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Copyright 2012 Newton Manufacturing CompanyCopyright 2016 HALO Branded Solutions
Trade shows and exhibitions provide businesses and organizations with
a unique opportunity to see a large number of people, face-to-face in a
short amount of time. Customers, prospects and the public can interact
with your brand in a personal way. This human element allows marketers
to use a variety of sales tools – personal interaction, demonstration,
sampling, etc. – to deliver the brand message, promote their cause and
attain valuable leads.
Whether it’s an expo, trade show or career fair, attendees visit these
events to hear what you have to say. Over the past few years, reports
from the Center for Exhibition Industry Research (CEIR) state that
attendees come to these events intending to buy. The CEIR found that
91% of visitors feel that they get their most useful buying information by
attending a show and that 75% buy as result of the information gathered
at a show.
While those numbers are enticing to any business, exhibiting at a show
is a very large investment and just showing up and setting up a booth
won’t cut it. To get any return from exhibiting at an event, a well-
executed and integrated marketing strategy must be implemented. That
means determining your objectives, creating a strategy to achieve those
objectives, formulating tactics to carry out the strategy and evaluating the
results to measure your return on investment.
a. Objective: Why are you
exhibiting? What’s the
point? p.2
b. Strategy: Achieving the
objective p.3
c. Tactics: Let’s do this! p.4
	 • Pre-Show p.4
	 • At-Show p.5
	 • Post-Show p.8
d. Evaluation: How’d we do? p.9
e. That’s a wrap p.9
*Need more statistics on exibits?
Visit CIER at:
• couple
• of
• bullets
message overall theme!
Getting Graphic
traffic driving
Tuesday 5/22
mail invitations
send e-vites
follow up plan
- polos, lanyard’s,
- update script
BOOTH! There It Is
Simple or complex, your answer
to this question will be the key to
building a cohesive marketing
a. Objective: Why are you exhibiting? What’s the point?
Your objective for exhibiting at an event needs to be specific and
measurable. The particulars of the show will help shape your objective.
Order-writing shows, like boat shows, home shows, etc., are events
that exhibitors are expecting to sell their products and services. On the
other hand, missionary shows like career fairs, health fairs, etc. focus on
educating, informing and building relationships with attendees.
Attendee demographics also play a role in determining achievable
objectives. An event that is open to the public makes it more difficult to
identify prospects prior to the doors opening. For open shows, objectives
would place a stronger emphasis on at-show tactics. Closed shows
for a specific industry or membership group have audiences who are
more focused and prospects who are easier to identify. For these shows,
objectives can focus more on gathering leads and moving prospects down
the sales funnel.
The overarching goal of any exhibition is to build your brand, but that
alone won’t translate into a return on your investment. Consider the
show type and audience demographics to determine what a successful
show looks like. For an order taking show the objective may be the
number of leads generated or converted to sales. For shows that are
towards education and relationship building, objectives would revolve
around booth visits, collateral distribution, business cards collected or
list sign-ups. Once defined, these objectives will drive your strategic
Copyright 2016 HALO Branded Solutions
b. Strategy: Achieving the objective.
Now that you’ve determined your purpose for exhibiting at an event, the
next step is to develop the strategy to guide your marketing activities
before, during and after the show. In determining the objective, always
take the audience into consideration. The audience needs to be narrowed
and segmented to be sure your marketing activities are attracting the
right attendees to your booth. Attendees fall into one of two categories
– customers and prospects. Each has a different reason for attending the
event, so each will require a different marketing strategy.
Customers, as you might imagine, are those who are currently using your
products and services or have in the past. When engaging this group, the
goal is to continue building the relationship to keep them as a customer.
Your marketing should treat them as honored guests with exclusive
activities designed just for them. When they visit the booth, address any
concerns, as well as find additional business opportunities and any other
information that will lead them to continue a profitable relationship.
Prospects at the show can be divided into two subgroups – identified
and unidentified. The identified prospects are those you have engaged
previously or are specifically targeting and would like to use the show
to push them closer to a sale. Unidentified prospects are those who stop
by your booth and are interested, but haven’t been targeted. For either
group, keep in mind the event and your presence could be their first
impression of your brand.
The second component to the marketing strategy is your brand message.
Since, again, the overarching objective of any exhibition is to build
your brand, your booth should be an extension of your marketing
communications plan. The message should be aligned with your show
objectives, i.e. are you rolling out a new product, bringing awareness to a
cause or increasing your marketing share? Since you will be side-by-side
with your competitors, your value statement and points of differentiation
need to be well-rehearsed by staff and clearly and creatively displayed on
signage, collateral, samples and giveaways.
Copyright 2016 HALO Branded Solutions
Your company’s current
branding and marketing
collateral are great resources for
your exhibits’ design.
The final step is to decide what information needs to be collected to
determine if you have achieved your objectives. Will you measure
visits, leads, conversions, etc.? Outline benchmarks that will be used
to identify qualified leads, so as staff engage visitors, they know what
questions to ask. Consider incorporating a survey or other attendee
feedback mechanism to help evaluate your exhibition’s performance from
a qualitative standpoint. Once you’ve finalized the strategy, it’s time to
outline the steps for executing that strategy.
c. Tactics: Let’s do this!
You’ve outlined your marketing strategy, now it’s time to put actions to it.
Your marketing strategy needs to be executed long before the event date.
Why? According to the CEIR, 76% of attendees plan their booth visits in
advance. Likewise, the CEIR also found that pre-show promotions have
proven to increase booth traffic by 30%. Convinced to do a pre-show
promotion yet? Thought so.
The minimum pre-show marketing that you should conduct is to invite
attendees to visit your booth. Attendees won’t know you are going to be
at the show unless you tell them. Use multiple channels and touches like
a pre-show mailing and e-vites. Add a message to your email signature
lines. Use your social media accounts (personal and/or corporate) and
your website to give them a tease of what they will see at your booth.
For a more targeted approach, consider direct mail. If a list of registered
attendees is available, you can simply invite everyone on the list. Or
identify customers or high value prospects and send them a special
invite with an exclusive offer. Regardless of whom it is going to, the
piece should always include the event date, booth number, contact
information, marketing message and a call to action. With either a
general or more targeted approach, including a promotional product
boosts open rates and retention.
Copyright 2016 HALO Branded Solutions
76% OF
A 2004 study by the Direct
Marketing Association found that
dimensional or lumpy mail elicits
a response rate that is 50%
better than traditional flat mail.
Creating an event on Facebook
or LinkedIn is a good way to
measure interest.
Invitations are great, but to take it a step further and drive traffic to your
booth, consider an incentive. These can be structured several ways, but
the goal is to motivate the attendee to take action. If your objective is to
get as many people as possible to your booth, including a simple card to
redeem at the booth for a drawing or gift will suffice. If you are taking a
more targeted approach and want to move prospects closer to a sale, have
them earn the redemption item by listening to a presentation or watching
a demonstration.
Another incentive is the companion gift. In this case, send out one
promotional item and invite the attendee to pick up the companion item
at your booth. An example could be sending a coaster and having the
attendee bring it to your booth to pick up the accompanying mug. As this
tactic can have a higher price tag, it should be reserved for high-value
prospects or customers. Also, don’t just giveaway the companion piece,
encourage the attendee to have a conversation with you first.
In addition to being great motivators and traffic builders, redemptions
are also an easy way to track the effectiveness of pre-show marketing
efforts. Keep in mind that a giveaway’s perceived value must match the
attendee’s perceived cost in obtaining it. If it doesn’t, your offer will be
ignored. Likewise, the cost of the giveaway must match the value of the
intended prospect’s activity. If it doesn’t, you are throwing money away.
Remember that pre-show mailings and invites should be sent out no later
than 2-3 weeks prior to the actual event.
Now that you’ve got attendees excited and motivated to see you at the
event, the next step in carrying out your show marketing strategy is
your activity at the show itself. The hub of your activity will be in your
exhibition space or booth. It will most likely be the first impression
attendees, particularly prospects, will have of your brand. The layout of
your space should be inviting and give a visitor the ability to maneuver
through it with ease.
Copyright 2016 HALO Branded Solutions
Left Banner:
This banner has a simple, main
focal point that is recognizable
from a distance. Curiosity draws
the viewer closer to see the
branding and message.
Right Banner:
This banner leaves the viewer
unsure of where to look. Large
blocks of text overwhelm the
viewer with information and are
often ignored.
* 2010 ASI Global Advertising
Specialties Impressions Study,
Advertising Specialty Institute,
©2010, All Rights Reserved.
You have only a few moments
to grab the attention of and
leave an impression with
attendees, even ones that you
have invited and incented.
They will be pre-qualifying
you and making decisions
about your brand from
15-20 feet away. Creative,
innovative graphics should
tell attendees quickly who
you are and what your value
proposition is. Simple is better
as displays with too much
information often overwhelm
and turn away visitors. Since you are literally competing side-by-side
with your competitors, solid design is critical.
Staff at the show are the face of your company and could be the first
personal interaction that a visitor has with your brand. They should be
well-versed in your messaging and know how to guide attendees to the
next step. Communicate clearly with your staff about the information
needed for follow-up after the show. They should have a cohesive,
brand conscious, professional look and should be easily identified even
if they are not at your booth. The type of apparel worn by staff leaves
an impression. A t-shirt says something completely different than a
performance polo or dress shirt.
Giveaways, usually a sample or a promotional item, are almost expected
at a trade show. A promotional product that is relevant, unique and fun
can create a buzz around your booth. The right item can create envy
among other attendees and become a viral, word-of-mouth component
to your event marketing plan. Your promotional items should reflect
your brand and have value so attendees will keep it. Since the average
promotional product is kept for 5.5 months*, choosing the right one will
carry your message long after the event.
Copyright 2016 HALO Branded Solutions
Another traffic-building idea is to hold a drawing or drawings. The
prize could be retail merchandise or your premium product or service.
The merchandise may grab the attention of the general attendee, but
using your own products or services creates interest and customers for
your offerings that are more profitable. To get the most traffic possible,
hold the final drawing during the show and, of course, the winners
must be present to win.
When deciding giveaways and the allotted budget for them, consider
the audience segments that you outlined in your strategy. Higher value
giveaways or gift for high-value targets make a stronger statement and
move those prospects closer to a sale. While the cost may be more than
your generic giveaway, the likelihood of a return is also greater. Whether
you have a drawing or giveaway, make the visitor do something which
directly contributes to your exhibition goals, to receive it. Have them talk
to staff, watch a demonstration or at the very least, complete their contact
information on an entry card.
Use social media to drive traffic and enhance your presence at the event.
Live updates from the show remind people to stop by your booth. To get
attendees to pay attention to your social media activity, hold social media-
only discounts or giveaways within a specified time frame. Find relevant
hashtags on Twitter and participate in discussions to share your expertise
and draw attendees to your booth. Post pictures or video from activities at
the event so those who could not attend can still experience it.
Many exhibitions or shows have more going on than what’s happening
on the show floor. Get involved in education sessions, socials, special
presentations, etc. This may include participating, hosting a session or
sponsoring an event. These are great opportunities for you to interact
with industry influencers, show your thought leadership or simply share
your passion. It’s one more way to build your brand at the show.
Copyright 2016 HALO Branded Solutions
While your signage needs to
stay on brand, giveaways are
where you can have some fun.
The giveaway that has a clever
and thoughtful design will have
a far greater impact than just
your contact information.
After the event is where the money is made and, according to the CEIR,
80% of exhibitors do nothing. After investing in driving traffic to your
booth and connecting with attendees, it would be a tragedy to waste that
effort by simply packing up and going home. Follow up on those leads
and contacts you made.
At the very least, send a thank you note to whom you and your staff
spoke. If possible, personalize the note by mentioning something
that was discussed at the booth. This will help them remember your
conversation better. This extra step requires excellent note taking at the
booth and should be part of your staff’s information collection training.
Your follow up correspondence should start one or two weeks after the
event. It’s a short enough time frame so the information is still fresh, but
long enough that your messages aren’t lost in their post-show catch up. If
part of your objective was to gather leads, start qualifying them as soon
as possible. Follow up with those who are most qualified first, to strike
while the iron is hot. Post-show communication can also be another
qualifier. Their response to your follow-up can help you frame up your
pursuit of their business.
After the show and your follow up, it is important to measure your results
to determine the success of your exhibition. Measurements should be
based on the objective that you previously outlined. Take a look at booth
visits, presentations or demonstrations conducted and literature given, to
determine the interest you were able to create for your brand or cause. If
your goals were related to sales, track the leads that were generated and
how many were converted. This information is very important for the
final step in the marketing plan – evaluation.
Copyright 2016 HALO Branded Solutions
80% OF
d. Evaluation: How’d we do?
The final step of any marketing plan is to evaluate the results of the
campaign. Start by reviewing the performance of the marketing plan
itself. Determine if the pre-show marketing drove the desired amount of
traffic and if it was the right traffic. Of those visitors, how many turned
into leads? Track post-show communication to determine the quality
of those leads. And finally, look at the sales conversions to ultimately
determine the return on investment.
Next, you will want to evaluate the show experience itself. This requires
talking to booth staff about their observations regarding the booth, visitor
feedback, industry trends, how well the branding and promotions were
received and thoughts on the competition. Ask staff what they would do
differently at the next show. Taking their experience into account for future
show planning will help your exhibition perform better.
Take the qualitative and quantitative information to determine the
effectiveness of your plan and if your presence at the event was
worthwhile. Also keep in mind outside factors such as the weather, can
affect the performance of your exhibition. This information will help you
improve your marketing plans and choose which events you will exhibit
at in the future.
e. That’s a wrap.
A trade show or exhibition is an excellent opportunity to present your
brand and message in a personal way to a large audience. While much of
the information and examples mentioned in this white paper are geared
more toward trade shows and a for-profit business perspective, the same
principles apply toward any situation that involves exhibiting. Objectives
and a strategic marketing plan before, during and after the show must be
carefully considered and measurable. Strong visuals must grab attention
and creatively and clearly state your message. And, of course, you should
always be building your brand.
Copyright 2016 HALO Branded Solutions
Copyright 2016 HALO Branded Solutions
About HALO Branded Solutions
Headquartered in Sterling, Illinois, HALO Branded Solutions is centrally
located in order to support a national client base. In addition to our
100,000 square foot, state-of-the-art distribution and processing center,
we maintain regional sales offices in key corporate markets.
HALO employs 300 corporate service team members with decades
of knowledge and experience who support the over 900 creative
and resourceful Account Executives across the nation who focus on
implementing effective marketing solutions for over 40,000 satisfied
clients each year.
HALO is a global leader of promotional solutions, combining creativity,
innovation and the most sophisticated technology for dynamic results.
As a "full-service" promotional products distributor, we offer:
•	 Company stores and fulfillment services.
•	 Industry-leading customer service from over 900 Account Executives
throughout the United States and a support staff of over 300.
•	 Competitive pricing, including our popular Best Sellers and HOT 100
merchandise programs.
•	 Secure Source, HALO's comprehensive product safety and social
compliance program.
•	 Award winning marketing support for your internal and external
branding campaigns.
•	 Brand management expertise to create consistency in logo use
throughout your organization.
With top-quality products, over six decades of branding expertise and
efficient operational processes, HALO offers unmatched reliability and
unique solutions for every client, on every project.
Copyright 2016 HALO Branded Solutions
event mar ke ting organize r
OBJECTIVES. .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 2
EVENT MESSAGE.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 2
INFORMATION COLLECTION. .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 3
AWARENESS CAMPAIGN. .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 4
INCENTIVES. .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 5
SIGNAGE & DISPLAYS. .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 6
GIVEAWAYS AND PRIZES. .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 7
STAFF. .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 8
FOLLOW UP. .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 9
EVALUATE. .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 9
Trade shows and exhibitions
provide business and
organizations with a unique
opportunity to see a large
number of people, face-to-face
in a short amount of time.
Whether it’s an expo, trade show
or career fair, attendees visit
these events to hear what you
have to say. Over the past few
years, reports from the Center
for Exhibition Industry Research
(CEIR) state attendees come
to these events intending to
buy. The CEIR found that 91%
of visitors feel they get their
most useful buying information
by attending a show and 75%
buy as result of the information
gathered at a show.
Copyright 2016 HALO Branded Solutions
Your objective for exhibiting at an event needs to be specific and
measurable. The particulars of the show will help shape your objective.
What do you hope to achieve? _________________________________
Who is your target audience? __________________________________
What constitutes a successful event? (product sold, education, brand awareness)_
Now that your objectives are identified, use them to determine your
marketing message. The message should be aligned with your show
objectives, i.e. are you rolling out a new product, bringing awareness to a
cause or increasing your marketing share?
Things to keep in mind when deciding your message:
Is there any current branding/marketing collateral to build from?
Will it follow corporate guidelines?
Does it support your event objectives?
Is it the right message for your target audience?
Event Name:_______________
Event Location: _____________
Event Date(s): ______________
It is important to have a well
thought, out cohesive theme
displayed through out your
materials. Mismatching graphics
and contradicting messages will
have a negative impact on your
audience’s view of your brand.
Copyright 2016 HALO Branded Solutions
Event Message:_____________________________________________
Finally, decide what information needs to be collected to determine if you
have achieved your objectives. Outlining benchmarks will help measure
your overall success.
What benchmarks will you measure?
 Visits
 Leads
 Conversions
 Redemptions
 Other: _________________________________________________
How will you measure these benchmarks?________________________ 	
Planning notes:_____________________________________________
Since you will be side-by-
side with your competitors,
your message and points of
differentiation need to be well
rehearsed by staff and clearly
and creatively displayed on
signage, collateral, samples and
An engaging staff is key in
information collection. Well
rehearsed questions and
answers will allow them to
gather the information needed
to qualify leads.
Copyright 2016 HALO Branded Solutions
Attendees won’t know you are going to be at an event unless you tell
them. 76% of attendees plan their booth visits in advance. Likewise
pre-event promotions have proven to increase booth traffic by 30%*.
Awareness Campaign:
 E-vite:_________________________________________________
 Direct Mail:_____________________________________________
 Press Release:____________________________________________
 Social Media Event:_______________________________________
 Mobile Marketing:________________________________________
 Billboard:_______________________________________________
 Other:_________________________________________________
Pre-event preparations should be
started three to four months prior
to the event. That doesn't mean
you should send everything all at
once. A well-timed, multi-touch
campaign will ensure plenty of
traffic at your event.
Design a direct mail piece that
stands out. A 2004 study by the
Direct Marketing Association
found that dimensional or
lumpy mail elicits a response
rate that is 50% better than
traditional flat mail.
If a list of registered attendees
is available, you can simply
invite everyone on the list. Or,
identify customers or high-value
prospects and send them a
special invite with an exclusive
Creating an event on Facebook
or LinkedIn is a good way to
measure interest.
*CIER Center for Exhibition
Industry Research
Copyright 2016 HALO Branded Solutions
Incentives can be added to your awareness campaign effectively driving
traffic to your event with a call to action. These can be structured in
several ways:
 Redemption. Attendees redeem a simple card for a gift.__________
 Drawing. Attendees can exchange contact info to be entered into
a raffle.___________________________________________________
 Companion Gift. Send out one item and invite the attendee to pick
up the companion item at your event.____________________________
Pre-event notes:_____________________________________________
An incentives perceived value
must match the attendee’s
perceived cost in obtaining
it. Likewise, the cost of the
giveaway must match value of
the intended prospect activity.
If it doesn’t, you are simply
throwing money away.
Using your own products or
services as prizes creates
interest and more customers
for your offerings that are more
Send invitations and incentives
no later than three weeks prior
to the event.
Copyright 2016 HALO Branded Solutions
This will most likely be the first impression attendees, particularly
prospects, will have of your brand. The layout of your space should be
inviting and give a visitor the ability to maneuver through it with ease.
 Floor Displays: ___________________________________________
 Table Top Displays: _______________________________________
 Retractors/Banners/Flags:__________________________________
 Table Covers:____________________________________________
 Podiums/Tables:__________________________________________
 Tents: __________________________________________________
 Other: _________________________________________________
Anything that will need to be
at the event should be ordered
about two months prior to the
event to cover production and
transportation times. This does
not include design and proofing
of products which ideally should
be started three months prior to
the event.
Your display needs to grab
attention and identify your brand
in just a few seconds, from a
distance of 15-20 feet.
Simple design is usually
better. A large, well-designed
graphic, with your message
and logo work best. Displays
with too much information
often overwhelm the audience,
turning them away.
Physically taping off the
dimensions of your exhibiting
space will help you plan how to
position your displays and move
attendees through your exhibit.
Copyright 2016 HALO Branded Solutions
A promotional product that is relevant, unique and fun can create a
buzz around your booth. The right item can create envy among other
attendees and become a viral, word-of-mouth component to your event
marketing plan.
Things to keep in mind when deciding on your giveaways:
Is this product appropriate for my target audience?
Is it a convenient size? Is it travel friendly?
Is the product cost equal to the return?
If someone gave this to you would You keep it?
Giveaway Ideas:_____________________________________________
Prize Ideas:________________________________________________
The average promotional
product is kept for 5.5 months.
Choosing the right one will
carry your message long
after the event. 2010 ASI
Global Advertising Specialties
Impressions Study, Advertising
Specialty Institute, © 2010, All
Rights Reserved.
If you are taking a more targeted
approach and want to move
prospects closer to a sale, make
them earn the redemption item
by listening to a presentation or
watching a demonstration.
Use social media to drive traffic
and enhance your presence at
the event. You can use:
Live updates from the show
remind people to stop by your
Find relevant hashtags on
Twitter and participate in
discussions to share your
expertise and draw attendees to
your booth.
Post pictures or video from
activities at the event so that
those who could not attend can
still experience it.
Copyright 2016 HALO Branded Solutions
Staff at the show are the face of your company and could be the first
personal interaction that a visitor has with your brand. They should have
a cohesive, on-brand and professional look and should be easy to identify
even if they are not at your booth.
 Apparel: ________________________________________________
 Name Tags/Lanyards/etc.: __________________________________
 Other: _________________________________________________
At-event notes:_____________________________________________
The type of apparel your staff
wears leaves an impression on
your audience. A t-shirt says
something completely different
than a performance polo or
dress shirt.
Many exhibitions or shows
have more going on than
what’s happening on the show
floor. Get involved in education
sessions, socials, special
presentations, etc. This may
include participating or hosting a
session or sponsoring an event.
These are great opportunities
for you to interact with industry
influencers, show your thought
leadership or simply share your
passion. It’s one more way to
build your brand at the show.
Copyright 2016 HALO Branded Solutions
After the event is where the money is made and, according to the CEIR,
80% of exhibitors do nothing. After investing in driving traffic to your
booth and connecting with attendees, it would be a tragedy to waste that
effort by simply packing up and going home. Follow up on those leads
and contacts that you made.
 Thank You note: __________________________________________
 Personal communication: __________________________________
 Product information packets: _______________________________
The final step of any marketing plan is to evaluate the results of the
campaign. Start by reviewing the performance of the marketing plan
itself. Determine if the pre-show marketing drove the desired amount of
traffic and if it was the right traffic. Of those visitors, how many turned
into leads? Track post-show communication to determine the quality
of those leads. And finally, look at the sales conversions to ultimately
determine the return on investment.
Your follow-up correspondence
should start one or two weeks
after the event. It’s a short
enough time frame so the
information is still fresh, but long
enough your messages aren’t
lost in their post-show catch up.
If possible, personalize your
thank you by mentioning
something that was discussed
at the booth. This will help them
remember your conversation
Talk to booth staff about
their observations regarding
the booth, visitor feedback,
industry trends, how well the
branding and promotions were
received and thoughts on the
competition. Ask staff what they
would do differently at the next
show. Taking their experience
into account for future show
planning will help your exhibition
perform better.
Copyright 2016 HALO Branded Solutions
Copyright 2016 HALO Branded Solutions
Copyright 2016 HALO Branded Solutions
About HALO Branded Solutions
Headquartered in Sterling, Illinois, HALO Branded Solutions is centrally
located in order to support a national client base. In addition to our
100,000 square foot, state-of-the-art distribution and processing center,
we maintain regional sales offices in key corporate markets.
HALO employs 300 corporate service team members with decades
of knowledge and experience who support the over 900 creative
and resourceful Account Executives across the nation who focus on
implementing effective marketing solutions for over 40,000 satisfied
clients each year.
HALO is a global leader of promotional solutions, combining creativity,
innovation and the most sophisticated technology for dynamic results.
As a "full-service" promotional products distributor, we offer:
•	 Company stores and fulfillment services.
•	 Industry-leading customer service from over 900 Account Executives
throughout the United States and a support staff of over 300.
•	 Competitive pricing, including our popular Best Sellers and HOT 100
merchandise programs.
•	 Secure Source, HALO's comprehensive product safety and social
compliance program.
•	 Award winning marketing support for your internal and external
branding campaigns.
•	 Brand management expertise to create consistency in logo use
throughout your organization.
With top-quality products, over six decades of branding expertise and
efficient operational processes, HALO offers unmatched reliability and
unique solutions for every client, on every project.

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  • 1. Copyright 2012 Newton Manufacturing CompanyCopyright 2016 HALO Branded Solutions Trade shows and exhibitions provide businesses and organizations with a unique opportunity to see a large number of people, face-to-face in a short amount of time. Customers, prospects and the public can interact with your brand in a personal way. This human element allows marketers to use a variety of sales tools – personal interaction, demonstration, sampling, etc. – to deliver the brand message, promote their cause and attain valuable leads. Whether it’s an expo, trade show or career fair, attendees visit these events to hear what you have to say. Over the past few years, reports from the Center for Exhibition Industry Research (CEIR) state that attendees come to these events intending to buy. The CEIR found that 91% of visitors feel that they get their most useful buying information by attending a show and that 75% buy as result of the information gathered at a show. While those numbers are enticing to any business, exhibiting at a show is a very large investment and just showing up and setting up a booth won’t cut it. To get any return from exhibiting at an event, a well- executed and integrated marketing strategy must be implemented. That means determining your objectives, creating a strategy to achieve those objectives, formulating tactics to carry out the strategy and evaluating the results to measure your return on investment. HOW TO BUILD AN AWESOME EVENT MARKETING PLAN a. Objective: Why are you exhibiting? What’s the point? p.2 b. Strategy: Achieving the objective p.3 c. Tactics: Let’s do this! p.4 • Pre-Show p.4 • At-Show p.5 • Post-Show p.8 d. Evaluation: How’d we do? p.9 e. That’s a wrap p.9 *Need more statistics on exibits? Visit CIER at: SIMPLY SHOWING UP WON’T CUT IT. YOU NEED A PLAN • couple • of • bullets message overall theme! LARGE! Attention Getting Graphic LOGO PERFECT! traffic driving giveaway Tuesday 5/22 mail invitations send e-vites blog-it refine after-show follow up plan staff: - polos, lanyard’s, namebadges - update script BOOTH! There It Is
  • 2. WHY ARE YOU EXHIBITING? Simple or complex, your answer to this question will be the key to building a cohesive marketing strategy. HOW TO BUILD AN AWESOME EVENT MARKETING PLAN a. Objective: Why are you exhibiting? What’s the point? Your objective for exhibiting at an event needs to be specific and measurable. The particulars of the show will help shape your objective. Order-writing shows, like boat shows, home shows, etc., are events that exhibitors are expecting to sell their products and services. On the other hand, missionary shows like career fairs, health fairs, etc. focus on educating, informing and building relationships with attendees. Attendee demographics also play a role in determining achievable objectives. An event that is open to the public makes it more difficult to identify prospects prior to the doors opening. For open shows, objectives would place a stronger emphasis on at-show tactics. Closed shows for a specific industry or membership group have audiences who are more focused and prospects who are easier to identify. For these shows, objectives can focus more on gathering leads and moving prospects down the sales funnel. The overarching goal of any exhibition is to build your brand, but that alone won’t translate into a return on your investment. Consider the show type and audience demographics to determine what a successful show looks like. For an order taking show the objective may be the number of leads generated or converted to sales. For shows that are towards education and relationship building, objectives would revolve around booth visits, collateral distribution, business cards collected or list sign-ups. Once defined, these objectives will drive your strategic development. 2 Copyright 2016 HALO Branded Solutions
  • 3. b. Strategy: Achieving the objective. Now that you’ve determined your purpose for exhibiting at an event, the next step is to develop the strategy to guide your marketing activities before, during and after the show. In determining the objective, always take the audience into consideration. The audience needs to be narrowed and segmented to be sure your marketing activities are attracting the right attendees to your booth. Attendees fall into one of two categories – customers and prospects. Each has a different reason for attending the event, so each will require a different marketing strategy. Customers, as you might imagine, are those who are currently using your products and services or have in the past. When engaging this group, the goal is to continue building the relationship to keep them as a customer. Your marketing should treat them as honored guests with exclusive activities designed just for them. When they visit the booth, address any concerns, as well as find additional business opportunities and any other information that will lead them to continue a profitable relationship. Prospects at the show can be divided into two subgroups – identified and unidentified. The identified prospects are those you have engaged previously or are specifically targeting and would like to use the show to push them closer to a sale. Unidentified prospects are those who stop by your booth and are interested, but haven’t been targeted. For either group, keep in mind the event and your presence could be their first impression of your brand. The second component to the marketing strategy is your brand message. Since, again, the overarching objective of any exhibition is to build your brand, your booth should be an extension of your marketing communications plan. The message should be aligned with your show objectives, i.e. are you rolling out a new product, bringing awareness to a cause or increasing your marketing share? Since you will be side-by-side with your competitors, your value statement and points of differentiation need to be well-rehearsed by staff and clearly and creatively displayed on signage, collateral, samples and giveaways. HOW TO BUILD AN AWESOME EVENT MARKETING PLAN 3 Copyright 2016 HALO Branded Solutions IT’S ALL ABOUT THE AUDIENCE STAY ON BRAND Your company’s current branding and marketing collateral are great resources for your exhibits’ design.
  • 4. The final step is to decide what information needs to be collected to determine if you have achieved your objectives. Will you measure visits, leads, conversions, etc.? Outline benchmarks that will be used to identify qualified leads, so as staff engage visitors, they know what questions to ask. Consider incorporating a survey or other attendee feedback mechanism to help evaluate your exhibition’s performance from a qualitative standpoint. Once you’ve finalized the strategy, it’s time to outline the steps for executing that strategy. c. Tactics: Let’s do this! Pre-Show You’ve outlined your marketing strategy, now it’s time to put actions to it. Your marketing strategy needs to be executed long before the event date. Why? According to the CEIR, 76% of attendees plan their booth visits in advance. Likewise, the CEIR also found that pre-show promotions have proven to increase booth traffic by 30%. Convinced to do a pre-show promotion yet? Thought so. The minimum pre-show marketing that you should conduct is to invite attendees to visit your booth. Attendees won’t know you are going to be at the show unless you tell them. Use multiple channels and touches like a pre-show mailing and e-vites. Add a message to your email signature lines. Use your social media accounts (personal and/or corporate) and your website to give them a tease of what they will see at your booth. For a more targeted approach, consider direct mail. If a list of registered attendees is available, you can simply invite everyone on the list. Or identify customers or high value prospects and send them a special invite with an exclusive offer. Regardless of whom it is going to, the piece should always include the event date, booth number, contact information, marketing message and a call to action. With either a general or more targeted approach, including a promotional product boosts open rates and retention. HOW TO BUILD AN AWESOME EVENT MARKETING PLAN 4 Copyright 2016 HALO Branded Solutions DATA COLLECTION & EVALUATION 76% OF VISITORS PLAN THEIR VISITS IN ADVANCE ALL MAILERS AREN’T CREATED EQUAL A 2004 study by the Direct Marketing Association found that dimensional or lumpy mail elicits a response rate that is 50% better than traditional flat mail.
  • 5. INCENTIVES GET VISITORS MOTIVATED CREATE A SOCIAL MEDIA EVENT Creating an event on Facebook or LinkedIn is a good way to measure interest. Invitations are great, but to take it a step further and drive traffic to your booth, consider an incentive. These can be structured several ways, but the goal is to motivate the attendee to take action. If your objective is to get as many people as possible to your booth, including a simple card to redeem at the booth for a drawing or gift will suffice. If you are taking a more targeted approach and want to move prospects closer to a sale, have them earn the redemption item by listening to a presentation or watching a demonstration. Another incentive is the companion gift. In this case, send out one promotional item and invite the attendee to pick up the companion item at your booth. An example could be sending a coaster and having the attendee bring it to your booth to pick up the accompanying mug. As this tactic can have a higher price tag, it should be reserved for high-value prospects or customers. Also, don’t just giveaway the companion piece, encourage the attendee to have a conversation with you first. In addition to being great motivators and traffic builders, redemptions are also an easy way to track the effectiveness of pre-show marketing efforts. Keep in mind that a giveaway’s perceived value must match the attendee’s perceived cost in obtaining it. If it doesn’t, your offer will be ignored. Likewise, the cost of the giveaway must match the value of the intended prospect’s activity. If it doesn’t, you are throwing money away. Remember that pre-show mailings and invites should be sent out no later than 2-3 weeks prior to the actual event. At-Show Now that you’ve got attendees excited and motivated to see you at the event, the next step in carrying out your show marketing strategy is your activity at the show itself. The hub of your activity will be in your exhibition space or booth. It will most likely be the first impression attendees, particularly prospects, will have of your brand. The layout of your space should be inviting and give a visitor the ability to maneuver through it with ease. HOW TO BUILD AN AWESOME EVENT MARKETING PLAN 5 Copyright 2016 HALO Branded Solutions
  • 6. THE DECISION TO STOP IS MADE IN SECONDS. Left Banner: This banner has a simple, main focal point that is recognizable from a distance. Curiosity draws the viewer closer to see the branding and message. Right Banner: This banner leaves the viewer unsure of where to look. Large blocks of text overwhelm the viewer with information and are often ignored. * 2010 ASI Global Advertising Specialties Impressions Study, Advertising Specialty Institute, ©2010, All Rights Reserved. You have only a few moments to grab the attention of and leave an impression with attendees, even ones that you have invited and incented. They will be pre-qualifying you and making decisions about your brand from 15-20 feet away. Creative, innovative graphics should tell attendees quickly who you are and what your value proposition is. Simple is better as displays with too much information often overwhelm and turn away visitors. Since you are literally competing side-by-side with your competitors, solid design is critical. Staff at the show are the face of your company and could be the first personal interaction that a visitor has with your brand. They should be well-versed in your messaging and know how to guide attendees to the next step. Communicate clearly with your staff about the information needed for follow-up after the show. They should have a cohesive, brand conscious, professional look and should be easily identified even if they are not at your booth. The type of apparel worn by staff leaves an impression. A t-shirt says something completely different than a performance polo or dress shirt. Giveaways, usually a sample or a promotional item, are almost expected at a trade show. A promotional product that is relevant, unique and fun can create a buzz around your booth. The right item can create envy among other attendees and become a viral, word-of-mouth component to your event marketing plan. Your promotional items should reflect your brand and have value so attendees will keep it. Since the average promotional product is kept for 5.5 months*, choosing the right one will carry your message long after the event. HOW TO BUILD AN AWESOME EVENT MARKETING PLAN 6 Copyright 2016 HALO Branded Solutions
  • 7. Another traffic-building idea is to hold a drawing or drawings. The prize could be retail merchandise or your premium product or service. The merchandise may grab the attention of the general attendee, but using your own products or services creates interest and customers for your offerings that are more profitable. To get the most traffic possible, hold the final drawing during the show and, of course, the winners must be present to win. When deciding giveaways and the allotted budget for them, consider the audience segments that you outlined in your strategy. Higher value giveaways or gift for high-value targets make a stronger statement and move those prospects closer to a sale. While the cost may be more than your generic giveaway, the likelihood of a return is also greater. Whether you have a drawing or giveaway, make the visitor do something which directly contributes to your exhibition goals, to receive it. Have them talk to staff, watch a demonstration or at the very least, complete their contact information on an entry card. Use social media to drive traffic and enhance your presence at the event. Live updates from the show remind people to stop by your booth. To get attendees to pay attention to your social media activity, hold social media- only discounts or giveaways within a specified time frame. Find relevant hashtags on Twitter and participate in discussions to share your expertise and draw attendees to your booth. Post pictures or video from activities at the event so those who could not attend can still experience it. Many exhibitions or shows have more going on than what’s happening on the show floor. Get involved in education sessions, socials, special presentations, etc. This may include participating, hosting a session or sponsoring an event. These are great opportunities for you to interact with industry influencers, show your thought leadership or simply share your passion. It’s one more way to build your brand at the show. HOW TO BUILD AN AWESOME EVENT MARKETING PLAN 7 Copyright 2016 HALO Branded Solutions GIVEAWAY DESIGN: While your signage needs to stay on brand, giveaways are where you can have some fun. The giveaway that has a clever and thoughtful design will have a far greater impact than just your contact information. DON’T JUST GIVE IT AWAY
  • 8. Post-Show After the event is where the money is made and, according to the CEIR, 80% of exhibitors do nothing. After investing in driving traffic to your booth and connecting with attendees, it would be a tragedy to waste that effort by simply packing up and going home. Follow up on those leads and contacts you made. At the very least, send a thank you note to whom you and your staff spoke. If possible, personalize the note by mentioning something that was discussed at the booth. This will help them remember your conversation better. This extra step requires excellent note taking at the booth and should be part of your staff’s information collection training. Your follow up correspondence should start one or two weeks after the event. It’s a short enough time frame so the information is still fresh, but long enough that your messages aren’t lost in their post-show catch up. If part of your objective was to gather leads, start qualifying them as soon as possible. Follow up with those who are most qualified first, to strike while the iron is hot. Post-show communication can also be another qualifier. Their response to your follow-up can help you frame up your pursuit of their business. After the show and your follow up, it is important to measure your results to determine the success of your exhibition. Measurements should be based on the objective that you previously outlined. Take a look at booth visits, presentations or demonstrations conducted and literature given, to determine the interest you were able to create for your brand or cause. If your goals were related to sales, track the leads that were generated and how many were converted. This information is very important for the final step in the marketing plan – evaluation. HOW TO BUILD AN AWESOME EVENT MARKETING PLAN 8 Copyright 2016 HALO Branded Solutions 80% OF EXHIBITORS DO NOTHING AFTER THE EVENT
  • 9. d. Evaluation: How’d we do? The final step of any marketing plan is to evaluate the results of the campaign. Start by reviewing the performance of the marketing plan itself. Determine if the pre-show marketing drove the desired amount of traffic and if it was the right traffic. Of those visitors, how many turned into leads? Track post-show communication to determine the quality of those leads. And finally, look at the sales conversions to ultimately determine the return on investment. Next, you will want to evaluate the show experience itself. This requires talking to booth staff about their observations regarding the booth, visitor feedback, industry trends, how well the branding and promotions were received and thoughts on the competition. Ask staff what they would do differently at the next show. Taking their experience into account for future show planning will help your exhibition perform better. Take the qualitative and quantitative information to determine the effectiveness of your plan and if your presence at the event was worthwhile. Also keep in mind outside factors such as the weather, can affect the performance of your exhibition. This information will help you improve your marketing plans and choose which events you will exhibit at in the future. e. That’s a wrap. A trade show or exhibition is an excellent opportunity to present your brand and message in a personal way to a large audience. While much of the information and examples mentioned in this white paper are geared more toward trade shows and a for-profit business perspective, the same principles apply toward any situation that involves exhibiting. Objectives and a strategic marketing plan before, during and after the show must be carefully considered and measurable. Strong visuals must grab attention and creatively and clearly state your message. And, of course, you should always be building your brand. HOW TO BUILD AN AWESOME EVENT MARKETING PLAN 9 Copyright 2016 HALO Branded Solutions STAFF FEEDBACK WILL HELP SHAPE FUTURE EVENTS
  • 10. HOW TO BUILD AN AWESOME EVENT MARKETING PLAN 10 Copyright 2016 HALO Branded Solutions About HALO Branded Solutions Headquartered in Sterling, Illinois, HALO Branded Solutions is centrally located in order to support a national client base. In addition to our 100,000 square foot, state-of-the-art distribution and processing center, we maintain regional sales offices in key corporate markets. HALO employs 300 corporate service team members with decades of knowledge and experience who support the over 900 creative and resourceful Account Executives across the nation who focus on implementing effective marketing solutions for over 40,000 satisfied clients each year. HALO is a global leader of promotional solutions, combining creativity, innovation and the most sophisticated technology for dynamic results. As a "full-service" promotional products distributor, we offer: • Company stores and fulfillment services. • Industry-leading customer service from over 900 Account Executives throughout the United States and a support staff of over 300. • Competitive pricing, including our popular Best Sellers and HOT 100 merchandise programs. • Secure Source, HALO's comprehensive product safety and social compliance program. • Award winning marketing support for your internal and external branding campaigns. • Brand management expertise to create consistency in logo use throughout your organization. With top-quality products, over six decades of branding expertise and efficient operational processes, HALO offers unmatched reliability and unique solutions for every client, on every project.
  • 11. Copyright 2016 HALO Branded Solutions event mar ke ting organize r PREPLAN AT POST event PLANNING OBJECTIVES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 EVENT MESSAGE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 INFORMATION COLLECTION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 PRE-SHOW AWARENESS CAMPAIGN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 INCENTIVES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 AT-SHOW SIGNAGE & DISPLAYS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 GIVEAWAYS AND PRIZES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 STAFF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 POST-SHOW FOLLOW UP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 EVALUATE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Trade shows and exhibitions provide business and organizations with a unique opportunity to see a large number of people, face-to-face in a short amount of time. Whether it’s an expo, trade show or career fair, attendees visit these events to hear what you have to say. Over the past few years, reports from the Center for Exhibition Industry Research (CEIR) state attendees come to these events intending to buy. The CEIR found that 91% of visitors feel they get their most useful buying information by attending a show and 75% buy as result of the information gathered at a show.
  • 12. EVENT MARKETING ORGANIZER2 PLANNING Copyright 2016 HALO Branded Solutions PLAN OBJECTIVES Your objective for exhibiting at an event needs to be specific and measurable. The particulars of the show will help shape your objective. What do you hope to achieve? _________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Who is your target audience? __________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ What constitutes a successful event? (product sold, education, brand awareness)_ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ PLAN EVENT MESSAGE Now that your objectives are identified, use them to determine your marketing message. The message should be aligned with your show objectives, i.e. are you rolling out a new product, bringing awareness to a cause or increasing your marketing share? Things to keep in mind when deciding your message: Is there any current branding/marketing collateral to build from? Will it follow corporate guidelines? Does it support your event objectives? Is it the right message for your target audience? EVENT INFO: Event Name:_______________ _________________________ _________________________ Event Location: _____________ _________________________ _________________________ Event Date(s): ______________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ DESIGN NOTE: It is important to have a well thought, out cohesive theme displayed through out your materials. Mismatching graphics and contradicting messages will have a negative impact on your audience’s view of your brand.
  • 13. EVENT MARKETING ORGANIZER 3PLANNING Copyright 2016 HALO Branded Solutions Event Message:_____________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ PLAN INFORMATION COLLECTION Finally, decide what information needs to be collected to determine if you have achieved your objectives. Outlining benchmarks will help measure your overall success. What benchmarks will you measure?  Visits  Leads  Conversions  Redemptions  Other: _________________________________________________ How will you measure these benchmarks?________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Planning notes:_____________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ DESIGN NOTE: Since you will be side-by- side with your competitors, your message and points of differentiation need to be well rehearsed by staff and clearly and creatively displayed on signage, collateral, samples and giveaways. STRATEGY: An engaging staff is key in information collection. Well rehearsed questions and answers will allow them to gather the information needed to qualify leads.
  • 14. EVENT MARKETING ORGANIZER Copyright 2016 HALO Branded Solutions 4 PRE-EVENT PRE AWARENESS CAMPAIGN Attendees won’t know you are going to be at an event unless you tell them. 76% of attendees plan their booth visits in advance. Likewise pre-event promotions have proven to increase booth traffic by 30%*. Awareness Campaign:  E-vite:_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________  Direct Mail:_____________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________  Press Release:____________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________  Social Media Event:_______________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________  Mobile Marketing:________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________  Billboard:_______________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________  Other:_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ TIME LINE: Pre-event preparations should be started three to four months prior to the event. That doesn't mean you should send everything all at once. A well-timed, multi-touch campaign will ensure plenty of traffic at your event. DESIGN NOTE: Design a direct mail piece that stands out. A 2004 study by the Direct Marketing Association found that dimensional or lumpy mail elicits a response rate that is 50% better than traditional flat mail. STRATEGIES: EVENT REGISTRATION LIST If a list of registered attendees is available, you can simply invite everyone on the list. Or, identify customers or high-value prospects and send them a special invite with an exclusive offer. CREATE A SOCIAL MEDIA EVENT Creating an event on Facebook or LinkedIn is a good way to measure interest. *CIER Center for Exhibition Industry Research
  • 15. EVENT MARKETING ORGANIZER Copyright 2016 HALO Branded Solutions 5PRE-EVENT PRE INCENTIVES Incentives can be added to your awareness campaign effectively driving traffic to your event with a call to action. These can be structured in several ways:  Redemption. Attendees redeem a simple card for a gift.__________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________  Drawing. Attendees can exchange contact info to be entered into a raffle.___________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________  Companion Gift. Send out one item and invite the attendee to pick up the companion item at your event.____________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Pre-event notes:_____________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ STRATEGIES: THE RIGHT INCENTIVE An incentives perceived value must match the attendee’s perceived cost in obtaining it. Likewise, the cost of the giveaway must match value of the intended prospect activity. If it doesn’t, you are simply throwing money away. DRAWING CUSTOMERS Using your own products or services as prizes creates interest and more customers for your offerings that are more profitable. TIME LINE: Send invitations and incentives no later than three weeks prior to the event.
  • 16. EVENT MARKETING ORGANIZER Copyright 2016 HALO Branded Solutions AT-EVENT6 AT SIGNAGE & DISPLAYS This will most likely be the first impression attendees, particularly prospects, will have of your brand. The layout of your space should be inviting and give a visitor the ability to maneuver through it with ease.  Floor Displays: ___________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________  Table Top Displays: _______________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________  Retractors/Banners/Flags:__________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________  Table Covers:____________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________  Podiums/Tables:__________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________  Tents: __________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________  Other: _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ TIME LINE: Anything that will need to be at the event should be ordered about two months prior to the event to cover production and transportation times. This does not include design and proofing of products which ideally should be started three months prior to the event. DESIGN NOTES: SIGNAGE & DISPLAYS Your display needs to grab attention and identify your brand in just a few seconds, from a distance of 15-20 feet. Simple design is usually better. A large, well-designed graphic, with your message and logo work best. Displays with too much information often overwhelm the audience, turning them away. KNOW YOUR LIMITS Physically taping off the dimensions of your exhibiting space will help you plan how to position your displays and move attendees through your exhibit.
  • 17. EVENT MARKETING ORGANIZER Copyright 2016 HALO Branded Solutions AT-EVENT 7 AT GIVEAWAYS AND PRIZES A promotional product that is relevant, unique and fun can create a buzz around your booth. The right item can create envy among other attendees and become a viral, word-of-mouth component to your event marketing plan. Things to keep in mind when deciding on your giveaways: Is this product appropriate for my target audience? Is it a convenient size? Is it travel friendly? Is the product cost equal to the return? If someone gave this to you would You keep it? Giveaway Ideas:_____________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Prize Ideas:________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ LASTING MESSAGE The average promotional product is kept for 5.5 months. Choosing the right one will carry your message long after the event. 2010 ASI Global Advertising Specialties Impressions Study, Advertising Specialty Institute, © 2010, All Rights Reserved. STRATEGIES: GET SOMETHING BACK If you are taking a more targeted approach and want to move prospects closer to a sale, make them earn the redemption item by listening to a presentation or watching a demonstration. SOCIAL MEDIA Use social media to drive traffic and enhance your presence at the event. You can use: Live updates from the show remind people to stop by your booth. Find relevant hashtags on Twitter and participate in discussions to share your expertise and draw attendees to your booth. Post pictures or video from activities at the event so that those who could not attend can still experience it.
  • 18. EVENT MARKETING ORGANIZER Copyright 2016 HALO Branded Solutions 8 AT-EVENT AT STAFF Staff at the show are the face of your company and could be the first personal interaction that a visitor has with your brand. They should have a cohesive, on-brand and professional look and should be easy to identify even if they are not at your booth.  Apparel: ________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________  Name Tags/Lanyards/etc.: __________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________  Other: _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ At-event notes:_____________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ DESIGN NOTE: LOOK THE PART The type of apparel your staff wears leaves an impression on your audience. A t-shirt says something completely different than a performance polo or dress shirt. STRATEGY: GET INVOLVED Many exhibitions or shows have more going on than what’s happening on the show floor. Get involved in education sessions, socials, special presentations, etc. This may include participating or hosting a session or sponsoring an event. These are great opportunities for you to interact with industry influencers, show your thought leadership or simply share your passion. It’s one more way to build your brand at the show.
  • 19. EVENT MARKETING ORGANIZER Copyright 2016 HALO Branded Solutions 9POST-EVENT POST FOLLOW UP After the event is where the money is made and, according to the CEIR, 80% of exhibitors do nothing. After investing in driving traffic to your booth and connecting with attendees, it would be a tragedy to waste that effort by simply packing up and going home. Follow up on those leads and contacts that you made.  Thank You note: __________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________  Personal communication: __________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________  Product information packets: _______________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ POST EVALUATE The final step of any marketing plan is to evaluate the results of the campaign. Start by reviewing the performance of the marketing plan itself. Determine if the pre-show marketing drove the desired amount of traffic and if it was the right traffic. Of those visitors, how many turned into leads? Track post-show communication to determine the quality of those leads. And finally, look at the sales conversions to ultimately determine the return on investment. TIME LINE: Your follow-up correspondence should start one or two weeks after the event. It’s a short enough time frame so the information is still fresh, but long enough your messages aren’t lost in their post-show catch up. STRATEGIES: THANK YOU If possible, personalize your thank you by mentioning something that was discussed at the booth. This will help them remember your conversation better. STAFF FEEDBACK Talk to booth staff about their observations regarding the booth, visitor feedback, industry trends, how well the branding and promotions were received and thoughts on the competition. Ask staff what they would do differently at the next show. Taking their experience into account for future show planning will help your exhibition perform better.
  • 20. EVENT MARKETING ORGANIZER Copyright 2016 HALO Branded Solutions 10 NOTES ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________
  • 21. EVENT MARKETING ORGANIZER Copyright 2016 HALO Branded Solutions 11SKETCHES
  • 22. EVENT MARKETING ORGANIZER Copyright 2016 HALO Branded Solutions 12 About HALO Branded Solutions Headquartered in Sterling, Illinois, HALO Branded Solutions is centrally located in order to support a national client base. In addition to our 100,000 square foot, state-of-the-art distribution and processing center, we maintain regional sales offices in key corporate markets. HALO employs 300 corporate service team members with decades of knowledge and experience who support the over 900 creative and resourceful Account Executives across the nation who focus on implementing effective marketing solutions for over 40,000 satisfied clients each year. HALO is a global leader of promotional solutions, combining creativity, innovation and the most sophisticated technology for dynamic results. As a "full-service" promotional products distributor, we offer: • Company stores and fulfillment services. • Industry-leading customer service from over 900 Account Executives throughout the United States and a support staff of over 300. • Competitive pricing, including our popular Best Sellers and HOT 100 merchandise programs. • Secure Source, HALO's comprehensive product safety and social compliance program. • Award winning marketing support for your internal and external branding campaigns. • Brand management expertise to create consistency in logo use throughout your organization. With top-quality products, over six decades of branding expertise and efficient operational processes, HALO offers unmatched reliability and unique solutions for every client, on every project.