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How Did Race Relations Affect The Great Depression Era...
To begin with, I will explain how changes in capitalist development and race relations shape the
Great Depression Era Labor Movement and the first phase of The Civil Rights Movement.
Capitalism economic made the working class and able to provide for themselves (9/6). Working
class has been very weak, caused by power which was monopolized by those who had money and
also the states made sure that the labor laws were weak. Race played a card in interracial solidary
weakness for the working class (9/6). Racialized gendered lens which socially constructed by race
and gender. If you were not a white male you didn't have any opportunities as they did. Race
relations shaped the Great Depression Era Labor Movement, because a lot of people white or black
lost everything that they had or own. The stock market crash caused a huge impact on the lives of
everybody. The first phase of the Civil Rights Movement started to protect the lives of black and
gain them rights as everybody else. Black were slaves before, so after the Civil War when they
became free white people took advantage of this; and still treated them like they were less of a
human being. They were seen as inferior to white people. Although the rise of industrial capitalism
with its rational labor markets might have been expected to render race and gender irrelevant in the
workplace, a central feature of the U.S. economy has been its reliance on racialized and gendered
systems of control (5). The labor system served to both
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Lessons Learnt From the Great Depression and Progressive Era
Lessons from the Great Depression & Progressive Era
Lessons from the Great Depression & Progressive Era The Progressive Era in American history
began slightly before the turn of the 20th century and continued into the second decade of the 20th
century, ending around the beginning of World War I. The Great Depression of 20th century
American occurred in 1929 and the more intense short–term effects lasted up and through World
War II. The paper will scrutinize specific events of this period providing insight, elaboration, and
analysis. One major turning point during this period of American history was the significant changes
happening in the American population. Reconstruction was over; the country began its attempts at a
stoic integration. Yet during this period, numerous American blacks migrated around the country.
Many moved into urban areas on the coast and the Midwest. African American flourished for the
first time out from under formalized, institutional slavery and the Harlem Renaissance ensued
during this period. In addition to the migration of American blacks, during this period, millions of
people immigrated into the United States of America, many of whom entered the country via Ellis
Island in New York City. Over five million people from all over the world, but with particular
concentrations from Europe and Asia, moved into the country and changed the demographics of the
country in ways that are evident in the 21st century.
The Progressive Era was a period
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Depression and Cold War: Two Major Historical Turning...
The two major historical turning points in the Progressive Era through the Great Depression
onwards were the Depression and the Cold war.
The impacts on America's current society, economy, politics, and culture
The great depression that affected major economies originated from the United States in the early
1923 when the stock market had crashed affecting all the sectors of the economy in terms of
revenues collected, personal income and profit margins. The rate of unemployment rose to greater
heights in the United States. The International trade volumes went down as countries were wary of
doing business with one another with most of the affected countries having cuts on their spending
to cushion their economies against further economic uncertainties in the future.
The ones abolished restrictions on cross border transactions were revived due to the vulnerability of
several economies to the external shocks and the effects of globalization, which affects major
economies when faced with such crisis. The current American society is faced with many challenges
which were as a result of the war and depression. The consequences of being at war affected the
economy, many people as died in the process which traumatized most citizens. The effects are still
being felt where various economic policies have been adopted to adjust and save the economy from
getting into such a mess and to maintain the confidence in the financial system. There have been the
cases of unemployment which
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The Impact of the New Deal on the Great Depression Era Essay
The Impact of the New Deal on the Great Depression Era
In 1933, President Roosevelt proposed New Deal legislation to alleviate the effects of the Great
Depression through various public works programs and other federal initiatives. The many reforms
of the New Deal were racked by intense criticism from their very beginnings. The New Deal was a
catalyst in the surge of the federal government's power.
One year before the financial collapse on Wall Street, President Hoover said, "We in America today
are nearer to the financial triumph over poverty than ever before in the history of our land" (Major
31). This overly confident statement was outrageously wrong. On October 24, 1929, the Wall Street
stock market plummeted. As of that date, ... Show more content on ...
15). The FERA's main purpose was to assume economic responsibility for 18 million unemployed
Americans. FERA was to help these people find work through the private sector. FERA was
intended to allow unemployed people regain their dignity and improve their economic status
(Hopkins par. 12).
Many people outside of the United States foresaw the greatness and legacy that would follow the
Roosevelt administration. For instance, Neville Chamberlain, the British Chancellor of the
Exchequer (later to become the British Prime Minister), said before the House of Commons
concerning FDR's first 100 days in office "Within weeks of taking office Roosevelt had carried off
his first triumph, the restoration of national confidence" (Rosenman 66).
Key factors of New Deal reforms to end the depression were to create work relief programs. The
epitome of F.D.R.'s feelings toward work relief were spoken eloquently when he said "The test of
our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those have it much; it is whether we
provide enough for those who have too little" (Wolters 170). With this said, in 1933 Roosevelt
signed an executive order to create the CWA, or the Civil Works Administration. Four hundred
million dollars was eventually transferred from the FERA program's budget to help boost the CWA.
The CWA, a basic extension of the FERA, was created because of FERA's general lack of putting
enough people to work. The CWA would
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The Progressive Era In The 1930's
The Progressive Era
The Progressive Era took place in the first two decades of the twentieth century from 1900's to
1930's. The Progressive Era was to help the economy for people who lived in America. Some of the
ways Americans would try to help were make improvements on working conditions, various
regulations at work to keep it overall safer for employees and overall living conditions. There were
3,048,710 Texans recorded in the 1900. The population stood at 3,896,542 in 1910, and rose up to
4,663,228 by 1920. Almost two thirds of the population of Texans lived in the country. The main
businesses that took place during the Progressive Era in Texas were lumber, oil, railroad and
Farming crops.
Texas lumber was mainly in East Texas, which supplied up to five percent of the national market in
1907. A good amount of the sawmills were along the Gulf of Mexico and up the coast line but some
were also inland as well. When lumber industries started in the early 1800's most of the mills would
cut in between seven hundred and fifty to fifteen hundred board a feet a day. Either by a blade
powered by animals, water or eventually steam. Working in the lumber industries there were long
hours and low paying with a high rate of accidents that possible could happen. In the early 1900's
the lumber industry grew rapidly. By the end of the 1920's when the war ended and the great
depression happened the lumber industries declined rapidly. ... Show more content on ...
When oil was first discovered it was "Discovered of the spindle top oilfield near Beaumont in
January 10, 1901 marked the opening of the prosperous phase of the business in Texas." But not
long after discovering in Texas it would soon be discovered in Oklahoma in 1905. Shortly after
1910 more oil was being founded and more was coming out of Texas. By the end of the Progressive
Era in 1920's "Texas was producing 85,000,000 barrels per year with even more dramatic increase
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The Noir Anti Hero : How Walter Huff Reflects Depression...
The Noir Anti–Hero:
How Walter Huff Reflects Depression–Era Society The anti–hero of Double Indemnity, Walter Huff,
is a reflection of the greed, lust, and corruption of the evils of society during the Great Depression.
The anti–hero must navigate his way through the external landscape of depression–era Los Angeles
in an attempt to survive the urban wilderness in perhaps some very non–conventional ways. Despite
this, the anti–hero is relatable to the reader since he is not seen as a typical hero but rather a flawed
moral character. Ambiguity is a key characteristic of noir and surrounds the love triangle of the anti–
hero, femme fatale, and the crime committed. Noir is a genre of hard–boiled crime dramas, which
originated in America in the 1930s and 1940s, during and post WWII. The films and novels that
were associated with this genre reflected how the world was viewed during and after the war⎯cold,
heartless and cruel. A noir anti–hero is the main character of a story that lacks the characteristics of
a typical hero, but is relatable to the audience. He usually functions outside social norms and
challenges the system. Hardboiled detective is a tough, cynical style of writing that brought an
aspect of realism to the genre of detective fiction. It is often a gritty detective story set in a world
overrun with violence and corruption. The way that Cain describes depression–era Los Angeles is a
reflection of society during that time period. The anti–hero is morally compelling
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1930s Depression-Era: Dance Marathons
Depression–Era Entertainment: The Dance Marathon
Kamarie Fernandes With the recent development of reality television providing the viewer–ship of
contests across the globe, people are able to watch others suffer intense physical and mental games
in order to be considered the best, the smartest, the strongest, the most talented, and so forth, in
order to win a large cash prize along with short–lived international fame. Today's "me–era"
entertainment is known as reality television. In contrast with today's entertainment, in the 1930s it
was known as depression–era entertainment. Depression–era entertainment was known as the dance
marathon; however, dance marathons began years before the depression. By the early 1930s, dance
marathons ... Show more content on ...
When this started being a normal thing for audience members to see, walkathon promoters became
even more clever and devious in their attempts to bring people to see the shows. They created
"elimination contests" throughout the walkathons to try and get rid of people who were on the verge
of collapsing. At a contest in Tulsa, Oklahoma, there was an elimination contest called a "grind."
The contestants had to run 105 laps in a figure–eight floor pattern, which took 60 minutes to
complete. The next night, the emcee announced that the boys and girls had to run 55 laps around the
floor and at the end of the race, the girls would have a "surprise" that was sure to eliminate most of
the girl contestants (Martin 55). Once these surprises started happening, spectators started pouring
in to see who would outlast the grinds and to see what the surprises were. Richard Elliott, a publicist
and walkathon promoter said, "Now people came to see 'em die. That's an overstatement. But they
came to see 'em suffer, and to see when they were going to fall down" (Martin 7). So what was the
big deal about watching these people slowly walk or run around the dance floor all day and all
night? Other than the fact that spectators did not have much else to do with their spare time during
the depression, promoters of the walkathons would find ways to make the marathons even more
entertaining. The more reasons people had to watch the marathons, the
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Analysis Of A Farewell By Amy Levy
"A Farewell" by Amy Levy reflects the life of an outsider in the 19th century. The speaker portrays
the internal battle that Levy faces in a racist and sexist society as being not only Jewish but a strong
feminist and lesbian. By living through the speaker Levy is able to express her deepest thoughts and
beliefs about contemporary society, and how it has come to affect her ultimately causing her to take
her own life. The poem immediately sets a tone of unhappiness that is constant throughout the
poem. The speaker describes the setting of the scene: "the sad rain falls from Heaven" (l.1). The sad
rain indicates the darker state of an unjust civilization and how it causes the speaker to become
depressed. The word heaven is used to signify that even God looks down on mankind and deems it
unfair. Heaven also gives the poem religious context which may be related to Levy being Jewish in
a dominating Christian society and how this causes her to be discriminated against. The speaker
realizes their personal truths while they look from outside culture inwards. A window is used to
signify a barrier between the speaker and the general public. The society that the speaker lives in is
unjust and causes the speaker to feel foreign in her own culture, and thus relates to Amy Levy's
present barriers as a young Jewish woman who wishes for acceptance. The speaker sadly says, "I am
sitting here at my window" (l. 3), which represents the life she cannot have but has to watch on the
other side of
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Social Justice In The Progressive Era
The Granges ultimate goal was to help farmers "gain economic leverage and strengthen the
commercial position of the American farmer" (Globalyceum, The Gilded Age and the Progressive
Era, 1877–1914). The Labor Unions and the Grange set up social justice for the workers during the
Gilded Age. They both built social solidarity and collaborative action, as well as empowered the
workers to exercise self–determination, realize their full potential, and fight for what they deserved
as workers.
The time that quickly following the Gilded Age was known as the Progressive Era and during this
time, there were definite examples of movements for social justice that pushed the government to
establish policies that would ultimately create more gender and ... Show more content on ...
For example, when we freed the slaves and helped them integrate into society, it enabled our
country to benefit from the diversity that integration brought forth. It also highlighted deep biases
and prejudices that would need to be dealt with by future generations. As a population, if we do not
understand the history of our social justice movements and how we have struggled in the past, we
are doomed to repeat some of the problems our ancestors had worked to overcome. This is why it is
so important to teach our children the truth about our history so, when they are the leaders and make
up the voting population one day, they will be able to make appropriate decisions and not repeat our
mistakes. Not telling our kids the whole truth about our history is lying and depriving them of the
knowledge that they will need to move this country forward. Just as it is the government's
responsibility to help its citizens in need, it is also the government's responsibility to make sure that
its children learn the truth about who has been in need and how they were helped so that we
continue to make progress in social justice for everyone who lives
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The Old Market Woman Is A Marble Statue
The Old Market Woman, is a marble statue that dates back to the Early Imperial period, which also
known as the Hellenistic period. Artists became fascinated with the idea of childhood and old age,
instead of beauty and masculinity. More become interested in seeing a statue that has characteristics
that catches the viewer 's eyes. We are naturally attracted to beauty as humans. What the artist of
The Old Market Woman did, though was they had taken that beauty that we are attracted to, and
transforms it into reality and then uses it to tell a story. The use of realism relates strongly to the
religion that the Woman of this statue believed in. When examining the statue, there is an old
woman bent and weary. Her posture helps clue us in, with her age and the state of her health. The
figure is dressed in cloth that drapes off her body as she carries a basket that is filled with what we
may think are offerings. On her head, there are vines that create a band around the top of her head
used to signify the festival that was going on during that time. The specific detail that is seen on this
statue persuades us to want to know the story of this woman. Doing so, the process involves lots of
research about the time and art. During the hellenistic period, artists begin to introduce more inner
beauty than physical beauty. There is an opportunity to learn more about the structure itself, then
settle for what is given and seen. In the Hellenistic period, "artists became concerned with
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Compare And Contrast The New Deal And The Jacksonian Era
A reform movement is a type of social movement that aims to make a gradual change in certain
aspects of society, rather than rapid or fundamental changes. Reforms targeted the causes of the
depression and sought to prevent a crisis like it from happening again. By financially rebuilding the
U.S. while ensuring not to repeat history. The New Deal period and the Jacksonian Era are periods
that introduced many reforms during those times.
The New Deal was a series of federal programs, public work projects, financial reforms and
regulations enacted in the United States during the 1930s, by the response to the Great Depression.
At the beginning of the Great Depression, the economy was destabilized by bank failures followed
by credit difficulties.
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Bud Not Buddy Sparknotes
Bud not Buddy is written in a perspective by a ten–year–old named Bud. Throughout the story Bud
faced challenges of his own. Bud was adopted and beat up by a twelve–year–old named Todd. Bud
ran away to find his dad. The whole story Bud is trying to go find his dad but he has gone through
some challenges to get to him. This story Bud not Buddy would be different if Bud was 18–years–
old, his mom is still alive, and written in modern era.
To begin with, this story Bud not Buddy is a great book to read. The story about a ten–year–old who
lives in an orphanage and trying to find his dad throughout the whole story. Bud was adopted and
lived with a cruel family named the Amoses. Bud was put in a shed to sleep in because he got
blamed ... Show more content on ...
Furthermore, Bud not Buddy would be different if it was written when Bud is eighteen–years–old,
his mom died, and written in modern era. If Bud not Buddy was written in modern era than Bud's
mom would of went to the hospital and got treated for her sickness and never died. The state would
have been much cleaner than in the actual story. There would be no segregation if written in modern
era. Bud, his mom, and everyone else would not have been treated differently than others.
Chapter 2 and 3. Moreover, Bud would never had gone to the Amoses. If Bud never gone to the
Amoses he wouldn't been beaten up or treated differently. Bud would never get stung by the hornets.
He would never get bitten by the fish head guards. Bud would not gotten beat up by Todd and been
putted in the shed. Bud would never get treated terribly by the Amoses.
Chapter 8. Finally, Bud would never have gone to Hooverville. If Bud not Buddy was told in
modern era and he was 18 and his mom didn't die Bud would never gone to Hooverville. Bud would
have ever met Deza or get his first kiss. He would never have gone there with Bugs. Bud would of
never ate the soup the women had made. Bud wouldn't get to stay in the cardboard
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Clinical Depression
Depression, though a complex disorder, is one of the most widely known illnesses today. Clinical
depression is a mood disorder that, according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of
America, affects 6.7% of the US population, more than 15 million adults. It is a serious illness that
can be characterized, and often stereotyped, by perceived laziness, lack of motivation, and
loneliness. Those with depression may experience significant changes in their sleeping habits, either
sleeping too much or too little. Some depressed people can even have suicidal thoughts. The
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fifth edition, states that in order to diagnose
major depressive disorder (commonly known as simply depression), 5 or more ... Show more
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Although research on them is exiguous, it has been discovered that monoamine, or neurotransmitter,
depletion directly affects chemical imbalances. With reduced monoamine levels, one's mood can
easily be affected. One study conducted by Jose Delgado discovered that those being treated for
depression with antidepressants exhibited depression–like symptoms again due to their reduction in
monoamines. (Delgado et al., 1990, 1993) However, serotonin and norepinephrine appear to play a
larger role in contributing to depression. Patients being treated for depression are often prescribed
medication to boost serotonin. Delgado's study further concluded that diminishing serotonin resulted
in patients relapsing into depression even after being treated for it with antidepressants. Evidently,
the amount of serotonin directly affects depression and relapsing into
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The, Loss Suffered By Holden Acts As A Contributing Factor...
Similarly, loss suffered by Holden acts as a contributing factor to his inner turmoil and mental
illness. Holden's younger brother Allie passed away in 1946, and has haunted Holden ever since. He
states: 'He's dead now. He got Leukaemia and died.' The bluntness with which Holden reveals his
death is representative of the effective use of simple language on the part of Salinger. Complex
vocabulary is not used because it is not needed– the incident stands out more against a plainer
backdrop. The fact that Allie died of Leukaemia also makes the event more devastating. He died
extremely prematurely and Holden's downfall suggests that his death impacted him in a huge way.
Holden was intensely fond of his brother and refers to him throughout the entirety of the novel. He
comments: 'You would have liked him' when personally addressing the reader. We therefore feel
involved in his story and emotion is evoked when we hear of his passing. It also acts as an
explanation for Holden's difficulties. He struggles immensely throughout adolescence as he fails to
accept the transition from childhood to adulthood, perhaps because he described Allie as 'mature' for
his age. This could perhaps be why Holden has such negative associations with growing older: all he
sees ahead is death. Therefore, loss endured by both Holden and Esther leads to their eventual
depression and isolation from society.
Furthermore, depression and isolation of characters also stems from failure in the academic
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The Great Depression And The Jazz: The Big Band Era
Jazz is an American music genre, founded by African–American musicians. It emerged in the early
1900s as its creators merged aspects from West African musical traditions with aspects from
religious music and from many other types of popular music based on European traditions. While
some elements of jazz were borrowed from other musical genres, the music that came forth was one
of a kind, an art form of its own. A significant element of jazz is improvisation, the adjustment of a
melody or countermelody as a song is being performed. Therefore, a song may be different every
time it is played.
In America, at the time of the Big Band Era, the Great Depression had reached its highest peak. Jazz
took a hard hit, as did the rest of the country, during
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Women's Role In The Victorian Era Oppression Of Women
Victorian age female oppression is frequently blotted out from discussion. The maltreatment of
women has played a key role in society since the conception of humankind. The Victorian age,
however, is what particularly peaks my interest. The treatment of women in that era was entirely
centralized around the understanding that women were subordinate to men. With their deeply
embedded concepts of misogyny, we have thus arrived at the current roles women play in society
today. It is because of the role this era still plays in the evaluation of women, that I would choose to
teach of the Victorian Era oppression of women during Reed's Paideia education week. The
fundamental function of a woman in the 19th century was childbirth. Believing firmly in the lifelong
energy levels a human contained, women were not allowed to focus on much except childbirth.
Reproduction was their key purpose of existing. Education was minimal, due to the fact that
learning might decrease their focus on multiplying. With only the slightest of education, these
women were trapped in a cycle of child rearing. Many women went into relationships with no
previous knowledge of sex and were then thrown into situations with predetermined spouses. The
terrifying experiences these individuals were tossed into were detrimental to ... Show more content
on ...
Bipolar depression, postpartum depression, or simply the unwillingness to bear a child frequently
required the remedy of this so–called medication. The rest cure obliged the diagnosed female to stay
in a single bland room with limited stimulus and outside contact until they were functioning at full
capacity once again. This treatment, however, did not produce the desired effect. Often times, the
constant solitude only added to their already ill mental state. This cycle of incurable craziness only
leads to more stereotypes of the unreliability of women's mental
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Legacies Of The Elizabethan Era
The study of the Elizabethan era has a lot for the audiences of this work to desire. Various thoughts
and debates have been channeled concerning this period, including the achievements and the
fallouts associated with it. This study explores different pieces of arts and literature to inform the
readers about some of the traits associated with the Elizabethan era, and some of the legacies seen
today because of that period (Pradini, 2014). The Elizabethan era is a period in English history that
saw the reign of Queen Elizabeth I from 1558 to 1603. Historians allude to the period as the golden
age in British history (Zins, 1972). The period also demonstrated an apex of the English
Renaissance associated with a flourish in poetry, literature, and music. William ... Show more
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Some critics of Elizabethan era fault it for being insensitive to the poor people. The ordinary people
had to endure a life of depression and devastation. On the contrary, the monarchy enjoyed a greater
measure of luxury. Ivakhiv (1996) adds that the period was also a change in religious views, the
views of crime and punishment also changed. This shows that there was a major disparity of life and
the approach in relation to the rich and the poor (Hunter, 2002). There was no welfare support for
the destitute. In fact, poverty was considered an individual fault and echoed by the understanding of
the hierarchy that placed the peasants below the nobility. The hierarchy had God on the top,
followed by angels before kings and queens then nobles followed by peasants, then animals
followed by plants and nonliving things at the bottom of the hierarchy. The belief that God chose
some people to lead and others to be noble was widely held. As a result, the poor had a rough time
fitting in the
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Populism Vs Progressivism
From a fundamental standpoint Populism, Progressivism, and New Deal were quite similar. These
three political/social movements had their differences, but all strived to help those in need. President
Woodrow Wilson, when referring to the Progressive era, called it "An extraordinary awakening in
Civil conscientious". I will be defining the three political movements, as well as explaining there
differences and the connections that link them together. I then will be answering the respected
questions in order. Populism, also know as the people's party was "a grassroots social and political
movement that was sweeping the poorest rural regions of the nation"(Tindall, 695). As the U.S.
began the last quarter of the 1900s "widespread uses of mechanized ... Show more content on ...
As the "New South and West" began to emerge both geographical areas banned together to "wrest
control of the political system from Republicans in the Northeast and Midwest" (Tindall, 695). This
changed the political atmosphere by beginning a shift of power away from the Republican Party,
and set the stage for major political changes to begin in the Progressive Era. After the assassination
of William McKinley, Roosevelt (a republican) gained control of the White House and through
"forceful leadership" he pushed a progressive agenda. This in turn gave him a high approval rating
and in the following election he beat the Democratic candidate by a popular vote of, 7.6 million to
5.1 million . When Roosevelt decided to not run for his third term as President he showed his
support for William Howard Taft because Roosevelt believed that he shared a progressive ideology.
His support helped win Taft win the 1908 election. The New Deal's influence on the 1932 election
cannot be understated. After the Hoover administrations attempts to combat The Great Depression
failed, the nation was in desperate need of change. That change came from a Franklin Roosevelt,
and his liberal ideals. The drastic changes to the amount of power granted to the federal government
and the promises of his New Deal won him the
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The Progressive Era In The 1930's
The Progressive Era
The Progressive Era took place in the first two decades of the twentieth century from 1900's to
1930's. The Progressive Era was to help the economy for people who lived in America. Some of the
ways Americans would try to help were make improvements on working conditions, various
regulations at work to keep it overall safer for employees and overall living conditions. There were
3,048,710 Texans recorded in the 1900. The population stood at 3,896,542 in 1910, and rose up to
4,663,228 by 1920. Almost two thirds of the population of Texans lived in the country. The main
businesses that took place during the Progressive Era in Texas were lumber, oil, railroad and
Farming crops.
Texas lumber was mainly in East Texas, which supplied up to five percent of the national market in
1907. A good amount of the sawmills were along the Gulf of Mexico and up the coast line but some
were also inland as well. When lumber industries started in the early 1800's most of the mills would
cut in between seven hundred and fifty to fifteen hundred board a feet a day. Either by a blade
powered by animals, water or eventually steam. Working in the lumber industries there were long
hours and low paying with a high rate of accidents that possible could happen. In the early 1900's
the lumber industry grew rapidly. By the end of the 1920's when the war ended and the great
depression happened the lumber industries declined rapidly. ... Show more content on ...
When oil was first discovered it was "Discovered of the spindle top oilfield near Beaumont in
January 10, 1901 marked the opening of the prosperous phase of the business in Texas." But not
long after discovering in Texas it would soon be discovered in Oklahoma in 1905. Shortly after
1910 more oil was being founded and more was coming out of Texas. By the end of the Progressive
Era in 1920's "Texas was producing 85,000,000 barrels per year with even more dramatic increase
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The Old Market Wom Relationship Of Realism And Religion
The relationship of realism and religion in the old market woman The Old Market Woman, is a
marble statue that is from the Early Imperial period also known as the Hellenistic period. Artists
became obsessed with the idea of childhood and old age, instead of beauty and masculinity. The
people in that time, are interested in seeing a statue that has characteristics that catches the viewer 's
eyes. We are naturally attracted to beauty. What the artist of The Old Market Woman did though,
was take that beauty that we are attracted to, and transforms it into reality and uses it to tell a story.
The use of realism relates strongly to the religion that the Woman believed in. When examining the
statue, there is an old woman bent and weary. Her posture helps clue us in , with her age and health.
The figure is dressed in cloth that hangs off her shoulders. She carries a basket that is filled with
what we may think are offerings. Then on her head, there are vines that create a band around the top
of her head maybe used to signify the festival that was going on during that time. The specific detail
that is seen on this statue persuades us to want to know the story of this woman. Doing so, the
process involves lots of research about the time and art. During this period, artist begin to introduce
more inner beauty than physical beauty. We get to learn more about the structure itself, then settle
for what is given and seen. In the Hellenistic period, "artists became concerned with the
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The Depression Era
The economic elements of the Depression Era of America are defined through the stock market
crash of 1929 as well as the problems leading up to it. The stock market crash of 1929 was one of
the many problems that sparked the official beginning the Great Depression. Contribution by the
limited purchasing power of working–class Americans was given to the growing financial crisis,
with economic growth now linked to consumer spending (Keene, 661). Another contributor was
tariff–related in both America and foreign countries causing competition amongst them, therefore
leaving overseas markets in high decline in America. Agricultural issues contributed as well with
such problems as overproduction of crops due to easy plowing and harvesting, which in ... Show
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FDR had a sad concern for the people of America in misfortune and so took it under his wing to
come up with something that would benefit these people; the New Deal. The New Deal consisted of
many significant key laws shown on the chart in the book (Keene, 666). FDR sought advice from
the Brain Trust in which wanted to revive the practice of governmental regulation in economic crisis
and to protect the common good, but many people were against this seeing that, through
governmental spending, there were "leaks in the unseen pipes" wasting taxpayer money (Keene,
666). FDR's wife, Eleanor Roosevelt, showed her empathy towards the misfortunate as well by
taking her stand and speaking out against racial inequality and poverty amongst travelling the
country. The roles taken by both FDR and Eleanor in the American society during the harshest
moments of the Depression define the social elements of the Depression Era, and that has been what
has set aside this White House couple apart from others before and after their time. "FDR infused
hope into a time of trouble and confusion" (Keene,
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The Woman's Roles during the Depression Era Essay
The Woman's Roles during the Depression Era
The U.S. experienced a Depression in 1929. The American economy collapsed and millions of
people were out of jobs. The government's role during this time of economic crisis was to assist the
citizens of this country in any way possible. This sometimes led to the development of experimental
programs and projects. Greenbelt, Maryland, can be characterized as such. Greenbelt was a planned
community designed to house low– to middle–income families. It attempted to provide a safe and
cooperative environment where parents and children alike could live safely and harmoniously. It
was built in 1936.
The Greenbelt museum is a model of the homes built after the Great Depression struck. It is a ...
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"Most urban kitchens designed during this period were square with floor space ranging from 9' X
10' in size to 10' X 12'." (Plante, 225) The counters are covered with kitchen accessories, ready to be
used at any time. There is no pantry, only cabinets for limited storage. Small homes such as the one
in Greenbelt did not have a lot of extra space. Each room was built to serve a basic purpose, not be
luxurious. The aim was to house as many people as possible with the minimum amount of space
possible. The cabinets are built into the wall. Everything is compact and neatly arranged. The walls
and cabinets are painted a basic white to allow more light to enter the kitchen since it is so small.
This is the basic kitchen.
In the early to mid 1930s, a revolution started to take place in the kitchen. Whereas before, the
kitchen was plain and simple, a new emphasis on kitchen design, efficiency, appeal, and color was
introduced. Manufacturers of kitchen implements began to launch campaigns aimed for a more
pleasant, aesthetically attractive kitchen. Magazines were especially important in promoting this
new consumer behavior. Women were encouraged to be proud of their space and decorate it in a
manner becoming to them. This included purchasing new and improved, as well as colorful kitchen
tools. "Written in a simple style and language women could relate to, numerous advertisements
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Differences And Similarities Between The Progressive Era...
Both the Progressive Era and the 1930s were transformational for the United States of America. The
Great Depression and the New Deal occurred in the 1930s and great change took place to try and fix
the issues that were ongoing at that time. Though the two eras had some striking similarities, I
believe that the Progressive Era (1890's to 1920's) was more transformational to our country as a
whole than the 1930's was.
In the Progressive Era, the crises that our country faced were problems that were associated with
immigration, urbanization, government corruption, and industrialization. In the 1930s, the Great
Depression and newly elected President Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal era, the main crises that
our country faced were problems associated with economic collapse, poverty, and implementing
new social programs to combat issues caused by the devastating economic conditions. Amid both
the Progressive Era and the New Deal Era, programs and policies were being made with the goal of
helping the American public, particularly those enduring impoverished conditions. All through the
mid 1900's Roosevelt had strayed far from the ordinary "laissez–faire" approach and chose that the
general population would need to be led by the government.
The individuals in ... Show more content on ...
From the point of view of New Dealers, Progressive era reforms had set up key precedents for
government mediation in the economy, however, had not gone sufficiently far enough to avoid
financial vulnerability. Both the Progressives and the New Dealers shared a faith in the likelihood
that government could advance and improve social change. In times of helplessness and change,
both the Progressives and New Dealers demanded that the government could be used to try and
accomplish a measure of security and
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Struggles Of Clinical Depression
Myka Schlessman
Ms. Unruh
College Prep English
20 March 2016
The Unseen Struggles of Depression
Adolescent depression is a major public health concern. I Need a Lighthouse states that
"Approximately 20 Percent of teens will experience depression before they reach adulthood."
Depression is a clinical illness that is an outcome from emotional detachment which typically results
from traumatic experiences. "There's a vast difference between 'feeling depressed' and suffering
from clinical depression. The despondency of clinical depression is unrelenting and overwhelming.
Some people describe it as 'living in a black hole' or having a feeling of impending doom. They can't
escape their unhappiness and despair. However, some people ... Show more content on ...
It is known that antidepressants cause both known and unknown adverse effects. The physician and
patients need to agree that both the risks and benefits of the antidepressants must be balanced. When
a patient goes to the doctor's office they expect to receive a prescription and a doctor wants to help
the patient so sometimes he might write a prescription without really considering the full benefits,
dangers and other options. According to the research that Mayo conducted, 4% of the patients in the
study that was taking antidepressants had increased suicidal thoughts compared to 2% taking
Placebo. Medication given to diagnosed people with depression, is just a bandage. It is just covering
up the problem and in some cases making the problem even bigger. Research shows that 27% of
drug–treated patients relapsed (Should We Treat Depression with Drugs or Psychological
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Elegant Glassware of the Depression Era and Its Impact on...
Running Head: The Depression Era Elegant Glassware of the Depression Era and its Impact on
People's Life Abstract This paper presents a brief history regarding the Depression Era and clarifies
the characteristics and properties possessed by Elegant Glass which was developed during the
Depression Era and is considered as a better made glass in comparison to the cheaper machine made
glass of the Depression time period. The article then highlights the various trends that took place
during the Great American Depression period and changed the production patterns and outlook of
elegant glassware. Elegant Glassware of the Depression Era and its Impact on People's Life During
the Depression Era in the United States, a wide variety of inexpensive clear or colored translucent
glassware was produced by several manufacturers. The Depression Glass produced in this Era was
further refined to form Elegant Glass, which had a cleaner finish, and was made in more vibrant
colors. Elegant glass emerged due to the newer developing tastes of the generations and comprised
of more fine and elegant designs. Elegant Glass was an alternative to fine china during the period of
1920s to 1950s. Most of the Elegant Glassware manufacturers closed by the end of the 1950s, and
cheap glassware and imported china took its place. The following paper now explains the history of
the Depression Era and how it lead to the emergence of Elegant glass and the place occupied by
elegant glassware in the lives
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Symbols In The Bell Jar
In The Bell Jar, the title forms the core symbolic element of the novel. Esther's mental health is
dramatically compromised by the metaphorical bell jar, which 'rots' the air around her, preventing
her from living a stable and happy life. She is perishing: feeling swallowed by negativity and
detached from people around her in a physical sense as well as mental. 'It wouldn't have made one
scrap of difference to me, because wherever I sat – on the deck of a ship or at a street café in Paris
or Bangkok – I would be stirring under the same glass bell jar, stewing in my own sour air.' (152)
Esther drastically spirals into a progressively worse depressive state, which she feels cannot be
solved, forcing her to turn to suicidal thoughts as her barricade. ... Show more content on ...
As a Bell Jar is generally used to display an object of scientific curiosity, it symbolises that Esther
feels like she is different from other girls, would draw negative attention and be defined as
'abnormal' due to the lack of knowledge and publicity mental illness received in the 1950s. When
Esther was placed in a private mental institution, Esther sows dissension between herself and the
world. She dislikes visitors, particularly her mother who doesn't understand her condition. Esther is
jovial at the fact she will no longer have visitors, showcasing how the bell jar forces a barrier
between Esther and the ones who love her.
In conclusion, although Plath portrays Esther as the victim of the stringent societal demands, her
perfectionism plays an additional role in her downfall. Esther has insatiable expectations when it
comes to scholarships, winning prizes in contests and her career in journalism, as well as possessing
pride in observing her surroundings. When Esther admits she 'liked looking on at people in crucial
situations', her detachment from other people is evident: she watches on, engulfed in her own
suffering even as others undergo difficult times. As well as the gender
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Economics of the Late Victorian Era Essay
Economics of the Late Victorian Era
With the power of wealth and concentration of industry, the tremendous development in machinery,
and power to drive machinery; with the improvement of the tools of labor, so that they are
wonderfully tremendous machines, and with these all on the one hand; with labor, the workers,
performing a given part of the whole product, probably an infinitesimal part, doing the thing a
thousand or thousands of times over and over again in a day–labor divided and subdivided and
specialized, so that a working man is but a mere cog in the great industrial modern plant; his
individuality lost, alienated from the tools of labor; with concentration of wealth, concentration of
industry, I wonder whether any of us can ... Show more content on ...
The cabinet members in the government were mostly noblemen. The middle class had very little
influence on politics and government (Boardman 38).
In the early nineteenth century people where using labels like "working classes" and "middle
classes." This designation was to separate people who had achieved success in commerce, industry,
and other professions. They were considered the upper class. The upper class had a great control
over the political system. This was not good for the working class and middle class because it left
them no say in the government. However, some of the more powerful middle class men pushed for
the Reform Act of 1832 and the deletion of the Corn Laws of 1846 (Wohl 1).
The high Victorian era ended toward the end of the 1860s–1870s. The year that started the late
Victorian era was 1867 when the Second Reform Bill was doubled. In this year the town workers
were starting to have some say in town government. Now what had been unraveling for decades was
taking affect. The middle class had already achieved power in government and now it was the
worker's turn. The upper class was bitter over the success that the workers were gaining, but they
had no other choice than to accept what was happening (Boardman 38).
Increased industrialization was becoming a concern of the workers. They started strikes protesting
the addition of machines because their jobs were being compromised. The only that workers were
heard was
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The Progressive Era From The 1890s To The 1920's
During the time period in between the 1890s to the 1920s, also known as the Progressive Era, was a
time period that social activism and political reform within the United States flourished. A main goal
throughout this era was eradicate corruption in the government by uncovering and undermining
political machines and their bosses. This was meant to form a better and more direct democracy.
Also, Progressives sought out to regulate monopolistic trust corporations through various antitrust
laws, which aimed to promote fair competition for the benefit of the consumer. Although the
Progressive Era brought about many reforms and public figures for the greater good of the
American people like muckraking journalism, Presidents Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson,
Susan B. Anthony and Jane Addams and significant policy changes, the era, however, did end when
America because our nation entered World War 1 and the Great Depression following several years
afterwards. World War 1 ... Show more content on ...
402). In a way, this reflects on the politicians who neglected to acknowledge dire reform changes
that were needed this country and it also reflects upon the reformers in American society for losing
their focus in making important social and legal changes to the extremely harsh American system.
After feeling the effects of World War 1, another blast, the Great Depression hit American reformers
into another time period of serious non–action.
The Great Depression, which preceded World War 2, was an extreme, worldwide economic
depression. Although the time when the Great Depression started varied in many countries, in most
countries, it started within the 1930s and the 1940s. This was the most widespread, longest and
deepest depression the 20th century has ever
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Historical Context Of Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde
The author, Robert Louis Stevenson presents the novella The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr.
Hyde in a unique and compelling way. Many aspects of the short story can be interpreted in
different ways as its complexity can overpower the book transient storyline. One aspect of the book
that can be considered controversial is the way Stevenson presents the novella and the book's
historical context. Although, Stevenson's work can be considered engaging, it can also lead the
reader to question the reasoning behind the particular storyline of The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll
and Mr. Hyde. Overall, in terms of historical context, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
is written in an allegorical way in which different aspects of the book represent a major theme or
event taking place in Victorian England. During the time period in which Stevenson wrote this story,
Victorian England was in a state of poverty and depression. London was divided socially,
economically, and even politically as the nation was torn apart. In addition, due to the Anglo–Irish
tension there were numerous terror attacks on London itself contributing to England's melancholy
nature. Judith Walkowitz helps in exhibiting the atrocious living conditions of London during the
late eighteen hundreds; "Great Depression, the erosion of mid–Victorian prosperity, the decline of ...
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Jekyll and Mr. Hyde on the themes and events going on during the late Victorian era. Most, if not all
of the story is symbolic for a certain idea in London, England which was going through a time of
depression and terror. Overall, many hypotheses have been formed about the historical context in
relation to Jekyll and Hyde and some of these ideas are correct, but the most coherent and most
logical contributes to the fact that Stevenson's writing is symbolic where each textual aspect of the
book relates to the events or people in Victorian
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Elizabethan Era Research Paper
Elizabethan: This era was marked by the ruling of Elizabeth I, many events occurred during this
time, such as the queen passed the witchcraft law, Queen Elizabeth almost died from smallpox, The
plague broke out in London and so much more. The hairstyles during this era were highly elaborate
to complement the fashion of the upper class. Baroque: This era is defined by its dramatic style of
art and music, often had irregular style. Many events happened during this time such as the death of
Elizabeth the first, the 30 years war and the discovery of New York. The women often wore their
hair high up and added many things such as feathers, flowers and jewelry to their hair. Georgian:
This period was marked by the reigns of the kings George I, ... Show more content on ...
Eventually the president created the Civil Rights Act which, banned discrimination in public places,
although these laws and acts were created, it ultimately did not put an end to racism and
discrimination. Numberless events occurred at this time such as JFK becoming president, a
minimum wage hike and The Voting Rights Act established. 1970's: The 1970's were often thought
of as a hectic era, Many people found this time to fight for their rights, not only African–Americans,
but other groups as well such as gays, women and Native Americans. Plenty of Americans also
came together to protest, starting a movement called the New Right movement. In this era the events
that occurred were plentiful such as, five members of the Chicago seven were charged for crossing
state lines to start riots, the Watergate crisis begins and US Supreme court ruled in Roe vs. Wade
case making it legal for women to have abortions up to six months in
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Economic Inequality In The Gilded Age
Following a period of mass industrialization in the 1870s and 80s, the Progressive Era was a time of
changes and reform in the economy. The previous era, the Gilded Age, transformed the government
into one of less regulation. Hence, large corporations began to take over the smaller businesses and
monopolies were created. Although many jobs were created in large factories, poor conditions, low
wages, and lack of child labor laws prompted the Progressive movement that lasted from 1895 to
1920. In this era was a period of inherent economic instability and a growing wealth inequality
caused by the Gilded Age's "masters of capital amassed vast fortunes and concentrated economic
power" (1). The Progressive movement aimed to regulate the monopolies that had accumulated
large sums of wealth, lead by President Theodore Roosevelt and his successor, President Woodrow
Wilson. President Roosevelt acknowledged the issue in a speech in 1910: "at many stages in the
advance of humanity, this ... Show more content on ...
This imbalance has not been seen since before 1917 and during the Great Depression, when
inequality peaked. Additionally, income inequality is on a continued trend towards a further
disproportion. Evidenced by the Gini Index, a "standard economic measure of income inequality"
(7) where a score of 0.0 on shows a perfect equality in income distribution and a score of 1 means
one person takes all of the income, the United States has one of the highest of income disparities of
the 35 members countries of the Organisation for Economic Co–operation and Development
(OECD) (10), at 0.469 on the Gini index (8). The UN indicates that a coefficient of 0.4 and above is
a predictor for social unrest and above 0.5 indicates a severe gap between the wealthiest class and
the working
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Suzy's Changing Culture
From being linked to demons and entities to becoming the new colloquial phrase, the word
"depressed" has significantly changed over time coinciding with the change of culture and history.
According to the multiple definitions on Oxford English Dictionary, "depressed" can mean "put or
kept down by pressure or force," "lowered, sunken, or low in position," or "brought low, oppressed,
dejected, downcast, etc.; esp. in low spirits." In particular, the main definition that pertains to society
today is "brought low... especially in low spirits" (Oxford English Dictionary). With the age of
technology being at an all time high and social media garnering billions of users, humorous pictures
and text posts have been created in reaction. Obviously there ... Show more content on ...
It has been normalized in societies to the point that if someone does not have depression, that person
is the one considered weird. Now, people are self–diagnosing themselves with depression moreover,
any other mental health problems, and have included the word depression in their vocabulary using
the term very loosely. While some may think it is acceptable to say "I am so depressed" or "I have
depression" over trivial matters, in reality is can be very offensive towards people who are actually
diagnosed with depression. On her personal blog, Rebecca Chamaa addresses this issue saying,
"The word depression has become so overused by people that I can no longer tell when someone is
referring to the mental illness, or is having a bad day" (It Is
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Summary Of 'God's Grandeur'
Conflict among contexts of the Victorian era, Catholicism and Gerard Manley Hopkins, has shaped
Hopkins' distinctive poetic exploration of religious faith in his poems. However, paradoxically he
also challenges the role religion has played in making Victorians repress their natural desires, which
compels them to doubt God's ability. These are clearly evidenced in two of his famous Petrarchan
sonnets, the nature poem, 'God's Grandeur' (1877), and the 'terrible sonnet', 'Carrion Comfort'
(1885–1887), both were written in Victorian late 19th century. Even though Hopkins never doubts
the presence of God, his poems explore the divergence between God's glory and the decline of
Christian belief.
Hopkins' religious faith influenced over his poem ... Show more content on ...
This poem depicts the "Holy Ghost" is a dove, which "broods" over the world and protects its
inhabitants with its "Bright wings", highlights the perfection and balance of the natural world as
Hopkins has the faith that there is always a saviour who can guard and guide humans out of their
doubts. Despite Hopkins' negative view on the impact of man's progression, he remains his faith of
God's protective divinity and also tries to influence his religious faith on other people who doubt the
Conflict between Hopkins' context of being homosexual, and Victorian England and Catholicism's
conservative sexual contexts, demonstrates Hopkins' struggles in his conviction of faith through
'Carrion Comfort'. At the end of the first stanza, he highlights the struggle of his experience during
his depression through the use of first person, "cry I can no more", which emphasises his loss of
faith and starts to doubt himself as he's exhausted by depression and unable to struggle further. At
the end of the phrase, he paradoxically asserts "I can", which captures that humans always
contradict themselves as they are afraid of shame and guilt due to society norms, such as the
extreme repressing homophobia in Victorian era and Catholicism that Hopkins faced. The paradox
also reveals that Hopkins still has faith within himself and God as at the beginning of second stanza,
conveys his faith through the interior monologue "hope, wish day come". Hopkins' use of rhetorical
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The Progressive Era And The New Deal
Despite existing during two different times in the history of the United States, it can be argued that
the New Deal reforms reflected the reform traditions of the Progressive Era. When examining the
New Deal, Progressive influence is evident based first off of the social and political issues addressed
by reforms. Second, the reforms from the two times themselves are uncannily similar, again due to
the focus on the same problems existing in the United States. In addition to this, the icing on the
cake is found when examining President Roosevelt's administration during the New Deal, a majority
of which were intelligent Progressive reformers during the Progressive Era. Because of this, the
New Deal reflected the reform traditions of the ... Show more content on ...
Despite having differentiating reasons behind their reforms, the New Deal and the Progressive Era
focused on the same issues, which is evident in the similarity of their reforms. As we already know
from the aforementioned information, both the Progressive Era and New Deal had a focus on similar
issues, specifically the rights of laborers, the improvement and expansion of public facilities, and
the limitations of corporate power. Reforms during the Progressive era reflected these values, as
seen in the work accomplished by Samuel Jones, President Taft, and President Wilson. Jones, a
Progressive mayor in Toledo, Ohio "...founded night schools and free kindergartens, built new
parks, and supported the right of workers to unionize" (Give Me Liberty 699) in an effort to improve
public resources. President Taft – one of the presidents during the Progressive era – implemented
antitrust laws which attacked corporations' influence by limiting the power of the wealthy, either
through taxation or prosecution of antitrust violators. In addition to this, President Wilson reinforced
antitrust laws while passing legislation which empowered laborers through exempting labor unions
from antitrust laws, banning child labor in certain labor markets, and enforcing an eight–hour work
day on the nation's railroads. Coincidentally, the New
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The Role Of Class In The Gilded Age And Progressive Era
To begin, class influenced the Gilded Age and Progressive Era in the changing working conditions
as a response to industrialization. Class was also apparent in Gilded Age politics and in the changing
political culture that foreshadowed the bureaucratic government of the Progressives. Middle–Class
Progressives played a vital role in America by seeking reform and influence among the upper and
working class. Thus, class assumed a prominent role in influencing the Gilded Age and Progressive
Era. Changing Working Conditions
In the 19th century, there were several structural changes in the nature of work. These changes
included deskilling of jobs, which led to the decline of the "heroic artisan" and economic
depressions. All these factors contributed to tense strikes between workers and employers. During
the Antebellum period, most white American workers were self–reliant, but the nature of work and
production began to shift after the Civil War, as the industrial workplace increased in size,
immigration swelled, and the number of wage workers surpassed that of self–employed men. Thus,
"heroic artisans" experienced threats with the emergence of a class of permanent wage workers,
which killed their republic dreams for American economic self–sufficiency, property ownership, and
self–employment. Nevertheless, the real challenge for white wage Americans began in the 1870s
and 1880s, as xenophobic anxieties of Chinese workers emerged. [1]
Additionally, the late 19th century was
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The Era Of The Great Depression
In the early 1930's, Republican president Herbert Hoover left office, leaving the United states in an
economic disaster. In hopes for change, the people of the U.S. had elected president Franklin D.
Roosevelt; a democrat, to be their next president in expectance to reverse the economic damages
that had been made. In effect, this had begun the era of The Great depression and the beginning of
Liberals challenging traditional laws and values. In fact, the beginning of the 1930's/40's affected
the rise of conservatism in the U.S by the 1960's/70's in three ways, such as the growth of
Democratic involvement, Civil Rights, and the decrease of traditional values. Therefore, it was a
new era for political change and tossing away the original thoughts of a conservative, limited
government to remain the same. Without delay, when President Roosevelt took office in 1933, he
made sure have more government involvement in hopes to quickly bring the U.S. out of The Great
Depression. Immediately, Roosevelt tried positively to increase the economy by establishing
multiple programs created by the government, called The New Deal. Roosevelt's programs and
policies did more than just adjust interest rates, tinker with farm subsidies and create short–term
make–work programs. Thus, a brand–new, if tenuous, political. coalition that included white
working people, African Americans and left–wing intellectuals were created. However, Roosevelts
establishment of The New Deal created mixed emotions
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US History: The Progressive Era
One of the most remarkable eras in US history was known as the Progressive era, an era that started
in 1890 and ended in 1920. It marked the movement of both social and political reform.
Progressives strongly believed in a society governed by the people with a focus on moral
improvement. One of the key ideals of the Progressives was the promotion of women's suffrage.
Women challenged their place in society as the care–takers. And advocated social, political, and
economic equality. Truly, the Progressive era (1890–9120) marked a turning point in the history of
women in the United Sates. Before the Progressive Era, women had very limited opportunities
outside of the household. Few worked in factories, and many who were married stayed at home to
take care of the house and children. One of the governing principles that supported this idea was the
Cult of Domesticity. It was a cultural creed that glorified the role of the care–taker; it supported the
ideal that women must abide by the morals of the household, asserting their subordinate status.
However, with the Seneca Falls ... Show more content on ...
The idea that women were the care–takers and supporters of men was still predominant. Even
though there were more women who had jobs, most of these jobs were helper or pink–collar jobs,
consisting of work as nurses, secretaries, and typists. In fact, women as encouraged the idea that
their place was in the house. During the Great Depression, the unemployment rate was at
approximately 40% and many families lived on the street, barley scraping by every day. The
depression strengthened this ideal because of the lack of jobs, most men and women believed that
what work was left should go to the men. Women who didn't follow this standard, and many did not,
were publically condemned. The gender based prejudice against women, no matter how many
reforms occurred, never
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Of Mice And Men : The Era Of The Great Depression
Through the movement of history gender roles of Men and Women have been extremely varied.
From the standards, expectations, to the work or home place there was a difference. Women were
looked at as less than a men , the intellectual individual. Being a male was the greatest things they
could be and their masculinity was their greatest pride. In the 1930’s the era of the Great
Depression took presence. The man’s role in the depression was much more refined in this era.
Most views of a man in the 1930 's were of a strong, hard working man who supplied the needs of
his family. While the men were at work, women mostly stayed home to take care of the children
according to To Kill a Mockingbird research hub. In the novel Of Mice and Men we can see how an
unlikely pair of two men make their journey during the era of the Great Depression trying to make a
stake to own their own land, but unfortunate events take place. As the novel takes action we can see
how men exhibiting their masculinity, how they demonstrate their masculinity, and how women are
irrelevant, and only used for pleasure. Masculinity is used as a roles you have to play right. From
Curley’'s history to being a boxer he still was not respected but that what drove him to try to make
himself more respectable. His action didn 't quite often work and did the opposite, he was the
laughing stock to the man in the ranch.
As the novel develops it is present how many of the men try to display their masculinity throughout
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The 1930S, Also Known As The Era Of The Great Depression,
The 1930s, also known as the era of the Great Depression, was a hard time not only in the United
States, but all throughout the world. However, the United States was not just struggling financially,
but had conflicting morales. During the Great Depression, the United States had two different
presidents, Herbert Hoover and Franklin D. Roosevelt. These two presidents have very different
opinions on how to try and bring the United States out of the Depression. Herbert Hoover wanted to
limit government access and test the American character; he believed involving the government too
much would destroy American citizens' moral character and undermine their freedom. On the other
hand, Franklin D. Roosevelt believed the government must act ... Show more content on ...
The article calls President Herbert Hoover by saying his is murdering citizens by "murder of
starvation, murder by disease, murder by killing all hope –– and the soul" (Cobbs and Blum 223).
Congress had only granted $300,000,000 for direct relief for all the states and Hoover was the only
one who could grant more money sooner than another five months of waiting. The article describes
how everyday innocent people are "murdered" because they starve to death merely because of lack
of food. Charity agencies that are suppose to help families in need are having to turn people away
because they are no longer able to help. Yet Herbert Hoover believed that the $300,000,000 should
only be used in the case of "absolute need and evidence of financial exhaustion". (Cobbs and Blum
224). The people of America were upset with President Hoover for not realizing that all the states
were already in this position and needed way more than help than he was willing to offer. When
President Franklin. D. Roosevelt took office in 1933, his course of action was the exact opposite of
President Herbert Hoover. In FDR's inaugural address, Roosevelt was quoted saying, "this Nation
asks for action, and action now" (Cobbs and Blum 227). Roosevelt believed the best course of
action for the country was to put people to work immediately; he planned to accomplish this by
means of direct recruitment through the government. However, FDR did have some stipulations
with his
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  • 1. How Did Race Relations Affect The Great Depression Era... To begin with, I will explain how changes in capitalist development and race relations shape the Great Depression Era Labor Movement and the first phase of The Civil Rights Movement. Capitalism economic made the working class and able to provide for themselves (9/6). Working class has been very weak, caused by power which was monopolized by those who had money and also the states made sure that the labor laws were weak. Race played a card in interracial solidary weakness for the working class (9/6). Racialized gendered lens which socially constructed by race and gender. If you were not a white male you didn't have any opportunities as they did. Race relations shaped the Great Depression Era Labor Movement, because a lot of people white or black lost everything that they had or own. The stock market crash caused a huge impact on the lives of everybody. The first phase of the Civil Rights Movement started to protect the lives of black and gain them rights as everybody else. Black were slaves before, so after the Civil War when they became free white people took advantage of this; and still treated them like they were less of a human being. They were seen as inferior to white people. Although the rise of industrial capitalism with its rational labor markets might have been expected to render race and gender irrelevant in the workplace, a central feature of the U.S. economy has been its reliance on racialized and gendered systems of control (5). The labor system served to both ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Lessons Learnt From the Great Depression and Progressive Era Lessons from the Great Depression & Progressive Era Lessons from the Great Depression & Progressive Era The Progressive Era in American history began slightly before the turn of the 20th century and continued into the second decade of the 20th century, ending around the beginning of World War I. The Great Depression of 20th century American occurred in 1929 and the more intense short–term effects lasted up and through World War II. The paper will scrutinize specific events of this period providing insight, elaboration, and analysis. One major turning point during this period of American history was the significant changes happening in the American population. Reconstruction was over; the country began its attempts at a stoic integration. Yet during this period, numerous American blacks migrated around the country. Many moved into urban areas on the coast and the Midwest. African American flourished for the first time out from under formalized, institutional slavery and the Harlem Renaissance ensued during this period. In addition to the migration of American blacks, during this period, millions of people immigrated into the United States of America, many of whom entered the country via Ellis Island in New York City. Over five million people from all over the world, but with particular concentrations from Europe and Asia, moved into the country and changed the demographics of the country in ways that are evident in the 21st century. The Progressive Era was a period ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Depression and Cold War: Two Major Historical Turning... The two major historical turning points in the Progressive Era through the Great Depression onwards were the Depression and the Cold war. The impacts on America's current society, economy, politics, and culture The great depression that affected major economies originated from the United States in the early 1923 when the stock market had crashed affecting all the sectors of the economy in terms of revenues collected, personal income and profit margins. The rate of unemployment rose to greater heights in the United States. The International trade volumes went down as countries were wary of doing business with one another with most of the affected countries having cuts on their spending to cushion their economies against further economic uncertainties in the future. The ones abolished restrictions on cross border transactions were revived due to the vulnerability of several economies to the external shocks and the effects of globalization, which affects major economies when faced with such crisis. The current American society is faced with many challenges which were as a result of the war and depression. The consequences of being at war affected the economy, many people as died in the process which traumatized most citizens. The effects are still being felt where various economic policies have been adopted to adjust and save the economy from getting into such a mess and to maintain the confidence in the financial system. There have been the cases of unemployment which ... Get more on ...
  • 4. The Impact of the New Deal on the Great Depression Era Essay The Impact of the New Deal on the Great Depression Era In 1933, President Roosevelt proposed New Deal legislation to alleviate the effects of the Great Depression through various public works programs and other federal initiatives. The many reforms of the New Deal were racked by intense criticism from their very beginnings. The New Deal was a catalyst in the surge of the federal government's power. One year before the financial collapse on Wall Street, President Hoover said, "We in America today are nearer to the financial triumph over poverty than ever before in the history of our land" (Major 31). This overly confident statement was outrageously wrong. On October 24, 1929, the Wall Street stock market plummeted. As of that date, ... Show more content on ... 15). The FERA's main purpose was to assume economic responsibility for 18 million unemployed Americans. FERA was to help these people find work through the private sector. FERA was intended to allow unemployed people regain their dignity and improve their economic status (Hopkins par. 12). Many people outside of the United States foresaw the greatness and legacy that would follow the Roosevelt administration. For instance, Neville Chamberlain, the British Chancellor of the Exchequer (later to become the British Prime Minister), said before the House of Commons concerning FDR's first 100 days in office "Within weeks of taking office Roosevelt had carried off his first triumph, the restoration of national confidence" (Rosenman 66). Key factors of New Deal reforms to end the depression were to create work relief programs. The epitome of F.D.R.'s feelings toward work relief were spoken eloquently when he said "The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those have it much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little" (Wolters 170). With this said, in 1933 Roosevelt signed an executive order to create the CWA, or the Civil Works Administration. Four hundred million dollars was eventually transferred from the FERA program's budget to help boost the CWA. The CWA, a basic extension of the FERA, was created because of FERA's general lack of putting enough people to work. The CWA would ... Get more on ...
  • 5. The Progressive Era In The 1930's The Progressive Era The Progressive Era took place in the first two decades of the twentieth century from 1900's to 1930's. The Progressive Era was to help the economy for people who lived in America. Some of the ways Americans would try to help were make improvements on working conditions, various regulations at work to keep it overall safer for employees and overall living conditions. There were 3,048,710 Texans recorded in the 1900. The population stood at 3,896,542 in 1910, and rose up to 4,663,228 by 1920. Almost two thirds of the population of Texans lived in the country. The main businesses that took place during the Progressive Era in Texas were lumber, oil, railroad and Farming crops. Texas lumber was mainly in East Texas, which supplied up to five percent of the national market in 1907. A good amount of the sawmills were along the Gulf of Mexico and up the coast line but some were also inland as well. When lumber industries started in the early 1800's most of the mills would cut in between seven hundred and fifty to fifteen hundred board a feet a day. Either by a blade powered by animals, water or eventually steam. Working in the lumber industries there were long hours and low paying with a high rate of accidents that possible could happen. In the early 1900's the lumber industry grew rapidly. By the end of the 1920's when the war ended and the great depression happened the lumber industries declined rapidly. ... Show more content on ... When oil was first discovered it was "Discovered of the spindle top oilfield near Beaumont in January 10, 1901 marked the opening of the prosperous phase of the business in Texas." But not long after discovering in Texas it would soon be discovered in Oklahoma in 1905. Shortly after 1910 more oil was being founded and more was coming out of Texas. By the end of the Progressive Era in 1920's "Texas was producing 85,000,000 barrels per year with even more dramatic increase ... Get more on ...
  • 6. The Noir Anti Hero : How Walter Huff Reflects Depression... The Noir Anti–Hero: How Walter Huff Reflects Depression–Era Society The anti–hero of Double Indemnity, Walter Huff, is a reflection of the greed, lust, and corruption of the evils of society during the Great Depression. The anti–hero must navigate his way through the external landscape of depression–era Los Angeles in an attempt to survive the urban wilderness in perhaps some very non–conventional ways. Despite this, the anti–hero is relatable to the reader since he is not seen as a typical hero but rather a flawed moral character. Ambiguity is a key characteristic of noir and surrounds the love triangle of the anti– hero, femme fatale, and the crime committed. Noir is a genre of hard–boiled crime dramas, which originated in America in the 1930s and 1940s, during and post WWII. The films and novels that were associated with this genre reflected how the world was viewed during and after the war⎯cold, heartless and cruel. A noir anti–hero is the main character of a story that lacks the characteristics of a typical hero, but is relatable to the audience. He usually functions outside social norms and challenges the system. Hardboiled detective is a tough, cynical style of writing that brought an aspect of realism to the genre of detective fiction. It is often a gritty detective story set in a world overrun with violence and corruption. The way that Cain describes depression–era Los Angeles is a reflection of society during that time period. The anti–hero is morally compelling ... Get more on ...
  • 7. 1930s Depression-Era: Dance Marathons Depression–Era Entertainment: The Dance Marathon Kamarie Fernandes With the recent development of reality television providing the viewer–ship of contests across the globe, people are able to watch others suffer intense physical and mental games in order to be considered the best, the smartest, the strongest, the most talented, and so forth, in order to win a large cash prize along with short–lived international fame. Today's "me–era" entertainment is known as reality television. In contrast with today's entertainment, in the 1930s it was known as depression–era entertainment. Depression–era entertainment was known as the dance marathon; however, dance marathons began years before the depression. By the early 1930s, dance marathons ... Show more content on ... When this started being a normal thing for audience members to see, walkathon promoters became even more clever and devious in their attempts to bring people to see the shows. They created "elimination contests" throughout the walkathons to try and get rid of people who were on the verge of collapsing. At a contest in Tulsa, Oklahoma, there was an elimination contest called a "grind." The contestants had to run 105 laps in a figure–eight floor pattern, which took 60 minutes to complete. The next night, the emcee announced that the boys and girls had to run 55 laps around the floor and at the end of the race, the girls would have a "surprise" that was sure to eliminate most of the girl contestants (Martin 55). Once these surprises started happening, spectators started pouring in to see who would outlast the grinds and to see what the surprises were. Richard Elliott, a publicist and walkathon promoter said, "Now people came to see 'em die. That's an overstatement. But they came to see 'em suffer, and to see when they were going to fall down" (Martin 7). So what was the big deal about watching these people slowly walk or run around the dance floor all day and all night? Other than the fact that spectators did not have much else to do with their spare time during the depression, promoters of the walkathons would find ways to make the marathons even more entertaining. The more reasons people had to watch the marathons, the ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Analysis Of A Farewell By Amy Levy "A Farewell" by Amy Levy reflects the life of an outsider in the 19th century. The speaker portrays the internal battle that Levy faces in a racist and sexist society as being not only Jewish but a strong feminist and lesbian. By living through the speaker Levy is able to express her deepest thoughts and beliefs about contemporary society, and how it has come to affect her ultimately causing her to take her own life. The poem immediately sets a tone of unhappiness that is constant throughout the poem. The speaker describes the setting of the scene: "the sad rain falls from Heaven" (l.1). The sad rain indicates the darker state of an unjust civilization and how it causes the speaker to become depressed. The word heaven is used to signify that even God looks down on mankind and deems it unfair. Heaven also gives the poem religious context which may be related to Levy being Jewish in a dominating Christian society and how this causes her to be discriminated against. The speaker realizes their personal truths while they look from outside culture inwards. A window is used to signify a barrier between the speaker and the general public. The society that the speaker lives in is unjust and causes the speaker to feel foreign in her own culture, and thus relates to Amy Levy's present barriers as a young Jewish woman who wishes for acceptance. The speaker sadly says, "I am sitting here at my window" (l. 3), which represents the life she cannot have but has to watch on the other side of ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Social Justice In The Progressive Era The Granges ultimate goal was to help farmers "gain economic leverage and strengthen the commercial position of the American farmer" (Globalyceum, The Gilded Age and the Progressive Era, 1877–1914). The Labor Unions and the Grange set up social justice for the workers during the Gilded Age. They both built social solidarity and collaborative action, as well as empowered the workers to exercise self–determination, realize their full potential, and fight for what they deserved as workers. The time that quickly following the Gilded Age was known as the Progressive Era and during this time, there were definite examples of movements for social justice that pushed the government to establish policies that would ultimately create more gender and ... Show more content on ... For example, when we freed the slaves and helped them integrate into society, it enabled our country to benefit from the diversity that integration brought forth. It also highlighted deep biases and prejudices that would need to be dealt with by future generations. As a population, if we do not understand the history of our social justice movements and how we have struggled in the past, we are doomed to repeat some of the problems our ancestors had worked to overcome. This is why it is so important to teach our children the truth about our history so, when they are the leaders and make up the voting population one day, they will be able to make appropriate decisions and not repeat our mistakes. Not telling our kids the whole truth about our history is lying and depriving them of the knowledge that they will need to move this country forward. Just as it is the government's responsibility to help its citizens in need, it is also the government's responsibility to make sure that its children learn the truth about who has been in need and how they were helped so that we continue to make progress in social justice for everyone who lives ... Get more on ...
  • 10. The Old Market Woman Is A Marble Statue The Old Market Woman, is a marble statue that dates back to the Early Imperial period, which also known as the Hellenistic period. Artists became fascinated with the idea of childhood and old age, instead of beauty and masculinity. More become interested in seeing a statue that has characteristics that catches the viewer 's eyes. We are naturally attracted to beauty as humans. What the artist of The Old Market Woman did, though was they had taken that beauty that we are attracted to, and transforms it into reality and then uses it to tell a story. The use of realism relates strongly to the religion that the Woman of this statue believed in. When examining the statue, there is an old woman bent and weary. Her posture helps clue us in, with her age and the state of her health. The figure is dressed in cloth that drapes off her body as she carries a basket that is filled with what we may think are offerings. On her head, there are vines that create a band around the top of her head used to signify the festival that was going on during that time. The specific detail that is seen on this statue persuades us to want to know the story of this woman. Doing so, the process involves lots of research about the time and art. During the hellenistic period, artists begin to introduce more inner beauty than physical beauty. There is an opportunity to learn more about the structure itself, then settle for what is given and seen. In the Hellenistic period, "artists became concerned with ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Compare And Contrast The New Deal And The Jacksonian Era A reform movement is a type of social movement that aims to make a gradual change in certain aspects of society, rather than rapid or fundamental changes. Reforms targeted the causes of the depression and sought to prevent a crisis like it from happening again. By financially rebuilding the U.S. while ensuring not to repeat history. The New Deal period and the Jacksonian Era are periods that introduced many reforms during those times. The New Deal was a series of federal programs, public work projects, financial reforms and regulations enacted in the United States during the 1930s, by the response to the Great Depression. At the beginning of the Great Depression, the economy was destabilized by bank failures followed by credit difficulties. ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Bud Not Buddy Sparknotes Bud not Buddy is written in a perspective by a ten–year–old named Bud. Throughout the story Bud faced challenges of his own. Bud was adopted and beat up by a twelve–year–old named Todd. Bud ran away to find his dad. The whole story Bud is trying to go find his dad but he has gone through some challenges to get to him. This story Bud not Buddy would be different if Bud was 18–years– old, his mom is still alive, and written in modern era. To begin with, this story Bud not Buddy is a great book to read. The story about a ten–year–old who lives in an orphanage and trying to find his dad throughout the whole story. Bud was adopted and lived with a cruel family named the Amoses. Bud was put in a shed to sleep in because he got blamed ... Show more content on ... Furthermore, Bud not Buddy would be different if it was written when Bud is eighteen–years–old, his mom died, and written in modern era. If Bud not Buddy was written in modern era than Bud's mom would of went to the hospital and got treated for her sickness and never died. The state would have been much cleaner than in the actual story. There would be no segregation if written in modern era. Bud, his mom, and everyone else would not have been treated differently than others. Chapter 2 and 3. Moreover, Bud would never had gone to the Amoses. If Bud never gone to the Amoses he wouldn't been beaten up or treated differently. Bud would never get stung by the hornets. He would never get bitten by the fish head guards. Bud would not gotten beat up by Todd and been putted in the shed. Bud would never get treated terribly by the Amoses. Chapter 8. Finally, Bud would never have gone to Hooverville. If Bud not Buddy was told in modern era and he was 18 and his mom didn't die Bud would never gone to Hooverville. Bud would have ever met Deza or get his first kiss. He would never have gone there with Bugs. Bud would of never ate the soup the women had made. Bud wouldn't get to stay in the cardboard ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Clinical Depression Depression, though a complex disorder, is one of the most widely known illnesses today. Clinical depression is a mood disorder that, according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, affects 6.7% of the US population, more than 15 million adults. It is a serious illness that can be characterized, and often stereotyped, by perceived laziness, lack of motivation, and loneliness. Those with depression may experience significant changes in their sleeping habits, either sleeping too much or too little. Some depressed people can even have suicidal thoughts. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fifth edition, states that in order to diagnose major depressive disorder (commonly known as simply depression), 5 or more ... Show more content on ... Although research on them is exiguous, it has been discovered that monoamine, or neurotransmitter, depletion directly affects chemical imbalances. With reduced monoamine levels, one's mood can easily be affected. One study conducted by Jose Delgado discovered that those being treated for depression with antidepressants exhibited depression–like symptoms again due to their reduction in monoamines. (Delgado et al., 1990, 1993) However, serotonin and norepinephrine appear to play a larger role in contributing to depression. Patients being treated for depression are often prescribed medication to boost serotonin. Delgado's study further concluded that diminishing serotonin resulted in patients relapsing into depression even after being treated for it with antidepressants. Evidently, the amount of serotonin directly affects depression and relapsing into ... Get more on ...
  • 14. The, Loss Suffered By Holden Acts As A Contributing Factor... Similarly, loss suffered by Holden acts as a contributing factor to his inner turmoil and mental illness. Holden's younger brother Allie passed away in 1946, and has haunted Holden ever since. He states: 'He's dead now. He got Leukaemia and died.' The bluntness with which Holden reveals his death is representative of the effective use of simple language on the part of Salinger. Complex vocabulary is not used because it is not needed– the incident stands out more against a plainer backdrop. The fact that Allie died of Leukaemia also makes the event more devastating. He died extremely prematurely and Holden's downfall suggests that his death impacted him in a huge way. Holden was intensely fond of his brother and refers to him throughout the entirety of the novel. He comments: 'You would have liked him' when personally addressing the reader. We therefore feel involved in his story and emotion is evoked when we hear of his passing. It also acts as an explanation for Holden's difficulties. He struggles immensely throughout adolescence as he fails to accept the transition from childhood to adulthood, perhaps because he described Allie as 'mature' for his age. This could perhaps be why Holden has such negative associations with growing older: all he sees ahead is death. Therefore, loss endured by both Holden and Esther leads to their eventual depression and isolation from society. Furthermore, depression and isolation of characters also stems from failure in the academic ... Get more on ...
  • 15. The Great Depression And The Jazz: The Big Band Era Jazz is an American music genre, founded by African–American musicians. It emerged in the early 1900s as its creators merged aspects from West African musical traditions with aspects from religious music and from many other types of popular music based on European traditions. While some elements of jazz were borrowed from other musical genres, the music that came forth was one of a kind, an art form of its own. A significant element of jazz is improvisation, the adjustment of a melody or countermelody as a song is being performed. Therefore, a song may be different every time it is played. In America, at the time of the Big Band Era, the Great Depression had reached its highest peak. Jazz took a hard hit, as did the rest of the country, during ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Women's Role In The Victorian Era Oppression Of Women Victorian age female oppression is frequently blotted out from discussion. The maltreatment of women has played a key role in society since the conception of humankind. The Victorian age, however, is what particularly peaks my interest. The treatment of women in that era was entirely centralized around the understanding that women were subordinate to men. With their deeply embedded concepts of misogyny, we have thus arrived at the current roles women play in society today. It is because of the role this era still plays in the evaluation of women, that I would choose to teach of the Victorian Era oppression of women during Reed's Paideia education week. The fundamental function of a woman in the 19th century was childbirth. Believing firmly in the lifelong energy levels a human contained, women were not allowed to focus on much except childbirth. Reproduction was their key purpose of existing. Education was minimal, due to the fact that learning might decrease their focus on multiplying. With only the slightest of education, these women were trapped in a cycle of child rearing. Many women went into relationships with no previous knowledge of sex and were then thrown into situations with predetermined spouses. The terrifying experiences these individuals were tossed into were detrimental to ... Show more content on ... Bipolar depression, postpartum depression, or simply the unwillingness to bear a child frequently required the remedy of this so–called medication. The rest cure obliged the diagnosed female to stay in a single bland room with limited stimulus and outside contact until they were functioning at full capacity once again. This treatment, however, did not produce the desired effect. Often times, the constant solitude only added to their already ill mental state. This cycle of incurable craziness only leads to more stereotypes of the unreliability of women's mental ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Legacies Of The Elizabethan Era The study of the Elizabethan era has a lot for the audiences of this work to desire. Various thoughts and debates have been channeled concerning this period, including the achievements and the fallouts associated with it. This study explores different pieces of arts and literature to inform the readers about some of the traits associated with the Elizabethan era, and some of the legacies seen today because of that period (Pradini, 2014). The Elizabethan era is a period in English history that saw the reign of Queen Elizabeth I from 1558 to 1603. Historians allude to the period as the golden age in British history (Zins, 1972). The period also demonstrated an apex of the English Renaissance associated with a flourish in poetry, literature, and music. William ... Show more content on ... Some critics of Elizabethan era fault it for being insensitive to the poor people. The ordinary people had to endure a life of depression and devastation. On the contrary, the monarchy enjoyed a greater measure of luxury. Ivakhiv (1996) adds that the period was also a change in religious views, the views of crime and punishment also changed. This shows that there was a major disparity of life and the approach in relation to the rich and the poor (Hunter, 2002). There was no welfare support for the destitute. In fact, poverty was considered an individual fault and echoed by the understanding of the hierarchy that placed the peasants below the nobility. The hierarchy had God on the top, followed by angels before kings and queens then nobles followed by peasants, then animals followed by plants and nonliving things at the bottom of the hierarchy. The belief that God chose some people to lead and others to be noble was widely held. As a result, the poor had a rough time fitting in the ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Populism Vs Progressivism From a fundamental standpoint Populism, Progressivism, and New Deal were quite similar. These three political/social movements had their differences, but all strived to help those in need. President Woodrow Wilson, when referring to the Progressive era, called it "An extraordinary awakening in Civil conscientious". I will be defining the three political movements, as well as explaining there differences and the connections that link them together. I then will be answering the respected questions in order. Populism, also know as the people's party was "a grassroots social and political movement that was sweeping the poorest rural regions of the nation"(Tindall, 695). As the U.S. began the last quarter of the 1900s "widespread uses of mechanized ... Show more content on ... As the "New South and West" began to emerge both geographical areas banned together to "wrest control of the political system from Republicans in the Northeast and Midwest" (Tindall, 695). This changed the political atmosphere by beginning a shift of power away from the Republican Party, and set the stage for major political changes to begin in the Progressive Era. After the assassination of William McKinley, Roosevelt (a republican) gained control of the White House and through "forceful leadership" he pushed a progressive agenda. This in turn gave him a high approval rating and in the following election he beat the Democratic candidate by a popular vote of, 7.6 million to 5.1 million . When Roosevelt decided to not run for his third term as President he showed his support for William Howard Taft because Roosevelt believed that he shared a progressive ideology. His support helped win Taft win the 1908 election. The New Deal's influence on the 1932 election cannot be understated. After the Hoover administrations attempts to combat The Great Depression failed, the nation was in desperate need of change. That change came from a Franklin Roosevelt, and his liberal ideals. The drastic changes to the amount of power granted to the federal government and the promises of his New Deal won him the ... Get more on ...
  • 19. The Progressive Era In The 1930's The Progressive Era The Progressive Era took place in the first two decades of the twentieth century from 1900's to 1930's. The Progressive Era was to help the economy for people who lived in America. Some of the ways Americans would try to help were make improvements on working conditions, various regulations at work to keep it overall safer for employees and overall living conditions. There were 3,048,710 Texans recorded in the 1900. The population stood at 3,896,542 in 1910, and rose up to 4,663,228 by 1920. Almost two thirds of the population of Texans lived in the country. The main businesses that took place during the Progressive Era in Texas were lumber, oil, railroad and Farming crops. Texas lumber was mainly in East Texas, which supplied up to five percent of the national market in 1907. A good amount of the sawmills were along the Gulf of Mexico and up the coast line but some were also inland as well. When lumber industries started in the early 1800's most of the mills would cut in between seven hundred and fifty to fifteen hundred board a feet a day. Either by a blade powered by animals, water or eventually steam. Working in the lumber industries there were long hours and low paying with a high rate of accidents that possible could happen. In the early 1900's the lumber industry grew rapidly. By the end of the 1920's when the war ended and the great depression happened the lumber industries declined rapidly. ... Show more content on ... When oil was first discovered it was "Discovered of the spindle top oilfield near Beaumont in January 10, 1901 marked the opening of the prosperous phase of the business in Texas." But not long after discovering in Texas it would soon be discovered in Oklahoma in 1905. Shortly after 1910 more oil was being founded and more was coming out of Texas. By the end of the Progressive Era in 1920's "Texas was producing 85,000,000 barrels per year with even more dramatic increase ... Get more on ...
  • 20. The Old Market Wom Relationship Of Realism And Religion The relationship of realism and religion in the old market woman The Old Market Woman, is a marble statue that is from the Early Imperial period also known as the Hellenistic period. Artists became obsessed with the idea of childhood and old age, instead of beauty and masculinity. The people in that time, are interested in seeing a statue that has characteristics that catches the viewer 's eyes. We are naturally attracted to beauty. What the artist of The Old Market Woman did though, was take that beauty that we are attracted to, and transforms it into reality and uses it to tell a story. The use of realism relates strongly to the religion that the Woman believed in. When examining the statue, there is an old woman bent and weary. Her posture helps clue us in , with her age and health. The figure is dressed in cloth that hangs off her shoulders. She carries a basket that is filled with what we may think are offerings. Then on her head, there are vines that create a band around the top of her head maybe used to signify the festival that was going on during that time. The specific detail that is seen on this statue persuades us to want to know the story of this woman. Doing so, the process involves lots of research about the time and art. During this period, artist begin to introduce more inner beauty than physical beauty. We get to learn more about the structure itself, then settle for what is given and seen. In the Hellenistic period, "artists became concerned with the ... Get more on ...
  • 21. The Depression Era The economic elements of the Depression Era of America are defined through the stock market crash of 1929 as well as the problems leading up to it. The stock market crash of 1929 was one of the many problems that sparked the official beginning the Great Depression. Contribution by the limited purchasing power of working–class Americans was given to the growing financial crisis, with economic growth now linked to consumer spending (Keene, 661). Another contributor was tariff–related in both America and foreign countries causing competition amongst them, therefore leaving overseas markets in high decline in America. Agricultural issues contributed as well with such problems as overproduction of crops due to easy plowing and harvesting, which in ... Show more content on ... FDR had a sad concern for the people of America in misfortune and so took it under his wing to come up with something that would benefit these people; the New Deal. The New Deal consisted of many significant key laws shown on the chart in the book (Keene, 666). FDR sought advice from the Brain Trust in which wanted to revive the practice of governmental regulation in economic crisis and to protect the common good, but many people were against this seeing that, through governmental spending, there were "leaks in the unseen pipes" wasting taxpayer money (Keene, 666). FDR's wife, Eleanor Roosevelt, showed her empathy towards the misfortunate as well by taking her stand and speaking out against racial inequality and poverty amongst travelling the country. The roles taken by both FDR and Eleanor in the American society during the harshest moments of the Depression define the social elements of the Depression Era, and that has been what has set aside this White House couple apart from others before and after their time. "FDR infused hope into a time of trouble and confusion" (Keene, ... Get more on ...
  • 22. The Woman's Roles during the Depression Era Essay The Woman's Roles during the Depression Era The U.S. experienced a Depression in 1929. The American economy collapsed and millions of people were out of jobs. The government's role during this time of economic crisis was to assist the citizens of this country in any way possible. This sometimes led to the development of experimental programs and projects. Greenbelt, Maryland, can be characterized as such. Greenbelt was a planned community designed to house low– to middle–income families. It attempted to provide a safe and cooperative environment where parents and children alike could live safely and harmoniously. It was built in 1936. The Greenbelt museum is a model of the homes built after the Great Depression struck. It is a ... Show more content on ... "Most urban kitchens designed during this period were square with floor space ranging from 9' X 10' in size to 10' X 12'." (Plante, 225) The counters are covered with kitchen accessories, ready to be used at any time. There is no pantry, only cabinets for limited storage. Small homes such as the one in Greenbelt did not have a lot of extra space. Each room was built to serve a basic purpose, not be luxurious. The aim was to house as many people as possible with the minimum amount of space possible. The cabinets are built into the wall. Everything is compact and neatly arranged. The walls and cabinets are painted a basic white to allow more light to enter the kitchen since it is so small. This is the basic kitchen. In the early to mid 1930s, a revolution started to take place in the kitchen. Whereas before, the kitchen was plain and simple, a new emphasis on kitchen design, efficiency, appeal, and color was introduced. Manufacturers of kitchen implements began to launch campaigns aimed for a more pleasant, aesthetically attractive kitchen. Magazines were especially important in promoting this new consumer behavior. Women were encouraged to be proud of their space and decorate it in a manner becoming to them. This included purchasing new and improved, as well as colorful kitchen tools. "Written in a simple style and language women could relate to, numerous advertisements encouraged ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Differences And Similarities Between The Progressive Era... Both the Progressive Era and the 1930s were transformational for the United States of America. The Great Depression and the New Deal occurred in the 1930s and great change took place to try and fix the issues that were ongoing at that time. Though the two eras had some striking similarities, I believe that the Progressive Era (1890's to 1920's) was more transformational to our country as a whole than the 1930's was. In the Progressive Era, the crises that our country faced were problems that were associated with immigration, urbanization, government corruption, and industrialization. In the 1930s, the Great Depression and newly elected President Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal era, the main crises that our country faced were problems associated with economic collapse, poverty, and implementing new social programs to combat issues caused by the devastating economic conditions. Amid both the Progressive Era and the New Deal Era, programs and policies were being made with the goal of helping the American public, particularly those enduring impoverished conditions. All through the mid 1900's Roosevelt had strayed far from the ordinary "laissez–faire" approach and chose that the general population would need to be led by the government. The individuals in ... Show more content on ... From the point of view of New Dealers, Progressive era reforms had set up key precedents for government mediation in the economy, however, had not gone sufficiently far enough to avoid financial vulnerability. Both the Progressives and the New Dealers shared a faith in the likelihood that government could advance and improve social change. In times of helplessness and change, both the Progressives and New Dealers demanded that the government could be used to try and accomplish a measure of security and ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Struggles Of Clinical Depression Myka Schlessman Ms. Unruh College Prep English 20 March 2016 The Unseen Struggles of Depression Adolescent depression is a major public health concern. I Need a Lighthouse states that "Approximately 20 Percent of teens will experience depression before they reach adulthood." Depression is a clinical illness that is an outcome from emotional detachment which typically results from traumatic experiences. "There's a vast difference between 'feeling depressed' and suffering from clinical depression. The despondency of clinical depression is unrelenting and overwhelming. Some people describe it as 'living in a black hole' or having a feeling of impending doom. They can't escape their unhappiness and despair. However, some people ... Show more content on ... It is known that antidepressants cause both known and unknown adverse effects. The physician and patients need to agree that both the risks and benefits of the antidepressants must be balanced. When a patient goes to the doctor's office they expect to receive a prescription and a doctor wants to help the patient so sometimes he might write a prescription without really considering the full benefits, dangers and other options. According to the research that Mayo conducted, 4% of the patients in the study that was taking antidepressants had increased suicidal thoughts compared to 2% taking Placebo. Medication given to diagnosed people with depression, is just a bandage. It is just covering up the problem and in some cases making the problem even bigger. Research shows that 27% of drug–treated patients relapsed (Should We Treat Depression with Drugs or Psychological ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Elegant Glassware of the Depression Era and Its Impact on... Running Head: The Depression Era Elegant Glassware of the Depression Era and its Impact on People's Life Abstract This paper presents a brief history regarding the Depression Era and clarifies the characteristics and properties possessed by Elegant Glass which was developed during the Depression Era and is considered as a better made glass in comparison to the cheaper machine made glass of the Depression time period. The article then highlights the various trends that took place during the Great American Depression period and changed the production patterns and outlook of elegant glassware. Elegant Glassware of the Depression Era and its Impact on People's Life During the Depression Era in the United States, a wide variety of inexpensive clear or colored translucent glassware was produced by several manufacturers. The Depression Glass produced in this Era was further refined to form Elegant Glass, which had a cleaner finish, and was made in more vibrant colors. Elegant glass emerged due to the newer developing tastes of the generations and comprised of more fine and elegant designs. Elegant Glass was an alternative to fine china during the period of 1920s to 1950s. Most of the Elegant Glassware manufacturers closed by the end of the 1950s, and cheap glassware and imported china took its place. The following paper now explains the history of the Depression Era and how it lead to the emergence of Elegant glass and the place occupied by elegant glassware in the lives ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Symbols In The Bell Jar In The Bell Jar, the title forms the core symbolic element of the novel. Esther's mental health is dramatically compromised by the metaphorical bell jar, which 'rots' the air around her, preventing her from living a stable and happy life. She is perishing: feeling swallowed by negativity and detached from people around her in a physical sense as well as mental. 'It wouldn't have made one scrap of difference to me, because wherever I sat – on the deck of a ship or at a street café in Paris or Bangkok – I would be stirring under the same glass bell jar, stewing in my own sour air.' (152) Esther drastically spirals into a progressively worse depressive state, which she feels cannot be solved, forcing her to turn to suicidal thoughts as her barricade. ... Show more content on ... As a Bell Jar is generally used to display an object of scientific curiosity, it symbolises that Esther feels like she is different from other girls, would draw negative attention and be defined as 'abnormal' due to the lack of knowledge and publicity mental illness received in the 1950s. When Esther was placed in a private mental institution, Esther sows dissension between herself and the world. She dislikes visitors, particularly her mother who doesn't understand her condition. Esther is jovial at the fact she will no longer have visitors, showcasing how the bell jar forces a barrier between Esther and the ones who love her. In conclusion, although Plath portrays Esther as the victim of the stringent societal demands, her perfectionism plays an additional role in her downfall. Esther has insatiable expectations when it comes to scholarships, winning prizes in contests and her career in journalism, as well as possessing pride in observing her surroundings. When Esther admits she 'liked looking on at people in crucial situations', her detachment from other people is evident: she watches on, engulfed in her own suffering even as others undergo difficult times. As well as the gender ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Economics of the Late Victorian Era Essay Economics of the Late Victorian Era With the power of wealth and concentration of industry, the tremendous development in machinery, and power to drive machinery; with the improvement of the tools of labor, so that they are wonderfully tremendous machines, and with these all on the one hand; with labor, the workers, performing a given part of the whole product, probably an infinitesimal part, doing the thing a thousand or thousands of times over and over again in a day–labor divided and subdivided and specialized, so that a working man is but a mere cog in the great industrial modern plant; his individuality lost, alienated from the tools of labor; with concentration of wealth, concentration of industry, I wonder whether any of us can ... Show more content on ... The cabinet members in the government were mostly noblemen. The middle class had very little influence on politics and government (Boardman 38). In the early nineteenth century people where using labels like "working classes" and "middle classes." This designation was to separate people who had achieved success in commerce, industry, and other professions. They were considered the upper class. The upper class had a great control over the political system. This was not good for the working class and middle class because it left them no say in the government. However, some of the more powerful middle class men pushed for the Reform Act of 1832 and the deletion of the Corn Laws of 1846 (Wohl 1). The high Victorian era ended toward the end of the 1860s–1870s. The year that started the late Victorian era was 1867 when the Second Reform Bill was doubled. In this year the town workers were starting to have some say in town government. Now what had been unraveling for decades was taking affect. The middle class had already achieved power in government and now it was the worker's turn. The upper class was bitter over the success that the workers were gaining, but they had no other choice than to accept what was happening (Boardman 38). Increased industrialization was becoming a concern of the workers. They started strikes protesting the addition of machines because their jobs were being compromised. The only that workers were heard was ... Get more on ...
  • 28. The Progressive Era From The 1890s To The 1920's During the time period in between the 1890s to the 1920s, also known as the Progressive Era, was a time period that social activism and political reform within the United States flourished. A main goal throughout this era was eradicate corruption in the government by uncovering and undermining political machines and their bosses. This was meant to form a better and more direct democracy. Also, Progressives sought out to regulate monopolistic trust corporations through various antitrust laws, which aimed to promote fair competition for the benefit of the consumer. Although the Progressive Era brought about many reforms and public figures for the greater good of the American people like muckraking journalism, Presidents Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson, Susan B. Anthony and Jane Addams and significant policy changes, the era, however, did end when America because our nation entered World War 1 and the Great Depression following several years afterwards. World War 1 ... Show more content on ... 402). In a way, this reflects on the politicians who neglected to acknowledge dire reform changes that were needed this country and it also reflects upon the reformers in American society for losing their focus in making important social and legal changes to the extremely harsh American system. After feeling the effects of World War 1, another blast, the Great Depression hit American reformers into another time period of serious non–action. The Great Depression, which preceded World War 2, was an extreme, worldwide economic depression. Although the time when the Great Depression started varied in many countries, in most countries, it started within the 1930s and the 1940s. This was the most widespread, longest and deepest depression the 20th century has ever ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Historical Context Of Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde The author, Robert Louis Stevenson presents the novella The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde in a unique and compelling way. Many aspects of the short story can be interpreted in different ways as its complexity can overpower the book transient storyline. One aspect of the book that can be considered controversial is the way Stevenson presents the novella and the book's historical context. Although, Stevenson's work can be considered engaging, it can also lead the reader to question the reasoning behind the particular storyline of The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Overall, in terms of historical context, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is written in an allegorical way in which different aspects of the book represent a major theme or event taking place in Victorian England. During the time period in which Stevenson wrote this story, Victorian England was in a state of poverty and depression. London was divided socially, economically, and even politically as the nation was torn apart. In addition, due to the Anglo–Irish tension there were numerous terror attacks on London itself contributing to England's melancholy nature. Judith Walkowitz helps in exhibiting the atrocious living conditions of London during the late eighteen hundreds; "Great Depression, the erosion of mid–Victorian prosperity, the decline of ... Show more content on ... Jekyll and Mr. Hyde on the themes and events going on during the late Victorian era. Most, if not all of the story is symbolic for a certain idea in London, England which was going through a time of depression and terror. Overall, many hypotheses have been formed about the historical context in relation to Jekyll and Hyde and some of these ideas are correct, but the most coherent and most logical contributes to the fact that Stevenson's writing is symbolic where each textual aspect of the book relates to the events or people in Victorian ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Elizabethan Era Research Paper Elizabethan: This era was marked by the ruling of Elizabeth I, many events occurred during this time, such as the queen passed the witchcraft law, Queen Elizabeth almost died from smallpox, The plague broke out in London and so much more. The hairstyles during this era were highly elaborate to complement the fashion of the upper class. Baroque: This era is defined by its dramatic style of art and music, often had irregular style. Many events happened during this time such as the death of Elizabeth the first, the 30 years war and the discovery of New York. The women often wore their hair high up and added many things such as feathers, flowers and jewelry to their hair. Georgian: This period was marked by the reigns of the kings George I, ... Show more content on ... Eventually the president created the Civil Rights Act which, banned discrimination in public places, although these laws and acts were created, it ultimately did not put an end to racism and discrimination. Numberless events occurred at this time such as JFK becoming president, a minimum wage hike and The Voting Rights Act established. 1970's: The 1970's were often thought of as a hectic era, Many people found this time to fight for their rights, not only African–Americans, but other groups as well such as gays, women and Native Americans. Plenty of Americans also came together to protest, starting a movement called the New Right movement. In this era the events that occurred were plentiful such as, five members of the Chicago seven were charged for crossing state lines to start riots, the Watergate crisis begins and US Supreme court ruled in Roe vs. Wade case making it legal for women to have abortions up to six months in ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Economic Inequality In The Gilded Age Following a period of mass industrialization in the 1870s and 80s, the Progressive Era was a time of changes and reform in the economy. The previous era, the Gilded Age, transformed the government into one of less regulation. Hence, large corporations began to take over the smaller businesses and monopolies were created. Although many jobs were created in large factories, poor conditions, low wages, and lack of child labor laws prompted the Progressive movement that lasted from 1895 to 1920. In this era was a period of inherent economic instability and a growing wealth inequality caused by the Gilded Age's "masters of capital amassed vast fortunes and concentrated economic power" (1). The Progressive movement aimed to regulate the monopolies that had accumulated large sums of wealth, lead by President Theodore Roosevelt and his successor, President Woodrow Wilson. President Roosevelt acknowledged the issue in a speech in 1910: "at many stages in the advance of humanity, this ... Show more content on ... This imbalance has not been seen since before 1917 and during the Great Depression, when inequality peaked. Additionally, income inequality is on a continued trend towards a further disproportion. Evidenced by the Gini Index, a "standard economic measure of income inequality" (7) where a score of 0.0 on shows a perfect equality in income distribution and a score of 1 means one person takes all of the income, the United States has one of the highest of income disparities of the 35 members countries of the Organisation for Economic Co–operation and Development (OECD) (10), at 0.469 on the Gini index (8). The UN indicates that a coefficient of 0.4 and above is a predictor for social unrest and above 0.5 indicates a severe gap between the wealthiest class and the working ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Suzy's Changing Culture From being linked to demons and entities to becoming the new colloquial phrase, the word "depressed" has significantly changed over time coinciding with the change of culture and history. According to the multiple definitions on Oxford English Dictionary, "depressed" can mean "put or kept down by pressure or force," "lowered, sunken, or low in position," or "brought low, oppressed, dejected, downcast, etc.; esp. in low spirits." In particular, the main definition that pertains to society today is "brought low... especially in low spirits" (Oxford English Dictionary). With the age of technology being at an all time high and social media garnering billions of users, humorous pictures and text posts have been created in reaction. Obviously there ... Show more content on ... It has been normalized in societies to the point that if someone does not have depression, that person is the one considered weird. Now, people are self–diagnosing themselves with depression moreover, any other mental health problems, and have included the word depression in their vocabulary using the term very loosely. While some may think it is acceptable to say "I am so depressed" or "I have depression" over trivial matters, in reality is can be very offensive towards people who are actually diagnosed with depression. On her personal blog, Rebecca Chamaa addresses this issue saying, "The word depression has become so overused by people that I can no longer tell when someone is referring to the mental illness, or is having a bad day" (It Is ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Summary Of 'God's Grandeur' Conflict among contexts of the Victorian era, Catholicism and Gerard Manley Hopkins, has shaped Hopkins' distinctive poetic exploration of religious faith in his poems. However, paradoxically he also challenges the role religion has played in making Victorians repress their natural desires, which compels them to doubt God's ability. These are clearly evidenced in two of his famous Petrarchan sonnets, the nature poem, 'God's Grandeur' (1877), and the 'terrible sonnet', 'Carrion Comfort' (1885–1887), both were written in Victorian late 19th century. Even though Hopkins never doubts the presence of God, his poems explore the divergence between God's glory and the decline of Christian belief. Hopkins' religious faith influenced over his poem ... Show more content on ... This poem depicts the "Holy Ghost" is a dove, which "broods" over the world and protects its inhabitants with its "Bright wings", highlights the perfection and balance of the natural world as Hopkins has the faith that there is always a saviour who can guard and guide humans out of their doubts. Despite Hopkins' negative view on the impact of man's progression, he remains his faith of God's protective divinity and also tries to influence his religious faith on other people who doubt the God. Conflict between Hopkins' context of being homosexual, and Victorian England and Catholicism's conservative sexual contexts, demonstrates Hopkins' struggles in his conviction of faith through 'Carrion Comfort'. At the end of the first stanza, he highlights the struggle of his experience during his depression through the use of first person, "cry I can no more", which emphasises his loss of faith and starts to doubt himself as he's exhausted by depression and unable to struggle further. At the end of the phrase, he paradoxically asserts "I can", which captures that humans always contradict themselves as they are afraid of shame and guilt due to society norms, such as the extreme repressing homophobia in Victorian era and Catholicism that Hopkins faced. The paradox also reveals that Hopkins still has faith within himself and God as at the beginning of second stanza, conveys his faith through the interior monologue "hope, wish day come". Hopkins' use of rhetorical ... Get more on ...
  • 34. The Progressive Era And The New Deal Despite existing during two different times in the history of the United States, it can be argued that the New Deal reforms reflected the reform traditions of the Progressive Era. When examining the New Deal, Progressive influence is evident based first off of the social and political issues addressed by reforms. Second, the reforms from the two times themselves are uncannily similar, again due to the focus on the same problems existing in the United States. In addition to this, the icing on the cake is found when examining President Roosevelt's administration during the New Deal, a majority of which were intelligent Progressive reformers during the Progressive Era. Because of this, the New Deal reflected the reform traditions of the ... Show more content on ... Despite having differentiating reasons behind their reforms, the New Deal and the Progressive Era focused on the same issues, which is evident in the similarity of their reforms. As we already know from the aforementioned information, both the Progressive Era and New Deal had a focus on similar issues, specifically the rights of laborers, the improvement and expansion of public facilities, and the limitations of corporate power. Reforms during the Progressive era reflected these values, as seen in the work accomplished by Samuel Jones, President Taft, and President Wilson. Jones, a Progressive mayor in Toledo, Ohio "...founded night schools and free kindergartens, built new parks, and supported the right of workers to unionize" (Give Me Liberty 699) in an effort to improve public resources. President Taft – one of the presidents during the Progressive era – implemented antitrust laws which attacked corporations' influence by limiting the power of the wealthy, either through taxation or prosecution of antitrust violators. In addition to this, President Wilson reinforced antitrust laws while passing legislation which empowered laborers through exempting labor unions from antitrust laws, banning child labor in certain labor markets, and enforcing an eight–hour work day on the nation's railroads. Coincidentally, the New ... Get more on ...
  • 35. The Role Of Class In The Gilded Age And Progressive Era Class To begin, class influenced the Gilded Age and Progressive Era in the changing working conditions as a response to industrialization. Class was also apparent in Gilded Age politics and in the changing political culture that foreshadowed the bureaucratic government of the Progressives. Middle–Class Progressives played a vital role in America by seeking reform and influence among the upper and working class. Thus, class assumed a prominent role in influencing the Gilded Age and Progressive Era. Changing Working Conditions In the 19th century, there were several structural changes in the nature of work. These changes included deskilling of jobs, which led to the decline of the "heroic artisan" and economic depressions. All these factors contributed to tense strikes between workers and employers. During the Antebellum period, most white American workers were self–reliant, but the nature of work and production began to shift after the Civil War, as the industrial workplace increased in size, immigration swelled, and the number of wage workers surpassed that of self–employed men. Thus, "heroic artisans" experienced threats with the emergence of a class of permanent wage workers, which killed their republic dreams for American economic self–sufficiency, property ownership, and self–employment. Nevertheless, the real challenge for white wage Americans began in the 1870s and 1880s, as xenophobic anxieties of Chinese workers emerged. [1] Additionally, the late 19th century was ... Get more on ...
  • 36. The Era Of The Great Depression In the early 1930's, Republican president Herbert Hoover left office, leaving the United states in an economic disaster. In hopes for change, the people of the U.S. had elected president Franklin D. Roosevelt; a democrat, to be their next president in expectance to reverse the economic damages that had been made. In effect, this had begun the era of The Great depression and the beginning of Liberals challenging traditional laws and values. In fact, the beginning of the 1930's/40's affected the rise of conservatism in the U.S by the 1960's/70's in three ways, such as the growth of Democratic involvement, Civil Rights, and the decrease of traditional values. Therefore, it was a new era for political change and tossing away the original thoughts of a conservative, limited government to remain the same. Without delay, when President Roosevelt took office in 1933, he made sure have more government involvement in hopes to quickly bring the U.S. out of The Great Depression. Immediately, Roosevelt tried positively to increase the economy by establishing multiple programs created by the government, called The New Deal. Roosevelt's programs and policies did more than just adjust interest rates, tinker with farm subsidies and create short–term make–work programs. Thus, a brand–new, if tenuous, political. coalition that included white working people, African Americans and left–wing intellectuals were created. However, Roosevelts establishment of The New Deal created mixed emotions ... Get more on ...
  • 37. US History: The Progressive Era One of the most remarkable eras in US history was known as the Progressive era, an era that started in 1890 and ended in 1920. It marked the movement of both social and political reform. Progressives strongly believed in a society governed by the people with a focus on moral improvement. One of the key ideals of the Progressives was the promotion of women's suffrage. Women challenged their place in society as the care–takers. And advocated social, political, and economic equality. Truly, the Progressive era (1890–9120) marked a turning point in the history of women in the United Sates. Before the Progressive Era, women had very limited opportunities outside of the household. Few worked in factories, and many who were married stayed at home to take care of the house and children. One of the governing principles that supported this idea was the Cult of Domesticity. It was a cultural creed that glorified the role of the care–taker; it supported the ideal that women must abide by the morals of the household, asserting their subordinate status. However, with the Seneca Falls ... Show more content on ... The idea that women were the care–takers and supporters of men was still predominant. Even though there were more women who had jobs, most of these jobs were helper or pink–collar jobs, consisting of work as nurses, secretaries, and typists. In fact, women as encouraged the idea that their place was in the house. During the Great Depression, the unemployment rate was at approximately 40% and many families lived on the street, barley scraping by every day. The depression strengthened this ideal because of the lack of jobs, most men and women believed that what work was left should go to the men. Women who didn't follow this standard, and many did not, were publically condemned. The gender based prejudice against women, no matter how many reforms occurred, never ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Of Mice And Men : The Era Of The Great Depression Through the movement of history gender roles of Men and Women have been extremely varied. From the standards, expectations, to the work or home place there was a difference. Women were looked at as less than a men , the intellectual individual. Being a male was the greatest things they could be and their masculinity was their greatest pride. In the 1930’s the era of the Great Depression took presence. The man’s role in the depression was much more refined in this era. Most views of a man in the 1930 's were of a strong, hard working man who supplied the needs of his family. While the men were at work, women mostly stayed home to take care of the children according to To Kill a Mockingbird research hub. In the novel Of Mice and Men we can see how an unlikely pair of two men make their journey during the era of the Great Depression trying to make a stake to own their own land, but unfortunate events take place. As the novel takes action we can see how men exhibiting their masculinity, how they demonstrate their masculinity, and how women are irrelevant, and only used for pleasure. Masculinity is used as a roles you have to play right. From Curley’'s history to being a boxer he still was not respected but that what drove him to try to make himself more respectable. His action didn 't quite often work and did the opposite, he was the laughing stock to the man in the ranch. As the novel develops it is present how many of the men try to display their masculinity throughout ... Get more on ...
  • 39. The 1930S, Also Known As The Era Of The Great Depression, The 1930s, also known as the era of the Great Depression, was a hard time not only in the United States, but all throughout the world. However, the United States was not just struggling financially, but had conflicting morales. During the Great Depression, the United States had two different presidents, Herbert Hoover and Franklin D. Roosevelt. These two presidents have very different opinions on how to try and bring the United States out of the Depression. Herbert Hoover wanted to limit government access and test the American character; he believed involving the government too much would destroy American citizens' moral character and undermine their freedom. On the other hand, Franklin D. Roosevelt believed the government must act ... Show more content on ... The article calls President Herbert Hoover by saying his is murdering citizens by "murder of starvation, murder by disease, murder by killing all hope –– and the soul" (Cobbs and Blum 223). Congress had only granted $300,000,000 for direct relief for all the states and Hoover was the only one who could grant more money sooner than another five months of waiting. The article describes how everyday innocent people are "murdered" because they starve to death merely because of lack of food. Charity agencies that are suppose to help families in need are having to turn people away because they are no longer able to help. Yet Herbert Hoover believed that the $300,000,000 should only be used in the case of "absolute need and evidence of financial exhaustion". (Cobbs and Blum 224). The people of America were upset with President Hoover for not realizing that all the states were already in this position and needed way more than help than he was willing to offer. When President Franklin. D. Roosevelt took office in 1933, his course of action was the exact opposite of President Herbert Hoover. In FDR's inaugural address, Roosevelt was quoted saying, "this Nation asks for action, and action now" (Cobbs and Blum 227). Roosevelt believed the best course of action for the country was to put people to work immediately; he planned to accomplish this by means of direct recruitment through the government. However, FDR did have some stipulations with his ... Get more on ...