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# M D B l o c a l
How to leverage
what’s new in MongoDB
# M D B l o c a l
Maxime Beugnet
Developer Advocate EMEA @MongoDB Paris
Twitter : @MBeugnet
Github : MaBeuLux88
Email :
# M D B l o c a l
# M D B l o c a l
To make your life easier…
# M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l
ty Analytics Application
# M D B l o c a l
# M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l
updatereplaceinsertdeleteMongoDB Application Action
# M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l[{$match: {operationType: “insert”}}])[], {fullDocument:“updateLookup”})[], {resumeAfter:<cachedResumeToken>})
Change streams
• $match
• $project
• $addFields
• $replaceRoot
• $redact
# M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l
cursor =[ ], {"fullDocument":"updateLookup"});
while ( !cursor.isExhausted() ) {
if ( cursor.hasNext() ) {
Change streams => cursors
# M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l
•Total ordering
•Ease of use
Characteristics of Change Streams
# M D B l o c a l
More expressive query language
Array updates
# M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l
db.products.find( {
$expr: {
$gt: [ "$currRating" , "$prevRating" ]
} )
Comparing Fields within a document
# M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l
db.products.find( {
$expr: {
$gt: [ {$subtract:
["$currRating" ,"$prevRating"] }, 2]
} )
Comparing Fields within a document
# M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l
Comparing Fields within a document {
$expr: {
$lt:[ {
$cond: {
if: { $gte: ["$qty", 100] },
then: { $divide: ["$price", 2] },
else: { $divide: ["$price", 4] }
}, 5 ]
# M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l
Expressive Array updates
Update all matching
items in an array
Match Nested Arrays
# M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l
Expressive Array updates
MongoDB V3.4
• $
• $addToSet
• $pop
• $pull
• $push
• $pullAll
{ _id: 1,
grades: [
{ exam: 80, quizz: 75},
{ exam: 85, quizz: 90}
{ _id: 1, "grades.exam": 85 },
{ $set: { "grades.$.quizz" : 95 } }
# M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l
Expressive Array updates
MongoDB V3.6
• $[<id>]
• $[]
{ _id: 1,
grades: [
{ exam: 80, quizz: 75},
{ exam: 85, quizz: 90}
db.students.update( { },
{ $set: { "grades.$[elem].quizz" : 100 } },
{ multi: true, arrayFilters: [ { "elem.exam": { $gte: 80 } } ] }
db.students.update( { },
{ $set: { "grades.$[].quizz" : 100 } },
{ multi: true }
# M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l
Expressive Array updates
{ _id: 1, name: "X",
Medications: [
{ id: 23, name: "DrugName99", Sched:"I", Rx: [
{ id:13, Qty: 60, started: "2009-01-01" },
{ id:77, Qty: 30, started: "2011-02-01", current:true }
{ id: 41, name: "OtherDrugName", Sched: "II, Rx: […] },
{ id: 59, name: "ThirdDrug", Sched:"I", Rx:[
{ id:994, Qty: 60, started: "2012-01-01", current:true },
{ id:1034, Qty: 90, started: "2007-02-01" }
"lastVisit": ISODate("2017-01-22T13:01:13.000Z")
# M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l
Expressive Array updates
{ _id: 1, name: "X",
Medications: [
{ id: 23, Sched:"I", Rx: [
{ id:13, Qty: 60},
{ id:77, Qty: 30, current:true}
{ id: 41, Sched: "II" },
{ id: 59, Sched:"I", Rx:[
{ id:994, Qty: 60, current:true},
{ id:1034, Qty: 90}
{"$set": {"Medications.$[med].Rx.$[rx].Qty": 20}},
{ "multi": true,
"arrayFilters": [
{"med.Sched": "I"},
{"rx.current":true, "rx.Qty":{$gt:30}}
# M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l
Expressive Array updates
{ _id: 1, name: "X",
Medications: [
{ id: 23, Sched:"I", Rx: [
{ id:13, Qty: 60},
{ id:77, Qty: 30, current:true}
{ id: 41, Sched: "II" },
{ id: 59, Sched:"I", Rx:[
{ id:994, Qty: 60, current:true},
{ id:1034, Qty: 90}
{"Medications": {"$elemMatch": {
"Sched": "II",
"Rx": {"$elemMatch": {
"current": true,
"Qty": {"$gt": 30}
{"$set": {"Medications.$[med].Rx.$[rx].Qty": 20}},
{ "multi": true,
"arrayFilters": [
{"med.Sched": "I"},
{"rx.current":true, "rx.Qty":{$gt:30}}
# M D B l o c a l
New operators
Timezone support
Expressive $lookup
R Driver
BI Connector
# M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l
New operators
# M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l
New operators : $arrayToObject
{ "_id" : 1, dimensions: [ { "k": "l", "v": 25} , { "k": "w", "v": 10 }, { "k": "uom", "v": "cm" } ] }
{ "_id" : 2, dimensions: [ [ "l", 50 ], [ "w", 25 ], [ "uom", "cm" ] ] }
{ "_id" : 3, dimensions: [ [ "l", 50 ], [ "l", 25 ], [ "l", "cm" ] ] }
db.inventory.aggregate( [ { $project: { dimensions: { $arrayToObject: "$dimensions" } } } ] )
{ "_id" : 1, "dimensions" : { "l" : 25, "w" : 10, "uom" : "cm" } }
{ "_id" : 2, "dimensions" : { "l" : 50, "w" : 25, "uom" : "cm" } }
{ "_id" : 3, "dimensions" : { "l" : 50 } }
# M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l
New operators : $objectToArray
{ $objectToArray: { item: "foo",
qty: 25,
size: { len: 25, w: 10, uom: "cm" }
} }
[ { "k" : "item", "v" : "foo" },
{ "k" : "qty", "v" : 25 },
{ "k" : "size", "v" : { "len" : 25, "w" : 10, "uom" : "cm" } } ]
# M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l
New operators : $mergeObjects
{ $mergeObjects: [ { a: 1 },
{ a: 2, b: 2 },
{ a: 3, b: null, c: 3 } ] }
{ a: 3, b: null, c: 3 }
# M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l
New operators : $dateFromString
{ _id: 1, date: "2017-02-08T12:10:40.787, timezone: "America/New_York" },
{ _id: 2, date: "2017-02-08" , timezone: "-05:00" },
{ _id: 3 }
db.logmessages.aggregate( [
{ $project: {
date: {
$dateFromString: { dateString: '$date', timezone: '$timezone’ }
} ] )
{ "_id" : 1, "date" : ISODate("2017-02-08T17:10:40.787Z") }
{ "_id" : 2, "date" : ISODate("2017-02-08T05:00:00Z") }
{ "_id" : 3, "date" : null }
# M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l
New operators : $dateFromParts
db.sales.aggregate([ {
$project: {
date: { $dateFromParts: { 'year' : 2017, 'month' : 2, 'day': 8, 'hour' : 12 } },
date_iso: { $dateFromParts: { 'isoWeekYear' : 2017, 'isoWeek' : 6, 'isoDayOfWeek' : 3, 'hour' : 12 } },
date_timezone: { $dateFromParts: { 'year' : 2016, 'month' : 12, 'day' : 31, 'hour' : 23, 'minute' : 46,
'second' : 12, 'timezone' : 'America/New_York’ } }
"_id" : 1,
"date" : ISODate("2017-02-08T12:00:00Z"),
"date_iso" : ISODate("2017-02-08T12:00:00Z"),
"date_timezone" : ISODate("2017-01-01T04:46:12Z")
# M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l
New operators : $dateToParts
db.sales.aggregate([ {
$project: {
date: { $dateToParts: { date: "$date" } },
date_iso: { $dateToParts: { date: "$date", iso8601: true } },
date_timezone: { $dateToParts: { date: "$date", timezone: "America/New_York" } }
"_id" : 2,
"date" : { "year" : 2017, "month" : 1, "day" : 1, "hour" : 1,
"minute" : 29, "second" : 9, "millisecond" : 123 },
"date_iso" : { "isoWeekYear" : 2016, "isoWeek" : 52, "isoDayOfWeek" : 7, "hour" : 1,
"minute" : 29, "second" : 9, "millisecond" : 123 },
"date_timezone" : { "year" : 2016, "month" : 12, "day" : 31, "hour" : 20,
"minute" : 29, "second" : 9, "millisecond" : 123 }
# M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l
Timezone support
$dayOfYear, $dayOfMonth, $dayOfWeek, $year, $month, $week, $hour,
$minute, $second, $millisecond, $isoDayOfWeek, $isoWeek, $isoWeekYear
{ $operator: { date: <isoDateExpression>, timezone: <tzExpression> } }
# M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l
More expressive $lookup
let: {x: "$x"},
pipeline: [
{$match: {$expr:
{$eq: [ "$y", "$$x"] }
} }
Prior to 3.6 New in 3.6
# M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l
$lookup example
line_items : [
{ id: 123,
title : “USB Battery”,
price: 15.0 },
{ id: 512,
title : “Hip T-shirt”,
price : 45.0 }
{$unwind: "$line_items"},
from: "reviews",
let: {p_id: "$"},
pipeline: [
{$match: {$expr: {$eq: ["$p_id","$$p_id"]}}},
{$group: { _id: 1, rating: {$avg:"$rating"}}}
], as: "avgRating" }
# M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l
Recommended MongoDB R driver for data scientists, developers & statisticians
• MongoDB read & write concerns to control data consistency & durability
• Idiomatic, native language access to the database
• Data security with enterprise authentication mechanisms
• BSON data type support, e.g., Decimal 128 for high precision scientific &
financial analysis
R Driver for MongoDB
# M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l
MongoDB Connector for BI
+ many more
# M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l
MongoDB Connector for BI
• Faster
• Takes advantage of 3.6 expressive Lookup to push more
computation into the database
• Supports Show Status function to enable deeper performance
• Simpler
• Lifecycle management with Ops Manager
• Schema sampling and mapping now managed by the mongosqld
process, rather than separate utility (mongodrdl)
• Authenticate via client-side plugins, rather than managing TLS
certificates. Kerberos support added
# M D B l o c a l
Retryable writes
DNS seed list
Read Concern: Available & Tunable
# M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l
Retryable writes
Application P
write successful :D
write unsuccessful :O
# M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l
Retryable writes
Application MongoDB
{ _id: 1,
team : "Manchester United",
gameID: "game123",
coach : "José Mourinho",
score : 2,
league: "Premier League"
{ _id: 2,
team : "Chelsea",
gameID: "game456",
coach : "Antonio Conte",
score : 2,
league: "Premier League"
{$inc: {score:1}}
{team: "Chelsea"},
{$set: {coach:"Zidane"}}
# M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l
• Automatic Drivers logic
• Network errors
• Elections
• NOT for logic errors
• Safe
• For both non-idempotent and idempotent writes
• NOT for multi: true
Characteristics of Retryable Writes
# M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l
Retryable writes
uri = "mongodb://"
client = MongoClient(uri)
database = client.database
collection = database.collection
# M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l
DNS seed list
# M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l
Tunable consistency
Availability Consistencymagic
# M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l
• readConcern (Read Isolation)
• Local
• Majority
• Linearizable
• writeConcern (write acknowledgement)
• <number> (i.e. 1)
• Majority
• Tag
What is readConcern and writeConcern?
# M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l
Tunable consistency
3 1
Shard 1 Shard 2 Shard 3
readConcern: available
# M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l
Tunable consistency
readConcern: available is equivalent to readConcern: local on replica sets
you can pass readConcern: available to a primary in a sharded cluster
readConcern: available is default for secondaries in a sharded cluster
Secondaries in sharded clusters will now respect readConcern : local for safe reads
# M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l
Tunable consistency
3 1
Shard 1 Shard 2 Shard 3
Global Logical Clock
wait until cluster time has moved past the last time you saw
Causal consistency:
guarantees monotonic,
logically consistent reads
from any replica node in
the same user session
# M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l
Tunable consistency
//start client session, which is causally consistent by default
try (ClientSession session =
client.startSession(ClientSessionOptions.builder().build())) {
//Run causally related operations within the session
collection.insertOne(session, ... );
collection.updateOne(session, ...);
try (MongoCursor<Document> cursor =
collection.find(session).filter(...).iterator()) {
while (cursor.hasNext()) {
Document cur =;
# M D B l o c a l
JSON Schema
Network security
Session management
End-to-end Compression
# M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l
Network Security
Bind to localhost by Default
IP Whitelisting
• Associate IP addresses or ranges with roles in auth
• If a the IP restrictions are not met, fail to authenticate
• Able to restrict __system user to authenticate from only cluster
# M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l
Network Security
System Administrator
Restrict each user’s
authentication based on:
• Client IP Address Range
• Server IP Listen Address
# M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l
JSON Schema
Enforces strict schema structure over a complete collection
for data governance & quality
• Builds on document validation introduced by restricting new content that
can be added to a document
• Enforces presence, type, and values for document content, including
nested array
• Simplifies application logic
Tunable: enforce document structure, log warnings, or allow
complete schema flexibility
Queryable: identify all existing documents that do not comply
# M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l
JSON Schema
db.createCollection( "orders",
{validator: {$jsonSchema:
{type: "array",
{title: {type: "string"},
price: {type: "number", minimum: 0.0} },
required: ["_id", "title", "price"],
additionalProperties: false}}},
required: ["line_items"]}}}
# M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l
Session Management
Server sessions
• Every Operation is wrapped in a server session by default in 3.6
• killSessions by user
Client sessions
• Every operation within a defined client session have causal consistency
• Not by default, must be explicitly defined
# M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l
MongoDB 3.6 adds compression
of wire protocol traffic between
client and database
• Up to 80% bandwidth savings
MongoDB End to End
• Wire protocol
• Intra-cluster
• Indexes in memory
• Storage
MongoDB Primary
Wire Protocol
MongoDB Secondary Replica
Single ViewMongoDB Secondary Replica
Single ViewMongoDB Secondary Replica
Single ViewMongoDB Secondary Replica
Single ViewMongoDB Secondary Replica
MongoDB Secondary Replica
Compression of
Data on Disk
Compression of
Indexes in Memory
End to End
# M D B l o c a l
# M D B l o c a l

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How to leverage what's new in MongoDB 3.6

  • 1. 1 2 APR IL , 2018 # M D B l o c a l How to leverage what’s new in MongoDB 3.6
  • 2. # M D B l o c a l Maxime Beugnet Developer Advocate EMEA @MongoDB Paris Twitter : @MBeugnet Github : MaBeuLux88 Email : Meetups Hackathons Workshops Conferences
  • 3. # M D B l o c a l MONGODB 3.6 THEMES
  • 4. # M D B l o c a l To make your life easier…
  • 5. # M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l Realtime Expressibili ty Analytics Application Availability Operations
  • 6. # M D B l o c a l REALTIME CHANGE STREAMS
  • 7. # M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l updatereplaceinsertdeleteMongoDB Application Action
  • 8. # M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l[{$match: {operationType: “insert”}}])[], {fullDocument:“updateLookup”})[], {resumeAfter:<cachedResumeToken>}) Change streams • $match • $project • $addFields • $replaceRoot • $redact
  • 9. # M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l cursor =[ ], {"fullDocument":"updateLookup"}); while ( !cursor.isExhausted() ) { if ( cursor.hasNext() ) { print(tojson(; } } Change streams => cursors
  • 10. # M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l •Resumable •Targeted Changes •Total ordering •Durability •Security •Ease of use •Idempotence Characteristics of Change Streams
  • 11. # M D B l o c a l EXPRESSIBILITY More expressive query language Array updates
  • 12. # M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l db.products.find( { $expr: { $gt: [ "$currRating" , "$prevRating" ] } } ) Comparing Fields within a document
  • 13. # M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l db.products.find( { $expr: { $gt: [ {$subtract: ["$currRating" ,"$prevRating"] }, 2] } } ) Comparing Fields within a document
  • 14. # M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l Comparing Fields within a document { $expr: { $lt:[ { $cond: { if: { $gte: ["$qty", 100] }, then: { $divide: ["$price", 2] }, else: { $divide: ["$price", 4] } } }, 5 ] } })
  • 15. # M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l Expressive Array updates Update all matching items in an array Match Nested Arrays
  • 16. # M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l Expressive Array updates MongoDB V3.4 • $ • $addToSet • $pop • $pull • $push • $pullAll { _id: 1, grades: [ { exam: 80, quizz: 75}, { exam: 85, quizz: 90} ] } db.students.update( { _id: 1, "grades.exam": 85 }, { $set: { "grades.$.quizz" : 95 } } )
  • 17. # M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l Expressive Array updates MongoDB V3.6 • $[<id>] • $[] { _id: 1, grades: [ { exam: 80, quizz: 75}, { exam: 85, quizz: 90} ] } db.students.update( { }, { $set: { "grades.$[elem].quizz" : 100 } }, { multi: true, arrayFilters: [ { "elem.exam": { $gte: 80 } } ] } ) db.students.update( { }, { $set: { "grades.$[].quizz" : 100 } }, { multi: true } )
  • 18. # M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l Expressive Array updates { _id: 1, name: "X", Medications: [ { id: 23, name: "DrugName99", Sched:"I", Rx: [ { id:13, Qty: 60, started: "2009-01-01" }, { id:77, Qty: 30, started: "2011-02-01", current:true } ]}, { id: 41, name: "OtherDrugName", Sched: "II, Rx: […] }, { id: 59, name: "ThirdDrug", Sched:"I", Rx:[ { id:994, Qty: 60, started: "2012-01-01", current:true }, { id:1034, Qty: 90, started: "2007-02-01" } ]}, "lastVisit": ISODate("2017-01-22T13:01:13.000Z") }
  • 19. # M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l Expressive Array updates { _id: 1, name: "X", Medications: [ { id: 23, Sched:"I", Rx: [ { id:13, Qty: 60}, { id:77, Qty: 30, current:true} ]}, { id: 41, Sched: "II" }, { id: 59, Sched:"I", Rx:[ { id:994, Qty: 60, current:true}, { id:1034, Qty: 90} ]} ] } db.patientRx.update( {}, {"$set": {"Medications.$[med].Rx.$[rx].Qty": 20}}, { "multi": true, "arrayFilters": [ {"med.Sched": "I"}, {"rx.current":true, "rx.Qty":{$gt:30}} ]} )
  • 20. # M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l Expressive Array updates { _id: 1, name: "X", Medications: [ { id: 23, Sched:"I", Rx: [ { id:13, Qty: 60}, { id:77, Qty: 30, current:true} ]}, { id: 41, Sched: "II" }, { id: 59, Sched:"I", Rx:[ { id:994, Qty: 60, current:true}, { id:1034, Qty: 90} ]} } db.patientRx.update( {"Medications": {"$elemMatch": { "Sched": "II", "Rx": {"$elemMatch": { "current": true, "Qty": {"$gt": 30} }} }}}, {"$set": {"Medications.$[med].Rx.$[rx].Qty": 20}}, { "multi": true, "arrayFilters": [ {"med.Sched": "I"}, {"rx.current":true, "rx.Qty":{$gt:30}} ]} )
  • 21. # M D B l o c a l ANALYTICS New operators Timezone support Expressive $lookup R Driver BI Connector
  • 22. # M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l New operators
  • 23. # M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l New operators : $arrayToObject { "_id" : 1, dimensions: [ { "k": "l", "v": 25} , { "k": "w", "v": 10 }, { "k": "uom", "v": "cm" } ] } { "_id" : 2, dimensions: [ [ "l", 50 ], [ "w", 25 ], [ "uom", "cm" ] ] } { "_id" : 3, dimensions: [ [ "l", 50 ], [ "l", 25 ], [ "l", "cm" ] ] } db.inventory.aggregate( [ { $project: { dimensions: { $arrayToObject: "$dimensions" } } } ] ) { "_id" : 1, "dimensions" : { "l" : 25, "w" : 10, "uom" : "cm" } } { "_id" : 2, "dimensions" : { "l" : 50, "w" : 25, "uom" : "cm" } } { "_id" : 3, "dimensions" : { "l" : 50 } }
  • 24. # M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l New operators : $objectToArray { $objectToArray: { item: "foo", qty: 25, size: { len: 25, w: 10, uom: "cm" } } } [ { "k" : "item", "v" : "foo" }, { "k" : "qty", "v" : 25 }, { "k" : "size", "v" : { "len" : 25, "w" : 10, "uom" : "cm" } } ]
  • 25. # M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l New operators : $mergeObjects { $mergeObjects: [ { a: 1 }, { a: 2, b: 2 }, { a: 3, b: null, c: 3 } ] } { a: 3, b: null, c: 3 }
  • 26. # M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l New operators : $dateFromString { _id: 1, date: "2017-02-08T12:10:40.787, timezone: "America/New_York" }, { _id: 2, date: "2017-02-08" , timezone: "-05:00" }, { _id: 3 } db.logmessages.aggregate( [ { $project: { date: { $dateFromString: { dateString: '$date', timezone: '$timezone’ } } } } ] ) { "_id" : 1, "date" : ISODate("2017-02-08T17:10:40.787Z") } { "_id" : 2, "date" : ISODate("2017-02-08T05:00:00Z") } { "_id" : 3, "date" : null }
  • 27. # M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l New operators : $dateFromParts db.sales.aggregate([ { $project: { date: { $dateFromParts: { 'year' : 2017, 'month' : 2, 'day': 8, 'hour' : 12 } }, date_iso: { $dateFromParts: { 'isoWeekYear' : 2017, 'isoWeek' : 6, 'isoDayOfWeek' : 3, 'hour' : 12 } }, date_timezone: { $dateFromParts: { 'year' : 2016, 'month' : 12, 'day' : 31, 'hour' : 23, 'minute' : 46, 'second' : 12, 'timezone' : 'America/New_York’ } } } }]) { "_id" : 1, "date" : ISODate("2017-02-08T12:00:00Z"), "date_iso" : ISODate("2017-02-08T12:00:00Z"), "date_timezone" : ISODate("2017-01-01T04:46:12Z") }
  • 28. # M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l New operators : $dateToParts db.sales.aggregate([ { $project: { date: { $dateToParts: { date: "$date" } }, date_iso: { $dateToParts: { date: "$date", iso8601: true } }, date_timezone: { $dateToParts: { date: "$date", timezone: "America/New_York" } } } }]) { "_id" : 2, "date" : { "year" : 2017, "month" : 1, "day" : 1, "hour" : 1, "minute" : 29, "second" : 9, "millisecond" : 123 }, "date_iso" : { "isoWeekYear" : 2016, "isoWeek" : 52, "isoDayOfWeek" : 7, "hour" : 1, "minute" : 29, "second" : 9, "millisecond" : 123 }, "date_timezone" : { "year" : 2016, "month" : 12, "day" : 31, "hour" : 20, "minute" : 29, "second" : 9, "millisecond" : 123 } }
  • 29. # M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l Timezone support $dayOfYear, $dayOfMonth, $dayOfWeek, $year, $month, $week, $hour, $minute, $second, $millisecond, $isoDayOfWeek, $isoWeek, $isoWeekYear { $operator: { date: <isoDateExpression>, timezone: <tzExpression> } }
  • 30. # M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l >db.collection.aggregate({$lookup:{ from:"coll2", localField:"x", foreignField:"y", as:"coll2details" }}]) More expressive $lookup >db.collection.aggregate({$lookup:{ from:"coll2", let: {x: "$x"}, pipeline: [ {$match: {$expr: {$eq: [ "$y", "$$x"] } } } ] as:"coll2details" }}]) Prior to 3.6 New in 3.6
  • 31. # M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l $lookup example orders: { line_items : [ { id: 123, title : “USB Battery”, price: 15.0 }, { id: 512, title : “Hip T-shirt”, price : 45.0 } ] } db.orders.aggregate([ {$unwind: "$line_items"}, {$lookup:{ from: "reviews", let: {p_id: "$"}, pipeline: [ {$match: {$expr: {$eq: ["$p_id","$$p_id"]}}}, {$group: { _id: 1, rating: {$avg:"$rating"}}} ], as: "avgRating" } } ])
  • 32. # M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l Recommended MongoDB R driver for data scientists, developers & statisticians • MongoDB read & write concerns to control data consistency & durability • Idiomatic, native language access to the database • Data security with enterprise authentication mechanisms • BSON data type support, e.g., Decimal 128 for high precision scientific & financial analysis R Driver for MongoDB
  • 33. # M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l MongoDB Connector for BI + many more
  • 34. # M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l MongoDB Connector for BI • Faster • Takes advantage of 3.6 expressive Lookup to push more computation into the database • Supports Show Status function to enable deeper performance optimization • Simpler • Lifecycle management with Ops Manager • Schema sampling and mapping now managed by the mongosqld process, rather than separate utility (mongodrdl) • Authenticate via client-side plugins, rather than managing TLS certificates. Kerberos support added
  • 35. # M D B l o c a l APPLICATIONS AVAILABILITY Retryable writes DNS seed list Read Concern: Available & Tunable consistency
  • 36. # M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l Retryable writes PS S Application P write successful :D write unsuccessful :O
  • 37. # M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l Retryable writes Application MongoDB { _id: 1, team : "Manchester United", gameID: "game123", coach : "José Mourinho", score : 2, league: "Premier League" } { _id: 2, team : "Chelsea", gameID: "game456", coach : "Antonio Conte", score : 2, league: "Premier League" } {gameID:"game123"}, {$inc: {score:1}} ) {team: "Chelsea"}, {$set: {coach:"Zidane"}} )
  • 38. # M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l • Automatic Drivers logic • Network errors • Elections • NOT for logic errors • Safe • For both non-idempotent and idempotent writes • NOT for multi: true Characteristics of Retryable Writes
  • 39. # M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l Retryable writes uri = "mongodb://" client = MongoClient(uri) database = client.database collection = database.collection
  • 40. # M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l DNS seed list "mongodb://,, "mongodb+srv:// "mongodb://
  • 41. # M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l Tunable consistency Availability Consistencymagic
  • 42. # M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l • readConcern (Read Isolation) • Local • Majority • Linearizable • writeConcern (write acknowledgement) • <number> (i.e. 1) • Majority • Tag What is readConcern and writeConcern?
  • 43. # M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l Tunable consistency mongos 3 1 2 Shard 1 Shard 2 Shard 3 readConcern: available
  • 44. # M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l Tunable consistency readConcern: available is equivalent to readConcern: local on replica sets you can pass readConcern: available to a primary in a sharded cluster readConcern: available is default for secondaries in a sharded cluster Secondaries in sharded clusters will now respect readConcern : local for safe reads
  • 45. # M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l Tunable consistency mongos 3 1 2 Shard 1 Shard 2 Shard 3 Global Logical Clock wait until cluster time has moved past the last time you saw Causal consistency: guarantees monotonic, logically consistent reads from any replica node in the same user session
  • 46. # M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l Tunable consistency //start client session, which is causally consistent by default try (ClientSession session = client.startSession(ClientSessionOptions.builder().build())) { //Run causally related operations within the session collection.insertOne(session, ... ); collection.updateOne(session, ...); try (MongoCursor<Document> cursor = collection.find(session).filter(...).iterator()) { while (cursor.hasNext()) { Document cur =; } }
  • 47. # M D B l o c a l OPERATIONS JSON Schema Network security Session management End-to-end Compression
  • 48. # M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l Network Security Bind to localhost by Default IP Whitelisting • Associate IP addresses or ranges with roles in auth • If a the IP restrictions are not met, fail to authenticate • Able to restrict __system user to authenticate from only cluster nodes
  • 49. # M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l Network Security Application Application System Administrator Restrict each user’s authentication based on: • Client IP Address Range and/or • Server IP Listen Address
  • 50. # M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l JSON Schema Enforces strict schema structure over a complete collection for data governance & quality • Builds on document validation introduced by restricting new content that can be added to a document • Enforces presence, type, and values for document content, including nested array • Simplifies application logic Tunable: enforce document structure, log warnings, or allow complete schema flexibility Queryable: identify all existing documents that do not comply
  • 51. # M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l JSON Schema db.createCollection( "orders", {validator: {$jsonSchema: {properties: {line_items: {type: "array", items: {properties: {title: {type: "string"}, price: {type: "number", minimum: 0.0} }, required: ["_id", "title", "price"], additionalProperties: false}}}, required: ["line_items"]}}} )
  • 52. # M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l Session Management Server sessions • Every Operation is wrapped in a server session by default in 3.6 • killSessions by user Client sessions • Every operation within a defined client session have causal consistency • Not by default, must be explicitly defined
  • 53. # M D B l o c a l# M D B l o c a l MongoDB 3.6 adds compression of wire protocol traffic between client and database • Up to 80% bandwidth savings MongoDB End to End Compression • Wire protocol • Intra-cluster • Indexes in memory • Storage Application MongoDB Primary Replica Wire Protocol Compression MongoDB Secondary Replica Single ViewMongoDB Secondary Replica Single ViewMongoDB Secondary Replica Single ViewMongoDB Secondary Replica Single ViewMongoDB Secondary Replica MongoDB Secondary Replica Intra-Cluster Compression Compression of Data on Disk Compression of Indexes in Memory End to End Compression
  • 54. # M D B l o c a l
  • 55. # M D B l o c a l THANK YOU!