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DC Chaudhery, (BSc; MCom; MEd);
(IAS, HCS Exams Qualified)
Former: DPC-SSA cum Dy Distt Edu Officer, Fbd,
Member: Governing Body,
Faridabad Education Council,
Advisor, Faridabad Navchetna Trust &
- Dr OP Bhalla Foundation -
(Manav Rachna University, Fbd.)
- Member: Haryana State EducatIon Committee;
- Member, Exams Board of School EducatIon, Haryana;
- Resource Person, Deptt of Education, Haryana;
- Distt President, Haryana Edu Officers Assoc;
- Fin & Admin Advisor,
Additional Deputy Commissioner, Fbd cum
Admnistrator Echelon Engg Inst;
An Experienced Student of:
Vedic Hasta Mudras Yoga Therapy;
Meditation, Pranayam & Astrology!
Mobile (WhatsApp): 9868358257
Website: Welcomes You! 🙏
Quantitative & Qualitative Productivity of
the Worthy Practiceners is Assured!
• Holding a Self-Practiced, Non-Medicinal,
Therapy Program like this is a Strategic Vision to live a
Happy 'n' Healthy Life by cutting the ever rising Health
Costs to Minimal by Learning to Prevent and Self Cure
the Chronic Mental, Physical and Emotional Diseases in
a Natural Holistic Vedic Way- by Balancing Vatta - Pitta -
Kapha (Water, Earth, Akash, Vayu, Fire Elements)
through our Five Fingers to enjoy Amazing Health
Balancing Vatta,
Pitta & Kapha!
Elements: Balancing: Touching
KingThumbs & Fingers Tops
representing the Element!
Deacreasing: Fingers at Thumbs
Base & Pressed under Thumb!.
Thumb Is King
Akash + Vayu = Vatta
Water + Fire = Pitta
Water + Earth = KaphaSince Obesity, Indigestion, Cold, Cough,
Mucus are caused by Kapha Excesse - so
decrease KAPHA by inncreasing PITTA
by doing heat producing Mudras like
Surya & Ling.
Since Jionts, Arthritis Pains & Gas are
caused by Vatta excess - so decease
VATTA by doing Vayu & Vatta Shamak
Mudras! Vata dosha exhibits itself as
restlessness, anxiety, fear, a sense of
insecurity, dryness, constipation, poor or
variable appetite, bloating and
Since Fever, Burning, Acidity are caused
by PITTA excess- so decrease PITTA by
KAPHA Balance Mudras like Prithvi,
Jal Shamak Mudras decreases Pitta &
Fire Both
• Diseases of Imbalanced Elements
• Water element Imbalance : Cold,
sinusitis, asthma, swellings, blood
thinning or blood clotting, problem in
urination, diseases of reproductive
• Fire element Imbalance: Increased body
coldness or fever, diabetes, skin
diseases, loss of vital energy, acidity,
and mental disorders.
• Air element Imbalance: Nervous
disorders, blood pressure problems,
lung disorders, physical pains,
deformities, depression, locomotors
ataxia (Loosing Control over Body)
• Space element Imbalance: Thyroid
disorders, throat problems, speech
disorders, epilepsy, mental illness,
foolhardiness (Foolish Bravery Act), ear
• Earth element Imbalance : General
weakness, obesity, cholesterol, weight-
loss and weight gain, bones and
muscular diseases.
• Significance of :Vata, Pitta, Kapha.
• VATA: The Energy Of Movement is the
driving vital force or prana, which mobilizes
and controls all functions like heartbeats,
respiration, & blood circulation.
• Significance- Vata controls traits like
enjoyment, happiness, creativity, and
speech. Thus when vata (prana) leaves the
body - body dies. Vatta moves the body and
unbalanced Vata causes flatulence, gout,
• PITTA Regulates Metabolism, Digestion and
Assimilation of food. It controls gastric fire,
enzymes and amino acids for regulating
• Significance- Affects & helps in digestion,
appetite, vitality, learning, and thinking.
• KAPHA Provides Lubrication And Structure:
It has the watery properties and is a carrier
of nutrients. All soft body organs are
associated with this are related with the
taste, nourishment, & lubrication.
• Significance- It is body nutrient- provider.
4 Essential Mudras
Gyan Mudra How to: bring your index
finger and thumb together.
Recommended during meditation,
this Mudra provides a soothing and
calming effect on the mind. This is
particularly beneficial for increasing
memory and concentration and even
helps with things like depression,
anxiety, loss of sleep, and stress.
Pran Mudra: Eye problems, nervous problem,
and charges all parts of the body.
How to: place the tip of the thumb to the tip of
the little and ring finger, keeping the other two
fingers straight. This is an immune-boosting
practice designed to keep the mind and body
free of disease. It's also believed to bring about
a glowing complexion to the skin because it
radiates blood-purifying properties.
• Pushan Mudra-I (For Digestion - Do After Meals for
activating the Solar Plexus or Manipura chakra)
• Meant for Upper GI (Gastrointestinal Diseases) Track
Issues Like: Reflux (Heart Burning) and
• Belching (Gas Coming Through Mouth डकार ):
• Vyan Mudra (Thumb + Index + Middle) in RHS +
• Apan Mudra (Thumb + Ring + Middle) in LHS
• Pushan Mudra-II (For Digestion After Meals) For
Lower-GI (Gastrointestinal Diseases) Track issues like:
Gas, Bloating, or Constipation:
• Pran Mudra (Thumb + Little + Ring) in RHS +
• Apan Mudra (Thumb + Ring + Middle) in LHS.
Hridya Mudra: For Heart disease, asthma, and respiration
related diseases.Hridaya Mudra How to: place the index
finger at the root of the thumb and bring the tip of the
thumb to the middle finger and ring finger. Extend the
little finger. Hridaya Mudra may prove very helpful to
release pent-up emotion and unburden your heart. It is
an excellent mudra to practice during times of emotional
conflict and crisis.
• Varun/Jal Mudra: This is for blood purification
and all skin diseases.Prana Mudra: Eye problems,
nervous problem, and charges all parts of the
body How to: bring the tip of the little finger to
your thumb. The little finger represents the water
element, right? Hence, it's great for
bmaintaining the fluid balance in your body. This
leads to healing for many skin conditions and to a
natural glow and luster to your face. It also helps
you to clearly and intuitively communicate.
Prithvi Mudra: For peace of mind, Energy etc. How
to: place the tip of the ring finger to the thumb. For
those who want to gain weight!
• Vayu Mudra: For joint pains, stomach problems
etc. Yayu Mudra How to: place the index finger at
the root of the thumb and press the thumb into
the index finger itself. This mudra will help
reduce pain. Air or Vatta (being the root cause of
pain in the body) is suppressed by the fire, an
energy that feeds into pain.
Akash Mudra: For Ear, Calcium & Phos
Shunya Mudra How to: place the middle finger at
the base of the thumb and bring the thumb on top
of the middle finger. A great mudra for any hearing
related issues, especially tinnitus. Also good for
vertigo issues!
• Digestion & Weight Loss
• 1) Apan Mudra 32 Minutes
How to: bring the tip of your
thumb to the middle finger and
ring finger, keeping the index
and small finger upright. This
calms the wind energy in the
body, so it's especially good for
2) Surya Mudra:16 Minutes
Obesity, cholesterol etc. How to:
place the ring finger at the root of
the thumb and press the thumb
over it. If you're concerned about
your waistline, this is the mudra
for you! It's believed Surya Mudra
speeds up the metabolism.
3) Linga Mudra 12 Minutes: How
to: clasp the fingers of both hands
together and keep one thumb
pointed up. Great for respiratory
issues and likes like phlegm.
Recommended for asthmatic
Chinmaya Mudra: For
Contentment & Weight-
Akash (Osteoporosis Mudra) There is an intra-
cellular space between 75,000 billion cells in our
body - largest in universe! Negative emotions like
fear, anger, sorrow, etc. are replaced by positive
feelings and thoughts like Patience, Courage,
Responsibility, Intuition & Extra Sensory Powers
(EPS) and Helps in Calcium, Phos absorption &
gives StrongTeeths & Healthy Throat & Detoxifies
the Body & Mind wastes & under Thyroid
It activates our own teacher inside us and makes
us broad minded by leaving meanness to
understand life better.
Its practice also helps in getting space say getting
a proper sitting & attract friends & customers.
Shunya - Mudra
Also known as Eptiness or Heaven Mudra
since it gives the feellings of Emptiness
making out Mind free from thinking about
anything else, and just experiencing the
never-ending Heaven like space.
Cures ENT, Ear Pain,Tinnitus Hearing & Over
Thyroid hormone Problms.
Strengthens Bones, Heart,Throat,Thyroid
Its Use with Vayu Mudra Cures - gout,
flatulence, constipation, arthritis, neck pain,
trembling, paralysis,cervical
spondilytis,Vertigo, Motion Sickness,
D Mudra (Akash)
For Controling BP, the Middle
finger of both hands were
squeezed from root to tip for 5
Minutes as Shown in the Pic.
Do These 5+ Minutes A Day
One By One - To Keep Fit
1. Jal & Prithvi Mudras and then
Pran Mudra Rt✋+
Gyan M Lt ✋, then
Gyan with Right ✋ 'n ' Pran with Left ✋
2) SAMAN MUDRA (To Balance Five Elements)
3) VYAN MUDRA (Movement Mudra)
4) UDAN MUDRA (Happiness, Throat & Speech Mudra)
5) APAN Mudra (Detoxifying M) & also as a part of
PUSHAN (Digestive) & Heart-APAN-VAYU Mds. (Vayu/AntiGas)
Gyan Mudra ofKnowledge, Wisdom (सरस्वती)
Balances Ego, Elevates Soul (आत्मबल), Inner Peace, A Calm Mind & Mental
Immunity, Righteousness; Starts Improving Personality Disorders &
Sleeplessness w.e.f. 21 & 3 days respectively, followed with Pran M It
Activates Pituitary (Controls growth, BP, metabolism, mental state, physical
growth), Cures Retina Degeneration, Dwarfism! If having Belching डकार after
meals, it corrects Apan Vayu to move down.
Good Sleep: By doing 48M Gyan Mudra,
extra energy present in head in the form
of vivid thoughts causing anxiety is first
diverted to the root chakra which is
situated below our sexual organs and then
to the legs and We get grounded and
therefore Sleep well as Tension ‘n’ any
kind of Mental-ache or Physical pains are
removed by transfer of this energy from
Head to the Lower Areas! Follow Pran M
for 16M
Adii Mudra in addition - provides
complete rest and relaxation to our Brain
and thus a good sleep!
Chinmaya Mudra (Supreme Awareness)
( For Taking Un-biased Decisions – Free of Feelings, Emotions & Ego)
Chinmaya Mudra helps in making
a Ego, Emotion & Feelings free
best Decision since touching of
Index Finger with Thumb induced
thoughts, whereas the rest of the
Middle (Akash Being Tallest is Ego
giving), Ring (Emotions) and Pinky
Fingers (Feelings) being put to rest
in the Thumb Pad are unable to
add Ego, Emotions & Feelings to
the Thought giving Index Finger!
NB: Doing With Surya & Ling
Mudras - This Also Helps in Better
Lungs Functioning,Digestion &
Weight Loss.
Adi Mudra for Snoring
means less oxygen to the
throat and head area.
Adi Mudra helps to reduce
snoring, bringing more oxygen
to the throat and head.
It also keep d mind quite-calm
& Good for Lungs & Diegestion
Aakash Mudra: If the
breathing space around
Tongue is somehow less,
Practicing Aakash Mudra after
Adi Mudra Practice may help!
Calms the nervous system
Stimulates udana vayu (the governing vayu
for the upper chest, throat, and head)
It is thought to aid in pranayama because it
increases breathing and lung capacity, thus
increasing oxygen flow throughout the body
and stimulates the brain, which is closely
related to the crown (sahasrara) chakra that
governs an individual’s sense of peace, higher
awareness and oneness with the universe
• Introduction: It involves concentrating on a some
particular point with the objective of understanding its
true nature which alloes the practitioner to develop
deep concentration skills and builds his ability to focus
within which greatly helps us to learn to transfer this art
of concentration on other desired issues on the basis of
the Law of Transfer of Training of Psychology including
Inner Peace & on Job requirements.
• In the beginning, a lot of Thoughts including some
unwanted irrational & weird ones occupy the front place
in the Mind, Whereas a Spiritual thought say a Sacred
Mantra like SO-HUM remain in the background! But
with the continued practice of Mentally Chanting of
these Sacred Mantras and slow breathing, these Piece
giving Mantras occupy the front place in the Mind and
the unnecessary and unwanted weird thoughts are
naturally eliminated, which helps the Practicener to in
focusing all the mental energy to the main task and the
Mind relaxes in addition!
• How to (1): Sitting in a Straight & Relaxed posture, focus
awareness on breathing and Breathe slowly, gently,
smoothly, evenly; without jerk or sound in the
breathing. Now feel the touch and flow of the breath in
the nostrils without pause between the breaths.
Meditation Dhyan M
• (2). After a few breaths, choose: (a). whichever name of
God is your favorite according to your tradition or
religion; (b). or a sacred but short phrase or prayer word
from your scripture or tradition like SOOO... while
inhaling and HHH...UM while exhaling. (c) If you do not
believe in a form of divinity, or spiritual incarnation and
so forth, exhaling, think Oooonnne (One in a long and
drawn out way), inhaling think Twwwoooo (Two) without
a break in this count with the breath or simply watch ur
breathing only
• (3) Exhaling, mentally remember the word or phrase.
Inhaling, mentally remember the word or phrase. (8.)Let
there be no break between the breaths, nor between the
incessant flow of the thoughts. (9). If you feel to have lost
this flow and other thoughts have begun to arise, re-start
the same procedure from the beginning with SOOOO.. or
OOOOM or number 1. (10). Sit for as long as you wish.
(11). Remain mentally quite for more, even after you rise.
(12.) If you practice this even for 2-3 minutes at a time
many times a day, s subtle changes will be noticed for the
Pran - Life Mudra (A Must - After Doing Any Mudra)
प्राण वायू का स्थान फे फड़ों के आस पास का होता है Activates Energy
in Head, Physical Well-being, Immunity, Removes free radicals
from blood, Improves Vision of Life & Eyes, Eye nerves,
Vitamins Absorption, Cures All Diseases Ending With .. "itis"
like Gastritis, Recovery-Healing After-illness!
For Curing Sleep Disorders, Do Pran Mudra first and then Gyan
Mudra while laying in "Savasan":
Pran Mudra may help in giving relief from all kinds of Health,
Fatigue & Finance related worries being a safe and secure Mudra
for money and stability
How we can sleep well with Pran Mudra?
When our worries are taken away, this free energy will now flow
to our Hara chakra (located just about two fingers width below
our navel) and Root chakra, and thus automatically that
transferred energy of the head will now be utilised to give
strength to the lower body parts instead! Now we can sleep well
with relaxed- free mind & energised body!
The Pran Mudra increases your power of attraction,
Prithvi - Mudra of Life!
Anti Ageing, Physical Well-being,
Immunity, Nutrition, Hair, Nail,
Skin, Acidity, Burning, Fever,
Throat & Fatigue Problems!
When To Use: For getting Energy
& Metabolism Boosting improves
Blood Circulation, Tolerance
ability and Sterengthens weak
Jal Mudra: (Mental Clarity)
It ncreases External Beauty, Looks,
especially by Keeping our Skin Well
Hydrated & Wrinkle Free Glow, keeping it
Free from all problems including Itching!
Also gives Effective Commu,nicatiion,
Maths Ability, Friendship, Memory(बुद्धि)
Use: For Intuitivenes & Access to Inner
To Cure Vatta Dosha! & Dry Cough.
SAMAN MUDRA (Tridosha Shamak)
स से सामान यानन समान वायू का स्थान है पेट जहाां भोजन सामग्री रखी होती है!
Balances all Elements!
Digestion: It helps Gastrointestinal Organs to digest food;
Mental Assimilation: Helps Mind to
Assimilate & Digest all sorts of
Thoughts & Experiences for Inner Peace!
Absorption of Oxygen: Helps
Lungs to absorb the Air that we breath in.
Digestion of Food: Stimulates
Metabolism to cure
Digestion, Bloating, Flautance,
Liver, small Intestine, Pancreas;
Samana vayu governs the function of assimilation, so it makes helps
the substance being introduced into the body become like the body,
and the body becomes receptive and makes space for the treatment in
the body.
This Mudra can be done prior to the infusion date, or literally during
the treatment session.
Making Proper Blood Circulation, It
Distributes Oxygen & Nutrition to all the
body cells & improves Heart, Lungs,
Nervous System, Cures Excessiveness like:
High BP, Obesity, Eyesight, Control Over
Heat-Temp.& Frequent Urination.
Is Students friendly as after Meals
Removes Heaviness, Drowsiness, Excess
It is an anti-depressant Mudra. Specially
for the Sr Citizens!
व्यान का स्थान (व से व्यापक ) यानी जो कें द्र से ले सववत्र व्याप्त /सब जगह
सकुव लेट हो
(A Movement Mudra, Making Us Moving With Our Projects)
In Vyan Combo: Middle Finger Is Mind +Ego & Index is Thinking Mind. Vyan
starts from the Centre & connected with the svadisthana chakra, or the
sacral chakra, which is associated with pleasure and creativity.
Kuber Mudra
तनाव की समस्या अब आम है। तनाव
आत्मववश्वास को कम करता है। ककसी भी
प्रकार के तनाव अथवा आत्मववश्वास की कमी
पृथ्वी और जल तत्वों की अधिकता तथा
आकाश, अग्नन और वायु तत्वों के असंतुलन का
पररणाम होता है।
कु बेर मुद्रा इन तत्वों का संतुलन स्थावपत करती
है और व्यग्तत को तनावमुतत कर उसमें
सकारात्मक सोच भरती है।
पॉल्यूशन एलजी:
1) इस मुद्रा के प्रयोग से साइनस में जमा
श्लेष्मा दूर होती है और नाक-कान बंद रहने की
समस्या समाप्त हो जाती है। अगर बार-बार
गहरी सांस के साथ इसे ककया जाए तो साइनस
संक्रमण के कारण होने वाला ससरददद और ससर
का भारीपन समाप्त हो जाता है। पृथ्वी और जल
तत्व की अधिकता को ही कफ का कारण माना
गया है, ये दोनों तत्व कु बेर मुद्रा से कम हो जाते
हैं, ग्जससे कफ की समस्या दूर हो जाती है।
2) संग में जल शामक मुद्रा (दाहहने अंगूेे के
नीचे छोटी उंगली को दबा कर रखें व बाएं हाथ के
अंगूेे को दाएं हाथ के अंगूेे पर रखें) भी करें!
इस से सारा बलगम सूख, शरीर-लंनस से बाहर
ननकल जायेगा!
• Kuber Mudra is a three finger techniques to decide between the choices available and also
used to put more force and dedication towards their future by involing it with your goals that you
want to reach, or wishes that you want to get fulfilled.
• It also helps to increase our confidence level and serenity. Vissualize our goals before doing this mudra
by Focusing and concentrating energy for something strongly desired.
• Puts powerful strength behind future (goals and what that we want fulfill with Confidence, calmness
and peacefulness.
• It can also be used to find something (lost object, parking spot, etc.)
• Physically, it opens and decongests the frontal sinuses
• How Kubera mudra works?
• When you close your fingers in Kubera mudra, the three closed fingers gesture provide additional
strength to the matter or thought. It is obvious that something special happens when the fingers of
Mars (forcefulness), Jupiter (resplendence, exuberant joy), and Saturn (fixation on the essential and
passing through new gateways) join forces. Kubera mudra also gives us inner repose, confidence, and
• Involving ur thoughts with the Kubera mudra In ur mind, formulate your goal/future or wish into
words. it is very important to be clear in words, what you want in your life. Then analyse your thought
and ask your heart whether it is good for you and it enriches your surrounding world.
• Now place three fingers together in Kubera mudra, phrase out your wish or thought in a positive way
as you say it out loud three times. Gently Press your fingers together while doing this. The Kubera
Mudra opens and cleanses the frontal sinuses, especially if you draw the air upward while inhaling.
Visualize your goal, your future, or your special wish, in all its colours. At the same time, develop the
feeling as if it already were reality.
• Affirmation: I give my best, and I let the rest be given
Located in Throat, it influences the energy of throat region,
promotes spiritual growth and self-expression,
clear speech & meaningful conversation by using
proper Words, remove excessively chatty habits!
Balances Thyroxine Harmones!
Keeps Our Mood - Happy!
उदान वायू का स्थानसे उपर यानन उदान वायु जो उपर की ओर बहे थ्रोट से
Do Apan Vayu M with ऊां खां Beej
Mantra for Heart/BP and After Meals
For Digestion & Gas!
Apan d Mudra अपान वायु स्थान यानन "अ-उदर "से प यानन पाांव़ों तक Digestion
energizes lower abdominal regions to Cure constipation, piles, diabetes, kidney, Liver,
dental, stomach, heart diseases & Undigested food containing Toxins are detoxified out
of our life. Thus, when toxins are removed from d physical body & bowel, we clear a
pathway for clear thinking & feeling. Do Pran M for better results . It awakens body’s
innate intelligence to let go of anything that doesn't serves d purpose of health.
Vayu Mudra:- If your mind is anxious,
nervous, overexcited, worried & restless -
Vayu mudra is the best remedy. It also
cures Gas, IBS, Gastrointestinal issues,
Arthritis, Sciatica, Gout, Knee pain,
Bloated Stomach; Muscular pain,
Overcharged Endocrine Glands, Strained
Voice &
Balances body while walking!
Vatta Shamak Mudra
Do This With Pran Mudra For:
Anxiety Free Sleep , Vatta
Do With Jal Mudra For
Headache / Pain
Kidney &Jal-Shamak Mudras
Jalshamak M Since Water Is An
Essential Constituent Of Pitta &
Kapha Both - It is Anti Pitta & Anti
Kapha Both - As This Mudra
Decreases Water & Cure diseases
like Frequent Urination, Mucus of
Throat (Pitta Caused) & Nose
(KAPHA Caused), Influenza, Kidney,
Jalodar & Glaucoma (काला-मोनतया)
Acidity Control: Thumb representing fire
presses the little water finger placed on pad
of thumb to control the excessive water
containing acid. The thumb also
experiences a pressure which reduces the
fire element having inflammatory
conditions and the stress linked to acidity
levels,! Prithvi Mudra Also Cures Acidity.
It also cures the diseases related with Vatta
Surya & Ling (Heat Mudras),
Representing Energy & Health.
Surya/Agni+Linga Mudras Combo Controls Weight
as heat produced by Placing Earth Element Finger
onThumb Pad, reduces the Earth Element in the
body, which reduces Kapha Tatva - essentially
required for weight gain and also increases
Digestion+Metabolism, Fat, Obesity, Cholestrol &
Cures Cataract(मोनतयाबांद), Vision, Loss of Appetite,
indigestion, Thyoride, Heart-Blockage, Shivering-
coldness, Mucus Phelgm!
Sleep to right side in Surya Mudra for Weight-
How to say No: If
you want to
assert yourself, or
want to say no
without hurting
the other person,
be in this Mudra
& say whatever
you want to say.
Linga Mudra Controls
Cold, Asthma, Cough, Sinusitis,
Dried Phlegm, Obesity(For Fat &
Water Balance-Chant वां बीज मांत्र)
by producing Heat which
Lubricates the Body Organs!
For Dry Cough
Here Surya Mudra Increases
Heat helping Lubrication;
Vayu Mudra decreases excess of
Dry & Cold Air causing unrest
and anxiety;
Varun Mudra restores Body
Fluid Balance;
And Space increased by Akash
Mudra helps to soon
Eliminates& Expells The Flu
Type Virus Pollutants &
Bacterial Mucus from the
Respiratory Passage which
Causes Dry Cough!
(Here We Balances The Jal+Akash Mudras);
(And Decrease The Vayu+Surya Mudras)
Bharamar & Shankh Mudras For Allergies
Bharamara M Improve weakened immune system & depleted state of intestinal flora,
associated with allergies like sneezing, runny nose & Lungs congestion or sinuses.
Shankha M Cures Allergic & disorders, pitta/skin rashes,
voice, throat, fever, weekness & paralysis of muscles.
Sahaj Shankh & Apan Mudras For Piles with सां Beej Manta
It affects the hypothalamus -
autonomous part of nervous
system that establishes a state
of balance in the body,
stregthens digestive organs -
Stomach, Liver, Spleen, Gall
Bladder, Pancreas & Kidnies,
Excited mind, heart, restless
legs symptoms, get cured by
getting inner Harmony!
अक्लदाढ़, जबडे के ददव में
इांजेक्शन की तरह दो-तीन ममनट
में अपना असर ददखाती है।
Women should cross the left
thumb on the right thumb,
and vice versa for men.
Matangi Mudra
नामभ चक्र Setting
Pushan Mudra-1Vyan in RHS+Apan in LHS (Known as Acceptance Mudra
as it helps us to accept our live situations & to overcome sadness or an
unnecessary resistance to situations, this mudra can help to get into a mood of
acceptance. It also hellp learning to balances our income and expenditure.
Do it any time & for any time duration like Gyan M with ऊां रां बां लां िां Beej Mantra.
(For Digestion - Before taking food, say in a buffet, do this Mudra. You will choose
the right food. This will help to avoid our tendency to eat everything. Do after
Meals for activating the Solar Plexus or Manipura chakra) -Meant for Upper GI
(Gastrointestinal Diseases) Track Issues Like: Reflux (Heart Burning) and Belching
(Gas Coming Through Mouth डकार ):It Improves digestion and do nourishment and
Assimilation of digested food and Detoxifies the Body!
It can relieve nausea during motion sickness & good for curing Diabeties too!
• When there is a conflict and we
wants to remain peaceful, we can do
this Mudra and chant “I am sorry,
please forgive me, Love Thanks
• When we want to stop criticizing
others or when we want to have
tolerance, we can be in the
Acceptance Mudra and chant- “I am
sorry. Please forgive me. Love Thanks
• When we want to shed our ego and
pride, we can be in the Acceptance
Mudra and go on affirming within, “I
am sorry. Please forgive me. Love!
Thanks! Divine!”
• Mudra Healing to Get Money
• admin admin
• 2 years ago
• Naran S Balakumar
each for 15 minutes.
• Acceptance Mudra
• Right hand – thumb touching index and middle
fingers and left hand touching middle and ring
• Chant ‘I trust the process of life” while doing
Acceptance Mudra.
• Vitality Mudra
• Thumb touching the little and ring fingers on
both the hands
• Mudras can be done for others too. Take a
picture of Vitality Mudra. Write the name of the
person. The energy will go the person.
• Be in the Mudra and chant, “Why do I have
enough cash flow?”
Pushan Mudra-II(Hara Mudra) (For Digestion After
Meals) For Lower-GI (Gastrointestinal Diseases) Track issues
like: Gas, Bloating, or Constipation and to love & accept
The self-discipline is gained though this Mudra. All desires,
unuseful past learnings stored as garbage and unwanted energy
are removed by this Mudra. We live with an attitude of
gratitude. This Increases Physical Vitality as well
Pran Mudra (Thumb + Little + Ring) in RHS +
Apan Mudra (Thumb + Ring + Middle) in LHS.
Mushti Mudra gives mental
relaxation by controlling the
concealed anger, aggravation,
irritation by getting rid of the
tension giving unexpressed
negative emotions!
Benefits: Doing after Meals, it
curese Kidneys, Urinary
bladder, Constipation,
digestion problems &
energises liver stomach,
reduces tingling pains like
burning, pinning or numbness
feelings in the hands and
Hasta Mudra Therapy
• Constipation (Difficulty in Defication) Vayu, Vata-nashak,
Agni/Surya, Apan & Varun mudras.
• Indigestion/Weak Digestion:Apan 32 Mts+Surya 16Mts+Linga 10
Mts OR Surya, Linga, Pitta Vardhak, Jal Mudras.
• Gas or (Flautance in Abdomen dur to Excess Vayu) : Vayu, Vata-
nashak, Apan, Apan Vayu Mudras.
• Gastritis: Prithvi, Apan & Pran Mudras.
• Acidity (Excess Pitta) : Prithvi, Jal-shamak & Pran Mudras.
• Colitis: Kapha-Karak or Pitta-nashak (Pran Mudra)
• Abdominal pain: Vata-nashak, Vayu, Apan-vayu, Matangi Mudras.
• Fatty Liver: Surya+Ling Mudras+Shankh & Sahaj Shankh Mudra
Hasta Mudra Therapy
• Diabetes mellitus : Gyan Mudra,
Apan & Pran mudras.
• High Blood-pressure(highper-
tension): Gyan, Akash, Pran, Apan-
vayu,Vyan mudras.
• Heart: Gyan, Apan Vayu, Pran
• BP-Low: Gyan, Prithvi, Shunya M
• Depression: Gyan, Surya, Pran M
• Fever: Prithvi, Apan, Shankha
• Sinusitis: Prithvi +Shankh +Pran M
• Allergy: Bhramar + Shankh + Prithvi
+ Pran M
Cough, wet: Linga mudra,
Agni/Surya mudras.
Cough, dry: Vayu-Mudra &
Varun Mudra.
Sore Throat: Prithvi, Pran,
Udan, Shankh
Asthma: Swanshni
Swanshh Mudra,
Asthma Mudra, Surya,
Ling, Span Vayu,
Gyan/Chinmaya & Pran
Mudras and Anulom
vilom pranayam.
Hasta Mudra Therapy
• Cracked skin/lips/tongue: Vayu, Vata-nashak Jal Mudras.
• Hair Care: Since skin, hair, nails, muscles & bones are because of Prithvi
Tatva, so Prithvi Mudra followed by Pran Mudra cures Hair fall & greying
white hair.
• Weight Loss: Agni(Sun) 32 Mts + Ling 12 Mts+ Sankh16 Mts + Pran Mudra
16 Minutes or while sleeping, sleep turning to left side - doing Agni Mudra
for 16 Minutes and note the changes within 6-8 weeks time! In addition,
Chinmaya & Vyan Mudra may also be practiced
• Thyoride Overactive:(Hyperthyroidism) occurs when thyroid gland
produces too much of the hormone thyroxine. Hyperthyroidism can
accelerate your body's metabolism, causing unintentional weight loss and
a rapid or irregular heartbeat. To Cure do Prithvi, Pran, Vayu Mudras.
• Thyoride Underactive hypothyroidism) is thyroid gland doesn't produce
enough hormones causing tiredness, weight gain and feeling depressed.
To Cure do Gyan, Surya,Ling, Pitta-Vardhak, Jal-shamak Mudras.
Hasta Mudra Therapy
• Frequent Urination: Gyan + Vyan +JAL Shamak M
• Urinary Infection: Kidney (Little + Ring Fingers Pressed
Under Thumbs) + Apan Mudras,
• Burning in Urination: Prithvi + Apan + Apan Vayu M;
• Burnig in Body: PrithvI + Pran + Shankh Mudras
• Itching Cure: Varun Mudra 16 Mts;
• Anger : Prithvi, Pran, Vayu
• Insomnia (Sleeplessness) Preferably Half an hour before
Sleeping - Gyan 48M + Pran 16M or For Emergency Need
Vata Shamak 16M (Put Index + Middle Fingers Under
Thumbs) if Anxiety or Excitement.. + Pran M 6M and do
Shakti Mudra also!
• Students Exams Friendly: Pushan-I for Proper Digestion &
Anti Sleep /Anti Laziness after Meals.
• Sleeplessness due to Anxiety: Vatta Shamak Mudras.
Hasta Mudra Therapy
• Mudra Package For Knee Pain:
• Sandhi Mudra + Vayu Mudra + Jal Mudra + Pran & Gyan
Mudra Combo.
• (Sandhi Mudra): Prithvi Mudra with Right Hand and Akash
Mudra with Left Hand.
• Arthritis : Vayu, Vata-nashak, Prithvi, Jal, Pran, Apan-vayu
• Cervical spondylosis: Vayu, Vata-nashak, Varun, PrithvI,
Apan-vayu, Apan Mudras.
• Backache: Vayu, Apan-vayu,Vata-nashak Mudras.
• Frozen shoulder: Vayu, Apan- vayu Mudras.
• Cramps: Vayu, Jal Mudra.
Hasta Mudras Therapy
• Tridosha Cure: All Elements Could be Balanced by doing: (1)
Saman Mudra and (2) Apan in Right Hand + Gyan in left hand
(Here ThumbTouches side of Index finger of left hand like
Position of Thumb & Middle finger in Bharmar Mudra).
• Studies Concentration & Memory: Gyan + Budhi + Pran M.
• For Digestion & Anti Laziness / Anti Sleep: Pushan Mudra 1.
• Height Increase upto teenage: Gyan + Shankh + Akash for
Calcium & Phosphorous + Pran for Vitamin absorption!
• Gout: Vayu mudra and pran mudra.
• For palpitation, To prevent heart attack: Apan
Vayu Mudra (both apan and vayu)
• Convulsion: Vayu mudra 15 mins daily
• Earache while flight take off landing, travel
sickness, vertigo: Shunya Mudra.
• General illness:;Shunya +Vayu = Vatta M
• Cholesterol, low body temperature, absence
of sweat, increased metabolism: Surya M
• Swelling anywhere, watery eyes, hyper
acidity:Water Reducing Jalodhar nashak M.
• Kidney problems : Kidney Mudra (tips of ring
and little fingers at the base of thumb)
• Sinusitis, cold, asthma, bronchitis, obesity:
Surya, Linga + Pran Mudras 16 Mts Each.
• For thyroid gland & for children height to be
increased , for allergies caused by dust and
smoke, after paralytic attack : Shankh M.
• Stress Jnana Mudra(tips of the index +Thumb.
• Anger, fear, sorrow:Akash Mudra
• Anxiety, Worrry & Depression: Vayu+Vatta M
• Inflammation, fever, skin diseases, osteoporosis,
stomach acidity, Eyes burning sensation: Prithvi
• Dry cough,dry skin(psoriasis) ,osteoarthritis,
cramps, dry eyes, pimples, sunstroke: Varun
Mudra(tip of the little & thumb) & Vayu Mudra.
• Blood pressure high or low : Vyan Mudra(tips of
both index and middle with the tip of thumb)
• Constipation, piles, flatulence, healthy teeth,
diabetes : Apan Mudra.
• Increases will power plus compliments other
mudras in healing: Pran Mudra.
• Parkinsons, sciatica, cervical pain, knee pain :
Vayu M+Varun mudra+ pran mudra (vayu –tip of
the index at the base of thumb) 16Mts each.
Thank You ! 🙏
Mudra Therapy- Imp Diseases!

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  • 1. DC Chaudhery, (BSc; MCom; MEd); (IAS, HCS Exams Qualified) Former: DPC-SSA cum Dy Distt Edu Officer, Fbd, Member: Governing Body, Faridabad Education Council, Advisor, Faridabad Navchetna Trust & - Dr OP Bhalla Foundation - (Manav Rachna University, Fbd.) Former:- - Member: Haryana State EducatIon Committee; - Member, Exams Board of School EducatIon, Haryana; - Resource Person, Deptt of Education, Haryana; - Distt President, Haryana Edu Officers Assoc; - Fin & Admin Advisor, Additional Deputy Commissioner, Fbd cum Admnistrator Echelon Engg Inst; An Experienced Student of: Vedic Hasta Mudras Yoga Therapy; Meditation, Pranayam & Astrology! Mobile (WhatsApp): 9868358257 fb: Email:; Website: Welcomes You! 🙏
  • 2. Quantitative & Qualitative Productivity of the Worthy Practiceners is Assured! • Holding a Self-Practiced, Non-Medicinal, 'HASTA MUDRA' - HEALTH WELLNESS Yoga Therapy Program like this is a Strategic Vision to live a Happy 'n' Healthy Life by cutting the ever rising Health Costs to Minimal by Learning to Prevent and Self Cure the Chronic Mental, Physical and Emotional Diseases in a Natural Holistic Vedic Way- by Balancing Vatta - Pitta - Kapha (Water, Earth, Akash, Vayu, Fire Elements) through our Five Fingers to enjoy Amazing Health Benefits!
  • 3. Balancing Vatta, Pitta & Kapha! Elements: Balancing: Touching KingThumbs & Fingers Tops representing the Element! Deacreasing: Fingers at Thumbs Base & Pressed under Thumb!. Thumb Is King Akash + Vayu = Vatta Water + Fire = Pitta Water + Earth = KaphaSince Obesity, Indigestion, Cold, Cough, Mucus are caused by Kapha Excesse - so decrease KAPHA by inncreasing PITTA by doing heat producing Mudras like Surya & Ling. Since Jionts, Arthritis Pains & Gas are caused by Vatta excess - so decease VATTA by doing Vayu & Vatta Shamak Mudras! Vata dosha exhibits itself as restlessness, anxiety, fear, a sense of insecurity, dryness, constipation, poor or variable appetite, bloating and headache. Since Fever, Burning, Acidity are caused by PITTA excess- so decrease PITTA by KAPHA Balance Mudras like Prithvi, Pran! Jal Shamak Mudras decreases Pitta & Fire Both
  • 4. • Diseases of Imbalanced Elements • Water element Imbalance : Cold, sinusitis, asthma, swellings, blood thinning or blood clotting, problem in urination, diseases of reproductive organs. • Fire element Imbalance: Increased body coldness or fever, diabetes, skin diseases, loss of vital energy, acidity, and mental disorders. • Air element Imbalance: Nervous disorders, blood pressure problems, lung disorders, physical pains, deformities, depression, locomotors ataxia (Loosing Control over Body) • Space element Imbalance: Thyroid disorders, throat problems, speech disorders, epilepsy, mental illness, foolhardiness (Foolish Bravery Act), ear diseases. • Earth element Imbalance : General weakness, obesity, cholesterol, weight- loss and weight gain, bones and muscular diseases. • Significance of :Vata, Pitta, Kapha. • VATA: The Energy Of Movement is the driving vital force or prana, which mobilizes and controls all functions like heartbeats, respiration, & blood circulation. • Significance- Vata controls traits like enjoyment, happiness, creativity, and speech. Thus when vata (prana) leaves the body - body dies. Vatta moves the body and unbalanced Vata causes flatulence, gout, rheumatism. • PITTA Regulates Metabolism, Digestion and Assimilation of food. It controls gastric fire, enzymes and amino acids for regulating metabolism. • Significance- Affects & helps in digestion, appetite, vitality, learning, and thinking. • KAPHA Provides Lubrication And Structure: It has the watery properties and is a carrier of nutrients. All soft body organs are associated with this are related with the taste, nourishment, & lubrication. • Significance- It is body nutrient- provider.
  • 5. 4 Essential Mudras Gyan Mudra How to: bring your index finger and thumb together. Recommended during meditation, this Mudra provides a soothing and calming effect on the mind. This is particularly beneficial for increasing memory and concentration and even helps with things like depression, anxiety, loss of sleep, and stress. Pran Mudra: Eye problems, nervous problem, and charges all parts of the body. How to: place the tip of the thumb to the tip of the little and ring finger, keeping the other two fingers straight. This is an immune-boosting practice designed to keep the mind and body free of disease. It's also believed to bring about a glowing complexion to the skin because it radiates blood-purifying properties. • Pushan Mudra-I (For Digestion - Do After Meals for activating the Solar Plexus or Manipura chakra) • Meant for Upper GI (Gastrointestinal Diseases) Track Issues Like: Reflux (Heart Burning) and • Belching (Gas Coming Through Mouth डकार ): • Vyan Mudra (Thumb + Index + Middle) in RHS + • Apan Mudra (Thumb + Ring + Middle) in LHS • Pushan Mudra-II (For Digestion After Meals) For Lower-GI (Gastrointestinal Diseases) Track issues like: Gas, Bloating, or Constipation: • Pran Mudra (Thumb + Little + Ring) in RHS + • Apan Mudra (Thumb + Ring + Middle) in LHS. Hridya Mudra: For Heart disease, asthma, and respiration related diseases.Hridaya Mudra How to: place the index finger at the root of the thumb and bring the tip of the thumb to the middle finger and ring finger. Extend the little finger. Hridaya Mudra may prove very helpful to release pent-up emotion and unburden your heart. It is an excellent mudra to practice during times of emotional conflict and crisis.
  • 6. • Varun/Jal Mudra: This is for blood purification and all skin diseases.Prana Mudra: Eye problems, nervous problem, and charges all parts of the body How to: bring the tip of the little finger to your thumb. The little finger represents the water element, right? Hence, it's great for bmaintaining the fluid balance in your body. This leads to healing for many skin conditions and to a natural glow and luster to your face. It also helps you to clearly and intuitively communicate. Prithvi Mudra: For peace of mind, Energy etc. How to: place the tip of the ring finger to the thumb. For those who want to gain weight! • Vayu Mudra: For joint pains, stomach problems etc. Yayu Mudra How to: place the index finger at the root of the thumb and press the thumb into the index finger itself. This mudra will help reduce pain. Air or Vatta (being the root cause of pain in the body) is suppressed by the fire, an energy that feeds into pain. Akash Mudra: For Ear, Calcium & Phos Shunya Mudra How to: place the middle finger at the base of the thumb and bring the thumb on top of the middle finger. A great mudra for any hearing related issues, especially tinnitus. Also good for vertigo issues! • Digestion & Weight Loss • 1) Apan Mudra 32 Minutes How to: bring the tip of your thumb to the middle finger and ring finger, keeping the index and small finger upright. This calms the wind energy in the body, so it's especially good for bloating. 2) Surya Mudra:16 Minutes Obesity, cholesterol etc. How to: place the ring finger at the root of the thumb and press the thumb over it. If you're concerned about your waistline, this is the mudra for you! It's believed Surya Mudra speeds up the metabolism. 3) Linga Mudra 12 Minutes: How to: clasp the fingers of both hands together and keep one thumb pointed up. Great for respiratory issues and likes like phlegm. Recommended for asthmatic patients. Chinmaya Mudra: For Contentment & Weight- maintinance!
  • 7. Akash (Osteoporosis Mudra) There is an intra- cellular space between 75,000 billion cells in our body - largest in universe! Negative emotions like fear, anger, sorrow, etc. are replaced by positive feelings and thoughts like Patience, Courage, Responsibility, Intuition & Extra Sensory Powers (EPS) and Helps in Calcium, Phos absorption & gives StrongTeeths & Healthy Throat & Detoxifies the Body & Mind wastes & under Thyroid hormone It activates our own teacher inside us and makes us broad minded by leaving meanness to understand life better. Its practice also helps in getting space say getting a proper sitting & attract friends & customers. Shunya - Mudra Also known as Eptiness or Heaven Mudra since it gives the feellings of Emptiness making out Mind free from thinking about anything else, and just experiencing the never-ending Heaven like space. Cures ENT, Ear Pain,Tinnitus Hearing & Over Thyroid hormone Problms. Strengthens Bones, Heart,Throat,Thyroid Gums Its Use with Vayu Mudra Cures - gout, flatulence, constipation, arthritis, neck pain, trembling, paralysis,cervical spondilytis,Vertigo, Motion Sickness, Numbness.
  • 8. D Mudra (Akash) For Controling BP, the Middle finger of both hands were squeezed from root to tip for 5 Minutes as Shown in the Pic.
  • 9. A FEW HASTA MUDRAS FOR DAILY USE Do These 5+ Minutes A Day One By One - To Keep Fit 1. Jal & Prithvi Mudras and then Pran Mudra Rt✋+ Gyan M Lt ✋, then Gyan with Right ✋ 'n ' Pran with Left ✋ 2) SAMAN MUDRA (To Balance Five Elements) 3) VYAN MUDRA (Movement Mudra) 4) UDAN MUDRA (Happiness, Throat & Speech Mudra) 5) APAN Mudra (Detoxifying M) & also as a part of PUSHAN (Digestive) & Heart-APAN-VAYU Mds. (Vayu/AntiGas)
  • 10. Gyan Mudra ofKnowledge, Wisdom (सरस्वती) Balances Ego, Elevates Soul (आत्मबल), Inner Peace, A Calm Mind & Mental Immunity, Righteousness; Starts Improving Personality Disorders & Sleeplessness w.e.f. 21 & 3 days respectively, followed with Pran M It Activates Pituitary (Controls growth, BP, metabolism, mental state, physical growth), Cures Retina Degeneration, Dwarfism! If having Belching डकार after meals, it corrects Apan Vayu to move down. Good Sleep: By doing 48M Gyan Mudra, extra energy present in head in the form of vivid thoughts causing anxiety is first diverted to the root chakra which is situated below our sexual organs and then to the legs and We get grounded and therefore Sleep well as Tension ‘n’ any kind of Mental-ache or Physical pains are removed by transfer of this energy from Head to the Lower Areas! Follow Pran M for 16M Adii Mudra in addition - provides complete rest and relaxation to our Brain and thus a good sleep!
  • 11. Chinmaya Mudra (Supreme Awareness) ( For Taking Un-biased Decisions – Free of Feelings, Emotions & Ego) Chinmaya Mudra helps in making a Ego, Emotion & Feelings free best Decision since touching of Index Finger with Thumb induced thoughts, whereas the rest of the Middle (Akash Being Tallest is Ego giving), Ring (Emotions) and Pinky Fingers (Feelings) being put to rest in the Thumb Pad are unable to add Ego, Emotions & Feelings to the Thought giving Index Finger! NB: Doing With Surya & Ling Mudras - This Also Helps in Better Lungs Functioning,Digestion & Weight Loss.
  • 12. Adi Mudra for Snoring means less oxygen to the throat and head area. Adi Mudra helps to reduce snoring, bringing more oxygen to the throat and head. It also keep d mind quite-calm & Good for Lungs & Diegestion too! Aakash Mudra: If the breathing space around Tongue is somehow less, Practicing Aakash Mudra after Adi Mudra Practice may help! Calms the nervous system Stimulates udana vayu (the governing vayu for the upper chest, throat, and head) It is thought to aid in pranayama because it increases breathing and lung capacity, thus increasing oxygen flow throughout the body and stimulates the brain, which is closely related to the crown (sahasrara) chakra that governs an individual’s sense of peace, higher awareness and oneness with the universe
  • 13. • Introduction: It involves concentrating on a some particular point with the objective of understanding its true nature which alloes the practitioner to develop deep concentration skills and builds his ability to focus within which greatly helps us to learn to transfer this art of concentration on other desired issues on the basis of the Law of Transfer of Training of Psychology including Inner Peace & on Job requirements. • In the beginning, a lot of Thoughts including some unwanted irrational & weird ones occupy the front place in the Mind, Whereas a Spiritual thought say a Sacred Mantra like SO-HUM remain in the background! But with the continued practice of Mentally Chanting of these Sacred Mantras and slow breathing, these Piece giving Mantras occupy the front place in the Mind and the unnecessary and unwanted weird thoughts are naturally eliminated, which helps the Practicener to in focusing all the mental energy to the main task and the Mind relaxes in addition! • How to (1): Sitting in a Straight & Relaxed posture, focus awareness on breathing and Breathe slowly, gently, smoothly, evenly; without jerk or sound in the breathing. Now feel the touch and flow of the breath in the nostrils without pause between the breaths. Meditation Dhyan M • (2). After a few breaths, choose: (a). whichever name of God is your favorite according to your tradition or religion; (b). or a sacred but short phrase or prayer word from your scripture or tradition like SOOO... while inhaling and HHH...UM while exhaling. (c) If you do not believe in a form of divinity, or spiritual incarnation and so forth, exhaling, think Oooonnne (One in a long and drawn out way), inhaling think Twwwoooo (Two) without a break in this count with the breath or simply watch ur breathing only • (3) Exhaling, mentally remember the word or phrase. Inhaling, mentally remember the word or phrase. (8.)Let there be no break between the breaths, nor between the incessant flow of the thoughts. (9). If you feel to have lost this flow and other thoughts have begun to arise, re-start the same procedure from the beginning with SOOOO.. or OOOOM or number 1. (10). Sit for as long as you wish. (11). Remain mentally quite for more, even after you rise. (12.) If you practice this even for 2-3 minutes at a time many times a day, s subtle changes will be noticed for the better.
  • 14. Pran - Life Mudra (A Must - After Doing Any Mudra) प्राण वायू का स्थान फे फड़ों के आस पास का होता है Activates Energy in Head, Physical Well-being, Immunity, Removes free radicals from blood, Improves Vision of Life & Eyes, Eye nerves, Vitamins Absorption, Cures All Diseases Ending With .. "itis" like Gastritis, Recovery-Healing After-illness! For Curing Sleep Disorders, Do Pran Mudra first and then Gyan Mudra while laying in "Savasan": Pran Mudra may help in giving relief from all kinds of Health, Fatigue & Finance related worries being a safe and secure Mudra for money and stability How we can sleep well with Pran Mudra? When our worries are taken away, this free energy will now flow to our Hara chakra (located just about two fingers width below our navel) and Root chakra, and thus automatically that transferred energy of the head will now be utilised to give strength to the lower body parts instead! Now we can sleep well with relaxed- free mind & energised body! The Pran Mudra increases your power of attraction,
  • 15. Prithvi - Mudra of Life! Anti Ageing, Physical Well-being, Immunity, Nutrition, Hair, Nail, Skin, Acidity, Burning, Fever, Throat & Fatigue Problems! When To Use: For getting Energy & Metabolism Boosting improves Blood Circulation, Tolerance ability and Sterengthens weak bones. Jal Mudra: (Mental Clarity) It ncreases External Beauty, Looks, especially by Keeping our Skin Well Hydrated & Wrinkle Free Glow, keeping it Free from all problems including Itching! Also gives Effective Commu,nicatiion, Maths Ability, Friendship, Memory(बुद्धि) Use: For Intuitivenes & Access to Inner Knowledge. To Cure Vatta Dosha! & Dry Cough.
  • 16. SAMAN MUDRA (Tridosha Shamak) स से सामान यानन समान वायू का स्थान है पेट जहाां भोजन सामग्री रखी होती है! Balances all Elements! Digestion: It helps Gastrointestinal Organs to digest food; Mental Assimilation: Helps Mind to Assimilate & Digest all sorts of Thoughts & Experiences for Inner Peace! Absorption of Oxygen: Helps Lungs to absorb the Air that we breath in. Digestion of Food: Stimulates Metabolism to cure Digestion, Bloating, Flautance, Liver, small Intestine, Pancreas; Samana vayu governs the function of assimilation, so it makes helps the substance being introduced into the body become like the body, and the body becomes receptive and makes space for the treatment in the body. This Mudra can be done prior to the infusion date, or literally during the treatment session.
  • 17. Making Proper Blood Circulation, It Distributes Oxygen & Nutrition to all the body cells & improves Heart, Lungs, Nervous System, Cures Excessiveness like: High BP, Obesity, Eyesight, Control Over Heat-Temp.& Frequent Urination. Is Students friendly as after Meals Removes Heaviness, Drowsiness, Excess Sleep! It is an anti-depressant Mudra. Specially for the Sr Citizens! VYAN MUDRA व्यान का स्थान (व से व्यापक ) यानी जो कें द्र से ले सववत्र व्याप्त /सब जगह सकुव लेट हो (A Movement Mudra, Making Us Moving With Our Projects) In Vyan Combo: Middle Finger Is Mind +Ego & Index is Thinking Mind. Vyan starts from the Centre & connected with the svadisthana chakra, or the sacral chakra, which is associated with pleasure and creativity.
  • 18. Kuber Mudra तनाव की समस्या अब आम है। तनाव आत्मववश्वास को कम करता है। ककसी भी प्रकार के तनाव अथवा आत्मववश्वास की कमी पृथ्वी और जल तत्वों की अधिकता तथा आकाश, अग्नन और वायु तत्वों के असंतुलन का पररणाम होता है। कु बेर मुद्रा इन तत्वों का संतुलन स्थावपत करती है और व्यग्तत को तनावमुतत कर उसमें सकारात्मक सोच भरती है। पॉल्यूशन एलजी: 1) इस मुद्रा के प्रयोग से साइनस में जमा श्लेष्मा दूर होती है और नाक-कान बंद रहने की समस्या समाप्त हो जाती है। अगर बार-बार गहरी सांस के साथ इसे ककया जाए तो साइनस संक्रमण के कारण होने वाला ससरददद और ससर का भारीपन समाप्त हो जाता है। पृथ्वी और जल तत्व की अधिकता को ही कफ का कारण माना गया है, ये दोनों तत्व कु बेर मुद्रा से कम हो जाते हैं, ग्जससे कफ की समस्या दूर हो जाती है। 2) संग में जल शामक मुद्रा (दाहहने अंगूेे के नीचे छोटी उंगली को दबा कर रखें व बाएं हाथ के अंगूेे को दाएं हाथ के अंगूेे पर रखें) भी करें! इस से सारा बलगम सूख, शरीर-लंनस से बाहर ननकल जायेगा!
  • 19. • Kuber Mudra is a three finger techniques to decide between the choices available and also used to put more force and dedication towards their future by involing it with your goals that you want to reach, or wishes that you want to get fulfilled. • It also helps to increase our confidence level and serenity. Vissualize our goals before doing this mudra by Focusing and concentrating energy for something strongly desired. • Puts powerful strength behind future (goals and what that we want fulfill with Confidence, calmness and peacefulness. • It can also be used to find something (lost object, parking spot, etc.) • Physically, it opens and decongests the frontal sinuses • How Kubera mudra works? • When you close your fingers in Kubera mudra, the three closed fingers gesture provide additional strength to the matter or thought. It is obvious that something special happens when the fingers of Mars (forcefulness), Jupiter (resplendence, exuberant joy), and Saturn (fixation on the essential and passing through new gateways) join forces. Kubera mudra also gives us inner repose, confidence, and serenity. • Involving ur thoughts with the Kubera mudra In ur mind, formulate your goal/future or wish into words. it is very important to be clear in words, what you want in your life. Then analyse your thought and ask your heart whether it is good for you and it enriches your surrounding world. • Now place three fingers together in Kubera mudra, phrase out your wish or thought in a positive way as you say it out loud three times. Gently Press your fingers together while doing this. The Kubera Mudra opens and cleanses the frontal sinuses, especially if you draw the air upward while inhaling. Visualize your goal, your future, or your special wish, in all its colours. At the same time, develop the feeling as if it already were reality. • Affirmation: I give my best, and I let the rest be given
  • 20. Located in Throat, it influences the energy of throat region, promotes spiritual growth and self-expression, clear speech & meaningful conversation by using proper Words, remove excessively chatty habits! Balances Thyroxine Harmones! Keeps Our Mood - Happy! UDAN MUDRA उदान वायू का स्थानसे उपर यानन उदान वायु जो उपर की ओर बहे थ्रोट से
  • 21. Do Apan Vayu M with ऊां खां Beej Mantra for Heart/BP and After Meals For Digestion & Gas! Apan d Mudra अपान वायु स्थान यानन "अ-उदर "से प यानन पाांव़ों तक Digestion energizes lower abdominal regions to Cure constipation, piles, diabetes, kidney, Liver, dental, stomach, heart diseases & Undigested food containing Toxins are detoxified out of our life. Thus, when toxins are removed from d physical body & bowel, we clear a pathway for clear thinking & feeling. Do Pran M for better results . It awakens body’s innate intelligence to let go of anything that doesn't serves d purpose of health.
  • 22. Vayu Mudra:- If your mind is anxious, nervous, overexcited, worried & restless - Vayu mudra is the best remedy. It also cures Gas, IBS, Gastrointestinal issues, Arthritis, Sciatica, Gout, Knee pain, Bloated Stomach; Muscular pain, Overcharged Endocrine Glands, Strained Voice & Balances body while walking! Vatta Shamak Mudra Do This With Pran Mudra For: Anxiety Free Sleep , Vatta Diseases! Do With Jal Mudra For Headache / Pain
  • 23. Kidney &Jal-Shamak Mudras Jalshamak M Since Water Is An Essential Constituent Of Pitta & Kapha Both - It is Anti Pitta & Anti Kapha Both - As This Mudra Decreases Water & Cure diseases like Frequent Urination, Mucus of Throat (Pitta Caused) & Nose (KAPHA Caused), Influenza, Kidney, Jalodar & Glaucoma (काला-मोनतया) etc. Acidity Control: Thumb representing fire presses the little water finger placed on pad of thumb to control the excessive water containing acid. The thumb also experiences a pressure which reduces the fire element having inflammatory conditions and the stress linked to acidity levels,! Prithvi Mudra Also Cures Acidity. It also cures the diseases related with Vatta Deficiency;
  • 24. @gma Surya & Ling (Heat Mudras), Representing Energy & Health. Surya/Agni+Linga Mudras Combo Controls Weight as heat produced by Placing Earth Element Finger onThumb Pad, reduces the Earth Element in the body, which reduces Kapha Tatva - essentially required for weight gain and also increases Digestion+Metabolism, Fat, Obesity, Cholestrol & Cures Cataract(मोनतयाबांद), Vision, Loss of Appetite, indigestion, Thyoride, Heart-Blockage, Shivering- coldness, Mucus Phelgm! Sleep to right side in Surya Mudra for Weight- maintinance! How to say No: If you want to assert yourself, or want to say no without hurting the other person, be in this Mudra & say whatever you want to say. Linga Mudra Controls Cold, Asthma, Cough, Sinusitis, Dried Phlegm, Obesity(For Fat & Water Balance-Chant वां बीज मांत्र) by producing Heat which Lubricates the Body Organs!
  • 25. For Dry Cough Here Surya Mudra Increases Heat helping Lubrication; Vayu Mudra decreases excess of Dry & Cold Air causing unrest and anxiety; Varun Mudra restores Body Fluid Balance; And Space increased by Akash Mudra helps to soon Eliminates& Expells The Flu Type Virus Pollutants & Bacterial Mucus from the Respiratory Passage which Causes Dry Cough! (Here We Balances The Jal+Akash Mudras); (And Decrease The Vayu+Surya Mudras)
  • 26. Bharamar & Shankh Mudras For Allergies Bharamara M Improve weakened immune system & depleted state of intestinal flora, associated with allergies like sneezing, runny nose & Lungs congestion or sinuses. Shankha M Cures Allergic & disorders, pitta/skin rashes, voice, throat, fever, weekness & paralysis of muscles.
  • 27. Sahaj Shankh & Apan Mudras For Piles with सां Beej Manta
  • 28. It affects the hypothalamus - autonomous part of nervous system that establishes a state of balance in the body, stregthens digestive organs - Stomach, Liver, Spleen, Gall Bladder, Pancreas & Kidnies, Excited mind, heart, restless legs symptoms, get cured by getting inner Harmony! अक्लदाढ़, जबडे के ददव में इांजेक्शन की तरह दो-तीन ममनट में अपना असर ददखाती है। Women should cross the left thumb on the right thumb, and vice versa for men. Matangi Mudra नामभ चक्र Setting
  • 29. Pushan Mudra-1Vyan in RHS+Apan in LHS (Known as Acceptance Mudra as it helps us to accept our live situations & to overcome sadness or an unnecessary resistance to situations, this mudra can help to get into a mood of acceptance. It also hellp learning to balances our income and expenditure. Do it any time & for any time duration like Gyan M with ऊां रां बां लां िां Beej Mantra. (For Digestion - Before taking food, say in a buffet, do this Mudra. You will choose the right food. This will help to avoid our tendency to eat everything. Do after Meals for activating the Solar Plexus or Manipura chakra) -Meant for Upper GI (Gastrointestinal Diseases) Track Issues Like: Reflux (Heart Burning) and Belching (Gas Coming Through Mouth डकार ):It Improves digestion and do nourishment and Assimilation of digested food and Detoxifies the Body! It can relieve nausea during motion sickness & good for curing Diabeties too!
  • 30. • When there is a conflict and we wants to remain peaceful, we can do this Mudra and chant “I am sorry, please forgive me, Love Thanks Divine”. • When we want to stop criticizing others or when we want to have tolerance, we can be in the Acceptance Mudra and chant- “I am sorry. Please forgive me. Love Thanks Divine”. • When we want to shed our ego and pride, we can be in the Acceptance Mudra and go on affirming within, “I am sorry. Please forgive me. Love! Thanks! Divine!” • Mudra Healing to Get Money • admin admin • 2 years ago • Naran S Balakumar • Do ACCEPTANCE MUDRA and VITALITY MUDRA, each for 15 minutes. • Acceptance Mudra • Right hand – thumb touching index and middle fingers and left hand touching middle and ring fingers • Chant ‘I trust the process of life” while doing Acceptance Mudra. • Vitality Mudra • Thumb touching the little and ring fingers on both the hands • Mudras can be done for others too. Take a picture of Vitality Mudra. Write the name of the person. The energy will go the person. • Be in the Mudra and chant, “Why do I have enough cash flow?”
  • 31. Pushan Mudra-II(Hara Mudra) (For Digestion After Meals) For Lower-GI (Gastrointestinal Diseases) Track issues like: Gas, Bloating, or Constipation and to love & accept oneself! The self-discipline is gained though this Mudra. All desires, unuseful past learnings stored as garbage and unwanted energy are removed by this Mudra. We live with an attitude of gratitude. This Increases Physical Vitality as well Pran Mudra (Thumb + Little + Ring) in RHS + Apan Mudra (Thumb + Ring + Middle) in LHS.
  • 32. Mushti Mudra gives mental relaxation by controlling the concealed anger, aggravation, irritation by getting rid of the tension giving unexpressed negative emotions! Benefits: Doing after Meals, it curese Kidneys, Urinary bladder, Constipation, digestion problems & energises liver stomach, reduces tingling pains like burning, pinning or numbness feelings in the hands and feets!
  • 33. Hasta Mudra Therapy • Constipation (Difficulty in Defication) Vayu, Vata-nashak, Agni/Surya, Apan & Varun mudras. • Indigestion/Weak Digestion:Apan 32 Mts+Surya 16Mts+Linga 10 Mts OR Surya, Linga, Pitta Vardhak, Jal Mudras. • Gas or (Flautance in Abdomen dur to Excess Vayu) : Vayu, Vata- nashak, Apan, Apan Vayu Mudras. • Gastritis: Prithvi, Apan & Pran Mudras. • Acidity (Excess Pitta) : Prithvi, Jal-shamak & Pran Mudras. • Colitis: Kapha-Karak or Pitta-nashak (Pran Mudra) • Abdominal pain: Vata-nashak, Vayu, Apan-vayu, Matangi Mudras. • Fatty Liver: Surya+Ling Mudras+Shankh & Sahaj Shankh Mudra
  • 34. Hasta Mudra Therapy • Diabetes mellitus : Gyan Mudra, Apan & Pran mudras. • High Blood-pressure(highper- tension): Gyan, Akash, Pran, Apan- vayu,Vyan mudras. • Heart: Gyan, Apan Vayu, Pran Mudras. • BP-Low: Gyan, Prithvi, Shunya M • Depression: Gyan, Surya, Pran M • Fever: Prithvi, Apan, Shankha Mudras. • Sinusitis: Prithvi +Shankh +Pran M • Allergy: Bhramar + Shankh + Prithvi + Pran M Cough, wet: Linga mudra, Agni/Surya mudras. Cough, dry: Vayu-Mudra & Varun Mudra. Sore Throat: Prithvi, Pran, Udan, Shankh Asthma: Swanshni Swanshh Mudra, Asthma Mudra, Surya, Ling, Span Vayu, Gyan/Chinmaya & Pran Mudras and Anulom vilom pranayam.
  • 35. Hasta Mudra Therapy • Cracked skin/lips/tongue: Vayu, Vata-nashak Jal Mudras. • Hair Care: Since skin, hair, nails, muscles & bones are because of Prithvi Tatva, so Prithvi Mudra followed by Pran Mudra cures Hair fall & greying white hair. • Weight Loss: Agni(Sun) 32 Mts + Ling 12 Mts+ Sankh16 Mts + Pran Mudra 16 Minutes or while sleeping, sleep turning to left side - doing Agni Mudra for 16 Minutes and note the changes within 6-8 weeks time! In addition, Chinmaya & Vyan Mudra may also be practiced • Thyoride Overactive:(Hyperthyroidism) occurs when thyroid gland produces too much of the hormone thyroxine. Hyperthyroidism can accelerate your body's metabolism, causing unintentional weight loss and a rapid or irregular heartbeat. To Cure do Prithvi, Pran, Vayu Mudras. • Thyoride Underactive hypothyroidism) is thyroid gland doesn't produce enough hormones causing tiredness, weight gain and feeling depressed. To Cure do Gyan, Surya,Ling, Pitta-Vardhak, Jal-shamak Mudras.
  • 36. Hasta Mudra Therapy • Frequent Urination: Gyan + Vyan +JAL Shamak M • Urinary Infection: Kidney (Little + Ring Fingers Pressed Under Thumbs) + Apan Mudras, • Burning in Urination: Prithvi + Apan + Apan Vayu M; • Burnig in Body: PrithvI + Pran + Shankh Mudras • Itching Cure: Varun Mudra 16 Mts; • Anger : Prithvi, Pran, Vayu • Insomnia (Sleeplessness) Preferably Half an hour before Sleeping - Gyan 48M + Pran 16M or For Emergency Need Vata Shamak 16M (Put Index + Middle Fingers Under Thumbs) if Anxiety or Excitement.. + Pran M 6M and do Shakti Mudra also! • Students Exams Friendly: Pushan-I for Proper Digestion & Anti Sleep /Anti Laziness after Meals. • Sleeplessness due to Anxiety: Vatta Shamak Mudras.
  • 37. Hasta Mudra Therapy • Mudra Package For Knee Pain: • Sandhi Mudra + Vayu Mudra + Jal Mudra + Pran & Gyan Mudra Combo. • (Sandhi Mudra): Prithvi Mudra with Right Hand and Akash Mudra with Left Hand. • Arthritis : Vayu, Vata-nashak, Prithvi, Jal, Pran, Apan-vayu Mudra • Cervical spondylosis: Vayu, Vata-nashak, Varun, PrithvI, Apan-vayu, Apan Mudras. • Backache: Vayu, Apan-vayu,Vata-nashak Mudras. • Frozen shoulder: Vayu, Apan- vayu Mudras. • Cramps: Vayu, Jal Mudra.
  • 38. Hasta Mudras Therapy • Tridosha Cure: All Elements Could be Balanced by doing: (1) Saman Mudra and (2) Apan in Right Hand + Gyan in left hand (Here ThumbTouches side of Index finger of left hand like Position of Thumb & Middle finger in Bharmar Mudra). • Studies Concentration & Memory: Gyan + Budhi + Pran M. • For Digestion & Anti Laziness / Anti Sleep: Pushan Mudra 1. • Height Increase upto teenage: Gyan + Shankh + Akash for Calcium & Phosphorous + Pran for Vitamin absorption!
  • 39. • Gout: Vayu mudra and pran mudra. • For palpitation, To prevent heart attack: Apan Vayu Mudra (both apan and vayu) • Convulsion: Vayu mudra 15 mins daily • Earache while flight take off landing, travel sickness, vertigo: Shunya Mudra. • General illness:;Shunya +Vayu = Vatta M • Cholesterol, low body temperature, absence of sweat, increased metabolism: Surya M • Swelling anywhere, watery eyes, hyper acidity:Water Reducing Jalodhar nashak M. • Kidney problems : Kidney Mudra (tips of ring and little fingers at the base of thumb) • Sinusitis, cold, asthma, bronchitis, obesity: Surya, Linga + Pran Mudras 16 Mts Each. • For thyroid gland & for children height to be increased , for allergies caused by dust and smoke, after paralytic attack : Shankh M. • Stress Jnana Mudra(tips of the index +Thumb. • Anger, fear, sorrow:Akash Mudra • Anxiety, Worrry & Depression: Vayu+Vatta M • Inflammation, fever, skin diseases, osteoporosis, stomach acidity, Eyes burning sensation: Prithvi M. • Dry cough,dry skin(psoriasis) ,osteoarthritis, cramps, dry eyes, pimples, sunstroke: Varun Mudra(tip of the little & thumb) & Vayu Mudra. • Blood pressure high or low : Vyan Mudra(tips of both index and middle with the tip of thumb) • Constipation, piles, flatulence, healthy teeth, diabetes : Apan Mudra. • Increases will power plus compliments other mudras in healing: Pran Mudra. • Parkinsons, sciatica, cervical pain, knee pain : Vayu M+Varun mudra+ pran mudra (vayu –tip of the index at the base of thumb) 16Mts each. Thank You ! 🙏 Mudra Therapy- Imp Diseases!