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NA 9127.H2C3
Plan of the city of Hartford.



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Plan of the City of Hartford



Advisory Architects












SMITH, Mayor, Chairman.
President Board of Street Commissioners.


President Board of Park Commissioners.




City Engineer, Secretary.






Superintendent of Parks.




H. FOX, Alderman.




Hartford was one of the
city to have a
legislative act.

most other American






not the





to forecast the

as a city of fine public


was a



and insurance

was widely recognized
charming avenues and
large and


proud of




city justly




pride and external attractive-

city of beautiful homes,




Hartford that was to

spirit, civic

notable banks



do without any definite plan.

in spite of this fact the Hartford of 1910



pennanent City Plan Commission authorized by
Prior to this time the city had been developing


heritage, with a

people intelligent, energetic, skillful and contented.

But Hartford was beginning to feel that if it was to maintain its prestige among American cities of its class, it must not
It must keep alert and abreast
indulge in self-complacency.
with the times. Everything must be done to make the Greater
Hartford of the future not only a more healthful city to live in,
but also a more attractive place to work in. It was coming

be recognized that while sanitary measures, which directly

or indirectly affect the health and happiness of the people, should

be given



to their

consideration, those which tend to beautify


comfort and convenience should not be overlooked.

The people were gradually coming
competent and experienced her city
great need of an


to realize tiiat




comprehensive City Plan, as a

guide to future development and improvements.

must be based upon


be, there




a thorough, exhaustive study of the city


a skilled, experienced, and disinterested outside expert.

The firm engaged


Carrere and Hastings of

undertake this work was Messrs.

New York


They were chosen
not only because of their well-deserved national reputation as




landscapists, but also because


Mr. Carrere was

of our leading citizens and had been

employed as advisory architect by the State Arsenal and Armory
Commission and later by the Teclm.ical High School and
Municipal Building Commissions. Only those who came into
dose personal or official relations with him are fully aware

how deeply Mr. Carrere became interested in the problems
Hartford's future, or how enthusiastically he gave himself

their solution.



ambition was to master every element

in the problem in order to produce a City Plan that would

His able partner, Mr.

stand the test of future generations.

Hastings, and his associates, Messrs. Oliver and Meeks, inspired

him to this same
was a Report on the
The result of their united efforts
City Plan for the City of Hartford which is destined to have
a beneficent and far-reaching influence upon this growing
It will also stand as a model in City Planning


his master mind, labored together with






and help to the solution of many a
and elsewhere. This report will


likewise stand as Mr.

John M. Carrere's


work in City


Late on Saturday afternoon, February eleventh, after a
painstaking critical review, he attached his signature to the

Hartford Report.




which proved



to be fatal,




on the

European trip and a wellmet with the accident
and America was thereby bereft of one

day, Sunday, he

of her foremost architects.



for an extended

The next

a deeper impress

family he was

upon the

Few men



profession have left

and none
which was truest

art life of the country,

in unselfish devotion to that


This City Plan of the City of Hartford by Messrs. Carrere
and Hastings was Mv. Carrere's valedictory to the world and
it will remain his crowning work in City Planning.





men began to gather
common purpose or

the very inoeptioii of civilization





another, whether for the pursuit of commerce, for

defense against their enemies, or other pursuits in

which there was an advantage

be gained by doing those


things collectively Avhich the individual could not accomplish,
so that

from time immemorial, ever since the

men have




earliest civiliza-


gradually developed into villages, towns, and


which have
and while,

with the advance of civilization, the conditions of communal

became more complex and were gradually expanded and
modified, at no time has there seemed to be any realization of
the future and any of that foresight which would plan a city

with regard

to its present conditions

and with a vision of


ultimate development and growth.

While the idea of a common

life for


common purpose

goes back to the beginning of things, real organization with

regard to essentials or non-essentials was very slow of develop-

ment and even at the present time has seldom been founded
on truly scientific principles or based on actual requirements


It is interesting, for instance, to learn that in the great
city of Paris

no attempt was made


municipal lighting, or any

definite ordinances attempting even a

system of private


Napoleon the First.
We read in Benjamin Franklin's Autobiography of his
efforts to organize tramps into voluntary street sweepers, especially during bad weather, and that these men stood at the
comers and swept the crossings and obtained a few pennies for
their trouble from the passers-by; and this is almost within
the memory of living man.
ing, until the time of
of the plan and resultant growth

The development not only
of our


but the form of government, the methods of taxa-

and most of the interests which

affect every citizen directly

or indirectly, have either been neglected or treated separately

Most cities, and certainly our
and without co-ordination.
American cities, with which we are mainly interested, have
simply grovii and expanded, not only as to physical development, but as to administrative methods, on entirely unscientific
lines of least resistance and with the false notion that the individual interests must prevail, as against the interests of the
community as a whole. It is true that exceptions exist and
the people have been willing to give


their so-called personal

and order, and to submit
police regulations; and we are

privileges in such matters as health


to sanitary regulation


gradually approaching a better understanding of this side of
city life.


few years ago congestion of traffic in our cities, in IN'ew
York, for instance, was of daily occurrence and everyone
seemed to have the right as a free-bom American citizen to
Today, following the example of Kew York,
block traffic.
which has modelled its traffic regulation on European standards
applied to the local conditions in a most successful manner,
even small

cities of

one hundred thousand inhabitants or


few years ago
a distinguished judge in the city of !New York reprimanded a
policeman for arresting a truckman who would not conform to
the regulations, with the statement that he was a free-born
American citizen and had a right to go where he pleased.
These rather specific examples are given to show to what

have adopted traffic regulations, and yet only a

extent even in minor matters the theory of individual rights

has been misapplied to the great detriment of the community
at large.


larger questions are involved than traffic regulations.

with the rapid and phenomenal
and with the very wise limitation

It is obvious, for instance, that

growth of our modern


under which they are developed

no city can afford




as to their

borrowing capacity,

legitimate expenses and provide

and economically for


and much



legitimate needs,


less to anticipate these needs, as they should in


important features, such as the extension of their main arteries


whether they are avenues, subways, or similar fea-

tures; so that every city is limited in

expansion by
saving, which


debt limit and



power of


obliged to economize by

the poorest kind of economy, in administrative

matters, at the expense of efficiency, which

economy in the long run.

And yet European


the only real


have already

adopted corrective methods with such success and so


also are


beginning to consider these methods and to

discuss their application.




protect the

condemnation proceedings which enable a combuy in excess of the needs of an improvement, to

improvement upon which

it is

spending the tax-

payers' money, and to reap the profit for the benefit of the city
as a whole,

which with us


reaped by the speculator, enabled

the city of Paris to carry out the wonderful projects of Baron

Haussmann, to revise the plan of Paris as to its streets, avenues,
and parks, and to create the wonderful city that we see today
and while in detail no one would think of reproducing Paris
in America, in principle

and beautiful


it is

the most convenient, practical

city taken as a whole that

process of excess condemnation

scientific recognition of the right of the

as a whole, to reap not 'only


improvement which belongs

to the

we can



point to today.

most intelligent and


profit there


people and


to benefit

be from an
paid for bv

the people, but to protect that improvement and to rectify


of the conditions, lot sizes, streets, and others which are dis-

turbed by the improvement, so as to

make them most advan-



a matter of fact a city, in the light of



and modern science and with the help of modem statistics,
must be considered as a great machine having a most intricate

organism and a most complex function to perform, and it
so well planned and put together and run, that as an

must be





produce the

direction with the least expense


and the

of efficiency in every
least friction.

are rare of a city that has been deliberately

planned and laid out, and most of our


— nearly



must be completely reorganized both as to plan, development,
and administrative methods. The task is a complex and difficult one and the vested rights, prejudices, and habits of its
people, stand in, the way and must be considered and gradually


in such a city as Washington, the most noted example

of a city planned deliberately, with the special conditions which

prevail in that city, in which little or no

and which




or industry

a governmental and residential



center, the plan fails already to respond fully to


ditions, which have changed so rapidly with the introduction

means of locomotion, and complete

of steam, electricity, rapid

rearrangement as to volume and methods of
strange as



more completely,



and which,

seem, will change even more rapidly and

conquered, and flying

seems probable now, the air

become a



is also

to be

means of



These considerations, which are very general and broad in
their nature, are introduced into this report in order to indi-

mere study of the plan of a city and the making
maps is but a very small part of the problem
which confronts every American city. To a very great extent
cate that the

of pictures or


this side of the

problem should follow rather than precede the

consideration of the broader problem of city government and

administration, which involves the questions of health,

safety, order, transportation

by land and by water,

the supply of food and other necessaries of
recreation for all conditions of

occupation, the taxation for



elements which together


men whatever

street traffic,


modes of

their age or

of these purposes and all of the


for a healthy, prosperous,

and happy community.

The present movement
the future growth of cities

to organize, replan,


to anticipate

not confined to the United States
Diagraunuatie ro})i'esentatioii of rai)i(l rraii-it tratlie
in and about London and Berlin (reproduced
from " Der Stadtebau ") showing the essentially

radial character of a city's trattic



world movement, and

it is


and instructive


who have anticipated us in
this movement and have already made considerable progress.
Some serious mistakes have been made against which we should
guard, but great progress has been made when the problem is
study what other nations are doing

looked at in a broad aspect; and with the forms of government
prevailing throughout the rest of the world the

been directed with

less resistance

part of the individual than

and therefore on broader

is to


movement has

less interference

be expected in this country,

lines of efficiency, which,

cratic institutions, can only be realized gradually

cating public opinion, which


on the

a slow process.

with demoand by edu-


the other

hand when the American people become thoroughly interested
and imbued with a big idea, its development is apt to be rather
too rapid and to anticipate a thorough knowledge of the problem,
which requires time and patience. It behooves us therefore to
approach this subject deliberately, carefully, and seriously and
not to proceed too far until we have some assurance that we are
working on correct principles and towards an ultimate end.

A careful

examination of the plan of Hartford shows that



of the best features of an efficient, well organized,

and well ordered







not generally

appreciated even by the inhabitants of the city itself



it is

also evident that with some rectifications and some extensions

well within reasonable limitations as to cost and according as



affect existing conditions

and individual

plan can be so vastly improved as to make



rights, the



one of the best planned and, in time, one of the most attractive
cities in the country.

While the

citizens of

Hartford must be

conscious of the beauty of their parks, especially their great

Bushnell Park, and of the charm of their shaded streets and
lovely homes, there is always the danger that they may not fully

what an individual character and strong personal note
tlie city of Hartford possesses, of which
While it is not
they should be very proud and very jealous.
possible, neither is it desirable, to arrest the modern spirit, it

of charm and local color


not only possible, but absolutely necessary, that


should be
dircetc'tl in



such a way as not

to place the city of

with every other American

ever admirable any one doveloj)ment

be totally unfit and


at case in


be in



Hartford on

city, so that




a destruction of

general aspect.


careful study of tho plan of Hartford has led us to prea iliagrammatic plan of an imaginary


city con-

taining the fundamental and underlying principles which are

and while

essential features of such a city,


we have ignored

present herewith,

in this plan,


questions of grades


and have made all of our arteries either straight or circular, it
must be remembered that they are merely illustrative of a
principle ajid that in reality the grades and natural features
would change the diagrammatical symmetry of this ])lan into
something UKiro


without, liowover, afTcctinL'





have imagined a territory with a river running through

In this territory we have placed a civic center where would


be grouped the public buildings of the city, such as the City
Hall, the Post Office, the Court House, other municipal buildings,

and presumably tho Union Railroad Station, and other

semi-public buildings which for reasons of accessibility and on

account of their imiversal function in this type of plan would
be best placed at tho geometrical center of the city.
obvious that while these buildings would not

the civic

they would





be grouped on

immediately adjacent


Starting from this point thore are four parkways each 450
feet wide,



is tliree

times as wide as the section of Penn-

Avenue extending from

Treasury Building in


city of

the foot of the Capitol to the


These avenues

are in their nature intended to be long and comparatively nar-



carrying out


theory that


country should

gradmilly taper out into tho city, rather than the reverse process
of the city tapering out into the coimtrv. producing confusion


ugliiu'ss ospcciallv in the silturl«,




























has been prepared to show in schematic form the necessary components of a properly organized municipality
according to modern conditions.



the development of a city


without plan and on the lines

of least resistance.

]^umerous other avenues placed

at proper intervals,


than 125 feet wide, which admit of parkings and tree

planting, radiate

from the

civic center towards the country

the four central minor avenues or boulevards being


made more

imj^ortant and having each a width of 250 feet.

Circular avenues or parkways are provided every half mile

every other circular avenue


made 450

feet wide,

which will

place these wide avenues a mile apart ; the intervening circular

avenues or boulevards half a mile distant, are 250 feet wide.
It will be evident that


by this process light and air and
and playgrounds are provided, so

facility for recreation

any inhabitant have to travel more than
a quarter of a mile in any direction to find either a circular or
a radial park or parkway of ample dimensions, the treatment of
which can vary with different avenues, or in different parts of
the same avenue, to meet the local needs of the inhabitants.
These avenues provide not only the simplest, most convenient,
and effective means of circulating from one point to another,
breathing spaces and recreation grounds, but they bring trees,
shrubs, grass, and flowers into the very heart of the city, so that
every inhabitant can travel from one point to another with
ease and with the maximum amount of comfort and pleasure.
that in no instance will


are also important factors in establishing a system of fire

breaks which would prevent any great conflagration, such as

have witnessed in several of our American



within recent



the intersection of the circular and radiating avenues,

rond-points or circles have been established which are con-

nected diagonally and otherwise by short avenues, varying from

125 feet


160 feet in width, which will relieve congestion and

provide more direct means of communication between any given
points than either the circular or the radiating avenues, depend-

ing on the direction of the travel.

Between these parkways and

avenues, minor streets didde the spaces into blocks and give
access to the buildings that are placed thereon, bearing very




relation to the


arteries, as a whole, that

paths in a garden or a park would bear to the

and roads.


account of the ample

provision which are afforded by the


main avenues



main avenues,





nomical in space and in maintenance, and proper, that the

width of these minor
consistent with light

streets should be


reduced to



air conditions for the actual buildings

which face thereon.


the city extends towards the coimtry and on the lines of

the four

main parkways, we have indicated

ment of

city villa sites, that is to say, for the erection of resi-

the possible develop-

dences surrounded by individual gardens or gi'ounds of limited
extent, gradually leading into the


which would be


developed as a public pleasure ground, and into the suburbs,


finally into the country.

It is readily seen that the


principle would apply with the expansion of a city from a

comparatively limited population, say, of a few hundred thousand, into a city of


millions, as the successive circular

avenues would continually increase in diameter and new radiating avenues or parkways would be introduced, the

multiplying with the periphery of the




leading from

various directions without congestion or confusion to the civic

Whatever traffic may be required, whether surface cars or
tunnels, would be diverged into any of the circular avenues or
brought to the civic center where a complete circle or loop has
been provided which would accommodate all of the lines arriving
from different directions and redistribute them on their outward
Of course the same conditions would prevail with
regard to automobile or carriage or other



It is apparent

of our large cities that for short distances the automobile,

whether private or public, will be used more and more, because
it takes the passenger to his destination, and the surface and


lines will be used


more exclusively for longer


a plan of this description the circular and radiat-

ing avenues provide
ever be required.


the facility for surface cars that will

The Germans, who have approached

all civic

problems more

than any other nation, have developed in their
a system of zones and have passed laws, which are well


received by the population, establishing zones within which

must be

certain classes of buildings

confined, so that the resi-

dential part of the city on the one hand, or the workingmen's

homes on the

other, are protected


factories or commerce.

from the encroachment of

attempt to legislate in this direc-

tion with us in America would not be tolerated.
AVe have felt
however that by establishing a definite railroad center and by
bringing the railroad lines to this center through the town, as

shoAm on the plan, and refusing to allow the railroads to enter


ally other section

of the town, which


within the

would be established,
perhaps not as completely, but sufficiently so, on the lines of
least resistance and by natural process, as the factories would
naturally seek the neighborhood of the railroad and could be
control of the municipality, these zones

concentrated in one quarter of the city as

we have shown, while

the commerce, which to a large extent controls the factories,

could be established in the opposite quarter.

method of




which would establish a different rate for

each of these zones, would further tend to concentrate buildings
of the same character in a given zone and to prevent any in-

would be feasible with our
in harmony with our form of government and

vasion of other zones,


of which

acceptable to the taxpayers.


have supposed that the wealthier class of residents

homes in the most desirable section of the
city facing outwardly towards the south, and that the working
people would be placed in the opposite quadrant; the industries being at the east of the town and the commerce at the
west, so that the prevailing breezes, whether from the southwest or northwest, would be towards the factories and away
from the town, protecting both residential sections and the
commercial section from smoke. The financial center we have
imagined would be concentrated adjacent to the civic center.
In this manner it will be seen that almost ideal conditions

locate their

would be


established, as all of the residents

live adjacent

whether they traveled in one direction or
another, the industries on the one side and the commerce on
the other being between the two residential districts.
to their occupation

This plan must not be taken as arbitrarily establishing

definite conditions.


merely a picture

to illustrate


broad principles that should exist in any comprehensive city


plan and which, to some extent, can be brought about in
of our



Hartford among them.



diagrammatic plan with the general plan of the city of Hartford,



submitted with this report and which includes

the modifications and extensions which

seen that



suggest, it will be

of the principal features of this plan, though

in a different form, are contained within the plan of Hartford.



a civic center and

many important and ample

radiating streets, not straight, but nevertheless leading in a
definite direction

no circular

away from


Similarly while

streets, as such, exist, it is possible to travel sub-

stantially in a circle, of

the civic center.

at least

which the

two avenues,

civic center

if certain

would be the

missing connections

are provided and if certain streets and avenues are widened

and in certain cases are made continuous,


we have


in our plan.
It will be noticed that throughout the report not a


has been mentioned about the beauty of the city and that particular stress has been laid throughout


lem of


on organic and practical

It is not generally understood that in a prob-

kind beauty does not consist in ornamentation, as


generally supposed


not the result of a handsome balustrade or a few lamp-posts



that the beauty of a bridge, for instance,

some ornament, but that

it is

the conception and depends on

fundamental and


is a

part of

being a truthful expression

of a practical purpose, well conceived and developed in good

proportions, harmoniously, and expressed in terms of beauty
in so far as form and detail are concerned; and that no

surface ornamentation can

make a

bridge, a building, or

object beautiful that does not serve


purpose, that




A Gimprehensive









Plan for the Organization of Street Circulation to Solve the Particular Problems That Arise in Hartford, with a View to the Future

Development of the City As Well As

to the Relief of the

Present Conditions.
conceived in truthfulness and developed in
function and to

to its



proper relation


It follows, therefore, that if the organism of the plan is

and laid out, if all of the practical condimet truthfully and completely, if the lines of traffic
are the shortest in any direction and ample for all purposes,
if the relation of width to length and purpose of the streets,
avenues, and parkways is well planned, the matter of developing the practical features of a city on this groundwork becomes
Even if unattractive buildings and other
a mere detail.
correctly conceived
tions are

improvements should be erected, either in part or in whole, they
can be removed and replaced and in time the city can grow
complete in


beauty, which

Such an example





to happen.

to be found in the city of Washington,

splendid plan, and yet no one would claim that the

architecture of Washington, with the exception of a

vidual buildings,




beautiful; but even the foreigner coming

Washington ignores the inadequacy and ugliness of most of
its buildings and is imi)ressed with the beauty of the city as a

whole, with




broad avenues,



ugly buildings are fast disappearing and


squares and beautiful

much beauty

gradually becoming a really beautiful


general character of the architecture of
the development of the city



Washington day by day.

to the architecture of



diagonal avenues bordered with trees.



It is



public buildings,

proceeding on general lines of


so that the buildings,

whether in design or in mate-

in general aspect and in size or scale are pleasingly related

and enhance each other's beauty, which is in
marked contrast to the prevailing custom of building without
regard to the general effect and of considering each building
to each other

as a separate entity, so that


very often not only injures

the appearance of every building within


perspective, but


in turn injured by other buildings which have no relation


each other and do not in any


way produce

the effect of



no one single factor


the development of the

architecture of a city on lines of order, harmony, and beauty

more important than this veiy question of building as
a whole and the necessity of obtaining general harmony, which
does not necessarily mean monotony and without which no



individual building or no individual street or square can be
really beautiful.



in the fortunate position of having very

buildings of the type



as " Skyscrapers," so that it

can adopt a definite policy and establish definite regulations

which can be made


apply equitably to


and without

ference with already existing vested rights.
the future development of the city


In our judgment

largely dependent on

is so

a proper regulation of the height of buildings that

we cannot

urge too strongly the immediate consideration of this important
matter and the establishing of definite rules governing the

must be borne



that a city


made up

of land

which is utilized for buildings or other solid structures and
which we will designate as solids, and all of the open spaces,
whether for streets, parks, gardens, courtyards, or otherwise
which are kept free from any structure or other inipodiment
and which we will designate as
modern method of

that with the


in the study of any important problem,

It will be seen at once

which are so helpful


it is

possible to estab-

within reasonable bounds, not arbitrarily or definitely, but

approximately, the proper pro])ortion between the solids and
the voids of any given territory, varying ^ith the conditions in

each locality, whether mainly used for business or for
dences or other purposes, always bearing in

must be subdivided

into two classes



that the

— those voids which

and the remaining voids which are
either for recreation or for light and air.
In the business district fewer parks are necessary and

provide arteries of


smaller open spaces or courtyards




while the

traffic arteries,


to the increased traffic,

must be larger;
But if we

the reverse being true in the residential district.

as solids

matters of detail and consider the city simply



voids, it is possible, considering

merely the ques-

from the sanitary and ])ractical point of
of voids for any locality however
it may be distributed, whether in streets or eoui-tyards, and to
expand this minimum as required.
It is not necessary nor would it be desirable to prohiliit the
erection of " Skyscrapers " and we do not believe that the
citizens of Hartford would approve of such a j)olicy and there
tions of light



view, to arrive at a


are sections of the city

where higher buildings may not only

be permitted but are necessary.


at the subject in its general aspect the tall

belongs in a privileged class and



another instance of indi-

vidual assertiveness at the expense of the community.


concentration of interests in a small area, with the consequent
concentration and in


instances, such as


York, over-

crowding of a given area which overloads the land, the

and the public

service, establishes fictitious


and unnatural prop-

erty values in certain localities for the benefit of a limited


of property holders at the expense of the



If the height of buildings were restricted within reason,

and in consequence thereof the same number of people and the
same amount of business or other activity were distributed
over a larger area, the increased values would be distributed
more equitably. A concrete case will best illustrate the point:
In the city of ISTew York property values on Fifth Avenue
between Twenty- third and Forty-second Streets have risen to
phenomenal figures in a few years because of the inrush of the
high-class retail business

and the limited territory

at its dis-

posal; but these values are based on the fact that every lot in
this territory,





now improved with

in the process of being

four- or five-story

improved with a sky-

make this possible, but if a proper
on Fifth Avenue were established, this

scraper, thereby increasing the size of the lot many-fold.

conditions of trade,

it is true,

limitation of buildings

same trade would have to go east and west and the rise in
property values would cover a very much larger area. It would
probably be greater in the aggregate, so that the

city's income
from taxes would be no less, a much larger number of property
owners would be benefited, conditions of light and air would
be established on reasonable and sanitary bases, and that whole
section of the city would be more beautiful and monumental in

The " Skyscraper " illustrates more clearly than almost any

other feature of

treatment, for
parts of




development the lack of


already demonstrated by statistics in certain

it is

that the creating of zones

of the character of building that


and the regulating

be placed thereon,



cluding the height of the same and the proportion of the lot
that can be built upon, does not affect the ultimate rise in the

value of property throughout the city, but on the contrary that
the increase in the


of inhabitants produces a perfectly

normal rise in the value of real estate, which can be determined
with absolute accuracy by modern methods of statistics, so that
it is

unquestioned, even at this early stage of the study of this

problem from
city, in

this point of view, that the increased

the appraised value of

with the increase in



wealth of a

real estate, grows normally

population and

over the entire area of the city and



distributed equitably

not dependent on the

abnormal growth and appreciation in values of any one


stricted area.

Our entire mode of taxing real estate, which has been handed
down to us from generation to generation and is entirely unscientific, is largely responsible for

the " Skyscraper," for our

taxes are assessed on the value of the land plus the value of the

improvement; and while in the case of a "Skyscraper" the
is increased proportionately in com-

value of the improvement

parison with the lower building and the taxes therefore are

presumably fairly apportioned, the value of the land is the
same in any given locality, whether it contains a 20-story building or a 4-story building, so that


will be seen that in the

case of two lots of equal size and equal value, the one containing
a 20-storj and the other a 4-story building, the
five times as


use of


the value of the land than the neighbor,
story building; in other words the

first is


land and paying no greater tax on


only has a four-

owner of the " Skyscraper"

making a use of his land which is equivalent to having five
same size, only that he superimposes them in order

lots of the

to get the

advantage over his neighbor which he derives in the

matter of taxation.

Taxes are levied to maintain the city government in
branches, including public improvements, and




of its

would be


suppose that each taxpayer would pay a tax in proportion
the service which he received from the municipality.

o^vner of a 20-story building


certainly receiving



the service given to the ovner of a 4-story building, where lots
are equivalent in size and value.
It is a fallacy to

maintain as

of this method of taxation


It does

is to


so often

done that the object

encourage the improvement of

promote these conditions in a limited area,

be seen in a city like ISTew York, and leaves the rest of

the city either with vacant lots or obsolete buildings, to the

detriment of the whole city from whatever point of view



be considered.


how these conditions promote selmany land owners at the expense of

cannot help realizing

greed on the part of


the community, for no sooner is a building erected, no matter
what its character may be
a church, a bank, or a residence,
which is fairly permanent in its character and low, than advan-



is immediately taken of its position to build a " Skyscraper " on the adjoining property, obtaining light benefits




injuring the appearance of the neighborhood, and

compelling in the long run the removal of the low building and

replacement by another high building.

would be fair


suppose that some method of taxation

could be devised, based preferably, as suggested hereafter, on
the income bearing capacity of the property rather than on
cost value, or if it



must continue



be assessed on the cost

should be perhaps modified so that


would be assessed


he imnihcr of square feet of floor area contained witbiu a

building, or oven the


of cubic feet or volume of the

sh'iK'ture, at a tixed rate for that jwrtion

which would be con-

tained within the general limitation of height and at a gradually decreasing rat« for the additional area or cubical contents

above the gencrnl limit of height.



means the tax would be proportioned on the space

conditions whether floor area or cubical contents of the build-

on the use that the owner could make of
same and not on the cost value of the building, with the
immediate advantage that the owner would not be punished as
it were through his taxes for building a better building, but
on the contrary woidd be encouraged and rewarded inasmuch
as his building would be more attractive, more salable or rentable, and in any event more peraianent.
Fn such a scheme of taxation, which is merely suggested as
ing, that is to say,


worth considering, the value of the land

it is

built upon.



not considered at

would therefore be


necessai-y to lex'y

a lax ou unim|)i'()ved land, within the city limit or within such
limit as

might he prescribed from time

remained unimproved, and

heavy in proportion

would seem,

would establish


this tax

to other taxes
to us

to time, as long as it

might well



within the city limit.

that some such method of taxation

proper balance and would encourage better

jjuilding with better distribution of solids

and voids and would

go Ncry far towards preventing congestion or over-crowding of
the ])opulation, whether in



Skyscrapers " or in tenements.

already apparent in some of our larger cities that

through lack of regulation both as to the limitation of the
as to
isi even more important,
which can be built upon and the
free, whether in courts or othorwiic for

height of buildings, and, what

])roportion of the area


which must be





and sunshine, large

up that

territories are being so solidly

the occupants of these buildings are practically

living without light


air, so


it is

no exaggeration,



look sufficiently into the future, to state that the health


hnp]uness of a large })ortion of our population


is at stake,

behooves the commimity at large to remedy these con-


which are detrimental



to that portion of the


are unwilling and helpless victims of these conditions

conditions which are in a measure


more pernicious than the

over-crowding and so-called congestion of the tenements, because they are more pemianent in their character and less apt
to attract jiublic attention



believe that conditions

to rouse public indignation.

which allow a property owner

mass of building covering 90 per cent, of his
lot on a lot 25 feet wide on Madison Square in the city of
I^ew York adjoinin,g the Madison Square Presbyterian Church,
to erect a solid

show a

total disregard of

every consideration of public decency

on the part of the owner of the building and unpardonable
negligence on the j)art of the people of the city of l^ew York,


will permit such conditions to be established


to be



a difficult matter to regulate because the selfish interests

of the property owners are arrayed against

any interference

on the part of the authorities with the so-called individual
rights to do as they please, regardless of the interests of the


at large, for the

mere temporary advantage which

they obtain over their neighbors, notwithstanding the shortsighted policy which they are pursuing as far as their
terests are concerned, as it is only a question of

stolen light,



time when the

whether from the low building adjoining or from

an inadequate court adjoining fairly open territory, will be
taken away by other improvements which will crowd around

and shut out the light from the side windows, reduce the


of the courts, and destroy the value of the original investment,
which nevertheless in the case of a " Skyscraper " involves such
a large






more or


permanent, at least for

years and becomes under these conditions an absolute


While we are not prepared to make any definite recommendation in matters of detail we believe it essential

That the height of buildings should be limited.

That the proportion of the area of each



which must


vacant for light and air courts should be definitely




suggest that in accordance with the generally accepted

opinion of the best authorities, in order to obtain proper sun-



air in the streets, the general height of buildings

should not exceed one and one-half times the ^vidth of the

That in order

to secure light


air other than that

obtained from the streets no building should cover more than

80 per cent, of

leaving not less than 20 per cent, for

its lot,

inside court and light shafts, and the rear courts should extend

completely across the rear of the

may form an



so that all the courts

uninterrupted court or open space in

the middle of each block.


rear courts should represent not

than 10 per cent, of the area of the


lot, this

10 per cent,

increasing to 20 per cent, as the height of the building increases,
so that if the building is built the full height permitted


the width of the street, the rear court would have to be the

depth represented by the 20 per cent, reservation.


These percentages regarding reservations for light and


for each lot are intended to apply to those sections of the city

which are thickly built upon and devoted mainly
creased for

all classes


The proportion should be

or industrial buildings.


largely in-

of buildings of a residential character,

whether residences, apartments, or tenements.

and the

established the general total height of the building

total proportion of the lot



which can be covered by a

suggest further that provision be


to allow

buildings to be carried higher, without limitation, on condition


part which extends above the established limit of height

shall not

occupy more than 50 per

the lot and that at least two of

from the

lot line.



cent, of the total area of

exterior walls should set back

result of this provision


be, con-

sidering any one section of the city as a whole, that 80 per cent.
of the whole lot area of this section of the city Avould be built

upon up to a given height, depending on the width of the street,
so that 20 per cent, of the area of all the lots would be reserved


for light and air.

80 per cent, of the


would be

solids, or built-up portions,



the voids would be 20 per cent, of

the lot area, in addition to public reservations, such as streets,

parkways, and other open spaces.

Above the general limit of height the
50 per


would represent

and the voids 50 per cent,

cent, of the area of the lot

in addition to the voids represented by streets, parkways, and

other open




a scientific proportion



between solids and voids would be rigorously established for
each section of the city according to



While our recommendations are only tentative
centages, we should like to have them considered

as to per-

definite as

to methods.




being paid to the serious question of the

congestion of population.


would be better expressed by the

term overcrowding of population.


of remedies are

being suggested to provide proper housing for the poorer
classes of citizens.

The problem

very far-reaching and com-


plex and altogether too important to be treated adequately in
a report of this kind, but inasmuch as


to the

method of taxation

evils of


mainly responsible for

we want merely


on the subject in order to bring


referred else-

whole subject of taxation and inasmuch as we

believe that the

most of the

we have

it to





the present method of taxation, which assesses the value

of the land and the improvement, a fair return to the investor

renders overcrowding inevitable, as the increase in population

and the increase in demand for accommodations and the


ing increase in the value of the land raises the assessed value
of real estate and hence the taxes


but inasmuch as the tenant

has a fixed and limited income and cannot afford to increase
his rent, the landlord is obliged to

meet the increased taxes by

permitting more people to crowd into the same building.
really happens,


part of his space to boarders in order to


It follows that

ment house

regulations are


make up

statutes are passed

limiting the


and sub-

that the tenant pays a higher rent


and tene-


of occu-

pants in tenements, in proper relation to the space conditions

without regard to the assessed land values, or resultant taxes,
a condition


created which disturbs the investment and dis-

courages the investor; in fact creates an impossible condition

bj increasing the fixed charges through taxation and reducing
the income bearing capacity of the property by statute.

The only alternative, of course, is to drive the investor into
new territory where the land is less expensive and to establish
new districts temporarily and until the conditions which pre
While the
vailed in the old district reach the new district.
argument may be open

to criticism, it is nevertheless true that

the entire relation of the landlord to the city as a taxpayer and

unbearable and unscientific.

to his tenant is

If the taxes were levied on the income bearing capacity of

land and improvement, the whole problem might be solved.


might then conceive of attractive and permanent buildings
with plenty of light and air and with a limited number of
tenants producing an adequate return and establishing ideal
conditions because


the fair treatment that the landlord

would receive from the community in the matter of taxation.
It would be an encouragement to the landlord to build a better
class of building under better conditions and the very permanency of the improvement would attract capital.
It is stated as a fact that, owing to methods such as we are
describing, in certain parts of Germany it is found quite as

on adjacent


to build

detached houses for

two families with gardens snrrounding them,





to build

five-story flats covering a large proportion of the lot

and we are not

though we claim no expert authority
on the subject, but that this same method of taxation might
bring about similar results with regard to all other improveat all sure,

ments and might be the foundation of a proper revision of the
present methods.


suggest that the entire question of taxation be studied

by a special commission of experts appointed to thoroughly
investigate the problem in this country and abroad with the

view of reorganizing


meet modern condiand philosophic basis.

entire system to

tions on a correct, scientific,

It has been our object in this report to present to

general thoughts, not so

much with

you some

the idea that they were final

or conclusive, but for the purpose of bringing your attention
to the

same and arousing public


and promoting a public

study of these various questions which affect the whole com-




we have


is old,

stated ourselves previously, either in our

some of


collaborative reports relating to other cities,

up of

we have

and a great deal

will be considered as obvious; but after



reports or in

all, life is


a very large percentage of obvious things

which we neglect, which we do not do, and which we neecl to have called to
our attention over and over again, in the hope that some of
them may receive careful consideration and in order that some

of our mistakes and shortcomings


be corrected.



not offered in the nature of an apology, but merely as sn






be congratulated on having a main civic


centre with such possibilities for further development as Capitol

Park with

Hill and Bushnell

the Capitol Building, and the

further opportunity of developing the municipal civic centre by

grouping and bringing together the old City Hall, the Municipal
Building, and

Morgan Memorial Library, which, while



immediately next


part of the city.

It has a further civic centre in the


High School and

the Hart-



each other, establish the character of that

High School and



These are important groupings,

ford Theological Seminary.



call special attention to

to this report,


Mr. Adshead's

to his suggestions

lishment of secondary civic centres.
the various municipal
stations, schools,


branch post




with regard to the estabIf, instead of scattering

such as fire-houses,




an attempt were



group these services in each section of the city around

park or playground or open space, greater convenience,
more attractive results would be obtained,

greater economy, and

and a more orderly process of development would be established
It requires foresight and planning with
than is now the case.
an eye

which has not been the process of our

to the future,


cities in the past.

Each one

to their interrelation or to the

been built without any regard
possibility of their

of these buildings has ^/

grouping for the convenience and general

benefit of the city.


examination of the general


of the city of Hartford,

are immediately confronted by unusual conditions.

ford, as the Capital of the State of Connecticut,


and the seat

of the State Government, possesses a beautiful Capitol Building

crovTuing Bushnell Park.


the west of this building



new State Armory, and to the south the handsome new State
These three buildings form an impressive and monumental state group of which the city may be justly proud, for,
although they belong to the State, they are, geographically, a
part of the


At present Bushnell Park, the ISTew York, Xew Haven &
Hartford Railroad, and Park River form a decided barrier to



has become so congested that


means must be taken

to adequately relieve

such con-

gestion and to render this portion of the city thoroughly con-

venient and attractive, a section which, with a reasonable and

and with fine buildings and grounds properly
each other, would become for all time the monumental

effective layout

related to

and administrative centre of the

ments of


Bushnell Park

city, as the

already existing


plan not only justify, but demand.

occupied at

The Park




western end by the State

an easterly direction,

bounded on the north by the Park River almost to Main Street.
On Main Street and in a line practically due east from Bushnell Park is situated the Wadsworth Athenaeum, and the new
Morgan Memorial. These, together with the new Mmiicipal
Building, the plans for which have just been completed, form
Suggested plan








r "'

for providing adequate tiaffic-bealing thoroughfares east and west, witl proposed re-arrangement of the raih-oad
and station, and sliowing the proposed mall and layout for the Capitol Grounds, to perfect a monumental grouping
of Hartford's fine buildings, and by these means to beautify the city into a complete and effective organism.

Looking west across Main street from the site of new
]Iunieipal IJnilding toward the State Capitol.



— 'iew

Idoking toward the



from the Ohl CaintoL





id lie laid oul










(•(HiUi'd iiig

can cuiuk-cI








another splendid monumental group and represent the city and


and governmental.



remains to

connect Hartford's two monumental groups by a dignified Mall
or Parkway, to produce an unusually



handsome layout such

world enjoy at their centre.

cities of the

may become



such a


in a city of 3,000,000 inhabitants

be seen in London with her

new Mall and


nearing completion, and in Paris with her Tuileries Gardens

and Place de



and about this same central section of the city that
the principal and most difficult questions of the problem of
improvement, as proposed by the Commission on City Plan,
It is in


We make


the following suggestions

— The 'New York,



Haven & Hartford

road at present makes an awkward and
the city.




entrance into

Trains arriving in both directions are forced to climb


a steep grade on a sharp curve.

suggest that this cur^^e be

eased by bringing the tracks, as they round the hill west of

Bushnell Park and Park River, further to the west and closer
to the

High School

This will materially enlarge the


In addition we suggest that the present
steep upgrade of the tracks as they approach the Railroad
Station from either side should be eliminated and that instead
radius of the curve.

the tracks should approach the station

from either

Church, and Pearl Streets over the tracks, as
large scale plan of the center of the city.

only greatly improve the


portion of east and west

residential sections




shown in our

This change will not

Asylum Street,
Asylum Street of

conditions on

but will be of great value toward relieving

side on a

down-grade which will permit of carrying Asylum,


between the business and

bears to-day almost entirely.


Asylum Street. By depressing the tracks to Elevation
minimum elevation for surface improvements on

32, the present

the east side of the city,

Asylum and Church


will be perfectly feasible to carry

Streets over these tracks with a grade of

5 per cent, or less at the steepest point.



between the railway tracks and


ington Avenue, attains a




Park suggested


manner and with

Street over the tracks in this

elevated Tei-race

junction with

of over 6 per cent.


hereafter, a splendid outlook

Park will be had by everybody traveling on Asylum
whether east or west, adding great attraction to the
travel on this street at that point.
This street, from the point
of Bushnell



begins to rise from the railroad station plaza, to


junction with Farmington Avenue, should be at least one hun-


from the point where it begins
from the northern end of this same plaza, should be at

dred feet wide.
to rise


least seventy feet wide.

The question


a more

difficult one.

narrowest at the veiy point where







should be broadest, that

runs into Main Street.

of broadening this street.

There are two feasible
First, by setting back the

building line on one or both sides of the


of widening these two streets between

Street and the station

taken of widening Asylum Street,

change the building line


If this


might be preferable to
on the south side, avoiding the more

valuable and permanent improvements on the north side.

second method of widening this street

is to



the curb line to

the present building line and to carry the sidewalks under

arcades of eighteen to twenty feet in width moving the outer
side of the



floor walls

back this same number of


Europe furnish examples of what a street treated
manner may become. The arcading of Asylum Street

cities of

in this

would thus furnish a covered way from the railway
the center of the


station to

bordered with small retail shops just

where they are most needed and of the type which would be best
suited for this kind of treatment.


Church Street. The widening of Church Street is an
improvement much more easy of accomplishment, as this street,
which is at present cut off by the railroad, does not bear its
share of traffic and has not yet been developed with the character of improvements which would render the widening of the

would be both feasible and desirable to widen this street to a total wddth of seventy feet between
Main Street and the Railway Station, while carried over the
tracks at the width of seventy feet, as proposed above, it should
be prolonged to Garden Street, with the same width of roadIt therefore

street difficult.

way, but with the addition of parkings between curb and sidewalk, making a total width of ninety feet. Continuing across



and Asylum Grounds it should finally join
Woodland Street. In this manner we would

Street at

have a second, through, traffic-bearing


heart of the city at

Pearl Street.



running from the

Street, to its outer edge.


In order
from Main Street

to create
to the



artery for

west side of the

similar scheme has been devised for Pearl Street.


city, a


Park River directly north of
Corning Fountain should be moved bodily to the south, or

gested that the curved section of

nearer to the Fountain, and that Pearl Street should be ex-

tended practically over that part of the territory



by the Park River, and swinging around the Corning Fountain
to the south, and over the railroad tracks by a bridge with its
axis in a

Kne with the dome of the

Capitol, to join with

kins Street at the southeast corner of the

easy grade






be obtained by slightly depressing Hopkins

The north

Hopkins Street should
be moved to come in a line with the present north side of Queen
Street all widening on this street to be done on the south side.
The new street should be eighty-five feet wide. It should continue across the block bounded by Sigoumey Street, Farmington Avenue, Beach Street, and the railroad, and should join
on to the eastern, end of Hawthorn Street. It is further suggested that this street be widened and prolonged to join the
new Boulevard into West Hartford. In this manner a fine
broad thoroughfare would be formed across the city, which,
together with Church Street, would solve the question of the
existing and ever increasing congestion on Asylum Street.
Street at this corner.


side of


With the grade removed from the
Railroad Station.
railroad by depressing the tracks, and sufficient streets provided to take care of through

traffic east

and west, the location

of the Railroad Station becomes the next important feature

of this problem of the center of the city.

It hasi always


most impressive and unusual that the railroad should
ai^i^roach Hartford in such a manner as to arrive in the very
center of the town and afford such a wonderful view of Bushto us

Park and the Capitol. For this reason it would be most
any scheme, such as we learn has been sometimes
suggested, of passing under Asylum Hill in a tunnel, were


regrettable if

seriously contemplated, as


would deprive everybody, whether

stopping at Hartford or merely traveling through, of this

wonderful impression of the


which gave

a splendid opinion of the city long before

us, for instance,

we had

ever visited

This has led us to suggest a revision of the grades and

scheme be not othenvise

curves, but to urge that the general


The present Railway Station has become
It is

inconvenient of approach,

quite inadequate.

dark and crowded, but


present location seems on the whole most satisfactory both from
the railroad's point of view and from the city's point of view,

being most centrally located and accessible, as Church, Allyn,

and Asylum Streets run directly to the center of the business
Asylum and Church Streets run in the opposite direc-


tion through the heart of the residential section.

Pearl Street extension, and with Trinity Street,
southern section of the



With the


tap the

Street, widened, serves the


We recommend

bounded by Union Place
and by Church, High, and Asylum Streets be condemned and
added to the space occupied by the present station, to form a
site sufficient to


that the two blocks

contain a station of suitable size with adequate!


lowering the tracks as described above, the

railway would enter the city at a level with the main floor of
the station, which would be only two or three steps above the
level of the

surrounding square.




direct access
Union Place and Union Station from

.south side of

Asvhini Street.

J]nda-rc.--ili -




Open space and formal planting about

a building add
and enhance the general appearance of
the site.
Such space about a railroad station
adds not only to its appearance but makes

dignity to


easy the necessary circulation about
such a buildino'.
affected by proposed extension

and development.

would be had to the series of tracks going in one
direction, and access to the series of tracks going in the other
direction would be provided through tunnels with steps or
This is the approved
incline runways to each platform.
modern method of planning for stations which accommodate
through traffic, inasmuch as the height of the tunnels can be
on a



and up

to a


so that the inconvenience of going


likewise minimized, whereas in the case of overhead

bridges the height
that the bridges

considerably greater in view of the fact


must be

at a considerable elevation above the


— In

BusHNELL Park.


splendid trees


the general claim to a beautiful


and lawns




With its
own which


has a character quite


should not be harmed by a radically formal layout, which would
naturally suggest itself in an endeavor to assemble the hand-

some buildings in and around



vored to presence the park practically as
nized, however, that without sufficient

a park, no matter


as the city extends it

splendid in



have therefore endeaIt must be recogmeans of transit such
becomes a barrier, and

it is.

tend to arrest the development along


natural and desirable lines.

have spoken of



with the railroad and Park River, a barrier to east and west



very shape

degree in the case of




tends to do so in an increased


north and south.

of the southern portion of the city that


the develop-



Hartford's manufacturing district to the southwest






essential that

some day between

the city, if such industry

is to



ready communication be

this district

and the center of

be maintained and administered



therefore suggest the possibility of

some day carrying

bridges across Park River opposite the present ends of

and Mulberry




the intersection of these

streets creating a " rond-point "

or circle around

run a broad roadway, and from

this " rond-point "

which will

roadway with parking on
both sides and adequate pathways, should cross the park and
By this means it will be possible to
join on to West Street,
cross the park in a southerly direction without coming aronnd
by way of Main or Trinity Streets.
From this same " rond-point " or circle we likewise recommend carrying a roadway diagonally across the park along an
Street, continued to the south as a


in line with the

Trinity Street.


of the Capitol until


intersects with

Such a roadway would not only be an orna-

ment to the park with the fine vista of the Capitol that it
would give, but would greatly increase and assist access to the
southwest quarter of the city. It would be possible, as we have
shown, to build the bridges and the roadways, but to treat the
roadways for the present as parkings with footwalks only, so
that no street traffic would occur thereon until such time as

becomes absolutely necessary.

This would permit of what-

ever planting or development taking place in the meanwhile,

being done in anticipation of the ultimate use of these arteries
as streets,



inevitable unless the growth of Hartford

should be unexpectedly arrested.

Armory Plaza.
south of the


It has been suggested that

Armory be covered


and graded

an open plaza in front of the Armory.
but highly desirable, as in this


Park Piver

so as to estab-



not only

way an adequate

approach would be obtained for the fine large State Armory,


In confeature we suggest prolonging Hungerford

at present is reached

nection with this

from Broad Street

Street along the east side of the


to join


Armory practically on an even
The Armory would then

Pearl Street extended.

have an open plaza on


southerly front as a dignified approach,

facing Hungerford Street on the east and Broad Street on
the west.


suggest that the open space to the east of the


be graded as nearly level as possible in order to form a suitable
Parade Ground. This entire space is overlooked by the terraces about the Capitol building itself, and would be visible


entire extent to a very large


of spectators.
Bushnell Park looking' south toward the State Capitol,
showinji' the Corniiio Fountain.



Capitol Avenue.
It has also been suggested that Capitol
Avenue be moved to the north, giving a more open approach

new Library building.
The Library was

to the

a mistake.


consider that this would be

designed, and is built, parallel


its approaches and terraces fit in admirably
with the street as at present located. Moving the street to the
north will cut down the open space in front of the Capitol,

to this street

and will tend to accentuate the lack of parallelism between the
Capitol and the Library, which is at present unobjectionable,
in fact hardly noticeable. It would divide into two inadequate
parts what is now one fine lawn or park.

Capitol Grounds.

— The grounds,


and paths about

the Capitol itself are susceptible of a far better arrangement.

Statues are


placed at haphazard points, and are out of

relation with the building, fitting into


landscape whether formal or picturesque.



no general scheme of
therefore recom-

the serious consideration of a logical layout of the lawns,

and terraces in the immediate vicinity of the
Attempt has already been made to create a vista to

roads, paths,


the north of the Capitol on







mentally an excellent idea.

Adequately and broadly treated,
would aiford not only a fine view from the Capitol looking

north, but with a proper and simple development would give
a splendid vista of the Capitol itself

from Asylum Street and

the plaza in front of the railway station.

two minor


further suggest

vistas to the north of the Capitol, one to the right

looking towards the Memorial Brid,ge, the other correspondingly

new foot bridge to be built
Park River, leading towards the extension of Pearl
These vistas should be simple in their treatment and

to the left looking towards the


consist of broad strips of



lawn or " tapisvert " between parallel

the front of the Capitol a broad and simple

treatment would be obtained with three lawn carpeted vistas,
a broad one on the axis toward the Corning Fountain and
Station Plaza,

and two minor ones symmetrically disposed

towards the two bridges across Park River.


looking at
the Capitol froin


Street in the neighborhood of the

Station or in the neighborhood of either one of these bridges,

would be obtained which
them a perspective combining
are now not possible, each of
nature and architecture and fundamentally beautiful.
two broad a'enue.s radiating from the Capitol on the south
three important




shall consider

of the Capitol

under the general topic " Street Exten-


— We


have already referred

Mall or broad

to the

aAenue connecting the State group with the Municipal group,
and to the elementary principle of planning which calls for


such a treatment.

and placed


have planned this Mall 195 feet wide,

so as to leave

untouched the handsome building

belonging to the Orient Insurance Company.

Nevertheless a

amount of [)roperty along the southern side of Elm
would have to be condemned. While Elm Street would
become incorporated in the Mall, its position would not coincide with the roadways as planned, but would be changed. The



lack of economy, however, in the present unorganized layout


of Hartford's chief

buildings, as well as the unde-


and ungesthetic element attached




such a chaotic con-

for a far-sighted policy of municipal planning,

and will show, we feel sure, the necessity of such an evident
and fundamental improvement.
Steps have already been taken to


the value of the prop-

erty along both banks of Park River from Bushnell Park
]lain Street

with a view

to its acquisition

by the




of Hartford are familiar with the reasons for the desirability

They have

of such a project.

evidence necessary



Street bridge.




in the conditions before

them the

convince them every time they cross the
In our plan we propose dividing the Mall

the point

where the park ends

the avenue to the north having


at present;

axis located in such a

would be


in line

if prolonged in a westerly direction
with the dome of the Capitol, and if prolonged in an easterly
direction would center on the west fa§ade of the new Municipal

ner that





site of tlie





Hartford has


caslward towanl the

Municipal Building.



a (diauce liei'e for

fonual treatment.

a similar fine
Wells Street, Iddkiin^ toward .Main Street.













in vialit fovciiroimd.




uhinincd siinplv



Ilarlhn'd has
and walcr.
such onnorlunilit's.





building; the southerly avenue would be





ing position with regard to the axis of the ALall.

advantage of the



we have

fall of the river at this jooint,


pool or basin between these twc' avenues with some

its western end.
Thi^ ])ooJ, on the axis of
would produce a most pleasing effect either looking
east from the Mall toward the Main Street bridge, or looking
west from this bridge toward the Mall and the Capitol in the

cascade treatment at
the Mall,


It is our opinion that this

suggestion and that this improvement


essentially a practical


of that character which

with the power of excess condemnation

w.;.uld ]3ay for itself in

a very short time, as the property would bo acquired

south of the Mall and restricted








would be so greatly enhanced in value, and the effect of this
Mall would improve so much other property in the immediate
neighborhood, or property which would be affected thereby, that
it is our belief that the scheme may be considered as financially
possible and sound moreover it would seem to us that the State
might, and very properly should, bear either the whole or a very

large part of the expense.

Teheace Park.

— Overlooking BushnelJ

Park to the west
High School building, to which is shortly
to be added the new Technical High School, the whole to form,
a splendid educational group bounded by Hopkins Street, by

located the present



and by Farmington Avenue,

Lessening the

sharpness of the curve of the railroad around this hill would,

bring the tracks nearer to Hopkins Street

Hopkins Street be moved

to the


suggest that

south and east as far as possible,

paralleling and overlooking the railroad


that whatever remain-

ing land there be between the railroad and Hopkins Street, as

now runs be

acquired by the city as parking.

This land would

High School, and properly
and paths would become a handsome terraced
park with an extended view of Bushnell Park and the Capitol,
serve as a recreation ground for the

laid out in walks

permitting in turn from Bushnell Park a clear view of the High
School group.

Municipal Playground.

— A very

large proportion of the

extensive area bounded by Asylum, Sumner, Collins, and



public or semi-public property occupied in part by the

American School for the Deaf, and in part by the old reserWater Works. This is far too large a block,
located as it is so near the center of the city, to remain unimproved and not to be utilized for a playground, park, or other

voir of the Hartford

useful purpose.



Street across

propose therefore,


from south

avenue ninety feet wide, with
with Garden Street at



First :

— To



form of an

to north in the

on either side



junction with Collins Street.



means a direct and beautiful avenue would be obtained from
Goodwin Park on the south to Iveney Park on the north if Broad
and Garden Streets, at present too narrow to form this new
avenue, were broadened sufficiently to render this avenue adequate for


new purpose throughout

Second: — We

point where



entire length.

suggest continuing Church Street, from the


Spring Street, across




then across the large block in question, crossing Sumner, Hunt-

and Sigourney Streets to Willard Street to connect with
connecting the west end of
the east end of To^^^lley Street
Townley Street with Woodland Street at the corner of Asylum
Street, would give a through east and west thoroughfare from



Street to the outskirts of the present city.

In connection with the development of

The earth thus obtained

we also
now become

this block,

suggest the removal of the reservoir which has

will be of great service for

grading in carrying Asylum and Church Streets over the tracks.
It will be noticed that
at the scale of

100 feet

on our plan of the center of the city
we have suggested the use

to the inch,

of these public grounds as playgrounds.

It seems to us that

this would be an excellent location for a development of this
kind, being geographically near the center of the city and in



to the

high school group.



west from .Main Street Ih'idg-e towiird Capitol.

— France.


Sqnare and Basin.

Another similar arrangement of idanting ahont
liivcr offers


opportnnities such as














en hn/i











llniikius streets.





the town of St.

piirk, ninl dciiionsl imIcs


be uiisiglitlv








Thir Shaded Areas









Territory Affected by Proposed Extension and Development



In general an extensive scheme of


street extension has


suggested by the Commission on City Plan.
suggestions affect

Wherever these
the laying out of Bushnell Park and the new

development of the railroad, together with its station, they must
be primarily and carefully studied with reference to the same.
The main considerations underlying all good City Planning
as far as streets are concerned, whether picturesque or formal

in character or a combination of both, are


— Primarily

a street




of circulation

most direct connection between
any two given points, and the width and treatment of the same
as such should afford the

should in
it is to

all cases


Cleveland, of

be adequately proportioned to the

The mistake has
making all the

often been




in cities, such as

very wide, thus wasting


space and increasing the cost of maintenance, whether for repairs, cleaning, or policing

and sometimes producing a dreary

appearance because of the lack of proportion between the use of
a street and





and the widest


streets as

streets to

— Secondly,


lines of circulation.

a street may, and should, where

warrants a certain width, serve by

and protect the

secondary streets are

streets should be confined to traffic arteries



very width as a

from such conflagrations

even within recent years

cities like


fire stop,

as have devasted

Baltimore and San Fran-


Health and Beauty.

— Thirdly,

the public health



fluenced and almost controlled by the proportion of voids and
the proportion of adequate light and ventilation to the
Likewise this question of voids and solids is
built-up space.


the basic principle on which Municipal Art rests and

foundation of whatever sesthetic value the








have described the conditions which govern the plan of



and find that the most important element in

planning a new

provement and

city, or in

laying out a general scheme of im-

street extension in

an already existing

city, is

the establishment of the


arteries of traffic, the streets,

from the nature of the


development, will become, or have


become, the most congested, and the determining of the proper

and feasible width and treatment


such streets or avenues.

in importance are the secondary and crosstown streets, and


to give

come the minor



Hartford's present


system offers numerous opportunities of connecting

ing streets to form obviously necessary through-streets.
of these combinations are so obvious that



more than

it is




prising that they have not been already accomplished.

constantly endeavored to arrange our suggested improvements in

such a


as to take advantage of these almost completed



will consider

the existing streets in Hartford with


suggested widening or extension.

Asylum Street.

— We






through the peculiar growth of the Western section of Hartford
and the lack of parallel streets, this street has become the most
congested thoroughfare in Hartford, and

we have

suggested two

remedies, namely: widening the street by arcading of the sidewalks, or setting back the building line on one or both sides
of the street.

Each delay

more expensive,

in attacking this problem renders

growth of the city

as the natural

creasing the real estate values along





daily in-



has been established to a nicety just what effect increase in

]iopulation has on real estate values,

and the Germans, with their

love for careful research and statistics, have detenuined that

the property value of Berlin


increased 1,000

Marks ($250),

for each emigrant entering the city, or for every increase in

inhabitants by birth over death rate.

AAHiether this street be

widened by the establishment of new building lines, or by
system of arcading, an immediate decision should be made.

Main Street.
that her

— The

city of


main business thoroughfare



is to

be congratulated


adequate width.
Until the press of




we recommend

that the

sidewalks should be kept as wide as possible.

Peael Steeet.

— The extension of Pearl Street has already

been recommended and described in the chapter devoted

The present wudth

cent-er of the city.

cient to

accommodate the



of this street

some time


to the



come, but in

view of the fact that even when Asylum Street is widened it
cannot be made as wide as the traffic conditions would ultimately

we strongly recommend that a new building line for a
much wider Pearl Street be established by the method sugrequire,

gested in another part of this report, of gradually setting back


buildings are erected, so that eventually the widening

will have taken place with the least possible disturbance

This street as

care of





wide enough


to take


CiiuECPi Steeet.

— The extension of Church

Street has also

been discussed in the Chapter on the center of the city. It
will be seen that we have recommended the widening of this


strongly urge immediate consideration of the ex-


tension and widening of this thoroughfare.
this street

and of Pearl Street


the obvious

the problem of east and west congested

such an improvement


undertaken the

extension of

means of solving
and the sooner


less costly it will be.

FoED Steeet, Jewell Steeet, axd Wells Steeet.


suggest that

Ford Street be widened

Jewell Street be widened to seventy

to eighty feet,





and that

easy of ac-

complishment on the river side and will form part of the Park
Eiver Boulevard described later under the heading of Boulevard and Park System.

Wells Street


incorporated in the

general layout of the Mall, which also calls for the acquisition
of some additional property on the north side of this street.

— This

forming the main outlet from
the railway station to the north, should be widened sufficiently
to accommodate the street car tracks which Avill sooner or later
have to be placed thereon. We believe that this improvement

High Steeet.



either contemplated or actually

under way.

Spruce Street.


— The suggestion has already been made,

at a low level and parallel
England Railroad, swinging around to
The utility
the north and west and to run into Ashley Street.
of such an improvement is evident, for by this means a through

believe, to continue

to the tracks of the

Spruce Street


trucking thoroughfare will be obtained running to the western
part of the city avoiding the steep grade, and materially lessening

on Asylum


Such a


restrictions to be applied to

Morgan Street.

— This

it is


this reason,

would enable


on the axis of the bridge,





street is the natural

Connecticut River Bridge for





to the

of the northern section of

on account of the fact that


should have sufficient width to

give a clear passage to and view of


bridge and should have

With a proper treatment of the
junction with Main and Windsor Streets and

a line of trees along each side.
focal point at its

Albany Avenue, a vista in both directions would be obtained and
Morgan Street would become an ornament to this part of the
city, immensely improving a section which, without some radical
treatment, will tend more and more to become a slum and tene-


district as the city

grows in population.

This splendid

bridge far surpassing in convenience, permanency, and beauty

any other bridge of the same character in this country, demands
and deserves that this improvement should be made.
In connection with this Morgan Street improvement, we recommend that a new street be cut through, from the circle at the
west end of Morgan Street running in a southwesterly direction,
to join

with Church Street at the corner of Trumbull Street.

Albany Avenue.

— This



Street, of which it is a continuation,
be widened as far as East Street.





runs out of Main

narrow and should

We have already spoken of Capitol
Capitol Avenue.
Avenue in connection with the improvements to take place in
and about the State Capitol grounds and have urged that the
street be kept as at present located where it passes the Library





in dirccridii (if riiioii Stntinn fruin
eoriKT of ^hn'iiaii and Main streets.









h-iannular plot al iIk^ corner formed l>y wo radialinij
streets heconics an exetdlent sil<' t'er a nnuinnienlal
Notice llio ree phinlinii- in
the heart of the cil v.



In order, however, that


true function,


this street



should be extended west across the



Park River, and should join into the new Boulevard
West Hartford, By this means a through east and
west street south of Farmington Avenue and parallel to it,




would be obtained. This thoroughfare should
between Trinity and Main Streets.

also be



BucKi.vGHAM Street.
This street should be continued to
the west and back of the Library, at least as far as Oak Street.
In this manner the Library would occupy an entire block, and
its grounds could then receive adequate and fitting treatment,



Chapel Streets and Homestead Avenue.

— We suggest connecting the western end
the eastern end of

of Chapel Street with

Walnut Street. Homestead Avenue is in
Walnut Street, but the jog at Garden

reality the continuation of

Street, destroying the continuous character of this street


making an awkward turn at this point, should be removed.



improvement carried


a through thoroughfare,

leading from the center of the city northwest to the city line

and therefore this street throughout its entire
length should be made wide enough to accommodate the traffic
that such a through thoroughfare will have to bear.

will be obtained,



Windsor and Bellevue Streets.

— These

streets should

be continued northward to intersect Windsor Avenue. In our
plan we have shown these streets extended in connection with
the layout of this considerable tract of ground between Spring

Grove Cemetery and Keney Park. In connection with this
extension, Windsor Street should be carried over the railroad
to avoid the grade crossing which now exists.

Village Street.

— The portion

between Pleasant and


of this street



Streets could be eventually closed

up, and the street should be continued in the direction






Street Circle, and should be carried, event-

ually, out to the city line.


would then form one

of the

main thoroughfares in the developing of the great district east
of the railroad. In another part of this report we have pointed
out how this section, with a proper development, might become
The extension of this street
a new manufacturing district.
above flood level and approximately parallel to the railroad,
would immediately render available for factory sites the strip
of land between it and the railroad.

— This




street should be continued




This street should be continued
NoKTii Front Street.
under the new Boulevard which, we suggest, should follow
Pleasant Street, and should run parallel to and east of ^larket

in this

Such an extension would materially


assist the


freight district.

Donald Street.

— Donald

Street should be continued to

Windsor Street at the comer of Canton Street,
and should be continued to the south to Avon Street. This, in
connection with the other improvements that we suggest in
the north to join

this district,

would take care of the future increased

Ely Street.
tion of

— This

street should be

Avon and Windsor


continued to the junc-

Streets to give access to Riverside


Russell Street.

— This

street should be continued


over the railroad and prolonged, to assist in the eventual devel-

opment of the North Meadows.
Sanford^ Nelson^ and West
three streets should be joined.


Clay Streets.

— These

logical connections of the

already existing streets in this section to the north of the city

would form the


first step

in the thorough development of this

our general plan of the City of Hartford,

1,000 feet to the inch,

we have

sive layout for this district.

suggested a more


or less exten-

Capen and Wakeen Streets.

— The

Street should be joined to the west end of

Elmer and Loomis


— The

end of Capen




end of Elmer

Street should be joined to the west end of Loomis Street.

Westland Street.



— This

street should be continued east

Windsor Street into the New Meadow
east and west thoroughfare.

Mahl Avenue.

— Mahl

section to

Avenue should be


carried west

along the north side of the Catholic Cemeteiy across Garden

and Vine Streets and into Greenfield Street running along' the
south side of Keney Park. This would provide a direct crosstown street between Windsor and Blue Hills Avenues, one and
one-half miles out from the center of the city, and form an
important element in the development of a district eminently
We understand that
suitable for moderate priced residences.




Garden Street.

already under consideration.

— We

have already spoken of Garden

Street as fonning part of Hartford's principal north and south

avenue, running from Goodwin Park on the south to


Park on the north. We therefore suggest that Garden Street,
from the point where it intersects Westland Street, be carried
diagonally to the entrance of Keney Park, at the intersection
of Barliour Street and Tower Avenue. From this intersection,
we suggest that another avenue be carried in a southerly direcforming an angle vdth Barbour Street, symmetrical and
approximately equal to that made by Garden Street with Bar-


bour Street, to join with Windsor Avenue at a point about three
hundred feet to the north of Sanford Street. This diagonal
avenue will give a ready and convenient access to Keney Park
from all that section of Hai-tford lying to the south of its junction with Windsor Avenue.





— By



northern end of Sigoumey Street with Vine Street, at its intersection with Raymond Street, and by continuing Sigourney
Street to the south and across

Pope Park





procure a second north and south street approximately parallel

Broad and Garden Streets, connecting Pope and Rocky
Ridge Parks on the south with Keney Park on the north. Vine

Street should be continued to the north to the city line.

Tx General.

— We have suggested on our plan

the lines of

future street development in this entire district to the north
of the Central l^ew England Railroad.


hardly necessary


numerous advantages that such a district
Rendered accessible by through
offers for residential purposes.
streets, such as we have suggested and attractive in its subdivision by an informal plan of streets, which has proved so successful in similar developments in Germany and England, it
to call attention to the

should rapidly become a district of homes, with the splendid
existing park, so readily accessible on the north.

Between the Central
and the




England Railroad on the north,

New Haven &

Hartford Railroad on the

and on the west side of the city, lies Hartford's main
In our general
district, the " Residence Zone."


scheme of proposed improvement for the center of the cit, we
have discussed the extension of Church and Pearl Streets, and
This residence district, with
the widening of Asylum Street.
the exception of the lack of through streets to the center of

and one or two undivided private





has a plan which

modification, except, again, the obvious joining of

certain streets.


extension of some of these streets has been

prevented because of the accidental placing of certain buildings
directly in the line of possible street extensions.


it is


our intention to suggest the immediate removal of existing
buildings in order to carry through a logical street system, we

wish to again


call attention to the

future of this part of the

to strongly urge that at least large

unoccupied tracts

of land be divided, or a system of division be adopted for





in with the organized plan of the greater city of

the future.



develop the

undertaking improvements which are


make such improvements

It should


as will take care of this development.


AND Fern Streets.

in this district


— The

most evident improve-

the connection of the western end of

Niles Street with the eastern end of Fern Street, providing a

between Farmington Avenue and Asylum Street,



That ready access may be had

run into Asylum

new thoroughfare




Park River.


Avenue, with


Church and


Joseph's Cathedral,


— Hawthorn

Pearl Street extension.

to this

eastern end, i^iles Street should be continued east, diverted

sufficiently to escape Trinity


West Hartford.

Street forms part of the

It ends at present at the north


bridge should be carried across Park River,





a curve in it sufficient to carry

main building of the House of





around the


Good Shepherd.


suggest that at the point between Laurel and Forest Streets,

where Hawthorn Street turns towards the north, a new


or rather a second continuation of


Street, should be

carried southwest and across the north branch of

Park River, to
West Hart-

join the eastern end of the Boulevard running into



utility of such

an improvement as this seems too

evident to call for any explanation.

Sumner Street.
south across


— Sumner


above, west of




and with


the south front of St.


be continued


Such an improvement

thorn Street extended.


Street and Farming-ton



will subdivide

additional street parallel to the
axis in a line with the centre of

Joseph's Cathedral, would complete such

subdivision and render available and convenient this large area.

Columbia Street.

— This

running perpendicular


should have



to it at its southern end, to con-

nect this southern end, as well as the two alleys east and west
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings
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Hartford City Plan 1912 by Carrere & Hastings

  • 2. the university of Connecticut libraries E ^ 7 NA 9127.H2C3 Plan of the city of Hartford. 2 < 3 T1S3 DD S^ D5fl7 1 5 o
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6.
  • 8.
  • 9. Pir.LISIIKD 1!Y THE COMMISSION ON THE CITY PLAN. Hon. EDWARD L. JOSEPH BUTHS, SMITH, Mayor, Chairman. President Board of Street Commissioners. FRANCIS PARSONS, President Board of Park Commissioners. ROSCOE N. CLARK, City Engineer, Secretary. GEORGE A. PARI^R, WILLIAM H. Superintendent of Parks. HONISS. AUGUSTINE LONERGAN. ROBERT H. FOX, Alderman. ROBERT A. McKONE, Councilman.
  • 10.
  • 11. FOREWORD Hartford was one of the city to have a legislative act. as most other American The city and officials attempted not the if first, cities municipal to forecast the as a city of fine public It streets, was a organizations, —a and insurance was widely recognized charming avenues and large and institutions, proud of commercial and establishments city justly never However, be. pride and external attractive- city of beautiful homes, manufacturing had departments Hartford that was to spirit, civic notable banks prosperous American do without any definite plan. in spite of this fact the Hartford of 1910 ness. first, pennanent City Plan Commission authorized by Prior to this time the city had been developing its heritage, with a people intelligent, energetic, skillful and contented. But Hartford was beginning to feel that if it was to maintain its prestige among American cities of its class, it must not It must keep alert and abreast indulge in self-complacency. with the times. Everything must be done to make the Greater Hartford of the future not only a more healthful city to live in, but also a more attractive place to work in. It was coming to be recognized that while sanitary measures, which directly or indirectly affect the health and happiness of the people, should be given add first to their consideration, those which tend to beautify and comfort and convenience should not be overlooked. The people were gradually coming competent and experienced her city great need of an intelligent, to realize tiiat officials might was comprehensive City Plan, as a guide to future development and improvements. must be based upon however be, there And this plan a thorough, exhaustive study of the city by a skilled, experienced, and disinterested outside expert. The firm engaged to Carrere and Hastings of undertake this work was Messrs. New York C^ity. They were chosen
  • 12. not only because of their well-deserved national reputation as architects and personally known landscapists, but also because to many Mr. Carrere was of our leading citizens and had been employed as advisory architect by the State Arsenal and Armory Commission and later by the Teclm.ical High School and Municipal Building Commissions. Only those who came into dose personal or official relations with him are fully aware how deeply Mr. Carrere became interested in the problems Hartford's future, or how enthusiastically he gave himself His their solution. sole of to ambition was to master every element in the problem in order to produce a City Plan that would His able partner, Mr. stand the test of future generations. Hastings, and his associates, Messrs. Oliver and Meeks, inspired him to this same was a Report on the end. The result of their united efforts City Plan for the City of Hartford which is destined to have a beneficent and far-reaching influence upon this growing municipality. It will also stand as a model in City Planning by his master mind, labored together with for American municipal cities, problem and help to the solution of many a and elsewhere. This report will here likewise stand as Mr. John M. Carrere's final work in City Planning. Late on Saturday afternoon, February eleventh, after a painstaking critical review, he attached his signature to the Hartford Report. following earned Monday rest. which proved With his to be fatal, and him sail on the European trip and a wellmet with the accident and America was thereby bereft of one day, Sunday, he of her foremost architects. sin-passed to for an extended The next a deeper impress family he was upon the Few men in tlie profession have left and none which was truest art life of the country, in unselfish devotion to that best. This City Plan of the City of Hartford by Messrs. Carrere and Hastings was Mv. Carrere's valedictory to the world and it will remain his crowning work in City Planning. Frederick L. Ford.
  • 13. A PLAN OF THE CITY OF HARTFORD ^ ^Pl^ T men began to gather common purpose or the very inoeptioii of civilization into small groups one for another, whether for the pursuit of commerce, for defense against their enemies, or other pursuits in which there was an advantage be gained by doing those to things collectively Avhich the individual could not accomplish, so that tion, from time immemorial, ever since the men have gathered in small earliest civiliza- settlements gradually developed into villages, towns, and cities which have and while, ; with the advance of civilization, the conditions of communal became more complex and were gradually expanded and modified, at no time has there seemed to be any realization of the future and any of that foresight which would plan a city life with regard to its present conditions and with a vision of its ultimate development and growth. While the idea of a common life for a common purpose goes back to the beginning of things, real organization with regard to essentials or non-essentials was very slow of develop- ment and even at the present time has seldom been founded on truly scientific principles or based on actual requirements and statistics. It is interesting, for instance, to learn that in the great city of Paris no attempt was made at municipal lighting, or any definite ordinances attempting even a system of private light- Napoleon the First. We read in Benjamin Franklin's Autobiography of his efforts to organize tramps into voluntary street sweepers, especially during bad weather, and that these men stood at the comers and swept the crossings and obtained a few pennies for their trouble from the passers-by; and this is almost within the memory of living man. ing, until the time of
  • 14. 6 of the plan and resultant growth The development not only of our tion, cities, but the form of government, the methods of taxa- and most of the interests which affect every citizen directly or indirectly, have either been neglected or treated separately Most cities, and certainly our and without co-ordination. American cities, with which we are mainly interested, have simply grovii and expanded, not only as to physical development, but as to administrative methods, on entirely unscientific lines of least resistance and with the false notion that the individual interests must prevail, as against the interests of the community as a whole. It is true that exceptions exist and the people have been willing to give up their so-called personal and order, and to submit police regulations; and we are privileges in such matters as health and to sanitary regulation to gradually approaching a better understanding of this side of city life. A few years ago congestion of traffic in our cities, in IN'ew York, for instance, was of daily occurrence and everyone seemed to have the right as a free-bom American citizen to Today, following the example of Kew York, block traffic. which has modelled its traffic regulation on European standards applied to the local conditions in a most successful manner, even small cities of one hundred thousand inhabitants or less few years ago a distinguished judge in the city of !New York reprimanded a policeman for arresting a truckman who would not conform to the regulations, with the statement that he was a free-born American citizen and had a right to go where he pleased. These rather specific examples are given to show to what have adopted traffic regulations, and yet only a extent even in minor matters the theory of individual rights has been misapplied to the great detriment of the community at large. Much larger questions are involved than traffic regulations. with the rapid and phenomenal and with the very wise limitation It is obvious, for instance, that growth of our modern cities under which they are developed no city can afford to meet its as to their borrowing capacity, legitimate expenses and provide
  • 15. ; and economically for intelligently and much all of legitimate needs, its less to anticipate these needs, as they should in many important features, such as the extension of their main arteries of traffic, whether they are avenues, subways, or similar fea- tures; so that every city is limited in expansion by saving, which its is debt limit and is its power of intelligent obliged to economize by the poorest kind of economy, in administrative matters, at the expense of efficiency, which economy in the long run. And yet European is the only real cities have already adopted corrective methods with such success and so that we also are efficiently beginning to consider these methods and to discuss their application. Excess munity to protect the condemnation proceedings which enable a combuy in excess of the needs of an improvement, to improvement upon which it is spending the tax- payers' money, and to reap the profit for the benefit of the city as a whole, which with us is reaped by the speculator, enabled the city of Paris to carry out the wonderful projects of Baron Haussmann, to revise the plan of Paris as to its streets, avenues, and parks, and to create the wonderful city that we see today and while in detail no one would think of reproducing Paris in America, in principle and beautiful The it is the most convenient, practical city taken as a whole that process of excess condemnation scientific recognition of the right of the as a whole, to reap not 'only what improvement which belongs to the we can is a point to today. most intelligent and community profit there may people and is to benefit be from an paid for bv the people, but to protect that improvement and to rectify all of the conditions, lot sizes, streets, and others which are dis- turbed by the improvement, so as to make them most advan- tageous. As a matter of fact a city, in the light of modern civiliza- and modern science and with the help of modem statistics, must be considered as a great machine having a most intricate tion organism and a most complex function to perform, and it so well planned and put together and run, that as an must be
  • 16. - 8 engine shall it maximum produce the direction with the least expense Examples and the of efficiency in every least friction. are rare of a city that has been deliberately planned and laid out, and most of our cities — nearly all — must be completely reorganized both as to plan, development, and administrative methods. The task is a complex and difficult one and the vested rights, prejudices, and habits of its people, stand in, the way and must be considered and gradually modified. Even in such a city as Washington, the most noted example of a city planned deliberately, with the special conditions which prevail in that city, in which little or no and which exists, is commerce or industry a governmental and residential strictly modem center, the plan fails already to respond fully to con- ditions, which have changed so rapidly with the introduction means of locomotion, and complete of steam, electricity, rapid rearrangement as to volume and methods of strange as it may more completely, if, traffic, and which, seem, will change even more rapidly and as conquered, and flying seems probable now, the air is become a to practical is also to be means of loco- motion. These considerations, which are very general and broad in their nature, are introduced into this report in order to indi- mere study of the plan of a city and the making maps is but a very small part of the problem which confronts every American city. To a very great extent cate that the of pictures or • this side of the problem should follow rather than precede the consideration of the broader problem of city government and city administration, which involves the questions of health, safety, order, transportation by land and by water, the supply of food and other necessaries of recreation for all conditions of occupation, the taxation for many all elements which together life, men whatever street traffic, the modes of their age or of these purposes and all of the make for a healthy, prosperous, and happy community. The present movement the future growth of cities to organize, replan, is and to anticipate not confined to the United States
  • 17. Diagraunuatie ro})i'esentatioii of rai)i(l rraii-it tratlie in and about London and Berlin (reproduced from " Der Stadtebau ") showing the essentially radial character of a city's trattic
  • 18.
  • 19. but is a world movement, and it is interesting and instructive to who have anticipated us in this movement and have already made considerable progress. Some serious mistakes have been made against which we should guard, but great progress has been made when the problem is study what other nations are doing looked at in a broad aspect; and with the forms of government prevailing throughout the rest of the world the been directed with less resistance part of the individual than and therefore on broader is to and movement has less interference be expected in this country, lines of efficiency, which, cratic institutions, can only be realized gradually cating public opinion, which is on the a slow process. with demoand by edu- On the other hand when the American people become thoroughly interested and imbued with a big idea, its development is apt to be rather too rapid and to anticipate a thorough knowledge of the problem, which requires time and patience. It behooves us therefore to approach this subject deliberately, carefully, and seriously and not to proceed too far until we have some assurance that we are working on correct principles and towards an ultimate end. A careful possesses examination of the plan of Hartford shows that many it of the best features of an efficient, well organized, and well ordered plan city —a fact which is not generally appreciated even by the inhabitants of the city itself and ; it is also evident that with some rectifications and some extensions well within reasonable limitations as to cost and according as they may affect existing conditions and individual plan can be so vastly improved as to make it in rights, the many respects one of the best planned and, in time, one of the most attractive cities in the country. While the citizens of Hartford must be conscious of the beauty of their parks, especially their great Bushnell Park, and of the charm of their shaded streets and lovely homes, there is always the danger that they may not fully what an individual character and strong personal note tlie city of Hartford possesses, of which While it is not they should be very proud and very jealous. possible, neither is it desirable, to arrest the modern spirit, it realize of charm and local color it not only possible, but absolutely necessary, that it should be
  • 20. 10 dircetc'tl in a common such a way as not level to place the city of with every other American ever admirable any one doveloj)ment be totally unfit and its ill at case in may be in — Hartford Hartford on city, so that itself, it how- may a destruction of general aspect. A pay careful study of tho plan of Hartford has led us to prea iliagrammatic plan of an imaginary modem city con- taining the fundamental and underlying principles which are and while essential features of such a city, we we have ignored present herewith, in this plan, which questions of grades all and have made all of our arteries either straight or circular, it must be remembered that they are merely illustrative of a principle ajid that in reality the grades and natural features would change the diagrammatical symmetry of this ])lan into something UKiro real, without, liowover, afTcctinL' tlio uiidfrlving principles. We have imagined a territory with a river running through In this territory we have placed a civic center where would it be grouped the public buildings of the city, such as the City Hall, the Post Office, the Court House, other municipal buildings, and presumably tho Union Railroad Station, and other semi-public buildings which for reasons of accessibility and on account of their imiversal function in this type of plan would be best placed at tho geometrical center of the city. obvious that while these buildings would not square, the civic they would develop all It is be grouped on immediately adjacent thereto. Starting from this point thore are four parkways each 450 feet wide, sylvania which is tliree times as wide as the section of Penn- Avenue extending from Treasury Building in tlie city of the foot of the Capitol to the Washington. These avenues are in their nature intended to be long and comparatively nar- row ])arks, carrying out tlie theory that tlie country should gradmilly taper out into tho city, rather than the reverse process of the city tapering out into the coimtrv. producing confusion and ugliiu'ss ospcciallv in the silturl«, which is bound to hap|x»n
  • 21. 5C >.^^.:,^^i^jyXj^^ fr-< LEGEND 1 2 J < 5 6 7 CIVIC CENTRt RADIATING PARfcffAT5-450 FT VIDt RADIATING tOVlEVAIlD5-250 FT WIDE ENCIRCLING F'AllK.WA-rJ-450 FT WIDL FNCIR-CIING lOVLEVAR.Di-J50FI WIDE PRINCIPAL CROJJTOWN AVENVEJ - 175 JTREET RAIlWAt LOOP- 175 FT WIDE FT WIDE DIAGRAMMATIC "a This map PLAN program of FOR A MODERN CITY ESSENTiAL IlEMINTS" has been prepared to show in schematic form the necessary components of a properly organized municipality according to modern conditions.
  • 22.
  • 23. ; 11 when the development of a city is without plan and on the lines of least resistance. ]^umerous other avenues placed less at proper intervals, none than 125 feet wide, which admit of parkings and tree planting, radiate from the civic center towards the country the four central minor avenues or boulevards being — made more imj^ortant and having each a width of 250 feet. Circular avenues or parkways are provided every half mile every other circular avenue is made 450 feet wide, which will place these wide avenues a mile apart ; the intervening circular avenues or boulevards half a mile distant, are 250 feet wide. It will be evident that ample by this process light and air and and playgrounds are provided, so facility for recreation any inhabitant have to travel more than a quarter of a mile in any direction to find either a circular or a radial park or parkway of ample dimensions, the treatment of which can vary with different avenues, or in different parts of the same avenue, to meet the local needs of the inhabitants. These avenues provide not only the simplest, most convenient, and effective means of circulating from one point to another, breathing spaces and recreation grounds, but they bring trees, shrubs, grass, and flowers into the very heart of the city, so that every inhabitant can travel from one point to another with ease and with the maximum amount of comfort and pleasure. that in no instance will They are also important factors in establishing a system of fire breaks which would prevent any great conflagration, such as have witnessed in several of our American cities we within recent years. At the intersection of the circular and radiating avenues, rond-points or circles have been established which are con- nected diagonally and otherwise by short avenues, varying from 125 feet to 160 feet in width, which will relieve congestion and provide more direct means of communication between any given points than either the circular or the radiating avenues, depend- ing on the direction of the travel. Between these parkways and avenues, minor streets didde the spaces into blocks and give access to the buildings that are placed thereon, bearing very
  • 24. 12 much same the relation to the main arteries, as a whole, that paths in a garden or a park would bear to the and roads. On account of the ample provision which are afforded by the traffic main avenues and light main avenues, it and air eco- is nomical in space and in maintenance, and proper, that the width of these minor consistent with light streets should be and reduced to a minimum, air conditions for the actual buildings which face thereon. As the city extends towards the coimtry and on the lines of the four main parkways, we have indicated ment of city villa sites, that is to say, for the erection of resi- the possible develop- dences surrounded by individual gardens or gi'ounds of limited extent, gradually leading into the park which would be itself, developed as a public pleasure ground, and into the suburbs, and finally into the country. It is readily seen that the same principle would apply with the expansion of a city from a comparatively limited population, say, of a few hundred thousand, into a city of many millions, as the successive circular avenues would continually increase in diameter and new radiating avenues or parkways would be introduced, the multiplying with the periphery of the city, all number leading from various directions without congestion or confusion to the civic center. Whatever traffic may be required, whether surface cars or tunnels, would be diverged into any of the circular avenues or brought to the civic center where a complete circle or loop has been provided which would accommodate all of the lines arriving from different directions and redistribute them on their outward Of course the same conditions would prevail with journeys. regard to automobile or carriage or other in all traffic. It is apparent of our large cities that for short distances the automobile, whether private or public, will be used more and more, because it takes the passenger to his destination, and the surface and undergroimd tances. lines will be used With more exclusively for longer dis- a plan of this description the circular and radiat- ing avenues provide ever be required. all the facility for surface cars that will
  • 25. 13 The Germans, who have approached all civic problems more than any other nation, have developed in their a system of zones and have passed laws, which are well scientiilcallj cities received by the population, establishing zones within which must be certain classes of buildings confined, so that the resi- dential part of the city on the one hand, or the workingmen's homes on the other, are protected An factories or commerce. from the encroachment of attempt to legislate in this direc- tion with us in America would not be tolerated. AVe have felt however that by establishing a definite railroad center and by bringing the railroad lines to this center through the town, as shoAm on the plan, and refusing to allow the railroads to enter through ally other section of the town, which is within the would be established, perhaps not as completely, but sufficiently so, on the lines of least resistance and by natural process, as the factories would naturally seek the neighborhood of the railroad and could be control of the municipality, these zones concentrated in one quarter of the city as we have shown, while the commerce, which to a large extent controls the factories, could be established in the opposite quarter. method of taxation, An intelligent which would establish a different rate for each of these zones, would further tend to concentrate buildings of the same character in a given zone and to prevent any in- would be feasible with our in harmony with our form of government and vasion of other zones, institutions, all of which acceptable to the taxpayers. We have supposed that the wealthier class of residents homes in the most desirable section of the city facing outwardly towards the south, and that the working people would be placed in the opposite quadrant; the industries being at the east of the town and the commerce at the west, so that the prevailing breezes, whether from the southwest or northwest, would be towards the factories and away from the town, protecting both residential sections and the commercial section from smoke. The financial center we have imagined would be concentrated adjacent to the civic center. In this manner it will be seen that almost ideal conditions would locate their
  • 26. 14 would be would established, as all of the residents live adjacent whether they traveled in one direction or another, the industries on the one side and the commerce on the other being between the two residential districts. to their occupation This plan must not be taken as arbitrarily establishing It definite conditions. is merely a picture to illustrate the broad principles that should exist in any comprehensive city many plan and which, to some extent, can be brought about in of our cities, By Hartford among them. comparing this diagrammatic plan with the general plan of the city of Hartford, which is submitted with this report and which includes the modifications and extensions which seen that many we suggest, it will be of the principal features of this plan, though in a different form, are contained within the plan of Hartford. There is a civic center and many important and ample radiating streets, not straight, but nevertheless leading in a definite direction no circular away from by Similarly while streets, as such, exist, it is possible to travel sub- stantially in a circle, of center, the civic center. at least which the two avenues, civic center if certain would be the missing connections are provided and if certain streets and avenues are widened and in certain cases are made continuous, as we have suggested in our plan. It will be noticed that throughout the report not a word has been mentioned about the beauty of the city and that particular stress has been laid throughout considerations. lem of this on organic and practical It is not generally understood that in a prob- kind beauty does not consist in ornamentation, as is generally supposed is not the result of a handsome balustrade or a few lamp-posts or ; that the beauty of a bridge, for instance, some ornament, but that it is the conception and depends on fundamental and its is a part of being a truthful expression of a practical purpose, well conceived and developed in good proportions, harmoniously, and expressed in terms of beauty in so far as form and detail are concerned; and that no surface ornamentation can make a bridge, a building, or object beautiful that does not serve its purpose, that mere any is not
  • 27. HICH 5CHOOU ATHENEVM lAILWAT JIMION CITY HALL NEW MVNICIfAL tVILDING GENERAL PLAN SHOWING A Gimprehensive PROPOJED OF THE CITY PROGRAMME OF FOR ARTF ORD DEVELOPMENT H Plan for the Organization of Street Circulation to Solve the Particular Problems That Arise in Hartford, with a View to the Future Development of the City As Well As to the Relief of the Present Conditions.
  • 28.
  • 29. 15 conceived in truthfulness and developed in function and to to its its its proper relation surroundings. It follows, therefore, that if the organism of the plan is and laid out, if all of the practical condimet truthfully and completely, if the lines of traffic are the shortest in any direction and ample for all purposes, if the relation of width to length and purpose of the streets, avenues, and parkways is well planned, the matter of developing the practical features of a city on this groundwork becomes Even if unattractive buildings and other a mere detail. correctly conceived tions are improvements should be erected, either in part or in whole, they can be removed and replaced and in time the city can grow complete in its beauty, which Such an example with its is bound is to happen. to be found in the city of Washington, splendid plan, and yet no one would claim that the architecture of Washington, with the exception of a vidual buildings, is few indi- beautiful; but even the foreigner coming Washington ignores the inadequacy and ugliness of most of its buildings and is imi)ressed with the beauty of the city as a to whole, with along vistas its its broad avenues, many its ugly buildings are fast disappearing and added squares and beautiful much beauty gradually becoming a really beautiful city. general character of the architecture of the development of the city rials, is Washington day by day. to the architecture of harmony, The diagonal avenues bordered with trees. its Owing being It is to the public buildings, proceeding on general lines of is so that the buildings, whether in design or in mate- in general aspect and in size or scale are pleasingly related and enhance each other's beauty, which is in marked contrast to the prevailing custom of building without regard to the general effect and of considering each building to each other as a separate entity, so that it very often not only injures the appearance of every building within its perspective, but is in turn injured by other buildings which have no relation to each other and do not in any harmony. way produce the effect of
  • 30. 16 There is no one single factor in the development of the architecture of a city on lines of order, harmony, and beauty more important than this veiy question of building as a whole and the necessity of obtaining general harmony, which does not necessarily mean monotony and without which no that is individual building or no individual street or square can be really beautiful. HEIGHT OF BUILDI]^GS: TAXATION. Hartford tall is in the fortunate position of having very buildings of the type known few as " Skyscrapers," so that it can adopt a definite policy and establish definite regulations which can be made to apply equitably to all and without ference with already existing vested rights. the future development of the city inter- In our judgment largely dependent on is so a proper regulation of the height of buildings that we cannot urge too strongly the immediate consideration of this important matter and the establishing of definite rules governing the same. It must be borne in mind that a city is made up of land which is utilized for buildings or other solid structures and which we will designate as solids, and all of the open spaces, whether for streets, parks, gardens, courtyards, or otherwise which are kept free from any structure or other inipodiment and which we will designate as modern method of that with the voids. in the study of any important problem, lish It will be seen at once which are so helpful statistics, it is possible to estab- within reasonable bounds, not arbitrarily or definitely, but approximately, the proper pro])ortion between the solids and the voids of any given territory, varying ^ith the conditions in each locality, whether mainly used for business or for dences or other purposes, always bearing in voids must be subdivided into two classes mind resi- that the — those voids which and the remaining voids which are either for recreation or for light and air. In the business district fewer parks are necessary and provide arteries of traffic, smaller open spaces or courtyards may be sufficient, while the
  • 31. 17 traffic arteries, owing to the increased traffic, must be larger; But if we the reverse being true in the residential district. eliminate as solids matters of detail and consider the city simply all and voids, it is possible, considering merely the ques- from the sanitary and ])ractical point of of voids for any locality however it may be distributed, whether in streets or eoui-tyards, and to expand this minimum as required. It is not necessary nor would it be desirable to prohiliit the erection of " Skyscrapers " and we do not believe that the citizens of Hartford would approve of such a j)olicy and there tions of light and air view, to arrive at a minimum are sections of the city where higher buildings may not only be permitted but are necessary. Looking at the subject in its general aspect the tall belongs in a privileged class and is building another instance of indi- vidual assertiveness at the expense of the community. The concentration of interests in a small area, with the consequent concentration and in many instances, such as New York, over- crowding of a given area which overloads the land, the and the public service, establishes fictitious streets, and unnatural prop- erty values in certain localities for the benefit of a limited number large. of property holders at the expense of the community at If the height of buildings were restricted within reason, and in consequence thereof the same number of people and the same amount of business or other activity were distributed over a larger area, the increased values would be distributed more equitably. A concrete case will best illustrate the point: In the city of ISTew York property values on Fifth Avenue between Twenty- third and Forty-second Streets have risen to phenomenal figures in a few years because of the inrush of the high-class retail business and the limited territory at its dis- posal; but these values are based on the fact that every lot in this territory, buildings, is which is now improved with in the process of being four- or five-story improved with a sky- The make this possible, but if a proper on Fifth Avenue were established, this scraper, thereby increasing the size of the lot many-fold. conditions of trade, it is true, limitation of buildings
  • 32. 18 same trade would have to go east and west and the rise in property values would cover a very much larger area. It would probably be greater in the aggregate, so that the city's income from taxes would be no less, a much larger number of property owners would be benefited, conditions of light and air would be established on reasonable and sanitary bases, and that whole section of the city would be more beautiful and monumental in its appearance. The " Skyscraper " illustrates more clearly than almost any other feature of treatment, for parts of modern Germany city development the lack of scientific already demonstrated by statistics in certain it is that the creating of zones of the character of building that is and the regulating be placed thereon, to in- cluding the height of the same and the proportion of the lot that can be built upon, does not affect the ultimate rise in the value of property throughout the city, but on the contrary that the increase in the number of inhabitants produces a perfectly normal rise in the value of real estate, which can be determined with absolute accuracy by modern methods of statistics, so that it is unquestioned, even at this early stage of the study of this problem from city, in this point of view, that the increased the appraised value of with the increase in its its wealth of a real estate, grows normally population and over the entire area of the city and is is distributed equitably not dependent on the abnormal growth and appreciation in values of any one re- stricted area. Our entire mode of taxing real estate, which has been handed down to us from generation to generation and is entirely unscientific, is largely responsible for the " Skyscraper," for our taxes are assessed on the value of the land plus the value of the improvement; and while in the case of a "Skyscraper" the is increased proportionately in com- value of the improvement parison with the lower building and the taxes therefore are presumably fairly apportioned, the value of the land is the same in any given locality, whether it contains a 20-story building or a 4-story building, so that it will be seen that in the case of two lots of equal size and equal value, the one containing
  • 33. 19 a 20-storj and the other a 4-story building, the five times as much use of its the value of the land than the neighbor, story building; in other words the is first is making land and paying no greater tax on who only has a four- owner of the " Skyscraper" making a use of his land which is equivalent to having five same size, only that he superimposes them in order lots of the to get the advantage over his neighbor which he derives in the matter of taxation. Taxes are levied to maintain the city government in branches, including public improvements, and to to it all of its would be fair suppose that each taxpayer would pay a tax in proportion The the service which he received from the municipality. o^vner of a 20-story building is certainly receiving many times the service given to the ovner of a 4-story building, where lots are equivalent in size and value. It is a fallacy to maintain as of this method of taxation property. as may It does is to is so often done that the object encourage the improvement of promote these conditions in a limited area, be seen in a city like ISTew York, and leaves the rest of the city either with vacant lots or obsolete buildings, to the detriment of the whole city from whatever point of view it may be considered. We how these conditions promote selmany land owners at the expense of cannot help realizing greed on the part of fish the community, for no sooner is a building erected, no matter what its character may be a church, a bank, or a residence, which is fairly permanent in its character and low, than advan- — — is immediately taken of its position to build a " Skyscraper " on the adjoining property, obtaining light benefits tage without cost, injuring the appearance of the neighborhood, and compelling in the long run the removal of the low building and its replacement by another high building. It would be fair to suppose that some method of taxation could be devised, based preferably, as suggested hereafter, on the income bearing capacity of the property rather than on cost value, or if it value, it must continue to its be assessed on the cost should be perhaps modified so that it would be assessed
  • 34. 20 oil I he imnihcr of square feet of floor area contained witbiu a building, or oven the number of cubic feet or volume of the sh'iK'ture, at a tixed rate for that jwrtion which would be con- tained within the general limitation of height and at a gradually decreasing rat« for the additional area or cubical contents above the gencrnl limit of height. By this means the tax would be proportioned on the space conditions whether floor area or cubical contents of the build- on the use that the owner could make of same and not on the cost value of the building, with the the immediate advantage that the owner would not be punished as it were through his taxes for building a better building, but on the contrary woidd be encouraged and rewarded inasmuch as his building would be more attractive, more salable or rentable, and in any event more peraianent. Fn such a scheme of taxation, which is merely suggested as ing, that is to say, . worth considering, the value of the land until it is built upon. It is not considered at would therefore be all necessai-y to lex'y a lax ou unim|)i'()ved land, within the city limit or within such limit as might he prescribed from time remained unimproved, and heavy in proportion It would seem, would establish a this tax to other taxes to us to time, as long as it might well l)e somewhat within the city limit. that some such method of taxation proper balance and would encourage better jjuilding with better distribution of solids and voids and would go Ncry far towards preventing congestion or over-crowding of the ])opulation, whether in It is '" Skyscrapers " or in tenements. already apparent in some of our larger cities that through lack of regulation both as to the limitation of the as to isi even more important, which can be built upon and the free, whether in courts or othorwiic for height of buildings, and, what tlui ])roportion of the area iii'ca which must be light, built air, left and sunshine, large up that territories are being so solidly the occupants of these buildings are practically living without light and air, so that it is no exaggeration, if we look sufficiently into the future, to state that the health and hnp]uness of a large })ortion of our population and is at stake,
  • 35. 21 that behooves the commimity at large to remedy these con- it which are detrimental ditions who to that portion of the population are unwilling and helpless victims of these conditions conditions which are in a measure — more pernicious than the over-crowding and so-called congestion of the tenements, because they are more pemianent in their character and less apt to attract jiublic attention We and believe that conditions to rouse public indignation. which allow a property owner mass of building covering 90 per cent, of his lot on a lot 25 feet wide on Madison Square in the city of I^ew York adjoinin,g the Madison Square Presbyterian Church, to erect a solid show a total disregard of every consideration of public decency on the part of the owner of the building and unpardonable negligence on the j)art of the people of the city of l^ew York, who will permit such conditions to be established and to be multiplied. It is a difficult matter to regulate because the selfish interests of the property owners are arrayed against any interference on the part of the authorities with the so-called individual rights to do as they please, regardless of the interests of the community at large, for the mere temporary advantage which they obtain over their neighbors, notwithstanding the shortsighted policy which they are pursuing as far as their terests are concerned, as it is only a question of stolen light, own in- time when the whether from the low building adjoining or from an inadequate court adjoining fairly open territory, will be taken away by other improvements which will crowd around and shut out the light from the side windows, reduce the size of the courts, and destroy the value of the original investment, which nevertheless in the case of a " Skyscraper " involves such a large many sum that it is more or less permanent, at least for years and becomes under these conditions an absolute menace. While we are not prepared to make any definite recommendation in matters of detail we believe it essential 1st. That the height of buildings should be limited.
  • 36. 22 That the proportion of the area of each 2d. be which must lot vacant for light and air courts should be definitely left determined. We suggest that in accordance with the generally accepted opinion of the best authorities, in order to obtain proper sun- and light air in the streets, the general height of buildings should not exceed one and one-half times the ^vidth of the street. That in order to secure light and air other than that obtained from the streets no building should cover more than 80 per cent, of leaving not less than 20 per cent, for its lot, inside court and light shafts, and the rear courts should extend completely across the rear of the may form an together lots, so that all the courts uninterrupted court or open space in the middle of each block. The rear courts should represent not than 10 per cent, of the area of the less lot, this 10 per cent, increasing to 20 per cent, as the height of the building increases, so that if the building is built the full height permitted by the width of the street, the rear court would have to be the depth represented by the 20 per cent, reservation. full These percentages regarding reservations for light and air for each lot are intended to apply to those sections of the city which are thickly built upon and devoted mainly creased for all classes commercial The proportion should be or industrial buildings. to largely in- of buildings of a residential character, whether residences, apartments, or tenements. Having and the established the general total height of the building total proportion of the lot building, we which can be covered by a suggest further that provision be made to allow buildings to be carried higher, without limitation, on condition that tlie part which extends above the established limit of height shall not occupy more than 50 per the lot and that at least two of from the lot line. The its cent, of the total area of exterior walls should set back result of this provision would be, con- sidering any one section of the city as a whole, that 80 per cent. of the whole lot area of this section of the city Avould be built upon up to a given height, depending on the width of the street, so that 20 per cent, of the area of all the lots would be reserved
  • 37. 23 The for light and air. 80 per cent, of the lot would be solids, or built-up portions, area ; the voids would be 20 per cent, of the lot area, in addition to public reservations, such as streets, parkways, and other open spaces. Above the general limit of height the 50 per solids would represent and the voids 50 per cent, cent, of the area of the lot in addition to the voids represented by streets, parkways, and other open spaces in ; a scientific proportion words, other between solids and voids would be rigorously established for each section of the city according to character. its While our recommendations are only tentative centages, we should like to have them considered as to per- definite as to methods. Much attention is being paid to the serious question of the congestion of population. It would be better expressed by the All term overcrowding of population. manner of remedies are being suggested to provide proper housing for the poorer classes of citizens. The problem very far-reaching and com- is plex and altogether too important to be treated adequately in a report of this kind, but inasmuch as where to the method of taxation evils of is mainly responsible for we want merely overcrowding, on the subject in order to bring Under referred else- whole subject of taxation and inasmuch as we believe that the most of the we have it to your to touch notice. the present method of taxation, which assesses the value of the land and the improvement, a fair return to the investor renders overcrowding inevitable, as the increase in population and the increase in demand for accommodations and the result- ing increase in the value of the land raises the assessed value of real estate and hence the taxes ; but inasmuch as the tenant has a fixed and limited income and cannot afford to increase his rent, the landlord is obliged to meet the increased taxes by permitting more people to crowd into the same building. really happens, lets is part of his space to boarders in order to difference. It follows that ment house regulations are when made make up statutes are passed limiting the What and sub- that the tenant pays a higher rent the and tene- number of occu-
  • 38. ; 24 pants in tenements, in proper relation to the space conditions without regard to the assessed land values, or resultant taxes, a condition is created which disturbs the investment and dis- courages the investor; in fact creates an impossible condition bj increasing the fixed charges through taxation and reducing the income bearing capacity of the property by statute. The only alternative, of course, is to drive the investor into new territory where the land is less expensive and to establish new districts temporarily and until the conditions which pre While the vailed in the old district reach the new district. argument may be open to criticism, it is nevertheless true that the entire relation of the landlord to the city as a taxpayer and unbearable and unscientific. to his tenant is If the taxes were levied on the income bearing capacity of land and improvement, the whole problem might be solved. We might then conceive of attractive and permanent buildings with plenty of light and air and with a limited number of tenants producing an adequate return and establishing ideal conditions because of the fair treatment that the landlord would receive from the community in the matter of taxation. It would be an encouragement to the landlord to build a better class of building under better conditions and the very permanency of the improvement would attract capital. It is stated as a fact that, owing to methods such as we are describing, in certain parts of Germany it is found quite as profitable, on adjacent streets, to build detached houses for two families with gardens snrrounding them, four- and as it is to build five-story flats covering a large proportion of the lot and we are not though we claim no expert authority on the subject, but that this same method of taxation might bring about similar results with regard to all other improveat all sure, ments and might be the foundation of a proper revision of the present methods. We suggest that the entire question of taxation be studied by a special commission of experts appointed to thoroughly investigate the problem in this country and abroad with the
  • 39. 25 view of reorganizing tlie meet modern condiand philosophic basis. entire system to tions on a correct, scientific, It has been our object in this report to present to general thoughts, not so much with you some the idea that they were final or conclusive, but for the purpose of bringing your attention to the same and arousing public interest and promoting a public study of these various questions which affect the whole com- munity. Much that we have stated is old, stated ourselves previously, either in our some of own collaborative reports relating to other cities, of up of we have and a great deal will be considered as obvious; but after it it reports or in all, life is made a very large percentage of obvious things which we neglect, which we do not do, and which we neecl to have called to our attention over and over again, in the hope that some of them may receive careful consideration and in order that some of our mistakes and shortcomings may be corrected. This is not offered in the nature of an apology, but merely as sn explanation. PEOBLEM OF THE CEI^TRE OF THE CITY. CIVIC CENTRES. Hartford is be congratulated on having a main civic to centre with such possibilities for further development as Capitol Park with Hill and Bushnell the Capitol Building, and the further opportunity of developing the municipal civic centre by grouping and bringing together the old City Hall, the Municipal Building, and Morgan Memorial Library, which, while tlie not immediately next to part of the city. It has a further civic centre in the grouping High School and the Hart- of its each other, establish the character of that High School and its Technical These are important groupings, ford Theological Seminary. but we call special attention to to this report, and Mr. Adshead's to his suggestions lishment of secondary civic centres. the various municipal stations, schools, buildings, branch post offices, article appended with regard to the estabIf, instead of scattering such as fire-houses, and others, police an attempt were
  • 40. 26 made a to group these services in each section of the city around park or playground or open space, greater convenience, more attractive results would be obtained, greater economy, and and a more orderly process of development would be established It requires foresight and planning with than is now the case. an eye which has not been the process of our to the future, American cities in the past. Each one to their interrelation or to the been built without any regard possibility of their of these buildings has ^/ grouping for the convenience and general benefit of the city. On we examination of the general map of the city of Hartford, are immediately confronted by unusual conditions. ford, as the Capital of the State of Connecticut, Hart- and the seat of the State Government, possesses a beautiful Capitol Building crovTuing Bushnell Park. To the west of this building is the new State Armory, and to the south the handsome new State Library. These three buildings form an impressive and monumental state group of which the city may be justly proud, for, although they belong to the State, they are, geographically, a part of the city. At present Bushnell Park, the ISTew York, Xew Haven & Hartford Railroad, and Park River form a decided barrier to crosstown efficient traffic. This has become so congested that traffic means must be taken to adequately relieve such con- gestion and to render this portion of the city thoroughly con- venient and attractive, a section which, with a reasonable and and with fine buildings and grounds properly each other, would become for all time the monumental effective layout related to and administrative centre of the ments of its Bushnell Park buildings. city, as the already existing ele- plan not only justify, but demand. is occupied at The Park itself its mms western end by the State in an easterly direction, bounded on the north by the Park River almost to Main Street. On Main Street and in a line practically due east from Bushnell Park is situated the Wadsworth Athenaeum, and the new Morgan Memorial. These, together with the new Mmiicipal Building, the plans for which have just been completed, form
  • 41. PLAN ^ Suggested plan tracks CENTRAL SECTION OF THE CITY OF HARTFORD SHOWING PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT OF THE ^ , ^-^ — ^^ ^' r "' for providing adequate tiaffic-bealing thoroughfares east and west, witl proposed re-arrangement of the raih-oad and station, and sliowing the proposed mall and layout for the Capitol Grounds, to perfect a monumental grouping of Hartford's fine buildings, and by these means to beautify the city into a complete and effective organism. '. •kjXp
  • 42.
  • 43.
  • 44. Looking west across Main street from the site of new ]Iunieipal IJnilding toward the State Capitol. St, Paul — 'iew Idoking toward the New (';i|iihd from the Ohl CaintoL A mall is capitol fine id lie laid oul iMiildiiigs. i;r(Hi|is <>{ in Si. IJarlt'ord |*;iul iiioiimnciilal siinila'- ircal (•(HiUi'd iiig can cuiuk-cI iMiildiiiu- iiiciil. her Iht l)- I a I wo wo
  • 45. 27 another splendid monumental group and represent the city and activities, its and governmental. intellectual It remains to connect Hartford's two monumental groups by a dignified Mall or Parkway, to produce an unusually few treatment handsome layout such world enjoy at their centre. cities of the may become What as such a may Monument in a city of 3,000,000 inhabitants be seen in London with her new Mall and Victoria nearing completion, and in Paris with her Tuileries Gardens and Place de la Concorde. and about this same central section of the city that the principal and most difficult questions of the problem of improvement, as proposed by the Commission on City Plan, It is in arise. We make Railkoad. the following suggestions — The 'New York, ISTew — Haven & Hartford road at present makes an awkward and the city. : difficult Rail- entrance into Trains arriving in both directions are forced to climb We a steep grade on a sharp curve. suggest that this cur^^e be eased by bringing the tracks, as they round the hill west of Bushnell Park and Park River, further to the west and closer to the High School This will materially enlarge the building. In addition we suggest that the present steep upgrade of the tracks as they approach the Railroad Station from either side should be eliminated and that instead radius of the curve. the tracks should approach the station slight from either Church, and Pearl Streets over the tracks, as large scale plan of the center of the city. only greatly improve the traffic portion of east and west residential sections which it is shown in our This change will not Asylum Street, Asylum Street of conditions on but will be of great value toward relieving its side on a down-grade which will permit of carrying Asylum, traffic between the business and bears to-day almost entirely. — Asylum Street. By depressing the tracks to Elevation minimum elevation for surface improvements on 32, the present the east side of the city, Asylum and Church it will be perfectly feasible to carry Streets over these tracks with a grade of 5 per cent, or less at the steepest point. At present Asylum
  • 46. 28 between the railway tracks and Street, ington Avenue, attains a ing Asylum maximum its Park suggested FamiCarry- manner and with Street over the tracks in this elevated Tei-race junction with of over 6 per cent. the hereafter, a splendid outlook Park will be had by everybody traveling on Asylum whether east or west, adding great attraction to the travel on this street at that point. This street, from the point of Bushnell Street, where it begins to rise from the railroad station plaza, to its junction with Farmington Avenue, should be at least one hun- Church from the point where it begins from the northern end of this same plaza, should be at dred feet wide. to rise Street, least seventy feet wide. The question is is is a more difficult one. narrowest at the veiy point where where means it it Asylum Street should be broadest, that runs into Main Street. of broadening this street. There are two feasible First, by setting back the building line on one or both sides of the is Main of widening these two streets between Street and the station taken of widening Asylum Street, change the building line street. If this means might be preferable to on the south side, avoiding the more it valuable and permanent improvements on the north side. second method of widening this street is to move The the curb line to the present building line and to carry the sidewalks under arcades of eighteen to twenty feet in width moving the outer side of the Many ground floor walls back this same number of feet. Europe furnish examples of what a street treated manner may become. The arcading of Asylum Street cities of in this would thus furnish a covered way from the railway the center of the to^Ti, station to bordered with small retail shops just where they are most needed and of the type which would be best suited for this kind of treatment. — Church Street. The widening of Church Street is an improvement much more easy of accomplishment, as this street, which is at present cut off by the railroad, does not bear its share of traffic and has not yet been developed with the character of improvements which would render the widening of the
  • 47. 29 would be both feasible and desirable to widen this street to a total wddth of seventy feet between Main Street and the Railway Station, while carried over the tracks at the width of seventy feet, as proposed above, it should be prolonged to Garden Street, with the same width of roadIt therefore street difficult. way, but with the addition of parkings between curb and sidewalk, making a total width of ninety feet. Continuing across the Reservoir Asylum and Asylum Grounds it should finally join Woodland Street. In this manner we would Street at have a second, through, traffic-bearing Main heart of the city at Pearl Street. through traffic street, running from the Street, to its outer edge. — In order from Main Street to create to the a third artery for west side of the similar scheme has been devised for Pearl Street. It city, a is sug- Park River directly north of Corning Fountain should be moved bodily to the south, or gested that the curved section of the nearer to the Fountain, and that Pearl Street should be ex- tended practically over that part of the territory now occupied by the Park River, and swinging around the Corning Fountain to the south, and over the railroad tracks by a bridge with its axis in a Kne with the dome of the Capitol, to join with kins Street at the southeast corner of the easy grade may High School. A Hopvery be obtained by slightly depressing Hopkins The north Hopkins Street should be moved to come in a line with the present north side of Queen Street all widening on this street to be done on the south side. The new street should be eighty-five feet wide. It should continue across the block bounded by Sigoumey Street, Farmington Avenue, Beach Street, and the railroad, and should join on to the eastern, end of Hawthorn Street. It is further suggested that this street be widened and prolonged to join the new Boulevard into West Hartford. In this manner a fine broad thoroughfare would be formed across the city, which, together with Church Street, would solve the question of the existing and ever increasing congestion on Asylum Street. Street at this corner. ; side of
  • 48. 30 — With the grade removed from the Railroad Station. railroad by depressing the tracks, and sufficient streets provided to take care of through traffic east and west, the location of the Railroad Station becomes the next important feature of this problem of the center of the city. It hasi always seemed most impressive and unusual that the railroad should ai^i^roach Hartford in such a manner as to arrive in the very center of the town and afford such a wonderful view of Bushto us Park and the Capitol. For this reason it would be most any scheme, such as we learn has been sometimes suggested, of passing under Asylum Hill in a tunnel, were nell regrettable if seriously contemplated, as it would deprive everybody, whether stopping at Hartford or merely traveling through, of this wonderful impression of the city, which gave a splendid opinion of the city long before it. us, for instance, we had ever visited This has led us to suggest a revision of the grades and scheme be not othenvise curves, but to urge that the general modified. The present Railway Station has become It is inconvenient of approach, quite inadequate. dark and crowded, but its present location seems on the whole most satisfactory both from the railroad's point of view and from the city's point of view, being most centrally located and accessible, as Church, Allyn, and Asylum Streets run directly to the center of the business Asylum and Church Streets run in the opposite direc- district. tion through the heart of the residential section. Pearl Street extension, and with Trinity Street, southern section of the city. High With the we tap the Street, widened, serves the north. We recommend bounded by Union Place and by Church, High, and Asylum Streets be condemned and added to the space occupied by the present station, to form a site sufficient to approaches. that the two blocks contain a station of suitable size with adequate! By lowering the tracks as described above, the railway would enter the city at a level with the main floor of the station, which would be only two or three steps above the level of the surrounding square. In this manner direct access
  • 49. Union Place and Union Station from .south side of Asvhini Street. J]nda-rc.--ili - - Aliiscniii Ring-. Open space and formal planting about a building add and enhance the general appearance of the site. Such space about a railroad station adds not only to its appearance but makes dignity to it easy the necessary circulation about such a buildino'.
  • 50.
  • 51.
  • 52. affected by proposed extension and development.
  • 53. 31 would be had to the series of tracks going in one direction, and access to the series of tracks going in the other direction would be provided through tunnels with steps or This is the approved incline runways to each platform. modern method of planning for stations which accommodate through traffic, inasmuch as the height of the tunnels can be on a level reduced and up to a is minimum, so that the inconvenience of going down likewise minimized, whereas in the case of overhead bridges the height that the bridges considerably greater in view of the fact is must be at a considerable elevation above the tracks. — In BusHNELL Park. Hartford's plan, splendid trees chief the general claim to a beautiful asset and lawns it Bushnell is With its own which Park. has a character quite its should not be harmed by a radically formal layout, which would naturally suggest itself in an endeavor to assemble the hand- some buildings in and around We it. vored to presence the park practically as nized, however, that without sufficient a park, no matter how as the city extends it splendid in may itself, have therefore endeaIt must be recogmeans of transit such becomes a barrier, and it is. tend to arrest the development along We natural and desirable lines. have spoken of its forming, with the railroad and Park River, a barrier to east and west traffic. From its very shape degree in the case of ment if traffic it tends to do so in an increased With north and south. of the southern portion of the city that is the develop- bound to Hartford's manufacturing district to the southwest creased, it established will become essential that some day between the city, if such industry is to come is in- ready communication be this district and the center of be maintained and administered economically. We therefore suggest the possibility of some day carrying Trum- bridges across Park River opposite the present ends of bull and Mulberry Streets, and at the intersection of these streets creating a " rond-point " or circle around run a broad roadway, and from this " rond-point " which will Trumbull
  • 54. 32 roadway with parking on both sides and adequate pathways, should cross the park and By this means it will be possible to join on to West Street, cross the park in a southerly direction without coming aronnd by way of Main or Trinity Streets. From this same " rond-point " or circle we likewise recommend carrying a roadway diagonally across the park along an Street, continued to the south as a ajiis in line with the Trinity Street. dome of the Capitol until it intersects with Such a roadway would not only be an orna- ment to the park with the fine vista of the Capitol that it would give, but would greatly increase and assist access to the southwest quarter of the city. It would be possible, as we have shown, to build the bridges and the roadways, but to treat the roadways for the present as parkings with footwalks only, so that no street traffic would occur thereon until such time as it becomes absolutely necessary. This would permit of what- ever planting or development taking place in the meanwhile, being done in anticipation of the ultimate use of these arteries as streets, which is inevitable unless the growth of Hartford should be unexpectedly arrested. Armory Plaza. south of the lish — It has been suggested that Armory be covered over, and graded an open plaza in front of the Armory. but highly desirable, as in this feasible, Park Piver so as to estab- This is not only way an adequate approach would be obtained for the fine large State Armory, which In confeature we suggest prolonging Hungerford at present is reached nection with this from Broad Street Street along the east side of the grade to join only. Armory practically on an even The Armory would then Pearl Street extended. have an open plaza on its southerly front as a dignified approach, facing Hungerford Street on the east and Broad Street on the west. We suggest that the open space to the east of the Armory be graded as nearly level as possible in order to form a suitable Parade Ground. This entire space is overlooked by the terraces about the Capitol building itself, and would be visible in its entire extent to a very large number of spectators.
  • 55.
  • 56. Bushnell Park looking' south toward the State Capitol, showinji' the Corniiio Fountain. i
  • 57. 33 — Capitol Avenue. It has also been suggested that Capitol Avenue be moved to the north, giving a more open approach new Library building. The Library was to the a mistake. We consider that this would be designed, and is built, parallel and its approaches and terraces fit in admirably with the street as at present located. Moving the street to the north will cut down the open space in front of the Capitol, to this street and will tend to accentuate the lack of parallelism between the Capitol and the Library, which is at present unobjectionable, in fact hardly noticeable. It would divide into two inadequate parts what is now one fine lawn or park. Capitol Grounds. — The grounds, drives, and paths about the Capitol itself are susceptible of a far better arrangement. Statues are now placed at haphazard points, and are out of relation with the building, fitting into We landscape whether formal or picturesque. mend all no general scheme of therefore recom- the serious consideration of a logical layout of the lawns, and terraces in the immediate vicinity of the Attempt has already been made to create a vista to roads, paths, Capitol. the north of the Capitol on its main This axis. is funda- mentally an excellent idea. it Adequately and broadly treated, would aiford not only a fine view from the Capitol looking north, but with a proper and simple development would give a splendid vista of the Capitol itself from Asylum Street and the plaza in front of the railway station. two minor We further suggest vistas to the north of the Capitol, one to the right looking towards the Memorial Brid,ge, the other correspondingly new foot bridge to be built Park River, leading towards the extension of Pearl These vistas should be simple in their treatment and to the left looking towards the across Street. consist of broad strips of footpaths. Erom lawn or " tapisvert " between parallel the front of the Capitol a broad and simple treatment would be obtained with three lawn carpeted vistas, a broad one on the axis toward the Corning Fountain and Station Plaza, and two minor ones symmetrically disposed towards the two bridges across Park River. When looking at
  • 58. 34 the Capitol froin A-ylum Street in the neighborhood of the Station or in the neighborhood of either one of these bridges, would be obtained which them a perspective combining are now not possible, each of The nature and architecture and fundamentally beautiful. two broad a'enue.s radiating from the Capitol on the south three important we side vi.stas shall consider of the Capitol under the general topic " Street Exten- sion." — We Mall. have already referred Mall or broad to the aAenue connecting the State group with the Municipal group, and to the elementary principle of planning which calls for We such a treatment. and placed it have planned this Mall 195 feet wide, so as to leave untouched the handsome building belonging to the Orient Insurance Company. Nevertheless a amount of [)roperty along the southern side of Elm would have to be condemned. While Elm Street would become incorporated in the Mall, its position would not coincide with the roadways as planned, but would be changed. The certain Street lack of economy, however, in the present unorganized layout monumental of Hartford's chief buildings, as well as the unde- sirable and ungesthetic element attached dition, calls to such a chaotic con- for a far-sighted policy of municipal planning, and will show, we feel sure, the necessity of such an evident and fundamental improvement. Steps have already been taken to fix the value of the prop- erty along both banks of Park River from Bushnell Park ]lain Street with a view to its acquisition by the city. to Citizens of Hartford are familiar with the reasons for the desirability They have of such a project. evidence necessary Main into to Street bridge. two avenue.-^ at, in the conditions before them the convince them every time they cross the In our plan we propose dividing the Mall the point where the park ends the avenue to the north having its at present; axis located in such a would be man- in line if prolonged in a westerly direction with the dome of the Capitol, and if prolonged in an easterly direction would center on the west fa§ade of the new Municipal ner that it
  • 59. rv iVniii ihc Sljili" site of tlie ( 'apitol New I)r<'sil('ii Hartford has lookiiiii,- caslward towanl the Municipal Building. - Zwiuiicrliof. a (diauce liei'e for fonual treatment. a similar fine
  • 60. Wells Street, Iddkiin^ toward .Main Street. Daniel^;' Tcn'acc. Maili'i<l All al I rai'i ic (if Mill circcl Irccs i< in vialit fovciiroimd. I'nol ami 1'"miiiii uhinincd siinplv aiiis liv Ilarlhn'd has and walcr. such onnorlunilit's. in llic Park. (•(inilMiial SfXi'i'al imi
  • 61. 35 building; the southerly avenue would be plM(-(;d in ;i correspciud- ing position with regard to the axis of the ALall. advantage of the gested a, Taking we have fall of the river at this jooint, sug- pool or basin between these twc' avenues with some its western end. Thi^ ])ooJ, on the axis of would produce a most pleasing effect either looking east from the Mall toward the Main Street bridge, or looking west from this bridge toward the Mall and the Capitol in the cascade treatment at the Mall, background. It is our opinion that this suggestion and that this improvement is essentially a practical is of that character which with the power of excess condemnation w.;.uld ]3ay for itself in a very short time, as the property would bo acquired south of the Mall and restricted if necessary, and tx) resold, the and would be so greatly enhanced in value, and the effect of this Mall would improve so much other property in the immediate neighborhood, or property which would be affected thereby, that it is our belief that the scheme may be considered as financially possible and sound moreover it would seem to us that the State might, and very properly should, bear either the whole or a very ; large part of the expense. Teheace Park. — Overlooking BushnelJ Park to the west High School building, to which is shortly to be added the new Technical High School, the whole to form, a splendid educational group bounded by Hopkins Street, by is located the present Broad Street, and by Farmington Avenue, Lessening the sharpness of the curve of the railroad around this hill would, bring the tracks nearer to Hopkins Street Hopkins Street be moved to the We suggest that south and east as far as possible, paralleling and overlooking the railroad ; that whatever remain- ing land there be between the railroad and Hopkins Street, as it now runs be acquired by the city as parking. This land would High School, and properly and paths would become a handsome terraced park with an extended view of Bushnell Park and the Capitol, serve as a recreation ground for the laid out in walks permitting in turn from Bushnell Park a clear view of the High School group.
  • 62. 36 Municipal Playground. — A very large proportion of the extensive area bounded by Asylum, Sumner, Collins, and Streets is Garden public or semi-public property occupied in part by the American School for the Deaf, and in part by the old reserWater Works. This is far too large a block, located as it is so near the center of the city, to remain unimproved and not to be utilized for a playground, park, or other voir of the Hartford useful purpose. Broad We Street across propose therefore, it from south avenue ninety feet wide, with with Garden Street at its — First : — To trees carry form of an to north in the on either side to connect junction with Collins Street. By this means a direct and beautiful avenue would be obtained from Goodwin Park on the south to Iveney Park on the north if Broad and Garden Streets, at present too narrow to form this new avenue, were broadened sufficiently to render this avenue adequate for its new purpose throughout Second: — We point where it its entire length. suggest continuing Church Street, from the intersects Spring Street, across to Garden Street, then across the large block in question, crossing Sumner, Hunt- and Sigourney Streets to Willard Street to connect with connecting the west end of the east end of To^^^lley Street Townley Street with Woodland Street at the corner of Asylum Street, would give a through east and west thoroughfare from ington, ; Main Street to the outskirts of the present city. In connection with the development of obsolete. The earth thus obtained we also now become this block, suggest the removal of the reservoir which has will be of great service for grading in carrying Asylum and Church Streets over the tracks. It will be noticed that at the scale of 100 feet on our plan of the center of the city we have suggested the use to the inch, of these public grounds as playgrounds. It seems to us that this would be an excellent location for a development of this kind, being geographically near the center of the city and in close proximity to the high school group.
  • 63. View loukiiig- Dijon west from .Main Street Ih'idg-e towiird Capitol. — France. Pul)lie Sqnare and Basin. Another similar arrangement of idanting ahont liivcr offers many opportnnities such as a pool, this. Park
  • 65.
  • 66. f, SHOWING ENERAL RELATION OF Thir Shaded Areas PLAH OF PROPOJl:> Show THE CITY OF DEVELOPMENT HARTFORD TO EXIJTING Territory Affected by Proposed Extension and Development CONDITIONS
  • 67. : 37 GENERAL PEOGRAM OF STREET EXTENSION. THE CENTER OF THE In general an extensive scheme of CITY. street extension has been suggested by the Commission on City Plan. suggestions affect Wherever these the laying out of Bushnell Park and the new development of the railroad, together with its station, they must be primarily and carefully studied with reference to the same. The main considerations underlying all good City Planning as far as streets are concerned, whether picturesque or formal in character or a combination of both, are Convenience. and — Primarily a street a is means of circulation most direct connection between any two given points, and the width and treatment of the same as such should afford the should in it is to all cases serve. Cleveland, of be adequately proportioned to the The mistake has making all the often been made traffic which in cities, such as very wide, thus wasting streets space and increasing the cost of maintenance, whether for repairs, cleaning, or policing and sometimes producing a dreary appearance because of the lack of proportion between the use of a street and its width. Wider desirable. and the widest Safety. Narrow streets as streets to — Secondly, main lines of circulation. a street may, and should, where warrants a certain width, serve by and protect the secondary streets are streets should be confined to traffic arteries city its very width as a from such conflagrations even within recent years cities like traffic fire stop, as have devasted Baltimore and San Fran- cisco. Health and Beauty. — Thirdly, the public health is in- fluenced and almost controlled by the proportion of voids and solids the proportion of adequate light and ventilation to the Likewise this question of voids and solids is built-up space. — the basic principle on which Municipal Art rests and foundation of whatever sesthetic value the We a city's plan may is the have. have described the conditions which govern the plan of modern city and find that the most important element in
  • 68. 38 planning a new provement and city, or in laying out a general scheme of im- street extension in an already existing city, is the establishment of the main arteries of traffic, the streets, from the nature of the city's development, will become, or have which become, the most congested, and the determining of the proper and feasible width and treatment Next such streets or avenues. in importance are the secondary and crosstown streets, and finally street to give come the minor streets and Hartford's present alleys. system offers numerous opportunities of connecting ing streets to form obviously necessary through-streets. of these combinations are so obvious that exist- Many more than it is sur- We have prising that they have not been already accomplished. constantly endeavored to arrange our suggested improvements in such a way as to take advantage of these almost completed thoroughfares. We will consider the existing streets in Hartford with first, suggested widening or extension. Asylum Street. — We have pointed already out how, through the peculiar growth of the Western section of Hartford and the lack of parallel streets, this street has become the most congested thoroughfare in Hartford, and we have suggested two remedies, namely: widening the street by arcading of the sidewalks, or setting back the building line on one or both sides of the street. Each delay more expensive, in attacking this problem renders growth of the city as the natural creasing the real estate values along it Asylum Street. is it daily in- In "Berlin has been established to a nicety just what effect increase in ]iopulation has on real estate values, and the Germans, with their love for careful research and statistics, have detenuined that the property value of Berlin is increased 1,000 Marks ($250), for each emigrant entering the city, or for every increase in inhabitants by birth over death rate. AAHiether this street be widened by the establishment of new building lines, or by system of arcading, an immediate decision should be made. Main Street. that her — The city of Hartford main business thoroughfare is a is to be congratulated of adequate width.
  • 69. 39 Until the press of demands traffic it, we recommend that the sidewalks should be kept as wide as possible. Peael Steeet. — The extension of Pearl Street has already been recommended and described in the chapter devoted The present wudth cent-er of the city. cient to accommodate the for traffic of this street some time to to the is suffi- come, but in view of the fact that even when Asylum Street is widened it cannot be made as wide as the traffic conditions would ultimately we strongly recommend that a new building line for a much wider Pearl Street be established by the method sugrequire, gested in another part of this report, of gradually setting back as new buildings are erected, so that eventually the widening will have taken place with the least possible disturbance This street as expense. care of it exists today is wide enough and to take traffic. CiiuECPi Steeet. — The extension of Church Street has also been discussed in the Chapter on the center of the city. It will be seen that we have recommended the widening of this street. We strongly urge immediate consideration of the ex- An tension and widening of this thoroughfare. this street and of Pearl Street is the obvious the problem of east and west congested such an improvement is undertaken the extension of means of solving and the sooner traffic, less costly it will be. FoED Steeet, Jewell Steeet, axd Wells Steeet. We suggest that Ford Street be widened Jewell Street be widened to seventy to eighty feet, feet. This is — and that easy of ac- complishment on the river side and will form part of the Park Eiver Boulevard described later under the heading of Boulevard and Park System. Wells Street is incorporated in the general layout of the Mall, which also calls for the acquisition of some additional property on the north side of this street. — This forming the main outlet from the railway station to the north, should be widened sufficiently to accommodate the street car tracks which Avill sooner or later have to be placed thereon. We believe that this improvement High Steeet. is street, either contemplated or actually under way.
  • 70. 40 Spruce Street. we — The suggestion has already been made, at a low level and parallel England Railroad, swinging around to The utility the north and west and to run into Ashley Street. of such an improvement is evident, for by this means a through believe, to continue to the tracks of the Spruce Street New trucking thoroughfare will be obtained running to the western part of the city avoiding the steep grade, and materially lessening on Asylum traffic Such a Street. restrictions to be applied to Morgan Street. — This it is For this reason, would enable and on the axis of the bridge, it all traffic Street. street is the natural Connecticut River Bridge for Hartford. street Asylum approach to the of the northern section of on account of the fact that also should have sufficient width to give a clear passage to and view of tlie bridge and should have With a proper treatment of the junction with Main and Windsor Streets and a line of trees along each side. focal point at its Albany Avenue, a vista in both directions would be obtained and Morgan Street would become an ornament to this part of the city, immensely improving a section which, without some radical treatment, will tend more and more to become a slum and tene- ment district as the city grows in population. This splendid bridge far surpassing in convenience, permanency, and beauty any other bridge of the same character in this country, demands and deserves that this improvement should be made. In connection with this Morgan Street improvement, we recommend that a new street be cut through, from the circle at the west end of Morgan Street running in a southwesterly direction, to join with Church Street at the corner of Trumbull Street. Albany Avenue. — This street, where Street, of which it is a continuation, be widened as far as East Street. is — too it runs out of Main narrow and should We have already spoken of Capitol Capitol Avenue. Avenue in connection with the improvements to take place in and about the State Capitol grounds and have urged that the street be kept as at present located where it passes the Library ;
  • 71. 56
  • 72. .(Mikiiiii' westward tlie Paris A in dirccridii (if riiioii Stntinn fruin eoriKT of ^hn'iiaii and Main streets. ('onicr Ini'inc'l Kv i wo ra<lial inii' stivots. h-iannular plot al iIk^ corner formed l>y wo radialinij streets heconics an exetdlent sil<' t'er a nnuinnienlal Notice llio ree phinlinii- in Imilding. the heart of the cil v. I t
  • 73. 41 and In order, however, that Cajiitol. true function, it this street may serve should be extended west across the its itsTorth Park River, and should join into the new Boulevard West Hartford, By this means a through east and west street south of Farmington Avenue and parallel to it, Branch running of to would be obtained. This thoroughfare should between Trinity and Main Streets. also be widened — BucKi.vGHAM Street. This street should be continued to the west and back of the Library, at least as far as Oak Street. In this manner the Library would occupy an entire block, and its grounds could then receive adequate and fitting treatment, Walxut ak^d Chapel Streets and Homestead Avenue. — We suggest connecting the western end the eastern end of of Chapel Street with Walnut Street. Homestead Avenue is in Walnut Street, but the jog at Garden reality the continuation of Street, destroying the continuous character of this street and making an awkward turn at this point, should be removed. With this improvement carried out, a through thoroughfare, leading from the center of the city northwest to the city line and therefore this street throughout its entire length should be made wide enough to accommodate the traffic that such a through thoroughfare will have to bear. will be obtained, THE I^ORTH SIDE. Windsor and Bellevue Streets. — These streets should be continued northward to intersect Windsor Avenue. In our plan we have shown these streets extended in connection with the layout of this considerable tract of ground between Spring Grove Cemetery and Keney Park. In connection with this extension, Windsor Street should be carried over the railroad to avoid the grade crossing which now exists. Village Street. — The portion between Pleasant and Avon of this street which exists Streets could be eventually closed up, and the street should be continued in the direction it takes
  • 74. 42 as it leaves Morgan Street Circle, and should be carried, event- ually, out to the city line. It would then form one of the main thoroughfares in the developing of the great district east of the railroad. In another part of this report we have pointed out how this section, with a proper development, might become The extension of this street a new manufacturing district. above flood level and approximately parallel to the railroad, would immediately render available for factory sites the strip of land between it and the railroad. — This Pequot to Windsor Steeet.^ street should be continued west Street. — This street should be continued NoKTii Front Street. under the new Boulevard which, we suggest, should follow Pleasant Street, and should run parallel to and east of ^larket Street. in this Such an extension would materially new assist the trucking freight district. Donald Street. — Donald Street should be continued to Windsor Street at the comer of Canton Street, and should be continued to the south to Avon Street. This, in connection with the other improvements that we suggest in the north to join this district, would take care of the future increased Ely Street. tion of — This street should be Avon and Windsor traffic. continued to the junc- Streets to give access to Riverside Park. Russell Street. — This street should be continued east over the railroad and prolonged, to assist in the eventual devel- opment of the North Meadows. Sanford^ Nelson^ and West three streets should be joined. The Clay Streets. — These logical connections of the already existing streets in this section to the north of the city would form the section. On first step in the thorough development of this our general plan of the City of Hartford, 1,000 feet to the inch, we have sive layout for this district. suggested a more at or less exten-
  • 75. 43 Capen and Wakeen Streets. — The Street should be joined to the west end of Elmer and Loomis Streets. — The end of Capen east Warren east Street. end of Elmer Street should be joined to the west end of Loomis Street. Westland Street. across a main — This street should be continued east Windsor Street into the New Meadow east and west thoroughfare. Mahl Avenue. — Mahl section to Avenue should be form carried west along the north side of the Catholic Cemeteiy across Garden and Vine Streets and into Greenfield Street running along' the south side of Keney Park. This would provide a direct crosstown street between Windsor and Blue Hills Avenues, one and one-half miles out from the center of the city, and form an important element in the development of a district eminently We understand that suitable for moderate priced residences. improvement this is Garden Street. already under consideration. — We have already spoken of Garden Street as fonning part of Hartford's principal north and south avenue, running from Goodwin Park on the south to Keney Park on the north. We therefore suggest that Garden Street, from the point where it intersects Westland Street, be carried diagonally to the entrance of Keney Park, at the intersection of Barliour Street and Tower Avenue. From this intersection, we suggest that another avenue be carried in a southerly direcforming an angle vdth Barbour Street, symmetrical and approximately equal to that made by Garden Street with Bar- tion, bour Street, to join with Windsor Avenue at a point about three hundred feet to the north of Sanford Street. This diagonal avenue will give a ready and convenient access to Keney Park from all that section of Hai-tford lying to the south of its junction with Windsor Avenue. SiGOURNEY AND ViNE Streets. — By Connecting the northern end of Sigoumey Street with Vine Street, at its intersection with Raymond Street, and by continuing Sigourney
  • 76. 44 Street to the south and across Pope Park Park to Street, we procure a second north and south street approximately parallel Broad and Garden Streets, connecting Pope and Rocky Ridge Parks on the south with Keney Park on the north. Vine to Street should be continued to the north to the city line. Tx General. — We have suggested on our plan the lines of future street development in this entire district to the north of the Central l^ew England Railroad. It hardly necessary is numerous advantages that such a district Rendered accessible by through offers for residential purposes. streets, such as we have suggested and attractive in its subdivision by an informal plan of streets, which has proved so successful in similar developments in Germany and England, it to call attention to the should rapidly become a district of homes, with the splendid existing park, so readily accessible on the north. THE RESIDENCE SECTION Between the Central and the south, New York, JSTew England Railroad on the north, New Haven & Hartford Railroad on the and on the west side of the city, lies Hartford's main In our general district, the " Residence Zone." residential scheme of proposed improvement for the center of the cit, we have discussed the extension of Church and Pearl Streets, and This residence district, with the widening of Asylum Street. the exception of the lack of through streets to the center of city, and one or two undivided private needs little tracts, tlie has a plan which modification, except, again, the obvious joining of certain streets. The extension of some of these streets has been prevented because of the accidental placing of certain buildings directly in the line of possible street extensions. While it is not our intention to suggest the immediate removal of existing buildings in order to carry through a logical street system, we wish to again city, and call attention to the future of this part of the to strongly urge that at least large unoccupied tracts of land be divided, or a system of division be adopted for which will fit them in with the organized plan of the greater city of
  • 77. 45 Hartford the future. bound to develop the undertaking improvements which are is make such improvements It should city. as will take care of this development. ISTiLES ment AND Fern Streets. in this district is — The most evident improve- the connection of the western end of Niles Street with the eastern end of Fern Street, providing a street between Farmington Avenue and Asylum Street, through to That ready access may be had its run into Asylum new thoroughfare at Hawthorn Street. Park River. HaAvthom and Avenue, with A Church and St. Joseph's Cathedral, Street. — Hawthorn Pearl Street extension. of to this eastern end, i^iles Street should be continued east, diverted sufficiently to escape Trinity to nmning West Hartford. Street forms part of the It ends at present at the north branch bridge should be carried across Park River, should Street be continued a curve in it sufficient to carry main building of the House of the to Warrenton it around the We Good Shepherd. also suggest that at the point between Laurel and Forest Streets, where Hawthorn Street turns towards the north, a new Hawthorn or rather a second continuation of street, Street, should be carried southwest and across the north branch of Park River, to West Hart- join the eastern end of the Boulevard running into The ford. utility of such an improvement as this seems too evident to call for any explanation. Sumner Street. south across Asylum — Sumner undeveloped above, west of it district. An and with its the south front of St. should be continued Avenue Such an improvement thorn Street extended. this Street Street and Farming-ton to Haw- will subdivide additional street parallel to the axis in a line with the centre of Joseph's Cathedral, would complete such subdivision and render available and convenient this large area. Columbia Street. street — This running perpendicular street should have a narrow to it at its southern end, to con- nect this southern end, as well as the two alleys east and west