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Highlights from Java 10-13
and Future of Java
JCON 25.09.2019
by Rodion Alukhanov and Vadym Kazulkin, ip.labs GmbH
Vadym Kazulkin, ip.labs GmbH
@VKazulkin, @ServerlessBonn (Meetup)
Rodion Alukhanov, ip.labs GmbH
ip.labs GmbH
● Highlights from Java 10-13
● Project Valhalla (Value Types)
● Project Loom (Fibers and Continuations)
● GraalVM
Project Amber
Local-Variable Type Inference (JEP 286, JDK 10)
URL url = new URL("");
URLConnection connection = url.openConnection();
try (InputStream s1 = connection.getInputStream()) {
IOUtils.copy(s1, System.out);
var url = new URL("");
var connection = url.openConnection();
try (var s1 = connection.getInputStream()) {
IOUtils.copy(s1, System.out);
var var = 19;
var b = null; // Compilation error
var c = 1; d = 1; // Compilation error
Project Amber
Local-Variable Type Inference (JEP 286, JDK 10)
var a = new ArrayList<>(); // list of <Object>
BiFunction<Integer, Integer, Integer> f1 =
(var a, var b) -> a + b; // since Java 11
var f2 = (var a, var b) -> a + b; // Compilation error
Consumer<String> a = getBuffer(); // Consumer or Supplier, never both
a.accept("variable of two types");
Supplier<String> b = (Supplier<String>)a;
Project Amber
Local-Variable Type Inference (JEP 286, JDK 10)
// Tricky way to declare "Consumer & Supplier" type
public <T extends Consumer<String> & Supplier<String>> T getBuffer() {
return (T)new Buffer();
var a = getBuffer();
a.accept("variable of two types");
Garbage Collector Interface (JEP 304, JDK10)
ZGC: A Scalable Low-Latency Garbage Collector (Experimental),
(JEP 333, JDK11)
Epsilon: A No-Op Garbage Collector (Experimental),
(JEP 318, JDK11)
Shenandoah: A Low-Pause-Time Garbage Collector (Experimental),
(JEP189, JDK 12)
Abortable Mixed Collections for G1 (JEP 344, JDK 12)
Promptly Return Unused Committed Memory from G1 (JEP 346, JDK 12)
ZGC: Uncommit Unused Memory, (JEP 351, JDK13)
String value = null;
switch (k) {
case 1: value = "one";
case 2: value = "two";
case 3:
case 4: value = “many";
Switch Expressions (JEP 325, JDK 12 Preview),
Switch Expressions (JEP 354, JDK 13 Preview)
switch (k) {
case 1 -> value = "one";
case 2 -> value = "two";
case 3, 4 -> value = "many";
value = switch(k) {
case 1 -> "one";
case 2 -> "two";
case 3, 4 -> "many";
default -> {
yield null;
HTTP Client, (JEP 110, JDK 9 Incubator),
HTTP Client (JEP 321, JDK 11)
Some Features useful features:
+ HTTP/2 Support
+ Asynchronous requests
+ Stream, JDK Flow support
+ method chaining
HttpRequest request = HttpRequest.newBuilder()
HttpResponse<String> response =
httpClient.send(request, BodyHandlers.ofString());"Response status code: " + response.statusCode());"Response headers: " + response.headers());"Response body: " + response.body());
- No URI building libraries
- No compression support
- No multipart form data parser
- No non-2xx to exception conversion
API: Unmodifiable Lists (JDK 10)
// same for Set and Map
// copies only if needed
// java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException
// no Guava compatibility (as expected)
API: Support for Unicode White Spaces (JDK 11)
Character trimable stripable
U+0009, TAB yes yes
U+0020, SPACE yes yes
U+2000 EN QUAD no yes
Better Container-Awareness (Docker Issues)
Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();
int processors = runtime.availableProcessors();
long maxMemory = runtime.maxMemory();
4 CORES, 4Gb --cpus=2 --cpuset-cpus=0,1
JAVA8, runtime.availableProcessors 4 2
JAVA10, runtime.availableProcessors 2 2
4 CORES, 4Gb --memory=512m
JAVA8, runtime.maxMemory 1g (¼ of 4g)
JAVA9, runtime.maxMemory 128m (¼ of 512m)
Fix for JDK 8u131 (Issue JDK-8146115)
Application Class Data Sharing, (JEP 310, JEP 341, JEP 350)
load class-file
from disk
verify byte-
put into internal
merory structure
- CDS (-Xshare:auto) // JDK5
- Application CDS // JDK 10
- CDS out-of-the-box // JDK 12
- Dynamic Application CSD (-XX:ArchiveClassesAtExit) // JDK 13
load dump from disk map RAM
Raw String Literals (JEP 326),
Text-Blocks (Preview), (JEP 355, JDK 13)
var html = """
........... <body>Hello, world</body>
- Incidental white spaces are removed (shown as dots in the example)
- Trailing white spaces are removed
- Line breaks become LF (a.k.a.  n) regardless of platform
- No incidential tabs support (checked using build 25)
- No variable place holder (as supported by Kotlin and Scala)
Project Valhalla
Value Types
Project Valhalla
● Reboot the layout of data in memory
Source: Brian Goetz, Oracle „Evolving the Java Language”
Project Valhalla
● Hardware has changed
– Multi-core
– The cost of cache misses has increased
Source: Brian Goetz, Oracle „Evolving the Java Language”
Project Valhalla
Source: „Latency Numbers Every Programmer Should Know”
Project Valhalla
Source: „Latency Numbers Every Programmer Should Know”
Project Valhalla
Storing objects in the Java Heap has its price, because object’s
metadata consumes additional memory for :
● flags facilitating synchronization/locking
● identity/polymorphismus
● garbage collection
Project Valhalla
Value Object
Value Object is an immutable type that is distinguishable only
by the state of its properties
Project Valhalla
● Reduced memory usage
● Reduced indirection
● Increased locality
Codes like a class, works like a primitive (Brian Goetz)
Project Valhalla
Source: „What Is Project Valhalla?”
Project Valhalla
Value Types
inline class Point {long x, y ;}
Project Valhalla
Value Types
● have method and field
● implement interfaces
● use encapsulation
● be generic
● be mutated
● be sub-classed
Project Valhalla
Current Status:
● Released public prototype L2
– Can declare and use value types (inline classes)
– Can have erased generics over value types (analoguos to List<Integer>)
– Memory Layout optimizations implemented
– Compiler/Virtual Machine optimizations implemented
– A lot of challenges to solve (read the article
Source: Brian Goetz, Oracle „Valhalla Update”
Project Valhalla
Open Questions:
● Nullity
● Equality
● Migration
● Specialized generics (Point<T>)
● GraalVM Support
Source: Brian Goetz, Oracle „Valhalla Update”
Project Loom
Fibers and Continuations
Project Loom
● Developers currently have 2 choices to write concurrent code:
– use blocking/synchronous API, which is simple, but less scalable (number of threads, that OS
supports is far less that open and concurrent connections required)
– asynchronous API (Spring Project Reactor, RXJava 2), which is scalable, but complex, harder to
debug and profile and limited (no asynchronous JDBC standard in this area)
Sources: Alan Bateman, Oracle „Project Loom: Fibers and Continuations for Java”
“Spaghetti Code”
Project Loom
● explore Java VM features and APIs built on top of them for the
implementation of lightweight user-mode threads (fibers) and continuations
Project Loom
Continuation is a program object, representing a computation
that may be suspended and resumed
package java.lang;
public class Continuation {
public Continuation (ContinuationScope scope, Runnable target)
public final void run()
public static void yield (ContinuationScope scope)
public boolean isDone()
Project Loom
Fibre is a lightweight thread scheduled not by the OS, but by
the Java Runtime with low memory footprint and low task-
switching cost
Project Loom
Fibers & Continuations
Continuation + Schedular
Project Loom
Schedular executes the task on a pool of carrier threads
● java.util.concurrent.Executor API exposes the Schedular
● Default schedular is a ForJoinPool
Source: Alan Bateman, Oracle „Project Loom Update”
Project Loom
● java.lang.Fibre currently supports:
– scheduling
– parking/unparking
– waiting for a fibre to terminate
● Fiber-friendly APIs
– java.util.concurrent locks
– java.nio.channels.SocketChannel and Pipes
– Thread.sleep
– JSSE implementation of TLS
Source: Alan Bateman, Oracle „Project Loom Update”
Project Loom
Fibers Implementation
● Currently Thread and Fiber don’t have a common supertype
● Thread.currentThread() in context of Fibers
– Create adaptor (Shadow Thread)
– Adaptor emulates legacy Thread API (except deprecated methods like
stop, suspend and resume)
– Thread Local becomes Fiber Local
Source: Alan Bateman, Oracle „Project Loom Update”
Project Loom
Structured Concurrency
Basic idea: Everytime that the control splits into multiple concurrent paths, we
want to guarantee that they join up again
try (var scope= FiberScope. open()) {
var fiber1= scope.schedule(task1);
var fiber2= scope.schedule(task2);
} //blocks until fiber1 and fiber2 terminate
Sources: Nathanial J. Smith „Notes on structured concurrency, or: Go statement considered harmful”
Roman Elizarov: “Structured concurrency with Coroutines in Kotlin”
Project Loom
Structured Concurrency
● Each fiber has cancel status which can only be set once, which sets the
interrupt status and unparks the fiber
● The task can poll canceled status
try (var scope= FiberScope. open(PROPAGATE_CANCEL)) {
var fiber1= scope.schedule(task1);
var fiber2= scope.schedule(task2);
} //canceling the fiber executing this code will cancel fiber1 and fiber2
Source: Alan Bateman, Oracle „Project Loom Update”
Project Loom
Current Status:
● Implemented initial prototype with Continuation and Fiber support
● Current prototype of Continuations and Fibers can run existing code
● Current focus on
– Performance improvement
– Stable Fiber API
– Debugger support
– Java Flight Recorder support
Source: Alan Bateman, Oracle „Project Loom Update”
Project Loom
● Can‘t yield with native frames
● Can‘t yield while holding a monitor
Source: Alan Bateman, Oracle „Project Loom Update”
Project Loom
Open Questions:
● Should the existing Thread API be completely re-examined?
● Can all existing code be run on top of Fibers?
Source: Alan Bateman, Oracle „Project Loom Update”
Project Metropolis
Polyglot GraalVM for Java 8
Project Metropolis
● High performance for all languages
● Zero overhead interoperability between languages
● Language-level virtualization level for shared tooling
Source: Oleg Selajev : “Run Code in Any Language Anywhere with GraalVM”
JEP 317
Experimental Java-Based JIT Compiler
Graal, a Java-based JIT compiler on the Linux/x64 platform, is the basis of the
experimental Ahead-of-Time (AOT) compiler introduced in JDK 9.
To Enable:
-XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseJVMCICompiler
Sources: Practical Partial Evaluation for High-Performance Dynamic Language Runtimes
„The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure“
Sources: Renaissance Suite
Oleg Šelajev: “GraalVM for Java developers @ Spring I/O 2019”
New in GraalVM 19 libgraal
Sources: „libgraal: GraalVM compiler as a precompiled GraalVM native image“
Oleg Šelajev: “GraalVM for Java developers @ Spring I/O 2019”
libgraal jargraal
• Libgraal is a shared library, produced by GraalVM Native Image, which contains a pre-compiled
version of the GraalVM compiler.
• In Java applications on GraalVM libgraal used as the top tier Just-In-Time compiler.
• libgraal improves startup times and completely avoids interfering with the heap usage and profiling
of the application code.
Sources: Practical Partial Evaluation for High-Performance Dynamic Language Runtimes
„The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure“
Source: Oleg Šelajev, Thomas Wuerthinger, Oracle: “Deep dive into using GraalVM for Java and JavaScript”
GraalVM and SubstrateVM
Source: Oleg Selajev, Oracle : “Run Code in Any Language Anywhere with GraalVM”
Support of GraalVM native images at Spring Framework
Working toward GraalVM native image support without requiring additional
configuration or workaround is one of the themes of upcoming Spring
Framework 5.3
Source: „GraalVM native image support“
GraalVM on SubstrateVM
A game changer for Java & Serverless?
Cold Start :
Source: Ajay Nair „Become a Serverless Black Belt”
AWS Lambda cold start time
by supported language
Source: Yan Cui:
GraalVM on SubstrateVM
A game changer for Java & Serverless?
Java Function compiled into a native executable using GraalVM on
SubstrateVM reduces
● “cold start” times
● memory footprint
● your bill in the cloud
by order of magnitude compared to running on JVM.
Lambda Layers
& Lambda
Runtime API
Door opener for using
• Newest Java versions
• Other JVM languages
Source: Mathias Düsterhöft : “Fighting cold startup issues for your Kotlin Lambda with GraalVM”
● Quarkus is a Kubernetes Native Java framework developed by Red Hat
tailored for GraalVM and HotSpot, crafted from best-of-breed Java libraries
and standards.
● The goal of Quarkus is
– make Java a leading platform in Kubernetes and serverless environments
– offering developers a unified reactive and imperative programming model
– optimally address a wider range of distributed application architectures.
Source: Jason Greene: „Introducing Quarkus: a next-generation Kubernetes native Java framework”
is still an interesting and great
programming language
Thank You!

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Highlights from Java 10-13 and Future of Java at JCON 2019 by Alukhanov and Kazulkin

  • 1. Highlights from Java 10-13 and Future of Java JCON 25.09.2019 by Rodion Alukhanov and Vadym Kazulkin, ip.labs GmbH
  • 2. Contact Vadym Kazulkin, ip.labs GmbH @VKazulkin, @ServerlessBonn (Meetup) Rodion Alukhanov, ip.labs GmbH
  • 4. Agenda ● Highlights from Java 10-13 ● Project Valhalla (Value Types) ● Project Loom (Fibers and Continuations) ● GraalVM
  • 5. Project Amber Local-Variable Type Inference (JEP 286, JDK 10) URL url = new URL(""); URLConnection connection = url.openConnection(); try (InputStream s1 = connection.getInputStream()) { IOUtils.copy(s1, System.out); }; var url = new URL(""); var connection = url.openConnection(); try (var s1 = connection.getInputStream()) { IOUtils.copy(s1, System.out); };
  • 6. var var = 19; var b = null; // Compilation error var c = 1; d = 1; // Compilation error Project Amber Local-Variable Type Inference (JEP 286, JDK 10) var a = new ArrayList<>(); // list of <Object> BiFunction<Integer, Integer, Integer> f1 = (var a, var b) -> a + b; // since Java 11 var f2 = (var a, var b) -> a + b; // Compilation error
  • 7. Consumer<String> a = getBuffer(); // Consumer or Supplier, never both a.accept("variable of two types"); Supplier<String> b = (Supplier<String>)a; System.out.print(b.get()); Project Amber Local-Variable Type Inference (JEP 286, JDK 10) // Tricky way to declare "Consumer & Supplier" type public <T extends Consumer<String> & Supplier<String>> T getBuffer() { return (T)new Buffer(); } var a = getBuffer(); a.accept("variable of two types"); System.out.print(a.get());
  • 8. Garbage Collector Interface (JEP 304, JDK10) ZGC: A Scalable Low-Latency Garbage Collector (Experimental), (JEP 333, JDK11) Epsilon: A No-Op Garbage Collector (Experimental), (JEP 318, JDK11) Shenandoah: A Low-Pause-Time Garbage Collector (Experimental), (JEP189, JDK 12) Abortable Mixed Collections for G1 (JEP 344, JDK 12) Promptly Return Unused Committed Memory from G1 (JEP 346, JDK 12) ZGC: Uncommit Unused Memory, (JEP 351, JDK13)
  • 9. String value = null; switch (k) { case 1: value = "one"; break; case 2: value = "two"; break; case 3: case 4: value = “many"; break; } Switch Expressions (JEP 325, JDK 12 Preview), Switch Expressions (JEP 354, JDK 13 Preview) switch (k) { case 1 -> value = "one"; case 2 -> value = "two"; case 3, 4 -> value = "many"; } value = switch(k) { case 1 -> "one"; case 2 -> "two"; case 3, 4 -> "many"; default -> { yield null; } };
  • 10. HTTP Client, (JEP 110, JDK 9 Incubator), HTTP Client (JEP 321, JDK 11) Some Features useful features: + HTTP/2 Support + Asynchronous requests + Stream, JDK Flow support + method chaining HttpRequest request = HttpRequest.newBuilder() .uri(URI.create("")) .build(); HttpResponse<String> response = httpClient.send(request, BodyHandlers.ofString());"Response status code: " + response.statusCode());"Response headers: " + response.headers());"Response body: " + response.body()); - No URI building libraries - No compression support - No multipart form data parser - No non-2xx to exception conversion
  • 11. API: Unmodifiable Lists (JDK 10) List.of(e1,e2,e3,e4...) List.copyOf(copyMe) Collectors.toUnmodifiableList() // same for Set and Map // copies only if needed // java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException // no Guava compatibility (as expected)
  • 12. API: Support for Unicode White Spaces (JDK 11) String.isBlank() String.strip() String.stripLeading() String.stripTrailing() String.repeat(count) Character trimable stripable U+0009, TAB yes yes U+0020, SPACE yes yes U+00A0 NO-BREAK SPACE no no U+2000 EN QUAD no yes U+200B ZERO WIDTH SPACE no no
  • 13. Better Container-Awareness (Docker Issues) Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime(); int processors = runtime.availableProcessors(); long maxMemory = runtime.maxMemory(); 4 CORES, 4Gb --cpus=2 --cpuset-cpus=0,1 JAVA8, runtime.availableProcessors 4 2 JAVA10, runtime.availableProcessors 2 2 4 CORES, 4Gb --memory=512m JAVA8, runtime.maxMemory 1g (¼ of 4g) JAVA9, runtime.maxMemory 128m (¼ of 512m) Fix for JDK 8u131 (Issue JDK-8146115) -XX:+UseCGroupMemoryLimitForHeap -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions
  • 14. Application Class Data Sharing, (JEP 310, JEP 341, JEP 350) load class-file from disk verify byte- code optimize put into internal merory structure - CDS (-Xshare:auto) // JDK5 - Application CDS // JDK 10 - CDS out-of-the-box // JDK 12 - Dynamic Application CSD (-XX:ArchiveClassesAtExit) // JDK 13 load dump from disk map RAM
  • 15. Raw String Literals (JEP 326), Text-Blocks (Preview), (JEP 355, JDK 13) var html = """ ...........<html> ........... <body>Hello, world</body> ...........</html> ..........."""; - Incidental white spaces are removed (shown as dots in the example) - Trailing white spaces are removed - Line breaks become LF (a.k.a. n) regardless of platform - No incidential tabs support (checked using build 25) - No variable place holder (as supported by Kotlin and Scala)
  • 16. Project Valhalla Value Types Source:
  • 17. Project Valhalla Goal: ● Reboot the layout of data in memory Source: Brian Goetz, Oracle „Evolving the Java Language”
  • 18. Project Valhalla Motivation: ● Hardware has changed – Multi-core – The cost of cache misses has increased Source: Brian Goetz, Oracle „Evolving the Java Language”
  • 19. Project Valhalla Motivation Source: „Latency Numbers Every Programmer Should Know”
  • 20. Project Valhalla Motivation Source: „Latency Numbers Every Programmer Should Know”
  • 21. Project Valhalla Storing objects in the Java Heap has its price, because object’s metadata consumes additional memory for : ● flags facilitating synchronization/locking ● identity/polymorphismus ● garbage collection
  • 22. Project Valhalla Value Object Value Object is an immutable type that is distinguishable only by the state of its properties
  • 23. Project Valhalla Benefits: ● Reduced memory usage ● Reduced indirection ● Increased locality Codes like a class, works like a primitive (Brian Goetz)
  • 24. Project Valhalla Source: „What Is Project Valhalla?”
  • 25. Project Valhalla Value Types inline class Point {long x, y ;}
  • 26. Project Valhalla Value Types Can ● have method and field ● implement interfaces ● use encapsulation ● be generic Can’t ● be mutated ● be sub-classed
  • 27. Project Valhalla Current Status: ● Released public prototype L2 – Can declare and use value types (inline classes) – Can have erased generics over value types (analoguos to List<Integer>) – Memory Layout optimizations implemented – Compiler/Virtual Machine optimizations implemented – A lot of challenges to solve (read the article openjdk-lw2-released/) Source: Brian Goetz, Oracle „Valhalla Update”
  • 28. Project Valhalla Open Questions: ● Nullity ● Equality ● Migration ● Specialized generics (Point<T>) ● GraalVM Support Source: Brian Goetz, Oracle „Valhalla Update”
  • 29. Project Loom Fibers and Continuations Source:
  • 30. Project Loom Motivation: ● Developers currently have 2 choices to write concurrent code: – use blocking/synchronous API, which is simple, but less scalable (number of threads, that OS supports is far less that open and concurrent connections required) – asynchronous API (Spring Project Reactor, RXJava 2), which is scalable, but complex, harder to debug and profile and limited (no asynchronous JDBC standard in this area) Sources: Alan Bateman, Oracle „Project Loom: Fibers and Continuations for Java” “Spaghetti Code”
  • 31. Project Loom Goals: ● explore Java VM features and APIs built on top of them for the implementation of lightweight user-mode threads (fibers) and continuations
  • 32. Project Loom Continuation Continuation is a program object, representing a computation that may be suspended and resumed
  • 33. Continuation package java.lang; public class Continuation { public Continuation (ContinuationScope scope, Runnable target) public final void run() public static void yield (ContinuationScope scope) public boolean isDone() }
  • 34. Project Loom Fibers Fibre is a lightweight thread scheduled not by the OS, but by the Java Runtime with low memory footprint and low task- switching cost
  • 35. Project Loom Fibers & Continuations Fiber = Continuation + Schedular
  • 36. Project Loom Schedular Schedular executes the task on a pool of carrier threads ● java.util.concurrent.Executor API exposes the Schedular ● Default schedular is a ForJoinPool Source: Alan Bateman, Oracle „Project Loom Update”
  • 37. Project Loom Fibers ● java.lang.Fibre currently supports: – scheduling – parking/unparking – waiting for a fibre to terminate ● Fiber-friendly APIs – java.util.concurrent locks – – java.nio.channels.SocketChannel and Pipes – Thread.sleep – JSSE implementation of TLS Source: Alan Bateman, Oracle „Project Loom Update”
  • 38. Project Loom Fibers Implementation ● Currently Thread and Fiber don’t have a common supertype ● Thread.currentThread() in context of Fibers – Create adaptor (Shadow Thread) – Adaptor emulates legacy Thread API (except deprecated methods like stop, suspend and resume) – Thread Local becomes Fiber Local Source: Alan Bateman, Oracle „Project Loom Update”
  • 39. Project Loom Structured Concurrency Basic idea: Everytime that the control splits into multiple concurrent paths, we want to guarantee that they join up again try (var scope= FiberScope. open()) { var fiber1= scope.schedule(task1); var fiber2= scope.schedule(task2); } //blocks until fiber1 and fiber2 terminate Sources: Nathanial J. Smith „Notes on structured concurrency, or: Go statement considered harmful” Roman Elizarov: “Structured concurrency with Coroutines in Kotlin” 722d765aa952
  • 40. Project Loom Structured Concurrency Cancelation: ● Each fiber has cancel status which can only be set once, which sets the interrupt status and unparks the fiber ● The task can poll canceled status try (var scope= FiberScope. open(PROPAGATE_CANCEL)) { var fiber1= scope.schedule(task1); var fiber2= scope.schedule(task2); } //canceling the fiber executing this code will cancel fiber1 and fiber2 Source: Alan Bateman, Oracle „Project Loom Update”
  • 41. Project Loom Current Status: ● Implemented initial prototype with Continuation and Fiber support ● Current prototype of Continuations and Fibers can run existing code ● Current focus on – Performance improvement – Stable Fiber API – Debugger support – Java Flight Recorder support Source: Alan Bateman, Oracle „Project Loom Update”
  • 42. Project Loom Limitations: ● Can‘t yield with native frames ● Can‘t yield while holding a monitor Source: Alan Bateman, Oracle „Project Loom Update”
  • 43. Project Loom Open Questions: ● Should the existing Thread API be completely re-examined? ● Can all existing code be run on top of Fibers? Source: Alan Bateman, Oracle „Project Loom Update”
  • 44. Project Metropolis Polyglot GraalVM for Java 8 Source:
  • 45. Project Metropolis Goals: ● High performance for all languages ● Zero overhead interoperability between languages ● Language-level virtualization level for shared tooling Source: Oleg Selajev : “Run Code in Any Language Anywhere with GraalVM”
  • 46. JEP 317 Experimental Java-Based JIT Compiler Graal, a Java-based JIT compiler on the Linux/x64 platform, is the basis of the experimental Ahead-of-Time (AOT) compiler introduced in JDK 9. To Enable: -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseJVMCICompiler
  • 47.
  • 48. GraalVM Architecture Sources: Practical Partial Evaluation for High-Performance Dynamic Language Runtimes „The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure“
  • 49. GraalVM Benchmarks Sources: Renaissance Suite Oleg Šelajev: “GraalVM for Java developers @ Spring I/O 2019”
  • 50. GraalVM New in GraalVM 19 libgraal Sources: „libgraal: GraalVM compiler as a precompiled GraalVM native image“ graalvm-compiler-as-a-precompiled-graalvm-native-image-26e354bee5c Oleg Šelajev: “GraalVM for Java developers @ Spring I/O 2019” libgraal jargraal • Libgraal is a shared library, produced by GraalVM Native Image, which contains a pre-compiled version of the GraalVM compiler. • In Java applications on GraalVM libgraal used as the top tier Just-In-Time compiler. • libgraal improves startup times and completely avoids interfering with the heap usage and profiling of the application code.
  • 51. GraalVM Architecture Sources: Practical Partial Evaluation for High-Performance Dynamic Language Runtimes „The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure“
  • 52. SubstrateVM Source: Oleg Šelajev, Thomas Wuerthinger, Oracle: “Deep dive into using GraalVM for Java and JavaScript”
  • 53. GraalVM and SubstrateVM Source: Oleg Selajev, Oracle : “Run Code in Any Language Anywhere with GraalVM”
  • 54. Support of GraalVM native images at Spring Framework Working toward GraalVM native image support without requiring additional configuration or workaround is one of the themes of upcoming Spring Framework 5.3 Source: „GraalVM native image support“
  • 55. GraalVM on SubstrateVM A game changer for Java & Serverless? Cold Start : Source: Ajay Nair „Become a Serverless Black Belt”
  • 56. AWS Lambda cold start time by supported language Source: Yan Cui:
  • 57. GraalVM on SubstrateVM A game changer for Java & Serverless? Java Function compiled into a native executable using GraalVM on SubstrateVM reduces ● “cold start” times ● memory footprint ● your bill in the cloud by order of magnitude compared to running on JVM.
  • 58. Lambda Layers & Lambda Runtime API Door opener for using • Newest Java versions • Other JVM languages Source: Mathias Düsterhöft : “Fighting cold startup issues for your Kotlin Lambda with GraalVM”
  • 59. Quarkus ● Quarkus is a Kubernetes Native Java framework developed by Red Hat tailored for GraalVM and HotSpot, crafted from best-of-breed Java libraries and standards. ● The goal of Quarkus is – make Java a leading platform in Kubernetes and serverless environments – offering developers a unified reactive and imperative programming model – optimally address a wider range of distributed application architectures. Source: Jason Greene: „Introducing Quarkus: a next-generation Kubernetes native Java framework”
  • 60. is still an interesting and great programming language
  • 61.