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A Handbook for

           Aligning Employee Performance Plans
                      with Organizational Goals

                      Personnel Management                        PMD-13
WorkforceCompensation andPerformanceService            RevisedJanuary2001
Table of Contents

Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Chapter 1 Performance Management: Background and Context . . . . . 3

Chapter 2 Distinguishing Activities From Accomplishments . . . . . . . . .                                             11
   The Fable of the Beekeepers and Their Bees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                    11
   A Balanced Measuring System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                         15
   A Word About Categories of Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                           16

Chapter 3 Developing Employee Performance Plans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                          19
   Step 1 Look at the Overall Picture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                        23
   Step 2 Determine Work Unit Accomplishments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                        26
                  Method A: Goal Cascading Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                          27
                  Method B: Customer-Focused Method . . . . . . . . . .                                                30
                  Method C: Work Flow Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                       33
   Step 3 Determine Individual Accomplishments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                       37
   Step 4 Convert Accomplishments Into Performance Elements . . .                                                      41
   Step 5 Determine Measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                     45
   Step 6 Develop Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                    50
   Step 7 Determine How to Monitor Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                       58
   Step 8 Check the Performance Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                             63

Chapter 4 Learning Aids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
   Performance Measurement Quiz With Answers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
   Quick Reference for Developing Performance Plans
            That Align With Organizational Goals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

Appendix A: Examples of Standards Written at Five Levels . . . . . . . . . 73
Appendix B: Examples of Standards Written at Three Levels . . . . . . . . 77
Appendix C: Examples of Standards Written at Two Levels . . . . . . . . . 81
This handbook is designed for Federal supervi-         C Chapter 1 gives the background and context
sors and employees and presents an                       of performance management that you will
eight-step process for developing employee               need to understand before beginning the
performance plans that are aligned with and              eight-step process;
support organizational goals. It also provides         C Chapter 2 defines accomplishments— which
guidelines for writing performance elements and          is key to using this handbook successfully;
standards that not only meet regulatory require-       C Chapter 3 includes a detailed description of
ments, but also maximize the capability that             the eight-step process for developing em-
performance plans have for focusing employee             ployee performance plans that are aligned
efforts on achieving organizational and group            with and support organizational goals.
goals.                                                 C Chapter 4 provides study tools, including a
                                                         followup quiz and a quick reference for the
The methods presented here are designed to               eight-step process.
develop elements and standards that measure            C The appendices contain standards intended
employee and work unit accomplishments                   to serve as illustrations of standards written
rather than to develop other measures that are           for appraisal programs that appraise perfor-
often used in appraising performance, such as            mance on elements at five, three, and two
measuring behaviors or competencies.                     levels.
Although this handbook includes a discussion of
the importance of balancing measures, the main         After reading the instructional material, studying
focus presented here is to measure accomplish-         the examples, and completing the exercises in
ments. Consequently, much of the information           this book, you should be able to:
presented in the first five steps of this eight-step   C develop a performance plan that aligns indi-
process applies when supervisors and employ-                vidual performance to organizational goals;
ees want to measure results. However, the              C use a variety of methods to determine work
material presented in Steps 6 through 8—about               unit and individual accomplishments;
developing standards, monitoring performance,          C determine the difference between activities
and checking the performance plan—apply to                  and accomplishments; and
all measurement approaches.                            C explain regulatory requirements for
                                                            employee performance plans.
The handbook has four chapters and

A Handbook for Measuring Employee Performance                                                           1
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2                   Performance Management Practitioner Series
Chapter 1
                                Performance Management:
                                  Background and Context
Remember the story about the naive student         Performance management is the systematic pro-
in his first English literature course who was     cess of:
worried because he didn’t know what prose
was? When he found out that prose was              • planning work and setting expectations,
ordinary speech, he exclaimed, “Wow! I’ve          C continually monitoring performance,
been speaking prose all my life!”                  • developing the capacity to perform,
                                                   • periodically rating performance in a
Managing performance well is like speaking           summary fashion, and
prose. Many managers have been “speaking”
                                                   • rewarding good performance.
and practicing effective performance manage-
ment naturally all their supervisory lives, but
                                                   The revisions made in 1995 to the Govern-
don’t know it!
                                                   mentwide performance appraisal and awards
                                                   regulations support “natural” performance man-
Some people mistakenly assume that perfor-
                                                   agement. Great care was taken to ensure that
mance management is concerned only with fol-
                                                   the requirements those regulations establish
lowing regulatory requirements to appraise and
                                                   would complement and not conflict with the
rate performance. Actually, assigning ratings of
                                                   kinds of activities and actions effective managers
record is only one part of the overall process
                                                   are practicing as a matter of course.
(and perhaps the least important part).

                Performance Management’s Five Key Components

A Handbook for Measuring Employee Performance                                                      3
Performance Management: Background and Context

Planning. In an effective organization, work       atic standards. By monitoring continually, su-
is planned out in advance. Planning means          pervisors can identify unacceptable performance
setting performance expectations and goals for     at any time during the appraisal period and pro-
groups and individuals to channel their efforts    vide assistance to address such performance
toward achieving organizational objectives.        rather than wait until the end of the period when
Getting employees involved in the planning pro-    summary rating levels are assigned.
cess will help them understand the goals of the
organization, what needs to be done, why it      Developing. In an effective organization,
needs to be done, and how well it should be      employee developmental needs are evaluated
done.                                            and addressed. Developing in this instance
                                                 means increasing the capacity to perform
The regulatory requirements for planning employ- through training, giving assignments that intro-
ees’ performance include establishing the ele-   duce new skills or higher levels of responsibility,
ments and standards of their performance ap-     improving work processes, or other methods.
praisal plans. Performance elements and stan-    Providing employees with training and devel-
dards should be measurable, understandable,      opmental opportunities encourages good per-
verifiable, equitable, and achievable. Through   formance, strengthens job-related skills and
critical elements, employees are held account-   competencies, and helps employees keep up
able as individuals for work assignments or      with changes in the workplace, such as the in-
responsibilities. Employee performance plans     troduction of new technology.
should be flexible so that they can be adjusted
for changing program objectives and work         Carrying out the processes of performance
requirements. When used effectively, these       management provides an excellent opportunity
plans can be beneficial working documents that   for supervisors and employees to identify devel-
are discussed often, and not merely paperwork    opmental needs. While planning and monitoring
that is filed in a drawer and seen only when     work, deficiencies in performance become evi-
ratings of record are required.                  dent and should be addressed. Areas for
                                                 improving good performance also stand out,
Monitoring. In an effective organization,        and action can be taken to help successful
assignments and projects are monitored contin-   employees improve even further.
ually. Monitoring well means consistently meas-
uring performance and providing ongoing feed-    Rating. From time to time, organizations find
back to employees and work groups on their       it useful to summarize employee performance.
progress toward reaching their goals.            This helps with comparing performance over
                                                 time or across a set of employees.
Regulatory requirements for monitoring perfor-   Organizations need to know who their best
mance include conducting progress                performers are.
reviews with employees where their perfor-
mance is compared against their elements and     Within the context of formal performance ap-
standards. Ongoing monitoring provides the       praisal requirements, rating means evaluating
supervisor the opportunity to check how well     employee or group performance against the
employees are meeting predetermined standards elements and standards in an employee’s
and to make changes to unrealistic or problem-   performance plan and assigning a summary rat-

4                                                       Performance Management Practitioner Series
Performance Management: Background and Context

ing of record. The rating of record is assigned      dards, but they also take care to develop the
according to procedures included in the organiza-    skills needed to reach them. They also use for-
tion’s appraisal program. It is based on work        mal and informal rewards to recognize the be-
performed during an entire appraisal period.         havior and results that accomplish their mission.
The rating of record has a bearing on various        All five components working together and sup-
other personnel actions, such as granting within-    porting each other achieve natural, effective
grade pay increases and determining additional       performance management.
retention service credit in a reduction in force.
                                                     Employee Performance Plans
Rewarding. In an effective organization,
rewards are used well. Rewarding means rec-          Employees must know what they need to do to
ognizing employees, individually and as mem-         perform their jobs successfully. Expectations
bers of groups, for their performance and            for employee performance are established in
acknowledging their contributions to the agen-       employee performance plans. Employee per-
cy’s mission. A basic principle of effective         formance plans are all of the written, or other-
management is that all behavior is controlled by     wise recorded, performance elements that set
its consequences. Those consequences can
and should be both formal and informal and
both positive and negative.                         A Note About Performance Plans:
                                                    This handbook is about developing employee
Good managers don’t wait for their organi-          performance plans. However, there is
zation to solicit nominations for formal            another type of performance plan that you
awards before recognizing good perfor-              need to be aware of. The Government Per-
mance. Recognition is an ongoing, natural           formance and Results Act of 1993 requires
part of day-to-day experience. A lot of the         each agency to prepare an annual perfor-
actions that reward good performance—like           mance plan covering each program activity set
saying “Thank you”—don’t require a spe-             forth in its budget. These organizational per-
cific regulatory authority. Nonetheless,            formance plans:
awards regulations provide a broad range of         C establish program-level performance goals
forms that more formal rewards can take,               that are objective, quantifiable, and mea-
such as cash, time off, and many recognition           surable;
items. The regulations also cover a variety         C describe the operational resources needed
of contributions that can be rewarded, from            to meet those goals; and
suggestions to group accomplishments.               C establish performance indicators to be used
                                                       in measuring the outcomes of each pro-
Performance Management as                              gram.
Prose. Good managers have been speak-
ing and practicing effective performance            We will be using organizational performance
management all their lives, executing each          plans during Step 1 of the eight-step process
key component process well. They not only           presented in this handbook. Organizational
set goals and plan work routinely, they mea-        performance plans are key in the process of
sure progress toward those goals and give           aligning employee performance with organi-
feedback to employees. They set high stan-          zational goals.

A Handbook for Measuring Employee Performance                                                           5
Performance Management: Background and Context

forth expected performance. A plan must              elements, which can result in the employee’s
include all critical and non-critical elements and   reassignment, removal, or reduction in grade.
their performance standards.                         Consequently, critical elements must describe
                                                     work assignments and responsibilities that are
Performance elements tell employees what they        within the employee’s control. For most
have to do and standards tell them how well          employees this means that critical elements can-
they have to do it. Developing elements and          not describe a group’s performance. How-
standards that are understandable, measurable,       ever, a supervisor or manager can and should
attainable, fair, and challenging is vital to the    be held accountable for seeing that results mea-
effectiveness of the performance appraisal pro-      sured at the group or team level are achieved.
cess and is what this handbook is all about.         Critical elements assessing group performance
                                                     may be appropriate to include in the perfor-
Federal regulations define three types of ele-       mance plan of a supervisor, manager, or team
ments: critical elements, non-critical elements,     leader who can reasonably be expected to
and additional performance elements. Agency          command the production and resources neces-
appraisal programs are required to use critical      sary to achieve the results (i.e., be held individu-
elements (although the agency may choose to          ally accountable).
call them something else), but the other two
types can be used at the agency’s option.             Non-critical Elements. A non-critical
Before continuing further with this handbook,        element is a dimension or aspect of individual,
you should contact your human resources office       team, or organizational performance, exclusive
to determine the types of elements your              of a critical element, that is used in assigning a
appraisal program allows.                            summary level. Important aspects of non-criti-
                                                     cal elements include:
Critical Elements. A critical element is an
assignment or responsibility of such importance
that unacceptable performance in that element          A Note about Group or Team
would result in a determination that the employ-       Performance: The term “group or
ee’s overall performance is unacceptable. Reg-         team performance” can be confusing
ulations require that each employee have at least      sometimes. When we say that critical ele-
one critical element in his or her performance         ments cannot describe group performance,
plan. Even though no maximum number is                 we are saying that the group’s perfor-
placed on the number of critical elements possi-       mance as a whole cannot be used as a crit-
ble, most experts in the field of performance          ical element. This does not preclude de-
management agree that between three and                scribing an individual’s contribution to the
seven critical elements are appropriate for most       group as a critical element. The key to
work situations.                                       distinguishing between group performance
                                                       and an individual’s contribution to the
Critical elements are the cornerstone of individ-      group is that group performance is mea-
ual accountability in employee performance             sured at an aggregate level, not for a single
management. Unacceptable performance is                employee. An individual’s contribution to
defined in section 4301(3) of title 5, United          the group is measured at the individual em-
States Code, as failure on one or more critical        ployee level.

6                                                         Performance Management Practitioner Series
Performance Management: Background and Context

                                                        how an appraisal program is designed, this
No Performance-based Actions. Failure on a              need not be the case. Even though consider-
non-critical element cannot be used as the basis        ation of non-critical elements cannot result in
for a performance-based adverse action, such            assigning an Unacceptable summary level,
as a demotion or removal. Only critical ele-            appraisal programs can be designed so that
ments may be used that way. Moreover, if an             non-critical elements have as much weight or
employee fails on a non-critical element, the           more weight than critical elements in deter-
employee’s performance cannot be summarized             mining summary levels above Unacceptable.
as Unacceptable overall based on that failure.       NOTE: Before you can use non-critical elements
                                                     in employee performance plans, you must deter-
C Group Performance. Non-critical                    mine if your appraisal program allows them.
  elements are the only way an agency can
  include the group’s or the team’s perfor-          Additional Performance Elements. An
  mance as an element in the performance plan        additional performance element is a dimension
  so that it counts in the summary level. For        or aspect of individual, team, or organizational
  example, team-structured organizations might       performance that is not a critical element and is
  use a non-critical element to plan, track, and     not used in assigning a summary rating level.
  appraise the team on achieving its goals. To       The essential difference between a non-critical
  do this, each team member’s performance            element and an additional performance element
  plan would include the “team” element (i.e., a     is that non-critical elements do affect the sum-
  non-critical element) and the rating for the       mary level. Otherwise, the features and limita-
  team on that element would be counted in the       tions of non-critical elements discussed above
  summary level of each team member.                 also apply to additional performance elements.
                                                     Opportunities for using additional performance
C When They Can’t Be Used. Non-critical              elements include:
  elements cannot be used in appraisal pro-
  grams that use only two levels to summarize        C New Work Assignment. Managers and
  performance in the rating of record. This is         employees may want to establish goals, track
  because they would have no effect on the             and measure performance, and develop
  summary rating level and, by definition, they        skills for an aspect of work that they do not
  must affect the summary level. (That is, in a        believe should count in the summary level.
  two-level program, failure on non-critical ele-      For example, if an employee volunteered to
  ments cannot bring the summary level down            work on a new project that
  to Unacceptable, and assessments of non-             requires new skills, an additional performance
  critical elements cannot raise the summary           element describing the new assignment pro-
  level to Fully Successful if a critical element      vides a non-threatening vehicle for planning,
  is failed.)                                          measuring, and giving feedback on the
                                                       employee’s performance without counting it in
C Can Greatly Affect the Summary Level.                the summary level.
  Sometimes the word “non-critical” is interpre-
  ted to mean “not as important.” Prior to           C Group Performance. In a two-level
  1995, this interpretation was prescribed by          appraisal program, additional performance
  regulation. Now, however, depending on               elements are the only way to include a discus-

A Handbook for Measuring Employee Performance                                                        7
Performance Management: Background and Context

    sion of group performance in the appraisal        Additional performance elements were intro-
    process. Even though the element assessment       duced in the September 1995 performance
    does not count when determining the sum-          appraisal regulations and have not been used
    mary level, managers and employees could          widely, yet. We foresee their popularity ris-ing
    use it to manage the group’s performance.         as agencies discover the possibilities they pres-
                                                      ent for managing performance.
C Awards. Additional performance elements
  can be used to establish criteria for determin-     NOTE: Check the rules of your program before
  ing awards eligibility, especially in a two-level   including additional performance elements in
  program that no longer bases awards solely          your plans.
  on a summary level.

                                           Element Characteristics
                             Required in
                             Employee             Credited in the    Can Describe
                             Performance          Summary            a Group’s
                             Plans                Level              Performance

                                    yes                 yes                 no*

                                    no                  yes                 yes

            Performance             no                  no                  yes

                                                        *except when written for a
                                                        supervisor or manager who has
                                                        individual management control
                                                        over a group’s production and

8                                                          Performance Management Practitioner Series
Performance Management: Background and Context

Know your program constraints                                U
              Again, it is important to stress that before you continue with
              this handbook, you need to find out the rules established by
              your appraisal program; specifically, you will need to know:

              C   which kinds of elements your program allows you to use;
              C   at how many levels your program appraises employee perfor-
                  mance on elements;
              C   how many summary levels your program uses;
              C   if your program allows weighting of elements (see Step 4) ; and
              •   whether the program requires specific elements and/or uses
                  generic standards.

Before continuing:
              This handbook uses an organization within OPM—the Support Branch in the
              Adjudication Division of the Office of Retirement Programs—as an illustration for
              developing measures at the group and individual level. To be able to understand
              and work through the illustration, you need to know the features of the Support
              Branch’s appraisal program (i.e., the same features listed above). The Support
              Branch’s appraisal program:
              C uses critical, non-critical, and additional performance elements;
              C appraises employee performance on elements at five levels: Unacceptable,
                  Minimally Successful, Fully Successful, Exceeds Fully Successful, and
              C uses five summary levels, which are the same as the elements’ five levels listed
              C allows elements to be weighted according to importance to the organization;
              C requires no specific or generic elements.

A Handbook for Measuring Employee Performance                                                      9
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10                   Performance Management Practitioner Series
Chapter 2
                       Distinguishing Activities from
Chapter 2 discusses what may be the most important concept in this handbook: the
difference between measuring activities and measuring accomplishments. The following
story illustrates this concept.

                                              The Fable of the Beekeepers
                                                            and Their Bees
                         Once upon a time,        approach communicated to each bee the goal of
                         there were two           the hive—to produce more honey. The bee-
                         beekeepers who each      keeper and his bees measured two aspects of
had a beehive. The beekeepers worked for a        their performance: the amount of nectar each
company called Bees, Inc. The company’s           bee brought back to the hive and the amount of
customers loved its honey and wanted the busi-    honey the hive produced. The performance of
ness to produce more honey than it had the        each bee and the hive’s overall performance
previous year. As a result, each beekeeper was    were charted and posted on the hive’s bulletin
told to produce more honey at the same quality.   board for all bees to see. The beekeeper cre-
With different ideas about how to do this, the    ated a few awards for the bees that gathered the
beekeepers designed different approaches to       most nectar, but he also established a hive
improve the performance of their hives.           incentive program that rewarded each bee in the
                                                  hive based on the hive’s production of
The first beekeeper established a bee perfor-     honey—the more honey produced the more
mance management approach that measured           recognition each bee would receive.
how many flowers each bee visited. At consid-
erable cost to the beekeeper, an extensive mea-   At the end of the season, the beekeepers evalu-
surement system was created to count the flow-    ated their approaches. The first beekeeper
ers each bee visited. The beekeeper provided      found that his hive had indeed increased the
feedback to each bee at midseason on his indi-    number of flowers visited, but the amount of
vidual performance, but the bees were never       honey produced by the hive had dropped. The
told about the hive’s goal to produce more        Queen Bee reported that because the bees
honey so that the company could increase          were so busy trying to visit as many flowers as
honey sales. The beekeeper created special        possible, they limited the amount of nectar they
awards for the bees who visited the most flow-    would carry so they could fly faster. Also, be-
ers.                                              cause the bees felt they were competing against
                                                  each other for awards (since only the top per-
The second beekeeper also established a bee       formers were recognized) they would not share
performance management approach, but this         valuable information with each other (like the

A Handbook for Measuring Employee Performance                                                   11
Distinguishing Activities from Accomplishments

location of the flower-filled fields they’d spotted   bees worked together to determine the highest
on the way back to the hive) that could have          nectar-yielding flowers and to create quicker
helped improve the performance of all the bees.       processes for depositing the nectar they’d gath-
(After all was said and done, one of the high-        ered. They also worked together to help
performing bees told the beekeeper that if he’d       increase the amount of nectar gathered by the
been told that the real goal was to make more         poor performers. The Queen Bee of this hive
honey rather than to visit more flowers, he           reported that the poor performers either
would have done his work completely differ-           improved their performance or transferred to
ently.) As the beekeeper handed out the               the other hive. Because the hive had reached its
awards to individual bees, unhappy buzzing was        goal, the beekeeper awarded each bee his por-
heard in the background.
                                                      tion of the hive incentive payment. The bee-
                                                      keeper was also surprised to hear a loud, happy
The second beekeeper, however, had very
                                                      buzz and a jubilant flapping of wings as he
different results. Because each bee in his hive
                                                      rewarded the individual high-performing bees
was focused on the hive’s goal of producing
more honey, the bees had concentrated their           with special recognition.
efforts on gathering more nectar in order to
produce more honey than ever before. The              The moral of this story is:

          Measuring and recognizing accomplish-
          ments rather than activities—and giving
          feedback to the worker bees—often
          improves the results of the hive.

12                                                         Performance Management Practitioner Series
Distinguishing Activities from Accomplishments

Although it somewhat simplifies performance             C    file documents;
management, the beekeepers’ story illustrates           C    develop software programs;
the importance of measuring and recognizing             C    answer customer questions; and
accomplishments (the amount of honey produc-
                                                        C    write reports.
tion per hive) rather than activities (visiting flow-
ers). This handbook is designed to help you
develop elements and standards that center              Accomplishments (or outputs) are the
around accomplishments, not activities.                 products or services (the results) of employee
The chart below depicts the type of measure-            and work unit activities and are generally
ment that should occur at each organizational           described using nouns. The examples of out-
level and includes measurements used by the             puts used in the fable include the amount of
beekeepers.                                             nectar each bee collected and the honey
                                                        production for the hive. Other examples
Activities are the actions taken to produce             include:
results and are generally described using verbs.        C files that are orderly and complete;
 In the beekeeper fable, the activity being mea-        C a software program that works;
sured was visiting flowers. Other examples of           C accurate guidance to customers; and
activities include:                                     C a report that is complete and accurate.

A Handbook for Measuring Employee Performance                                                            13
Distinguishing Activities from Accomplishments

 Outcomes are the final results of an agency’s      Note on the performance pyramid shown on the
 products and services (and other outside factors   previous page that accomplishments can be
 that may affect performance). The example of       measured at two levels in the organization—the
 an outcome used in the beekeeper story was         employee level and the work unit level.
 increased sales of honey for Bees, Inc. Other      Employee accomplishments can be included in
 examples of outcomes could include:                employee performance plans using all three
 C reduce the number of transportation-related      types of performance elements. Work unit
     deaths;                                        accomplishments also can be included in the
 C improved fish hatcheries;                        appraisal process—through non-critical ele-
 C a decrease in the rate of teenage alcoholism;    ments if the agency desires to have work unit
     and                                            performance affect ratings (and only if the
 C clean air.                                       appraisal program uses more than two summary
                                                    levels) or through additional performance
                                                    elements if work unit performance is not to af-
A Note about Federal Efforts to                     fect ratings. However they are used in perfor-
Measure Outcomes and Outputs:                       mance appraisal, work unit as well as employee
Because of the requirements set by the              accomplishments can always be recognized
Government Performance and Results Act of           through an awards program.
1993 (i.e., the Results Act), Federal agencies
are measuring their organizational outcomes         If supervisors, team leaders, and employees
and outputs. The Results Act requires agen-         want to develop performance plans that support
cies to have strategic plans, which include         the achievement of organizational outcomes,
outcome-related goals and objectives for the        they might try the second beekeeper’s approach
major functions and operations of the agency.       of sharing organizational goals with the hive,
Those outcome goals must be objective,              measuring and rewarding accomplishments
quantifiable, and measurable. The Results Act       rather than activities, and providing feedback on
also requires agencies to develop annual per-       performance.
formance plans that cover each one of their
programs. Performance plans must include
performance goals, which define the annual,
often incremental, progress in achieving the
outcome goals in the strategic plan. Perfor-
mance goals are often output oriented since
they address single-year performance. We
will talk about strategic plans with their out-
come goals, and performance plans with their
output goals, much more in Chapter 3.

 14                                                     Performance Management Practitioner Series
Distinguishing Activities from Accomplishments

                                           A Balanced Measuring System
                This handbook focuses on measuring accomplishments at the
                work unit and employee levels. There may be situations,
                however, when activities, behaviors, or processes may be
                important to include in an employee’s performance plan. This
                handbook does not focus on how to develop those kinds of
                measures. However, we would be remiss not to include a
                discussion about the importance of balancing measures in your
                measurement system. Therefore, a short description of the
                balanced scorecard approach to measuring performance

                              Using a Balanced Scorecard Approach to
                                                Measure Performance
Traditionally, many agencies have measured           plex task of flying an airplane, pilots need de-
their organizational performance by focusing on      tailed information about fuel, air speed, altitude,
internal or process performance, looking at          bearing, and other indicators that summarize the
factors such as the number of full-time equiv-       current and predicted environment. Reliance on
alents (FTE) allotted, the number of programs        one instrument can be fatal. Similarly, the com-
controlled by the agency, or the size of the bud-    plexity of managing an organization requires that
get for the fiscal year. In contrast, private sec-   managers be able to view performance in sev-
tor businesses usually focus on the financial        eral areas simultaneously. A balanced score-
measures of their bottom line: return-on-invest-     card—or a balanced set of measures— pro-
ment, market share, and earnings-per-share.          vides that valuable information.
Alone, neither of these approaches provides
the full perspective on an organization’s perfor-    Four Perspectives. Kaplan and Norton
mance that a manager needs to manage effec-          recommend that managers gather information
tively. But by balancing internal and process        from four important perspectives:
measures with results and financial measures,
managers will have a more complete picture and       C    The customer’s perspective. Managers
will know where to make improvements.                     must know if their organization is satisfying
                                                          customer needs. They must determine the
Balancing Measures. Robert S. Kaplan                      answer to the question: How do customers
and David P. Norton have developed a set of               see us?
measures that they refer to as “a balanced
scorecard.” These measures give top managers         C    The internal business perspective.
a fast but comprehensive view of the organiza-            Managers need to focus on those critical
tion’s performance and include both process               internal operations that enable them to sat-
and results measures. Kaplan and Norton com-              isfy customer needs. They must answer the
pare the balanced scorecard to the dials and              question: What must we excel at?
indicators in an airplane cockpit. For the com-

A Handbook for Measuring Employee Performance                                                        15
Distinguishing Activities from Accomplishments

C    The innovation and learning perspec-             appraisal is an effective way of getting a com-
     tive. An organization’s ability to innovate,     plete look at an employee’s work performance,
     improve, and learn ties directly to its value    not just a partial view. Too often, employee
     as an organization. Managers must answer         performance plans with their elements and stan-
     the question: Can we continue to create          dards measure behaviors,
     and improve the value of our services?           actions, or processes without also measuring the
                                                      results of employees’ work. By measuring only
C    The financial perspective. In the private        behaviors or actions in employee performance
     sector, these measures have typically fo-        plans, an organization might find that most of its
     cused on profit and market share. For the        employees are appraised as Outstanding when
     public sector, financial measures could          the organization as a whole has failed to meet its
     include the results-oriented measures            objectives.
     required by the Government Performance
     and Results Act of 1993 (i.e., the Results       By using balanced measures at the organiza-
     Act). Managers must answer the question:         tional level, and by sharing the results with
     How do we look to Congress, the Presi-           supervisors, teams, and employees, managers
     dent, and other stakeholders?                    are providing the information needed to align
                                                      employee performance plans with organizational
Tie-In to Employee Performance. The                   goals. By balancing the measures used in
balanced scorecard philosophy need not                employee performance plans, the performance
apply only at the organizational level. A bal-        picture becomes complete.
anced approach to employee performance

A Word About Categories of Work
Sometimes performance plans describe ele-             C   customer service (greets customers with a
ments using categories of work. Categories are            smile, answers the phone promptly);
classifications of work types often used to orga-     C   teamwork (cooperates with others, shares
nize performance elements and standards. If,              information);
for example, the first beekeeper in our fable had     C   communications (writes well, gives presen-
used categories of work for his elements, he              tations); and
might have used the broad category of “making         C   office duties (files papers, types reports).
honey” as the element and then included a
grouping that described all the activities the bees   This handbook does NOT explain
did to make the honey, such as gather nectar,         how to describe and measure cate-
report to the drones, etc. Other examples of          gories of work. Here you are
categories of work and the types of activities
that are often described under these categories
                                                      asked to concentrate on measuring
include:                                              accomplishments.

16                                                         Performance Management Practitioner Series
Distinguishing Activities from Accomplishments

It is time to check your understanding of the differences among activities, accomplish-
ments, and categories. Please check the column that best describes each item.

                                      Accomplishment         Activity           Category

 Trains employees


 A completed case
 Public relations


 Customer service

 HR policy interpretations

 Writes agency policy

 Solutions to problems

 Develops software programs
 Ideas and innovations

 Files paperwork

 Writes memos

 Computer systems that work


 A completed project
 Satisfied customers

 Answers the phone

 Assists team members

(The answers are on the next page.)

A Handbook for Measuring Employee Performance                                               17
Distinguishing Activities from Accomplishments

Answers to page 17 Exercise:

                                          Accomplishment       Activity          Category

 Trains employees                                                 U

 Supervision                                                                        U

 A completed case                                U
 Public relations                                                                   U

 Recommendations                                 U

 Customer service                                                                   U

 HR policy interpretations                       U

 Writes agency policy                                             U

 Solutions to problems                           U
 Develops software programs                                       U

 Ideas and innovations                           U

 Files paperwork                                                  U

 Writes memos                                                     U

 Computer systems that work                      U

 Teamwork                                                                           U

 A completed project                             U
 Satisfied customers                             U

 Answers the phone                                                U

 Assists team members                                             U

18                                                   Performance Management Practitioner Series
Chapter 3
                                             Developing Employee
                                               Performance Plans
You are now going to begin an eight-step pro-      and responsibilities in the position description all
cess for developing employee performance           begin with a verb. They describe activities,
plans that support organizational goals. Before    not accomplishments.
you begin, however, we want to briefly review a
process for developing performance plans that      A performance plan for a Federal Retirement
you may have followed in the past but will NOT     Benefits Specialist follows on page 21. It was
be learning here.                                  written by copying the simplified position
                                                   description from the previous page onto the
Traditionally in some organizations, performance   appraisal form. Note that by copying the activi-
plans have been developed by copying the           ties from the position description onto the
activities described in an employee’s job          appraisal form, the Support Branch has devel-
description onto the appraisal form. This hand-    oped a performance plan that only measures
book asks that you NOT begin with the posi-        activities, not accomplishments. Also, by
tion description. Even though a performance        developing a performance plan without using a
plan must reflect the type of work described in    process that links accomplishments to organiza-
the employee’s position description, the perfor-   tional goals, the organization has lost the oppor-
mance plan does not have to mirror it.             tunity to use the appraisal process to communi-
                                                   cate its goals to its employees and to align
The next two pages illustrate what happens         employee efforts with its goals.
when you develop a performance plan solely
from a position description. Page 20 is a sim-     (Remember that the Support Branch’s appraisal
plified position description for a Federal         program appraises employee performance on
Retirement Benefits Specialist within our          elements at five levels. The form on page 21
example organization—the Support Branch of         shows five possible levels of performance:
the Adjudications Division, Office of Retirement   Unsatisfactory (U), Minimally Successful
Programs, Retirement and Insurance Service,        (MS), Fully Successful (FS), Exceeds Fully
OPM. Notice how the duties                         Successful (EFS), and Outstanding(O).)

A Handbook for Measuring Employee Performance                                                        19
Developing Employee Performance Plans

Position Description:

Notice how the duties and responsibilities in the position description all begin with a verb.
They describe activities.

 Position Description: #JJJ666
 Federal Retirement Benefits Specialist, GS-0270-12

 The incumbent of this position serves as a Senior Federal Retirement Benefits Specialist in the Office of
 Retirement Programs (ORP), Retirement and Insurance Service, Office of Personnel Management (OPM).
 This is a highly-responsible position in an office accountable for the adjudication of claims for retirement and
 insurance benefits arising under the Federal retirement systems administered by OPM.

 The work requires the skills of an experienced, fully-trained Federal Retirement Benefits Specialist who is
 responsible for the adjudication of a broad range of assigned claims, project work which he or she may lead,
 monitoring workloads, and assignments to solve retirement system-related problems.

 Major Duties and Responsibilities
 C Adjudicate cases of unusual technical difficulty.
 C Review and approve recommendations and decisions made by other Specialists, and provide advice and
 C Respond to inquiries from various customer sources and provide clear, responsive explanations of
    actions taken and the bases for them.
 C Provide assistance in developing formal lesson plans. Ensures adequate training is offered.
 C Serve as task force leader or project coordinator for team-related initiatives in processing retirement
    claims, post-retirement actions, and for special activity in response to legislation, etc.

     This simplified and edited position description
     describes only a few of the major duties of the
     GS-12 Federal Retirement Benefits Specialist
     position in OPM’s Support Branch in the
     Adjudication Division, Office of Retirement
     Programs, Retirement and Insurance Service.

 Approving Authority Signature:                                                  Date:

20                                                              Performance Management Practitioner Series
Developing Employee Performance Plans

                                                Performance Plan:

                                          Employee Performance Plan

 Name                                                                                             Effective Date

 Job Title, Series, and Grade             Name of Organization
 Federal Retirement Benefits Specialist   Office of Retirement Programs

 Elements                                 Type       Standards                                        Rating

 Technical and Policy Expert              Critical   Fully Successful:                                9U
 C Adjudicates cases of unusual                      Cases are usually completed correctly and        9 MS
   technical difficulty.                             in a timely fashion.                             9 FS
 C Reviews and approves                              Customer inquiries are routinely addressed       9 EFS
   recommendations made by                           timely.                                          9O
   other Specialists. Provides
 C Responds to customer inqui-

 Training                                 Critical   Fully Successful:                                9U
 C Ensures adequate training is                      Arranges for or presents high-quality train-     9 MS
   offered.                                          ing as needed. Training is specific to           9 FS
 C Develops formal lesson plans.                     employee needs.                                  9 EFS

 Branch ombudsperson                      Critical   Fully Successful:                                9U
 C Serves as task force leader or                    As needed, regularly leads work teams to         9 MS
   project coordinator.                              the accomplishment of their assignments.         9 FS
                                                                                                      9 EFS


                                            This is a fictional employee performance plan constructed for
                                            this handbook. It was developed by using only the simplified
                                            position description of the Federal Retirement Benefits
                                            Specialist position shown on the previous page. It is included
                                            here to represent a typical performance plan that might be
                                            used in appraisal programs. Notice the similarity to the
                                            position description on the previous page. Also notice how the
                                            elements describe work activities, not work

 Appraising Official Signature            Employee Signature

A Handbook for Measuring Employee Performance                                                                  21
Developing Employee Performance Plans

Having reviewed how to develop a performance plan that
focuses only on activities, we will now develop a performance
plan that establishes elements and standards
addressing accomplishments that lead to organizational goal

Each step in the eight-step process we present in this hand-
book builds upon the previous step; you cannot skip a step
and end up with good results.

22                                                 Performance Management Practitioner Series
Developing Employee Performance Plans

                                                                          Step 1:
                                                     Look at the overall picture.

Instead of beginning at the bottom of the organi-       goals are usually more specific and often
zation with the position description to develop         more output-oriented than the general out-
employee performance plans, begin the process           come goals found in the strategic plan. Since
by looking at your agency’s goals and objec-            performance plan goals should be used by
tives. Gather the following information:                managers as they direct and oversee how a
                                                        program is carried out, these are the goals to
C What are your agency’s general outcome                which employee performance plans should be
  goals as outlined in its strategic plan?              linked.
  The Government Performance and Results
  Act of 1993 (i.e., the Results Act) requires all    C What are your agency’s customer ser-
  agencies to develop a strategic plan that             vice standards? In September 1993, Presi-
  includes objective, quantifiable, and measur-         dent Clinton issued Executive Order 12862,
  able performance goals. Agencies submitted            “Setting Customer Service Standards,” which
  their first strategic plans to Congress in Sep-       requires each agency to establish customer
  tember 1997. You will be referring to your            service standards and to measure its perfor-
  agency’s strategic plan while creating                mance against those standards. In most
  employee performance plans.                           cases, these goals and standards have been
                                                        folded into the agency’s strategic plan and
C What are the specific performance goals               annual performance plan, but if they have not,
  established for your program area as                  you will need to know what they are.
  outlined in your agency’s annual perfor-
  mance plan? The Results Act also requires           C What performance measures are already
  each agency to have an annual performance             in place? You should be aware of the mea-
  plan that sets out measurable goals that define       surement systems that you can access for
  what will be accomplished during a fiscal             information on performance, including mea-
  year. The goals in the annual performance             sures used for determining progress towards
  plan describe the incremental progress to-            achieving Results Act goals and customer
  wards achieving the general goals and objec-          satisfaction surveys.
  tives in the strategic plan. Performance plan

A Handbook for Measuring Employee Performance                                                      23
Developing Employee Performance Plans

Example of Organizational Goals

Again, the main example used in this handbook refers to the Federal Retirement Benefits Specialist
position in the Office of Retirement Programs (ORP), Retirement and Insurance Service, of the
Office of Personnel Management (OPM). This position is found in the Support Branch of ORP’s
Adjudication Division and handles a combination of administrative and front-line assignments.
OPM strategic, outcome-oriented goals and two of the Office of Retirement Programs’ perfor-
mance goals established in OPM’s annual performance plan serve as examples of organizational
goals. You will use this information in the next step of our eight-step process.

OPM Strategic Goals:

24                                                     Performance Management Practitioner Series
Developing Employee Performance Plans

                   OPM’s 199X Annual Performance Plan Goals for the
                              Retirement and Insurance Service (RIS)
 RIS Goal #14:      Maintain at previous year’s levels, customer satisfaction, processing
                    times, and accuracy rates pertinent to processing new claims for
                    annuity and survivor benefits. (Directly linked to OPM’s Goal #4)

  Means: (Only two means are presented here.)
    C     Reduce claims processing error rates by providing increased training in workplace
    C     Continue to streamline work processes when such opportunities occur in order to
          reduce claims processing times and improve processing accuracy.

  Outcome Indicators:
     1.  Customers who received their first payment either before or when they expected.
         (The goal is to reach 90 percent.)
     2.  Annuitants who indicate overall satisfaction with the handling of their retirement claims.
         (The goal is to reach 95 percent.)

  Output Indicators
     1.    Interim payment processing time (The goal is 4 days.)
     2.    CSRS annuity processing time (The goal is 35 days.)
     3.    CSRS annuity claims accuracy (The goal is no more than 4.0 percent errors.)

 RIS Goal #15:     Maintain at previous year’s levels, customer satisfaction with RIS
                   teleservices and the timeliness of written responses to inquiries.
                   (Directly linked to OPM’s Goal #4)

  Means: (Only one mean is presented here.)
    Improve the accuracy and professional appearance of complex correspondence while
    reducing staff effort by developing additional PC-based “smart” letters that can be tailored to
    meet different fact patterns, and personalized by retrieving information from selected

  Outcome Indicators:
     1.  Overall satisfaction with the content and timeliness of written responses. (The goal is
         90 percent for each.)

  Output Indicators:
     1.    Percent of priority correspondence answered within 8 days. (The goal is 95 percent.)
     2.    Percent of regular correspondence answered within 15 days. (The goal is 95 per-

A Handbook for Measuring Employee Performance                                                      25
Developing Employee Performance Plans

Step 2:
Determine the accomplishments at the work unit
The next step in this eight-step method is to       Because not all types of work situations and
determine the accomplishments (i.e., the prod-      structures are the same, this handbook offers
ucts or services) of the work unit. Identifying     three different ways to determine what to mea-
work unit accomplishments lets you identify         sure at the work unit level:
appropriate measures in the following steps of
this process.                                       C a goal cascading method;

A work unit is a small group of employees that,     C a customer-focused method; and
in a traditional work structure, is supervised by
the same first-line supervisor. Work units are      C a work flow charting method.
generally the smallest organizational group on
the organizational chart and usually include be-    You can use one or all three methods, depend-
tween 3 and 15 people. A work unit can also         ing on what fits your situation. Whichever you
be a team—permanent or temporary—where              use, remember to describe accomplishments
the team members work interdependently              (using nouns) rather than activities (using verbs).
towards a common goal.

26                                                       Performance Management Practitioner Series
Developing Employee Performance Plans

Method A:                Cascade the agency’s goals down to the work unit level.

The goal cascading method works best for             C Which agency goal(s) can the work unit
agencies with clear organizational goals and           affect? Often, work units may affect only
objectives, such as those established in the stra-     one agency goal, but in some situations,
tegic plans and annual performance plans that          agency goals are written so broadly that
agencies have prepared under the Government            work units may affect more than one.
Performance and Results Act. This method
requires answers to each of the following ques-      C What product or service does the work
tions:                                                 unit produce or provide to help the
                                                       agency reach its goals? Clearly tying work
C What are the agency’s specific goals and             unit products and services to organizational
  objectives? These can be found in the                goals is key to this process. If a work unit
  agency’s annual performance plan and cus-            finds it generates a product or service that
  tomer service standards. (Note that this             does not affect organizational goals, the work
  question repeats Step 1 of the eight-step            unit needs to analyze the situation. It may
  process.)                                            decide to eliminate the product or service.

          Cascading Agency Goals to Work Units

A Handbook for Measuring Employee Performance                                                      27
Developing Employee Performance Plans

Example of Cascading Agency Goals to a Work Unit:

                An OPM            OPM Goal #4:
         Strategic Goal:          Deliver high-quality, cost-effective human resources services

                                  to Federal agencies, employees, annuitants, and the public.

                Some              RIS Goal #14: Maintain at previous year’s levels, customer
      Retirement and              satisfaction, processing times, and accuracy rates pertinent to
Insurance Service (RIS)           processing new claims for annuity and survivor benefits.
 Annual Performance               RIS Goal #15: Maintain at previous year’s levels, customer
      Plan Goals that             satisfaction with RIS teleservices and the timeliness of written
       Cascade from               responses to inquiries.
       OPM Goal #4:
                    Some          a. Continue to streamline work processes when such oppor-
     Office of Retirement            tunities occur in order to reduce claims processing times
         Programs (ORP)              and improve processing accuracy (re RIS Goal #14).
                   Goals:         b. Reduce claims processing error rates by providing
                           9         increased training in workplace competencies (re RIS
                                     Goal #14).

                                  c. Improve the accuracy and professional appearance of
                                     complex correspondence while reducing staff effort by
                                     developing additional PC-based “smart” letters that can be
                                     tailored to meet different fact patterns, and personalized
                                     by retrieving information from selected databases (re RIS
                                     Goal #15).

                  ORP’s           Achieve the following accomplishments:
            Adjudication          C accurately settled claims (re “a” above);
              Division’s          C competent, well-trained employees (re “b” above); and
                                  C accurate and professional written correspondence (re “c”
                Support              above).
                  Goals :         (Note: The Branch supports Adjudication Division Benefits
                                  Specialists in reviewing and settling retirement cases. Support
                                  is in the form of clerical support, training, consultation, guid-

28                                                    Performance Management Practitioner Series
Developing Employee Performance Plans

                                                   Exercise on Cascading Goals:

In the space below, begin mapping your agency’s strategic and performance goals and how those
goals cascade or “trickle down” through your organization. Try to show how your work unit’s
products or services link to your agency’s goals. Remember to describe work unit accomplishments
in terms of products or services (i.e., the end result of all the unit’s activities.)

 Your Agency’s

 Your Organization’s

 Your Work Unit’s
 Products or Services:

A Handbook for Measuring Employee Performance                                                 29
Developing Employee Performance Plans

Method B:                 Determine the products and services the work
                          unit provides for its customers.

The customer-focused method works well when               function, most of its customers may be inter-
there are no clear agency goals and when the              nal to the agency.
work unit knows who its customers are and               C What products and/or services do the
what they expect. Oftentimes, this method is              customers expect? Remember to describe
easier to apply to administrative work units that         accomplishments, not activities.
provide support functions, such as a human
resources unit, an acquisitions unit, or a facilities   One way to approach this method is to build a
maintenance unit. This method focuses on                map, as shown below. Place a box representing
achieving customer satisfaction and requires            the work unit in the center of a blank piece of
answers to each of the following questions:             paper. List the customer groups around the box
                                                        and descibe the products or services the cus-
C Who are the customers of the work unit?               tomers expect in the blank space between the
  If the work unit provides a support                   work unit and the customer groups.

           Focusing on Customer Satisfaction

30                                                           Performance Management Practitioner Series
Developing Employee Performance Plans

          Example of Identifying Customers and Their Expectations:

The example below diagrams the accomplishments of the Office of Retirement Programs’ Adjudica-
tion Division’s Support Branch from a customer-focused approach. Note that the accomplishments
listed are the RESULTS of the team’s work.


        First annuity                                    Solutions to
        payment                                          Problems,



A Handbook for Measuring Employee Performance                                               31
Developing Employee Performance Plans

Exercise for Identifying Customers and Their Expectations:

Use method B—the customer-focused method—to develop the product(s) or service(s) that your
work unit provides. Begin with identifying your work unit’s customers. Next, determine what
product(s) or service(s) your work unit supplies or provides to its customers.

                                        Work Unit

32                                                   Performance Management Practitioner Series
Developing Employee Performance Plans

Method C:               Develop a work flow chart for the work unit,
                        establishing key steps in the work process.

The work flow charting method works well for         a work process or project. It begins with the
work units that are responsible for a complete       first step of the work process, maps out each
work process, such as the processing of a case,      successive step, and ends with the final product
the writing of a report, or the production of a      or service. To illustrate a simple work flow
customer information package. This method            chart, the figure below depicts a work process
asks work units to develop work flow charts. A       for building a house.
work flow chart is a picture of the major steps in

Some Key Steps in Building a House

 A Handbook for Measuring Employee Performance                                                      33
Developing Employee Performance Plans

To help you build your work flow chart,              As you map out the process, you may find your-
answer these questions:                              self describing activities. Try to group the activi-
                                                     ties into key steps by describing the results of
C How does the work unit produce its                 those activities as one step in the process. As an
  products or services? List the most basic          example, the activities described in the following
  steps in the process. For this purpose, you        columns are all the activities that a publication
  do not need to list all the activities required.   team described when it was trying to create a
  (If you were analyzing the work to find ways       work flow chart for the process of developing a
  of improving the process, you would need to        newsletter. By grouping the related activities
  list every activity.)                              into the same columns, it was easier for the team
                                                     to determine the results of those activities.
C Which are the most important steps in              Those results are written at the top of the column
  the process? By determining these steps,           and became the key steps in the work flow
  you highlight areas for performance measure-       chart.

 The plan for the          The draft version of      The edited version       The camera-ready
 next issue.               the articles.             of the articles.         art mechanical.

 --brainstorm ideas        --interview contacts      --review articles for    --crop pictures

 --meet to discuss         --get contact review      --make suggestions       --develop the original
 ideas                     and edits of article      for improvements         graphics

 --research various        --get pictures or         --make necessary         --create layout
 resources for ideas       graphics, if used         changes                  boards
 --get management          --write article           --consider the overall   --format issue
 approval of proposed                                effect of the
 plan                                                entire issue

      Plan for                    Draft                    Edited                    Art
     Next Issue        ¾         Articles         ¾        Articles          ¾    Mechanical

34                                                         Performance Management Practitioner Series
Developing Employee Performance Plans

                                    Another Example of Work Flow Charting:

This example of the results of method C—which focuses on the work flow and the key steps in the
work process—uses a work flow chart developed by the Office of Retirement Programs. The work
flow chart below maps the key steps in processing retirement claims. Notice that the steps are
described as products. In other words, all the activities to complete the steps are not listed
individually but have been grouped and described as products. These key steps are good candi-
dates for measurement.

     Nondisability                                      Annuity

     Case Received                                    Computation

                An authorized
                 1st annuity                                      An updated
                  payment                                         annuity roll

                     for                                         master record
                 Treasury to


                                                A completed and
                                                   filed case

A Handbook for Measuring Employee Performance                                                35
Developing Employee Performance Plans

Exercise on Work Flow Charting:

Select a product or service that your work unit provides. As best you can, map out the work
process your unit uses. Focus on the major categories or steps of the work. You may need to first
list the smaller steps of the work and then group them into sub-products. Remember to describe
products and services when you can, not activities.

36                                                     Performance Management Practitioner Series
Developing Employee Performance Plans

                                                        Step 3:
                         Determine individual accomplishments
                                  that support work unit goals.
The performance elements that will be measured      must produce to support the unit’s
in the overall employee performance plan can        accomplishments. To build the matrix, list the
include both individual and group assignments       work unit’s products or services across the top
and responsibilities. The most important,           row of a table. List each member of the work
results-oriented aspects of a unit’s performance    unit or each job position down the left column of
(which are its products or services) were identi-   the matrix. For each cell of the table, ask this
fied in Step 2. (Other types of processes that      question: What must this unit member produce
work units may want to measure and include as       or perform (i.e., accomplish) in order to support
elements in their plans—but which are not prod-     this particular work unit product or service? List
ucts or services and would not be identified        those employee products or services (i.e.,
through Step 2— include internal group dynam-       accomplishments) in the appropriate cell. The
ics processes, such as decision-making or           products or service you list for each unit member
problem solving processes, or group/team            are possible performance elements that might be
development.)                                       included in the employee’s performance plan.
                                                    All performance elements should be either
Elements that address individual accomplish-        quantifiable or verifiable and should be
ments can be identified using a role-results        described as accomplishments (nouns), not
matrix. A role-results matrix is simply a table     activities (verbs).
that identifies the results each work unit member

A Role-Results Matrix

 Unit                Unit Product         Unit Product       Unit Product         Unit Product
 Employees           or Service           or Service         or Service           or Service

 Employee 1          Accomplishment       Accomplishment     Accomplishment       Accomplishment

 Employee 2          Accomplishment       Accomplishment     Accomplishment       *N/A

 Employee 3          Accomplishment       *N/A               Accomplishment       Accomplishment

 Employee 4          *N/A                 Accomplishment     Accomplishment       Accomplishment
                      *The employee had no part in this work unit product or service.

 A Handbook for Measuring Employee Performance                                                     37
Developing Employee Performance Plans

An example of a role-results matrix is shown            the work unit level or the individual level that you
below. It was built for a work team that pro-           may not be able to measure (i.e, the effect a
duces a bimonthly policy newsletter. The team           human resources program has on organizational
has five members: the editor, three writers, and        performance) or over which the unit or the
a graphic artist. The final product or output is        employee has no control (i.e., a portion of the
the newsletter. (The expected outcome is better         product must be completed by someone outside
educated Federal employees.) The team cre-              the work unit). Also, certain aspects of perfor-
ated a work flow chart, which identified four key       mance may cost too much to measure or the
steps in the work process. The team then used           agency may not have the resources to measure
these key steps to build the matrix and will use it     them. You should not include these aspects of
to develop performance elements.                        performance as elements in the performance
                                                        plan but they are still legitimate parts of the role-
Note that the main steps of the work process            results matrix.
are laid out along the top of the matrix. The
team members are listed down the left hand              A role-results matrix is a valuable management
column. Accomplishments are listed for each             tool. When supervisors involve employees in the
team member. Also, note that not all members            process of completing the matrix, everyone’s
have assignments or responsibilities for every          role in the work unit is very clear, which is
team accomplishment. (This often will occur in          important to the successful performance of the
cross-functional work units that include a variety      group. The whole process of determining work
of different job series.)                               unit products and services, and then completing
                                                        a role-results matrix, is a beneficial team-building
When building a role-results matrix, you may            exercise.
identify certain aspects of performance at either

A Role-Results Matrix for a Newsletter Team:
                     Team Accomplishments±
                                           The draft           The edited            The
 Team               The plan for the       version of          version of the        camera-ready
 Members            next issue             the articles        articles              mechanical

 Editor             Topics to be cov-                          Articles that have
                    ered                                       been edited

 Writer A           Recommendations        A draft
                    for articles           article(s)

 Writer B           Recommendations        A draft
                    for articles           article(s)
 Writer C           Recommendations        A draft
                    for articles           article(s)

 Graphic            Recommendations                                                  A completed
 Artist             for layout                                                       mechanical

38                                                           Performance Management Practitioner Series
Developing Employee Performance Plans

                                  Another Example of a Role-Results Matrix:

The example below uses the data gathered         the top of the matrix. Employees are listed
for the Office of Retirement Programs’           down the left side of the matrix. Work accom-
Adjudication Division Support Branch             plishments are included in each cell. Notice that
using the cascading method as described on       the work responsibilities are described (in ital-
pages 27-28. Note that the products or ser-      ics) as accomplishments (i.e., products or ser-
vices (i.e., the accomplishments) identified     vices) rather than activities or behaviors.
through the process of Step 2 are shown along

Role-Results Matrix for ORP’s Adjudication Division Support Branch

Employees       Work Unit Products or Services $
 Branch                                                      Accurate and Pro-
 Chief           Accurately Settled       Competent Division fessional Corre-
                 Claims                   Employees          spondence

 Team            C An efficient adjudi-   C ORP training needs       C A correspondence
 Leader            cation process.          assessment.                review and com-
                                          C ORP training plan.         plaint resolution

 Senior          C Guidance and           C Recommendations          C Responses contain-
 Federal           technical assis-         for training needs as-     ing requested infor-
 Retirement        tance to lower-          sessment.                  mation or solutions
 Benefits          graded Specialists.    C Lesson plans that          to customer
 Specialists     C Recommendations          meet training needs.       complaints.
                   for improvements to    C Workbooks and
                   work process and         course handouts.
                   ADP systems.           C Effective training
                 C Cases of unusual         course(s).
                   technical difficulty
                   that are completed.

 Clerk           C Decisions that are     C Workbooks and         C Correspondence
 Typist            formatted and            handouts that are       that is formatted,
                   typed.                   formatted, typed, and   mailed, and filed.
                 C Case files that are      xeroxed.
                   organized effec-

A Handbook for Measuring Employee Performance                                                   39
Developing Employee Performance Plans

Exercise for Building a Role-Results Matrix

Fill in the role-results matrix for your work unit. Place the work unit products or services that you
developed in Step 2 along the top of the matrix. Fill in the names or the job titles of the work unit’s
employees in the left-hand column. Then fill in the employees’ accomplishments that contribute to
each work unit accomplishment.

                Work Unit Products or Services


40                                                         Performance Management Practitioner Series
Developing Employee Performance Plans

                                                Step 4:
          Convert expected accomplishments into perfor-
            mance elements, indicating type and priority.
In Steps 2 and 3 of the process presented in this    the element would result in a determination that
handbook, you developed the expected accom-          an employee’s overall performance is unaccept-
plishments for the work unit and the unit’s          able. Defining critical elements must be done
employees. Now, in Step 4, you will:                 thoughtfully because an employee’s unaccept-
C identify which accomplishment(s) should be         able performance on any critical element could
    included as elements in the performance plan;    be the basis for an adverse action. To help
C select which type of element to use; and           decide whether an element should be classified
C assign weights or priorities.                      as critical or not, answer the following questions:

All employees must have at least one critical        C Is the element a major component of the
element in their performance plan. Critical ele-       work? If you answered “yes,” the element
ments must address individual performance only,        might be critical.
except in the case of supervisors who may be         C Does the element address individual per-
held responsible for a work unit’s products or         formance only? Elements measuring group
services. Work unit performance can be                 performance cannot be critical
addressed through non-critical or additional           elements, except as explained for supervisors
performance elements. In appraisal programs            and only under certain circumstances.
with only two summary levels, work unit perfor-      C If the employee performed unacceptably
mance can be addressed only through additional         on the element, would there be serious
performance elements.                                  consequences to completing the work of
                                                       the organization? If employee error on the
Once you have classified elements as either criti-     element affects the work unit’s accomplish-
cal, non-critical, or additional, and if               ments, the element may be critical.
your appraisal program allows, prioritize them so    C Does the element require a significant
that work units and employees know which               amount of the employee’s time? If you
elements are most important. One way to do             answered “yes,” the element might be critical.
this is to distribute 100 percentage points across
the elements based upon each one’s importance
to the organization. (Programs usually allocate      Unless prescribed by your appraisal program,
weights in 5 percent increments.)                    there is no fixed or uniform number of critical
                                                     elements to be included in the performance plan;
How can you determine which                          the number varies with the work assignments
elements are critical?                               and may vary from year to year in
                                                     response to changing program emphases. How-
Remember that critical elements are work             ever, every employee must have at least one
assignments or responsibilities of such              critical element.
importance that unacceptable performance on

 A Handbook for Measuring Employee Performance                                                       41
Developing Employee Performance Plans

Example of Identifying Elements:
The Support Branch of the Office of Retirement          (2) Because the Branch decided to use the
Programs’ (ORP) Adjudication Division has                   non-critical group element for “Competent
been used on the following page as an example               Division Employees,” it also decided not to
of identifying elements. (This example does                 include the individual accomplishments
not represent actual elements currently in                  under that cell of the matrix. It was not
use; it was developed for this handbook                     practical or logical to measure this perfor-
only.) The expected accomplishments of the                  mance at the individual level. The matrix
Senior Federal Retirement Benefits Specialist               shows that those four elements have been
(as outlined in the role-results matrix on page             crossed out and will therefore not be
39) are listed down the left-hand side of the               included in the performance plan.
matrix on the next page. A work unit accom-             (3) The Branch decided that “Recommenda-
plishment for the Support Branch is also listed.            tions for Improvements” should not affect
The next column shows how the branch chief                  the summary level, but the Branch wanted
and employees designated elements as critical,              to track and measure the value of the rec-
non-critical, or additional. Finally, priority points       ommendations for awards purposes.
are assigned to each element to give them rela-             Therefore, it was included as an additional
tive weights. (Remember that ORP’s appraisal                element and given a weight of 0. The
program uses five levels to appraise employee               Branch plans to use the results of perfor-
performance on elements and summarizes per-                 mance on this element as a criterion for
formance overall at five levels and that non-criti-         awards recognizing innovation within ORP.
cal and additional performance elements are             (4) The Branch determined the priority of each
allowed.)                                                   element by distributing 100 points across
                                                            the elements. The priority points let
Note the following in the matrix on page 43:                employees know which elements are more
(1) The Branch concluded that the work                      important to the organization. Priority
    accomplishment of “Competent Division                   points also are used in this example to
    Employees” was so interdependent that it                affect how the summary level will be deter-
    was not practical or logical to measure per-            mined. Note that the non-critical group
    formance at the individual level for this               element “Competent Division Employees”
    accomplishment. As a result, the Branch                 was given more priority points (25) than the
    decided to include “Competent Division                  critical “Adjudicated Cases” element (10),
    Employees” as a group element and to                    even though failure on the critical element
    measure performance at the group level                  causes performance to be determined to be
    only. Since this Branch is under a five-level           Unacceptable. Using this method allows
    appraisal program and it wants to count this            non-critical elements to count significantly in
    element in the appraisal process, this group            the summary level determination. (Failure
    element will be a non-critical element. (If it          on the non-critical element would not cause
    were under a two-level appraisal program,               performance to be Unacceptable; it would
    the group element would have to be an                   merely count as 0 priority points and could
    additional performance element.) The other              lower the summary level—but not to
    group products and services will not be                 Unacceptable.)
    included in employee performance plans.

42                                                           Performance Management Practitioner Series
Developing Employee Performance Plans


ORP Adjudication Division Support Branch
Senior Federal Retirement Benefits Specialist

Employee Assignments and                                                        Priority
Responsibilities                            Type of Element                     Points

C Guidance and technical assis-
  tance to lower-graded Special-                  Critical (CE)                    40

C Recommendations for
  improvements to work process                  Additional (AE)                    0
  and ADP systems.

•   Cases of unusual technical diffi-             Critical (CE)                    10
    culty that were completed.

C Recommendations for training
  needs assessment.
C Lesson plans that meet training

C Workbooks and course hand-

C Effective training course(s).

C Responses containing requested                  Critical (CE)                    25
  information or solutions to cus-
  tomer complaints.

Support Branch Work Products
or Services:

Accurately settled claims
Competent Division Employees                    Non-critical (NC)                  25

Accurate and Professional Corre-

A Handbook for Measuring Employee Performance                                               43
Developing Employee Performance Plans

Exercise on Identifying Elements:

Based on the accomplishments that you identified for your job in the role-results matrix that you
made on page 40, and working within the rules established by your appraisal program, identify
appropriate elements and categorize them as critical, non-critical, and, if appropriate, additional
performance elements. (If you have a two-level appraisal program—that is, a pass/fail pro-
gram—you can not use non-critical elements.) If applicable, prioritize the elements by distributing
100 points among the elements, giving more points to elements that are more important.

 Individual or Group Products or
 Services                                            Type of Element         Priority Points

44                                                        Performance Management Practitioner Series

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  • 1. A Handbook for Measuring Employee Performance: Aligning Employee Performance Plans with Organizational Goals UnitedStatesOfficeof Personnel Management PMD-13 WorkforceCompensation andPerformanceService RevisedJanuary2001
  • 2. Table of Contents Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Chapter 1 Performance Management: Background and Context . . . . . 3 Chapter 2 Distinguishing Activities From Accomplishments . . . . . . . . . 11 The Fable of the Beekeepers and Their Bees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 A Balanced Measuring System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 A Word About Categories of Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Chapter 3 Developing Employee Performance Plans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Step 1 Look at the Overall Picture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Step 2 Determine Work Unit Accomplishments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Method A: Goal Cascading Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Method B: Customer-Focused Method . . . . . . . . . . 30 Method C: Work Flow Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Step 3 Determine Individual Accomplishments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Step 4 Convert Accomplishments Into Performance Elements . . . 41 Step 5 Determine Measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Step 6 Develop Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Step 7 Determine How to Monitor Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Step 8 Check the Performance Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Chapter 4 Learning Aids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Performance Measurement Quiz With Answers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Quick Reference for Developing Performance Plans That Align With Organizational Goals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Appendix A: Examples of Standards Written at Five Levels . . . . . . . . . 73 Appendix B: Examples of Standards Written at Three Levels . . . . . . . . 77 Appendix C: Examples of Standards Written at Two Levels . . . . . . . . . 81
  • 3. Foreword This handbook is designed for Federal supervi- C Chapter 1 gives the background and context sors and employees and presents an of performance management that you will eight-step process for developing employee need to understand before beginning the performance plans that are aligned with and eight-step process; support organizational goals. It also provides C Chapter 2 defines accomplishments— which guidelines for writing performance elements and is key to using this handbook successfully; standards that not only meet regulatory require- C Chapter 3 includes a detailed description of ments, but also maximize the capability that the eight-step process for developing em- performance plans have for focusing employee ployee performance plans that are aligned efforts on achieving organizational and group with and support organizational goals. goals. C Chapter 4 provides study tools, including a followup quiz and a quick reference for the The methods presented here are designed to eight-step process. develop elements and standards that measure C The appendices contain standards intended employee and work unit accomplishments to serve as illustrations of standards written rather than to develop other measures that are for appraisal programs that appraise perfor- often used in appraising performance, such as mance on elements at five, three, and two measuring behaviors or competencies. levels. Although this handbook includes a discussion of the importance of balancing measures, the main After reading the instructional material, studying focus presented here is to measure accomplish- the examples, and completing the exercises in ments. Consequently, much of the information this book, you should be able to: presented in the first five steps of this eight-step C develop a performance plan that aligns indi- process applies when supervisors and employ- vidual performance to organizational goals; ees want to measure results. However, the C use a variety of methods to determine work material presented in Steps 6 through 8—about unit and individual accomplishments; developing standards, monitoring performance, C determine the difference between activities and checking the performance plan—apply to and accomplishments; and all measurement approaches. C explain regulatory requirements for employee performance plans. The handbook has four chapters and appendices: A Handbook for Measuring Employee Performance 1
  • 4. This page left blank. 2 Performance Management Practitioner Series
  • 5. Chapter 1 Performance Management: Background and Context Remember the story about the naive student Performance management is the systematic pro- in his first English literature course who was cess of: worried because he didn’t know what prose was? When he found out that prose was • planning work and setting expectations, ordinary speech, he exclaimed, “Wow! I’ve C continually monitoring performance, been speaking prose all my life!” • developing the capacity to perform, • periodically rating performance in a Managing performance well is like speaking summary fashion, and prose. Many managers have been “speaking” • rewarding good performance. and practicing effective performance manage- ment naturally all their supervisory lives, but The revisions made in 1995 to the Govern- don’t know it! mentwide performance appraisal and awards regulations support “natural” performance man- Some people mistakenly assume that perfor- agement. Great care was taken to ensure that mance management is concerned only with fol- the requirements those regulations establish lowing regulatory requirements to appraise and would complement and not conflict with the rate performance. Actually, assigning ratings of kinds of activities and actions effective managers record is only one part of the overall process are practicing as a matter of course. (and perhaps the least important part). Performance Management’s Five Key Components A Handbook for Measuring Employee Performance 3
  • 6. Performance Management: Background and Context Planning. In an effective organization, work atic standards. By monitoring continually, su- is planned out in advance. Planning means pervisors can identify unacceptable performance setting performance expectations and goals for at any time during the appraisal period and pro- groups and individuals to channel their efforts vide assistance to address such performance toward achieving organizational objectives. rather than wait until the end of the period when Getting employees involved in the planning pro- summary rating levels are assigned. cess will help them understand the goals of the organization, what needs to be done, why it Developing. In an effective organization, needs to be done, and how well it should be employee developmental needs are evaluated done. and addressed. Developing in this instance means increasing the capacity to perform The regulatory requirements for planning employ- through training, giving assignments that intro- ees’ performance include establishing the ele- duce new skills or higher levels of responsibility, ments and standards of their performance ap- improving work processes, or other methods. praisal plans. Performance elements and stan- Providing employees with training and devel- dards should be measurable, understandable, opmental opportunities encourages good per- verifiable, equitable, and achievable. Through formance, strengthens job-related skills and critical elements, employees are held account- competencies, and helps employees keep up able as individuals for work assignments or with changes in the workplace, such as the in- responsibilities. Employee performance plans troduction of new technology. should be flexible so that they can be adjusted for changing program objectives and work Carrying out the processes of performance requirements. When used effectively, these management provides an excellent opportunity plans can be beneficial working documents that for supervisors and employees to identify devel- are discussed often, and not merely paperwork opmental needs. While planning and monitoring that is filed in a drawer and seen only when work, deficiencies in performance become evi- ratings of record are required. dent and should be addressed. Areas for improving good performance also stand out, Monitoring. In an effective organization, and action can be taken to help successful assignments and projects are monitored contin- employees improve even further. ually. Monitoring well means consistently meas- uring performance and providing ongoing feed- Rating. From time to time, organizations find back to employees and work groups on their it useful to summarize employee performance. progress toward reaching their goals. This helps with comparing performance over time or across a set of employees. Regulatory requirements for monitoring perfor- Organizations need to know who their best mance include conducting progress performers are. reviews with employees where their perfor- mance is compared against their elements and Within the context of formal performance ap- standards. Ongoing monitoring provides the praisal requirements, rating means evaluating supervisor the opportunity to check how well employee or group performance against the employees are meeting predetermined standards elements and standards in an employee’s and to make changes to unrealistic or problem- performance plan and assigning a summary rat- 4 Performance Management Practitioner Series
  • 7. Performance Management: Background and Context ing of record. The rating of record is assigned dards, but they also take care to develop the according to procedures included in the organiza- skills needed to reach them. They also use for- tion’s appraisal program. It is based on work mal and informal rewards to recognize the be- performed during an entire appraisal period. havior and results that accomplish their mission. The rating of record has a bearing on various All five components working together and sup- other personnel actions, such as granting within- porting each other achieve natural, effective grade pay increases and determining additional performance management. retention service credit in a reduction in force. Employee Performance Plans Rewarding. In an effective organization, rewards are used well. Rewarding means rec- Employees must know what they need to do to ognizing employees, individually and as mem- perform their jobs successfully. Expectations bers of groups, for their performance and for employee performance are established in acknowledging their contributions to the agen- employee performance plans. Employee per- cy’s mission. A basic principle of effective formance plans are all of the written, or other- management is that all behavior is controlled by wise recorded, performance elements that set its consequences. Those consequences can and should be both formal and informal and both positive and negative. A Note About Performance Plans: This handbook is about developing employee Good managers don’t wait for their organi- performance plans. However, there is zation to solicit nominations for formal another type of performance plan that you awards before recognizing good perfor- need to be aware of. The Government Per- mance. Recognition is an ongoing, natural formance and Results Act of 1993 requires part of day-to-day experience. A lot of the each agency to prepare an annual perfor- actions that reward good performance—like mance plan covering each program activity set saying “Thank you”—don’t require a spe- forth in its budget. These organizational per- cific regulatory authority. Nonetheless, formance plans: awards regulations provide a broad range of C establish program-level performance goals forms that more formal rewards can take, that are objective, quantifiable, and mea- such as cash, time off, and many recognition surable; items. The regulations also cover a variety C describe the operational resources needed of contributions that can be rewarded, from to meet those goals; and suggestions to group accomplishments. C establish performance indicators to be used in measuring the outcomes of each pro- Performance Management as gram. Prose. Good managers have been speak- ing and practicing effective performance We will be using organizational performance management all their lives, executing each plans during Step 1 of the eight-step process key component process well. They not only presented in this handbook. Organizational set goals and plan work routinely, they mea- performance plans are key in the process of sure progress toward those goals and give aligning employee performance with organi- feedback to employees. They set high stan- zational goals. A Handbook for Measuring Employee Performance 5
  • 8. Performance Management: Background and Context forth expected performance. A plan must elements, which can result in the employee’s include all critical and non-critical elements and reassignment, removal, or reduction in grade. their performance standards. Consequently, critical elements must describe work assignments and responsibilities that are Performance elements tell employees what they within the employee’s control. For most have to do and standards tell them how well employees this means that critical elements can- they have to do it. Developing elements and not describe a group’s performance. How- standards that are understandable, measurable, ever, a supervisor or manager can and should attainable, fair, and challenging is vital to the be held accountable for seeing that results mea- effectiveness of the performance appraisal pro- sured at the group or team level are achieved. cess and is what this handbook is all about. Critical elements assessing group performance may be appropriate to include in the perfor- Federal regulations define three types of ele- mance plan of a supervisor, manager, or team ments: critical elements, non-critical elements, leader who can reasonably be expected to and additional performance elements. Agency command the production and resources neces- appraisal programs are required to use critical sary to achieve the results (i.e., be held individu- elements (although the agency may choose to ally accountable). call them something else), but the other two types can be used at the agency’s option. Non-critical Elements. A non-critical Before continuing further with this handbook, element is a dimension or aspect of individual, you should contact your human resources office team, or organizational performance, exclusive to determine the types of elements your of a critical element, that is used in assigning a appraisal program allows. summary level. Important aspects of non-criti- cal elements include: Critical Elements. A critical element is an assignment or responsibility of such importance that unacceptable performance in that element A Note about Group or Team would result in a determination that the employ- Performance: The term “group or ee’s overall performance is unacceptable. Reg- team performance” can be confusing ulations require that each employee have at least sometimes. When we say that critical ele- one critical element in his or her performance ments cannot describe group performance, plan. Even though no maximum number is we are saying that the group’s perfor- placed on the number of critical elements possi- mance as a whole cannot be used as a crit- ble, most experts in the field of performance ical element. This does not preclude de- management agree that between three and scribing an individual’s contribution to the seven critical elements are appropriate for most group as a critical element. The key to work situations. distinguishing between group performance and an individual’s contribution to the Critical elements are the cornerstone of individ- group is that group performance is mea- ual accountability in employee performance sured at an aggregate level, not for a single management. Unacceptable performance is employee. An individual’s contribution to defined in section 4301(3) of title 5, United the group is measured at the individual em- States Code, as failure on one or more critical ployee level. 6 Performance Management Practitioner Series
  • 9. Performance Management: Background and Context how an appraisal program is designed, this No Performance-based Actions. Failure on a need not be the case. Even though consider- non-critical element cannot be used as the basis ation of non-critical elements cannot result in for a performance-based adverse action, such assigning an Unacceptable summary level, as a demotion or removal. Only critical ele- appraisal programs can be designed so that ments may be used that way. Moreover, if an non-critical elements have as much weight or employee fails on a non-critical element, the more weight than critical elements in deter- employee’s performance cannot be summarized mining summary levels above Unacceptable. as Unacceptable overall based on that failure. NOTE: Before you can use non-critical elements in employee performance plans, you must deter- C Group Performance. Non-critical mine if your appraisal program allows them. elements are the only way an agency can include the group’s or the team’s perfor- Additional Performance Elements. An mance as an element in the performance plan additional performance element is a dimension so that it counts in the summary level. For or aspect of individual, team, or organizational example, team-structured organizations might performance that is not a critical element and is use a non-critical element to plan, track, and not used in assigning a summary rating level. appraise the team on achieving its goals. To The essential difference between a non-critical do this, each team member’s performance element and an additional performance element plan would include the “team” element (i.e., a is that non-critical elements do affect the sum- non-critical element) and the rating for the mary level. Otherwise, the features and limita- team on that element would be counted in the tions of non-critical elements discussed above summary level of each team member. also apply to additional performance elements. Opportunities for using additional performance C When They Can’t Be Used. Non-critical elements include: elements cannot be used in appraisal pro- grams that use only two levels to summarize C New Work Assignment. Managers and performance in the rating of record. This is employees may want to establish goals, track because they would have no effect on the and measure performance, and develop summary rating level and, by definition, they skills for an aspect of work that they do not must affect the summary level. (That is, in a believe should count in the summary level. two-level program, failure on non-critical ele- For example, if an employee volunteered to ments cannot bring the summary level down work on a new project that to Unacceptable, and assessments of non- requires new skills, an additional performance critical elements cannot raise the summary element describing the new assignment pro- level to Fully Successful if a critical element vides a non-threatening vehicle for planning, is failed.) measuring, and giving feedback on the employee’s performance without counting it in C Can Greatly Affect the Summary Level. the summary level. Sometimes the word “non-critical” is interpre- ted to mean “not as important.” Prior to C Group Performance. In a two-level 1995, this interpretation was prescribed by appraisal program, additional performance regulation. Now, however, depending on elements are the only way to include a discus- A Handbook for Measuring Employee Performance 7
  • 10. Performance Management: Background and Context sion of group performance in the appraisal Additional performance elements were intro- process. Even though the element assessment duced in the September 1995 performance does not count when determining the sum- appraisal regulations and have not been used mary level, managers and employees could widely, yet. We foresee their popularity ris-ing use it to manage the group’s performance. as agencies discover the possibilities they pres- ent for managing performance. C Awards. Additional performance elements can be used to establish criteria for determin- NOTE: Check the rules of your program before ing awards eligibility, especially in a two-level including additional performance elements in program that no longer bases awards solely your plans. on a summary level. Element Characteristics Required in Employee Credited in the Can Describe Performance Summary a Group’s Plans Level Performance Critical yes yes no* Elements Non-critical no yes yes Elements Additional Performance no no yes Elements *except when written for a supervisor or manager who has individual management control over a group’s production and resources. 8 Performance Management Practitioner Series
  • 11. Performance Management: Background and Context Know your program constraints U Again, it is important to stress that before you continue with this handbook, you need to find out the rules established by your appraisal program; specifically, you will need to know: C which kinds of elements your program allows you to use; C at how many levels your program appraises employee perfor- mance on elements; C how many summary levels your program uses; C if your program allows weighting of elements (see Step 4) ; and • whether the program requires specific elements and/or uses generic standards. Before continuing: This handbook uses an organization within OPM—the Support Branch in the Adjudication Division of the Office of Retirement Programs—as an illustration for developing measures at the group and individual level. To be able to understand and work through the illustration, you need to know the features of the Support Branch’s appraisal program (i.e., the same features listed above). The Support Branch’s appraisal program: C uses critical, non-critical, and additional performance elements; C appraises employee performance on elements at five levels: Unacceptable, Minimally Successful, Fully Successful, Exceeds Fully Successful, and Outstanding; C uses five summary levels, which are the same as the elements’ five levels listed above; C allows elements to be weighted according to importance to the organization; and C requires no specific or generic elements. A Handbook for Measuring Employee Performance 9
  • 12. This page left blank. 10 Performance Management Practitioner Series
  • 13. Chapter 2 Distinguishing Activities from Accomplishments Chapter 2 discusses what may be the most important concept in this handbook: the difference between measuring activities and measuring accomplishments. The following story illustrates this concept. The Fable of the Beekeepers and Their Bees Once upon a time, approach communicated to each bee the goal of there were two the hive—to produce more honey. The bee- beekeepers who each keeper and his bees measured two aspects of had a beehive. The beekeepers worked for a their performance: the amount of nectar each company called Bees, Inc. The company’s bee brought back to the hive and the amount of customers loved its honey and wanted the busi- honey the hive produced. The performance of ness to produce more honey than it had the each bee and the hive’s overall performance previous year. As a result, each beekeeper was were charted and posted on the hive’s bulletin told to produce more honey at the same quality. board for all bees to see. The beekeeper cre- With different ideas about how to do this, the ated a few awards for the bees that gathered the beekeepers designed different approaches to most nectar, but he also established a hive improve the performance of their hives. incentive program that rewarded each bee in the hive based on the hive’s production of The first beekeeper established a bee perfor- honey—the more honey produced the more mance management approach that measured recognition each bee would receive. how many flowers each bee visited. At consid- erable cost to the beekeeper, an extensive mea- At the end of the season, the beekeepers evalu- surement system was created to count the flow- ated their approaches. The first beekeeper ers each bee visited. The beekeeper provided found that his hive had indeed increased the feedback to each bee at midseason on his indi- number of flowers visited, but the amount of vidual performance, but the bees were never honey produced by the hive had dropped. The told about the hive’s goal to produce more Queen Bee reported that because the bees honey so that the company could increase were so busy trying to visit as many flowers as honey sales. The beekeeper created special possible, they limited the amount of nectar they awards for the bees who visited the most flow- would carry so they could fly faster. Also, be- ers. cause the bees felt they were competing against each other for awards (since only the top per- The second beekeeper also established a bee formers were recognized) they would not share performance management approach, but this valuable information with each other (like the A Handbook for Measuring Employee Performance 11
  • 14. Distinguishing Activities from Accomplishments location of the flower-filled fields they’d spotted bees worked together to determine the highest on the way back to the hive) that could have nectar-yielding flowers and to create quicker helped improve the performance of all the bees. processes for depositing the nectar they’d gath- (After all was said and done, one of the high- ered. They also worked together to help performing bees told the beekeeper that if he’d increase the amount of nectar gathered by the been told that the real goal was to make more poor performers. The Queen Bee of this hive honey rather than to visit more flowers, he reported that the poor performers either would have done his work completely differ- improved their performance or transferred to ently.) As the beekeeper handed out the the other hive. Because the hive had reached its awards to individual bees, unhappy buzzing was goal, the beekeeper awarded each bee his por- heard in the background. tion of the hive incentive payment. The bee- keeper was also surprised to hear a loud, happy The second beekeeper, however, had very buzz and a jubilant flapping of wings as he different results. Because each bee in his hive rewarded the individual high-performing bees was focused on the hive’s goal of producing more honey, the bees had concentrated their with special recognition. efforts on gathering more nectar in order to produce more honey than ever before. The The moral of this story is: Measuring and recognizing accomplish- ments rather than activities—and giving feedback to the worker bees—often improves the results of the hive. 12 Performance Management Practitioner Series
  • 15. Distinguishing Activities from Accomplishments Although it somewhat simplifies performance C file documents; management, the beekeepers’ story illustrates C develop software programs; the importance of measuring and recognizing C answer customer questions; and accomplishments (the amount of honey produc- C write reports. tion per hive) rather than activities (visiting flow- ers). This handbook is designed to help you develop elements and standards that center Accomplishments (or outputs) are the around accomplishments, not activities. products or services (the results) of employee The chart below depicts the type of measure- and work unit activities and are generally ment that should occur at each organizational described using nouns. The examples of out- level and includes measurements used by the puts used in the fable include the amount of beekeepers. nectar each bee collected and the honey production for the hive. Other examples Activities are the actions taken to produce include: results and are generally described using verbs. C files that are orderly and complete; In the beekeeper fable, the activity being mea- C a software program that works; sured was visiting flowers. Other examples of C accurate guidance to customers; and activities include: C a report that is complete and accurate. A Handbook for Measuring Employee Performance 13
  • 16. Distinguishing Activities from Accomplishments Outcomes are the final results of an agency’s Note on the performance pyramid shown on the products and services (and other outside factors previous page that accomplishments can be that may affect performance). The example of measured at two levels in the organization—the an outcome used in the beekeeper story was employee level and the work unit level. increased sales of honey for Bees, Inc. Other Employee accomplishments can be included in examples of outcomes could include: employee performance plans using all three C reduce the number of transportation-related types of performance elements. Work unit deaths; accomplishments also can be included in the C improved fish hatcheries; appraisal process—through non-critical ele- C a decrease in the rate of teenage alcoholism; ments if the agency desires to have work unit and performance affect ratings (and only if the C clean air. appraisal program uses more than two summary levels) or through additional performance elements if work unit performance is not to af- A Note about Federal Efforts to fect ratings. However they are used in perfor- Measure Outcomes and Outputs: mance appraisal, work unit as well as employee Because of the requirements set by the accomplishments can always be recognized Government Performance and Results Act of through an awards program. 1993 (i.e., the Results Act), Federal agencies are measuring their organizational outcomes If supervisors, team leaders, and employees and outputs. The Results Act requires agen- want to develop performance plans that support cies to have strategic plans, which include the achievement of organizational outcomes, outcome-related goals and objectives for the they might try the second beekeeper’s approach major functions and operations of the agency. of sharing organizational goals with the hive, Those outcome goals must be objective, measuring and rewarding accomplishments quantifiable, and measurable. The Results Act rather than activities, and providing feedback on also requires agencies to develop annual per- performance. formance plans that cover each one of their programs. Performance plans must include performance goals, which define the annual, often incremental, progress in achieving the outcome goals in the strategic plan. Perfor- mance goals are often output oriented since they address single-year performance. We will talk about strategic plans with their out- come goals, and performance plans with their output goals, much more in Chapter 3. 14 Performance Management Practitioner Series
  • 17. Distinguishing Activities from Accomplishments A Balanced Measuring System This handbook focuses on measuring accomplishments at the work unit and employee levels. There may be situations, however, when activities, behaviors, or processes may be important to include in an employee’s performance plan. This handbook does not focus on how to develop those kinds of measures. However, we would be remiss not to include a discussion about the importance of balancing measures in your measurement system. Therefore, a short description of the balanced scorecard approach to measuring performance follows. Using a Balanced Scorecard Approach to Measure Performance Traditionally, many agencies have measured plex task of flying an airplane, pilots need de- their organizational performance by focusing on tailed information about fuel, air speed, altitude, internal or process performance, looking at bearing, and other indicators that summarize the factors such as the number of full-time equiv- current and predicted environment. Reliance on alents (FTE) allotted, the number of programs one instrument can be fatal. Similarly, the com- controlled by the agency, or the size of the bud- plexity of managing an organization requires that get for the fiscal year. In contrast, private sec- managers be able to view performance in sev- tor businesses usually focus on the financial eral areas simultaneously. A balanced score- measures of their bottom line: return-on-invest- card—or a balanced set of measures— pro- ment, market share, and earnings-per-share. vides that valuable information. Alone, neither of these approaches provides the full perspective on an organization’s perfor- Four Perspectives. Kaplan and Norton mance that a manager needs to manage effec- recommend that managers gather information tively. But by balancing internal and process from four important perspectives: measures with results and financial measures, managers will have a more complete picture and C The customer’s perspective. Managers will know where to make improvements. must know if their organization is satisfying customer needs. They must determine the Balancing Measures. Robert S. Kaplan answer to the question: How do customers and David P. Norton have developed a set of see us? measures that they refer to as “a balanced scorecard.” These measures give top managers C The internal business perspective. a fast but comprehensive view of the organiza- Managers need to focus on those critical tion’s performance and include both process internal operations that enable them to sat- and results measures. Kaplan and Norton com- isfy customer needs. They must answer the pare the balanced scorecard to the dials and question: What must we excel at? indicators in an airplane cockpit. For the com- A Handbook for Measuring Employee Performance 15
  • 18. Distinguishing Activities from Accomplishments C The innovation and learning perspec- appraisal is an effective way of getting a com- tive. An organization’s ability to innovate, plete look at an employee’s work performance, improve, and learn ties directly to its value not just a partial view. Too often, employee as an organization. Managers must answer performance plans with their elements and stan- the question: Can we continue to create dards measure behaviors, and improve the value of our services? actions, or processes without also measuring the results of employees’ work. By measuring only C The financial perspective. In the private behaviors or actions in employee performance sector, these measures have typically fo- plans, an organization might find that most of its cused on profit and market share. For the employees are appraised as Outstanding when public sector, financial measures could the organization as a whole has failed to meet its include the results-oriented measures objectives. required by the Government Performance and Results Act of 1993 (i.e., the Results By using balanced measures at the organiza- Act). Managers must answer the question: tional level, and by sharing the results with How do we look to Congress, the Presi- supervisors, teams, and employees, managers dent, and other stakeholders? are providing the information needed to align employee performance plans with organizational Tie-In to Employee Performance. The goals. By balancing the measures used in balanced scorecard philosophy need not employee performance plans, the performance apply only at the organizational level. A bal- picture becomes complete. anced approach to employee performance A Word About Categories of Work Sometimes performance plans describe ele- C customer service (greets customers with a ments using categories of work. Categories are smile, answers the phone promptly); classifications of work types often used to orga- C teamwork (cooperates with others, shares nize performance elements and standards. If, information); for example, the first beekeeper in our fable had C communications (writes well, gives presen- used categories of work for his elements, he tations); and might have used the broad category of “making C office duties (files papers, types reports). honey” as the element and then included a grouping that described all the activities the bees This handbook does NOT explain did to make the honey, such as gather nectar, how to describe and measure cate- report to the drones, etc. Other examples of gories of work. Here you are categories of work and the types of activities that are often described under these categories asked to concentrate on measuring include: accomplishments. 16 Performance Management Practitioner Series
  • 19. Distinguishing Activities from Accomplishments Exercise: It is time to check your understanding of the differences among activities, accomplish- ments, and categories. Please check the column that best describes each item. Accomplishment Activity Category Trains employees Supervision A completed case Public relations Recommendations Customer service HR policy interpretations Writes agency policy Solutions to problems Develops software programs Ideas and innovations Files paperwork Writes memos Computer systems that work Teamwork A completed project Satisfied customers Answers the phone Assists team members (The answers are on the next page.) A Handbook for Measuring Employee Performance 17
  • 20. Distinguishing Activities from Accomplishments Answers to page 17 Exercise: Accomplishment Activity Category Trains employees U Supervision U A completed case U Public relations U Recommendations U Customer service U HR policy interpretations U Writes agency policy U Solutions to problems U Develops software programs U Ideas and innovations U Files paperwork U Writes memos U Computer systems that work U Teamwork U A completed project U Satisfied customers U Answers the phone U Assists team members U 18 Performance Management Practitioner Series
  • 21. Chapter 3 Developing Employee Performance Plans You are now going to begin an eight-step pro- and responsibilities in the position description all cess for developing employee performance begin with a verb. They describe activities, plans that support organizational goals. Before not accomplishments. you begin, however, we want to briefly review a process for developing performance plans that A performance plan for a Federal Retirement you may have followed in the past but will NOT Benefits Specialist follows on page 21. It was be learning here. written by copying the simplified position description from the previous page onto the Traditionally in some organizations, performance appraisal form. Note that by copying the activi- plans have been developed by copying the ties from the position description onto the activities described in an employee’s job appraisal form, the Support Branch has devel- description onto the appraisal form. This hand- oped a performance plan that only measures book asks that you NOT begin with the posi- activities, not accomplishments. Also, by tion description. Even though a performance developing a performance plan without using a plan must reflect the type of work described in process that links accomplishments to organiza- the employee’s position description, the perfor- tional goals, the organization has lost the oppor- mance plan does not have to mirror it. tunity to use the appraisal process to communi- cate its goals to its employees and to align The next two pages illustrate what happens employee efforts with its goals. when you develop a performance plan solely from a position description. Page 20 is a sim- (Remember that the Support Branch’s appraisal plified position description for a Federal program appraises employee performance on Retirement Benefits Specialist within our elements at five levels. The form on page 21 example organization—the Support Branch of shows five possible levels of performance: the Adjudications Division, Office of Retirement Unsatisfactory (U), Minimally Successful Programs, Retirement and Insurance Service, (MS), Fully Successful (FS), Exceeds Fully OPM. Notice how the duties Successful (EFS), and Outstanding(O).) A Handbook for Measuring Employee Performance 19
  • 22. Developing Employee Performance Plans Position Description: Notice how the duties and responsibilities in the position description all begin with a verb. They describe activities. Position Description: #JJJ666 Federal Retirement Benefits Specialist, GS-0270-12 Introduction The incumbent of this position serves as a Senior Federal Retirement Benefits Specialist in the Office of Retirement Programs (ORP), Retirement and Insurance Service, Office of Personnel Management (OPM). This is a highly-responsible position in an office accountable for the adjudication of claims for retirement and insurance benefits arising under the Federal retirement systems administered by OPM. The work requires the skills of an experienced, fully-trained Federal Retirement Benefits Specialist who is responsible for the adjudication of a broad range of assigned claims, project work which he or she may lead, monitoring workloads, and assignments to solve retirement system-related problems. Major Duties and Responsibilities C Adjudicate cases of unusual technical difficulty. C Review and approve recommendations and decisions made by other Specialists, and provide advice and assistance. C Respond to inquiries from various customer sources and provide clear, responsive explanations of actions taken and the bases for them. C Provide assistance in developing formal lesson plans. Ensures adequate training is offered. C Serve as task force leader or project coordinator for team-related initiatives in processing retirement claims, post-retirement actions, and for special activity in response to legislation, etc. This simplified and edited position description describes only a few of the major duties of the GS-12 Federal Retirement Benefits Specialist position in OPM’s Support Branch in the Adjudication Division, Office of Retirement Programs, Retirement and Insurance Service. Approving Authority Signature: Date: 20 Performance Management Practitioner Series
  • 23. Developing Employee Performance Plans Performance Plan: THIS IS NOT THE TYPE OF PERFORMANCE PLAN THAT YOU WILL DEVELOP IF YOU FOLLOW THE METHOD PRESENTED IN THIS HANDBOOK. Employee Performance Plan Name Effective Date Job Title, Series, and Grade Name of Organization Federal Retirement Benefits Specialist Office of Retirement Programs Elements Type Standards Rating Technical and Policy Expert Critical Fully Successful: 9U C Adjudicates cases of unusual Cases are usually completed correctly and 9 MS technical difficulty. in a timely fashion. 9 FS C Reviews and approves Customer inquiries are routinely addressed 9 EFS recommendations made by timely. 9O other Specialists. Provides advice. C Responds to customer inqui- ries. Training Critical Fully Successful: 9U C Ensures adequate training is Arranges for or presents high-quality train- 9 MS offered. ing as needed. Training is specific to 9 FS C Develops formal lesson plans. employee needs. 9 EFS 9O Branch ombudsperson Critical Fully Successful: 9U C Serves as task force leader or As needed, regularly leads work teams to 9 MS project coordinator. the accomplishment of their assignments. 9 FS 9 EFS 9O Comments: This is a fictional employee performance plan constructed for this handbook. It was developed by using only the simplified position description of the Federal Retirement Benefits Specialist position shown on the previous page. It is included here to represent a typical performance plan that might be used in appraisal programs. Notice the similarity to the position description on the previous page. Also notice how the elements describe work activities, not work accomplishments. Appraising Official Signature Employee Signature A Handbook for Measuring Employee Performance 21
  • 24. Developing Employee Performance Plans Having reviewed how to develop a performance plan that focuses only on activities, we will now develop a performance plan that establishes elements and standards addressing accomplishments that lead to organizational goal achievement. Each step in the eight-step process we present in this hand- book builds upon the previous step; you cannot skip a step and end up with good results. 22 Performance Management Practitioner Series
  • 25. Developing Employee Performance Plans Step 1: Look at the overall picture. Instead of beginning at the bottom of the organi- goals are usually more specific and often zation with the position description to develop more output-oriented than the general out- employee performance plans, begin the process come goals found in the strategic plan. Since by looking at your agency’s goals and objec- performance plan goals should be used by tives. Gather the following information: managers as they direct and oversee how a program is carried out, these are the goals to C What are your agency’s general outcome which employee performance plans should be goals as outlined in its strategic plan? linked. The Government Performance and Results Act of 1993 (i.e., the Results Act) requires all C What are your agency’s customer ser- agencies to develop a strategic plan that vice standards? In September 1993, Presi- includes objective, quantifiable, and measur- dent Clinton issued Executive Order 12862, able performance goals. Agencies submitted “Setting Customer Service Standards,” which their first strategic plans to Congress in Sep- requires each agency to establish customer tember 1997. You will be referring to your service standards and to measure its perfor- agency’s strategic plan while creating mance against those standards. In most employee performance plans. cases, these goals and standards have been folded into the agency’s strategic plan and C What are the specific performance goals annual performance plan, but if they have not, established for your program area as you will need to know what they are. outlined in your agency’s annual perfor- mance plan? The Results Act also requires C What performance measures are already each agency to have an annual performance in place? You should be aware of the mea- plan that sets out measurable goals that define surement systems that you can access for what will be accomplished during a fiscal information on performance, including mea- year. The goals in the annual performance sures used for determining progress towards plan describe the incremental progress to- achieving Results Act goals and customer wards achieving the general goals and objec- satisfaction surveys. tives in the strategic plan. Performance plan A Handbook for Measuring Employee Performance 23
  • 26. Developing Employee Performance Plans Example of Organizational Goals Again, the main example used in this handbook refers to the Federal Retirement Benefits Specialist position in the Office of Retirement Programs (ORP), Retirement and Insurance Service, of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM). This position is found in the Support Branch of ORP’s Adjudication Division and handles a combination of administrative and front-line assignments. OPM strategic, outcome-oriented goals and two of the Office of Retirement Programs’ perfor- mance goals established in OPM’s annual performance plan serve as examples of organizational goals. You will use this information in the next step of our eight-step process. OPM Strategic Goals: 24 Performance Management Practitioner Series
  • 27. Developing Employee Performance Plans OPM’s 199X Annual Performance Plan Goals for the Retirement and Insurance Service (RIS) RIS Goal #14: Maintain at previous year’s levels, customer satisfaction, processing times, and accuracy rates pertinent to processing new claims for annuity and survivor benefits. (Directly linked to OPM’s Goal #4) Means: (Only two means are presented here.) C Reduce claims processing error rates by providing increased training in workplace competencies. C Continue to streamline work processes when such opportunities occur in order to reduce claims processing times and improve processing accuracy. Outcome Indicators: 1. Customers who received their first payment either before or when they expected. (The goal is to reach 90 percent.) 2. Annuitants who indicate overall satisfaction with the handling of their retirement claims. (The goal is to reach 95 percent.) Output Indicators 1. Interim payment processing time (The goal is 4 days.) 2. CSRS annuity processing time (The goal is 35 days.) 3. CSRS annuity claims accuracy (The goal is no more than 4.0 percent errors.) RIS Goal #15: Maintain at previous year’s levels, customer satisfaction with RIS teleservices and the timeliness of written responses to inquiries. (Directly linked to OPM’s Goal #4) Means: (Only one mean is presented here.) Improve the accuracy and professional appearance of complex correspondence while reducing staff effort by developing additional PC-based “smart” letters that can be tailored to meet different fact patterns, and personalized by retrieving information from selected databases. Outcome Indicators: 1. Overall satisfaction with the content and timeliness of written responses. (The goal is 90 percent for each.) Output Indicators: 1. Percent of priority correspondence answered within 8 days. (The goal is 95 percent.) 2. Percent of regular correspondence answered within 15 days. (The goal is 95 per- cent.) A Handbook for Measuring Employee Performance 25
  • 28. Developing Employee Performance Plans Step 2: Determine the accomplishments at the work unit level. The next step in this eight-step method is to Because not all types of work situations and determine the accomplishments (i.e., the prod- structures are the same, this handbook offers ucts or services) of the work unit. Identifying three different ways to determine what to mea- work unit accomplishments lets you identify sure at the work unit level: appropriate measures in the following steps of this process. C a goal cascading method; A work unit is a small group of employees that, C a customer-focused method; and in a traditional work structure, is supervised by the same first-line supervisor. Work units are C a work flow charting method. generally the smallest organizational group on the organizational chart and usually include be- You can use one or all three methods, depend- tween 3 and 15 people. A work unit can also ing on what fits your situation. Whichever you be a team—permanent or temporary—where use, remember to describe accomplishments the team members work interdependently (using nouns) rather than activities (using verbs). towards a common goal. 26 Performance Management Practitioner Series
  • 29. Developing Employee Performance Plans Method A: Cascade the agency’s goals down to the work unit level. The goal cascading method works best for C Which agency goal(s) can the work unit agencies with clear organizational goals and affect? Often, work units may affect only objectives, such as those established in the stra- one agency goal, but in some situations, tegic plans and annual performance plans that agency goals are written so broadly that agencies have prepared under the Government work units may affect more than one. Performance and Results Act. This method requires answers to each of the following ques- C What product or service does the work tions: unit produce or provide to help the agency reach its goals? Clearly tying work C What are the agency’s specific goals and unit products and services to organizational objectives? These can be found in the goals is key to this process. If a work unit agency’s annual performance plan and cus- finds it generates a product or service that tomer service standards. (Note that this does not affect organizational goals, the work question repeats Step 1 of the eight-step unit needs to analyze the situation. It may process.) decide to eliminate the product or service. Cascading Agency Goals to Work Units A Handbook for Measuring Employee Performance 27
  • 30. Developing Employee Performance Plans Example of Cascading Agency Goals to a Work Unit: An OPM OPM Goal #4: Strategic Goal: Deliver high-quality, cost-effective human resources services 9 to Federal agencies, employees, annuitants, and the public. Some RIS Goal #14: Maintain at previous year’s levels, customer Retirement and satisfaction, processing times, and accuracy rates pertinent to Insurance Service (RIS) processing new claims for annuity and survivor benefits. Annual Performance RIS Goal #15: Maintain at previous year’s levels, customer Plan Goals that satisfaction with RIS teleservices and the timeliness of written Cascade from responses to inquiries. OPM Goal #4: 9 Some a. Continue to streamline work processes when such oppor- Office of Retirement tunities occur in order to reduce claims processing times Programs (ORP) and improve processing accuracy (re RIS Goal #14). Goals: b. Reduce claims processing error rates by providing 9 increased training in workplace competencies (re RIS Goal #14). c. Improve the accuracy and professional appearance of complex correspondence while reducing staff effort by developing additional PC-based “smart” letters that can be tailored to meet different fact patterns, and personalized by retrieving information from selected databases (re RIS Goal #15). ORP’s Achieve the following accomplishments: Adjudication C accurately settled claims (re “a” above); Division’s C competent, well-trained employees (re “b” above); and C accurate and professional written correspondence (re “c” Support above). Branch Goals : (Note: The Branch supports Adjudication Division Benefits Specialists in reviewing and settling retirement cases. Support is in the form of clerical support, training, consultation, guid- 28 Performance Management Practitioner Series
  • 31. Developing Employee Performance Plans Exercise on Cascading Goals: In the space below, begin mapping your agency’s strategic and performance goals and how those goals cascade or “trickle down” through your organization. Try to show how your work unit’s products or services link to your agency’s goals. Remember to describe work unit accomplishments in terms of products or services (i.e., the end result of all the unit’s activities.) Your Agency’s Goals: Your Organization’s Goals: Your Work Unit’s Products or Services: A Handbook for Measuring Employee Performance 29
  • 32. Developing Employee Performance Plans Method B: Determine the products and services the work unit provides for its customers. The customer-focused method works well when function, most of its customers may be inter- there are no clear agency goals and when the nal to the agency. work unit knows who its customers are and C What products and/or services do the what they expect. Oftentimes, this method is customers expect? Remember to describe easier to apply to administrative work units that accomplishments, not activities. provide support functions, such as a human resources unit, an acquisitions unit, or a facilities One way to approach this method is to build a maintenance unit. This method focuses on map, as shown below. Place a box representing achieving customer satisfaction and requires the work unit in the center of a blank piece of answers to each of the following questions: paper. List the customer groups around the box and descibe the products or services the cus- C Who are the customers of the work unit? tomers expect in the blank space between the If the work unit provides a support work unit and the customer groups. Focusing on Customer Satisfaction 30 Performance Management Practitioner Series
  • 33. Developing Employee Performance Plans Example of Identifying Customers and Their Expectations: The example below diagrams the accomplishments of the Office of Retirement Programs’ Adjudica- tion Division’s Support Branch from a customer-focused approach. Note that the accomplishments listed are the RESULTS of the team’s work. Retiring Correspondents First annuity Solutions to payment Problems, Information Support Training, Guidance p A Handbook for Measuring Employee Performance 31
  • 34. Developing Employee Performance Plans Exercise for Identifying Customers and Their Expectations: Use method B—the customer-focused method—to develop the product(s) or service(s) that your work unit provides. Begin with identifying your work unit’s customers. Next, determine what product(s) or service(s) your work unit supplies or provides to its customers. Your Work Unit 32 Performance Management Practitioner Series
  • 35. Developing Employee Performance Plans Method C: Develop a work flow chart for the work unit, establishing key steps in the work process. The work flow charting method works well for a work process or project. It begins with the work units that are responsible for a complete first step of the work process, maps out each work process, such as the processing of a case, successive step, and ends with the final product the writing of a report, or the production of a or service. To illustrate a simple work flow customer information package. This method chart, the figure below depicts a work process asks work units to develop work flow charts. A for building a house. work flow chart is a picture of the major steps in Some Key Steps in Building a House A Handbook for Measuring Employee Performance 33
  • 36. Developing Employee Performance Plans To help you build your work flow chart, As you map out the process, you may find your- answer these questions: self describing activities. Try to group the activi- ties into key steps by describing the results of C How does the work unit produce its those activities as one step in the process. As an products or services? List the most basic example, the activities described in the following steps in the process. For this purpose, you columns are all the activities that a publication do not need to list all the activities required. team described when it was trying to create a (If you were analyzing the work to find ways work flow chart for the process of developing a of improving the process, you would need to newsletter. By grouping the related activities list every activity.) into the same columns, it was easier for the team to determine the results of those activities. C Which are the most important steps in Those results are written at the top of the column the process? By determining these steps, and became the key steps in the work flow you highlight areas for performance measure- chart. ment. The plan for the The draft version of The edited version The camera-ready next issue. the articles. of the articles. art mechanical. --brainstorm ideas --interview contacts --review articles for --crop pictures errors --meet to discuss --get contact review --make suggestions --develop the original ideas and edits of article for improvements graphics --research various --get pictures or --make necessary --create layout resources for ideas graphics, if used changes boards --get management --write article --consider the overall --format issue approval of proposed effect of the plan entire issue Plan for Draft Edited Art Next Issue ¾ Articles ¾ Articles ¾ Mechanical 34 Performance Management Practitioner Series
  • 37. Developing Employee Performance Plans Another Example of Work Flow Charting: This example of the results of method C—which focuses on the work flow and the key steps in the work process—uses a work flow chart developed by the Office of Retirement Programs. The work flow chart below maps the key steps in processing retirement claims. Notice that the steps are described as products. In other words, all the activities to complete the steps are not listed individually but have been grouped and described as products. These key steps are good candi- dates for measurement. Nondisability Annuity û Case Received Computation ü An authorized 1st annuity An updated payment annuity roll û for master record Treasury to disperse ü A completed and filed case A Handbook for Measuring Employee Performance 35
  • 38. Developing Employee Performance Plans Exercise on Work Flow Charting: Select a product or service that your work unit provides. As best you can, map out the work process your unit uses. Focus on the major categories or steps of the work. You may need to first list the smaller steps of the work and then group them into sub-products. Remember to describe products and services when you can, not activities. 36 Performance Management Practitioner Series
  • 39. Developing Employee Performance Plans Step 3: Determine individual accomplishments that support work unit goals. The performance elements that will be measured must produce to support the unit’s in the overall employee performance plan can accomplishments. To build the matrix, list the include both individual and group assignments work unit’s products or services across the top and responsibilities. The most important, row of a table. List each member of the work results-oriented aspects of a unit’s performance unit or each job position down the left column of (which are its products or services) were identi- the matrix. For each cell of the table, ask this fied in Step 2. (Other types of processes that question: What must this unit member produce work units may want to measure and include as or perform (i.e., accomplish) in order to support elements in their plans—but which are not prod- this particular work unit product or service? List ucts or services and would not be identified those employee products or services (i.e., through Step 2— include internal group dynam- accomplishments) in the appropriate cell. The ics processes, such as decision-making or products or service you list for each unit member problem solving processes, or group/team are possible performance elements that might be development.) included in the employee’s performance plan. All performance elements should be either Elements that address individual accomplish- quantifiable or verifiable and should be ments can be identified using a role-results described as accomplishments (nouns), not matrix. A role-results matrix is simply a table activities (verbs). that identifies the results each work unit member A Role-Results Matrix Unit Unit Product Unit Product Unit Product Unit Product Employees or Service or Service or Service or Service Employee 1 Accomplishment Accomplishment Accomplishment Accomplishment Employee 2 Accomplishment Accomplishment Accomplishment *N/A Employee 3 Accomplishment *N/A Accomplishment Accomplishment Employee 4 *N/A Accomplishment Accomplishment Accomplishment *The employee had no part in this work unit product or service. A Handbook for Measuring Employee Performance 37
  • 40. Developing Employee Performance Plans Example An example of a role-results matrix is shown the work unit level or the individual level that you below. It was built for a work team that pro- may not be able to measure (i.e, the effect a duces a bimonthly policy newsletter. The team human resources program has on organizational has five members: the editor, three writers, and performance) or over which the unit or the a graphic artist. The final product or output is employee has no control (i.e., a portion of the the newsletter. (The expected outcome is better product must be completed by someone outside educated Federal employees.) The team cre- the work unit). Also, certain aspects of perfor- ated a work flow chart, which identified four key mance may cost too much to measure or the steps in the work process. The team then used agency may not have the resources to measure these key steps to build the matrix and will use it them. You should not include these aspects of to develop performance elements. performance as elements in the performance plan but they are still legitimate parts of the role- Note that the main steps of the work process results matrix. are laid out along the top of the matrix. The team members are listed down the left hand A role-results matrix is a valuable management column. Accomplishments are listed for each tool. When supervisors involve employees in the team member. Also, note that not all members process of completing the matrix, everyone’s have assignments or responsibilities for every role in the work unit is very clear, which is team accomplishment. (This often will occur in important to the successful performance of the cross-functional work units that include a variety group. The whole process of determining work of different job series.) unit products and services, and then completing a role-results matrix, is a beneficial team-building When building a role-results matrix, you may exercise. identify certain aspects of performance at either A Role-Results Matrix for a Newsletter Team: Team Accomplishments± The draft The edited The Team The plan for the version of version of the camera-ready Members next issue the articles articles mechanical Editor Topics to be cov- Articles that have ered been edited Writer A Recommendations A draft for articles article(s) Writer B Recommendations A draft for articles article(s) Writer C Recommendations A draft for articles article(s) Graphic Recommendations A completed Artist for layout mechanical 38 Performance Management Practitioner Series
  • 41. Developing Employee Performance Plans Another Example of a Role-Results Matrix: The example below uses the data gathered the top of the matrix. Employees are listed for the Office of Retirement Programs’ down the left side of the matrix. Work accom- Adjudication Division Support Branch plishments are included in each cell. Notice that using the cascading method as described on the work responsibilities are described (in ital- pages 27-28. Note that the products or ser- ics) as accomplishments (i.e., products or ser- vices (i.e., the accomplishments) identified vices) rather than activities or behaviors. through the process of Step 2 are shown along Role-Results Matrix for ORP’s Adjudication Division Support Branch Employees Work Unit Products or Services $ Branch Accurate and Pro- Chief Accurately Settled Competent Division fessional Corre- Claims Employees spondence Team C An efficient adjudi- C ORP training needs C A correspondence Leader cation process. assessment. review and com- C ORP training plan. plaint resolution process. Senior C Guidance and C Recommendations C Responses contain- Federal technical assis- for training needs as- ing requested infor- Retirement tance to lower- sessment. mation or solutions Benefits graded Specialists. C Lesson plans that to customer Specialists C Recommendations meet training needs. complaints. for improvements to C Workbooks and work process and course handouts. ADP systems. C Effective training C Cases of unusual course(s). technical difficulty that are completed. Clerk C Decisions that are C Workbooks and C Correspondence Typist formatted and handouts that are that is formatted, typed. formatted, typed, and mailed, and filed. C Case files that are xeroxed. organized effec- tively. A Handbook for Measuring Employee Performance 39
  • 42. Developing Employee Performance Plans Exercise for Building a Role-Results Matrix Fill in the role-results matrix for your work unit. Place the work unit products or services that you developed in Step 2 along the top of the matrix. Fill in the names or the job titles of the work unit’s employees in the left-hand column. Then fill in the employees’ accomplishments that contribute to each work unit accomplishment. Work Unit Products or Services $ Employees Organiza- tional Chief 40 Performance Management Practitioner Series
  • 43. Developing Employee Performance Plans Step 4: Convert expected accomplishments into perfor- mance elements, indicating type and priority. In Steps 2 and 3 of the process presented in this the element would result in a determination that handbook, you developed the expected accom- an employee’s overall performance is unaccept- plishments for the work unit and the unit’s able. Defining critical elements must be done employees. Now, in Step 4, you will: thoughtfully because an employee’s unaccept- C identify which accomplishment(s) should be able performance on any critical element could included as elements in the performance plan; be the basis for an adverse action. To help C select which type of element to use; and decide whether an element should be classified C assign weights or priorities. as critical or not, answer the following questions: All employees must have at least one critical C Is the element a major component of the element in their performance plan. Critical ele- work? If you answered “yes,” the element ments must address individual performance only, might be critical. except in the case of supervisors who may be C Does the element address individual per- held responsible for a work unit’s products or formance only? Elements measuring group services. Work unit performance can be performance cannot be critical addressed through non-critical or additional elements, except as explained for supervisors performance elements. In appraisal programs and only under certain circumstances. with only two summary levels, work unit perfor- C If the employee performed unacceptably mance can be addressed only through additional on the element, would there be serious performance elements. consequences to completing the work of the organization? If employee error on the Once you have classified elements as either criti- element affects the work unit’s accomplish- cal, non-critical, or additional, and if ments, the element may be critical. your appraisal program allows, prioritize them so C Does the element require a significant that work units and employees know which amount of the employee’s time? If you elements are most important. One way to do answered “yes,” the element might be critical. this is to distribute 100 percentage points across the elements based upon each one’s importance to the organization. (Programs usually allocate Unless prescribed by your appraisal program, weights in 5 percent increments.) there is no fixed or uniform number of critical elements to be included in the performance plan; How can you determine which the number varies with the work assignments elements are critical? and may vary from year to year in response to changing program emphases. How- Remember that critical elements are work ever, every employee must have at least one assignments or responsibilities of such critical element. importance that unacceptable performance on A Handbook for Measuring Employee Performance 41
  • 44. Developing Employee Performance Plans Example of Identifying Elements: The Support Branch of the Office of Retirement (2) Because the Branch decided to use the Programs’ (ORP) Adjudication Division has non-critical group element for “Competent been used on the following page as an example Division Employees,” it also decided not to of identifying elements. (This example does include the individual accomplishments not represent actual elements currently in under that cell of the matrix. It was not use; it was developed for this handbook practical or logical to measure this perfor- only.) The expected accomplishments of the mance at the individual level. The matrix Senior Federal Retirement Benefits Specialist shows that those four elements have been (as outlined in the role-results matrix on page crossed out and will therefore not be 39) are listed down the left-hand side of the included in the performance plan. matrix on the next page. A work unit accom- (3) The Branch decided that “Recommenda- plishment for the Support Branch is also listed. tions for Improvements” should not affect The next column shows how the branch chief the summary level, but the Branch wanted and employees designated elements as critical, to track and measure the value of the rec- non-critical, or additional. Finally, priority points ommendations for awards purposes. are assigned to each element to give them rela- Therefore, it was included as an additional tive weights. (Remember that ORP’s appraisal element and given a weight of 0. The program uses five levels to appraise employee Branch plans to use the results of perfor- performance on elements and summarizes per- mance on this element as a criterion for formance overall at five levels and that non-criti- awards recognizing innovation within ORP. cal and additional performance elements are (4) The Branch determined the priority of each allowed.) element by distributing 100 points across the elements. The priority points let Note the following in the matrix on page 43: employees know which elements are more (1) The Branch concluded that the work important to the organization. Priority accomplishment of “Competent Division points also are used in this example to Employees” was so interdependent that it affect how the summary level will be deter- was not practical or logical to measure per- mined. Note that the non-critical group formance at the individual level for this element “Competent Division Employees” accomplishment. As a result, the Branch was given more priority points (25) than the decided to include “Competent Division critical “Adjudicated Cases” element (10), Employees” as a group element and to even though failure on the critical element measure performance at the group level causes performance to be determined to be only. Since this Branch is under a five-level Unacceptable. Using this method allows appraisal program and it wants to count this non-critical elements to count significantly in element in the appraisal process, this group the summary level determination. (Failure element will be a non-critical element. (If it on the non-critical element would not cause were under a two-level appraisal program, performance to be Unacceptable; it would the group element would have to be an merely count as 0 priority points and could additional performance element.) The other lower the summary level—but not to group products and services will not be Unacceptable.) included in employee performance plans. 42 Performance Management Practitioner Series
  • 45. Developing Employee Performance Plans Example: ORP Adjudication Division Support Branch Senior Federal Retirement Benefits Specialist Employee Assignments and Priority Responsibilities Type of Element Points C Guidance and technical assis- tance to lower-graded Special- Critical (CE) 40 ists. C Recommendations for improvements to work process Additional (AE) 0 and ADP systems. • Cases of unusual technical diffi- Critical (CE) 10 culty that were completed. C Recommendations for training needs assessment. C Lesson plans that meet training needs. C Workbooks and course hand- outs. C Effective training course(s). C Responses containing requested Critical (CE) 25 information or solutions to cus- tomer complaints. Support Branch Work Products or Services: Accurately settled claims Competent Division Employees Non-critical (NC) 25 Accurate and Professional Corre- spondence A Handbook for Measuring Employee Performance 43
  • 46. Developing Employee Performance Plans Exercise on Identifying Elements: Based on the accomplishments that you identified for your job in the role-results matrix that you made on page 40, and working within the rules established by your appraisal program, identify appropriate elements and categorize them as critical, non-critical, and, if appropriate, additional performance elements. (If you have a two-level appraisal program—that is, a pass/fail pro- gram—you can not use non-critical elements.) If applicable, prioritize the elements by distributing 100 points among the elements, giving more points to elements that are more important. Individual or Group Products or Services Type of Element Priority Points 44 Performance Management Practitioner Series