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How To Write An Essay On National Parks Protection
Our Countries Protector: The National Parks Service National parks are places that are considered
historically significant, or unique enough to be protected by the federal government. These parks are
designated as a protected area for animals, and people are able to visit and enjoy these serene places.
National parks include places like: Yellowstone, Yosemite, the Everglades, the Grand Canyon, and
the Sequoia's. These places are contain very diverse and unique ecosystems that are thriving due to
their protection. People are able to see what the untouched wilderness is like in an age of expanding
urbanization. These places could be decimated and built upon if were not for the government's
protection and funding. The National Park Service ... Show more content on ...
This seems great however the money required for maintenance of the parks simply is not there. "The
park service said it delayed an estimated $11.5 billion worth of needed maintenance projects last
year due to funding shortages Craig Obey, senior vice president for government affairs with the
National Parks Conservation Association, said Congress needs to take "immediate and substantive
action" to prevent further maintenance delays. "Failing to provide for the system's basic
maintenance needs has eroded our most treasured landscapes and historical sites," Obey said in a
statement on Monday. "Next year's centennial of the National Park System is the perfect opportunity
for Congress to renew its commitment to protecting America's most special
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Big Business And Conservation Activism
The struggle between providing for California's burgeoning population and the corresponding
increase pressure on California's ever shrinking pristine natural wonders and natural resources has
been a constant clash between the forces of big business and conservation activism. However, the
outcomes of these many battles have increasingly favored the side of economics over nature. The
trend that becomes clear is that the will of the businessmen have been prevailing over the concerns
of the conservationists more and more. What are the forces that are pushing the pendulum closer and
closer towards the desires of industry? By examining the history of this conflict between these two
factions, it will become clear how one has had progressively more of an advantage over the other.
Today, the main reason that industry's goals almost always prevails over conservation's efforts is
economics and what an advantage in economics can buys one politically. Economic interests will
predominately have ever–increasing priority over environmental interest as long as money is
considered speech and corporations are people; therefore, the most pragmatic solution that would
allot conservation groups with an equal voice in the political process with business is to call for an
Article V Constitutional Convention to pass an amendment to permanently get money out of politics
nationwide. During a time before money was protected as political speech, conservation groups had
a somewhat even footing
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Theodore Roosevelt 's First Progressive President
Theodore Roosevelt is considered by many to be America's first progressive president due to his
conservationism, his military prowess, and the natural ease with which he handled national and
worldwide politics. He had a vision for the place he wanted America to be, a courage that made him
admirable, and a jovial attitude that made people love him. Not only did he take steps to make the
office of president more important than it once was, he tried to do so in ways that were important.
One of these ways was by protecting the natural beauty of America so that it would not be entirely
depleted before it could replenish itself. Another way was by proving his leadership, his bravery, and
his dedication to complete the task at hand in the military. His struggle for equality in his nation and
international peace also show his determination to make the world better. These points prove that
Theodore Roosevelt had his eyes set on the future and was determined to move toward it.
Conservationism, the preservation and protection of natural resources, is something that Roosevelt
frequently stressed the importance of during his presidency. Roosevelt believed that the government
had a responsibility to take care of the nation's environment, so he worked to create many parks,
agencies, and acts to do so ("The Theodore Roosevelt Administrations."). The President even said,
"...natural resources are not limited by the boundary lines which separate nations, and that need for
conserving them upon
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Zoos Are An Unsafe Environment For Animals
What do you see when you think of a Zoo? Usually, people think of a place to hang out with family
and friends and are educated on animals. Zoos give an opportunity for city kids or people to see wild
animals. A zoo is a place where animals live in and are put on display for people to view. Zoos travel
back to as early as 2500 B.C., when nobility started to collect exotic animals. In Europe, sixteenth
century, when early explorers traveled to the New World, they brought home all sorts of weird and
wonderful creatures like anteaters and sloths (Sunquist). The first modern zoo, opened in Vienna in
1765, but it was not until the mid–to–late 1800s that zoos started to become more common. The idea
of displaying wild animals to the public in the park was instantly appealing to the rising middle class
of the Victorian era (Sunquist). Though some may believe zoos are an unsafe environment for
animals, most zoos have benefited animals by educating the public, contributing to the conservation
of animals by developing breeding programs or other conservation–oriented programs, and also
bringing them into a safe environment. Some critics may argue that Zoos are a harmful and
inhumane method of commercializing animals. While this may be true, zoos also are very beneficial
not just to animals but to humans because they bring communities together and foster an
appreciation of animals. This exposure motivates and educates people into protecting the animals.
Rebecca Madden, a time staff
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Denali?s Wolves Essay examples
Argumentative essay
Denali's Wolves
For many years my family and I have traveled around the country to visit our national parks and
view the wildlife they protect. I've been from Hawaii to Maine to the Virgin Islands. My favorite
memories as a child are those of camping with my family in these national parks. One of the few
parks I have not had the pleasure of visiting is Denali National Park in Alaska. Last year while
reading a magazine, I learned of something that troubled me very much. There was an article about
wolves and how you can see them living in their natural habitat just by driving through the park.
After reading this article, I wanted to visit Denali and see these amazing creatures, but these wolves
are being slowly ... Show more content on ...
Denali National Park is home to the majority of our nation's and the world's most frequently viewed
wolf population. This summer alone 30,000 tourists experienced these wolves without even leaving
their vehicles. Denali is Alaska's number one tourist attraction, and covers more than 6 million
acres. It began as Mt. McKinley National Park in 1917, but wasn't until 1980 that the name was
change to Denali National Park. People travel to Denali to view Mt. McKinley (America's highest
mountain) and its famed wolves.
Wolves are amazing creatures that stack up to be more than your average canine. Wolves can stake
claim to territories recorded to be over 800 miles. Average wolf packs usually consist of 8–10
wolves, but one Denali pack recorded 27 members plus 3 pups. They have the ability to hunt
caribou, moose, Dall sheep, beaver, and ground squirrel. They use howling and scent marking to
scare of rival packs. They also show us their rank in the pack by the position in which they carry
their tale. They accomplish all this with a brain twice the size of a domestic dog, and extremely
developed social skills. Not only are these wolves the most famous in the world, one group is the
world's oldest known family lineage of any nonhuman social vertebrate in the wild.
These wolves belong to the Toklat wolf pack. They are the first group of wolves to be studied in
their natural habitat and are of major scientific significance. They have been seen and
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Why Should The Modern Zoo Be Preserved?
Why should the modern zoo be preserved? This is a question that is the center of great debate world
wide. Many believe that the need for and the usefulness of zoos has long since passed. Many others
believe that zoos play a vital role in the understanding and conservation of the animal kingdom.
According to Webster's New World College Dictionary the definition of the word "zoo" or
"zoological park" is this: "a place where wild animals are kept for public showing". Zoos have been
maintained by humans for thousands of years. Carvings that date as far back as 2500 BCE depict the
wealthy as having menageries. There is also evidence in those carvings that expeditions occurred to
collect wild and exotic animals for those menageries. The first modern zoo was built in 1793 in
Paris, France. Again, it was for the wealthy to view the species of animals that were not indigenous
to France. Today, however, the definition of the modern zoo is changing. Many countries are taking
a new look at what a zoo should be. The idea that wild animals are merely kept for public showing
has changed drastically. Zoos are adapting their facilities to meet the needs of the animal kingdom.
There are several, key areas where zoos have taken a hard look at the needs of animals and they
have changed to accommodate those needs. Zoos now play a vital role in the survival of rescued
animals, conservation of endangered species, biological studies of all animals, and zoological parks
provide money for the
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George Melendez Wright: The Role Of Wildlife Protection In...
Wildlife protection in national parks was once lacking. George Melendez Wright, at the time a
young Park Service employee at Yosemite, saw this and firmly believed that parks were neglecting
the species that were there before us. Without the contribution of Wright, who knows how damaged
the ecosystems and natural balance would be in our parks today.
To begin, Wright first proposed to volunteer for a scientific survey of the wildlife conditions in our
national parks. It is important to note that this had never been done before, so this leap into a new
form of research was questionable. It also did not help his case that he was on the lower end of the
career ladder. However, Wright did everything in his power to make this survey go through and be
successful. To convince his superiors, he paid for the entire project from his own pocket. It took
over 4 consecutive years, but in the end it was worth all the pain and trouble he went through.
Wright discovered that the equilibrium of nature was completely askew. Animals were being hunted,
buffalo were rounded up and kept in corrals, some were fed hay during the wintertime, white pelican
eggs were destroyed to increase the fish population, and bears were lured into a single area for
tourists to gawk at. ... Show more content on ...
This policy specifically states that native species will be left to carry on, no matter the struggle,
without human interference unless threatened with extinction. This means no feeding the animals
during wintertime, no more encouraging bear dumps, and no more stocking the stream with
nonnative fish. However, it did call for the expansion of boundaries in order to accommodate
wildlife–grazing habits. Not only was Wright successful but he was also promoted to Chief of the
new Wildlife
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The Forest Service Trail Stewardship Act Of 2015 Essay
For the purpose of this assignment, I am going to discuss the Forest Service Trail Stewardship Act of
2015, H.R. 845 (the Horse, 2016). The bill was introduced on April 29, 2015 by Cynthia Lummis
member of the Republican Party, representing the state of Wyoming and Tim Walz member of the
Democratic Party, representing the state of Minnesota. The bill was introduced by the House of
Representatives (the Horse, 2015, votesmart, 2016). The Senate Bill 1110 (S.1110), was introduced
in bipartisan fashion in the U.S. Senate Bill 1110 (S.1110), (Back Country Horsemen of America,
2016). The bill was then sponsored by BCHA and members of The Wilderness Society and
American Horse Council (Back Country Horsemen of America, 2016). The purpose of the bill was
to direct the Forest Service to take serval actions regarding trial maintenance backlog that was
adversely affecting all trail users on many National Forests at that time, including equestrians (the
Horse, 2016, American Horse Council, 2016). The bill would promote volunteerism in the service of
National Forest trails (Back Country Horsemen of America, 2016). A study was conducted by the
Government Accountability Office in June 2013. The study showed that the Forest Service delayed
trail maintenance needs which was over half a billion dollars and only a quarter of the agency's
158,000 miles of trails met the agency standards for maintenance. The delay of the maintenance was
resulting in accessibility and other safety issues for
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Kakadu National Park Research Paper
1) INTRODUCTION For long, Australia has been well–known for its vast area of land and natural
landscape, and also for the total number of national parks in Australia which is more than 500
national parks. By covering nearly 4% of total country's area, visiting Australian national parks is
truly a profiting and advantageous business for tourism & service sector in Australia ("Australian
National Parks – Tourism Australia", n.d.). National parks of Australia vary in different categories of
landscapes, it can be alpine regions or huge area of deserts, majestic forests and extraordinary
marine areas with spectacular wildlife. National parks are more than zoos, because they are not only
built and conserved for natural discovery but also for protection ... Show more content on ...
Firstly, the art sites of Kakadu National Park display artistic and unique achievement of human
characters, living animal species, and even long–extinct species. Secondly, there are a lot of things
to discover in Kakadu, like rock art and archaeological records to illustrate past activities since
ancient times until nowadays. Thirdly, the unique yet spectacular gifts of geography have made
Kakadu an irresistible place for adventurers and explorers as it has four major river systems of
tropical Australia running through the area and the Kakadu national park is believed to have span
more than two billion years of geological history. For Australia, this nation's tourism sector is one of
the advantageous economic sector and Kakadu has been contributing well to economy of the
Northern region of Australia. It is believed Kakadu National Park will reach higher crucial position
in contributing to economic viability of the tourism
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The Grand Canyon
The Grand Canyon National Park contains one of the most well known natural wonders of our
country: The Grand Canyon. It is located in Arizona. Over the years, the Grand Canyon has attracted
many visitors, and today the park sees nearly five million visitors yearly (NPS, History & Culture).
It has always been a target for human interest, going back to the days where Native Americans ruled
the land and continuing through present times. However, like the rest of our natural world, the
Grand Canyon faces many threats, mainly due to humans. What are these things that threaten the
Grand Canyon, what is being done to combat them, and what else can be done to protect the Grand
Canyon National Park? Within the Grand Canyon lays the ... Show more content on
According to a report by the National Parks Conservation Association, one challenge is "Colorado
River management actions that do not incorporate adaptive strategies for protecting and restoring
fish, river flows, riverine habitats, cultural sites, and archaeological resources along the river
corridor" NPCA, 3). Other problems include sounds cape management, such as over flights that can
disturb visitors, wildlife, and the 11 Native American tribes which live in the park (NPCA, 3).
Greater and better relationships with these tribes are also wanted. Mining activities from the past
and present, along with air pollution from nearby areas also pose threats to the health of the park.
Due to environmental change, the canyon even faces threats from non–native animals intruding.
According to Anne Minard of the High Country News, drought has recently brought bison into the
park. They were originally taken into Arizona for an experiment to breed them with cattle, although
that failed (Minard). "Biologists with the National Park Service say the huge animals (males can
weigh up to 2,500 pounds) are wallowing in riparian areas and damaging cultural sites. They
considered building a fence, but that would affect other wildlife, such as mule deer" (Minard). The
NPCA also states that there are "front country and backcountry management and protection needs,
particularly in regard to the challenges of park size, visitation patterns, and shortfalls in funding,
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Analysis Of Jim Barborak 's The Center For Protected Area...
Jim Barborak has seemingly endless energy. As co–director of the Center for Protected Area
Management at Colorado State University, he helps run one of the longest–standing programs in the
country. The CSU program is known around the world for providing teaching, training and technical
assistance for rangers and staff in the world's parks and protected natural areas. Barborak moderated
a panel at the recent World Ranger Congress, which was held in Estes Park, Colorado. He was not
only responsible for introducing the speakers and providing an overview of the topic – roles of
agencies in the U.S. and around the world in visitor and resource protection – but he also translated
the session into Spanish as participants spoke. He and Ryan Finchum, also a co–director for CPAM,
travel to Brazil, Mexico, Cuba, Colombia, Peru and Panama, among other countries. They help
government agencies and nongovernmental organizations with things like developing trails or
building a successful visitor's center. The role of conservation agencies is changing rapidly,
Barborak said during the panel session. "Conservation budgets are declining or stable, and
responsibilities are increasing," he said. "The number of hectares of land we have to protect is going
up. How do we conserve biodiversity, and provide good visitor services?" Partners, volunteers
important In the U.S. and internationally, conservationists are relying much more on partnerships
and alliances, Barborak said. Ralph Swain,
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Persuasive Speech: Budget Cuts
Attention Step
There are multiple benefits from a good road trip with your family or friends to go on a nature hike
or just experience the great outdoors. National parks hold the beauty that has not been touched or
destroyed by humans; thus, it is a safe place for a multitude of different species and plants.
I remember many years ago I visited South Dakota and explored the Badlands National Park, Mount
Rushmore, and the Black Hills National Forest to name a few. (show vacation pictures)
I feel in love with nature ever since this trip because of the beauty it holds and the opportunity it
gives me such as allowing me to see an abundance of animals and going out in nature.
My appreciation for nature and its conservation is an essential part of ... Show more content on ...
The protection of these parks are crucial and government funding to keep them running is a smart
investment option.
John Garder states, "In 2014, the National Park System received over 292 million recreation visits.
Park visitors supported nearly $30 billion in economic activity and nearly 277,000 private–sector
jobs. Each federal dollar invested in the National Park Service generates $10 in economic activity, a
tremendous return on investment to local economies."
Multiple professionals in the degree of policy and business, from Solutions, a popular magazine
wrote, "Research shows that protected areas are the most effective–in some situations the only–way
of maintaining natural ecosystems in the face of development pressures, rapid agricultural
expansion, and a rush to exploit mineral resources."
In order to become aware of the problem, a solution would be to support our national parks and visit
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Women's Rights During The Progressive Era
The Progressive Era was a period of time between the late 1800s and the early 1900s when the
United States sought ideas that gave people equality. Prior to the Progressive Era, women and
immigrants were not allowed to vote and not given the opportunity to be employed in many jobs.
Also, children were forced to work in factories and there was no conservation of the Earth's
resources. During the Progressive Era, rights of minorities, conservation of natural resources,
cleanliness in food gained improvements.
Rights of children, immigrants, and women were greatly improved during the Progressive Era.
Before, children had to work in factories at very young ages and risked harming themselves, but
with the Keating Owens Act, it limited the amount of labor a child could do. Also, many social
groups, such as African Americans, Asians and Catholics, were discriminated, but progressives
fought to end segregation. Women ... Show more content on ...
Beginning in 1905, Roosevelt started his work in conserving the environment by making the United
States Forest Service and National Parks. In 1908, he called together a meeting, "The National
Conservation Conference." Roosevelt also declared many pieces of land "historic" or "monuments"
to conserve them. With his help, we still have many parks and forests that we can enjoy today.
Before the Progressive Era, many times food and water was unsafe and unclean. In many cases,
medicines were not labelled, so they were not always trustworthy and effective. In 1906, the "Pure
Food and Drug Act" passed stating that items could not be sold if they were mislabeled and
manufacturers must have the ingredients list on the item. Another act passed was the "Meat
Inspection Act" which was similar to the previous act stating the item must be labelled correctly and
processed in clean environments. Because of these acts, we can trust ouyr food
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The Importance of Wildlife Conservation
Imagine a world with barren trees in overgrown fields. The only sound to be heard is the wind
blowing through the tall grass. A world once full of life now lays empty do to extinction. This is the
result of a world that failed to understand the importance of wildlife conservation. Why is wildlife
so important? What steps need to be taken to preserve wildlife? How can one become involved in
wildlife conservation? These are all important questions that need to be explored in order to help
maintain the delicate ecosystem on Earth. Wildlife plays a vital role in this fragile ecosystem and
without wildlife the human race would not survive. The initial step in wildlife conservation is
understanding why wildlife is vital to the ecosystem in the ... Show more content on
According to David Stauth, towards the end of the "1800s" humans began to eradicate the wolf
population in the Yellowstone area. (David Stauth) By "1926" the wolf population was destroyed.
(David Stauth) During the 1800s and 1900s the West was popular for cattle ranches. Ranchers saw
the wolves as pests destroying their profits due to the wolves feeding on the cattle. Thus began the
beginning of the collapse of an ecosystem. With wolves missing from the ecosystem everything
became greatly unbalanced leading to a domino effect. No longer fearing the wolves, elk began to
freely graze which in turn began the destruction of foliage. The foliage destruction affected other
animals that relied on the vegetation for sustenance and shelter. With the lack of vegetation, animals
begin migrating elsewhere for food and harborage. Not only were the wolves gone, other animals
began to either over populate or disappear along with the foliage. Hence the slow beginning of a
land that would eventually become bare of life. One can now understand why wildlife conservation
is so important after learning the effects of simply removing one key element from the ecosystem.
To further this understanding of the importance of wildlife conservation observe the affects of
reintroducing the wolves in Yellowstone . Beginning at the end of "1994" and continuing
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Terry Tempest Williams Thesis
Wilderness is the source of what we can imagine and what we cannot – the taproot of consciousness,
commented author Terry Tempest Williams at the centennial of the National Parks Service
celebration in Salt Lake City, Utah, June 7th.
To celebrate the centennial of the National Parks, the National Parks Conservation Association
(NPCA) and The King's English Bookshop hosted an evening with Terry Tempest Williams and The
National Parks Band. The purpose of the evening was not only to celebrate the centennial, but also
to recognize to local authors and artists that desire to protect and share the beauty of the nation's
land. This event was open to the public and was hosted at the Rose Wagner Theater. Utah is known
for being home to five national parks and Salt Lake City draws many outdoor adventure lovers in as
home. Due to the teeming outdoor loving population the centennial celebration was packed with
people waiting to hear Williams speak.
Author and conservation advocate Terry Tempest Williams was first on stage to discuss her new
book, The Hour of Land: A Personal Topography of America's National Parks. ... Show more
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I was able to ask one question from the crowd, my question was, if you could have your readers take
away one thing from this event and your new novel about the national parks and their conservation
what would you want that to be? She answered the following, "This is what we can promise the
future: a legacy of care. That we will be good stewards and not take too much or give back too little,
that we will recognize wild nature for what it is, in all its magnificent and complex history – an
unfathomable wealth that should be consciously saved, not ruthlessly spent." Her answer was a
direct quote from her own book, but still very powerful and something she would like to stress more
than just
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Why Hunters Should Not Hunting
Due to unethical hunters who use hunting as a front to kill exotic trophy animals, case in point
Walter Palmer and Cecil the lion. The American Dentist who traveled to Zimbabwe to kill thirteen–
year–old Cecil the lion who was living in a sanctuary. Hunters have been given a bad reputation,
many people think of hunters of trigger happy individuals who shoot anything that moves in the
woods. This could not be further from the truth; many hunters use hunting as an alternative choice at
providing cheaper, fresher meat for their families. Before hunters can even begin hunting they must
be educated. All fifty states require a basic hunter's education course except Alaska, they have
stricter rules when it comes to obtaining a hunting license. While this course differs for every state
they have the same mission. To teach hunters to be ethical, engaged, well–informed and safe. In
Texas kids who are sixteen and younger must take the hunters safety course online but they must
also attend a field day. To do this there must be a classroom setting and state certified instructors,
this creates jobs. According to research done by the national shooting sports foundation an estimated
680,000 jobs are sustained from hunting. Not only does hunting generate jobs into also brings in a
lot of money. Chris Dolnack who is NSSF's Senior Vice President and chief marketing has said
"Even in today's urbanized America, hunting continues to be a vital part of our culture. Hunter
spending is the lifeblood
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Slide1: The Sierra Club
Slide1– The Sierra Club is a nonprofit, member–supported public interest organization that
promotes conservation of the natural environment by influencing public policy decisions. In
addition, the Sierra Club organizes participation in wilderness activities for its members, including
mountain climbing, backpacking, and camping. It is the oldest and largest nonprofit, grassroots
environmental organization in the world, with more than 700,000 members. (seven hundred
thousand) Slide2– Journalist Robert Johnson and John Muir worked on a campaign to extend the
boundaries of Yosemite National Park.. During the campaign Johnson encouraged Muir to form an
association to advocate for the production of the Sierra Nevada. After the success of the expansion
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Zoos: Sanctuary Or Burial Grounds?
Alexis Wise
Amy Strole
English 101.01
March 10, 2018 Sanctuary or Burial Grounds? Menageries, Animal parks, Safari parks, game
reserves, petting zoos, or just zoos. All of these are places in which animals are kept enclosed,
confined and on display. "While zoos have put more emphasis on conservation and humane animal
treatment in recent decades, some critics say it is cruel to keep animals in captivity. Critics argue
that living in captivity takes away wild animals natural behavior and instincts. Supporters of zoos
say they play an important role in protecting endangered species." (National Geographic 34). Are
zoos in fact harming the very animals they try to protect, or are they playing a valuable role in
protecting and conserving animals ... Show more content on ...
While an argument can be made that certain zoos are not equipped to house specific animals and
need to further their efforts in providing a proper substitute for their natural habitat. It can also be
said that some causes of distress or even death cannot be controlled due to the region in which the
zoo is located, and the species of animal they house. The efforts made by places like Amboseli Park
and the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Department are a glimpse of hope for conservation and
the steps that are being made to spread and enlarge the efforts to conserve the planets wild life
whether on the brink of extinction or otherwise. Throughout the studies that were researched a
definitive answer still never came clear, zoos can seem like they are causing harm by confining
these wild animals, and in some cases, that's true, but they are also valuable tools in educating the
public and breeding animals that may not have a fighting chance in the wild. The ethical grey area in
this debate can only be further defined in more elaborate studies and in outweighing the damage
caused to the aide given in wide varieties of zoos around the
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Essay about National Parks Under threat
National Parks: Underthreat Our nations incredible 401 National Parks are some of the most iconic
places on the face of the earth. From the Grand Canyon to the Great Smoky Mountains our nation's
national parks are something we should be proud to have. Lately our National Parks have been
under threat from both Environmental and Political issues both putting our National Parks at risk.
We need preserve the National Parks for generations to come. The National Parks show the most
amazing parts of this great nation, they are the source of billions of dollars in revenue, and they are
the home to countless forms of wildlife. The first U.S National Park was founded in 1872. The park
was Yellowstone National Park. It was also the world's first ... Show more content on ...
According to an article in Grand Canyon Trust the U.S Government did little to prevent the
poisoning of Natives until the late 90's when it was already to late (Grand Canyon Trust
Organization). These problems are still relevant in Native American communitys today. The Issue of
National Park conservation has become a widely controversial issue today. With the National debt
reaching 17 trillion dollars some politicians think it is alright to either sell off national park land to
commercial foresters, miners, and even foreign nations or to just close some parks entirely to make
up some of the national debt. They are completely unaware that the parks arent just a "pretty area of
land for tourists". Many cities depend on the parks for their well–being. A quote from a local
newspaper in California supports this "National parks don't boast concession stands or charge tax,
but data indicates they bring in millions of dollars to local economies each year"(Tree). Supporters
of cutting the parks include big CEO's of major companies and some of them not even in this
country. The supporters of slashing the National Parks will be directly impacted by it if they are cut.
They are the only ones who will benefit from their loss. They believe that the government will
benefit from slashing them because it will pay off the National debt. They would want the land for
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National Park Week
National Park Week will be from April 16 until April 24. You will be able to get into every national
park for free during this week. There are over 400 national parks in America. National parks offer
something for everyone. You will be able to enjoy nature as well as look at iconic landscapes and
diverse wildlife.
You can find a list of national parks near your area by looking at the National Parks Conservation
Association website. Many people would be surprised to find out that they actually live within a few
miles of a national park. There are a number of ways that you can enjoy yourself during National
Park week.
You can take a walk around the park. Taking a walk around the park is a great way to get some
exercise and enjoy the scenery.
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The Importance Of Remembrance Of The Soldiers And Their...
Throughout the history of the Civil War, Gettysburg was one of the most intriguing battles. It not
only was the battle that had largest number of casualties but it was also located in a very isolated
piece of land in upstate Pennsylvania. Gettysburg National Military Park has gone through many
phases throughout its history; one thing that has not changed and that is the importance of
remembrance of the soldiers and their sacrifices. The changes that occurred through the decades at
Gettysburg National Battlefield mirror the social climate in the United States.
In the year of 1895, Gettysburg went from being a privately–owned property to becoming a Military
Park. Many things would change from the Military Park though once the 1930's ... Show more
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With its location Gettysburg remained untouched until tourists and looters invaded the "sacred
hollow ground" to find souvenirs from the corpses before the battlefield was officially preserved.
For example, "the commission reported a problem with thoughtless or mischievous visitors, and
particularly the mutilation of monuments by sacrilegious relic hunters that sometimes infest the
ground with the sense of reverence wholly undeveloped. "Once the battlefield was officially taken
over by the Park Service, the main goal would be to protect and preserve the sacred ground.
(Continue on somehow)
The changes at Gettysburg National Battlefield in the 1960's echoed the nation's patriotism and
desire for unity in light of the Cold War and the Civil Rights Movement. With the change in society,
Gettysburg faced an increase in population at the park each year it increased by the thousands. With
the result of large crowds, the park made some changes. The biggest change at Gettysburg was the
use of Mission 66. Mission 66 was a program implemented that, "reaffirmed the National Park
Service's tradition of promoting recreational tourism, " some changes that were made to the park
included, "improvements in roads, trails, camping facilities, amphitheaters, and visitor amenities
encouraged a recreational aspect to a many of the national parks. " The significance of Mission 66
for Gettysburg is that in, "March 18, 1962 the Park Service opened the Gettysburg Visitor
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Annotated Bibliography : Parks And Recreation Ravaged By...
Annotated Bibliography Avrasin, Maya. "Parks and Recreation Ravaged by Hurricane Katrina.(Tip–
Off: NEWS FROM THE FIELD)." Parks & Recreation, vol. 40, no. 10, 2005, pp. 24+. Academic
OneFile, go.gale This is an
academic article that details the effects of Hurricane Katrina on the parks systems of various cities
on the gulf coast. For example, the writer examines the state of the parks in Jackson, Mississippi. An
interview with the parks director for the area reveals that the parks have been ravaged, and that the
winds from Katrina caused $600,000 in fallen tree damage alone to the parks facilities. This
information is important because it examines the monetary costs of the damage to the parks facilities
of various places affected by Hurricane Katrina. "America's Great Outdoors: Statue of Liberty to
Reopen by July 4th Repairs Progressing on Docks, Energy Infrastructure and Other Facilities
Damaged by Hurricane Sandy." States News Service, 19 Mar. 2013, pp. 1. Academic OneFile, A322912745&v=2.1&u=tel_a_utl&it=r&p=AONE&sw=w.
This is a news article written to inform the public that the damage done to the Liberty Island
National Park would be repaired and then the park would be open to the public by July 4th.
Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar said that the docks and security systems of the park had been
extensively damaged by Hurricane Sandy. He went on to say
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The Impact Of Ansel Adams On The Conservation Movement
Assess the impact of Ansel Adams as an influential figure in the conservation movement Intro
America's National Parks are deeply indebted to the American photographer Ansel Adams. Through
his masterful photography, he turned Yosemite National Park into an American icon. Ansel spent the
majority of his life fighting for the National Parks through intense political activism. He was a key
figure in conservation in the United States, beginning in a time when environmental conservation
was a rare concept.
From a young age he showed uncommon interest in wilderness and the outdoors and grew into one
of the personalities most responsible for defining what American wilderness means. In his twenties,
Ansel demonstrated incredible mastery of the young art form of photography. Through his
friendships and collaboration with other artists and environmentalists and through his many
prestigious art shows and published collections he gained fame. He used his fame, strong personal
voice and persuasive activism for environmental conservation causes such as ... and for
environmental organizations such as the Sierra Club and the Wilderness Society. In particular, Ansel
Adams was inspired and captivated by Yosemite at a young age and found the mountains to be his
calling. His passion to preserve the park he experienced as a young boy fueled his efforts.
Childhood; Yosemite, The Piano and a Camera
Born in 1902 and growing up near the dunes of the Golden Gate in San Francisco with mother and
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Outline Template for Apa Guidelines
Outline Template (Microsoft Word) Beginning on the next page is an outline template (in Microsoft
Word format), which is filled in with a sample to show you what a final outline looks like. Here is
how to fill in your own outline: Triple click on a sentence to highlight it. (Or swipe across it with a
mouse's left key held down.) Type your sentence. (The original words should automatically
disappear; if they don't, use the Delete key to eliminate them.) When you don't need an outline
subdivision (such as "C" or "3"), delete the line. When you need to insert a new subdivision, place
the cursor at the end of the sentence immediately above where you want to insert, press Enter, go the
Style drop–down menu (typically ... Show more content on ...
2. This exposes their young to predators and bad weather. (Transition: Let's summarize.)
CONCLUSION I. Summary A. Jet skis should not be allowed in national and state parks. B. They
create noise, cause pollution, and harass wildlife. II. Clincher A. Please sign a petition that I will
send to our U.S. and state legislators asking them to support a ban. B. When we go to these parks,
we have a right to find peace and quiet. BIBLIOGRAPHY Burger, Joanna, Ph.D., professor of
biology at Rutgers University. E–mail interview. 5 Oct. 2000. Clemans, John. "Bluewater Blues."
Motor Boating & Sailing Mar. 2000: 56. "Guide to Personal Watercraft." National Parks and
Conservation Association (Internet site at Retrieved 14 Sept. 2000. (The article
includes research by the Environmental Protection Agency; Dr. Joanna Burger, professor of biology
at Rutgers University, and Dr. Ken Cordell, wildlife expert at the University of Georgia.) Shaw,
Robinson. "Environmental Group Pushes Government to Rid National Parks of Watercraft."
Environmental News Network (press release). 3 Sept. 2000. VISUAL AIDS Photo of a jet ski on a
lake (PowerPoint slide) Poster showing three main
... Get more on ...
Public Parks And National Parks
Protected public lands, including national parks, cover a growing 12% of the world's land and a
gradually rising amount of marine areas (Dudley, et al. 87). Today, in the United States (U.S.) alone,
59 national parks compromise the country's National Parks System, which was sanctioned by
Congress and is managed by National Parks Service (NPS), an agency of the U.S. Department of the
Interior. The parks have become a controversial topic in recent legislation because some
representatives are lobbying for change in ownership and management of the parks to create more
economic return. Although the parks confer multiple benefits and costs on the U.S, perhaps the most
contentious area of debate concerns the cost–benefit dichotomy of the parks' collective economic
While some experts argue that the taxes required to maintain national parks are burdensome, or that
management is often ineffective in preserving the parks' economic benefit, others believe that their
overall benefit to local communities and the national economy is noteworthy. These debates are
often divided along party lines, with conservatives denouncing the parks' costs,especially in
restricting individual economic prospects, and liberals urging the federal preservation of the land for
its values. Furthermore, solutions to achieve effective governance of public lands, or commons, such
as those proposed in the stimulus source"The Struggle to Govern the Commons," can be
implemented in order to preclude the
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Social Differences : National Parks And Sustainable Tourism
Abbie Smith
Kyra Hudson
English 2010
13 November 2017
National Parks and Sustainable Tourism National parks provide a highlight for the travel. These
lands are set aside as natural beauties, wonders, and even phenomenons. In 2015, more than 307
million people visited the national parks of the United States, a five percent increase from 2014
(Errick). With such an increase in tourism, it becomes ever more important to implement sustainable
tourism practices and make travel good for the visitors and the destination. According to the United
Nations Organization for Education, Science and Culture, "sustainable tourism is defined as 'tourism
that respects both local people and the traveller, cultural heritage and the environment.'" The
purposes of national parks are to protect the heritage of the park, protect the environment found
within the park, and educate the public. These purposes work hand–in–hand with sustainable
tourism, and it only makes sense that these two ideals are combined together. Unsustainable travel
does not have just one, foul–proof solution. Rather, several small actions combined together will
have profound effect in the evolution of the system. With the help of park services and the
individual tourist, we can move to a future in which we have no need to specify some tourism as
"sustainable". The first major problem facing the environment in the wake of tourism is air
pollution. Many people come to national parks from across the country or even abroad.
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Women In The Colorado Mountains
The Colorado Mountains have been home to many strong females throughout history. Worthy of
mention are a handful of women who came to the high country for very different reasons, but fell in
love with the majestic beauty of the state, making it their permanent home and leaving an indelible
mark on the tapestry of its narrative. Two such women were Virginia Donaghe McClurg and Lucy
Peabody. Their lives became interlaced in their quest for conservation of the Mesa Verde cliff
dwellings, which were to be known later as Mesa Verde National Park. Although they started as
allies in their efforts, they later took different stances and even became adversaries at one point.
Virginia was from noble descent. She was raised in New York city and enjoyed
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Parks And Recreation Career Research Paper
The Parks and Recreation Franchise Pursue a fun career! After one finishes off their high school
career with a high school diploma they should plan to attend college. Life is suddenly going to
change for them. They do not have to be exactly sure on their career but it is really great to have a
good idea on what career to pursue. Career choices will determine how life will be depending on
what career is chosen. It would be good to pursue a career in Parks and recreation. When
researching the career of Parks and recreation it is important to include the history of the career, the
education required, and the positive and negatives of the career. National recreation and park
association (NRPA) is the leading ... Show more content on ...
Many recreation workers, such as camp counselors or activity specialists, work weekends or part
time or irregular hours, or might even be seasonally employed which could be a positive or a
negative depending on what someone likes to do .A negative could be seasonal workers might work
as few as 90 days or as long as 9 months during a certain season , all depending on where some
employed and the type of activities that person leads(Parks Overviews). For example, in areas of the
United States that have warm winters, outdoor swimming pools may employ related recreation
workers for a majority of the year which again could be a positive or negative all depending on the
person(Parks Overviews). In other areas of the country, they may work only during the summer all
depending on the positive and negative outlook of that certain person. A con would also be in 2012
median pay was $22,240 which could cause problems when paying bills. A positive would be that
the number of jobs were 309,730 so there are plenty of jobs.Employment growth forecast in 2010–
2020 was 19 percent is a great positive because there is a sign of growth(Handbook).with the growth
rate. The biggest negative is if there is no proof of a bachelor's degree you most like can not get the
job( create A
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It Has Been Argued That Canadian Environmentalism Occurred
It has been argued that Canadian environmentalism occurred in a series of waves throughout the
countries growth and development. Upon colonization the Canadian landscape was abundant in
resources, the opportunities limitless. Over the course of a century industrialization had swept the
nation. The rapid depletion of resources initiated the development of numerous private organizations
that sought to control, maintain, and ensure longevity of such resources. This force would continue
to reshape along with the industrial demands and ever–changing landscape. It is imperative to
provide context regarding the evolution of the environmental movement that took place in Canada,
in order to comprehend the role non–governmental organizations played ... Show more content on ...
Gradually conservationist efforts of resource preservation developed, characterizing North
America's first wave of environmentalism.
Individuals involved within Canada's forestry industry developed many of the earliest conservation
efforts. The rapid depletion of Canadian forests forced many to advocate for the development of
controlled harvesting and reserved areas. By 1900, the Canadian Forestry Association was
established. Despite Canada's earliest efforts, their neighbours to the south were generally further
advanced with their efforts. Such gap in national efforts can be viewed as a matter of population
differences, industrial expansion, and economic circumstances. The American settlements were
much further developed in many respects than their counterparts, and had demonstrated
anthropogenic harm throughout their growth. In 1909, American President Theodore Roosevelt,
invited both Mexico and Canada to join the United States at the North American Conservation
Conference. This conference would lead to the establishment of Canada's Commission of
Canada's Commission of Conservation developed recommendations and environmental ethics that
can be viewed as the seeds of modern environmentalism. The development of national parks also
illustrates the difference between American and Canadian conservation. In 1885, Banff became
Canada's first national park, while their neighbours had established their first national park,
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The Conservation Of Yellowstone Wildlife Essay
Conservation: Yellowstone is extraordinarily large, with 290 waterfalls, 17 rivers and acreage
spanning across portions of three states. According to Yellowstone Superintendent Dan Wenk, his
park "is at the heart of the largest intact ecosystem in the temperate zone in the United States, if not
the world" (interview). It's called the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (GYE) and within its borders
lay two national parks (Grand Teton and Yellowstone), four national wildlife refuges, and seven
national forests. This important biological reserve is the largest protected area in the lower 48 states
and provides critical habitat for some of the world's most iconic wildlife. Unfortunately, many plant
and animal species today face endangerment, mainly because their natural habitats are being
destroyed. National parks work to conserve wildlife by safeguarding these habitats that provide a
safe space for wildlife to breed and survive. The bison are an emblem of the wildness of the West
and a Yellowstone icon. A struggling population that was almost extinct at the turn of the century
has been successfully recovered. More than 5500 bison now live inside and in areas surrounding
Yellowstone park (interview). This park contains the largest concentration of mammals in the lower
48 (interview). In addition to bison, those inhabitants include wolves, lynxes, grizzly bears, foxes,
elk and moose (–parks/). Due to the
large number of
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Hot Springs Research Papers
Did you know that Hot Springs, Arkansas was technically the first National Park? Well, it wasn't
actually claimed as a National Park until 1921 after Bath House Row was completed. But Hot
Springs was first found as a Federal Reservation in 1832. Currently, there are 20,000 National Park
Service employees that care for 401 parks in the world. You can choose from over 22,000 diverse
professions. Reports have shown that almost 1.5 million people visit Hot Springs each year. It's
import to be a part of the National Park Service because we're in a unique line of work, we need to
take care of our parks, and keep our history alive. You take care of many structures that are on park
property. There are multiply types of landscaping that has to ... Show more content on ...
Our Native American ancestors stumbled upon the hot springs. They referred to it as, "The Valley of
the Vapors". The water stays at 143* Fahrenheit and produces almost one million gallons a day. And
the water became so famous that in the year 1541 it drew the attention to Hernando Desoto; a well
known Spanish conquistador. Somewhere in the 1920's, some of most famous Baseball players had
to get a dose of the spa life. Over 250 players would travel to Hot Springs for off season training.
They ventured to the bathhouses, ran the mountains, and played ball at Whittington Ball Park. When
the Baseball players weren't visiting Hot Springs, some other famous but infamous gang mobsters
hid out in Hot Springs. Hot Springs became a town know for prostitution, bootlegging, and illegal
gambling. Big name mobsters such as: Al Capone, Frank Costello, Bugs Moran, and Lucky
Luciano. All of them used Hot Springs as a hide out when things got tough elsewhere. When Al
Capone was in town, he would stay at the Arlington while his rival gang members stayed at the
Majestic. Around the year 1927, Al Capone discovered that he had syphilis. He made multiply trips
to Hot Springs to bathe in the Bath Houses before he died in
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Samford Island Deforestation Project Proposal
Samford is a community located in South East Queensland. The main districts in Samford are
Samford Valley and Samford Village. The area is located approximately 21 kilometres north–west of
the Brisbane CBD. The Samford region is located in the local government area of the Moreton Bay
Regional Council. Samford has a relatively low population, as it is a small village centred
community, with plenty of green space and most residents choosing rural residential living (Samford
Futures 2011).
Samford has a sub–tropical climate, with most of the rainfall occurring during the summer months,
from November to February. Samford is easily accessed from Brisbane by Samford Rd, which runs
through the Samford State Forest (Queensland Places 2016). Samford is located next to the Samford
State Forest, which is part of the greater Brisbane Forest Park. The Forest Park has an area of
approximately 26000 hectares, and includes 16 separate recreation zones. The forested areas in
Samford are home to a variety of native wildlife and vegetation. The region has a hilly terrain and is
surround by the D'Aguilar Range, this range includes Mt ... Show more content on
An environmental concern would be destroying the natural habitats of endangered species. Loss of
natural habitat is the leading threat to these vulnerable species, including the powerful owl (Garnett
and Crowely 2000).
With the benefits of having the surrounding natural environment, also comes with natural hazards
which could affect the tourist facility. The occurrence of natural hazards on the facility could have
catastrophic consequences environmentally and economically. Some issues include flooding and
bushfires. Appendix D displays the potential of bushfires for development area. Damage to the
facility would put it at great financial risk due to the cost of repair. Assessing the site location is key
to avoiding this issue.
Social and
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The Role of Zoos in Conservation
The roles of Zoos in conservation The main aim of zoos is to protect and conserve global
biodiversity and wildlife. To do this they have four roles to play which are; research, conservation,
education and welfare. Research: Research is the careful search or inquiry for new facts by scientific
study of a subject, through a course of critical investigation. By studying animals we can learn new
things about their behaviour and lifestyle. The Secretary of State's Standards of Modern Zoo
Practice (SSSMZP) encourage zoos to carry out research. Research can be carried out ex situ or in
situ. In situ conservation is defined as: The conservation of ecosystems and natural habitats and the
maintenance and recovery of viable populations of species ... Show more content on
"Zoos try to make the animal's enclosure as interesting as possible. One way of doing this is through
ENVIRONMENTAL ENRICHMENT. Enrichment is the use of novel objects or ideas to increase
the natural behaviour of the animals. Different objects and methods are used for different animals."
(1) The World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA) is the "umbrella" organisation for the
world zoo and aquarium community. Whilst recognising the variation in culture and customs within
which the WAZA operates, it is incumbent upon all members to exercise the highest standards of
animal welfare and to encourage these standards in others. Training staff to the highest level
possible represents one method of ensuring this aim. Members of WAZA will ensure that all animals
in their care are treated with the utmost care and their welfare should be paramount all times. At all
times, any legislated codes for animal welfare should be regarded as minimum standards.
Appropriate animal husbandry practices must be in place and sound veterinary care available. When
an animal has no reasonable quality of life, it should be euthanized quickly and without suffering.
Below are the basic principles for the guidance of all members of the World Association of Zoos and
Aquariums: "(i) Assisting in achieving the conservation and survival of species must be the aim of
all members of the profession. Any actions taken in relation to an individual animal, e.g. euthanasia
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Henry David Thoreau's Photography And The Expansion Of...
The few voices that did express concern went unheard, that is until the writings of Ralph Waldo
Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, John Burroughs, Sigurd Olson, and Archibald MacLeish (Cantrill
& Oravec, 1996; Dunaway, 2005; Neuzil, 2008; Spaulding, 1995). Although Thoreau's writings of
the natural world did not have much impact during his lifetime, as discussed later, they did influence
many great thinkers that followed. Other notable naturalists and politicians that sought for
preservation of the land include John Muir, David Brower, Joseph LeConte, Aldo Leopold, George
Perkins Marsh, Gifford Pinchot, also wrote and spoke out about preservation of land, nature, and
wildlife. For example, Theodore Roosevelt was one of the most influential writers ... Show more
content on ...
Promotion of Yosemite for preservation was backed by an unlikely source, supporters of the
expansion of the railroad system, "which granted additional land to the Union Pacific and Central
Pacific so they could follow through on their grand plans to build a steam–powered transcontinental
connection" (Levitt, 2002b, p. 27). Yet, support from railroad interests also led to endless demand
for wood and unlimited building both residential and commercial entities that deteriorated America's
forests. Awareness for the pristine nature and wildlife in the Yellowstone region received similar
accolade and concern for preservation as Yosemite (see Bossen, 1982; DeLuca & Demo, 2000;
Jacoby, 2001; National Park Service, 2012). Just as Watkins' compelling photos were influential in
the preservation of Yosemite, other photographers were motivated to advocate on behalf of the land.
William Henry Jackson made numerous photos of Yellowstone for the U.S. Geological Survey and
lobbied Congress for preservation of the region. In 1872, President Ulysses Grant signed into law
the Yellowstone Act that set aside more than two million acres of land. This was the first land
designated by the federal administration set aside for a national park accessible "for all the nation's
people for all time" (Cahn, 1981, p. 129). As retold by history, a variety of activities in
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Grey Wolf
Out hunting their human counterparts and scaring passerby, the grey wolf has long been considered
a menace. As a predator, many people refuse to view them as a creature to be protected and in an
attempt to reduce their population, Congress declared open season on their species, leading their
almost being hunted nearly to extinction. At their lowest point, they numbered in at about 1,400
(Center for Biological Diversity); a fraction of their earliest numbers. As an endangered species
there are a few programs put in place whose purpose is to maintain/swell the numbers of Canis
Lupus in their old regions (Iowa, Wisconsin, and Utah). These programs included the Center for
Biological Diversity, the Human Society and the Endangered Species Association. The mandate that
allowed the gray ... Show more content on ...
Once again Yellowstone harbors all native species of large carnivores––grizzly and black bears,
mountain lions, and wolves. Before wolf reintroduction, there was a concerted effort to predict the
ecological effects of wolves in Yellowstone (Cook 1993). Has reality, so far, met expectations? The
effects of Canis lupus on the ecology of Yellowstone can be seen at all levels. By lowering the deer
and elk population, grey wolves have in turn allowed the park to resume normal functionality with
the addition of new species. There are reports that after the population runs out of prey, well rather
outpaces the predator prey ratio, Canis Lupus presence will once again be a threat to the park. With
that being said, their prey's repopulation has inundated the wolves' forward progress, thus slowing
town that possibility. By all means, Canis Lupus can be considered a hero. By restoring the balance
in the park, Canis Lupus presence can ensure stability and preserve the natural beauty of the park for
generations to
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The Field Trip Report : Translocation Of Native Birds Essay
Wenderholm Field Trip Report
Translocation of native birds to offshore islands has been a part of ecological restoration in New
Zealand and has started since 1890's. This translocation to mainland islands was started by the
Department of Conservation in the year 1995. Wenderholm Regional Park has an area of 60 hectares
maintained for ecological restoration. The area has been fenced to prevent the entry of livestock and
the pasture land is reforested. The ecology of the park was restored to the status of enabling bird
release into the park by reducing the number of predators. North Island robins were introduced into
the park in 1999. The productivity rate of the robins was very high. But the dispersal rate has also
been high as the young fledged away to nearby habitats. As the park is linked to adjacent forest
areas, it makes it easy for bird dispersal into surrounding areas. The result of such translocations is
not sure and hence further translocations must consider various factors before any bird
According to (Wenderholm Regional Park management plan, 1995) the objectives of the Regional
Parks Management Plan include species recovery and establishing their populations in the suitable
habitat. The management goals of Wenderholm Regional Park involve developing the park as a part
of the Regional Parks network and in close ecological association with surrounding landscape. The
coastal landscape and forested areas must be protected and
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Environmental Movements in the United States Essay
The United States has earned the reputation of a rebellious country since its birth in the revolution
against Britain. Over the course of history, Americans have repeatedly confronted oppression, both
foreign and national, through various wars and rights movements. Unfortunately, when it comes to
environmental issues the average American has grown increasingly complacent. With a renewed
urgency, government is working to combat global warming, but lacks the necessary social backing.
This social support could be supplied through a new environmental movement that differs from past
efforts. Throughout American history there have been three categories of environmental movements:
preservation, conservation, and modern reform, all of which have ... Show more content on ...
In the course of his lifetime, he was able to "champion protection of the Petrified Forest and the
Grand Canyon in Arizona...Yosemite Valley as a national park in 1890, as well as for General Grant
and Sequoia national parks" ("John Muir (1838–1914)"). Muir's collaboration with President
Theodore Roosevelt not only helped to make these national parks existent, but also developed into
part of the "rational use" philosophy that guided environmental policy of the conservation era. The
conservation movement coincided with the progressive political era of the late 1800s and early
1900s. Significant figures of this time were George Perkins Marsh and Gifford Pinchot, both who
played predominant roles in shaping the rational use policy by calling for simultaneous protection of
natural resources and ability to use them for economic purposes. Marsh, an intellectual Vermont–
native, wrote on the vital interconnection between humans and nature, calling for a taming or
"command of nature," believing it was "important to weigh results and act accordingly" ("George
Perkins Marsh: Renaissance Vermonter"). As a professional forester, Pinchot held similar
environmental values, boldly declaring "the object of our forest policy is not to preserve the forests
because they are refuges for the wild creatures of the wilderness, but the making of prosperous
homes...Use must be the test by which the forester tries himself" (Bailey,
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Hussain Sagar
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to: navigation, search Hussain Sagar | | Location | Hyderabad | Coordinates | 17°27′N 78°30′E
17.45°N 78.5°E/ 17.45; 78.5 | Lake type | artificial lake | Basin countries | India | | Max. depth | 32
ft | Surface elevation | 1,759 ft | | Islands | Buddha Statue (artificial) | Settlements | Hyderabad and
Secunderabad |
Coordinates: 17°27′N 78°30′E/ 
17.45°N 78.5°E/ 17.45; 78.5
Hussain Sagar (Telugu: హుస్సే న్ సాగర్) is a lake in Hyderabad, India, built by Hazrat Hussain
Shah Wali in 1562, during the rule of Ibrahim Quli Qutb Shah. It was a lake of 24 square kilometres
built on a tributary of the River Musi to meet the water and irrigation needs of the city. ... Show
more content on ...
A project feasibility report has been prepared for the conservation & restoration of Hussain
Sagar Lake under National Lake Conservation Plan. The Hussain Sagar Lake has been the centre of
Hyderabad civilisation and is among the most beautiful national heritage. It has played a major role
in the economy of the State of Andhra Pradesh through its attraction of tourists as well as its
utilisation as a source of food and water. As with other urban lakes in India, the Hussain Sagar now
serves as one of the main sewage collection zone of the twin cities.
Lake in the evening
During the past few years grave concern is being voiced by people from different walks of life over
the deteriorating conditions of Hussain Sagar Lake. As a result of heavy anthropogenic pressures,
the lake eco–systems are not only strengthening in its surface becoming poor in quality, posing
health hazards to the people living in close proximity to the lake. Over the years the entire eco–
system of Hussain Sagar Lake has changed. The water quality has deteriorated considerably during
the last three decades. Over the years the lake has become shallow due to siltation and accumulation
of plant debris. Many undesirable changes in the structure of biological communities have resulted
and some important species have either declined or completely disappeared. Realising the
importance of conservation of Hussain Sagar Lake, a project has
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How To Write An Essay On National Parks Protection

  • 1. How To Write An Essay On National Parks Protection Our Countries Protector: The National Parks Service National parks are places that are considered historically significant, or unique enough to be protected by the federal government. These parks are designated as a protected area for animals, and people are able to visit and enjoy these serene places. National parks include places like: Yellowstone, Yosemite, the Everglades, the Grand Canyon, and the Sequoia's. These places are contain very diverse and unique ecosystems that are thriving due to their protection. People are able to see what the untouched wilderness is like in an age of expanding urbanization. These places could be decimated and built upon if were not for the government's protection and funding. The National Park Service ... Show more content on ... This seems great however the money required for maintenance of the parks simply is not there. "The park service said it delayed an estimated $11.5 billion worth of needed maintenance projects last year due to funding shortages Craig Obey, senior vice president for government affairs with the National Parks Conservation Association, said Congress needs to take "immediate and substantive action" to prevent further maintenance delays. "Failing to provide for the system's basic maintenance needs has eroded our most treasured landscapes and historical sites," Obey said in a statement on Monday. "Next year's centennial of the National Park System is the perfect opportunity for Congress to renew its commitment to protecting America's most special ... Get more on ...
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  • 3. Big Business And Conservation Activism The struggle between providing for California's burgeoning population and the corresponding increase pressure on California's ever shrinking pristine natural wonders and natural resources has been a constant clash between the forces of big business and conservation activism. However, the outcomes of these many battles have increasingly favored the side of economics over nature. The trend that becomes clear is that the will of the businessmen have been prevailing over the concerns of the conservationists more and more. What are the forces that are pushing the pendulum closer and closer towards the desires of industry? By examining the history of this conflict between these two factions, it will become clear how one has had progressively more of an advantage over the other. Today, the main reason that industry's goals almost always prevails over conservation's efforts is economics and what an advantage in economics can buys one politically. Economic interests will predominately have ever–increasing priority over environmental interest as long as money is considered speech and corporations are people; therefore, the most pragmatic solution that would allot conservation groups with an equal voice in the political process with business is to call for an Article V Constitutional Convention to pass an amendment to permanently get money out of politics nationwide. During a time before money was protected as political speech, conservation groups had a somewhat even footing ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Theodore Roosevelt 's First Progressive President Theodore Roosevelt is considered by many to be America's first progressive president due to his conservationism, his military prowess, and the natural ease with which he handled national and worldwide politics. He had a vision for the place he wanted America to be, a courage that made him admirable, and a jovial attitude that made people love him. Not only did he take steps to make the office of president more important than it once was, he tried to do so in ways that were important. One of these ways was by protecting the natural beauty of America so that it would not be entirely depleted before it could replenish itself. Another way was by proving his leadership, his bravery, and his dedication to complete the task at hand in the military. His struggle for equality in his nation and international peace also show his determination to make the world better. These points prove that Theodore Roosevelt had his eyes set on the future and was determined to move toward it. Conservationism, the preservation and protection of natural resources, is something that Roosevelt frequently stressed the importance of during his presidency. Roosevelt believed that the government had a responsibility to take care of the nation's environment, so he worked to create many parks, agencies, and acts to do so ("The Theodore Roosevelt Administrations."). The President even said, "...natural resources are not limited by the boundary lines which separate nations, and that need for conserving them upon ... Get more on ...
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  • 7. Zoos Are An Unsafe Environment For Animals What do you see when you think of a Zoo? Usually, people think of a place to hang out with family and friends and are educated on animals. Zoos give an opportunity for city kids or people to see wild animals. A zoo is a place where animals live in and are put on display for people to view. Zoos travel back to as early as 2500 B.C., when nobility started to collect exotic animals. In Europe, sixteenth century, when early explorers traveled to the New World, they brought home all sorts of weird and wonderful creatures like anteaters and sloths (Sunquist). The first modern zoo, opened in Vienna in 1765, but it was not until the mid–to–late 1800s that zoos started to become more common. The idea of displaying wild animals to the public in the park was instantly appealing to the rising middle class of the Victorian era (Sunquist). Though some may believe zoos are an unsafe environment for animals, most zoos have benefited animals by educating the public, contributing to the conservation of animals by developing breeding programs or other conservation–oriented programs, and also bringing them into a safe environment. Some critics may argue that Zoos are a harmful and inhumane method of commercializing animals. While this may be true, zoos also are very beneficial not just to animals but to humans because they bring communities together and foster an appreciation of animals. This exposure motivates and educates people into protecting the animals. Rebecca Madden, a time staff ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Denali?s Wolves Essay examples Argumentative essay Denali's Wolves For many years my family and I have traveled around the country to visit our national parks and view the wildlife they protect. I've been from Hawaii to Maine to the Virgin Islands. My favorite memories as a child are those of camping with my family in these national parks. One of the few parks I have not had the pleasure of visiting is Denali National Park in Alaska. Last year while reading a magazine, I learned of something that troubled me very much. There was an article about wolves and how you can see them living in their natural habitat just by driving through the park. After reading this article, I wanted to visit Denali and see these amazing creatures, but these wolves are being slowly ... Show more content on ... Denali National Park is home to the majority of our nation's and the world's most frequently viewed wolf population. This summer alone 30,000 tourists experienced these wolves without even leaving their vehicles. Denali is Alaska's number one tourist attraction, and covers more than 6 million acres. It began as Mt. McKinley National Park in 1917, but wasn't until 1980 that the name was change to Denali National Park. People travel to Denali to view Mt. McKinley (America's highest mountain) and its famed wolves. Wolves are amazing creatures that stack up to be more than your average canine. Wolves can stake claim to territories recorded to be over 800 miles. Average wolf packs usually consist of 8–10 wolves, but one Denali pack recorded 27 members plus 3 pups. They have the ability to hunt caribou, moose, Dall sheep, beaver, and ground squirrel. They use howling and scent marking to scare of rival packs. They also show us their rank in the pack by the position in which they carry their tale. They accomplish all this with a brain twice the size of a domestic dog, and extremely developed social skills. Not only are these wolves the most famous in the world, one group is the world's oldest known family lineage of any nonhuman social vertebrate in the wild. These wolves belong to the Toklat wolf pack. They are the first group of wolves to be studied in their natural habitat and are of major scientific significance. They have been seen and ... Get more on ...
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  • 11. Why Should The Modern Zoo Be Preserved? Why should the modern zoo be preserved? This is a question that is the center of great debate world wide. Many believe that the need for and the usefulness of zoos has long since passed. Many others believe that zoos play a vital role in the understanding and conservation of the animal kingdom. According to Webster's New World College Dictionary the definition of the word "zoo" or "zoological park" is this: "a place where wild animals are kept for public showing". Zoos have been maintained by humans for thousands of years. Carvings that date as far back as 2500 BCE depict the wealthy as having menageries. There is also evidence in those carvings that expeditions occurred to collect wild and exotic animals for those menageries. The first modern zoo was built in 1793 in Paris, France. Again, it was for the wealthy to view the species of animals that were not indigenous to France. Today, however, the definition of the modern zoo is changing. Many countries are taking a new look at what a zoo should be. The idea that wild animals are merely kept for public showing has changed drastically. Zoos are adapting their facilities to meet the needs of the animal kingdom. There are several, key areas where zoos have taken a hard look at the needs of animals and they have changed to accommodate those needs. Zoos now play a vital role in the survival of rescued animals, conservation of endangered species, biological studies of all animals, and zoological parks provide money for the ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. George Melendez Wright: The Role Of Wildlife Protection In... Wildlife protection in national parks was once lacking. George Melendez Wright, at the time a young Park Service employee at Yosemite, saw this and firmly believed that parks were neglecting the species that were there before us. Without the contribution of Wright, who knows how damaged the ecosystems and natural balance would be in our parks today. To begin, Wright first proposed to volunteer for a scientific survey of the wildlife conditions in our national parks. It is important to note that this had never been done before, so this leap into a new form of research was questionable. It also did not help his case that he was on the lower end of the career ladder. However, Wright did everything in his power to make this survey go through and be successful. To convince his superiors, he paid for the entire project from his own pocket. It took over 4 consecutive years, but in the end it was worth all the pain and trouble he went through. Wright discovered that the equilibrium of nature was completely askew. Animals were being hunted, buffalo were rounded up and kept in corrals, some were fed hay during the wintertime, white pelican eggs were destroyed to increase the fish population, and bears were lured into a single area for tourists to gawk at. ... Show more content on ... This policy specifically states that native species will be left to carry on, no matter the struggle, without human interference unless threatened with extinction. This means no feeding the animals during wintertime, no more encouraging bear dumps, and no more stocking the stream with nonnative fish. However, it did call for the expansion of boundaries in order to accommodate wildlife–grazing habits. Not only was Wright successful but he was also promoted to Chief of the new Wildlife ... Get more on ...
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  • 15. The Forest Service Trail Stewardship Act Of 2015 Essay For the purpose of this assignment, I am going to discuss the Forest Service Trail Stewardship Act of 2015, H.R. 845 (the Horse, 2016). The bill was introduced on April 29, 2015 by Cynthia Lummis member of the Republican Party, representing the state of Wyoming and Tim Walz member of the Democratic Party, representing the state of Minnesota. The bill was introduced by the House of Representatives (the Horse, 2015, votesmart, 2016). The Senate Bill 1110 (S.1110), was introduced in bipartisan fashion in the U.S. Senate Bill 1110 (S.1110), (Back Country Horsemen of America, 2016). The bill was then sponsored by BCHA and members of The Wilderness Society and American Horse Council (Back Country Horsemen of America, 2016). The purpose of the bill was to direct the Forest Service to take serval actions regarding trial maintenance backlog that was adversely affecting all trail users on many National Forests at that time, including equestrians (the Horse, 2016, American Horse Council, 2016). The bill would promote volunteerism in the service of National Forest trails (Back Country Horsemen of America, 2016). A study was conducted by the Government Accountability Office in June 2013. The study showed that the Forest Service delayed trail maintenance needs which was over half a billion dollars and only a quarter of the agency's 158,000 miles of trails met the agency standards for maintenance. The delay of the maintenance was resulting in accessibility and other safety issues for ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Kakadu National Park Research Paper 1) INTRODUCTION For long, Australia has been well–known for its vast area of land and natural landscape, and also for the total number of national parks in Australia which is more than 500 national parks. By covering nearly 4% of total country's area, visiting Australian national parks is truly a profiting and advantageous business for tourism & service sector in Australia ("Australian National Parks – Tourism Australia", n.d.). National parks of Australia vary in different categories of landscapes, it can be alpine regions or huge area of deserts, majestic forests and extraordinary marine areas with spectacular wildlife. National parks are more than zoos, because they are not only built and conserved for natural discovery but also for protection ... Show more content on ... Firstly, the art sites of Kakadu National Park display artistic and unique achievement of human characters, living animal species, and even long–extinct species. Secondly, there are a lot of things to discover in Kakadu, like rock art and archaeological records to illustrate past activities since ancient times until nowadays. Thirdly, the unique yet spectacular gifts of geography have made Kakadu an irresistible place for adventurers and explorers as it has four major river systems of tropical Australia running through the area and the Kakadu national park is believed to have span more than two billion years of geological history. For Australia, this nation's tourism sector is one of the advantageous economic sector and Kakadu has been contributing well to economy of the Northern region of Australia. It is believed Kakadu National Park will reach higher crucial position in contributing to economic viability of the tourism ... Get more on ...
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  • 19. The Grand Canyon The Grand Canyon National Park contains one of the most well known natural wonders of our country: The Grand Canyon. It is located in Arizona. Over the years, the Grand Canyon has attracted many visitors, and today the park sees nearly five million visitors yearly (NPS, History & Culture). It has always been a target for human interest, going back to the days where Native Americans ruled the land and continuing through present times. However, like the rest of our natural world, the Grand Canyon faces many threats, mainly due to humans. What are these things that threaten the Grand Canyon, what is being done to combat them, and what else can be done to protect the Grand Canyon National Park? Within the Grand Canyon lays the ... Show more content on ... According to a report by the National Parks Conservation Association, one challenge is "Colorado River management actions that do not incorporate adaptive strategies for protecting and restoring fish, river flows, riverine habitats, cultural sites, and archaeological resources along the river corridor" NPCA, 3). Other problems include sounds cape management, such as over flights that can disturb visitors, wildlife, and the 11 Native American tribes which live in the park (NPCA, 3). Greater and better relationships with these tribes are also wanted. Mining activities from the past and present, along with air pollution from nearby areas also pose threats to the health of the park. Due to environmental change, the canyon even faces threats from non–native animals intruding. According to Anne Minard of the High Country News, drought has recently brought bison into the park. They were originally taken into Arizona for an experiment to breed them with cattle, although that failed (Minard). "Biologists with the National Park Service say the huge animals (males can weigh up to 2,500 pounds) are wallowing in riparian areas and damaging cultural sites. They considered building a fence, but that would affect other wildlife, such as mule deer" (Minard). The NPCA also states that there are "front country and backcountry management and protection needs, particularly in regard to the challenges of park size, visitation patterns, and shortfalls in funding, ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Analysis Of Jim Barborak 's The Center For Protected Area... Jim Barborak has seemingly endless energy. As co–director of the Center for Protected Area Management at Colorado State University, he helps run one of the longest–standing programs in the country. The CSU program is known around the world for providing teaching, training and technical assistance for rangers and staff in the world's parks and protected natural areas. Barborak moderated a panel at the recent World Ranger Congress, which was held in Estes Park, Colorado. He was not only responsible for introducing the speakers and providing an overview of the topic – roles of agencies in the U.S. and around the world in visitor and resource protection – but he also translated the session into Spanish as participants spoke. He and Ryan Finchum, also a co–director for CPAM, travel to Brazil, Mexico, Cuba, Colombia, Peru and Panama, among other countries. They help government agencies and nongovernmental organizations with things like developing trails or building a successful visitor's center. The role of conservation agencies is changing rapidly, Barborak said during the panel session. "Conservation budgets are declining or stable, and responsibilities are increasing," he said. "The number of hectares of land we have to protect is going up. How do we conserve biodiversity, and provide good visitor services?" Partners, volunteers important In the U.S. and internationally, conservationists are relying much more on partnerships and alliances, Barborak said. Ralph Swain, ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Persuasive Speech: Budget Cuts Attention Step There are multiple benefits from a good road trip with your family or friends to go on a nature hike or just experience the great outdoors. National parks hold the beauty that has not been touched or destroyed by humans; thus, it is a safe place for a multitude of different species and plants. I remember many years ago I visited South Dakota and explored the Badlands National Park, Mount Rushmore, and the Black Hills National Forest to name a few. (show vacation pictures) I feel in love with nature ever since this trip because of the beauty it holds and the opportunity it gives me such as allowing me to see an abundance of animals and going out in nature. My appreciation for nature and its conservation is an essential part of ... Show more content on ... The protection of these parks are crucial and government funding to keep them running is a smart investment option. John Garder states, "In 2014, the National Park System received over 292 million recreation visits. Park visitors supported nearly $30 billion in economic activity and nearly 277,000 private–sector jobs. Each federal dollar invested in the National Park Service generates $10 in economic activity, a tremendous return on investment to local economies." Multiple professionals in the degree of policy and business, from Solutions, a popular magazine wrote, "Research shows that protected areas are the most effective–in some situations the only–way of maintaining natural ecosystems in the face of development pressures, rapid agricultural expansion, and a rush to exploit mineral resources." In order to become aware of the problem, a solution would be to support our national parks and visit ... Get more on ...
  • 24.
  • 25. Women's Rights During The Progressive Era The Progressive Era was a period of time between the late 1800s and the early 1900s when the United States sought ideas that gave people equality. Prior to the Progressive Era, women and immigrants were not allowed to vote and not given the opportunity to be employed in many jobs. Also, children were forced to work in factories and there was no conservation of the Earth's resources. During the Progressive Era, rights of minorities, conservation of natural resources, cleanliness in food gained improvements. Rights of children, immigrants, and women were greatly improved during the Progressive Era. Before, children had to work in factories at very young ages and risked harming themselves, but with the Keating Owens Act, it limited the amount of labor a child could do. Also, many social groups, such as African Americans, Asians and Catholics, were discriminated, but progressives fought to end segregation. Women ... Show more content on ... Beginning in 1905, Roosevelt started his work in conserving the environment by making the United States Forest Service and National Parks. In 1908, he called together a meeting, "The National Conservation Conference." Roosevelt also declared many pieces of land "historic" or "monuments" to conserve them. With his help, we still have many parks and forests that we can enjoy today. Before the Progressive Era, many times food and water was unsafe and unclean. In many cases, medicines were not labelled, so they were not always trustworthy and effective. In 1906, the "Pure Food and Drug Act" passed stating that items could not be sold if they were mislabeled and manufacturers must have the ingredients list on the item. Another act passed was the "Meat Inspection Act" which was similar to the previous act stating the item must be labelled correctly and processed in clean environments. Because of these acts, we can trust ouyr food ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. The Importance of Wildlife Conservation Imagine a world with barren trees in overgrown fields. The only sound to be heard is the wind blowing through the tall grass. A world once full of life now lays empty do to extinction. This is the result of a world that failed to understand the importance of wildlife conservation. Why is wildlife so important? What steps need to be taken to preserve wildlife? How can one become involved in wildlife conservation? These are all important questions that need to be explored in order to help maintain the delicate ecosystem on Earth. Wildlife plays a vital role in this fragile ecosystem and without wildlife the human race would not survive. The initial step in wildlife conservation is understanding why wildlife is vital to the ecosystem in the ... Show more content on ... According to David Stauth, towards the end of the "1800s" humans began to eradicate the wolf population in the Yellowstone area. (David Stauth) By "1926" the wolf population was destroyed. (David Stauth) During the 1800s and 1900s the West was popular for cattle ranches. Ranchers saw the wolves as pests destroying their profits due to the wolves feeding on the cattle. Thus began the beginning of the collapse of an ecosystem. With wolves missing from the ecosystem everything became greatly unbalanced leading to a domino effect. No longer fearing the wolves, elk began to freely graze which in turn began the destruction of foliage. The foliage destruction affected other animals that relied on the vegetation for sustenance and shelter. With the lack of vegetation, animals begin migrating elsewhere for food and harborage. Not only were the wolves gone, other animals began to either over populate or disappear along with the foliage. Hence the slow beginning of a land that would eventually become bare of life. One can now understand why wildlife conservation is so important after learning the effects of simply removing one key element from the ecosystem. To further this understanding of the importance of wildlife conservation observe the affects of reintroducing the wolves in Yellowstone . Beginning at the end of "1994" and continuing ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Terry Tempest Williams Thesis Wilderness is the source of what we can imagine and what we cannot – the taproot of consciousness, commented author Terry Tempest Williams at the centennial of the National Parks Service celebration in Salt Lake City, Utah, June 7th. To celebrate the centennial of the National Parks, the National Parks Conservation Association (NPCA) and The King's English Bookshop hosted an evening with Terry Tempest Williams and The National Parks Band. The purpose of the evening was not only to celebrate the centennial, but also to recognize to local authors and artists that desire to protect and share the beauty of the nation's land. This event was open to the public and was hosted at the Rose Wagner Theater. Utah is known for being home to five national parks and Salt Lake City draws many outdoor adventure lovers in as home. Due to the teeming outdoor loving population the centennial celebration was packed with people waiting to hear Williams speak. Author and conservation advocate Terry Tempest Williams was first on stage to discuss her new book, The Hour of Land: A Personal Topography of America's National Parks. ... Show more content on ... I was able to ask one question from the crowd, my question was, if you could have your readers take away one thing from this event and your new novel about the national parks and their conservation what would you want that to be? She answered the following, "This is what we can promise the future: a legacy of care. That we will be good stewards and not take too much or give back too little, that we will recognize wild nature for what it is, in all its magnificent and complex history – an unfathomable wealth that should be consciously saved, not ruthlessly spent." Her answer was a direct quote from her own book, but still very powerful and something she would like to stress more than just ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Why Hunters Should Not Hunting Due to unethical hunters who use hunting as a front to kill exotic trophy animals, case in point Walter Palmer and Cecil the lion. The American Dentist who traveled to Zimbabwe to kill thirteen– year–old Cecil the lion who was living in a sanctuary. Hunters have been given a bad reputation, many people think of hunters of trigger happy individuals who shoot anything that moves in the woods. This could not be further from the truth; many hunters use hunting as an alternative choice at providing cheaper, fresher meat for their families. Before hunters can even begin hunting they must be educated. All fifty states require a basic hunter's education course except Alaska, they have stricter rules when it comes to obtaining a hunting license. While this course differs for every state they have the same mission. To teach hunters to be ethical, engaged, well–informed and safe. In Texas kids who are sixteen and younger must take the hunters safety course online but they must also attend a field day. To do this there must be a classroom setting and state certified instructors, this creates jobs. According to research done by the national shooting sports foundation an estimated 680,000 jobs are sustained from hunting. Not only does hunting generate jobs into also brings in a lot of money. Chris Dolnack who is NSSF's Senior Vice President and chief marketing has said "Even in today's urbanized America, hunting continues to be a vital part of our culture. Hunter spending is the lifeblood ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Slide1: The Sierra Club Slide1– The Sierra Club is a nonprofit, member–supported public interest organization that promotes conservation of the natural environment by influencing public policy decisions. In addition, the Sierra Club organizes participation in wilderness activities for its members, including mountain climbing, backpacking, and camping. It is the oldest and largest nonprofit, grassroots environmental organization in the world, with more than 700,000 members. (seven hundred thousand) Slide2– Journalist Robert Johnson and John Muir worked on a campaign to extend the boundaries of Yosemite National Park.. During the campaign Johnson encouraged Muir to form an association to advocate for the production of the Sierra Nevada. After the success of the expansion ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Zoos: Sanctuary Or Burial Grounds? Alexis Wise Amy Strole English 101.01 March 10, 2018 Sanctuary or Burial Grounds? Menageries, Animal parks, Safari parks, game reserves, petting zoos, or just zoos. All of these are places in which animals are kept enclosed, confined and on display. "While zoos have put more emphasis on conservation and humane animal treatment in recent decades, some critics say it is cruel to keep animals in captivity. Critics argue that living in captivity takes away wild animals natural behavior and instincts. Supporters of zoos say they play an important role in protecting endangered species." (National Geographic 34). Are zoos in fact harming the very animals they try to protect, or are they playing a valuable role in protecting and conserving animals ... Show more content on ... While an argument can be made that certain zoos are not equipped to house specific animals and need to further their efforts in providing a proper substitute for their natural habitat. It can also be said that some causes of distress or even death cannot be controlled due to the region in which the zoo is located, and the species of animal they house. The efforts made by places like Amboseli Park and the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Department are a glimpse of hope for conservation and the steps that are being made to spread and enlarge the efforts to conserve the planets wild life whether on the brink of extinction or otherwise. Throughout the studies that were researched a definitive answer still never came clear, zoos can seem like they are causing harm by confining these wild animals, and in some cases, that's true, but they are also valuable tools in educating the public and breeding animals that may not have a fighting chance in the wild. The ethical grey area in this debate can only be further defined in more elaborate studies and in outweighing the damage caused to the aide given in wide varieties of zoos around the ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Essay about National Parks Under threat National Parks: Underthreat Our nations incredible 401 National Parks are some of the most iconic places on the face of the earth. From the Grand Canyon to the Great Smoky Mountains our nation's national parks are something we should be proud to have. Lately our National Parks have been under threat from both Environmental and Political issues both putting our National Parks at risk. We need preserve the National Parks for generations to come. The National Parks show the most amazing parts of this great nation, they are the source of billions of dollars in revenue, and they are the home to countless forms of wildlife. The first U.S National Park was founded in 1872. The park was Yellowstone National Park. It was also the world's first ... Show more content on ... According to an article in Grand Canyon Trust the U.S Government did little to prevent the poisoning of Natives until the late 90's when it was already to late (Grand Canyon Trust Organization). These problems are still relevant in Native American communitys today. The Issue of National Park conservation has become a widely controversial issue today. With the National debt reaching 17 trillion dollars some politicians think it is alright to either sell off national park land to commercial foresters, miners, and even foreign nations or to just close some parks entirely to make up some of the national debt. They are completely unaware that the parks arent just a "pretty area of land for tourists". Many cities depend on the parks for their well–being. A quote from a local newspaper in California supports this "National parks don't boast concession stands or charge tax, but data indicates they bring in millions of dollars to local economies each year"(Tree). Supporters of cutting the parks include big CEO's of major companies and some of them not even in this country. The supporters of slashing the National Parks will be directly impacted by it if they are cut. They are the only ones who will benefit from their loss. They believe that the government will benefit from slashing them because it will pay off the National debt. They would want the land for ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. National Park Week National Park Week will be from April 16 until April 24. You will be able to get into every national park for free during this week. There are over 400 national parks in America. National parks offer something for everyone. You will be able to enjoy nature as well as look at iconic landscapes and diverse wildlife. You can find a list of national parks near your area by looking at the National Parks Conservation Association website. Many people would be surprised to find out that they actually live within a few miles of a national park. There are a number of ways that you can enjoy yourself during National Park week. You can take a walk around the park. Taking a walk around the park is a great way to get some exercise and enjoy the scenery. ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. The Importance Of Remembrance Of The Soldiers And Their... Throughout the history of the Civil War, Gettysburg was one of the most intriguing battles. It not only was the battle that had largest number of casualties but it was also located in a very isolated piece of land in upstate Pennsylvania. Gettysburg National Military Park has gone through many phases throughout its history; one thing that has not changed and that is the importance of remembrance of the soldiers and their sacrifices. The changes that occurred through the decades at Gettysburg National Battlefield mirror the social climate in the United States. In the year of 1895, Gettysburg went from being a privately–owned property to becoming a Military Park. Many things would change from the Military Park though once the 1930's ... Show more content on ... With its location Gettysburg remained untouched until tourists and looters invaded the "sacred hollow ground" to find souvenirs from the corpses before the battlefield was officially preserved. For example, "the commission reported a problem with thoughtless or mischievous visitors, and particularly the mutilation of monuments by sacrilegious relic hunters that sometimes infest the ground with the sense of reverence wholly undeveloped. "Once the battlefield was officially taken over by the Park Service, the main goal would be to protect and preserve the sacred ground. (Continue on somehow) The changes at Gettysburg National Battlefield in the 1960's echoed the nation's patriotism and desire for unity in light of the Cold War and the Civil Rights Movement. With the change in society, Gettysburg faced an increase in population at the park each year it increased by the thousands. With the result of large crowds, the park made some changes. The biggest change at Gettysburg was the use of Mission 66. Mission 66 was a program implemented that, "reaffirmed the National Park Service's tradition of promoting recreational tourism, " some changes that were made to the park included, "improvements in roads, trails, camping facilities, amphitheaters, and visitor amenities encouraged a recreational aspect to a many of the national parks. " The significance of Mission 66 for Gettysburg is that in, "March 18, 1962 the Park Service opened the Gettysburg Visitor ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Annotated Bibliography : Parks And Recreation Ravaged By... Annotated Bibliography Avrasin, Maya. "Parks and Recreation Ravaged by Hurricane Katrina.(Tip– Off: NEWS FROM THE FIELD)." Parks & Recreation, vol. 40, no. 10, 2005, pp. 24+. Academic OneFile, go.gale This is an academic article that details the effects of Hurricane Katrina on the parks systems of various cities on the gulf coast. For example, the writer examines the state of the parks in Jackson, Mississippi. An interview with the parks director for the area reveals that the parks have been ravaged, and that the winds from Katrina caused $600,000 in fallen tree damage alone to the parks facilities. This information is important because it examines the monetary costs of the damage to the parks facilities of various places affected by Hurricane Katrina. "America's Great Outdoors: Statue of Liberty to Reopen by July 4th Repairs Progressing on Docks, Energy Infrastructure and Other Facilities Damaged by Hurricane Sandy." States News Service, 19 Mar. 2013, pp. 1. Academic OneFile, A322912745&v=2.1&u=tel_a_utl&it=r&p=AONE&sw=w. This is a news article written to inform the public that the damage done to the Liberty Island National Park would be repaired and then the park would be open to the public by July 4th. Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar said that the docks and security systems of the park had been extensively damaged by Hurricane Sandy. He went on to say ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. The Impact Of Ansel Adams On The Conservation Movement Assess the impact of Ansel Adams as an influential figure in the conservation movement Intro America's National Parks are deeply indebted to the American photographer Ansel Adams. Through his masterful photography, he turned Yosemite National Park into an American icon. Ansel spent the majority of his life fighting for the National Parks through intense political activism. He was a key figure in conservation in the United States, beginning in a time when environmental conservation was a rare concept. From a young age he showed uncommon interest in wilderness and the outdoors and grew into one of the personalities most responsible for defining what American wilderness means. In his twenties, Ansel demonstrated incredible mastery of the young art form of photography. Through his friendships and collaboration with other artists and environmentalists and through his many prestigious art shows and published collections he gained fame. He used his fame, strong personal voice and persuasive activism for environmental conservation causes such as ... and for environmental organizations such as the Sierra Club and the Wilderness Society. In particular, Ansel Adams was inspired and captivated by Yosemite at a young age and found the mountains to be his calling. His passion to preserve the park he experienced as a young boy fueled his efforts. Childhood; Yosemite, The Piano and a Camera Born in 1902 and growing up near the dunes of the Golden Gate in San Francisco with mother and ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Outline Template for Apa Guidelines Outline Template (Microsoft Word) Beginning on the next page is an outline template (in Microsoft Word format), which is filled in with a sample to show you what a final outline looks like. Here is how to fill in your own outline: Triple click on a sentence to highlight it. (Or swipe across it with a mouse's left key held down.) Type your sentence. (The original words should automatically disappear; if they don't, use the Delete key to eliminate them.) When you don't need an outline subdivision (such as "C" or "3"), delete the line. When you need to insert a new subdivision, place the cursor at the end of the sentence immediately above where you want to insert, press Enter, go the Style drop–down menu (typically ... Show more content on ... 2. This exposes their young to predators and bad weather. (Transition: Let's summarize.) CONCLUSION I. Summary A. Jet skis should not be allowed in national and state parks. B. They create noise, cause pollution, and harass wildlife. II. Clincher A. Please sign a petition that I will send to our U.S. and state legislators asking them to support a ban. B. When we go to these parks, we have a right to find peace and quiet. BIBLIOGRAPHY Burger, Joanna, Ph.D., professor of biology at Rutgers University. E–mail interview. 5 Oct. 2000. Clemans, John. "Bluewater Blues." Motor Boating & Sailing Mar. 2000: 56. "Guide to Personal Watercraft." National Parks and Conservation Association (Internet site at Retrieved 14 Sept. 2000. (The article includes research by the Environmental Protection Agency; Dr. Joanna Burger, professor of biology at Rutgers University, and Dr. Ken Cordell, wildlife expert at the University of Georgia.) Shaw, Robinson. "Environmental Group Pushes Government to Rid National Parks of Watercraft." Environmental News Network (press release). 3 Sept. 2000. VISUAL AIDS Photo of a jet ski on a lake (PowerPoint slide) Poster showing three main ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Public Parks And National Parks Protected public lands, including national parks, cover a growing 12% of the world's land and a gradually rising amount of marine areas (Dudley, et al. 87). Today, in the United States (U.S.) alone, 59 national parks compromise the country's National Parks System, which was sanctioned by Congress and is managed by National Parks Service (NPS), an agency of the U.S. Department of the Interior. The parks have become a controversial topic in recent legislation because some representatives are lobbying for change in ownership and management of the parks to create more economic return. Although the parks confer multiple benefits and costs on the U.S, perhaps the most contentious area of debate concerns the cost–benefit dichotomy of the parks' collective economic value. While some experts argue that the taxes required to maintain national parks are burdensome, or that management is often ineffective in preserving the parks' economic benefit, others believe that their overall benefit to local communities and the national economy is noteworthy. These debates are often divided along party lines, with conservatives denouncing the parks' costs,especially in restricting individual economic prospects, and liberals urging the federal preservation of the land for its values. Furthermore, solutions to achieve effective governance of public lands, or commons, such as those proposed in the stimulus source"The Struggle to Govern the Commons," can be implemented in order to preclude the ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Social Differences : National Parks And Sustainable Tourism Abbie Smith Kyra Hudson English 2010 13 November 2017 National Parks and Sustainable Tourism National parks provide a highlight for the travel. These lands are set aside as natural beauties, wonders, and even phenomenons. In 2015, more than 307 million people visited the national parks of the United States, a five percent increase from 2014 (Errick). With such an increase in tourism, it becomes ever more important to implement sustainable tourism practices and make travel good for the visitors and the destination. According to the United Nations Organization for Education, Science and Culture, "sustainable tourism is defined as 'tourism that respects both local people and the traveller, cultural heritage and the environment.'" The purposes of national parks are to protect the heritage of the park, protect the environment found within the park, and educate the public. These purposes work hand–in–hand with sustainable tourism, and it only makes sense that these two ideals are combined together. Unsustainable travel does not have just one, foul–proof solution. Rather, several small actions combined together will have profound effect in the evolution of the system. With the help of park services and the individual tourist, we can move to a future in which we have no need to specify some tourism as "sustainable". The first major problem facing the environment in the wake of tourism is air pollution. Many people come to national parks from across the country or even abroad. ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Women In The Colorado Mountains The Colorado Mountains have been home to many strong females throughout history. Worthy of mention are a handful of women who came to the high country for very different reasons, but fell in love with the majestic beauty of the state, making it their permanent home and leaving an indelible mark on the tapestry of its narrative. Two such women were Virginia Donaghe McClurg and Lucy Peabody. Their lives became interlaced in their quest for conservation of the Mesa Verde cliff dwellings, which were to be known later as Mesa Verde National Park. Although they started as allies in their efforts, they later took different stances and even became adversaries at one point. Virginia was from noble descent. She was raised in New York city and enjoyed ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Parks And Recreation Career Research Paper The Parks and Recreation Franchise Pursue a fun career! After one finishes off their high school career with a high school diploma they should plan to attend college. Life is suddenly going to change for them. They do not have to be exactly sure on their career but it is really great to have a good idea on what career to pursue. Career choices will determine how life will be depending on what career is chosen. It would be good to pursue a career in Parks and recreation. When researching the career of Parks and recreation it is important to include the history of the career, the education required, and the positive and negatives of the career. National recreation and park association (NRPA) is the leading ... Show more content on ... Many recreation workers, such as camp counselors or activity specialists, work weekends or part time or irregular hours, or might even be seasonally employed which could be a positive or a negative depending on what someone likes to do .A negative could be seasonal workers might work as few as 90 days or as long as 9 months during a certain season , all depending on where some employed and the type of activities that person leads(Parks Overviews). For example, in areas of the United States that have warm winters, outdoor swimming pools may employ related recreation workers for a majority of the year which again could be a positive or negative all depending on the person(Parks Overviews). In other areas of the country, they may work only during the summer all depending on the positive and negative outlook of that certain person. A con would also be in 2012 median pay was $22,240 which could cause problems when paying bills. A positive would be that the number of jobs were 309,730 so there are plenty of jobs.Employment growth forecast in 2010– 2020 was 19 percent is a great positive because there is a sign of growth(Handbook).with the growth rate. The biggest negative is if there is no proof of a bachelor's degree you most like can not get the job( create A ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. It Has Been Argued That Canadian Environmentalism Occurred It has been argued that Canadian environmentalism occurred in a series of waves throughout the countries growth and development. Upon colonization the Canadian landscape was abundant in resources, the opportunities limitless. Over the course of a century industrialization had swept the nation. The rapid depletion of resources initiated the development of numerous private organizations that sought to control, maintain, and ensure longevity of such resources. This force would continue to reshape along with the industrial demands and ever–changing landscape. It is imperative to provide context regarding the evolution of the environmental movement that took place in Canada, in order to comprehend the role non–governmental organizations played ... Show more content on ... Gradually conservationist efforts of resource preservation developed, characterizing North America's first wave of environmentalism. Individuals involved within Canada's forestry industry developed many of the earliest conservation efforts. The rapid depletion of Canadian forests forced many to advocate for the development of controlled harvesting and reserved areas. By 1900, the Canadian Forestry Association was established. Despite Canada's earliest efforts, their neighbours to the south were generally further advanced with their efforts. Such gap in national efforts can be viewed as a matter of population differences, industrial expansion, and economic circumstances. The American settlements were much further developed in many respects than their counterparts, and had demonstrated anthropogenic harm throughout their growth. In 1909, American President Theodore Roosevelt, invited both Mexico and Canada to join the United States at the North American Conservation Conference. This conference would lead to the establishment of Canada's Commission of Conservation. Canada's Commission of Conservation developed recommendations and environmental ethics that can be viewed as the seeds of modern environmentalism. The development of national parks also illustrates the difference between American and Canadian conservation. In 1885, Banff became Canada's first national park, while their neighbours had established their first national park, ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. The Conservation Of Yellowstone Wildlife Essay Conservation: Yellowstone is extraordinarily large, with 290 waterfalls, 17 rivers and acreage spanning across portions of three states. According to Yellowstone Superintendent Dan Wenk, his park "is at the heart of the largest intact ecosystem in the temperate zone in the United States, if not the world" (interview). It's called the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (GYE) and within its borders lay two national parks (Grand Teton and Yellowstone), four national wildlife refuges, and seven national forests. This important biological reserve is the largest protected area in the lower 48 states and provides critical habitat for some of the world's most iconic wildlife. Unfortunately, many plant and animal species today face endangerment, mainly because their natural habitats are being destroyed. National parks work to conserve wildlife by safeguarding these habitats that provide a safe space for wildlife to breed and survive. The bison are an emblem of the wildness of the West and a Yellowstone icon. A struggling population that was almost extinct at the turn of the century has been successfully recovered. More than 5500 bison now live inside and in areas surrounding Yellowstone park (interview). This park contains the largest concentration of mammals in the lower 48 (interview). In addition to bison, those inhabitants include wolves, lynxes, grizzly bears, foxes, elk and moose (–parks/). Due to the large number of ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Hot Springs Research Papers Did you know that Hot Springs, Arkansas was technically the first National Park? Well, it wasn't actually claimed as a National Park until 1921 after Bath House Row was completed. But Hot Springs was first found as a Federal Reservation in 1832. Currently, there are 20,000 National Park Service employees that care for 401 parks in the world. You can choose from over 22,000 diverse professions. Reports have shown that almost 1.5 million people visit Hot Springs each year. It's import to be a part of the National Park Service because we're in a unique line of work, we need to take care of our parks, and keep our history alive. You take care of many structures that are on park property. There are multiply types of landscaping that has to ... Show more content on ... Our Native American ancestors stumbled upon the hot springs. They referred to it as, "The Valley of the Vapors". The water stays at 143* Fahrenheit and produces almost one million gallons a day. And the water became so famous that in the year 1541 it drew the attention to Hernando Desoto; a well known Spanish conquistador. Somewhere in the 1920's, some of most famous Baseball players had to get a dose of the spa life. Over 250 players would travel to Hot Springs for off season training. They ventured to the bathhouses, ran the mountains, and played ball at Whittington Ball Park. When the Baseball players weren't visiting Hot Springs, some other famous but infamous gang mobsters hid out in Hot Springs. Hot Springs became a town know for prostitution, bootlegging, and illegal gambling. Big name mobsters such as: Al Capone, Frank Costello, Bugs Moran, and Lucky Luciano. All of them used Hot Springs as a hide out when things got tough elsewhere. When Al Capone was in town, he would stay at the Arlington while his rival gang members stayed at the Majestic. Around the year 1927, Al Capone discovered that he had syphilis. He made multiply trips to Hot Springs to bathe in the Bath Houses before he died in ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Samford Island Deforestation Project Proposal Samford is a community located in South East Queensland. The main districts in Samford are Samford Valley and Samford Village. The area is located approximately 21 kilometres north–west of the Brisbane CBD. The Samford region is located in the local government area of the Moreton Bay Regional Council. Samford has a relatively low population, as it is a small village centred community, with plenty of green space and most residents choosing rural residential living (Samford Futures 2011). Samford has a sub–tropical climate, with most of the rainfall occurring during the summer months, from November to February. Samford is easily accessed from Brisbane by Samford Rd, which runs through the Samford State Forest (Queensland Places 2016). Samford is located next to the Samford State Forest, which is part of the greater Brisbane Forest Park. The Forest Park has an area of approximately 26000 hectares, and includes 16 separate recreation zones. The forested areas in Samford are home to a variety of native wildlife and vegetation. The region has a hilly terrain and is surround by the D'Aguilar Range, this range includes Mt ... Show more content on ... An environmental concern would be destroying the natural habitats of endangered species. Loss of natural habitat is the leading threat to these vulnerable species, including the powerful owl (Garnett and Crowely 2000). With the benefits of having the surrounding natural environment, also comes with natural hazards which could affect the tourist facility. The occurrence of natural hazards on the facility could have catastrophic consequences environmentally and economically. Some issues include flooding and bushfires. Appendix D displays the potential of bushfires for development area. Damage to the facility would put it at great financial risk due to the cost of repair. Assessing the site location is key to avoiding this issue. Social and ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. The Role of Zoos in Conservation The roles of Zoos in conservation The main aim of zoos is to protect and conserve global biodiversity and wildlife. To do this they have four roles to play which are; research, conservation, education and welfare. Research: Research is the careful search or inquiry for new facts by scientific study of a subject, through a course of critical investigation. By studying animals we can learn new things about their behaviour and lifestyle. The Secretary of State's Standards of Modern Zoo Practice (SSSMZP) encourage zoos to carry out research. Research can be carried out ex situ or in situ. In situ conservation is defined as: The conservation of ecosystems and natural habitats and the maintenance and recovery of viable populations of species ... Show more content on ... "Zoos try to make the animal's enclosure as interesting as possible. One way of doing this is through ENVIRONMENTAL ENRICHMENT. Enrichment is the use of novel objects or ideas to increase the natural behaviour of the animals. Different objects and methods are used for different animals." (1) The World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA) is the "umbrella" organisation for the world zoo and aquarium community. Whilst recognising the variation in culture and customs within which the WAZA operates, it is incumbent upon all members to exercise the highest standards of animal welfare and to encourage these standards in others. Training staff to the highest level possible represents one method of ensuring this aim. Members of WAZA will ensure that all animals in their care are treated with the utmost care and their welfare should be paramount all times. At all times, any legislated codes for animal welfare should be regarded as minimum standards. Appropriate animal husbandry practices must be in place and sound veterinary care available. When an animal has no reasonable quality of life, it should be euthanized quickly and without suffering. Below are the basic principles for the guidance of all members of the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums: "(i) Assisting in achieving the conservation and survival of species must be the aim of all members of the profession. Any actions taken in relation to an individual animal, e.g. euthanasia or ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Henry David Thoreau's Photography And The Expansion Of... The few voices that did express concern went unheard, that is until the writings of Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, John Burroughs, Sigurd Olson, and Archibald MacLeish (Cantrill & Oravec, 1996; Dunaway, 2005; Neuzil, 2008; Spaulding, 1995). Although Thoreau's writings of the natural world did not have much impact during his lifetime, as discussed later, they did influence many great thinkers that followed. Other notable naturalists and politicians that sought for preservation of the land include John Muir, David Brower, Joseph LeConte, Aldo Leopold, George Perkins Marsh, Gifford Pinchot, also wrote and spoke out about preservation of land, nature, and wildlife. For example, Theodore Roosevelt was one of the most influential writers ... Show more content on ... Promotion of Yosemite for preservation was backed by an unlikely source, supporters of the expansion of the railroad system, "which granted additional land to the Union Pacific and Central Pacific so they could follow through on their grand plans to build a steam–powered transcontinental connection" (Levitt, 2002b, p. 27). Yet, support from railroad interests also led to endless demand for wood and unlimited building both residential and commercial entities that deteriorated America's forests. Awareness for the pristine nature and wildlife in the Yellowstone region received similar accolade and concern for preservation as Yosemite (see Bossen, 1982; DeLuca & Demo, 2000; Jacoby, 2001; National Park Service, 2012). Just as Watkins' compelling photos were influential in the preservation of Yosemite, other photographers were motivated to advocate on behalf of the land. William Henry Jackson made numerous photos of Yellowstone for the U.S. Geological Survey and lobbied Congress for preservation of the region. In 1872, President Ulysses Grant signed into law the Yellowstone Act that set aside more than two million acres of land. This was the first land designated by the federal administration set aside for a national park accessible "for all the nation's people for all time" (Cahn, 1981, p. 129). As retold by history, a variety of activities in ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Grey Wolf Out hunting their human counterparts and scaring passerby, the grey wolf has long been considered a menace. As a predator, many people refuse to view them as a creature to be protected and in an attempt to reduce their population, Congress declared open season on their species, leading their almost being hunted nearly to extinction. At their lowest point, they numbered in at about 1,400 (Center for Biological Diversity); a fraction of their earliest numbers. As an endangered species there are a few programs put in place whose purpose is to maintain/swell the numbers of Canis Lupus in their old regions (Iowa, Wisconsin, and Utah). These programs included the Center for Biological Diversity, the Human Society and the Endangered Species Association. The mandate that allowed the gray ... Show more content on ... Once again Yellowstone harbors all native species of large carnivores––grizzly and black bears, mountain lions, and wolves. Before wolf reintroduction, there was a concerted effort to predict the ecological effects of wolves in Yellowstone (Cook 1993). Has reality, so far, met expectations? The effects of Canis lupus on the ecology of Yellowstone can be seen at all levels. By lowering the deer and elk population, grey wolves have in turn allowed the park to resume normal functionality with the addition of new species. There are reports that after the population runs out of prey, well rather outpaces the predator prey ratio, Canis Lupus presence will once again be a threat to the park. With that being said, their prey's repopulation has inundated the wolves' forward progress, thus slowing town that possibility. By all means, Canis Lupus can be considered a hero. By restoring the balance in the park, Canis Lupus presence can ensure stability and preserve the natural beauty of the park for generations to ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. The Field Trip Report : Translocation Of Native Birds Essay Wenderholm Field Trip Report Abstract Translocation of native birds to offshore islands has been a part of ecological restoration in New Zealand and has started since 1890's. This translocation to mainland islands was started by the Department of Conservation in the year 1995. Wenderholm Regional Park has an area of 60 hectares maintained for ecological restoration. The area has been fenced to prevent the entry of livestock and the pasture land is reforested. The ecology of the park was restored to the status of enabling bird release into the park by reducing the number of predators. North Island robins were introduced into the park in 1999. The productivity rate of the robins was very high. But the dispersal rate has also been high as the young fledged away to nearby habitats. As the park is linked to adjacent forest areas, it makes it easy for bird dispersal into surrounding areas. The result of such translocations is not sure and hence further translocations must consider various factors before any bird introductions. Objectives According to (Wenderholm Regional Park management plan, 1995) the objectives of the Regional Parks Management Plan include species recovery and establishing their populations in the suitable habitat. The management goals of Wenderholm Regional Park involve developing the park as a part of the Regional Parks network and in close ecological association with surrounding landscape. The coastal landscape and forested areas must be protected and ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Environmental Movements in the United States Essay The United States has earned the reputation of a rebellious country since its birth in the revolution against Britain. Over the course of history, Americans have repeatedly confronted oppression, both foreign and national, through various wars and rights movements. Unfortunately, when it comes to environmental issues the average American has grown increasingly complacent. With a renewed urgency, government is working to combat global warming, but lacks the necessary social backing. This social support could be supplied through a new environmental movement that differs from past efforts. Throughout American history there have been three categories of environmental movements: preservation, conservation, and modern reform, all of which have ... Show more content on ... In the course of his lifetime, he was able to "champion protection of the Petrified Forest and the Grand Canyon in Arizona...Yosemite Valley as a national park in 1890, as well as for General Grant and Sequoia national parks" ("John Muir (1838–1914)"). Muir's collaboration with President Theodore Roosevelt not only helped to make these national parks existent, but also developed into part of the "rational use" philosophy that guided environmental policy of the conservation era. The conservation movement coincided with the progressive political era of the late 1800s and early 1900s. Significant figures of this time were George Perkins Marsh and Gifford Pinchot, both who played predominant roles in shaping the rational use policy by calling for simultaneous protection of natural resources and ability to use them for economic purposes. Marsh, an intellectual Vermont– native, wrote on the vital interconnection between humans and nature, calling for a taming or "command of nature," believing it was "important to weigh results and act accordingly" ("George Perkins Marsh: Renaissance Vermonter"). As a professional forester, Pinchot held similar environmental values, boldly declaring "the object of our forest policy is not to preserve the forests because they are refuges for the wild creatures of the wilderness, but the making of prosperous homes...Use must be the test by which the forester tries himself" (Bailey, ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Hussainsagar Hussain Sagar From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Hussain Sagar | | Location | Hyderabad | Coordinates | 17°27′N 78°30′E /  17.45°N 78.5°E/ 17.45; 78.5 | Lake type | artificial lake | Basin countries | India | | Max. depth | 32 ft | Surface elevation | 1,759 ft | | Islands | Buddha Statue (artificial) | Settlements | Hyderabad and Secunderabad | Coordinates: 17°27′N 78°30′E/  17.45°N 78.5°E/ 17.45; 78.5 Hussain Sagar (Telugu: హుస్సే న్ సాగర్) is a lake in Hyderabad, India, built by Hazrat Hussain Shah Wali in 1562, during the rule of Ibrahim Quli Qutb Shah. It was a lake of 24 square kilometres built on a tributary of the River Musi to meet the water and irrigation needs of the city. ... Show more content on ... A project feasibility report has been prepared for the conservation & restoration of Hussain Sagar Lake under National Lake Conservation Plan. The Hussain Sagar Lake has been the centre of Hyderabad civilisation and is among the most beautiful national heritage. It has played a major role in the economy of the State of Andhra Pradesh through its attraction of tourists as well as its utilisation as a source of food and water. As with other urban lakes in India, the Hussain Sagar now serves as one of the main sewage collection zone of the twin cities. Lake in the evening During the past few years grave concern is being voiced by people from different walks of life over the deteriorating conditions of Hussain Sagar Lake. As a result of heavy anthropogenic pressures, the lake eco–systems are not only strengthening in its surface becoming poor in quality, posing health hazards to the people living in close proximity to the lake. Over the years the entire eco– system of Hussain Sagar Lake has changed. The water quality has deteriorated considerably during the last three decades. Over the years the lake has become shallow due to siltation and accumulation of plant debris. Many undesirable changes in the structure of biological communities have resulted and some important species have either declined or completely disappeared. Realising the importance of conservation of Hussain Sagar Lake, a project has ... Get more on ...