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Friendship, It’s Not (Short)
Alex Obasuyi
1169 E. 54th Street
Chicago, IL 60615
ZENA MCKALL, 26, African American, stands in front of a
door. She raises her hand to knock.
(in Irish accent)
Now, I wouldn’t be doin’ that, Ms.
McKall. The lad hasn’t been
speakin’ too fondly of ya these
And...that’ll be Theo’s security
system, "A.S.I.A". Granted, we live
in New York and all, but seriously?
And why he gave the stupid thing an
Irish accent, I’ll never know.
Look, I’m not here to kill Theo or
anything. I just need to talk to
Ya’d be makin’ a blatherin’ mess of
things! And Mr. Cruz’s knickers
would be in a--
The door swings open, revealing THEO CRUZ, 37, Brunette, in
all of his drunken glory.
ZENA! What bri-brings you here?
(crosses arms)
You called me. Well, actually, you
called me, I screened your call,
and then you called Anna, who then
told me that you were drunk, and
now I’m here.
(ignores Zena)
Don’ there!
Co-come on in!
Theo reaches for Zena’s arm. Zena makes a face and snatches
it away. Theo stumbles and crashes into Zena as they both
fall into the ground. She squirms under Theo.
Oops! Looks like I’m f-falling for
you all over again!
Theo laughs obscenely, to the point of cackling. Zena pushes
him off and stands up. She glances at the watch on her
wrist. It’s 3 am. She shoots a still cackling Theo a glare.
This is so not how I thought I’d be
spending my Friday night.
Theo, how much have you had to
THEO glass.
As if I’ll believe that.
(rolls eyes)
Come on, Theo. It’s detox for you.
Zena helps Theo up from the ground and ushers him back into
his penthouse. She closes the door as Theo looks around. He
suddenly stumbles away.
Yes, lad?
Uh, play some nice
music. I wanna dance.
Loud music pours out from the speakers around the penthouse.
Theo shakes his body like he’s having a seizure.
(waves Zena over)
Co-come da-dance with me!
(groans into her hand)
No, Theo. I don’t wanna dance.
Theo shrugs and goes back to his strange dance moves.
I’ve only seen Theo drunk once
before and even then, the most
offensive thing he did was tell a
couple of inappropriate jokes. This
Zena reaches into her pocket and pulls out her phone. She
dials and presses the phone against her ear.
(into phone)
Hey, meet me at Cruz Spire. I need
your help.
Zena puts her phone away, ending the call. She glances at
Theo, who continues to dance. She rolls her eyes.
Zena splashes water in her face as she leans over the sink.
She looks up at the mirror and stares at her reflection.
Why the hell am I even here?
Zena crosses her arms and taps her right foot on the ground
as she waits for the elevator to reach its destination.
Suddenly, it comes to a stop. The elevator door opens to
reveal an unamused Theo.
(equally cold)
I didn’t think you had it in you to
show your face around here.
Well, I do work here you know.
ZENA (cont’d)
Even if we’re having problems.
Theo looks Zena up and down as he proceeds to enter the
elevator. The door closes behind him and the elevator
continues its journey upwards.
Uh, no. You have problems. I’ve
dealt with all of mine.
If dealing with problems mean
refusing to ever talk about them,
then yeah, you’re doing great.
The hell is that supposed to mean?
I just don’t understand how you can
be so callous.
(turns sharply)
Seriously? You’re going there?
(hands on hips)
I’ve been there.
Well, if that’s the case, I should
point out that the only reason I’m
being quote and unquote "callous"
is because you are so damned touchy
sometimes. I mean seriously, would
it kill you to live a little?
Well, I wouldn’t have to be so
"touchy" if you weren’t
narcissistic as fuck. I’m still
shocked that we even dated. You’re
the type of blockhead who would
just gladly date himself.
Oh wow. Well, wouldn’t that be a
refreshing change from dating you
and your suspicious ass?
(off Zena’s gasp)
THEO (cont’d)
Yup. If I’m an excessively
narcissistic blockhead, you’re a
tremendously over-suspicious twit.
Zena turns to Theo and reaches up to slap him. He grabs her
arm. They stare each other down. Zena snatches her arm away.
She faces the elevator door, putting her back to Theo.
I should’ve known that talking to
you wouldn’t do anything at this
point. You’re so damned stubborn.
Oh, and you’re not? We wouldn’t
even be in the situation if--
The elevator stops abruptly, causing Theo and Zena to
stumble into each other. Theo steadies Zena. Annoyed, she
snatches her body away and presses a couple of elevator
buttons. Nothing happens.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!
She jabs the open button. The elevator remains motionless.
...And we’re stuck.
I think we’ve established that at
this point, smart one. The question
is how the hell do we get out?
(hand to chin)
Well, let’s see. You like to invent
your way out of things, right?
(pauses; yells)
So...why don’t you invent your way
out of this bullshit?!?!
Theo rolls his eyes as he leans against the elevator wall.
Oh my God. The only thing worse
than being stuck in here is being
stuck in here with you.
Like you’re any better.
This can’t possibly get any worse.
The lights shut off.
Oh for fuck’s sake!
Zena and Theo sit in absolute, utter darkness in silence.
ZENA bullshit.
Zena slams her fists into the floor.
So, I know you’re pissed and all,
but can you, um, I don’t know,
quietly shut the fuck up? It’s hot,
I’m hungry, and I’m stuck in here
with you. I think I’ve suffered
enough today.
You know what? I’m not even going
to reply to that.
It’s obvious that you hate me and
that there’s little I can do to
change your mind.
Silence fills the elevator once more.
...Who said I hated you?
You didn’t have to say it. It was
I implied nothing of the sort.
Yeah, I’m semi-angry with you,
Semi? Really?
Fine. I’m angry with you, okay?
But...I could never hate you.
So...where does that leave us?
I don’t know. And that’s not me
being ’narcissistic and callous’
Theo. That’s me being--
You. Just you.
Can we at least be friends? I mean,
it’s gonna be weird hanging out
with Will and the rest of the group
since we’re not together any more
--And though I get exactly what
you’re saying, a part of me wants
to say "no".
Why is that? Why say "no"?
I don’t have this much love
reserved for any of my friends. I
don’t pine after any of my friends.
I don’t want to make love to anyone
of my friends. So naturally, I
don’t want to be your friend, Zena.
Reducing us to that would be a
complete insult to all that we went
through, but at the same time--
--We’re not completely ready to
lose each other.
More silence.
Friendship it is, then.
There’s movement on Theo’s side of the elevator. In a few
seconds, he is right beside Zena.
Theo, what are you--?
I need to ask you something.
...Do you love me?
You do realize that that question
is what got us here in the first
place, right?
Suddenly, the door opens. Theo and Zena look at each other
in the dim light.
Oh. That’s why.
There’s a loud crash. Zena bolts from the bathroom and
sprints down the hall to the kitchen.
She places her palm to her head when she sees Theo stumbling
around in the kitchen. He slams several cabinets open.
Theo, you’re going to hurt
Don’t worry...I-I got evurething
Zena groans. She trudges deeper into the kitchen, towards
Theo. Before she reaches him, she spots the remnants of a
broken bottle. She jumps back before she can step on it.
Theo slams open another cabinet, causing Zena to look up. He
turns, revealing yet another bottle in his hand.
(puts hand out)
Give it here. You’ve had enough.
Theo hesitates.
Theo turns to walk away. Zena tries to yank the bottle out
of his hand. He suddenly lets go. She tumbles to the floor
and the bottle smashes into the ground next to her. She puts
her hand to her head, her vision blurring.
Someone knocks. Zena looks over in the direction of the
balcony, which is down the hall from the kitchen. On the
balcony, behind an elaborate glass door, is WILL TRENTON,
31, Blonde. He holds a paper bag in his left hand, with his
backpack slung across his right shoulder. He knocks again.
Zena looks back at Theo and points at him.
You stay right there!
Zena struggles to pick herself up. After succeeding, she
hobbles over to the balcony and slides the glass door open.
Will waltzes inside. Zena slides the door closed behind him.
Thank God. Now that you’re here:
Theo peeks his head out of the kitchen.
Damn. How much did he have to
Judging by how plastered he is and
how long I’ve known him, I’m
guessing at least a bottle. Double
What the fuck?
I kid you not.
Zena points at the paper bag in Will’s hand.
What’s in the bag?
See for yourself.
Will tosses the bag over to Zena, who snatches it out of the
air. She opens the bag and frowns at its contents.
Really, Will? Really?
What good is General Tso’s Chicken
to me at a time like this?!
It’s not for you, idiot. It’s for
Will points at Theo. Theo begins singing.
That motherfucker is going to wake
up with a hangover from hell
tomorrow if he doesn’t get enough
sugar and water to offset the
(points at paper bag)
That chicken has enough sugar to
kill a diabetic.
(loud singing)
"It’s a quarter after one, I’m a
little drunk and I need you now..."
Zena stares at Theo. Will cocks his head to the side.
That’s strangely...appropriate.
Zena shoots Will a look as she crosses her arms.
What?! I was just saying.
Can we just focus on getting Theo’s
drunk ass away from the kitchen?
You know, lest he break something
Will puts his hands up in mock surrender. Zena rolls her
eyes and makes her way to the kitchen with Will following
close behind. As they enter the kitchen, Zena and Will step
over shards of glass and grab a hold of Theo’s body. They
haul him out of the kitchen and carry him into the living
room. They toss Theo onto a nearby couch and sit down on the
table across from him.
Zena winces and places her hand to her head momentarily. She
makes a face and touches it again. She brings her hand back
down. It’s covered in blood.
Holy shit!
Will reaches for her hand. He looks up at her.
What? I don’t really remember how
this happened...
What do you mean you "don’t really"
remember how this happened?! You’re
bleeding, Zena!
I can see that.
Can you be serious for like five
fucking seconds?!
Look, I have been through a lot
tonight. So excuse me if I can’t
remember how...
Zena’s voice trails off as she places her bloody hand back
at the side of her head.
...How? How what?
...I kinda remember trying to take
another bottle away from Theo.
Somehow during all of that, I ended
up on the floor...I think.
Shit. You must’ve hit your head
Will pushes her black hair aside, moving her bloody hand. He
Yeah. That is one nasty gash, but I
bet I can patch you up. Then you
can stuff Theo’s face with chicken
and shove some water down his
throat before he passes out.
Zena looks at him with wide eyes.
Oh no. Hell no, Will. I’ve been
through enough already. You feed
Nope. Fuck that. He’s your...I
don’t know, but you’re feeding him.
Zena, not to be defeated, looks at Will with big, puppy dog
eyes and pouted lips. Will glances at her and looks away.
After a few seconds, he glances at her once again and places
his face into his palm. He sighs.
Goddammit. Fine. But let me patch
you up first.
Will reaches for his backpack and pulls out a first aid kit.
What? I was an Eagle Scout,
I know that. But seriously?
Will rolls his eyes at her as he pulls out several alcohol
pads and a large bandage.
Where can I find a towel around
ZENA the kitchen. Third drawer
down on your right.
Okay. Sit tight.
Will wanders into the kitchen. After several minutes, he
returns to Zena with a brown towel in his hand, dragging a
trash can behind him with his foot. He sits down and begins
tending to her wound. Zena speaks after a long silence.
No problem.
Zena flinches at the stinging of an alcohol pad.
If you don’t mind me asking, what
are you doing here, exactly?
What do you mean?
You know what I mean.
No, I don’t know what you mean,
which is why I’m asking.
Will stares at Zena for the longest time before she finally
(rolls eyes)
Fine. Theo called me and I came
over to help? Are you happy?
Is that what you’re going with?
(crosses arms)
Yeah, that’s that I’m going with.
Will shoots her a skeptical look. When she doesn’t say
anything, he reaches into his backpack and pulls out a
People magazine. He shows her the cover, which happens to
have her and Theo on it.
"Spoiled Playboy and Creative
Genius Call It Splitsville."
(glares at Will)
Really Will? Really? You’re into
this bullshit?
What? It’s entertaining.
Will puts the magazine away and throws a bloodied alcohol
pad into the trash can. He reaches for the bandage.
Theo and I are friends now, okay?
Just in case you were wondering.
Interesting. Is that what you kids
call it these days?
Zena glares at him.
My bad. But seriously, you must
really love the guy. I don’t have
many friends who would come over
this late and help me out when I’m
all shit-faced and--
Will stops when he sees a knowing look on Zena’s face.
--wait. Do you?
Do I what?
Love him?
I don’t wanna talk about it.
Well, does he know?
Are you going to tell him?!
Are you going to tell Michelle that
you have the hots for her and that
you want to have her babies!?
(widens eyes)
That doesn’t even--
--I know what I said.
You didn’t have to get defensive. I
was just asking.
(crosses arms)
So what, are you going to make
yourself not love him? Because it
might be too late for that.
She stands up and walks over to the couch to check on Theo.
I’ll get over it. I always do.
She leans over Theo.
Fine. Do what you want. But when
you pine away and die alone because
you refused to love anybody, don’t
come crying to--
--Will, he’s not breathing.
Theo! He’s not breathing!
...Well shit.

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Friendship, It's Not (Short)

  • 1. Friendship, It’s Not (Short) By Alex Obasuyi 1169 E. 54th Street #3 Chicago, IL 60615 615-977-8043
  • 2. INT. CRUZ SPIRE/THEO’S PENTHOUSE - NIGHT ZENA MCKALL, 26, African American, stands in front of a door. She raises her hand to knock. SECURITY SYSTEM (in Irish accent) Now, I wouldn’t be doin’ that, Ms. McKall. The lad hasn’t been speakin’ too fondly of ya these days. ZENA (V.O.) And...that’ll be Theo’s security system, "A.S.I.A". Granted, we live in New York and all, but seriously? (sighs) And why he gave the stupid thing an Irish accent, I’ll never know. ZENA Look, I’m not here to kill Theo or anything. I just need to talk to him. A.S.I.A. Ya’d be makin’ a blatherin’ mess of things! And Mr. Cruz’s knickers would be in a-- The door swings open, revealing THEO CRUZ, 37, Brunette, in all of his drunken glory. THEO (hiccups) ZENA! What bri-brings you here? ZENA (crosses arms) You called me. Well, actually, you called me, I screened your call, and then you called Anna, who then told me that you were drunk, and now I’m here. THEO (ignores Zena) Don’ there! Co-come on in! Theo reaches for Zena’s arm. Zena makes a face and snatches it away. Theo stumbles and crashes into Zena as they both fall into the ground. She squirms under Theo.
  • 3. 2. THEO Oops! Looks like I’m f-falling for you all over again! Theo laughs obscenely, to the point of cackling. Zena pushes him off and stands up. She glances at the watch on her wrist. It’s 3 am. She shoots a still cackling Theo a glare. ZENA (V.O.) This is so not how I thought I’d be spending my Friday night. ZENA Theo, how much have you had to drink? THEO glass. ZENA (V.O.) As if I’ll believe that. ZENA (rolls eyes) Come on, Theo. It’s detox for you. Zena helps Theo up from the ground and ushers him back into his penthouse. She closes the door as Theo looks around. He suddenly stumbles away. INT. LIVING ROOM - NIGHT THEO Asia? A.S.I.A. Yes, lad? THEO Uh, play some nice music. I wanna dance. Loud music pours out from the speakers around the penthouse. Theo shakes his body like he’s having a seizure. THEO (waves Zena over) Co-come da-dance with me! ZENA (groans into her hand) No, Theo. I don’t wanna dance. Theo shrugs and goes back to his strange dance moves.
  • 4. 3. ZENA (V.O.) I’ve only seen Theo drunk once before and even then, the most offensive thing he did was tell a couple of inappropriate jokes. This is...different. Zena reaches into her pocket and pulls out her phone. She dials and presses the phone against her ear. ZENA (into phone) Hey, meet me at Cruz Spire. I need your help. Zena puts her phone away, ending the call. She glances at Theo, who continues to dance. She rolls her eyes. CUT TO: INT. BATHROOM - NIGHT Zena splashes water in her face as she leans over the sink. She looks up at the mirror and stares at her reflection. ZENA (V.O.) (sighs) Why the hell am I even here? BEGIN FLASHBACK INT. CRUZ PRODUCTIONS/ELEVATOR - DAY Zena crosses her arms and taps her right foot on the ground as she waits for the elevator to reach its destination. Suddenly, it comes to a stop. The elevator door opens to reveal an unamused Theo. THEO (cold) McKall. ZENA (equally cold) Cruz. THEO I didn’t think you had it in you to show your face around here. ZENA Well, I do work here you know. (pauses) (MORE)
  • 5. 4. ZENA (cont’d) Even if we’re having problems. Theo looks Zena up and down as he proceeds to enter the elevator. The door closes behind him and the elevator continues its journey upwards. THEO Uh, no. You have problems. I’ve dealt with all of mine. ZENA If dealing with problems mean refusing to ever talk about them, then yeah, you’re doing great. THEO The hell is that supposed to mean? ZENA I just don’t understand how you can be so callous. THEO (turns sharply) Seriously? You’re going there? ZENA (hands on hips) I’ve been there. THEO Well, if that’s the case, I should point out that the only reason I’m being quote and unquote "callous" is because you are so damned touchy sometimes. I mean seriously, would it kill you to live a little? ZENA Well, I wouldn’t have to be so "touchy" if you weren’t narcissistic as fuck. I’m still shocked that we even dated. You’re the type of blockhead who would just gladly date himself. THEO Oh wow. Well, wouldn’t that be a refreshing change from dating you and your suspicious ass? (off Zena’s gasp) (MORE)
  • 6. 5. THEO (cont’d) Yup. If I’m an excessively narcissistic blockhead, you’re a tremendously over-suspicious twit. Zena turns to Theo and reaches up to slap him. He grabs her arm. They stare each other down. Zena snatches her arm away. She faces the elevator door, putting her back to Theo. ZENA (sighs) I should’ve known that talking to you wouldn’t do anything at this point. You’re so damned stubborn. THEO Oh, and you’re not? We wouldn’t even be in the situation if-- The elevator stops abruptly, causing Theo and Zena to stumble into each other. Theo steadies Zena. Annoyed, she snatches her body away and presses a couple of elevator buttons. Nothing happens. ZENA No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! She jabs the open button. The elevator remains motionless. ZENA ...And we’re stuck. THEO I think we’ve established that at this point, smart one. The question is how the hell do we get out? ZENA (hand to chin) Well, let’s see. You like to invent your way out of things, right? (pauses; yells) So...why don’t you invent your way out of this bullshit?!?! Theo rolls his eyes as he leans against the elevator wall. THEO Oh my God. The only thing worse than being stuck in here is being stuck in here with you.
  • 7. 6. ZENA Like you’re any better. (sighs) This can’t possibly get any worse. The lights shut off. THEO (yells) Oh for fuck’s sake! INT. ELEVATOR - DAY (AN HOUR LATER) Zena and Theo sit in absolute, utter darkness in silence. ZENA bullshit. Zena slams her fists into the floor. THEO So, I know you’re pissed and all, but can you, um, I don’t know, quietly shut the fuck up? It’s hot, I’m hungry, and I’m stuck in here with you. I think I’ve suffered enough today. ZENA You know what? I’m not even going to reply to that. (pauses) It’s obvious that you hate me and that there’s little I can do to change your mind. Silence fills the elevator once more. THEO ...Who said I hated you? ZENA You didn’t have to say it. It was implied. THEO I implied nothing of the sort. Yeah, I’m semi-angry with you, but-- ZENA Semi? Really?
  • 8. 7. THEO Fine. I’m angry with you, okay? But...I could never hate you. ZENA So...where does that leave us? THEO I don’t know. And that’s not me being ’narcissistic and callous’ Theo. That’s me being-- ZENA You. Just you. (pauses) Can we at least be friends? I mean, it’s gonna be weird hanging out with Will and the rest of the group since we’re not together any more and-- THEO --And though I get exactly what you’re saying, a part of me wants to say "no". ZENA Why is that? Why say "no"? THEO I don’t have this much love reserved for any of my friends. I don’t pine after any of my friends. I don’t want to make love to anyone of my friends. So naturally, I don’t want to be your friend, Zena. Reducing us to that would be a complete insult to all that we went through, but at the same time-- ZENA --We’re not completely ready to lose each other. More silence. THEO (sighs) Friendship it is, then. There’s movement on Theo’s side of the elevator. In a few seconds, he is right beside Zena.
  • 9. 8. ZENA Theo, what are you--? THEO I need to ask you something. ZENA Okay...? THEO ...Do you love me? ZENA You do realize that that question is what got us here in the first place, right? Suddenly, the door opens. Theo and Zena look at each other in the dim light. END FLASHBACK INT. BATHROOM - NIGHT ZENA (V.O.) Oh. That’s why. There’s a loud crash. Zena bolts from the bathroom and sprints down the hall to the kitchen. INT. KITCHEN - NIGHT She places her palm to her head when she sees Theo stumbling around in the kitchen. He slams several cabinets open. ZENA Theo, you’re going to hurt yourself. THEO Don’t worry...I-I got evurething coverrred. Zena groans. She trudges deeper into the kitchen, towards Theo. Before she reaches him, she spots the remnants of a broken bottle. She jumps back before she can step on it. Theo slams open another cabinet, causing Zena to look up. He turns, revealing yet another bottle in his hand. ZENA (puts hand out) Give it here. You’ve had enough. Theo hesitates.
  • 10. 9. ZENA Theo... Theo turns to walk away. Zena tries to yank the bottle out of his hand. He suddenly lets go. She tumbles to the floor and the bottle smashes into the ground next to her. She puts her hand to her head, her vision blurring. Someone knocks. Zena looks over in the direction of the balcony, which is down the hall from the kitchen. On the balcony, behind an elaborate glass door, is WILL TRENTON, 31, Blonde. He holds a paper bag in his left hand, with his backpack slung across his right shoulder. He knocks again. Zena looks back at Theo and points at him. ZENA You stay right there! Zena struggles to pick herself up. After succeeding, she hobbles over to the balcony and slides the glass door open. Will waltzes inside. Zena slides the door closed behind him. INT. LIVING ROOM - NIGHT ZENA Thank God. Now that you’re here: HELP. Theo peeks his head out of the kitchen. THEO (excited) HEY! ROBIN HOOD IS HERE! NOW IT’S A PARTAAAAAAAAY. WILL Damn. How much did he have to drink? ZENA Judging by how plastered he is and how long I’ve known him, I’m guessing at least a bottle. Double magnum. WILL What the fuck? ZENA I kid you not. Zena points at the paper bag in Will’s hand.
  • 11. 10. ZENA What’s in the bag? WILL See for yourself. Will tosses the bag over to Zena, who snatches it out of the air. She opens the bag and frowns at its contents. ZENA Really, Will? Really? (louder) What good is General Tso’s Chicken to me at a time like this?! WILL It’s not for you, idiot. It’s for that. Will points at Theo. Theo begins singing. WILL That motherfucker is going to wake up with a hangover from hell tomorrow if he doesn’t get enough sugar and water to offset the effects. (points at paper bag) That chicken has enough sugar to kill a diabetic. THEO (loud singing) "It’s a quarter after one, I’m a little drunk and I need you now..." Zena stares at Theo. Will cocks his head to the side. WILL That’s strangely...appropriate. Zena shoots Will a look as she crosses her arms. WILL What?! I was just saying. ZENA Can we just focus on getting Theo’s drunk ass away from the kitchen? You know, lest he break something else?
  • 12. 11. Will puts his hands up in mock surrender. Zena rolls her eyes and makes her way to the kitchen with Will following close behind. As they enter the kitchen, Zena and Will step over shards of glass and grab a hold of Theo’s body. They haul him out of the kitchen and carry him into the living room. They toss Theo onto a nearby couch and sit down on the table across from him. Zena winces and places her hand to her head momentarily. She makes a face and touches it again. She brings her hand back down. It’s covered in blood. WILL Holy shit! Will reaches for her hand. He looks up at her. ZENA What? I don’t really remember how this happened... WILL What do you mean you "don’t really" remember how this happened?! You’re bleeding, Zena! ZENA I can see that. WILL Can you be serious for like five fucking seconds?! ZENA Look, I have been through a lot tonight. So excuse me if I can’t remember how... Zena’s voice trails off as she places her bloody hand back at the side of her head. WILL ...How? How what? ZENA ...I kinda remember trying to take another bottle away from Theo. Somehow during all of that, I ended up on the floor...I think. WILL Shit. You must’ve hit your head then.
  • 13. 12. Will pushes her black hair aside, moving her bloody hand. He whistles. WILL Yeah. That is one nasty gash, but I bet I can patch you up. Then you can stuff Theo’s face with chicken and shove some water down his throat before he passes out. Zena looks at him with wide eyes. ZENA Oh no. Hell no, Will. I’ve been through enough already. You feed him. WILL Nope. Fuck that. He’s your...I don’t know, but you’re feeding him. Zena, not to be defeated, looks at Will with big, puppy dog eyes and pouted lips. Will glances at her and looks away. After a few seconds, he glances at her once again and places his face into his palm. He sighs. WILL Goddammit. Fine. But let me patch you up first. Will reaches for his backpack and pulls out a first aid kit. ZENA Seriously? WILL What? I was an Eagle Scout, remember? ZENA (laughs) I know that. But seriously? Will rolls his eyes at her as he pulls out several alcohol pads and a large bandage. WILL Where can I find a towel around here? ZENA the kitchen. Third drawer down on your right.
  • 14. 13. WILL Okay. Sit tight. Will wanders into the kitchen. After several minutes, he returns to Zena with a brown towel in his hand, dragging a trash can behind him with his foot. He sits down and begins tending to her wound. Zena speaks after a long silence. ZENA Thanks. WILL No problem. Zena flinches at the stinging of an alcohol pad. WILL Zena? ZENA Yeah? WILL If you don’t mind me asking, what are you doing here, exactly? ZENA What do you mean? WILL You know what I mean. ZENA No, I don’t know what you mean, which is why I’m asking. Will stares at Zena for the longest time before she finally sighs. ZENA (rolls eyes) Fine. Theo called me and I came over to help? Are you happy? WILL (chuckles) Is that what you’re going with? ZENA (crosses arms) Yeah, that’s that I’m going with.
  • 15. 14. Will shoots her a skeptical look. When she doesn’t say anything, he reaches into his backpack and pulls out a People magazine. He shows her the cover, which happens to have her and Theo on it. ZENA (reads) "Spoiled Playboy and Creative Genius Call It Splitsville." (glares at Will) Really Will? Really? You’re into this bullshit? WILL What? It’s entertaining. Will puts the magazine away and throws a bloodied alcohol pad into the trash can. He reaches for the bandage. ZENA (sighs) Theo and I are friends now, okay? Just in case you were wondering. WILL (smirks) Interesting. Is that what you kids call it these days? Zena glares at him. WILL My bad. But seriously, you must really love the guy. I don’t have many friends who would come over this late and help me out when I’m all shit-faced and-- Will stops when he sees a knowing look on Zena’s face. WILL --wait. Do you? ZENA Do I what? WILL Love him? ZENA I don’t wanna talk about it.
  • 16. 15. WILL Well, does he know? ZENA No. WILL Are you going to tell him?! ZENA (snaps) Are you going to tell Michelle that you have the hots for her and that you want to have her babies!? WILL (widens eyes) That doesn’t even-- ZENA --I know what I said. WILL You didn’t have to get defensive. I was just asking. ZENA Whatever. WILL (crosses arms) So what, are you going to make yourself not love him? Because it might be too late for that. She stands up and walks over to the couch to check on Theo. ZENA I’ll get over it. I always do. She leans over Theo. WILL Fine. Do what you want. But when you pine away and die alone because you refused to love anybody, don’t come crying to-- ZENA (worried) --Will, he’s not breathing.
  • 17. 16. WILL What? ZENA (frantic) Theo! He’s not breathing! WILL ...Well shit.