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The Professor and the Construction Heuristic Model Nanoeducativo
Iten Mario Camacho Mendoza


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ISBN: 978-607-00-6687-0.
My Heavenly Father
For human life create me and entertain me, not fail in our covenant: As I des
breath, keep moving, that barriers are external, unrelated decisions, the will
not stop, personal conviction, my gift to you. At the end of the road you're not
have to collect it for any precious cargo, for nothing in your presence, but my
actions have to carry, just for them and their fruits you have to value me.
My Holy Mother
Professor Adela Camacho Hernandez, who all I am humble reflection of its
great being, Mother, I hope to be worthy in your eyes. Total Thanks!
My kids
My puppy, my greatest achievements and commitment to the Lord, if you want
a better world, is for you, always be free men and women, well, willing and
honor, but humble, kind, generous, loyal and righteous; above all, be human,
be happy my children.
To my family and loved ones
Thanks for your love and encouragement at various stages of my life, to the
memory of my beloved grandparents, Prof. Dr. Mario Camacho Espinoza and
Mr. Iten Covalin, both pillars and fog forming on my, my beautiful
grandmothers, Dra ., widow Martha Hernandez. Camacho and Lulu De
Virgilio Ferré, large Amazons of his time, my beloved father Raul Mendoza
Juan Ferré, my aunts, especially Golda Covalin Ferré.
To my fellow
Brothers and sisters in this dark trench battle in defense of free thought and
divine right to happiness; Those who do not capitulate to the enemy,
globalized thousand hydra heads betting to take our most powerful defensive
weapon: Will.
A University of Southern
Alma Mater Studiorum, His Excellency Rector, Dr. Efraín Gutiérrez and
Rodríguez, and in particular for his academic support, the Rector General,
Dr. José Antonio Gutiérrez and Rodríguez, to all my classmates and teachers,
in particular, to Dr . Xochitl Valdez Portillo, dear companion and admired
preschool teacher, who learned the human side of education.
PROLOGUE ................................................................................................. 6
PREFACE ..................................................................................................... 9
EDUCATIONAL RETROSPECTIVE ..................................................... 16
SYSTEMS .................................................................................................... 32
TEACHER'S PERSPECTIVE HEURISTIC ........................................... 46
MODEL NANOEDUCATIVO ................................................................. 120
EPILOGUE ................................................................................................ 160
REFERENCES .......................................................................................... 166
The constant changes taking place in society and in the contemporary
knowledge require educational institutions to take this changing as inherent
reality of their current role. The university should be open door and respond to
the dynamics and demands of the knowledge society.
So, that for several years within the stunning rainforest of Chiapas, Mexico,
South University is born with the desire to give young and alternative
professional training college, offering races needed to boost the productivity
of state and Country, encouraging freedom of thought in our students,
strengthening entrepreneurship skills, favoring creativity, effort and
knowledge of our entrepreneurs to join the complex work environment, to find
their significance in serving society.
Moreover, as a fourth-level training is concerned, specifically the Doctor of
Education, represents fertile ground where it germinates and wills that allows
our graduates to present their proposed solutions to the great task we have
formed all Latin American universities to make education a central axis and
emancipatory act of cultural and other facets of national life growth. In order
to generate a new idea of the university that involves elements required to
meet the great challenge of our income Latin American region to the
knowledge society, information and lifelong learning in a global context and
openness to large economic spaces. This new idea of young spirit of greatness
University, such as the University of the South, part three fundamental
paradigms characteristic of the century, such as: sustainable human
development, peace and the culture of lifelong learning. That these topics are
addressed through a simple, fresh, but no less profound and thorough in the
work of Dr. Mendoza called perspective: Professor Heuristic and Model
Construction Nanoeducativo.
Dr. Iten Mario Mendoza, is a graduate of this institution, the Twenty-Fourth
Generation Doctorate in Education and in the classroom caught him questions
like: What is education?How to be an innovative and effective
teacher? Responses were emerging from the dialectic and constant reflection,
which can now be enjoyed in this literary work worthy of being read by all
that we are in this way the educational process.
The work, though presented with the modest title: The Professor and the
Nanoeducativo Heuristic Model is a positive invitation to act, as it has among
its objectives to break paradigms, or any other claim of such magnitude. Only
dogs baring a truth within the educational activity, not with a desire for
criticism but rather a deeper understanding of the phenomenon under
study. The intention is that teachers will recognize itself creative abilities, his
responsibilities as a social leader and former wills of their students, assuming
that perhaps the conditions are not the best, that the Mexican educational
process must prioritize it within government plans, hunger and social
exclusion make the task of teaching is getting tougher. But none of the above
realities are excuses to be mediocre and conformist, by contrast are
experiences that should enrich the debate to rethink work and the teacher's role
in Mexican society.
This book addresses the problem in four frame issues, to understand the
Retrospective, Introspective Perspective and Prospective of the Mexican
Education and the fundamental role of the teacher Heuristic teaching creative,
dynamic, accepting chaos, crisis and uncertainty as opportunities of change
and innovation. A man dedicated to the task of teaching, hopeful and hopeful,
knowing the limitations of your environment, but is also committed to the
strengths of their classroom, and their partners in the task of educating as are
the parents. Finally, it offers a more operational, limited, open and perfectible,
model the various actions that the teacher should use inside and outside the
classroom to maximize their expected results.
The work of Dr. Mendoza, is the beginning of how philosophical thinking
tomorrow's education and how to redefine educational models prioritizing the
true aims of Education Sciences. For this reason, South University, supports
this literary creation, considering it a worthy contribution, which invites
reflection in the educational and reunion with the most exalted human values.
Dr. Efraín Gutiérrez Rodríguez
South University Rector.
The scientific and technological nutrient Titanids called globalization, which
in theory were to our service, became invisible shackles of the most egregious
form of slavery suffered by mankind advances, one that is addictive,
squeezing his slaves, using their vain desires as a drug, by awakening an
insatiable appetite to consume everything that modernity produces.
In this context, the human being has changed his individuality, his will bright,
disposable trinkets, you need an awakening, a philosophical encounter,
humanist, a new kind of man and woman to act as insurgent free thought,
exercise of will builders in the service of their fellow warriors, having as
weapons or tools, will and social consciousness, to awaken and encourage
critical thinking, values in new generations, therefore, the professionals of
education, are the first line of battle in that face.
Is human being, formed profesionista within the Titanids to be foreman of his
peers, who must leave the poor comfort that payment is offered, to become the
liberator of consciences and forger of wills, because He has the light of
knowledge , hoarding is a felony to deny grain and bread, and feed this
knowledge something bigger than the stomach of man.
Now, when more than ever, conscience and united wills is needed, now that is
not enough for rifles revolution, for the system as a virus, has been nurtured
by the blood of men, learned that there is no physical force what drives him, if
not his will, so he changed strategy and can no longer arsenals and armies to
conquer this new world order committed to take that momentum require
learned that humans always be revealed to injustice, sleeping consciousness
with the mass technological control selling a false freedom and creating
thousands of artificial needs and then tell us we can purchase products that
meet those needs even give us happiness, if we behave within their framework
and we strive to keep the frantic pace that modernity imposes, even at the cost
of our comprehensive development of our family, of our environment, so
never, no system or scheme as now known byglobalization, had achieved such
perfection of the famous formula: To the people bread and circuses, no! The
people freedom and progress of its kind! Let us not settle for less.
Now we need the peaceful revolt of consciences and wills of professionals in
general, in particular, professors and teachers as we are immersed in the
culture of fast, disposability, of consumption, we are devouring our
environment and us same, this is reflected in the breakdown of the social
fabric and natural balance, the professional who went to school in the light of
knowledge, can not be selfish with such knowledge, should make it available
to their peers with a fresh perspective and benefit congeners, in the exercise of
professional will find satisfaction and happiness, it is understood that the false
god of global consumerism calls sacrifices, and blood is no tribute, requires
consciousness, will, and we are the professionals their executioners.
This book is not intended to be a professional or ethical educational work,
since there are so many! They know the subject matter as required, then, why
so widespread and prayed principles of ethics education regulations are a dead
letter in our daily professional acting? The answer is that before be, the
practitioner, teacher or master, is a human germinating fruit of the land in
which it is planted, that is, rather than professional, is now a young adult,
which at the time was child, and all that wealth of knowledge in their family,
educational and social environment marked him code more crude, of being, of
daily life, creating the false professional moral, ethical duality, understanding
should be, as compelled speech and posture officer, is at the root, the family
and the classroom, which is based on the double standard hypocritical
selfishness and mediocrity, deeply marked all children and young people,
creating patterns recorded at an unconscious level and which time they reach
university, educational models committed to the power system, little can be
done for them, making the institutions of higher education in profitable
businesses, mere companies, you make fantasy thus do not conform to the
subject, or help your balanced and comprehensive internal construction in
their personal and group benefit, it only coated with a shiny outer layer,
leaving imperfectly hidden inside.
And the system does not need more power, the first error of his critics, starting
from educational programs and other economic and social guidelines on which
rest the guiding principles of social development is to think that the State
wrong, it is clumsy and inefficient, because they constantly implemented
reforms to their educational and social programs failed, patching and mending
alleged errors and incompetence with the endless reforms that allow continuity
in any economic or social category.
Nothing is further from reality, the current system of power is successful,
modern states have become the head of the hydra known as globalization, are
merely extremely efficient branch for purposes of Titanids, and their food is
mankind , who kept in ignorance and poverty for most interest to your
purposes, not for incompetence or inability to govern, and a few necessary as
foremen, the drug in the social indifference of selfishness, are these
professionals, media and officials high standards that make up the skeleton of
institutions that support the head, in ignorance of some and the indifference of
others selfishness, nobody realizes that if we are the backbone, the foundation,
we can reorganize, it would roll to the head, Thus, this takes away the ability
or willingness of movement as well, each with erratic steps, not atinamos to
move together and benefit from the social collective.
Is such a view of this fact, inherent in our humanity illustrated in over whom
schools makes it chargeable what occupies our professors and teachers,
because they do not have the excuse of ignorance, which is an agent of social
change necessary to rescue himself and his fellows of this global technological
empire, which, as the virus is not repaired in thinking that using raw and
disposable material to humans, allowing it in turn do the same with their
environment, in an effort to meet more needs comfort, and soon there will be a
single ecosystem or habitat minimally satisfying life, leading to the extinction
of the planet being such ambition, that unquantifiable resources are devoted to
the conquest of space and new planets, which could certainly afford the food
on earth and social needs of all humanity. Why is this? Does science at the
service of humanity as a tool of progress? Not likely, science is the faithful
service Titanids, and if it helps or does save time, it is only because in this or
any other planet, the human being is a prerequisite, as fuel or food base for the
operation of such globalized monster.
After then, using the most precious thing a human being I have the
consciousness of creative will rise by the knowledge that gives way as a sixth
sense, the ability to make critical judgments and high values, the practitioner
education , like any other science or branch of knowledge, should as a first
step required to perform a painful exercise, to pull the skin or lining of fake
fantasy given the power system and see himself as such naked imperfect and
vulnerable, but endowed with a revitalized humanity, allowing you to rebuild
through service to their fellow men, to eventually be renewed with a solid
coating and true, with which it has come the fullness of his being.
The professional, regardless of their knowledge or expertise in our day, has
the honorable mission to guide, give light to the blind eyes of their fellows by
the dazzling flashes of modernity here is the purpose of this work, which not
was designed to emphasize concepts or theories of others by recognized
whatsoever, nor do encyclopedia theme, is a heartfelt appeal to my brothers
professionals in general and teachers in particular, educators in the broad
sense of the word, regardless of denomination of teachers , facilitators,
professors, among others, to close ranks and serve our neighbor, our neighbor
with the knowledge acquired to regain the dignity of professional practice and
get back wages forgotten: the respect and affection of the community, dignity
service then!
Dignity, that keeps us from the mentality of "boarding" as between military
and police is known, that in which it is allowed to do for fear of the
consequences, in a remote mentality attached to the legality and mediocrity in
we comforted thinking that: "nobody will like what well done, but make a
mistake and you're lost," doing the right thing is difficult, because it is a
requirement of future consistency in our actions, and it is what keeps us
recover the professionals, public servants and teachers in particular that
professional dignity, that lost social trust, this new mentality legal awareness
and willingness to serve in a nutshell.
No indeed other purpose in life, to find fulfillment and happiness in the
service record that does not purport to discuss religion or beliefs, but about the
human being without making your spirituality, Serious sterile as sterile be all
professional who is not paid to the welfare of their community, because in the
end, for this rule, we are just animals fattening, to already having taken our
willpower and social conscience for the professionals, rather than shame,
currently proud to be the most robust and strongest of all in this breeding, if
not pigsty, forgetting what is the fate of all feedlot animals than among larger,
higher gain.
Let us show then that we are worthy of more than a virtual farm feedlot
animals, we have willpower enough to attack from within this Titanids,
adopting its own strategy of virus, it is an indisputable fact that devours us,
then then not oppose resistance, but work in this coating as individuals, when
given the snack, not food but it poison you ingest, and from inside to explode,
to give mankind a new opportunity, that you miss to see light, which confused
in recent attempts at resistance struggle, but do not know the system has
grown in the last two centuries, now is not enough that men and women give
their blood in revolutions, because it is already immune to this vaccine, the
blood of the revolutionaries actually strengthens it, so that the antidote should
be more powerful and deep, right into their bowels.
This antidote is Metaeducación, a reborn education within the philosophical
humanism, and his agent, a teacher know as heuristic, which will rely on an
alternate Nanoeducativo model under construction, we are, all professionals,
education and other sciences, these agents, antibodies to free the social fabric
of the virus called globalization and its terrifying symptoms such as extreme
poverty, ignorance, injustice, destruction of the environment, ecosystems and
the amputation of a vital part of the human being as the main food, your
consciousness, will, in a word, his spirit.
Since this virus has mutated or improved with the efficiency of a serial
murderer and has permeated bearer subject, human society, to the core,
this "virus system" knows the negative effects caused by the human being in
society is a guest, which soon destroy with their environment, in short, the
program designed to man through the social contract of common life was
infected source with a mutant virus, now known as the successor of
neoliberalism, the Regime Globalized; armed revolutions, opposition struggles
or partial social changes, reboots are not affected, they only modify and refine
their performance, so it is proposed that for a social virus of this kind, an
antidote is needed, a "vaccine", and is a good formula infect from your core,
not fight something so monstrous that has flourished for centuries, if not throw
you off balance, and his own weight, defeat.
In the current reality, not fight globalization and its effects, if not adapt to it as
useful elements infiltrate the system and activated cells as autonomous but
resonant all together, with individual actions, using duct own this hydra is the
nature of the alternative model Nanoeducativo constantly building, although it
seems a radical and belligerent stance, not dig trenches is simply to recognize
that the field is pressed, to be aware of the prevailing harsh reality, and with
that perspective, taking a path of construction, positive and human purpose.
And so there is a war mentality, the proposal of this book focuses on the
strategic alliance with the issues and educational crisis, from its internal
understanding, unmarked at the right time, and to solve them, ie, nor
conformist teachers and accomplices of the regime, nor reactionary teachers
leaving the classroom to join street protests against the system, both positions
are detrimental to that matter, learners, teacher proposes a balanced, with a
view realistic and predictive capacities heuristics that give an advantage over
the powerful but slow action of the State to micro universes, as are the
classrooms in which all the humanistic and philosophical precepts which
allow our teacher, since they encourage academic freedom and respect for the
official program, undertake the crusade for a humanistic quality education.
In the end, all men and women, professionals in education or not, are teachers
or students in various scenarios and moments of our formation, the nature of
mankind has implied the process of teaching and learning, and if something
that instinctively I do, do it right then, voluntarily and knowingly, we are all
teachers and students, we are all human beings, re direccionemos because our
thinking and acting, a new educational perspective, no matter the globalized
state, care about us, forget the disqualification , denial or justification, and put
wills in action, that's the proposal, invitation, which must, as all purposeful
stance, overcoming criticism and pay the common construction will yield in
the progress and welfare of mankind.
That's the urge our current professors and teachers, to reunite with his
vocation, his ideals, his humanism, to have the courage, intelligence and will
to put them into action without confrontation, but the benefit of their students,
to children and young people under their care and responsibility, with renewed
vigor, look beyond the official program and its performance, the
comprehensive development prospect of the group away from those formed as
mercenaries or hucksters know knowledge to become apostles, humble
pilgrims along the paths of knowledge that guide their pupils and selflessly
warm, encouraging them to be better than yesterday, shaped by the criticalreflective and creative will exercise thought, men and women comprehensive,
interlinked balanced and functional in humans happy, productive, respectful of
their fellow men and nature.
This will result in a new culture of effort, respect for the law, inclusion,
diversity, plurality and balance to allow for social healing and regeneration to
emerge from classrooms, schools, institutional discourse away from evil; the
reality is that globalization does not want a healthy social fabric! for the
simple reason that a virus, a cancer can not live in a healthy tissue! That
restoration, that regeneration must take shape in the minds and wills of men
and women committed to gender, we must think for ourselves, stop moving
automatically, which "technological consumerist zombies" disassociate
science and technology, not allowing was a subhuman, to undertake the
construction of volitional being, human bonding and social regeneration, these
men and women, teachers and professors heuristics, will depart from the other
renegades unaware of its kind, to work hard, in their awakening and
emancipation early or preferably middle aged, a new link into the classroom
through a philosophical and humanist Metaeducación.

L to education has been tainted source, conditional on education systems in
the service of socio-political entities called states, which regardless of
temporal or territorial level have seen her more than a tool-a powerful weapon
contensión and social uniformity, this kidnapping of education has been from
the beginning of time, collecting a ransom his philosophical side, in which the
human being-man and woman-determined partner for the common good,
agreeing collectively, and within these terms, the birth first States, as a form of
organization and set of institutions designed to regulate human life in the
territory, fixed also there was born a distorted concept of education, which in
this day translates into ancient layers of social formation, which not be longer
ancestral wrong.
One of the first mistakes that are in education, as we know it today, we think
that has a distinctly Western origin and still retains the philosophical
principles that gave birth, instinctive and evocatively by referring to ancient
Greece, where look romantic scenario underlying all that we are socially
today, formed by flowing classical thought, which we have untouched to this
day as if sacred relics in the case, taking sacrilege and disqualified a priori all
that try a contribution from another perspective, minimizing primary cultures
and ancestral wisdom that actually were raw material for these early city
states 1,
by military force razed conquering everything in its path, imposing its norms
while absorbed these kingdoms conquered

- The first city-states were south of Mesopotamia, between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, in the territory of
Sumer. Citizens and practiced an agrarian culture. Around the fourth century. C. citizens and controlled the
waters and pursued to the fullest. There arose the city-states that were very independent. Example of what
these cities are in the West Greece and Mesopotamia and Central America obligatory reference in Mayan
culture, which located in the Yucatan Peninsula and southeastern Mexico, had a system of city-states similar
to the Greeks, being major Chichén Itzá, Uxmal, Palenque and Calakmul in Mexico, Copan in Honduras and
Tikal and El Mirador in Guatemala. Abbagnano, and Visalberchi N, Y. History of Education. (1964) Fondo
de Cultura Economica, Mexico.
ancestral knowledge 2 on which then would shine great minds, whether they
Aristotle, Socrates and Plato, characters whom openly known of his trips to
India or his theories and stories of city states and in those ancient times
considered legends or lights great lost wisdoms, such as Atlantis 3.

- The Ancient Age. It is a historical period that coincides with the emergence and development of the First
Ancient Civilizations and Cultures, consisting of Egypt, India, China and the Hebrew people, originator. And
younger cultures to the West, but with much advancement in their organization as a State, which are Greece,
Rome and Mesopotamia. In the case of the Greeks who are credited with much of the current worldview in
terms of Sciences: Mathematics, Biology, Astronomy and Humanities: Philosophy, Literature and Arts. This
period is one who follows the great conquest of Alexander the Great, Hellenistic civilization called or
Hellenism. But it Should be Noted That the flourishing in Greece (especially in Philosophy) was not
authentically Greek in its concreteness Peak Gust May've Noted That oriental many elements make up that
civilization, then, China and India are the historical background of Greek philosophy and wisdom
. Philosophical thought, came at a time in three different areas of the world: Greece, China and India,
around the century-VI. BC Hellenistic period was a period of deep crisis Caused by several factors, que can
be Considered as important: the fragmentation of the vast empire of Alexander the Great, the disappearance
of the polis as a separate place, a strong economic downturn, Among Others. Factors That led to a decisive
shift in the Hellenistic man who moves away from civic issues to Become more to himself (central axis of
Chinese philosophy.) This shift, in Which the polis lost its ideas importance and people start to feel like a
small part of a great empire with a vast territory, involved in. Also shifting to a new way of understanding
things. Philosophers seek other ways to get the single to be happy outside the community. So in Addition to
seek knowledge, seek Also the practical part of it, (another important element of Chinese philosophy, as it is a
practice rather than a reflection) Which Provides another way to understand the changes That They Can lead
to happiness. The concept of happiness (eudaimonia) today has a very different meaning than it had in the
past Which was seen as a step towards a state, as a staff achievement. This important change decisively
Influenced the way of thinking and Dealing with things Greek. What was in the polis centered before and
Especially in Athens, now distributed by flung places, and Citizens Began Considered to be cosmopolitan and
not just politas. Were The centers of influence still cities, but Athens had to share its ideas importance with
Alexandria, Antioch, Smyrna or Pergamum, cities strove to Attract That all the world culture. The
philosophers of this era of political shirking Their Duties as Citizens and no longer understand or share
individually and STRIVE to find solutions to Achieve happiness outside of the community. THEREFORE,
Schools That Arise In this period called Been doing lot, sometimes, schools of happiness, porque is Precisely
what They Want to Achieve It With happiness and share all those who eat to Their schools. In this Greek
actually means an unquestionable back to ancient Eastern philosophy, as it Involves more than a development
of thinking to way of life, as told Confucian and Taoist, Also opens a very different perspective to the way we
thinking and interestingly syncretizes elements of Both cultures, where the temporal distance from the old
historical and spatial distance is exceeded .FARIÑAS, MARY DAISY. (2002). History of the Ancient
World. Ed: People and Education. Havana .

- When Plato Described the existence of Atlantis in his dialogues Timaeus and Critias, some classical
authors, fellow philosopher, Began to be interested in the legendary continent. Plutarch, Strabo, Pliny and
Diodorus of Sicily, Among Others, some address in This Issue of his writings. Since then, They have raised
Countless scenarios to Demonstrate the existence of a continent, que over time it has grown to Become the
archetype of an great civilization. always Atlantis rings in our ears like an epic journey of discovery of our
origins . Continues to Stimulate His name our imagination. As I says, Atlantis was a land rich in the natural
resources with lush vegetation and the existence of valuable mineral deposits, including Those
ofsilver and gold . The people who inhabited Atlantis, was people enjoyed a high Cultural and scientific
level . In the very center of Atlantis , atop a small hill, a palace and a temple rose in volume to Which the
great city, measuring 19 miles long stretched. Around the hill, a wide channel Allowing the passage of sailing
ships . Around town, other concentric circles surrounding waterways Formed the channel Citadel
communicated With the open sea through a system of docks and harbors, valuable products exporting country
worldwide Known then. Atlantis was a rich and famous country , while, although it disappeared from the
face of the earth many centuries before the Christian era, the name of the Altántida is even more familiar to
people today That many of the nations have survived . Archaeologists now know That the civilization
of Atlantis , as described by Plato, is very similar to the desarrolladísima Minoan culture , que flourished
During the Bronze Age until the fifteenth century BC in the Aegean islands. Suddenly The Minoan culture
vanished around 1470 BC, and so far nobody has-been able to explain why. However, today we know That
That time around the center of the island Kalliste Mine (Which is now known as Santorini is halfway Between
Crete and continental Greece) erupted from a volcanic eruption work of incalculable destructive power. The
open in the middle of the island Immediately crater was covered by the sea. The findings so far excavations
enable scientists to specify a chilling picture of the Events that occurred on the island acerca 3,500 years
ago. Launched The air molten rock crater spewed ash and pumice on overcrowded boats of
possible Atlantis , the boat people, unable to escape, died a slow , horrible death, but the torrent of burning
was washed growing and stifling the atmosphere. For some residents of Minos or Atlantis, ended the agony
With the arrival of a giant wave, maybe 60 feet high, que swept the island and wrecked boats. The huge wave,
traveling at over 240 miles per hour, soon Reached Crete , heart of the Minoan empire , the water swept all
cities and villages along the north coast and destroyed the port That supplied the capitalKnossos . The tidal
wave continued its march towards the north coast of Africa, there have effects May Given rise to the Old
Testament story about the parting of the Red Sea , que allowed the exodus of Moses. It Also has a theory
That the Proposed Caused by the volcano ash Have Been responsible for the That plagues struck Egypt and
the biblical account Which was based. Ashfall covered an area of over 16,000 square
kilometers. Plato. Dialogues of Plato. (2003). Madrid, Spain.
Or philosophical thoughts That Constitute a pyramidal basis, que for more
than two thousand years has-been scaffolding around modern state, not daring
to present new formulas, Either in our democratic form of government or our
educational models, que are replicated in cycles and PLC, although
theoretically constant Reforms and Proposals are made, These are always
from the same angle, so That the result has not changed Significantly, Because
of its close links With the classical Western thought and Institutional
Commitment Within the power structure.
It is Necessary to Set Aside the blind reverence to classical Such precepts, que
Were no doubt based on our culture, but now no longer Respond to the
challenges facing human society, understanding That Their problems urgently
requires comprehensive evolution at all levels of being and doing , without
fear hike in the know, away from old certainties, our uncertainty-bending and
venturing to find new ports in the case at hand, Revolutionizing our vision and
expectations of education, as Their ministering purposes and uses.
In fact, the history of education is the history of man, from his old age in
cultures: such as the Egyptian, Hebrew, Chinese, and other four ; cultures
almost forgotten but Which Were the breeding ground from this notion Which
Emerged accepted and revered today conceptualizations of Greek or Roman,
when in fact the only merit of These was to absorb the wisdom of peoples and
cultures in The most advanced way, but for economic or military domination
Reasons and led them to extinction, being in the oblivion of time.

-. Civilizations Ancient Egypt was a . civilization That Arose When grouped settlements on the banks of the
middle Reaches of the Nile River and developed under Egyptian civilization for over 3,000 years It has a
unique combination of geographic, located in northeastern Africa and is bordered by Libya, Sudan, the Red
Sea and the Mediterranean Sea The Nile was the key to the success of the Egyptian civilization, as it allowed
the use of resources and a great advantage offered Preferred what I mean to the Egyptians practicing a less
laborious than agriculture in other areas, freeing the population to devote more time and resources to the
cultural, technological and artistic development. Life was ordered on the development of a writing system and
a separate literature, as well as a careful state Control over Natural and human resources, Characterized
Primarily by irrigation of the fertile Nile valley, regions trade with neighbors. Motivating and organizing
These activities Depend on socio-political and economic elite social Achieved That consensus by

No matter what age we place ourselves human, nor According To Whom, as
for example, the Roman poet Ovid , in Book I of his poems Metamorphoses,
Explains the Age of Gold, Silver, Bronze and Iron, That while, across the
world, our side of the world, in the legends of Maya people know the story
That Explains the origin of the world and civilization-Popol Vuh, and in all of
them, Whether Egyptian or Maya, education was Closely linked to the
spirituality of being and power structure.
In this retrospective, we found That the second error in the current
appreciation of education, is the fork ignore this transmission process customs,
knowledge and values, focusing on its historical development as part of the
evolution of the social state or entity and forgetting That in its early education
was oriented to be a genuine genetic transmission of a people to Their new
generations, and its purpose was not any competition or production but
perpetuate the essence of its people.
based on a religious belief system under the direction of Pharaoh, a semi-divine, Usually male, owned by a
succession of dynasties, character is not always the same lineage.
India : . The ancient Indian civilization occupied the area now Corresponds to the state of Pakistan and
western India This is bounded on the north by the famous mountain range (the highest in the world)
Himalayas and south to the peninsula Formed by the Deccan Plateau, in the central region there is a broad
plain watered by Which is the Indus, Ganges and Brahnmaputra. Socially Were Organized in India into
castes, closed social strata of life and character That does not give social mobility. This social organization
of castes was Considered of divine origin and Hindu culture Considered a revelation, it was developed over
3,000 years ago.
China, as a chronology of the oldest civilizations in the world Continuously until today, has its origins in the
Yellow River basin, where the first dynasties Arose Xia and Shang . The existence of written documents
acerca 3500 years ago have allowed the development in China of a very precise historiographical tradition,
offering a continuous narrative from the earliest dynasties to the modern age. Chinese culture, According to
the myth, the original opens with three emperors: Fuxi ,Shennong and finally the Yellow Emperor Huang, the
Latter Regarded as the true creator of culture. However, there are no historical records demonstrating the
actual existence of These personalities, que ACCORDING to the oral transmission from generation to
generation ago Would have lived acerca 5000 to 6000 years. Consultable at http://www. /
It is the birth of the modern state That education is institutionalized, it
standardizes in capsules or pills are supplied That Within Educational
Institutions, Aimed at learners Systematically Adopting Objectives for the
benefit of the collective entity, but not be individually, leaving the forced
speech the old purpose of creative imagination and Strengthening social ties
that the subject Achieved through understanding your universe guided
reaching gestión With This not only physical and intellectual abilities but
Those proper to the very spiritual nature of the human being, then generating a
single equilibrium, que is then reflected in a healthy living group, original
conception Contrary to the current maximum of modern states, and That
Commonly accepted the common good is what matters, even above human
being, reduced to subject.
It is clear That the modern state is not interested - even if it simulates the
emotional-and spiritual development of Such a subject, porque considers only
a resource, que must only be fit and competent to produce, que Clearly is
reflected in educational plans and models of any State That wants to take as an
example, for political power or Ideological Regardless, none of them longer
moral person or legal entity the partner, a mere administrative and economic
enterprise , as such, will always seek Reducing costs and increase increasing
profits , que finds support in the council of wills and transfer of freedoms in
Their behalf by the single, and as such, based on subsistence priority
Regulations, Necessary production of goods and services for its domestic
needs meet, waving the flags of order and progress, Which Continues to be
true, what is not said, Is that Such benefits are Exclusively for him,
understanding then That the state's Objectives must always be Opposed to the
human being, que, hiding behind the collective progress, sacrifice Their
intellectual, emotional and spiritual development, so INITIALLY info we
have an ancient philosophical education, que was the conduit for growth,
identity and perpetuation of a culture That had as its basic principle the
authentic knowledge and respect of self and Their ancestor worship
environment be it, or almost divine respect for nature, in order to find a
balance and proper place in social Their group, This philosophical education
or gold, gave way to modern, through a process of perversion in Which the
first states take Control of education, with previously accessible to all be
around a campfire , in the words of a shaman or guru five education systems
without degrees
or titles That those were earned by one's actions and evolution of man and
woman In Their community, institutionalized education Which, skills and
abilities of the subject They are only required to be developed to the Extent
That It May interest and benefit These new beings or collective entities called
States, is such a vision of collective village, With unity and identity, as well as
respect for the ecosystem and the like, the present work summarizes the
proposal to AIMS by.
The Regulations, in Which educational systems are based are Merely limiting
the discourse pray That education is for all, where from ancient China, the
state Already Regulates the teaching, que was divided in its elemental step in
order to Maintain traditions and national unity, while higher education was
reserved for training civil servants and agents, while in India the caste
education was 6 , This shows us That education as a product and offer state is
Intended to define the place where it is to grow and die to subject, place direct
course by the State and for Which you are required to Have the Necessary
skills to perform the tasks Entrusted.

-. Sorcerer is supposed to be able to contact the spirits and gods, divine, and heal the sick, to see the future
and spiritually advise his tribe . SHARON, DOUGLAS, (2004), xxi Century Publishers CA de CV

- India Besides classes are castes. This system basically emerges and develops Within the Hindu religion,
education basically consisted of reading and interpreting sacred texts, written in Sanskrit, the classical
language of the masses of society Could not read and understand. It was a difficult language to a high
intellectual level required to learn. So a section of society Who could read Sanskrit was created. They Were
the first caste or Brahmin caste and Were responsible for thinking, interpreting reality, give advice ...
They occupied a higher position in society and Considered to be the closest to God. respected They Were and
enjoyed many privileges. Two. The second important work was neither can any administration of society and
the state. Administrators (the kings and rulers) Were the second caste Kshatriya or the warrior caste. This
work involves a range of skills and Responsibilities, and protect or defend the state or administer justice,
something in the hands of a few. Three. The third paper was Trade.Anyone not able to do business, a
commercial mind is required. THUS traders Formed the third caste or caste "viasya" or "Vaishya". Viasyas
Also Considered was the landlords and owners and the Responsibility to People with " produced "in
general. April. The fourth caste was the working class and farmers, peasants, artisans etc. Also called
"Sudras." They form the vast majority of the population. But there was a section of society. Were Those who
did the dirty work or unclean. Even Considered Physically unclean and was not allowed to mingle With Other
castes. Http :/ / www Consultable: / traditions / the-caste-in-india-companygeographic-of-the-india /

Understand then, That education in its philosophical stage or Golden Age
died by the conquering sword of the first Cities States and Empires, or the best
was captive for the sake of the interests of These new orders, que Both we
must understand the hypocrisy and perversion in the discourse of institutional
education and values That Evokes That ministering purposes have no place in
constant movement Their development called Because, as Already said,
actually looking for a livelihood and development, but not the human being, if
not the state.
Then, we find the third the error of assessment in finding That it is the
executioner who give us freedom, looking at institutional education growth
and spiritual harmony of being, That overall growth is our responsibility, not
the state, I bowed this third error in expect demand and the overall state
education meets quality That all human needs, believing That it is our right to
demand what is actually an obligation to ourselves and Responsibility,
Because although we can find quality instruction in educational programs, the
real progress That leads to a balance and stability in all areas of the human
being is a task Entrusted to himself-like task soldier Whose mission is the
pursuit of knowledge and the emancipation of thought, using all weapons at
Their disposal, whether or not institutional, and not limited by them.
The subject is contractuado this social pact, must strike the right balance
Between institutional education is nothing more than a practical instruction for
Specific Purposes, que yes-you is due to state and based on this, take mission
or crusade in search of the Holy Grail education, That lost or philosophical
education; humans and gave much to the state, but can not hide behind Their
loss to not fight for Their profits.
There is a misperception That education meth Their Pure and lofty goals
thanks to the emergence of city-states, as if to Greece or Rome, you ought to
know when the light with them was not the beginning but the end of a free
education and universal , Transmitted from parents to children and the elderly
to young people, without titles or programs With the sole interest of preparing
the single for a harmonious life and service to his fellow men in the
community or village, que allowed them to These New institutional giants
have Citizens capable enough to tolerate Their existence.
Such light, philosophically speaking, you have always gone hand in hand as
the main characteristic of the human being, Regardless of Chinese, African,
Indian, or other, ie, we have nothing to thank These great periods or founding
cultures of city states or empires , as cyclical as it is life, birth Involved
forgotten the death of primary cultures, que to this day his greatest works and
Their Cultural integrity in Respecting the environment admire,
uncomprehending; retreating by necessity or the belief consolation That the
great thinkers Were Born in the States, before them, it was barbarism and
darkness, so much so, That took more than two thousand years in the same
path and the same rules, afraid to venture to the rediscovery our true identity,
and is truly pre-Hispanic cultures- in the case of Mexico, to cite one example,
did not require the slaughter and rape call for discovery or conquest societies,
as is KNOWN, advanced in many areas of human thought and activity. 7
They continue with the example, already had an established system of
education as the Calmécac 8 , que was nothing more than a school for the
children of the Mexica nobles in Which They Were trained to be priests or
warriors, masters or rulers, educated in history , astronomy and other sciences,
as well as in music, philosophy and even cleaning habits, having special ideas
importance, discipline, moral values and tradition and rituals, it is thought
itself Shall have been more fruitful for mankind, That a civilization like
Azteca taken any initiative called conquering the old continent, wondering
who would be wise then to remember and preserve the values.

. - Within the territory currently covered by the Mexican United States a variety of civilizations, each of
These civilizations have in common is developed, however it They also have different Characteristics Within
the Cultural mosaic protrude Representing cultures: Olmec, Maya, Toltec, Aztec . Often many historians call
the Olmecs as the "mother culture of Mesoamerica," since it took many common features of cultures That
developed later. In the last stage of the Preclassic, the process of decline of this culture was started, and
secondly the Maya culture Began to develop. Who created an advanced system of writing, que has-been
deciphered slowly in recent Decades. The writing was used to record the warlike deeds of the rulers to record
the track of time and Also for religious purposes. The movement of the heavenly . bodies and the measurement
of time Greatly interested the Maya . They Organized a highly accurate calendar, que used not only to time
but to predict the dates Also According To Their beliefs or unhappy would be conducive for
men Consultable in: www.artehistoria.jcyl .com / civilizations /

As a criterion-writer-education is and always has-been the victim hostage and
becomings of history, being the result of the peaceful or violent interaction of
states, que imposition or by agreement, alliance or war have other tax
structure, and the need Malthus Their new slaves to standardize,
ACCORDING Citizens or subjects as the terms of Such an encounter of
cultures, then landing-a reflection of the writer, who is in art education Also
last war phase , eleven Because the battle, made the occupation and
September taxes, you need to destroy the social scaffolding and historical
memory of the conquered state, and to do nothing better than an efficient
education system from the point of view of State interests triumphant.
In general education states That Serves the dominant state, and dubious
assumptions advances or profits are not a reflection of the sociocultural
dynamics Within this socio-legal entity, and Their preservation needs, With
the property in any culture and time, in order to standardize the subject to
Respond to the aims and interests of That entity,. creándole the-counter status
to naturally need to belong and Remain in the social and economic rung
Assigned 9

- It was the school for the children of the nobles of Mexico. In this institution are training to be priests,
warriors of the elite, judges, teachers or leaders, educating on history, astronomy and other sciences, time
measurement, music and philosophy , religion, cleaning habits, issues of economy and government and above
all, discipline and moral values. teachers There Were special-taught them who the tradition, and read and
memorized the stories illustrated in the codices. The school functioned as a boarding school, where . young
people lived, slept and ate aspiring priests With education focused on religion, and included rituals, chants to
the gods and dream interpretation. Aspiring warriors or elite rulers received more military and economic
affairs and government training. Consultable in: http:// .

- The social contract theory Proposes column. that moral and political Obligations of people in a society
depend on an agreement or contract Agreed Between them . This social pact itself is quite limited continuity
Standards That are the laws of nature and consist of the recognition of the end of the nature of free and equal
men, to secure the rights of freedom, equality, life and property are held. A common feature of political
manifestos is its powerful Ideological, Largely defined by class interests and linkages of the authors, que
marks the Proposals of social organization and form of government. Necessarily Ideological That translate
into a bias in the analysis of the conditions of society, serving justification, or if you like rationalization policy
proposal. The drafters of political manifestos are far from balanced thinkers who are interested in to subject
and object of his reflections on the Contrary are the intellectual vanguard of political movements or more
skilled Their defenders. Goldwin, RA, 1963, John Locke, in Strauss, L. & Cropsey, J., 1963, History of
Political Philosophy, University of Chicago Press, translated by Fondo de Cultura Economica, 1996,

And, without going deeply into the matter, the state system as adaptations
wins Arising from Their mistakes and Ideological opposition currents in its
genesis, Given the undeniable Ability to own any element Potentially harmful
to nature, be it education or religion, que at the time Were even more
dominant agents That historical periods of its existence in October , and then,
eleven integrated into the scaffold used against them That Identified These
agents as incentives or generators of knowledge and human progress for

thorny If there is a binding domain for the population is the church with the state, where the spiritual
Becomes Involved With the earthly. Relations Between church and state comes from the nineteenth century,
against the absolutist state.However, after World War II , against the State, and Vatican Council II º
(Regarding the Catholic church), there has-been an evolution in the nature of relations Between the state and
the church That concept abandons the perfect society, discarding the religious corporations as a State Within
another, and in return Placing based on human dignity, putting first the rights of the person, including one's
religion Both privately and publicly, Considering Turn That church members are Also the state. The Church,
for her part, Assumes the Sacramentaria ecclesiology of the Incarnate Word , in the Proposed Const. Lumen
Gentium, que define its nature as a community of religious, mystical and sacramental character. THUS the
principle of equality Between Men-which is founded on the dignity and action of the human condition is
Assumed, and Recognizes the rights of the person as to assemble freely, That of association, the right to
express one's opinions, and one's religion, Either privately, and publicly. Also Affirms the principle of
religious freedom in the Declaration Dignitatis Humanae, as well as collaboration With the state , not only of
the faithful who Comprise it as singular but as That church-community is updated in the individual churches
Gives each region the world. Pastoral Constitution Gaudium et Spes on the Church in the Modern World,
Second Vatican Council (Núms.9- 10). Vatican document.

Current institutional education-summing-born at the tip of a spear-arm armed
Spartan Greek-or Roman gladius, who after destroying cultures dedicated to
light and progress of the human genus without being holy, being categorized
United as well-the barbarians, to Their ancient wisdom absorb them, Were the
great ancient cultures conquered and raped primaries, giving him a barbarian
tribes Ability to generate the great cultures: such as the Roman, que we now
know as the cradle of civilizations, so HENCE the great iconic characters of
this It was, to date governing government our training, call Homer, Virgil,
Seneca, and others That Were not as efficient replicators knowledge and
wisdom a time perished at the tip of the sword. 11
In this brief transit - or think-in the history of education, we believe it is one of
the founding pillars of any state That claims to be, it was to institutionalize it
Necessary, According to your needs, Whether in ancient empires and
forgotten as Hindus or Maya city states to Those Who are presumptuously
called cradle of civilization, reflections reflects structure: such as Simple as it
really needs was In These cultures, the military Broadly social classes, priests
and rulers or warriors, and the bulk of the population Intended to support the
THEREFORE, it can not be called education in its broadest sense, a system of
convenience, in Which uniforms or training humans to perform all his life as a
competent worker or Effective soldier, while another is Instructed in the art of
war, and a few others in the arts, philosophy and direction of the State, and
you can not call this education, on simple reason, lacking its basic and
essential feature, que is the universality.

- Rome Became domains so soon EXTENSIVE That Were hardly controllable by an incompetent Senate to
move the equity or make decisions Quickly, all conquered territories (mostly people without military
tradition) Were occupied by the Empire, taking the most valuable of Their culture material wealth and social
life, taking what is Necessary and required fees and submission to Rome, but did not change further the
territories. Consultable

True education is a feast or buffet to all without exception are invited, and
everyone will Have to taste what you Most want, not what suits a third party
as required, omitting to celebrate this feast That is Necessary That each take
one or Provide your prescription .
Malthus info we have eleven Classics States tour, we got to the Middle Ages,
where societies convulsed by darkness and repression of religious fanaticism
by thought That Originated In That historical period controlled the helm of
United 12 , que at the time, it was useful To Have frightened his subjects, soon
I Realized That the human being has the greatest needs of food that the
stomach, When out of the darkness and called ensue Age of Light, Age of
Enlightenment or Figure 13 , the essence of humanity Demonstrated That it
was not

- The Philosophical Dark Ages, is Known as the period from the Middle Ages (476, date of the fall of the
Western Roman Empire and the Eastern Roman year 1453 Empire fell, but his influence extended even
reduced until the eighteenth century).The darkness of the human mind was palpable, unable to question the
religious dogma, revealed truths not admit criticism or testability. The Church at this stage acquired immense
power That transcended the sphere of religion, and the adoption of Christianity in late antiquity, During the
reign Emperor Theodosius of, through the Edict of Thessalonica (November 24, 380) meant great progress,
Humanizing the customs, in the Middle Ages, there was a great scientist kick, Preventer That May Develop
theories contradict the Bible said the right to free expression of Ideas was curtailed to the point that many
who dared to exercise ended Convicted by the courts of the Inquisition. The Greek and Roman antiquity With
the depth of his thoughts, Especially from Athens, had to suffer a deep and long sleep, que awakened in the .
fifteenth century, When the Renaissance came to be put again, artistic and philosophical expressions in the
field of creative freedom In the Middle Ages, art and philosophy had a single theme: Christian
religious. Were The Latin classics however it preserved, not the Greeks. The center of human Concerns, it
was God (theocentric) should go over there and all Their actions, to Achieve a virtuous life, a man wearing
no current original substance, With the right to a full life only in The most there. In the Were the Crusades
eleventh century the Seljuk Turks against Organized Preventer That pilgrimages to the Holy Land, and so in
the name of faith, fierce fighting against the infidels Were developed in order to unify Christianity. A
Christian world, and Christian thought, put the man and his ideas, his knees before God. The pursuit of
scientific truth was Not necessary to the existence of the only truth revealed by the Creator. The culture of the
time was in the hands of the clergy, who monopolized knowledge. The work Should not . be for profit, but
mere survival Consultable in:
13 The illustration is based on the belief That science and education outside the Church lead man in his
moral perfection. It is the intent, prevailing in the upper classes and the absolutist Governments of late
eighteenth , to cement all aspects of social life in a rationalistic naturalism. ruled out Naturalism is, in
practice, to God and His Church, the supernatural rule. Rationalism is, in practice, the belief That human
reason is

Simple take his thirst for knowledge In this watershed in Which Could have
shaken humanity established systems Thousands of years ago, before revving
Settled for kingdoms and Dictatorships With the State agreeing to
compromise, settlement we now know as democracy; That it Seems that age
and nothing Those reminds Concerns, feelings That humans on the brink of
extinction did not learn his lesson and in less than two centuries evolved into
current overall state, through several attempts The neoliberal capitalism as it
was frankly and other failed socialist or communist states as, but That Helped
way of trial and error to the birth of modern globalized states, in Which the
illusion of freedom and progress is perfect, at the expense of human beings
and Their environment, this is a more voracious than none, That the will of
human beings drug in the form of consumerism and satisfaction of immediate
needs, technological shackles That Their ends are manipulated to fertilizer
If good In this retrospective analysis theory of the state, This causes more
interest to the educational history view chronologically, and understand the
true precipitating That triggers buried his philosophical and universal spirit,
ritual sacrifice in the foundations of That Which pyramid scaffolding or
government service, as I hicieren Spanish to build churches on ancient temples
conquerors, showing That the Most Effective means to subdue a people it was
even in a new belief, destroying the source, re directing the masses, by
removal and replacement of Their Original values, mission Given to education
of conquest or institutional.
Existing maximum, it is not rational, irrational belief, Because you can not rationally prove, Therefore it is a
superstitious belief, superstition is Attributed powers Because what does not. Discard the supernatural of the
Church is, in practice, make man the supreme being supposedly, porque is actually let or declare orphan son
of an unknown father. The Enlightenment, The Enlightenment , que are the light of reason orphan. And Also
called Encyclopedism , the project developed by the French Enlightenment, who called
Themselves " Philosophers " , in The Encyclopedia gather all Existing knowledge dyed rationalism,
According to the superstitious belief That Rationalist separately know the supernatural would lead to virtue
and perfection to the people (even against Their will.) This superstitious belief in reason leads During the
French Revolution in the enthronement at the Cathedral of Paris Reason personified goddess worship in a
wayward woman. The illustration is an attempt to make a revolution in order, a revolution from
above . Michel Foucault (2006) Editorial Tecnos. Madrid, Spain.

Rather than reviewing historical stages, this book invites us to rethink first
intimately Conceptualizing and understanding the state of education sells us;
reflection That leads to rescue the ingredient educational ignored In this
formula, Which is its philosophical and humanistic universality, in order to
reconcile the healthy structure and diversity in Which the human being is
It is THEREFORE to generate a vision of gender in Renewed Their existence
and social interaction That enable people, virtual freedom from colonialism to
globalization imposes, que, even in the name is wrong, as we know by
globalization That Generates unconsciousness and depraved complicity in
transnational corporations, who have no identity or Commitment to the people
and ecosystems They exploit; ? How can have a sense of responsibility and
Belonging Something That is and is not ? What is everywhere and at any
time They Considered education as a bad investment, que Generates
immediate high costs and questionable recovery or anything convenient, it is
clear That Such a scheme does not bet on Their human capital and Caring only
freedom Their market is any cost, not the free flow of thought, if not capital.
We do and we are! It's time we look for our rights and privileges, as
Governments are exceeded it in its responsiveness, devoted all his energy to
caring for Their interests, not the people, for everyone to see for yours! States
have Already done , and outdid us in Such globalization is our turn to regroup
as societies of human beings united voluntarily cohesive communities identity
and Belonging in different peoples or nations, That through a new perspective
on education, find the means for integration and human bonding Necessary to
offset, At least to a fair balance, This economic globalization, and yes well
this is the optimal state for developed countries country, it is not for Their
People, que nothing consensual to forced integration, all the supposed
advantages will accrue on the face, like a crushing blow, start at the European
peoples, who claim Their identity, Their right to defense of Belonging,
Broader sovereignty in the way, and fight to regain independence in Their
virtual Such technology-economic colonialism, and will not sacrifice for the
welfare Their strength of That system only to them Gives unemployment,
working conditions and perverse lack of joint rulers of Their Responsibility.
Humanity is obese exercise technology requires the will, the real freedom of
thought and critical judgment, to form men and women comprehensive and
balanced; Understood That this is not to beat others, but to outdo ourselves, or
be the best race running hit "paths to success " selling us modernity, but
simply to be better human, full, productive and happy, the Metaeducación not
aspire to create leaders, human beings born leader and triumphant
Already! From the moment of conception, is the best sperm does fertilize an
That egg created perfect, we are human, divine and perfected only by exercise
of will, no need to come to sell us what we first convinced That info we have
or we are not, we need to open the mind, heart, and eyes from technological
devices secure in ourselves and in our fellow; be genuine, free and
independent in our thinking and feeling.
Nor do we "champions" or "heroes" , values: such as honor and dignity, are
high, but sterile and dangerous, if not Accompanied by humility and generous
spirit of service to others, we need better human beings, urgent! At all levels
and social tasks, be better than yourself In this regard yesterday, and Have the
desire to be better tomorrow than we are today, That is the key, That the
exercise of will and humanity requires to recover dormant Strengthen Their
Capacities, be better is not selfish and unfair competition to the next, it's staff,
intimate Overcoming, not we concentrate our future to be mere prosthetic
technology, not we delegate to machines our human prerogatives, not
hopefully cures cancer, diabetes and other degenerative diseases That
own "scientific and technological progress " has Brought Increased or, in the
will is not the cure, exercise, eat healthily, to change our value parameters.
This vision Commitment to building left behind criticism put to work in a do
of conscience, will and do Their best, in what is ours to do, stop looking
outside and seeing ourselves grow into, so doing lot to regenerate human, by a
humanist and Metaeducación philosophical, with the help of our teachers and
heuristic teachers, who make nonviolent resistance against globalized
technological regime, que aspires to use us as hosts of his virulent and
carcinogenic exist through a link That aspires to be permanent items, we are
the constituent power of a new world order restorer humanist.

T truth is an old adage: "those who do not know history are condemned to
repeat it" , as it is-for the writer-that if you do not know where it is, hardly
know where you are going.
In a broad view of educational phenomenon, With looks to his right
understanding, not just the evolutionary or historical knowledge,
understanding in his state of the art is required Also, concatenating the Known
and Understood With the realities, Resulting In this proper perspective to
address the current dynamics of this phenomenon, and That significant
advances-other time at the discretion of the writer - as in In this other fields of
human endeavor, not Directly to break paradigms emerge, if not assertive and
forward thinking Encourage actions Allowing each individually as a cell of an
organism, ie, the single act must condition the model, and not vice versa, This
pillar Nanoeducativo Proposed Model.
Given the Speed With Which new knowledge is amalgamated with old
patterns, do not repair or do not have time, victims of automation, intentional
or not, of being and doing, in the Implementation and monitoring systems, the
educational case even knowing its nature and Regulations, Concluding That
only in our direct perception of him there, and Generally ignoring the true
picture, so it is not uncommon to find teachers who REMAIN key part of the
system, unaware of the motives and ministering purposes of this Un Certain
Regulations, que are in a legal framework for public and mandatory character,
so interesting you would ask teachers Such basic educational concepts and
definitions, and how what in his view, the guiding pillars of education and
purpose thereof Within the current education system; find ourselves Perhaps
the surprise of responses Most philosophical conceptions and cut wrong, few
would know That, to cite an example, in Mexico, education is what the Third
Constitutional Article 14 and That a national development plan, que it emerges
guidelines and normed education conceptualized and Should continue, That
info we have General laws of the likewise Regulations matter, defining and
delimiting the existence of Such a system and its actors.
To sign, as they say, a button, ask yourself right now: What is the purpose of
education in Mexico Probably deeply about the response by a lightning trip to
our education, to build it Esmerandonos holistically, With philosophical and
humanist hues now let us examine, for ministering purposes That education
for the state, que in "roughly" According To Article Three of the Constitution
of the United Mexican States 14 defines That outstretch to Develop
harmoniously all the faculties of man and Strengthen him, while the love of
country, respect for human rights and international awareness of Solidarity
with the independence and justice, the criteria guide That Such education will
be based on the results of scientific progress, Also will be national democratic
and to give full effect to the foregoing, the Federal Executive Shall determine
the plans and programs of study for all educational levels THROUGHOUT
the Republic.
Were Both responses in the same direction? We agree That the minimum
variation Between what we Consider These goals and What They really are on
the state governing government, we result in a poorly Prosecuted motivation,
since all teaching and teacher training received in your professional
preparation was Aimed at Promoting and development Objectives related to
philosophical and humanist education Essentially, then encuadrarnos secretly
in a legal and regulatory framework That Governs all our educational
Holding on to reality to a limited and rigid structure, que junction rotates
based on budget forecasts, political powers and Struggles, as the One That
Gives power to the President of the Republic, Continuing With the example of
Mexico, to determine the plans and programs study, interposing as warm
suggestion to Consider - social not required-all the industries involved in.
education-and even that-That under Law to point.
14 -

. Everyone has the right to an education The education provided by the state will outstretch to Develop
harmoniously all the faculties of the human being and foster the while, the love of country, respect for human
rights and awareness of international solidarity, independence and justice. Article Third. Political
Constitution of the Mexican United States.

From the above, we have a rigid educational system and policy - Mexicancase That Uses Such trained educators in schools of thought, to Achieve its
goals of social uniformity, all creative and intellectual cercenándoles
development of Real Possibility, for leading the way-which institutionalized
slaughter-conformism, in Which it Concluded its philosophical spirit, being
reduced to a mere educational bureaucrat-mal-function repeater or
reproducing content knowledge and outdated the minute That Become a
bureaucrat forced to route all its energy fill statistics, formats and meet an
Manner intimidating with Constant updates-many times-nonsense totally
unrelated to Their reality and doing daily.
Behind-the-norm grand theories That They Were Within the classrooms,
where this poem evoked from Piaget to Vigosky, Morin and Freire to 15 , up to
the latest trends, we talk acerca neuroscience 16 , and fashions That arrive late,
as it now is, learning to learn, but rather unlearning 17 as pedagogical strategies
or ways to Achieve meaningful learning oriented and comprehensive
development of Their potential.
15 -

Big theorists, Whose works from various disciplines of science, Were focused on the analysis of learning
processes. Jean Piaget (Developmental Psychology and Education) Ausbel, creator of Meaningful Learning
Theory, Vygotsky (socio Cultural Learnings information) each of These theories give . us the right answers,
for learning from different perspectives and show us the way ahead . Contributions These enrich the origin
and nature of knowledge Within Formal educationConsultable in: / index .
16 -

. At the highest level, combining neuroscience with psychology to create cognitive neuroscience, a
discipline INITIALLY Which Belonged Entirely by cognitive psychologists Cognitive Neuroscience Today
Provides a new way of understanding the brain and consciousness, it is based on a scientific study That even
disciplines Such as neurobiology, cognitive psychology or psychobiology itself, a fact That will surely change
the current design exists acerca That Mental Processes Involved in the behavior and its biological
basis. añ /.
17 . It Consists of millions of thoughts to be dismissed in one day Believed infallible . Suggests That It we are
not yet aware of what it means for our future to jettison much of the Known until recently Still less, assimilate
it much more useful to learn is becoming unlearn Un certain things. It is the opportunity for people to learn
things or topics of immediate concern, rather than on content That does not conform to the reality of the
moment, do not let the all Their knowledge, but rather on the Contrary Their baggage Cultural extend temás
with more ideas importance or significance to the person. Eduardo Punset, (2010) The journey to the power
of the mind, Editorial Destino, Barcelona, Spain

That's where the agony of the true Aims of philosophical and humanistic
education begins, For Which Machiavellian strategy, the State stifles beings
called to proclaim the universality and high ends of education, to a mere
regret, to deal fearful Their Own survival, and yes something Questioned his
conscience be his weary acerca Their Work, the system Takes care not to let
him or the time to Reflect on the results of Their management and pedagogical
practice, sending clear messages that matter Most meet the norm, With Those
precepts That just graduated high Comply swear educator.
Total, as we think, in a cloud-philosophical education is universal and
autonomous schools are Governed by a foreign partner postulates legal
humanists construction, in fact, depend on an elaborate regulatory fabric,
little-or no-left to the discretion of Those Involved in the teaching-learning
process, encapsulating the very essence of education laws and Regulations, the
State to Ensure Their bondage and immobilizing any purposeful senseeducator initiative after warnings so clear if you are wanting to externarlacalled educational system Reducing This to a mere circus, in Which the lion
tamer's whip marks passage, but the son-of-powers of its conveniences,
Sought always the shortest path to Their benefit, and not right, que is
ultimately from the Most Useful for subjects That Comprise it.
It is worth Mentioning the above eleven philosophized That there are
generally Broader conceptions, que converges in international wills for
development of educational policies, while not Losing their capitalist or
instrumentalist conception of the meaning and purpose of the education, At
least garner the universal adjective, include more refined and efficient in terms
of the Characteristics and ministering purposes of education systems, listing
the educator and the needs of the learner guidelines, Organizations like
UNESCO, supported on concrete Objectives: such as Millennium Arise
then 18 with a view to quality education for all and lifelong learning of a
lifetime and Mobilize scientific knowledge for sustainable development,
Addressing emerging social and ethical issues, cultural Promoting diversity,
intercultural dialogue and a culture of peace and the building of knowledge
societies; activating an annual program for education globally.
Once again, we find, in contrast discourse and reality, a conflict of interest, on
the one hand, Those genuine rights of the subjects involved in. the process of
teaching and learning, educational Requiring Plans that meet, but it has
international policies needs endogenous , strategies capable of properly
Addressing social awareness and potential of a town or region and on the
other hand, there are international guidelines in September by the collegiate or
international body UNESCO-of-procedural education act of its members
states, que must be met to effect worthy of awards and certifications validate
That That act of the State, but in no way reflections reflects reality and
educational needs of the Citizens, That in the Resulting evaluations are to
label or anything honorable title of functionally illiterate and barely qualified
fit in reading comprehension, Among Other measures poorly calibrated for not
attending first, second and current needs, the owners Characteristics of
adolescents population.
Malthus, measurement instruments we refer to as proof we PISA 19 since all
the states Involved and needy, ingratiating and align with Such guidelines,
create and Promote educational plans in order to meet international
expectations Such, not genuine concern for real needs "domestic" , translated
into practice, evidence of foreign court, According To Their measuring
educational quality standards, and in no way Reflect with fidelity and
accuracy in its results, or educational needs of a people.
18 -

In its Millennium Declaration of 2000, the United Nations established eight Millennium Development
called "Millennium Development Goals, que relate to the elimination of poverty, the advancement of women,
eradication of infectious diseases, democratization of education. Objectives These fixed an ambitious
schedule . to Improve the lives of people in 2015 Consultable in:

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) through the Implementation of the
Pisa test, Measures the degree to Which students handle basic life skills in today's society, que is increasingly
important That people are able to locate and process information, use tools and . apply knowledge provided
by science to understand the world and make decisions L . PISA Assessments as refer not only to schools but
to the whole society Consultable in: www.oecd / centermexico of / laoecd

We're not as bad as These measurements following have, or as well as the
official discourse ASSERTS, Is that balance and diagnosis of conscience must
allow the educator That Placed in the right situation, in Place from Which
must the strategies needed to carry out Their Duties in compliance With the
requirements of its governing government state, leaving aside its entirety or
betray humanist and philosophical conviction, so the model is roughly
Proposed Nanoeducativo a way to Find That balance, not friccionándose with
institutional programs and not losing the creative, universal impulse That
every Should Have teacher, que lit flare in its proper work.
In other words, you must be a reactionary or guerrilla education, shouting
slogans opposing through actions only hurt more Already damaged the
educational world, you must be proactive and assertive, being realistic and
constructive approach with a heuristic to do best you can with what you have,
where the classroom or learning space is autonomous universe, In Which flow
freely and naturally the thoughts and projects That Have to Provide Feedback
institutional and enrich the content of linear programs using the Provides That
the State, and transforming turn-like game-play is involved in. the same
transcendent experiences for student life.
Digna deserves mention at the central document in the international
educational philosophy, que According To the writer, is the raw materials for
the philosophical and humanistic formation of the contemporary educator, we
are talking of the Report to UNESCO of the International Commission on
Education for the XXI Century, chaired by Jacques Delors, Learning: The
Treasure Within , as a brave and honest view, born from the womb of this
international body itself, Openly expressing the real and urgent That education
retake the lost causes philosophical necessity; great work That has-been sadly
as mere decoration and flower arrangement in the display case or showcase
institutional educational systems
around the globe, In this report we can rescue That education is required to
resume its instrumental nature towards the ideals of peace, freedom and social
justice to allow a continuous development of Individuals and societies in the
service of the harmonious human development and THEREFORE, fighting
poverty, discrimination, misunderstanding, oppression and other negative
phenomena of this globalized order.
High feelings That the committee on children and adolescents Focuses, who
logically, in the near future Have to take charge of Their societies, driving in a
frank loving words That go against methodical smallness of Those in Control
in education systems, and focussed on the scientific , que Certainly Should
include education, to orchestrate a scenario of fierce competition Among peers
to excel in Assessments based on acquired knowledge, que must certify as
technical professionals or trained and capable, without impórtales Their native
environment, and the Consequences of Their needs.
Behold the great value of Such a report, as from an elevated international
forum banner love of children and youth is flying, the ideas importance of the
family as the foundation of the community and of the nation itself
emphatically That holding "the child is the future of man " That understanding
has produced large This Century economic and scientific progress, But Also
great Inequalities and social and ecological imbalances; ascribing to education
- in the review of the writer-the hope of humanity, understanding the
challenge imposed overall diversity and the vast inequality That have led to
discoveries and scientific progress, Causing feelings of disappointment and
disillusionment With the course progress in reality Have the international
scene today, on the brink of a global recession, With high rates of
unemployment and deep crises in the educational systems of the States in it.
In essence, Such a commission leads us to Reflect on the dehumanization That
the current globalized system has generated in the subject, and That the
dubious assumptions are useless technological, scientific, - say of the writerWhether These are at the expense of the universal values Distinguish human
we must, paying Such growth with decreasing our human sensibilities, then
having the material progress without equity, and social development without
respect for human rights or the proper construction of the single in all areas
and due care of the overall ecosystem, link by Which , it has to break the
chain, if Such a path-of-course progress we insist I travel without recalibrating
our nature and purpose of existence itself, in order to Achieve balance and
overall harmony Between being and doing. THEREFORE, it is essential to
That method does not understand or educational system, by itself, has to be
the miracle answer to the needs and problems of teaching and learning
Processes currently facing.
Because each nation itself is made up of a mosaic of multicultural regions in
Which its inhabitants are Affected by Both Situations various geographical,
and social and economic, would be a mistake to claim That a linear system
and can encompass all Satisfy the needs and expectations of each individual
region so reasonable educational system must understand what futile to
pretend To Have Effective Mechanisms for generic and all those involved in.
the process.
Once you understand That there is no magic bullet or single method That is
Constituted as the miraculous answer to educational problems of each nation
in direct Conclude then, required tools and methods flexibly and even add to
its formative That mission will be useful to everything your ministering
purposes , you away from indolence or institutional pride, que Often holdsfrom the benefits of the subject to form-that Their educational systems or
methods are comprehensive and require new tools to absorb, much less accept
That Are susceptible to change, so hold until its collapse, to take refuge after a
legal structure called education reform, que is, by new national development
plans, modification or enactment of special laws, treat, colloquially said,
to "cover the eleven well the child drowned" .
And if this week's popular Within Compared continue, the worst is Such That
Reforms are a bad cover, only as pretend makeup overflowed problem or as an
administration ends Concludes a mandate, in many democratic states cutting
programs we find, models and teaching methods tailored and convenience of
the ruling, not actually matter more than short-term results, an issue That
results in a long simulation for Institutional Decades or even centuries, doing
lot to education hostage to group interests, ever-changing, like a sailboat
available to the new captain to take the course and rudder of public life in the
State by another specified period. Nanoeducativo The Proposed Model
Understood the above reasoning, and has as one of its guidelines on nonformal education rubbing of the system, as well as there are hidden curricula
Within the educational programs of the State, This Must Be the hidden model
take the educator without conflictuarse with Institutional plans to Achieve the
ultimate goals of education and multicitados in its humanistic and
philosophical aspect.
How? Playing a role of double agent , que is to Provide the Ability for
teachers to pretend That I've met in his plans and educational mandates
simulator State discursa interest in the progress of mankind, using scaffolding
Latter to seek refuge With His students at the micro universe is the classroom
or classroom, where the first, will empower the most of Their academic
freedom for the sake of the overall development of its students, In this game
play the current proposal is based.
Returning to the context of contemporary educational systems, it is interesting
That Among Individuals and Among Nations, generate social phenomena That
frustration, inequality and aggression to Their environment are replicated, ie,
the chain of abuse starts Between subjects, que in turn are abused by Their
leaders , who claim to defend the common interest and national
sovereignty but curious, then in Such a chain, Such States are abused by other
prevailing States in the orb, taking so Even When the colonial times it is
said, has gone down in history , authentic communes, towns and territories are
de facto factories or suppliers of the natural resources or cheap labor,
prostituting the highly touted defense of national sovereignty and balance of
its ecosystem.
That said, without being the focus of this book, eager to expose That we are in
a simulation game and to Which education is not free, as a tool in the service
of the States Such interests, or Necessary Proposals are alternate routes-such
as the Model Nanoeducativo-that Facilitate Individuals have no subversive
counterweight Mechanisms That robustezcan-in appearance from within the
systems, methods, plans and institutional educational programs, expanding the
horizons Malthus, understanding That education must be an integrated process
Necessarily That must go beyond the interests of the State, porque is a human
need, Therefore, educators must Fulfill So THAT They are paid in the first
instance, then, without sacrificing vocation and conviction, activate a second
stage of intimate Involvement Within Their respective universes classrooms
encouraging the micro- revival of humanist and philosophical education to
benefit the overall development of its students, without asking or giving
additional resources to the State governing government.
In short, Whether an international high-level report or Proposed model as a
way of reaching multicitados for ministering purposes of education, it is clear,
que is an urgent need to change our vision about the nature and ministering
purposes since it is not possible to continue to support the notion of an
institutional education unbalanced triumphant face of overwhelming reality in
Which We Live, In Which We are forced to internalize the external solution
having no excuse Which fincarle Responsibility.
We Have Become aware That the obligation is ours, we are human beings
Because, while States are just legal partner bodies, so We Should not dwell on
complacency and complicity with Such entities, In Which We escudábamos to
overlap and justify our own failures or Omissions ,. Because education is not
only a universal right, but a duty and an obligation among equals we must in
For Whom That constructor desire of mankind is the adventure of learning.
And an adventure to be passionate than required, so education can not be That
Understood as simple training evaluation and approval process for ministering
purposes to cover work requirements, production or satisfaction of needs and
services, but as one rally or race, constant and endless knowledge on the
highway That runs on single track, steep slopes and With its along The entire
life of a human being, the world is not the progress of knowledge never
stopped, Either, then, Why Should it stop at a preset level education as
satisfactory by the apparatus of power? Especially yes man Continues to
evolve in all areas at any time of your life, Therefore Should education be
seen as if it Were a physiological necessity, imperative, and subject as linked
to breathe.
Due to the above, education will be reunited in constant and continuous
Processes, to enable it to adapt to the rapid social changes without neglecting
its essential purpose, That Allows educators to model without departing from
the institutional system, being desirable to apply successful strategies with for
the short, medium and long term, to prioritize the group work as a team, que
includes parents and Non-governmental institutions in order to combat
complex problems in various flanks as the repetitions and dropouts, while with
social Contribute That will allow the healing Their humans to balance various
areas, then give your peers and also, what is not right now, for as popularly
said: "to give, we must first".
No social or restructuring progress has Achieved Today with Individuals
lacking Such a balance, so will redirect internal reconstruction and group, we
activate ourselves throughMetaeducación, a production company That
Generates rather than consumer, supportive work and no dependence Total to
a global system in Which children and young people are wondering what will
be big, not Already Realizing They are, here and now, Should be a dynamic
youth, more than designed, conditioned and mixed in his actions by taxes
External model, able to project beyond the standards of wealth That the
current welfare and consumer culture inculcates; deforming them, deform our
future as a genre, so it is our effort to run them.
Metaeducación to this, you slip the aprenderes as it goes hand in hand with the
feelings That give identity to the human race, And This universal being it can
not be limited to schools of thought or unique, but rather mold Should
everything that is useful to the essence of his being to Accomplish task, this
being his last end, Allowing the human being harmonious and comprehensive
performance In Their daily work towards Their fellows and Their Natural
environment, as the mere accumulation of knowledge if it is not geared
towards This End, Generates only a glut of information That leads to
frustration and spiritual imbalance staff That Prevents man and woman
Achieve harmony and happiness in your being.
Consistent With This Metaeducación, the systems responsible for managing
institutional education are outdated and overtaken by Clearly human needs,
but to be part of the power structure is Chosen Strategically -rather than fight
to overthrow them- for use for These New ministering purposes, With the
intermediation Nanoeducativo Model, que has as main feature the Ability to
incubate Within the system Necessary to Achieve Such ministering purposes
without there being conflict simply by not knowing the state now is being
used for conditions ends of humanity, que for millennia has-been served.
Futile then, is to enter the analysis , in the case of Mexico- new educational
Reforms or measurement results, little - or nothing- Reflect the complex
reality and needs, Because as we know, Such Reforms Have Been rather to
internal struggle for power, junction where leaders and education leaders
destroy convenience, and all figures and statistics are used as weapons In this
battle royal.
The numbers, as official statistics or rating scale, say anything concrete, as a
true educational reform must start from the very heart awareness educator,
then, what viruses infect the system, taking the active participation of all
subjects Involved, and Prioritizing the best interests -chord to the Political
Constitution of the Mexican United States, the human being, so it is not
enough to modify curricula or create more classrooms, as if from a desk inside
a office of supreme command Could Rightly decides what is best in the field
of educational battle, omitting the fact, what is needed Most, and ignoring
cries of feeling of educators and learners -which soldiers in battle- That
Concerns and externalize legitimate claims Arising from Their daily reality
They are the experts, They Should be asked and see what Such education is
best for.
And, That any system aspires to have a positive impact, educationally
speaking, Should be functional with a proper projection of being and not
the "ought", as it is the speech married to political correctness, que properly
size has not allowed Such educational problems , How a national plan or
educational model can Respond to actual needs, if figures and statistics do not
even Recognize complex problems: such as extreme poverty, discrimination
and lack of Opportunities in general? Simply Because Such statistics are the
result of Their interests and in no . way the actual numbers That Should
Reflect discredit his administration It is clear That educational models do not
matter if you do not meet the very purpose of education, and no measurement
or institutional assessment Aimed to justify a policy of state - is as successful
as the apparent lack of tangible public good and social progress in our daily
life, ie, nothing That Helps us to know This Or That six-year period or regime,
Have Been built more classrooms than ever, or have "professionalized" more
teachers than before, When the truth is perceptible and That children and
young people are increasingly more difficult to find a seat or to record only
aspire to dictate what your vocation, having in many cases Comply With the
option the system That Provides them, and from there we started with the
negative mentality that: "one is not what you want, but what can be."
In the international context, there is a complex web of treaties and universal
declarations, summits and conferences That Are Global compass -both in
education as in other matters of interest social- orienting dynamics and
educational phenomenon in each state, emphasizing quality and integrity, as
Ensuring well as access to basic education, que Equally Increase the literacy
rate, and fight gender inequality, que Allows qualitative improvement in all
aspects of education. Such international consensus, Have Their arms operating
in organizations: such as the UNESCO, and its derivatives, call the
International Bureau of Education, or homologous Organizations: such as the
World Bank, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development,
the International Institute of Education Planning, The Inter-American
Development Bank, Among Others September the pace to States through the
provision of financial resources with Which to Ensure the monitoring of
international public policies That promote.
Not that the above is bad, but unfortunately many systems have exploited the
Shortcomings of its population to cleave These resources, education and
benefit Profit eyes watching your budget, Prevents external dependency: such
as true educational reality prioritize domestic needs as first world countries
country, say, the United States of America, in Which there is any foreign
interference in its educational policies, Have kept Their end in a linear path for
decades, Which has guaranteed them results in the medium and long term, the
inverse of the short-term all Third State required to validate its legitimacy as
a "real manager of progress and social justice."
In Europe, continued with first world country clubs, education policies follow
the same pattern, ie, harmonic and targeted Efficiently needs to Their
authentic form, que are not linked to an external approval, focusing on
continuous improvement of the quality and efficiency of education systems
Their , Facilitating access and permanence to its Entire population, for the first
world education is not a means for Obtaining Budgetary resources owners or
validation of management but is a genuine public policy leadership in
development That Allows you to generate and sustain wealth and economic
well- being, at least-of Which enjoy. Africa, in contrast, is characteristic of
poverty and educational inequality condition Entire Their existence to the help
of good faith, These international agencies Provide to third world countries
country, while in Asia, These education systems are fully oriented economic
In short educational systems, Whether the country concerned, They are geared
to benefit the overall development, are a reflection of the interests of an
international market economy, while poor countries country dependent on
support or subsidies to Their education by International Organizations, led by
the first world, not be sovereign in Their education or draw routes That May
Independently Their best meet internal needs as far as education is
concerned. The truth Is that all educational systems still obeying the same old
interests, so Their success will always be in the best interest of who sponsors
them, That it is so if results are required for the benefit of Those Involved,
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Heuristic professor and nanoeducative model construction
Heuristic professor and nanoeducative model construction
Heuristic professor and nanoeducative model construction
Heuristic professor and nanoeducative model construction
Heuristic professor and nanoeducative model construction
Heuristic professor and nanoeducative model construction
Heuristic professor and nanoeducative model construction
Heuristic professor and nanoeducative model construction
Heuristic professor and nanoeducative model construction
Heuristic professor and nanoeducative model construction
Heuristic professor and nanoeducative model construction
Heuristic professor and nanoeducative model construction
Heuristic professor and nanoeducative model construction
Heuristic professor and nanoeducative model construction
Heuristic professor and nanoeducative model construction
Heuristic professor and nanoeducative model construction
Heuristic professor and nanoeducative model construction
Heuristic professor and nanoeducative model construction
Heuristic professor and nanoeducative model construction
Heuristic professor and nanoeducative model construction
Heuristic professor and nanoeducative model construction
Heuristic professor and nanoeducative model construction
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Heuristic professor and nanoeducative model construction
Heuristic professor and nanoeducative model construction
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Heuristic professor and nanoeducative model construction
Heuristic professor and nanoeducative model construction
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Heuristic professor and nanoeducative model construction
Heuristic professor and nanoeducative model construction
Heuristic professor and nanoeducative model construction
Heuristic professor and nanoeducative model construction
Heuristic professor and nanoeducative model construction
Heuristic professor and nanoeducative model construction
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Heuristic professor and nanoeducative model construction
Heuristic professor and nanoeducative model construction
Heuristic professor and nanoeducative model construction
Heuristic professor and nanoeducative model construction
Heuristic professor and nanoeducative model construction
Heuristic professor and nanoeducative model construction
Heuristic professor and nanoeducative model construction
Heuristic professor and nanoeducative model construction
Heuristic professor and nanoeducative model construction
Heuristic professor and nanoeducative model construction
Heuristic professor and nanoeducative model construction
Heuristic professor and nanoeducative model construction
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Heuristic professor and nanoeducative model construction
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Heuristic professor and nanoeducative model construction

  • 1. Translated version of WORD BOOK FOR FPF.docx The Professor and the Construction Heuristic Model Nanoeducativo Iten Mario Camacho Mendoza PROFESSOR HEURISTIC MODEL CONSTRUCTION AND NANOEDUCATIVO ITEN MARIO CAMACHO MENDOZA Book version converted to PDF format, for free distribution to educational institutions, government agencies and other public or private entities, for purposes of study and analysis, allowing only to be added to digital or virtual library, for consultation, dissemination and academic and institutional analysis. Total or partial reproduction for profit. Suggestions and orders contact: ISBN: 978-607-00-6687-0.
  • 2. My Heavenly Father For human life create me and entertain me, not fail in our covenant: As I des breath, keep moving, that barriers are external, unrelated decisions, the will not stop, personal conviction, my gift to you. At the end of the road you're not have to collect it for any precious cargo, for nothing in your presence, but my actions have to carry, just for them and their fruits you have to value me. My Holy Mother Professor Adela Camacho Hernandez, who all I am humble reflection of its great being, Mother, I hope to be worthy in your eyes. Total Thanks! My kids My puppy, my greatest achievements and commitment to the Lord, if you want a better world, is for you, always be free men and women, well, willing and honor, but humble, kind, generous, loyal and righteous; above all, be human, be happy my children. To my family and loved ones Thanks for your love and encouragement at various stages of my life, to the memory of my beloved grandparents, Prof. Dr. Mario Camacho Espinoza and Mr. Iten Covalin, both pillars and fog forming on my, my beautiful grandmothers, Dra ., widow Martha Hernandez. Camacho and Lulu De Virgilio Ferré, large Amazons of his time, my beloved father Raul Mendoza Juan Ferré, my aunts, especially Golda Covalin Ferré. To my fellow Brothers and sisters in this dark trench battle in defense of free thought and divine right to happiness; Those who do not capitulate to the enemy, globalized thousand hydra heads betting to take our most powerful defensive weapon: Will. A University of Southern Alma Mater Studiorum, His Excellency Rector, Dr. Efraín Gutiérrez and Rodríguez, and in particular for his academic support, the Rector General, Dr. José Antonio Gutiérrez and Rodríguez, to all my classmates and teachers, in particular, to Dr . Xochitl Valdez Portillo, dear companion and admired preschool teacher, who learned the human side of education.
  • 3. CONTENTS Page PROLOGUE ................................................................................................. 6 PREFACE ..................................................................................................... 9 CHAPTER ONE: EDUCATIONAL RETROSPECTIVE ..................................................... 16 CHAPTER TWO: INTROSPECTIVE TO CONTEMPORARY EDUCATION SYSTEMS .................................................................................................... 32 CHAPTER THREE: TEACHER'S PERSPECTIVE HEURISTIC ........................................... 46 CHAPTER FOUR: PROSPECTIVE METAEDUCATIVA, CONSTRUCTION MODEL NANOEDUCATIVO ................................................................. 120 EPILOGUE ................................................................................................ 160 REFERENCES .......................................................................................... 166
  • 4. Prologue The constant changes taking place in society and in the contemporary knowledge require educational institutions to take this changing as inherent reality of their current role. The university should be open door and respond to the dynamics and demands of the knowledge society. So, that for several years within the stunning rainforest of Chiapas, Mexico, South University is born with the desire to give young and alternative professional training college, offering races needed to boost the productivity of state and Country, encouraging freedom of thought in our students, strengthening entrepreneurship skills, favoring creativity, effort and knowledge of our entrepreneurs to join the complex work environment, to find their significance in serving society. Moreover, as a fourth-level training is concerned, specifically the Doctor of Education, represents fertile ground where it germinates and wills that allows our graduates to present their proposed solutions to the great task we have formed all Latin American universities to make education a central axis and emancipatory act of cultural and other facets of national life growth. In order to generate a new idea of the university that involves elements required to meet the great challenge of our income Latin American region to the knowledge society, information and lifelong learning in a global context and openness to large economic spaces. This new idea of young spirit of greatness University, such as the University of the South, part three fundamental paradigms characteristic of the century, such as: sustainable human development, peace and the culture of lifelong learning. That these topics are addressed through a simple, fresh, but no less profound and thorough in the work of Dr. Mendoza called perspective: Professor Heuristic and Model Construction Nanoeducativo. Dr. Iten Mario Mendoza, is a graduate of this institution, the Twenty-Fourth Generation Doctorate in Education and in the classroom caught him questions like: What is education?How to be an innovative and effective teacher? Responses were emerging from the dialectic and constant reflection, which can now be enjoyed in this literary work worthy of being read by all that we are in this way the educational process. The work, though presented with the modest title: The Professor and the Nanoeducativo Heuristic Model is a positive invitation to act, as it has among its objectives to break paradigms, or any other claim of such magnitude. Only
  • 5. dogs baring a truth within the educational activity, not with a desire for criticism but rather a deeper understanding of the phenomenon under study. The intention is that teachers will recognize itself creative abilities, his responsibilities as a social leader and former wills of their students, assuming that perhaps the conditions are not the best, that the Mexican educational process must prioritize it within government plans, hunger and social exclusion make the task of teaching is getting tougher. But none of the above realities are excuses to be mediocre and conformist, by contrast are experiences that should enrich the debate to rethink work and the teacher's role in Mexican society. This book addresses the problem in four frame issues, to understand the Retrospective, Introspective Perspective and Prospective of the Mexican Education and the fundamental role of the teacher Heuristic teaching creative, dynamic, accepting chaos, crisis and uncertainty as opportunities of change and innovation. A man dedicated to the task of teaching, hopeful and hopeful, knowing the limitations of your environment, but is also committed to the strengths of their classroom, and their partners in the task of educating as are the parents. Finally, it offers a more operational, limited, open and perfectible, model the various actions that the teacher should use inside and outside the classroom to maximize their expected results. The work of Dr. Mendoza, is the beginning of how philosophical thinking tomorrow's education and how to redefine educational models prioritizing the true aims of Education Sciences. For this reason, South University, supports this literary creation, considering it a worthy contribution, which invites reflection in the educational and reunion with the most exalted human values. Dr. Efraín Gutiérrez Rodríguez South University Rector.
  • 6. PREFACE The scientific and technological nutrient Titanids called globalization, which in theory were to our service, became invisible shackles of the most egregious form of slavery suffered by mankind advances, one that is addictive, squeezing his slaves, using their vain desires as a drug, by awakening an insatiable appetite to consume everything that modernity produces. In this context, the human being has changed his individuality, his will bright, disposable trinkets, you need an awakening, a philosophical encounter, humanist, a new kind of man and woman to act as insurgent free thought, exercise of will builders in the service of their fellow warriors, having as weapons or tools, will and social consciousness, to awaken and encourage critical thinking, values in new generations, therefore, the professionals of education, are the first line of battle in that face. Is human being, formed profesionista within the Titanids to be foreman of his peers, who must leave the poor comfort that payment is offered, to become the liberator of consciences and forger of wills, because He has the light of knowledge , hoarding is a felony to deny grain and bread, and feed this knowledge something bigger than the stomach of man. Now, when more than ever, conscience and united wills is needed, now that is not enough for rifles revolution, for the system as a virus, has been nurtured by the blood of men, learned that there is no physical force what drives him, if not his will, so he changed strategy and can no longer arsenals and armies to conquer this new world order committed to take that momentum require learned that humans always be revealed to injustice, sleeping consciousness with the mass technological control selling a false freedom and creating thousands of artificial needs and then tell us we can purchase products that meet those needs even give us happiness, if we behave within their framework and we strive to keep the frantic pace that modernity imposes, even at the cost of our comprehensive development of our family, of our environment, so never, no system or scheme as now known byglobalization, had achieved such perfection of the famous formula: To the people bread and circuses, no! The people freedom and progress of its kind! Let us not settle for less. Now we need the peaceful revolt of consciences and wills of professionals in general, in particular, professors and teachers as we are immersed in the culture of fast, disposability, of consumption, we are devouring our environment and us same, this is reflected in the breakdown of the social
  • 7. fabric and natural balance, the professional who went to school in the light of knowledge, can not be selfish with such knowledge, should make it available to their peers with a fresh perspective and benefit congeners, in the exercise of professional will find satisfaction and happiness, it is understood that the false god of global consumerism calls sacrifices, and blood is no tribute, requires consciousness, will, and we are the professionals their executioners. This book is not intended to be a professional or ethical educational work, since there are so many! They know the subject matter as required, then, why so widespread and prayed principles of ethics education regulations are a dead letter in our daily professional acting? The answer is that before be, the practitioner, teacher or master, is a human germinating fruit of the land in which it is planted, that is, rather than professional, is now a young adult, which at the time was child, and all that wealth of knowledge in their family, educational and social environment marked him code more crude, of being, of daily life, creating the false professional moral, ethical duality, understanding should be, as compelled speech and posture officer, is at the root, the family and the classroom, which is based on the double standard hypocritical selfishness and mediocrity, deeply marked all children and young people, creating patterns recorded at an unconscious level and which time they reach university, educational models committed to the power system, little can be done for them, making the institutions of higher education in profitable businesses, mere companies, you make fantasy thus do not conform to the subject, or help your balanced and comprehensive internal construction in their personal and group benefit, it only coated with a shiny outer layer, leaving imperfectly hidden inside. And the system does not need more power, the first error of his critics, starting from educational programs and other economic and social guidelines on which rest the guiding principles of social development is to think that the State wrong, it is clumsy and inefficient, because they constantly implemented reforms to their educational and social programs failed, patching and mending alleged errors and incompetence with the endless reforms that allow continuity in any economic or social category. Nothing is further from reality, the current system of power is successful, modern states have become the head of the hydra known as globalization, are merely extremely efficient branch for purposes of Titanids, and their food is mankind , who kept in ignorance and poverty for most interest to your purposes, not for incompetence or inability to govern, and a few necessary as foremen, the drug in the social indifference of selfishness, are these
  • 8. professionals, media and officials high standards that make up the skeleton of institutions that support the head, in ignorance of some and the indifference of others selfishness, nobody realizes that if we are the backbone, the foundation, we can reorganize, it would roll to the head, Thus, this takes away the ability or willingness of movement as well, each with erratic steps, not atinamos to move together and benefit from the social collective. Is such a view of this fact, inherent in our humanity illustrated in over whom schools makes it chargeable what occupies our professors and teachers, because they do not have the excuse of ignorance, which is an agent of social change necessary to rescue himself and his fellows of this global technological empire, which, as the virus is not repaired in thinking that using raw and disposable material to humans, allowing it in turn do the same with their environment, in an effort to meet more needs comfort, and soon there will be a single ecosystem or habitat minimally satisfying life, leading to the extinction of the planet being such ambition, that unquantifiable resources are devoted to the conquest of space and new planets, which could certainly afford the food on earth and social needs of all humanity. Why is this? Does science at the service of humanity as a tool of progress? Not likely, science is the faithful service Titanids, and if it helps or does save time, it is only because in this or any other planet, the human being is a prerequisite, as fuel or food base for the operation of such globalized monster. After then, using the most precious thing a human being I have the consciousness of creative will rise by the knowledge that gives way as a sixth sense, the ability to make critical judgments and high values, the practitioner education , like any other science or branch of knowledge, should as a first step required to perform a painful exercise, to pull the skin or lining of fake fantasy given the power system and see himself as such naked imperfect and vulnerable, but endowed with a revitalized humanity, allowing you to rebuild through service to their fellow men, to eventually be renewed with a solid coating and true, with which it has come the fullness of his being. The professional, regardless of their knowledge or expertise in our day, has the honorable mission to guide, give light to the blind eyes of their fellows by the dazzling flashes of modernity here is the purpose of this work, which not was designed to emphasize concepts or theories of others by recognized whatsoever, nor do encyclopedia theme, is a heartfelt appeal to my brothers professionals in general and teachers in particular, educators in the broad sense of the word, regardless of denomination of teachers , facilitators, professors, among others, to close ranks and serve our neighbor, our neighbor
  • 9. with the knowledge acquired to regain the dignity of professional practice and get back wages forgotten: the respect and affection of the community, dignity service then! Dignity, that keeps us from the mentality of "boarding" as between military and police is known, that in which it is allowed to do for fear of the consequences, in a remote mentality attached to the legality and mediocrity in we comforted thinking that: "nobody will like what well done, but make a mistake and you're lost," doing the right thing is difficult, because it is a requirement of future consistency in our actions, and it is what keeps us recover the professionals, public servants and teachers in particular that professional dignity, that lost social trust, this new mentality legal awareness and willingness to serve in a nutshell. No indeed other purpose in life, to find fulfillment and happiness in the service record that does not purport to discuss religion or beliefs, but about the human being without making your spirituality, Serious sterile as sterile be all professional who is not paid to the welfare of their community, because in the end, for this rule, we are just animals fattening, to already having taken our willpower and social conscience for the professionals, rather than shame, currently proud to be the most robust and strongest of all in this breeding, if not pigsty, forgetting what is the fate of all feedlot animals than among larger, higher gain. Let us show then that we are worthy of more than a virtual farm feedlot animals, we have willpower enough to attack from within this Titanids, adopting its own strategy of virus, it is an indisputable fact that devours us, then then not oppose resistance, but work in this coating as individuals, when given the snack, not food but it poison you ingest, and from inside to explode, to give mankind a new opportunity, that you miss to see light, which confused in recent attempts at resistance struggle, but do not know the system has grown in the last two centuries, now is not enough that men and women give their blood in revolutions, because it is already immune to this vaccine, the blood of the revolutionaries actually strengthens it, so that the antidote should be more powerful and deep, right into their bowels. This antidote is Metaeducación, a reborn education within the philosophical humanism, and his agent, a teacher know as heuristic, which will rely on an alternate Nanoeducativo model under construction, we are, all professionals, education and other sciences, these agents, antibodies to free the social fabric of the virus called globalization and its terrifying symptoms such as extreme
  • 10. poverty, ignorance, injustice, destruction of the environment, ecosystems and the amputation of a vital part of the human being as the main food, your consciousness, will, in a word, his spirit. Since this virus has mutated or improved with the efficiency of a serial murderer and has permeated bearer subject, human society, to the core, this "virus system" knows the negative effects caused by the human being in society is a guest, which soon destroy with their environment, in short, the program designed to man through the social contract of common life was infected source with a mutant virus, now known as the successor of neoliberalism, the Regime Globalized; armed revolutions, opposition struggles or partial social changes, reboots are not affected, they only modify and refine their performance, so it is proposed that for a social virus of this kind, an antidote is needed, a "vaccine", and is a good formula infect from your core, not fight something so monstrous that has flourished for centuries, if not throw you off balance, and his own weight, defeat. In the current reality, not fight globalization and its effects, if not adapt to it as useful elements infiltrate the system and activated cells as autonomous but resonant all together, with individual actions, using duct own this hydra is the nature of the alternative model Nanoeducativo constantly building, although it seems a radical and belligerent stance, not dig trenches is simply to recognize that the field is pressed, to be aware of the prevailing harsh reality, and with that perspective, taking a path of construction, positive and human purpose. And so there is a war mentality, the proposal of this book focuses on the strategic alliance with the issues and educational crisis, from its internal understanding, unmarked at the right time, and to solve them, ie, nor conformist teachers and accomplices of the regime, nor reactionary teachers leaving the classroom to join street protests against the system, both positions are detrimental to that matter, learners, teacher proposes a balanced, with a view realistic and predictive capacities heuristics that give an advantage over the powerful but slow action of the State to micro universes, as are the classrooms in which all the humanistic and philosophical precepts which allow our teacher, since they encourage academic freedom and respect for the official program, undertake the crusade for a humanistic quality education. In the end, all men and women, professionals in education or not, are teachers or students in various scenarios and moments of our formation, the nature of mankind has implied the process of teaching and learning, and if something that instinctively I do, do it right then, voluntarily and knowingly, we are all teachers and students, we are all human beings, re direccionemos because our
  • 11. thinking and acting, a new educational perspective, no matter the globalized state, care about us, forget the disqualification , denial or justification, and put wills in action, that's the proposal, invitation, which must, as all purposeful stance, overcoming criticism and pay the common construction will yield in the progress and welfare of mankind. That's the urge our current professors and teachers, to reunite with his vocation, his ideals, his humanism, to have the courage, intelligence and will to put them into action without confrontation, but the benefit of their students, to children and young people under their care and responsibility, with renewed vigor, look beyond the official program and its performance, the comprehensive development prospect of the group away from those formed as mercenaries or hucksters know knowledge to become apostles, humble pilgrims along the paths of knowledge that guide their pupils and selflessly warm, encouraging them to be better than yesterday, shaped by the criticalreflective and creative will exercise thought, men and women comprehensive, interlinked balanced and functional in humans happy, productive, respectful of their fellow men and nature. This will result in a new culture of effort, respect for the law, inclusion, diversity, plurality and balance to allow for social healing and regeneration to emerge from classrooms, schools, institutional discourse away from evil; the reality is that globalization does not want a healthy social fabric! for the simple reason that a virus, a cancer can not live in a healthy tissue! That restoration, that regeneration must take shape in the minds and wills of men and women committed to gender, we must think for ourselves, stop moving automatically, which "technological consumerist zombies" disassociate science and technology, not allowing was a subhuman, to undertake the construction of volitional being, human bonding and social regeneration, these men and women, teachers and professors heuristics, will depart from the other renegades unaware of its kind, to work hard, in their awakening and emancipation early or preferably middle aged, a new link into the classroom through a philosophical and humanist Metaeducación.
  • 12. CHAPTER ONE: EDUCATIONAL RETROSPECTIVE L to education has been tainted source, conditional on education systems in the service of socio-political entities called states, which regardless of temporal or territorial level have seen her more than a tool-a powerful weapon contensión and social uniformity, this kidnapping of education has been from the beginning of time, collecting a ransom his philosophical side, in which the human being-man and woman-determined partner for the common good, agreeing collectively, and within these terms, the birth first States, as a form of organization and set of institutions designed to regulate human life in the territory, fixed also there was born a distorted concept of education, which in this day translates into ancient layers of social formation, which not be longer ancestral wrong. One of the first mistakes that are in education, as we know it today, we think that has a distinctly Western origin and still retains the philosophical principles that gave birth, instinctive and evocatively by referring to ancient Greece, where look romantic scenario underlying all that we are socially today, formed by flowing classical thought, which we have untouched to this day as if sacred relics in the case, taking sacrilege and disqualified a priori all that try a contribution from another perspective, minimizing primary cultures and ancestral wisdom that actually were raw material for these early city states 1, by military force razed conquering everything in its path, imposing its norms while absorbed these kingdoms conquered 1 - The first city-states were south of Mesopotamia, between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, in the territory of Sumer. Citizens and practiced an agrarian culture. Around the fourth century. C. citizens and controlled the waters and pursued to the fullest. There arose the city-states that were very independent. Example of what these cities are in the West Greece and Mesopotamia and Central America obligatory reference in Mayan culture, which located in the Yucatan Peninsula and southeastern Mexico, had a system of city-states similar to the Greeks, being major Chichén Itzá, Uxmal, Palenque and Calakmul in Mexico, Copan in Honduras and Tikal and El Mirador in Guatemala. Abbagnano, and Visalberchi N, Y. History of Education. (1964) Fondo de Cultura Economica, Mexico.
  • 13. ancestral knowledge 2 on which then would shine great minds, whether they Aristotle, Socrates and Plato, characters whom openly known of his trips to India or his theories and stories of city states and in those ancient times considered legends or lights great lost wisdoms, such as Atlantis 3. 2 - The Ancient Age. It is a historical period that coincides with the emergence and development of the First Ancient Civilizations and Cultures, consisting of Egypt, India, China and the Hebrew people, originator. And younger cultures to the West, but with much advancement in their organization as a State, which are Greece, Rome and Mesopotamia. In the case of the Greeks who are credited with much of the current worldview in terms of Sciences: Mathematics, Biology, Astronomy and Humanities: Philosophy, Literature and Arts. This period is one who follows the great conquest of Alexander the Great, Hellenistic civilization called or Hellenism. But it Should be Noted That the flourishing in Greece (especially in Philosophy) was not authentically Greek in its concreteness Peak Gust May've Noted That oriental many elements make up that civilization, then, China and India are the historical background of Greek philosophy and wisdom . Philosophical thought, came at a time in three different areas of the world: Greece, China and India, around the century-VI. BC Hellenistic period was a period of deep crisis Caused by several factors, que can be Considered as important: the fragmentation of the vast empire of Alexander the Great, the disappearance of the polis as a separate place, a strong economic downturn, Among Others. Factors That led to a decisive shift in the Hellenistic man who moves away from civic issues to Become more to himself (central axis of Chinese philosophy.) This shift, in Which the polis lost its ideas importance and people start to feel like a small part of a great empire with a vast territory, involved in. Also shifting to a new way of understanding things. Philosophers seek other ways to get the single to be happy outside the community. So in Addition to seek knowledge, seek Also the practical part of it, (another important element of Chinese philosophy, as it is a practice rather than a reflection) Which Provides another way to understand the changes That They Can lead to happiness. The concept of happiness (eudaimonia) today has a very different meaning than it had in the past Which was seen as a step towards a state, as a staff achievement. This important change decisively Influenced the way of thinking and Dealing with things Greek. What was in the polis centered before and Especially in Athens, now distributed by flung places, and Citizens Began Considered to be cosmopolitan and not just politas. Were The centers of influence still cities, but Athens had to share its ideas importance with Alexandria, Antioch, Smyrna or Pergamum, cities strove to Attract That all the world culture. The philosophers of this era of political shirking Their Duties as Citizens and no longer understand or share individually and STRIVE to find solutions to Achieve happiness outside of the community. THEREFORE, Schools That Arise In this period called Been doing lot, sometimes, schools of happiness, porque is Precisely what They Want to Achieve It With happiness and share all those who eat to Their schools. In this Greek actually means an unquestionable back to ancient Eastern philosophy, as it Involves more than a development of thinking to way of life, as told Confucian and Taoist, Also opens a very different perspective to the way we thinking and interestingly syncretizes elements of Both cultures, where the temporal distance from the old historical and spatial distance is exceeded .FARIÑAS, MARY DAISY. (2002). History of the Ancient World. Ed: People and Education. Havana .
  • 14. 3 - When Plato Described the existence of Atlantis in his dialogues Timaeus and Critias, some classical authors, fellow philosopher, Began to be interested in the legendary continent. Plutarch, Strabo, Pliny and Diodorus of Sicily, Among Others, some address in This Issue of his writings. Since then, They have raised Countless scenarios to Demonstrate the existence of a continent, que over time it has grown to Become the archetype of an great civilization. always Atlantis rings in our ears like an epic journey of discovery of our origins . Continues to Stimulate His name our imagination. As I says, Atlantis was a land rich in the natural resources with lush vegetation and the existence of valuable mineral deposits, including Those ofsilver and gold . The people who inhabited Atlantis, was people enjoyed a high Cultural and scientific level . In the very center of Atlantis , atop a small hill, a palace and a temple rose in volume to Which the great city, measuring 19 miles long stretched. Around the hill, a wide channel Allowing the passage of sailing ships . Around town, other concentric circles surrounding waterways Formed the channel Citadel communicated With the open sea through a system of docks and harbors, valuable products exporting country worldwide Known then. Atlantis was a rich and famous country , while, although it disappeared from the face of the earth many centuries before the Christian era, the name of the Altántida is even more familiar to people today That many of the nations have survived . Archaeologists now know That the civilization of Atlantis , as described by Plato, is very similar to the desarrolladísima Minoan culture , que flourished During the Bronze Age until the fifteenth century BC in the Aegean islands. Suddenly The Minoan culture vanished around 1470 BC, and so far nobody has-been able to explain why. However, today we know That That time around the center of the island Kalliste Mine (Which is now known as Santorini is halfway Between Crete and continental Greece) erupted from a volcanic eruption work of incalculable destructive power. The open in the middle of the island Immediately crater was covered by the sea. The findings so far excavations enable scientists to specify a chilling picture of the Events that occurred on the island acerca 3,500 years ago. Launched The air molten rock crater spewed ash and pumice on overcrowded boats of possible Atlantis , the boat people, unable to escape, died a slow , horrible death, but the torrent of burning was washed growing and stifling the atmosphere. For some residents of Minos or Atlantis, ended the agony With the arrival of a giant wave, maybe 60 feet high, que swept the island and wrecked boats. The huge wave, traveling at over 240 miles per hour, soon Reached Crete , heart of the Minoan empire , the water swept all cities and villages along the north coast and destroyed the port That supplied the capitalKnossos . The tidal wave continued its march towards the north coast of Africa, there have effects May Given rise to the Old Testament story about the parting of the Red Sea , que allowed the exodus of Moses. It Also has a theory That the Proposed Caused by the volcano ash Have Been responsible for the That plagues struck Egypt and the biblical account Which was based. Ashfall covered an area of over 16,000 square kilometers. Plato. Dialogues of Plato. (2003). Madrid, Spain.
  • 15. Or philosophical thoughts That Constitute a pyramidal basis, que for more than two thousand years has-been scaffolding around modern state, not daring to present new formulas, Either in our democratic form of government or our educational models, que are replicated in cycles and PLC, although theoretically constant Reforms and Proposals are made, These are always from the same angle, so That the result has not changed Significantly, Because of its close links With the classical Western thought and Institutional Commitment Within the power structure. It is Necessary to Set Aside the blind reverence to classical Such precepts, que Were no doubt based on our culture, but now no longer Respond to the challenges facing human society, understanding That Their problems urgently requires comprehensive evolution at all levels of being and doing , without fear hike in the know, away from old certainties, our uncertainty-bending and venturing to find new ports in the case at hand, Revolutionizing our vision and expectations of education, as Their ministering purposes and uses. In fact, the history of education is the history of man, from his old age in cultures: such as the Egyptian, Hebrew, Chinese, and other four ; cultures almost forgotten but Which Were the breeding ground from this notion Which Emerged accepted and revered today conceptualizations of Greek or Roman, when in fact the only merit of These was to absorb the wisdom of peoples and cultures in The most advanced way, but for economic or military domination Reasons and led them to extinction, being in the oblivion of time. 4 -. Civilizations Ancient Egypt was a . civilization That Arose When grouped settlements on the banks of the middle Reaches of the Nile River and developed under Egyptian civilization for over 3,000 years It has a unique combination of geographic, located in northeastern Africa and is bordered by Libya, Sudan, the Red Sea and the Mediterranean Sea The Nile was the key to the success of the Egyptian civilization, as it allowed the use of resources and a great advantage offered Preferred what I mean to the Egyptians practicing a less laborious than agriculture in other areas, freeing the population to devote more time and resources to the cultural, technological and artistic development. Life was ordered on the development of a writing system and a separate literature, as well as a careful state Control over Natural and human resources, Characterized Primarily by irrigation of the fertile Nile valley, regions trade with neighbors. Motivating and organizing These activities Depend on socio-political and economic elite social Achieved That consensus by No matter what age we place ourselves human, nor According To Whom, as for example, the Roman poet Ovid , in Book I of his poems Metamorphoses, Explains the Age of Gold, Silver, Bronze and Iron, That while, across the world, our side of the world, in the legends of Maya people know the story That Explains the origin of the world and civilization-Popol Vuh, and in all of them, Whether Egyptian or Maya, education was Closely linked to the spirituality of being and power structure.
  • 16. In this retrospective, we found That the second error in the current appreciation of education, is the fork ignore this transmission process customs, knowledge and values, focusing on its historical development as part of the evolution of the social state or entity and forgetting That in its early education was oriented to be a genuine genetic transmission of a people to Their new generations, and its purpose was not any competition or production but perpetuate the essence of its people. based on a religious belief system under the direction of Pharaoh, a semi-divine, Usually male, owned by a succession of dynasties, character is not always the same lineage. India : . The ancient Indian civilization occupied the area now Corresponds to the state of Pakistan and western India This is bounded on the north by the famous mountain range (the highest in the world) Himalayas and south to the peninsula Formed by the Deccan Plateau, in the central region there is a broad plain watered by Which is the Indus, Ganges and Brahnmaputra. Socially Were Organized in India into castes, closed social strata of life and character That does not give social mobility. This social organization of castes was Considered of divine origin and Hindu culture Considered a revelation, it was developed over 3,000 years ago. China, as a chronology of the oldest civilizations in the world Continuously until today, has its origins in the Yellow River basin, where the first dynasties Arose Xia and Shang . The existence of written documents acerca 3500 years ago have allowed the development in China of a very precise historiographical tradition, offering a continuous narrative from the earliest dynasties to the modern age. Chinese culture, According to the myth, the original opens with three emperors: Fuxi ,Shennong and finally the Yellow Emperor Huang, the Latter Regarded as the true creator of culture. However, there are no historical records demonstrating the actual existence of These personalities, que ACCORDING to the oral transmission from generation to generation ago Would have lived acerca 5000 to 6000 years. Consultable at http://www. / investiga/cts380/historia/civilizaciones_antiguas.htm
  • 17. It is the birth of the modern state That education is institutionalized, it standardizes in capsules or pills are supplied That Within Educational Institutions, Aimed at learners Systematically Adopting Objectives for the benefit of the collective entity, but not be individually, leaving the forced speech the old purpose of creative imagination and Strengthening social ties that the subject Achieved through understanding your universe guided reaching gestión With This not only physical and intellectual abilities but Those proper to the very spiritual nature of the human being, then generating a single equilibrium, que is then reflected in a healthy living group, original conception Contrary to the current maximum of modern states, and That Commonly accepted the common good is what matters, even above human being, reduced to subject. It is clear That the modern state is not interested - even if it simulates the emotional-and spiritual development of Such a subject, porque considers only a resource, que must only be fit and competent to produce, que Clearly is reflected in educational plans and models of any State That wants to take as an example, for political power or Ideological Regardless, none of them longer moral person or legal entity the partner, a mere administrative and economic enterprise , as such, will always seek Reducing costs and increase increasing profits , que finds support in the council of wills and transfer of freedoms in Their behalf by the single, and as such, based on subsistence priority Regulations, Necessary production of goods and services for its domestic needs meet, waving the flags of order and progress, Which Continues to be true, what is not said, Is that Such benefits are Exclusively for him, understanding then That the state's Objectives must always be Opposed to the human being, que, hiding behind the collective progress, sacrifice Their intellectual, emotional and spiritual development, so INITIALLY info we have an ancient philosophical education, que was the conduit for growth, identity and perpetuation of a culture That had as its basic principle the authentic knowledge and respect of self and Their ancestor worship environment be it, or almost divine respect for nature, in order to find a balance and proper place in social Their group, This philosophical education or gold, gave way to modern, through a process of perversion in Which the first states take Control of education, with previously accessible to all be around a campfire , in the words of a shaman or guru five education systems without degrees or titles That those were earned by one's actions and evolution of man and woman In Their community, institutionalized education Which, skills and abilities of the subject They are only required to be developed to the Extent That It May interest and benefit These new beings or collective entities called
  • 18. States, is such a vision of collective village, With unity and identity, as well as respect for the ecosystem and the like, the present work summarizes the proposal to AIMS by. The Regulations, in Which educational systems are based are Merely limiting the discourse pray That education is for all, where from ancient China, the state Already Regulates the teaching, que was divided in its elemental step in order to Maintain traditions and national unity, while higher education was reserved for training civil servants and agents, while in India the caste education was 6 , This shows us That education as a product and offer state is Intended to define the place where it is to grow and die to subject, place direct course by the State and for Which you are required to Have the Necessary skills to perform the tasks Entrusted. 5 -. Sorcerer is supposed to be able to contact the spirits and gods, divine, and heal the sick, to see the future and spiritually advise his tribe . SHARON, DOUGLAS, (2004), xxi Century Publishers CA de CV 6 - India Besides classes are castes. This system basically emerges and develops Within the Hindu religion, education basically consisted of reading and interpreting sacred texts, written in Sanskrit, the classical language of the masses of society Could not read and understand. It was a difficult language to a high intellectual level required to learn. So a section of society Who could read Sanskrit was created. They Were the first caste or Brahmin caste and Were responsible for thinking, interpreting reality, give advice ... They occupied a higher position in society and Considered to be the closest to God. respected They Were and enjoyed many privileges. Two. The second important work was neither can any administration of society and the state. Administrators (the kings and rulers) Were the second caste Kshatriya or the warrior caste. This work involves a range of skills and Responsibilities, and protect or defend the state or administer justice, something in the hands of a few. Three. The third paper was Trade.Anyone not able to do business, a commercial mind is required. THUS traders Formed the third caste or caste "viasya" or "Vaishya". Viasyas Also Considered was the landlords and owners and the Responsibility to People with " produced "in general. April. The fourth caste was the working class and farmers, peasants, artisans etc. Also called "Sudras." They form the vast majority of the population. But there was a section of society. Were Those who did the dirty work or unclean. Even Considered Physically unclean and was not allowed to mingle With Other castes. Http :/ / www Consultable: / traditions / the-caste-in-india-companygeographic-of-the-india / Understand then, That education in its philosophical stage or Golden Age died by the conquering sword of the first Cities States and Empires, or the best was captive for the sake of the interests of These new orders, que Both we must understand the hypocrisy and perversion in the discourse of institutional education and values That Evokes That ministering purposes have no place in constant movement Their development called Because, as Already said, actually looking for a livelihood and development, but not the human being, if not the state. Then, we find the third the error of assessment in finding That it is the executioner who give us freedom, looking at institutional education growth and spiritual harmony of being, That overall growth is our responsibility, not the state, I bowed this third error in expect demand and the overall state
  • 19. education meets quality That all human needs, believing That it is our right to demand what is actually an obligation to ourselves and Responsibility, Because although we can find quality instruction in educational programs, the real progress That leads to a balance and stability in all areas of the human being is a task Entrusted to himself-like task soldier Whose mission is the pursuit of knowledge and the emancipation of thought, using all weapons at Their disposal, whether or not institutional, and not limited by them. The subject is contractuado this social pact, must strike the right balance Between institutional education is nothing more than a practical instruction for Specific Purposes, que yes-you is due to state and based on this, take mission or crusade in search of the Holy Grail education, That lost or philosophical education; humans and gave much to the state, but can not hide behind Their loss to not fight for Their profits. There is a misperception That education meth Their Pure and lofty goals thanks to the emergence of city-states, as if to Greece or Rome, you ought to know when the light with them was not the beginning but the end of a free education and universal , Transmitted from parents to children and the elderly to young people, without titles or programs With the sole interest of preparing the single for a harmonious life and service to his fellow men in the community or village, que allowed them to These New institutional giants have Citizens capable enough to tolerate Their existence. Such light, philosophically speaking, you have always gone hand in hand as the main characteristic of the human being, Regardless of Chinese, African, Indian, or other, ie, we have nothing to thank These great periods or founding cultures of city states or empires , as cyclical as it is life, birth Involved forgotten the death of primary cultures, que to this day his greatest works and Their Cultural integrity in Respecting the environment admire, uncomprehending; retreating by necessity or the belief consolation That the great thinkers Were Born in the States, before them, it was barbarism and darkness, so much so, That took more than two thousand years in the same path and the same rules, afraid to venture to the rediscovery our true identity, and is truly pre-Hispanic cultures- in the case of Mexico, to cite one example, did not require the slaughter and rape call for discovery or conquest societies, as is KNOWN, advanced in many areas of human thought and activity. 7 They continue with the example, already had an established system of education as the Calmécac 8 , que was nothing more than a school for the children of the Mexica nobles in Which They Were trained to be priests or warriors, masters or rulers, educated in history , astronomy and other sciences, as well as in music, philosophy and even cleaning habits, having special ideas importance, discipline, moral values and tradition and rituals, it is thought
  • 20. itself Shall have been more fruitful for mankind, That a civilization like Azteca taken any initiative called conquering the old continent, wondering who would be wise then to remember and preserve the values. July . - Within the territory currently covered by the Mexican United States a variety of civilizations, each of These civilizations have in common is developed, however it They also have different Characteristics Within the Cultural mosaic protrude Representing cultures: Olmec, Maya, Toltec, Aztec . Often many historians call the Olmecs as the "mother culture of Mesoamerica," since it took many common features of cultures That developed later. In the last stage of the Preclassic, the process of decline of this culture was started, and secondly the Maya culture Began to develop. Who created an advanced system of writing, que has-been deciphered slowly in recent Decades. The writing was used to record the warlike deeds of the rulers to record the track of time and Also for religious purposes. The movement of the heavenly . bodies and the measurement of time Greatly interested the Maya . They Organized a highly accurate calendar, que used not only to time but to predict the dates Also According To Their beliefs or unhappy would be conducive for men Consultable in: www.artehistoria.jcyl .com / civilizations / As a criterion-writer-education is and always has-been the victim hostage and becomings of history, being the result of the peaceful or violent interaction of states, que imposition or by agreement, alliance or war have other tax structure, and the need Malthus Their new slaves to standardize, ACCORDING Citizens or subjects as the terms of Such an encounter of cultures, then landing-a reflection of the writer, who is in art education Also last war phase , eleven Because the battle, made the occupation and September taxes, you need to destroy the social scaffolding and historical memory of the conquered state, and to do nothing better than an efficient education system from the point of view of State interests triumphant. In general education states That Serves the dominant state, and dubious assumptions advances or profits are not a reflection of the sociocultural dynamics Within this socio-legal entity, and Their preservation needs, With the property in any culture and time, in order to standardize the subject to Respond to the aims and interests of That entity,. creándole the-counter status to naturally need to belong and Remain in the social and economic rung Assigned 9 8 - It was the school for the children of the nobles of Mexico. In this institution are training to be priests, warriors of the elite, judges, teachers or leaders, educating on history, astronomy and other sciences, time measurement, music and philosophy , religion, cleaning habits, issues of economy and government and above all, discipline and moral values. teachers There Were special-taught them who the tradition, and read and memorized the stories illustrated in the codices. The school functioned as a boarding school, where . young people lived, slept and ate aspiring priests With education focused on religion, and included rituals, chants to the gods and dream interpretation. Aspiring warriors or elite rulers received more military and economic affairs and government training. Consultable in: http:// . 9 - The social contract theory Proposes column. that moral and political Obligations of people in a society depend on an agreement or contract Agreed Between them . This social pact itself is quite limited continuity Standards That are the laws of nature and consist of the recognition of the end of the nature of free and equal
  • 21. men, to secure the rights of freedom, equality, life and property are held. A common feature of political manifestos is its powerful Ideological, Largely defined by class interests and linkages of the authors, que marks the Proposals of social organization and form of government. Necessarily Ideological That translate into a bias in the analysis of the conditions of society, serving justification, or if you like rationalization policy proposal. The drafters of political manifestos are far from balanced thinkers who are interested in to subject and object of his reflections on the Contrary are the intellectual vanguard of political movements or more skilled Their defenders. Goldwin, RA, 1963, John Locke, in Strauss, L. & Cropsey, J., 1963, History of Political Philosophy, University of Chicago Press, translated by Fondo de Cultura Economica, 1996, Mexico. And, without going deeply into the matter, the state system as adaptations wins Arising from Their mistakes and Ideological opposition currents in its genesis, Given the undeniable Ability to own any element Potentially harmful to nature, be it education or religion, que at the time Were even more dominant agents That historical periods of its existence in October , and then, eleven integrated into the scaffold used against them That Identified These agents as incentives or generators of knowledge and human progress for gender. 10. thorny If there is a binding domain for the population is the church with the state, where the spiritual Becomes Involved With the earthly. Relations Between church and state comes from the nineteenth century, against the absolutist state.However, after World War II , against the State, and Vatican Council II º (Regarding the Catholic church), there has-been an evolution in the nature of relations Between the state and the church That concept abandons the perfect society, discarding the religious corporations as a State Within another, and in return Placing based on human dignity, putting first the rights of the person, including one's religion Both privately and publicly, Considering Turn That church members are Also the state. The Church, for her part, Assumes the Sacramentaria ecclesiology of the Incarnate Word , in the Proposed Const. Lumen Gentium, que define its nature as a community of religious, mystical and sacramental character. THUS the principle of equality Between Men-which is founded on the dignity and action of the human condition is Assumed, and Recognizes the rights of the person as to assemble freely, That of association, the right to express one's opinions, and one's religion, Either privately, and publicly. Also Affirms the principle of religious freedom in the Declaration Dignitatis Humanae, as well as collaboration With the state , not only of the faithful who Comprise it as singular but as That church-community is updated in the individual churches Gives each region the world. Pastoral Constitution Gaudium et Spes on the Church in the Modern World, Second Vatican Council (Núms.9- 10). Vatican document. Current institutional education-summing-born at the tip of a spear-arm armed Spartan Greek-or Roman gladius, who after destroying cultures dedicated to light and progress of the human genus without being holy, being categorized United as well-the barbarians, to Their ancient wisdom absorb them, Were the great ancient cultures conquered and raped primaries, giving him a barbarian tribes Ability to generate the great cultures: such as the Roman, que we now know as the cradle of civilizations, so HENCE the great iconic characters of this It was, to date governing government our training, call Homer, Virgil, Seneca, and others That Were not as efficient replicators knowledge and wisdom a time perished at the tip of the sword. 11
  • 22. In this brief transit - or think-in the history of education, we believe it is one of the founding pillars of any state That claims to be, it was to institutionalize it Necessary, According to your needs, Whether in ancient empires and forgotten as Hindus or Maya city states to Those Who are presumptuously called cradle of civilization, reflections reflects structure: such as Simple as it really needs was In These cultures, the military Broadly social classes, priests and rulers or warriors, and the bulk of the population Intended to support the structure. THEREFORE, it can not be called education in its broadest sense, a system of convenience, in Which uniforms or training humans to perform all his life as a competent worker or Effective soldier, while another is Instructed in the art of war, and a few others in the arts, philosophy and direction of the State, and you can not call this education, on simple reason, lacking its basic and essential feature, que is the universality. 11 - Rome Became domains so soon EXTENSIVE That Were hardly controllable by an incompetent Senate to move the equity or make decisions Quickly, all conquered territories (mostly people without military tradition) Were occupied by the Empire, taking the most valuable of Their culture material wealth and social life, taking what is Necessary and required fees and submission to Rome, but did not change further the religious and political life of the conquered territories. Consultable in: True education is a feast or buffet to all without exception are invited, and everyone will Have to taste what you Most want, not what suits a third party as required, omitting to celebrate this feast That is Necessary That each take one or Provide your prescription . Malthus info we have eleven Classics States tour, we got to the Middle Ages, where societies convulsed by darkness and repression of religious fanaticism by thought That Originated In That historical period controlled the helm of United 12 , que at the time, it was useful To Have frightened his subjects, soon I Realized That the human being has the greatest needs of food that the stomach, When out of the darkness and called ensue Age of Light, Age of Enlightenment or Figure 13 , the essence of humanity Demonstrated That it was not 12 - The Philosophical Dark Ages, is Known as the period from the Middle Ages (476, date of the fall of the Western Roman Empire and the Eastern Roman year 1453 Empire fell, but his influence extended even reduced until the eighteenth century).The darkness of the human mind was palpable, unable to question the religious dogma, revealed truths not admit criticism or testability. The Church at this stage acquired immense power That transcended the sphere of religion, and the adoption of Christianity in late antiquity, During the reign Emperor Theodosius of, through the Edict of Thessalonica (November 24, 380) meant great progress, Humanizing the customs, in the Middle Ages, there was a great scientist kick, Preventer That May Develop theories contradict the Bible said the right to free expression of Ideas was curtailed to the point that many who dared to exercise ended Convicted by the courts of the Inquisition. The Greek and Roman antiquity With the depth of his thoughts, Especially from Athens, had to suffer a deep and long sleep, que awakened in the .
  • 23. fifteenth century, When the Renaissance came to be put again, artistic and philosophical expressions in the field of creative freedom In the Middle Ages, art and philosophy had a single theme: Christian religious. Were The Latin classics however it preserved, not the Greeks. The center of human Concerns, it was God (theocentric) should go over there and all Their actions, to Achieve a virtuous life, a man wearing no current original substance, With the right to a full life only in The most there. In the Were the Crusades eleventh century the Seljuk Turks against Organized Preventer That pilgrimages to the Holy Land, and so in the name of faith, fierce fighting against the infidels Were developed in order to unify Christianity. A Christian world, and Christian thought, put the man and his ideas, his knees before God. The pursuit of scientific truth was Not necessary to the existence of the only truth revealed by the Creator. The culture of the time was in the hands of the clergy, who monopolized knowledge. The work Should not . be for profit, but mere survival Consultable in: 13 The illustration is based on the belief That science and education outside the Church lead man in his moral perfection. It is the intent, prevailing in the upper classes and the absolutist Governments of late eighteenth , to cement all aspects of social life in a rationalistic naturalism. ruled out Naturalism is, in practice, to God and His Church, the supernatural rule. Rationalism is, in practice, the belief That human reason is Simple take his thirst for knowledge In this watershed in Which Could have shaken humanity established systems Thousands of years ago, before revving Settled for kingdoms and Dictatorships With the State agreeing to compromise, settlement we now know as democracy; That it Seems that age and nothing Those reminds Concerns, feelings That humans on the brink of extinction did not learn his lesson and in less than two centuries evolved into current overall state, through several attempts The neoliberal capitalism as it was frankly and other failed socialist or communist states as, but That Helped way of trial and error to the birth of modern globalized states, in Which the illusion of freedom and progress is perfect, at the expense of human beings and Their environment, this is a more voracious than none, That the will of human beings drug in the form of consumerism and satisfaction of immediate needs, technological shackles That Their ends are manipulated to fertilizer State. If good In this retrospective analysis theory of the state, This causes more interest to the educational history view chronologically, and understand the true precipitating That triggers buried his philosophical and universal spirit, ritual sacrifice in the foundations of That Which pyramid scaffolding or government service, as I hicieren Spanish to build churches on ancient temples conquerors, showing That the Most Effective means to subdue a people it was even in a new belief, destroying the source, re directing the masses, by removal and replacement of Their Original values, mission Given to education of conquest or institutional. Existing maximum, it is not rational, irrational belief, Because you can not rationally prove, Therefore it is a superstitious belief, superstition is Attributed powers Because what does not. Discard the supernatural of the Church is, in practice, make man the supreme being supposedly, porque is actually let or declare orphan son
  • 24. of an unknown father. The Enlightenment, The Enlightenment , que are the light of reason orphan. And Also called Encyclopedism , the project developed by the French Enlightenment, who called Themselves " Philosophers " , in The Encyclopedia gather all Existing knowledge dyed rationalism, According to the superstitious belief That Rationalist separately know the supernatural would lead to virtue and perfection to the people (even against Their will.) This superstitious belief in reason leads During the French Revolution in the enthronement at the Cathedral of Paris Reason personified goddess worship in a wayward woman. The illustration is an attempt to make a revolution in order, a revolution from above . Michel Foucault (2006) Editorial Tecnos. Madrid, Spain. Rather than reviewing historical stages, this book invites us to rethink first intimately Conceptualizing and understanding the state of education sells us; reflection That leads to rescue the ingredient educational ignored In this formula, Which is its philosophical and humanistic universality, in order to reconcile the healthy structure and diversity in Which the human being is immersed. It is THEREFORE to generate a vision of gender in Renewed Their existence and social interaction That enable people, virtual freedom from colonialism to globalization imposes, que, even in the name is wrong, as we know by globalization That Generates unconsciousness and depraved complicity in transnational corporations, who have no identity or Commitment to the people and ecosystems They exploit; ? How can have a sense of responsibility and Belonging Something That is and is not ? What is everywhere and at any time They Considered education as a bad investment, que Generates immediate high costs and questionable recovery or anything convenient, it is clear That Such a scheme does not bet on Their human capital and Caring only freedom Their market is any cost, not the free flow of thought, if not capital. We do and we are! It's time we look for our rights and privileges, as Governments are exceeded it in its responsiveness, devoted all his energy to caring for Their interests, not the people, for everyone to see for yours! States have Already done , and outdid us in Such globalization is our turn to regroup as societies of human beings united voluntarily cohesive communities identity and Belonging in different peoples or nations, That through a new perspective on education, find the means for integration and human bonding Necessary to offset, At least to a fair balance, This economic globalization, and yes well this is the optimal state for developed countries country, it is not for Their People, que nothing consensual to forced integration, all the supposed advantages will accrue on the face, like a crushing blow, start at the European peoples, who claim Their identity, Their right to defense of Belonging, Broader sovereignty in the way, and fight to regain independence in Their virtual Such technology-economic colonialism, and will not sacrifice for the welfare Their strength of That system only to them Gives unemployment, working conditions and perverse lack of joint rulers of Their Responsibility.
  • 25. Humanity is obese exercise technology requires the will, the real freedom of thought and critical judgment, to form men and women comprehensive and balanced; Understood That this is not to beat others, but to outdo ourselves, or be the best race running hit "paths to success " selling us modernity, but simply to be better human, full, productive and happy, the Metaeducación not aspire to create leaders, human beings born leader and triumphant Already! From the moment of conception, is the best sperm does fertilize an That egg created perfect, we are human, divine and perfected only by exercise of will, no need to come to sell us what we first convinced That info we have or we are not, we need to open the mind, heart, and eyes from technological devices secure in ourselves and in our fellow; be genuine, free and independent in our thinking and feeling. Nor do we "champions" or "heroes" , values: such as honor and dignity, are high, but sterile and dangerous, if not Accompanied by humility and generous spirit of service to others, we need better human beings, urgent! At all levels and social tasks, be better than yourself In this regard yesterday, and Have the desire to be better tomorrow than we are today, That is the key, That the exercise of will and humanity requires to recover dormant Strengthen Their Capacities, be better is not selfish and unfair competition to the next, it's staff, intimate Overcoming, not we concentrate our future to be mere prosthetic technology, not we delegate to machines our human prerogatives, not hopefully cures cancer, diabetes and other degenerative diseases That own "scientific and technological progress " has Brought Increased or, in the will is not the cure, exercise, eat healthily, to change our value parameters. This vision Commitment to building left behind criticism put to work in a do of conscience, will and do Their best, in what is ours to do, stop looking outside and seeing ourselves grow into, so doing lot to regenerate human, by a humanist and Metaeducación philosophical, with the help of our teachers and heuristic teachers, who make nonviolent resistance against globalized technological regime, que aspires to use us as hosts of his virulent and carcinogenic exist through a link That aspires to be permanent items, we are the constituent power of a new world order restorer humanist.
  • 26. CHAPTER TWO: A CONTEMPORARY EDUCATION SYSTEMS INTROSPECTIVE T truth is an old adage: "those who do not know history are condemned to repeat it" , as it is-for the writer-that if you do not know where it is, hardly know where you are going. In a broad view of educational phenomenon, With looks to his right understanding, not just the evolutionary or historical knowledge, understanding in his state of the art is required Also, concatenating the Known and Understood With the realities, Resulting In this proper perspective to address the current dynamics of this phenomenon, and That significant advances-other time at the discretion of the writer - as in In this other fields of human endeavor, not Directly to break paradigms emerge, if not assertive and forward thinking Encourage actions Allowing each individually as a cell of an organism, ie, the single act must condition the model, and not vice versa, This pillar Nanoeducativo Proposed Model. Given the Speed With Which new knowledge is amalgamated with old patterns, do not repair or do not have time, victims of automation, intentional or not, of being and doing, in the Implementation and monitoring systems, the educational case even knowing its nature and Regulations, Concluding That only in our direct perception of him there, and Generally ignoring the true picture, so it is not uncommon to find teachers who REMAIN key part of the system, unaware of the motives and ministering purposes of this Un Certain Regulations, que are in a legal framework for public and mandatory character, so interesting you would ask teachers Such basic educational concepts and definitions, and how what in his view, the guiding pillars of education and purpose thereof Within the current education system; find ourselves Perhaps the surprise of responses Most philosophical conceptions and cut wrong, few would know That, to cite an example, in Mexico, education is what the Third Constitutional Article 14 and That a national development plan, que it emerges guidelines and normed education conceptualized and Should continue, That info we have General laws of the likewise Regulations matter, defining and delimiting the existence of Such a system and its actors. To sign, as they say, a button, ask yourself right now: What is the purpose of education in Mexico Probably deeply about the response by a lightning trip to our education, to build it Esmerandonos holistically, With philosophical and humanist hues now let us examine, for ministering purposes That education for the state, que in "roughly" According To Article Three of the Constitution of the United Mexican States 14 defines That outstretch to Develop harmoniously all the faculties of man and Strengthen him, while the love of
  • 27. country, respect for human rights and international awareness of Solidarity with the independence and justice, the criteria guide That Such education will be based on the results of scientific progress, Also will be national democratic and to give full effect to the foregoing, the Federal Executive Shall determine the plans and programs of study for all educational levels THROUGHOUT the Republic. Were Both responses in the same direction? We agree That the minimum variation Between what we Consider These goals and What They really are on the state governing government, we result in a poorly Prosecuted motivation, since all teaching and teacher training received in your professional preparation was Aimed at Promoting and development Objectives related to philosophical and humanist education Essentially, then encuadrarnos secretly in a legal and regulatory framework That Governs all our educational activities. Holding on to reality to a limited and rigid structure, que junction rotates based on budget forecasts, political powers and Struggles, as the One That Gives power to the President of the Republic, Continuing With the example of Mexico, to determine the plans and programs study, interposing as warm suggestion to Consider - social not required-all the industries involved in. education-and even that-That under Law to point. 14 - . Everyone has the right to an education The education provided by the state will outstretch to Develop harmoniously all the faculties of the human being and foster the while, the love of country, respect for human rights and awareness of international solidarity, independence and justice. Article Third. Political Constitution of the Mexican United States. From the above, we have a rigid educational system and policy - Mexicancase That Uses Such trained educators in schools of thought, to Achieve its goals of social uniformity, all creative and intellectual cercenándoles development of Real Possibility, for leading the way-which institutionalized slaughter-conformism, in Which it Concluded its philosophical spirit, being reduced to a mere educational bureaucrat-mal-function repeater or reproducing content knowledge and outdated the minute That Become a bureaucrat forced to route all its energy fill statistics, formats and meet an Manner intimidating with Constant updates-many times-nonsense totally unrelated to Their reality and doing daily. Behind-the-norm grand theories That They Were Within the classrooms, where this poem evoked from Piaget to Vigosky, Morin and Freire to 15 , up to the latest trends, we talk acerca neuroscience 16 , and fashions That arrive late, as it now is, learning to learn, but rather unlearning 17 as pedagogical strategies
  • 28. or ways to Achieve meaningful learning oriented and comprehensive development of Their potential. 15 - Big theorists, Whose works from various disciplines of science, Were focused on the analysis of learning processes. Jean Piaget (Developmental Psychology and Education) Ausbel, creator of Meaningful Learning Theory, Vygotsky (socio Cultural Learnings information) each of These theories give . us the right answers, for learning from different perspectives and show us the way ahead . Contributions These enrich the origin and nature of knowledge Within Formal educationConsultable in: / index . 16 - . At the highest level, combining neuroscience with psychology to create cognitive neuroscience, a discipline INITIALLY Which Belonged Entirely by cognitive psychologists Cognitive Neuroscience Today Provides a new way of understanding the brain and consciousness, it is based on a scientific study That even disciplines Such as neurobiology, cognitive psychology or psychobiology itself, a fact That will surely change the current design exists acerca That Mental Processes Involved in the behavior and its biological basis. añ /. 17 . It Consists of millions of thoughts to be dismissed in one day Believed infallible . Suggests That It we are not yet aware of what it means for our future to jettison much of the Known until recently Still less, assimilate it much more useful to learn is becoming unlearn Un certain things. It is the opportunity for people to learn things or topics of immediate concern, rather than on content That does not conform to the reality of the moment, do not let the all Their knowledge, but rather on the Contrary Their baggage Cultural extend temás with more ideas importance or significance to the person. Eduardo Punset, (2010) The journey to the power of the mind, Editorial Destino, Barcelona, Spain That's where the agony of the true Aims of philosophical and humanistic education begins, For Which Machiavellian strategy, the State stifles beings called to proclaim the universality and high ends of education, to a mere regret, to deal fearful Their Own survival, and yes something Questioned his conscience be his weary acerca Their Work, the system Takes care not to let him or the time to Reflect on the results of Their management and pedagogical practice, sending clear messages that matter Most meet the norm, With Those precepts That just graduated high Comply swear educator. Total, as we think, in a cloud-philosophical education is universal and autonomous schools are Governed by a foreign partner postulates legal humanists construction, in fact, depend on an elaborate regulatory fabric, little-or no-left to the discretion of Those Involved in the teaching-learning process, encapsulating the very essence of education laws and Regulations, the State to Ensure Their bondage and immobilizing any purposeful senseeducator initiative after warnings so clear if you are wanting to externarlacalled educational system Reducing This to a mere circus, in Which the lion tamer's whip marks passage, but the son-of-powers of its conveniences, Sought always the shortest path to Their benefit, and not right, que is ultimately from the Most Useful for subjects That Comprise it. It is worth Mentioning the above eleven philosophized That there are generally Broader conceptions, que converges in international wills for
  • 29. development of educational policies, while not Losing their capitalist or instrumentalist conception of the meaning and purpose of the education, At least garner the universal adjective, include more refined and efficient in terms of the Characteristics and ministering purposes of education systems, listing the educator and the needs of the learner guidelines, Organizations like UNESCO, supported on concrete Objectives: such as Millennium Arise then 18 with a view to quality education for all and lifelong learning of a lifetime and Mobilize scientific knowledge for sustainable development, Addressing emerging social and ethical issues, cultural Promoting diversity, intercultural dialogue and a culture of peace and the building of knowledge societies; activating an annual program for education globally. Once again, we find, in contrast discourse and reality, a conflict of interest, on the one hand, Those genuine rights of the subjects involved in. the process of teaching and learning, educational Requiring Plans that meet, but it has international policies needs endogenous , strategies capable of properly Addressing social awareness and potential of a town or region and on the other hand, there are international guidelines in September by the collegiate or international body UNESCO-of-procedural education act of its members states, que must be met to effect worthy of awards and certifications validate That That act of the State, but in no way reflections reflects reality and educational needs of the Citizens, That in the Resulting evaluations are to label or anything honorable title of functionally illiterate and barely qualified fit in reading comprehension, Among Other measures poorly calibrated for not attending first, second and current needs, the owners Characteristics of adolescents population. Malthus, measurement instruments we refer to as proof we PISA 19 since all the states Involved and needy, ingratiating and align with Such guidelines, create and Promote educational plans in order to meet international expectations Such, not genuine concern for real needs "domestic" , translated into practice, evidence of foreign court, According To Their measuring educational quality standards, and in no way Reflect with fidelity and accuracy in its results, or educational needs of a people. 18 - In its Millennium Declaration of 2000, the United Nations established eight Millennium Development called "Millennium Development Goals, que relate to the elimination of poverty, the advancement of women, eradication of infectious diseases, democratization of education. Objectives These fixed an ambitious schedule . to Improve the lives of people in 2015 Consultable in: 19 The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) through the Implementation of the Pisa test, Measures the degree to Which students handle basic life skills in today's society, que is increasingly important That people are able to locate and process information, use tools and . apply knowledge provided
  • 30. by science to understand the world and make decisions L . PISA Assessments as refer not only to schools but to the whole society Consultable in: www.oecd / centermexico of / laoecd We're not as bad as These measurements following have, or as well as the official discourse ASSERTS, Is that balance and diagnosis of conscience must allow the educator That Placed in the right situation, in Place from Which must the strategies needed to carry out Their Duties in compliance With the requirements of its governing government state, leaving aside its entirety or betray humanist and philosophical conviction, so the model is roughly Proposed Nanoeducativo a way to Find That balance, not friccionándose with institutional programs and not losing the creative, universal impulse That every Should Have teacher, que lit flare in its proper work. In other words, you must be a reactionary or guerrilla education, shouting slogans opposing through actions only hurt more Already damaged the educational world, you must be proactive and assertive, being realistic and constructive approach with a heuristic to do best you can with what you have, where the classroom or learning space is autonomous universe, In Which flow freely and naturally the thoughts and projects That Have to Provide Feedback institutional and enrich the content of linear programs using the Provides That the State, and transforming turn-like game-play is involved in. the same transcendent experiences for student life. Digna deserves mention at the central document in the international educational philosophy, que According To the writer, is the raw materials for the philosophical and humanistic formation of the contemporary educator, we are talking of the Report to UNESCO of the International Commission on Education for the XXI Century, chaired by Jacques Delors, Learning: The Treasure Within , as a brave and honest view, born from the womb of this international body itself, Openly expressing the real and urgent That education retake the lost causes philosophical necessity; great work That has-been sadly as mere decoration and flower arrangement in the display case or showcase institutional educational systems around the globe, In this report we can rescue That education is required to resume its instrumental nature towards the ideals of peace, freedom and social justice to allow a continuous development of Individuals and societies in the service of the harmonious human development and THEREFORE, fighting poverty, discrimination, misunderstanding, oppression and other negative phenomena of this globalized order. High feelings That the committee on children and adolescents Focuses, who logically, in the near future Have to take charge of Their societies, driving in a frank loving words That go against methodical smallness of Those in Control in education systems, and focussed on the scientific , que Certainly Should
  • 31. include education, to orchestrate a scenario of fierce competition Among peers to excel in Assessments based on acquired knowledge, que must certify as technical professionals or trained and capable, without impórtales Their native environment, and the Consequences of Their needs. Behold the great value of Such a report, as from an elevated international forum banner love of children and youth is flying, the ideas importance of the family as the foundation of the community and of the nation itself emphatically That holding "the child is the future of man " That understanding has produced large This Century economic and scientific progress, But Also great Inequalities and social and ecological imbalances; ascribing to education - in the review of the writer-the hope of humanity, understanding the challenge imposed overall diversity and the vast inequality That have led to discoveries and scientific progress, Causing feelings of disappointment and disillusionment With the course progress in reality Have the international scene today, on the brink of a global recession, With high rates of unemployment and deep crises in the educational systems of the States in it. In essence, Such a commission leads us to Reflect on the dehumanization That the current globalized system has generated in the subject, and That the dubious assumptions are useless technological, scientific, - say of the writerWhether These are at the expense of the universal values Distinguish human we must, paying Such growth with decreasing our human sensibilities, then having the material progress without equity, and social development without respect for human rights or the proper construction of the single in all areas and due care of the overall ecosystem, link by Which , it has to break the chain, if Such a path-of-course progress we insist I travel without recalibrating our nature and purpose of existence itself, in order to Achieve balance and overall harmony Between being and doing. THEREFORE, it is essential to That method does not understand or educational system, by itself, has to be the miracle answer to the needs and problems of teaching and learning Processes currently facing. Because each nation itself is made up of a mosaic of multicultural regions in Which its inhabitants are Affected by Both Situations various geographical, and social and economic, would be a mistake to claim That a linear system and can encompass all Satisfy the needs and expectations of each individual region so reasonable educational system must understand what futile to pretend To Have Effective Mechanisms for generic and all those involved in. the process. Once you understand That there is no magic bullet or single method That is Constituted as the miraculous answer to educational problems of each nation in direct Conclude then, required tools and methods flexibly and even add to
  • 32. its formative That mission will be useful to everything your ministering purposes , you away from indolence or institutional pride, que Often holdsfrom the benefits of the subject to form-that Their educational systems or methods are comprehensive and require new tools to absorb, much less accept That Are susceptible to change, so hold until its collapse, to take refuge after a legal structure called education reform, que is, by new national development plans, modification or enactment of special laws, treat, colloquially said, to "cover the eleven well the child drowned" . And if this week's popular Within Compared continue, the worst is Such That Reforms are a bad cover, only as pretend makeup overflowed problem or as an administration ends Concludes a mandate, in many democratic states cutting programs we find, models and teaching methods tailored and convenience of the ruling, not actually matter more than short-term results, an issue That results in a long simulation for Institutional Decades or even centuries, doing lot to education hostage to group interests, ever-changing, like a sailboat available to the new captain to take the course and rudder of public life in the State by another specified period. Nanoeducativo The Proposed Model Understood the above reasoning, and has as one of its guidelines on nonformal education rubbing of the system, as well as there are hidden curricula Within the educational programs of the State, This Must Be the hidden model take the educator without conflictuarse with Institutional plans to Achieve the ultimate goals of education and multicitados in its humanistic and philosophical aspect. How? Playing a role of double agent , que is to Provide the Ability for teachers to pretend That I've met in his plans and educational mandates simulator State discursa interest in the progress of mankind, using scaffolding Latter to seek refuge With His students at the micro universe is the classroom or classroom, where the first, will empower the most of Their academic freedom for the sake of the overall development of its students, In this game play the current proposal is based. Returning to the context of contemporary educational systems, it is interesting That Among Individuals and Among Nations, generate social phenomena That frustration, inequality and aggression to Their environment are replicated, ie, the chain of abuse starts Between subjects, que in turn are abused by Their leaders , who claim to defend the common interest and national sovereignty but curious, then in Such a chain, Such States are abused by other prevailing States in the orb, taking so Even When the colonial times it is said, has gone down in history , authentic communes, towns and territories are de facto factories or suppliers of the natural resources or cheap labor,
  • 33. prostituting the highly touted defense of national sovereignty and balance of its ecosystem. That said, without being the focus of this book, eager to expose That we are in a simulation game and to Which education is not free, as a tool in the service of the States Such interests, or Necessary Proposals are alternate routes-such as the Model Nanoeducativo-that Facilitate Individuals have no subversive counterweight Mechanisms That robustezcan-in appearance from within the systems, methods, plans and institutional educational programs, expanding the horizons Malthus, understanding That education must be an integrated process Necessarily That must go beyond the interests of the State, porque is a human need, Therefore, educators must Fulfill So THAT They are paid in the first instance, then, without sacrificing vocation and conviction, activate a second stage of intimate Involvement Within Their respective universes classrooms encouraging the micro- revival of humanist and philosophical education to benefit the overall development of its students, without asking or giving additional resources to the State governing government. In short, Whether an international high-level report or Proposed model as a way of reaching multicitados for ministering purposes of education, it is clear, que is an urgent need to change our vision about the nature and ministering purposes since it is not possible to continue to support the notion of an institutional education unbalanced triumphant face of overwhelming reality in Which We Live, In Which We are forced to internalize the external solution having no excuse Which fincarle Responsibility. We Have Become aware That the obligation is ours, we are human beings Because, while States are just legal partner bodies, so We Should not dwell on complacency and complicity with Such entities, In Which We escudábamos to overlap and justify our own failures or Omissions ,. Because education is not only a universal right, but a duty and an obligation among equals we must in For Whom That constructor desire of mankind is the adventure of learning. And an adventure to be passionate than required, so education can not be That Understood as simple training evaluation and approval process for ministering purposes to cover work requirements, production or satisfaction of needs and services, but as one rally or race, constant and endless knowledge on the highway That runs on single track, steep slopes and With its along The entire life of a human being, the world is not the progress of knowledge never stopped, Either, then, Why Should it stop at a preset level education as satisfactory by the apparatus of power? Especially yes man Continues to evolve in all areas at any time of your life, Therefore Should education be seen as if it Were a physiological necessity, imperative, and subject as linked to breathe.
  • 34. Due to the above, education will be reunited in constant and continuous Processes, to enable it to adapt to the rapid social changes without neglecting its essential purpose, That Allows educators to model without departing from the institutional system, being desirable to apply successful strategies with for the short, medium and long term, to prioritize the group work as a team, que includes parents and Non-governmental institutions in order to combat complex problems in various flanks as the repetitions and dropouts, while with social Contribute That will allow the healing Their humans to balance various areas, then give your peers and also, what is not right now, for as popularly said: "to give, we must first". No social or restructuring progress has Achieved Today with Individuals lacking Such a balance, so will redirect internal reconstruction and group, we activate ourselves throughMetaeducación, a production company That Generates rather than consumer, supportive work and no dependence Total to a global system in Which children and young people are wondering what will be big, not Already Realizing They are, here and now, Should be a dynamic youth, more than designed, conditioned and mixed in his actions by taxes External model, able to project beyond the standards of wealth That the current welfare and consumer culture inculcates; deforming them, deform our future as a genre, so it is our effort to run them. Metaeducación to this, you slip the aprenderes as it goes hand in hand with the feelings That give identity to the human race, And This universal being it can not be limited to schools of thought or unique, but rather mold Should everything that is useful to the essence of his being to Accomplish task, this being his last end, Allowing the human being harmonious and comprehensive performance In Their daily work towards Their fellows and Their Natural environment, as the mere accumulation of knowledge if it is not geared towards This End, Generates only a glut of information That leads to frustration and spiritual imbalance staff That Prevents man and woman Achieve harmony and happiness in your being. Consistent With This Metaeducación, the systems responsible for managing institutional education are outdated and overtaken by Clearly human needs, but to be part of the power structure is Chosen Strategically -rather than fight to overthrow them- for use for These New ministering purposes, With the intermediation Nanoeducativo Model, que has as main feature the Ability to incubate Within the system Necessary to Achieve Such ministering purposes without there being conflict simply by not knowing the state now is being used for conditions ends of humanity, que for millennia has-been served. Futile then, is to enter the analysis , in the case of Mexico- new educational Reforms or measurement results, little - or nothing- Reflect the complex
  • 35. reality and needs, Because as we know, Such Reforms Have Been rather to internal struggle for power, junction where leaders and education leaders destroy convenience, and all figures and statistics are used as weapons In this battle royal. The numbers, as official statistics or rating scale, say anything concrete, as a true educational reform must start from the very heart awareness educator, then, what viruses infect the system, taking the active participation of all subjects Involved, and Prioritizing the best interests -chord to the Political Constitution of the Mexican United States, the human being, so it is not enough to modify curricula or create more classrooms, as if from a desk inside a office of supreme command Could Rightly decides what is best in the field of educational battle, omitting the fact, what is needed Most, and ignoring cries of feeling of educators and learners -which soldiers in battle- That Concerns and externalize legitimate claims Arising from Their daily reality They are the experts, They Should be asked and see what Such education is best for. And, That any system aspires to have a positive impact, educationally speaking, Should be functional with a proper projection of being and not the "ought", as it is the speech married to political correctness, que properly size has not allowed Such educational problems , How a national plan or educational model can Respond to actual needs, if figures and statistics do not even Recognize complex problems: such as extreme poverty, discrimination and lack of Opportunities in general? Simply Because Such statistics are the result of Their interests and in no . way the actual numbers That Should Reflect discredit his administration It is clear That educational models do not matter if you do not meet the very purpose of education, and no measurement or institutional assessment Aimed to justify a policy of state - is as successful as the apparent lack of tangible public good and social progress in our daily life, ie, nothing That Helps us to know This Or That six-year period or regime, Have Been built more classrooms than ever, or have "professionalized" more teachers than before, When the truth is perceptible and That children and young people are increasingly more difficult to find a seat or to record only aspire to dictate what your vocation, having in many cases Comply With the option the system That Provides them, and from there we started with the negative mentality that: "one is not what you want, but what can be." In the international context, there is a complex web of treaties and universal declarations, summits and conferences That Are Global compass -both in education as in other matters of interest social- orienting dynamics and educational phenomenon in each state, emphasizing quality and integrity, as Ensuring well as access to basic education, que Equally Increase the literacy
  • 36. rate, and fight gender inequality, que Allows qualitative improvement in all aspects of education. Such international consensus, Have Their arms operating in organizations: such as the UNESCO, and its derivatives, call the International Bureau of Education, or homologous Organizations: such as the World Bank, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the International Institute of Education Planning, The Inter-American Development Bank, Among Others September the pace to States through the provision of financial resources with Which to Ensure the monitoring of international public policies That promote. Not that the above is bad, but unfortunately many systems have exploited the Shortcomings of its population to cleave These resources, education and benefit Profit eyes watching your budget, Prevents external dependency: such as true educational reality prioritize domestic needs as first world countries country, say, the United States of America, in Which there is any foreign interference in its educational policies, Have kept Their end in a linear path for decades, Which has guaranteed them results in the medium and long term, the inverse of the short-term all Third State required to validate its legitimacy as a "real manager of progress and social justice." In Europe, continued with first world country clubs, education policies follow the same pattern, ie, harmonic and targeted Efficiently needs to Their authentic form, que are not linked to an external approval, focusing on continuous improvement of the quality and efficiency of education systems Their , Facilitating access and permanence to its Entire population, for the first world education is not a means for Obtaining Budgetary resources owners or validation of management but is a genuine public policy leadership in development That Allows you to generate and sustain wealth and economic well- being, at least-of Which enjoy. Africa, in contrast, is characteristic of poverty and educational inequality condition Entire Their existence to the help of good faith, These international agencies Provide to third world countries country, while in Asia, These education systems are fully oriented economic productivity. In short educational systems, Whether the country concerned, They are geared to benefit the overall development, are a reflection of the interests of an international market economy, while poor countries country dependent on support or subsidies to Their education by International Organizations, led by the first world, not be sovereign in Their education or draw routes That May Independently Their best meet internal needs as far as education is concerned. The truth Is that all educational systems still obeying the same old interests, so Their success will always be in the best interest of who sponsors them, That it is so if results are required for the benefit of Those Involved,