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How To Calm Down Atopic Dermatitis Inflammation And
Dermatitis Rashes?
Dermatitis is an encompassing term that means “skin inflammation”. There are several different
forms of dermatitis, such as atopic (also known as eczema), seborrheic, and contact, to name a
few. While the condition can involve many different symptoms, it most commonly involves a
reddening of the skin often accompanied by itchiness. Most forms of dermatitis are caused by
some form of contact with an irritant or allergen that negatively affects the skin.

The symptoms associated with dermatitis can range from simple skin rashes that are only mildly
itchy, to severe rashes that include large raised bumps or blisters that can ooze, leading to
scarring. Each individual form of dermatitis has its own unique symptoms, however just about
every form will include some redness, itching, and swelling. The area of the body that is affected
can also vary from person to person and depending on the type of dermatitis.

These skin conditions result from inflammatory processes that involve the upper dermis and
epidermis of the skin.

They are caused by inflammatory agents, such as, but not limited to, bacterial, fungal, viral,
parasitic, autoimmune, allergic, hormonal and/or malignant inflammatory agents. The most
common inflammatory skin disorders include eczema, psoriasis and dermatitis.

Below we take a closer look at the several different types of eczema, many of which look similar
but have very different causes and treatments.

Atopic eczema is the most common form of eczema and is closely linked with asthma and
hayfever. It can affect both children and adults, usually running in families. The most common
symptoms of atopic eczema is itchiness (or pruritis), which can be almost unbearable and is
particularly noticeable on face and scalp, neck, inside of elbows, behind knees, and buttocks.
Other symptoms include overall dryness of the skin, redness and inflammation. Constant
scratching can also cause the skin to split, leaving it prone to infection. In infected eczema the
skin may crack and weep (‘wet’ eczema). Conventional treatments include emollients to
maintain skin hydration, non prescription hydrocortisone and prescription steroids or natural
substances that reduce inflammation but have none of the side effects of strong steroids.

90% of people with Atopic Dermatitis are infected with Staphylococcus Aureus of which it is
possible that at
least 30% can develop acute infections. Atopic skin lacks the capability to produce sufficient

These peptides are important for the natural immune defense of the skin because they will
destroy bacteria
and fungi. The absence of peptides allows the skin to attract infection where a vicious circle
develops with

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itching and scratching and the spread of further skin infections.

As many as 1 in 5 infants suffer with eczema of some kind, normally beginning before their first
birthday. This baby eczema is known as Atopic Dermatitis. These babies are also prone to
contact dermatitis.

Allergic contact dermatitis. This type develops when the body’s immune system reacts
against a substance in contact with the skin. The allergic reaction often develops over a period
of time through repeated contact with the substance. For example, an allergic reaction may
occur to nickel, which is often found in earrings, belt buckles and jeans buttons. Reactions can
also occur after contact with other substances such as perfumes and rubber. In order to prevent
repeated reactions it is best to prevent contact with anything known to cause you a rash.

Irritant contact dermatitis. This is a type of eczema caused by frequent contact with everyday
substances, such as detergents and chemicals, which are irritating to the skin. It most
commonly occurs on the hands of adults and can be prevented by avoiding the irritants and
keeping the skin moisturised.

Infantile seborrhoeic eczema. A common condition affecting babies under one year old, the
exact cause of which is unknown. Also referred to as cradle cap, it usually starts on the scalp or
the nappy area and quickly spreads. Although this type of eczema looks unpleasant, it is not
sore or itchy and does not cause the baby to feel uncomfortable or unwell. Normally this type of
eczema will clear in just a few months, though the use of moisturising creams and bath oils can
help to speed recovery.

Adult seborrhoeic eczema. Characteristically affects adults between the ages of 20 and 40. It
is usually seen on the scalp as mild dandruff, but can spread to the face, ears and chest. The
skin becomes red, inflamed and starts to flake. The condition is believed to be caused by a
yeast growth. If the condition becomes infected, treatment with an anti-fungal cream may be

Varicose eczema affects the lower legs of those in their middle to late years, being caused by
poor circulation. Commonly the skin around the ankles is affected, becoming speckled, itchy
and inflamed. Treatment is with emollients and steroid creams. If left untreated, the skin can
break down, resulting in an ulcer.

Discoid eczema. Is usually found in adults and appears suddenly as a few coin shaped areas
of red skin, normally on the trunk or lower legs. They become itchy and can weep fluid. Usually
discoid eczema is treated with emollients.

When eczema develops, the keratinocytes (dead cells) that form the epidermis (outer most layer
of the skin) distend from one another and fluid is accumulated there amongst in a process
known as “spongiosis”.

In chronic forms of eczema or dermatitis the main change is a thickening of the epidermis,
which leads to itching, roughening and scaling of the skin surface. The loss of water from the

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skin leads to inflammation of the horny layer, which later result in cracked and sore skin.

Non allergic contact dermatitis occurs in response to skin irritants, such as acids, alkalis, oils,
detergents and solvents.

Allergic contact dermatitis occurs as a result of sensitization to repeated exposure to an antigen.
Allergic contact dermatitis appears in skin areas that were in direct contact with the antigen.

Atopic dermatitis, which affects mainly infants, is characterized by sensitization of the skin to a
wide range of common antigens.

Seborrheic dermatitis affects the scalp and other hairy areas, the face, and flexural areas and
results from yeast or bacteria induced inflammation. Most people suffer from dandruff which is a
mild form of seborrheic dermatitis.

Sensitive Skin

A genuine sensitive or irritant reaction can be caused by sun, wind, rough handling and even
water. Redness, itching, swelling and stinging are common and rapid responses, but the same
trigger may not trigger the same reaction another time. However, sensitive reactions can lead to
fully blown allergies. Years of chronic irritation weakens the skin and causes significant aging.

An allergic reaction occurs each time the skin comes in contact with the trigger. Perfumes,
preservatives, colorings, detergents and surfactants, and sunscreens such as PABA are all
common cosmetic allergens. Responses vary; blistering, cracking, oozing, scaling and redness
are all common. Allergies are individual and idiosyncratic – it does not follow that if you react to
one agent, you’ll react to them all.

Hypo-allergenic and sensitive skin-care products exclude ingredients most likely to irritate, while
including agents to calm and strengthen the skin against environmental attacks. If you have
sensitive skin avoid creams containing AHAs, which are notorious irritants. US dermatologist
Albert Kligman used glycolic acid to devise a test for skin irritancy, which is now used the world

If you live troubled by skin irritations and thus incapacitated to carry out normal day to day tasks
or if your self-esteem is affected due to the look of your skin, or if you are desperate for silky,
smoother, healthier, more attractive skin the good news there are options.

A Natural Healing Balm for Dermatitis

Our BIOSKINBALM rises the ability of your system to moderate inflammatory responses, and
resistance to chemical and other allergens. It hydrates, nourishes and heals skin. It leaves your
skin calmed, balanced, velvety soft, moisturized, resilient and able to adapt to stress.

A 100% naturally pure, biological skin balm for eczema treatment and the relief of skin disorders
such as:

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? Eczema behind the knees, elbows, under armpits…
? Very Dry Skin
? Psoriasis
? Dermatitis
? Rosacea
? Skin Allergies
? Skin Rash
? Children’s Cradle Cap
? Flaky Scalp and Redness
? Diaper Rashes…

BIOSKINBALM incorporates NATURAL enzymes that dissolve flawed and abnormal tissues,
stimulate skin rejuvenation and act as a strong antioxidant. It also includes ROSE HIP OIL, a
biological source of both trans retinoic acid (Vitamin A) and essential fatty acids that act in
synergy with HYALURONIC ACID, a strong moisturizer. BIOSKINBALM also uses a
carbohydrate moisture retainer called PENTAVITIN that rescues, repairs and restores dry,
irritated, sensitive skin.

The Product & The Ingredients that Make the Difference

The product is a gentle staple for dry skin and an alternative to the awful cortisone & steroid
components found in most chemical eczema and psoriasis remedies. These steroid-based
therapies usually come with their own set of unpleasant secondary effects (click to read more
about topical steroid side effects), however BIOSKINBALM is completely natural and helps your
skin heal itself.

It is also an alternative to synthetic, chemical saturated products that are on the market and do
not comprise any of the toxic or harsh chemical components commonly found in mainstream
skin ‘care’ and even in specialty ‘health’ skin care articles.

BIOSKINBALM is not a chemical, drug or medication.

The complete ingredient list is:

(1) Water; (2) Rose Hip Seed Oil; (3) Helix Aspersa Müller Glycoconjugates, the richest
biological ingredient known for healthy skin, produced by a living being to function as a
biological antimicrobial, an inflammatory-moderator, an antioxidant, a moisturizer & a stimulator
of scarless healing & skin rejuvenation; (4) Olive Oil emulsifier, surfactant, and squalene
by-products that replenish the lipid content of the skin blocking the penetration of allergens and
contaminants and working as antioxidants; (5) Seaweed Extract, a rich supply of oligoelements
that are needed for cellular development, (6) Hyaluronic Acid moisturizer a naturally occuring
skin element capable of holding more water than any other known hydrator; (7) Chamomile for
inflammatory skin conditions. It is wonderful for sensitive skin, and helpful in dermatitis; (8)
Pentavitin™, Saccharide Isomerate, a carbohydrate complex similar to that present in the
stratum corneum of the skin that holds water by strongly binding water to keratin; (9) A
preservative made only with the following botanical extracts in minute quantities: Origanum

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Vulgare (Oregano) Leaf Extract (and) Thymus Vulgaris (Thyme) Extract (and) Cinnamomum
Zeylanicum (Cinnamon) Bark Extract (and) Rosmarinus Officinalis (Rosemary) Leaf Extract
(and) Lavandula Augustifolia (Lavender) Flower Extract (and) Citrus Medica Limonum (Lemon)
Peel Extract (and) Mentha Piperita (Peppermint) Leaf Extract (and) Hydrastis Canadensis
(Golden Seal) Root Extract (and) Olea Europaea (Olive) Leaf Extract; and nothing else.

Rose Hip Seed Oil is from the seeds of a native wild rose that prospers in southern Chile. It has
been used for hundreds of years in South America for its remarkable healing, moisturizing and
rejuvenating properties. It helps cell regeneration, boosts levels of collagen and elastin,
producing a smoother and stronger skin.

It also collaborates to reduce pigmentation, raised scars and stretch marks by promoting healthy
skin rejuvenation – it is effective even on old scars. When applied daily to the skin it shields it
from free radical damage, related to the harmful influences of solar rays, weather and ageing.

Rose Hip oil contains high levels of essential fatty acids: oleic, linoleic, and linolenic, which help
keep healthy skin. It acts as an anti-inflammatory and nourishes the skin with lipids that are
needed to reinforce the outer skin barrier and shield the body from the incorporation of allergens
and toxins. Rose hip oil is also a natural source of trans-retinoic acid (a biological promoter of
vitamin A) and acts as a keratolityc which eliminates dead cells and accelerates skin renovation,
as do trans-retinoic-acid in prescription drugs but without any of their secondary effects.

Rose Hip oil was first investigated in 1983 by a team of scientists from the Faculty of Chemistry
and Pharmacology at the University of Concepcion in Chile. They evaluated the oil’s impact on
the skin’s rejuvenation mechanism. During the two-year study, the oil was applied to 180
patients with surgical, injury and post-burn scars, and also to a group suffering from premature
aging. It was discovered that Rose Hip Oil produced an effective regenerative action on the
skin, helping to reduce scars and wrinkles, preventing advancement of premature aging, and
regaining lost color and tone.

Helix Aspersa Müller glycoconjugates is a skin adaptogen produced from within the cells of
snails of the Helix Aspersa Müller species to protect its delicate unprotected skin from the sun’s
rays, and to keep its skin moist and hydrated. This restorative secretion not only shields the
snail’s skin from damage, it actually helps the snail regenerate its own shell if it is ever crushed
or broken. It also replaces and recovers the functional capacity of its tentacles, eyes and mouth
if bitten by birds. The fluid it produces also has antimicrobial properties to help protect the snail
from bacteria. In consequence, snails never suffer from skin infections – can you imagine that?

The glycoconjugates restore healthy skin, safely and organically!

Due to the remarkable similarity between the structure of human and snail tissues, snail
secretion is 100% consistent with human skin. That implies that there are no allergic reactions,
no burning, no redness – BIOSKINBALM is absolutely safe to use, even on infants. This affinity
also implies that the benefits the snail receives from its own secretion can now be enjoyed by

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BIOSKINBALM Helps Skin Endure the Diverse Everyday Stresses

Having to confront the harsh everyday contaminants isn’t easy on your skin nor can it be
achieved by any one single action. That is why BIOSKINBALM wants to help you deal with
these stress agents by offering an ample range of biochemical factors that include a biological
snail serum adaptogen. Scientific investigation has discovered the snail’s serum is packed with
trace elements (Copper, Zinc, Iron & Calcium), co-enzymes, proteins, peptides, enzymes and
complex sulfated acidic glyco (sugar) molecules, which act in combination with other biological
ingredients incorporated into the balm helping:

? regulate dilation of capillaries that would otherwise induce red blotches on the skin
? stimulate an orderly synthesis of fibrin which shields the delicate internal walls of the blood
vessels and promotes unhindered blood flow
? stimulate the synthesis of new healthy capillaries
? support the production of antimicrobial peptides on the skin to kill parasites, microbes, fungi
and virus, without inducing any bacterial resistance
? enhance inter- and intracellular communication thus controlling the orderly rejuvenation,
turnover and regeneration of all the structural components of healthy skin
? regulate connective tissue breakdown by inhibiting or balancing enzymes
lessen skin inflammation through the use of antioxidants and enzymatic decomposition of
flawed proteins thereby reinforcing the immune system
? trigger the production of skin cells and the healing of wounds leaving no aberrant scars
safely reinforce your body’s natural ability to heal itself
? intensively moisturize and organically hydrate the skin from within by maintaining water and
boosting the ability your body has to produce the water holding molecules within the skin matrix,
the glycosaminoglycans and proteoglycans that give skin elasticity, strength, resilience and the
capacity to withstand pressure and over-stretching
Skin needs moisture – that’s the bottom line

A water quota of no less than a healthy 60 per cent gives skin its smooth, plump, translucent
quality, bathes cells with nutrients and keeps them soft and functional. A moisturizer’s most
basic job in supplement the skin’s Natural Moisture Factor (NMF) (a cocktail of
moisture-attracting humectants and preservatives), help preserve fluid in the skin’s upper
layers and prevent losses which hasten ageing. As environmental factors such as sunlight,
central heating, wind, cold and pollution all encourage moisture loss, state-of-the-art creams are
designed to buffer external aggression by reinforcing the skin’s own barrier mechanisms.

In young, healthy skin natural oils and friendly flora preserve the slightly acidic mantle that
keeps the barrier function of the horny outer layer intact. Overlapping dead skin cells form a
scaly, water-resistant seal against dehydration. As skin ages, however, natural oil production
drops and the skin surface becomes drier and less moisture-retentive. Surface scales roughen
and gaps appear in the barrier, through which moisture can escape. As cell turnover also slows
with ageing, it takes longer for replacement cells to reach the surface and repair breaches. A
mal- functioning surface barrier leaves cells in the skin’s lower layers vulnerable to damage.
So, our skin balm helps to reinforce the stratum corneum.

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Hyaluronic Acid is contained naturally in the snail secretion but we add an extra amount into our
BIOSKINBALM formula because of its capacity to hold a thousand times its weight in water and
thus deeply enhance the moisturizing effects of the balm.

The balm also contains Pentavitin™, a patented, highly effective moisture retainer and regulator.
Its composition is very similar to that of the natural carbohydrate fraction found in the stratum
corneum of the human skin. Pentavitin™ is a highly concentrated aqueous solution and the result
of a carefully planned process of isomerization of the plant derivative, D-glucose. Due to its
biological construction and composition, Pentavitin™ acts as a highly effective moisture regulator
derivating in long lasting water retention. Pentavitin™ gets its moisture-retention properties by
binding itself to free amino groups of lysine found in the keratin of the stratum corneum. This
exceptional type of binding results in a unique substantivity and affinity with the skin. Once
bound to the skin’s surface Pentavitin™ cannot be washed off easily. Pentavitin™ is effective for
shielding dry skin from typical symptoms such as fragility, dryness and roughness.

When you apply the balm, you will experience a level of skin stability and repair like with no
other product you have ever tried:

BIOSKINBALM protects you against the effects of solar rays, pollution, allergens and microbes.
The regenerative properties found in BIOSKINBALM will reduce the presence of Rosacea,
rashes, eczema, fine lines, scars, dry skin, acne, dermatitis, actinic keratosis, stretch marks,
skin roughness and keloid scarring. When you apply BIOSKINBALM as a routine skin care
regimen, this product will not only make your skin more beautiful, but it may also help relieve
your worst skin conditions.

The healing properties found in the snail secretion and that are in BIOSKINBALM act in
conjunction with the best biological components available to recover the lipids in the skin barrier
and supply and conserve moisture. This contributes to improve skin that has been damaged by
time, solar exposure, the elements, scarring tissue, irritation from allergens and other
contributing factors along with bacterial and viral infections.

BIOSKINBALM is the only natural skin care product that is NOT a concoction of chemical nor
pharmaceutical elements, but rather a cream made of an ingredient found in Nature and
produced by a living creature. Its compound is expressly created to moisturize, protect, and –
here’s the crucial part – regenerate its skin.

For hundreds and hundreds of years people in Asia, Africa and South America have employed
extracts from plants, frog skin or snail secretions to heal wounds, burns and skin infections.
Recent advances in medical science have started to unfold the magic of these traditional
techniques. Discoveries of naturally active peptides and proteins in snail body and mucins
(Kubota Y et al., 1985) in frog skin (Zasloff, 1987) and in plants (Broekaert et al., 1995) prove
the beneficial influence of these natural treatments. The bioactive peptides are extremely
effective against a wide range of microbes and are therefore named antibiotical peptides.

Staphylococcus Aureus and other bacteria are present in 90% of eczema cases. Bacteria
adheres more quickly to skin that is inflamed, worsening the eczema episode because of

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secretions known as super-antigens. These allergy-inducing elements stimulate the immune
cells in the skin, causing them to produce substances that further aggravate inflammation.
Controlling bacteria on the skin can help regulate the eczema.

The magic of nature is also a component of our innate skin defensive

Mammals are born with antimicrobial peptides deployed as a crucial barrier against microbial
infection (Gallo and Nizet, 2003). Their skin is a protective cover between internal organs and
the outside surroundings. It is menaced daily to hundreds and hundreds of possible pathogens,
a host of toxins and physical stress. In order to face these challenges, skin epithelium functions
as a natural barrier and has an active immunological role in the verification of microbes as well
as in the production of cytokines and defensive molecules such as antimicrobial peptides.

The number of reports demonstrating the existence and upregulation of antimicrobial peptides
in human skin is increasing and reflects the importance of these peptides in skin conservation
and treatment.

The fact that the snail glycoconjugates contains glycoproteins that eliminates bacteria and also
naturally promotes the expression of endogenous antimicrobial peptides that fight infection has
been acknowledged for years. Researchers have struggled to duplicate its bioactive molecules
in the laboratory (through biosynthesis). This is a promising new territory for research,
developing effective drugs and patenting them, but bringing a medication to clinical
experimentation is time consuming and expensive. It is reported that it takes $300 million to
bring a drug to market. This cost covers everything from discovery, analysis, production and
clinical experimentation. This procedure may also take 10 or more years to accomplish.

The antibiotic factor of the snail’s mucus is a glycoprotein whose molecular weight (MW) is
about 160,000. Comp Biochem Physiol C. 1985; 82(2):345-8. It eliminates both gram-positive
(Bacillus subtilis and Staphylococcus aureus) and gram-negative bacteria (Escherichia coli and
Pseudomonas aeruginosa), but only in their growing states. Studies of the shape of bacteria
affected by the glycoprotein in the secretions have shown that it elongates the bodies of E. coli
by 3 to 7 times, breaking the surface of Staphylococcus aureus and causing the cytoplamic
membranes to cave in.

By blocking the microbial passage to the blood stream, this biological complex allows your
immune system to heal the damage while in an environment similar to that in which a broken
bone heals inside the body, thus avoiding costly scar treatments.

Treatment of Skin Irritations & Skin Infections Without the Downfalls of Most

The balm helps to alleviate the symptoms of dryness, acne, irritation, rosacea, dermatitis, and
eczema, and prevents infections of the skin without the pitfalls of chemical antibiotics or the
secondary effects of irritating chemicals commonly employed in topical skin products.

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Skin Rejuvenation

The biological components found in the balm also help accelerate cell rejuvenation. They repair
lesions produced by sebum excess or clogged pores to the cells lining the sebum canals. They
recover skin that has been harmed by injuries due to laser, accident, surgery, dermabrasion,
burns, scratching, or other causes. They clear plugged pores that block sebum outflow and
eliminate excess keratin formations found in actinic keratosis and keratosis pilaris caused by
enzymes that break them down into their amino acid units.

Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), Antibiotic Peptides & Skin Regenerating Triggers

Snail secretions include sulfated glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), present as strongly acidic
protein-free polysaccharides.

GAGs-binding and the control of a large number of ligands and receptors are crucial
intermediaries of normal cell and tumor cell functionality. They can oversee behaviors such as
their growth, differentiation, expansion, and adhesion. The specific composition of GAG chains
and their binding proteins influence tumor cell growth, metastasis, and cancer progression.
GAGs such as heparan sulfate, heparin, dermatan sulfate, chondroitin sulfate and hyaluronic
acid serve as vital biological response modifiers by functioning as (1) stabilizers, cofactors,
and/or co-receptors for growth factors, cytokines, and chemokines; (2) controllers of enzyme
activity; (3) signaling molecules in answer to cellular damages, such as wound healing,
infection, and tumorigenesis; (4) targets for bacterial, viral, and parasitic virulence factors for
adherence, invasion, and immune system; (5) controllers of neurite outgrowth; and (6)
anti-inflammatory agent that limits oxidative corruption after tissue injury.

In the snail’s body tissues, GAGs are primarily located inside granules and in the shell. They
are discharged onto the surface as a viscose fluid material. Snail glycosaminoglycan tightly
binds divalent copper cations (Cu 2+) and creates copper peptides, with skin rejuvenation
properties. The proportion of copper in the snail mucins is remarkable, but copper peptides have
also been proven to be effective in nanomolar amounts.

Helps heal Dermatitis Caused by Exposure to Ionizing Radiotherapy for Cancer –
Radiodermatitis An in depth investigation conducted in Spain, in 2000 and 2001, studied the
influences of snail mucins in topical treatment of radiodermatitis, and demonstrated the
existence of antioxidants and the activity of the fibroblast growth factor in the snail secretion and
its wonderful results to prevent and treat radiodermatitis when applied to people undergoing
ionizing radiation treatment for the management of cancerous cells.

Results showed the existence of antioxidant effects in the snail’s fluid: enzymatic as in
superoxide dismutase (SOD), conjugation enzymes like glutathione-S-transferase and low
molecular weight antioxidants. The antioxidant properties of the fluid can inhibit or weaken the
appearance of free radicals which can end the domino effect of spreading cellular reactions.

The study also showed, with no doubt, the presence of Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGB) in
properties with a cell shielding function. The secretion boosts cellular function and the innate

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rejuvenating processes of the skin matrix, making skin healthier and stronger. At the same time,
the degradation of flawed proteins brought about by the enzymes in the secretion gives an
additional support to the antioxidants by shielding the skin from inflammatory agents. And
moisture holding molecules in the secretion return skin moisture, alleviating dry skin brought on
by ionizing radiation.

How to treat ECZEMA, SKIN RASHES, DERMATITIS with the balm

Use BIOSKINBALM twice a day to greatly reduce symptoms and IMPROVE THE TEXTURE
AND appearance of skin. BIOSKINBALM is an integral and balanced skin treatment guaranteed
to work for you.

Simply apply BIOSKINBALM gently with your fingertips. Wait ten minutes for the healthful
ingredients in this biological skin treatment to reach your skin cells and then apply your makeup
as usual. It’s that easy. BIOSKINBALM is the ideal daily restorative healing, soothing and
comforting balm for a blemish-free complexion – even for the most delicate skin.

BIO SKIN BALM – Rescues your skin from the ravages of eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, very
dry skin, skin rashes, rosacea symptoms and more.

Boosts the production of the water holding molecules within the dermis and retains water,
induces the proliferation of antimicrobial peptides that keep skin infections at bay, moderates
inflammation, relieves dryness and redness, unclogs pores while replenishing the lipid barrier of
the skin to block the penetration of allergens.

Powered by BIOCUTIS® Serum

No side effects

60 Day Money Back Guarantee


Dry skin relief for dermatitis, eczema flare ups, and very dry skin conditions.

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50 gram (1.76 oz) jar = $75.98

                                   Save at least 10% off price & save on domestic or worldwide shipping costs when you order
                                   more than one month’s supply.

                                   Other ways to minimize or eliminate eczema:

                                   Daily intake of probiotics as recommended

                                   Use gentle skin care and hydrating oils and exfoliators

                                   Vitamin B6 50mg 3x a day as well as B complex vitamins on a daily basis

                                   Biotin 300mg daily is very important

                                   Essential fatty acids found in flaxseed oil, primrose oil, salmon, mackerel, fish oils

                                   Shark cartilage 1 gram per 15 lbs of body weight daily divided into 3 doses

                                   Low to no fragrance very gentle body wash. Nothing in a bar form.

                                   Hydrate skin while still damp right after shower

                                   Try gluten-free diet for 2 months and see if anything changes

                                   How To Calm Down Atopic Dermatitis Inflammation And Dermatitis Rashes?

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How To Calm Down Atopic Dermatitis Inflammation And Dermatitis Rashes?

  • 1. How To Calm Down Atopic Dermatitis Inflammation And Dermatitis Rashes? Dermatitis is an encompassing term that means “skin inflammation”. There are several different forms of dermatitis, such as atopic (also known as eczema), seborrheic, and contact, to name a few. While the condition can involve many different symptoms, it most commonly involves a reddening of the skin often accompanied by itchiness. Most forms of dermatitis are caused by some form of contact with an irritant or allergen that negatively affects the skin. The symptoms associated with dermatitis can range from simple skin rashes that are only mildly itchy, to severe rashes that include large raised bumps or blisters that can ooze, leading to scarring. Each individual form of dermatitis has its own unique symptoms, however just about every form will include some redness, itching, and swelling. The area of the body that is affected can also vary from person to person and depending on the type of dermatitis. These skin conditions result from inflammatory processes that involve the upper dermis and epidermis of the skin. They are caused by inflammatory agents, such as, but not limited to, bacterial, fungal, viral, parasitic, autoimmune, allergic, hormonal and/or malignant inflammatory agents. The most common inflammatory skin disorders include eczema, psoriasis and dermatitis. Below we take a closer look at the several different types of eczema, many of which look similar but have very different causes and treatments. Atopic eczema is the most common form of eczema and is closely linked with asthma and hayfever. It can affect both children and adults, usually running in families. The most common symptoms of atopic eczema is itchiness (or pruritis), which can be almost unbearable and is particularly noticeable on face and scalp, neck, inside of elbows, behind knees, and buttocks. Other symptoms include overall dryness of the skin, redness and inflammation. Constant scratching can also cause the skin to split, leaving it prone to infection. In infected eczema the skin may crack and weep (‘wet’ eczema). Conventional treatments include emollients to maintain skin hydration, non prescription hydrocortisone and prescription steroids or natural substances that reduce inflammation but have none of the side effects of strong steroids. 90% of people with Atopic Dermatitis are infected with Staphylococcus Aureus of which it is possible that at least 30% can develop acute infections. Atopic skin lacks the capability to produce sufficient antimicrobial peptides. These peptides are important for the natural immune defense of the skin because they will destroy bacteria and fungi. The absence of peptides allows the skin to attract infection where a vicious circle develops with 1 / 11
  • 2. itching and scratching and the spread of further skin infections. As many as 1 in 5 infants suffer with eczema of some kind, normally beginning before their first birthday. This baby eczema is known as Atopic Dermatitis. These babies are also prone to contact dermatitis. Allergic contact dermatitis. This type develops when the body’s immune system reacts against a substance in contact with the skin. The allergic reaction often develops over a period of time through repeated contact with the substance. For example, an allergic reaction may occur to nickel, which is often found in earrings, belt buckles and jeans buttons. Reactions can also occur after contact with other substances such as perfumes and rubber. In order to prevent repeated reactions it is best to prevent contact with anything known to cause you a rash. Irritant contact dermatitis. This is a type of eczema caused by frequent contact with everyday substances, such as detergents and chemicals, which are irritating to the skin. It most commonly occurs on the hands of adults and can be prevented by avoiding the irritants and keeping the skin moisturised. Infantile seborrhoeic eczema. A common condition affecting babies under one year old, the exact cause of which is unknown. Also referred to as cradle cap, it usually starts on the scalp or the nappy area and quickly spreads. Although this type of eczema looks unpleasant, it is not sore or itchy and does not cause the baby to feel uncomfortable or unwell. Normally this type of eczema will clear in just a few months, though the use of moisturising creams and bath oils can help to speed recovery. Adult seborrhoeic eczema. Characteristically affects adults between the ages of 20 and 40. It is usually seen on the scalp as mild dandruff, but can spread to the face, ears and chest. The skin becomes red, inflamed and starts to flake. The condition is believed to be caused by a yeast growth. If the condition becomes infected, treatment with an anti-fungal cream may be necessary. Varicose eczema affects the lower legs of those in their middle to late years, being caused by poor circulation. Commonly the skin around the ankles is affected, becoming speckled, itchy and inflamed. Treatment is with emollients and steroid creams. If left untreated, the skin can break down, resulting in an ulcer. Discoid eczema. Is usually found in adults and appears suddenly as a few coin shaped areas of red skin, normally on the trunk or lower legs. They become itchy and can weep fluid. Usually discoid eczema is treated with emollients. When eczema develops, the keratinocytes (dead cells) that form the epidermis (outer most layer of the skin) distend from one another and fluid is accumulated there amongst in a process known as “spongiosis”. In chronic forms of eczema or dermatitis the main change is a thickening of the epidermis, which leads to itching, roughening and scaling of the skin surface. The loss of water from the 2 / 11
  • 3. skin leads to inflammation of the horny layer, which later result in cracked and sore skin. Non allergic contact dermatitis occurs in response to skin irritants, such as acids, alkalis, oils, detergents and solvents. Allergic contact dermatitis occurs as a result of sensitization to repeated exposure to an antigen. Allergic contact dermatitis appears in skin areas that were in direct contact with the antigen. Atopic dermatitis, which affects mainly infants, is characterized by sensitization of the skin to a wide range of common antigens. Seborrheic dermatitis affects the scalp and other hairy areas, the face, and flexural areas and results from yeast or bacteria induced inflammation. Most people suffer from dandruff which is a mild form of seborrheic dermatitis. Sensitive Skin A genuine sensitive or irritant reaction can be caused by sun, wind, rough handling and even water. Redness, itching, swelling and stinging are common and rapid responses, but the same trigger may not trigger the same reaction another time. However, sensitive reactions can lead to fully blown allergies. Years of chronic irritation weakens the skin and causes significant aging. An allergic reaction occurs each time the skin comes in contact with the trigger. Perfumes, preservatives, colorings, detergents and surfactants, and sunscreens such as PABA are all common cosmetic allergens. Responses vary; blistering, cracking, oozing, scaling and redness are all common. Allergies are individual and idiosyncratic – it does not follow that if you react to one agent, you’ll react to them all. Hypo-allergenic and sensitive skin-care products exclude ingredients most likely to irritate, while including agents to calm and strengthen the skin against environmental attacks. If you have sensitive skin avoid creams containing AHAs, which are notorious irritants. US dermatologist Albert Kligman used glycolic acid to devise a test for skin irritancy, which is now used the world over. If you live troubled by skin irritations and thus incapacitated to carry out normal day to day tasks or if your self-esteem is affected due to the look of your skin, or if you are desperate for silky, smoother, healthier, more attractive skin the good news there are options. A Natural Healing Balm for Dermatitis Our BIOSKINBALM rises the ability of your system to moderate inflammatory responses, and resistance to chemical and other allergens. It hydrates, nourishes and heals skin. It leaves your skin calmed, balanced, velvety soft, moisturized, resilient and able to adapt to stress. A 100% naturally pure, biological skin balm for eczema treatment and the relief of skin disorders such as: 3 / 11
  • 4. ? Eczema behind the knees, elbows, under armpits… ? Very Dry Skin ? Psoriasis ? Dermatitis ? Rosacea ? Skin Allergies ? Skin Rash ? Children’s Cradle Cap ? Flaky Scalp and Redness ? Diaper Rashes… BIOSKINBALM incorporates NATURAL enzymes that dissolve flawed and abnormal tissues, stimulate skin rejuvenation and act as a strong antioxidant. It also includes ROSE HIP OIL, a biological source of both trans retinoic acid (Vitamin A) and essential fatty acids that act in synergy with HYALURONIC ACID, a strong moisturizer. BIOSKINBALM also uses a carbohydrate moisture retainer called PENTAVITIN that rescues, repairs and restores dry, irritated, sensitive skin. The Product & The Ingredients that Make the Difference The product is a gentle staple for dry skin and an alternative to the awful cortisone & steroid components found in most chemical eczema and psoriasis remedies. These steroid-based therapies usually come with their own set of unpleasant secondary effects (click to read more about topical steroid side effects), however BIOSKINBALM is completely natural and helps your skin heal itself. It is also an alternative to synthetic, chemical saturated products that are on the market and do not comprise any of the toxic or harsh chemical components commonly found in mainstream skin ‘care’ and even in specialty ‘health’ skin care articles. BIOSKINBALM is not a chemical, drug or medication. The complete ingredient list is: (1) Water; (2) Rose Hip Seed Oil; (3) Helix Aspersa Müller Glycoconjugates, the richest biological ingredient known for healthy skin, produced by a living being to function as a biological antimicrobial, an inflammatory-moderator, an antioxidant, a moisturizer & a stimulator of scarless healing & skin rejuvenation; (4) Olive Oil emulsifier, surfactant, and squalene by-products that replenish the lipid content of the skin blocking the penetration of allergens and contaminants and working as antioxidants; (5) Seaweed Extract, a rich supply of oligoelements that are needed for cellular development, (6) Hyaluronic Acid moisturizer a naturally occuring skin element capable of holding more water than any other known hydrator; (7) Chamomile for inflammatory skin conditions. It is wonderful for sensitive skin, and helpful in dermatitis; (8) Pentavitin™, Saccharide Isomerate, a carbohydrate complex similar to that present in the stratum corneum of the skin that holds water by strongly binding water to keratin; (9) A preservative made only with the following botanical extracts in minute quantities: Origanum 4 / 11
  • 5. Vulgare (Oregano) Leaf Extract (and) Thymus Vulgaris (Thyme) Extract (and) Cinnamomum Zeylanicum (Cinnamon) Bark Extract (and) Rosmarinus Officinalis (Rosemary) Leaf Extract (and) Lavandula Augustifolia (Lavender) Flower Extract (and) Citrus Medica Limonum (Lemon) Peel Extract (and) Mentha Piperita (Peppermint) Leaf Extract (and) Hydrastis Canadensis (Golden Seal) Root Extract (and) Olea Europaea (Olive) Leaf Extract; and nothing else. Rose Hip Seed Oil is from the seeds of a native wild rose that prospers in southern Chile. It has been used for hundreds of years in South America for its remarkable healing, moisturizing and rejuvenating properties. It helps cell regeneration, boosts levels of collagen and elastin, producing a smoother and stronger skin. It also collaborates to reduce pigmentation, raised scars and stretch marks by promoting healthy skin rejuvenation – it is effective even on old scars. When applied daily to the skin it shields it from free radical damage, related to the harmful influences of solar rays, weather and ageing. Rose Hip oil contains high levels of essential fatty acids: oleic, linoleic, and linolenic, which help keep healthy skin. It acts as an anti-inflammatory and nourishes the skin with lipids that are needed to reinforce the outer skin barrier and shield the body from the incorporation of allergens and toxins. Rose hip oil is also a natural source of trans-retinoic acid (a biological promoter of vitamin A) and acts as a keratolityc which eliminates dead cells and accelerates skin renovation, as do trans-retinoic-acid in prescription drugs but without any of their secondary effects. Rose Hip oil was first investigated in 1983 by a team of scientists from the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacology at the University of Concepcion in Chile. They evaluated the oil’s impact on the skin’s rejuvenation mechanism. During the two-year study, the oil was applied to 180 patients with surgical, injury and post-burn scars, and also to a group suffering from premature aging. It was discovered that Rose Hip Oil produced an effective regenerative action on the skin, helping to reduce scars and wrinkles, preventing advancement of premature aging, and regaining lost color and tone. Helix Aspersa Müller glycoconjugates is a skin adaptogen produced from within the cells of snails of the Helix Aspersa Müller species to protect its delicate unprotected skin from the sun’s rays, and to keep its skin moist and hydrated. This restorative secretion not only shields the snail’s skin from damage, it actually helps the snail regenerate its own shell if it is ever crushed or broken. It also replaces and recovers the functional capacity of its tentacles, eyes and mouth if bitten by birds. The fluid it produces also has antimicrobial properties to help protect the snail from bacteria. In consequence, snails never suffer from skin infections – can you imagine that? The glycoconjugates restore healthy skin, safely and organically! Due to the remarkable similarity between the structure of human and snail tissues, snail secretion is 100% consistent with human skin. That implies that there are no allergic reactions, no burning, no redness – BIOSKINBALM is absolutely safe to use, even on infants. This affinity also implies that the benefits the snail receives from its own secretion can now be enjoyed by YOU. 5 / 11
  • 6. BIOSKINBALM Helps Skin Endure the Diverse Everyday Stresses Having to confront the harsh everyday contaminants isn’t easy on your skin nor can it be achieved by any one single action. That is why BIOSKINBALM wants to help you deal with these stress agents by offering an ample range of biochemical factors that include a biological snail serum adaptogen. Scientific investigation has discovered the snail’s serum is packed with trace elements (Copper, Zinc, Iron & Calcium), co-enzymes, proteins, peptides, enzymes and complex sulfated acidic glyco (sugar) molecules, which act in combination with other biological ingredients incorporated into the balm helping: ? regulate dilation of capillaries that would otherwise induce red blotches on the skin ? stimulate an orderly synthesis of fibrin which shields the delicate internal walls of the blood vessels and promotes unhindered blood flow ? stimulate the synthesis of new healthy capillaries ? support the production of antimicrobial peptides on the skin to kill parasites, microbes, fungi and virus, without inducing any bacterial resistance ? enhance inter- and intracellular communication thus controlling the orderly rejuvenation, turnover and regeneration of all the structural components of healthy skin ? regulate connective tissue breakdown by inhibiting or balancing enzymes lessen skin inflammation through the use of antioxidants and enzymatic decomposition of flawed proteins thereby reinforcing the immune system ? trigger the production of skin cells and the healing of wounds leaving no aberrant scars safely reinforce your body’s natural ability to heal itself ? intensively moisturize and organically hydrate the skin from within by maintaining water and boosting the ability your body has to produce the water holding molecules within the skin matrix, the glycosaminoglycans and proteoglycans that give skin elasticity, strength, resilience and the capacity to withstand pressure and over-stretching Skin needs moisture – that’s the bottom line A water quota of no less than a healthy 60 per cent gives skin its smooth, plump, translucent quality, bathes cells with nutrients and keeps them soft and functional. A moisturizer’s most basic job in supplement the skin’s Natural Moisture Factor (NMF) (a cocktail of moisture-attracting humectants and preservatives), help preserve fluid in the skin’s upper layers and prevent losses which hasten ageing. As environmental factors such as sunlight, central heating, wind, cold and pollution all encourage moisture loss, state-of-the-art creams are designed to buffer external aggression by reinforcing the skin’s own barrier mechanisms. In young, healthy skin natural oils and friendly flora preserve the slightly acidic mantle that keeps the barrier function of the horny outer layer intact. Overlapping dead skin cells form a scaly, water-resistant seal against dehydration. As skin ages, however, natural oil production drops and the skin surface becomes drier and less moisture-retentive. Surface scales roughen and gaps appear in the barrier, through which moisture can escape. As cell turnover also slows with ageing, it takes longer for replacement cells to reach the surface and repair breaches. A mal- functioning surface barrier leaves cells in the skin’s lower layers vulnerable to damage. So, our skin balm helps to reinforce the stratum corneum. 6 / 11
  • 7. Hyaluronic Acid is contained naturally in the snail secretion but we add an extra amount into our BIOSKINBALM formula because of its capacity to hold a thousand times its weight in water and thus deeply enhance the moisturizing effects of the balm. The balm also contains Pentavitin™, a patented, highly effective moisture retainer and regulator. Its composition is very similar to that of the natural carbohydrate fraction found in the stratum corneum of the human skin. Pentavitin™ is a highly concentrated aqueous solution and the result of a carefully planned process of isomerization of the plant derivative, D-glucose. Due to its biological construction and composition, Pentavitin™ acts as a highly effective moisture regulator derivating in long lasting water retention. Pentavitin™ gets its moisture-retention properties by binding itself to free amino groups of lysine found in the keratin of the stratum corneum. This exceptional type of binding results in a unique substantivity and affinity with the skin. Once bound to the skin’s surface Pentavitin™ cannot be washed off easily. Pentavitin™ is effective for shielding dry skin from typical symptoms such as fragility, dryness and roughness. When you apply the balm, you will experience a level of skin stability and repair like with no other product you have ever tried: BIOSKINBALM protects you against the effects of solar rays, pollution, allergens and microbes. The regenerative properties found in BIOSKINBALM will reduce the presence of Rosacea, rashes, eczema, fine lines, scars, dry skin, acne, dermatitis, actinic keratosis, stretch marks, skin roughness and keloid scarring. When you apply BIOSKINBALM as a routine skin care regimen, this product will not only make your skin more beautiful, but it may also help relieve your worst skin conditions. The healing properties found in the snail secretion and that are in BIOSKINBALM act in conjunction with the best biological components available to recover the lipids in the skin barrier and supply and conserve moisture. This contributes to improve skin that has been damaged by time, solar exposure, the elements, scarring tissue, irritation from allergens and other contributing factors along with bacterial and viral infections. BIOSKINBALM is the only natural skin care product that is NOT a concoction of chemical nor pharmaceutical elements, but rather a cream made of an ingredient found in Nature and produced by a living creature. Its compound is expressly created to moisturize, protect, and – here’s the crucial part – regenerate its skin. For hundreds and hundreds of years people in Asia, Africa and South America have employed extracts from plants, frog skin or snail secretions to heal wounds, burns and skin infections. Recent advances in medical science have started to unfold the magic of these traditional techniques. Discoveries of naturally active peptides and proteins in snail body and mucins (Kubota Y et al., 1985) in frog skin (Zasloff, 1987) and in plants (Broekaert et al., 1995) prove the beneficial influence of these natural treatments. The bioactive peptides are extremely effective against a wide range of microbes and are therefore named antibiotical peptides. Staphylococcus Aureus and other bacteria are present in 90% of eczema cases. Bacteria adheres more quickly to skin that is inflamed, worsening the eczema episode because of 7 / 11
  • 8. secretions known as super-antigens. These allergy-inducing elements stimulate the immune cells in the skin, causing them to produce substances that further aggravate inflammation. Controlling bacteria on the skin can help regulate the eczema. The magic of nature is also a component of our innate skin defensive system Mammals are born with antimicrobial peptides deployed as a crucial barrier against microbial infection (Gallo and Nizet, 2003). Their skin is a protective cover between internal organs and the outside surroundings. It is menaced daily to hundreds and hundreds of possible pathogens, a host of toxins and physical stress. In order to face these challenges, skin epithelium functions as a natural barrier and has an active immunological role in the verification of microbes as well as in the production of cytokines and defensive molecules such as antimicrobial peptides. The number of reports demonstrating the existence and upregulation of antimicrobial peptides in human skin is increasing and reflects the importance of these peptides in skin conservation and treatment. The fact that the snail glycoconjugates contains glycoproteins that eliminates bacteria and also naturally promotes the expression of endogenous antimicrobial peptides that fight infection has been acknowledged for years. Researchers have struggled to duplicate its bioactive molecules in the laboratory (through biosynthesis). This is a promising new territory for research, developing effective drugs and patenting them, but bringing a medication to clinical experimentation is time consuming and expensive. It is reported that it takes $300 million to bring a drug to market. This cost covers everything from discovery, analysis, production and clinical experimentation. This procedure may also take 10 or more years to accomplish. The antibiotic factor of the snail’s mucus is a glycoprotein whose molecular weight (MW) is about 160,000. Comp Biochem Physiol C. 1985; 82(2):345-8. It eliminates both gram-positive (Bacillus subtilis and Staphylococcus aureus) and gram-negative bacteria (Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa), but only in their growing states. Studies of the shape of bacteria affected by the glycoprotein in the secretions have shown that it elongates the bodies of E. coli by 3 to 7 times, breaking the surface of Staphylococcus aureus and causing the cytoplamic membranes to cave in. By blocking the microbial passage to the blood stream, this biological complex allows your immune system to heal the damage while in an environment similar to that in which a broken bone heals inside the body, thus avoiding costly scar treatments. Treatment of Skin Irritations & Skin Infections Without the Downfalls of Most Products The balm helps to alleviate the symptoms of dryness, acne, irritation, rosacea, dermatitis, and eczema, and prevents infections of the skin without the pitfalls of chemical antibiotics or the secondary effects of irritating chemicals commonly employed in topical skin products. 8 / 11
  • 9. Skin Rejuvenation The biological components found in the balm also help accelerate cell rejuvenation. They repair lesions produced by sebum excess or clogged pores to the cells lining the sebum canals. They recover skin that has been harmed by injuries due to laser, accident, surgery, dermabrasion, burns, scratching, or other causes. They clear plugged pores that block sebum outflow and eliminate excess keratin formations found in actinic keratosis and keratosis pilaris caused by enzymes that break them down into their amino acid units. Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), Antibiotic Peptides & Skin Regenerating Triggers Snail secretions include sulfated glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), present as strongly acidic protein-free polysaccharides. GAGs-binding and the control of a large number of ligands and receptors are crucial intermediaries of normal cell and tumor cell functionality. They can oversee behaviors such as their growth, differentiation, expansion, and adhesion. The specific composition of GAG chains and their binding proteins influence tumor cell growth, metastasis, and cancer progression. GAGs such as heparan sulfate, heparin, dermatan sulfate, chondroitin sulfate and hyaluronic acid serve as vital biological response modifiers by functioning as (1) stabilizers, cofactors, and/or co-receptors for growth factors, cytokines, and chemokines; (2) controllers of enzyme activity; (3) signaling molecules in answer to cellular damages, such as wound healing, infection, and tumorigenesis; (4) targets for bacterial, viral, and parasitic virulence factors for adherence, invasion, and immune system; (5) controllers of neurite outgrowth; and (6) anti-inflammatory agent that limits oxidative corruption after tissue injury. In the snail’s body tissues, GAGs are primarily located inside granules and in the shell. They are discharged onto the surface as a viscose fluid material. Snail glycosaminoglycan tightly binds divalent copper cations (Cu 2+) and creates copper peptides, with skin rejuvenation properties. The proportion of copper in the snail mucins is remarkable, but copper peptides have also been proven to be effective in nanomolar amounts. Helps heal Dermatitis Caused by Exposure to Ionizing Radiotherapy for Cancer – Radiodermatitis An in depth investigation conducted in Spain, in 2000 and 2001, studied the influences of snail mucins in topical treatment of radiodermatitis, and demonstrated the existence of antioxidants and the activity of the fibroblast growth factor in the snail secretion and its wonderful results to prevent and treat radiodermatitis when applied to people undergoing ionizing radiation treatment for the management of cancerous cells. Results showed the existence of antioxidant effects in the snail’s fluid: enzymatic as in superoxide dismutase (SOD), conjugation enzymes like glutathione-S-transferase and low molecular weight antioxidants. The antioxidant properties of the fluid can inhibit or weaken the appearance of free radicals which can end the domino effect of spreading cellular reactions. The study also showed, with no doubt, the presence of Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGB) in properties with a cell shielding function. The secretion boosts cellular function and the innate 9 / 11
  • 10. rejuvenating processes of the skin matrix, making skin healthier and stronger. At the same time, the degradation of flawed proteins brought about by the enzymes in the secretion gives an additional support to the antioxidants by shielding the skin from inflammatory agents. And moisture holding molecules in the secretion return skin moisture, alleviating dry skin brought on by ionizing radiation. How to treat ECZEMA, SKIN RASHES, DERMATITIS with the balm Use BIOSKINBALM twice a day to greatly reduce symptoms and IMPROVE THE TEXTURE AND appearance of skin. BIOSKINBALM is an integral and balanced skin treatment guaranteed to work for you. Simply apply BIOSKINBALM gently with your fingertips. Wait ten minutes for the healthful ingredients in this biological skin treatment to reach your skin cells and then apply your makeup as usual. It’s that easy. BIOSKINBALM is the ideal daily restorative healing, soothing and comforting balm for a blemish-free complexion – even for the most delicate skin. BIO SKIN BALM – Rescues your skin from the ravages of eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, very dry skin, skin rashes, rosacea symptoms and more. Boosts the production of the water holding molecules within the dermis and retains water, induces the proliferation of antimicrobial peptides that keep skin infections at bay, moderates inflammation, relieves dryness and redness, unclogs pores while replenishing the lipid barrier of the skin to block the penetration of allergens. Powered by BIOCUTIS® Serum No side effects 60 Day Money Back Guarantee BIOSKINBALM Dry skin relief for dermatitis, eczema flare ups, and very dry skin conditions. 10 / 11
  • 11. 50 gram (1.76 oz) jar = $75.98 Save at least 10% off price & save on domestic or worldwide shipping costs when you order more than one month’s supply. Other ways to minimize or eliminate eczema: Daily intake of probiotics as recommended Use gentle skin care and hydrating oils and exfoliators Vitamin B6 50mg 3x a day as well as B complex vitamins on a daily basis Biotin 300mg daily is very important Essential fatty acids found in flaxseed oil, primrose oil, salmon, mackerel, fish oils Shark cartilage 1 gram per 15 lbs of body weight daily divided into 3 doses Low to no fragrance very gentle body wash. Nothing in a bar form. Hydrate skin while still damp right after shower Try gluten-free diet for 2 months and see if anything changes How To Calm Down Atopic Dermatitis Inflammation And Dermatitis Rashes? 11 / 11 Powered by TCPDF (