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How	to	influence
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-	Table	of	Contents	-		
How	to	Win	Friends	and	Influence	People	 4	
Following	Influential	People	Can	Help	You	Become	Influential	 6	
Connecting	with	People	to	Increase	Your	Influence	 8	
Confidence	Leads	to	Influence	 10	
Avoid	People	Who	Are	Negative	Influencers	 12
How	to	Win	Friends	and	Influence	People	
You	may	recognize	the	title	of	this	article.	It	is	that	of	a	book	written	by	the	late	
Dale	Carnegie.	The	advice	in	the	book	remains	timeless.	
In	no	way	is	this	meant	to	steal	from	the	original	book.	This	was	written	as	a	kind	
of	review	of	the	book	and	as	a	reminder	that	this	book	can	truly	serve	as	a	life	
guide	on	how	to	be	influential.	The	book	spells	out	some	common	sense	
techniques,	yet	many	people	fail	to	implement	them,	even	after	they	have	read	
the	book.	This	is	why	Dale	Carnegie	himself,	suggested	using	the	book	as	a	
reference	after	the	first	read.	It’s	important	to	reinforce	the	techniques	described	
from	time-to-time.	
If	you	haven’t	read	the	book	(and	you	should),	Carnegie	describes	techniques	that	
make	people	want	to	be	with	you.	One	is	the	simple	technique	of	using	
somebody’s	name.	This	requires	that	you	remember	the	name	when	a	person	is	
first	introduced	to	you.	But	once	you	know	the	name,	be	sure	to	use	it	whenever	
you	come	in	contact	with	that	person.	People	value	their	names	more	than	you	
could	possibly	imagine.	The	next	time	someone	says	your	name	when	speaking	to	
you,	pay	attention	to	how	that	makes	you	feel.	It	is	likely	to	make	you	feel	a	
connection	with	that	person	on	a	level	that	you	probably	took	for	granted	in	the	
Another	technique	that	Carnegie	describes	is	to	pay	attention	to	other	peoples’	
likes	and	wants.	If	you	know	somebody	that	is	into	elephants,	for	example,	when	
you	come	across	items	related	to	elephants,	make	that	person	aware	of	it.	
Carnegie	goes	into	much	greater	depth	about	this,	but	you	get	the	general	idea.	
Take	a	genuine	interest	in	others	and	you	will	find	them	drawing	towards	you	
more	and	more.	
The	techniques	described	in	the	book	really	are	common	sense,	but	they	work.	
There	are	several	other	techniques	that	are	described	which	can	really	give	you	
those	influencing	abilities	you	want	to	acquire.	What’s	great	about	his	techniques	
is	they	are	not	difficult	to	incorporate	into	your	life	and	yet	they	have	a	
tremendous	impact	in	how	you	are	looked	upon	by	others.	It	is	almost	magical	at	
how	well	it	works.
It	should	be	noted	that	Carnegie	wrote	the	book	to	help	salespeople	sell	better.	
The	book	was	actually	a	byproduct	of	a	course	he	developed	with	the	same	
motivation.	You	do	not	need	to	be	a	salesperson	to	take	advantage	of	the	
techniques	contained	in	this	book.
Following	Influential	People	Can	Help	You	
Become	Influential	
If	you	want	to	be	more	influential	follow	people	that	are	themselves	influential.	
When	people	have	skills	that	you	don’t	possess,	learning	about	why	those	people	
have	them	will	set	in	motion	the	steps	needed	to	gain	those	skills.	
The	internet	has	made	it	much	easier	to	follow	these	influencers	than	ever	
before.	It	is	as	simple	as	clicking	the	follow	button	on	Twitter,	for	example.	But	
simply	following	is	not	enough.	You	need	to	keep	up-to-date	on	what	they	are	
One	quality	that	is	typically	found	in	people	who	are	influential	is	that	they	are	
positive.	They	find	the	positives	in	everything	they	do	or	see.	It’s	rare	for	them	to	
be	negative	unless	it	is	to	help	people	overcome	some	problem	or	offering	
constructive	criticism.	Even	then,	they	tend	to	be	as	positive	as	possible	when	
approaching	these	situations.	
Another	fantastic	quality	of	influencers	is	that	they	are	great	listeners.	They	pay	
attention	to	what	people	have	to	say	and	they	try	to	shape	the	situation	
according	to	what	they	hear.	If	someone	is	having	a	problem,	the	influencers	take	
heed	and	try	to	do	everything	in	their	power	to	help	with	that	problem.	
One	aspect	of	influential	people	is	that	they	always	give	way	more	than	the	ask	
for.	They	reach	out	to	more	people	and	more	often.	They	freely	offer	information	
that	they	know	will	make	a	difference	in	peoples’	lives.	Receivers	of	this	influence,	
will	themselves	pass	on	this	information	or	they	will	make	it	known	how	the	
influencers	helped	them.	Sometimes	it	can	be	just	words	spoken	by	the	
influencers	that	can	alter	how	people	approach	their	situations	going	forward.	
Staying	active	within	your	networks	and	communities	is	important	to	become	
more	influential.	You	can’t	just	expect	to	post	a	couple	of	links	on	a	social	network	
and	then	expect	the	world	to	come	knocking	at	your	door.	The	information	you	
share	needs	to	help	people	in	ways	that	they	never	imagined.	Seek	out	people	
that	are	looking	for	help	with	something	that	you	are	familiar	with,	and	you	
simply	offer	them	ways	to	solve	that	problem.	You	will	then	become	influential	
with	all	the	people	that	you	help.
Following	and	learning	what	influential	people	do	and	say	will	go	a	long	way	in	
helping	you	become	more	influential	yourself.	It’s	not	that	difficult	but	may	
require	altering	the	way	you	approach	certain	situations.	In	the	end,	the	effort	is	
definitely	worth	it.
Connecting	with	People	to	Increase	Your	
There	is	no	doubt	that	taking	the	one	step	of	connecting	with	more	people	will	
improve	your	influence.	This	means	more	than	just	having	someone	sign	up	to	
your	newsletter	or	follow	you	on	social	networks.	It	means	going	the	extra	mile	
and	reaching	out	to	people,	helping	them	using	any	means	possible,	and	
sometimes	just	talking	to	them.	
It	such	a	simple	concept,	yet	one	that	eludes	a	lot	of	people.	Too	often,	the	focus	
of	connection	is	to	try	and	sell.	This	should	be	the	last	possible	motivation	when	
making	your	connections.	There	is	nothing	wrong	with	trying	to	make	some	
money	using	your	connections.	You	just	need	to	take	the	right	measures	when	
hooking	up	with	people.	
The	operative	word	when	connecting	with	others	is	give.	Always	be	willing	to	give	
way	more	than	you	take.	Become	the	person	everyone	wants	to	hit	up	for	
answers	to	their	questions.	Learn	about	what	people	are	looking	for	and	give	it	to	
them.	Send	them	a	personal	email	stating	that	you	found	what	they	were	looking	
for.	This	goes	a	long	way	and	deviates	from	the	standard	autoresponder	email	
When	you	take	the	extra	measure	to	reach	out	to	people	on	a	personal	level,	they	
take	notice	and	let	others	know	about	it	as	well.	The	more	this	happens	the	more	
you	become	the	resource	that	people	will	rely	on.	When	this	happens,	selling	
becomes	almost	a	joke.	They	know	who	you	are	and	are	so	overly	comfortable	
with	you	that	you	practically	don’t	even	have	to	ask	for	the	sale.		
This	is	not	to	say	that	once	you’ve	developed	that	trust	that	you	can	sell	them	any	
old	product	just	to	rake	in	some	money.	This	may	work	in	the	short	term,	but	
people	will	catch	on	quickly	and	you	will	lose	your	influence	quicker	than	you	can	
blink	an	eye.	Whatever	you	decide	to	sell,	make	sure	it	is	high	quality	and	relevant	
what	your	connections	are	looking	for.	This	will	be	easy	to	determine	based	on	
the	conversations	that	you	had	with	them	in	the	past.	
Another	unintended	consequence	(a	good	one)	that	will	happen	as	you	increase	
your	influence,	is	that	you	can	help	others	to	do	the	same.	When	you	find	people
that	are	trying	to	build	their	connections	and	they	are	doing	so	in	the	manners	
described	here,	you	can	help	them	along	by	hooking	them	up	with	your	
connections.	They	will	be	eternally	grateful	for	your	efforts	in	this	regard.
Confidence	Leads	to	Influence	
Becoming	confident	is	a	big	step	in	being	more	influential.	When	you	exude	
confidence,	that	will	show	through	to	others.	They	will	have	no	choice	but	to	see	
you	as	someone	that	has	a	handle	on	situations.	
The	good	news	is	confidence	is	not	something	you	are	born	with.	Sure,	some	
people	naturally	are	confident	and	it	is	easier	for	them	to	be	that	way.	Confidence	
is	something	that	can	be	learned.	It	may	take	rethinking	some	of	your	beliefs	but	
it	is	possible.	
The	first	step	towards	being	confident	is	to	learn	as	much	as	you	can	about	the	
situations	you	are	in.	Knowledge	is	power.	If	you	have	the	necessary	knowledge,	
you	will	be	in	a	position	to	answer	questions	that	arise.	This	makes	you	
authoritative	in	the	minds	of	those	that	are	not	as	well	versed.	Few	can	argue	
with	you	when	you	have	that	authority.	
Next	up	is	to	define	what	you	want	to	accomplish.	Know	what	the	desired	end	
result	should	be	and	work	back	from	that.	Many	people	try	to	wing	it	and	go	with	
the	flow,	thinking	that	the	results	will	come	to	them	naturally.	While	that	can	
work	once	in	a	while,	usually,	it’s	more	effective	when	you	know	what	you	want	
right	from	the	start.	
After	you	determine	what	you	want	to	accomplish,	you	can	map	out	a	plan	in	the	
form	of	goals	and	milestones.	By	breaking	down	the	process	into	smaller	tasks,	it	
becomes	more	manageable.	This	will	easily	add	to	your	confidence	levels	because	
those	smaller	tasks	will	be	easier	to	complete.	It’s	also	a	great	feeling	each	time	
one	of	those	milestones	are	met.	
Nothing	is	set	in	stone	and	there	is	room	for	change	when	you	make	up	your	plan.	
Part	of	confidence	is	knowing	when	something	isn’t	working	and	to	have	the	
courage	to	adjust.	By	doing	this	quickly,	you	will	not	lose	face.	In	fact,	when	you	
make	the	decision	to	change	you	will	show	that	you	maintain	the	confidence	
needed.	No	one	can	be	right	100%	of	the	time.	The	key	is	to	try	not	to	be	wishy-
washy	when	altering	your	path.	Be	firm	on	why	you	are	changing	and	make	the	
decision	quickly.
Taking	the	steps	to	becoming	more	confident	is	entirely	plausible.	Confidence	will	
naturally	lead	to	becoming	more	influential.	It	takes	commitment	and	time.	But	
the	rewards	are	simply	too	great	to	ignore.
Avoid	People	Who	Are	Negative	
One	of	the	best	ways	to	become	more	influential	is	to	avoid	people	who	are	not.	
These	people	are	not	only	negative	but	are	determined	to	bring	you	down.	In	
some	sense,	these	people	could	be	considered	influential	but	the	influence	is	
negative.	This	type	of	influence	will	never	get	you	to	a	place	that	you	want	to	be.	
It	will	only	serve	to	turn	people	away	from	you.	
You’ll	recognize	these	negative	influencers	as	people	who	are	never	happy	in	any	
situation.	They	will	give	many	reasons	why	nothing	will	work	and	they	will	never	
give	any	suggestions	on	what	can	be	done	that	will.	
Negative	influencers	are	also	chronic	complainers.	Whatever	you	try	to	tell	them,	
they	will	shoot	down	in	a	moment’s	notice.	They	don’t	want	things	to	work	out	
because	they	wouldn’t	have	anything	to	complain	about.	
It	will	be	relatively	easy	to	cut	off	exposure	to	negative	people	who	are	only	
acquaintances.	There	is	little	to	no	emotional	bonds	that	have	been	developed.	
You	can	easily	unfollow	these	connections	on	social	media	and	simply	don’t	
answer	any	calls	that	they	make	to	you.	
For	friends	who	you’ve	known	for	a	while,	who	also	happen	to	be	negative	
influencers,	it	may	be	more	difficult	to	break	the	ties.	Some	of	these	friends	may	
not	have	been	negative	the	whole	time	of	your	friendship.	You	may	remember	
when	they	were	more	positive	and	fun	to	be	with.	You	may	also	believe	there	is	
the	possibility	of	turning	them	around.	This	is	challenging,	but	you	will	need	to	
make	the	decision	if	you	want	to	become	more	influential.	The	negative	people	
are	not	going	to	be	your	allies	towards	this	end.	
Negative	people	want	to	see	you	fail.	They	will	give	you	reasons	why	whatever	
you	are	trying	to	implement	will	not	work.	They	want	you	to	fail	because	if	you	
actually	made	it	work,	you	would	take	away	their	excuse	and	make	them	look	
bad.	They	are	all	about	excuses.	Sometimes,	they	may	even	seem	well-
intentioned.	But	the	results	of	their	negativity	are	the	same.
If	you	want	to	gain	influence	in	a	positive	way,	you	will	need	to	associate	yourself	
from	the	negative	influencers.	Maintaining	a	positive	attitude	is	challenging	when	
you	have	a	Debbie	Downer	constantly	picking	away	at	your	psyche.	As	for	losing	
friends	in	the	process,	ask	yourself	just	how	good	could	these	friends	be	if	they	
are	dragging	you	down.	You	owe	it	to	yourself	to	steer	clear	of	these	types	of	

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Anthony Dahanne
In 2015, I used to write extensions for Joomla, WordPress, phpBB3, etc and I ...
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Tier1 app
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