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A wise man once said that every life has a purpose.
I know mine, it is Design.
I have learnt the user experience basics in M. Des at IITK. ADer that my ambiEons led me to MakeMyTrip,
Fidelity Interna2onal & now in Times internet where I was able to follow core UX Design processes,
standards and guidelines. MulEple projects for web and mobile were carried out in my tenure of 7 years, I
tried to learn each and everything of travel ,finance and gaming domain along with various user TesEng
sessions. My work delivered solid business results, in turn resulEng in an upscale of revenue. I was also
credited for creaEng delighMul user experiences. To add further, I have worked on cross-funcEonal portals,
persuasive user experience, heurisEc evaluaEon and enhanced usability. I have also envisioned innovaEve
design soluEons for exclusive B2C and B2E products such as Mid-Office, Freedom, My Account, Rail Info
Services app, responsive web pages for flights, hotels SEO, route planner for mobile, referral for app, mobile
app homepage, Air India holidays, support page and many more. In my overall experience, I have worked
closely with users, product managers, developers, content writers and FED resources.
In this phase, I define the
problem statement and generate
lot of ideas, produce something
tangilble and iden7fy challenges.
Do user tes7ng to find out did
we build the right thing and in
right way. Make wireframe or
low fidelity prototypes.
- Collabora7ve Design
- Workflow diagram
- Sitemap (complete list of all
pages available on a website)
- Paper Prototype
- Mood board
- A/B tes7ng
It’s 7me to draw insights from
the data collected. I try to find
out how this data will help to find
out solu7ons. It also helps to
confirm the assump7ons which
were made earlier.
- Card sor7ng
- Persona
- Affinity Diagramming
- Use cases
- Scenarios
- Experience Map
- Storyboards
In this phase, I grasp issues
through systema7c inves7ga7on.
It is done to collect all available
data in field and in house.
- Contextual Enquiry
- Surveys,
- User interview
- User Tes7ng
- Heuris7c Review
Now, final product is created with
the help of visual designer and
developers. I sit with them to
clearly communicate the vision.
Then I validate the final output
with the stakeholders and users
before sending for ‘go live’.
- High fidelity Design & digital
- Usability tes7ng
- Unmoderated remote usability
- Beta launch
- A/B tes7ng here also
I follow 5 stages of design process explained
below. Under each stage, I apply various
techniques or which fits best to slove problem.
Learn about stakeholders, discover
goals & ar7culate the their vision.
- What is PM/organisa7on is hoping
to get out of project.
- What will be success metrics?
- Priority in grand scheme of things.
- Findout whether already another
solu7on present in market.
- Compe7tor Analysis
- Analy7c Review
- Stakeholder Interviews
O@en called ‘STRATEGY’
This idea was developed for the inter
team hackathon in MakeMyTrip. Travel
enthusiast people these days took small
break from work and look for desirable
weekend getaway. They always have to
look for bit and pieces of informa;on
from many websites like tripadvisor,
lonely planet, travel guide available on
internet and magazines. What if there is
solu;on in market which is easy to use
and trustworthy?
UCD process was followed to achieve the
Emo/ons involved
Get into the shoes of real
travellor and plan to go for
holiday. Details are on
next page
Provide a tangible solu;on to
travel enthusiasts who travel
on weekend frequently. It
should be trustworthy,
enriched with informa;on &
Tech savvy, group traveller, money saving mind,
corporate job, want to enjoy every weekend,
intelligent, like offers and discounts, fitness
enthusiast, likes photography and memories
maker and ac;ve on social media. urban
mindset for dressing and food, easily get adjust
with IT industry people, need private space at
;mes. Doesn’t hesitate to pay online.
It has a huge role in the solu;on. Safe,
trustworthy, delighPul, enjoyable, peaceful,
full of adventure, happiness, love for - food,
people, place, living creatures, nature.
ac;vi;es & hobbies, fear to get lost, regret
to miss things.
Self contary
Peace loving
Nature lover
Trekking shoes
Snow Jacket
Farm House
Pets, animals
Date change
Venue change
People change
IFnerary change
Team Offsite
Breakfast, dinner
Outside food
Milk for baby
Places to stay
Timings venues
Place raFngs
Current Weather
Pre booking if any
Things to buy
Stuff to pack
Prices crosscheck
Casual wear
Beach wear
Sports wear
Sweat shirts
25 - 40 yrs
Tech Savvy
Corporate Job
Travel enthusiast
Tempo travellor
Site seeing
Famous Eatery
Sport event
Amusement Park
Village tour
On site
by agent
Print voucher/tkt
In advance
All in package
Bunji Jumping
Sight seeing
Luxury stay
Jungle Safari
Horse Riding
Work and fun
Long weekend
Within 50 Km
50 - 100 Km
100- 150 Km
150 - 250 Km
250 +
Empathize : Step into the shoes of the user and
think of all keywords possible. I have wriben all
the keywords on paper and then tried to
categorise/condense/combine and refine.
Insights was drawn a-er going through all the
Gather Information
Mode of travel
No. of Days
Places to
Best time to go
Enquire Friends
Search Online
Compare Packages
Decide for offline
or online
Decide for mode of
transport, no.of days
Book Stay, transport
& Activities
Buy/Pack Gadgets
and clothes
Withdraw Cash
1. Tie up with local vendors
- Bike, tents, food supplies,
gloves, helmet, camera etc.
- Treking
- Boating/Rafting
- Camping
- Ayurvedic treatment
- Caterors/ spa etc.
2. Info about local shops
3. Hotel/Flight booking
assistance from players
4. Google map/ route
5. Contextual info regarding
places - ongoing festivals
6. Senior Citizen assistance
7. Need Feedback/ Review
from travellors post travel
8. Corporate group travellor
9. Communication inside
10. How to add ppl in similar
11. Seperate focus to group
and solo travellor
12. Different treatment -
Family vs bachelor
13. Safety for women
-Make economical holiday
-Maximize fun during travel
-Get more for every spend
-Minimize risk of life &
-Quick Hassle free booking
-Pursue interests
-Discover the place
-Genuine Feedback
-Booking tool on mobile/web
-Assistance during travel
-Professional Advice
-Monitoring on the go/real
time data (e.g. live weather
update and route)
-Currency converter
-Language translator
-Save money
-Safety issues while traveling
-Senior citizen help
-Correct rating of places
-Clear itinerary details
-Sharing info with friends
-Save itinerary in mobile
-Language issues
-Getting right information of
places and public transport
-Get genuine views of
1. Aesthe)cally rich to a1ract users to explore the app.
2. Visual cue that it is related with travel.
3. Focus on experience: help users to choose based on their
interests and distance.
4. Give users something to do. Interac)ve interface add
playfulness & delight.
5. Meaningful graphics with real content.
6. Easy to use for all age groups.
Hamburger menu
contains user profile,
no4fica4on se5ngs,
shortcuts and logout
Advance earch -
type loca4on
(screen flips, text
field appears)
Screen flips, text field appears
where user can type and
Ci4es are represented
according to distance
from the current
loca4on (through GPS)
Users can tap at the des4na4on
and look into small details here
Se5ngs can let the user choose
the ac4vi4es as per his/her
Users can also use this slider to
set the distance for search
The idea was to keep the landing page simple
as possible.
Ideal i(neray based on interest is given
on the top of the city page. So it gives
the idea of popular places as well as the
sequence of visit based on convenience
so that user would not waste their (me.
Pdf download and share.
Cost factor (very imp for decision)
Popular hotels recommended
and their ra(ngs
Important info
eg. few ATMs available
or info like restaurants ‘closes
by 9pm’
Users can check nearby
des(na(ons too and extend
their journey if they want.
All images of popular places/ac(vi(es.
Basic info
Customised package for expert users
Temperature and current weather Important info based on (me
of visit/ interests - fes(vals/
local food/exici(ng place etc.
NO NO things like plas(c
bags are not allowed or fine
on public smoking/drinking
Polular ac(vi(es offer you
special experienceMode of travel info
All the relevant informa/on which user needs to travel is given in inside pages of app.3.5 WEEKEND GATEAWAY
If user is commu,ng with own vehicle/
cab through road then small li8le
experiences to enjoy during journey.
User can view Ac,vi,es, Transport and
Hotels up front. On tapping on par,cular
sec,on, user will navigate to that sec,on.
Ideal i,nerary for the user who are not
aware of the place and looking for
sugges,ons for small li8le things.
Testing of prototype was conducted with users and iterations
were done based on the findings. Second design options with
various variation was also tested with users and feedback
was taken.
When I have joined Timesinternet, I got
opportunity to design a mobile game from
concept to end. This is first of it’s kind
‘live Bingo game’ which was made for
mobile users. The peculiar thing about
this project is that it is a online game
show which will be streamed live. An
anchor will play as host who will help
users to play Bingo on app.
I have ideated and designed this game
from scratch and it got live on 09 July’18.
I have played a role of product manager
too for this project. I was responsible to
make the project plan & to get the project
live on Ime. Also, I have learnt the
collaboraIon with different teams like
tech, producIon, markeIng, SEO, ASO,
legal, content, streaming and analyIcs.
Common people who have basic knowledge & less IQ and not belong to quizzing section.
People who are fond of Bingo and want to make some easy money.
Before getting live, research was done to understand the user mind. When concepts got final it was
again tested with users. Multiple iterations were done to improve the flows. Focus group with target
user group was also conducted.
Target User Group
• How to replicate the real world experience in the digital.
• To understand how television studio works.
• There are 3 users for which screens are made - Producer, anchor
and end user.
• Understand the anchor behaviour which performs live infront of
camera and reads my designed screen.
• Producer screen is also designed by me where producer initiates
any action which reflects on anchor screen
• and live game show on app.
• Co-ordination with different teams like front end, back end, QA,
streaming department, legal, content and
• Writing detailed Jira so that QA team easily test the product
Challenges Faced
To increase DAU from 3.2
lakh to 5.2 lakh. 2 lakh new
users should be added
within 2 weeks of 100% live
Success Metrics
Focus Group Usability Testing
‘Understanding how production studio works’ was one of the
important and different step in this mobile game. Because
Quizmaster initiates action/instruction on his screen which is
followed by anchor and then triggers screen for mobile users.
• Research on Tambola and Bingo.
• Research on how live TV production works.
• Make rough concepts and test with users.
• Wireframing app, producer and anchor screens.
• Make wireframes for website.
• Communicate with visual designer and frontend
• Meetings with backend developers to understand
tech limitations and possibilities.
• Prototype and test.
• Brainstorm all the possible usecases and create
Jiras for frontend and backend developers.
• Create events for clevertap tool for analytics.
• Guide backend team for creating CMS where
game will be created.
• Make high level project plan.
• Write Product Requirement Document.
• Define ticket generation rules.
• Work closely with QC team and do UAT
• Explain rules and how to run show to Anchors and
• Execute dry run with anchor, producer and tech
Anchor in Production studio Producer in action
They used to prac/ce script in advance and speaks as per teleprompter in front them. The
main challenge for them is that it has to be in sync with the mobile screen. So user gets a
seemless experience. Example- To announce the number of Bingo game and the winners
as game finishes.
Producer ini/ates ac/on on his screen, which
simultaneously commands teleprompter and
show relevant screen on the mobile.
Example: He throws a number in Bingo game.
The flow:
• When live bingo game starts, anchor will explain the rules
which will appear on a pop.
• Then a random ;cket will be generated for user. Ticket
will always be visible on the screen along with anchor.
• An auto-claim will occur once a row/house is get filled.
• Anchor will announce a number. Timer runs for 6 secs.
• When user taps a number on his ;cket, it will get selected
with blue background.
• As anchor announce more numbers, one previous number
will also be visible to users.
• All the announced numbers will appear in board history.
• Game stats will be shown on top of the screen, user can
view the status of claimed prizes.
• Whenever winner is announced, winner will see the
winner pop.
• For wrong claim for the first ;me, user will be warned and
his numbers will be corrected. For second ;me he will be
eliminated. Numbers can be checked from board history.
• If user quit the game and come back, he can play for
remaining prizes.
• AJer game, ‘winners’ screen will be shown - full house
and rows.
I have designed all the screens for Bingo (add-on game
designed for Baazinow app). This game run on app at specific
time in a day where anchor will play as host of Bingo game.
User can join the game via app and they can play and win.
Final design
Producer Screen Anchor Screen
On playstore
Dry run with anchors were done to ensure the smooth
live show with no technical glitches. When game is
developed, QC was done on all famous brands android
Wirecast tool QC TestingWirecast tool
App Screen
Anchor Screen
Production room images
How ___________ people solve/find answers if they have any query regarding _________. And how ___________
people access MAMI Support and ask ques@ons regarding ________ for example___________________.
1st & 3rd blank Users- novice, tech savvy, elderly, family, solo
2nd & 4th blank Refund, cashback, payment & all LOBs - flights, hotels, holidays, bus, rail and other.
( 3 Scenerios during Pre travel, during and post travel)
Example: Weather I will get milk for my baby in hotel or Elderly people will get support to switch the flight?
• Convince the director (postsales) to make a proper support page rather than skinning of old FAQ page
• Buy @me from product manager to do research
• Talk with developers to add func@onality of keyword search
• Sit with frontend developers for the proper execu@on of micro interac@ons
• Explain the logged-in and non-logged in user to homepage team
• Keep the PMs of other LOBs in loop as postsales is horizontal.
For example gathering top ques@ons and trending ques@ons from them.
5.0 WEB
The idea of Support page to assist customers
24x7 regarding all the services available on MMT.
Before 2016, MMT had FAQ page which was 6
year old. Support was mainly dependent on mail &
call. Support page should cater all the queries of
users. It should be self-serve and helps users
to help themselves to find the solu@on.
The main goal of the ‘Support page’ was to
reduce the number of calls in customer care
5.1 GOAL
60% of people who visit
MA/MI donot call
90% of people who call
doesnʼt visit MAMI
I follow 5 stages of design process as explained
in 1.1
4.5 lakhs of calls/mails in a month. JAN-FEB’ 17 data :
Other Steps
- Visited call centre and done contexual enquiry with call center execuFves.
- Detail study of tool called Einstein which has some ready made answers for agents.
- Go through support mails and categorise them under labels like refund, general enquiry etc.
- Done card sorFng exercise for deciding priorty of label and understand user’s mind set of grouping.
View good compeFtor sites and analysis IA and structure of them. They
have few things common : Search bar, relevant/trending upfront quesFons
and popular topics.
L o g i n f o r n o n -
l o g g e d i n u s e r s
M y A c c o u n t M a i l e r s H o m e P a g e T h a n k y o u
S u p p o r t P a g e
Q / A P a g e
H e l p r e g a r d i n g c u r r e n t b o o k i n g S e a r c h Tr e n d i n g Q u e s < o n s P o p u l a r To p i c s C o n t a c t u s
C a l l / M a i l F e e d b a c k
V i e w D e t a i l s
P r i n t T i c k e t
M o d i f y
C a n c e l
C a n c e l / M o d
R e f u n d
B o o k i n g s
P a y m e n t s
O ff e r s
W a l l e t
R e w a r d s
O t h e r s
S e a r c h b a r
S e a r c h r e s u l t s
C o n t a c t u s
R e l a t e d A n s w e r s
c l i c k o n a c < o n b u K o n
Various layouts were made based to the
insights, taks & taskflows generated aOer the
5.2 IA
New Approach to give users 3
op3ons in start- select topic/ help
regarding booking/ contact us. But
this approach failed in user tes3ng as
people straight away opt to contact
without going through other op3ons.
Layout 2
Tried to merge two pages together -
support home & detailed answer
page. But user felt cogni3ve load as
too much of things were going
on one page.
Layout 3Layout 1
Explora(on in IXDs started based on the self help
model. Started with LOBs and asking for booking ID
for further ac(ons. But this involved too many steps
and users felt lazy. They were interested in quick
help. Also there was space constraint in this op(on.
Various layouts were made based to the
insights, taks & taskflows generated aKer the
A"er user tes)ng, this layout was
finalized with some correc)ons.
Search bar was coming below the
first fold so it was decided to bring it
on top. Other change was to remove
crousel from the topics as users
completely missed some topics.
Layout 5
This is ini)al Q/A page which was
finalised a"er with few itera)ons.
Users were going back again & again
to home to search so search bar
Bread crumbs was added for expert
users. Header removed. Contact us
Layout 6Layout 4
Innova&ve approach to auto detect the bookings
of the users and show upfront the relevant
ac&ons related with the current bookings. But this
approach would best work in case of logged-in
user so it was decided to do this in phase 2.
Current focus is on non-logged in users.
Various layouts were made based to the
insights, taks & taskflows generated aCer the
This is the page where user will land
up in case he/she wants to view full
answers or viewing search results.
Non-Logged-in view.
Guide user to go to My
account - a page where
booking related ac?ons
take place
Based on the current call
drivers so that user gets
answer above the first
Keyword Search which
pulls out all the relevant
ques?ons from the
These are the broad
categories which was
decided aFer the reading
500 feedbacks and
queries recieved and the
listening to customer
If s?ll users doesn’t get
the answers they can
contact us.
Top banner to run important info
and to add aesthe?cs to the page.
But it was later removed as it was
disrup?ng the flow and focus of
Short preview of answer. It helps
in case of long answers. For eg.
visa norms
Related ques?ons if user doesn’t
find the answer.
In case user is logged-in then his
upcoming trip will be shown with
relevant ac?on related with
keyword searched.
Categories in which the ques?on fall
and user can search from this page
without going back.
1st part Persua?on to login and ac?onable items (prompts to login again)
2nd part Frequently asked ques?ons
3rd part Search bar. It will lead user to find relevant Answers. It will self help kind.
4th part Search through popular topics
5th part If user is s?ll unhappy or want to give feedback : Raise a request or
Contact us if user s?ll feels to call makemytrip or call, he can use this op?on.
Q/A DETAIL PAGESupport HomeVarious layouts were made based to the
insights, taks & taskflows generated a8er the
Various messages would come
within an answer such as
informa4on, sugges4on or
warning. Color are defined for
such messages.
Improved big search bar
acc. to usability. One of
the finding in the UT.
Standard text to answer
the query of user.
Heading, sub heading
and bullet to explain key
Tab view format,
suppose user have a
ques4on, but answer is
different for mobile and
Image + text format
Tags under which a ques4on falls.
Feed back from the users
Relevant CTA if user have a
booking and ac4on related to the
answer shown. Then user will be
taken to My Account sec4on
where he/she can comlete the
Tabular format to display
charges or bill details.
In case of illustra4on or a
small video, window
Support at boMom in case user is not
sa4sfied with the answers.
More ques4ons
Various layouts were made based to the
insights, taks & taskflows generated a8er the
Two flows were made:
1. Logged in flow
2. Non-logged-in flow.
5.7 FLOWS Non Logged-in User
Logged-in User
These are the final VDs which were finalized
by me and created visual designer.
It is MMT backend portal where all the
documenta7on of bookings happens. It is a tool
directly built by developers over the period of
7me (on the basis of need of enhanced process &
new features). So it was huge task to re-built the
system and make it effec7ve for users. Basically
to increase their produc7vity and make processes
delighDul and short.
In midoffice, I have modified hotel and flights
sec7on. It contained more than 100 screens
combined of lookups, edit screens, mailers,
vouchers, charges, tables. It was a year long
project in which all the screens were revamped
with enhanced usability. I also got apprecia7on
from the call centre for simplifying the huge and
lengthy task.
• Done contextual enquiry with the users (agents) in the real environment.
• Understand the whole system which was huge.
• Collaborate with different tech teams and understand the flows and working.
• Enhance usability and learnability of tasks.
• Reduce the effort by making it simple- efficient with less cogni7ve load, build on previous flows.
• Make prototype and test with agents. Iterate and repeat test.
Old Interface: CluTered, System built on feature by feature over the period of 7me. It has lot of dialog boxes.
The whole project ran for more than a year with
hundreds of screens and overlays. Main work
was related with login, hotel interface, flight
interface and postsale ac=ons.
• No single person knew the whole info.
There were no PMs for this project.
Directly I sat with developers and get it
• There were no examples to follow. I
tried to improve it basis of heuris=c
principles of Jacob Neilson.
• Tes=ng has to be done at call centre
which was at different place.
• Co-ordinate with HTML team which was
• findable
• accessible
• clear
• useful
• controllable
• learnable
• delighLul
Most important quick icons on top.
Iden5fier (booking ID) and most important info.
Tabs grouped a>er research under booking card placed acc. to priority
New Interface: Clean and informa=on is revealed when required.
Agent have to check the
details and reconfirm the
hotel booking done by
an online user
More details open up in progressive
The two LOBs - Hotels and Flights were
en6rely different from each other.
I have redesigned the whole page of hotel
bookings display page where all the bookings
are saved and displayed to agents.
The purpose was to enhance the usability to
increase the efficiency of the agents. Here
agents can take ac?ons like reconfirm,
execute special requests of customers to
add guest, add room, delete guests etc. In
reconfirma?on process, agent need to call
hotel owner/manager to confirm the hotel
booking specially in remote areas where
internet is unavailable.
(Re-confirm/update/edit hotel booking)
Ticket Issuance
-LCC Ticket Issuance
-GDS Ticket Issuance
Booking Issuance
-Failed ID
-Lost ID
Schedule Date Change
Changing in Pax Details
-When Airline allows changes
-When Airline does not allow changes
Changing in Departure Date
Changing in Departure Time
One example screen:
(Flights MulEple PNRs for
same booking ID usecase)
This is smart interface where
agents can quickly access
details of passengers and
segments. ANer viewing the
details, agent can iniEate
ediEng directly from here.
A"er hotels, flight page was too redesigned to
enhance the overall User Experience.
(check/update/edit flight booking)
Visual Design
+91 9555841995 |
Journey Map GAANA music app
My Latest Work
Search for app icon
Tap icon to open app
Switch on bluetooth to connect headsets through
opening settings or pull up menus on device home.
I think my internet is working fine.
Why everytime I need to connect device
Where is the app icon in the mobile
Excited to listen music
Anticipating good internet connection
Frustating to connect device to bluetooth
Help people to easily connect bluetooth
App icon should be quickly findable
Give info about internet connection like strength
Getting ready to go for office
Singing in bathroom
Listening to radio played by room partner
Searching for his headphones
Watching songs on television in PG mess
I think my voice is bad.
How these radio jockey are so spontaneous
Watching HD video songs is great
I will listen to this song again in cab
Again I have to go boring office
Excited to listen music
Get to know about the users daily routines and
habit may help in curating his playlist
Browsing the topics
Looking for his favourite artists
He is interested in new releases
Exploring the playlist like top hits, trending songs
Searching for something specific in mind
Type to search when he doesn’t find he want
Oh that’s new song
That’s new feature
Where is my favourite song
Is there any shortcut to get what I want
Excited to find how is this new song
Confused between the categories
Frustated to browse and look for specific songs
Eager to listen to all new songs which he discovered
Overwhemled to see lot of songs at one place
Triggered Nostalgia to see a very old favourite song
Show new songs based on user’s history
Ask preferences to show relavant data
Increase discoverability of new arrivals
Smart navigation
Play the chosen one
Analysing whether to listen full or go back
Go back if the song selected was not good
Look for lyrics if wants to sing along
Increase the volume if he really likes it
Where was this song all the time?
How people make such a song?
Who is the singer and lyricist?
Let’s me share this activity with friends
Can I make this my ringtone
Will play again on specific future occassion
Let me pull my friends/family and listen together
Can I share a specific lines/music with someone
Excited after listening song
Feel satisfied/thrist quenched
Feel pumped up
Feels to listen more like this and get drowned
Feel sad after listening to a emotional song
Keep user engaged and give next task
Persuade not to quit
Wonderful to find new favourite song
Aweful after listening a song of different taste
Down in Memory lane
Increase the engagement
Add feature like sing along
Add some written facts of song in between stanzas
Try changing audio modes
Play again if he likes it
Want to download if he wants to listen later offline
Share with friends
Mark it favourite
Add to his playlist
Find similar music
Search for more songs of same album
Play the specific portion again
Access downloaded song
Looks for last played song
Search for latest released song
Explore what’s new & settings
Want to set preferences
Complete profile
Look for subscription offers & compare plans
Want to give feedback/suggesstion
Let me hear last song again
Where is the song which I saw in ad
It’s very hard/easy task to search
Wonderful to have this app
It’s very annoying app, hard to find stuff
Excited to listen likable songs
Very important to engage this user as he may not
come back again.
Right time to give him offer
Enhance his knowledge about features
Show gratitude
Support people those who are looking for help
Kunal is 24 year old newly graduate from a reputed engineering college. He got placed in MNC in Gurgaon as a software engineer. He belongs to Agra. He lives in a PG in south Delhi
with his school time friend. Kunal is a sports fan especially football and a music lover. He have different apps in his mobile like gaana, google music, spotify, hungama etc. Whenever he
has free time, he plays football on FIFA app. When he gets bore, he connect his earphones and listen to music. He generally listen to music while jogging in morning and during
commute to workplace in his office cab. Also, he enjoys music during break in office or whenever he hangs out alone in mall or market place on weekend. He keep himself updated of
all new songs in market. In office and at his home, he is like music guru to all.
Kunal office is in Gurgaon and he lives in PG at south Delhi. Every morning, he go to office in his office cab to Gurgaon
which takes 45 mins to 1 hr. Sometimes it takes more time if cab gets stuck in traffic. He wan’t to kill the commute
time and keep himself entertained. So he generally open one of his music app and listen to his favourite songs. He also
search for new songs of his favourite artists as he want to keep himself updated.
1. Discover new music
4. Enjoy the time while using app
2. Get similar music suggesstions
3. Organise his favourite songs according to mood
so that he can listen them later without searching again
During App Scenario
Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 Phase 5
Persona Scenario User Expectations
Opens App
Browse music Plays Music Post Playing Revisits app
Humming the song while doing his work
Discussing about songs with roommate
Arguing when he is asked to stop humming
Checking the reply after sharing the song link
About the music of the new song
Thinking of the weird lyrics of song
Feeling satisfied after listening songs
Excited to listen songs in night again
There are high chances that die hard music lovers
to convert into paid users.
Gaana: Home page redesign - wireframes
After doing the some UX research which include User Survey, Competitor Analysis and Journey Map, I have tried to understand the mindset of
a music lover and redesigned home page and player of Gaana App.
Thought behind new home page:
Create navigation such that it is easy to understand.
Create meaningful broad groups of songs which help user to browse & pick song to play efficiently.
Help user to set preferences so that customised homepage can be created when he visits again.
Increase discoverability of songs and he need not to search again.
Use technology to help user to find his song: Chat bot assistant
Home page can vary according to time of day or ongoing festival.
‘Recent’ added in bottom navigation which helps user to quickly access his last searches (on which he had spent so much time to discover)
‘My Music’ and ‘search’ page (not shown here) along with home can give best experience to user.
Non Paid user home page: first half only changed
Gaana: Player redesign - wireframes
Thought behind new player:
Current player ‘from the features/tech point of view’, it is already one of the best among its competitors. so, I have made few changes.
I have designed the player(audio) according to user flow of reading information- starting from the name and ‘queue’ in the end. I believe it will
have better usability and less time to grasp information.
I have removed the icon from the right hand side which hamper the picture/video behind.
I have added features - Like & Dislike button to understand/record the user preferences and data will help to give better options to user.
I have given feature upfront on player, like audio mode inpired from Winamp player for desktop.
Redesigned queue to increase it’s usability, like intuitive scroll to view full and collaspse icon to minimize it.
Similar song suggesstion to add in the queue.

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Himesh Portfolio UX updated

  • 1. UX HIMESH SINGH PORTFOLIO+91 9555841995 | A wise man once said that every life has a purpose. I know mine, it is Design. I have learnt the user experience basics in M. Des at IITK. ADer that my ambiEons led me to MakeMyTrip, Fidelity Interna2onal & now in Times internet where I was able to follow core UX Design processes, standards and guidelines. MulEple projects for web and mobile were carried out in my tenure of 7 years, I tried to learn each and everything of travel ,finance and gaming domain along with various user TesEng sessions. My work delivered solid business results, in turn resulEng in an upscale of revenue. I was also credited for creaEng delighMul user experiences. To add further, I have worked on cross-funcEonal portals, persuasive user experience, heurisEc evaluaEon and enhanced usability. I have also envisioned innovaEve design soluEons for exclusive B2C and B2E products such as Mid-Office, Freedom, My Account, Rail Info Services app, responsive web pages for flights, hotels SEO, route planner for mobile, referral for app, mobile app homepage, Air India holidays, support page and many more. In my overall experience, I have worked closely with users, product managers, developers, content writers and FED resources. 1. ABOUT ME
  • 2. DESIGN In this phase, I define the problem statement and generate lot of ideas, produce something tangilble and iden7fy challenges. Do user tes7ng to find out did we build the right thing and in right way. Make wireframe or low fidelity prototypes. TECHNIQUES- - Collabora7ve Design - Workflow diagram - Sitemap (complete list of all pages available on a website) - Paper Prototype - Mood board - A/B tes7ng It’s 7me to draw insights from the data collected. I try to find out how this data will help to find out solu7ons. It also helps to confirm the assump7ons which were made earlier. TECHNIQUES- - Card sor7ng - Persona - Affinity Diagramming - Use cases - Scenarios - Experience Map - Storyboards ANALYSE 2. DESIGN PROCESS Followed RESEARCH In this phase, I grasp issues through systema7c inves7ga7on. It is done to collect all available data in field and in house. TECHNIQUES- - Contextual Enquiry - Surveys, - User interview - User Tes7ng - Heuris7c Review PRODUCTION Now, final product is created with the help of visual designer and developers. I sit with them to clearly communicate the vision. Then I validate the final output with the stakeholders and users before sending for ‘go live’. TECHNIQUES- - High fidelity Design & digital assets - Usability tes7ng - Unmoderated remote usability test - Beta launch - A/B tes7ng here also I follow 5 stages of design process explained below. Under each stage, I apply various techniques or which fits best to slove problem. UNDERSTAND Learn about stakeholders, discover goals & ar7culate the their vision. - What is PM/organisa7on is hoping to get out of project. - What will be success metrics? - Priority in grand scheme of things. - Findout whether already another solu7on present in market. TECHNIQUES- - Compe7tor Analysis - Analy7c Review - Stakeholder Interviews O@en called ‘STRATEGY’
  • 3. WEEKEND GETAWAY 3.0 APP IDEA This idea was developed for the inter team hackathon in MakeMyTrip. Travel enthusiast people these days took small break from work and look for desirable weekend getaway. They always have to look for bit and pieces of informa;on from many websites like tripadvisor, lonely planet, travel guide available on internet and magazines. What if there is solu;on in market which is easy to use and trustworthy? UCD process was followed to achieve the solu;on Empathise-Define-Ideate-Prototype-Test 3.1 PROCESS FOLLOWED IDEATE Persona Emo/ons involved EMPATHISE Get into the shoes of real travellor and plan to go for holiday. Details are on next page DEFINE Provide a tangible solu;on to travel enthusiasts who travel on weekend frequently. It should be trustworthy, enriched with informa;on & safe. Tech savvy, group traveller, money saving mind, corporate job, want to enjoy every weekend, intelligent, like offers and discounts, fitness enthusiast, likes photography and memories maker and ac;ve on social media. urban mindset for dressing and food, easily get adjust with IT industry people, need private space at ;mes. Doesn’t hesitate to pay online. It has a huge role in the solu;on. Safe, trustworthy, delighPul, enjoyable, peaceful, full of adventure, happiness, love for - food, people, place, living creatures, nature. ac;vi;es & hobbies, fear to get lost, regret to miss things.
  • 4. Low Economical Self contary Free BUDGET Hills Beach Resort Safari Historical Desert Adventure Haunted Religious Aashram THEME Adventurous Peace loving Religious Shopper Foodie Nature lover Photography INTERESTS Tents Bike Trekking shoes Gloves Snow Jacket Gadgets Ropes TO RENT Dharmsala Camps Farm House Hotel Homestay Resort RelaFve/friends home PLAY TO STAY Friends Family Couples Colleagues Ladies Kids Pets, animals Bachelors PARTICIPANTS Date change -Hotels/flights Venue change People change IFnerary change MODIFY ReconfirmaFon Hopeful PersuaFon Regret Forget Reminders Forceful EMOTIONS Birthday Team Offsite Anniversary OCCASSION Nil Breakfast, dinner Drinks Snacks, Veg/Non-veg Outside food Homemade Healthy Milk for baby FOOD Places to stay Timings venues Place raFngs Current Weather Pre booking if any Things to buy Stuff to pack Prices crosscheck INFORMATION NEEDED Informal Casual wear Beach wear Sports wear Sandals Sweat shirts Hat/Cap Googles WHAT TO WEAR 25 - 40 yrs Tech Savvy Corporate Job Travel enthusiast Educated PERSONA Cab Bus Train Tempo travellor Bike Ponies TRANSPORT Quila,temple,church Site seeing Club Theatre/Concert FesFval Famous Eatery Sport event Amusement Park Village tour PLACES OF INTEREST On site Online by agent Print voucher/tkt In advance All in package BOOKING RaYing Treking/Cycling Bunji Jumping Sight seeing Yoga/MeditaFon Luxury stay Jungle Safari Horse Riding Sports Work and fun TYPE OF ACTIVITIES Weekend Long weekend DURATION Within 50 Km 50 - 100 Km 100- 150 Km 150 - 250 Km 250 + DISTANCE EMPATHIZE Empathize : Step into the shoes of the user and think of all keywords possible. I have wriben all the keywords on paper and then tried to categorise/condense/combine and refine. 3.2 WEEKEND GATEAWAY
  • 5. 3.3 WEEKEND GATEAWAY Insights was drawn a-er going through all the data. (TRIP PLANNING) INSIGHTS PRODUCT REQUIREMENT USER THOUGHT PROCESS HOW WHAT STARTS WITH Gather Information Distance Mode of travel Budget No. of Days required Current Weather Places to shopping/stay/ eat/visit Best time to go Enquire Friends or Search Online Analyse Tasks Compare Packages Decide for offline or online Decide for mode of transport, no.of days Make Bookings Preparation Book Stay, transport & Activities Docs/Visa/Print tickets Prepare Itinerary Buy/Pack Gadgets and clothes Withdraw Cash 1. Tie up with local vendors - Bike, tents, food supplies, gloves, helmet, camera etc. - Treking - Boating/Rafting - Camping - Ayurvedic treatment - Caterors/ spa etc. 2. Info about local shops 3. Hotel/Flight booking assistance from players 4. Google map/ route planner 5. Contextual info regarding places - ongoing festivals 6. Senior Citizen assistance 7. Need Feedback/ Review from travellors post travel 8. Corporate group travellor bookings 9. Communication inside groups 10. How to add ppl in similar groups. 11. Seperate focus to group and solo travellor 12. Different treatment - Family vs bachelor 13. Safety for women -Make economical holiday booking -Maximize fun during travel -Networking -Get more for every spend -Minimize risk of life & money -Quick Hassle free booking -Pursue interests -Discover the place -Recommendations -Genuine Feedback -Booking tool on mobile/web -Assistance during travel -Professional Advice -Monitoring on the go/real time data (e.g. live weather update and route) -Currency converter -Language translator -Save money GOALS NEEDSPAINPOINTS -Safety issues while traveling -Senior citizen help -Correct rating of places -Clear itinerary details -Sharing info with friends -Save itinerary in mobile -Language issues -Getting right information of places and public transport -Get genuine views of travelers
  • 6. 1. Aesthe)cally rich to a1ract users to explore the app. 2. Visual cue that it is related with travel. 3. Focus on experience: help users to choose based on their interests and distance. 4. Give users something to do. Interac)ve interface add playfulness & delight. 5. Meaningful graphics with real content. 6. Easy to use for all age groups. Hamburger menu contains user profile, no4fica4on se5ngs, shortcuts and logout Advance earch - type loca4on (screen flips, text field appears) Screen flips, text field appears where user can type and search Ci4es are represented according to distance from the current loca4on (through GPS) Users can tap at the des4na4on and look into small details here itself Se5ngs can let the user choose the ac4vi4es as per his/her interest Users can also use this slider to set the distance for search The idea was to keep the landing page simple as possible. 3.4 WEEKEND GATEAWAY
  • 7. Ideal i(neray based on interest is given on the top of the city page. So it gives the idea of popular places as well as the sequence of visit based on convenience so that user would not waste their (me. Pdf download and share. Cost factor (very imp for decision) Popular hotels recommended and their ra(ngs Important info eg. few ATMs available or info like restaurants ‘closes by 9pm’ Users can check nearby des(na(ons too and extend their journey if they want. All images of popular places/ac(vi(es. Basic info Customised package for expert users Temperature and current weather Important info based on (me of visit/ interests - fes(vals/ local food/exici(ng place etc. NO NO things like plas(c bags are not allowed or fine on public smoking/drinking Polular ac(vi(es offer you special experienceMode of travel info All the relevant informa/on which user needs to travel is given in inside pages of app.3.5 WEEKEND GATEAWAY
  • 8. If user is commu,ng with own vehicle/ cab through road then small li8le experiences to enjoy during journey. User can view Ac,vi,es, Transport and Hotels up front. On tapping on par,cular sec,on, user will navigate to that sec,on. Ideal i,nerary for the user who are not aware of the place and looking for sugges,ons for small li8le things. 3.6 WEEKEND GATEAWAY Testing of prototype was conducted with users and iterations were done based on the findings. Second design options with various variation was also tested with users and feedback was taken.
  • 9. BINGO 4.0 MOBILE GAME When I have joined Timesinternet, I got opportunity to design a mobile game from concept to end. This is first of it’s kind ‘live Bingo game’ which was made for mobile users. The peculiar thing about this project is that it is a online game show which will be streamed live. An anchor will play as host who will help users to play Bingo on app. I have ideated and designed this game from scratch and it got live on 09 July’18. I have played a role of product manager too for this project. I was responsible to make the project plan & to get the project live on Ime. Also, I have learnt the collaboraIon with different teams like tech, producIon, markeIng, SEO, ASO, legal, content, streaming and analyIcs. Common people who have basic knowledge & less IQ and not belong to quizzing section. People who are fond of Bingo and want to make some easy money. Before getting live, research was done to understand the user mind. When concepts got final it was again tested with users. Multiple iterations were done to improve the flows. Focus group with target user group was also conducted. Target User Group • How to replicate the real world experience in the digital. • To understand how television studio works. • There are 3 users for which screens are made - Producer, anchor and end user. • Understand the anchor behaviour which performs live infront of camera and reads my designed screen. • Producer screen is also designed by me where producer initiates any action which reflects on anchor screen • and live game show on app. • Co-ordination with different teams like front end, back end, QA, streaming department, legal, content and marketing. • Writing detailed Jira so that QA team easily test the product Challenges Faced To increase DAU from 3.2 lakh to 5.2 lakh. 2 lakh new users should be added within 2 weeks of 100% live version. Success Metrics Focus Group Usability Testing
  • 10. ‘Understanding how production studio works’ was one of the important and different step in this mobile game. Because Quizmaster initiates action/instruction on his screen which is followed by anchor and then triggers screen for mobile users. 4.1 BINGO PRODUCTION • Research on Tambola and Bingo. • Research on how live TV production works. • Make rough concepts and test with users. • Wireframing app, producer and anchor screens. • Make wireframes for website. • Communicate with visual designer and frontend developers. • Meetings with backend developers to understand tech limitations and possibilities. • Prototype and test. • Brainstorm all the possible usecases and create Jiras for frontend and backend developers. • Create events for clevertap tool for analytics. • Guide backend team for creating CMS where game will be created. • Make high level project plan. • Write Product Requirement Document. • Define ticket generation rules. • Work closely with QC team and do UAT • Explain rules and how to run show to Anchors and producers. • Execute dry run with anchor, producer and tech team. STEPS INVOLVED Anchor in Production studio Producer in action They used to prac/ce script in advance and speaks as per teleprompter in front them. The main challenge for them is that it has to be in sync with the mobile screen. So user gets a seemless experience. Example- To announce the number of Bingo game and the winners as game finishes. Producer ini/ates ac/on on his screen, which simultaneously commands teleprompter and show relevant screen on the mobile. Example: He throws a number in Bingo game.
  • 11. The flow: • When live bingo game starts, anchor will explain the rules which will appear on a pop. • Then a random ;cket will be generated for user. Ticket will always be visible on the screen along with anchor. • An auto-claim will occur once a row/house is get filled. • Anchor will announce a number. Timer runs for 6 secs. • When user taps a number on his ;cket, it will get selected with blue background. • As anchor announce more numbers, one previous number will also be visible to users. • All the announced numbers will appear in board history. • Game stats will be shown on top of the screen, user can view the status of claimed prizes. • Whenever winner is announced, winner will see the winner pop. • For wrong claim for the first ;me, user will be warned and his numbers will be corrected. For second ;me he will be eliminated. Numbers can be checked from board history. • If user quit the game and come back, he can play for remaining prizes. • AJer game, ‘winners’ screen will be shown - full house and rows. I have designed all the screens for Bingo (add-on game designed for Baazinow app). This game run on app at specific time in a day where anchor will play as host of Bingo game. User can join the game via app and they can play and win. 4.2 BINGO SCREENS Final design Wireframe Producer Screen Anchor Screen On playstore Website
  • 12. Dry run with anchors were done to ensure the smooth live show with no technical glitches. When game is developed, QC was done on all famous brands android devices 4.3 BINGO TESTING Wirecast tool QC TestingWirecast tool App Screen Anchor Screen Producer Screen Production room images
  • 13. How ___________ people solve/find answers if they have any query regarding _________. And how ___________ people access MAMI Support and ask ques@ons regarding ________ for example___________________. 1st & 3rd blank Users- novice, tech savvy, elderly, family, solo 2nd & 4th blank Refund, cashback, payment & all LOBs - flights, hotels, holidays, bus, rail and other. ( 3 Scenerios during Pre travel, during and post travel) Example: Weather I will get milk for my baby in hotel or Elderly people will get support to switch the flight? USER SCENARIOS & JOURNEYS • Convince the director (postsales) to make a proper support page rather than skinning of old FAQ page • Buy @me from product manager to do research • Talk with developers to add func@onality of keyword search • Sit with frontend developers for the proper execu@on of micro interac@ons • Explain the logged-in and non-logged in user to homepage team • Keep the PMs of other LOBs in loop as postsales is horizontal. For example gathering top ques@ons and trending ques@ons from them. CHALLENGES FACED SUPPORT PAGE 5.0 WEB The idea of Support page to assist customers 24x7 regarding all the services available on MMT. Before 2016, MMT had FAQ page which was 6 year old. Support was mainly dependent on mail & call. Support page should cater all the queries of users. It should be self-serve and helps users to help themselves to find the solu@on. The main goal of the ‘Support page’ was to reduce the number of calls in customer care cell. 5.1 GOAL
  • 14. Data: 60% of people who visit MA/MI donot call 90% of people who call doesnʼt visit MAMI I follow 5 stages of design process as explained in 1.1 5.1 PROCESS DATA RESEARCH IN HOUSE 4.5 lakhs of calls/mails in a month. JAN-FEB’ 17 data : Other Steps - Visited call centre and done contexual enquiry with call center execuFves. - Detail study of tool called Einstein which has some ready made answers for agents. - Go through support mails and categorise them under labels like refund, general enquiry etc. - Done card sorFng exercise for deciding priorty of label and understand user’s mind set of grouping. COMPETITOR ANALYSIS View good compeFtor sites and analysis IA and structure of them. They have few things common : Search bar, relevant/trending upfront quesFons and popular topics.
  • 15. L o g i n f o r n o n - l o g g e d i n u s e r s M y A c c o u n t M a i l e r s H o m e P a g e T h a n k y o u S u p p o r t P a g e Q / A P a g e H e l p r e g a r d i n g c u r r e n t b o o k i n g S e a r c h Tr e n d i n g Q u e s < o n s P o p u l a r To p i c s C o n t a c t u s C a l l / M a i l F e e d b a c k V i e w D e t a i l s P r i n t T i c k e t M o d i f y C a n c e l C a n c e l / M o d R e f u n d B o o k i n g s P a y m e n t s O ff e r s W a l l e t R e w a r d s O t h e r s S e a r c h b a r S e a r c h r e s u l t s C o n t a c t u s R e l a t e d A n s w e r s c l i c k o n a c < o n b u K o n Various layouts were made based to the insights, taks & taskflows generated aOer the research. 5.2 IA
  • 16. New Approach to give users 3 op3ons in start- select topic/ help regarding booking/ contact us. But this approach failed in user tes3ng as people straight away opt to contact without going through other op3ons. Layout 2 Tried to merge two pages together - support home & detailed answer page. But user felt cogni3ve load as too much of things were going on one page. Layout 3Layout 1 Explora(on in IXDs started based on the self help model. Started with LOBs and asking for booking ID for further ac(ons. But this involved too many steps and users felt lazy. They were interested in quick help. Also there was space constraint in this op(on. Various layouts were made based to the insights, taks & taskflows generated aKer the research. 5.3 CONCEPTS GENERATION - I
  • 17. A"er user tes)ng, this layout was finalized with some correc)ons. Search bar was coming below the first fold so it was decided to bring it on top. Other change was to remove crousel from the topics as users completely missed some topics. Layout 5 This is ini)al Q/A page which was finalised a"er with few itera)ons. Users were going back again & again to home to search so search bar added. Bread crumbs was added for expert users. Header removed. Contact us added. Layout 6Layout 4 Innova&ve approach to auto detect the bookings of the users and show upfront the relevant ac&ons related with the current bookings. But this approach would best work in case of logged-in user so it was decided to do this in phase 2. Current focus is on non-logged in users. Various layouts were made based to the insights, taks & taskflows generated aCer the research. 5.4 CONCEPTS GENERATION - II
  • 18. This is the page where user will land up in case he/she wants to view full answers or viewing search results. Non-Logged-in view. Guide user to go to My account - a page where booking related ac?ons take place Based on the current call drivers so that user gets answer above the first fold. Keyword Search which pulls out all the relevant ques?ons from the database. These are the broad categories which was decided aFer the reading 500 feedbacks and queries recieved and the listening to customer calls. If s?ll users doesn’t get the answers they can contact us. Top banner to run important info and to add aesthe?cs to the page. But it was later removed as it was disrup?ng the flow and focus of user. Short preview of answer. It helps in case of long answers. For eg. visa norms Related ques?ons if user doesn’t find the answer. In case user is logged-in then his upcoming trip will be shown with relevant ac?on related with keyword searched. Categories in which the ques?on fall and user can search from this page without going back. 1st part Persua?on to login and ac?onable items (prompts to login again) 2nd part Frequently asked ques?ons 3rd part Search bar. It will lead user to find relevant Answers. It will self help kind. 4th part Search through popular topics 5th part If user is s?ll unhappy or want to give feedback : Raise a request or Contact us if user s?ll feels to call makemytrip or call, he can use this op?on. Q/A DETAIL PAGESupport HomeVarious layouts were made based to the insights, taks & taskflows generated a8er the research. 5.5 FINAL IXDS
  • 19. Various messages would come within an answer such as informa4on, sugges4on or warning. Color are defined for such messages. Improved big search bar acc. to usability. One of the finding in the UT. Standard text to answer the query of user. Heading, sub heading and bullet to explain key points Tab view format, suppose user have a ques4on, but answer is different for mobile and desktop. Image + text format Tags under which a ques4on falls. Feed back from the users Relevant CTA if user have a booking and ac4on related to the answer shown. Then user will be taken to My Account sec4on where he/she can comlete the ac4on. Tabular format to display charges or bill details. In case of illustra4on or a small video, window defined. MESSAGES STYLE AND COLOR Support at boMom in case user is not sa4sfied with the answers. More ques4ons ANSWER FORMAT DESIGN Various layouts were made based to the insights, taks & taskflows generated a8er the research. 5.6 FINAL IXDS
  • 20. Two flows were made: 1. Logged in flow 2. Non-logged-in flow. 5.7 FLOWS Non Logged-in User Logged-in User
  • 21. These are the final VDs which were finalized by me and created visual designer. 5.8 FINAL VDS
  • 22. MID OFFICE 6.0 It is MMT backend portal where all the documenta7on of bookings happens. It is a tool directly built by developers over the period of 7me (on the basis of need of enhanced process & new features). So it was huge task to re-built the system and make it effec7ve for users. Basically to increase their produc7vity and make processes delighDul and short. In midoffice, I have modified hotel and flights sec7on. It contained more than 100 screens combined of lookups, edit screens, mailers, vouchers, charges, tables. It was a year long project in which all the screens were revamped with enhanced usability. I also got apprecia7on from the call centre for simplifying the huge and lengthy task. • Done contextual enquiry with the users (agents) in the real environment. • Understand the whole system which was huge. • Collaborate with different tech teams and understand the flows and working. • Enhance usability and learnability of tasks. • Reduce the effort by making it simple- efficient with less cogni7ve load, build on previous flows. • Make prototype and test with agents. Iterate and repeat test. PROCESS FOLLOWED Old Interface: CluTered, System built on feature by feature over the period of 7me. It has lot of dialog boxes.
  • 23. Accordion The whole project ran for more than a year with hundreds of screens and overlays. Main work was related with login, hotel interface, flight interface and postsale ac=ons. 6.1 MID OFFICE • No single person knew the whole info. There were no PMs for this project. Directly I sat with developers and get it executed. • There were no examples to follow. I tried to improve it basis of heuris=c principles of Jacob Neilson. • Tes=ng has to be done at call centre which was at different place. • Co-ordinate with HTML team which was outsourced. • findable • accessible • clear • useful • controllable • learnable • delighLul CHALLENGES FACED UX HONEYCOMB GUIDING KEYWORDS Most important quick icons on top. Iden5fier (booking ID) and most important info. Tabs grouped a>er research under booking card placed acc. to priority New Interface: Clean and informa=on is revealed when required.
  • 24. Agent have to check the details and reconfirm the hotel booking done by an online user More details open up in progressive disclosure The two LOBs - Hotels and Flights were en6rely different from each other. I have redesigned the whole page of hotel bookings display page where all the bookings are saved and displayed to agents. 6.2 MID OFFICE The purpose was to enhance the usability to increase the efficiency of the agents. Here agents can take ac?ons like reconfirm, execute special requests of customers to add guest, add room, delete guests etc. In reconfirma?on process, agent need to call hotel owner/manager to confirm the hotel booking specially in remote areas where internet is unavailable. LANDING PAGE : HOTELS MIDOFFICE (Re-confirm/update/edit hotel booking)
  • 25. Ticket Issuance -LCC Ticket Issuance -GDS Ticket Issuance Booking Issuance -Failed ID -Lost ID Schedule Date Change Changing in Pax Details -When Airline allows changes -When Airline does not allow changes Changing in Departure Date Changing in Departure Time One example screen: (Flights MulEple PNRs for same booking ID usecase) This is smart interface where agents can quickly access details of passengers and segments. ANer viewing the details, agent can iniEate ediEng directly from here. A"er hotels, flight page was too redesigned to enhance the overall User Experience. 6.3 MID OFFICE DESIGNED SCREENS FOR USECASES (check/update/edit flight booking) Visual Design
  • 26. YOU THANK +91 9555841995 |
  • 27. Journey Map GAANA music app My Latest Work Search for app icon Tap icon to open app Switch on bluetooth to connect headsets through opening settings or pull up menus on device home. I think my internet is working fine. Why everytime I need to connect device Where is the app icon in the mobile Excited to listen music Anticipating good internet connection Frustating to connect device to bluetooth Help people to easily connect bluetooth App icon should be quickly findable Give info about internet connection like strength etc. Getting ready to go for office Singing in bathroom Listening to radio played by room partner Searching for his headphones Watching songs on television in PG mess I think my voice is bad. How these radio jockey are so spontaneous Watching HD video songs is great I will listen to this song again in cab Again I have to go boring office Excited to listen music Get to know about the users daily routines and habit may help in curating his playlist Browsing the topics Looking for his favourite artists He is interested in new releases Exploring the playlist like top hits, trending songs Searching for something specific in mind Type to search when he doesn’t find he want Oh that’s new song That’s new feature Where is my favourite song Is there any shortcut to get what I want Excited to find how is this new song Confused between the categories Frustated to browse and look for specific songs Eager to listen to all new songs which he discovered Overwhemled to see lot of songs at one place Triggered Nostalgia to see a very old favourite song Show new songs based on user’s history Ask preferences to show relavant data Increase discoverability of new arrivals Smart navigation Play the chosen one Analysing whether to listen full or go back Go back if the song selected was not good Look for lyrics if wants to sing along Increase the volume if he really likes it Where was this song all the time? How people make such a song? Who is the singer and lyricist? Let’s me share this activity with friends Can I make this my ringtone Will play again on specific future occassion Let me pull my friends/family and listen together Can I share a specific lines/music with someone Excited after listening song Feel satisfied/thrist quenched Feel pumped up Feels to listen more like this and get drowned Feel sad after listening to a emotional song Keep user engaged and give next task Persuade not to quit Wonderful to find new favourite song Aweful after listening a song of different taste Down in Memory lane Increase the engagement Add feature like sing along Add some written facts of song in between stanzas Try changing audio modes Play again if he likes it Want to download if he wants to listen later offline Share with friends Mark it favourite Add to his playlist Find similar music Search for more songs of same album Play the specific portion again Access downloaded song Looks for last played song Search for latest released song Explore what’s new & settings Want to set preferences Complete profile Look for subscription offers & compare plans Want to give feedback/suggesstion Let me hear last song again Where is the song which I saw in ad It’s very hard/easy task to search Wonderful to have this app It’s very annoying app, hard to find stuff Excited to listen likable songs Very important to engage this user as he may not come back again. Right time to give him offer Enhance his knowledge about features Show gratitude Support people those who are looking for help Kunal is 24 year old newly graduate from a reputed engineering college. He got placed in MNC in Gurgaon as a software engineer. He belongs to Agra. He lives in a PG in south Delhi with his school time friend. Kunal is a sports fan especially football and a music lover. He have different apps in his mobile like gaana, google music, spotify, hungama etc. Whenever he has free time, he plays football on FIFA app. When he gets bore, he connect his earphones and listen to music. He generally listen to music while jogging in morning and during commute to workplace in his office cab. Also, he enjoys music during break in office or whenever he hangs out alone in mall or market place on weekend. He keep himself updated of all new songs in market. In office and at his home, he is like music guru to all. Kunal office is in Gurgaon and he lives in PG at south Delhi. Every morning, he go to office in his office cab to Gurgaon which takes 45 mins to 1 hr. Sometimes it takes more time if cab gets stuck in traffic. He wan’t to kill the commute time and keep himself entertained. So he generally open one of his music app and listen to his favourite songs. He also search for new songs of his favourite artists as he want to keep himself updated. 1. Discover new music 4. Enjoy the time while using app 2. Get similar music suggesstions 3. Organise his favourite songs according to mood so that he can listen them later without searching again DoingPhases During App Scenario ThinkingFeeling Opportunities /Insights Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 Phase 5 Persona Scenario User Expectations Opens App Pre App Scenario Browse music Plays Music Post Playing Revisits app Humming the song while doing his work Discussing about songs with roommate Arguing when he is asked to stop humming Checking the reply after sharing the song link About the music of the new song Thinking of the weird lyrics of song Feeling satisfied after listening songs Excited to listen songs in night again There are high chances that die hard music lovers to convert into paid users. Post App Scenario
  • 28. Gaana: Home page redesign - wireframes After doing the some UX research which include User Survey, Competitor Analysis and Journey Map, I have tried to understand the mindset of a music lover and redesigned home page and player of Gaana App. Thought behind new home page: Create navigation such that it is easy to understand. Create meaningful broad groups of songs which help user to browse & pick song to play efficiently. Help user to set preferences so that customised homepage can be created when he visits again. Increase discoverability of songs and he need not to search again. Use technology to help user to find his song: Chat bot assistant Home page can vary according to time of day or ongoing festival. ‘Recent’ added in bottom navigation which helps user to quickly access his last searches (on which he had spent so much time to discover) ‘My Music’ and ‘search’ page (not shown here) along with home can give best experience to user. Non Paid user home page: first half only changed
  • 29. Gaana: Player redesign - wireframes Thought behind new player: Current player ‘from the features/tech point of view’, it is already one of the best among its competitors. so, I have made few changes. I have designed the player(audio) according to user flow of reading information- starting from the name and ‘queue’ in the end. I believe it will have better usability and less time to grasp information. I have removed the icon from the right hand side which hamper the picture/video behind. I have added features - Like & Dislike button to understand/record the user preferences and data will help to give better options to user. I have given feature upfront on player, like audio mode inpired from Winamp player for desktop. Redesigned queue to increase it’s usability, like intuitive scroll to view full and collaspse icon to minimize it. Similar song suggesstion to add in the queue.