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Honor The Debt We Owe Veterans Analysis
Honor the debt we owe Veterans
The article I chose to write about was about Honor the debt we owe Veterans. This is a letter to the editor of Veterans. For at least 98 years we have
been honoring our veterans of war. On Nov. 11 was a day to remember with gratitude those who answered the call of duty to serve our country. During
the morning of the "eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month" in 1918, World War Iended. To commemorate, President Woodrow
Wilson, on Nov. 11, 1919, an order was issued to designate this day asArmistice Day. During 1938, Armistice Day was made a national holiday. Then,
it was given greater significance on May 26, 1954, when President Dwight Eisenhower, the man who had served heroically in the European theater
during World War II, signed a congressional resolution that changed Armistice Day toVeterans more content...
Most of the men and women who served have a lot of scars, some are visible upon their bodies and invisible upon their minds, of hardships they
endured. Most Veterans have a lot of trouble with their mind going back to the days of the war. On Veterans Day, we fly the Great American Flag
half–mast in memory of our fallen shoulders. My questions are Why did they have to fight in wars? What was it like back when the first war
happened? My speculations are that all veterans of all wars be recognized for what they go through in war. I feel that this story is true about we do
owe the veterans more than what they are
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Honoring The Veterans Essays
Honoring the Veterans
What is Honor Flight? It is an amazing organization that honors World War II and Korean veterans. The veterans go to Washington D.C. to see their
monuments for an entire day and some even go for multiple days. The veterans finally get to see the monuments that were built for them. The Korean
War memorial, the World War II memorial, and the beginning of Honor Flight all have a great story. Honor Flight is one the widest known
organization that is dedicated to veterans. Honor Flight was started by Earl Morse, a retired Air Force Captain and formal physician's assistant at the
Department of Veteran Affairs. He thought of the idea after seeing World War II veterans being upset by the idea of never being able to see the
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Honor Flight is very obvious about what they are doing for the veterans. Honor Flight's Mission Statement is "Transport America's veterans to
Washington, D.C. to visit those memorials dedicated to honor their service and sacrifices." Their Goal is: "Helping every single veteran in America,
willing and able of getting on a plane or a bus, visits THEIR memorial." Their Priority is: "Top priority is given to America's most senior heroes–
survivors of World War II and any veteran with a terminal illness who wishes to visit THEIR memorial. The program will naturally transition to
Korean War, Vietnam War and all other veterans who served, on a chronological basis." The eligibility to go on an Honor Flight is "All men and
women serving stateside or overseas." Their philosophy is: "Since America felt it was important to build a memorial to the service and the ultimate
sacrifice of her veterans, the Honor Flight Network believes it's equally important that they actually get to visit and experience THEIR memorial."
(About Honor Flight Network, 2007). Finally, their motto is a quote Will Rogers "We can't all be heroes. Some of us have to stand on the curb and
clap as they go by." (About Honor Flight Network, 2007).
The World War II Memorial gives honor to the 16 million Americans who served during this terrible war (World War II Memorial, 2013). On May 25,
1993, President Clinton signed a law saying that the American Battle Monuments Commission
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Honoring Veterans
Despite the fact that only one day of the year is dedicated solely to honoring our veterans,our heroes,. I just want to say thank you for the sacrifices
you and your families are making. For putting your lives on the line to protect the freedoms that we enjoy and for dedicating your lives to our country.
Every veteran deserves to be recognized for their
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Why Is Veterans Day Important
Honoring our Veterans is so important. They fought for us and some died fighting for peace. Veterans Day is also known as Remembrance Day, a
day to remember those who died, but also celebrate those who fought on and lived through the battles. We should keep honoring our Veterans
because war is not over. We still have people fighting for us right now. Veterans has been celebrated for so many years and in 1938, the day had so
many ceremonies and parades that Congress marked it an official holiday. I would like to thank both of my great–grandpas, for fighting for peace in
America and other countries.
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Why Do We Honor Veterans?
Honoring those that have served our country has been a long–standing tradition in one of the countries with the best militaries in the world. We even
have an annual holiday celebrating those who have served where an entire day is dedicated to veterans in our country. But the question is often asked
as to why we honor these veterans with their own day, and why they are treated with the utmost respect year round. I believe the answer varies from
person to person, but the answer is clear to me. We honor our veterans because every day they put their lives on the line to protect our country; to
preserve the freedom of this great land. Without question, without hesitation, these brave people come forth every day to help defend the 350 million
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The Importance Of Honoring Our Veterans
Why do we honor our veterans? Well because they serve and protect our country, they sign their life away, and they brave enough to take that risk.
Those are just some of the very few reasons why we should. I think all us citizens should honor our veterans for what they do for our country. The
first reason why i think we should honor them is bc they serve and protect us. Veterans give us a sense of hope. Hope that we will be safe on a
daily bases. And that they go out there every day putting there lives on the line to protect the people of america. They take there first few adult years
of there lives to go out and protect us, giving up their freedom so we can have ours. That is why we should honor them. The second reason as to why i
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Honor Veterans
Honoring veterans and their families
VA St. Louis Health Care System makes changes to provide exceptional health care to vets
The VA St. Louis Health Care System has been dedicated to serving the health care needs of veterans and their families for decades. With the needs of
patients growing and the buildings located on the Jefferson Barracks campus becoming obsolete, the time came for the campus to be updated.
The Jefferson Barracks Division offers several services to those seeking assistance. The multi–building complex provides spinal cord injury treatment,
psychiatric care, nursing home care, geriatric health care, a rehabilitation domiciliary program for homeless vets and rehabilitation services. Once
complete, this division will more content...
In total, 18 buildings will be demolished and five new buildings are to replace them. These changes have been in the works for many years, even
though construction only started close to a year ago.
"It took a good number of years to get money to start design, and now, here we are approaching the midpoint of construction, says Grabski.
As construction at the Jefferson Barracks Division continues, both the veterans and staff are anticipating the changes being made and how they can
benefit from them. With things improving on the campus, veterans will be sure that they are receiving the best care possible, which is a great way to
honor them for their service.
"The campus is really changing. The veterans seem very grateful that this project is underway," Grabski says. "Once we are done, it is going to be a
great thing. There was over $300 million of capital invested in this campus. It's says a lot for the VA that they have invested into Jefferson
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Respect For Veterans Research Paper
In honoring of the veterans who served for our country to have us the way the united states is today. You should always be thankful for them
serving for our country because they are the reason that we have the freedom we do have and the rights. You should always honor them because
they were risking their live and sacrificed their lives to save our country and they also chose to leave their families and some have may not returned
back home so therefore you should always be respectful to them and show them that you care. If it wasn't from them it could be totally different than
how it is now because they chose to fight or risk their lives for ours and that's why we have many rights and we also have the right to vote now
because back then it
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Speech On Honor Veterans
Honoring Veterans, West Delaware High School participated in an assembly on Nov.11 hosted in the Handson Auditorium.The event was arranged and
prepared by teacher Jorden Pollock, with seniors Nicholas Juergens and Bergan Bloomers representing the student body. Beginning the event Blank
posted the colors, followed by West DelawareВґs Concert Choir singing the national anthem. Larry Beeman gave a speech to honor veterans and their
families. In addition, veterans gave a demonstration of the flag folding ceremony and a presentation of America's White Table honoring the men and
women who have served in America's armed forces. "I have a brother in the army, and he has made me more aware of the people fighting for our
country. I thought is was
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Veterans Thank You Speech
THANK YOU To thank all veterans.thank you for all you did we as a world can't forget about you guys. You all risk your life to keep us in a free
country , so thank you for going to war to keep us safe and your family safe . And don't forget the end at the end of the all this because you touched
us in a living way and nobody else could do more of what you could do more of what you could and at the end of all of this drama and heart breaking
things you go threw too see your people die with all this hard work they did . For you away from getting hurt when you go outside so you are the best
Thank you veterans ANDRE BROOKS GRADE
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Honoring Military Veterans Heroes
I agree with his opinion, and that calling all military veterans heroes is a misuse of the word. I believe the military in general does deserve respect,
they perform a very dangerous job on behalf of the country. It is however, just that; a job. Military veterans, joined willingly, and make a living for
themselves. Do not mistake me, I think we should be doing so much more for veterans, providing health care, specifically within mental health,
providing jobs and more. However, calling all veterans heroes is a mistake, and it does devalue the word. Hero, is a term, that once might have been
exclusively for the people we see in the medal of honor recipients below, those that faced great trials, and disregarding their own safety, acted solely
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Benefits Of Honoring Veterans
A benefit of being a veteran and the veteran families is health care benefits programs that provides coverage to the spouse or widow and to the
dependent children of a qualifying sponsor.The veteran can have life insurance and have many special things.The most important thing is is that they
should know that they are heros.Whether if they are disabled or not they put their lives on the line to protect our country.We should always be kind to
the heros.You should always be kind to anyone no matter what.Thanks to the veterans we are safe and our country stands free.Any day especially
Veterans Day,the best way we can honor veterans is to keep our nation's promise to them like Abraham Lincoln said
– "to care for him who shall have
borne the battle
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Analysis: Why I Appreciate America's Veterans
Why I Appreciate America's Veterans Veterans are people who have served in the military. They are an amazing part of society that deserve to be
honored. The brave men and women who protected the U.S. are astounding. I am not the only one who feels this way. Across the country, many
support groups, help hotlines, and foundations to help veterans exist. Each lends a hand to the former heroes. Did you know that in 2010, more than
$291 million dollars was donated to Veterans charities? There are about 23.2 veterans living in the U.S.A, and these groups help them out. On
November 11th each year, we honor those who have guarded us, alive and deceased. We stop and remember how lucky we are that there are people
who will volunteer their lives in
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A Veteran's Honor
Honor is the pride and respect of veterans who served their country and kept it safe. How one person thanks the veterans is different from another.
However, honor and morals sometimes get confused during the time of war. The Navy sometimes names their ships after war heroes for their actions
and bravery. However, shouldn't the military do that for all veterans alive or dead? Some veterans don't even get the honor and respect they earned for
serving their country. When Veteran's Day became an official holiday in theUnited States, Americans honored them by giving out discounts or free
items for that day. Many restaurants such as Applebee's and Olive Garden give discounts or free food to veterans as a thank you to them for their
service. Some veterans wear their uniforms when going out on this day. Some places have parades for the veterans in honor of them. Memorial
Day and Independence Day in some Americans eyes can be considered a time to honor veterans as well. On Independence Day most Americans
wear red, white and blue and shoot off fireworks and play music not only to celebrate America's birthday, but to honor all the men and women who
died in battle as well as honor the ones that are alive. Some veterans have reunions after the time they served with the people who was with them
during that time. Anywhere a reunion is being held like, the beach or in a major city like Boston or Jacksonville, etc. Hotels will give big discounts
for the time they served and they respect
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Graduation Speech: The Vietnam War
You walk down the street. You eat, live safely, and are educated at a top notch. You, luckily like I, were given these rights without fighting for it.
But some people, heroes, fight and give their lives for us. They've confined themselves to a life of fighting and violence to give us peace, and
they're haunted by the gunshots and war. Though not all veterans have killed a man or two, they've all risked their lives and threw their lives into an
area of force that could result in pain or worse; and we can't even thank them. It's honestly sad that we, as people, don't thank our veterans enough.
After all they've done, you all stand here and only give them one day of honour per year, meanwhile they give years of dedication to us. Can't we give
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The Importance Of Honoring Veterans
Estrella Mercado Mr. Early Honors English October 27, 2016 Honoring Veterans Any man or woman who goes to war to serve for our country
should always remain recognized for their sacrificial decisions to protect all the people of the United States. That is why Veteran's Day is so
important to the not only the troops' family, but to everyone. Individually we recognize the hard work that they do, the daily sacrifices they make,
and putting their life on the line for our freedom and justice. Veteran's day is for current troops who are serving and for former troops as a
consequence to renounce their great doings. All veterans should always continue to obtain recognition for when they served no matter when or where
it was. If it weren't for our
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Why Are Veterans Considered Heroes
Veterans day Why are veterans considered heroes? I believe that veterans are heroes because they willingly put there life on the line for other
people in our country. They left their families to help the rest of the country. Just thinking about leaving my family is heartbreaking. I look at the
veterans i know and wonder how they did it, how hard it was for them to leave there all the time ,to miss holidays and birthday. It had to be even
harder to only get to see your kids and wife every couple months or even two or three times a year.this is why i think veterans are heroes.
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Why Should We Honor Veterans Essay
Why do we honor our veterans? Thats a great question and today i'm going to explain the 3 main reason on why we honor our veterans. There are
about 22 million veterans serving in our country right now. It takes a a lot of nerve to get out there and serve for us but they want to help the
country. The first reason that we should honor our veterans is that they have risked their lives so we america could live in a better county. Many
people don't stop to think all they go through just to make sure that we have a happy and safe county. Men and women risk their lives everyday and
sometimes we don't take the time to think about everything they go through everyday just to help us. From the waking moment to the second they get
to try and relax more content...
Throughout history our county has been in trouble and we didn't us to be free. To this day soldiers have woke up and went out of their way to make
sure our country is safe and sound. They knew how bad things could become but they didn't care all they knew is this is what they wanted to do.
Many people do not get to return to their families and they leave knowing that their last goodbye could be right then. The last reason is they leave their
own family just to serve from us. They have no other reason for wanting to help the country other than hope. They have hope they can save the
country one day and make sure we are free. Nobody understands the pain of having someone you love leave you and knowing they may never
come back is hard but they promise one thing and that is that they will try to help at least one person. My grandpa was in the army and luckily made
it back safely but not everyone can be like that. Imagine that your son or daughter of husband or wife risk their life and you get the call that they did
not make it, that makes you more thankful is knowing that many people don't come home. And this is the reasons i think that we honor our veterans
today. I believe that everyone should be more thankful to the people that die everyday due to trying to make america great
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Why America's Veterans Should Be Honored
The reason why I appreciate America's Veterans, is because they do everything for our country. We all should appreciate every single American
Veteran. They risk their lives for us mostly every single day. I believe America's veterans should be honored because they have helped to keep
freedom in our country. Without them we would have lost many important wars which have affected our freedom and quality of life. They have kept
our country strong and full of pride. I think they were very brave for being on the front lines of our wars and battles. Even those who were not on the
front lines but served as backups were brave for helping and supporting those that were fighting on the battlefields.They are courageous for putting their
lives in danger
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Honor The Debt We Owe Veterans Analysis

  • 1. Honor The Debt We Owe Veterans Analysis Honor the debt we owe Veterans The article I chose to write about was about Honor the debt we owe Veterans. This is a letter to the editor of Veterans. For at least 98 years we have been honoring our veterans of war. On Nov. 11 was a day to remember with gratitude those who answered the call of duty to serve our country. During the morning of the "eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month" in 1918, World War Iended. To commemorate, President Woodrow Wilson, on Nov. 11, 1919, an order was issued to designate this day asArmistice Day. During 1938, Armistice Day was made a national holiday. Then, it was given greater significance on May 26, 1954, when President Dwight Eisenhower, the man who had served heroically in the European theater during World War II, signed a congressional resolution that changed Armistice Day toVeterans more content... Most of the men and women who served have a lot of scars, some are visible upon their bodies and invisible upon their minds, of hardships they endured. Most Veterans have a lot of trouble with their mind going back to the days of the war. On Veterans Day, we fly the Great American Flag half–mast in memory of our fallen shoulders. My questions are Why did they have to fight in wars? What was it like back when the first war happened? My speculations are that all veterans of all wars be recognized for what they go through in war. I feel that this story is true about we do owe the veterans more than what they are Get more content on
  • 2. Honoring The Veterans Essays Honoring the Veterans What is Honor Flight? It is an amazing organization that honors World War II and Korean veterans. The veterans go to Washington D.C. to see their monuments for an entire day and some even go for multiple days. The veterans finally get to see the monuments that were built for them. The Korean War memorial, the World War II memorial, and the beginning of Honor Flight all have a great story. Honor Flight is one the widest known organization that is dedicated to veterans. Honor Flight was started by Earl Morse, a retired Air Force Captain and formal physician's assistant at the Department of Veteran Affairs. He thought of the idea after seeing World War II veterans being upset by the idea of never being able to see the more content... Honor Flight is very obvious about what they are doing for the veterans. Honor Flight's Mission Statement is "Transport America's veterans to Washington, D.C. to visit those memorials dedicated to honor their service and sacrifices." Their Goal is: "Helping every single veteran in America, willing and able of getting on a plane or a bus, visits THEIR memorial." Their Priority is: "Top priority is given to America's most senior heroes– survivors of World War II and any veteran with a terminal illness who wishes to visit THEIR memorial. The program will naturally transition to Korean War, Vietnam War and all other veterans who served, on a chronological basis." The eligibility to go on an Honor Flight is "All men and women serving stateside or overseas." Their philosophy is: "Since America felt it was important to build a memorial to the service and the ultimate sacrifice of her veterans, the Honor Flight Network believes it's equally important that they actually get to visit and experience THEIR memorial." (About Honor Flight Network, 2007). Finally, their motto is a quote Will Rogers "We can't all be heroes. Some of us have to stand on the curb and clap as they go by." (About Honor Flight Network, 2007). The World War II Memorial gives honor to the 16 million Americans who served during this terrible war (World War II Memorial, 2013). On May 25, 1993, President Clinton signed a law saying that the American Battle Monuments Commission Get more content on
  • 3. Honoring Veterans Despite the fact that only one day of the year is dedicated solely to honoring our veterans,our heroes,. I just want to say thank you for the sacrifices you and your families are making. For putting your lives on the line to protect the freedoms that we enjoy and for dedicating your lives to our country. Every veteran deserves to be recognized for their Get more content on
  • 4. Why Is Veterans Day Important Honoring our Veterans is so important. They fought for us and some died fighting for peace. Veterans Day is also known as Remembrance Day, a day to remember those who died, but also celebrate those who fought on and lived through the battles. We should keep honoring our Veterans because war is not over. We still have people fighting for us right now. Veterans has been celebrated for so many years and in 1938, the day had so many ceremonies and parades that Congress marked it an official holiday. I would like to thank both of my great–grandpas, for fighting for peace in America and other countries. Get more content on
  • 5. Why Do We Honor Veterans? Honoring those that have served our country has been a long–standing tradition in one of the countries with the best militaries in the world. We even have an annual holiday celebrating those who have served where an entire day is dedicated to veterans in our country. But the question is often asked as to why we honor these veterans with their own day, and why they are treated with the utmost respect year round. I believe the answer varies from person to person, but the answer is clear to me. We honor our veterans because every day they put their lives on the line to protect our country; to preserve the freedom of this great land. Without question, without hesitation, these brave people come forth every day to help defend the 350 million people Get more content on
  • 6. The Importance Of Honoring Our Veterans Why do we honor our veterans? Well because they serve and protect our country, they sign their life away, and they brave enough to take that risk. Those are just some of the very few reasons why we should. I think all us citizens should honor our veterans for what they do for our country. The first reason why i think we should honor them is bc they serve and protect us. Veterans give us a sense of hope. Hope that we will be safe on a daily bases. And that they go out there every day putting there lives on the line to protect the people of america. They take there first few adult years of there lives to go out and protect us, giving up their freedom so we can have ours. That is why we should honor them. The second reason as to why i think Get more content on
  • 7. Honor Veterans Honoring veterans and their families VA St. Louis Health Care System makes changes to provide exceptional health care to vets The VA St. Louis Health Care System has been dedicated to serving the health care needs of veterans and their families for decades. With the needs of patients growing and the buildings located on the Jefferson Barracks campus becoming obsolete, the time came for the campus to be updated. The Jefferson Barracks Division offers several services to those seeking assistance. The multi–building complex provides spinal cord injury treatment, psychiatric care, nursing home care, geriatric health care, a rehabilitation domiciliary program for homeless vets and rehabilitation services. Once complete, this division will more content... In total, 18 buildings will be demolished and five new buildings are to replace them. These changes have been in the works for many years, even though construction only started close to a year ago. "It took a good number of years to get money to start design, and now, here we are approaching the midpoint of construction, says Grabski. As construction at the Jefferson Barracks Division continues, both the veterans and staff are anticipating the changes being made and how they can benefit from them. With things improving on the campus, veterans will be sure that they are receiving the best care possible, which is a great way to honor them for their service. "The campus is really changing. The veterans seem very grateful that this project is underway," Grabski says. "Once we are done, it is going to be a great thing. There was over $300 million of capital invested in this campus. It's says a lot for the VA that they have invested into Jefferson Get more content on
  • 8. Respect For Veterans Research Paper In honoring of the veterans who served for our country to have us the way the united states is today. You should always be thankful for them serving for our country because they are the reason that we have the freedom we do have and the rights. You should always honor them because they were risking their live and sacrificed their lives to save our country and they also chose to leave their families and some have may not returned back home so therefore you should always be respectful to them and show them that you care. If it wasn't from them it could be totally different than how it is now because they chose to fight or risk their lives for ours and that's why we have many rights and we also have the right to vote now because back then it Get more content on
  • 9. Speech On Honor Veterans Honoring Veterans, West Delaware High School participated in an assembly on Nov.11 hosted in the Handson Auditorium.The event was arranged and prepared by teacher Jorden Pollock, with seniors Nicholas Juergens and Bergan Bloomers representing the student body. Beginning the event Blank posted the colors, followed by West DelawareВґs Concert Choir singing the national anthem. Larry Beeman gave a speech to honor veterans and their families. In addition, veterans gave a demonstration of the flag folding ceremony and a presentation of America's White Table honoring the men and women who have served in America's armed forces. "I have a brother in the army, and he has made me more aware of the people fighting for our country. I thought is was Get more content on
  • 10. Veterans Thank You Speech THANK YOU To thank all veterans.thank you for all you did we as a world can't forget about you guys. You all risk your life to keep us in a free country , so thank you for going to war to keep us safe and your family safe . And don't forget the end at the end of the all this because you touched us in a living way and nobody else could do more of what you could do more of what you could and at the end of all of this drama and heart breaking things you go threw too see your people die with all this hard work they did . For you away from getting hurt when you go outside so you are the best Thank you veterans ANDRE BROOKS GRADE Get more content on
  • 11. Honoring Military Veterans Heroes I agree with his opinion, and that calling all military veterans heroes is a misuse of the word. I believe the military in general does deserve respect, they perform a very dangerous job on behalf of the country. It is however, just that; a job. Military veterans, joined willingly, and make a living for themselves. Do not mistake me, I think we should be doing so much more for veterans, providing health care, specifically within mental health, providing jobs and more. However, calling all veterans heroes is a mistake, and it does devalue the word. Hero, is a term, that once might have been exclusively for the people we see in the medal of honor recipients below, those that faced great trials, and disregarding their own safety, acted solely Get more content on
  • 12. Benefits Of Honoring Veterans A benefit of being a veteran and the veteran families is health care benefits programs that provides coverage to the spouse or widow and to the dependent children of a qualifying sponsor.The veteran can have life insurance and have many special things.The most important thing is is that they should know that they are heros.Whether if they are disabled or not they put their lives on the line to protect our country.We should always be kind to the heros.You should always be kind to anyone no matter what.Thanks to the veterans we are safe and our country stands free.Any day especially Veterans Day,the best way we can honor veterans is to keep our nation's promise to them like Abraham Lincoln said – "to care for him who shall have borne the battle Get more content on
  • 13. Analysis: Why I Appreciate America's Veterans Why I Appreciate America's Veterans Veterans are people who have served in the military. They are an amazing part of society that deserve to be honored. The brave men and women who protected the U.S. are astounding. I am not the only one who feels this way. Across the country, many support groups, help hotlines, and foundations to help veterans exist. Each lends a hand to the former heroes. Did you know that in 2010, more than $291 million dollars was donated to Veterans charities? There are about 23.2 veterans living in the U.S.A, and these groups help them out. On November 11th each year, we honor those who have guarded us, alive and deceased. We stop and remember how lucky we are that there are people who will volunteer their lives in Get more content on
  • 14. A Veteran's Honor Honor is the pride and respect of veterans who served their country and kept it safe. How one person thanks the veterans is different from another. However, honor and morals sometimes get confused during the time of war. The Navy sometimes names their ships after war heroes for their actions and bravery. However, shouldn't the military do that for all veterans alive or dead? Some veterans don't even get the honor and respect they earned for serving their country. When Veteran's Day became an official holiday in theUnited States, Americans honored them by giving out discounts or free items for that day. Many restaurants such as Applebee's and Olive Garden give discounts or free food to veterans as a thank you to them for their service. Some veterans wear their uniforms when going out on this day. Some places have parades for the veterans in honor of them. Memorial Day and Independence Day in some Americans eyes can be considered a time to honor veterans as well. On Independence Day most Americans wear red, white and blue and shoot off fireworks and play music not only to celebrate America's birthday, but to honor all the men and women who died in battle as well as honor the ones that are alive. Some veterans have reunions after the time they served with the people who was with them during that time. Anywhere a reunion is being held like, the beach or in a major city like Boston or Jacksonville, etc. Hotels will give big discounts for the time they served and they respect Get more content on
  • 15. Graduation Speech: The Vietnam War You walk down the street. You eat, live safely, and are educated at a top notch. You, luckily like I, were given these rights without fighting for it. But some people, heroes, fight and give their lives for us. They've confined themselves to a life of fighting and violence to give us peace, and they're haunted by the gunshots and war. Though not all veterans have killed a man or two, they've all risked their lives and threw their lives into an area of force that could result in pain or worse; and we can't even thank them. It's honestly sad that we, as people, don't thank our veterans enough. After all they've done, you all stand here and only give them one day of honour per year, meanwhile they give years of dedication to us. Can't we give Get more content on
  • 16. The Importance Of Honoring Veterans Estrella Mercado Mr. Early Honors English October 27, 2016 Honoring Veterans Any man or woman who goes to war to serve for our country should always remain recognized for their sacrificial decisions to protect all the people of the United States. That is why Veteran's Day is so important to the not only the troops' family, but to everyone. Individually we recognize the hard work that they do, the daily sacrifices they make, and putting their life on the line for our freedom and justice. Veteran's day is for current troops who are serving and for former troops as a consequence to renounce their great doings. All veterans should always continue to obtain recognition for when they served no matter when or where it was. If it weren't for our Get more content on
  • 17. Why Are Veterans Considered Heroes Veterans day Why are veterans considered heroes? I believe that veterans are heroes because they willingly put there life on the line for other people in our country. They left their families to help the rest of the country. Just thinking about leaving my family is heartbreaking. I look at the veterans i know and wonder how they did it, how hard it was for them to leave there all the time ,to miss holidays and birthday. It had to be even harder to only get to see your kids and wife every couple months or even two or three times a year.this is why i think veterans are heroes. Get more content on
  • 18. Why Should We Honor Veterans Essay Why do we honor our veterans? Thats a great question and today i'm going to explain the 3 main reason on why we honor our veterans. There are about 22 million veterans serving in our country right now. It takes a a lot of nerve to get out there and serve for us but they want to help the country. The first reason that we should honor our veterans is that they have risked their lives so we america could live in a better county. Many people don't stop to think all they go through just to make sure that we have a happy and safe county. Men and women risk their lives everyday and sometimes we don't take the time to think about everything they go through everyday just to help us. From the waking moment to the second they get to try and relax more content... Throughout history our county has been in trouble and we didn't us to be free. To this day soldiers have woke up and went out of their way to make sure our country is safe and sound. They knew how bad things could become but they didn't care all they knew is this is what they wanted to do. Many people do not get to return to their families and they leave knowing that their last goodbye could be right then. The last reason is they leave their own family just to serve from us. They have no other reason for wanting to help the country other than hope. They have hope they can save the country one day and make sure we are free. Nobody understands the pain of having someone you love leave you and knowing they may never come back is hard but they promise one thing and that is that they will try to help at least one person. My grandpa was in the army and luckily made it back safely but not everyone can be like that. Imagine that your son or daughter of husband or wife risk their life and you get the call that they did not make it, that makes you more thankful is knowing that many people don't come home. And this is the reasons i think that we honor our veterans today. I believe that everyone should be more thankful to the people that die everyday due to trying to make america great Get more content on
  • 19. Why America's Veterans Should Be Honored The reason why I appreciate America's Veterans, is because they do everything for our country. We all should appreciate every single American Veteran. They risk their lives for us mostly every single day. I believe America's veterans should be honored because they have helped to keep freedom in our country. Without them we would have lost many important wars which have affected our freedom and quality of life. They have kept our country strong and full of pride. I think they were very brave for being on the front lines of our wars and battles. Even those who were not on the front lines but served as backups were brave for helping and supporting those that were fighting on the battlefields.They are courageous for putting their lives in danger Get more content on