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A framework to improve organization performance : In 
special reference to EQ,MQ and SQ, in the backdrop 
of quantum and Newtonian Physics 
By: Dr. Patanjali Kashyap 
Simisola Otukoya 
King’s College London
• Introduction to the framework 
• Theoretical development 
• Website 
• Challenges
New Economy 
Since the 1990’s, a knowledge based economy has 
risen to prominence. 
In this economy, intangible intellectual assets are 
becoming increasingly more valuable than the 
conventional hard assets- “machine and land”.
“Machine power” to “brain Power” 
Unlike Machines, Brain: 
• Doesn’t operate on pure logic 
• Has emotions 
• Has value systems 
• Has aspirations 
This has posed unusual challenges to human resource 
A look at the Human Brain
Corporate Performance 
Balanced Scorecard 
(BSC)- translates 
Organization’s strategy 
into quantifiable 
• 4 Balanced 
• A communication tool 
for employees and 
stake holders 
• A measurement system 
• A strategic 
management system
Typical Performance management 
Productivity = 
Tickets Handled 
Hours worked 
Team Member 
Support Area 
spent in 
for the 
per hour 
1 ** Technical Support Inc/i dSernvti cMea Dneasgkemen1t94.48 26 0.13 187 25.00 
2 Technical SuppoIrnt c/i dSernvti cMea Dneasgkemen1t99.36 138 0.69 187 129.44 
3 Technical SuppoIrnt c/i dSernvti cMea Dneasgkemen1t49.64 113 0.76 187 141.21 
4 Technical SuppoIrnt c/i dSernvti cMea Dneasgkement 184 156 0.85 187 158.54 
5 Technical SuppoIrnt c/i dSernvti cMea Dneasgkement 10 65 6.50 187 1215.50 
6 Technical SuppoIrnt c/i dSernvti cMea Dneasgkement 0 87 #DIV/0! 187 #DIV/0! 
7 Technical SuppoIrnt c/i dSernvti cMea Dneasgkement 0 43 #DIV/0! 187 #DIV/0! 
8 Technical SuppoIrnt c/i dSernvti cMea Dneasgkement 0 0 #DIV/0! 187 #DIV/0! 
9 Technical SuppoIrnt c/i dSernvti cMea Dneasgkemen1t38.36 42 0.30 187 56.76 
10 Technical SuppoIrnt c/i dSernvti cMea Dneasgkement 84 1 0.01 187 2.23 
11 Technical SuppoIrnt c/i dSernvti cMea Dneasgkement124.3 239 1.92 187 359.56 
12 Technical SuppoIrnt c/i dSernvti cMea Dneasgkement219.2 277 1.26 187 236.31 
13 Technical SuppoIrnt c/i dSernvti cMea Dneasgkement147.1 25 0.17 187 31.78 
14 Technical SuppoIrnt c/i dSernvti cMea Dneasgkemen1t12.02 70 0.62 187 116.85 
15 Technical SuppoIrnt c/i dSernvti cMea Dneasgkemen1t53.37 87 0.57 187 106.08 
16 Technical SuppoIrnt c/i dSernvti cMea Dneasgkement 153 0 0.00 187 0.00 
17 Technical SuppoIrnt c/i dSernvti cMea Dneasgkement 183 125 0.68 187 127.73 
18 Technical SuppoIrnt c/i dSernvti cMea Dneasgkemen1t34.09 344 2.57 187 479.74
Left Brain Dominance 
BSC and other 
performance management 
system of today are 
• Highly focused on left 
• Isolated from 
psychological concerns 
• Lacks holistic profile for 
training and growth of 
Holistic Framework 
Learning and 
Ultimate Goal 
Capture emotional, social, moral/spiritual aspects in 
workplace in manageable and quantifiable ways- create 
holistic performance management and development model 
• A web application: evaluating competencies and 
performance management 
• High performance team: develop high performance teams 
by integration of emotional, moral, spiritual competencies 
• Newtonian and Quantum Organization : A comparative 
study of In context of New economy, Social Networking 
, Emotional and Spiritual intelligence
A look on intelligence 
Business Needs 
Scientific basis of each 
Key performance Parameters 
Psychometric measurement 
Integration and personalized 
improvement plan
What competencies to seek for? 
Motivation Integrity Collaboration Creativity Flexibility Holistic Thinking 
Bottom-up innovation, 
teamwork, open 
knowledge sharing, 
adaptability to changes, 
customer focus, 
Motivation, integrity, collaboration, 
creativity, flexibility, holistic thinking 
Emotional, Social, Moral and Spiritual Intelligence 
Self awareness, emotional control, confidence, 
empathy, conscience, tolerance, inner drive, etc. 
Confidence, Emotional 
awareness, Emotional 
management , Sustain 
motivation, endurance, drive 
for achievement 
Emotion and 
Impulse control, 
confidence in one’s 
values and 
Healthy self-regard, 
Optimism, Impulse control 
Stress management, 
Emotion and Impulse 
control, Stable self 
Emotional awareness 
Motivating/ managing 
others’ emotions 
Understand complex 
social relationships 
Empathy, Situational 
radar, Resolve conflicts, 
Change catalyst, 
Moving others towards 
oneself, Responsiveness, 
Authenticity, sincerity 
Influencing others 
Building bonds, 
Situational radar, 
resolve conflicts 
Empathy, Situational radar 
Responsibility, self-control Moral judgment, 
Stand up against 
injustice, Keep 
Respect, Tolerance Social 
Tolerance Social responsibility, apply 
universal principles to 
personal actions 
Self-understanding, Access 
to deep values and will, 
inner harmony, purpose 
Intrinsic drive to 
serve and give, 
Access of deep 
values of self, 
Meaning seeking 
and led by vision 
Embrace diversity, love 
and unity with people 
Spontaneity and 
energy, Seeking 
truth and curious, 
Flexibility of 
Flexibility of 
Seeing the fundamental 
and essence, love and 
unity with nature/universe
Neurological Understanding of each 
Identifying competencies in brain: 
• Active areas: brain imaging such 
as fMRI, PETs 
• Brain waves: EEG 
• Lesion behavior studies 
• Structural connectivity patterns
Employee Fulfillment 
ideal self, 
discover meaning of life 
Self-esteem, achievement, 
respect of others, respect by 
To love others, love oneself, be 
loved, trust others and be trusted, 
belonging to the team & organization 
Emotional stability, moral environment, 
security of employment, financial security 
Self actualization 
Newton and Industry..!! 
Prevalent way of viewing the 
workings of an organization 
today are: 
• Founded on 
revolutionary ideas of 
Newton and Descartes 
• Which brought about 
organizational structure 
in the Industrial 
• Relies on stability and 
Isaac Newton
Chaotic Environment 
• Increasing levels of uncertainty and 
unpredictability are evident in today’s 
business environments 
• Business routines and strategic planning 
processes that depend on predictability and 
stability lose credibility 
• Global recession means there’s no stability 
In order to thrive in 
a rapidly changing 
and ambiguous 
A business 
needs to adopt 
A new paradigm that 
sees the world as : 
complex, chaotic 
and uncertainty is 
Newtonian Paradigm 
1500 - 1700 
• Pervades all 
areas of 
• Compelling by 
its simplicity, 
and apparent 
Atomistic and 
• Assumes 
behavior of 
any system 
can be 
explained by 
looking at its 
smallest parts. 
• Everything in 
the word 
made of 
• Assumes 
precision of 
• Crux- world is 
a machine 
that works on 
simple rules 
• Large natural 
explained by 
simple laws 
• E.g. gravity = 
Limited Scope 
• Break down 
when some 
“limits” are 
• E.g. 
• Limits were 
to be avoided”
Quantum Paradigm 
20th Century 
• World is infinitude of complex parts interacting in even 
more complex ways 
• Asserts that “nothing in nature is fixed” and “control is an 
• Randomness and unpredictability are not a breaking 
down of the laws but fully accepted and embraced 
• Continual turbulence in the universe- stable structures 
and orderliness emerge from stable interactions
Newtonian VS Quantum 
Newtonian Quantum 
Focus on functional 
Focus on relationships, 
Assumes certainty & 
Emphasis on control 
Value in uncertainty & 
Requires trust, faith. 
One or the other 
y – There is one truth, 
one best way. 
Inclusive, synergistic. 
Whole is the sum of 
its parts. 
Parts exist 
Emergent, self-organizing 
Whole greater than 
sum of its parts. 
Order emerges 
© 2011 Infosys Technologies Ltd. 19
Better Aligned Organization 
Factor’s affecting a 
ability to meet 
customer needs 
Typically petal shape-ideally 
overlapping circles 
• Structures: Internal structure of the organization 
• External realities: Market place of organization and overall economic 
• Internal realities: Technology, processes and systems 
• Individuals : Needs of employees that work for organization 
Organizations in chaotic and turbulent environments will benefit from 
having Quantum paradigm in its internal structure- will be evident in the 
output of the employees (individuals)
Quantum Organization 
Capacity to create an empowering atmosphere: 
• trust 
• safety 
• sense of belonging, 
enabling continuous introspective and organizational learning and aligning of 
personal (self) values to behavior. 
Unique solutions and ideas emerge from self sharing of all members who allow 
their individual skill sets, insights and personal identities to be aligned with the 
values and goals of the enterprise
Quantum Journey Model 
• 6 organizational capabilities 
characterizes a Quantum 
• Interconnection and 
optimization of these 
personal attributes into a 
motion of fluidicity helps 
facilitate a quantum 
• Quantum leadership is 
needed which operates 
with quantum thinking-implementing 
principles into organization
Motion of Fluidcidity 
“An Interconnected model of 
organizational capabilities 
that can be optimized in a 
community-of-practice to 
create synergy by flow”
Operational Definitions 
• Trust: Willing acceptance of one person’s power to affect another. 
• Spirit: The fundamental emotional and activating principle or animating 
force within living things that determine self-character. 
• Thinking Together: Listening deeply to other points of view, exploring 
new ideas and perspectives, while searching for points of agreement. 
• Learning: modification of a personal behavior or tendency by the act, 
process or experience of gaining knowledge or skills. 
• Dialog: Demonstrated by individuals from different mindsets who can 
meet as equals to explain and explore their beliefs and practices 
• Values: Beliefs of a person or social group in which they have an 
emotional investment (either for or against something).
Quantum Leadership 
“Quantum leadership provides a path through 
the unpredictable, the non-linear and the highly 
complex nature of organizations”. 
Quantum leader : 
• incorporates quantum principles into his/her 
• aware of both the professional and private 
aspects of their members 
• “working with the spirit of followers at the 
emotional, intellectual, and technical levels”.
Quantum Principle: Heisenberg 
Uncertainty Principle 
The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle: 
It is impossible to know both the exact 
position and the exact velocity of an object 
at the same time. 
The very process of determining one 
property affects the other.
Application in quantum 
• Ideas for Planning • Applications for Planning 
• Uncertainty cannot be 
escaped in the business 
• Embrace uncertainty and 
use it to direct where 
learning and exploration 
should take place 
• “There is no completion 
proof that everything 
important has been factored 
into a decision” 
• Planning process must be 
understood as a learning 
• How might our the actions 
affect the context or 
environment in which the 
actions are being taken? 
• Do we know enough on how 
the trend being focused on 
may manifest in the future?
Quantum Principle: Wave 
Particle Duality 
Wave Particle Duality: 
• all particles have wave and 
particle properties at the 
subatomic level. 
• E.g. Electrons undergo diffraction 
and can interfere with each other 
as waves, but they also act as 
point like masses and electric 
Young’s Slit’s Experiment
Application in quantum 
Ideas for Planning 
• Avoid dualistic (either-or) 
thinking in planning- analyses 
based on it are too simplified 
• Dualistic thinking kills creativity-moving 
beyond it leaves space 
for innovation 
Applications for Planning 
• Identify dualistic thinking during 
strategy planning and making 
important decisions 
• Look at the broader context during 
decision making looking at matters 
around, inside and outside issues 
being discussed
Quantum Principle: Nothing is 
real until observed 
Nothing is real until 
• Also based on double slit 
• electron not being 
observed has a wave like 
property that covers 
probability of the areas 
that it could be found 
behind the slit 
• Once the electron is 
observed (by using a 
detector), the wave 
function collapses and it 
behaves like a particle
Application in quantum organization 
Ideas for Planning 
• An observation could collapse what 
you are viewing into what you think 
it is but only from your point of view 
• The probabilities of what it might be 
has been collapsed into what you 
think it is based on your previous 
Applications for Planning 
• Alternative viewpoints should 
be pursued aggressively 
• Instead of focusing on being 
right, a better position would 
be to focus on being open
Quantum Principle: “Many 
Worlds” Idea 
“Many Worlds” Idea : 
• Two simultaneous observations 
from different points of an event can 
give different true and accurate 
• Observation affects reality. 
Therefore this leads to multiple 
Application in quantum 
Ideas for Planning 
• Multiple realities exist- a business 
organization may view the same 
trends as its competitors and come 
up with equally valid conclusions 
• New observations can change how 
the business environment is 
perceived and lead to different 
strategies and actions by all players 
Applications for Planning 
• Give attention to wild card 
ideas that seem to be on the 
periphery-use them to 
generate innovative ideas 
• Seek out alternative 
perspectives from insiders and 
Quantum Learning Principles 
• Appropriate prior 
• Activating prior 
• Value 
• Expectancies 
• Effective 
• Timely Feedback 
• Analyze task at 
hand and own 
• Plan approach 
and monitor 
• Practice 
component skills 
• Know when to 
apply it
Implementation of Quantum Learning 
Process in the Organization 
Allows for
Transforming Directed learners to 
Self Directed Learners 
Strengths and 
and adjust if 
Prior Knowledge 
Outcome of Implementation : Better 
Motivational Alignment 
Outcome of Implementation :Mastery 
when to 
apply skills 
Sample Structure of Quantum Organization
Framework Software 
Learn the 
• .NET 
• ASP.NET web 
with C# 
• Databases 
and SQL 
• Functional 
markups for 
• Database 
• Class design 
• Project plan 
•Questionnaire system 
for competency data 
•Input system for 
productivity data 
•Survey system for 
user opinion collection 
•Online forum system 
•Database to store and 
retrieve data 
•Account management 
system for rights and 
• Database 
• Survey 
• Assessment 
• Forum 
• Usability 
• Exception 
Technical Framework 
presentation Business 
Data Access Layer 

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High performance software team through physics parallels

  • 1. A framework to improve organization performance : In special reference to EQ,MQ and SQ, in the backdrop of quantum and Newtonian Physics By: Dr. Patanjali Kashyap Simisola Otukoya King’s College London
  • 2. 2 Agenda • Introduction to the framework • Theoretical development • Website • Challenges
  • 3. 3 New Economy Since the 1990’s, a knowledge based economy has risen to prominence. In this economy, intangible intellectual assets are becoming increasingly more valuable than the conventional hard assets- “machine and land”.
  • 4. “Machine power” to “brain Power” Unlike Machines, Brain: • Doesn’t operate on pure logic • Has emotions • Has value systems • Has aspirations This has posed unusual challenges to human resource management 4
  • 5. A look at the Human Brain
  • 6. Corporate Performance Balanced Scorecard (BSC)- translates Organization’s strategy into quantifiable measures: • 4 Balanced Perspectives • A communication tool for employees and stake holders • A measurement system • A strategic management system
  • 7. Typical Performance management Productivity = Tickets Handled Hours worked S.No. Team Member Name Service Domain Support Area Hours spent in the activity for the month Number handled per month Average Number handled per hour Standard Monthly Hours Average Number handled per month 1 ** Technical Support Inc/i dSernvti cMea Dneasgkemen1t94.48 26 0.13 187 25.00 2 Technical SuppoIrnt c/i dSernvti cMea Dneasgkemen1t99.36 138 0.69 187 129.44 3 Technical SuppoIrnt c/i dSernvti cMea Dneasgkemen1t49.64 113 0.76 187 141.21 4 Technical SuppoIrnt c/i dSernvti cMea Dneasgkement 184 156 0.85 187 158.54 5 Technical SuppoIrnt c/i dSernvti cMea Dneasgkement 10 65 6.50 187 1215.50 6 Technical SuppoIrnt c/i dSernvti cMea Dneasgkement 0 87 #DIV/0! 187 #DIV/0! 7 Technical SuppoIrnt c/i dSernvti cMea Dneasgkement 0 43 #DIV/0! 187 #DIV/0! 8 Technical SuppoIrnt c/i dSernvti cMea Dneasgkement 0 0 #DIV/0! 187 #DIV/0! 9 Technical SuppoIrnt c/i dSernvti cMea Dneasgkemen1t38.36 42 0.30 187 56.76 10 Technical SuppoIrnt c/i dSernvti cMea Dneasgkement 84 1 0.01 187 2.23 11 Technical SuppoIrnt c/i dSernvti cMea Dneasgkement124.3 239 1.92 187 359.56 12 Technical SuppoIrnt c/i dSernvti cMea Dneasgkement219.2 277 1.26 187 236.31 13 Technical SuppoIrnt c/i dSernvti cMea Dneasgkement147.1 25 0.17 187 31.78 14 Technical SuppoIrnt c/i dSernvti cMea Dneasgkemen1t12.02 70 0.62 187 116.85 15 Technical SuppoIrnt c/i dSernvti cMea Dneasgkemen1t53.37 87 0.57 187 106.08 16 Technical SuppoIrnt c/i dSernvti cMea Dneasgkement 153 0 0.00 187 0.00 17 Technical SuppoIrnt c/i dSernvti cMea Dneasgkement 183 125 0.68 187 127.73 18 Technical SuppoIrnt c/i dSernvti cMea Dneasgkemen1t34.09 344 2.57 187 479.74
  • 8. Left Brain Dominance BSC and other performance management system of today are insufficient: • Highly focused on left brain • Isolated from psychological concerns • Lacks holistic profile for training and growth of individual
  • 9. Holistic Framework 9 Internal Processes Financial Customer Employee Learning and Growth
  • 10. Ultimate Goal Capture emotional, social, moral/spiritual aspects in workplace in manageable and quantifiable ways- create holistic performance management and development model • A web application: evaluating competencies and performance management • High performance team: develop high performance teams by integration of emotional, moral, spiritual competencies • Newtonian and Quantum Organization : A comparative study of In context of New economy, Social Networking , Emotional and Spiritual intelligence
  • 11. A look on intelligence 11 Business Needs Scientific basis of each intelligence Key performance Parameters Psychometric measurement Integration and personalized improvement plan
  • 12. What competencies to seek for? Intellectual assets Motivation Integrity Collaboration Creativity Flexibility Holistic Thinking Bottom-up innovation, teamwork, open knowledge sharing, adaptability to changes, customer focus, spirituality Motivation, integrity, collaboration, creativity, flexibility, holistic thinking Emotional, Social, Moral and Spiritual Intelligence Self awareness, emotional control, confidence, empathy, conscience, tolerance, inner drive, etc. Emotional Competen cies Confidence, Emotional awareness, Emotional management , Sustain motivation, endurance, drive for achievement Emotion and Impulse control, confidence in one’s values and principles Healthy self-regard, Optimism, Impulse control Optimism, emotional management, confidence Stress management, Emotion and Impulse control, Stable self esteem Emotional awareness Social Competen cies Motivating/ managing others’ emotions Empathy, Understand complex social relationships Empathy, Situational radar, Resolve conflicts, Change catalyst, Moving others towards oneself, Responsiveness, Authenticity, sincerity Self-expression, Influencing others Building bonds, effective communication, Situational radar, resolve conflicts Empathy, Situational radar Moral Competen cies Responsibility, self-control Moral judgment, Stand up against injustice, Keep promises Respect, Tolerance Social responsibility Tolerance Social responsibility, apply universal principles to personal actions Spiritual Competen cies Self-understanding, Access to deep values and will, inner harmony, purpose seeking Intrinsic drive to serve and give, Access of deep values of self, Meaning seeking and led by vision Embrace diversity, love and unity with people Spontaneity and energy, Seeking truth and curious, Flexibility of perspectives Time-management, Flexibility of perspectives Seeing the fundamental and essence, love and unity with nature/universe
  • 13. Neurological Understanding of each intelligence Identifying competencies in brain: • Active areas: brain imaging such as fMRI, PETs • Brain waves: EEG • Lesion behavior studies • Structural connectivity patterns
  • 14. Employee Fulfillment Creativity, uniqueness, capable, aware, ideal self, discover meaning of life Self-esteem, achievement, respect of others, respect by others To love others, love oneself, be loved, trust others and be trusted, belonging to the team & organization Emotional stability, moral environment, security of employment, financial security survive Self actualization Esteem Love/Belonging Safety Physiological Spiritual Intelligence Social Intelligence Moral Intelligence Emotional Intelligence
  • 15. Newton and Industry..!! Prevalent way of viewing the workings of an organization today are: • Founded on revolutionary ideas of Newton and Descartes • Which brought about organizational structure in the Industrial Revolution • Relies on stability and predictability Isaac Newton
  • 16. Chaotic Environment • Increasing levels of uncertainty and unpredictability are evident in today’s business environments • Business routines and strategic planning processes that depend on predictability and stability lose credibility • Global recession means there’s no stability In order to thrive in a rapidly changing and ambiguous environment A business organization needs to adopt A new paradigm that sees the world as : complex, chaotic and uncertainty is accepted
  • 17. Newtonian Paradigm 1500 - 1700 • Pervades all areas of scientific endeavor particularly-scientific management • Compelling by its simplicity, coherence and apparent completeness. Atomistic and Reductionist • Assumes behavior of any system can be explained by looking at its smallest parts. • Everything in the word made of atoms-smallest part • Assumes infinite precision of behavior Simplistic • Crux- world is a machine that works on simple rules • Large natural phenomena explained by simple laws • E.g. gravity = 퐺푀푚 푟^2 Limited Scope • Break down when some “limits” are crossed • E.g. subatomic lengths. • Limits were “imperfections to be avoided”
  • 18. Quantum Paradigm 20th Century • World is infinitude of complex parts interacting in even more complex ways • Asserts that “nothing in nature is fixed” and “control is an illusion” • Randomness and unpredictability are not a breaking down of the laws but fully accepted and embraced • Continual turbulence in the universe- stable structures and orderliness emerge from stable interactions
  • 19. Newtonian VS Quantum Newtonian Quantum Atomistic Focus on functional parts. Holistic Focus on relationships, integration Determinate Assumes certainty & predictability. Emphasis on control Indeterminate Value in uncertainty & ambiguity. Requires trust, faith. One or the other Selective/exclusionar y – There is one truth, one best way. Differences embraced Inclusive, synergistic. Reductive Whole is the sum of its parts. Parts exist independently. Emergent, self-organizing Whole greater than sum of its parts. Order emerges spontaneously. © 2011 Infosys Technologies Ltd. 19
  • 20. Better Aligned Organization Factor’s affecting a business organizations ability to meet customer needs Typically petal shape-ideally four overlapping circles • Structures: Internal structure of the organization • External realities: Market place of organization and overall economic condition • Internal realities: Technology, processes and systems • Individuals : Needs of employees that work for organization Organizations in chaotic and turbulent environments will benefit from having Quantum paradigm in its internal structure- will be evident in the output of the employees (individuals)
  • 21. Quantum Organization Capacity to create an empowering atmosphere: • trust • safety • sense of belonging, enabling continuous introspective and organizational learning and aligning of personal (self) values to behavior. Unique solutions and ideas emerge from self sharing of all members who allow their individual skill sets, insights and personal identities to be aligned with the values and goals of the enterprise
  • 22. Quantum Journey Model • 6 organizational capabilities characterizes a Quantum organization • Interconnection and optimization of these personal attributes into a motion of fluidicity helps facilitate a quantum organization • Quantum leadership is needed which operates with quantum thinking-implementing quantum principles into organization
  • 23. Motion of Fluidcidity “An Interconnected model of organizational capabilities that can be optimized in a community-of-practice to create synergy by flow”
  • 24. Operational Definitions • Trust: Willing acceptance of one person’s power to affect another. • Spirit: The fundamental emotional and activating principle or animating force within living things that determine self-character. • Thinking Together: Listening deeply to other points of view, exploring new ideas and perspectives, while searching for points of agreement. • Learning: modification of a personal behavior or tendency by the act, process or experience of gaining knowledge or skills. • Dialog: Demonstrated by individuals from different mindsets who can meet as equals to explain and explore their beliefs and practices together. • Values: Beliefs of a person or social group in which they have an emotional investment (either for or against something).
  • 25. Quantum Leadership “Quantum leadership provides a path through the unpredictable, the non-linear and the highly complex nature of organizations”. Quantum leader : • incorporates quantum principles into his/her thinking • aware of both the professional and private aspects of their members • “working with the spirit of followers at the emotional, intellectual, and technical levels”.
  • 26. Quantum Principle: Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle: It is impossible to know both the exact position and the exact velocity of an object at the same time. The very process of determining one property affects the other.
  • 27. Application in quantum organization • Ideas for Planning • Applications for Planning • Uncertainty cannot be escaped in the business organization • Embrace uncertainty and use it to direct where learning and exploration should take place • “There is no completion proof that everything important has been factored into a decision” • Planning process must be understood as a learning process • How might our the actions affect the context or environment in which the actions are being taken? • Do we know enough on how the trend being focused on may manifest in the future?
  • 28. Quantum Principle: Wave Particle Duality Wave Particle Duality: • all particles have wave and particle properties at the subatomic level. • E.g. Electrons undergo diffraction and can interfere with each other as waves, but they also act as point like masses and electric charges Young’s Slit’s Experiment
  • 29. Application in quantum organization Ideas for Planning • Avoid dualistic (either-or) thinking in planning- analyses based on it are too simplified • Dualistic thinking kills creativity-moving beyond it leaves space for innovation Applications for Planning • Identify dualistic thinking during strategy planning and making important decisions • Look at the broader context during decision making looking at matters around, inside and outside issues being discussed
  • 30. Quantum Principle: Nothing is real until observed Nothing is real until observed: • Also based on double slit experiment • electron not being observed has a wave like property that covers probability of the areas that it could be found behind the slit • Once the electron is observed (by using a detector), the wave function collapses and it behaves like a particle
  • 31. Application in quantum organization Ideas for Planning • An observation could collapse what you are viewing into what you think it is but only from your point of view • The probabilities of what it might be has been collapsed into what you think it is based on your previous experiences Applications for Planning • Alternative viewpoints should be pursued aggressively • Instead of focusing on being right, a better position would be to focus on being open
  • 32. Quantum Principle: “Many Worlds” Idea “Many Worlds” Idea : • Two simultaneous observations from different points of an event can give different true and accurate measurements • Observation affects reality. Therefore this leads to multiple realities
  • 33. Application in quantum organization Ideas for Planning • Multiple realities exist- a business organization may view the same trends as its competitors and come up with equally valid conclusions • New observations can change how the business environment is perceived and lead to different strategies and actions by all players Applications for Planning • Give attention to wild card ideas that seem to be on the periphery-use them to generate innovative ideas • Seek out alternative perspectives from insiders and outsiders
  • 34. Quantum Learning Principles Prior Knowledge • Appropriate prior knowledge • Activating prior knowledge Motivation • Value • Expectancies Feedback • Effective Feedback • Timely Feedback Self-directed learning • Analyze task at hand and own skills • Plan approach and monitor progress Mastery • Practice integrating acquired component skills • Know when to apply it
  • 35. Implementation of Quantum Learning Process in the Organization Practice Goals Observed Performance Targeted Feedback Allows for
  • 36. Transforming Directed learners to Self Directed Learners ASSESS the task Evaluate Strengths and weaknesses PLAN REFLECT and adjust if Apply needed Strategies Monitor performance
  • 37. Prior Knowledge When Activated Sufficient Appropriate AND Accurate When Inactive Insufficient Inappropriate OR Inaccurate HELPS Learning Hinders Learning
  • 38. Outcome of Implementation : Better Motivational Alignment Expectanc y Motivation Goal directed behavior Learning and performance Value
  • 39. Outcome of Implementation :Mastery MASTERY KNOW when to apply skills PRACTICE Integrating Skills ACQUIRE Component Skills
  • 40. Sample Structure of Quantum Organization
  • 41. Framework Software Implementation Learn the development technology • .NET framework • ASP.NET web programming with C# • Databases and SQL server Design • Functional requirements • UI/ HTML markups for pages • Database design • Class design • Project plan Implementation •Questionnaire system for competency data collection •Input system for productivity data •Survey system for user opinion collection •Online forum system •Database to store and retrieve data •Account management system for rights and accessibility Testing • Database • Survey • Assessment • Forum • Usability • Exception Handling
  • 42. Technical Framework 42 presentation Business Logic Data Access Layer Data Storage

Editor's Notes

  1. Research paper 1 Led by Angela Research Paper 2 led by me
  2. We use a combination of 2 approaches to develop a theoretical holistic intelligence framework for corporate performance that is scientifically valid, reliable yet relevant to the business context. Understanding of macro level need of knowledge based organization , from there list key features that are desired in a corporate climate and the individual characteristics needed to achieve this. Look at psychology and neuroscience literature research: Understand the neurological and psychological basis of multiple intelligences and psychometric testing and develop key performance indicators for each intelligence Implement into a training and improvement plan
  3. functional MRI (fMRI) - used to measure the hemodynamic response (change in blood flow) related to neural activity in the brain or spinal cord of humans or other animals Electroencephalography (EEG) is the recording of electrical activity along the scalp
  4. Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs- theory of motivation. The highest is self actualization. Developing these intelligence also satisfies the growing need of employee.
  5. Creates a crisis for management similar to that felt by physicists when the Newtonian view of the universe was replaced by a quantum view of the universe. We can use this shift in the field of physics as a parallel that illustrates the same kinds of changes that management science are seeing today
  6. classical mechanics, as first formulated by Newton and further developed by Laplace and others, was seen as the foundation for science as a whole There was, in principle, infinite precision possible. Using a measuring device fine enough, you could predict the future of world events.
  7. The blend of these Self features comprises the mindset and individual capabilities required to make a transformation into the Quantum Organization. The movement is Self-paced and now the hard part
  8. Quantum Physics not only describes small things in the micro world but also describes large things such as superconductors and neutron stars therefore it can be used to describe all physical phenomena- Zohar and Marshall
  9. To measure the position and velocity of any particle, you would first shine a light on it, then detect the reflection. On a macroscopic scale, the effect of photons on an object is insignificant. Unfortunately, on subatomic scales, the photons that hit the subatomic particle will cause it to move significantly, so although the position has been measured accurately, the velocity of the particle will have been altered
  10. 1. Can be used to understand rationales behind strategic decisions
  11. Electron can be either depending on the situation
  12. where a person takes a position on a subject and defends it as though it were the absolute truth