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presentation by
Dr Yasam Jeji Maheswara Sai
1st yr Post Graduate
MD General Medicine
Dr T Mouleswara kumar
Associate Professor
General Medicine
Dr P.CH. Mishra
Proff & HOD
Department of General Medicine
 Definition : pain or discomfort in the head or upper neck region, the pain originates from
tissues and structures that surround brain or skull
 International headache society
 Primary Headche – headache features are disorder itself
which often results in considerable disability and ↓QUALY
 Secondary Headache -- exogenous disorders which are mostly by URTI and are rarely .
 Stimulated nociceptors due to
Tissue injury
visceral distension
other factors
damage pain producing pathway
 Pain sensitive structures
meningeal arteries
dural sinuses
flax cerebri
proximal segments of large pial arteries
 Pain insensitive structures
Ventricular ependyma
choroid plexus
plial veins
brain parenchyma
Primary Headache
 Involves - Trigemino vascular complex
Large intracranial vessels
dural mater
peripheral nerves of trigeminal nerve
Pathway 5th CN + C1 C2 nerve roots --trigeminocervical complex
Dorsal horns of upper cervical spinal cord
caudal portion of trigeminal nerve
ventroposteromedial thalamus
 Modulation
from trigeminal nociceptors at all levels of pain pathway
via Hypothalamus and brainstem structures
 Trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias ( TACs ) symptoms
conjunctival injection
Nasal congestion
periorbital swelling
aural fullness
Primary headaches are not vascular
 Migraine and other primary headaches
 Do not manifest vascular changes
 Treatment outcomes cannot be predicted by vascular effects
Approach to New Onset Headache
 In New onset headache probability of potential serious cause is greater than than
reccurent headaches when red flag signs are present
 History and examination
cranial arteries palpation
passive cervical spine movement
cvs and renal status
BP monitoring ,CUE
fundoscopy , IOP management , refraction
Checklist of red flags
LP if advised by physician
Psycological consulation at last to r/o depression and anxiety as their relation exits with
Clues to identify secondary
 ICH --- SAH
acute < 5 min
severe > 5 min
stiff neck but no fever
----ruptured aneurysm , Av malf ,intraparenchymal H”Ge
high BP in majority cases
present with headache alone
---- CT can miss
small H’Ge
below foramen magnum
 Meningitis
stiff neck with fever
acute , severe Headache
accentuation of pain with eye movement
LP is mandatory
Brain tumor --- 30% patients presents with chief complaint of headache
intermittent deep dull aching moderate intensity
worsen with exertion / positional change
asso with nausea & vomiting
sleep disturbances
vomiting precedes Headache
 Amenorrhea/ Galactorea
prolactin secreting pituitary adenoma
Malignancy – cerebral metastasis
ca meningitis or both
Pain after bending , lifting or coughing
post fossa mass
chiari malformation
low CSF volume
 Glaucoma - HA start with severe eye pain
asso with nausea & vomiting
eye is often red with fixed dilated pupil
Gaint cell arteritis – elderly female
pain increases gradually over few hours before the peak . .
. intensity is reached
explosive occasionally
dull and boring type
polymyalgia rheumatica
jaw claudicaton
fever , weight loss
scalp tenderness
difficulty to comb or rest over the pillow
red tender nodules , streaky red skin
50 % develop blindness
high ESR / CRP but not always
Medication – overuse Headache
 Medication overuse Can aggravate headache frequency
Markedly impair the effect of preventive medicines
State of refractory daily or near daily headache
 On stopping analgesics
substantial improvement in the severity and frequency
especially with opioids or barbiturates
OPD management
 Analgesic to be reduced & eliminated
reduce dose by 10% every 1-2 weeks
Rescue for residual effect
a small dose NASIDS is not a problem for patients
Once patient has reduced the analgesic use substantially
preventive medication is to be introduced
IPD management
 Day 1 Acute medication are withdrawn
hydration and antiemetics are to be administered as required
. Clonidine for opiod withdrawl symptoms
If pain is intolerable
aspirin 1g IV , chlorpromazine IM at night
 Day 3-5 withdrawl symptoms disappear
IV ( DHE ) dihydroerogotamie TID _ 5 days
induces significant remission
that allows a preventive medicine to be established
Primary chronic daily Headache
 MCA (monoclonal antibody) to CGRP or its receptor
effective in chr Migraine in phase II/ III RCT over placebo
Non invasive neuro modulatory approaches
single pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation
Non invasive vagal nerve stimulation
modulate thalamic processing / brainstem mechanism respectively
chronic cluster headache
chronic paroxysomal hemicrania
 Headache in all days
begins abruptly
patient can clearly recall the moment of onset
Evolves over 3 days – to the max upper limit possible
priority is to distinguish primary / secondary cause
Low CSF volume Headache
 Onset :
headache from day 1 to the next day
generally not present on waking but worsens during the day
begins when pt sits or stands upright
resolves on reclining
Site and character
dull ache but may be throbbing
Etiology of low CSF vol headache
 CSF leak following LP ( most common )
10-30 % incidence
begins in 48hrs can be delayed upto 12 days
temporary relief with caffeine beverages
epidural injection
vigorous valsalva such as lifting , straining , coughing , clearing ET in airplane
DD – postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome
 Mechanism :
low volume rather low pressure
MRI with gadolinium – shows diffuse meningeal enhancement
MRI spine with T2 weighting – reveals leak
Source of leak
spinal MRI with appropriate sequences
MR myelography
111 In-DTPA csf study
 Management
bed rest initially
if pain is persistant ‘
IV caffeine 500mg in 500ml NS @ 2hr
ECG to screen arrhythmia before administering
if needed caffeine can be given twice before going for additional test
If unsuccessful ---- abdominal binder
If interactable ---- oral theophylline
If leak identified --- autologous blood patch
Headache of raised ICT
 Generalise headache
present on waking up
improves as the day goes on
worsen with recumbency
Visual obscurations are frequent
Dx straightforward if papilledema
possible even in pt without fundoscopic changes
frontal visual field testing helps
DD ---uncontrolled HTN , OSA
 Investigation
MRI with MR Venogram
CSF pressure on removal of 20-30 ml
Management :
Acetazolamide 250-500 mg BD ---improves in weeks
if ineffective : Topiramate
CA inhibitor , weight loss
neuronal membrane stabilization
if still refractory :
ICP monitoring and may require shunting
Post traumatic headache
 Injury / Infection/ surgery / SAH
can trigger headache
last for month or year after the event with
dizziness , vertigo , impaired memory
May remit after several weeks / months / years after injury
CNS examination is normal
CT /MRI are unreavealing
Mimc --- SDH
 Most common headache related and indeed
neurologic cause of disability in the world
2nd most common cause of headache
Pathogenesis of migraine
 sensory sensitivity that is characteristic of migraine is probably due to dysfunction
of monoaminergic sensory control systems located in the brainstem and
 Activation of cells in the trigeminal nucleus results in the release of calcitonin
gene–related peptide (CGRP), at vascular terminals of the trigeminal nerve and
within the trigeminal nucleus.
 the involvement of the neurotransmitter 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT; also known
as serotonin)is seen
Brainstem pathway that modulate sensory input
 Trigeminovascular input from meningeal vessels
passes through trigeminal ganglion , synapses on 2nd order neuron in TCC
these neurons project into quintothalamic tract
after decussating in brainstem , synapses with neurons in thalamus
 Important modulation of Trigeniovascular nociceptive input
comes from dorsal raphe nucleus , locus ceruleus and nucleus raphae magnus
 Migraine genetics Familial hemiplegic migraine(FHM)
FHM 1 ___: cav2.1 (P/Q) type voltage gated ca channel CACNA1A
FHM2 ---- Na K ATPase gene
FHM3 ___neuronal voltage gated Na channel SCN1A
Functional neuroimaging :
brain stem involvement in migraine
posterior hypothalamic gray matter region suprachiasmatic nucleus in
. cluster headache
Non pharmacological treatment
 Avoid trigger _ when pt can identify triggers
A regulated lifestyle
healthy diet , regular exercise
regular sleep patterns
avoid excess caffine / alcohol
avoid stress
Practical tip : lower the avoidable stress by Yoga, meditation , hypnosis
conditioning techniques such as biofeedback
Tension type headache
Cluster headache
Acute attack of cluster headache
 Mostly nocturnal ,unilateral , periodicity
 O2 inhalation 10-12 L/min for 15-20 min
sumatriptan 6mg s/c rapid onset shorten attack to 10-15 min
Suminat 20 & zolmitriptan 5mg nasal sprays
2min stimulation cycles applied consequetively at the onset of .headache on side of pain
can be repeated after 9min
Preventive measures :
limited use of glucocorticoids
greater occipital nerve injection with glucocorticoids , lidocaine
Primary paroxysmal hemicrania
 M: F – 1:1
 Site tends to be retroorbital ,can be seen all over the head
Features : unilareral
very severe pain
short lasting attacks 2-45 min
very frequent attacks >5 /day
marked autonomic features ipsilateral to pain are seen
rapid course < 72hrs excellent response to indomethacin
nVNS can be useful
Secondary paroxysmal hemicrania
 Lesions in
sella turcica
Av malformation
cavernous sinus meningioma
pituitary pathology
epidermoid tumors
More likely in pt requiring high doses of indomethacin > 200mg/day
MRI is indicated to R/o pituitary lesion
 SUNT : severe U/L orbital /temporal pain
stabbing / throbbing quality
diagnosis : require 20 attacks
lasting for 5-240 sec
ipsilateral conjunctival injection & lacrimation
Suspect SUNCT – cutaneous triggers without refractory periods between attacks .
. lack of response to indomethacin
Secondary SUNCT – can be seen in posterior fossa / pituitary lesions
r/o by pituitary function test & MRI brain with pituitary views
 Treatment :
IV lidocaine which arrest symptoms
can be used in hospitalised pt
Prevention :
lamotrigine 200-400 mg/dl
topiramate & gabapentin can also be used
occipital nerve stimulation
Hemicrania continua
 Onset 10-70 yrs
women twice affected than men
moderate and continuous
U/L associated with severe pain
ass with autonomic feautures
conjunctival injection , lacrimation , photophobia on affected side
Treatment :
inj indomethacin 100mg IM is diagnostic tool
oral dose of 25mg f/b 50mg /75mg TID can be given
occipital nerve stimulation in pt unable to tolerate indomethacin
Primary cough headache
 Generalized headache
due to cough
begins shuddenly
last for seconds / several minutes upto few hours
R/O secondary causes
Arnold chairi malformation
any lesion obstructing CSF pathways
cerebral aneurysm , carotid stenosis
vertebrobasilar disease
Treatment :
indomethacin 25-50 mg BD /TID
some may require LP
Primary exercise headache
 Pulsatile quality of migraine headache
last < 48hr
B/l often throbbing
migraine feautures may be seen
Secondary cause :
cardiac cephalgis - anginal pain refered to head
probably by central connections of vagal afferents
may present as exercise headache
 Treatment : Indomethacin at daily doses from 25–150 mg is generally effective.
prevention : Indomethacin (50 mg), a gepant , ergotamine (1 mg orally), and
dihydroergotamine (2 mg by nasal spray) are used.
Headache with sexual activity
 Mostly in men
 3 types
1 b/l in head & neck intensifies on excitement
2 shudden severe explosion occuring at orgasm
3 postural headache after coitus
Secondary causes like SAH in 5-12%
Treatment : propranolol 40-200mg/day
CCB _ diltiazem 60mg TID
Indomethacin 25-50 mg 30-45 min before activity is helpful
Primary thunderclap headache
 Reversible cerebral segmental vasoconstriction
resolves spontaneously by 12 weeks
Treatment : Nimodipine is useful
DD: sentinel bleed of IC aneurysm
cervico cephalic arterial dissection
cerebral venous thrombosis
pt on MAOIs taking sympatomimitic drug / thiamine containing food cheese
Cold stimulus headache
 Ingestion / inhalation of cold substance
resolves in 10-30 min of stimulus withdrawl
TRPM 8 –transient receptor potential cation subfamily M member 8
cold temperature sensor
this mediate this syndrome
External pressure headache
 Headache stimulus Due to external pressure like helmets, swimming
goggles or very long ponytails
 Treatment : recognise and remove the problem
Primary stabbing headache
 Ice pick pains / jabs & jolts
 Last for 1 to many seconds
occurs as a single stab or series of stabs
cranial autonomic feature
cutaneous triggering
Reccurent type at irregular interval (hours to days)
Treatment : indomethacine 25-50 mg BD/ TID is excellent
Nummular headache
 Continuous/ intermittent type
in a fixed place of 1-6 cm size elliptical discomfort
associated with allodynia / hypesthesia
Treatment : tricyclics like amitriptyline
anticonvulsants like topiramate / valproate
Hypnic headache
 After 6o years age mostly female
Begins few hrs after sleep
2 * Due to poor control of HTN so 24hr BP monitoring is required
Headache for 15-30 min can be throbbing unilateral ..upto 3 times/night
Migraine features are not seen
Treatment lithium carbonate 200-600 mg HS
or verapamil 160mg Hs
1 / 2 cups coffe or 6omg caffeine po is effective
others like flunarizine 5mg HS / indomethacine 25-75 mg HS
 Harrison principles of medicine 22nd edition
 International headache society guideliness 2018
Thank you…

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heache ppt.pptx

  • 1. Headache presentation by Dr Yasam Jeji Maheswara Sai 1st yr Post Graduate MD General Medicine Moderator Dr T Mouleswara kumar Associate Professor General Medicine MIMS Dr P.CH. Mishra Proff & HOD Department of General Medicine MIMS
  • 2.  Definition : pain or discomfort in the head or upper neck region, the pain originates from tissues and structures that surround brain or skull  International headache society  Primary Headche – headache features are disorder itself which often results in considerable disability and ↓QUALY  Secondary Headache -- exogenous disorders which are mostly by URTI and are rarely . worrisome
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5. Origin  Stimulated nociceptors due to Tissue injury visceral distension other factors damage pain producing pathway central peripheral
  • 6.  Pain sensitive structures scalp meningeal arteries dural sinuses flax cerebri proximal segments of large pial arteries  Pain insensitive structures Ventricular ependyma choroid plexus plial veins brain parenchyma
  • 7. Primary Headache  Involves - Trigemino vascular complex Large intracranial vessels dural mater peripheral nerves of trigeminal nerve Pathway 5th CN + C1 C2 nerve roots --trigeminocervical complex Dorsal horns of upper cervical spinal cord caudal portion of trigeminal nerve ventroposteromedial thalamus cortex
  • 8.  Modulation from trigeminal nociceptors at all levels of pain pathway via Hypothalamus and brainstem structures  Trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias ( TACs ) symptoms lacrimation conjunctival injection Nasal congestion rhinorrhea periorbital swelling aural fullness ptosis
  • 9. Primary headaches are not vascular headaches  Migraine and other primary headaches  Do not manifest vascular changes  Treatment outcomes cannot be predicted by vascular effects
  • 10. Approach to New Onset Headache  In New onset headache probability of potential serious cause is greater than than reccurent headaches when red flag signs are present  History and examination cranial arteries palpation passive cervical spine movement cvs and renal status BP monitoring ,CUE fundoscopy , IOP management , refraction Checklist of red flags MRI / CT LP if advised by physician Psycological consulation at last to r/o depression and anxiety as their relation exits with headpain
  • 11. Clues to identify secondary  ICH --- SAH acute < 5 min severe > 5 min stiff neck but no fever ----ruptured aneurysm , Av malf ,intraparenchymal H”Ge high BP in majority cases present with headache alone ---- CT can miss small H’Ge below foramen magnum
  • 12.  Meningitis stiff neck with fever acute , severe Headache accentuation of pain with eye movement MISTAKEN FOR MIGRAINE LP is mandatory Brain tumor --- 30% patients presents with chief complaint of headache intermittent deep dull aching moderate intensity worsen with exertion / positional change asso with nausea & vomiting sleep disturbances vomiting precedes Headache
  • 13.  Amenorrhea/ Galactorea prolactin secreting pituitary adenoma Malignancy – cerebral metastasis ca meningitis or both Pain after bending , lifting or coughing post fossa mass chiari malformation low CSF volume
  • 14.  Glaucoma - HA start with severe eye pain asso with nausea & vomiting eye is often red with fixed dilated pupil Gaint cell arteritis – elderly female pain increases gradually over few hours before the peak . . . intensity is reached explosive occasionally dull and boring type polymyalgia rheumatica jaw claudicaton fever , weight loss scalp tenderness difficulty to comb or rest over the pillow red tender nodules , streaky red skin 50 % develop blindness high ESR / CRP but not always
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  • 16. Medication – overuse Headache  Medication overuse Can aggravate headache frequency Markedly impair the effect of preventive medicines State of refractory daily or near daily headache  On stopping analgesics substantial improvement in the severity and frequency especially with opioids or barbiturates
  • 17. OPD management  Analgesic to be reduced & eliminated reduce dose by 10% every 1-2 weeks Rescue for residual effect a small dose NASIDS is not a problem for patients Once patient has reduced the analgesic use substantially preventive medication is to be introduced
  • 18. IPD management  Day 1 Acute medication are withdrawn hydration and antiemetics are to be administered as required . Clonidine for opiod withdrawl symptoms If pain is intolerable aspirin 1g IV , chlorpromazine IM at night  Day 3-5 withdrawl symptoms disappear IV ( DHE ) dihydroerogotamie TID _ 5 days induces significant remission that allows a preventive medicine to be established
  • 19. Primary chronic daily Headache  MCA (monoclonal antibody) to CGRP or its receptor effective in chr Migraine in phase II/ III RCT over placebo Non invasive neuro modulatory approaches single pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation Non invasive vagal nerve stimulation modulate thalamic processing / brainstem mechanism respectively chronic cluster headache chronic paroxysomal hemicrania SUNA & SCUNT
  • 20. NEW DAILY PERSISTANT HEADACHE  Headache in all days Onset begins abruptly patient can clearly recall the moment of onset Evolves over 3 days – to the max upper limit possible priority is to distinguish primary / secondary cause
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  • 22. Low CSF volume Headache  Onset : headache from day 1 to the next day generally not present on waking but worsens during the day Positional begins when pt sits or stands upright resolves on reclining Site and character occipitofrontol dull ache but may be throbbing
  • 23. Etiology of low CSF vol headache  CSF leak following LP ( most common ) 10-30 % incidence begins in 48hrs can be delayed upto 12 days temporary relief with caffeine beverages epidural injection vigorous valsalva such as lifting , straining , coughing , clearing ET in airplane DD – postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome
  • 24.  Mechanism : low volume rather low pressure IOC : MRI with gadolinium – shows diffuse meningeal enhancement MRI spine with T2 weighting – reveals leak Source of leak spinal MRI with appropriate sequences CT MR myelography 111 In-DTPA csf study
  • 25.  Management bed rest initially if pain is persistant ‘ IV caffeine 500mg in 500ml NS @ 2hr ECG to screen arrhythmia before administering if needed caffeine can be given twice before going for additional test If unsuccessful ---- abdominal binder If interactable ---- oral theophylline If leak identified --- autologous blood patch
  • 26. Headache of raised ICT  Generalise headache present on waking up improves as the day goes on worsen with recumbency Visual obscurations are frequent Dx straightforward if papilledema possible even in pt without fundoscopic changes frontal visual field testing helps DD ---uncontrolled HTN , OSA
  • 27.  Investigation MRI with MR Venogram CSF pressure on removal of 20-30 ml Management : Acetazolamide 250-500 mg BD ---improves in weeks if ineffective : Topiramate CA inhibitor , weight loss neuronal membrane stabilization if still refractory : ICP monitoring and may require shunting
  • 28. Post traumatic headache  Injury / Infection/ surgery / SAH can trigger headache last for month or year after the event with dizziness , vertigo , impaired memory May remit after several weeks / months / years after injury CNS examination is normal CT /MRI are unreavealing Mimc --- SDH
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  • 31. Migraine  Most common headache related and indeed neurologic cause of disability in the world 2nd most common cause of headache
  • 32. Pathogenesis of migraine  sensory sensitivity that is characteristic of migraine is probably due to dysfunction of monoaminergic sensory control systems located in the brainstem and hypothalamus  Activation of cells in the trigeminal nucleus results in the release of calcitonin gene–related peptide (CGRP), at vascular terminals of the trigeminal nerve and within the trigeminal nucleus.  the involvement of the neurotransmitter 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT; also known as serotonin)is seen
  • 33. Brainstem pathway that modulate sensory input  Trigeminovascular input from meningeal vessels passes through trigeminal ganglion , synapses on 2nd order neuron in TCC these neurons project into quintothalamic tract after decussating in brainstem , synapses with neurons in thalamus  Important modulation of Trigeniovascular nociceptive input comes from dorsal raphe nucleus , locus ceruleus and nucleus raphae magnus
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  • 35.  Migraine genetics Familial hemiplegic migraine(FHM) FHM 1 ___: cav2.1 (P/Q) type voltage gated ca channel CACNA1A FHM2 ---- Na K ATPase gene FHM3 ___neuronal voltage gated Na channel SCN1A Functional neuroimaging : brain stem involvement in migraine posterior hypothalamic gray matter region suprachiasmatic nucleus in . cluster headache
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  • 40. Non pharmacological treatment  Avoid trigger _ when pt can identify triggers A regulated lifestyle healthy diet , regular exercise regular sleep patterns avoid excess caffine / alcohol avoid stress Practical tip : lower the avoidable stress by Yoga, meditation , hypnosis conditioning techniques such as biofeedback
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  • 49. Acute attack of cluster headache  Mostly nocturnal ,unilateral , periodicity  O2 inhalation 10-12 L/min for 15-20 min sumatriptan 6mg s/c rapid onset shorten attack to 10-15 min Suminat 20 & zolmitriptan 5mg nasal sprays nVNS 2min stimulation cycles applied consequetively at the onset of .headache on side of pain can be repeated after 9min Preventive measures : limited use of glucocorticoids greater occipital nerve injection with glucocorticoids , lidocaine
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  • 51. Primary paroxysmal hemicrania  M: F – 1:1  Site tends to be retroorbital ,can be seen all over the head Features : unilareral very severe pain short lasting attacks 2-45 min very frequent attacks >5 /day marked autonomic features ipsilateral to pain are seen rapid course < 72hrs excellent response to indomethacin nVNS can be useful
  • 52. Secondary paroxysmal hemicrania  Lesions in sella turcica Av malformation cavernous sinus meningioma pituitary pathology epidermoid tumors More likely in pt requiring high doses of indomethacin > 200mg/day MRI is indicated to R/o pituitary lesion
  • 53. SUNCT/SUNA  SUNT : severe U/L orbital /temporal pain stabbing / throbbing quality diagnosis : require 20 attacks lasting for 5-240 sec ipsilateral conjunctival injection & lacrimation Suspect SUNCT – cutaneous triggers without refractory periods between attacks . . lack of response to indomethacin Secondary SUNCT – can be seen in posterior fossa / pituitary lesions r/o by pituitary function test & MRI brain with pituitary views
  • 54.  Treatment : IV lidocaine which arrest symptoms can be used in hospitalised pt Prevention : lamotrigine 200-400 mg/dl topiramate & gabapentin can also be used occipital nerve stimulation
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  • 56. Hemicrania continua  Onset 10-70 yrs women twice affected than men moderate and continuous U/L associated with severe pain ass with autonomic feautures conjunctival injection , lacrimation , photophobia on affected side Treatment : inj indomethacin 100mg IM is diagnostic tool oral dose of 25mg f/b 50mg /75mg TID can be given occipital nerve stimulation in pt unable to tolerate indomethacin
  • 57. Primary cough headache  Generalized headache due to cough begins shuddenly last for seconds / several minutes upto few hours R/O secondary causes Arnold chairi malformation any lesion obstructing CSF pathways cerebral aneurysm , carotid stenosis vertebrobasilar disease Treatment : indomethacin 25-50 mg BD /TID some may require LP
  • 58. Primary exercise headache  Pulsatile quality of migraine headache last < 48hr B/l often throbbing migraine feautures may be seen Secondary cause : cardiac cephalgis - anginal pain refered to head probably by central connections of vagal afferents may present as exercise headache  Treatment : Indomethacin at daily doses from 25–150 mg is generally effective. prevention : Indomethacin (50 mg), a gepant , ergotamine (1 mg orally), and dihydroergotamine (2 mg by nasal spray) are used.
  • 59. Headache with sexual activity  Mostly in men  3 types 1 b/l in head & neck intensifies on excitement 2 shudden severe explosion occuring at orgasm 3 postural headache after coitus Secondary causes like SAH in 5-12% Treatment : propranolol 40-200mg/day CCB _ diltiazem 60mg TID Indomethacin 25-50 mg 30-45 min before activity is helpful
  • 60. Primary thunderclap headache  Reversible cerebral segmental vasoconstriction resolves spontaneously by 12 weeks Treatment : Nimodipine is useful DD: sentinel bleed of IC aneurysm cervico cephalic arterial dissection cerebral venous thrombosis pheochromocytoma pt on MAOIs taking sympatomimitic drug / thiamine containing food cheese reaction
  • 61. Cold stimulus headache  Ingestion / inhalation of cold substance resolves in 10-30 min of stimulus withdrawl TRPM 8 –transient receptor potential cation subfamily M member 8 cold temperature sensor this mediate this syndrome
  • 62. External pressure headache  Headache stimulus Due to external pressure like helmets, swimming goggles or very long ponytails  Treatment : recognise and remove the problem
  • 63. Primary stabbing headache  Ice pick pains / jabs & jolts  Last for 1 to many seconds occurs as a single stab or series of stabs Absent cranial autonomic feature cutaneous triggering Reccurent type at irregular interval (hours to days) Treatment : indomethacine 25-50 mg BD/ TID is excellent
  • 64. Nummular headache  Continuous/ intermittent type in a fixed place of 1-6 cm size elliptical discomfort associated with allodynia / hypesthesia Treatment : tricyclics like amitriptyline anticonvulsants like topiramate / valproate
  • 65. Hypnic headache  After 6o years age mostly female Begins few hrs after sleep 2 * Due to poor control of HTN so 24hr BP monitoring is required Headache for 15-30 min can be throbbing unilateral ..upto 3 times/night Migraine features are not seen Treatment lithium carbonate 200-600 mg HS or verapamil 160mg Hs 1 / 2 cups coffe or 6omg caffeine po is effective others like flunarizine 5mg HS / indomethacine 25-75 mg HS
  • 66. References  Harrison principles of medicine 22nd edition  International headache society guideliness 2018