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Phrases for Analysis
PHRASES FOR TRANSLATING IDEAS INTO WORDS The story / article deals with / is concerned with / describes
/ examines / reveals / exposes o dwells on / explains / addresses / discusses / presents / covers / outlines / states o offers / considers / looks into
/ treats The story is set in ... The scene is laid in .. The story is written in a form of... (the author's recollections, the dialogue, narration, autobiography)
The action takes place in ... As the story unfolds, ... The plot of the story centres round ... The basic plot of the story develops slowly towards a
violently dramatic incident and an ironical conclusion. The plot of the story more content...
The author is focused on human feelings and relationships, actions and motives. The author explores the complexity of human character/ smb's inner
motives. There is one trait always present in this author's books, which singles him out of commonplace writers. The author unfolds a theme in which
stupidity, hypocrisy and ambition play their sorry parts. The author's attention is focused on ... The author portrays /depicts a man in close cooperation
with society. In his story the author turns to the conflicts of contemporary life. The reader can easily understand the author's own attitude towards his
characters. The reader grasps the idea that ... ... serves to convey to the reader the mood of the narrator / author. It is ... that falls under the author's
observation. The author's strong point lies in a vivid description of the beliefs, customs, manners, costumes, language of the epoch plus the energy and
movement which his story displays. The author's sympathy lies with ... The author's real central figure seems to be ... The author's irony exposes the
vices of this society: hypocrisy, money–worship, and moral degradation. That is why one can hardly find any positive character in the novel. The
author is known for a deep psychological analysis of his heroes and a very thoughtful attitude to the burning political and social problems of the day.
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Academic Tone Examples
The tone of a paper is often the reflection of how a writer feels about the subject they're telling an audience about. Academic tone is a formal way of
writing and uses the third person perspective. In third person perspective you should never use personal pronouns and try to rarely ever use the word
"you." Academic tone also requires that one does not use slang words, jargon, or abbreviations in their writing. It is intended to be serious and
informative to the audience. An example of this is when someone writes a letter to his school's principal about improvements that should be made to
school events. This person wants to sound formal and well–mannered rather than informal and ill–mannered, and they also want their approach to be
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Reflection Of A Reflection On Academic Skills
When the word reflection is mentioned, the first thought is a mirror like image of yourself. This is to define your own perception of the good and bad
quality within yourself. Taking action of the weaknesses and developing my skills to improve myself around everyone, (Stadter, 2015).
Gibbs Reflective Cycle (1988), a framework for students to resolve problems in assignments, step by step, I will reflect on my own problems, (UK
Essays, 2013). My previous goal was to study in a university and now that I have accomplished that goal, my next goal is to complete the course with
a good grade. But the reality of achieving the Foundation Degree is a much harder concept than what I first thought, having a writer ' more
Implementing Dewey 's theory in to my assignment, assisting my understanding on how to support ideas with evidence such as deciding whether I
have included all the information needed, the author/publisher or whether I have referenced continuously throughout the assignments. When previously
writing assignments I need to consider how well it was written, learning from the mistakes, understanding the feedbacks and setting out times to do
better next time (Percival 2006). While referencing is a struggle for me to use, Kell and Vogl (2010) stated that overcoming referencing can be done by
reading different books, journals and articles of interest.
After analyzing the problem, I realised I try to be a perfectionist, causing a hindrance in producing assignments. I need to start believing in myself a
lot more and be more inspired, as Percival, (2006) has mentioned that "being too sensitive will block your progress", by doing time–bound goals and
starting the assignment rather than thinking about the end product. Percival (2006),has also stated putting our energy into the solution rather than the
problem will be an advantage to our mindset. Realisation of putting a pen to the paper to start, a draft can be perfected as time goes on, mending the
structure to the standard required till the
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Academic Skills And Career Skills
Skill concept is a characteristic or professionalism which is found in a person to perform a certain work or certain task with the limitation of time
and as per Desire quality. For instance, a person who is skilled with speaking different languages and also understanding the meaning of different
languages words. Another example is a person who can perform a work which cannot be done by other person perfectly. Action of work is a skin
of the person. These skills are developed by those activities which we performed in our routine life. As per the requirement of the case I have to
mention those activities which I have done in the classroom and have to mention those academic skills and career skills which have been improved
by these class activities. Buy appearing in the classroom I have developed a lot of career skills along with academic skills. Academic skills includes
the activities like reading, writing, listening, more content...
Preparation of thesis
In the classroom, I have given various tasks by the teachers which I have to do complete by researching regarding the subject matter and have to
present the same before the teacher. During this activity, preparation of theses and writing work in a style as per requirement has been learnt by me
with the coordination of teachers and by this activity. This classroom activity has become a cause of improving the academic and career skills.
2. Attending classroom
Early in the morning I have to appear in the classroom and attend all the lectures on the given time by School which make me as time abiding student.
This punctuality has improved my academic as well as carrier skill.
3. Lecture
Special activity as the delivery of lecture by teachers to the students is an activity which develop various elements of academic as well as career skills.
This activity has also become a cause of developing my own career skills along with academic skills.
4. English
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Strengths And Weaknesses Of Academic Writing
Writing is a very helpful skill for most of the people who want to achieve success in their life. Improving your writing skills is very helpful before
entering the university. Students are facing a lot of issues in their university because they are being asked to write academic essays, or scientific
papers, and they did not have the expected skills to write what is being asked from them. On the other hand, those who have studied APA, and MLA in
their high school, or by self–learning, are more likely to get high scores in their universities academic essays than those who did not. Those who have
studied academic writing are having a big chance to achieve their goals in their university life because most of the courses in the university requires more content...
My point of weakness is that I always go off topic, and I think most of the students do that in the beginning of their academic papers practices. It is not
easy to stay on topic. However, I have learned some techniques that made me able to stay on topic, and I would like to mention them to students to
avoid making my mistakes. First, students could make an outline before writing their final draft, and submit it. This has helped me so much in
organizing my paper, and making it easy for me follow up with the points that I want to talk about without going off topic. Second, students should have
a strong thesis statement, and restating it in each paragraph. By restating your thesis statement, you are not only making the reader following up with
your points, but you are also making your thesis statement stronger because it has been mentioned in many paragraphs with different examples. Lastly,
students should use transition words in their essay. Transition words helps the reader to progress from one idea to the next. Therefore, students should
learn how to write academic essays, and take it more seriously because it could improve their
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Another Step of a Long Process: Studying English Academic writing is an art of expressing and transforming thoughts and ideas into physical form to
deliver information logically and scientifically. This skill needs to be refined and practiced constantly regularly. After three months of taking ESL 273,
I have accumulated various experiences in writing advanced sentences and organizing academic essays which are really necessary for me to perform
well in the next English course, ESL 5, as well as other classes. As a result, I think I am well–prepared and ready for the next coming course ESL 5.
During the ESL 273 course, one of my strengths which is the ability of using various examples as well as explanations to reinforce more
Consequently, I did not have enough time to check and edit some minor errors existing in my essay "Society Built our Perception and Ability" like
verb tense, punctuation, and word form. This also explains why I usually perform successfully in the grammar tests given by my teacher, but I still
repeat those grammar mistakes again in my essays. Even though those errors do not affect readers' comprehensions but they might be distracted and
thus the quality of my essay would be diminished. To help students combat this mistake, my teacher has applied an interesting teaching strategy
which is collaborative learning. To do this, I work in pair with another friend and exchange our writing assignments in order to check other partner's
errors. I feel that this method works really well in my case because checking my partner's mistakes has helped me to reinforce my proofreading skill.
Besides, I find out a strategy to deal with the shortage of time of an in–class writing. To do this, I try to recheck and go over a sentence as I write to
make sure it is free of grammar and punctuation mistakes. This new approach is very compatible and essential for me in order to be successful when I
get into higher English classes like ESL 5 and EWRT 1A because I actually check my essay three or four times before I finish it. In ESL 273, I have
achieved some specific goals in
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English For Academic Purpose Essay
English for Academic Purpose (EAP) has become an expanding discipline in higher education worldwide. Universities are center of intellectual
gathering for international scholars. The development of EAP is stimulated by the internationalization of higher education and increasing number of
international courses taught in university around the world as well as the students' mobility to universities around the world. In addition , foreign
students contributes to the economy of Western countries , as an evidence UK receives up to 80 billion British pounds during 2013 ( NEF consulting ,
It entails preparing students to use English for higher education and it is one of the most common forms of English for Specific Purpose (ESP).
According more content...
This focuses on the development of role by modeling to student how they can transfer the skills they acquire in EGAP classes to enhance their
understanding while reading the assigned textbooks , listening to lectures and writing essays. Defining EAP, it is highlighted that it "refers to any
English teaching that relates to study purpose" (Dudley–Evans and St John 1998 highlighted that EAP is related to teaching English communication
skills in order to succeed study purpose and is primarily concerned with communication skills required for studies . (ETIC 1975, as quoted in Jordan
1997: 1).
The role of the EAP tutor transcends the limited framework of language teaching, to involve institutional awareness and a detailed knowledge of
specialized discourse. An EAP tutor needs to research and assist students in understanding and constructing texts in their disciplines and to actively
'engage with the disciplines'(Dudley–Evans and St John 1998).
Johns and Price–Machado, 2001classified ESP into two main areas namely English for Academic Purposes (EAP) and English for Occupational
Purposes. ). This is shown in Figure 1 . Figure 1. Classification of ESP Categories (Johns and Price–Machado,
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Benefits Of Academic Writing
When you think of academic writing, what do you think of? Is important that you first learn how to write in such a way that will convince the reader
that they understand what you are talking about. Academic writing can serve as a communication tool, as well as play a role in your higher education
career. It is my personal belief that the benefits of academic writing far outweigh the disadvantages. There can be some hindrances, but only if you do
not review and edit your documents. But fear not, for I hope to explain the benefits of academic writing in an easy to follow way. There are three main
components of writing. There is purpose, tone, and audience.
First off, you want to know what you are writing about. Doing research helps, and gaining knowledge in your subject is paramount to writing a good
article, book, or any other piece of writing. When you are writing, someone may ask you a question about the writing, or what you mean by a certain
passage in your writing. Knowing the purpose of why you are writing and what you are writing is a good idea. Then the question comes down to,
what do I want my reader to know? Is it informative? Is it satire? Is it to entertain or explain? When you answer that question, tell your purpose. There
are four purposes in writing: To summarize, analyze, synthesize, and to evaluate. Including a summary at the end of your writing reiterates what your
subject is about. Analyze all the information to be sure that you know the subject. You want
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Essay about Higher Education
Higher education is optional, but to enter a respectable career, one must continue their education in order to achieve his financial and/or personal goals.
Teenagers who attend college use their extended schooling to further obtain knowledge. The primary objective of higher education is to enhance one's
abilities for his future. A student can learn from school in numerous ways, but liberal education is not a way to attract students into further and higher
education. However, students can learn a lot more through experiences that have affected their personal lives. I agree with author Mike Rose's theory
that education needs are reached to obtain a higher academic level by teaching students information that can be related to their more
However, he has not thought about the students who want to attend college and quickly earn their degree so they can start their careers.
I disagree with Bloom because he encourages the idea of taking extra irrelevant classes to achieve the experience of education. It usually takes about
four years to earn a bachelors degree. There are many courses such as English, math, history, art, etc. that a student must go through before they get to
start on the classes that concentrate on their intended major. These basic courses are part of a program called general education. After completing
general education (which usually takes about two years), the students can then begin to study for their degree. Colleges should abandon the law of
students having to take general education courses because the courses are irrelevant to their field of study, unnecessary and a waste of time. Instead of
taking the extra courses, students can simply meet their needs of a degree in a shorter period of time. Also, Bloom not only that wants students to take
general education courses, he wants them to further their education by taking advanced irrelevant courses. Therefore, in their future, they would have
numerous opportunities for a better career. Because if a job is not right for the student, he would have other choices to obtain a new job.
Rose feels students should not learn from the canon books style. Students have an easier time learning when they relate to the
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Essay On Academic Reflection
Education is ingrained in our lives; we are as a society born to learn. The ability to reflect on this habitual learning is what separates an honors mindset
from the average. Reflection occurs continuously and effortlessly, as though peering into a looking glass. I reflect in order to increase my potential as a
learner and become an honors student. Evaluating my past, present, and future education ultimately will unlock my fullest potential for true academic
My past education experience, defined as, elementary through high school, was filled with opportunities of growth and promises of success. From
elementary to middle school, I was led by a spark to learn. I wanted to accomplish many tasks, wanted to learn as much and as deeply as I could, I
wanted to succeed with hard work. At this age level, I was displaying a growth mindset, and many key characteristics of Angela Maiers' habitudes. The
most prominent example of this display was my eighth–grade year as it was the first time I ever truly struggled academically in my life. I was in my
eight–grade math class with Mr. Pfitzner, at the time the bane of my existence, and I did not understand a thing. It seemed like all my hard work
was for nothing, that I would never be able to overcome this obstacle. For a moment, I was able to see how easily a slip from a growth mindset to a
fixed mindset could be. As I slowly slipped into the fixed mindset, I remember asking myself if this is how I want to learn. This challenge
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My Experience With Academic Writing
My experience with my academic writing it comes from the past years in different classes, that I have taken here in Texas Tech University. I have
taken some couple classes in the science department, a law class. In my law class I had to write an academic paper, explain the different types a law
that will apply in a wind energy industry. This academic writing was done in the law class, but that was different from English class. The writing in
the science class was little bit like the writing that was done in English 1301 at South Plains. My experience in the class was to compare and
summaries article that was chosen by the professor. In this class, it helps me to improve my writing skills little bit more that my high school English.
One of my weaknesses in writing is my grammar, that I will go in depth by going to the writing center and other helpful resources. In 1302 I will
learn more in depth how to write a research paper, so that I can go more in depth on my work and can use all the different sources on an essay
paper. Me intend to build my strength to get better on my grammar is to make sure that I read aloud for my research or argument paper that will be
writing for this semester. My goal for this class is to finish with a good grade and learn a lot from the professor. Also, to make sure that I use all help
that I get from the class that I will be attending during this semester.
In "The Myth of Helplessness", by Greene and "What I Learned About School Reform", by
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The Importance of Citation in Academic Writing
The Importance of Citing in Academic Writing
Many students today fail to understand the importance of citing sources when they write academic papers. Furthermore, some only cite sources
because they are concerned about the grade that they are going to get if their paper is not complete. Plagiarism has become a common practice as
individuals prefer to steal intellectual information from others. The ability to create is one of humanity's most important talents and it is wrong for
someone to rob an individual of his or her right to put across his or her creativity. Most people understand the unfairness of committing plagiarism when
their ideas are stolen and used without their consent and with the person who committed this immorality expressing no interest in referencing them.
Academic writing encompasses a complex set of concepts and a person who wants to do it needs to get actively engaged in writing a document is
likely to be reviewed by a group of scholars familiar with the subject under discussion. A citation is basically "a signpost and an acknowledgement"
(Hunter). The fact that it is a signpost means that it provides readers with information regarding where they can find the source of the writer's
inspiration. Its value as an acknowledgement relates to how the writer needs to put across his or her appreciation in regard to the sources that he or she
In the academic world writers can only function by using sources and this is largely what keeps this
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Academic Strengths
If someone was to ask me how I would review myself as a student when I was in high school I would laugh. But if I was that same high school kid and
was asked how I would review a 19 year old man in his first year of community college I would look to him as an example of someone who is destined
to be successful. Rewinding back to my high school career I faced a few challenges, ones that I have accomplished and ones that I am working hard on
overcoming. I faced ADHD issues in my life as well as procrastination in almost every one of my classes. Even today as a freshman at McHenry County
College I have got into old habits of procrastination and staying attentive. But as a student who strives for success I do not let my weaknesses
define me, I learn from them so I will not make the same mistakes in my future college endeavors. An academic strength I would like to point out is
my ability to manage my time wisely, which is something I have worked hard on since I graduated in May of 2016 to today. I use calendars,
reminders on my phone, and planners so that I can be the student I had wanted to be when I was in high school. My last academic strength I will
point out is my passion to be successful today and tomorrow. I make goals and I complete them. From saving up my money to buy my first car, to
starting off strong in my first year of community college and finishing my first semester with all A's, which is something I will achieve. Overall, I
believe a mindset to be successful in
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Developing Strong Academic Study Skills
Developing strong academic study skills in Higher Education is arguably the most important area of learning and development a student can cultivate,
in order to achieve academic success. The skills that are acquired, the learning techniques that a student refines and life learning experiences are all
going to develop into long–term career prospects and future career enhancement. Some of the key areas for development and discussion in this essay
will include note taking/essay writing, critical thinking and analysing questions and reflective thinking skills. A major area for development and
improvement revolves around effective note taking and essay planning/writing. As a Higher Education student you will be required to plan and
produce countless essays in relation to the course you are studying, and a key point of reference to help with this would come from "The Guide to
Learning and Study Skills for Higher Education and at Work" who give the following advice and tips: 'Identify the purpose of the essay and who the
audience (reader) is and what is required for both – structure your work and develop your arguments/main points – proof read your work and improve
language, spelling, punctuation, grammar and style – review what you did and use feedback to improve your essay writing for the future' (Bingham, R.
and Drew, S. 2012 The guide to learning and study skills: For higher Education and at work). With regards to effective note taking in Higher Education,
a key starting point
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Essay about English Academic Writing
Over the last few decade, the number of international student has risen not specially in the UK but all over the world. It is known that every nation has
its own language, customs, cultures and traditions. This may effect the way of thinking or an academic style of reading, writing and another types of
an academic style. This essay will evaluate linn,2009 claim that international student must learn a new way of thinking and writing when they come to
study in the UK–type academic environment and outline the controversial point that should be considered.
Firstly, according to( linn,2009,p.3) English writers use explicit discourse marker which helps the writers to organize ideas and also helps reader
follow along from one sentence more content...
However, in an English academic writing, writers tend to restrict the amount of metaphor ,whereas Arabic writers do no seem to make this distinction
for academic writing. This seems to be true because there are an disadvantages of metaphorical usage. Perhaps most importantly it can be said that
metaphorical usage may lead to stereotyping, which not based on fact but it based on other opinion. For example, linn thinks that all Asian student are
circular or all Americans are good at math. Of course it just an opinions not fact some Americans are not good at math. In addition, metaphors could use
to obscure reality, confuse and influence the readers. For instance, metaphors are one of the ways that doctors might avoid telling the truth to the
patients. In contrast, it is difficult to ignore the features of metaphorical usage to described psychological theories. It can be said that teachers and
student should sensitized to the power of metaphors.
According to (linn,2009,p.2,p.3) it is possible that academic writing in some countries are influenced by its cultures and traditions, which also effect
students choice of evidence in supporting their main ideas and how they express their main ideas. It can be said that the structure of academic writing.
This seems to be true because there are three point that should be considered. Firstly, traditional culture not only influences the views of the world,
ways of thinking, people's behaviors but also the
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My Academic Journey
The journey I have made academically this summer semester is something I will never forget. The knowledge I have gained over how to write a
proper essay has made me appreciate how important writing is. Without knowing how to write a essay or just to write more formally I would not be
moving forward successfully in my academic journey nor would I be obtaining the goals I have setup for myself. With all this in mind, the goal of this
essay is to give a deeper understanding on who I am as writer, what I have experienced so far on this academic journey, and where and how I will
be using the new knowledge in the future. First let us take a look into who I am as a writer. As a writer I like to style my papers into a way that the
reader would think I am right there talking to he/she about it. I am a very "down to earth" guy. When I am typing out my papers, I want make it
feel like I am talking to the reader themselves. Recently, I have found prove of this because, in my composing process essay I used a lot of figure
of speech. One of the problems I have found with using figure of speech is that sometime it can be misleading or confusing to readers. I have made
notes and further educated myself in how to properly use figure of speech in my essay in the future. Another thing I found that I do when I write is,
get into a pattern of repeating words excessively. I discovered in my summary analysis paper that I would begin a majority of sentences with the same
word. From my
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My Academic and Career Goals
My academic goal is to graduate Argosy University with a bachelors degree in Forensic Psychology in three years time. Forensic Psychology is the
study of the criminal mind, in a nutshell. The main motivation to achieve this goal would be intrinsic. I love asking questions and knowing the answers
as to why people do what they do, and in a criminals case, what led them to committing the crime. This goal, however, may have some extrinsic
motivation as well. Being knowledgeable about certain behaviors that criminals poses may help solve or even prevent a crime. In addition, having a
degree will help open different paths in life, ones that may present me with greater job opportunities. My attitude toward the learning process will help
my achievement of each goal because I am eager, determined and motivated. My greatest desire is to succeed in life, and obtaining an education is
one thing I know will help me. I perhaps will need to make some adjustments along my journey. I do not know yet if I will find another educational
path that intrigues me the most. For now, I do not feel that any adjustments need to be made. My career goal is to work in the Los Angeles Police
Department as part of their Forensics team. I want to do more than simply dig into the minds of criminals. I want to be active; take fingerprints, DNA
samples, and experience the crime scene. Most of this is taught through direct training from the department but I feel that having a degree in Forensic
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How My Writing Has Improved
After this semester of English 102, at Bristol Community College I feel that I have gained the skill to articulate what I want to convey to the
reader in many ways. I don't just look at grammatical error, but instead I look for ways to make my sentences more effective and concise.
Nevertheless, I hope that this strategy will continue to help me improve my writing even further on in the future. My strong points as a reader
have also definitely improved after reading the poems and stories we experienced this semester. Writing has been an important form of expression
for me. I find myself to be very soft spoken and speaking verbally is usually difficult for me because I can't always seem to find the right words to
say. I feel that I am more expressive and have more control over what I want to say. While this semester progressed toward its end, I have learned
new writing skills and gradually learned how to engage with audiences. This skill was very useful in meeting my course goals in English 102. I
believe that I have grown at organization and careful stream my thoughts as well. Before I would just begin writing my papers without any plans or
organization, along with no definite idea of where I would be going with the assignments, but throughout this course I've learned that you should base
your paper around your thesis statement. Another skill I took from this class was to value my classmate's responses, from their reactions made me
much more aware that my main ideas
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The Importance Of Academics
Academics 3.1 Importance of Academics Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. It is the passport to the
future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it. Academics are important because it is strongly linked to the positive outcomes we value.
Adults who are academically successful and with high levels of education are more likely to be employed, have stable employment, have more
employment opportunities than those with less education and earn higher salaries, are more likely to have health insurance, are less dependent on
social assistance, are less likely to engage in criminal activity, are more active as citizens and charitable volunteers and are healthier and happier.
Academics are important because working people will need higher levels of education to tackle the technologically demanding occupations of the
future. 3.2 Various disciplines offered at BITS Goa 1) For B.E. we have the following courses offered:– B.E. Computer Science Engineering B.E.
Electrical & Electronics Engineering B.E. Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering B.E. Electronics & Communication Engineering B.E. Mechanical
Engineering B.E. Chemical Engineering 2) For M.Sc we have the following courses offered:– Biological Sciences Chemistry Economics Mathematics
Physics 3) For PhD we have the following courses offered:– Full Time PhD Part Time PhD Faculty development scheme Ph D aspirant scheme 3.3
Other Opportunity Current
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Phrases For Analysis

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  • 2. Academic Tone Examples The tone of a paper is often the reflection of how a writer feels about the subject they're telling an audience about. Academic tone is a formal way of writing and uses the third person perspective. In third person perspective you should never use personal pronouns and try to rarely ever use the word "you." Academic tone also requires that one does not use slang words, jargon, or abbreviations in their writing. It is intended to be serious and informative to the audience. An example of this is when someone writes a letter to his school's principal about improvements that should be made to school events. This person wants to sound formal and well–mannered rather than informal and ill–mannered, and they also want their approach to be respectful Get more content on
  • 3. Reflection Of A Reflection On Academic Skills REFLECTION–ACADEMIC SKILLS When the word reflection is mentioned, the first thought is a mirror like image of yourself. This is to define your own perception of the good and bad quality within yourself. Taking action of the weaknesses and developing my skills to improve myself around everyone, (Stadter, 2015). Gibbs Reflective Cycle (1988), a framework for students to resolve problems in assignments, step by step, I will reflect on my own problems, (UK Essays, 2013). My previous goal was to study in a university and now that I have accomplished that goal, my next goal is to complete the course with a good grade. But the reality of achieving the Foundation Degree is a much harder concept than what I first thought, having a writer ' more content... Implementing Dewey 's theory in to my assignment, assisting my understanding on how to support ideas with evidence such as deciding whether I have included all the information needed, the author/publisher or whether I have referenced continuously throughout the assignments. When previously writing assignments I need to consider how well it was written, learning from the mistakes, understanding the feedbacks and setting out times to do better next time (Percival 2006). While referencing is a struggle for me to use, Kell and Vogl (2010) stated that overcoming referencing can be done by reading different books, journals and articles of interest. After analyzing the problem, I realised I try to be a perfectionist, causing a hindrance in producing assignments. I need to start believing in myself a lot more and be more inspired, as Percival, (2006) has mentioned that "being too sensitive will block your progress", by doing time–bound goals and starting the assignment rather than thinking about the end product. Percival (2006),has also stated putting our energy into the solution rather than the problem will be an advantage to our mindset. Realisation of putting a pen to the paper to start, a draft can be perfected as time goes on, mending the structure to the standard required till the Get more content on
  • 4. Academic Skills And Career Skills Skill concept is a characteristic or professionalism which is found in a person to perform a certain work or certain task with the limitation of time and as per Desire quality. For instance, a person who is skilled with speaking different languages and also understanding the meaning of different languages words. Another example is a person who can perform a work which cannot be done by other person perfectly. Action of work is a skin of the person. These skills are developed by those activities which we performed in our routine life. As per the requirement of the case I have to mention those activities which I have done in the classroom and have to mention those academic skills and career skills which have been improved by these class activities. Buy appearing in the classroom I have developed a lot of career skills along with academic skills. Academic skills includes the activities like reading, writing, listening, more content... Preparation of thesis In the classroom, I have given various tasks by the teachers which I have to do complete by researching regarding the subject matter and have to present the same before the teacher. During this activity, preparation of theses and writing work in a style as per requirement has been learnt by me with the coordination of teachers and by this activity. This classroom activity has become a cause of improving the academic and career skills. 2. Attending classroom Early in the morning I have to appear in the classroom and attend all the lectures on the given time by School which make me as time abiding student. This punctuality has improved my academic as well as carrier skill. 3. Lecture Special activity as the delivery of lecture by teachers to the students is an activity which develop various elements of academic as well as career skills. This activity has also become a cause of developing my own career skills along with academic skills. 4. English Get more content on
  • 5. Strengths And Weaknesses Of Academic Writing Writing is a very helpful skill for most of the people who want to achieve success in their life. Improving your writing skills is very helpful before entering the university. Students are facing a lot of issues in their university because they are being asked to write academic essays, or scientific papers, and they did not have the expected skills to write what is being asked from them. On the other hand, those who have studied APA, and MLA in their high school, or by self–learning, are more likely to get high scores in their universities academic essays than those who did not. Those who have studied academic writing are having a big chance to achieve their goals in their university life because most of the courses in the university requires more content... My point of weakness is that I always go off topic, and I think most of the students do that in the beginning of their academic papers practices. It is not easy to stay on topic. However, I have learned some techniques that made me able to stay on topic, and I would like to mention them to students to avoid making my mistakes. First, students could make an outline before writing their final draft, and submit it. This has helped me so much in organizing my paper, and making it easy for me follow up with the points that I want to talk about without going off topic. Second, students should have a strong thesis statement, and restating it in each paragraph. By restating your thesis statement, you are not only making the reader following up with your points, but you are also making your thesis statement stronger because it has been mentioned in many paragraphs with different examples. Lastly, students should use transition words in their essay. Transition words helps the reader to progress from one idea to the next. Therefore, students should learn how to write academic essays, and take it more seriously because it could improve their Get more content on
  • 6. Another Step of a Long Process: Studying English Academic writing is an art of expressing and transforming thoughts and ideas into physical form to deliver information logically and scientifically. This skill needs to be refined and practiced constantly regularly. After three months of taking ESL 273, I have accumulated various experiences in writing advanced sentences and organizing academic essays which are really necessary for me to perform well in the next English course, ESL 5, as well as other classes. As a result, I think I am well–prepared and ready for the next coming course ESL 5. During the ESL 273 course, one of my strengths which is the ability of using various examples as well as explanations to reinforce more content... Consequently, I did not have enough time to check and edit some minor errors existing in my essay "Society Built our Perception and Ability" like verb tense, punctuation, and word form. This also explains why I usually perform successfully in the grammar tests given by my teacher, but I still repeat those grammar mistakes again in my essays. Even though those errors do not affect readers' comprehensions but they might be distracted and thus the quality of my essay would be diminished. To help students combat this mistake, my teacher has applied an interesting teaching strategy which is collaborative learning. To do this, I work in pair with another friend and exchange our writing assignments in order to check other partner's errors. I feel that this method works really well in my case because checking my partner's mistakes has helped me to reinforce my proofreading skill. Besides, I find out a strategy to deal with the shortage of time of an in–class writing. To do this, I try to recheck and go over a sentence as I write to make sure it is free of grammar and punctuation mistakes. This new approach is very compatible and essential for me in order to be successful when I get into higher English classes like ESL 5 and EWRT 1A because I actually check my essay three or four times before I finish it. In ESL 273, I have achieved some specific goals in Get more content on
  • 7. English For Academic Purpose Essay English for Academic Purpose (EAP) has become an expanding discipline in higher education worldwide. Universities are center of intellectual gathering for international scholars. The development of EAP is stimulated by the internationalization of higher education and increasing number of international courses taught in university around the world as well as the students' mobility to universities around the world. In addition , foreign students contributes to the economy of Western countries , as an evidence UK receives up to 80 billion British pounds during 2013 ( NEF consulting , 2013). It entails preparing students to use English for higher education and it is one of the most common forms of English for Specific Purpose (ESP). According more content... This focuses on the development of role by modeling to student how they can transfer the skills they acquire in EGAP classes to enhance their understanding while reading the assigned textbooks , listening to lectures and writing essays. Defining EAP, it is highlighted that it "refers to any English teaching that relates to study purpose" (Dudley–Evans and St John 1998 highlighted that EAP is related to teaching English communication skills in order to succeed study purpose and is primarily concerned with communication skills required for studies . (ETIC 1975, as quoted in Jordan 1997: 1). The role of the EAP tutor transcends the limited framework of language teaching, to involve institutional awareness and a detailed knowledge of specialized discourse. An EAP tutor needs to research and assist students in understanding and constructing texts in their disciplines and to actively 'engage with the disciplines'(Dudley–Evans and St John 1998). Johns and Price–Machado, 2001classified ESP into two main areas namely English for Academic Purposes (EAP) and English for Occupational Purposes. ). This is shown in Figure 1 . Figure 1. Classification of ESP Categories (Johns and Price–Machado, Get more content on
  • 8. Benefits Of Academic Writing When you think of academic writing, what do you think of? Is important that you first learn how to write in such a way that will convince the reader that they understand what you are talking about. Academic writing can serve as a communication tool, as well as play a role in your higher education career. It is my personal belief that the benefits of academic writing far outweigh the disadvantages. There can be some hindrances, but only if you do not review and edit your documents. But fear not, for I hope to explain the benefits of academic writing in an easy to follow way. There are three main components of writing. There is purpose, tone, and audience. First off, you want to know what you are writing about. Doing research helps, and gaining knowledge in your subject is paramount to writing a good article, book, or any other piece of writing. When you are writing, someone may ask you a question about the writing, or what you mean by a certain passage in your writing. Knowing the purpose of why you are writing and what you are writing is a good idea. Then the question comes down to, what do I want my reader to know? Is it informative? Is it satire? Is it to entertain or explain? When you answer that question, tell your purpose. There are four purposes in writing: To summarize, analyze, synthesize, and to evaluate. Including a summary at the end of your writing reiterates what your subject is about. Analyze all the information to be sure that you know the subject. You want Get more content on
  • 9. Essay about Higher Education Higher education is optional, but to enter a respectable career, one must continue their education in order to achieve his financial and/or personal goals. Teenagers who attend college use their extended schooling to further obtain knowledge. The primary objective of higher education is to enhance one's abilities for his future. A student can learn from school in numerous ways, but liberal education is not a way to attract students into further and higher education. However, students can learn a lot more through experiences that have affected their personal lives. I agree with author Mike Rose's theory that education needs are reached to obtain a higher academic level by teaching students information that can be related to their more content... However, he has not thought about the students who want to attend college and quickly earn their degree so they can start their careers. I disagree with Bloom because he encourages the idea of taking extra irrelevant classes to achieve the experience of education. It usually takes about four years to earn a bachelors degree. There are many courses such as English, math, history, art, etc. that a student must go through before they get to start on the classes that concentrate on their intended major. These basic courses are part of a program called general education. After completing general education (which usually takes about two years), the students can then begin to study for their degree. Colleges should abandon the law of students having to take general education courses because the courses are irrelevant to their field of study, unnecessary and a waste of time. Instead of taking the extra courses, students can simply meet their needs of a degree in a shorter period of time. Also, Bloom not only that wants students to take general education courses, he wants them to further their education by taking advanced irrelevant courses. Therefore, in their future, they would have numerous opportunities for a better career. Because if a job is not right for the student, he would have other choices to obtain a new job. Rose feels students should not learn from the canon books style. Students have an easier time learning when they relate to the Get more content on
  • 10. Essay On Academic Reflection Education is ingrained in our lives; we are as a society born to learn. The ability to reflect on this habitual learning is what separates an honors mindset from the average. Reflection occurs continuously and effortlessly, as though peering into a looking glass. I reflect in order to increase my potential as a learner and become an honors student. Evaluating my past, present, and future education ultimately will unlock my fullest potential for true academic reflection. My past education experience, defined as, elementary through high school, was filled with opportunities of growth and promises of success. From elementary to middle school, I was led by a spark to learn. I wanted to accomplish many tasks, wanted to learn as much and as deeply as I could, I wanted to succeed with hard work. At this age level, I was displaying a growth mindset, and many key characteristics of Angela Maiers' habitudes. The most prominent example of this display was my eighth–grade year as it was the first time I ever truly struggled academically in my life. I was in my eight–grade math class with Mr. Pfitzner, at the time the bane of my existence, and I did not understand a thing. It seemed like all my hard work was for nothing, that I would never be able to overcome this obstacle. For a moment, I was able to see how easily a slip from a growth mindset to a fixed mindset could be. As I slowly slipped into the fixed mindset, I remember asking myself if this is how I want to learn. This challenge Get more content on
  • 11. My Experience With Academic Writing My experience with my academic writing it comes from the past years in different classes, that I have taken here in Texas Tech University. I have taken some couple classes in the science department, a law class. In my law class I had to write an academic paper, explain the different types a law that will apply in a wind energy industry. This academic writing was done in the law class, but that was different from English class. The writing in the science class was little bit like the writing that was done in English 1301 at South Plains. My experience in the class was to compare and summaries article that was chosen by the professor. In this class, it helps me to improve my writing skills little bit more that my high school English. One of my weaknesses in writing is my grammar, that I will go in depth by going to the writing center and other helpful resources. In 1302 I will learn more in depth how to write a research paper, so that I can go more in depth on my work and can use all the different sources on an essay paper. Me intend to build my strength to get better on my grammar is to make sure that I read aloud for my research or argument paper that will be writing for this semester. My goal for this class is to finish with a good grade and learn a lot from the professor. Also, to make sure that I use all help that I get from the class that I will be attending during this semester. In "The Myth of Helplessness", by Greene and "What I Learned About School Reform", by Get more content on
  • 12. The Importance of Citation in Academic Writing The Importance of Citing in Academic Writing Many students today fail to understand the importance of citing sources when they write academic papers. Furthermore, some only cite sources because they are concerned about the grade that they are going to get if their paper is not complete. Plagiarism has become a common practice as individuals prefer to steal intellectual information from others. The ability to create is one of humanity's most important talents and it is wrong for someone to rob an individual of his or her right to put across his or her creativity. Most people understand the unfairness of committing plagiarism when their ideas are stolen and used without their consent and with the person who committed this immorality expressing no interest in referencing them. Academic writing encompasses a complex set of concepts and a person who wants to do it needs to get actively engaged in writing a document is likely to be reviewed by a group of scholars familiar with the subject under discussion. A citation is basically "a signpost and an acknowledgement" (Hunter). The fact that it is a signpost means that it provides readers with information regarding where they can find the source of the writer's inspiration. Its value as an acknowledgement relates to how the writer needs to put across his or her appreciation in regard to the sources that he or she used. In the academic world writers can only function by using sources and this is largely what keeps this Get more content on
  • 13. Academic Strengths If someone was to ask me how I would review myself as a student when I was in high school I would laugh. But if I was that same high school kid and was asked how I would review a 19 year old man in his first year of community college I would look to him as an example of someone who is destined to be successful. Rewinding back to my high school career I faced a few challenges, ones that I have accomplished and ones that I am working hard on overcoming. I faced ADHD issues in my life as well as procrastination in almost every one of my classes. Even today as a freshman at McHenry County College I have got into old habits of procrastination and staying attentive. But as a student who strives for success I do not let my weaknesses define me, I learn from them so I will not make the same mistakes in my future college endeavors. An academic strength I would like to point out is my ability to manage my time wisely, which is something I have worked hard on since I graduated in May of 2016 to today. I use calendars, reminders on my phone, and planners so that I can be the student I had wanted to be when I was in high school. My last academic strength I will point out is my passion to be successful today and tomorrow. I make goals and I complete them. From saving up my money to buy my first car, to starting off strong in my first year of community college and finishing my first semester with all A's, which is something I will achieve. Overall, I believe a mindset to be successful in Get more content on
  • 14. Developing Strong Academic Study Skills Developing strong academic study skills in Higher Education is arguably the most important area of learning and development a student can cultivate, in order to achieve academic success. The skills that are acquired, the learning techniques that a student refines and life learning experiences are all going to develop into long–term career prospects and future career enhancement. Some of the key areas for development and discussion in this essay will include note taking/essay writing, critical thinking and analysing questions and reflective thinking skills. A major area for development and improvement revolves around effective note taking and essay planning/writing. As a Higher Education student you will be required to plan and produce countless essays in relation to the course you are studying, and a key point of reference to help with this would come from "The Guide to Learning and Study Skills for Higher Education and at Work" who give the following advice and tips: 'Identify the purpose of the essay and who the audience (reader) is and what is required for both – structure your work and develop your arguments/main points – proof read your work and improve language, spelling, punctuation, grammar and style – review what you did and use feedback to improve your essay writing for the future' (Bingham, R. and Drew, S. 2012 The guide to learning and study skills: For higher Education and at work). With regards to effective note taking in Higher Education, a key starting point Get more content on
  • 15. Essay about English Academic Writing Over the last few decade, the number of international student has risen not specially in the UK but all over the world. It is known that every nation has its own language, customs, cultures and traditions. This may effect the way of thinking or an academic style of reading, writing and another types of an academic style. This essay will evaluate linn,2009 claim that international student must learn a new way of thinking and writing when they come to study in the UK–type academic environment and outline the controversial point that should be considered. Firstly, according to( linn,2009,p.3) English writers use explicit discourse marker which helps the writers to organize ideas and also helps reader follow along from one sentence more content... However, in an English academic writing, writers tend to restrict the amount of metaphor ,whereas Arabic writers do no seem to make this distinction for academic writing. This seems to be true because there are an disadvantages of metaphorical usage. Perhaps most importantly it can be said that metaphorical usage may lead to stereotyping, which not based on fact but it based on other opinion. For example, linn thinks that all Asian student are circular or all Americans are good at math. Of course it just an opinions not fact some Americans are not good at math. In addition, metaphors could use to obscure reality, confuse and influence the readers. For instance, metaphors are one of the ways that doctors might avoid telling the truth to the patients. In contrast, it is difficult to ignore the features of metaphorical usage to described psychological theories. It can be said that teachers and student should sensitized to the power of metaphors. According to (linn,2009,p.2,p.3) it is possible that academic writing in some countries are influenced by its cultures and traditions, which also effect students choice of evidence in supporting their main ideas and how they express their main ideas. It can be said that the structure of academic writing. This seems to be true because there are three point that should be considered. Firstly, traditional culture not only influences the views of the world, ways of thinking, people's behaviors but also the Get more content on
  • 16. My Academic Journey The journey I have made academically this summer semester is something I will never forget. The knowledge I have gained over how to write a proper essay has made me appreciate how important writing is. Without knowing how to write a essay or just to write more formally I would not be moving forward successfully in my academic journey nor would I be obtaining the goals I have setup for myself. With all this in mind, the goal of this essay is to give a deeper understanding on who I am as writer, what I have experienced so far on this academic journey, and where and how I will be using the new knowledge in the future. First let us take a look into who I am as a writer. As a writer I like to style my papers into a way that the reader would think I am right there talking to he/she about it. I am a very "down to earth" guy. When I am typing out my papers, I want make it feel like I am talking to the reader themselves. Recently, I have found prove of this because, in my composing process essay I used a lot of figure of speech. One of the problems I have found with using figure of speech is that sometime it can be misleading or confusing to readers. I have made notes and further educated myself in how to properly use figure of speech in my essay in the future. Another thing I found that I do when I write is, get into a pattern of repeating words excessively. I discovered in my summary analysis paper that I would begin a majority of sentences with the same word. From my Get more content on
  • 17. My Academic and Career Goals My academic goal is to graduate Argosy University with a bachelors degree in Forensic Psychology in three years time. Forensic Psychology is the study of the criminal mind, in a nutshell. The main motivation to achieve this goal would be intrinsic. I love asking questions and knowing the answers as to why people do what they do, and in a criminals case, what led them to committing the crime. This goal, however, may have some extrinsic motivation as well. Being knowledgeable about certain behaviors that criminals poses may help solve or even prevent a crime. In addition, having a degree will help open different paths in life, ones that may present me with greater job opportunities. My attitude toward the learning process will help my achievement of each goal because I am eager, determined and motivated. My greatest desire is to succeed in life, and obtaining an education is one thing I know will help me. I perhaps will need to make some adjustments along my journey. I do not know yet if I will find another educational path that intrigues me the most. For now, I do not feel that any adjustments need to be made. My career goal is to work in the Los Angeles Police Department as part of their Forensics team. I want to do more than simply dig into the minds of criminals. I want to be active; take fingerprints, DNA samples, and experience the crime scene. Most of this is taught through direct training from the department but I feel that having a degree in Forensic Psychology Get more content on
  • 18. How My Writing Has Improved After this semester of English 102, at Bristol Community College I feel that I have gained the skill to articulate what I want to convey to the reader in many ways. I don't just look at grammatical error, but instead I look for ways to make my sentences more effective and concise. Nevertheless, I hope that this strategy will continue to help me improve my writing even further on in the future. My strong points as a reader have also definitely improved after reading the poems and stories we experienced this semester. Writing has been an important form of expression for me. I find myself to be very soft spoken and speaking verbally is usually difficult for me because I can't always seem to find the right words to say. I feel that I am more expressive and have more control over what I want to say. While this semester progressed toward its end, I have learned new writing skills and gradually learned how to engage with audiences. This skill was very useful in meeting my course goals in English 102. I believe that I have grown at organization and careful stream my thoughts as well. Before I would just begin writing my papers without any plans or organization, along with no definite idea of where I would be going with the assignments, but throughout this course I've learned that you should base your paper around your thesis statement. Another skill I took from this class was to value my classmate's responses, from their reactions made me much more aware that my main ideas Get more content on
  • 19. The Importance Of Academics Academics 3.1 Importance of Academics Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. It is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it. Academics are important because it is strongly linked to the positive outcomes we value. Adults who are academically successful and with high levels of education are more likely to be employed, have stable employment, have more employment opportunities than those with less education and earn higher salaries, are more likely to have health insurance, are less dependent on social assistance, are less likely to engage in criminal activity, are more active as citizens and charitable volunteers and are healthier and happier. Academics are important because working people will need higher levels of education to tackle the technologically demanding occupations of the future. 3.2 Various disciplines offered at BITS Goa 1) For B.E. we have the following courses offered:– B.E. Computer Science Engineering B.E. Electrical & Electronics Engineering B.E. Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering B.E. Electronics & Communication Engineering B.E. Mechanical Engineering B.E. Chemical Engineering 2) For M.Sc we have the following courses offered:– Biological Sciences Chemistry Economics Mathematics Physics 3) For PhD we have the following courses offered:– Full Time PhD Part Time PhD Faculty development scheme Ph D aspirant scheme 3.3 Other Opportunity Current Get more content on