberg
borrow from a colleague who borrowed from Pink Floyd)
and increase desire for intoxicants like marijuana (Nagar
& Rabinovitz, 2015) and purchasing and consumption of
alcohol (Ein-Dor et al., 2014). Such risky behavior may be
most likely for those who lack secure terror management
buffers. Indeed, nightclub patrons with low self-esteem
drank more alcohol (as indicated by breathalyzer analy-
sis) when primed with mortality reminders (Wisman,
Heflick, & Goldenberg, 2015).
The TMHM integrates research on existential motivation,
self-threats and psychological defense, risky behavior,
fear appeals, and vulnerability, esteem, and normative
factors influencing health-related decision making. Like
other applied theoretical research, research guided by
the TMHM enriches our understanding of the target
domain as well as the basic theory. Although additional
research is needed in the areas outlined above, the model
offers a foundation for understanding how people man-
age existential insecurity as well as harnessing the effects
of death-related thought to engage productive health-
behavior change.
Recommended Reading
Goldenberg, J. L., & Arndt, J. (2008). (See References). A theo-
retical review article introducing the TMHM.
Pyszczynski, T., Solomon, S., & Greenberg, J. (2015). (See
References). A recent comprehensive review of terror man-
agement theory research for those interested in the differ -
ent directions of research inspired by the theory.
Spina, M., Arndt, J., Boyd, P., & Goldenberg, J. L. (2016).
Bridging health and death: Insights and questions from
a terror management health model. In L. A. Harvell &
G. S. Nisbett (Eds.), Denying death: An interdisciplinary
approach to Terror Management Theory (pp. 47–61). New
York, NY: Routledge. A recent review of TMHM research.
Declaration of Conflicting Interests
The authors declared that they had no conflicts of interest with
respect to their authorship or the publication of this article.
Most of the research reviewed here that involved Jamie Arndt
and Jamie Goldenberg was supported by National Cancer Insti-
tute Grant R01CA096581.
Arndt, J., Cook, A., Goldenberg, J. L., & Cox, C. R. (2007).
Cancer and the threat of death: The cognitive dynamics
of death thought suppression and its impact on behav-
ioral health intentions. Journal of Personality and Social
Psychology, 92, 12–29.
Arndt, J., Cox, C. R., Goldenberg, J. L., Vess, M., Routledge,
C., & Cohen, F. (2009). Blowing in the (social) wind:
Implications of extrinsic esteem contingencies for terror
management and health. Journal of Personality and Social
Psychology, 96, 1191–1205.
Arndt, J., Schimel, J., & Goldenberg, J. L. (2003). Death can be
good for your health: Fitness intentions as proximal and
distal defense against mortality salience. Journal of Applied
Social Psychology, 33, 1726–1746.
Becker, E. (1973). The denial of death. New York, NY: The
Free Press.
Cooper, D. P., Goldenberg, J. L., & Arndt, J. (2010).
of the terror management health model: The interac-
tive effect of conscious death thought and health-coping
variables on decisions in potentially fatal health domains.
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 36, 937–946.
Cooper, D. P., Goldenberg, J. L., & Arndt, J. (2014). Perceived
efficacy, conscious fear of death, and intentions to tan: Not
all fear appeals are created equal. British Journal of Health
Psychology, 19, 1–15.
Cox, C. R., Cooper, D. P., Vess, M., Arndt, J., Goldenberg, J.
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Gibbons, F. X., & Gerrard, M. (1995). Predicting young adults’
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Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 44, 260–274.
Goldenberg, J. L., McCoy, S. K., Pyszczynski, T., Greenberg,
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The effect of mortality salience on identification with one’s
body, interest in sex, and appearance monitoring. Journal
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Grover, K. W., Miller, C. T., Solomon, S., Webster, R. J., &
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Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 32, 315–327.
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Health and Death 131
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APA Citation
Hunt, R. R., Smith, R. E., & Dunlap, K. R. (2011). How does
distinctive processing reduce false recall? Journal of Memory
and Language, 65, 378-389.
(APA format is very specific. I recommend picking up an APA
manual 7th edition. They’re pretty cheap and an amazing
resource. Otherwise, you can find APA format info by googling
“Owl Purdue APA format.”)
NOTE: Different types of sources require different methods of
citation. So, the citation format for a journal article will differ
from that of a book chapter or an internet source.
Research Question
What is the underlying question the researchers were aiming to
Does masturbation frequency change as a function of age?
Is there a meaningful relationship between sexual preferences
and religious background?
What is the prevalence of HIV in a given population?
Do oysters act as an aphrodisiac?
Importance (why would other researchers be interested in this
What can be gained from the information provided in this
study? How might this inform future research?
Hypotheses are specific predictions about the general research
question. For example, if the research question is, “Does
masturbation frequency change as a function of age,” then a
hypothesis might be, “As age increases, masturbation frequency
Design & Variables
Design: Descriptive, correlational, meta-analytic, or
Independent variable(s): This is “manipulated” variable. Only
experimental designs involve independent variables. If the
research question is, “Do oysters act as an aphrodisiac?” then
the independent variable would be the administration of oysters.
For example, you might have one group of participants who
consume a half-dozen of oysters, another group who consumes a
dozen oysters, and a third group who consumes no oysters (i.e.,
a control group).
Dependent variable(s): This is the “variable of interest.” In
other words, this is the thing that the researchers are trying to
acquire information about. While only experimental designs
include independent variables, all research designs will include
at least one (and sometimes many more) dependent variable. In
the above example, the researchers are wanting to know if the
consumption of oysters increases sexual desire. In order to
determine this, they might measure self-reported sexual desire
levels and/or physiological signs of sexual desire, like blood
flow, perspiration, and pupillary dilation. Sexual desire would
be the dependent variable, and these things would be used to
measure it.
Number of participants (n = ____)
This is just the number of individuals who acted as participants
in the study.
Materials & Measures
In psychology, we often have to use indirect measures to
acquire information about a dependent variable. In the above
example involving oysters and sexual desire, the way one might
go about measuring sexual desire could include self-reports,
questionnaires, tools that measure blood flow, eye tracker s that
measure pupil dilation, etc. Any materials that were used to
gather data should be listed/briefly described here.
NOTE: Type of materials used will often differ depending on
the research design. For example, descriptive research often
employs behavioral observations, questionnaires, and/or
Brief Description of Procedure
Here, you should provide a brief chronological account of what
participants actually did in the study.
Participants completed informed consents and were randomly
assigned to one of three conditions. Measures of sexual desire
were gathered prior to oyster exposure in order to get baseline
measures for each participant. Depending on condition,
participants then consumed either a half-dozen oysters, a dozen
oysters, or zero oysters. Next, participants again completed the
sexual desire measures so that any change in desire due to
oyster consumption could be inferred.
NOTE: Procedures can differ greatly depending on the research
design. For example, a meta-analytic design would involve
analyzing several experimental studies on a particular subject
and then summarizing the collective results.
What did the researchers find? Was there a significant
correlation or experimental effect? If the design was
descriptive, what kind of frequency data did they find?
Limitations (Is there anything about this research that might
affect the generalizability of the results?)
There are always limitations to every research design. More
specifically, there are some limitations that will apply to all
studies employing a given design (e.g., all descriptive research),
and there will be limitations that apply to a particular study. For
example, descriptive and correlational research can be said to
have low internal validity because it is difficult (or impossible)
to control for extraneous variables. Experimental designs, on
the other hand, can be said to have lower external validity
because it often involves a great degree of variable control.
Another common limitation is sample size. Results from a small
sample may be less generalizable than those from a larger
sample. If the researchers utilized a sample of convenience (i.e.,
one that was convenient but might not be representative of the
entire population of interest), this this could also be considered
a limitation.
NOTE: I want you to come up with something to put here. This
might take some critical thought!
How does this inform your group project?
Why is this study relevant to your own project topic?
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httpsdoi.org10.11770963721416689563Current Directions

  • 1. Current Directions in Psychological Science 2017, Vol. 26(2) 126 –131 © The Author(s) 2017 Reprints and permissions: DOI: 10.1177/0963721416689563 People routinely navigate choices with important conse- quences for their physical health. They go to the gym, smoke a cigarette with friends, work on their tan, order a salad instead of a double bacon cheeseburger, and get that recommended colonoscopy. Concerns about death would seem relevant to these and other everyday health decisions. Yet it was not until the terror management health model (TMHM) that this relevance was program- matically considered (Goldenberg & Arndt, 2008). The model was born, in fact, from observations of reciprocal neglect. Health psychology largely ignored motivational implications associated with awareness of mortality, whereas terror management theory, despite inspiring considerable research about social psychological conse- quences of this awareness, was relatively silent about decisions with implications for physical health. In the present article, we consider how the TMHM bridges this intersection of health and death. We articulate the theo- retical foundation for the model and then highlight insights it has generated for how health-relevant contexts implicate awareness of mortality, how this awareness
  • 2. affects everyday health decisions, and how it can be used to foster better health outcomes. The Genesis of the Terror Management Health Model Terror management theory (Greenberg, Pyszczynski, & Solomon, 1986) builds from a tradition of existential and psychodynamic theory (e.g., Becker, 1973) to posit that people need to psychologically manage the unsettling implications of knowing not just that death is inevitable but that it could happen at any time. They do this by identifying with cultural belief systems (i.e., worldviews), which enable people to view themselves as valuable members (reflecting self-esteem) of a cultural reality that persists beyond their own physical demise. The theory has inspired hundreds of studies around the globe and been applied to an array of human social behaviors (see, e.g., Pyszczynski, Solomon, & Greenberg, 2015). After the initial wave of research on terror manage- ment theory, studies increasingly suggested that people 689563CDPXXX10.1177/0963721416689563Arndt, GoldenbergHealth and Death research-article2017 Corresponding Author: Jamie Arndt, McAlester Hall, Department of Psychological Sciences, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65201 E-mail: [email protected] Where Health and Death Intersect: Insights From a Terror Management Health Model
  • 3. Jamie Arndt1 and Jamie L. Goldenberg2 1Department of Psychological Sciences, University of Missouri, and 2Department of Psychology, University of South Florida Abstract This article offers an integrative understanding of the intersection between health and death from the perspective of the terror management health model. After highlighting the potential for health-related situations to elicit concerns about mortality, we turn to the question, how do thoughts of death influence health-related decision making? Across varied health domains, the answer depends on whether these cognitions are in conscious awareness or not. When mortality concerns are conscious, people form healthy intentions and engage in healthy behavior if efficacy and coping resources are present. In contrast, when contending with accessible but nonconscious thoughts of death, health-relevant decisions are guided more by the implications of the behavior for the individual’s sense of cultural value. Finally, we present research suggesting how these processes can be leveraged to facilitate health promotion and reduce health risk Keywords health, decision making, risky behavior, terror management, death, mortality salience 16689563&domain=pdf&date_stamp=2017-04-06 Health and Death 127
  • 4. defend against conscious and nonconscious awareness of mortality in different ways (Pyszczynski, Greenberg, & Solomon, 1999). When thoughts of mortality are con- scious, people try to remove them from focal attention. (After all, ending up as fertilizer is a thought on which people generally don’t like to dwell.) Such proximal defenses push death-related thought to the mental back- ground. It is when thoughts of death are active but out- side of conscious awareness that people more strongly engage in distal defenses that address the problem of death on an abstract and symbolic level. For example, people cling more vigorously to their cultural beliefs (i.e., worldview defense) and try harder to live up to cultural standards (i.e., self-esteem striving). Proximal and distal defenses are often inferred in experimental research by measuring outcomes immediately after a mortality reminder or after a delay, respectively. Conceptual and meta-analytic reviews (i.e., statistical approaches that average across different studies) have supported the unique time course of death-thought activation and the distinct effects elicited (e.g., Steinman & Updegraff, 2015). The TMHM (Fig. 1) builds from these ideas. It begins with the assumption that health conditions have varying potential to make people think about death. The model then integrates insights about how people manage con- scious and nonconscious death-related cognitions with the recognition that health decisions can be influenced by concerns central (proximal) and more tangential (dis- tal) to the health context. The foundational idea is that when mortality concerns are conscious, health decisions are largely guided by the proximal motivational goal of reducing perceived vulnerability to a health threat and thus concerns about mortality. In contrast, when mortal- ity cognition is active but outside of focal attention,
  • 5. health-relevant decisions are guided by distal motiva- tional goals concerning the symbolic value of the self. TMHM Research The link between health and death Every time people undergo routine cancer screenings, there is the possibility that what they discover could mark the beginning of the end. It is perhaps not surprising that over 60% of people in a population-level survey reported that when they think of cancer, they automatically think of death (Moser et al., 2014). Even presentations of the word “cancer” that participants report not having seen (i.e., subliminal primes) increase the cognitive availability of death-related thought (Arndt, Cook, Goldenberg, & Cox, 2007). Performing breast self-exams (among women; Goldenberg, Arndt, Hart, & Routledge, 2008) or reading about risks of cancer from smoking (Hansen, Winzeler, & Topolinski, 2010) or unprotected sun exposure (Cooper, Goldenberg, & Arndt, 2014) also makes thoughts about death accessible. But cancer is just one of many health domains sharing this connection. Appeals about binge drinking ( Jessop & Wade, 2008) or risky sex (Grover, Miller, Solomon, Webster, & Saucier, 2010) and even insurance advertisements (Fransen, Fennis, Pruyn, & Das, Health Scenarios/Threats Conscious Death- Thought Activation Motivation: Reduce Vulnerability/ Awareness of Death
  • 6. Health-Behavior- Oriented Outcomes Health-Defeating Outcomes Health-Facilitating Outcomes Threat-Avoidance Outcomes Motivation: Bolster Meaning and Symbolic Self-Conception Nonconscious Death- Thought Activation Fig. 1. The terror management health model. 128 Arndt, Goldenberg 2008) also activate thoughts of death. Such findings prompt the critical question, how do cognitions about mortality influence health-related decision making and behavior? Across domains such as tanning, smoking, can- cer screening, nutrition, and fitness, the answer often depends on whether thoughts of death are in conscious awareness or not. The proximal and distal health implications of mortality salience
  • 7. Routledge, Arndt, and Goldenberg’s (2004) studies on sun protection provide an illustration of divergent health- relevant responses to conscious and nonconscious death- related thought. Women reported greater interest in sun protection immediately after answering two short ques- tions about their mortality (vs. a control topic), presum- ably because it would reduce their vulnerability to a health risk. However, after a delay, they indicated stronger interest in tanning, in line with appearance-based esteem contingencies assessed as part of the experiment. McCabe, Vail, Arndt, and Goldenberg’s (2014) studies on product endorsement provide another illustration. One study featured an ostensible taste test. Participants sampled a brand of bottled water purportedly endorsed by a medical doctor (to appeal to health) or a popular celebrity (to appeal to social status). Immediately after reminders of mortality, participants drank more of the water if it had been endorsed by a medical doctor, whereas after a delay, they drank more of the celebrity- endorsed water. Such effects highlight the distinction between health and esteem motivations that follow from conscious and nonconscious thoughts of death. Because people are motivated to reduce vulnerability to health concerns when consciously thinking about death, explicit thoughts of mortality render health- promoting (proximal) responses such as exercising more, using sun protection, and undergoing a screening exam more likely when people have sufficient coping resources, optimism, or beliefs in the efficacy of the behavior (and themselves) to effectively mitigate the health concern. When lacking these resources, people may respond to conscious thoughts of death by avoiding or denying the health threat (e.g., Cooper, Goldenberg, & Arndt, 2010). Thus, the effect of conscious concerns about mortality on
  • 8. health decisions depends on factors of immediate rele- vance to the health context, much as has been found in research based on rationally oriented models of health behavior (e.g., Prentice-Dunn & Rogers, 1986). In contrast, the relevance of the behavior for esteem and cultural identification often directs health decisions once thoughts of death are no longer conscious. For example, when distracted from mortality reminders, indi- viduals who derive self-esteem from fitness increase exercise intentions (Arndt, Schimel, & Goldenberg, 2003), whereas those who derive self-esteem from smoking report less interest in quitting (Hansen et al., 2010). These findings mesh well with evidence that self-esteem and self-presentational motives influence health-related deci- sion making (e.g., Leary, Tchividijian, & Kraxberger, 1994; Mahler, Kulik, Gibbons, Gerrard, & Harrell, 2003) but extend it by demonstrating the role of mortality concerns in these processes. The TMHM further suggests that worldview beliefs function similarly. Consider, for instance, people subscribing to a fundamentalist religious worldview. Terror management processes may play a role in their willingness to rely on faith alone for medical treatment (Vess, Arndt, Cox, Routledge, & Goldenberg, 2009). Taken together, this work helps to delineate when health decisions will be influenced by factors tangential to the health context and why people sometimes do the seemingly irrational things they do when it comes to tak- ing care of their health. Leveraging the Terror Management Health Model to Improve Health Decisions The implications of the TMHM framework invite consid-
  • 9. eration of a number of different ways to improve health- related decision making. Indeed, research has begun to examine how death-related cognition can be used as a motivational catalyst to facilitate health promotion and reduce health risk. Augmenting conventional approaches to health-related cognition One research direction involves using conscious death- related thought to bolster the influence of conventional approaches to health-related cognition. For example, Cooper et al. (2014) presented beachgoers with health communications that did or did not highlight the risk of death from skin cancer and did or did not elaborate on the efficacy of sun protection to mitigate these risks. When appeals emphasized sun-protection efficacy and raised the conscious risk of mortality, sun-protection intentions were greater. Such findings offer promise for using explicit mortality concerns to augment educational health campaigns that incorporate fear-related messages. Notably, there are differing views about the potential of the TMHM to inform research on the use of persuasive fear messages (see Hunt & Shehryar, 2011; Tannenbaum et al., 2015). When considering this potential, it is impor - tant to recognize that appeals need not explicitly men- tion death to conjure up death-related cognition; implicating serious health consequences can do so as Health and Death 129 well. Further, whether people are actively thinking about death is an important issue for evaluating whether the
  • 10. appeal encourages health- or esteem-based responses and necessitates careful attention. Fine-grained measure- ment of this issue may be necessary, although it is likely challenging in the context of much health-communica- tion research. But carefully considering the source of fear and the potential for health communications to activate conscious or nonconscious death-related thought may help to illuminate when and why such appeals are effec- tive, when they fall flat, and when they backfire (Ruiter, Kessels, Peters, & Kok, 2014). Targeting malleable bases of cultural value The TMHM suggests that when mortality concerns are active but not conscious, efforts to change health behav- ior may benefit from targeting malleable bases of cultural value. For example, when smokers viewed a public ser- vice announcement concerning the social consequences of smoking (e.g., “Who wants to date someone with bad breath?”), participants reminded of mortality reported increased intentions to quit (Arndt et al., 2009; see also Wong, Nisbett, & Harvell, 2017). Conveying positive social norms can also be useful in this regard. Grocery store patrons were reminded of mortality or a control topic; then, based on research from the prototype-will- ingness model (Gibbons & Gerrard, 1995), they visual- ized exemplars of healthy eaters or did not. As determined from their shopping receipts, those who were primed with mortality and visualized healthy eaters purchased healthier foods (McCabe et al., 2015). The utility of targeting how individuals derive a sense of value in conjunction with mortality reminders also shows promise in the context of safe sun behavior. The guiding idea is that if people can be steered away from
  • 11. thinking of tanned skin as attractive, subtle primes of mortality might lead to more interest in sun protection. Using such an approach, Cox et al. (2009) observed requests for sunscreen samples with higher SPF among (Caucasian) beachgoers. Furthermore, framing a UV pho- tograph of participants’ faces as revealing damaging effects on appearance, rather than health, interacted with mortality reminders to lead participants to take more samples of sunscreen and report greater intentions to use it (Morris, Cooper, Goldenberg, Arndt, & Gibbons, 2014). Thus, there seems to be potential for nonconscious thoughts of mortality to engage healthier behavioral practices if aspects of social value are targeted. Recognizing the body problem The TMHM also fosters recognition of underappreciated barriers to promoting health behavior. Goldenberg, McCoy, Pyszczynski, Greenberg, and Solomon (2000) suggested that the physicality of the body undermines people’s capacity to maintain the symbolic, cultural value of the self as a means to manage concerns associated with mortality. This helps illuminate when and why peo- ple may avoid health behaviors that involve intimate con- frontation with the body’s physicality or creatureliness (e.g., breast self-exams and mammograms; Goldenberg et al., 2008). That these behaviors are threatening not only because of their health implications (i.e., what one might find) but also because of a non-health-related threat suggests that, like other distal defenses, highlight- ing the symbolic aspects of the self may benefit efforts to foster health behavior. Opportunities to affirm symbolic representations of the body may be effective when health contexts elicit both mortality concerns and discomfort with the body’s physicality (Morris, Cooper, Goldenberg,
  • 12. Arndt, & Routledge, 2013). The potential for behavioral durability An important question is whether the effects observed in TMHM research are just a brief blip on the behavioral - change radar. Concerns about inevitable mortality are an ever-present condition with which people must contend, and moreover, people are reminded of mortality—some- times blatantly and sometimes subtly—on a routine basis. Two recent studies provided initial insight as to how an enduring influence of awareness of death may affect health behavior as it unfolds over time. In Morris, Goldenberg, Arndt, and McCabe (2016), when participants were primed with mortality and rode an exercise bike, they later reported exercising more in the 2 weeks that followed than did participants who were not reminded of mortality, and this led them to report basing their self-esteem more on fitness. In a second study, smokers who visualized a prototypical unhealthy smoker after being reminded of mortality reported more attempts to quit smoking in the following 3 weeks and became more committed to an identity as a nonsmoker, and this in turn inspired continued attempts over the next 3 weeks. These studies lay the groundwork for a longitu- dinal model in which death-related thought encourages identity-relevant behavior, the behavior fosters more identity relevance, and this in turn promotes more of the (healthy) behavior. Becoming comfortably numb Research has also begun to examine other processes through which death-related cognition might influence
  • 13. health-relevant choices. For example, perhaps because of the potential for anxiety involved, death reminders can motivate people to become “comfortably numb” (to 130 Arndt, Goldenberg borrow from a colleague who borrowed from Pink Floyd) and increase desire for intoxicants like marijuana (Nagar & Rabinovitz, 2015) and purchasing and consumption of alcohol (Ein-Dor et al., 2014). Such risky behavior may be most likely for those who lack secure terror management buffers. Indeed, nightclub patrons with low self-esteem drank more alcohol (as indicated by breathalyzer analy- sis) when primed with mortality reminders (Wisman, Heflick, & Goldenberg, 2015). Conclusion The TMHM integrates research on existential motivation, self-threats and psychological defense, risky behavior, fear appeals, and vulnerability, esteem, and normative factors influencing health-related decision making. Like other applied theoretical research, research guided by the TMHM enriches our understanding of the target domain as well as the basic theory. Although additional research is needed in the areas outlined above, the model offers a foundation for understanding how people man- age existential insecurity as well as harnessing the effects of death-related thought to engage productive health- behavior change. Recommended Reading Goldenberg, J. L., & Arndt, J. (2008). (See References). A theo-
  • 14. retical review article introducing the TMHM. Pyszczynski, T., Solomon, S., & Greenberg, J. (2015). (See References). A recent comprehensive review of terror man- agement theory research for those interested in the differ - ent directions of research inspired by the theory. Spina, M., Arndt, J., Boyd, P., & Goldenberg, J. L. (2016). Bridging health and death: Insights and questions from a terror management health model. In L. A. Harvell & G. S. Nisbett (Eds.), Denying death: An interdisciplinary approach to Terror Management Theory (pp. 47–61). New York, NY: Routledge. A recent review of TMHM research. Declaration of Conflicting Interests The authors declared that they had no conflicts of interest with respect to their authorship or the publication of this article. Funding Most of the research reviewed here that involved Jamie Arndt and Jamie Goldenberg was supported by National Cancer Insti- tute Grant R01CA096581. References Arndt, J., Cook, A., Goldenberg, J. L., & Cox, C. R. (2007). Cancer and the threat of death: The cognitive dynamics of death thought suppression and its impact on behav- ioral health intentions. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 92, 12–29. Arndt, J., Cox, C. R., Goldenberg, J. L., Vess, M., Routledge, C., & Cohen, F. (2009). Blowing in the (social) wind: Implications of extrinsic esteem contingencies for terror
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  • 20. tion in terror management. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 60, 121–132. Wong, N. C. H., Nisbett, G. S., & Harvell, L. A. (2017). Smoking is so ew!: College smokers reactions to health- versus social- focused anti-smoking threat messages. Health Commu- nication, 32, 451–460. APA Citation EXAMPLE: Hunt, R. R., Smith, R. E., & Dunlap, K. R. (2011). How does distinctive processing reduce false recall? Journal of Memory and Language, 65, 378-389. (APA format is very specific. I recommend picking up an APA manual 7th edition. They’re pretty cheap and an amazing resource. Otherwise, you can find APA format info by googling “Owl Purdue APA format.”) NOTE: Different types of sources require different methods of citation. So, the citation format for a journal article will differ from that of a book chapter or an internet source. Research Question What is the underlying question the researchers were aiming to answer? EXAMPLES: Does masturbation frequency change as a function of age? Is there a meaningful relationship between sexual preferences and religious background? What is the prevalence of HIV in a given population?
  • 21. Do oysters act as an aphrodisiac? Importance (why would other researchers be interested in this study?) What can be gained from the information provided in this study? How might this inform future research? Hypotheses Hypotheses are specific predictions about the general research question. For example, if the research question is, “Does masturbation frequency change as a function of age,” then a hypothesis might be, “As age increases, masturbation frequency decreases.” Design & Variables Design: Descriptive, correlational, meta-analytic, or experimental? Independent variable(s): This is “manipulated” variable. Only experimental designs involve independent variables. If the research question is, “Do oysters act as an aphrodisiac?” then the independent variable would be the administration of oysters. For example, you might have one group of participants who consume a half-dozen of oysters, another group who consumes a dozen oysters, and a third group who consumes no oysters (i.e., a control group). Dependent variable(s): This is the “variable of interest.” In other words, this is the thing that the researchers are trying to acquire information about. While only experimental designs include independent variables, all research designs will include at least one (and sometimes many more) dependent variable. In the above example, the researchers are wanting to know if the consumption of oysters increases sexual desire. In order to determine this, they might measure self-reported sexual desire
  • 22. levels and/or physiological signs of sexual desire, like blood flow, perspiration, and pupillary dilation. Sexual desire would be the dependent variable, and these things would be used to measure it. Number of participants (n = ____) This is just the number of individuals who acted as participants in the study. Materials & Measures In psychology, we often have to use indirect measures to acquire information about a dependent variable. In the above example involving oysters and sexual desire, the way one might go about measuring sexual desire could include self-reports, questionnaires, tools that measure blood flow, eye tracker s that measure pupil dilation, etc. Any materials that were used to gather data should be listed/briefly described here. NOTE: Type of materials used will often differ depending on the research design. For example, descriptive research often employs behavioral observations, questionnaires, and/or surveys. Brief Description of Procedure Here, you should provide a brief chronological account of what participants actually did in the study. EXAMPLE: Participants completed informed consents and were randomly assigned to one of three conditions. Measures of sexual desire were gathered prior to oyster exposure in order to get baseline measures for each participant. Depending on condition, participants then consumed either a half-dozen oysters, a dozen oysters, or zero oysters. Next, participants again completed the sexual desire measures so that any change in desire due to oyster consumption could be inferred.
  • 23. NOTE: Procedures can differ greatly depending on the research design. For example, a meta-analytic design would involve analyzing several experimental studies on a particular subject and then summarizing the collective results. Results What did the researchers find? Was there a significant correlation or experimental effect? If the design was descriptive, what kind of frequency data did they find? Limitations (Is there anything about this research that might affect the generalizability of the results?) There are always limitations to every research design. More specifically, there are some limitations that will apply to all studies employing a given design (e.g., all descriptive research), and there will be limitations that apply to a particular study. For example, descriptive and correlational research can be said to have low internal validity because it is difficult (or impossible) to control for extraneous variables. Experimental designs, on the other hand, can be said to have lower external validity because it often involves a great degree of variable control. Another common limitation is sample size. Results from a small sample may be less generalizable than those from a larger sample. If the researchers utilized a sample of convenience (i.e., one that was convenient but might not be representative of the entire population of interest), this this could also be considered a limitation. NOTE: I want you to come up with something to put here. This might take some critical thought! How does this inform your group project? Why is this study relevant to your own project topic?