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Contributions of the SocialNEET project to the
development of skills for active life
Juliana Costa1, Arlinda Semedo2, Sofia Bergano3, Vitor Gonçalves4
1,2 Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Portugal
3 CEAD, Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Portugal
4 CIEB, Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Portugal
• Introduction
• SocialNEET: State of the Art
SocialNEET: Young NEET
SocialNEET: Facilitators of the youth NEET
SocialNEET: Entrepreneurship education of the NEET Facilitators
• Metodological framework: Contextualization of the project
• Reflections on the activities carried out
• Conclusions
• Acknowledgement & References
• The creation of opportunities for youth employment, namely
for NEET (not in education, employment, or training), is among
the main public policies promoted by the European Union (EU)
as a way of promoting more equal territories;
• In this sense, the EEA and Norways Grants Funds for Youth
Employment, finances the SocialNEET Project in seven
European countries: Slovenia, Spain, Greece, Italy, Latvia,
Poland, and Portugal;
• Main objective:
to generating opportunities for young people to enter the labor
market or create knowledge to promote self-employment,
fighting social inequality, meeting the 2030 Agenda.
• In Portugal, the SocialNEET Project had its NEET meeting
point, promoted by the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança
(IPB), between November 2020 and February 2021;
• The main action was the training of higher education students
to assist the NEET youth training process;
• This work consists of a mixed case study, aimed at
understanding the perceptions developed by higher
education students, called facilitators (N = 10), in the support
of the training process for young NEET.
SocialNEET : State of the art
• Education should be the main factor to reduce social
disparities among young people, as in 2020, more of 5.5
million young people were in NEET status in the EU (Lorinc,
Ryan, D'Angelo, & Kaye, 2019);
• The SocialNEET Project give an important contribute to the
2030 Agenda and the Suistanable Development Goals (SDG),
targeting the SDG 4 “Quality Education”, advocates increasing
the educational offer for young people who contribute to
improving literacy skills, “technical and professional skills,
which lead to employment, work decent and
entrepreneurship” (United Nations, n.d.).
SocialNEET: Young NEET
• The acronym NEET is used in the EU to define groups of
young people between 15 and 34 years old who are not in
education, employment, or training;
• It is considered a serious economic and social problem for
the 27 Member States (Giret, Guégnard, & Joseph, 2020;
Jongbloed & Giret, 2021);
• In this project the target audience were NEET between 18
and 29 years.
SocialNEET: Facilitators of the youth NEET
• The creation of opportunities to more attentive social needs,
entrepreunership and the ability to intervene and propose
innovative solutions must be among the training
competencies offered to students in the various areas of
higher education (Blázquez, Zaldívar, & Leite, 2018 ;
Gonçalves, 2020);
• The education for entrepreneurship offered by SocialNEET
training contributes to the training process of future
professionals more aware of their role as a global citizen,
acting in the construction of business opportunities that lead
to social justice and a better generation of income, going to
meeting of sustainable development.
SocialNEET: Entrepreneurship education of
the NEET Facilitators
• The 2030 Agenda clearly shows entrepreneurship education in
the SDGs as a goal to be achieved in favor of sustainable
development (United Nations, n.d.);
• It is necessary to educate the individual for social and business
skills, to awaken creativity and innovation, and to train
professionals with the ability to recognize soft skills and
intercultural communication as elements of strategic thinking
to achieve social equity (Blazquez et al., 2018; Gonçalves, 2020).
Metodological framework:
Contextualization of the project
• The NEET meeting point, was promoted by the Polytechnic
Institute of Bragança (IPB);
• The first training session took place at the School of
Education (ESE/IPB), in a blended learning approach;
• Between November 2020 and February 2021;
• The sample was constituted on a voluntary basis, being
formed by higher education students in different training
areas (N=10).
The training for NEET facilitators consisted of the following
i. Course “The peculiarities of intercultural communication” (9
ii. Recognition of soft skills and self and straight knowledge (5
iii. Education for entrepreneurship , using idea generation processes
in the context of Design Thinking and the Walt Disney Creative
Process, using brainstorming, SCAMPER, empathy map and the
business model canvas (5 hours)
Practical part by the methodology “learning by doing” (15 hours).
Methodology and procedures for collecting
and processing information
• The research was based on a mixed case study (quali-quanti);
• The data collection was carried out through an online
questionnaire or survey, in the Google Forms format;
• It was divided into two parts:
1. Sociodemographic understanding (the type of facilitators
(Challenge-Based Innovation or voluntary), sex, age, level of
education and experience in the labor market);
2. Thirty-six items divided into three blocks of twelve items each for
understanding the perception of the competencies of: i)
intercultural communication; ii) recognition of soft skills; and iii)
education for entrepreneurship.
• The evaluation was on a five-point multi-item opinion scale
(Likert scale), where one represented “did not contribute
anything” and five “contributed a lot”.
• The survey was made available to the facilitators at the end
of the SocialNEET training;
• The treatment of the data proceeded using a specific
statistical program the IBM SPSS Software (Statistical Package
for the Social Sciences);
• In addition to this data collection instrument, an observation
grid was also used where each of the trainers recorded the
most relevant actions, interactions, and iterations that he
considered important, not forgetting the identification of
individual or group results.
Characterization of participants
• The participants in this study correspond to two different
typologies: volunteer facilitators and CBI facilitators
(participants enrolled in the “10% up to you” program of the
IPB platform for entrepreneurship, employability, and training
innovation (, namely in the Challenge-Based
Innovation (CBI) module);
• The number of respondents was 10 facilitators, 80% of whom
are CBI facilitators (N=8), and 20% of whom are voluntary
facilitators (N=2);
• 80% are female (N=8; CBI and volunteers) and 20 % male
(N=2; CBI).
• The age of the facilitators is between 20 and 43 years (N=10),
with an average of 27 years for individuals, and a standard
deviation of 1.059 years;
• Regarding the level of study, 80% are studying at
undergraduate level (N=8), and 20% at master's level (N=2);
• In a total of 10 respondents, 90% of the facilitators (N=9)
claimed to have some paid work experience, and only 10%
(N=1) said had no work experience.
Reflections on the activities carried out
• The activities developed in SocialNEET training sought to
contribute to the development of skills in facilitators, in
order to prepare more active professionals for the creation
of opportunities to enter the job market;
• Among the skills worked on, intercultural communication,
provided facilitators with a reflection on the importance of
culture and the ability to communicate in business
relationships, being worked through the course “The
peculiarities of intercultural communication;
• The results are demonstrated in Table 1;
Skills/Items NCM(1) NC(2) N (3) C(4) CM(5) average standard
1- The peculiarities of intercultural
Improve the way I communicate; - - 2(0,2%) 4(0,4%) 4(0,4%) 4,20 0,789
Develop intercultural communication
- - 1(0,1%) 5(0,5%) 4(0,4%) 4,30 0,675
Know how to communicate with others; - - 2(0,2%) 6(0,6%) 2(0,2%) 4,00 0,667
Reflect on the creation of stereotypes and
their negative effects on society;
- - 3(0,3%) 4(0,4%) 3(0,3%) 4,00 0,816
Know how to communicate with others; - - 2(0,2%) 6(0,6%) 2(0,2%) 4,00 0,667
Develop knowledge that allows me to
avoid stereotypes during the
communication process;
- - 1(0,1%) 4(0,4%) 5(0,5%) 4,40 0,669
Know the different types of
- - 1(0,1%) 4(0,4%) 5(0,5%) 4,40 0,699
Communicate openly and clearly - - 2(0,2%) 6(0,6%) 2(0,2%) 4,00 0,699
Table 1- Descriptive results for competence: The peculiarities of intercultural communication
Enabling cultural differences to be
recognized and optimised as a resource
for learning
- - 1(0,1%) 4(0,4%) 5(0,5%) 4,40 0,699
Broaden my knowledge about the
intercultural differences between
- - 1(0,1%) 2(0,2%) 7(0,7%) 4,60 0,699
Reflect on the creation of stereotypes
and their negative effects on society
- - 3(0,3%) 4(0,4%) 3(0,3%) 4,00 0,816
Understand the need to improve verbal
and nonverbal communication between
sender and receiver
- - 1(0,1%) 3(0,3%) 6(0,6%) 4,50 0,707
Understand the importance of
respect in the sharing of spaces
between different nationalities
- - 1(0,1%) 2(0,2%) 7(0,7%) 4,60 0,699
Realizing the importance of
understanding culture within
business relationships
- - 1(0,1%) 5(0,5%) 3(0,3%) 3,9 1,197
Global relationship - - - - - 52,0 6,815
1- Does Not Contribute at all (NCN); 2- Does not contribute (NC); 3- Neutral (N); 4- Contribution(C); 5- Contributes (Contributes A Lot)
Source: prepared by the Authors, May 2021
• Following the SocialNEET training, the soft skills recognition
competence addressed through group dynamics on the
theme of self and hetero knowledge, the facilitators worked
on the ability to understand that personal and professional
skills are transferable between knowledge fields, the same
being considered important elements for teamwork;
• The results found for this competence are demonstrated in
Table 2;
Skills/Items NCM(1) NC(2) N (3) C(4) CM(5) average standard
1- The competence of
recognition of soft skills:
Reflect on me and get to know
myself better;
- 1(0,1%) 1(0,1%) 4(0,4%) 4(0,4%) 4,10 0,994
Valuing and monetizing the skills
demonstrated by other people;
- - 1(0,1%) 5(0,5%) 4(0,4%) 4,30 0,675
Identify areas of personal skills that
can be transferred;
- - 1(0,1%) 2(0,2%) 7(0,7%) 4,60 0,699
To help me get to know others; - - 1(0,1%) 1(0,1%) 8(0,8%) 4,70 0,675
Work in a diverse team; - - 1(0,1%) 1(0,1%) 8(0,8%) 4,70 0,675
Adapt-me to different context; - - 1(0,1%) 4(0,4%) 5(0,5%) 4,40 0,669
Allow me to know the personal
characteristics and behaviors that
can affect professional
- - 1(0,1%) 6(0,6%) 3(0,3%) 4,20 0,632
Table 2- Descriptive results for soft skills recognition competence
To provoke in me reflections on
attitudes and behaviors towards
me and the other
- 1(0,1%) 1(0,1%) 3(0,3%) 5(0,5%) 4,20 1,033
Understand how knowledge of the
other can contribute to the
cohesion of the work team
- - 1(0,1%) 4(0,4%) 5(0,5%) 4,40 0,699
understand - - 1(0,1%) 2(0,2%) 7(0,7%) 4,60 0,699
Recognize my characteristics and
monetize them in the context of
- - 2(0,2%) 4(0,4%) 4(0,4%) 4,20 0,789
Identify ing competencies to be
strengthened in the sense of
personal and professional
- - 1(0,1%) 4(0,4%) 5(0,5%) 4,40 0,699
Identify the importance of having
clear focus and objectives to
achieve success
- - 1(0,1%) 4(0,4%) 5(0,5%) 4,40 0,699
Global relationship - - - - - 52,6 7,862
1- Does Not Contribute at all (NCN); 2- Does not contribute (NC); 3- Neutral (N); 4- Contribution(C); 5- Contributes (Contributes A Lot)
Source: prepared by the Authors, May 2021
• For the field of entrepreneurship, the use of the learning by
doing methodology allowed the facilitators a practical
experience for which they were trained;
• In this sense, the global average obtained was demonstrated
in Table 3;
Table 3- Descriptive results for entrepreneurship competence
Skills/Items NCM (1) NC(2) N (3) C(4) CM(5) average standard
1- Competence of
Demystify the concept of
entrepreneurship and its
- 1(0,1%) 5(0,5%) 4(0,4%) 4(0,4%) 4,30 0,675
Identify and work my
entrepreneurial profile;
- - 1(0,1%) 4(0,4%) 5(0,5%) 4,40 0,699
Develop my entrepreneurial skills; - - 1(0,1%) 5(0,5%) 4(0,4%) 4,30 0,675
Dream project or business ideas; - 1(0,1%) 1(0,1%) 2(0,2%) 6(0,6%) 4,30 1,059
Design project or business
- 1(0,1%) 1(0,1%) 2(0,2%) (0,8%) 4,70 0,675
Collaborate in the creation of a
project or business model;
- - 2(0,2%) 2(0,2%) 6(0,6%) 4,40 0,843
Develop skills that have enabled
me to become an entrepreneur
- - 2(0,2%) 3(0,3%) 5(0,5%) 4,30 0,823
Develop skills that enabled me to
act as a facilitator
- - 1(0,1%) 2(0,2%) 7(0,7%) 4,60 0,699
Know and use free tools useful
for the process of building a
- - 1(0,1%) 3(0,3%) 6(0,6%) 4,50 0,707
Learn how to draw a customer
empathy map
1(0,1%) - 1(0,1%) 5(0,5%) 3(0,3%) 3,90 1,197
Learn how to design a business
model (Bussines Model Canvas)
1(0,1%) - 2(0,2%) 2(0,2%) 5(0,5%) 4,00 1,333
Identify ing competencies to be
strengthened in the sense of
personal and professional
- - 1(0,1%) 4(0,4%) 5(0,5%) 4,40 0,699
Develop communication skills to
present projects in format, pitch
1(0,1%) - 1(0,1%) 5(0,5%) 3(0,3%) 4,00 0,943
Global relationship - - - - - 51,1 8,504
1- Does Not Contribute at all (NCN); 2- Does not contribute (NC); 3- Neutral (N); 4- Contribution(C); 5- Contributes (Contributes A Lot)
Source: prepared by the Authors, May 2021
• The SocialNEET Project, through peer facilitation (NEET and
facilitators) provided the group of facilitators with an
opportunity for tutoring and practical skills within
intercultural communication, the recognition of soft skills
and entrepreneurship education;
• Through the training actions of the project, the facilitators
were able to understand that entrepreneurship means much
more than a business model, being above all a way to build
knowledge, and allow the construction of a more equal
Blázquez, A. L. T., Zaldívar, C. R. V., & Leite, E. F. (2018). Emprendimiento ¿Actitud o
como competencia del capital humano? Una mirada conceptual desde la
Universidad de Holguín, Cuba. HOLOS, Ano 34, 8, 109-137. DOI:
EEA Grants (s. d.). Fund for Youth Employment. Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norways
Grants and Norways Grants [Web page]. Acedido em 17 de outubro de 2020
Giret, J-F., Guégnard, C., & Joseph, O. (2020). School-to-work transition in France:
the role of education in escaping long-term NEET trajectories. International
Journal of Lifelong Education. DOI: 10.1080/02601370.2020.1796835
Gonçalves, V. (2020). Educação para o empreendedorismo e tecnologias
associadas. Pedagogias digitais no ensino superior. Coleção Estratégias de
Ensino e Sucesso Académico: Boas Práticas no Ensino Superior. Cap. 9, 8,169-
This work has been supported by FCT – Fundação para a Ciência
e Tecnologia within the Project Scope: UIDB/05777/2020.
Jongbloed, J., & Giret, J-F. (2021). Quality of life of NEET youth in
comparative perspective: subjective well-being during the transition
to adulthood, Journal of Youth Studies.
Lörinc, M., Ryan, L., D’Angelo, A., & Kaye, N. (2019). De-individualising
the ‘NEET problem’: An ecological systems analysis. European
Educational Research Journal.
Nações Unidas (s. d.). 4 Educação de Qualidade. Centro Regional de
Informação para a Europa Ocidental [Web page]. Retrieved from
SocialNEET (s. d.). What is SocialNEET [Web page]. Acedido em 17 de
novembro de 2020 em
Thank you

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  • 1. Contributions of the SocialNEET project to the development of skills for active life Juliana Costa1, Arlinda Semedo2, Sofia Bergano3, Vitor Gonçalves4 1,2 Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Portugal 3 CEAD, Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Portugal 4 CIEB, Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Portugal 1
  • 2. Index • Introduction • SocialNEET: State of the Art SocialNEET: Young NEET SocialNEET: Facilitators of the youth NEET SocialNEET: Entrepreneurship education of the NEET Facilitators • Metodological framework: Contextualization of the project • Reflections on the activities carried out • Conclusions • Acknowledgement & References 2
  • 3. Introduction • The creation of opportunities for youth employment, namely for NEET (not in education, employment, or training), is among the main public policies promoted by the European Union (EU) as a way of promoting more equal territories; • In this sense, the EEA and Norways Grants Funds for Youth Employment, finances the SocialNEET Project in seven European countries: Slovenia, Spain, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Poland, and Portugal; • Main objective: to generating opportunities for young people to enter the labor market or create knowledge to promote self-employment, fighting social inequality, meeting the 2030 Agenda. 3
  • 4. • In Portugal, the SocialNEET Project had its NEET meeting point, promoted by the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (IPB), between November 2020 and February 2021; • The main action was the training of higher education students to assist the NEET youth training process; • This work consists of a mixed case study, aimed at understanding the perceptions developed by higher education students, called facilitators (N = 10), in the support of the training process for young NEET. 4 Introduction
  • 5. SocialNEET : State of the art • Education should be the main factor to reduce social disparities among young people, as in 2020, more of 5.5 million young people were in NEET status in the EU (Lorinc, Ryan, D'Angelo, & Kaye, 2019); • The SocialNEET Project give an important contribute to the 2030 Agenda and the Suistanable Development Goals (SDG), targeting the SDG 4 “Quality Education”, advocates increasing the educational offer for young people who contribute to improving literacy skills, “technical and professional skills, which lead to employment, work decent and entrepreneurship” (United Nations, n.d.). 5
  • 6. SocialNEET: Young NEET • The acronym NEET is used in the EU to define groups of young people between 15 and 34 years old who are not in education, employment, or training; • It is considered a serious economic and social problem for the 27 Member States (Giret, Guégnard, & Joseph, 2020; Jongbloed & Giret, 2021); • In this project the target audience were NEET between 18 and 29 years. 6
  • 7. SocialNEET: Facilitators of the youth NEET • The creation of opportunities to more attentive social needs, entrepreunership and the ability to intervene and propose innovative solutions must be among the training competencies offered to students in the various areas of higher education (Blázquez, Zaldívar, & Leite, 2018 ; Gonçalves, 2020); • The education for entrepreneurship offered by SocialNEET training contributes to the training process of future professionals more aware of their role as a global citizen, acting in the construction of business opportunities that lead to social justice and a better generation of income, going to meeting of sustainable development. 7
  • 8. SocialNEET: Entrepreneurship education of the NEET Facilitators • The 2030 Agenda clearly shows entrepreneurship education in the SDGs as a goal to be achieved in favor of sustainable development (United Nations, n.d.); • It is necessary to educate the individual for social and business skills, to awaken creativity and innovation, and to train professionals with the ability to recognize soft skills and intercultural communication as elements of strategic thinking to achieve social equity (Blazquez et al., 2018; Gonçalves, 2020). 8
  • 9. Metodological framework: Contextualization of the project • The NEET meeting point, was promoted by the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (IPB); • The first training session took place at the School of Education (ESE/IPB), in a blended learning approach; • Between November 2020 and February 2021; • The sample was constituted on a voluntary basis, being formed by higher education students in different training areas (N=10). 9
  • 10. The training for NEET facilitators consisted of the following modules: i. Course “The peculiarities of intercultural communication” (9 hours) ii. Recognition of soft skills and self and straight knowledge (5 hours) iii. Education for entrepreneurship , using idea generation processes in the context of Design Thinking and the Walt Disney Creative Process, using brainstorming, SCAMPER, empathy map and the business model canvas (5 hours) Practical part by the methodology “learning by doing” (15 hours). 10
  • 11. Methodology and procedures for collecting and processing information • The research was based on a mixed case study (quali-quanti); • The data collection was carried out through an online questionnaire or survey, in the Google Forms format; • It was divided into two parts: 1. Sociodemographic understanding (the type of facilitators (Challenge-Based Innovation or voluntary), sex, age, level of education and experience in the labor market); 2. Thirty-six items divided into three blocks of twelve items each for understanding the perception of the competencies of: i) intercultural communication; ii) recognition of soft skills; and iii) education for entrepreneurship. 11
  • 12. • The evaluation was on a five-point multi-item opinion scale (Likert scale), where one represented “did not contribute anything” and five “contributed a lot”. • The survey was made available to the facilitators at the end of the SocialNEET training; • The treatment of the data proceeded using a specific statistical program the IBM SPSS Software (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences); • In addition to this data collection instrument, an observation grid was also used where each of the trainers recorded the most relevant actions, interactions, and iterations that he considered important, not forgetting the identification of individual or group results. 12
  • 13. Characterization of participants • The participants in this study correspond to two different typologies: volunteer facilitators and CBI facilitators (participants enrolled in the “10% up to you” program of the IPB platform for entrepreneurship, employability, and training innovation (, namely in the Challenge-Based Innovation (CBI) module); • The number of respondents was 10 facilitators, 80% of whom are CBI facilitators (N=8), and 20% of whom are voluntary facilitators (N=2); • 80% are female (N=8; CBI and volunteers) and 20 % male (N=2; CBI). 13
  • 14. • The age of the facilitators is between 20 and 43 years (N=10), with an average of 27 years for individuals, and a standard deviation of 1.059 years; • Regarding the level of study, 80% are studying at undergraduate level (N=8), and 20% at master's level (N=2); • In a total of 10 respondents, 90% of the facilitators (N=9) claimed to have some paid work experience, and only 10% (N=1) said had no work experience. 14
  • 15. Reflections on the activities carried out • The activities developed in SocialNEET training sought to contribute to the development of skills in facilitators, in order to prepare more active professionals for the creation of opportunities to enter the job market; • Among the skills worked on, intercultural communication, provided facilitators with a reflection on the importance of culture and the ability to communicate in business relationships, being worked through the course “The peculiarities of intercultural communication; • The results are demonstrated in Table 1; 15
  • 16. Skills/Items NCM(1) NC(2) N (3) C(4) CM(5) average standard deviation 1- The peculiarities of intercultural communication: Improve the way I communicate; - - 2(0,2%) 4(0,4%) 4(0,4%) 4,20 0,789 Develop intercultural communication skills; - - 1(0,1%) 5(0,5%) 4(0,4%) 4,30 0,675 Know how to communicate with others; - - 2(0,2%) 6(0,6%) 2(0,2%) 4,00 0,667 Reflect on the creation of stereotypes and their negative effects on society; - - 3(0,3%) 4(0,4%) 3(0,3%) 4,00 0,816 Know how to communicate with others; - - 2(0,2%) 6(0,6%) 2(0,2%) 4,00 0,667 Develop knowledge that allows me to avoid stereotypes during the communication process; - - 1(0,1%) 4(0,4%) 5(0,5%) 4,40 0,669 Know the different types of communication - - 1(0,1%) 4(0,4%) 5(0,5%) 4,40 0,699 Communicate openly and clearly - - 2(0,2%) 6(0,6%) 2(0,2%) 4,00 0,699 Table 1- Descriptive results for competence: The peculiarities of intercultural communication 16
  • 17. Enabling cultural differences to be recognized and optimised as a resource for learning - - 1(0,1%) 4(0,4%) 5(0,5%) 4,40 0,699 Broaden my knowledge about the intercultural differences between peoples - - 1(0,1%) 2(0,2%) 7(0,7%) 4,60 0,699 Reflect on the creation of stereotypes and their negative effects on society - - 3(0,3%) 4(0,4%) 3(0,3%) 4,00 0,816 Understand the need to improve verbal and nonverbal communication between sender and receiver - - 1(0,1%) 3(0,3%) 6(0,6%) 4,50 0,707 Understand the importance of respect in the sharing of spaces between different nationalities - - 1(0,1%) 2(0,2%) 7(0,7%) 4,60 0,699 Realizing the importance of understanding culture within business relationships - - 1(0,1%) 5(0,5%) 3(0,3%) 3,9 1,197 Global relationship - - - - - 52,0 6,815 1- Does Not Contribute at all (NCN); 2- Does not contribute (NC); 3- Neutral (N); 4- Contribution(C); 5- Contributes (Contributes A Lot) Source: prepared by the Authors, May 2021 17
  • 18. • Following the SocialNEET training, the soft skills recognition competence addressed through group dynamics on the theme of self and hetero knowledge, the facilitators worked on the ability to understand that personal and professional skills are transferable between knowledge fields, the same being considered important elements for teamwork; • The results found for this competence are demonstrated in Table 2; 18
  • 19. Skills/Items NCM(1) NC(2) N (3) C(4) CM(5) average standard deviation 1- The competence of recognition of soft skills: Reflect on me and get to know myself better; - 1(0,1%) 1(0,1%) 4(0,4%) 4(0,4%) 4,10 0,994 Valuing and monetizing the skills demonstrated by other people; - - 1(0,1%) 5(0,5%) 4(0,4%) 4,30 0,675 Identify areas of personal skills that can be transferred; - - 1(0,1%) 2(0,2%) 7(0,7%) 4,60 0,699 To help me get to know others; - - 1(0,1%) 1(0,1%) 8(0,8%) 4,70 0,675 Work in a diverse team; - - 1(0,1%) 1(0,1%) 8(0,8%) 4,70 0,675 Adapt-me to different context; - - 1(0,1%) 4(0,4%) 5(0,5%) 4,40 0,669 Allow me to know the personal characteristics and behaviors that can affect professional performance - - 1(0,1%) 6(0,6%) 3(0,3%) 4,20 0,632 Table 2- Descriptive results for soft skills recognition competence 19
  • 20. To provoke in me reflections on attitudes and behaviors towards me and the other - 1(0,1%) 1(0,1%) 3(0,3%) 5(0,5%) 4,20 1,033 Understand how knowledge of the other can contribute to the cohesion of the work team - - 1(0,1%) 4(0,4%) 5(0,5%) 4,40 0,699 understand - - 1(0,1%) 2(0,2%) 7(0,7%) 4,60 0,699 Recognize my characteristics and monetize them in the context of work - - 2(0,2%) 4(0,4%) 4(0,4%) 4,20 0,789 Identify ing competencies to be strengthened in the sense of personal and professional development - - 1(0,1%) 4(0,4%) 5(0,5%) 4,40 0,699 Identify the importance of having clear focus and objectives to achieve success - - 1(0,1%) 4(0,4%) 5(0,5%) 4,40 0,699 Global relationship - - - - - 52,6 7,862 1- Does Not Contribute at all (NCN); 2- Does not contribute (NC); 3- Neutral (N); 4- Contribution(C); 5- Contributes (Contributes A Lot) Source: prepared by the Authors, May 2021 20
  • 21. • For the field of entrepreneurship, the use of the learning by doing methodology allowed the facilitators a practical experience for which they were trained; • In this sense, the global average obtained was demonstrated in Table 3; 21
  • 22. Table 3- Descriptive results for entrepreneurship competence Skills/Items NCM (1) NC(2) N (3) C(4) CM(5) average standard deviation 1- Competence of entrepreneurship Demystify the concept of entrepreneurship and its typologies; - 1(0,1%) 5(0,5%) 4(0,4%) 4(0,4%) 4,30 0,675 Identify and work my entrepreneurial profile; - - 1(0,1%) 4(0,4%) 5(0,5%) 4,40 0,699 Develop my entrepreneurial skills; - - 1(0,1%) 5(0,5%) 4(0,4%) 4,30 0,675 Dream project or business ideas; - 1(0,1%) 1(0,1%) 2(0,2%) 6(0,6%) 4,30 1,059 Design project or business ideas; - 1(0,1%) 1(0,1%) 2(0,2%) (0,8%) 4,70 0,675 Collaborate in the creation of a project or business model; - - 2(0,2%) 2(0,2%) 6(0,6%) 4,40 0,843 Develop skills that have enabled me to become an entrepreneur - - 2(0,2%) 3(0,3%) 5(0,5%) 4,30 0,823 22
  • 23. Develop skills that enabled me to act as a facilitator - - 1(0,1%) 2(0,2%) 7(0,7%) 4,60 0,699 Know and use free tools useful for the process of building a project - - 1(0,1%) 3(0,3%) 6(0,6%) 4,50 0,707 Learn how to draw a customer empathy map 1(0,1%) - 1(0,1%) 5(0,5%) 3(0,3%) 3,90 1,197 Learn how to design a business model (Bussines Model Canvas) 1(0,1%) - 2(0,2%) 2(0,2%) 5(0,5%) 4,00 1,333 Identify ing competencies to be strengthened in the sense of personal and professional development - - 1(0,1%) 4(0,4%) 5(0,5%) 4,40 0,699 Develop communication skills to present projects in format, pitch 1(0,1%) - 1(0,1%) 5(0,5%) 3(0,3%) 4,00 0,943 Global relationship - - - - - 51,1 8,504 1- Does Not Contribute at all (NCN); 2- Does not contribute (NC); 3- Neutral (N); 4- Contribution(C); 5- Contributes (Contributes A Lot) Source: prepared by the Authors, May 2021 23
  • 24. Conclusions • The SocialNEET Project, through peer facilitation (NEET and facilitators) provided the group of facilitators with an opportunity for tutoring and practical skills within intercultural communication, the recognition of soft skills and entrepreneurship education; • Through the training actions of the project, the facilitators were able to understand that entrepreneurship means much more than a business model, being above all a way to build knowledge, and allow the construction of a more equal society. 24
  • 25. References Blázquez, A. L. T., Zaldívar, C. R. V., & Leite, E. F. (2018). Emprendimiento ¿Actitud o como competencia del capital humano? Una mirada conceptual desde la Universidad de Holguín, Cuba. HOLOS, Ano 34, 8, 109-137. DOI: 10.15628/holos.2018.7954 EEA Grants (s. d.). Fund for Youth Employment. Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norways Grants and Norways Grants [Web page]. Acedido em 17 de outubro de 2020 em Giret, J-F., Guégnard, C., & Joseph, O. (2020). School-to-work transition in France: the role of education in escaping long-term NEET trajectories. International Journal of Lifelong Education. DOI: 10.1080/02601370.2020.1796835 Gonçalves, V. (2020). Educação para o empreendedorismo e tecnologias associadas. Pedagogias digitais no ensino superior. Coleção Estratégias de Ensino e Sucesso Académico: Boas Práticas no Ensino Superior. Cap. 9, 8,169- 215. 25 This work has been supported by FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the Project Scope: UIDB/05777/2020.
  • 26. Jongbloed, J., & Giret, J-F. (2021). Quality of life of NEET youth in comparative perspective: subjective well-being during the transition to adulthood, Journal of Youth Studies. Lörinc, M., Ryan, L., D’Angelo, A., & Kaye, N. (2019). De-individualising the ‘NEET problem’: An ecological systems analysis. European Educational Research Journal. Nações Unidas (s. d.). 4 Educação de Qualidade. Centro Regional de Informação para a Europa Ocidental [Web page]. Retrieved from SocialNEET (s. d.). What is SocialNEET [Web page]. Acedido em 17 de novembro de 2020 em 26 Thank you