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Lee      Hi, my name is Lee Bienstock and I competed in Season 5 of Donald
         Trump’s The Apprentice. As you may know, I ended up landing my dream
         job with the Trump organization. I now work for Trump Mortgage as their
         Associate Vice-President of Corporate Development and I’m sure that my
         entrepreneurial background and experience in all kinds of businesses over
         the years led to that success. And today I’m interviewing Andrew Lock,
         who has become known as the Renegade Auction Seller. Now, he’s also
         the author of the book EBay Exposed. Andrew’s EBay strategies and
         techniques are truly revolutionary, so much so that they are causing quite a
         stir in the EBay community. As an entrepreneur myself, I have a passion
         for unusual and even renegade business strategies, a lot of which I
         employed while on The Apprentice.        That’s one of the reasons I was
         attracted so much to the system that Andrew’s used for success on EBay.
         So, welcome Andrew. I’m looking forward to hearing more about your
         system. So tell me, how did you first develop your unusual strategies for
         profiting on EBay?

Andrew   Well, let me say first of all Lee, it’s certainly a pleasure to speak with you
         today and I’d definitely like to congratulate you on your job appointment
         with Trump.

Lee      Thank you!

Andrew   I don’t know whether you know this, but I was in the audience the night of
         that finale show in Los Angeles and the atmosphere was just electric, wasn’t

Lee      It was amazing, you know, I was just so much into the zone. My parents,
         grandparents – everyone was in the audience. I was so much into the zone I
         didn’t even pay attention to any of that. I tried to even zone out the
         thousands of people that were in the audience because going on live TV was
         pretty nerve-wracking.
Andrew   Your parents were very lively and passionate.

Lee      Yeah, they did a spoof on them on Leno.

Andrew   Oh, did they?

Lee      Yeah, they did a spoof on my parents and my family and everyone else that
         was in the audience on Leno.

Andrew   Yes, it was really nice to see that because they were so supportive of you
         and I think it’s great that you were able to land your dream job.

Lee      Well, thank you, I appreciate that.

Andrew   So, in answer to your question, I’m a very logical thinker, but I also think
         outside of the box and one of the things that I identified with that you did on
         The Apprentice was, when you worked on pulling in these big deals, you
         know, selling in larger quantities of an item rather than selling in ones and
         twos – it was that kind of thinking outside the box and analyzing a better
         way of selling on EBay, that’s what would led me to think that most EBay
         sellers are doing it wrong and so there’s a far bigger opportunity than most
         of them realize.

Lee      Yeah, I definitely understand what you’re saying. I was reading over all the
         materials that you have and they’re phenomenal. It seems like I’ve been
         doing everything wrong and when you think that most sellers are doing it
         wrong, you know, obviously they think they’re making money and I know
         I’ve made a tiny amount selling whatever garage items I’ve had but not
         truly – everyone is doing it wrong.
Andrew   Well, you’re right in that some sellers are making some money but in actual
         fact, the number that are profiting in any kind of substantial way are far
         lower than most people imagine. In fact, there’s what I consider to be seven
         major reasons why most EBay sellers end up giving up. And you have to
         remember that EBay is attracting a continual stream – I think the last figure
         they quoted was about 50’000 new sign-ups every day, so they’re attracting
         a lot of people in the front end – a huge amount – but what they don’t tell
         you is that they’re losing a lot the other end from people who have just
         given up. So there’s seven reasons that I’ve identified why most EBay
         sellers end up giving up. They are, number one, the source of goods dries
         up or becomes unreliable; that often happens. Number two, the EBay and
         Paypal fees become too high because they don’t know how to manage
         they’re auctions effectively to reduce the fees. The third one is that their
         own customer service is lacking and they accumulate too many negative
         feedbacks. Again, people just don’t understand what we would consider to
         be fundamental –

Lee      So basic.

Andrew   Yeah, the ways of looking after a customer.

Lee      Exactly.

Andrew   You may have experienced this yourself, if you ask an EBay seller a
         question about an item, very often they’ll reply with a curt, one or two word
         response and that’s not the way to win customers, so sooner or later, people
         start to get these negative feedbacks.

Lee      Yes, you see that very often with EBay and over the internet – there’s no
         accountability, there’s never a face-to-face interaction and it’s so myopic –
         they say ‘oh I’m just selling this once’, they’re really losing an on-going
         customer and that’s really what’s going to propel bigger money and more
revenue in that you’re continually having someone come back to buy from
         you and recommend you, saying ‘oh, I’ve purchased something from that
         person before’. It’s just so myopic to think that you’re going to screw the
         customer once, or not even screw the customer – just have terrible customer
         service and it’s just a basic business practice.

Andrew   Yeah, I’m sure you understand that principle being an entrepreneur and also
         in your business with Trump Mortgage.

Lee      Customer is always right.

Andrew   It doesn’t really matter what the business is – it’s just basic. But again,
         many people don’t realize that when you accumulate even just one or two
         negative feedbacks, it has such a drastic effect on your EBay business that
         you might as well just start again, because people just won’t buy from you
         once they see too many negatives. So the fourth reason is that a competitor
         starts selling the same product cheaper and I see this one over and over
         again because people fall into the price trap; they think that the only reason
         customers buy is to have the cheapest price and that just isn’t true. It’s a
         mindset – we have to get out of that thinking that customers only buy on
         price: there’s plenty of other reasons why customers buy and if a competitor
         starts selling the same product cheaper, then oftentimes that will just destroy
         a person’s EBay business because they will just try to undercut, undercut
         until the margin is eliminated and there’s no profit left anymore.

Lee      Exactly.

Andrew   Now number five is when a product trend goes out of fashion. A lot of
         people I see on EBay, they jump on these bandwagons of trends and the
         classic one I like to refer to is Beanie Babies – you remember those? It was
         huge, wasn’t it, for a time and people couldn’t sell them fast enough – it
         was extraordinary.
Lee      I had a couple of Beanie Babies – I’ll admit it! It’s the same sort of thing –
         these Tickle Me Elmo dolls and all these other things, people couldn’t get
         them fast enough but after a while they just go out of fashion.

Andrew   That’s it, and so if you put all your eggs in one basket… I know a guy who
         made a lot of money with Beanie Babies but when the trend stopped, he had
         an enormous stock and he lost a huge amount of money.

Lee      What can you do with them after that?

Andrew   Well, he couldn’t even give them away. It was crazy. He had to move on
         to something else but because he didn’t see the end of that trend or he
         thought that the trend would continue forever, he lost out bigtime. That
         often happens. The number six reason is that people resent being tied down
         and what happens is that a lot of people go after the EBay dream but they
         don’t set it up properly. The way I teach people to do it is so that they can
         have it on autopilot so that it’s not a problem when they want to go away –
         it will just continue to run. The trap that most people fall into is continuing
         to ship physical products by the truckload so that they’re processing
         anything from twenty to hundreds of orders a day – what happens when
         they want to go on vacation? And they end up resenting that and so they
         just –

Lee      Give up.

Andrew   They give up, yeah. So then the last point – the last reason for failure – is
         that they lack a system and the intense physical effort that’s involved –
         particularly in listing one by one products, you know, individual products –
         is ridiculously time-consuming and most people just-
Lee      Give up, they give up. Yeah, I know that when I’m on EBay, if I can’t
         figure it out, I just give up.

Andrew   Yeah, it’s a hassle.

Lee      Right.

Andrew   So that causes a lot of people to fail too, so seven major reasons there why
         most EBay sellers give up.

Lee      Yeah, I can see myself identifying with a couple of those! So what is it
         about EBay, in your opinion, that makes it so powerful?

Andrew   Well, this is something I could talk all day about. The benefits of building
         an EBay business – the right way, I should say – are extraordinary. In my
         opinion, it’s one of the fastest, easiest, and most profitable ways to set up
         any online business. So if an internet business appeals, I think that EBay is
         the way to go and I’ll give you just one reason why, which I think is just
         extraordinary. Everyone naturally thinks of Google as the largest search
         engine online, don’t they?

Lee      Of course.

Andrew   A few people might dispute that but actually, EBay announced in a recent
         seminar that they now process more searches on average per day than

Lee      Wow.

Andrew   Which makes EBay now the largest search engine. If people grasp this
         point - EBay searches are all potential buyers, which is another huge thing.
         You can’t say the same thing for Google.
Lee      And a lot of people advertise on Google but a lot of people are just going on
         there for research and not actually for buying a product.

Andrew   Exactly. And I’ve got personal friends who are spending tens of thousands
         – even fifty thousand dollars a month on Google Adsen which is crazy.

Lee      I guess people might be making a lot of money off that but EBay might be
         better served….

Andrew   Yeah, so the fact that you’ve now got the largest collection of buyers online
         of any website, all in this one location, and all you have to do is slot
         whatever it is you sell in front of these people – and that’s what I teach
         people to do in this system – that’s proven to work for just about any
         product or service, and you’ve seen that through the materials that you’ve

Lee      You can sell service on EBay?

Andrew   Absolutely. Very few people realize that you can sell just about anything –
         I’ve seen some pretty weird and wacky auctions. You may have heard of
         fighter jets being sold on EBay and – you know, it’s pretty crazy – down to
         the grilled cheese sandwich with the virgin Mary on it. You know, as long
         as it falls in line with EBay’s policies, and they have a list of items that you
         can and can’t sell, you can sell just about anything and that does include

Lee      It seems like you can just about sell anything.

Andrew   Yeah, I mean there’s obvious things which you can and can’t sell, like
         counterfeit goods and firearms, you know – the obvious things – alcohol,
         because you don’t know who’s on the receiving end. But other than that…
Lee      It makes sense.

Andrew   It’s wide open.

Lee      I had no idea that EBay had become such an amazing resource – it seems
         like it’s become, in a sense, the ultimate shopping mall where you can buy
         just about anything you want, is that right?

Andrew   Yes, absolutely. In fact, when my wife and I are thinking about any major
         purchase, EBay is the first place we look and every year we actually save
         tens of thousands of dollars by buying direct from reputable sellers. And I
         guess it’s a relatively minor thing in the course but I also explain-

Lee      How to find reputable sellers?

Andrew   Yes, but also how to become a reputable seller because like any huge
         marketplace it has a small percentage of sellers who are unscrupulous and
         so on, but if you work it smart and you know how to identify the reputable
         sellers, you’ll never have a problem. So far there hasn’t been any item that
         we haven’t been able to find on EBay, so I encourage listeners to check it
         out from that perspective too, of saving money on things that they buy. It’s
         pretty astonishing what you can buy on EBay these days.

Lee      Well, I mean, we were talking about EBay’s policies and acceptable items
         and I have to ask you, what is EBay’s view of the system that you teach?
         Does it break any of their rules?

Andrew   Great question, and I get that a lot, as you might imagine, because it’s so
         revolutionary and I’m referred to as the Renegade Auction Seller. The
         thing is, I have a great relationship with EBay – I’ve actually been trained
         as one of their Education Specialists – and I certainly don’t advocate or
encourage that anyone break EBay’s rules. To do that would be short-
         sighted and, in all honesty, I would say that would I teach does go to the
         edge of some of EBay’s policies and some areas are viewed as gray areas
         within EBay, but I definitely encourage people to run their businesses in a
         legal, ethical way and, like I said, to break EBay’s rules would just be
         pointless. If you’re planning to have a longterm, successful business, stay
         within the rules. Yes, go up to the edge of them – there’s nothing wrong
         with that – and it makes sense to exploit those things, but don’t go over that
         edge, and then you’ll have a successful business.

Lee      I’m known to go along with the rules, but to go to the edge and oftentimes
         that’s where you’ll find the success. But like you said, if you break EBay’s
         rules, they’d probably throw you out pretty quick!

Andrew   They absolutely do.

Lee      They’ll fire you on the spot!

Andrew   Absolutely, and I saw that tendency with you. Definitely because of your
         entrepreneurial background - you had more of an entrepreneurial
         background than many of the candidates that were on the same season of
         The Apprentice as you. I love the program; I learned such a lot myself –
         not just through the positive things but actually from learning through other
         people’s mistakes too, it was very beneficial.

Lee      I agree. I also learn a lot from mistakes, even from past contestants.

Andrew   Absolutely. Did you have opportunity to review previous episodes?

Lee      Yes – I have the first season on DVD, so I watched that. I also watched
         some of the other episodes that I could get my hands on and I read the
         books – you really get to see Mr Trump looks for, what other mistakes
people fell into previously and you try not to make those mistakes. That’s
         not to say that it’s not easy to fall into the same mistakes – it certainly is –
         and I found myself doing that at times, you know, people make mistakes but
         it’s important to learn from other people’s mistakes and that sometimes can
         add years of experience that you don’t actually have.

Andrew   Did you actually look at your series afterwards? That must have been

Lee      Oh, of course, I was like ‘I can’t believe I did that’ and ‘I can’t believe I
         came up with that great idea’ so sometimes you watch yourself and it’s like
         you’re watching a home video. You know, when you’re looking at it,
         you’re like ‘I can’t believe I did that’ and it’s so stressful and you’re not
         getting any sleep and you’re not eating much.

Andrew   Yeah, I saw that – it’s like you get worn down through the process, don’t

Lee      Yes, some of the people even said they were relieved to hear they were

Andrew   I can understand that.

Lee      Yeah, so… I know that one of the benefits of your system is vastly reduced
         EBay and Paypal fees. Surely they can’t be too happy that that’s one of the
         benefits of the system that you teach?

Andrew   What I always say about this is that if there’s a choice between paying more
         or less fees – legally – which one would yo choose?

Lee      Of course!
Andrew   If you take the advice you can – legally and legitimately – pay less. And, in
         the grand scheme of things, out of 200 million or so registered EBay users,
         my students aren’t even going to make a dent in the overall profits of EBay
         because we’re talking about less than one percent of sellers that I have
         influence over in terms of these strategies, so it’s really a tiny drop in the
         ocean of the EBay marketplace. I guess they wouldn’t be happy if everyone
         was using this system, but they know that they have nothing to worry about.

Lee      Right. And I’ve heard you relate what most EBay sellers are doing to being
         invited to a sumptuous buffet, only to ignore the food on the table. They eat
         the scraps on the floor and then they just leave. Can you explain what you
         mean by that? It’s an interesting metaphore – what do you mean by that?

Andrew   Well, I liken it to the fact that most sellers say they look for junk around the
         home and they sell that, and that’s the scraps on the floor. That’s fine to
         start with but it’s certainly no way to set up or run a business because
         everyone runs out of that kind of stuff to sell; you know, there’s a limit to it.
         And so most people are blinkered to only see those leftover scraps, as it
         were, rather than the much bigger picture of this sumptuous buffet of
         profitable items that they could benefit from selling, so that’s basically the
         gist of what I meant by that.

Lee      We touched on this earlier but I’m an entrepreneur at heart – I attribute a lot
         of my success to that – and a lot of people have said that I’m successful
         because I have an entrepreneurial spirit. I love discovering interesting and
         fun ways of making money, so would you say your Renegade course is
         designed for entrepreneurs?

Andrew   Oh, absolutely. I definitely believe that having an entrepreneurial leaning
         or background in any shape or form is an advantage. You know, if you’re
         the sort of person who sits locked in a cubicle and is happy to just do your
         nine to five stint and go home and watch tv for the rest of the night, then
this is probably not for you. And I don’t mean to be negative at all, because
         that’s absolutely fine – people are different. Entrepreneurial thinking, as
         you are well aware, is a certain way of thinking that makes you more open
         to new ideas, new ways of doing things, and you’re just continually
         thinking outside the box. I’ve also discovered that a lot of people are
         content to make just a few hundred or a few thousand extra dollars each
         month, in addition to what else they’re doing. Maybe they do have an
         entrepreneurial background, but they just want a steady job as well and my
         course allows them to do that. So the course caters for both the serious
         entrepreneur who’s going to run with it and dominate a category on EBay -
         which they can do with the system - as well as the more casual seller, again
         someone who has an entrepreneurial leaning, and understands that EBay is
         one of the easiest ways to make a supplementary income.

Lee      Right. And the term ‘Powerseller’ – I mean, to me I feel like I really want
         to be a Powerseller, but I understand that you dissuade people from
         becoming a Powerseller – why is that?

Andrew   Yes, for those of you who don’t know, Powerseller is EBay’s title for
         someone who sells more than a thousand dollars worth of stuff for at least
         three consecutive months, and once they’ve done that they become a
         Powerseller, and they need to maintain that. And there are different levels
         of Powerseller, up to someone who sells at least one hundred fifty thousand
         dollars worth of goods and services each month.

Lee      Wow.

Andrew   Now, that all sounds impressive –

Lee      Yeah! I want to be a Powerseller!
Andrew   Right, well, it’s actually a big myth. What you have to remember, or
         understand, is that having that gross income doesn’t necessarily mean that
         you’re profitable. You see, you can be a Powerseller by EBay’s definition,
         and be making a huge loss at the same time! So being a Powerseller, in
         itself, is not as prestigious as it’s made out to be once you start to analyze
         what it actually means. That’s one side of it. Actually of more serious
         concern to the EBay seller is the fact that once you become a Powerseller,
         you immediately attract the attention of other sellers, who start to copy what
         you’re doing because there are people who trawl EBay looking for
         Powersellers, because they reason ‘these are the people who are making all
         the money – I’m just going to copy what they do’. So the short answer is,
         don’t become a Powerseller, because you open yourself up to be copied. I
         attained Powerseller status easily within that three month period when I first
         started out but then I started to realize, hang on, what benefits am I getting
         from being a Powerseller? It’s just a title. And if it’s the difference
         between having a successful business and staying underground, staying
         under the EBay radar and the radar of predators, as it were, or having this
         fancy title – to me it’s a no-brainer. So in the Renegade Auction Seller
         course, I discuss this very point in detail and I also review other reasons
         why it’s not advisable to be a Powerseller. And I explain how sellers
         should be operating as an alternative. So, I think just this one point alone in
         this interview probably blows the lid off most EBay sellers ideas about how
         to operate!

Lee      Exactly. And it seems like your system really teaches from your experience
         – I’m curious, what more can you tell me about the Renegade system?

Andrew   It works on the principle that it’s easier to sell to existing customers, kind of
         going back to what we were talking about earlier.

Lee      About customer service?
Andrew   Right. It’s much easier to sell to existing customers than to continually find
         new ones, but most people don’t do that – they sell one product after
         another after another to different people each time. And all those past
         customers – they’re just distant memories. And so my system is about
         attracting customers in the first place using Renegade methods, different
         methods, and methods that are very inexpensive on EBay fees, and then
         continue to sell to them over and over and over again.

Lee      Repeat customers.

Andrew   Exactly. So it’s actually a three-step system - which I refer to as the H3
         system - for EBay. Whereas most sellers treat EBay as this online garage
         sale – I think that’s very familiar to most people, to view EBay that way.

Lee      Of course.

Andrew   My system, what it mean is that the seller uses this three-step process to
         first of all tap into EBay’s enormous visitor traffic – like we said, bigger
         than Google – to hook customers that share an interest in a specific subject.
         So effectively, you’re just getting people to raise their hands – you’re
         saying, ‘is anyone out there interested in….’ whatever it is. And they raise
         their hands and say, ‘yes, that’s me’. Then you quickly grab them, using
         the processes that I describe. You hide them off EBay - that’s the second
         ‘H’ - in what I like to refer to as a protected zone, so in other words, other
         sellers can’t reach them and sell to them.

Lee      So you eliminate the competition.

Andrew   Right, exactly. And then the third step – the third ‘H’ – is to hold onto them
         for many years by continually serving them a very high quality diet of
         information-based products or services until their appetite is fully satisfied.
         And what I’d like to emphasize is that my system is about developing a
very successful, long-term business. It’s not for the person who wants a fly-
         by-night, come and go income, because what you sell has to be high quality.
         If you’re selling rubbish, then this isn’t going to work for you.

Lee      And when you look at the system, you do get a lot of information – you
         learn when the best time to put a listing up is, when’s the best time to take
         down a listing, what’s the best way of selling items on EBay.

Andrew   Exactly – all the work’s been done for you. This could be years of research
         time if you did it yourself but it’s really the shortcut system to success.

Lee      Yeah, and on the tv show – on The Apprentice – we constantly had to be on
         our toes or be fired by Mr Trump.

Andrew   As we saw! Out of interest, what do you call him now? Do you call him
         Mr Trump or..?

Lee      I call him Mr Trump, everyone calls him Mr Trump, you know, that’s just
         the way it is. Even the people that have been with him for thirty years – he
         just commands this respect.

Andrew   Oh yeah – such an authority figure, isn’t he?

Lee      Oh yes. On the show, as viewers probably saw, the working environment
         we were in was continually changing and we had to adapt quickly and I
         look at me before, you know, we weren’t eating or sleeping and it was so
         fast-paced and in a similar way, EBay strikes me as a continually evolving
         marketplace where you have to keep focused and aware of the changes.

Andrew   Well, I quickly realized early on that I would have to provide a means for
         sellers to keep up to date with the latest changes on EBay because it’s a
         fluid marketplace and obviously there’s new and successful strategies that I
continually develop and so my solution to that challenge to keep up to date
         with all the constant changes was to develop a monthly printed publication,
         which is called the Renegade Auction Seller Insider.            And that’s a
         newsletter; we have monthly interview CD’s with successful underground
         EBay sellers and entrepreneurs, like yourself, that most people would never
         know about because they’re underground. So these are people that you
         would never ever come across if you were just searching EBay – we’ve
         developed good relationships with these people and they know that it’s very
         very strictly limited information – it’s not going to be broadcast out there to
         millions of people. And this Auction Seller Insider newsletter, it covers
         these Renegade strategies that are distributed to some of the top sellers on
         EBay to keep them informed and educated on little-known ways to profit
         from EBay and one of the things that I’ve discovered is that there are
         countless ways to profit from EBay. You know, people get into this trap of
         thinking well, you just sell one product…

Lee      When, really, you run into the same problems we spoke about earlier.

Andrew   Right. So there’s plenty of room for all of us still to profit from EBay and
         so, by means of this newsletter, these sellers all get to share this Insider
         information. They receive it way before other sellers even identify these
         tricks and tips and techniques, and so it gives them a real positive

Lee      That’s great. We talked about it a little earlier – one of the other aspects of
         The Apprentice was that – quite unique for our group - we were able to go
         back and get the DVD and watch all the previous episodes, because the
         show had already been aired several times so we were able to learn from the
         mistakes of other contestants, and there were a lot of them. And sure, we
         made our mistakes as well, but that was definitely a big help to be able to go
         back and say, wow, that was a huge mistake – I don’t want to fall into that
pitfall, and so how important do you think it is for EBay sellers to be able to
         learn from the mistakes of other sellers?

Andrew   Yeah, I think that’s a great point that you bring up and you’re very sensible
         and wise to go back and watch them – you can learn so much. I see so
         many sellers making fundamental mistakes, to the extent where really it’s a
         bit like the blind leading the blind because you’ve got this situation where,
         without exaggerating, you’ve got 99.9999% of EBay sellers who are doing
         it wrong. And even though some of them are making money – and some of
         them are making decent money – they’re actually doing it the hard way,
         because when you talk to them, they’ve got countless employees and big
         warehouses and yes, they’re making money but at a cost, and they could be
         doing it so much easier. Within my EBay business, it’s myself and my wife
         – that’s all we need. Who wants to be bogged down with employees? It’s a
         hassle. And so, it’s essential not to assume others are doing it right just
         because you see them selling on EBay. Like I said, when you start to get
         into the nitty gritty, you realize that actually, they’re exasperated at how
         complicated their business is. And we’ve established already that a lot of
         people are losing money, even though they retain the Powerseller status, the
         title. You know, nice to have that, but they’re losing money! So we want
         to avoid all those mistakes and that’s what the course is about.

Lee      So with mistakes, can you give us some examples? What are people doing

Andrew   Sure, yeah, how long have we got?! I don’t mean that unkindly at all – it’s
         actually frustrating to me, it really is, when I see the terrible situations that
         sellers find themselves in. It makes me upset. Let’s talk about an example:
         one common mistake I see people make over and over again is in setting a
         reserve price for an auction. I honestly think that EBay should just scrap
         that facility or feature because reserves are a complete waste of time. All
         they do is turn people away because no one wants to be bothered with
bidding on an auction where there’s a reserve, because if you have an
         auction with a reserve, you never know where that reserve is going to be.

Lee      Oh, they don’t tell you that.

Andrew   No, they don’t tell you. And so you end up with a situation that benefits no
         one. Another common mistake I see sellers make is to copy someone else’s
         image – you know the little thumbnail gallery picture?

Lee      Yeah, yeah.

Andrew   So what happens with that is that you end up with ten, twenty, sometimes
         more different sellers with the exact same product image. And not only
         does that turn buyers away because they can’t see a real picture of the item,
         because they just think it’s a stock photo and sometimes it is a stock photo,
         the person who does have a unique photo – maybe the one person out of
         those thirty or so sellers who are selling the same item – that one person
         immediately stands out from the crowd, simply because it’s the only one
         that’s different!

Lee      Right, I’ve seen that and it’s so important for people to be able to
         differentiate themselves and it’s no different with EBay I’m sure – you
         really have to be able to differentiate yourse

Andrew   Right. If you’ve got thirty different auctions listed and they’re all at the
         same price and you’ve got one with a different picture – a high quality
         picture of the item – that looks as though it’s actually been taken by the
         seller, and then you click on the listing and the seller gives a very nice and
         long description of the item, you know, it’s a no-brainer. And so people
         think the only way they can compete is on price – that’s complete rubbish.
         You can actually charge more and if you do those simple things that we’ve
         just mentioned, you will actually attract more sales than those other sellers.
Lee      It’s no different to the tv show – I mean, how do you get on The
         Apprentice? You have to differentiate yourself from a million other people.
         So it’s a basic thing that you have to be able to differentiate yourself from
         your competitors, from other people, and like you said, it doesn’t always
         necessarily have to go on price.

Andrew   Yes, in fact, with a lot of people, it’s the lemming approach – they look at
         what everyone else is doing and they think ‘oh, I’ll do that as well’.

Lee      Right, and they just follow along.

Andrew   Yes, and then you just end up with carbon copy listings with nothing to
         make you stand out. Like we said, to you and I, it just seems so obvious
         that people shouldn’t be doing that and I hope that that point comes across
         in this conversation because if people go away with nothing else from this
         than the point that we’ve just discussed, then they’ll be infinitely more
         successful on EBay.

Lee      Andrew, how can people get your EBay course and the complete newsletter

Andrew   Well, the website to visit is and that site
         has all the details of course which is by far – and I hate to say this, because
         it sounds self-promoting – but it’s been referred to by others as the most
         comprehensive course on selling on EBay ever produced. And certainly it’s
         been years of my life in terms of my research and experience in putting out
         this course.

Lee      It certainly sounds like that.
Andrew   And of course, I’m very flattered to have had that description – it really
         does cover just about every unconventional way of profiting from EBay. So
         I think people have realized from this interview that this is not about doing
         EBay in the same way that everybody else is doing it – it’s completely
         renegade, it’s completely unconventional. And readers can review the
         course – risk-free – and there’s a nice guarantee on it.

Lee      Really?

Andrew   And they can decide what method appeals to themthe most.

Lee      Okay, so again the website is Thanks for
         being willing to go on the hot seat today, Andrew, and I wish you continued
         success in your business. It sounds like it’s going awfully well.

Andrew   Oh, well, thank you, Lee – I’ve enjoyed our conversation and I wish you all
         the best in your-

Lee      I want to go out and start selling on EBay now! I’ll let you know how it

Andrew   Great.

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How to sell on eBay - Lee Bienstock Interviews Andrew Lock

  • 1. Lee Hi, my name is Lee Bienstock and I competed in Season 5 of Donald Trump’s The Apprentice. As you may know, I ended up landing my dream job with the Trump organization. I now work for Trump Mortgage as their Associate Vice-President of Corporate Development and I’m sure that my entrepreneurial background and experience in all kinds of businesses over the years led to that success. And today I’m interviewing Andrew Lock, who has become known as the Renegade Auction Seller. Now, he’s also the author of the book EBay Exposed. Andrew’s EBay strategies and techniques are truly revolutionary, so much so that they are causing quite a stir in the EBay community. As an entrepreneur myself, I have a passion for unusual and even renegade business strategies, a lot of which I employed while on The Apprentice. That’s one of the reasons I was attracted so much to the system that Andrew’s used for success on EBay. So, welcome Andrew. I’m looking forward to hearing more about your system. So tell me, how did you first develop your unusual strategies for profiting on EBay? Andrew Well, let me say first of all Lee, it’s certainly a pleasure to speak with you today and I’d definitely like to congratulate you on your job appointment with Trump. Lee Thank you! Andrew I don’t know whether you know this, but I was in the audience the night of that finale show in Los Angeles and the atmosphere was just electric, wasn’t it? Lee It was amazing, you know, I was just so much into the zone. My parents, grandparents – everyone was in the audience. I was so much into the zone I didn’t even pay attention to any of that. I tried to even zone out the thousands of people that were in the audience because going on live TV was pretty nerve-wracking.
  • 2. Andrew Your parents were very lively and passionate. Lee Yeah, they did a spoof on them on Leno. Andrew Oh, did they? Lee Yeah, they did a spoof on my parents and my family and everyone else that was in the audience on Leno. Andrew Yes, it was really nice to see that because they were so supportive of you and I think it’s great that you were able to land your dream job. Lee Well, thank you, I appreciate that. Andrew So, in answer to your question, I’m a very logical thinker, but I also think outside of the box and one of the things that I identified with that you did on The Apprentice was, when you worked on pulling in these big deals, you know, selling in larger quantities of an item rather than selling in ones and twos – it was that kind of thinking outside the box and analyzing a better way of selling on EBay, that’s what would led me to think that most EBay sellers are doing it wrong and so there’s a far bigger opportunity than most of them realize. Lee Yeah, I definitely understand what you’re saying. I was reading over all the materials that you have and they’re phenomenal. It seems like I’ve been doing everything wrong and when you think that most sellers are doing it wrong, you know, obviously they think they’re making money and I know I’ve made a tiny amount selling whatever garage items I’ve had but not truly – everyone is doing it wrong.
  • 3. Andrew Well, you’re right in that some sellers are making some money but in actual fact, the number that are profiting in any kind of substantial way are far lower than most people imagine. In fact, there’s what I consider to be seven major reasons why most EBay sellers end up giving up. And you have to remember that EBay is attracting a continual stream – I think the last figure they quoted was about 50’000 new sign-ups every day, so they’re attracting a lot of people in the front end – a huge amount – but what they don’t tell you is that they’re losing a lot the other end from people who have just given up. So there’s seven reasons that I’ve identified why most EBay sellers end up giving up. They are, number one, the source of goods dries up or becomes unreliable; that often happens. Number two, the EBay and Paypal fees become too high because they don’t know how to manage they’re auctions effectively to reduce the fees. The third one is that their own customer service is lacking and they accumulate too many negative feedbacks. Again, people just don’t understand what we would consider to be fundamental – Lee So basic. Andrew Yeah, the ways of looking after a customer. Lee Exactly. Andrew You may have experienced this yourself, if you ask an EBay seller a question about an item, very often they’ll reply with a curt, one or two word response and that’s not the way to win customers, so sooner or later, people start to get these negative feedbacks. Lee Yes, you see that very often with EBay and over the internet – there’s no accountability, there’s never a face-to-face interaction and it’s so myopic – they say ‘oh I’m just selling this once’, they’re really losing an on-going customer and that’s really what’s going to propel bigger money and more
  • 4. revenue in that you’re continually having someone come back to buy from you and recommend you, saying ‘oh, I’ve purchased something from that person before’. It’s just so myopic to think that you’re going to screw the customer once, or not even screw the customer – just have terrible customer service and it’s just a basic business practice. Andrew Yeah, I’m sure you understand that principle being an entrepreneur and also in your business with Trump Mortgage. Lee Customer is always right. Andrew It doesn’t really matter what the business is – it’s just basic. But again, many people don’t realize that when you accumulate even just one or two negative feedbacks, it has such a drastic effect on your EBay business that you might as well just start again, because people just won’t buy from you once they see too many negatives. So the fourth reason is that a competitor starts selling the same product cheaper and I see this one over and over again because people fall into the price trap; they think that the only reason customers buy is to have the cheapest price and that just isn’t true. It’s a mindset – we have to get out of that thinking that customers only buy on price: there’s plenty of other reasons why customers buy and if a competitor starts selling the same product cheaper, then oftentimes that will just destroy a person’s EBay business because they will just try to undercut, undercut until the margin is eliminated and there’s no profit left anymore. Lee Exactly. Andrew Now number five is when a product trend goes out of fashion. A lot of people I see on EBay, they jump on these bandwagons of trends and the classic one I like to refer to is Beanie Babies – you remember those? It was huge, wasn’t it, for a time and people couldn’t sell them fast enough – it was extraordinary.
  • 5. Lee I had a couple of Beanie Babies – I’ll admit it! It’s the same sort of thing – these Tickle Me Elmo dolls and all these other things, people couldn’t get them fast enough but after a while they just go out of fashion. Andrew That’s it, and so if you put all your eggs in one basket… I know a guy who made a lot of money with Beanie Babies but when the trend stopped, he had an enormous stock and he lost a huge amount of money. Lee What can you do with them after that? Andrew Well, he couldn’t even give them away. It was crazy. He had to move on to something else but because he didn’t see the end of that trend or he thought that the trend would continue forever, he lost out bigtime. That often happens. The number six reason is that people resent being tied down and what happens is that a lot of people go after the EBay dream but they don’t set it up properly. The way I teach people to do it is so that they can have it on autopilot so that it’s not a problem when they want to go away – it will just continue to run. The trap that most people fall into is continuing to ship physical products by the truckload so that they’re processing anything from twenty to hundreds of orders a day – what happens when they want to go on vacation? And they end up resenting that and so they just – Lee Give up. Andrew They give up, yeah. So then the last point – the last reason for failure – is that they lack a system and the intense physical effort that’s involved – particularly in listing one by one products, you know, individual products – is ridiculously time-consuming and most people just-
  • 6. Lee Give up, they give up. Yeah, I know that when I’m on EBay, if I can’t figure it out, I just give up. Andrew Yeah, it’s a hassle. Lee Right. Andrew So that causes a lot of people to fail too, so seven major reasons there why most EBay sellers give up. Lee Yeah, I can see myself identifying with a couple of those! So what is it about EBay, in your opinion, that makes it so powerful? Andrew Well, this is something I could talk all day about. The benefits of building an EBay business – the right way, I should say – are extraordinary. In my opinion, it’s one of the fastest, easiest, and most profitable ways to set up any online business. So if an internet business appeals, I think that EBay is the way to go and I’ll give you just one reason why, which I think is just extraordinary. Everyone naturally thinks of Google as the largest search engine online, don’t they? Lee Of course. Andrew A few people might dispute that but actually, EBay announced in a recent seminar that they now process more searches on average per day than Google. Lee Wow. Andrew Which makes EBay now the largest search engine. If people grasp this point - EBay searches are all potential buyers, which is another huge thing. You can’t say the same thing for Google.
  • 7. Lee And a lot of people advertise on Google but a lot of people are just going on there for research and not actually for buying a product. Andrew Exactly. And I’ve got personal friends who are spending tens of thousands – even fifty thousand dollars a month on Google Adsen which is crazy. se, Lee I guess people might be making a lot of money off that but EBay might be better served…. Andrew Yeah, so the fact that you’ve now got the largest collection of buyers online of any website, all in this one location, and all you have to do is slot whatever it is you sell in front of these people – and that’s what I teach people to do in this system – that’s proven to work for just about any product or service, and you’ve seen that through the materials that you’ve read. Lee You can sell service on EBay? Andrew Absolutely. Very few people realize that you can sell just about anything – I’ve seen some pretty weird and wacky auctions. You may have heard of fighter jets being sold on EBay and – you know, it’s pretty crazy – down to the grilled cheese sandwich with the virgin Mary on it. You know, as long as it falls in line with EBay’s policies, and they have a list of items that you can and can’t sell, you can sell just about anything and that does include services. Lee It seems like you can just about sell anything. Andrew Yeah, I mean there’s obvious things which you can and can’t sell, like counterfeit goods and firearms, you know – the obvious things – alcohol, because you don’t know who’s on the receiving end. But other than that…
  • 8. Lee It makes sense. Andrew It’s wide open. Lee I had no idea that EBay had become such an amazing resource – it seems like it’s become, in a sense, the ultimate shopping mall where you can buy just about anything you want, is that right? Andrew Yes, absolutely. In fact, when my wife and I are thinking about any major purchase, EBay is the first place we look and every year we actually save tens of thousands of dollars by buying direct from reputable sellers. And I guess it’s a relatively minor thing in the course but I also explain- Lee How to find reputable sellers? Andrew Yes, but also how to become a reputable seller because like any huge marketplace it has a small percentage of sellers who are unscrupulous and so on, but if you work it smart and you know how to identify the reputable sellers, you’ll never have a problem. So far there hasn’t been any item that we haven’t been able to find on EBay, so I encourage listeners to check it out from that perspective too, of saving money on things that they buy. It’s pretty astonishing what you can buy on EBay these days. Lee Well, I mean, we were talking about EBay’s policies and acceptable items and I have to ask you, what is EBay’s view of the system that you teach? Does it break any of their rules? Andrew Great question, and I get that a lot, as you might imagine, because it’s so revolutionary and I’m referred to as the Renegade Auction Seller. The thing is, I have a great relationship with EBay – I’ve actually been trained as one of their Education Specialists – and I certainly don’t advocate or
  • 9. encourage that anyone break EBay’s rules. To do that would be short- sighted and, in all honesty, I would say that would I teach does go to the edge of some of EBay’s policies and some areas are viewed as gray areas within EBay, but I definitely encourage people to run their businesses in a legal, ethical way and, like I said, to break EBay’s rules would just be pointless. If you’re planning to have a longterm, successful business, stay within the rules. Yes, go up to the edge of them – there’s nothing wrong with that – and it makes sense to exploit those things, but don’t go over that edge, and then you’ll have a successful business. Lee I’m known to go along with the rules, but to go to the edge and oftentimes that’s where you’ll find the success. But like you said, if you break EBay’s rules, they’d probably throw you out pretty quick! Andrew They absolutely do. Lee They’ll fire you on the spot! Andrew Absolutely, and I saw that tendency with you. Definitely because of your entrepreneurial background - you had more of an entrepreneurial background than many of the candidates that were on the same season of The Apprentice as you. I love the program; I learned such a lot myself – not just through the positive things but actually from learning through other people’s mistakes too, it was very beneficial. Lee I agree. I also learn a lot from mistakes, even from past contestants. Andrew Absolutely. Did you have opportunity to review previous episodes? Lee Yes – I have the first season on DVD, so I watched that. I also watched some of the other episodes that I could get my hands on and I read the books – you really get to see Mr Trump looks for, what other mistakes
  • 10. people fell into previously and you try not to make those mistakes. That’s not to say that it’s not easy to fall into the same mistakes – it certainly is – and I found myself doing that at times, you know, people make mistakes but it’s important to learn from other people’s mistakes and that sometimes can add years of experience that you don’t actually have. Andrew Did you actually look at your series afterwards? That must have been interesting. Lee Oh, of course, I was like ‘I can’t believe I did that’ and ‘I can’t believe I came up with that great idea’ so sometimes you watch yourself and it’s like you’re watching a home video. You know, when you’re looking at it, you’re like ‘I can’t believe I did that’ and it’s so stressful and you’re not getting any sleep and you’re not eating much. Andrew Yeah, I saw that – it’s like you get worn down through the process, don’t you? Lee Yes, some of the people even said they were relieved to hear they were fired. Andrew I can understand that. Lee Yeah, so… I know that one of the benefits of your system is vastly reduced EBay and Paypal fees. Surely they can’t be too happy that that’s one of the benefits of the system that you teach? Andrew What I always say about this is that if there’s a choice between paying more or less fees – legally – which one would yo choose? u Lee Of course!
  • 11. Andrew If you take the advice you can – legally and legitimately – pay less. And, in the grand scheme of things, out of 200 million or so registered EBay users, my students aren’t even going to make a dent in the overall profits of EBay because we’re talking about less than one percent of sellers that I have influence over in terms of these strategies, so it’s really a tiny drop in the ocean of the EBay marketplace. I guess they wouldn’t be happy if everyone was using this system, but they know that they have nothing to worry about. Lee Right. And I’ve heard you relate what most EBay sellers are doing to being invited to a sumptuous buffet, only to ignore the food on the table. They eat the scraps on the floor and then they just leave. Can you explain what you mean by that? It’s an interesting metaphore – what do you mean by that? Andrew Well, I liken it to the fact that most sellers say they look for junk around the home and they sell that, and that’s the scraps on the floor. That’s fine to start with but it’s certainly no way to set up or run a business because everyone runs out of that kind of stuff to sell; you know, there’s a limit to it. And so most people are blinkered to only see those leftover scraps, as it were, rather than the much bigger picture of this sumptuous buffet of profitable items that they could benefit from selling, so that’s basically the gist of what I meant by that. Lee We touched on this earlier but I’m an entrepreneur at heart – I attribute a lot of my success to that – and a lot of people have said that I’m successful because I have an entrepreneurial spirit. I love discovering interesting and fun ways of making money, so would you say your Renegade course is designed for entrepreneurs? Andrew Oh, absolutely. I definitely believe that having an entrepreneurial leaning or background in any shape or form is an advantage. You know, if you’re the sort of person who sits locked in a cubicle and is happy to just do your nine to five stint and go home and watch tv for the rest of the night, then
  • 12. this is probably not for you. And I don’t mean to be negative at all, because that’s absolutely fine – people are different. Entrepreneurial thinking, as you are well aware, is a certain way of thinking that makes you more open to new ideas, new ways of doing things, and you’re just continually thinking outside the box. I’ve also discovered that a lot of people are content to make just a few hundred or a few thousand extra dollars each month, in addition to what else they’re doing. Maybe they do have an entrepreneurial background, but they just want a steady job as well and my course allows them to do that. So the course caters for both the serious entrepreneur who’s going to run with it and dominate a category on EBay - which they can do with the system - as well as the more casual seller, again someone who has an entrepreneurial leaning, and understands that EBay is one of the easiest ways to make a supplementary income. Lee Right. And the term ‘Powerseller’ – I mean, to me I feel like I really want to be a Powerseller, but I understand that you dissuade people from becoming a Powerseller – why is that? Andrew Yes, for those of you who don’t know, Powerseller is EBay’s title for someone who sells more than a thousand dollars worth of stuff for at least three consecutive months, and once they’ve done that they become a Powerseller, and they need to maintain that. And there are different levels of Powerseller, up to someone who sells at least one hundred fifty thousand dollars worth of goods and services each month. Lee Wow. Andrew Now, that all sounds impressive – Lee Yeah! I want to be a Powerseller!
  • 13. Andrew Right, well, it’s actually a big myth. What you have to remember, or understand, is that having that gross income doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re profitable. You see, you can be a Powerseller by EBay’s definition, and be making a huge loss at the same time! So being a Powerseller, in itself, is not as prestigious as it’s made out to be once you start to analyze what it actually means. That’s one side of it. Actually of more serious concern to the EBay seller is the fact that once you become a Powerseller, you immediately attract the attention of other sellers, who start to copy what you’re doing because there are people who trawl EBay looking for Powersellers, because they reason ‘these are the people who are making all the money – I’m just going to copy what they do’. So the short answer is, don’t become a Powerseller, because you open yourself up to be copied. I attained Powerseller status easily within that three month period when I first started out but then I started to realize, hang on, what benefits am I getting from being a Powerseller? It’s just a title. And if it’s the difference between having a successful business and staying underground, staying under the EBay radar and the radar of predators, as it were, or having this fancy title – to me it’s a no-brainer. So in the Renegade Auction Seller course, I discuss this very point in detail and I also review other reasons why it’s not advisable to be a Powerseller. And I explain how sellers should be operating as an alternative. So, I think just this one point alone in this interview probably blows the lid off most EBay sellers ideas about how to operate! Lee Exactly. And it seems like your system really teaches from your experience – I’m curious, what more can you tell me about the Renegade system? Andrew It works on the principle that it’s easier to sell to existing customers, kind of going back to what we were talking about earlier. Lee About customer service?
  • 14. Andrew Right. It’s much easier to sell to existing customers than to continually find new ones, but most people don’t do that – they sell one product after another after another to different people each time. And all those past customers – they’re just distant memories. And so my system is about attracting customers in the first place using Renegade methods, different methods, and methods that are very inexpensive on EBay fees, and then continue to sell to them over and over and over again. Lee Repeat customers. Andrew Exactly. So it’s actually a three-step system - which I refer to as the H3 system - for EBay. Whereas most sellers treat EBay as this online garage sale – I think that’s very familiar to most people, to view EBay that way. Lee Of course. Andrew My system, what it mean is that the seller uses this three-step process to first of all tap into EBay’s enormous visitor traffic – like we said, bigger than Google – to hook customers that share an interest in a specific subject. So effectively, you’re just getting people to raise their hands – you’re saying, ‘is anyone out there interested in….’ whatever it is. And they raise their hands and say, ‘yes, that’s me’. Then you quickly grab them, using the processes that I describe. You hide them off EBay - that’s the second ‘H’ - in what I like to refer to as a protected zone, so in other words, other sellers can’t reach them and sell to them. Lee So you eliminate the competition. Andrew Right, exactly. And then the third step – the third ‘H’ – is to hold onto them for many years by continually serving them a very high quality diet of information-based products or services until their appetite is fully satisfied. And what I’d like to emphasize is that my system is about developing a
  • 15. very successful, long-term business. It’s not for the person who wants a fly- by-night, come and go income, because what you sell has to be high quality. If you’re selling rubbish, then this isn’t going to work for you. Lee And when you look at the system, you do get a lot of information – you learn when the best time to put a listing up is, when’s the best time to take down a listing, what’s the best way of selling items on EBay. Andrew Exactly – all the work’s been done for you. This could be years of research time if you did it yourself but it’s really the shortcut system to success. Lee Yeah, and on the tv show – on The Apprentice – we constantly had to be on our toes or be fired by Mr Trump. Andrew As we saw! Out of interest, what do you call him now? Do you call him Mr Trump or..? Lee I call him Mr Trump, everyone calls him Mr Trump, you know, that’s just the way it is. Even the people that have been with him for thirty years – he just commands this respect. Andrew Oh yeah – such an authority figure, isn’t he? Lee Oh yes. On the show, as viewers probably saw, the working environment we were in was continually changing and we had to adapt quickly and I look at me before, you know, we weren’t eating or sleeping and it was so fast-paced and in a similar way, EBay strikes me as a continually evolving marketplace where you have to keep focused and aware of the changes. Andrew Well, I quickly realized early on that I would have to provide a means for sellers to keep up to date with the latest changes on EBay because it’s a fluid marketplace and obviously there’s new and successful strategies that I
  • 16. continually develop and so my solution to that challenge to keep up to date with all the constant changes was to develop a monthly printed publication, which is called the Renegade Auction Seller Insider. And that’s a newsletter; we have monthly interview CD’s with successful underground EBay sellers and entrepreneurs, like yourself, that most people would never know about because they’re underground. So these are people that you would never ever come across if you were just searching EBay – we’ve developed good relationships with these people and they know that it’s very very strictly limited information – it’s not going to be broadcast out there to millions of people. And this Auction Seller Insider newsletter, it covers these Renegade strategies that are distributed to some of the top sellers on EBay to keep them informed and educated on little-known ways to profit from EBay and one of the things that I’ve discovered is that there are countless ways to profit from EBay. You know, people get into this trap of thinking well, you just sell one product… Lee When, really, you run into the same problems we spoke about earlier. Andrew Right. So there’s plenty of room for all of us still to profit from EBay and so, by means of this newsletter, these sellers all get to share this Insider information. They receive it way before other sellers even identify these tricks and tips and techniques, and so it gives them a real positive advantage. Lee That’s great. We talked about it a little earlier – one of the other aspects of The Apprentice was that – quite unique for our group - we were able to go back and get the DVD and watch all the previous episodes, because the show had already been aired several times so we were able to learn from the mistakes of other contestants, and there were a lot of them. And sure, we made our mistakes as well, but that was definitely a big help to be able to go back and say, wow, that was a huge mistake – I don’t want to fall into that
  • 17. pitfall, and so how important do you think it is for EBay sellers to be able to learn from the mistakes of other sellers? Andrew Yeah, I think that’s a great point that you bring up and you’re very sensible and wise to go back and watch them – you can learn so much. I see so many sellers making fundamental mistakes, to the extent where really it’s a bit like the blind leading the blind because you’ve got this situation where, without exaggerating, you’ve got 99.9999% of EBay sellers who are doing it wrong. And even though some of them are making money – and some of them are making decent money – they’re actually doing it the hard way, because when you talk to them, they’ve got countless employees and big warehouses and yes, they’re making money but at a cost, and they could be doing it so much easier. Within my EBay business, it’s myself and my wife – that’s all we need. Who wants to be bogged down with employees? It’s a hassle. And so, it’s essential not to assume others are doing it right just because you see them selling on EBay. Like I said, when you start to get into the nitty gritty, you realize that actually, they’re exasperated at how complicated their business is. And we’ve established already that a lot of people are losing money, even though they retain the Powerseller status, the title. You know, nice to have that, but they’re losing money! So we want to avoid all those mistakes and that’s what the course is about. Lee So with mistakes, can you give us some examples? What are people doing wrong? Andrew Sure, yeah, how long have we got?! I don’t mean that unkindly at all – it’s actually frustrating to me, it really is, when I see the terrible situations that sellers find themselves in. It makes me upset. Let’s talk about an example: one common mistake I see people make over and over again is in setting a reserve price for an auction. I honestly think that EBay should just scrap that facility or feature because reserves are a complete waste of time. All they do is turn people away because no one wants to be bothered with
  • 18. bidding on an auction where there’s a reserve, because if you have an auction with a reserve, you never know where that reserve is going to be. Lee Oh, they don’t tell you that. Andrew No, they don’t tell you. And so you end up with a situation that benefits no one. Another common mistake I see sellers make is to copy someone else’s image – you know the little thumbnail gallery picture? Lee Yeah, yeah. Andrew So what happens with that is that you end up with ten, twenty, sometimes more different sellers with the exact same product image. And not only does that turn buyers away because they can’t see a real picture of the item, because they just think it’s a stock photo and sometimes it is a stock photo, the person who does have a unique photo – maybe the one person out of those thirty or so sellers who are selling the same item – that one person immediately stands out from the crowd, simply because it’s the only one that’s different! Lee Right, I’ve seen that and it’s so important for people to be able to differentiate themselves and it’s no different with EBay I’m sure – you really have to be able to differentiate yourse lf. Andrew Right. If you’ve got thirty different auctions listed and they’re all at the same price and you’ve got one with a different picture – a high quality picture of the item – that looks as though it’s actually been taken by the seller, and then you click on the listing and the seller gives a very nice and long description of the item, you know, it’s a no-brainer. And so people think the only way they can compete is on price – that’s complete rubbish. You can actually charge more and if you do those simple things that we’ve just mentioned, you will actually attract more sales than those other sellers.
  • 19. Lee It’s no different to the tv show – I mean, how do you get on The Apprentice? You have to differentiate yourself from a million other people. So it’s a basic thing that you have to be able to differentiate yourself from your competitors, from other people, and like you said, it doesn’t always necessarily have to go on price. Andrew Yes, in fact, with a lot of people, it’s the lemming approach – they look at what everyone else is doing and they think ‘oh, I’ll do that as well’. Lee Right, and they just follow along. Andrew Yes, and then you just end up with carbon copy listings with nothing to make you stand out. Like we said, to you and I, it just seems so obvious that people shouldn’t be doing that and I hope that that point comes across in this conversation because if people go away with nothing else from this than the point that we’ve just discussed, then they’ll be infinitely more successful on EBay. Lee Andrew, how can people get your EBay course and the complete newsletter updates? Andrew Well, the website to visit is and that site has all the details of course which is by far – and I hate to say this, because it sounds self-promoting – but it’s been referred to by others as the most comprehensive course on selling on EBay ever produced. And certainly it’s been years of my life in terms of my research and experience in putting out this course. Lee It certainly sounds like that.
  • 20. Andrew And of course, I’m very flattered to have had that description – it really does cover just about every unconventional way of profiting from EBay. So I think people have realized from this interview that this is not about doing EBay in the same way that everybody else is doing it – it’s completely renegade, it’s completely unconventional. And readers can review the course – risk-free – and there’s a nice guarantee on it. Lee Really? Andrew And they can decide what method appeals to themthe most. Lee Okay, so again the website is Thanks for being willing to go on the hot seat today, Andrew, and I wish you continued success in your business. It sounds like it’s going awfully well. Andrew Oh, well, thank you, Lee – I’ve enjoyed our conversation and I wish you all the best in your- Lee I want to go out and start selling on EBay now! I’ll let you know how it goes. Andrew Great.