SlideShare a Scribd company logo
Agenda                                   Session Objectives
  Sales and Marketing Benefits of       Learn How to Use
    Social Media                         LinkedIn/FaceBook to:
  Fragmented Social Media Universe        Generate more leads
  Today’s Focus – LinkedIn and            Increase brand
    FaceBook                                awareness
     More Effective Selling               Drive traffic to your
     Branding/Marketing                    brand/site
         Individual and Firm Branding     Convert cold leads into
         Marketing and Promotions          warm prospects
     Measurement                          Close more sales

    Pursue direct sales. See who your friends, colleagues, customers and
     vendors know that you need to know to reach your goals. If you sell IT
     services, you can identify IT decision makers within companies that
     you're targeting plus identify new companies to target.
    Increase the visibility of your business or brand by using social
     media tools to demonstrate your subject matter expertise. Buzz leads to
    Generate traffic to your website through your social networking.
    Improve your search engine optimization (SEO) – your search engine
     ranking in other words – as a result of your social networking efforts.
    Extend your sales and marketing budget through low-cost lead
     sourcing, brand awareness efforts, and marketing campaigns – but can
     be time intensive.
    Being a part of the conversation makes you and what you’re selling
     relevant and keeps you in touch with your consumers.                    3
Social Media

    A business oriented social              A more personally slanted
     networking site allowing users to        social networking site
     maintain contact details and key         where users message
     info about people they know and          friends via personal/
     trust – connections. “Three              professional updates to
     degrees” functionality helps             their own profiles. Most
     extend reach beyond just your            used social networking
     universe of contacts.                    site today.
    31 million users; 11 million            250 million users; 68
     unique users/mo.                         million unique users/mo.
    70K users in Memphis
Sample Sales Funnel
                                        Sales Funnel helps you determine
                                         level of prospecting needed each
                                         week to meet sales targets
                                        Key questions to develop your
                                         personalized Sales Funnel – seeking
                                         rough averages:
                                            % of prospects called you reach
                                            % of those who agree to meet
                                            % of those where you get to quote
                                            % of those jobs you land
                                            Average size job
                                            Incremental weekly sales target
= Incremental Weekly Revenue Target
Sample Sales Funnel
                                        Ways to use LI and FB to fill your
                                            Lead sourcing/generation
                                                 LI Advanced Search
                                                 FB Search – name, keyword,
                                                  location, school, company
                                        Ways to use LI and FB a to improve
                                         your funnel performance – %
                                         reached, % that agree to meet, and
                                         close ratios:
                                            Call/Meeting prep
                                            Converting cold leads into warm
                                            Building rapport and trust through
= Incremental Weekly Revenue Target          research                             7
  What do we mean by call planning or prep?
      There are two waves of call prep – (1) prep for your initial attempt to
       land a meeting with a prospect, and (2) prep for the actual in-person
       sales call once scheduled. We’ll address both today. Note that in
       preparing for your initial phone call, you should have already
       completed 90% of your prep for the actual meeting.
      Prep for an initial prospect call typically consists of:
          Prospect qualification prior to initial phone call
          Completion of research prior to initial phone call
          Determination of call objectives for in-person meeting
          Scripting/rehearsal of both your phone call and in-person meeting

  Why is it important?
      Reduce the number of prospects you need to call on by
       increasing your success rate with those you do call. How? Do your
       homework to prequalify prospects and develop a customized winning
       approach to landing the meeting.
      Call planning can make the difference in getting the meeting or
       not, and in closing the deal or not. If the account has great enough
       potential, hours of call planning could be justified.
      One opportunity to make a good sales impression. Make it count.
      Even if it is just a 15-minute sales call with a decision-maker, that
       crucial 15 minutes has to be planned so every minute counts. If it’s
       a prospect not worth conducting proper planning for, it’s probably not
       worth your time.
          How much time do you usually spend planning for a sales call?
  What are you trying to achieve with this initial research?
      Identify multiple points of potential connection.
      Allow you to get creative in how you approach landing the meeting.
      Uncover information that allows you to craft a meaningful “what’s in it
       for them” statement.
      Arm you with information that will help you overcome objections to
       landing the meeting.

  Potential research sources:
      Prospect website
      Internet search
      Social media sites (e.g., LinkedIn, FaceBook, Twitter), including
       blogs and other web forums
      Common acquaintances (ask around inside your firm, ask friends/
       former colleagues, ask within organizations you’re affiliated with,
       check social media sites) Note: Encourage call prep at least several
       days before calling so that you can fully leverage common
      Conversations with non-competing sales reps also calling on them
      Past clients
  How to use research: Ensuring it doesn’t sound like you’re simply trying
   to prove you did your homework vs. that you’re trying to help them solve
   a problem, meet a need, etc.
Types of Research Available

    Type of work they do                Common acquaintances – while
    Awards/Press                         serving as information sources, they
    Big accounts well-known for          can also help get your foot in the
    Size of firm and indication of       door (get creative with how you
     potential volume                     leverage these connections)
    Common acquaintances                Community affiliations/causes
    Past companies decision             Interests
     makers worked for
    Their target audiences              Likes/Dislikes
    Their hot buttons and/or causes     Personality type
    Past project of theirs that you     Family
     can authentically provide           Educational background
     specific, positive feedback on      Sports teams of interest
                                         Favorite restaurants               13
Case Study – Commercial Printer
Call Prep – Landing a Difficult Meeting Via Social Media Research

•    The Challenge: A commercial printing sales rep had been trying to get his
     foot in the door with the communications director at a very large church for
     months. He called countless times, sent emails, without any response.
     Due to the church’s vigilant gatekeeper, he couldn’t pop by for an
     unscheduled visit either.
•    The Solution: He researched the prospect via FaceBook
     and learned that he was a huge Calvin and Hobbs fan
     with a witty sense of humor. The sales rep purchased a
     hard-bound Calvin and Hobbs book and attached a
     handwritten, cleverly crafted note, written in a Calvin-
     and-Hobbs tone, and had it hand couriered directly into
     the prospect’s hands.
Case Study – Commercial Printer
 Call Prep – Landing a Difficult Meeting Via Social Media Research

•    The Challenge: This same printing sales rep was trying to get his foot in
     the door with a large ad agency. This firm had two production managers,
     neither of whom returned the two messages he left. Rather than leave any
     more messages, and a negative impression, he decided to get creative.
•    The Solution: After researching these production
     managers – reviewing months worth of FaceBook wall
     posts – and contacting common acquaintances he
     identified via LinkedIn, he knew quite a bit about them.
     He created a “Tower of Power” gift for each prospect to
     get their attention. Five gift boxes, separately wrapped,
     were piled to make a tower of presents. The card said
     “Here are five reasons to consider working with my firm.”

Delivering and                                    Assessing
 Evaluating                                        Needs

       Closing the Sale
         & Resolving

  Building an effective relationship is the first step in
    positioning yourself as a consultant, rather than a               Establishing
    salesperson – someone who can solve their business issues Relationship
    vs. someone there to sell them. Build a relationship by:
      Making a good first impression.
      Finding a common point of connection – personal or professional.
      Asking questions that demonstrate your understanding of their
       business (e.g., their competitors, their market, their customers, business
       direction, business challenges).
      Delivering short elevator pitch.
      Restating the meeting objective to remind them what’s in it for them to
       engage in the discussion with you.
  The whole point of this phase is to build trust and rapport. It’s also to
   engage them with a compelling elevator pitch and meeting objective which
   can set a positive or negative tone for the entire conversation.             19
Why Referrals Are Golden
  The act of referring you to others is validation of your value.
  When you meet the potential client, the relationship is half-formed.
  When you meet the potential client, the engagement is half-sold.
  Referral generation can produce one of the highest returns of your
   sales and marketing investment.
  Referrals can generate some of the highest
   quality and most loyal clients.

Tips for Generating Golden Referrals
  Frequency of the Ask – You have to take accountability for regularly
    giving your best customers the opportunity to refer business. Don’t
    bombard the same people too often, but if you just ask once, you’re
    leaving business on the table. Identify specific referral opportunities
    through LinkedIn and FaceBook – who do they know that you want to
  What To Do with New Referrals – Reward referral behavior quickly and
    generously to encourage more of the same. At a minimum, send them a
    handwritten thank you card with a note outlining your first contact with the
    person they referred.
  To get referrals, give referrals. There’s nothing like leading by example.

Tips for Generating Golden Referrals, cont.
  Giving someone a referral is very different from providing a contact
    name (or a lead). “You should call John Smith. He’s looking for someone
    to help with his taxes. Feel free to use my name.” This isn’t a referral. It’s
    simply passing along a contact name. It’s not nearly as effective as
    having your customer pick up the phone, call John, and tell him about
    you and your firm. Help the “referee” understand what you’re looking for:
       Three-party lunch.
       Phone recommendation with suggestion that the prospect meets you,
         followed by a call from you.
       Introduction at specific upcoming networking event.
       Email introduction and recommendation, with suggestion that the two
         of you meet, where you’re copied.
       Virtual introduction via LinkedIn.
Tips for Generating Golden Referrals, cont.
  Coach them to warm it up – give them very simple sales language:
    “That’s great. I appreciate you recommending Susan. The easiest thing to
    tell her is that: you’re pleased with the work we’ve been doing and I
    specialize in helping service firms like yours develop strategies for cutting
    expenses, you recommend that she have a brief conversation with me,
    and would it be okay if I gave her a call in the near future?”
  Keep control of the process: “Thanks for doing that. Oh, and when
    would be a good time for me to get back in touch with you to see if she
    would like me to give her a call?”

    Increase your brand's visibility and your own
      credibility as a subject matter expert.
       Create a simple company page where all
          employees link to it via LinkedIn.
       Indirectly announce your services to others via LinkedIn Answers
          tool by responding to a question related to your service or asking a
          question that either engages your target audience or indirectly
          points to what you do. Careful – soft sell only.
       Drive interested readers to your blog posting by answering a
          question and providing a URL to your blog for additional detail.
       Get your product or service recommended by another member of the
          LinkedIn community.
       Use status updates to comment on projects and work you’re doing
          that’s of interest to prospects.

    Brand visibility, cont.
       Grow your network by joining groups and inviting members of fellow
         groups to connect – spreading your messaging to a broader
         prospect base (via status updates or responses to Answer).
       Provide link to your profile in your email signature.
    Improve your search engine ranking.
       Drive additional traffic to your site via LinkedIn, which improves
       Creating additional links to your site helps the search engines find
         you and can improve your ranking. Example: what if all employee
         LinkedIn pages pointed to your company website?

  Give thought to your FaceBook strategy:
     Personal objective – personal friends only;
       updates skew personal; private profile; use
       FaceBook for prospect research only
     Combo of personal/professional objective – friends, clients and
       prospects; blend of personal/professional updates that skew
       professional; public or private profile
     Strictly business objective – professional updates with public
  Create both a personal profile and a company page depending
   upon your FB strategy.
  Photo selection is key. Use your logo as your main photo on your
   company page. Get a professional shot for your personal profile vs.
   cropping yourself out of a family photo.
  Have a short well-thought out description of what you do underneath
   your photo.

  Link to your other online presence(s).
     Website(s)
     Blogs
     Other social networking profiles
     YouTube (add the YouTube Video Box Application)
  Experiment with FaceBook advertising – highly targeted, low cost
   per impression, low cost of entry.
  Generate a fan base for your company page and message those fans.
  Work with other businesses who offer goods and services that
   complement yours, and “fan” each other, post on each others’ pages,
   write on each others’ walls and tag each others’ work in photo albums.
   Example: an event planner could build this kind of synergy with a
   photographer, florist, caterer, etc.

  Run contests to increase activity on your page.
     Ask people to become a fan or post comments
       on your wall within a certain time frame and then
       reward them with something of perceived value.
  Update your fans a few times per month.
     Make sure you link to your website(s) in the updates.
  Ask everyone you know (including your staff) to become a fan of your
   page and to share or post your page.
     Make it easy for them - email them the link to your FB page.
  Promote your page in FB Groups and on other pages.
     Search for FB groups related to what you do and post your page in
      their Posted Items (if enabled).

  Consider allowing your fans to post photos
     Enable the Fan Photos option, but monitor this
      closely so that you can take down any photos
      that you feel are not beneficial to you.
  Post comments on your own wall.
     Lets your fans see two-way conversations between you and other
     Be sure to click anywhere on the page so FB will recognize your
      Admin status. Your logo (rather than your personal profile photo)
      will show up.

  Sales Results
     Improvements in sales funnel stats.
         Specifically % meetings landed compared to calls made
           and # new leads.
         Increase in conversion of cold leads to warm prospects
           (via common acquaintances, introductions, research).
  Advertising Results
     FB ad “click through” and conversion rates.
  General Traffic/Awareness
     Increased traffic to your LI and FB pages (including from your
       email signature and website).
     Increased traffic to your website via LI and FB pages.
     Grass roots tracking – “how did you hear about me/us.”
     Third-party traffic tracking applications.

  Creating a strong profile –     Creating individual profile
   individual and company           and/or company page
  Status updates                  Search with filters
  Recommendations                 Fan Pages & Groups
  Virtual introductions           Advertising
  Advanced search
  Groups
  Answers

A few of the companies we’ve had the privilege of partnering with:
A couple of word about goals:

            Have one.

A couple of word about goals:

            Have one.

• Complete
• Connect
• Converse
• Convert

Get to 100%
Profile completion can affect what you see in searches

                    Watch the meter, follow
                    the steps they tell you to           37
You must have
                                    a photo!

People will see you
status updates, try
to keep them
reasonably current

                      Set a custom profile URL and
                      put it in your email signature

•  LinkedIn Applications:
    o  Blogs
    o  SlideShare
    o  Google Presentations
    o  others

•  Give to Get

•  Be specific about
   what you want
   about you to cover

•  All employees have to spell the company
   exactly the same
•  One person should fill out the company
   profile and add a company description and
                              Search by companies, and
                              setup your company profile

• Complete
• Connect
• Converse
• Convert

•  Contacts can be imported from almost
   any email program: Hotmail, Gmail,
   Yahoo, AOL, Outlook and more

•  LinkedIn will match all users that have
   accounts on the system

•  Go through matched connections and
   choose who send requests to

•  Keywords, names, titles,
   companies, schools, locations

•  Remember your goals.
   Who are you looking for?

•  How do you know them?
•  Don’t abuse the system:
  –  LinkedIn will limit your ability to add
     connections if you get too many “I
     don’t know this person” responses!

•  Send Personalized Notes
  –  Use a Cheat Sheet to copy/paste
     standard greetings to save time

•  Groups are great for expanding your network
  o  You can add anyone you share a group with as a
     contact. Continue to expand your network
•  Set your preferences in the Groups you join
  o  Email alerts: daily or weekly
  o  Show logos on your profile

• Use Introductions to connect through
  people you are directly connected to
• You send a message to both people
  o  Be careful: it’s likely that the person
     forwarding the introduction may not
     strip out your comments!
  o  Very similar to forwarding an email
• Don’t abuse - requires effort on the
  Introducer’s part
• 5 at a time with a Free account

• Complete
• Connect
• Converse
• Convert

• Update it regularly
• Make it relevant
• Talk about what you’re looking for or
  working on
• Don’t neglect for too long…

• Start Discussions
• Answer Questions
• Identify opportunities
• Don’t forget to use your
  groups to connect and grow
  your network

• Are you good at what you do?
• Do you want others to notice

• Answering Questions is a
  great way to build your
  “Social Capital” and credibility
  on LinkedIn

• Complete
• Connect
• Converse
• Convert

Click to see Filtering options

•  Same concepts:
  o  Groups with prospects
  o  Groups where you can show
     your expertise or be helpful

•  Highly Targeted:
  o  Demographics
  o  Geography

•  Pay-Per-Click

James Hutto
                 Managing Project Director


| 888-267-0273 | @ValeoMarketing | |

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Harnessing the Power of Social Media Tools to fill your funnel & close more business

  • 1. 1
  • 2. Agenda Session Objectives   Sales and Marketing Benefits of Learn How to Use Social Media LinkedIn/FaceBook to:   Fragmented Social Media Universe   Generate more leads   Today’s Focus – LinkedIn and   Increase brand FaceBook awareness   More Effective Selling   Drive traffic to your   Branding/Marketing brand/site   Individual and Firm Branding   Convert cold leads into   Marketing and Promotions warm prospects   Measurement   Close more sales 2
  • 3.   Pursue direct sales. See who your friends, colleagues, customers and vendors know that you need to know to reach your goals. If you sell IT services, you can identify IT decision makers within companies that you're targeting plus identify new companies to target.   Increase the visibility of your business or brand by using social media tools to demonstrate your subject matter expertise. Buzz leads to consideration.   Generate traffic to your website through your social networking.   Improve your search engine optimization (SEO) – your search engine ranking in other words – as a result of your social networking efforts.   Extend your sales and marketing budget through low-cost lead sourcing, brand awareness efforts, and marketing campaigns – but can be time intensive.   Being a part of the conversation makes you and what you’re selling relevant and keeps you in touch with your consumers. 3
  • 5.   A business oriented social   A more personally slanted networking site allowing users to social networking site maintain contact details and key where users message info about people they know and friends via personal/ trust – connections. “Three professional updates to degrees” functionality helps their own profiles. Most extend reach beyond just your used social networking universe of contacts. site today.   31 million users; 11 million   250 million users; 68 unique users/mo. million unique users/mo.   70K users in Memphis 5
  • 6. Sample Sales Funnel   Sales Funnel helps you determine level of prospecting needed each week to meet sales targets   Key questions to develop your personalized Sales Funnel – seeking rough averages:   % of prospects called you reach   % of those who agree to meet   % of those where you get to quote   % of those jobs you land   Average size job   Incremental weekly sales target = Incremental Weekly Revenue Target 6
  • 7. Sample Sales Funnel   Ways to use LI and FB to fill your funnel:   Lead sourcing/generation   LI Advanced Search   FB Search – name, keyword, location, school, company   Ways to use LI and FB a to improve your funnel performance – % reached, % that agree to meet, and close ratios:   Call/Meeting prep   Converting cold leads into warm prospects   Building rapport and trust through = Incremental Weekly Revenue Target research 7
  • 8. 8
  • 9.   What do we mean by call planning or prep?   There are two waves of call prep – (1) prep for your initial attempt to land a meeting with a prospect, and (2) prep for the actual in-person sales call once scheduled. We’ll address both today. Note that in preparing for your initial phone call, you should have already completed 90% of your prep for the actual meeting.   Prep for an initial prospect call typically consists of:  Prospect qualification prior to initial phone call  Completion of research prior to initial phone call  Determination of call objectives for in-person meeting  Scripting/rehearsal of both your phone call and in-person meeting 9
  • 10.   Why is it important?   Reduce the number of prospects you need to call on by increasing your success rate with those you do call. How? Do your homework to prequalify prospects and develop a customized winning approach to landing the meeting.   Call planning can make the difference in getting the meeting or not, and in closing the deal or not. If the account has great enough potential, hours of call planning could be justified.   One opportunity to make a good sales impression. Make it count.   Even if it is just a 15-minute sales call with a decision-maker, that crucial 15 minutes has to be planned so every minute counts. If it’s a prospect not worth conducting proper planning for, it’s probably not worth your time.  How much time do you usually spend planning for a sales call? 10
  • 11.   What are you trying to achieve with this initial research?   Identify multiple points of potential connection.   Allow you to get creative in how you approach landing the meeting.   Uncover information that allows you to craft a meaningful “what’s in it for them” statement.   Arm you with information that will help you overcome objections to landing the meeting. 11
  • 12.   Potential research sources:   Prospect website   Internet search   Social media sites (e.g., LinkedIn, FaceBook, Twitter), including blogs and other web forums   Common acquaintances (ask around inside your firm, ask friends/ former colleagues, ask within organizations you’re affiliated with, check social media sites) Note: Encourage call prep at least several days before calling so that you can fully leverage common acquaintances.   Conversations with non-competing sales reps also calling on them   Past clients   How to use research: Ensuring it doesn’t sound like you’re simply trying to prove you did your homework vs. that you’re trying to help them solve 12 a problem, meet a need, etc.
  • 13. Types of Research Available   Type of work they do   Common acquaintances – while   Awards/Press serving as information sources, they   Big accounts well-known for can also help get your foot in the   Size of firm and indication of door (get creative with how you potential volume leverage these connections)   Common acquaintances   Community affiliations/causes   Past companies decision   Interests makers worked for   Their target audiences   Likes/Dislikes   Their hot buttons and/or causes   Personality type   Past project of theirs that you   Family can authentically provide   Educational background specific, positive feedback on   Sports teams of interest   Favorite restaurants 13
  • 14. 14
  • 15. 15
  • 16. Case Study – Commercial Printer Call Prep – Landing a Difficult Meeting Via Social Media Research •  The Challenge: A commercial printing sales rep had been trying to get his foot in the door with the communications director at a very large church for months. He called countless times, sent emails, without any response. Due to the church’s vigilant gatekeeper, he couldn’t pop by for an unscheduled visit either. •  The Solution: He researched the prospect via FaceBook and learned that he was a huge Calvin and Hobbs fan with a witty sense of humor. The sales rep purchased a hard-bound Calvin and Hobbs book and attached a handwritten, cleverly crafted note, written in a Calvin- and-Hobbs tone, and had it hand couriered directly into the prospect’s hands. 16
  • 17. Case Study – Commercial Printer Call Prep – Landing a Difficult Meeting Via Social Media Research •  The Challenge: This same printing sales rep was trying to get his foot in the door with a large ad agency. This firm had two production managers, neither of whom returned the two messages he left. Rather than leave any more messages, and a negative impression, he decided to get creative. •  The Solution: After researching these production managers – reviewing months worth of FaceBook wall posts – and contacting common acquaintances he identified via LinkedIn, he knew quite a bit about them. He created a “Tower of Power” gift for each prospect to get their attention. Five gift boxes, separately wrapped, were piled to make a tower of presents. The card said “Here are five reasons to consider working with my firm.” 17
  • 18. Establishing Relationship Delivering and Assessing Evaluating Needs Closing the Sale Formulating & Resolving Solution Issues 18
  • 19.   Building an effective relationship is the first step in positioning yourself as a consultant, rather than a Establishing salesperson – someone who can solve their business issues Relationship vs. someone there to sell them. Build a relationship by:   Making a good first impression.   Finding a common point of connection – personal or professional.   Asking questions that demonstrate your understanding of their business (e.g., their competitors, their market, their customers, business direction, business challenges).   Delivering short elevator pitch.   Restating the meeting objective to remind them what’s in it for them to engage in the discussion with you.   The whole point of this phase is to build trust and rapport. It’s also to engage them with a compelling elevator pitch and meeting objective which can set a positive or negative tone for the entire conversation. 19
  • 20. Why Referrals Are Golden   The act of referring you to others is validation of your value.   When you meet the potential client, the relationship is half-formed.   When you meet the potential client, the engagement is half-sold.   Referral generation can produce one of the highest returns of your sales and marketing investment.   Referrals can generate some of the highest quality and most loyal clients. 20
  • 21. Tips for Generating Golden Referrals   Frequency of the Ask – You have to take accountability for regularly giving your best customers the opportunity to refer business. Don’t bombard the same people too often, but if you just ask once, you’re leaving business on the table. Identify specific referral opportunities through LinkedIn and FaceBook – who do they know that you want to know?   What To Do with New Referrals – Reward referral behavior quickly and generously to encourage more of the same. At a minimum, send them a handwritten thank you card with a note outlining your first contact with the person they referred.   To get referrals, give referrals. There’s nothing like leading by example. 21
  • 22. Tips for Generating Golden Referrals, cont.   Giving someone a referral is very different from providing a contact name (or a lead). “You should call John Smith. He’s looking for someone to help with his taxes. Feel free to use my name.” This isn’t a referral. It’s simply passing along a contact name. It’s not nearly as effective as having your customer pick up the phone, call John, and tell him about you and your firm. Help the “referee” understand what you’re looking for:   Three-party lunch.   Phone recommendation with suggestion that the prospect meets you, followed by a call from you.   Introduction at specific upcoming networking event.   Email introduction and recommendation, with suggestion that the two of you meet, where you’re copied.   Virtual introduction via LinkedIn. 22
  • 23. Tips for Generating Golden Referrals, cont.   Coach them to warm it up – give them very simple sales language: “That’s great. I appreciate you recommending Susan. The easiest thing to tell her is that: you’re pleased with the work we’ve been doing and I specialize in helping service firms like yours develop strategies for cutting expenses, you recommend that she have a brief conversation with me, and would it be okay if I gave her a call in the near future?”   Keep control of the process: “Thanks for doing that. Oh, and when would be a good time for me to get back in touch with you to see if she would like me to give her a call?” 23
  • 24.   Increase your brand's visibility and your own credibility as a subject matter expert.   Create a simple company page where all employees link to it via LinkedIn.   Indirectly announce your services to others via LinkedIn Answers tool by responding to a question related to your service or asking a question that either engages your target audience or indirectly points to what you do. Careful – soft sell only.   Drive interested readers to your blog posting by answering a question and providing a URL to your blog for additional detail.   Get your product or service recommended by another member of the LinkedIn community.   Use status updates to comment on projects and work you’re doing that’s of interest to prospects. 24
  • 25.   Brand visibility, cont.   Grow your network by joining groups and inviting members of fellow groups to connect – spreading your messaging to a broader prospect base (via status updates or responses to Answer).   Provide link to your profile in your email signature.   Improve your search engine ranking.   Drive additional traffic to your site via LinkedIn, which improves ranking.   Creating additional links to your site helps the search engines find you and can improve your ranking. Example: what if all employee LinkedIn pages pointed to your company website? 25
  • 26.   Give thought to your FaceBook strategy:   Personal objective – personal friends only; updates skew personal; private profile; use FaceBook for prospect research only   Combo of personal/professional objective – friends, clients and prospects; blend of personal/professional updates that skew professional; public or private profile   Strictly business objective – professional updates with public profile   Create both a personal profile and a company page depending upon your FB strategy.   Photo selection is key. Use your logo as your main photo on your company page. Get a professional shot for your personal profile vs. cropping yourself out of a family photo.   Have a short well-thought out description of what you do underneath your photo. 26
  • 27.   Link to your other online presence(s).   Website(s)   Blogs   Other social networking profiles   YouTube (add the YouTube Video Box Application)   Experiment with FaceBook advertising – highly targeted, low cost per impression, low cost of entry.   Generate a fan base for your company page and message those fans.   Work with other businesses who offer goods and services that complement yours, and “fan” each other, post on each others’ pages, write on each others’ walls and tag each others’ work in photo albums. Example: an event planner could build this kind of synergy with a photographer, florist, caterer, etc. 27
  • 28.   Run contests to increase activity on your page.   Ask people to become a fan or post comments on your wall within a certain time frame and then reward them with something of perceived value.   Update your fans a few times per month.   Make sure you link to your website(s) in the updates.   Ask everyone you know (including your staff) to become a fan of your page and to share or post your page.   Make it easy for them - email them the link to your FB page.   Promote your page in FB Groups and on other pages.   Search for FB groups related to what you do and post your page in their Posted Items (if enabled). 28
  • 29.   Consider allowing your fans to post photos   Enable the Fan Photos option, but monitor this closely so that you can take down any photos that you feel are not beneficial to you.   Post comments on your own wall.   Lets your fans see two-way conversations between you and other fans.   Be sure to click anywhere on the page so FB will recognize your Admin status. Your logo (rather than your personal profile photo) will show up. 29
  • 30.   Sales Results   Improvements in sales funnel stats.   Specifically % meetings landed compared to calls made and # new leads.   Increase in conversion of cold leads to warm prospects (via common acquaintances, introductions, research).   Advertising Results   FB ad “click through” and conversion rates.   General Traffic/Awareness   Increased traffic to your LI and FB pages (including from your email signature and website).   Increased traffic to your website via LI and FB pages.   Grass roots tracking – “how did you hear about me/us.”   Third-party traffic tracking applications. 30
  • 31.   Creating a strong profile –   Creating individual profile individual and company and/or company page   Status updates   Search with filters   Recommendations   Fan Pages & Groups   Virtual introductions   Advertising   Advanced search   Groups   Answers 31
  • 32. A few of the companies we’ve had the privilege of partnering with:
  • 33. 33
  • 34. A couple of word about goals: Have one. 34
  • 35. A couple of word about goals: Have one. 35
  • 37. Get to 100% Profile completion can affect what you see in searches Watch the meter, follow the steps they tell you to 37
  • 38. You must have a photo! People will see you status updates, try to keep them reasonably current Set a custom profile URL and put it in your email signature 38
  • 39. •  LinkedIn Applications: o  Blogs o  SlideShare o  Google Presentations o  others 39
  • 40. •  Give to Get •  Be specific about what you want recommendations about you to cover 40
  • 41. 41
  • 42. •  All employees have to spell the company exactly the same •  One person should fill out the company profile and add a company description and logo Search by companies, and setup your company profile 42
  • 44. •  Contacts can be imported from almost any email program: Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo, AOL, Outlook and more •  LinkedIn will match all users that have accounts on the system •  Go through matched connections and choose who send requests to 44
  • 45. •  Keywords, names, titles, companies, schools, locations •  Remember your goals. Who are you looking for? 45
  • 46. •  How do you know them? •  Don’t abuse the system: –  LinkedIn will limit your ability to add connections if you get too many “I don’t know this person” responses! •  Send Personalized Notes –  Use a Cheat Sheet to copy/paste standard greetings to save time 46
  • 47. •  Groups are great for expanding your network o  You can add anyone you share a group with as a contact. Continue to expand your network •  Set your preferences in the Groups you join o  Email alerts: daily or weekly o  Show logos on your profile 47
  • 48. • Use Introductions to connect through people you are directly connected to • You send a message to both people o  Be careful: it’s likely that the person forwarding the introduction may not strip out your comments! o  Very similar to forwarding an email • Don’t abuse - requires effort on the Introducer’s part • 5 at a time with a Free account 48
  • 50. • Update it regularly • Make it relevant • Talk about what you’re looking for or working on • Don’t neglect for too long… 50
  • 51. • Start Discussions • Answer Questions • Identify opportunities • Don’t forget to use your groups to connect and grow your network 51
  • 52. • Are you good at what you do? • Do you want others to notice that? • Answering Questions is a great way to build your “Social Capital” and credibility on LinkedIn 52
  • 54. 54
  • 55. Click to see Filtering options 55
  • 56. •  Same concepts: o  Groups with prospects o  Groups where you can show your expertise or be helpful 56
  • 57. •  Highly Targeted: o  Demographics o  Geography •  Pay-Per-Click 57
  • 58. James Hutto Managing Project Director @jameshutto | 888-267-0273 | @ValeoMarketing | |