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Gran Sasso Science Institute | University of L’Aquila
Ivano Malavolta
HTML5: the new frontier of the web
About me…
Ivano Malavolta

Post Doc researcher – Gran Sasso Science Institute
Anatomy of a web app
Debugging (mobile) web apps
Maintainable web apps
Anatomy of a web app
What is a Web App?
A software built with web technologies that is accessible via a mobile browser

The browser may be either 
the standard device browser 
or an embedded browser 
(Hybrid app)
Anatomy of a Web App
Setting up the Server

As usual, it all starts with an HTTP request
Then you need:
•  Data
•  A device detection mechanism [optional]
•  The app itself
Usually mobile apps do not talk directly with the database

à do not even think about JDBC, drivers, etc!
à  They pass through an application server and communicate via:
•  standard HTTP requests for HTML content (eg PHP)
•  REST-full services (XML, JSON, etc.)
•  Data can be stored in any classical way:
•  Relational
•  Graph
•  Key-value
•  Document-based

Latest trend à backend-as-a-service
1.  Developers build a visual model of their DB

2.  The service generates APIs and client-side
libraries(compatible with Android, Windows
Phone, etc.)
3.  The data produced/consumed in the app can be
pushed/pulled to their DB
•  Communication is handled via REST-based
Example of Baas software: BaasBox
Main features:
•  User management 
•  ACL
•  Friendships
•  Authentication via Facebook and Google+
•  Document-based data manegement (via OrientDB)
•  Assets management (fotos, documents, or files)
•  Push notifications
The “Box” in BaasBox means that all the features are
in a standalone server, just like a box. 

No Application Server, no Database Server, just a
JVM and nothing more
Rest API
Ok, but what about mobile apps?

<script src=” ...” />

<script src=” ...” />




•  Lets you create apps with rich user interfaces and/or heavy graphics

•  Development Time
•  Development Cost
•  Ongoing Maintenance
•  No portability (apps cannot be used on other platforms)
Examples of native apps
•  Offers fast development, simple maintenance, and full application portability
•  One mobile web app works on any platform

•  Can’t handle heavy graphics
•  Can’t access camera or push notifications
Examples of web apps
•  Development speed of mobile web apps 
•  Device access and app store distribution of native apps

•  Can’t handle heavy graphics
•  Requires familiarity with a mobile framework
Examples of hybrid apps
Frascati Scienza
QR code scanning	

In-app RSS feed reader	


Non-linear layouts
My vision
Mobile web seems to be the only long-term commercially viable platform for mobile

When you go native there are too many platforms to be supported

The web is the only platform that:
•  works across devices
•  apps share the same set of standards
•  the same app can work also on a desktop
The web is an advanced technology:
•  webGL
•  Local storage management
•  Positioning & mapping
•  Real-time data
•  ...
Users expect things to just work

à they don’t care about what platform they have
àthey simply expect that your app will be available for their device 

You develop your app using the usual three guys

You use the same web view of the native OS
•  iOS = UIWebView
•  Android = android.webkit.WebView
What is PhoneGap?
The UI layer is a web browser view
•  100% width
•  100% height

Headless web browser
•  No URL bar
•  No decorations
•  No zooming
•  No text selection
It looks very similar to Apache Cordova…
Adobe/Nitobi donated the PhoneGap codebase to the Apache foundation
wider audience and contributors
transparent governance

Better documentation
easier contributions for companies

Apache Licensing
There was only one problem....

trademark ambiguity 

PhoneGap is a distribution of
Apache Cordova
Anatomy of a web app
HTML5 will be the new standard for HTML

HTML5 is still a work in progress

W3C final recomendation: 2020

Top browsers support many (not all) of the new HTML5 elements
What is HTML5?
The minimal HTML5 page
New Structural Tags
Main Goal: separate presentation from content

•  Poor accessibility
•  Unnecessary complexity
•  Larger document size

Most of the presentational features from earlier versions of HTML are no longer supported
New structural tags
New Structural Tags
<header> header region of a page or section
<footer> footer region of a page or section
<nav> navigation region of a page or section
<section> logical region of a page
<article> a complete piece of content
<aside> secondary or related content
Main Goal: reduce the Javascript for validation and format management



Form input types
Form Input Types
Form input types degrade gracefully
Unknown input types are treated as text-type
<audio> : a standard way to embed an audio file on a web page

<audio controls>
<source src="song.ogg" type="audio/ogg" />
<source src="song.mp3" type="audio/mpeg" />
Not Supported
Multiple sources à the browser will use the first recognized format
Audio Javascript API
HTML5 provides a set of Javascript APIs for interacting with an audio element

For example:

play() pause() load() currentTime ended volume…

<video> : a standard way to embed a video file on a web page

<video width="320" height="240" controls>
<source src="movie.mp4" type="video/mp4" />
<source src="movie.ogg" type="video/ogg" />
Not Supported
Multiple sources à the browser will use the first recognized format

There are 4 ways to store data locally in a web app:
•  Web storage
•  Local Storage
•  Session Storage
•  WebSQL
•  Indexed DB
•  File System Access
Local storage and file system access
Web storage, WebSQL, and IndexedDB 
conform to W3C specifications and are
provided by the browser itself
File system access API conforms to its
corresponding W3C specification
Web Storage


stores data in key/value pairs

persists across browser sessions


stores data in key/value pairs

data is erased when a browser session ends

relational DB

support for tables creation, insert, update, …


persists across browser sessions

You can perform classical SQL queries

•  It tries to combine Web Storage and WebSQL
•  You can save data as key/value pairs
•  You can define multiple DBs
•  Good Performance

data is indexed

asynchronous à it does not block the UI

You can see a store as a big SQL table with only key/value pairs

à you don’t need to define a schema upfront
You will likely use more than one API in combination
à Use the right API for the right job

Local Storage
•  it is not transactional à race conditions
•  very simple API, no schema 
•  only String data à performance issues for complex data due to JSON serialization
•  session storage will be cleared after the app is closed
•  limited quota

•  SQL-based à fast and efficient
•  transactional à more robust
•  asynchronous à does not block the UI
•  rigid data structure à data integrity vs agility
•  limited quota
•  simple data model à easy to use
•  transactional à more robust
•  asynchronous à does not block the UI
•  good search performance à indexed data
•  data is unstructured à integrity problems
•  limited quota
•  not supported by every platform (e.g., iOS)

Gets Latitude and Longitude from the user’s browser

There is also a watchPosition method wich calls a JS function every time the user moves

function getLocation() {
if(navigator.geolocation) {
} else {
console.log(‘no geolocalization’);
function showPosition(position) {

Bidirectional, full-duplex communication between devices and server

Specifically suited for

chat, videogames, drawings sharing, real-time info

Requires a Web Socket Server to handle the protocol

Web sockets
WebSockets - Overview
1.  Client notifies websocket server (EventMachine) of an event, giving ids of recipients
2.  The server notifies all the active clients (subscribed to that type of event)
3.  Clients process event 

when given recipient Id 

matches the client’s one
Alternative - Polling via AJAX
+ Near real-time updates (not purely real-time)
+ easy to implement
+ no new technologies needed

-  they are requested from the client and cause increased network traffic
-  AJAX requests generally have a small payload and relatively high amount of http headers
(wasted bandwith)
Canvas allows you to draw anything inside the browser
It uses nothing more than JavaScript and HTML 

à no external plugins, no libraries, etc.

You can create lines, use images, use text, apply transformations, etc.
Canvas example: the Impavida project
Web Workers
Javascript is a single-threaded language
à If a tasks take a lot of time, users have to wait
Web Workers provide background processing capabilities to web applications

They typically run on separate threads 

à apps can take advantage of multicore CPUs

Web workers
Web Workers
Web Workers can be used to:
•  prefetch data from the Web
•  perform other ahead-of-time operations to provide a much more lively UI.

Precious on mobile Web applications because of the slow network speed
Web Workers
Any JS file can be launched as a worker

Example of Web Worker declaration:

var worker = new Worker(“worker.js”);
In order to be independent from other workers, each worker script cannot access the DOM
Web Workers
The main JS script can communicate with workers via postMessage() calls:

$(‘#button’).click(function(event) {
worker.onmessage = function(event) {
Web Workers
The web worker script can post back messages to the main script:

onmessage = function(event) {
if( === “start”) {
var result;
// do something with result
Anatomy of a web app
Debugging (mobile) web apps
The killer app!
•  Check console
•  Breakpoints
•  Update the DOM at run-time
•  Access to all local DBs
•  Network profiling
•  CPU and memory profiling
•  Monitor event listeners
•  Monitor elements’ rendering time
Desktop Browser
Desktop Browser
•  very quick
•  very handy functions
•  see Chrome’s Web Development Tools
•  Breakpoints

•  browsers’ small differences and bugs
•  cannot test all mobile-specific functionalities
•  you need PhoneGap shims 

Apache Ripple
•  very quick
•  can use Chrome’s Web Development Tools
•  You can test PhoneGap’s API from the Desktop
•  browsers’ small differences and bugs
•  cannot test the interaction with external apps
It is based on Ripple, a Chrome
plugin for mobile dev 

from PhoneGap 3.0.0, you need to
use the Ripple available at Apache 
•  Officially supported by platform vendors 

•  You use the “real” device’s browser
•  device’s performance is not considered 
•  this is iOS-specific
•  Android’s emulator is a joke
•  device’s capabilities are only simulated
On device
•  accurate
•  still handy
•  real performance tests
•  real browser tests
•  Deployment takes some time (~6 seconds for iOS)
Remote Debugging
From iOS 6, Apple provided Mobile Safari with a remote web inspector
à You can debug your app by using the classical web inspector of Desktop Safari

It can connect both to
•  The iOS emulator
•  The real device

Since Android 4.4, this feature is
available via Chrome’s web dev kit
Mobile debugging reference table 
Make a favor to yourself, 
don’t debug craftsman way:


Desktop Browser
Safari Web

Chrome Web
Anatomy of a web app
Debugging (mobile) web apps
Maintainable web apps
•  Introduction
•  Backbone 
•  Require JS
•  Handlebars
•  Combining backbone, Require, and Handlebars
We are building apps, not web sites

If your code is not structured:
•  it is extremely easy that your web app becomes a 

big mess of HTML + CSS + JavaScript
•  maintaining each part of your app asks for a 

deep analysis of ALL its aspects (logic, presentation, etc.)
•  you may waste a whole day due to a missing 	
What we want to avoid

Imagine yourself trying to change either: 
•  how a movie should be rendered in your app
•  the REST API providing info about movies
•  Introduction
•  Backbone 
•  Require JS
•  Handlebars
•  Combining backbone, Require, and Handlebars
Why Backbone

Backbone gives you
Why Backbone

From the Backbone website...
the DOM
of models
Who is using Backbone?
Backbone events

Basically, each object can:
•  listen to events
•  trigger events

Models represent your data

Each model represents a data type in your app, together with the logic surrounding it, like:
•  persistence
•  conversions
•  validation
•  computed properties
•  access control
MVC: Notify their observers about their
state using the Observer pattern
Example of model
custom method
setting an 
custom method
default attributes
getting an 
Models API overview
Collections are ordered sets of models

You can: 
•  bind change events to be notified when any model in the collection has been modified
•  listen for add and remove events
•  fetch the collection from the server (or other persistence layers)
•  find models or filter collections themeselves

The model attribute of a collection represents the kind of model that can be stored in it
Any event that is triggered on a model in a collection
will also be triggered on the collection directly
MVC: Notify their observers
about state using the Observer
pattern (same as models)
Example of collection
type of stored
Instance of
Collections API overview
Views represent and manage the visible parts of your application

They are also used to 
•  listen to interaction events 
•  and react accordingly

views can be rendered at any time, and inserted into the DOM

 you get high-performance UI rendering 
with as few reflows and repaints as possible
MVC: observe models, and
update itself according to the
state of the models + manage
user inputs (it’s a controller, to
this sense)
Example of view
Events map
“event_name selector”: callback
Events callbacks
create the
DOM subtree
Views API overview
The router
  provides methods for routing client-side pages, 
and connecting them to actions and events

At a minimum, a router is composed of two main parts:

an hash that pairs routes to actions 

JS functions triggered when certain routes are navigated
Example of router
routes map
Backbone-based workflow
•  You organize your interface into logical views backed by models
•  Each view can be updated independently when the model changes,
without having to redraw the page
You can bind your view‘s
render() function to the
model‘s "change” event 

now everywhere that
model data is displayed in the
UI, it is always up to date
•  Introduction
•  Backbone 
•  Require JS
•  Handlebars
•  Combining backbone, Require, and Handlebars
Why Require JS

We are building apps, not website

We need well-specified and isolated JS files/modules

Code complexity grows as the app gets bigger

à we need some sort of #include/import/require	

à ability to load nested dependencies
What we want to avoid


uncontrolled scripts
poor control flow understanding
Require JS
RequireJS is a JavaScript file and module loader
Using a modular script loader like Require JS will improve the modularity of your code:
à  speed in implementing changes
à  better undestanding of the code

Require JS allows modules to be loaded as fast as possible, even out of order, but evaluated in the
correct dependency order
It is built on the Module Pattern
JavaScript file and module loader
Module example

Technically, it is simply a function that executes immediately
Module VS script files

A module is different from a traditional script file in that it defines a well-scoped object that avoids
polluting the global namespace à its retained objects can be deleted by the GC
It can explicitly list its dependencies and get a handle on those dependencies without needing to refer to
global objects, but instead receive the dependencies as arguments to the function that defines the
Module definition
modules (array)
References to required modules
Dependent module usage
This function is called when
zepto.js is loaded. 
If zepto.js calls define(), then
this function is not fired until
also zepto’s dependencies
have loaded
Require JS under the hoods...
1.  loads each dependency as a script tag, using head.appendChild() and waits for all dependencies to
2.  computes the right order in which to call the functions that define the modules
3.  calls the module definition functions of each dependency in the right order
•  Introduction
•  Backbone 
•  Require JS
•  Handlebars
•  Combining backbone, Require, and Handlebars
Why Handlebars
We want to separate presentation from logic
TRANSLATE TO: we don’t want to put any HTML element into JavaScript code
separate logic from presentation
Imagine yourself trying to change how a movie should be rendered in
your app...
Handlebars template
A handlebars expression is 

{{ something  }}
Template compilation
Handlebars.compile is used to compile a template

Compiling = obtaining a JS object representing the template
Templates population
You have to execute a template with a context
in order to get its corresponding HTML code
Handlebars summary
Each Template can contain Expressions and Helpers operating on them

The main helpers are: 
•  with	
•  each	
•  if	

You can define your own Helpers that operate on expressions, they return HTML code

A template can be (pre)-compiled and must be executed with a context in order to return the
final HTML fragment
Example of built-in helper

It renders the block if its argument is not equal to false,	
If / Else
•  Introduction
•  Backbone 
•  Require JS
•  Handlebars
•  Combining backbone, Require, and Handlebars
Combining Backbone, Require, and Handlebars
Handlebars templates can be seen as special Require modules

So we can have the following:

•  a separate HTML5 file for each template 
•  a Backbone view can have a dependency to each template
•  the template can be executed by using a JSON object of the Backbone model as context
Dependency to template HTML file
It contains a string 
Compiled template
Execution of the template
How I structure my mobile web apps
I implemented all best practices and advices in this
presentation in a generic app template available here:
Towards automation…
Towards a Collaborative Framework for the Design and Development of Data-
Intensive Mobile Applications. Mirco Franzago, Ivano Malavolta, Henry Muccini.
Proceedings of the 1st ACM International Conference on Mobile Software
Engineering and Systems, June 2-3, 2014 Hyderabad, India
+ 39 380 70 21 600
Ivano Malavolta |
Gran Sasso Science Institute

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HTML5: the new frontier of the web

  • 1. Gran Sasso Science Institute | University of L’Aquila Ivano Malavolta HTML5: the new frontier of the web
  • 2. About me… Ivano Malavolta Post Doc researcher – Gran Sasso Science Institute
  • 3. Roadmap Anatomy of a web app Debugging (mobile) web apps HTML5 Maintainable web apps
  • 5. What is a Web App? A software built with web technologies that is accessible via a mobile browser The browser may be either the standard device browser or an embedded browser (Hybrid app)
  • 6. Anatomy of a Web App
  • 7. Setting up the Server As usual, it all starts with an HTTP request Then you need: •  Data •  A device detection mechanism [optional] •  The app itself
  • 8. Data Usually mobile apps do not talk directly with the database à do not even think about JDBC, drivers, etc! à  They pass through an application server and communicate via: •  standard HTTP requests for HTML content (eg PHP) •  REST-full services (XML, JSON, etc.) •  SOAP
  • 9. Data •  Data can be stored in any classical way: •  Relational •  Graph •  Key-value •  Document-based Latest trend à backend-as-a-service
  • 10. BaaS 1.  Developers build a visual model of their DB 2.  The service generates APIs and client-side libraries(compatible with Android, Windows Phone, etc.) 3.  The data produced/consumed in the app can be pushed/pulled to their DB •  Communication is handled via REST-based APIs
  • 11. Example of Baas software: BaasBox Main features: •  User management •  ACL •  Friendships •  Authentication via Facebook and Google+ •  Document-based data manegement (via OrientDB) •  Assets management (fotos, documents, or files) •  Push notifications The “Box” in BaasBox means that all the features are in a standalone server, just like a box. No Application Server, no Database Server, just a JVM and nothing more Rest API Web dashboard
  • 12. Ok, but what about mobile apps? BROWSER <html> <head> <script src=” ...” /> </head> <body> ... NATIVE WRAPPER <html> <head> <script src=” ...” /> </head> <body> ... PLATFORM APIs NATIVE APP 01010101010101101010 1010101011011010 010101010101011101 010101010101011010 PLATFORM APIs Native Web Hybrid
  • 13. Native PRO •  Lets you create apps with rich user interfaces and/or heavy graphics CONS •  Development Time •  Development Cost •  Ongoing Maintenance •  No portability (apps cannot be used on other platforms) PRO CONS
  • 14. Examples of native apps
  • 15. Web PRO •  Offers fast development, simple maintenance, and full application portability •  One mobile web app works on any platform CONS •  Can’t handle heavy graphics •  Can’t access camera or push notifications PRO CONS
  • 16. Examples of web apps
  • 17. Hybrid PRO •  Development speed of mobile web apps •  Device access and app store distribution of native apps CONS •  Can’t handle heavy graphics •  Requires familiarity with a mobile framework PRO CONS
  • 18. Examples of hybrid apps
  • 19. Frascati Scienza QR code scanning In-app RSS feed reader Maps Non-linear layouts
  • 21. My vision Mobile web seems to be the only long-term commercially viable platform for mobile FRAGMENTATION THE WEB USER EXPECTATIONS
  • 22. When you go native there are too many platforms to be supported FRAGMENTATION
  • 23. The web is the only platform that: •  works across devices •  apps share the same set of standards •  the same app can work also on a desktop THE WEB The web is an advanced technology: •  webGL •  Local storage management •  Positioning & mapping •  Real-time data •  ...
  • 24. Users expect things to just work à they don’t care about what platform they have àthey simply expect that your app will be available for their device à YOU HAVE TO BE CROSS-PLATFORM USER EXPECTATIONS
  • 25. PhoneGap You develop your app using the usual three guys You use the same web view of the native OS •  iOS = UIWebView •  Android = android.webkit.WebView
  • 26. What is PhoneGap? The UI layer is a web browser view •  100% width •  100% height Headless web browser •  No URL bar •  No decorations •  No zooming •  No text selection
  • 27. It looks very similar to Apache Cordova… Adobe/Nitobi donated the PhoneGap codebase to the Apache foundation à wider audience and contributors à transparent governance Better documentation à easier contributions for companies Apache Licensing There was only one problem.... trademark ambiguity à CORDOVA PhoneGap is a distribution of Apache Cordova
  • 28. Roadmap Anatomy of a web app HTML5
  • 29. HTML 5 HTML5 will be the new standard for HTML HTML5 is still a work in progress W3C final recomendation: 2020 Top browsers support many (not all) of the new HTML5 elements
  • 30. What is HTML5? HTML5 Markup JavaScript CSS3 Multimedia
  • 31. The minimal HTML5 page <!DOCTYPE  html>   <html>    <head>    <title>Title</title>   </head>    <body>   …   </body>   </html>  
  • 32. New Structural Tags Main Goal: separate presentation from content •  Poor accessibility •  Unnecessary complexity •  Larger document size Most of the presentational features from earlier versions of HTML are no longer supported New structural tags
  • 33. New Structural Tags <header> header region of a page or section <footer> footer region of a page or section <nav> navigation region of a page or section <section> logical region of a page <article> a complete piece of content <aside> secondary or related content
  • 34. Forms Main Goal: reduce the Javascript for validation and format management Example: Form input types
  • 35. Form Input Types Form input types degrade gracefully à Unknown input types are treated as text-type
  • 36. Audio <audio> : a standard way to embed an audio file on a web page <audio controls> <source src="song.ogg" type="audio/ogg" /> <source src="song.mp3" type="audio/mpeg" /> Not Supported </audio> Multiple sources à the browser will use the first recognized format Audio
  • 37. Audio Javascript API HTML5 provides a set of Javascript APIs for interacting with an audio element For example: play() pause() load() currentTime ended volume… à
  • 38. Video <video> : a standard way to embed a video file on a web page <video width="320" height="240" controls> <source src="movie.mp4" type="video/mp4" /> <source src="movie.ogg" type="video/ogg" /> Not Supported </video> Multiple sources à the browser will use the first recognized format Video
  • 39. Accelerometer There are 4 ways to store data locally in a web app: •  Web storage •  Local Storage •  Session Storage •  WebSQL •  Indexed DB •  File System Access Local storage and file system access Web storage, WebSQL, and IndexedDB conform to W3C specifications and are provided by the browser itself File system access API conforms to its corresponding W3C specification
  • 40. Web Storage LocalStorage stores data in key/value pairs persists across browser sessions SessionStorage stores data in key/value pairs data is erased when a browser session ends
  • 41. WebSQL relational DB support for tables creation, insert, update, … transactional persists across browser sessions You can perform classical SQL queries tx.executeSql("SELECT  *  FROM  User“,  [],    function(tx,  result)  {      //  callback  code   });  
  • 42. IndexedDB •  It tries to combine Web Storage and WebSQL •  You can save data as key/value pairs •  You can define multiple DBs •  Good Performance data is indexed asynchronous à it does not block the UI You can see a store as a big SQL table with only key/value pairs à you don’t need to define a schema upfront
  • 43. Considerations You will likely use more than one API in combination à Use the right API for the right job Local Storage •  it is not transactional à race conditions •  very simple API, no schema •  only String data à performance issues for complex data due to JSON serialization •  session storage will be cleared after the app is closed •  limited quota
  • 44. Considerations WebSQL •  SQL-based à fast and efficient •  transactional à more robust •  asynchronous à does not block the UI •  rigid data structure à data integrity vs agility •  limited quota
  • 45. Considerations IndexedDB •  simple data model à easy to use •  transactional à more robust •  asynchronous à does not block the UI •  good search performance à indexed data •  data is unstructured à integrity problems •  limited quota •  not supported by every platform (e.g., iOS)
  • 46. Geolocalization Gets Latitude and Longitude from the user’s browser There is also a watchPosition method wich calls a JS function every time the user moves Geolocalization
  • 47. Example function getLocation() { if(navigator.geolocation) { navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(showPosition); } else { console.log(‘no geolocalization’); } } function showPosition(position) { console.log(position.coords.latitude); console.log(position.coords.longitude); }
  • 48. WebSockets Bidirectional, full-duplex communication between devices and server Specifically suited for chat, videogames, drawings sharing, real-time info Requires a Web Socket Server to handle the protocol Web sockets
  • 49. WebSockets - Overview 1.  Client notifies websocket server (EventMachine) of an event, giving ids of recipients 2.  The server notifies all the active clients (subscribed to that type of event) 3.  Clients process event when given recipient Id matches the client’s one
  • 50. Alternative - Polling via AJAX + Near real-time updates (not purely real-time) + easy to implement + no new technologies needed -  they are requested from the client and cause increased network traffic -  AJAX requests generally have a small payload and relatively high amount of http headers (wasted bandwith)
  • 51. Canvas Canvas allows you to draw anything inside the browser Canvas
  • 52. Canvas It uses nothing more than JavaScript and HTML à no external plugins, no libraries, etc. You can create lines, use images, use text, apply transformations, etc.
  • 53. Canvas example: the Impavida project
  • 54. Web Workers Javascript is a single-threaded language à If a tasks take a lot of time, users have to wait Web Workers provide background processing capabilities to web applications They typically run on separate threads à apps can take advantage of multicore CPUs Web workers
  • 55. Web Workers Web Workers can be used to: •  prefetch data from the Web •  perform other ahead-of-time operations to provide a much more lively UI. Precious on mobile Web applications because of the slow network speed
  • 56. Web Workers Any JS file can be launched as a worker Example of Web Worker declaration: var worker = new Worker(“worker.js”); In order to be independent from other workers, each worker script cannot access the DOM
  • 57. Web Workers The main JS script can communicate with workers via postMessage() calls: $(‘#button’).click(function(event) { $(‘#output’).html(“starting”); worker.postMessage(“start”); }); worker.onmessage = function(event) { $(‘#output’).html(; }
  • 58. Web Workers The web worker script can post back messages to the main script: onmessage = function(event) { if( === “start”) { var result; // do something with result postMessage(result); } }
  • 59. Roadmap Anatomy of a web app Debugging (mobile) web apps HTML5
  • 60. The killer app! •  Check console •  Breakpoints •  Update the DOM at run-time •  Access to all local DBs •  Network profiling •  CPU and memory profiling •  Monitor event listeners •  Monitor elements’ rendering time
  • 62. Desktop Browser •  very quick •  very handy functions •  see Chrome’s Web Development Tools •  Breakpoints PRO •  browsers’ small differences and bugs •  cannot test all mobile-specific functionalities •  you need PhoneGap shims CONS
  • 64. Ripple •  very quick •  can use Chrome’s Web Development Tools •  You can test PhoneGap’s API from the Desktop •  browsers’ small differences and bugs •  cannot test the interaction with external apps PRO CONS It is based on Ripple, a Chrome plugin for mobile dev from PhoneGap 3.0.0, you need to use the Ripple available at Apache npm  install  -­‐g  ripple-­‐emulator   ripple  emulate  
  • 65. Simulator •  Officially supported by platform vendors •  You use the “real” device’s browser PRO •  device’s performance is not considered •  this is iOS-specific •  Android’s emulator is a joke •  device’s capabilities are only simulated CONS
  • 66. On device •  accurate •  still handy •  real performance tests •  real browser tests PRO •  Deployment takes some time (~6 seconds for iOS) CONS
  • 67. Remote Debugging From iOS 6, Apple provided Mobile Safari with a remote web inspector à You can debug your app by using the classical web inspector of Desktop Safari It can connect both to •  The iOS emulator •  The real device Since Android 4.4, this feature is available via Chrome’s web dev kit
  • 68. Mobile debugging reference table Make a favor to yourself, don’t debug craftsman way: console.log()  +  alert()   iOS Android Desktop Browser Ripple Device/emulator Safari Web Inspector X Chrome Web Inspector X
  • 69. Roadmap Anatomy of a web app Debugging (mobile) web apps HTML5 Maintainable web apps
  • 70. Roadmap •  Introduction •  Backbone •  Require JS •  Handlebars •  Combining backbone, Require, and Handlebars
  • 71. Introduction We are building apps, not web sites If your code is not structured: •  it is extremely easy that your web app becomes a big mess of HTML + CSS + JavaScript •  maintaining each part of your app asks for a deep analysis of ALL its aspects (logic, presentation, etc.) •  you may waste a whole day due to a missing  <  
  • 72. What we want to avoid Imagine yourself trying to change either: •  how a movie should be rendered in your app •  the REST API providing info about movies
  • 73. Roadmap •  Introduction •  Backbone •  Require JS •  Handlebars •  Combining backbone, Require, and Handlebars
  • 75. Why Backbone From the Backbone website... manipulate the DOM lists of models represent data
  • 76. Who is using Backbone?
  • 77. Backbone events Basically, each object can: •  listen to events •  trigger events
  • 78. Models Models represent your data Each model represents a data type in your app, together with the logic surrounding it, like: •  persistence •  conversions •  validation •  computed properties •  access control MVC: Notify their observers about their state using the Observer pattern
  • 79. Example of model custom method setting an attribute custom method invocation constructor default attributes getting an attribute
  • 81. Collections Collections are ordered sets of models You can: •  bind change events to be notified when any model in the collection has been modified •  listen for add and remove events •  fetch the collection from the server (or other persistence layers) •  find models or filter collections themeselves The model attribute of a collection represents the kind of model that can be stored in it Any event that is triggered on a model in a collection will also be triggered on the collection directly MVC: Notify their observers about state using the Observer pattern (same as models)
  • 82. Example of collection type of stored models Instance of collection
  • 84. Views Views represent and manage the visible parts of your application They are also used to •  listen to interaction events •  and react accordingly views can be rendered at any time, and inserted into the DOM you get high-performance UI rendering with as few reflows and repaints as possible MVC: observe models, and update itself according to the state of the models + manage user inputs (it’s a controller, to this sense)
  • 85. Example of view Events map “event_name selector”: callback Events callbacks create the DOM subtree
  • 87. The router Backbone.Router  provides methods for routing client-side pages, and connecting them to actions and events At a minimum, a router is composed of two main parts: routes an hash that pairs routes to actions actions JS functions triggered when certain routes are navigated
  • 88. Example of router routes map routing functions
  • 89. Backbone-based workflow •  You organize your interface into logical views backed by models •  Each view can be updated independently when the model changes, without having to redraw the page You can bind your view‘s render() function to the model‘s "change” event à now everywhere that model data is displayed in the UI, it is always up to date
  • 90. Roadmap •  Introduction •  Backbone •  Require JS •  Handlebars •  Combining backbone, Require, and Handlebars
  • 91. Why Require JS We are building apps, not website We need well-specified and isolated JS files/modules Code complexity grows as the app gets bigger à we need some sort of #include/import/require   à ability to load nested dependencies
  • 92. What we want to avoid uncontrolled scripts poor control flow understanding
  • 93. Require JS RequireJS is a JavaScript file and module loader Using a modular script loader like Require JS will improve the modularity of your code: à  speed in implementing changes à  better undestanding of the code Require JS allows modules to be loaded as fast as possible, even out of order, but evaluated in the correct dependency order It is built on the Module Pattern JavaScript file and module loader
  • 94. Module example Technically, it is simply a function that executes immediately
  • 95. Module VS script files A module is different from a traditional script file in that it defines a well-scoped object that avoids polluting the global namespace à its retained objects can be deleted by the GC It can explicitly list its dependencies and get a handle on those dependencies without needing to refer to global objects, but instead receive the dependencies as arguments to the function that defines the module VS
  • 96. Module definition Required modules (array) References to required modules Dependent module usage This function is called when zepto.js is loaded. If zepto.js calls define(), then this function is not fired until also zepto’s dependencies have loaded
  • 97. Require JS under the hoods... 1.  loads each dependency as a script tag, using head.appendChild() and waits for all dependencies to load 2.  computes the right order in which to call the functions that define the modules 3.  calls the module definition functions of each dependency in the right order main.js jQuery Backbone SpinJS MoviesCollection MovieModel MoviesView 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
  • 98. Roadmap •  Introduction •  Backbone •  Require JS •  Handlebars •  Combining backbone, Require, and Handlebars
  • 99. Why Handlebars We want to separate presentation from logic TRANSLATE TO: we don’t want to put any HTML element into JavaScript code separate logic from presentation Imagine yourself trying to change how a movie should be rendered in your app...
  • 100. Handlebars template A handlebars expression is {{ something  }}
  • 101. Template compilation   Handlebars.compile is used to compile a template Compiling = obtaining a JS object representing the template
  • 102. Templates population You have to execute a template with a context in order to get its corresponding HTML code
  • 103. Handlebars summary Each Template can contain Expressions and Helpers operating on them The main helpers are: •  with   •  each   •  if  /  else  /unless   You can define your own Helpers that operate on expressions, they return HTML code A template can be (pre)-compiled and must be executed with a context in order to return the final HTML fragment
  • 104. Example of built-in helper It renders the block if its argument is not equal to false,  undefined,  null,  []   If / Else <div  class="entry“>   <h1>{{title}}</h1>   {{#if  author}}    <h2>By  {{firstName}}  {{lastName}}</h2>   {{#else}}    <h2>Unknown  author</h1>     {{/if}}   </div>     {  title:  "My  first  post!",          author:  undefined  }   }     <div  class="entry“>   <h1>My  first  post!</h1>   <h2>Unknown  author</h2>   </div>    
  • 105. Roadmap •  Introduction •  Backbone •  Require JS •  Handlebars •  Combining backbone, Require, and Handlebars
  • 106. Combining Backbone, Require, and Handlebars Handlebars templates can be seen as special Require modules So we can have the following: •  a separate HTML5 file for each template •  a Backbone view can have a dependency to each template •  the template can be executed by using a JSON object of the Backbone model as context
  • 107. Example Dependency to template HTML file It contains a string Compiled template Execution of the template
  • 108. How I structure my mobile web apps
  • 109. I implemented all best practices and advices in this presentation in a generic app template available here:
  • 110. Towards automation… Towards a Collaborative Framework for the Design and Development of Data- Intensive Mobile Applications. Mirco Franzago, Ivano Malavolta, Henry Muccini. Proceedings of the 1st ACM International Conference on Mobile Software Engineering and Systems, June 2-3, 2014 Hyderabad, India
  • 112. + 39 380 70 21 600 Contact Ivano Malavolta | Gran Sasso Science Institute iivanoo