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Christina Kohler
MEG stands in the kitchen half asleep wearing purple pajamas
and furry slippers. The kitchen is a little messy and the
only light is coming from the refrigerator. ADOLFO, a short
fat man is bent over looking through the fridge. Meg sees
him and SCREAMS for a long time while holding her chest.
What the hell are you doing in
here? That's our food... And I
don't know you.
Adolfo turns around with a carton of milk in his hand to
look at Meg. Then he turns back around.
Don't be such a drama queen. I'm
just craving some milk.
He shuts the door and walks into the living room drinking
from the carton and scratching his butt. Meg stands in the
kitchen, taking deep breaths. She turns around and walks
back to her room.
ZOE skips into the living room wearing a colorful loose
shirt and a long blue tie-dye skirt. She has a purple cloth
tied around her head. She stops and grins at Meg who is
sitting on a chair staring at Adolfo in disgust. Adolfo is
lounging on the couch primping in front of a hand-held
mirror. His belly hangs out of his dirty white shirt.
Well, today is my first official
day! I'm going to that big house
and it's going to be so much fun.
Hopefully, this is a good psychic
Honey, that's just fantastic.
(bends down and hugs Meg
Thanks Meg. This is going to be the
best day.
(looking at adolfo)
Please tell me you know that thing
over there.
Adolfo doesn't move or look up and looks at himself in the
(looking guilty)
Oh. Yeah. He's a...a relative.
I thought you wouldn't notice.
Hon, how could I not notice a
strange man in my chapel.
I know, I should have asked if it
was okay that he was here. Do you
have a rule about something like
I just don't think I can have him
in my space all day today. But I
guess I could use the little guy.
Great! Well I'm off. Bye!
Zoe waves goodbye as she shuts the door to the chapel. Meg
stands up and looks around the room. Adolfo is lying on the
I'm going to spruce this place up.
Yeah, this place is a dump...could
use some sprucing up.
Hush. If you helped we could clean
this place up so quickly.
Yeah, I don't think so... not part
of my job description.
Adolfo turns the other way on the couch so his back is
facing Meg.
This is gonna be a long ass day.
Zoe walks around the city looking at everything in
amazement. She is holding a map trying to remember how to
get to the mansion. There are a lot of buildings lit up even
in the daytime. She goes up to a street performer painted in
gold standing like a statue.
Wow, you are beautiful. How are you
so gold? It reminds me of where I
am from. We have gold everywhere!
It's just beautiful.
The man looks at Zoe, but he does not move.
(pointing at the map)
I was wondering if you could tell
me how to get here.
The man stares at her and then looks up at the camera.
(holding her mouth)
I'm so sorry. I didn't realize you
couldn't speak. Maybe I can pray to
God to get that fixed for you. You
are lovely and don't forget it.
Zoe walks away. She asks many people how to get to the
mansion, telling them that it is where the child star
ATLANTA lives. People ignore Zoe and start excitedly texting
on their phones about where Atlanta lives. Zoe finds the
mansion after walking for a long time. She is out of breath.
Meg comes out of her room with a new crazy hairdo. She walks
into the messy living room. Adolfo has not moved from the
couch, except to get twinkies from the pantry. Twinkie
wrappers surround him.
You must be so tired from all that
walking to the pantry.
Yeah, how did you know?
(takes a deep breath)
Patience, Meg.
Trust me doll-face, I don't want to
be here just as much as you don't
want me here. I have to baby-sit
damn Zoe.
What do you mean baby-sit Zoe?
I, uh, was sent by her dad to look
out for her for a bit. I'm
her...uh... her uncle! That's the
Hmm you two look nothing alike.
Don't worry about that girl, she's
not so bad.
So, what do you think about my new
If you didn't know already it's my
first official day as a "psychic".
How am I feeling? I am so excited!
Would you happen to know what
psychics say? I tried to watch some
informative videos on this thing
Meg showed me called YouTube. It
didn't really help. But I did find
this really cute kitten video. It
was amazing. Oh well how hard can
being a psychic be. God is going to
be so proud. I can feel it. Right
Zoe waits for God to speak.
He always does that. He is very
busy sometimes.
Zoe walks up the stairs to the massive front door. She
boldly knocks. LUKE, the personal assistant, opens the door
and grins at Zoe. He is wearing a black button up shirt
tucked into black pants. He stands in the doorway blocking
her entrance.
Hey there.
I'm Zoe, what's your name again?
Don't worry about it.
Luke moves and Zoe walks inside. Luke, who is still
grinning, shuts the door.
Meg and Adolfo are in the living room area. Meg hurriedly
takes off her furry slippers to get ready to go shopping.
She throws them at Adolfo to make him get ready. Adolfo
ducks for cover as the second shoe approaches him.
C'mon lets go shopping.
Woah woah not happening
sweetheart...I'm staying right
Alright, I guess we can just stay
in. I'll try on all my clothes and
you can tell me how I look in every
outfit. That'll be fun don't you
Adolfo looks concerned about this but doesn't say anything.
Fine, I'll give you a cookie if you
Hmm a cookie you say? What kind?
A really big cookie. With whatever
you want on it!
Okay, I'll go. But none of them
girly stores. I can't look at
anymore pink fur.
Atlanta comes to the front door dressed like a fifteen-year
old pop star. Her hair is in a pony tail tied up with a gold
ribbon. She is wearing a glittery gold top and a jean skirt
with wedges. She grabs onto Zoe's arm and yanks her inside
to her room.
Come in here. I need your help
right now!
CHRISSIE, Atlanta's mom and manager, is standing in the room
with her arms crossed leaning on one leg. She towers over
them because of her massive pumps.
What a lovely outfit Atlanta.
That's a snazzy skirt.
Shut-up, I look ridiculous. I used
to look amazing in this outfit. I
don't know what happened.
Atlanta looks at herself in the mirror. Then she storms away
into her walk-in closet. Chrissie sighs and looks at Zoe.
She is trying to re-brand herself
for her new singing career. What do
you think she should wear? You
should know since you are psychic.
Tell us what she should wear that
will make her popular again!
Hmm, I don't know. But I can figure
this out!
I know I can do this task. I'm just
a little nervous. I just need to
think what would God want me to do.
What if she was dressed like an
angel. She could always come out on
stage with a halo, wearing white.
Oh that's good. I wonder if she
would like that.
Atlanta comes out of her closet in her silky dressing gown.
Zoe is lying on her belly on Atlanta's bed with her feet up.
Chrissie is standing with her arms crossed pursing her lips.
Her cell phone rings and she walks out of the room in a
hurry to answer it.
(walking towards the bed)
What should I do, Zoe? I need to
look amazing. Can't you look in
your crystal ball or something.
You should be yourself. That's the
best thing!
No that's a horrible plan. I have
an idea. Hold on!
Atlanta runs into the closet. Five minutes later she walks
out in a mesh sequined see-through outfit. She is wearing
almost nothing underneath. She also has a sequined black hat
to complete the look. She does some poses for Zoe.
What about this! I know I look
great. Tell me I look great!
Chrissie walks in the room drinking from a Starbucks coffee
cup. She sees Atlanta and almost spits out her coffee. She
chokes it down.
No. No. Not going to happen. I'm
sorry but if Cher can't pull that
off, you can't. Go take that off.
No! I like it! Zoe what do you
It's very unusual. I like the
sparkles. But is it yourself?
Remember what we talked about.
Atlanta stomps her feet. Then she runs away. The sequined
hat falls off Atlanta's head. Chrissie and Zoe look down at
it on the floor. Then they look up at the camera.
I don't know what I am going to do
with her. She is out of control.
It's probably my fault. I've given
her everything she has ever wanted
in life. But she looked ridiculous.
I'd be the laughing joke among all
my friends if she wore that out on
stage. I can't let that happen. I
have my reputation to think about.
Meg and Adolfo are walking down a street in the city. The
street is lined with tacky stores and blinking lights. Meg
is in pink high heels with a pink boa scarf around her neck.
Adolfo is in a white t-shirt and dark wash jeans. He
stumbles to keep up with Meg, who is significantly taller
than him.
Do you mind! I'm trying to keep up
with you.
Sorry hon, I'm just trying to
find... Ooo here it is!
Meg runs a little ways down the street. Irritated, Adolfo
starts running after her.
(yelling and panting)
Stop. Running. Ahead of me!
Atlanta is standing in her room in an all black ensemble.
She has thick black soled boots on. Her face is painted
white with black painted around her eyes. She has a metal
spiked choker around her neck. Zoe SCREAMS as she turns
around to see Atlanta.
(throwing her hands up)
Well, what do you think?
It's so scary. Why would you want
to be so scary?
I figured if Kiss can do it, I can.
(rubbing her forehead)
Oh dear.
Maybe you should try again. A
pretty dress would be nice.
ATLANTA suck at your job. Why
don't you use your "psychic" powers
to tell me what to wear.
Atlanta storms away. Zoe slumps down on the bed.
Meg opens the door of a run down furniture store. A BELL
RINGS as she opens the door. Adolfo walks in after her. The
store is dark and dingy. The STORE-OWNER comes to the front
to greet them. He is a short friendly, old man.
Hi, Meg! Haven't seen you in a long
ass time? How are ya?
Just fabulous, hon. How are you?
I'm doin' just fine. How may I help
I need some new furniture. I'm
thinking of buying a new couch to
start the new look of my living
(walking towards couches)
Our finest couches are located over
here. We have a wide selection from
our "Colors of the Rainbow" line.
And then our fabulous faux leather
couches are over there. You can see
we have them in many colors from
magenta to lime green. The massage
couches are our most expensive
couches. C'mon little man test this
one out.
Who me? I'd rather not.
The store-owner lightly pushes Adolfo onto the couch and
lifts the side lever. Adolfo is pushed back into a reclined
position. The store-keeper turns on the vibrating feature.
How does that feel little man?
(angrily, under his
Stop calling me that.
What was that little man?
Yeah it's fantastic. I can't even
see the ugliness when I sit on it
which makes it ten times better.
(to the store-owner)
Thanks so much sugar. I think we'll
look around a bit.
Meg blows the store-owner a kiss. She turns to Adolfo who is
lying on the couch testing the different massages.
You could have been a little nicer.
C'mon lets pick one. There are so
many. How will we choose?
They are all hideous. Just pick the
I have a great eye for this stuff.
After this we can start planning
how I will decorate my new club.
Doubt that dream will ever happen.
Meg ignores Adolfo and walks up to a blue and pink stripped
couch with thin white perpendicular stripes. She rubs her
hand over it and then sits down. She has a big smile on her
I like this one.
(looks in disgust)
Well let's get it and get out of
here. It's hard to look at but
chances are you won't find anything
better in this glorious place.
(to the store-owner)
I think we are going to get this
Zoe walks into the kitchen to get some water for Atlanta and
her mom. She sees Luke outside the studio leaning against a
wall looking at his phone. He looks up to see her and starts
walking with her.
What's up?
Up? Up on the ceiling?
Huh. That's interesting.
They walk into the kitchen together. Zoe marches in
determined then stops in her steps. She looks around not
sure what to do. She walks up to the counter and grabs a
large empty glass vase. Luke just stares at her and frowns.
What should I put water in?
Hmm how about a glass?
(putting the vase down)
Oh. Yeah. I meant where are the
glasses...uh... in this kitchen.
I'm not familiar with it.
Luke grabs a glass from the cabinet and fills it with water
from the filter in the fridge.
Nice work.
I'm sorry. It's my first day.
Where are you from?
I'm...a... from somewhere far away.
Far away huh? That's cool. Do you
like Atlanta. She's a real pain the
butt isn't she?
I like her a lot! I know she is a
little crazy, but it's my job to
help her out! But I don't think I
feel any pain in my butt because of
Luke frowns and walks out of the kitchen. Zoe shrugs her
shoulders and walks out with the water.
Zoe walks into Atlanta's room. Chrissie runs up to Zoe and
grabs the water from her.
We need you!
Atlanta is SCREAMING inside her closet.
This is so frustrating!
She walks out in a full body cat suit with ears and whiskers
What if I was a different animal
every time I went on stage. That
would show them I'm way different
than all the other pop-stars. It's
a brilliant plan!
What a great costume. Can I borrow
it? I think my friend Meg would
love it. It might be hard for you
to sing in though.
It is a bit unusual.
Both of you just leave!
They're idiots.
Meg and Adolfo carry many bags full of home decorations. Two
men push the blue pink and white stripped couch inside the
Thank you gentlemen.
Well, the couch definitely makes
this dump look better.
Shut-up and help me hang this stuff
I'm too tired.
Adolfo lays down on the new couch. He starts eating the
cookie that Meg bought him. Meg grabs a large tacky painting
of a bowl of fruit and hangs it up in the kitchen. She hangs
up a colorful caricature of Elvis. She lays out a bright
orange fluffy rug across the living room floor. Afterwards,
she stands in the middle of the room and looks around.
I'm likin' this.
Yeah. Yeah. Looks good. Can you
grab me some milk?
Oh yeah sure. Anything else
What is it with you and milk?
Meg looks around the chapel. She looks pleased.
Okay, now I need your help with the
rest. Please. Then I'll get your
stupid milk.
Atlanta is still in her cat costume. She lays on the bed for
a few seconds and then quickly sits up. As she moves to sit
up she accidently hits the belly part of the costume and it
MEOWS. Zoe looks at the camera.
Zoe you have to help me! Right now!
Zoe quickly runs outside of the bedroom to the front door.
She opens the door and runs outside without shutting the
Zoe looks up at the sky for a few seconds and then looks
down and closes her eyes.
I really hope this works...God?
GOD (O.S.)
Yes? What is it Zoe?
God? Is that you?
GOD (O.S.)
Oh. Who are you? I may need to hang
up soon. I really need to speak to
GOD (O.S.)
It's God, Zoe!
You tricked me! I can't believe it
worked oh my God. Oh sorry, I know
you hate that. I...
GOD (O.S.)
What is it Zoe? Get to the point a
little quicker.
Sorry. I need help. I don't know
how to help Atlanta. She won't
listen to me about what she should
wear. I told her to be herself but
she is being all weird and crazy
with her outfits. Like a cat might
not be the best route. And I ...
GOD (O.S.)
I have no idea what you are talking
about. A cat? I can't actually see
everything that happens on earth. I
can't help you. Use the card I gave
you. Maybe you can buy something
that will help.
Okay! Thank you! Goodbye.
GOD (O.S.)
I really hope this works out. I'm a
bit weary about that girl. This job
is so hard sometimes.
Zoe runs from the stairs and goes into the city. She runs
until she finds the first dress store on an expensive
street. It is a glitzy store with many beautiful dresses in
the window. She runs inside.
Zoe bursts into Atlanta's bedroom. She is holding a dress
that is zipped up in a covering. She lays it on the bed
breathing heavily from running. Atlanta sits up frowning.
Where have you been! I have been
waiting for you for over an hour.
You are fired! And stop breathing
so hard. It's freaking me out.
I got you something! Try it on!
Trust me this is your new look.
What is it?
Just try it on. Trust me!
Atlanta immediately takes off her cat costume. And then
unzips the covering to see the dress.
Oh. It's... It's beautiful.
She quickly slips on the dress. Then she slips a pair of
heels on. Chrissie walks in as Zoe is zipping the back of
the dress up.
Where did you get that?
Atlanta runs to the mirror and GASPS.
I think it's good. Zoe do you?
Atlanta turns around slowly looking at herself in the
mirror. She is wearing a beautiful simple blue gown. The
dress is not over the top or too glamorous, but goes well
with Atlanta's loud personality.
I was thinking for your look you
can dress beautifully and be
yourself. You need something that
shows off your personality. All
those crazy outfits from before are
not good. This is much better.
(turning to Chrissie)
It works. We need to go shopping
for a new wardrobe now.
(jumping up and down)
We figured it out!
Atlanta steps on her dress while jumping, SCREAMS, and falls
flat on her face. Zoe looks up at the camera.
Meg stands in front of Adolfo who is laying on the new couch
fast asleep and SNORING.
Get up and help me!
(wide a wake now)
Jeez okay. What do you want from
me? To tell you how stupid you look
in another outfit?
Get up and move this furniture
around with me. The couch isn't in
the right spot.
God forbid the couch isn't in the
right spot.
He gets up and starts pushing the end of the couch. The
couch doesn't move at all.
I'm too weak.
This is just pathetic.
Adolfo keeps pushing until he falls to the ground on his
belly. Meg smiles and looks at the camera. He gets up and
Meg helps him push.
Where do you want ugly?
Don't name my couch "ugly."
They push it into the middle of the chapel.
Now time to move the rest of the
Like the altar that's sitting over
there? What do you want to do with
(looking at the altar)
I don't know hon. I kind of like it
over there. Maybe we can put some
flowers on it.
A crowd of people begin crowding behind the front gate. The
crowd grows and people get pushed up against the gate.
Did you get the tweet about where
Atlanta lives?
Yeah! I came straight from work to
see her.
Atlanta runs to the window in her blue dress. She looks
outside at the crowd. She frantically runs outside.
Atlanta runs up to the front gate.
Everyone get out of here!
The crowd doesn't move and they reach their hands out to
touch her.
Ew ew, don't touch me.
Zoe is in the kitchen looking for Atlanta. Luke is in there
sitting at the counter. He takes a few seconds to look up.
Atlanta? Where are you?
Why do you not know normal things?
You grabbed a vase to put water in.
No I didn't. Have you seen Atlanta.
I need to find her.
Do you like hotdogs?
I suppose dogs are more cuddly when
they are warm.
You're really weird.
(thinks hard)
Well... you're not very nice.
Luke gets up and walks away. He turns to Zoe before he
leaves the room.
Atlanta's outside by the way.
Zoe and Chrissie run outside to find Atlanta. Atlanta stands
SCREAMING at the people behind the gate.
Wow, that's a lot of people.
Instead of stating the obvious. Do
something about it!
People take pictures of Atlanta in her dress.
Great dress!
Leave my property at once!
That's hardly going to help.
Leave at once! Go home!
The crowd gets thinner as people start leaving. They walk
away not saying anything.
(looking confused)
There we go. All better.
How did you do that?
Um, I think they just got tired or
something. What an eventful day
Atlanta and Chrissie look at each other in confusion.
I have no idea how I did that...
Normally I like when people crowd
around me. I mean who wouldn't want
to see me. Like I understand that.
But I did not enjoy that crowd of
people. I'm too pretty for this
kind of stress. Now everyone knows
my new look. But I guess that's
good. I did look good in that
dress. Maybe I'm paying Zoe too
little. Don't tell her I said that.
Meg and Adolfo finish moving the last piece of furniture.
They both sit on the new couch.
Thank you for helping, even though
you are a difficult little guy.
Yeah whatever.
Hon, you got a bad attitude.
And you wear too much pink.
Adolfo gets up off the couch.
I'm gonna go. I've had enough for
one day. I'll be back tomorrow
unfortunately. Not by choice.
Can't wait.
Zoe, Atlanta, and Chrissie lie on the couch in Atlanta's
room exhausted. Atlanta's costumes cover her bedroom floor.
This was fun!
Guess I'm going with the new look.
Everyone already saw me in it.
I'm glad we figured this out!
You did good I guess.
Thanks. Does anyone want some those glasses?
Zoe walks inside to find Meg asleep on the couch. Zoe walks
up to her and taps her on the shoulder. Meg slowly wakes up.
What did I say about waking me up?
Oops. The place looks great!
Yeah it's better...took forever.
And Adolfo was a pain in the ass.
He'll get better! Maybe you two
will be friends one day!
Meg looks up at the camera.

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"Heaven or Las Vegas" Episode 2

  • 2. 1 TEASER INT. CHAPEL - MORNING MEG stands in the kitchen half asleep wearing purple pajamas and furry slippers. The kitchen is a little messy and the only light is coming from the refrigerator. ADOLFO, a short fat man is bent over looking through the fridge. Meg sees him and SCREAMS for a long time while holding her chest. MEG (angrily) What the hell are you doing in here? That's our food... And I don't know you. Adolfo turns around with a carton of milk in his hand to look at Meg. Then he turns back around. ADOLFO Don't be such a drama queen. I'm just craving some milk. He shuts the door and walks into the living room drinking from the carton and scratching his butt. Meg stands in the kitchen, taking deep breaths. She turns around and walks back to her room. ACT I INT. CHAPEL - DAY ZOE skips into the living room wearing a colorful loose shirt and a long blue tie-dye skirt. She has a purple cloth tied around her head. She stops and grins at Meg who is sitting on a chair staring at Adolfo in disgust. Adolfo is lounging on the couch primping in front of a hand-held mirror. His belly hangs out of his dirty white shirt. ZOE (excitedly) Well, today is my first official day! I'm going to that big house and it's going to be so much fun. Hopefully, this is a good psychic outfit. MEG Honey, that's just fantastic. ZOE (bends down and hugs Meg
  • 3. 2 tightly) Thanks Meg. This is going to be the best day. MEG (looking at adolfo) Please tell me you know that thing over there. Adolfo doesn't move or look up and looks at himself in the mirror. ZOE (looking guilty) Oh. Yeah. He's a...a relative. (beat) I thought you wouldn't notice. MEG Hon, how could I not notice a strange man in my chapel. ZOE I know, I should have asked if it was okay that he was here. Do you have a rule about something like this? MEG I just don't think I can have him in my space all day today. But I guess I could use the little guy. ZOE Great! Well I'm off. Bye! Zoe waves goodbye as she shuts the door to the chapel. Meg stands up and looks around the room. Adolfo is lying on the couch. MEG I'm going to spruce this place up. ADOLFO (boredly) Yeah, this place is a dump...could use some sprucing up. MEG Hush. If you helped we could clean this place up so quickly.
  • 4. 3 ADOLFO Yeah, I don't think so... not part of my job description. Adolfo turns the other way on the couch so his back is facing Meg. MEG TALKING HEAD MEG This is gonna be a long ass day. EXT. LAS VEGAS MAIN STRIP - DAY Zoe walks around the city looking at everything in amazement. She is holding a map trying to remember how to get to the mansion. There are a lot of buildings lit up even in the daytime. She goes up to a street performer painted in gold standing like a statue. ZOE Wow, you are beautiful. How are you so gold? It reminds me of where I am from. We have gold everywhere! It's just beautiful. The man looks at Zoe, but he does not move. ZOE (CONT'D) (pointing at the map) I was wondering if you could tell me how to get here. The man stares at her and then looks up at the camera. ZOE (holding her mouth) I'm so sorry. I didn't realize you couldn't speak. Maybe I can pray to God to get that fixed for you. You are lovely and don't forget it. Zoe walks away. She asks many people how to get to the mansion, telling them that it is where the child star ATLANTA lives. People ignore Zoe and start excitedly texting on their phones about where Atlanta lives. Zoe finds the mansion after walking for a long time. She is out of breath. INT. CHAPEL - DAY Meg comes out of her room with a new crazy hairdo. She walks into the messy living room. Adolfo has not moved from the
  • 5. 4 couch, except to get twinkies from the pantry. Twinkie wrappers surround him. MEG (sarcastically) You must be so tired from all that walking to the pantry. ADOLFO Yeah, how did you know? MEG (takes a deep breath) Patience, Meg. ADOLFO Trust me doll-face, I don't want to be here just as much as you don't want me here. I have to baby-sit damn Zoe. MEG What do you mean baby-sit Zoe? ADOLFO I, uh, was sent by her dad to look out for her for a bit. I'm her...uh... her uncle! That's the word! MEG Hmm you two look nothing alike. Don't worry about that girl, she's not so bad. (beat) So, what do you think about my new do? ZOE TALKING HEAD ZOE (grinning) If you didn't know already it's my first official day as a "psychic". How am I feeling? I am so excited! Would you happen to know what psychics say? I tried to watch some informative videos on this thing Meg showed me called YouTube. It didn't really help. But I did find this really cute kitten video. It was amazing. Oh well how hard can (MORE)
  • 6. 5 being a psychic be. God is going to ZOE (CONT'D) be so proud. I can feel it. Right God? Zoe waits for God to speak. ZOE (CONT'D) (laughing) He always does that. He is very busy sometimes. EXT. ATLANTA'S MANSION - DAY Zoe walks up the stairs to the massive front door. She boldly knocks. LUKE, the personal assistant, opens the door and grins at Zoe. He is wearing a black button up shirt tucked into black pants. He stands in the doorway blocking her entrance. LUKE (condescendingly) Hey there. ZOE (smiling) I'm Zoe, what's your name again? LUKE (snickering) Don't worry about it. Luke moves and Zoe walks inside. Luke, who is still grinning, shuts the door. INT. CHAPEL - DAY Meg and Adolfo are in the living room area. Meg hurriedly takes off her furry slippers to get ready to go shopping. She throws them at Adolfo to make him get ready. Adolfo ducks for cover as the second shoe approaches him. MEG C'mon lets go shopping. ADOLFO Woah woah not happening sweetheart...I'm staying right here. MEG Alright, I guess we can just stay in. I'll try on all my clothes and (MORE)
  • 7. 6 you can tell me how I look in every MEG (CONT'D) outfit. That'll be fun don't you think? Adolfo looks concerned about this but doesn't say anything. MEG Fine, I'll give you a cookie if you come. ADOLFO Hmm a cookie you say? What kind? MEG A really big cookie. With whatever you want on it! ADOLFO (shrugging) Okay, I'll go. But none of them girly stores. I can't look at anymore pink fur. INT. ATLANTA'S MANSION - DAY Atlanta comes to the front door dressed like a fifteen-year old pop star. Her hair is in a pony tail tied up with a gold ribbon. She is wearing a glittery gold top and a jean skirt with wedges. She grabs onto Zoe's arm and yanks her inside to her room. ATLANTA Come in here. I need your help right now! CHRISSIE, Atlanta's mom and manager, is standing in the room with her arms crossed leaning on one leg. She towers over them because of her massive pumps. ZOE (excitedly) What a lovely outfit Atlanta. That's a snazzy skirt. ATLANTA Shut-up, I look ridiculous. I used to look amazing in this outfit. I don't know what happened. Atlanta looks at herself in the mirror. Then she storms away into her walk-in closet. Chrissie sighs and looks at Zoe.
  • 8. 7 CHRISSIE She is trying to re-brand herself for her new singing career. What do you think she should wear? You should know since you are psychic. Tell us what she should wear that will make her popular again! ZOE Hmm, I don't know. But I can figure this out! ZOE TALKING HEAD ZOE I know I can do this task. I'm just a little nervous. I just need to think what would God want me to do. What if she was dressed like an angel. She could always come out on stage with a halo, wearing white. Oh that's good. I wonder if she would like that. ACT II INT. ATLANTA'S MANSION - DAY Atlanta comes out of her closet in her silky dressing gown. Zoe is lying on her belly on Atlanta's bed with her feet up. Chrissie is standing with her arms crossed pursing her lips. Her cell phone rings and she walks out of the room in a hurry to answer it. ATLANTA (walking towards the bed) What should I do, Zoe? I need to look amazing. Can't you look in your crystal ball or something. ZOE You should be yourself. That's the best thing! ATLANTA No that's a horrible plan. I have an idea. Hold on! Atlanta runs into the closet. Five minutes later she walks out in a mesh sequined see-through outfit. She is wearing almost nothing underneath. She also has a sequined black hat to complete the look. She does some poses for Zoe.
  • 9. 8 ATLANTA What about this! I know I look great. Tell me I look great! Chrissie walks in the room drinking from a Starbucks coffee cup. She sees Atlanta and almost spits out her coffee. She chokes it down. CHRISSIE No. No. Not going to happen. I'm sorry but if Cher can't pull that off, you can't. Go take that off. ATLANTA No! I like it! Zoe what do you think? ZOE It's very unusual. I like the sparkles. But is it yourself? Remember what we talked about. Atlanta stomps her feet. Then she runs away. The sequined hat falls off Atlanta's head. Chrissie and Zoe look down at it on the floor. Then they look up at the camera. CHRISSIE TALKING HEAD CHRISSIE I don't know what I am going to do with her. She is out of control. It's probably my fault. I've given her everything she has ever wanted in life. But she looked ridiculous. I'd be the laughing joke among all my friends if she wore that out on stage. I can't let that happen. I have my reputation to think about. EXT. LAS VEGAS STREET - DAY Meg and Adolfo are walking down a street in the city. The street is lined with tacky stores and blinking lights. Meg is in pink high heels with a pink boa scarf around her neck. Adolfo is in a white t-shirt and dark wash jeans. He stumbles to keep up with Meg, who is significantly taller than him. ADOLFO Do you mind! I'm trying to keep up with you.
  • 10. 9 MEG Sorry hon, I'm just trying to find... Ooo here it is! Meg runs a little ways down the street. Irritated, Adolfo starts running after her. ADOLFO (yelling and panting) Stop. Running. Ahead of me! INT. ATLANTA'S MANSION - DAY Atlanta is standing in her room in an all black ensemble. She has thick black soled boots on. Her face is painted white with black painted around her eyes. She has a metal spiked choker around her neck. Zoe SCREAMS as she turns around to see Atlanta. ATLANTA (throwing her hands up) Well, what do you think? ZOE It's so scary. Why would you want to be so scary? ATLANTA I figured if Kiss can do it, I can. CHRISSIE (rubbing her forehead) Oh dear. ZOE Maybe you should try again. A pretty dress would be nice. ATLANTA suck at your job. Why don't you use your "psychic" powers to tell me what to wear. Atlanta storms away. Zoe slumps down on the bed. INT. FURNITURE STORE - DAY Meg opens the door of a run down furniture store. A BELL RINGS as she opens the door. Adolfo walks in after her. The store is dark and dingy. The STORE-OWNER comes to the front to greet them. He is a short friendly, old man.
  • 11. 10 STORE-OWNER Hi, Meg! Haven't seen you in a long ass time? How are ya? MEG Just fabulous, hon. How are you? STORE-OWNER I'm doin' just fine. How may I help you? MEG I need some new furniture. I'm thinking of buying a new couch to start the new look of my living room. STORE-OWNER (walking towards couches) Our finest couches are located over here. We have a wide selection from our "Colors of the Rainbow" line. And then our fabulous faux leather couches are over there. You can see we have them in many colors from magenta to lime green. The massage couches are our most expensive couches. C'mon little man test this one out. ADOLFO Who me? I'd rather not. The store-owner lightly pushes Adolfo onto the couch and lifts the side lever. Adolfo is pushed back into a reclined position. The store-keeper turns on the vibrating feature. STORE-OWNER How does that feel little man? ADOLFO (angrily, under his breath) Stop calling me that. STORE-OWNER What was that little man? ADOLFO (sarcastically) Yeah it's fantastic. I can't even see the ugliness when I sit on it (MORE)
  • 12. 11 which makes it ten times better. ADOLFO (CONT'D) MEG (to the store-owner) Thanks so much sugar. I think we'll look around a bit. Meg blows the store-owner a kiss. She turns to Adolfo who is lying on the couch testing the different massages. MEG (CONT'D) You could have been a little nicer. C'mon lets pick one. There are so many. How will we choose? ADOLFO They are all hideous. Just pick the cheapest. MEG I have a great eye for this stuff. After this we can start planning how I will decorate my new club. ADOLFO Doubt that dream will ever happen. Meg ignores Adolfo and walks up to a blue and pink stripped couch with thin white perpendicular stripes. She rubs her hand over it and then sits down. She has a big smile on her face. MEG I like this one. ADOLFO (looks in disgust) Well let's get it and get out of here. It's hard to look at but chances are you won't find anything better in this glorious place. MEG (to the store-owner) I think we are going to get this one. INT. ATLANTA'S MANSION - DAY Zoe walks into the kitchen to get some water for Atlanta and her mom. She sees Luke outside the studio leaning against a wall looking at his phone. He looks up to see her and starts
  • 13. 12 walking with her. LUKE What's up? ZOE Up? Up on the ceiling? LUKE (confused) Huh. That's interesting. They walk into the kitchen together. Zoe marches in determined then stops in her steps. She looks around not sure what to do. She walks up to the counter and grabs a large empty glass vase. Luke just stares at her and frowns. ZOE What should I put water in? LUKE (sarcastically) Hmm how about a glass? ZOE (putting the vase down) Oh. Yeah. I meant where are the glasses...uh... in this kitchen. I'm not familiar with it. Luke grabs a glass from the cabinet and fills it with water from the filter in the fridge. LUKE (sarcastically) Nice work. ZOE I'm sorry. It's my first day. LUKE Where are you from? ZOE I'm...a... from somewhere far away. LUKE (smiling) Far away huh? That's cool. Do you like Atlanta. She's a real pain the butt isn't she?
  • 14. 13 ZOE I like her a lot! I know she is a little crazy, but it's my job to help her out! But I don't think I feel any pain in my butt because of her. Luke frowns and walks out of the kitchen. Zoe shrugs her shoulders and walks out with the water. INT. ATLANTA'S MANSION - DAY Zoe walks into Atlanta's room. Chrissie runs up to Zoe and grabs the water from her. CHRISSIE We need you! Atlanta is SCREAMING inside her closet. ATLANTA This is so frustrating! She walks out in a full body cat suit with ears and whiskers ATLANTA (CONT'D) What if I was a different animal every time I went on stage. That would show them I'm way different than all the other pop-stars. It's a brilliant plan! ZOE What a great costume. Can I borrow it? I think my friend Meg would love it. It might be hard for you to sing in though. CHRISSIE It is a bit unusual. ATLANTA Both of you just leave! ATLANTA TALKING HEAD ATLANTA They're idiots. INT. CHAPEL - DAY Meg and Adolfo carry many bags full of home decorations. Two men push the blue pink and white stripped couch inside the
  • 15. 14 chapel. MEG Thank you gentlemen. ADOLFO Well, the couch definitely makes this dump look better. MEG Shut-up and help me hang this stuff up. ADOLFO (whining) I'm too tired. Adolfo lays down on the new couch. He starts eating the cookie that Meg bought him. Meg grabs a large tacky painting of a bowl of fruit and hangs it up in the kitchen. She hangs up a colorful caricature of Elvis. She lays out a bright orange fluffy rug across the living room floor. Afterwards, she stands in the middle of the room and looks around. MEG I'm likin' this. ADOLFO Yeah. Yeah. Looks good. Can you grab me some milk? MEG (sarcastically) Oh yeah sure. Anything else sweetie? (beat) What is it with you and milk? Meg looks around the chapel. She looks pleased. MEG (CONT'D) Okay, now I need your help with the rest. Please. Then I'll get your stupid milk. INT. ATLANTA'S MANSION - DAY Atlanta is still in her cat costume. She lays on the bed for a few seconds and then quickly sits up. As she moves to sit up she accidently hits the belly part of the costume and it MEOWS. Zoe looks at the camera.
  • 16. 15 ATLANTA Zoe you have to help me! Right now! Zoe quickly runs outside of the bedroom to the front door. She opens the door and runs outside without shutting the door. EXT. ATLANTA'S MANSION - DAY Zoe looks up at the sky for a few seconds and then looks down and closes her eyes. ZOE I really hope this works...God? GOD (O.S.) Yes? What is it Zoe? ZOE God? Is that you? GOD (O.S.) No. ZOE Oh. Who are you? I may need to hang up soon. I really need to speak to God. GOD (O.S.) (sighs) It's God, Zoe! ZOE (laughing) You tricked me! I can't believe it worked oh my God. Oh sorry, I know you hate that. I... GOD (O.S.) What is it Zoe? Get to the point a little quicker. ZOE Sorry. I need help. I don't know how to help Atlanta. She won't listen to me about what she should wear. I told her to be herself but she is being all weird and crazy with her outfits. Like a cat might not be the best route. And I ...
  • 17. 16 GOD (O.S.) I have no idea what you are talking about. A cat? I can't actually see everything that happens on earth. I can't help you. Use the card I gave you. Maybe you can buy something that will help. ZOE (whispers) Okay! Thank you! Goodbye. GOD TALKING HEAD GOD (O.S.) (sighs) I really hope this works out. I'm a bit weary about that girl. This job is so hard sometimes. Zoe runs from the stairs and goes into the city. She runs until she finds the first dress store on an expensive street. It is a glitzy store with many beautiful dresses in the window. She runs inside. Act III EXT. ATLANTA'S MANSION - DAY Zoe bursts into Atlanta's bedroom. She is holding a dress that is zipped up in a covering. She lays it on the bed breathing heavily from running. Atlanta sits up frowning. ATLANTA Where have you been! I have been waiting for you for over an hour. You are fired! And stop breathing so hard. It's freaking me out. ZOE I got you something! Try it on! Trust me this is your new look. ATLANTA What is it? ZOE Just try it on. Trust me! Atlanta immediately takes off her cat costume. And then unzips the covering to see the dress.
  • 18. 17 ATLANTA Oh. It's... It's beautiful. She quickly slips on the dress. Then she slips a pair of heels on. Chrissie walks in as Zoe is zipping the back of the dress up. CHRISSIE Where did you get that? Atlanta runs to the mirror and GASPS. ATLANTA (smiling) I think it's good. Zoe do you? ZOE Ab-so-lute-ly! Atlanta turns around slowly looking at herself in the mirror. She is wearing a beautiful simple blue gown. The dress is not over the top or too glamorous, but goes well with Atlanta's loud personality. ZOE (CONT'D) I was thinking for your look you can dress beautifully and be yourself. You need something that shows off your personality. All those crazy outfits from before are not good. This is much better. ATLANTA (turning to Chrissie) Mom? CHRISSIE It works. We need to go shopping for a new wardrobe now. ATLANTA (jumping up and down) We figured it out! Atlanta steps on her dress while jumping, SCREAMS, and falls flat on her face. Zoe looks up at the camera. INT. CHAPEL - DAY Meg stands in front of Adolfo who is laying on the new couch fast asleep and SNORING.
  • 19. 18 MEG Get up and help me! ADOLFO (wide a wake now) Jeez okay. What do you want from me? To tell you how stupid you look in another outfit? MEG Get up and move this furniture around with me. The couch isn't in the right spot. ADOLFO God forbid the couch isn't in the right spot. He gets up and starts pushing the end of the couch. The couch doesn't move at all. ADOLFO I'm too weak. MEG This is just pathetic. Adolfo keeps pushing until he falls to the ground on his belly. Meg smiles and looks at the camera. He gets up and Meg helps him push. ADOLFO Where do you want ugly? MEG Don't name my couch "ugly." They push it into the middle of the chapel. MEG Now time to move the rest of the furniture. ADOLFO Like the altar that's sitting over there? What do you want to do with that? MEG (looking at the altar) I don't know hon. I kind of like it over there. Maybe we can put some flowers on it.
  • 20. 19 ADOLFO Weird. EXT. ATLANTA'S MANSION - DAY A crowd of people begin crowding behind the front gate. The crowd grows and people get pushed up against the gate. PERSON 1 Did you get the tweet about where Atlanta lives? PERSON 2 Yeah! I came straight from work to see her. INT. ATLANTA'S MANSION - DAY Atlanta runs to the window in her blue dress. She looks outside at the crowd. She frantically runs outside. EXT. ATLANTA'S MANSION - DAY Atlanta runs up to the front gate. ATLANTA Everyone get out of here! The crowd doesn't move and they reach their hands out to touch her. ATLANTA Ew ew, don't touch me. INT. ATLANTA'S MANSION - DAY Zoe is in the kitchen looking for Atlanta. Luke is in there sitting at the counter. He takes a few seconds to look up. ZOE Atlanta? Where are you? LUKE Why do you not know normal things? You grabbed a vase to put water in. ZOE No I didn't. Have you seen Atlanta. I need to find her. LUKE Do you like hotdogs?
  • 21. 20 ZOE I suppose dogs are more cuddly when they are warm. LUKE You're really weird. ZOE (thinks hard) Well... you're not very nice. Luke gets up and walks away. He turns to Zoe before he leaves the room. LUKE Atlanta's outside by the way. EXT. ATLANTA'S MANSION - DAY Zoe and Chrissie run outside to find Atlanta. Atlanta stands SCREAMING at the people behind the gate. ZOE Wow, that's a lot of people. CHRISSIE Instead of stating the obvious. Do something about it! People take pictures of Atlanta in her dress. PERSON 1 Great dress! ATLANTA Leave my property at once! ZOE Leave! CHRISSIE That's hardly going to help. ZOE Leave at once! Go home! The crowd gets thinner as people start leaving. They walk away not saying anything. ZOE (looking confused) There we go. All better.
  • 22. 21 ATLANTA How did you do that? ZOE Um, I think they just got tired or something. What an eventful day huh? Atlanta and Chrissie look at each other in confusion. ZOE TALKING HEAD ZOE I have no idea how I did that... ATLANTA TALKING HEAD ATLANTA Normally I like when people crowd around me. I mean who wouldn't want to see me. Like I understand that. But I did not enjoy that crowd of people. I'm too pretty for this kind of stress. Now everyone knows my new look. But I guess that's good. I did look good in that dress. Maybe I'm paying Zoe too little. Don't tell her I said that. INT. CHAPEL - DAY Meg and Adolfo finish moving the last piece of furniture. They both sit on the new couch. MEG Thank you for helping, even though you are a difficult little guy. ADOLFO Yeah whatever. MEG Hon, you got a bad attitude. ADOLFO And you wear too much pink. Adolfo gets up off the couch. ADOLFO (CONT'D) I'm gonna go. I've had enough for one day. I'll be back tomorrow unfortunately. Not by choice.
  • 23. 22 MEG TALKING HEAD MEG (sarcastically) Can't wait. INT. ATLANTA'S MANSION - DAY Zoe, Atlanta, and Chrissie lie on the couch in Atlanta's room exhausted. Atlanta's costumes cover her bedroom floor. ZOE This was fun! ATLANTA Guess I'm going with the new look. Everyone already saw me in it. ZOE I'm glad we figured this out! CHRISSIE You did good I guess. ZOE Thanks. Does anyone want some those glasses? TAG INT. CHAPEL - NIGHT Zoe walks inside to find Meg asleep on the couch. Zoe walks up to her and taps her on the shoulder. Meg slowly wakes up. MEG (irritated) What did I say about waking me up? ZOE Oops. The place looks great! MEG Yeah it's better...took forever. And Adolfo was a pain in the ass. ZOE He'll get better! Maybe you two will be friends one day! Meg looks up at the camera.