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Exploring the
Aggregation Framework
Jason Mimick - Senior Consulting Engineer @jmimick
Original Slide Credits:
Jay Runkel
et al
Warning or Whew
This is a “101” beginner talk!
Assuming you know some basics about
But basically nothing about the Aggregation
1. Analytics in MongoDB?
2. Aggregation Framework
3. Aggregation Framework in Action
– US Census Data
– Aggregation Framework Options
4. New 3.2 stuff
– Friends of friends $lookup for self-joins
Analytics in MongoDB?
Derive Values
For Example: US Census Data
• Census data from 1990, 2000, 2010
• Question:
Which US Division has the fastest growing population density?
– We only want to include data states with more than 1M people
– We only want to include divisions larger than 100K square miles
Division = a group of US States
Population density = Area of division/# of people
Data is provided at the state level
US Regions and Divisions
How would we solve this in SQL?
Of course, we don’t have SQL
we’re a noSQL database
The Aggregation Framework
Core Concept: Pipeline
ps -ef | grep mongod
What is the Aggregation Pipeline?
A Series of Document Transformations
– Executed in stages
– Original input is a collection
– Output as a cursor or a collection
Rich Library of Functions
– Filter, compute, group, and summarize data
– Output of one stage sent to input of next
– Operations executed in sequential order
An Example Aggregation Pipeline
> [ { stage1 },{ stage2 },{ stage3 }, … ])
mongo shell
1 db - variable pointing to current database
2 collection name
3 aggregate - method on collection
4 array of objects, each a pipeline operator
5 pipeline operators
1 2 3 4 ...5...
Syntax - Driver - Java [
{ "$group" : { "_id" : "$PatientID, "count" : { "$sum" : 1 } } },
{ "$match" : { "count" : { "$gte" : 5 } } },
{ "$sort" : { "count" : -1 } } ] )
Some Popular Pipeline Operators
$match Filter documents
$project Reshape documents
$group Summarize documents
$unwind Expand arrays in documents
$sort Order documents
$limit/$skip Paginate documents
$redact Restrict documents
$geoNear Proximity sort documents
$let,$map Define variables
80+ operators available as of MongoDB 3.2
Aggregation Framework in Action
(let’s play with the census data)
cData Collection
• Document For Each State
– Name
– Region
– Division
• Census Data For 1990, 2000, 2010
– Population
– Housing Units
– Occupied Housing Units
• Census Data is an array with three subdocuments
Count, Distinct
• Check out cData docs
• count()
• distinct()
When you starting building your
aggregations you need to ‘get to know’ your
Simple $group
Census data has a collection called regions
> db.regions.findOne()
"_id" : ObjectId("54d0e1ac28099359f5660f9f"),
"state" : "Connecticut",
"region" : "Northeast",
"regNum" : 1,
"division" : "New England",
"divNum" : 1
How can we find out how many states are in each
> db.regions.aggregate( [
{ "$group" : { "_id" : "$region",
"count" : { "$sum" : 1 }
} ] )
{ "_id" : "West", "count" : 13 }
{ "_id" : "South", "count" : 17 }
{ "_id" : "Midwest", "count" : 12 }
{ "_id" : "Northeast", "count" : 9 }
// make more readable - store your pipeline ops in variables
>var group = { "$group" : { "_id" : "$region", "count" : {
"$sum" : 1 } } };
db.regions.aggregate( [ group ] )
• Group documents by value
– _id - field reference, object,
– Other output fields are computed
• $max, $min, $avg, $sum
• $addToSet, $push
• $first, $last
– Processes all data in memory by
Total US Area
Back to cData…
Can we use $group to find the total area of the
US (according to these data)?
{"$group" : {"_id" : null,
"totalArea" : {$sum : "$areaM"},
"avgArea" : {$avg : "$areaM"}
{ "_id" : null,
"totalArea" : 3802067.0700000003,
"avgArea" : 73116.67442307693 }
Area By Regiondb.cData.aggregate([
{"$group" : {"_id" : "$region",
"totalArea" : {$sum : "$areaM"},
"avgArea" : {$avg : "$areaM"},
"numStates" : {$sum : 1},
"states" : {$push : "$name"}}}
{ "_id" : null, "totalArea" : 5393.18, "avgArea" : 2696.59, "numStates" : 2, "states" : [ "District of
Columbia", "Puerto Rico" ] }
{ "_id" : "Northeast", "totalArea" : 181319.86, "avgArea" : 20146.65111111111, "numStates" : 9, "states"
: [ "New Jersey", "Vermont", "Maine", "New Hampshire", "Rhode Island", "Pennsylvania", "Connecticut",
"Massachusetts", "New York" ] }
{ "_id" : "Midwest", "totalArea" : 821724.3700000001, "avgArea" : 68477.03083333334, "numStates" : 12,
"states" : [ "Iowa", "Missouri", "Ohio", "Indiana", "North Dakota", "Wisconsin", "Illinois", "Minnesota",
"Kansas", "South Dakota", "Michigan", "Nebraska" ] }
{ "_id" : "West", "totalArea" : 1873251.6300000001, "avgArea" : 144096.27923076923, "numStates" : 13,
"states" : [ "Colorado", "Wyoming", "California", "Utah", "Nevada", "Alaska", "Hawaii", "Montana", "New
Mexico", "Arizona", "Idaho", "Oregon", "Washington" ] }
{ "_id" : "South", "totalArea" : 920378.03, "avgArea" : 57523.626875, "numStates" : 16, "states" : [
"Alabama", "Georgia", "Maryland", "South Carolina", "Florida", "Mississippi", "Arkansas", "Louisiana",
"North Carolina", "Texas", "West Virginia", "Oklahoma", "Virginia", "Delaware", "Kentucky", "Tennessee" ]
Calculating Average State Area By
{ $group: {
_id: "$region",
avgAreaM: {$avg:
”$areaM" }
_id: ”North East",
avgAreaM: 154
_id: “West",
avgAreaM: 300
state: ”New York",
areaM: 218,
region: “North East"
state: ”New Jersey",
areaM: 90,
region: “North East”
state: “California",
areaM: 300,
region: “West"
Calculating Total Area and State Count
{ $group: {
_id: "$region",
totArea: {$sum:
”$areaM" },
sCount : {$sum : 1}}}
_id: ”North East",
totArea: 308
sCount: 2}
_id: “West",
totArea: 300,
sCount: 1}
state: ”New York",
areaM: 218,
region: “North East"
state: ”New Jersey",
areaM: 90,
region: “North East”
state: “California",
area: 300,
region: “West"
Total US Population By Year
[{$unwind : "$data"},
{$group : {"_id" : "$data.year",
"totalPop" : {$sum : "$data.totalPop"}}},
{$sort : {"totalPop" : 1}}
{ "_id" : 1990, "totalPop" : 248709873 }
{ "_id" : 2000, "totalPop" : 281421906 }
{ "_id" : 2010, "totalPop" : 312471327 }
• Flattens arrays
• Create documents from array elements
• Array replaced by element value
• Missing/empty fields → no output
• Non-array fields → error
• Pipe to $group to aggregate
{ "a" : "foo", "b" : [1, 2, 3] }
{ "a" : "foo", "b" : 1 }
{ "a" : "foo", "b" : 2 }
{ "a" : "foo", "b" : 3 }
{ $unwind: $census }
{ state: “New York,
census: 1990}
state: ”New York",
census: [1990, 2000,
state: ”New Jersey",
census: [1990, 2000]
state: “California",
census: [1980, 1990,
2000, 2010]
state: ”Delaware",
census: [1990, 2000]
{ state: “New York,
census: 2000}
{ state: “New York,
census: 2010}
{ state: “New Jersey,
census: 1990}
{ state: “New Jersey,
census: 2000}
Southern State Population By Year
[{$match : {"region" : "South"}},
{$unwind : "$data"},
{$group : {"_id" : "$data.year",
"totalPop” : {"$sum” :
{ "_id" : 2010, "totalPop" : 113954021 }
{ "_id" : 2000, "totalPop" : 99664761 }
{ "_id" : 1990, "totalPop" : 84839030 }
• Filter documents
–Uses existing query syntax
{ $match:
{ “region” : “West” }
state: ”New York",
areaM: 218,
region: “North East"
state: ”Oregon",
areaM: 245,
region: “West”
state: “California",
area: 300,
region: “West"
state: ”Oregon",
areaM: 245,
region: “West”
state: “California",
area: 300,
region: “West"
Population Delta By State from 1990 to
{$unwind : "$data"},
{$sort : {"data.year" : 1}},
{$group :{"_id" : "$name",
"pop1990" : {"$first" : "$data.totalPop"},
"pop2010" : {"$last" : "$data.totalPop"}}},
{$project : {"_id" : 0, "name" : "$_id",
"delta" : {"$subtract" : ["$pop2010",
"$pop1990"]}, "pop1990" :
"pop2010” : 1}
{ "pop1990" : 3725789, "pop2010" : 3725789, "name" : "Puerto Rico", "delta" : 0 }
{ "pop1990" : 4866692, "pop2010" : 6724540, "name" : "Washington", "delta" : 1857848 }
{ "pop1990" : 4877185, "pop2010" : 6346105, "name" : "Tennessee", "delta" : 1468920 }
{ "pop1990" : 1227928, "pop2010" : 1328361, "name" : "Maine", "delta" : 100433 }
{ "pop1990" : 1006749, "pop2010" : 1567582, "name" : "Idaho", "delta" : 560833 }
{ "pop1990" : 1108229, "pop2010" : 1360301, "name" : "Hawaii", "delta" : 252072 }
{ "pop1990" : 3665228, "pop2010" : 6392017, "name" : "Arizona", "delta" : 2726789 }
{ "pop1990" : 638800, "pop2010" : 672591, "name" : "North Dakota", "delta" : 33791 }
{ "pop1990" : 6187358, "pop2010" : 8001024, "name" : "Virginia", "delta" : 1813666 }
{ "pop1990" : 550043, "pop2010" : 710231, "name" : "Alaska", "delta" : 160188 }
{ "pop1990" : 1109252, "pop2010" : 1316470, "name" : "New Hampshire", "delta" : 207218
{ "pop1990" : 10847115, "pop2010" : 11536504, "name" : "Ohio", "delta" : 689389 }
{ "pop1990" : 6016425, "pop2010" : 6547629, "name" : "Massachusetts", "delta" : 531204
{ "pop1990" : 6628637, "pop2010" : 9535483, "name" : "North Carolina", "delta" :
2906846 }
{ "pop1990" : 3287116, "pop2010" : 3574097, "name" : "Connecticut", "delta" : 286981 }
{ "pop1990" : 17990455, "pop2010" : 19378102, "name" : "New York", "delta" : 1387647 }
{ "pop1990" : 29760021, "pop2010" : 37253956, "name" : "California", "delta" : 7493935
{ "pop1990" : 16986510, "pop2010" : 25145561, "name" : "Texas", "delta" : 8159051 }
{ "pop1990" : 11881643, "pop2010" : 12702379, "name" : "Pennsylvania", "delta" : 820736
{ "pop1990" : 2842321, "pop2010" : 3831074, "name" : "Oregon", "delta" : 988753 }
$sort, $limit, $skip
• Sort documents by one or more
– Same order syntax as cursors
– Waits for earlier pipeline operator to
– In-memory unless early and indexed
• Limit and skip follow cursor
$first, $last
• Collection operations like $push and
• Must be used in $group
• $first and $last determined by document
• Typically used with $sort to ensure ordering is
• Reshape/Transform Documents
– Include, exclude or rename fields
– Inject computed fields
– Create sub-document fields
Including and Excluding Fields
{ $project:
{ “_id” : 0,
“pop1990” : 1,
“pop2010” : 1
"_id" : "Virginia”,
"pop1990" : 453588,
"pop2010" : 3725789
"_id" : "South Dakota",
"pop1990" : 453588,
"pop2010" : 3725789
"pop1990" : 453588,
"pop2010" : 3725789
"pop1990" : 453588,
"pop2010" : 3725789
”name" : “South Dakota”,
”delta" : 118176
Renaming and Computing Fields
{ $project:
{ “_id” : 0,
“pop1990” : 0,
“pop2010” : 0,
“name” : “$_id”,
"delta" :
{"$subtract" :
"_id" : "Virginia”,
"pop1990" : 6187358,
"pop2010" : 8001024
"_id" : "South Dakota",
"pop1990" : 696004,
"pop2010" : 814180
”name" : “Virginia”,
”delta" : 1813666
Compare number of people living within
500KM of Memphis, TN in 1990, 2000, 2010
Compare number of people living within
500KM of Memphis, TN in 1990, 2000, 2010
{$geoNear : {
"near" : {"type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [90, 35]},
“distanceField” : "dist.calculated",
“maxDistance” : 500000,
“includeLocs” : "dist.location",
“spherical” : true }},
{$unwind : "$data"},
{$group : {"_id" : "$data.year",
"totalPop" : {"$sum" : "$data.totalPop"},
"states" : {"$addToSet" : "$name"}}},
{$sort : {"_id" : 1}}
{ "_id" : 1990, "totalPop" : 22644082, "states" : [ "Kentucky", "Missouri", "Alabama",
"Tennessee", "Mississippi", "Arkansas" ] }
{ "_id" : 2000, "totalPop" : 25291421, "states" : [ "Kentucky", "Missouri", "Alabama",
"Tennessee", "Mississippi", "Arkansas" ] }
{ "_id" : 2010, "totalPop" : 27337350, "states" : [ "Kentucky", "Missouri", "Alabama",
"Tennessee", "Mississippi", "Arkansas" ] }
• Order/Filter Documents by Location
– Requires a geospatial index
– Output includes physical distance
– Must be first aggregation stage
"_id" : ”Tennessee",
"pop1990" : 4877185,
"pop2010" : 6346105,
“center” :
{“type” : “Point”,
“coordinates” :
"_id" : "Virginia”,
"pop1990" : 6187358,
"pop2010" : 8001024,
“center” :
{“type” : “Point”,
“coordinates” :
{$geoNear : {
"near”: {"type”: "Point",
[90, 35]},
maxDistance : 500000,
spherical : true }}
"_id" : ”Tennessee",
"pop1990" : 4877185,
"pop2010" : 6346105,
“center” :
{“type” : “Point”,
“coordinates” :
What if I want to save the results to a
{$geoNear : {
"near" : {"type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [90, 35]},
“distanceField” : "dist.calculated",
“maxDistance” : 500000,
“includeLocs” : "dist.location",
“spherical” : true }},
{$unwind : "$data"},
{$group : {"_id" : "$data.year",
"totalPop" : {"$sum" : "$data.totalPop"},
"states" : {"$addToSet" : "$name"}}},
{$sort : {"_id" : 1}},
{$out : “peopleNearMemphis”}
db.cData.aggregate([ <pipeline stages>,
{“$out” :“resultsCollection”}])
• Save aggregation results to a new collection
• NOTE: Overwrites any data existing in collection
• Transform documents - ETL
Back To The Original Question
• Which US Division has the fastest growing population density?
– We only want to include data states with more than 1M people
– We only want to include divisions larger than 100K square miles
Division with Fastest Growing Pop
[{$match : {"data.totalPop" : {"$gt" : 1000000}}},
{$unwind : "$data"},
{$sort : {"data.year" : 1}},
{$group : {"_id" : "$name",
"pop1990" : {"$first" : "$data.totalPop"},
"pop2010" : {"$last" : "$data.totalPop"},
"areaM" : {"$first" : "$areaM"},
"division" : {"$first" : "$division"}}},
{$group : {"_id" : "$division",
"totalPop1990" : {"$sum" : "$pop1990"},
"totalPop2010" : {"$sum" : "$pop2010"},
"totalAreaM" : {"$sum" : "$areaM"}}},
{$match : {"totalAreaM" : {"$gt" : 100000}}},
{$project : {"_id" : 0,
"division" : "$_id",
"density1990" : {"$divide" : ["$totalPop1990", "$totalAreaM"]},
"density2010" : {"$divide" : ["$totalPop2010", "$totalAreaM"]},
"denDelta" : {"$subtract" : [{"$divide" : ["$totalPop2010", "$totalAreaM"]},{"$divide" : ["$totalPop1990”,"$totalAreaM"]}]},
"totalAreaM" : 1,
"totalPop1990" : 1,
"totalPop2010" : 1}},
{$sort : {"denDelta" : -1}}])
{ "totalPop1990" : 42293785, "totalPop2010" : 58277380, "totalAreaM" : 290433.39999999997,
"division" : "South Atlantic", "density1990" : 145.62300685802668, "density2010" :
200.6566049221612, "denDelta" : 55.03359806413451 }
{ "totalPop1990" : 38577263, "totalPop2010" : 49169871, "totalAreaM" : 344302.94999999995,
"division" : "Pacific", "density1990" : 112.0445322934352, "density2010" : 142.80990331334658,
"denDelta" : 30.765371019911385 }
{ "totalPop1990" : 37602286, "totalPop2010" : 40872375, "totalAreaM" : 109331.91, "division" :
"Mid-Atlantic", "density1990" : 343.9278249140621, "density2010" : 373.8375648975674,
"denDelta" : 29.90973998350529 }
{ "totalPop1990" : 26702793, "totalPop2010" : 36346202, "totalAreaM" : 444052.01, "division" :
"West South Central", "density1990" : 60.134381555890265, "density2010" : 81.85122729204626,
"denDelta" : 21.716845736155996 }
{ "totalPop1990" : 15176284, "totalPop2010" : 18432505, "totalAreaM" : 183403.9, "division" :
"East South Central", "density1990" : 82.74788049763391, "density2010" : 100.50225213313348,
"denDelta" : 17.754371635499567 }
{ "totalPop1990" : 42008942, "totalPop2010" : 46421564, "totalAreaM" : 301368.57, "division" :
"East North Central", "density1990" : 139.39390560867048, "density2010" : 154.03585052017866,
"denDelta" : 14.641944911508176 }
{ "totalPop1990" : 12406123, "totalPop2010" : 20512410, "totalAreaM" : 618711.92, "division" :
"Mountain", "density1990" : 20.051533838236054, "density2010" : 33.153410071685705, "denDelta"
: 13.101876233449651 }
{ "totalPop1990" : 16324886, "totalPop2010" : 19018666, "totalAreaM" : 372541.8, "division" :
"West North Central", "density1990" : 43.820280033005695, "density2010" : 51.05109279012449,
"denDelta" : 7.230812757118798 }
Aggregate Options
Aggregate options
db.cData.aggregate([<pipeline stages>],
{‘explain’ : false
'allowDiskUse' : true,
'cursor' : {'batchSize' : 5}})
explain – similar to find().explain()
allowDiskUse – enable use of disk to store intermediate
cursor – specify the size of the initial result
New things in 3.2
{ $sample: { size: <positive integer> } }
● If WT - pseudo-random cursor to return
● If MMAPv1 - uses _id index to randomly
select docs
Used by Compass, Useful for unit tests, etc
• Performs a left outer join to another collection in the same database to filter in
documents from the “joined” collection for processing.
• To each input document, the $lookup stage adds a new array field whose
elements are the matching documents from the “joined” collection.
from: <collection to join>,
localField: <field from the input documents>,
foreignField: <field from the documents of the "from" collection>,
as: <output array field>
• Sample data:
{ "_id" : ObjectId("565e759ae6f9919371a53896"), "v" : 14, "k" : 0 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("565e759ae6f9919371a53897"), "v" : 664, "k" : 1 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("565e759ae6f9919371a53898"), "v" : 701, "k" : 1 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("565e759ae6f9919371a53899"), "v" : 312, "k" : 1 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("565e759ae6f9919371a5389a"), "v" : 10, "k" : 2 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("565e759ae6f9919371a5389b"), "v" : 686, "k" : 0 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("565e759ae6f9919371a5389c"), "v" : 669, "k" : 2 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("565e759ae6f9919371a5389d"), "v" : 273, "k" : 2 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("565e759ae6f9919371a5389e"), "v" : 473, "k" : 0 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("565e759ae6f9919371a5389f"), "v" : 158, "k" : 2 }
> db.keys.find()
{ "_id" : 0, "name" : "East Meter" }
{ "_id" : 1, "name" : "Central Meter 12" }
{ "_id" : 2, "name" : "New HIFI Monitor" }
• Try to find ave “v” value but lookup name of “k” [
{ "$lookup" : {
"from" : "keys",
"localField" : "k",
"foreignField" : "_id",
"as" : "name" }
{ "$unwind" : "$name" },
{ "$project" : {
"k" : "$k",
"name" : "$",
"v" : "$v" }
{ "$group" : {
"_id" : "$name",
"aveValue" : { "$avg" : "$v" }
{ "$project" : {
"_id" : 0,
"name" : "$_id",
"aveValue" : "$aveValue" }
{ "aveValue" : 277.5, "name" : "New HIFI Monitor"}
{ "aveValue" : 559, "name" : "Central Meter 12"}
{ "aveValue" : 391, "name" : "East Meter"}
friends of friends
Use $lookup to perform "self-joins" for graph problems.
Simple case: find the friends of someone's friends
Can extend this to find cliques, paths, etc.
{ "_id" : 1, "name" : "FLOYD", "friends" : [ "BILLIE",
"JOAN", "HIRAM" ] }
{ "_id" : 2, "name" : "ELIDA", "friends" : [ "ALI",
"KESHIA" ] }
don't forget your indexes…
Running FOF.friendsOfFriends(1)
2016-01-26T10:19:41.201-0500 I COMMAND [conn6] command friendship.friends command:
aggregate { aggregate: "friends", pipeline: [ { $match: { _id: 1.0 } }, { $unwind:
"$friends" }, { $lookup: { from: "friends", localField: "friends", foreignField:
"name", as: "friendsOfFriends" } }, { $unwind: "$friendsOfFriends" }, { $unwind:
"$friendsOfFriends.friends" }, { $group: { _id: "$friendsOfFriends.friends" } }, {
$project: { friendOfFriend: "$_id", _id: 0.0 } } ], cursor: {} } cursorid:42505581740
keyUpdates:0 writeConflicts:0 numYields:0 reslen:3722 locks:{ Global: { acquireCount:
{ r: 1124 } }, Database: { acquireCount: { r: 562 } }, Collection: { acquireCount: {
r: 562 } } } protocol:op_command 48ms
with indexes { "friends" : 1 } & { "name" : 1 }:
2016-01-26T10:17:45.167-0500 I COMMAND [conn6] command friendship.friends command:
aggregate { aggregate: "friends", pipeline: [ { $match: { _id: 1.0 } }, { $unwind:
"$friends" }, { $lookup: { from: "friends", localField: "friends", foreignField:
"name", as: "friendsOfFriends" } }, { $unwind: "$friendsOfFriends" }, { $unwind:
"$friendsOfFriends.friends" }, { $group: { _id: "$friendsOfFriends.friends" } }, {
$project: { friendOfFriend: "$_id", _id: 0.0 } } ], cursor: {} } cursorid:39053867824
keyUpdates:0 writeConflicts:0 numYields:0 reslen:3722 locks:{ Global: { acquireCount:
{ r: 32 } }, Database: { acquireCount: { r: 16 } }, Collection: { acquireCount: { r:
16 } } } protocol:op_command 2ms
lots of new mathematical operators
$stdDevSamp Calculates standard deviation. { $stdDevSamp: <array> }
$stdDevPop Calculates population standard deviation. { $stdDevPop: <array> }
$sqrt Calculates the square root. { $sqrt: <number> }
$abs Returns the absolute value of a number. { $abs: <number> }
$log Calculates the log of a number in the specified base. { $log: [ <number>, <base> ] }
$log10 Calculates the log base 10 of a number. { $log10: <number> }
$ln Calculates the natural log of a number. { $ln: <number> }
$pow Raises a number to the specified exponent. { $pow: [ <number>, <exponent> ] }
$exp Raises e to the specified exponent. { $exp: <number> }
$trunc Truncates a number to its integer. { $trunc: <number> }
$ceil Returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to the specified number.{$ceil:<number>}
$floor Returns the largest integer less than or equal to the specified number. {$floor: <number>}
new array operators
$slice Returns a subset of an array.
{ $slice: [ <array>, <n> ] } or { $slice: [ <array>, <position>, <n> ] }
$arrayElemAt Returns the element at the specified array index.{ $arrayElemAt: [ <array>, <idx>
] }
$concatArrays Concatenates arrays. { $concatArrays: [ <array1>, <array2>, ... ]}
$isArray Determines if the operand is an array. { $isArray: [ <expression> ] }
$filter Selects a subset of the array based on the condition.
input: <array>,
as: <string>,
cond: <expression>
Analytics in MongoDB?
Derive Values
Framework Use Cases
• Basic aggregation queries
• Ad-hoc reporting
• Real-time analytics
• Visualizing and reshaping data
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Webinar: Exploring the Aggregation Framework

  • 1. Exploring the Aggregation Framework Jason Mimick - Senior Consulting Engineer @jmimick Original Slide Credits: Jay Runkel et al
  • 2. 2 Warning or Whew This is a “101” beginner talk! Assuming you know some basics about MongoDB But basically nothing about the Aggregation Framework
  • 3. 3 Agenda 1. Analytics in MongoDB? 2. Aggregation Framework 3. Aggregation Framework in Action – US Census Data – Aggregation Framework Options 4. New 3.2 stuff – Friends of friends $lookup for self-joins
  • 5. 5 For Example: US Census Data • Census data from 1990, 2000, 2010 • Question: Which US Division has the fastest growing population density? – We only want to include data states with more than 1M people – We only want to include divisions larger than 100K square miles Division = a group of US States Population density = Area of division/# of people Data is provided at the state level
  • 6. 6 US Regions and Divisions
  • 7. 7 How would we solve this in SQL? SELECT GROUP BY HAVING Of course, we don’t have SQL we’re a noSQL database
  • 9. 9 Core Concept: Pipeline ps -ef | grep mongod
  • 10. 10 What is the Aggregation Pipeline? A Series of Document Transformations – Executed in stages – Original input is a collection – Output as a cursor or a collection Rich Library of Functions – Filter, compute, group, and summarize data – Output of one stage sent to input of next – Operations executed in sequential order
  • 12. 12 Syntax > [ { stage1 },{ stage2 },{ stage3 }, … ]) mongo shell 1 db - variable pointing to current database 2 collection name 3 aggregate - method on collection 4 array of objects, each a pipeline operator 5 pipeline operators 1 2 3 4 ...5...
  • 13. 13 Syntax - Driver - Java [ { "$group" : { "_id" : "$PatientID, "count" : { "$sum" : 1 } } }, { "$match" : { "count" : { "$gte" : 5 } } }, { "$sort" : { "count" : -1 } } ] )
  • 14. 14 Some Popular Pipeline Operators $match Filter documents $project Reshape documents $group Summarize documents $unwind Expand arrays in documents $sort Order documents $limit/$skip Paginate documents $redact Restrict documents $geoNear Proximity sort documents $let,$map Define variables
  • 15. 15 80+ operators available as of MongoDB 3.2
  • 16. Aggregation Framework in Action (let’s play with the census data)
  • 17. 17 cData Collection • Document For Each State – Name – Region – Division • Census Data For 1990, 2000, 2010 – Population – Housing Units – Occupied Housing Units • Census Data is an array with three subdocuments
  • 18. 18 Count, Distinct • Check out cData docs • count() • distinct() When you starting building your aggregations you need to ‘get to know’ your data!
  • 19. 19 Simple $group Census data has a collection called regions > db.regions.findOne() { "_id" : ObjectId("54d0e1ac28099359f5660f9f"), "state" : "Connecticut", "region" : "Northeast", "regNum" : 1, "division" : "New England", "divNum" : 1 } How can we find out how many states are in each region?
  • 20. 20 > db.regions.aggregate( [ { "$group" : { "_id" : "$region", "count" : { "$sum" : 1 } } } ] ) { "_id" : "West", "count" : 13 } { "_id" : "South", "count" : 17 } { "_id" : "Midwest", "count" : 12 } { "_id" : "Northeast", "count" : 9 } // make more readable - store your pipeline ops in variables >var group = { "$group" : { "_id" : "$region", "count" : { "$sum" : 1 } } }; db.regions.aggregate( [ group ] )
  • 21. 21 $group • Group documents by value – _id - field reference, object, constant – Other output fields are computed • $max, $min, $avg, $sum • $addToSet, $push • $first, $last – Processes all data in memory by default
  • 22. 22 Total US Area Back to cData… Can we use $group to find the total area of the US (according to these data)?
  • 23. 23 db.cData.aggregate([ {"$group" : {"_id" : null, "totalArea" : {$sum : "$areaM"}, "avgArea" : {$avg : "$areaM"} } }]) { "_id" : null, "totalArea" : 3802067.0700000003, "avgArea" : 73116.67442307693 }
  • 24. 24 Area By Regiondb.cData.aggregate([ {"$group" : {"_id" : "$region", "totalArea" : {$sum : "$areaM"}, "avgArea" : {$avg : "$areaM"}, "numStates" : {$sum : 1}, "states" : {$push : "$name"}}} ]) { "_id" : null, "totalArea" : 5393.18, "avgArea" : 2696.59, "numStates" : 2, "states" : [ "District of Columbia", "Puerto Rico" ] } { "_id" : "Northeast", "totalArea" : 181319.86, "avgArea" : 20146.65111111111, "numStates" : 9, "states" : [ "New Jersey", "Vermont", "Maine", "New Hampshire", "Rhode Island", "Pennsylvania", "Connecticut", "Massachusetts", "New York" ] } { "_id" : "Midwest", "totalArea" : 821724.3700000001, "avgArea" : 68477.03083333334, "numStates" : 12, "states" : [ "Iowa", "Missouri", "Ohio", "Indiana", "North Dakota", "Wisconsin", "Illinois", "Minnesota", "Kansas", "South Dakota", "Michigan", "Nebraska" ] } { "_id" : "West", "totalArea" : 1873251.6300000001, "avgArea" : 144096.27923076923, "numStates" : 13, "states" : [ "Colorado", "Wyoming", "California", "Utah", "Nevada", "Alaska", "Hawaii", "Montana", "New Mexico", "Arizona", "Idaho", "Oregon", "Washington" ] } { "_id" : "South", "totalArea" : 920378.03, "avgArea" : 57523.626875, "numStates" : 16, "states" : [ "Alabama", "Georgia", "Maryland", "South Carolina", "Florida", "Mississippi", "Arkansas", "Louisiana", "North Carolina", "Texas", "West Virginia", "Oklahoma", "Virginia", "Delaware", "Kentucky", "Tennessee" ] }
  • 25. 25 Calculating Average State Area By Region { $group: { _id: "$region", avgAreaM: {$avg: ”$areaM" } }} { _id: ”North East", avgAreaM: 154 } { _id: “West", avgAreaM: 300 } { state: ”New York", areaM: 218, region: “North East" } { state: ”New Jersey", areaM: 90, region: “North East” } { state: “California", areaM: 300, region: “West" }
  • 26. 26 Calculating Total Area and State Count { $group: { _id: "$region", totArea: {$sum: ”$areaM" }, sCount : {$sum : 1}}} { _id: ”North East", totArea: 308 sCount: 2} { _id: “West", totArea: 300, sCount: 1} { state: ”New York", areaM: 218, region: “North East" } { state: ”New Jersey", areaM: 90, region: “North East” } { state: “California", area: 300, region: “West" }
  • 27. 27 Total US Population By Year db.cData.aggregate( [{$unwind : "$data"}, {$group : {"_id" : "$data.year", "totalPop" : {$sum : "$data.totalPop"}}}, {$sort : {"totalPop" : 1}} ]) { "_id" : 1990, "totalPop" : 248709873 } { "_id" : 2000, "totalPop" : 281421906 } { "_id" : 2010, "totalPop" : 312471327 }
  • 28. 28 $unwind • Flattens arrays • Create documents from array elements • Array replaced by element value • Missing/empty fields → no output • Non-array fields → error • Pipe to $group to aggregate { "a" : "foo", "b" : [1, 2, 3] } { "a" : "foo", "b" : 1 } { "a" : "foo", "b" : 2 } { "a" : "foo", "b" : 3 }
  • 29. 29 $unwind { $unwind: $census } { state: “New York, census: 1990} { state: ”New York", census: [1990, 2000, 2010] } { state: ”New Jersey", census: [1990, 2000] } { state: “California", census: [1980, 1990, 2000, 2010] } { state: ”Delaware", census: [1990, 2000] } { state: “New York, census: 2000} { state: “New York, census: 2010} { state: “New Jersey, census: 1990} { state: “New Jersey, census: 2000} …
  • 30. 30 Southern State Population By Year db.cData.aggregate( [{$match : {"region" : "South"}}, {$unwind : "$data"}, {$group : {"_id" : "$data.year", "totalPop” : {"$sum” : "$data.totalPop"}}}]) { "_id" : 2010, "totalPop" : 113954021 } { "_id" : 2000, "totalPop" : 99664761 } { "_id" : 1990, "totalPop" : 84839030 }
  • 31. 31 $match • Filter documents –Uses existing query syntax
  • 32. 32 $match { $match: { “region” : “West” } } { state: ”New York", areaM: 218, region: “North East" } { state: ”Oregon", areaM: 245, region: “West” } { state: “California", area: 300, region: “West" } { state: ”Oregon", areaM: 245, region: “West” } { state: “California", area: 300, region: “West" }
  • 33. 33 Population Delta By State from 1990 to 2010 db.cData.aggregate([ {$unwind : "$data"}, {$sort : {"data.year" : 1}}, {$group :{"_id" : "$name", "pop1990" : {"$first" : "$data.totalPop"}, "pop2010" : {"$last" : "$data.totalPop"}}}, {$project : {"_id" : 0, "name" : "$_id", "delta" : {"$subtract" : ["$pop2010", "$pop1990"]}, "pop1990" : 1, "pop2010” : 1} } ])
  • 34. 34 { "pop1990" : 3725789, "pop2010" : 3725789, "name" : "Puerto Rico", "delta" : 0 } { "pop1990" : 4866692, "pop2010" : 6724540, "name" : "Washington", "delta" : 1857848 } { "pop1990" : 4877185, "pop2010" : 6346105, "name" : "Tennessee", "delta" : 1468920 } { "pop1990" : 1227928, "pop2010" : 1328361, "name" : "Maine", "delta" : 100433 } { "pop1990" : 1006749, "pop2010" : 1567582, "name" : "Idaho", "delta" : 560833 } { "pop1990" : 1108229, "pop2010" : 1360301, "name" : "Hawaii", "delta" : 252072 } { "pop1990" : 3665228, "pop2010" : 6392017, "name" : "Arizona", "delta" : 2726789 } { "pop1990" : 638800, "pop2010" : 672591, "name" : "North Dakota", "delta" : 33791 } { "pop1990" : 6187358, "pop2010" : 8001024, "name" : "Virginia", "delta" : 1813666 } { "pop1990" : 550043, "pop2010" : 710231, "name" : "Alaska", "delta" : 160188 } { "pop1990" : 1109252, "pop2010" : 1316470, "name" : "New Hampshire", "delta" : 207218 } { "pop1990" : 10847115, "pop2010" : 11536504, "name" : "Ohio", "delta" : 689389 } { "pop1990" : 6016425, "pop2010" : 6547629, "name" : "Massachusetts", "delta" : 531204 } { "pop1990" : 6628637, "pop2010" : 9535483, "name" : "North Carolina", "delta" : 2906846 } { "pop1990" : 3287116, "pop2010" : 3574097, "name" : "Connecticut", "delta" : 286981 } { "pop1990" : 17990455, "pop2010" : 19378102, "name" : "New York", "delta" : 1387647 } { "pop1990" : 29760021, "pop2010" : 37253956, "name" : "California", "delta" : 7493935 } { "pop1990" : 16986510, "pop2010" : 25145561, "name" : "Texas", "delta" : 8159051 } { "pop1990" : 11881643, "pop2010" : 12702379, "name" : "Pennsylvania", "delta" : 820736 } { "pop1990" : 2842321, "pop2010" : 3831074, "name" : "Oregon", "delta" : 988753 }
  • 35. 35 $sort, $limit, $skip • Sort documents by one or more fields – Same order syntax as cursors – Waits for earlier pipeline operator to return – In-memory unless early and indexed • Limit and skip follow cursor behavior
  • 36. 36 $first, $last • Collection operations like $push and $addToSet • Must be used in $group • $first and $last determined by document order • Typically used with $sort to ensure ordering is known
  • 37. 37 $project • Reshape/Transform Documents – Include, exclude or rename fields – Inject computed fields – Create sub-document fields
  • 38. 38 Including and Excluding Fields { $project: { “_id” : 0, “pop1990” : 1, “pop2010” : 1 } { "_id" : "Virginia”, "pop1990" : 453588, "pop2010" : 3725789 } { "_id" : "South Dakota", "pop1990" : 453588, "pop2010" : 3725789 } { "pop1990" : 453588, "pop2010" : 3725789 } { "pop1990" : 453588, "pop2010" : 3725789 }
  • 39. 39 { ”name" : “South Dakota”, ”delta" : 118176 } Renaming and Computing Fields { $project: { “_id” : 0, “pop1990” : 0, “pop2010” : 0, “name” : “$_id”, "delta" : {"$subtract" : ["$pop2010", "$pop1990"]}} } { "_id" : "Virginia”, "pop1990" : 6187358, "pop2010" : 8001024 } { "_id" : "South Dakota", "pop1990" : 696004, "pop2010" : 814180 } { ”name" : “Virginia”, ”delta" : 1813666 }
  • 40. 40 Compare number of people living within 500KM of Memphis, TN in 1990, 2000, 2010
  • 41. 41 Compare number of people living within 500KM of Memphis, TN in 1990, 2000, 2010 db.cData.aggregate([ {$geoNear : { "near" : {"type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [90, 35]}, “distanceField” : "dist.calculated", “maxDistance” : 500000, “includeLocs” : "dist.location", “spherical” : true }}, {$unwind : "$data"}, {$group : {"_id" : "$data.year", "totalPop" : {"$sum" : "$data.totalPop"}, "states" : {"$addToSet" : "$name"}}}, {$sort : {"_id" : 1}} ])
  • 42. 42 { "_id" : 1990, "totalPop" : 22644082, "states" : [ "Kentucky", "Missouri", "Alabama", "Tennessee", "Mississippi", "Arkansas" ] } { "_id" : 2000, "totalPop" : 25291421, "states" : [ "Kentucky", "Missouri", "Alabama", "Tennessee", "Mississippi", "Arkansas" ] } { "_id" : 2010, "totalPop" : 27337350, "states" : [ "Kentucky", "Missouri", "Alabama", "Tennessee", "Mississippi", "Arkansas" ] }
  • 43. 43 $geoNear • Order/Filter Documents by Location – Requires a geospatial index – Output includes physical distance – Must be first aggregation stage
  • 44. 44 { "_id" : ”Tennessee", "pop1990" : 4877185, "pop2010" : 6346105, “center” : {“type” : “Point”, “coordinates” : [86.6, 37.8]} } { "_id" : "Virginia”, "pop1990" : 6187358, "pop2010" : 8001024, “center” : {“type” : “Point”, “coordinates” : [78.6, 37.5]} } $geoNear {$geoNear : { "near”: {"type”: "Point", "coordinates”: [90, 35]}, maxDistance : 500000, spherical : true }} { "_id" : ”Tennessee", "pop1990" : 4877185, "pop2010" : 6346105, “center” : {“type” : “Point”, “coordinates” : [86.6, 37.8]} }
  • 45. 45 What if I want to save the results to a collection? db.cData.aggregate([ {$geoNear : { "near" : {"type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [90, 35]}, “distanceField” : "dist.calculated", “maxDistance” : 500000, “includeLocs” : "dist.location", “spherical” : true }}, {$unwind : "$data"}, {$group : {"_id" : "$data.year", "totalPop" : {"$sum" : "$data.totalPop"}, "states" : {"$addToSet" : "$name"}}}, {$sort : {"_id" : 1}}, {$out : “peopleNearMemphis”} ])
  • 46. 46 $out db.cData.aggregate([ <pipeline stages>, {“$out” :“resultsCollection”}]) • Save aggregation results to a new collection • NOTE: Overwrites any data existing in collection • Transform documents - ETL
  • 47. 47 Back To The Original Question • Which US Division has the fastest growing population density? – We only want to include data states with more than 1M people – We only want to include divisions larger than 100K square miles
  • 48. 48 Division with Fastest Growing Pop Densitydb.cData.aggregate( [{$match : {"data.totalPop" : {"$gt" : 1000000}}}, {$unwind : "$data"}, {$sort : {"data.year" : 1}}, {$group : {"_id" : "$name", "pop1990" : {"$first" : "$data.totalPop"}, "pop2010" : {"$last" : "$data.totalPop"}, "areaM" : {"$first" : "$areaM"}, "division" : {"$first" : "$division"}}}, {$group : {"_id" : "$division", "totalPop1990" : {"$sum" : "$pop1990"}, "totalPop2010" : {"$sum" : "$pop2010"}, "totalAreaM" : {"$sum" : "$areaM"}}}, {$match : {"totalAreaM" : {"$gt" : 100000}}}, {$project : {"_id" : 0, "division" : "$_id", "density1990" : {"$divide" : ["$totalPop1990", "$totalAreaM"]}, "density2010" : {"$divide" : ["$totalPop2010", "$totalAreaM"]}, "denDelta" : {"$subtract" : [{"$divide" : ["$totalPop2010", "$totalAreaM"]},{"$divide" : ["$totalPop1990”,"$totalAreaM"]}]}, "totalAreaM" : 1, "totalPop1990" : 1, "totalPop2010" : 1}}, {$sort : {"denDelta" : -1}}])
  • 49. 49 { "totalPop1990" : 42293785, "totalPop2010" : 58277380, "totalAreaM" : 290433.39999999997, "division" : "South Atlantic", "density1990" : 145.62300685802668, "density2010" : 200.6566049221612, "denDelta" : 55.03359806413451 } { "totalPop1990" : 38577263, "totalPop2010" : 49169871, "totalAreaM" : 344302.94999999995, "division" : "Pacific", "density1990" : 112.0445322934352, "density2010" : 142.80990331334658, "denDelta" : 30.765371019911385 } { "totalPop1990" : 37602286, "totalPop2010" : 40872375, "totalAreaM" : 109331.91, "division" : "Mid-Atlantic", "density1990" : 343.9278249140621, "density2010" : 373.8375648975674, "denDelta" : 29.90973998350529 } { "totalPop1990" : 26702793, "totalPop2010" : 36346202, "totalAreaM" : 444052.01, "division" : "West South Central", "density1990" : 60.134381555890265, "density2010" : 81.85122729204626, "denDelta" : 21.716845736155996 } { "totalPop1990" : 15176284, "totalPop2010" : 18432505, "totalAreaM" : 183403.9, "division" : "East South Central", "density1990" : 82.74788049763391, "density2010" : 100.50225213313348, "denDelta" : 17.754371635499567 } { "totalPop1990" : 42008942, "totalPop2010" : 46421564, "totalAreaM" : 301368.57, "division" : "East North Central", "density1990" : 139.39390560867048, "density2010" : 154.03585052017866, "denDelta" : 14.641944911508176 } { "totalPop1990" : 12406123, "totalPop2010" : 20512410, "totalAreaM" : 618711.92, "division" : "Mountain", "density1990" : 20.051533838236054, "density2010" : 33.153410071685705, "denDelta" : 13.101876233449651 } { "totalPop1990" : 16324886, "totalPop2010" : 19018666, "totalAreaM" : 372541.8, "division" : "West North Central", "density1990" : 43.820280033005695, "density2010" : 51.05109279012449, "denDelta" : 7.230812757118798 }
  • 51. 51 Aggregate options db.cData.aggregate([<pipeline stages>], {‘explain’ : false 'allowDiskUse' : true, 'cursor' : {'batchSize' : 5}}) explain – similar to find().explain() allowDiskUse – enable use of disk to store intermediate results cursor – specify the size of the initial result
  • 53. 53 $sample { $sample: { size: <positive integer> } } ● If WT - pseudo-random cursor to return docs ● If MMAPv1 - uses _id index to randomly select docs Used by Compass, Useful for unit tests, etc
  • 54. 54 $lookup • Performs a left outer join to another collection in the same database to filter in documents from the “joined” collection for processing. • To each input document, the $lookup stage adds a new array field whose elements are the matching documents from the “joined” collection. { $lookup: { from: <collection to join>, localField: <field from the input documents>, foreignField: <field from the documents of the "from" collection>, as: <output array field> } } CANNOT BE SHARDED
  • 55. 55 • Sample data: > { "_id" : ObjectId("565e759ae6f9919371a53896"), "v" : 14, "k" : 0 } { "_id" : ObjectId("565e759ae6f9919371a53897"), "v" : 664, "k" : 1 } { "_id" : ObjectId("565e759ae6f9919371a53898"), "v" : 701, "k" : 1 } { "_id" : ObjectId("565e759ae6f9919371a53899"), "v" : 312, "k" : 1 } { "_id" : ObjectId("565e759ae6f9919371a5389a"), "v" : 10, "k" : 2 } { "_id" : ObjectId("565e759ae6f9919371a5389b"), "v" : 686, "k" : 0 } { "_id" : ObjectId("565e759ae6f9919371a5389c"), "v" : 669, "k" : 2 } { "_id" : ObjectId("565e759ae6f9919371a5389d"), "v" : 273, "k" : 2 } { "_id" : ObjectId("565e759ae6f9919371a5389e"), "v" : 473, "k" : 0 } { "_id" : ObjectId("565e759ae6f9919371a5389f"), "v" : 158, "k" : 2 } > db.keys.find() { "_id" : 0, "name" : "East Meter" } { "_id" : 1, "name" : "Central Meter 12" } { "_id" : 2, "name" : "New HIFI Monitor" }
  • 56. 56 • Try to find ave “v” value but lookup name of “k” [ { "$lookup" : { "from" : "keys", "localField" : "k", "foreignField" : "_id", "as" : "name" } }, { "$unwind" : "$name" }, { "$project" : { "k" : "$k", "name" : "$", "v" : "$v" } }, { "$group" : { "_id" : "$name", "aveValue" : { "$avg" : "$v" } } }, { "$project" : { "_id" : 0, "name" : "$_id", "aveValue" : "$aveValue" } } ]); { "aveValue" : 277.5, "name" : "New HIFI Monitor"} { "aveValue" : 559, "name" : "Central Meter 12"} { "aveValue" : 391, "name" : "East Meter"}
  • 57. 57 friends of friends Use $lookup to perform "self-joins" for graph problems. Simple case: find the friends of someone's friends Can extend this to find cliques, paths, etc. Dataset: { "_id" : 1, "name" : "FLOYD", "friends" : [ "BILLIE", "MARGENE", "HERMINIA", "LACRESHA", "SHAUN", "INOCENCIA", "DEANA", "MARAGRET", "MICHELE", "KARLENE", "KASSANDRA", "JOAN", "HIRAM" ] } { "_id" : 2, "name" : "ELIDA", "friends" : [ "ALI", "KESHIA" ] } ...
  • 58. 58
  • 59. 59 don't forget your indexes… Running FOF.friendsOfFriends(1) 2016-01-26T10:19:41.201-0500 I COMMAND [conn6] command friendship.friends command: aggregate { aggregate: "friends", pipeline: [ { $match: { _id: 1.0 } }, { $unwind: "$friends" }, { $lookup: { from: "friends", localField: "friends", foreignField: "name", as: "friendsOfFriends" } }, { $unwind: "$friendsOfFriends" }, { $unwind: "$friendsOfFriends.friends" }, { $group: { _id: "$friendsOfFriends.friends" } }, { $project: { friendOfFriend: "$_id", _id: 0.0 } } ], cursor: {} } cursorid:42505581740 keyUpdates:0 writeConflicts:0 numYields:0 reslen:3722 locks:{ Global: { acquireCount: { r: 1124 } }, Database: { acquireCount: { r: 562 } }, Collection: { acquireCount: { r: 562 } } } protocol:op_command 48ms with indexes { "friends" : 1 } & { "name" : 1 }: 2016-01-26T10:17:45.167-0500 I COMMAND [conn6] command friendship.friends command: aggregate { aggregate: "friends", pipeline: [ { $match: { _id: 1.0 } }, { $unwind: "$friends" }, { $lookup: { from: "friends", localField: "friends", foreignField: "name", as: "friendsOfFriends" } }, { $unwind: "$friendsOfFriends" }, { $unwind: "$friendsOfFriends.friends" }, { $group: { _id: "$friendsOfFriends.friends" } }, { $project: { friendOfFriend: "$_id", _id: 0.0 } } ], cursor: {} } cursorid:39053867824 keyUpdates:0 writeConflicts:0 numYields:0 reslen:3722 locks:{ Global: { acquireCount: { r: 32 } }, Database: { acquireCount: { r: 16 } }, Collection: { acquireCount: { r: 16 } } } protocol:op_command 2ms
  • 60. 60 lots of new mathematical operators $stdDevSamp Calculates standard deviation. { $stdDevSamp: <array> } $stdDevPop Calculates population standard deviation. { $stdDevPop: <array> } $sqrt Calculates the square root. { $sqrt: <number> } $abs Returns the absolute value of a number. { $abs: <number> } $log Calculates the log of a number in the specified base. { $log: [ <number>, <base> ] } $log10 Calculates the log base 10 of a number. { $log10: <number> } $ln Calculates the natural log of a number. { $ln: <number> } $pow Raises a number to the specified exponent. { $pow: [ <number>, <exponent> ] } $exp Raises e to the specified exponent. { $exp: <number> } $trunc Truncates a number to its integer. { $trunc: <number> } $ceil Returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to the specified number.{$ceil:<number>} $floor Returns the largest integer less than or equal to the specified number. {$floor: <number>}
  • 61. 61 new array operators $slice Returns a subset of an array. { $slice: [ <array>, <n> ] } or { $slice: [ <array>, <position>, <n> ] } $arrayElemAt Returns the element at the specified array index.{ $arrayElemAt: [ <array>, <idx> ] } $concatArrays Concatenates arrays. { $concatArrays: [ <array1>, <array2>, ... ]} $isArray Determines if the operand is an array. { $isArray: [ <expression> ] } $filter Selects a subset of the array based on the condition. { $filter: { input: <array>, as: <string>, cond: <expression> } }
  • 64. 64 Framework Use Cases • Basic aggregation queries • Ad-hoc reporting • Real-time analytics • Visualizing and reshaping data
  • 65. Questions? Thanks for attending & happy aggregating Please complete survey @jmimick