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How Are Psychiatrists Really Different From Counselors,...
Shaun N. Hope Mrs. Lozares English II Honors 20 January 2016 How are psychiatrists really
different from counselors, and what personal qualities will they need? The main difference between
psychiatrists and counselors is that psychiatrists can prescribe medications & prevent mental
disorders accordingly. Due to the fact that both occupations involve sitting down and interpreting
the inner struggles of their patients, they can be confused at times by others. In reality, these two
occupations are a lot different. Psychiatrists are required to have knowledge on subjects such as
psychology, medicine, biology, dentistry, language, therapy, and counseling. A great psychiatrist
needs to have great listening & critical thinking skills, social perceptiveness (otherwise known as
the ability to observe & understand the reactions of others), speaking & writing skills, and
judgement & decision making skills (Careerinfonet). Another quality that a psychiatrist will need, is
to be able to display empathy, which is where the INFJ personality type comes in. They're very
sensitive, and they can relate to the feelings of others with ease. They specialize in being able to
explicate the emotions of others & delving deep into their thoughts to retrieve the answer to their
difficulties. They have a unique sense of "feeling" the emotions of others, which may make them
ideal psychiatrists, counselors, or therapists. The only downside is that they're highly irrational
under stress, and
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The Myers-Briggs Personality
This past Friday the Myers–Briggs test determined my personality to be within the INFJ category.
The character description helped me to identify different aspects of my personality, and I have
reviewed the major ways I communicate with others and progress through various emotions. The
career page encouraged me to consider possible careers matching the conditions under which I best
thrive. The review also pinpointed my God–given gifts, showing my role in His will. As my result
connotates, I am predominantly introverted, intuitive, feeling, and judging. I had only a slight
preference of introvert over extrovert, playing likewise to the facts that INFJs have outward–
reaching outlooks and seek to empathize with others on an intimate level.
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Introverted Intuition
Knowing what you are seeing or hearing is sometimes an end in itself (such as when watching TV),
but not often. Usually, we want to know what's going on around us so that we can specify goals and
figure out how to achieve them.Knowing what you are seeing or hearing is sometimes an end in
itself (such as when watching TV), but not often. Usually, we want to know what's going on around
us so that we can specify goals and figure out how to achieve them.According to Carl G. Jung's
approach to personality, extroversion is the tendency toward active actions as a dynamic response to
the events and information from the external world. Extroverted people draw the energy for their
undertakings from the outside world. The outside world is the main driver ... Show more content on ...
Our young INFJ begins to appear dreamy and introspective – he begins to prefer to use his iNtuition
to take in information, and he chooses to do this alone (Introverted). The dominant function of
"Introverted iNtuition" begins to show itself as the prevailing aspect of his personality. From 12 – 20
years The auxiliary function asserts itself as a powerful support to the dominant function. Since all
recent studies point towards the importance of a well–developed team of dominant AND auxiliary
functions, this is an important time of "self–identification". Research suggests that people without a
strong auxiliary function to complement their dominant function have real problems. From 20 – 35
years We begin to use our tertiary function more frequently and with better success. Our INFJ
begins to use his Introverted Thinking function. He continues to make judgments with his
Extroverted Feeling auxiliary function, but he also begins to make judgments based on logic and
reason, which he works through in his own mind, rather than discussing it with others. From 35 – 50
years We pay attention to our fourth, inferior function. We feel a need to develop it and use it more
effectively. Our INFJ begins to use his Extraverted Sensing function. He becomes more aware of his
surroundings and begins to take in information from others in a more literal, practical sense. He
continues to rely on his dominant Introverted iNtuitive function to take in information, but he is
more able to use his Extraverted Sensing function than he has been before in his life. Some
researchers have attested that the appearance of our inferior functions at this phase of life may be
responsible for what we commonly call the "mid–life crisis".From 50 onwards From this age until
our deaths, we have accessibility to all four functions. However, we use them in a more disciplined,
differentiated manner than when we were very young. Our
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Characteristics Of A Personality Type
A person's personality is his or her essence. It is what guides decisions, emotions, and even
thoughts. Some may wonder if it is possible to explore every nuance of such a complex part of a
being, but there are ways to determine what type of personality a person has, and then branch off
into a more detailed examination of that person specifically. Combined with other factors, such as
personality disorders and the environment that someone has grown up in, the Myers–Briggs Type
Indicator, or MBTI, test (Enrichment 1) and analysis can determine an accurate portrayal of a
personality. Created in 1943 by Katherine Briggs and Isabel Briggs Myers, it is a system made up of
four basic functions and sub functions that combine to make a personality type. The mother and
daughter team constructed it off of Jung's theories (History 2). Based on this system, one of the most
common personality types in the US population is called an ESTJ, and one of the least common
personality types is called an INFJ. There are many differences and similarities between these two
types. An ESTJ personality, overall, is practical, fact–based, and outgoing, whereas an INFJ
personality is more private and makes decisions based on feelings; however, both are organized
people who make good leaders and are capable of great success in roles that involve helping others.
Carl Jung was a Swiss psychologist who had many theories that still influence the scientific field
today. One of his more famous theories deals
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Personality Type Introversion
This paper exposes and explores the personality type Introverted, iNtuitive, Feeling and Judging
(INFJ) in the workplace and how it closely relates to the results acquired from the C.J. Jung and
Myers–Briggs personality tests taken on websites. Examination of Kroeger, Thuesen and Rutledge's
(2002) research proposes that people should try to understand the personalities that make up a
business environment rather than focusing on etiquette or a right way to be. Typewatching promotes
a consciousness to assist business leadership effectively make impactful workplace decisions.
Having an understanding of the how people operate in the workforce can have a major impact on
how business leadership manages personnel. This paper will place a microscope ... Show more
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I can identify with some of the characteristics associated with the iNtuitive type. For instance, I tend
to find the future and its possibilities more intriguing than frightening. (Jung Test, 2017) My
intuition impacts my decision making in ways I cannot understand and is unexplainable to others.
Generally speaking, if something doesn't "sit–well" with me then I won't make a decision. I firmly
believe in the Bible, Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, the Holy Spirit, God's covenant and laws.
Romans 8:14 state, "For all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God." (Romans 8:14,
NLT) Being led by the Holy Spirit in demanding worldly business places can be difficult to
navigate. However, it is not impossible. It is a godly ethical character, I aim to exude in the
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Jung Typology Analysis
After taking the Jung typology test, I was astonished how the results described my disposition down
to the minute details. My personality type is introvert, intuitive, feeling, and judging, INFJ for short.
INFJs love people, but tend to only share their feelings with a selective few. Perceived as dreamers
and doers, this unique combination of vision along with practicality enables INFJs to accomplish
great humanitarian feats. Often they are deeply concerned for the people surrounding them, but
when situations begin to get to emotionally tolling, this personality type tend to seclude into
themselves pushing everyone away. Additionally, they often take on a disproportionate amount of
responsibility. My persona matches the test results exactly.
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The Personality Type Of The Infj Personality Essay
The INFJ personality is known to be the world rarest personality type and often misunderstood. This
type stand for a percentage of less than 2% of the overall world population according to Holm
(2009), the majority of that percentage being female and some famous INFJ that can be named are
Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King and Mother Teresa. My INFJ in academic and business milieu:
from the past week assignment, my preferred four letters chosen base on the instructions received
from Myers–Briggs type indicator were INFJ, which stands for Introverting, iNtuiting, Feeling and
Judging. For this week assignment I was very surprise after taking the Jungian test to discover that
my personality type fours letter were confirmed to be the same INFJ. Having my conformed INFJ
profile means that in business milieu, my creativity and sense of responsibility come in first.
Although as an INFJ I'm strongly introverted, I nevertheless highly care about my relationship with
other individuals. At work I'm open to communication and always available when it comes to help
colleagues to carry out on tasks or explaining work procedures. However, my personality type also
implies that I can have sudden need for personal time away from others, which is my way to
recharge and regain my energy. In an academic milieu, I'm more focus on setting and reaching my
goals; I get motivated by planning in advance my studying weeks and do a lot of efforts to meet my
assignment deadlines. I can get emotionally
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Infj Personality Analysis
I agree and disagree with the results that I have a INFJ personality. I agree that I am an introvert
person. I don't really spend a lot of time hanging out with other people and I am normally quiet
when I am amongst big groups. I just like observing from the sidelines rather than being in the thick
of it. I also agree that I am mostly intuitive. I mostly act on my instincts and experiences from the
past. Additionally, I agree that I a have a judging personality. I enjoy sticking to routine most of the
time. I found it uncomfortable or stressful if I don't follow a schedule or if I am late to something.
Although, I can be flexible in certain circumstances. The one personality trait that I disagree about is
that I have a feeling personality.
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An Overview Of Meyers-Briggs Type To Work Literature, And...
After reading and studying different personality types I discovered that in dissecting the
characteristics that comprises people's personality it is a complicated but necessary element to
ensure success both personal and business. In using the Jung Typology Test, Type to Work literature,
and getting an overall analysis of my personality produced practical and
applicable result. The activities used for me to become acquainted with myself gives necessary
insight to the nature of my actions and sometimes lack thereof. This assignment helps to gain greater
insight into personal and organizational synopsis of a worldview. There will be an overview of
Meyers–Briggs Type – INFJ; which is the acronym for Introvert, iNtuitive, Feeling, ... Show more
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I often have conflict with one of my coworkers because she is a Perceiver. I adhere to deadlines and
she changes decisions at the last minute. I learned that I have to be more open to other methods of
meeting the end goal. I also learned that I would make a great leader because of my INFJ
personality type. I had been reflecting on my current position and how I feel that I could offer more
to the organization in a leadership position. The JTT along with reading Type Talk at Work, has
motivated me to move forward in pursuing another position at the company I am currently
employed. I find myself motivating and giving advice geared to work relations all the time to my
coworkers. I could use my skills and characteristics to the fullest capacity now that I am becoming
more aware of my personality
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Personality Test : My Personality Type
According to the Jung Personality Test, my personality type would be referred to as INFJ. This
stands for Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling and Judging. There are many different types of personality
types; however, INFJ is noted to be the rarest of them all. While all of us can have certain traits of
all letters, for example, an individual who is an introvert can also have some extrovert tendencies,
this personality tests gives us an accurate assessment of our most pronounced traits. Each letter
stands for a different aspect of my personality such as how we deal with others, how we gather
information and make decisions, and our attitude towards others. A better understanding of a
person's personality type will help that person analyze his/her own behavior, but also recognize
possible weaknesses associated with that personality. Recognizing personality weaknesses is the key
to becoming a better person, friend, co–worker, and manager. Very good Step 1 – My Personality
Type – INFJGood use of headings; Personality was defined by Gordon Allport, an American
psychologist, as "the dynamic organization within the individual of those psychophysical systems
that determine his unique adjustments to his environment" (Robbins & Judge, 2009). This is a minor
thing but check your spaces A simpler definition is how an individual reacts to and interacts with
others as a whole (Robbins & Judge, 2009).
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My Personality Type Fours Letter Essay
UoPeople Written Assignment week two
Course: PSYC 1205 Emotional Intelligence
Subject: My MBTI personality INFJ
The INFJ personality is known to be the world rarest personality type and often misunderstood. This
type stand for a percentage of less than 2% of the overall world population according to Holm
(2009), the majority of that percentage being female and some famous INFJ that can be named are
Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King and Mother Teresa. My INFJ in academic and business milieu:
from the past week assignment, my preferred four letters chosen base on the instructions received
from Myers–Briggs type indicator were INFJ, which stands for Introverting, iNtuiting, Feeling and
Judging. For this week assignment I was very surprise after taking the Jungian test to discover that
my personality type fours letter were confirmed to be the same INFJ. Having my conformed INFJ
profile means that in business milieu, my creativity and sense of responsibility come in first.
Although as an INFJ I'm strongly introverted, I nevertheless highly care about my relationship with
other individuals. At work I'm open to communication and always available when it comes to help
colleagues to carry out on tasks or explaining work procedures. However, my personality type also
implies that I can have sudden need for personal time away from others, which is my way to
recharge and regain my energy. In an academic milieu, I'm more focus on setting and reaching my
goals; I get motivated by
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Being An Ifj
Being an INFJ, the rarest personality type, is weird. People think you're strange. You never seem to
fit in. MBTI is almost analogous to 16 different psychological conditions. And the fact is most
common types, are easily recognizable, if you send a day with them. That is, if that person is
extroverted. If they are introverted, it takes more than a day, to narrow it down. Even so, INFJs take
the longest to be typed and understood. It's almost like having that rare psychological condition,
that's so difficult to identify. The rare condition is always misidentified as a more common
condition, or in this case, mistaking an INFJ as an ISFJ or INFP. Notice, that I am saying condition
not disease, because being an INFJ is not a disease, it is just being different.
Talking about fictional characters, I would say Hiccup from "How To Train Your Dragon", is an
INFJ who feels this difference. Like all INFJs, initially he tries to blend in, but somewhere along, he
realizes he's different, he doesn't think like a normal Viking, do things the Viking way. He does it his
way. Later, when he embraces it, he becomes a wonderful person.
Like Hiccup, all INFJs have a rebel inside, making them want to break free from the chains of
routine. But the breaking free ... Show more content on ...
This makes the INFJ déjà vu a lot.
Fe – focuses on the people involved, social implications, how to make it easier for the people
around. This is the INFJ kindness, compassion and empathy.
Ti – rationalizes the whole thing, thinks logically; thinks from a pragmatic or scientific point of
view. This is what most people see as the INFJ coldness and logic.
Se – is the thrill–seeking, rebellious part. INFJs love adventure and new experiences.
If you're an INFJ, please remember to approach things in this order. And live extraordinarily. You
don't need to stand out, you're made to stand
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Getting Acquainted With INFJ
We all feel a certain sense of excitement when make the acquaintance of a new and interesting
person. Learning about them, their interests, and what drives them can be like diving into a new
story or book. It can feel like the start of a new adventure–but what if that new acquaintance we met
was ourself? What if we had discovered aspects and traits about ourselves that might have been
there all along but, upon inspection, somehow felt brand new? During my English 1301 class, we
explored the sixteen personality types found in the Myers–Briggs Type Indicator and the four
dichotomies that indicate our psychological preferences for how we perceive the world and make
decisions. I have identified closely with the INFJ (introversion, intuition, feeling, judging)
personality type in several ways. When I was younger, I seemed to demonstrate what would be
considered extrovertive traits. I was sociable, popular, and often considered the "life of the party." It
was in my junior year of high school that my introversion (I) really began to show itself as one of
my primary personality preference. I noticed that hanging around and being social with my friends
began to feel downright wearisome at times. I would often break away from everyone and shuffle
off to some secluded corner just to be free of distractions. Somehow, my internal world just seemed
so much more interesting than the external one. It was refreshing to get away from all of the
ridiculous clamoring, and it allowed me
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Isabel Briggs Myers's Typology Personality Test
After finishing Carl Jung's and Isabel Briggs Myers' typology personality test, I found out that my
personality type is Introverted Intuition with Extraverted Feeling (INFJ). INFJ, also known as the
Protector, are gentle, caring, complex and highly intuitive individuals. After reading about my
personality type, I found that I agree with most of the following results. I have taken a few
personality tests in the past and all of them have resulted in similar answers. Thus, when I read
through my results I was not surprised by most of the answers. On the other hand, while I was
reading through the results, I was surprised by INFJ being a rare personality type and only one
percent of the population have it. Another instance where I was surprised ... Show more content on ...
Other than that, I found the following to be accurate on my personality. Granted, I think the
following results are useful to me because the personality test gives me options on a certain career
fields I could potentially consider for my personality type. The information will help me in figuring
out my future career because I am one of those people who has not figured out what I want to do for
the rest of my life. I think the results will help guide me into the right direction for a career. Finally,
after exploring the personality page links, I learned that I appear to seem like an extrovert but I am
an introvert. The following means that I am so well at connecting with people that it seems like I am
an extrovert. Also, I learned that I am strongly humanitarian in outlook. I am not surprised by this
because I have been told by others that I am an individual who always tries to help make things
better for not just a community but for others. Overall, I found the personality test to be very
informative and I am definitely going to pay close attention to certain areas about my personality
type to see if my personality really is like the test says it
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John L Holland Developed A Test
John L Holland Developed a test, producing three letter codes to describe types. Holland believed
there were six basic traits that combined to make a person's personality. The six traits are
Conventional, Enterprising, Social, Realistic, Investigative, and Artistic. Three letter codes, derived
form the first letter of each of the three highest related traits, are shown after the test is taken
(Rayman, 2008). My personality type from this test was ACS, Artistic, Conventional, and Social
(Rounds). Artistic was my highest score, and I think this is accurate. Currently I have an artistic
social career goal in a collaborative art form. I think this will be a good fit based on this test. I can
see evidence of my conventionality being fiscally conservative. Some careers that may be a good
match are a teacher, program director, or social worker. These careers are exactly what I was
thinking, but they would be a more practical application for someone with a high artistic trait.
The Myers–Briggs Type Indicator
Designed in the 1940s by American author Isabel Briggs Myers and her mother Katharine Cook
Briggs, this objective test attempts to determine a person's personality type. It can commonly be
applied to career one has chosen of will choose. There seems to be reasonable correlation between
the indicator results, shown by a four–letter combination, and the career types people of that type
choose. Due to it's wide use in career counseling and business, the Consulting Psychologists
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The Myers-Briggs Personality
This past Friday the Myers–Briggs test determined my personality to be within the INFJ category.
The character description helped me to identify different aspects of my personality, and I have
reviewed the major ways I communicate with others and progress through various emotions. The
career page encouraged me to consider possible careers matching the conditions under which I best
thrive. The review also pinpointed my God–given gifts, showing my role in His will. As my result
connotates, I am predominantly introverted, intuitive, feeling, and judging. I had only a slight
preference of introvert over extrovert, playing likewise to the facts that INFJs have outward–
reaching outlooks and seek to empathize with others on an intimate level.
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Myers-Brigg Personality Analysis
According to Myers–Brigg personality test I am an INFJ (Introverted Intuitive Feeling Judging
Personality): As I read the description on learning style, it surprised me how accurate the results
were by just answering a few basics questions. For instance, a distinguish quality of an INF is
creativity––– that it usually results in an inclination towards the arts. Moreover, an INFJ type
personality tends to seek majors in the fields of education, counseling and science. In that sense, I
am not only an artistic person, but also a student who loves science and seek to help others. As a
matter of fact, I chose a career in the humanities during my undergraduate tenure as well as studies
in biology (Human anatomy) for the reason that I believe that biology and the humanities go hand in
hand. In my opinion, if someone decide to become a doctor or chose a career in the medical field,
for example, it is not just enough to have knowledge about how the human body works, but also it is
of great importance to posses an understanding of the social, and cultural aspects of an
individual–––that is language, race, religion, etc. The same is true for the humanities, and proved of
that is that some well known writers have even produced literature in the context of science
(doctor/patient relationship), such ... Show more content on ...
It also tends to challenge authority. The first statement is very accurate since when I study the only
thing I'd like to hear are my thoughts. The second statement does not apply entirely to my learning
style. I said "entirely" for the reason that I don't disrespect authority, I don't challenge authority, but I
don't take statements as absolute truths without tangible explanation. In other words, a statement
such "because that's the way it is", it does not satisfy my curiosity as a
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Characteristics Of Myer-Briggs Personality
This paper explores the personality traits of the Myer–Briggs personality INFJ. Research for this
assignment was conducted using the text book, the internet, and my personal account. While
completing this project I gained a better sense of self and an individual, leader, and worker. It is my
hope that this project can be used as a resource for others who have the same personality type as
myself. Step 1 INFJ INFJ is my personality type. Upon finding my personality type I engulfed
myself into finding any information available. What I discovered was that my strong sense of
intuition is what I allow to lead my decisions. I also found confirmation that, I enjoy my alone time,
I follow my passion, and I do not agree in doing things for the sake of doing them. This was
extremely insightful, and although I know who I am it was enlightening to see research that
explained who I was and why I act the way that I do. Life examples Growing up I was never shy,
but I never felt the need to be the center of attention. However, when it was time to step up to the
plate, I was always able to do so with ease. Often times my lack of shyness would leave my peers
surprised that I was so good at certain things, because they never heard me talking much of myself.
This transferred over to the work place as well. Up until recently I have been a classroom teacher.
On several occasions my principals would disclose that they were shocked that I was so energetic.
When I am in meetings I would not speak unless I had something meaningful to say. As a result, I
think that would cause others to assume that I was one of low energy and unable to fulfil request that
required a lot of speaking. Strengths and weaknesses Having a strong sense of self is a characteristic
of my personality type. I take pride in my self– awareness. In addition, I enjoy having a strong
intuition. I believe that this has aided me in making smart decisions in life, at work, and in general. I
feel the best thing about self–awareness is you are not easily offended when you are misunderstood.
An example of this at work happened when there was a disagreement between myself and my boss.
She began to say a lot of derogatory statements to me. While it was hurtful
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How Is Atticus Finch A Good Leader
Personality Review Essay: Atticus Finch from Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird What do you
think when you picture a good leader? Do you picture someone who possesses integrity, loyalty, and
knowledge or someone who is strong, loud and powerful? Leaders can have many different qualities
and still be successful, respected, and admired. There are some leaders who are in total control, they
tell a group of people what to do and people follow orders. Others may be focused more on morals,
they teach people and listen to other people's ideas, and they want to help people; Atticus Finch
from Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird is a really worthy comparison to this type of leader.
Atticus falls under the INFJ personality type, some people refer to ... Show more content on ...
Atticus can be described as an intelligent idealist. He spent many hours considering evidence that
would work in Tom Robinson's favor. Despite the fact that Atticus knew Tom would be condemned
either way, he still was able to conduct enough information to portray him as innocent, but the jury
would never let a black man go free after being accused of sexually assaulting a white woman. The
introverted thinking goes along with this in the way that introverted thinkers are able to reason and
actually sit there and think of all the pros and cons. Atticus being the good leader he is, decided this
would be a perfect opportunity to make some kind of difference in his community. The second letter
of the INFJ personality type is INtuition. When Atticus received information, he was using his
intuition. He doesn't just look at the details he looks at every single aspect of a situation. He
imagined everything the future could hold throughout the story and took advantage of it. Atticus
demonstrates amazing consideration for the people around him throughout the story. He decided to
take on the very controversial case knowing that what he was doing was the right thing, he knew
that almost everyone else had the same opinion of Tom and Atticus would be the only one to give
him a fair trial. He took it upon himself to represent a man who was against all odds. A black man
accused of assault in an almost all racist southern town was seen as
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Jung Typology Assessment
A personality type dictates ones compatibility in his environment. A personality is an explanation for
how one acts, feels, and thinks. Once a person can understand their personality type, one can
investigate further in order to interpret new meaning within his persona. The Jung Typology
assessment is a test that analyzes people based on their responses to a 64 question test. Once an
individual completes the test each person is arranged into sixteen categories. Once I completed the
test I was categorized under two types, ISFJ and INFJ. Each letter within the personality types
indicate a specialized word. For example INFJ stands for: Introverted, Intuitive, feeling, and
Judgement. ISFJ represents: introverted, sensation, feeling, and judgement. ... Show more content on ...
While some careers are simply ludicrous, others radiate the rapport I express in my relationships.
The careers that are extremely appealing are Counselor and Nurse. Both occupations require a
harmonious interaction with patients. I find that I work more fluently when I have meaningful
collaboration with people. Nursing requires a tender and caring hand in regards to interacting with
patients. Counselors literally interact with clients in order to provide a conscious solution for
patients through tentative listening. ISFJ's are categorized as a group of people who observe and
remember specific details about a person. The occupations of nursing and counseling require a keen
sense of understanding and commitment, which is specific to ISFJ
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What Is Your Ideal Career Essay
My Ideal Career What happens when people get sick or injured badly? They would go to the
hospital where they are greeted by compassionate and well–trained nurses. Nursing is an excellent
medical career for those who are hardworking, compassionate, and willing to devote many hours
into helping others. However, it is demanding. Nonetheless, I know that I have chosen the right path
based on my personality and passion. The reasons why this career is a proper choice are presented as
such: my results of the Myer–Briggs test, hemispheric dominance, receptive learning style, and
Gardner's Multiple Intelligences. Also covered are previously considered careers, past job
experiences, and other activities related to nursing. The results of the Myer–Biggs tests conclude
that I am INFJ personality type. Percentages include: 44% Introverted, 12% Intuitive, 16% Feeling,
and 34% Judging. Being introverted means that I get energized by being alone and get drained from
being around people. I would have to adjust being around people and communicating for an
averaged twelve hours, but I don't feel discomfort around people. Intuitive types "read between the
lines and are abstract thinkers (Storm, 2015)," according to Susan on Psychology Junkie. Although it
could be difficult to be always aware of my surroundings I will have an easier time creating different
ways to solve a problem. My feeling trait allows me to connect with people on an emotional level,
and it allows to me to go with my gut
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Majors PTI Assessment
How well does one know himself or herself as a person? Or even the type of person they are? How
can one tell if they're an introvert or an extrovert? There are so many questions that come to mind
but no answers that follow. However, after taking the Majors PTI assessment was when I realized
what type of person I am. My results revealed that I am an INFJ. What does that even mean? Well,
being an INFJ means that I am an introvert, who uses their feelings and intuition to make their
judgments. INFJ's like to use words and visions and be imaginative. They tend to make connections
to everything and give a deeper meaning to every part of their life. Truthfully speaking, that's
exactly the type of person I am. I prefer to deal with things according ... Show more content on ...
There are many instances where my family and even my closest friends question why I am so
reserved. They sometimes ask me why I am unable to fully open up and talk about my thoughts and
feelings like they are able to and I never had an answer. I was never able to figure out why I am this
way until I took this test. I realized that being a private person is one of the weaknesses of my
personality type and that it is very common amongst INFJ's. This is something that is in fact easily
noticeable based on the type of person I am. I like to keep my thoughts and feelings to myself. I find
I very difficult to fully trust those around me. Finding someone I can fully trust whether it may be a
friend or a love interest is like finding a needle in a haystack. Being a private person has made me
worried about my future life and it makes me wonder if I will ever find someone who can fully
understand and relate to me. I wonder if ill ever be able to find some whom I can blindly trust. In
order for me to find those whom I can trust, I have realized that I need to let myself loose. I have
learned to confide in a few of my closest friends. I have learned that sharing my thoughts and
feeling with those whom I'm close to not only makes our relationship stronger but it makes me feel
lighter. It makes me feel as if a weight load has been lifted off my chest and restores my trust in
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Personality Profile Reflection Paper
These tests are designed to inform us of our personality, and advantages and disadvantages that may
come with it. The goal is to characterize patterns of behavior, emotions, and thoughts that a person
has carried throughout their lifetime. Understanding these patterns of yourself and of those around
you is beneficial for group dynamics. The more you know and understand your personality the
better you will be able to see how others view and react to you. Personality assessments can help us
locate and change our weaknesses. They can help us better understand our motivations, styles of
communication, strengths and how well we work with others. In the following paragraphs, I will
discuss the insights that I have gained through each ... Show more content on ...
It is the power supply towards productivity effectiveness and efficiency. This strength is the perfect
driving force for my futuristic strength. Without it, I would not be able to meet those future goals
that I am so passionate about. I found it quite interesting that Positivity was listed in my top five
strengths. Not that I think that I am a negative person, but I definitely didn't think it would be one of
my top three. People with the strength of Positivity are generous, optimistic, and enthusiastic. They
have the ability to lighten the mood within groups and can turn a negative situation into an
optimistic one. I have always been one to look at the glass half full and to find hope even in the
middle of setbacks. While I don't believe that my enthusiasm is always at a contagious level, I do
think that I look at situations positively more than the average person. The Strategic theme allows
you to sort through the clutter and find the best route ( People with
the strength of Strategic look for different ways to progress and introduce a new way of thinking. I
agree that I am a strategic thinker, but I disagree that strategic thinkers make quick decisions. I find
it hard to make quick decisions because I tend to overthink and look at situations from multiple
points of view and possible outcomes. My last strength that is listed in my top five strengths is
Responsibility. People
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INFJ-A Character Analysis
Once upon a time, lived a girl in a world, not so far away. She desperately looked in every direction
to try and figure herself out. Who was she? An introvert? Extrovert? Both? All she knew about
herself, was that she loved to be around people, help them as much as possible, and tried to be open–
minded about nearly everything. Although she could get confused on how she was feeling at times,
she was very good at knowing how she felt. With all of this confusion, the girl decided to take some
tests online to determine the kind of person she was. Searching through the internet she scours
websites looking for one that appears legitimate, eventually finding a few that peaks her interest.
Taking the first one that catches her eye, 16 Personalities, she ... Show more content on ...
She went to 16 Personalities to learn about her specific lettering, she found an array of descriptions
in their "Our Theory" article that explained her to a T. Being an introvert meant she tends to want to
do solitary pastimes opposed to socializing with large groups of people. The intuition facet allows
her to be open–minded and curious about the things around her. Her feeling nature sheds her light
into the raw emotion she feels at any given time. Her tactics are very organized, thorough, and
structured, which reflected in her style of judging. Lastly, her assertive identity shines through
empowering her to be self–confident, calm–tempered, and an admirable leader. This School is very
differential for her personality type. She goes to a big school with lots of people in her classes.
Because she is an introverted wallflower, she prefers small class sizes. Keeping an open–mind is
important to her morals and can get very aggravated when she is having a discussion with close–
minded individuals. The girl can be quite flexible when necessary, but inclines to be more organized
with structure and
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Infj Characteristics
After learning about INFJ type– Counselor, I am totally agreed with the authors who have given the
characteristics of the Counselor type very clear and accurate. David Keisey gave a lot of strengths to
INFJ personality that makes me happier because I belong to this type of personality. However, I
think he should emphasize more about the weaknesses of Counselors personality types, that might
help people of this type to know more about themselves and happier in their life. For me, I have two
major weaknesses that I really want to learn the way to fix them for helping me to be balance in the
relationship with others in my daily life. Firstly, I have too strong intuition ability; I trust my
instincts the most. This can result
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Personality Quiz, I Was Indicated As A Dreamy Idealist?
Personality Essay By the 41 question personality quiz, I was indicated as a "dreamy idealist." This
personality type is described as a quiet, reflective, and idealistic. As well as having a greatly
developed value system that they stick too. They are extremely loyal and have a big interest in
serving humanity and are mentally quick making them good writers and artist. That makes the jobs
recommended for this personality type jobs that involve helping people or creativity. These include:
writers, artists, counselors, social workers, teachers, clergy, missionaries, psychologists,
psychiatrists, scientists, political activists, religious educators, and social scientists. These are just a
few of the jobs recommended for this personality type. ... Show more content on ...
As the Jung personality stated I can be very outgoing in some cases and am often mistaken as an
extrovert. When I read the results to my mother, she was surprised that I tested that way. I don't
necessarily agree with the fact that it is hard for me to express my emotions but rather my feelings
behind my emotions. I very often have random emotional outburst but other times you wouldn't
know I am feeling anything at all. Mostly I agree with that I am interested in the people around me
and their wellbeing and, I often find myself up late at night talking to people who are upset. Also, as
of now my dream job would be a physiatrist, so that I can learn about medicine as well as help
people who need it. Also, I love writing and painting which is also described in the results of both
test. Overall, I think both test results described me just from different
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Emotions And Personality With An Extraversion
Emotions and personality with an extraversion introversion focus What is an emotion? "An emotion
according to psychology today magazine is a judgment about the extent that the current situation
meets your goals" (Altruism). From that definition our emotions in basics are relative to the
satisfaction of our desires, and how our needs and wants are met in our lives. Beautifully one
controls their emotions, because one can choose for himself by his conscious will. Yet there are
other factors that play into emotions, one of them being our focus which is personality. What is
personality? "Personality according to the american psychology association is the individual
differences in characteristic patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving" (association). By that
definition everything one can do is affected by their personality. One of the big five personality traits
is introversion or extroversion. How are introverts defined? "Introverts are drained by social
encounters and energized by solitary, often creative pursuits" (Psychology Today). In other words
they are people who like solo activities over group activities. These are usually the writers,
inventors, people who prefer to work alone. However that is not to say they can't have other jobs,
and be good at them. It means they prefer to work alone. "Introverts are quiet, reserved, and task
oriented..." (Kozak) How are extraverts defined? Extraverts are the social people, they love group
activities. They are, "sociable,
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Personality Application Paper Examples
Now that I have taken the personality type test, my results have shown that I am INFJ, the advocate,
which I believe that it does not relate to me. This personality mainly focuses on helping people and
tend to speak with people using their feelings and emotions. As a result, they forget to take care of
themselves because they are too busy taking care of others. However, some people might believe
that they're quiet, but truly INFJs only speak when they believe it's right. INFJs tend to be creative,
insightful, inspiring, convincing, determined, passionate, and altruistic. Unfortunately, they have
weaknesses, like every person, such as being sensitive, extremely private, perfectionist, and burning
out easily. Some of the results were accurate since I'm creative, ... Show more content on ...
Fashion design that is being able to combine different types of clothing with trend, style, color, and
era. This would fit my personality since I like picking out outfits and combining the different tone of
colors. Likewise, for designing posters, apps, clothing, or the interior of a house. Another example,
would be graphic design because I enjoy drawing and organizing, I will be able to organize my
thoughts and even drawings (layouts). I would like to pursue the arts, design, and photography, but I
would not want to pursue a career as counselor, psychologists, doctor, life coaches, or spiritual
guides. Since these careers have some of the aspects that are not accurate for my identity. For
example, a counselor has to listen to people and give advice, and I am the worst person to ask for
advice because I suck at giving advice and I'm not that patient. Likewise, for a doctor you have to
listen to your patient and try to help them by finding a cure. I would not be able to be patient to
listen to a patient because I would get
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My Personality Test On 16personalities
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the results of my personality test on The
following paper describes the results of my test, as well as what I learned from the detailed reports
of my personality type INFJ–T (Introverted Intuitive Feeling Judging–Turbulent). In her article,
Rajagopal states that, "the type indicator provides self–confirming insights and helps make
patterning of human behavior understandable and acceptable" (2008). My personality test taught me
not only about my personality, but also about my values, attitude, motivation, and decisions. I also
learned several things relating to my ability to work with others. The tests helped me learn more
about my strengths and weaknesses, and it also helped me ... Show more content on
This are allowed me to reassess and identify strengths and weaknesses that I may or may not have.
The strengths listed under INFJ–T are Creative, Insightful, Inspiring and Convincing, Decisive,
Determined and Passionate, and Altruistic (AnonymousAdvocate). Of these strengths, I can
personally identify with two at most. Knowing these strengths allows me to utilize them more
thoroughly. For example, I have always been decisive, but I never considered it a strength. Knowing
that I have decisiveness as a strength encourages me to want to go forward with my ideas so that I
can have a larger impact on my organization. It is also very important for me to be aware of my
weaknesses. One of the weaknesses that I identify with is need to always have a cause. 16
Personalities states that "INFJs get so caught up in the passion of their pursuits that any of the
cumbersome administrative or maintenance work that comes between them and the ideal they see on
the horizon is deeply unwelcome" (AnonymousAdvocate). Knowing this weakness will help me to
understand that whether or not a task has an end goal it was probably assigned to me for good
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High Emotional Intelligence : The Personality Of Emotional...
Everyone has as least pondered about how emotional intelligence can affect their own lives.
Emotional Intelligence ties together events in your life in more ways than one. In an evaluation of
myself, with the use of two online personality tests and articles, I have come into terms of what kind
of person I am. I exhibit qualities of an introvert, intuitive, judging, and assertive person (INFJ
Personality). My quality of thinking and feeling are more equal rather than being unbalanced (INFJ
According to another personality test that I took, I have a high emotional intelligence (Good EQ).
High emotional intelligence is important to acknowledge because it dictates how we manage
ourselves and govern how we communicate with others. Comparing these results to my personal
life, I can decipher why certain events in my life turned out in the way that they did. For example,
when I worked at a local fast food restaurant, I was under an extreme amount of unneeded stress
every time I went into work. With my high emotional intelligence, I managed the amount of stress I
was enduring to a point where I was able to function properly at work without personal feelings
involved. In the works of Emmerling and Goleman(2003)n.d.), they stated that the validity of
emotional intelligence has "not been able to account for a large portion of the variance in work
performance and career success"(Emmerling, R. J., & Goleman, 2003). This simply means that
other factors, when measuring
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Infj Introverts
Lisa Livingstone
Introvert(44%) iNtuitive(38%) Feeling(50%) Judging(44%)
You have moderate preference of Introversion over Extraversion (44%)
You have moderate preference of Intuition over Sensing (38%)
You have moderate preference of Feeling over Thinking (50%)
You have moderate preference of Judging over Perceiving (44%)
I actually took the Jung Typology Test twice on two separate days and I was pleasantly surprised
that the results where basically the same both times. I was a little skeptical about this personality test
but when I read the description for INFJ I found that most of the information was familiar to me. In
the INFJ description it states that we are generally well suited to the " inspirational" professions
such as teaching and religious leadership. I believe that I am a teacher at heart.
As an introvert my personal management style can be challenging. Working with in groups, giving
speeches, asked to supply critique, and asked to make snap judgments can be stressful moments for
introvert. This means that I would have to prepare a head of time to work in groups and give
speeches. In my experience, practicing a speech over and over again can help to overcome some of
the stress of communicating thoughts and ideas to groups.
Managers must communicate information and direction to their staff. The INFj description states ...
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The fact that stood out the most to me is Left brain processes in a linear, sequential, and logical
manner. I do use information piece by piece to solve math problems or work out a science
experiment. If a teacher or student is doing a problem and they skip a step to get to the answer it
causes me confusion. I have to see and work out each and every step to get the correct answer. There
was a lot of information is this self–assessment exercise that was not reflective of me such as left
brain students have little
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Description Of A Person 's Personality
Meara Gietl
Mrs. Leach
English 225 B3
6 December 2014
Word Count: 2371
ESTJ vs. INFJ– What is the Difference? A person's personality is his or her essence. It is what
guides decisions, emotions, and even thoughts. Some may wonder if it is possible to explore every
nuance of such a complex part of a being, but there are ways to determine what type of personality a
person has, and then branch off into a more detailed examination of that person specifically.
Combined with other factors, such as personality disorders and the environment that someone has
grown up in, the Myers–Briggs Type Indicator, or MBTI, test and analysis can determine an
accurate portrayal of a personality. Created in 1943 by Katherine Briggs and Isabel Briggs Myers, it
is a system made up of four basic functions and sub functions that combine to make a personality
type. The mother and daughter team constructed it off of Jung's theories (History 2). Based on this
system, one of the most common personality types in the US population is called an ESTJ, and one
of the least common personality types is called an INFJ. There are many differences and similarities
between these two types. An ESTJ personality, overall, is practical, fact–based, and outgoing,
whereas an INFJ personality is more private and makes decisions based on feelings; however, both
are organized people who make good leaders and are capable of great success in roles that involve
helping others.
Carl Jung was a Swiss psychologist who had many
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Analysis Of Myers Briggs Type Indicator Essay
Myers–Briggs type indicator has four characteristics and those four characteristics can combine to
sixteen personalities. The result of the test, I received the INFJ personality. The INFJ consists of an
Introvert, an iNtuitive, a Feeling and a Judging. For an introvert characteristic, I am a good listeners
and I like to listen more than talk. Before I speak or take action, I have to listen and think. When I
do not energy, I can build my energy because it comes from me. I have many ways to get an energy
back such as spend time alone and listen music, read a book or write a diary. For my leadership
style, I can listen my followers and have a process of thinking before make some decision on
projects or jobs. This style help to able thinking because everything cannot done by talking. The
intuitive type, I get information from seeing a whole picture. The whole picture can understand
almost everything, and then you can go through specific parts. I am a person who looks for the
future, but I learn the previous experience if the result of the previous experience is not quite good, I
try to make it better in future. Also, I am a type of person who likes to depend on sensory. I believe
in karma and destiny. When people do a good, they will get a good in return. For leadership style, it
helps leaders know overall. Moreover, leaders who work in a high level should understand the
whole organization, so they can make decisions. Leaders should do a good behavior for employees
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Myers-Briggs Evaluation
Yes, I agree with the overall classification of the Myers–Briggs assessment. At first, I had some
hesitations because I was not sure I could trust the evaluation. Surprisingly, after I revisited the site
to read the full description of INFJ, I was stunned by the character attributes. It was as if I was
reading a self–narration of my personality especially with phrases like "Strongly humanitarian in
outlook, idealists, preference for completion, doers as well as dreamers, sometimes mistaken for
extroverts because they appear so outgoing and are so genuinely interested in people. On the
contrary, INFJs are true introverts, inherent givers." The behavioral analysis had a shocking
resemblance with me, I have no choice but to agree with Myers–Briggs' classification.
The textbook gives a positive spin to all of the classifications so identify potential problems or
concerns someone with your classification might have in relation to being a leader in an
Giving a positive spin to all of the classifications does not address the potential pitfalls of the
different personality categories. Some of the concerns someone with INFJ might encounter are:
Leading in an organization with compromising values will cause inner conflict ... Show more
content on ...
Good leaders can leverage peculiar personalities as needed to accomplish a task. For instance, some
studies suggest that extroversion is a good leadership skill however, introvert leaders can exhibit
extroversion and studies have shown introversion does not necessarily impede leadership. As an
introvert when appropriate I can exhibit extroversion to accomplish a task. In essence best
leadership profile could be used interchangeably. Besides, even a relatively a good leader profile has
its drawbacks and that is why successful leaders employ brilliant people to complement their areas
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Infj Research Paper
According to Marriam–Webster Dictionary, a personality is defined as the set of emotional qualities,
ways of behaving, etc. that makes a person different from other people. While everyone may have
similar personalities, no one is exactly the same. Personalities are made up of different elements,
such as introversion, extroversion, observance, judgement, turbulence, and feeling. We have
different personalities due to many various components. Some of these include how and where we
were raised, our friends and family, our education, personal traits, and mentality. Since there is such
a wide range of personality types, there are online assessments which help determine the general
type of personality one has. I took two of these tests, one being ... Show more content on ...
They desire to find solutions to people–related issues. INFJs can easily take in information when a
significant part of it is devoted to the topic's relevance and connection to people. They are able to
quite easily comprehend material even when it consists of information that lacks significant logical
flow. An INFJ's learning is improved when they work independently with the study material, when
the material is delivered on a theoretical basis, when material is complex and delivered at a
moderate pace. Their learning is hindered when the knowledge gained does not significantly
broaden and deepen their understanding in the field, large amounts of information lacking
substantial conceptual connection are delivered at a fast pace, and when the material does not
engage their
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Personality Profile Essay
A personality profile identified me as having an INFJ personality type. This personality type
indicates preferences in four key areas; Introversion over Extraversion, Intuition over Sensing,
Feeling over Thinking, and Judging over Perceiving. This personality type paints a picture of an
individual who primarily lives focused internally utilizing intuition for data gathering with a
secondary mode that is external with decisions based on feelings and a strong personal value system.
(, 2015) An in depth examination of the four personality traits and the
personality temperament explain how I, as an INFJ, interact within the world, perceive the world,
and impact the world with my decisions. Needs work Managing Effectively ... Show more content
on ...
The temperament is first determined by the way in which I gather information. In my case, it is the
Intuition(N) portion of my personality type. Secondly, as an Intuitive the manner in which I evaluate
the data I have gathered. (Kroeger & Thuesen, 2002, pg. 52) In my case this is through Feeling(F),
making me an NF temperament. The NF temperament at work makes them "positive, affirming,
idealists whom others may like, but...difficult for others to disagree with." (Kroeger & Thuesen,
2002, pg. 52) aGood analysis. In The
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Essay about Leadership Development Report
Assessment Task 1 of
RMIT University
Leadership has a paramount importance in the business world. It is not about a position, but how a
person can influence others in creating and working towards that common organisation's goal, and
to create meaning in the works that we do. This report begins with the servant leadership framework
that covers what I value in leadership. Also included in this report are the self–assessments that
measure my leadership potential and competencies. This report also covers the issues associated to
the industry I have chosen to work in and address my person–specific issues.
II. LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT ... Show more content on ...
Secondly, intuition indicates an emphasis on abstract ideas and focusing on the meaning of the
bigger picture rather than solid details. Feeling focuses mainly on personal concerns and emotional
perception rather than the logical and objective facts. Judging describes about the need to have
control by planning, organizing and making decisions as soon as possible because of INFJs' deep
attention on the future. INFJ type is described as having the strengths of being determined and
passionate, altruistic, decisive, insightful, creative, inspiring and convincing.
Dr. Dranitsaris stated that INFJ leadership style is quiet and influencing. INFJ leaders often lead by
inspiring and motivating people with their ideals, working hard to gain the cooperation of others
rather than demanding it. In a business context, INFJ leaders also tend to genuinely care about the
people and how happy they are with their job. (Dranitsaris, 2009). This describes the traits
considered as strengths of the INFJ type: that of being warm, altruistic and passionate.
The main motive for every work done is not focused centrally on gaining personal benefit but for
the greater good of the broader society; to find value and purpose for every tasks. Also, INFJs are
described to be deeply concerned about their relations with people and how it links to humanity.
(Heiss, Butt, 1996) These are the strengths I believe I possess in myself and these characteristics go
in line with the
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Different Types And Differences Of The Myer-Briggs...
The Myer–Briggs Personality Theory is based off of the thoughts of Carl Gustav Jung, a Swiss
psychiatrist and psychoanalyst. However, the theory was created by a mother–daughter duo
consisting of Katharine Briggs and Isabel Briggs Myers. The two women believed that by using the
"stereotypes", as Jung referred to them as, it could help individuals understand their unique
personalities. At the crux of Myer–Briggs, lies the deciding personality "stereotypes". These include
introversion vs. extroversion, intuition vs. sensing, feeling vs. thinking, and judging vs. perceiving.
Judging and perceiving, however, have two functions. Judging is thinking and feeling while
perceiving is sensing and intuition. Together, these create the 16 different personality types. The
differences and similarities between two seemingly polar opposite personalities, INFJ and ESTP,
give insight into the human psyche.
Introversion vs. Extroversion Dr. Carl Jung said extroverts are drawn to a more external world of
people and activities while introverts tend to be more attracted to the internal world of thoughts and
feelings (Roy, 2017). ESTP types, the "E" standing for extroversion, are known for their desire to
seek outer stimuli to obtain placid functionality (Mind: Introversion vs. Extroversion, n.d., para. 3).
In simpler terms, this means that extroverts gain energy and happiness from being around large
groups of people. It is easy for ESTPs to internalize the energy of a large
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Leadership Self Assessment Report
Introduction: Introduce the major points you will cover in the paper.
Characteristics' and behaviors of successful leaders are both innate and learned (DuBrin, 2013).
Assessing ones personality, cognitive abilities, emotional intelligence, and behavioral characteristics
assists in determining the areas in which there is opportunity to increase ones effectiveness as a
leader. Utilizing the Humanmetrics Jung Typology Test, the Big Five Personality Factors, in addition
to three self–assessment quizzes from the Dubrin (2013) text this paper will discuss the instruments
chosen for the self–assessment and their results, personal reaction to the assessments, what the
results convey regarding leadership performance, and a summary of the most significant insights
gleaned from the assessment.
Assessment instruments I chose:
Assessment Instruments and My Reactions
The Humanmetrics Jung Typology Test resulted in an Introvert Intuitive Feeling Judging (INFJ)
profile. Those who exhibit the INFJ profile are described as people with a strong humanitarian view
of the world who possess a tendency towards idealism. In addition, the INFJs have few friends,
however, those friendships are intimate. At times the INFJ will withdraw as it is necessary for them
to recharge as they are susceptible to ... Show more content on ...
There are many aspects of the results of the assessments performed during this exercise that are
positive, and several that offer opportunities for improvement. I possess many attributes that will
enhance my ability to be an effective, productive, contributory member of the organizational team.
In addition, comprehending the areas for improvement, for example, my tendency towards
introversion, will assist me in changing to enhance my value as a team member. This exercise has
been very enlightening and advantageous in my pursuit of excellence in
... Get more on ...

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How Are Psychiatrists Really Different From Counselors,...

  • 1. How Are Psychiatrists Really Different From Counselors,... Shaun N. Hope Mrs. Lozares English II Honors 20 January 2016 How are psychiatrists really different from counselors, and what personal qualities will they need? The main difference between psychiatrists and counselors is that psychiatrists can prescribe medications & prevent mental disorders accordingly. Due to the fact that both occupations involve sitting down and interpreting the inner struggles of their patients, they can be confused at times by others. In reality, these two occupations are a lot different. Psychiatrists are required to have knowledge on subjects such as psychology, medicine, biology, dentistry, language, therapy, and counseling. A great psychiatrist needs to have great listening & critical thinking skills, social perceptiveness (otherwise known as the ability to observe & understand the reactions of others), speaking & writing skills, and judgement & decision making skills (Careerinfonet). Another quality that a psychiatrist will need, is to be able to display empathy, which is where the INFJ personality type comes in. They're very sensitive, and they can relate to the feelings of others with ease. They specialize in being able to explicate the emotions of others & delving deep into their thoughts to retrieve the answer to their difficulties. They have a unique sense of "feeling" the emotions of others, which may make them ideal psychiatrists, counselors, or therapists. The only downside is that they're highly irrational under stress, and ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. The Myers-Briggs Personality This past Friday the Myers–Briggs test determined my personality to be within the INFJ category. The character description helped me to identify different aspects of my personality, and I have reviewed the major ways I communicate with others and progress through various emotions. The career page encouraged me to consider possible careers matching the conditions under which I best thrive. The review also pinpointed my God–given gifts, showing my role in His will. As my result connotates, I am predominantly introverted, intuitive, feeling, and judging. I had only a slight preference of introvert over extrovert, playing likewise to the facts that INFJs have outward– reaching outlooks and seek to empathize with others on an intimate level. ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Introverted Intuition Knowing what you are seeing or hearing is sometimes an end in itself (such as when watching TV), but not often. Usually, we want to know what's going on around us so that we can specify goals and figure out how to achieve them.Knowing what you are seeing or hearing is sometimes an end in itself (such as when watching TV), but not often. Usually, we want to know what's going on around us so that we can specify goals and figure out how to achieve them.According to Carl G. Jung's approach to personality, extroversion is the tendency toward active actions as a dynamic response to the events and information from the external world. Extroverted people draw the energy for their undertakings from the outside world. The outside world is the main driver ... Show more content on ... Our young INFJ begins to appear dreamy and introspective – he begins to prefer to use his iNtuition to take in information, and he chooses to do this alone (Introverted). The dominant function of "Introverted iNtuition" begins to show itself as the prevailing aspect of his personality. From 12 – 20 years The auxiliary function asserts itself as a powerful support to the dominant function. Since all recent studies point towards the importance of a well–developed team of dominant AND auxiliary functions, this is an important time of "self–identification". Research suggests that people without a strong auxiliary function to complement their dominant function have real problems. From 20 – 35 years We begin to use our tertiary function more frequently and with better success. Our INFJ begins to use his Introverted Thinking function. He continues to make judgments with his Extroverted Feeling auxiliary function, but he also begins to make judgments based on logic and reason, which he works through in his own mind, rather than discussing it with others. From 35 – 50 years We pay attention to our fourth, inferior function. We feel a need to develop it and use it more effectively. Our INFJ begins to use his Extraverted Sensing function. He becomes more aware of his surroundings and begins to take in information from others in a more literal, practical sense. He continues to rely on his dominant Introverted iNtuitive function to take in information, but he is more able to use his Extraverted Sensing function than he has been before in his life. Some researchers have attested that the appearance of our inferior functions at this phase of life may be responsible for what we commonly call the "mid–life crisis".From 50 onwards From this age until our deaths, we have accessibility to all four functions. However, we use them in a more disciplined, differentiated manner than when we were very young. Our ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Characteristics Of A Personality Type A person's personality is his or her essence. It is what guides decisions, emotions, and even thoughts. Some may wonder if it is possible to explore every nuance of such a complex part of a being, but there are ways to determine what type of personality a person has, and then branch off into a more detailed examination of that person specifically. Combined with other factors, such as personality disorders and the environment that someone has grown up in, the Myers–Briggs Type Indicator, or MBTI, test (Enrichment 1) and analysis can determine an accurate portrayal of a personality. Created in 1943 by Katherine Briggs and Isabel Briggs Myers, it is a system made up of four basic functions and sub functions that combine to make a personality type. The mother and daughter team constructed it off of Jung's theories (History 2). Based on this system, one of the most common personality types in the US population is called an ESTJ, and one of the least common personality types is called an INFJ. There are many differences and similarities between these two types. An ESTJ personality, overall, is practical, fact–based, and outgoing, whereas an INFJ personality is more private and makes decisions based on feelings; however, both are organized people who make good leaders and are capable of great success in roles that involve helping others. Carl Jung was a Swiss psychologist who had many theories that still influence the scientific field today. One of his more famous theories deals ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Personality Type Introversion This paper exposes and explores the personality type Introverted, iNtuitive, Feeling and Judging (INFJ) in the workplace and how it closely relates to the results acquired from the C.J. Jung and Myers–Briggs personality tests taken on websites. Examination of Kroeger, Thuesen and Rutledge's (2002) research proposes that people should try to understand the personalities that make up a business environment rather than focusing on etiquette or a right way to be. Typewatching promotes a consciousness to assist business leadership effectively make impactful workplace decisions. Having an understanding of the how people operate in the workforce can have a major impact on how business leadership manages personnel. This paper will place a microscope ... Show more content on ... I can identify with some of the characteristics associated with the iNtuitive type. For instance, I tend to find the future and its possibilities more intriguing than frightening. (Jung Test, 2017) My intuition impacts my decision making in ways I cannot understand and is unexplainable to others. Generally speaking, if something doesn't "sit–well" with me then I won't make a decision. I firmly believe in the Bible, Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, the Holy Spirit, God's covenant and laws. Romans 8:14 state, "For all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God." (Romans 8:14, NLT) Being led by the Holy Spirit in demanding worldly business places can be difficult to navigate. However, it is not impossible. It is a godly ethical character, I aim to exude in the ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Jung Typology Analysis After taking the Jung typology test, I was astonished how the results described my disposition down to the minute details. My personality type is introvert, intuitive, feeling, and judging, INFJ for short. INFJs love people, but tend to only share their feelings with a selective few. Perceived as dreamers and doers, this unique combination of vision along with practicality enables INFJs to accomplish great humanitarian feats. Often they are deeply concerned for the people surrounding them, but when situations begin to get to emotionally tolling, this personality type tend to seclude into themselves pushing everyone away. Additionally, they often take on a disproportionate amount of responsibility. My persona matches the test results exactly. ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. The Personality Type Of The Infj Personality Essay The INFJ personality is known to be the world rarest personality type and often misunderstood. This type stand for a percentage of less than 2% of the overall world population according to Holm (2009), the majority of that percentage being female and some famous INFJ that can be named are Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King and Mother Teresa. My INFJ in academic and business milieu: from the past week assignment, my preferred four letters chosen base on the instructions received from Myers–Briggs type indicator were INFJ, which stands for Introverting, iNtuiting, Feeling and Judging. For this week assignment I was very surprise after taking the Jungian test to discover that my personality type fours letter were confirmed to be the same INFJ. Having my conformed INFJ profile means that in business milieu, my creativity and sense of responsibility come in first. Although as an INFJ I'm strongly introverted, I nevertheless highly care about my relationship with other individuals. At work I'm open to communication and always available when it comes to help colleagues to carry out on tasks or explaining work procedures. However, my personality type also implies that I can have sudden need for personal time away from others, which is my way to recharge and regain my energy. In an academic milieu, I'm more focus on setting and reaching my goals; I get motivated by planning in advance my studying weeks and do a lot of efforts to meet my assignment deadlines. I can get emotionally ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Infj Personality Analysis I agree and disagree with the results that I have a INFJ personality. I agree that I am an introvert person. I don't really spend a lot of time hanging out with other people and I am normally quiet when I am amongst big groups. I just like observing from the sidelines rather than being in the thick of it. I also agree that I am mostly intuitive. I mostly act on my instincts and experiences from the past. Additionally, I agree that I a have a judging personality. I enjoy sticking to routine most of the time. I found it uncomfortable or stressful if I don't follow a schedule or if I am late to something. Although, I can be flexible in certain circumstances. The one personality trait that I disagree about is that I have a feeling personality. ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. An Overview Of Meyers-Briggs Type To Work Literature, And... After reading and studying different personality types I discovered that in dissecting the characteristics that comprises people's personality it is a complicated but necessary element to ensure success both personal and business. In using the Jung Typology Test, Type to Work literature, and getting an overall analysis of my personality produced practical and applicable result. The activities used for me to become acquainted with myself gives necessary insight to the nature of my actions and sometimes lack thereof. This assignment helps to gain greater insight into personal and organizational synopsis of a worldview. There will be an overview of Meyers–Briggs Type – INFJ; which is the acronym for Introvert, iNtuitive, Feeling, ... Show more content on ... I often have conflict with one of my coworkers because she is a Perceiver. I adhere to deadlines and she changes decisions at the last minute. I learned that I have to be more open to other methods of meeting the end goal. I also learned that I would make a great leader because of my INFJ personality type. I had been reflecting on my current position and how I feel that I could offer more to the organization in a leadership position. The JTT along with reading Type Talk at Work, has motivated me to move forward in pursuing another position at the company I am currently employed. I find myself motivating and giving advice geared to work relations all the time to my coworkers. I could use my skills and characteristics to the fullest capacity now that I am becoming more aware of my personality ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Personality Test : My Personality Type According to the Jung Personality Test, my personality type would be referred to as INFJ. This stands for Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling and Judging. There are many different types of personality types; however, INFJ is noted to be the rarest of them all. While all of us can have certain traits of all letters, for example, an individual who is an introvert can also have some extrovert tendencies, this personality tests gives us an accurate assessment of our most pronounced traits. Each letter stands for a different aspect of my personality such as how we deal with others, how we gather information and make decisions, and our attitude towards others. A better understanding of a person's personality type will help that person analyze his/her own behavior, but also recognize possible weaknesses associated with that personality. Recognizing personality weaknesses is the key to becoming a better person, friend, co–worker, and manager. Very good Step 1 – My Personality Type – INFJGood use of headings; Personality was defined by Gordon Allport, an American psychologist, as "the dynamic organization within the individual of those psychophysical systems that determine his unique adjustments to his environment" (Robbins & Judge, 2009). This is a minor thing but check your spaces A simpler definition is how an individual reacts to and interacts with others as a whole (Robbins & Judge, 2009). ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. My Personality Type Fours Letter Essay UoPeople Written Assignment week two Course: PSYC 1205 Emotional Intelligence Subject: My MBTI personality INFJ The INFJ personality is known to be the world rarest personality type and often misunderstood. This type stand for a percentage of less than 2% of the overall world population according to Holm (2009), the majority of that percentage being female and some famous INFJ that can be named are Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King and Mother Teresa. My INFJ in academic and business milieu: from the past week assignment, my preferred four letters chosen base on the instructions received from Myers–Briggs type indicator were INFJ, which stands for Introverting, iNtuiting, Feeling and Judging. For this week assignment I was very surprise after taking the Jungian test to discover that my personality type fours letter were confirmed to be the same INFJ. Having my conformed INFJ profile means that in business milieu, my creativity and sense of responsibility come in first. Although as an INFJ I'm strongly introverted, I nevertheless highly care about my relationship with other individuals. At work I'm open to communication and always available when it comes to help colleagues to carry out on tasks or explaining work procedures. However, my personality type also implies that I can have sudden need for personal time away from others, which is my way to recharge and regain my energy. In an academic milieu, I'm more focus on setting and reaching my goals; I get motivated by ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Being An Ifj Being an INFJ, the rarest personality type, is weird. People think you're strange. You never seem to fit in. MBTI is almost analogous to 16 different psychological conditions. And the fact is most common types, are easily recognizable, if you send a day with them. That is, if that person is extroverted. If they are introverted, it takes more than a day, to narrow it down. Even so, INFJs take the longest to be typed and understood. It's almost like having that rare psychological condition, that's so difficult to identify. The rare condition is always misidentified as a more common condition, or in this case, mistaking an INFJ as an ISFJ or INFP. Notice, that I am saying condition not disease, because being an INFJ is not a disease, it is just being different. Talking about fictional characters, I would say Hiccup from "How To Train Your Dragon", is an INFJ who feels this difference. Like all INFJs, initially he tries to blend in, but somewhere along, he realizes he's different, he doesn't think like a normal Viking, do things the Viking way. He does it his way. Later, when he embraces it, he becomes a wonderful person. Like Hiccup, all INFJs have a rebel inside, making them want to break free from the chains of routine. But the breaking free ... Show more content on ... This makes the INFJ déjà vu a lot. Fe – focuses on the people involved, social implications, how to make it easier for the people around. This is the INFJ kindness, compassion and empathy. Ti – rationalizes the whole thing, thinks logically; thinks from a pragmatic or scientific point of view. This is what most people see as the INFJ coldness and logic. Se – is the thrill–seeking, rebellious part. INFJs love adventure and new experiences. If you're an INFJ, please remember to approach things in this order. And live extraordinarily. You don't need to stand out, you're made to stand ... Get more on ...
  • 24.
  • 25. Getting Acquainted With INFJ We all feel a certain sense of excitement when make the acquaintance of a new and interesting person. Learning about them, their interests, and what drives them can be like diving into a new story or book. It can feel like the start of a new adventure–but what if that new acquaintance we met was ourself? What if we had discovered aspects and traits about ourselves that might have been there all along but, upon inspection, somehow felt brand new? During my English 1301 class, we explored the sixteen personality types found in the Myers–Briggs Type Indicator and the four dichotomies that indicate our psychological preferences for how we perceive the world and make decisions. I have identified closely with the INFJ (introversion, intuition, feeling, judging) personality type in several ways. When I was younger, I seemed to demonstrate what would be considered extrovertive traits. I was sociable, popular, and often considered the "life of the party." It was in my junior year of high school that my introversion (I) really began to show itself as one of my primary personality preference. I noticed that hanging around and being social with my friends began to feel downright wearisome at times. I would often break away from everyone and shuffle off to some secluded corner just to be free of distractions. Somehow, my internal world just seemed so much more interesting than the external one. It was refreshing to get away from all of the ridiculous clamoring, and it allowed me ... Get more on ...
  • 26.
  • 27. Isabel Briggs Myers's Typology Personality Test After finishing Carl Jung's and Isabel Briggs Myers' typology personality test, I found out that my personality type is Introverted Intuition with Extraverted Feeling (INFJ). INFJ, also known as the Protector, are gentle, caring, complex and highly intuitive individuals. After reading about my personality type, I found that I agree with most of the following results. I have taken a few personality tests in the past and all of them have resulted in similar answers. Thus, when I read through my results I was not surprised by most of the answers. On the other hand, while I was reading through the results, I was surprised by INFJ being a rare personality type and only one percent of the population have it. Another instance where I was surprised ... Show more content on ... Other than that, I found the following to be accurate on my personality. Granted, I think the following results are useful to me because the personality test gives me options on a certain career fields I could potentially consider for my personality type. The information will help me in figuring out my future career because I am one of those people who has not figured out what I want to do for the rest of my life. I think the results will help guide me into the right direction for a career. Finally, after exploring the personality page links, I learned that I appear to seem like an extrovert but I am an introvert. The following means that I am so well at connecting with people that it seems like I am an extrovert. Also, I learned that I am strongly humanitarian in outlook. I am not surprised by this because I have been told by others that I am an individual who always tries to help make things better for not just a community but for others. Overall, I found the personality test to be very informative and I am definitely going to pay close attention to certain areas about my personality type to see if my personality really is like the test says it ... Get more on ...
  • 28.
  • 29. John L Holland Developed A Test John L Holland Developed a test, producing three letter codes to describe types. Holland believed there were six basic traits that combined to make a person's personality. The six traits are Conventional, Enterprising, Social, Realistic, Investigative, and Artistic. Three letter codes, derived form the first letter of each of the three highest related traits, are shown after the test is taken (Rayman, 2008). My personality type from this test was ACS, Artistic, Conventional, and Social (Rounds). Artistic was my highest score, and I think this is accurate. Currently I have an artistic social career goal in a collaborative art form. I think this will be a good fit based on this test. I can see evidence of my conventionality being fiscally conservative. Some careers that may be a good match are a teacher, program director, or social worker. These careers are exactly what I was thinking, but they would be a more practical application for someone with a high artistic trait. The Myers–Briggs Type Indicator Designed in the 1940s by American author Isabel Briggs Myers and her mother Katharine Cook Briggs, this objective test attempts to determine a person's personality type. It can commonly be applied to career one has chosen of will choose. There seems to be reasonable correlation between the indicator results, shown by a four–letter combination, and the career types people of that type choose. Due to it's wide use in career counseling and business, the Consulting Psychologists ... Get more on ...
  • 30.
  • 31. The Myers-Briggs Personality This past Friday the Myers–Briggs test determined my personality to be within the INFJ category. The character description helped me to identify different aspects of my personality, and I have reviewed the major ways I communicate with others and progress through various emotions. The career page encouraged me to consider possible careers matching the conditions under which I best thrive. The review also pinpointed my God–given gifts, showing my role in His will. As my result connotates, I am predominantly introverted, intuitive, feeling, and judging. I had only a slight preference of introvert over extrovert, playing likewise to the facts that INFJs have outward– reaching outlooks and seek to empathize with others on an intimate level. ... Get more on ...
  • 32.
  • 33. Myers-Brigg Personality Analysis According to Myers–Brigg personality test I am an INFJ (Introverted Intuitive Feeling Judging Personality): As I read the description on learning style, it surprised me how accurate the results were by just answering a few basics questions. For instance, a distinguish quality of an INF is creativity––– that it usually results in an inclination towards the arts. Moreover, an INFJ type personality tends to seek majors in the fields of education, counseling and science. In that sense, I am not only an artistic person, but also a student who loves science and seek to help others. As a matter of fact, I chose a career in the humanities during my undergraduate tenure as well as studies in biology (Human anatomy) for the reason that I believe that biology and the humanities go hand in hand. In my opinion, if someone decide to become a doctor or chose a career in the medical field, for example, it is not just enough to have knowledge about how the human body works, but also it is of great importance to posses an understanding of the social, and cultural aspects of an individual–––that is language, race, religion, etc. The same is true for the humanities, and proved of that is that some well known writers have even produced literature in the context of science (doctor/patient relationship), such ... Show more content on ... It also tends to challenge authority. The first statement is very accurate since when I study the only thing I'd like to hear are my thoughts. The second statement does not apply entirely to my learning style. I said "entirely" for the reason that I don't disrespect authority, I don't challenge authority, but I don't take statements as absolute truths without tangible explanation. In other words, a statement such "because that's the way it is", it does not satisfy my curiosity as a ... Get more on ...
  • 34.
  • 35. Characteristics Of Myer-Briggs Personality This paper explores the personality traits of the Myer–Briggs personality INFJ. Research for this assignment was conducted using the text book, the internet, and my personal account. While completing this project I gained a better sense of self and an individual, leader, and worker. It is my hope that this project can be used as a resource for others who have the same personality type as myself. Step 1 INFJ INFJ is my personality type. Upon finding my personality type I engulfed myself into finding any information available. What I discovered was that my strong sense of intuition is what I allow to lead my decisions. I also found confirmation that, I enjoy my alone time, I follow my passion, and I do not agree in doing things for the sake of doing them. This was extremely insightful, and although I know who I am it was enlightening to see research that explained who I was and why I act the way that I do. Life examples Growing up I was never shy, but I never felt the need to be the center of attention. However, when it was time to step up to the plate, I was always able to do so with ease. Often times my lack of shyness would leave my peers surprised that I was so good at certain things, because they never heard me talking much of myself. This transferred over to the work place as well. Up until recently I have been a classroom teacher. On several occasions my principals would disclose that they were shocked that I was so energetic. When I am in meetings I would not speak unless I had something meaningful to say. As a result, I think that would cause others to assume that I was one of low energy and unable to fulfil request that required a lot of speaking. Strengths and weaknesses Having a strong sense of self is a characteristic of my personality type. I take pride in my self– awareness. In addition, I enjoy having a strong intuition. I believe that this has aided me in making smart decisions in life, at work, and in general. I feel the best thing about self–awareness is you are not easily offended when you are misunderstood. An example of this at work happened when there was a disagreement between myself and my boss. She began to say a lot of derogatory statements to me. While it was hurtful ... Get more on ...
  • 36.
  • 37. How Is Atticus Finch A Good Leader Personality Review Essay: Atticus Finch from Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird What do you think when you picture a good leader? Do you picture someone who possesses integrity, loyalty, and knowledge or someone who is strong, loud and powerful? Leaders can have many different qualities and still be successful, respected, and admired. There are some leaders who are in total control, they tell a group of people what to do and people follow orders. Others may be focused more on morals, they teach people and listen to other people's ideas, and they want to help people; Atticus Finch from Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird is a really worthy comparison to this type of leader. Atticus falls under the INFJ personality type, some people refer to ... Show more content on ... Atticus can be described as an intelligent idealist. He spent many hours considering evidence that would work in Tom Robinson's favor. Despite the fact that Atticus knew Tom would be condemned either way, he still was able to conduct enough information to portray him as innocent, but the jury would never let a black man go free after being accused of sexually assaulting a white woman. The introverted thinking goes along with this in the way that introverted thinkers are able to reason and actually sit there and think of all the pros and cons. Atticus being the good leader he is, decided this would be a perfect opportunity to make some kind of difference in his community. The second letter of the INFJ personality type is INtuition. When Atticus received information, he was using his intuition. He doesn't just look at the details he looks at every single aspect of a situation. He imagined everything the future could hold throughout the story and took advantage of it. Atticus demonstrates amazing consideration for the people around him throughout the story. He decided to take on the very controversial case knowing that what he was doing was the right thing, he knew that almost everyone else had the same opinion of Tom and Atticus would be the only one to give him a fair trial. He took it upon himself to represent a man who was against all odds. A black man accused of assault in an almost all racist southern town was seen as ... Get more on ...
  • 38.
  • 39. Jung Typology Assessment A personality type dictates ones compatibility in his environment. A personality is an explanation for how one acts, feels, and thinks. Once a person can understand their personality type, one can investigate further in order to interpret new meaning within his persona. The Jung Typology assessment is a test that analyzes people based on their responses to a 64 question test. Once an individual completes the test each person is arranged into sixteen categories. Once I completed the test I was categorized under two types, ISFJ and INFJ. Each letter within the personality types indicate a specialized word. For example INFJ stands for: Introverted, Intuitive, feeling, and Judgement. ISFJ represents: introverted, sensation, feeling, and judgement. ... Show more content on ... While some careers are simply ludicrous, others radiate the rapport I express in my relationships. The careers that are extremely appealing are Counselor and Nurse. Both occupations require a harmonious interaction with patients. I find that I work more fluently when I have meaningful collaboration with people. Nursing requires a tender and caring hand in regards to interacting with patients. Counselors literally interact with clients in order to provide a conscious solution for patients through tentative listening. ISFJ's are categorized as a group of people who observe and remember specific details about a person. The occupations of nursing and counseling require a keen sense of understanding and commitment, which is specific to ISFJ ... Get more on ...
  • 40.
  • 41. What Is Your Ideal Career Essay My Ideal Career What happens when people get sick or injured badly? They would go to the hospital where they are greeted by compassionate and well–trained nurses. Nursing is an excellent medical career for those who are hardworking, compassionate, and willing to devote many hours into helping others. However, it is demanding. Nonetheless, I know that I have chosen the right path based on my personality and passion. The reasons why this career is a proper choice are presented as such: my results of the Myer–Briggs test, hemispheric dominance, receptive learning style, and Gardner's Multiple Intelligences. Also covered are previously considered careers, past job experiences, and other activities related to nursing. The results of the Myer–Biggs tests conclude that I am INFJ personality type. Percentages include: 44% Introverted, 12% Intuitive, 16% Feeling, and 34% Judging. Being introverted means that I get energized by being alone and get drained from being around people. I would have to adjust being around people and communicating for an averaged twelve hours, but I don't feel discomfort around people. Intuitive types "read between the lines and are abstract thinkers (Storm, 2015)," according to Susan on Psychology Junkie. Although it could be difficult to be always aware of my surroundings I will have an easier time creating different ways to solve a problem. My feeling trait allows me to connect with people on an emotional level, and it allows to me to go with my gut ... Get more on ...
  • 42.
  • 43. Majors PTI Assessment How well does one know himself or herself as a person? Or even the type of person they are? How can one tell if they're an introvert or an extrovert? There are so many questions that come to mind but no answers that follow. However, after taking the Majors PTI assessment was when I realized what type of person I am. My results revealed that I am an INFJ. What does that even mean? Well, being an INFJ means that I am an introvert, who uses their feelings and intuition to make their judgments. INFJ's like to use words and visions and be imaginative. They tend to make connections to everything and give a deeper meaning to every part of their life. Truthfully speaking, that's exactly the type of person I am. I prefer to deal with things according ... Show more content on ... There are many instances where my family and even my closest friends question why I am so reserved. They sometimes ask me why I am unable to fully open up and talk about my thoughts and feelings like they are able to and I never had an answer. I was never able to figure out why I am this way until I took this test. I realized that being a private person is one of the weaknesses of my personality type and that it is very common amongst INFJ's. This is something that is in fact easily noticeable based on the type of person I am. I like to keep my thoughts and feelings to myself. I find I very difficult to fully trust those around me. Finding someone I can fully trust whether it may be a friend or a love interest is like finding a needle in a haystack. Being a private person has made me worried about my future life and it makes me wonder if I will ever find someone who can fully understand and relate to me. I wonder if ill ever be able to find some whom I can blindly trust. In order for me to find those whom I can trust, I have realized that I need to let myself loose. I have learned to confide in a few of my closest friends. I have learned that sharing my thoughts and feeling with those whom I'm close to not only makes our relationship stronger but it makes me feel lighter. It makes me feel as if a weight load has been lifted off my chest and restores my trust in ... Get more on ...
  • 44.
  • 45. Personality Profile Reflection Paper These tests are designed to inform us of our personality, and advantages and disadvantages that may come with it. The goal is to characterize patterns of behavior, emotions, and thoughts that a person has carried throughout their lifetime. Understanding these patterns of yourself and of those around you is beneficial for group dynamics. The more you know and understand your personality the better you will be able to see how others view and react to you. Personality assessments can help us locate and change our weaknesses. They can help us better understand our motivations, styles of communication, strengths and how well we work with others. In the following paragraphs, I will discuss the insights that I have gained through each ... Show more content on ... It is the power supply towards productivity effectiveness and efficiency. This strength is the perfect driving force for my futuristic strength. Without it, I would not be able to meet those future goals that I am so passionate about. I found it quite interesting that Positivity was listed in my top five strengths. Not that I think that I am a negative person, but I definitely didn't think it would be one of my top three. People with the strength of Positivity are generous, optimistic, and enthusiastic. They have the ability to lighten the mood within groups and can turn a negative situation into an optimistic one. I have always been one to look at the glass half full and to find hope even in the middle of setbacks. While I don't believe that my enthusiasm is always at a contagious level, I do think that I look at situations positively more than the average person. The Strategic theme allows you to sort through the clutter and find the best route ( People with the strength of Strategic look for different ways to progress and introduce a new way of thinking. I agree that I am a strategic thinker, but I disagree that strategic thinkers make quick decisions. I find it hard to make quick decisions because I tend to overthink and look at situations from multiple points of view and possible outcomes. My last strength that is listed in my top five strengths is Responsibility. People ... Get more on ...
  • 46.
  • 47. INFJ-A Character Analysis Once upon a time, lived a girl in a world, not so far away. She desperately looked in every direction to try and figure herself out. Who was she? An introvert? Extrovert? Both? All she knew about herself, was that she loved to be around people, help them as much as possible, and tried to be open– minded about nearly everything. Although she could get confused on how she was feeling at times, she was very good at knowing how she felt. With all of this confusion, the girl decided to take some tests online to determine the kind of person she was. Searching through the internet she scours websites looking for one that appears legitimate, eventually finding a few that peaks her interest. Taking the first one that catches her eye, 16 Personalities, she ... Show more content on ... She went to 16 Personalities to learn about her specific lettering, she found an array of descriptions in their "Our Theory" article that explained her to a T. Being an introvert meant she tends to want to do solitary pastimes opposed to socializing with large groups of people. The intuition facet allows her to be open–minded and curious about the things around her. Her feeling nature sheds her light into the raw emotion she feels at any given time. Her tactics are very organized, thorough, and structured, which reflected in her style of judging. Lastly, her assertive identity shines through empowering her to be self–confident, calm–tempered, and an admirable leader. This School is very differential for her personality type. She goes to a big school with lots of people in her classes. Because she is an introverted wallflower, she prefers small class sizes. Keeping an open–mind is important to her morals and can get very aggravated when she is having a discussion with close– minded individuals. The girl can be quite flexible when necessary, but inclines to be more organized with structure and ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Infj Characteristics After learning about INFJ type– Counselor, I am totally agreed with the authors who have given the characteristics of the Counselor type very clear and accurate. David Keisey gave a lot of strengths to INFJ personality that makes me happier because I belong to this type of personality. However, I think he should emphasize more about the weaknesses of Counselors personality types, that might help people of this type to know more about themselves and happier in their life. For me, I have two major weaknesses that I really want to learn the way to fix them for helping me to be balance in the relationship with others in my daily life. Firstly, I have too strong intuition ability; I trust my instincts the most. This can result ... Get more on ...
  • 50.
  • 51. Personality Quiz, I Was Indicated As A Dreamy Idealist? Personality Essay By the 41 question personality quiz, I was indicated as a "dreamy idealist." This personality type is described as a quiet, reflective, and idealistic. As well as having a greatly developed value system that they stick too. They are extremely loyal and have a big interest in serving humanity and are mentally quick making them good writers and artist. That makes the jobs recommended for this personality type jobs that involve helping people or creativity. These include: writers, artists, counselors, social workers, teachers, clergy, missionaries, psychologists, psychiatrists, scientists, political activists, religious educators, and social scientists. These are just a few of the jobs recommended for this personality type. ... Show more content on ... As the Jung personality stated I can be very outgoing in some cases and am often mistaken as an extrovert. When I read the results to my mother, she was surprised that I tested that way. I don't necessarily agree with the fact that it is hard for me to express my emotions but rather my feelings behind my emotions. I very often have random emotional outburst but other times you wouldn't know I am feeling anything at all. Mostly I agree with that I am interested in the people around me and their wellbeing and, I often find myself up late at night talking to people who are upset. Also, as of now my dream job would be a physiatrist, so that I can learn about medicine as well as help people who need it. Also, I love writing and painting which is also described in the results of both test. Overall, I think both test results described me just from different ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Emotions And Personality With An Extraversion Emotions and personality with an extraversion introversion focus What is an emotion? "An emotion according to psychology today magazine is a judgment about the extent that the current situation meets your goals" (Altruism). From that definition our emotions in basics are relative to the satisfaction of our desires, and how our needs and wants are met in our lives. Beautifully one controls their emotions, because one can choose for himself by his conscious will. Yet there are other factors that play into emotions, one of them being our focus which is personality. What is personality? "Personality according to the american psychology association is the individual differences in characteristic patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving" (association). By that definition everything one can do is affected by their personality. One of the big five personality traits is introversion or extroversion. How are introverts defined? "Introverts are drained by social encounters and energized by solitary, often creative pursuits" (Psychology Today). In other words they are people who like solo activities over group activities. These are usually the writers, inventors, people who prefer to work alone. However that is not to say they can't have other jobs, and be good at them. It means they prefer to work alone. "Introverts are quiet, reserved, and task oriented..." (Kozak) How are extraverts defined? Extraverts are the social people, they love group activities. They are, "sociable, ... Get more on ...
  • 54.
  • 55. Personality Application Paper Examples Now that I have taken the personality type test, my results have shown that I am INFJ, the advocate, which I believe that it does not relate to me. This personality mainly focuses on helping people and tend to speak with people using their feelings and emotions. As a result, they forget to take care of themselves because they are too busy taking care of others. However, some people might believe that they're quiet, but truly INFJs only speak when they believe it's right. INFJs tend to be creative, insightful, inspiring, convincing, determined, passionate, and altruistic. Unfortunately, they have weaknesses, like every person, such as being sensitive, extremely private, perfectionist, and burning out easily. Some of the results were accurate since I'm creative, ... Show more content on ... Fashion design that is being able to combine different types of clothing with trend, style, color, and era. This would fit my personality since I like picking out outfits and combining the different tone of colors. Likewise, for designing posters, apps, clothing, or the interior of a house. Another example, would be graphic design because I enjoy drawing and organizing, I will be able to organize my thoughts and even drawings (layouts). I would like to pursue the arts, design, and photography, but I would not want to pursue a career as counselor, psychologists, doctor, life coaches, or spiritual guides. Since these careers have some of the aspects that are not accurate for my identity. For example, a counselor has to listen to people and give advice, and I am the worst person to ask for advice because I suck at giving advice and I'm not that patient. Likewise, for a doctor you have to listen to your patient and try to help them by finding a cure. I would not be able to be patient to listen to a patient because I would get ... Get more on ...
  • 56.
  • 57. My Personality Test On 16personalities The purpose of this paper is to discuss the results of my personality test on The following paper describes the results of my test, as well as what I learned from the detailed reports of my personality type INFJ–T (Introverted Intuitive Feeling Judging–Turbulent). In her article, Rajagopal states that, "the type indicator provides self–confirming insights and helps make patterning of human behavior understandable and acceptable" (2008). My personality test taught me not only about my personality, but also about my values, attitude, motivation, and decisions. I also learned several things relating to my ability to work with others. The tests helped me learn more about my strengths and weaknesses, and it also helped me ... Show more content on ... This are allowed me to reassess and identify strengths and weaknesses that I may or may not have. The strengths listed under INFJ–T are Creative, Insightful, Inspiring and Convincing, Decisive, Determined and Passionate, and Altruistic (AnonymousAdvocate). Of these strengths, I can personally identify with two at most. Knowing these strengths allows me to utilize them more thoroughly. For example, I have always been decisive, but I never considered it a strength. Knowing that I have decisiveness as a strength encourages me to want to go forward with my ideas so that I can have a larger impact on my organization. It is also very important for me to be aware of my weaknesses. One of the weaknesses that I identify with is need to always have a cause. 16 Personalities states that "INFJs get so caught up in the passion of their pursuits that any of the cumbersome administrative or maintenance work that comes between them and the ideal they see on the horizon is deeply unwelcome" (AnonymousAdvocate). Knowing this weakness will help me to understand that whether or not a task has an end goal it was probably assigned to me for good ... Get more on ...
  • 58.
  • 59. High Emotional Intelligence : The Personality Of Emotional... Everyone has as least pondered about how emotional intelligence can affect their own lives. Emotional Intelligence ties together events in your life in more ways than one. In an evaluation of myself, with the use of two online personality tests and articles, I have come into terms of what kind of person I am. I exhibit qualities of an introvert, intuitive, judging, and assertive person (INFJ Personality). My quality of thinking and feeling are more equal rather than being unbalanced (INFJ Personality). According to another personality test that I took, I have a high emotional intelligence (Good EQ). High emotional intelligence is important to acknowledge because it dictates how we manage ourselves and govern how we communicate with others. Comparing these results to my personal life, I can decipher why certain events in my life turned out in the way that they did. For example, when I worked at a local fast food restaurant, I was under an extreme amount of unneeded stress every time I went into work. With my high emotional intelligence, I managed the amount of stress I was enduring to a point where I was able to function properly at work without personal feelings involved. In the works of Emmerling and Goleman(2003)n.d.), they stated that the validity of emotional intelligence has "not been able to account for a large portion of the variance in work performance and career success"(Emmerling, R. J., & Goleman, 2003). This simply means that other factors, when measuring ... Get more on ...
  • 60.
  • 61. Infj Introverts Lisa Livingstone INFJ Introvert(44%) iNtuitive(38%) Feeling(50%) Judging(44%) You have moderate preference of Introversion over Extraversion (44%) You have moderate preference of Intuition over Sensing (38%) You have moderate preference of Feeling over Thinking (50%) You have moderate preference of Judging over Perceiving (44%) I actually took the Jung Typology Test twice on two separate days and I was pleasantly surprised that the results where basically the same both times. I was a little skeptical about this personality test but when I read the description for INFJ I found that most of the information was familiar to me. In the INFJ description it states that we are generally well suited to the " inspirational" professions such as teaching and religious leadership. I believe that I am a teacher at heart. As an introvert my personal management style can be challenging. Working with in groups, giving speeches, asked to supply critique, and asked to make snap judgments can be stressful moments for introvert. This means that I would have to prepare a head of time to work in groups and give speeches. In my experience, practicing a speech over and over again can help to overcome some of the stress of communicating thoughts and ideas to groups. Managers must communicate information and direction to their staff. The INFj description states ... Show more content on ... The fact that stood out the most to me is Left brain processes in a linear, sequential, and logical manner. I do use information piece by piece to solve math problems or work out a science experiment. If a teacher or student is doing a problem and they skip a step to get to the answer it causes me confusion. I have to see and work out each and every step to get the correct answer. There was a lot of information is this self–assessment exercise that was not reflective of me such as left brain students have little ... Get more on ...
  • 62.
  • 63. Description Of A Person 's Personality Meara Gietl Mrs. Leach English 225 B3 6 December 2014 Word Count: 2371 ESTJ vs. INFJ– What is the Difference? A person's personality is his or her essence. It is what guides decisions, emotions, and even thoughts. Some may wonder if it is possible to explore every nuance of such a complex part of a being, but there are ways to determine what type of personality a person has, and then branch off into a more detailed examination of that person specifically. Combined with other factors, such as personality disorders and the environment that someone has grown up in, the Myers–Briggs Type Indicator, or MBTI, test and analysis can determine an accurate portrayal of a personality. Created in 1943 by Katherine Briggs and Isabel Briggs Myers, it is a system made up of four basic functions and sub functions that combine to make a personality type. The mother and daughter team constructed it off of Jung's theories (History 2). Based on this system, one of the most common personality types in the US population is called an ESTJ, and one of the least common personality types is called an INFJ. There are many differences and similarities between these two types. An ESTJ personality, overall, is practical, fact–based, and outgoing, whereas an INFJ personality is more private and makes decisions based on feelings; however, both are organized people who make good leaders and are capable of great success in roles that involve helping others. Carl Jung was a Swiss psychologist who had many ... Get more on ...
  • 64.
  • 65. Analysis Of Myers Briggs Type Indicator Essay Myers–Briggs type indicator has four characteristics and those four characteristics can combine to sixteen personalities. The result of the test, I received the INFJ personality. The INFJ consists of an Introvert, an iNtuitive, a Feeling and a Judging. For an introvert characteristic, I am a good listeners and I like to listen more than talk. Before I speak or take action, I have to listen and think. When I do not energy, I can build my energy because it comes from me. I have many ways to get an energy back such as spend time alone and listen music, read a book or write a diary. For my leadership style, I can listen my followers and have a process of thinking before make some decision on projects or jobs. This style help to able thinking because everything cannot done by talking. The intuitive type, I get information from seeing a whole picture. The whole picture can understand almost everything, and then you can go through specific parts. I am a person who looks for the future, but I learn the previous experience if the result of the previous experience is not quite good, I try to make it better in future. Also, I am a type of person who likes to depend on sensory. I believe in karma and destiny. When people do a good, they will get a good in return. For leadership style, it helps leaders know overall. Moreover, leaders who work in a high level should understand the whole organization, so they can make decisions. Leaders should do a good behavior for employees to ... Get more on ...
  • 66.
  • 67. Myers-Briggs Evaluation Yes, I agree with the overall classification of the Myers–Briggs assessment. At first, I had some hesitations because I was not sure I could trust the evaluation. Surprisingly, after I revisited the site to read the full description of INFJ, I was stunned by the character attributes. It was as if I was reading a self–narration of my personality especially with phrases like "Strongly humanitarian in outlook, idealists, preference for completion, doers as well as dreamers, sometimes mistaken for extroverts because they appear so outgoing and are so genuinely interested in people. On the contrary, INFJs are true introverts, inherent givers." The behavioral analysis had a shocking resemblance with me, I have no choice but to agree with Myers–Briggs' classification. The textbook gives a positive spin to all of the classifications so identify potential problems or concerns someone with your classification might have in relation to being a leader in an organization. Giving a positive spin to all of the classifications does not address the potential pitfalls of the different personality categories. Some of the concerns someone with INFJ might encounter are: Leading in an organization with compromising values will cause inner conflict ... Show more content on ... Good leaders can leverage peculiar personalities as needed to accomplish a task. For instance, some studies suggest that extroversion is a good leadership skill however, introvert leaders can exhibit extroversion and studies have shown introversion does not necessarily impede leadership. As an introvert when appropriate I can exhibit extroversion to accomplish a task. In essence best leadership profile could be used interchangeably. Besides, even a relatively a good leader profile has its drawbacks and that is why successful leaders employ brilliant people to complement their areas of ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Infj Research Paper According to Marriam–Webster Dictionary, a personality is defined as the set of emotional qualities, ways of behaving, etc. that makes a person different from other people. While everyone may have similar personalities, no one is exactly the same. Personalities are made up of different elements, such as introversion, extroversion, observance, judgement, turbulence, and feeling. We have different personalities due to many various components. Some of these include how and where we were raised, our friends and family, our education, personal traits, and mentality. Since there is such a wide range of personality types, there are online assessments which help determine the general type of personality one has. I took two of these tests, one being ... Show more content on ... They desire to find solutions to people–related issues. INFJs can easily take in information when a significant part of it is devoted to the topic's relevance and connection to people. They are able to quite easily comprehend material even when it consists of information that lacks significant logical flow. An INFJ's learning is improved when they work independently with the study material, when the material is delivered on a theoretical basis, when material is complex and delivered at a moderate pace. Their learning is hindered when the knowledge gained does not significantly broaden and deepen their understanding in the field, large amounts of information lacking substantial conceptual connection are delivered at a fast pace, and when the material does not engage their ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Personality Profile Essay A personality profile identified me as having an INFJ personality type. This personality type indicates preferences in four key areas; Introversion over Extraversion, Intuition over Sensing, Feeling over Thinking, and Judging over Perceiving. This personality type paints a picture of an individual who primarily lives focused internally utilizing intuition for data gathering with a secondary mode that is external with decisions based on feelings and a strong personal value system. (, 2015) An in depth examination of the four personality traits and the personality temperament explain how I, as an INFJ, interact within the world, perceive the world, and impact the world with my decisions. Needs work Managing Effectively ... Show more content on ... The temperament is first determined by the way in which I gather information. In my case, it is the Intuition(N) portion of my personality type. Secondly, as an Intuitive the manner in which I evaluate the data I have gathered. (Kroeger & Thuesen, 2002, pg. 52) In my case this is through Feeling(F), making me an NF temperament. The NF temperament at work makes them "positive, affirming, idealists whom others may like, but...difficult for others to disagree with." (Kroeger & Thuesen, 2002, pg. 52) aGood analysis. In The ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Essay about Leadership Development Report LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT REPORT for RIZKY WAHYU ADRIYANI Assessment Task 1 of BUSM4177 LEADING FOR CHANGE RMIT University I. INTRODUCTION Leadership has a paramount importance in the business world. It is not about a position, but how a person can influence others in creating and working towards that common organisation's goal, and to create meaning in the works that we do. This report begins with the servant leadership framework that covers what I value in leadership. Also included in this report are the self–assessments that measure my leadership potential and competencies. This report also covers the issues associated to the industry I have chosen to work in and address my person–specific issues. II. LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT ... Show more content on ... Secondly, intuition indicates an emphasis on abstract ideas and focusing on the meaning of the bigger picture rather than solid details. Feeling focuses mainly on personal concerns and emotional perception rather than the logical and objective facts. Judging describes about the need to have control by planning, organizing and making decisions as soon as possible because of INFJs' deep attention on the future. INFJ type is described as having the strengths of being determined and passionate, altruistic, decisive, insightful, creative, inspiring and convincing. Dr. Dranitsaris stated that INFJ leadership style is quiet and influencing. INFJ leaders often lead by inspiring and motivating people with their ideals, working hard to gain the cooperation of others rather than demanding it. In a business context, INFJ leaders also tend to genuinely care about the people and how happy they are with their job. (Dranitsaris, 2009). This describes the traits considered as strengths of the INFJ type: that of being warm, altruistic and passionate. The main motive for every work done is not focused centrally on gaining personal benefit but for the greater good of the broader society; to find value and purpose for every tasks. Also, INFJs are described to be deeply concerned about their relations with people and how it links to humanity. (Heiss, Butt, 1996) These are the strengths I believe I possess in myself and these characteristics go in line with the ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Different Types And Differences Of The Myer-Briggs... ESTP vs. INFJ The Myer–Briggs Personality Theory is based off of the thoughts of Carl Gustav Jung, a Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst. However, the theory was created by a mother–daughter duo consisting of Katharine Briggs and Isabel Briggs Myers. The two women believed that by using the "stereotypes", as Jung referred to them as, it could help individuals understand their unique personalities. At the crux of Myer–Briggs, lies the deciding personality "stereotypes". These include introversion vs. extroversion, intuition vs. sensing, feeling vs. thinking, and judging vs. perceiving. Judging and perceiving, however, have two functions. Judging is thinking and feeling while perceiving is sensing and intuition. Together, these create the 16 different personality types. The differences and similarities between two seemingly polar opposite personalities, INFJ and ESTP, give insight into the human psyche. Introversion vs. Extroversion Dr. Carl Jung said extroverts are drawn to a more external world of people and activities while introverts tend to be more attracted to the internal world of thoughts and feelings (Roy, 2017). ESTP types, the "E" standing for extroversion, are known for their desire to seek outer stimuli to obtain placid functionality (Mind: Introversion vs. Extroversion, n.d., para. 3). In simpler terms, this means that extroverts gain energy and happiness from being around large groups of people. It is easy for ESTPs to internalize the energy of a large ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Leadership Self Assessment Report Self–Assessment Introduction Introduction: Introduce the major points you will cover in the paper. Characteristics' and behaviors of successful leaders are both innate and learned (DuBrin, 2013). Assessing ones personality, cognitive abilities, emotional intelligence, and behavioral characteristics assists in determining the areas in which there is opportunity to increase ones effectiveness as a leader. Utilizing the Humanmetrics Jung Typology Test, the Big Five Personality Factors, in addition to three self–assessment quizzes from the Dubrin (2013) text this paper will discuss the instruments chosen for the self–assessment and their results, personal reaction to the assessments, what the results convey regarding leadership performance, and a summary of the most significant insights gleaned from the assessment. Assessment instruments I chose: Assessment Instruments and My Reactions The Humanmetrics Jung Typology Test resulted in an Introvert Intuitive Feeling Judging (INFJ) profile. Those who exhibit the INFJ profile are described as people with a strong humanitarian view of the world who possess a tendency towards idealism. In addition, the INFJs have few friends, however, those friendships are intimate. At times the INFJ will withdraw as it is necessary for them to recharge as they are susceptible to ... Show more content on ... There are many aspects of the results of the assessments performed during this exercise that are positive, and several that offer opportunities for improvement. I possess many attributes that will enhance my ability to be an effective, productive, contributory member of the organizational team. In addition, comprehending the areas for improvement, for example, my tendency towards introversion, will assist me in changing to enhance my value as a team member. This exercise has been very enlightening and advantageous in my pursuit of excellence in ... Get more on ...