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                                        St. Paul’s Church
                                        Centenary Issue


          St Pauls. A History by John Hall
          Vicar Rupert Mackay.
          Assistant Minister Jill Northam
          Extracts from Centenary Letters.
                                                                                         FEBRUARY 2011 ISSUE
                                                                      HADLEY WOOD NEWS

          Memories of St Paul’s by David Burrows,
          Stella Ross Collins, Alan Purser, Charles
          Mason, Andrew Wingfield Digby, Gavin
          Mortimer, Lucy Beharrel, Peter and Patricia
          Moore, Desmond and Li Kong, Alexandra and
          Martin Stueber and Gareth Evans.

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                   St Paul’s Church                   centrally) we want this weekend of             Digby, a much loved former vicar, will
                   1911-2011                          celebration to be for everyone in Hadley       speak. Many previous residents of
                                                      Wood regardless of your religious beliefs!     Hadley Wood have been invited. The
                  Because of shortage of                 Friday evening, we launch our               service will be followed by a 100th
                  space the Hadley Wood               Centenary Celebrations with ‘Hadley            birthday lunch to which everyone is
     News apologises for omitting messages            Wood’s Got Talent’ a talent competition        welcome.
     from many other important and generous           judged by local members of the                   The day will finish with the “Howlers
     friends of St Pauls. We would like to            community. Please come along to be in          and the Growlers!” On Sunday afternoon,
     thank John Leatherdale for his great             the show...or if you don’t feel you would      there will be a local dog show in the
     help in finding and reproducing these            like to compete, please come to watch! It      church grounds. Do come along and
     photographs.                                     will be lots of fun for the whole family.      bring your pooch - it should be lots of fun
                                                         Saturday morning, it is time to put on      for participants and onlookers alike! Our
                                                      your running shoes for a sponsored Fun         birthday weekend will then wrap up in the
     Centenary Celebrations                           Run around the Crescent (this is a mile).      early evening with the well-known
     It is my privilege to be Minister of St Paul’s   You are welcome to either run or walk or       Growlers band playing a medley of
     Church, Hadley Wood as the building              rollerblade or push a buggy. We hope           music. There will also be a hog roast and
     reaches its 100th birthday. St Paul’s            that the whole community will get              food for the children - so bring the whole
     Church is a place that welcomes every-           involved! Funds raised by the event will       family and get on your dancing shoes.
     one regardless of their background or            be used towards the upkeep of the                We hope to see everyone in the
     belief and is a place for everyone to            gardens of St Paul’s Church which are          community taking part in our Centenary
     discover more about the Christian faith.         enjoyed by everyone and for a new              Celebrations so please do “Join the
         As a church family, we would like to         playground by Hadley Wood school on            Party!!”
     invite you to “Join the Party!!” during our      the Hadley Wood Association land. This         Revd Rupert Mackay
     various Centenary Celebrations from              playground,        has       an     exciting
     Friday 25th to Sunday 27th March. In             redevelopment plan and we are very             St Paul’s Hadley Wood
     recognition of the fact that St. Paul’s was      happy to be supporting this local venture.
     built by the community for the community         All during Saturday, the Church will be        1911 – 2011
     (unlike almost all other Church of               open with flower displays from various         2011 combines two great anniversaries for
     England buildings which are owned                groups in the community and                    us all. The first is of immense importance
                                                      memorabilia from the past 100 years.           in the way it has enriched the English
                                                      Tea, coffee and cakes will be available.       language and our culture - the 400th
                                                      On Saturday evening, we are holding a          anniversary of the King James Version of
                                                      candle-lit concert in the church with light    the Bible. The second is more local - the
                                                      classical music with a hint of jazz played     completion of the building of St Paul’s
                                                      by Susan Collier and friends. Susan grew       Church, Hadley Wood, 100 years ago.
                                                      up in Hadley Wood and has gone on to             But the two anniversaries are
                                                      great musical acclaim. Champagne and           inextricably linked since the translators of
                                                      canapes will be served.                        the King James Version put into majestic
                                                         Sunday is our Birthday Finale. There is     words the Gospel which St Paul’s Church
                                                      a Centenary Festival Service in the            was established by local residents to
                                                      morning at which Andrew Wingfield              proclaim.

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                                                  Salvation Army fame, the Lock family and
                                                  the eccentric Margaret Radclyffe-Hall and
                                                  Una Lady Troubridge bought homes in
                                                  the quiet and open countryside of Hadley
                                                  Wood for rest and respite, calling them
                                                  “Rookstone”, “Homestead” , “Camlet
                                                  House” and “Chip Chase”; and after the                                          TAILORING AND REPAIRS BY EXPERTS
                                                  annual Church Bazaar in 1907 the ladies
                                                  of Hadley Wood, finely adorned with
                                                  magnificent hats straight out of a set for
                                                  “Downton Abbey,” proudly posed for a
                                                  photograph (in those days still a very
                                                  special occasion) with their bewhiskered

        Life in Hadley Wood at the turn of the
     twentieth century was very different from
     today. Despite the opening of a station in
     1885 and the clustering of houses within
     walking distance of the Great Northern
     Railway, the rhythm and pace was that of
     Victorian England. Residents still enjoyed
     their pleasant walks on Sunday mornings
     down the lanes and Bridleway to Christ
                                                    Wedding Open Day
                                                        Sunday 6th March - 11.30 am – 3.30 pm
     Church Cockfosters to attend morning            View our wonderful four poster rooms. See our lovely
     service. Roads which we today take for            banqueting suites laid up for the wedding breakfast.
     granted were little more than country         Enjoy a complimentary glass of sparkling wine and take in
                                                    the 35 acres of beautiful grounds. All our team will be on
     tracks through open agricultural land and     hand to give valuable tips and advice and offer diary dates.
     woods. Londoners, such as General                NO NEED TO BOOK JUST COME ALONG!
     William Booth and his son, Bramwell, of
                                                       Concert Dinner                                                            Vicar, the Reverend Walter Warren, his
                                                   Friday 18th March - The Brodowski String Quartet
                                                                                                                                 rather stern looking wife and the young
                                                     Their programme this evening will include the incredible
                                                   Shostakovitch String Quartet No.8, and Schubert's stunning                    curate, the Rev W H Mackinnon.
                                                     Death and the Maiden String Quartet No.14 in D minor.                         However, the walks to Cockfosters
                                                      Reception at 7.00pm with sparkling wine and canapés,
                                                   three course dinner and concert. £55.50 per person – table
                                                                                                                                 grew too much for the expanding
                                                      wines extra. Payable on booking. Dress code: Black tie.                    population of Hadley Wood and the local
                                                             Privileged accommodation rates apply.                               congregation soon began to outgrow St
                                                                                                                                 Ronan’s School for evening services, and
                                                                                                                                 so a decision was taken in 1908 to build
                                                                         WEST LODGE PARK                                         a new “Church Room” on land gifted by
                                                                         YO U R C O U N T RY R E T R E AT

                                                     Cockfosters Road, Hadley Wood, Herts, EN4 0PY. T: 020 8216 3900             the Estate of a local worthy, Charles Jack.

                                                    Email: Web:
     The Rev Mackinnon                                                                                                           Albert Kingwell (see photo) was

                                                                                                                                 Albert Kingwell

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     appointed Honorary Architect and under        “Church Room” adopted the name “St         granted its own parish status by the
     his able stewardship and the direction of     Paul’s Church” in 1936 after the stained   Bishop of London, and shortly afterwards
     the Reverend Walter Warren and a              glass window of St Paul donated by         to mark the Millennium a new cross,
     Committee of Hadley Wood dwellers the         Albert Kingwell.                           designed by students of Barnet College,
     building works were started in 1910 and         In 1989 St Paul’s was one of the first   and a bell cast at the Whitechapel Bell
     completed in less than a year. On Friday,     Anglican churches to welcome a female      Foundry were installed. The present
     31st March 1911 the Church Room of            member of the clergy when Jill Northam     Minister, Rupert Mackay, was appointed
     what we now know as St Paul’s Church          was appointed Assistant Minister, a post   in 2004. But perhaps the most striking
     was formally opened by the Bishop of          which she continues to hold in an          feature of the history of Hadley Wood’s
     Islington. Over the years that followed the   honorary capacity today. In 1999 when      “Neighbourhood Church,” set in the heart
     buildings and grounds, owned by               Alan Purser was Minister, St Paul’s,       of the community where Camlet Way
     Trustees, have undergone major                having historically formed part of the     meets Crescent East, is the fact that the
     additions and alterations, and the            Parish of Christ Church Cockfosters, was   funds for its construction 100 years ago

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     were raised by public subscription.          particularly religious, but as a teenager,    Rupert hopes to enjoy many more years
     According to the local historian, Nancy      Rupert was touched by the forgiveness         of ministry in this unique place.
     Clark, each household in 1910 donated        that Christianity offered and had a
     on average £15 at a time when money          personal conversion. In the 1980’s he
     had a far greater value than it has today.   enjoyed working as an Investment Fund
                                                                                                The Rev. Jill Northam
     As we celebrate the foundation of St         Manager for Private Clients at Barings,
     Paul’s Church in 1911, we should do so       Allied Dunbar and the private bank Adam
     in recognition that it came into being       & Company. About 22 years ago, the
     because the people of Hadley Wood            opportunity arose for him to go into full
     wanted it and that the generosity of         time Christian ministry. Initially this
     countless residents over the years have      entailed running holiday camps for
     maintained and sustained it. So, when        teenagers and working with independent
     you next walk through the leafy grounds      schools with Lymington Holidays, a part
     of the Church or hear the bell toll the      of Scripture Union. He then went to work
     hours, ponder for a moment and give          with young people and also city workers
     thanks to the past generations who lived     at a large, central London church, St
     in Hadley Wood and who left us such a        Helen’s, Bishopsgate.                         Jill Northam has been assistant minister
     precious legacy.                                Rupert decided to train for ordination     of St Paul’s since her ordination in 1989
     John Hall Churchwarden                       and spent three years studying for his        taking a full part in the ministry here,
                                                  theology degree at Oak Hill College near      having worked as church warden with
     The Reverend Rupert                          Cockfosters. He was ordained into the         Andrew Wingfield Digby and Charles
                                                  Church of England in 2000 whereupon he        Mason and then as assistant minister
     Mackay                                       undertook his first job as a curate in        with Alan Purser and now Rupert Mackay.
     Rupert Mackay is married to Hillary who      another leafy part of England; Knutsford      Growing up in Sevenoaks in Kent during
     is originally from New York City. They       Cheshire. In 2004, Rupert took up his first   the war years in a loving but agnostic
     have four children (Victoria, Jamie, Nick    incumbency at St. Paul’s Hadley Wood.         family she first came to be involved with
     and Lexi) and have lived in Hadley Wood      He thinks the highlight of the past seven     church and with Christians when she was
     since 2004. Rupert was born in               years living in Hadley Wood has been the      training as a teacher at Homerton
     Fontainebleau, France and then brought       friendliness of the people within the         College, Cambridge. After a long period
     up in Portugal and Africa, although he       community. The whole family have felt         of questioning and doubt she became
     attended boarding school in the UK from      welcomed and have made some good              convinced of the truth of the gospel and
     the age of seven. His family was not         friends locally. Rupert enjoys getting to     committed her life to following Christ. She
                                                  know many different people in the area        met John at Cambridge and they were
                                                  and one of the benefits of being in a small   married in 1960. After teaching, first in
                                                  church like St. Paul’s is the sense of        Barnet, then in Camden Town, where she
                                                  community. Rupert is greatly assisted by      had a class of forty two seven- year olds
                                                  Jill Northam as Associate Minister and his    (and not a teaching assistant in sight)
                                                  church wardens, John Hall, Margaret           they moved out to Cockfosters and then
                                                  Marshall and deputy Warden Martin             to Hadley Wood with their, by then, four
                                                  Politzer. One of the highlights of Rupert’s   children. Once their twins had started at
                                                  ministry is running a course called           Hadley Wood School Jill returned to
                                                  ‘Christianity Explored’ which helps people    teaching, this time at Keble Prep School
                                                  work out for themselves the message of        in Winchmore Hill. Retaining her interest
                                                  the Bible. Rupert also enjoys getting         in Education she remains today, a
                                                  involved in various groups within the         governor at both these schools.
                                                  church - ranging from toddlers to senior         In the 1980’s wanting to learn more
                                                  citizens. There is always lots to do - and    about the bible, Jill attended lectures at

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     Oak Hill Theological College and this link
     eventually led to her being ordained in St
     Paul’s Cathedral, in 1989, one of only the
     second group of women to be ordained.                                                           CONSULTATIONS AT HADLEY WOOD
     Today Jill enjoys teaching the Bible                                                              & LOCAL PRIVATE HOSPITALS
     weekly to small adult groups and knows                                                       TRAVEL VACCINATIONS, IMMUNISATIONS
     she is privileged to have close contact                                                      AND THE NEW PREVENTATIVE INJECTION
     with local families during times of great                                                            FOR CERVICAL CANCER
                                                                                                    FLU VACCINATIONS NOW AVAILABLE
     happiness such as weddings and
     baptisms. As we know she is always
     a great source of support to those
     experiencing loss and sadness.                                                                    Patients on the NHS list are excluded
       With regards to her family Jill has taken
     the weddings of two of her sons which led     concerto, Handel’s Queen of Sheba, as
     them to quip the headline ‘Mother marries     well as some jazz tunes to help us
     son’. She now greatly enjoys her 11           celebrate this wonderful event.
                                                                                                 Memories of St Pauls
     grandchildren who live locally and whose         Susan grew up in Hadley Wood, the          By Stella Ross Collins aged 97 yrs.
     ages range from 1 year through to 18.         second child of Derek and Lila Collier.       Leslie and I came to live in Beech Hill,
       Some 15 years ago and to everyone’s         Derek was a concert violinist and his wife    Hadley Wood after our honeymoon in
     dismay she retired. Happily it seems to       Lila was a violin teacher, teaching many      1934. I had been brought up in the
     have made absolutely no difference and        local children. Both their children Michael   Congregational Church but St Paul’s was
     she continues to work at St Paul’s –          and Susan were gifted violinists in their     so welcoming to us that after four years
     (although she admits to taking many           own right, gaining scholarships to study      we were confirmed into the Church of
     more holidays!) Her main wish at this         at the Royal College of Music Junior          England alongside the teenagers.
     Centenary is that St Paul’s Church            Department.                                      With Christ Church Cockfosters as our
     continues to be a faithful witness to the        Having gone on to study at the Royal       Mother Church, I look back on a number
     truth of the Bible and to the Lord Jesus      Academy of Music as a violin scholar,         of impressive Curates-in-charge at St
     Christ for the next 100 years and beyond.     Susan became the youngest violin              Pauls. I mostly remember the Revs:-
                                                   professor in their Junior Department          Clarke, Wenham, Blythe, Barton,
                                                   eventually gaining an ARAM for services       Goodchild and Wingfield-Digby. At this
     Centenary Concert                             to the musical profession. At this concert    time there was no Church Hall but Ivan
     Susan Collier has put together a special      she is joined by three other talented         and Hilda Edell kindly made available
     programme for the Church Centenary            musicians, her son Jacob Collier, Sarah       their billiard room (minus billiard table!) at
     including the Bach Double Violin              Colley and Robert Thompson.                   32 Crescent East, as a meeting room. For
                                                                                                 many years Geoffrey Haines was organist
                                                                                                 and enthusiastic choirmaster, and I soon
                                                                                                 joined them. The Choir was a warm,
                                                                                                 friendly group. Here I apologise if my old
                                                                                                 memory leaves out a number of
                                                                                                 members but the following people come
                                                                                                 so clearly to mind as splendid singers.
                                                                                                 Donald and Zenda Evans, Gweneth Nash
                                                                                                 and her daughter Hilary, Helen and Nigel
                                                                                                 Chisholm, Ruth Peirson, Gillian Edell,
                                                                                                 Joan Pound, Jose Harris, Trevor Beale,
                                                                                                 Priscilla Hunt, Gwen and Jerry Turney and
                                                                                                 Angela Pringle. I am still in touch with a
                                                                                                 number of these good friends.
                                                                                                    Every Saturday there was a hive of
                                                                                                 industry inside and outside the church.
                                                                                                 Victor Nash, Treasurer and Chief Warden,
                                                                                                 kept a keen eye on the building and he
                                                                                                 was indeed a marvellous handyman. He
                                                                                                 was ably assisted by Eric Alexander who
                                                                                                 lived so near the church he was always
                                                                                                 there for emergencies.
                                                                                                    Sir Gilbert Rennie who for some years
                                                                                                 held the distinguished position of High
                                                                                                 Commissioner of Rhodesia and
                                                                                                 Nyasaland found enjoyment and
                                                                                                 relaxation in tending the garden and
                                                                                                 grounds during leave and after his
                                                                             Susan Collier
                                                                                                 retirement. My husband Leslie became a

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                                                     Wood I have such fond memories of St           Pilates Teacher - Personal Trainer
                                                     Paul’s and in those days without the pace      Established lower back specialist
                                                     of present times it was a countryfied           Would you like a more toned, more flexible, longer,
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                                                       I am greatly looking forward to seeing                          suit peoples individual needs.
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                                                     Centenary Letters.                               Pilates is a key exercise method for helping to improve posture
                                                                                                                  and therefore relieve daily aches and pains.

                                                     Dear Editor                                                Contact Stuart on: 07787 552326
                                                                                                               or email:
     Trustee and took pleasure in growing            Many congratulations to St Paul’s church
     geraniums for the Church Garden.                for being 100 years old. My memories
        For many years I was in charge of the        are mainly in the context of the close
     Flower Arranging. There were many               partnership     with     Christ      Church
     stalwarts who gave help in various ways.        Cockfosters which often were highlighted
     Phyllis Smith was my right-hand with the        by the Vicar of St Paul’s entertaining us
     flowers for some time and I remember            with the clergy of Christ Church at the
     help in general from Patricia Moore,            Parish Festival! I particularly got to know
     Phillip Smith and the entire Cossar family.     Andrew Wingfield Digby and his family
     Dear Mrs Cossar was in charge of the            when he was curate at Christ Church and
     Sunday school. She had a magnetic way           then during his time as Vicar at St Paul’s.
     of ‘chasing’ those mothers pushing              I enjoyed many a youth group meeting
     round new-born babies and ‘booking’             with friends in Hadley Wood and with
     them as future Sunday School members.           Andrew you never knew what might
     John Cossar was our Missionary before           happen next… although you were
     he took Holy Orders.                            guaranteed fun and some link to sport,
        Often on a Saturday morning my               and most likely cricket! St Paul’s has
     companion would be Percy Ghelkin                been known locally and wider afield for its
     (fondly known as ‘Ghelki’) who would            faithful teaching ministry and it is this
     sing a little sea-shanty as he polished the     foundation, more so than the bricks and
     brass lectern! Loads of vegetables              mortar, for which we can particularly
     appeared at Harvest Time. They were             celebrate and give thanks.
     eventually delivered to needy individuals       David Burrowes MP
     and most went to the Wellhouse hospital
     now Barnet General.                             Dear Editor                                   Alan Purser, Jill & John Chapman in
        Unique occasions have a way of               Anne and I moved to the Parsonage in          1991
     staying in the mind. There was the              Crescent East in 1988, after a period of
     wedding when the bride’s father had not         several years serving in Johannesburg,        building projects and committee
     waited until the reception to take              South Africa. The contrast was                meetings, and of a sense of God at work
     refreshments. He managed to steer the           immediate – no police state, no threat of     in the midst of it all.
     bride, his daughter, up the aisle but           civil                                war,        The Apostle Paul is one of the great
     collapsed on reaching the Chancel steps         no constant fear of violent crime and         figures in the history of the western world;
     and badly cut his forehead. There was a         no continual sense of moral outrage at        often pilloried in our day and generation it
     dramatic hiatus waiting for the                 the social structures – and we found          is nonetheless a tremendous name to
     Ambulance which whisked him to                  ourselves welcomed into a comfortable         bear and, whilst representing an
     hospital for the necessary stitches!            cocoon. Whether we adapted quickly            impossible challenge to live up to, a
        I end my recollections of St Paul’s with     enough or well enough I’m not so sure,        name to inspire every generation of
     a certain Christmas morning service. Our        but life was busy with two growing            Jesus’ disciples. “I have become all
     youngest of three children, David, was a        children, a wide range of church and          things to all people, that by all means I
     very shy four year old. The Minister’s talk     community activities, and involvement in      might save some” wrote the Apostle at
     was the meaning of the Christmas tree.          wider ministry outside the parish. Our        the height of his ministry. Down the years
     Having asked the children several               abiding memory is of the regular round        the church of St Paul’s, Hadley Wood has
     questions whilst holding what looked like       of Sunday services and midweek                endeavoured to adapt the presentation of
     a billiard cue in his hand, he pointed to a     gatherings for prayer and bible study,        the gospel to changing times, whilst
     very dilapidated angel on the top of the        mingled with Xmas Carol services and          retaining its saving message and
     tree saying “Who can tell me what this          summer BBQs (too often in the rain!), of      adhering to its eternal agenda.
     is?’. To our utter amazement (and               New Year’s Day tug of war contests and        Alan Purser. Vicar of St Paul’s 1988-2004
     embarrassment) David put up his hand            Millennium night celebrations, of Sunday
     and in a clear confident voice said ‘It’s a     School and SABS, of fireworks and             Dear Editor
     helicopter”!                                    harvests, of joy and sadness sharing in       We lived in Hadley Wood from May 1994
        Over the fifty odd years I lived in Hadley   the ups and downs of many lives, of           and attended St Paul’s Church until we

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                                                      group and for Pathfinders. The latter         Dear Editor
                                                      ‘took off’, mainly because of the really      “I think it was a cover drive, or it might
                                                      popular barge parties we organised –          have been a square cut. Either way, it
     The Chapman weekend, 1991                        how we did not drown someone I shall          remains my fondest memory of St Paul’s
                                                      never know; there was one slightly tricky     Church, the day in the early 1980s when
     moved away in 2007. We enjoyed                   moment when I noticed one of the              the Reverend Andrew Wingfield-Digby
     wonderful times of friendship and                Northam twins floating past the stern of      illustrated his sermon by producing his
     fellowship during our time at St Paul’s          the boat. We were so warmly welcomed          cricket bat and ball and letting rip.
     and Desmond had the privilege of                 by the whole community – not least the        Fortunately I was near the back of the
     serving on the Church Council as well as         Golf Club (honorary membership – what         church and ducked in time. As far as I
     being a Church Warden for a couple of            a privilege) and the Association. I used to   can recall the ball only caught the old
     years.                                           walk our dog most mornings past the           lady in the pew behind a glancing blow. I
        One of the highlights and memorable           school and over the railway and would be      was about eleven or twelve years old at
     moments for Li and I was to be involved          met by people sometimes complaining           the time, and completely in awe of
     in the setting up of Rompers, a mother           that ‘the Vicar’ was invisible because I      Wingfield-Digby, a man who not only
     and toddlers group to reach out into the         chose to wear a dog collar as little as       knew how to preach but also how to
     community. This was soon followed by             possible. They were happy years (1980-        make Sunday school fun for us kids.
     the establishment of St Paul’s Pre-School        1984) and we are looking forward to           Wide games on the common, barge
     in September 2002 which saw the first            catching up with ‘survivors’ at the           holidays on the Norfolk broads and of
     intake of six excited little children arriving   Centenary                                     course endless games of cricket. I last
     at a brand new St Paul’s Pre-School for          Rev. Andrew Wingfield Digby (Vicar of St      saw ‘Diggers’ at Lords in 2005, on the
     the very first time. I understand that           Pauls 1980-1984)                              first day of the Ashes series against
     this was indeed a dream come true for                                                          Australia. I asked him to say a little prayer
     Jill Northam and Alan Purser of seeing                                                         on England’s behalf, and I guess he must
     a Christian Pre-School established at                                                          have done!”
     St Paul’s Church one day. We are                                                               Gavin Mortimer
     pleased to see that both Rompers and
     Pre-School are still running and serving                                                       Dear Editor
     the community in Hadley Wood.                                                                   “This is all right, isn’t it?” I overheard one
     Desmond & Li Kong                                                                              of the removal men say to another as
                                                                                                    they unloaded our stuff into 32 Crescent
     Dear Editor                                                                                    East in the summer of 1984. Indeed it
     Sue and I have so many happy memories                                                          was a lovely house – even if the drawing
     of Hadley Wood!                                                                                room floor sloped away at the edges! –
       The Parsonage in Crescent East was                                                           and we missed the enormous rooms
     huge and we loved it. Our two oldest                                                           when we moved into the newly-
     children, Anna and Mark, were very                                                             constructed Parsonage a few months
     young and we rattled around a bit but of                                                       before our departure in 1988. Harsha and
     course the old snooker room was the                                                            I made some good friends while we were
     church hall effectively and we used it for       Andrew and Sue WD with Jill Northam           at St Paul’s, and keep in touch with quite
     Holy Ridiculous – our embryonic youth            and Gareth Evans 1984                         a number of them. Hadley Wood was a
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     Gareth Evans Charles Mason and Jill Northam                         Rev Ray Williams with Cyril and Hatty, 1980

     lovely place to live, though I found it a      helped some to do so.                      must have been at St Paul’s at least once
     challenging place for Christian ministry,      Charles Mason. Vicar 1984-1988             a week. We attended Sunday School
     as the materially wealthy often find it hard                                              there and played music at the Christmas
     to see their need of God and the gospel        Dear Editor                                carol service under Anne Purser’s patient
     of Jesus Christ. I hope and pray that I        During the 80s and 90s, my sisters and I   guidance, where the band was known to
                                                                                               include a saxophone, bassoon, oboe,
                                                                                               trumpet and clarinet! Cathy and Philip
                                                                                               Edwards’ mulled wine and mince pies
                                                                                               afterwards always warmed us up. On
                                                                                               Friday nights my Dad, Howard, and Alan
                                                                                               Purser gave up their precious evenings to
                     ST PAUL’S CHURCH, HADLEY WOOD
                                                                                               run the youth club. Katie Bolton also gave
                    CENTENARY CELEBRATION WEEKEND                                              up her Sunday afternoons to feed us tea
                           COME JOIN THE PARTY                                                 and toast during Pathfinders sessions
                             25TH – 27TH MARCH                                                 in one of the side rooms. I remember a
                                                                                               summer fete which involved a fun run
           FRIDAY 25              Hadley Wood’s Got Talent!                                    around ‘the block’ (Crescent East,
            7.30 p.m.                                                                          Crescent West and Camlet Way) – as the
                                                                                               dads gathered to take part you could tell
           SATURDAY 26            Fun Run or Walk                                              that the fun element was quickly replaced
           11 a.m.                around the Crescent                                          by competition. I’m sure the vicar won!
                                                                                               Lucy Beharrel (nee Yates )
           10 a.m. – 4 p.m.       Flower Festival with Memorabilia
                                  Coffee, tea and cakes available                              Dear Editor
            7.30 p.m.             Candle lit Concert in Church                                 When Anne and I became members of St
                                  Susan Collier and Friends                                    Paul’s in 1958 there was only the church
                                                                                               building with two small vestries. The
                                  Champagne and Canapés £20
                                                                                               billiard room of the Ministers house at 32
           SUNDAY 27              Centenary Festival Service                                   Crescent East was the place for meetings
           10.30 a.m.             Preacher: Andrew Wingfield Digby                             and the Sunday school. Since then there
                                  Followed by 100th Birthday Lunch £7                          has been growth and development. In
                                                                                               1978 the new Church hall was built and
                                                                                               later extended and in 1988 the Parsonage
                                     “Howlers and Growlers”                                    was built. All this was funded by
           3 p.m.                 Howlers’ Dog Show £3 per dog                                 contributions from the congregation. In
           6 p.m.                 Growlers’ Gig & Hog Roast                                    the early 1990’s the 6.30pm service was
                                                                                               discontinued so that the whole
                                  £20 adults, £10 under 16
                                                                                               congregation could come together in the
                         FOR FURTHER DETAILS ON ANY EVENT SEE                                  morning. At the Millenium a new cross
                        HADLEY WOOD NEWS OR ST PAUL’S WEBSITE:                                 was placed on the roof and a bell which
                           CONTACTS 0208 449 2572 / 020 8440 2723                              rings the hours, though not at night, and
                                                                                               floodlighting was installed. During the
                              ALL EVENTS WILL TAKE PLACE AT                                    time we have attended the church
                              ST PAUL’S CHURCH AND GROUNDS                                     there have been eight ministers. Not-
                               EVERYONE IS VERY WELCOME
                                                                                               withstanding all these changes St Paul’s
HWN FEBRUARY 2011-Q7:Layout 1 15/02/2011 13:41 Page 10

     has continued to send out a clear gospel
     message, seen growth in the Sunday
     school and Bible Study Groups and
     instituted a flourishing Pre-school.
     Gareth Evans. Churchwarden 1984-93

     Dear Editor
     The Hadley Wood we came to as newly-
     weds in 1956 was very different from
     today. Like many others we had no car,
     and walked to Barnet through the gated
     common for our shopping, though there
     were two shops near the station: one a
     post office and village shop and the other      Come to either display your talent or be amazed
     Miss Frusher’s newsagent. She also sold
     haberdashery and had a branch of                        and entertained by the talent!
     Foyle’s library. Because there was only
     one tunnel there were only two railway
     tracks, so local trains had to be threaded    H                                                         H
     between expresses. They were all steam
     trains. Lancaster Avenue had not been
                                                            Friday 25th March at 7pm                         H
                                                   H                                                         H
     made up beyond Duchy Road. Nor were
                                                                     St Paul's Church Hall                   H
     Parkgate Avenue and Crescent made up.
                                                   H                                                         H
     Hadley Wood Primary School was only a
                                                   H                                                         H
     dream. The Church was very active under
     Peter Barton, and had a thriving choir,
                                                   H      There will be a panel of judges made up of         H
                                                   H                                                         H
     with a particularly powerful alto line. The   H          various Hadley Wood luminaries.                H
     Parsonage was in Lancaster Avenue.            H                                                         H
     There was no church hall, and the             H                                                         H
     Sunday School met in Mrs Cossar’s
     house in Camlet Way. We quickly made
                                                   H         Sign up for one of 3 age categories...          H
                                                   H                                                         H
     many good friends, though some, alas,         H                                                         H
     have now passed on, and, although we          H                                                         H
     moved away in 1992, we are delighted to       H
                                                                  Under 12's • Under 18s                     H
     share in the centenary celebrations.          H            Over 18s (no upper age limit!)               H
     Peter and Patricia Moore                      H                                                         H
                                                   H                                                         H
     Dear Editor                                   H                                                         H
     In October 2004, we ( the Stueber family      H  Sign up early as there are limited spaces in each      H
     with Martin, Alexandra and Henrik)            H                      category!                          H
     moved from Germany to Hadley Wood.            H                                                         H
     Being new in the area with a toddler I was    H                                                         H
                                                   H                                                         H
                                                   H Tickets: £2 to be in the audience, £3 to be on stage.   H
                                                   H                                                         H
                                                   H                                                         H
                                                   H     Food and drink will be available so bring the       H
                                                   H                                                         H
                                                   H  H       whole family for a fab night out at     H      H
                                                      H   H      'Hadley Wood's Got Talent!'        H H      H
                                                   H                                                         H
                                                   H  This event is one of several activities to celebrate   H
                                                   H                                                         H
                                                   H      the centenary of Hadley Wood’s church,             H
                                                   H                                                         H
                                                                     St Paul’s 1911-2011                     H
                                                   H                                                         H
                                                   H       For more details and an application form          H
                                                   H      email:              H
                                                   H                                                         H
                                                   H                                                         H
                                                   HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH                            H
HWN FEBRUARY 2011-Q7:Layout 1 15/02/2011 13:42 Page 11

     Open day, 1990

     looking for a play group to meet other
     mums and kids. The very first week in
     Hadley Wood I went with Henrik (almost 2
     yrs old) to the Wednesday play group at
     St. Paul’s Church. I received a very warm
     welcome. After our second visit to the        mornings together. We made lots of           VE day, 1995
     play group I received a children’s party      friends and Henrik and Paula loved
     invitation from Leisa Sanders for Lara’s      spending time with other children from       Dear Editor – Church garden
     and Bradley’s 2nd Birthday. I was             the church family in the playgrounds. The    When volunteers were asked to do a little
     overwhelmed. It was the beginning of a        various events we spent together (e.g.       “equal opportunities” maintenance in the
     lifelong friendship. And it was Leisa         MOT marriage or Women’s church day)          church garden at St Paul’s, it seemed a
     Sanders who introduced us to St. Paul’s       will never be forgotten. We were really      good way to contribute to the general
     church family. We started to attend the       sad to leave St Paul’s Church and our        upkeep of the area. Soon I was hard at
     church and were received with open            friends behind when we returned to           work with the late Air Commodore Ian
     arms by Rupert, Hillary, Mary, Jill, Joyce,   Germany. We still talk about our lovely      Stockwell, who was a wonderful
     Brian and many more ( I am not able to        farewell lunch in the garden of St. Paul’s   companion and a font of gardening
     mention everybody here, but be assured        Church in the summer of 2009. Henrik         knowledge. We put in bedding plants –
     we think about all of you). Henrik joined     and Paula are very proud of their English    neatly spaced and weeded and hoed –
     the weekly Sunday School and Paula, our       bibles given to them as a present by the     we ultimately completely replanted a rose
     daughter, born in 2005, started in the        church family. Our time at St. Paul’s will   bed – digging out all the old earth with
     crèche at St. Paul’s Church before            be remembered in our hearts forever. We      the help of my two sons – then visiting a
     moving on to the Sunday School. The           wish you all a lovely Centenary and we       well-known rose grower and planting out
     Sunday service was an important part of       will be thinking of you.                     new roses in fresh soil. Ian being
     our life and we spent many lovely             Alexandra and Martin Stueber                 obviously ex-RAF and extremely precise
                                                                                                had made boards with pegs accurately
                                                                                                spaced to make sure the bedding
                                                                                                plants were all neatly set out, sadly I,
                                                                                                being a little less than careful, sat on one
                                                                                                of these boards and broke it, Ian was less
                                                                                                than pleased, but, bless him he said not
                                                                                                a word.
                                                                                                  Time has now taken its toll of
                                                                                                volunteers – and there are plans afoot to
                                                                                                grass over some areas of the St Paul’s
                                                                                                garden which will make for easier
                                                                                                maintenance and provide a superb area
                                                                                                for community use. I very much enjoyed
                                                                                                my time looking after the garden – it was
                                                                                                very                               peaceful
                                                                                                on a summers evening with the wind
                                                                                                rustling the pines – now depleted, and
                                                                                                commuters walking up from the station –
                                                                                                many of whom would stop for a quick
                                                                                                chat, and I’m pleased that the garden
                                                                                                will be well used for the centenary
                                                                                                celebrations at the end of March and for
                                                                                                the continuing enjoyment of the residents
                                                                                                of Hadley Wood.
                                                                                                Pam Kern
HWN FEBRUARY 2011-Q7:Layout 1 15/02/2011 13:42 Page 12

                                                              HADLEY GREEN                                                                      CUFFLEY                                                                           HADLEY WOOD
                                                              Guide Price
                                                                                                                                                £3,750,000                                                                        £3,290,000
                                                              £4,750,000                                                                        Freehold                                                                          Freehold
                                                              Freehold                                                                          Sole Agents                                                                       Sole Agents
                                                              Sole Agents

                                                              020 8449 3383                                                                     01707 661144                                                                      020 8440 9797
         An elegant totally refurbished character home of approximately 7,500sq ft,       A spectacular Georgian style detached residence which extends to just under      This charming and spacious detached family home is situated on the areas
         located in this highly sought after tranquil setting with views across Hadley    7,000 sq ft, located in one of the area’s finest locations. The property is ap-   premier road and benefits from well presented accommodation arranged over
         Green to the front and backing onto Old Fold Manor Golf Club to the rear. 5      proached via a remote controlled gated entrance and features: 3 reception        3 floors. Wrought iron gated carriage driveway, guest cloakroom, extensive
         bedrooms (all en suite), 3 reception rooms, kitchen/orangery, cinema room,       rooms, cinema and games rooms plus a gym, kitchen/family room, 6 bed-            drawing room, dining room, family room, morning room, study, kitchen/
         indoor swimming pool complex, south facing rear garden approx. 250’.             rooms, 5 bath/shower rooms, double garage and landscaped gardens.                breakfast room, utility room, master bedroom suite with his & hers dressing
                                                                                                                                                                           rooms & luxurious en-suite bathroom, 6/7 further bedrooms, 4 further
                                                                                                                                                                           bathrooms (2 en-suite), rear garden approaching a quarter of an acre.

                                                               HADLEY WOOD                                                                      RADLETT                                                                           MILL HILL
                                                               £2,495,000                                                                       £1,850,000                                                                        £929,950
                                                               Freehold                                                                         Freehold                                                                          Freehold
                                                               Sole Agents                                                                      Sole Agents                                                                       Sole Agents

                                                               020 8440 9797                                                                    01923 604321                                                                      020 8445 3694

         A beautifully presented and spaciously planned 5/6 bedroom detached family       Located in one of Radlett’s premier avenues, Willow Rise is a well presented     A detached family home situated in this highly sought after residential
         residence constructed to a high specification by Banner Homes approximately       and spacious detached 5 bedroom, 4 bathroom family home. Spacious and            location offering further potential to extend (subject to planning permission).
         5 years ago, situated in this private gated close with a southerly aspect rear   welcoming hallway, a fully fitted kitchen/diner with utility room, split level    4 bedrooms, en suite shower to master bedroom, family bathroom, lounge,
         garden and benefiting from an NHBC warranty. Entrance hall, television/family     family room with centre fireplace, formal reception room and downstairs           dining room, kitchen and breakfast room.
         room, drawing room, reception room, guest cloakroom, kitchen, breakfast          wc. The property benefits from off street parking for 2/3 cars and a pretty
         room, utility room, study, family bathroom, 3 en suite bathrooms, second         secluded rear garden
         family shower room, rear garden, detached double garage.

                                                               HADLEY WOOD                                                                      HADLEY WOOD                                                                       COCKFOSTERS
                                                               £850,000                                                                         £850,000                                                                          £599,950
                                                               Leasehold                                                                        Freehold                                                                          Leasehold
                                                               Sole Agents                                                                      Sole Agents

                                                               020 8440 9797                                                                    020 8440 9797                                                                     020 8440 9797
         Stunning ground floor apartment which has been finished to an excellent            A beautifully three bedroom ground floor apartment in this unique                 A luxuriously appointed ground floor apartment in this exclusive development
         standard. Communal entrance hallway, entrance hall, lounge, kitchen,             development situated on Hadley Wood’s premier road within easy reach             of just eight apartments situated in this highly sought-after location. entrance
         snooker/dining room, guest cloakroom, 2 bedrooms (2 walk in wardrobes,           of golf course, local shops primary school and mainline station. The M25         hall, reception room, kitchen, bedroom with luxury en suite bathroom and
         en suite shower and en suite bathroom), external area, allocated parking.        is a short drive away. Kitchen, reception/drawing room, 2 en suite shower        shower room. private patio, communal gardens and residents parking.
                                                                                          rooms and a family bathroom. Allocated parking.

                                                                                             The Hadley Wood Association
                                                                      7 Crescent East Hadley Wood Herts EN4 0EL 8449 7193
                                                          Chairman Graham Sharp 020 8449 2133
                                              Editor Publisher Rod Armstrong 020 8449 5924
                        Advertising and Centre Manager Lisa Winston 020 8449 7193
                                                                               Hall Bookings Karen Fernandes 07831 753 268
                                        Security Task Force Membership secretary/Admin Caroline Berlyn 020 8441 8020
                                     Safe Neighbourhood Team Police Sergeant D.Walker 020 87212688 or 07920 233 775

      The Hadley Wood News is published usually during the first weekend of each month. It is a community publication with the objective of bringing local news,
      views and events to the residents and friends of Hadley Wood. It is non-profit making with any surplus going to the Hadley Wood Association (HWA) for the
      direct benefit of residents. Content is produced voluntarily with the make-up, printing and distribution paid for by advertising. Thank you to all our advertisers,
      without whom this magazine would not be possible. If you would like to contribute to a future issue or receive updates via email, please contact the Editor
      and Publisher. The HWA and anyone associated with the content of this newsletter cannot accept any responsibility for the accuracy, claims or views
      expressed. The Hadley Wood News does not represent or endorse the accuracy or reliability of any of the advertisements or other information accessed
      directly or indirectly from this publication, nor the quality of any products, services, information or other materials displayed, purchased or obtained by
      anyone as a result of an advertisement or any other information or offer in connection with those products, services, information or other materials.Hadley
      Wood News shall not be responsible for any errors or omissions contained in any advertisement or other information within this publication.
      The Publisher reserves the right to amend, abridge or reject any copy supplied for publication. E&OE HWA December 2010

        To download a copy of this and/or previous issues of Hadley Wood News, please visit

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Hadley Wood News February 2011

  • 1. HWN FEBRUARY 2011-Q7:Layout 1 15/02/2011 13:41 Page 1 St. Paul’s Church Centenary Issue INSIDE THIS MONTHS ISSUE St Pauls. A History by John Hall Vicar Rupert Mackay. Assistant Minister Jill Northam Extracts from Centenary Letters. FEBRUARY 2011 ISSUE HADLEY WOOD NEWS Memories of St Paul’s by David Burrows, Stella Ross Collins, Alan Purser, Charles Mason, Andrew Wingfield Digby, Gavin Mortimer, Lucy Beharrel, Peter and Patricia Moore, Desmond and Li Kong, Alexandra and Martin Stueber and Gareth Evans. DESIGNED & PRINTED BY KALL KWIK BARNET TELEPHONE: 020 8441 4482
  • 2. HWN FEBRUARY 2011-Q7:Layout 1 15/02/2011 13:41 Page 2 St Paul’s Church centrally) we want this weekend of Digby, a much loved former vicar, will 1911-2011 celebration to be for everyone in Hadley speak. Many previous residents of Wood regardless of your religious beliefs! Hadley Wood have been invited. The Because of shortage of Friday evening, we launch our service will be followed by a 100th space the Hadley Wood Centenary Celebrations with ‘Hadley birthday lunch to which everyone is News apologises for omitting messages Wood’s Got Talent’ a talent competition welcome. from many other important and generous judged by local members of the The day will finish with the “Howlers friends of St Pauls. We would like to community. Please come along to be in and the Growlers!” On Sunday afternoon, thank John Leatherdale for his great the show...or if you don’t feel you would there will be a local dog show in the help in finding and reproducing these like to compete, please come to watch! It church grounds. Do come along and photographs. will be lots of fun for the whole family. bring your pooch - it should be lots of fun Saturday morning, it is time to put on for participants and onlookers alike! Our your running shoes for a sponsored Fun birthday weekend will then wrap up in the Centenary Celebrations Run around the Crescent (this is a mile). early evening with the well-known It is my privilege to be Minister of St Paul’s You are welcome to either run or walk or Growlers band playing a medley of Church, Hadley Wood as the building rollerblade or push a buggy. We hope music. There will also be a hog roast and reaches its 100th birthday. St Paul’s that the whole community will get food for the children - so bring the whole Church is a place that welcomes every- involved! Funds raised by the event will family and get on your dancing shoes. one regardless of their background or be used towards the upkeep of the We hope to see everyone in the belief and is a place for everyone to gardens of St Paul’s Church which are community taking part in our Centenary discover more about the Christian faith. enjoyed by everyone and for a new Celebrations so please do “Join the As a church family, we would like to playground by Hadley Wood school on Party!!” invite you to “Join the Party!!” during our the Hadley Wood Association land. This Revd Rupert Mackay various Centenary Celebrations from playground, has an exciting Friday 25th to Sunday 27th March. In redevelopment plan and we are very St Paul’s Hadley Wood recognition of the fact that St. Paul’s was happy to be supporting this local venture. built by the community for the community All during Saturday, the Church will be 1911 – 2011 (unlike almost all other Church of open with flower displays from various 2011 combines two great anniversaries for England buildings which are owned groups in the community and us all. The first is of immense importance memorabilia from the past 100 years. in the way it has enriched the English Tea, coffee and cakes will be available. language and our culture - the 400th On Saturday evening, we are holding a anniversary of the King James Version of candle-lit concert in the church with light the Bible. The second is more local - the classical music with a hint of jazz played completion of the building of St Paul’s by Susan Collier and friends. Susan grew Church, Hadley Wood, 100 years ago. up in Hadley Wood and has gone on to But the two anniversaries are great musical acclaim. Champagne and inextricably linked since the translators of canapes will be served. the King James Version put into majestic Sunday is our Birthday Finale. There is words the Gospel which St Paul’s Church a Centenary Festival Service in the was established by local residents to morning at which Andrew Wingfield proclaim. The PARK VETERINARY PARK VETERI ARY VETERINARY PRACTICE P Cockfosters Cockfosters foste Clean • Spacious • Air-conditioned Spacious Air-conditioned The only local practice to p Fully Equipped. Fully • Operating theatre • Xrays • Dental Workshop the eatre Woorkshop be FSA approved for A Laboratory Endoscopy • Laborato • Ultrasound • Endoscopy ory insurrance insurance claims. • Advanced Anaesthetic Monitori Advanced ing Monitoring Puppy e • Puppy Parties • Geriatric care Call for details on how to Regis d Register ster 020 8275 0330 (24 hrs) 8275 h or visit ww om Fr i e n d l y, Friendly, Compassionate e The Place for Puppy g & Caring Professionals. Parties! 2
  • 3. HWN FEBRUARY 2011-Q7:Layout 1 15/02/2011 13:41 Page 3 Salvation Army fame, the Lock family and the eccentric Margaret Radclyffe-Hall and Una Lady Troubridge bought homes in the quiet and open countryside of Hadley Wood for rest and respite, calling them “Rookstone”, “Homestead” , “Camlet House” and “Chip Chase”; and after the TAILORING AND REPAIRS BY EXPERTS annual Church Bazaar in 1907 the ladies of Hadley Wood, finely adorned with magnificent hats straight out of a set for “Downton Abbey,” proudly posed for a photograph (in those days still a very special occasion) with their bewhiskered Life in Hadley Wood at the turn of the twentieth century was very different from today. Despite the opening of a station in 1885 and the clustering of houses within walking distance of the Great Northern Railway, the rhythm and pace was that of Victorian England. Residents still enjoyed their pleasant walks on Sunday mornings down the lanes and Bridleway to Christ Wedding Open Day Sunday 6th March - 11.30 am – 3.30 pm Church Cockfosters to attend morning View our wonderful four poster rooms. See our lovely service. Roads which we today take for banqueting suites laid up for the wedding breakfast. granted were little more than country Enjoy a complimentary glass of sparkling wine and take in the 35 acres of beautiful grounds. All our team will be on tracks through open agricultural land and hand to give valuable tips and advice and offer diary dates. woods. Londoners, such as General NO NEED TO BOOK JUST COME ALONG! William Booth and his son, Bramwell, of Concert Dinner Vicar, the Reverend Walter Warren, his Friday 18th March - The Brodowski String Quartet rather stern looking wife and the young Their programme this evening will include the incredible Shostakovitch String Quartet No.8, and Schubert's stunning curate, the Rev W H Mackinnon. Death and the Maiden String Quartet No.14 in D minor. However, the walks to Cockfosters Reception at 7.00pm with sparkling wine and canapés, three course dinner and concert. £55.50 per person – table grew too much for the expanding wines extra. Payable on booking. Dress code: Black tie. population of Hadley Wood and the local Privileged accommodation rates apply. congregation soon began to outgrow St Ronan’s School for evening services, and so a decision was taken in 1908 to build WEST LODGE PARK a new “Church Room” on land gifted by YO U R C O U N T RY R E T R E AT Cockfosters Road, Hadley Wood, Herts, EN4 0PY. T: 020 8216 3900 the Estate of a local worthy, Charles Jack. HWN47 Email: Web: The Rev Mackinnon Albert Kingwell (see photo) was Albert Kingwell 3
  • 4. HWN FEBRUARY 2011-Q7:Layout 1 15/02/2011 13:41 Page 4 appointed Honorary Architect and under “Church Room” adopted the name “St granted its own parish status by the his able stewardship and the direction of Paul’s Church” in 1936 after the stained Bishop of London, and shortly afterwards the Reverend Walter Warren and a glass window of St Paul donated by to mark the Millennium a new cross, Committee of Hadley Wood dwellers the Albert Kingwell. designed by students of Barnet College, building works were started in 1910 and In 1989 St Paul’s was one of the first and a bell cast at the Whitechapel Bell completed in less than a year. On Friday, Anglican churches to welcome a female Foundry were installed. The present 31st March 1911 the Church Room of member of the clergy when Jill Northam Minister, Rupert Mackay, was appointed what we now know as St Paul’s Church was appointed Assistant Minister, a post in 2004. But perhaps the most striking was formally opened by the Bishop of which she continues to hold in an feature of the history of Hadley Wood’s Islington. Over the years that followed the honorary capacity today. In 1999 when “Neighbourhood Church,” set in the heart buildings and grounds, owned by Alan Purser was Minister, St Paul’s, of the community where Camlet Way Trustees, have undergone major having historically formed part of the meets Crescent East, is the fact that the additions and alterations, and the Parish of Christ Church Cockfosters, was funds for its construction 100 years ago 4
  • 5. HWN FEBRUARY 2011-Q7:Layout 1 15/02/2011 13:41 Page 5 were raised by public subscription. particularly religious, but as a teenager, Rupert hopes to enjoy many more years According to the local historian, Nancy Rupert was touched by the forgiveness of ministry in this unique place. Clark, each household in 1910 donated that Christianity offered and had a on average £15 at a time when money personal conversion. In the 1980’s he had a far greater value than it has today. enjoyed working as an Investment Fund The Rev. Jill Northam As we celebrate the foundation of St Manager for Private Clients at Barings, Paul’s Church in 1911, we should do so Allied Dunbar and the private bank Adam in recognition that it came into being & Company. About 22 years ago, the because the people of Hadley Wood opportunity arose for him to go into full wanted it and that the generosity of time Christian ministry. Initially this countless residents over the years have entailed running holiday camps for maintained and sustained it. So, when teenagers and working with independent you next walk through the leafy grounds schools with Lymington Holidays, a part of the Church or hear the bell toll the of Scripture Union. He then went to work hours, ponder for a moment and give with young people and also city workers thanks to the past generations who lived at a large, central London church, St in Hadley Wood and who left us such a Helen’s, Bishopsgate. Jill Northam has been assistant minister precious legacy. Rupert decided to train for ordination of St Paul’s since her ordination in 1989 John Hall Churchwarden and spent three years studying for his taking a full part in the ministry here, theology degree at Oak Hill College near having worked as church warden with The Reverend Rupert Cockfosters. He was ordained into the Andrew Wingfield Digby and Charles Church of England in 2000 whereupon he Mason and then as assistant minister Mackay undertook his first job as a curate in with Alan Purser and now Rupert Mackay. Rupert Mackay is married to Hillary who another leafy part of England; Knutsford Growing up in Sevenoaks in Kent during is originally from New York City. They Cheshire. In 2004, Rupert took up his first the war years in a loving but agnostic have four children (Victoria, Jamie, Nick incumbency at St. Paul’s Hadley Wood. family she first came to be involved with and Lexi) and have lived in Hadley Wood He thinks the highlight of the past seven church and with Christians when she was since 2004. Rupert was born in years living in Hadley Wood has been the training as a teacher at Homerton Fontainebleau, France and then brought friendliness of the people within the College, Cambridge. After a long period up in Portugal and Africa, although he community. The whole family have felt of questioning and doubt she became attended boarding school in the UK from welcomed and have made some good convinced of the truth of the gospel and the age of seven. His family was not friends locally. Rupert enjoys getting to committed her life to following Christ. She know many different people in the area met John at Cambridge and they were and one of the benefits of being in a small married in 1960. After teaching, first in church like St. Paul’s is the sense of Barnet, then in Camden Town, where she community. Rupert is greatly assisted by had a class of forty two seven- year olds Jill Northam as Associate Minister and his (and not a teaching assistant in sight) church wardens, John Hall, Margaret they moved out to Cockfosters and then Marshall and deputy Warden Martin to Hadley Wood with their, by then, four Politzer. One of the highlights of Rupert’s children. Once their twins had started at ministry is running a course called Hadley Wood School Jill returned to ‘Christianity Explored’ which helps people teaching, this time at Keble Prep School work out for themselves the message of in Winchmore Hill. Retaining her interest the Bible. Rupert also enjoys getting in Education she remains today, a involved in various groups within the governor at both these schools. church - ranging from toddlers to senior In the 1980’s wanting to learn more citizens. There is always lots to do - and about the bible, Jill attended lectures at 5
  • 6. HWN FEBRUARY 2011-Q7:Layout 1 15/02/2011 13:41 Page 6 Oak Hill Theological College and this link eventually led to her being ordained in St Paul’s Cathedral, in 1989, one of only the second group of women to be ordained. CONSULTATIONS AT HADLEY WOOD Today Jill enjoys teaching the Bible & LOCAL PRIVATE HOSPITALS weekly to small adult groups and knows TRAVEL VACCINATIONS, IMMUNISATIONS she is privileged to have close contact AND THE NEW PREVENTATIVE INJECTION with local families during times of great FOR CERVICAL CANCER FLU VACCINATIONS NOW AVAILABLE happiness such as weddings and baptisms. As we know she is always a great source of support to those experiencing loss and sadness. Patients on the NHS list are excluded With regards to her family Jill has taken the weddings of two of her sons which led concerto, Handel’s Queen of Sheba, as them to quip the headline ‘Mother marries well as some jazz tunes to help us son’. She now greatly enjoys her 11 celebrate this wonderful event. Memories of St Pauls grandchildren who live locally and whose Susan grew up in Hadley Wood, the By Stella Ross Collins aged 97 yrs. ages range from 1 year through to 18. second child of Derek and Lila Collier. Leslie and I came to live in Beech Hill, Some 15 years ago and to everyone’s Derek was a concert violinist and his wife Hadley Wood after our honeymoon in dismay she retired. Happily it seems to Lila was a violin teacher, teaching many 1934. I had been brought up in the have made absolutely no difference and local children. Both their children Michael Congregational Church but St Paul’s was she continues to work at St Paul’s – and Susan were gifted violinists in their so welcoming to us that after four years (although she admits to taking many own right, gaining scholarships to study we were confirmed into the Church of more holidays!) Her main wish at this at the Royal College of Music Junior England alongside the teenagers. Centenary is that St Paul’s Church Department. With Christ Church Cockfosters as our continues to be a faithful witness to the Having gone on to study at the Royal Mother Church, I look back on a number truth of the Bible and to the Lord Jesus Academy of Music as a violin scholar, of impressive Curates-in-charge at St Christ for the next 100 years and beyond. Susan became the youngest violin Pauls. I mostly remember the Revs:- professor in their Junior Department Clarke, Wenham, Blythe, Barton, eventually gaining an ARAM for services Goodchild and Wingfield-Digby. At this Centenary Concert to the musical profession. At this concert time there was no Church Hall but Ivan Susan Collier has put together a special she is joined by three other talented and Hilda Edell kindly made available programme for the Church Centenary musicians, her son Jacob Collier, Sarah their billiard room (minus billiard table!) at including the Bach Double Violin Colley and Robert Thompson. 32 Crescent East, as a meeting room. For many years Geoffrey Haines was organist and enthusiastic choirmaster, and I soon joined them. The Choir was a warm, friendly group. Here I apologise if my old memory leaves out a number of members but the following people come so clearly to mind as splendid singers. Donald and Zenda Evans, Gweneth Nash and her daughter Hilary, Helen and Nigel Chisholm, Ruth Peirson, Gillian Edell, Joan Pound, Jose Harris, Trevor Beale, Priscilla Hunt, Gwen and Jerry Turney and Angela Pringle. I am still in touch with a number of these good friends. Every Saturday there was a hive of industry inside and outside the church. Victor Nash, Treasurer and Chief Warden, kept a keen eye on the building and he was indeed a marvellous handyman. He was ably assisted by Eric Alexander who lived so near the church he was always there for emergencies. Sir Gilbert Rennie who for some years held the distinguished position of High Commissioner of Rhodesia and Nyasaland found enjoyment and relaxation in tending the garden and grounds during leave and after his Susan Collier retirement. My husband Leslie became a 6
  • 7. HWN FEBRUARY 2011-Q7:Layout 1 15/02/2011 13:41 Page 7 Wood I have such fond memories of St Pilates Teacher - Personal Trainer Paul’s and in those days without the pace Established lower back specialist of present times it was a countryfied Would you like a more toned, more flexible, longer, neighbourhood and a wonderful place in leaner, stronger look to your body. which to bring up a family. These are just a few of the benefits Pilates offers. Private sessions are becoming increasingly popular as exercises can be adapted to I am greatly looking forward to seeing suit peoples individual needs. old friends again on the 27th March. The sessions enable you to have a more personal method of learning. Stella Ross Collins Don’t live with back pain book now to see a specialist Lower back pain is extremely common and can be acute enough to stop people functioning normally on a day to day basis. Centenary Letters. Pilates is a key exercise method for helping to improve posture and therefore relieve daily aches and pains. Dear Editor Contact Stuart on: 07787 552326 or email: Trustee and took pleasure in growing Many congratulations to St Paul’s church geraniums for the Church Garden. for being 100 years old. My memories For many years I was in charge of the are mainly in the context of the close Flower Arranging. There were many partnership with Christ Church stalwarts who gave help in various ways. Cockfosters which often were highlighted Phyllis Smith was my right-hand with the by the Vicar of St Paul’s entertaining us flowers for some time and I remember with the clergy of Christ Church at the help in general from Patricia Moore, Parish Festival! I particularly got to know Phillip Smith and the entire Cossar family. Andrew Wingfield Digby and his family Dear Mrs Cossar was in charge of the when he was curate at Christ Church and Sunday school. She had a magnetic way then during his time as Vicar at St Paul’s. of ‘chasing’ those mothers pushing I enjoyed many a youth group meeting round new-born babies and ‘booking’ with friends in Hadley Wood and with them as future Sunday School members. Andrew you never knew what might John Cossar was our Missionary before happen next… although you were he took Holy Orders. guaranteed fun and some link to sport, Often on a Saturday morning my and most likely cricket! St Paul’s has companion would be Percy Ghelkin been known locally and wider afield for its (fondly known as ‘Ghelki’) who would faithful teaching ministry and it is this sing a little sea-shanty as he polished the foundation, more so than the bricks and brass lectern! Loads of vegetables mortar, for which we can particularly appeared at Harvest Time. They were celebrate and give thanks. eventually delivered to needy individuals David Burrowes MP and most went to the Wellhouse hospital now Barnet General. Dear Editor Alan Purser, Jill & John Chapman in Unique occasions have a way of Anne and I moved to the Parsonage in 1991 staying in the mind. There was the Crescent East in 1988, after a period of wedding when the bride’s father had not several years serving in Johannesburg, building projects and committee waited until the reception to take South Africa. The contrast was meetings, and of a sense of God at work refreshments. He managed to steer the immediate – no police state, no threat of in the midst of it all. bride, his daughter, up the aisle but civil war, The Apostle Paul is one of the great collapsed on reaching the Chancel steps no constant fear of violent crime and figures in the history of the western world; and badly cut his forehead. There was a no continual sense of moral outrage at often pilloried in our day and generation it dramatic hiatus waiting for the the social structures – and we found is nonetheless a tremendous name to Ambulance which whisked him to ourselves welcomed into a comfortable bear and, whilst representing an hospital for the necessary stitches! cocoon. Whether we adapted quickly impossible challenge to live up to, a I end my recollections of St Paul’s with enough or well enough I’m not so sure, name to inspire every generation of a certain Christmas morning service. Our but life was busy with two growing Jesus’ disciples. “I have become all youngest of three children, David, was a children, a wide range of church and things to all people, that by all means I very shy four year old. The Minister’s talk community activities, and involvement in might save some” wrote the Apostle at was the meaning of the Christmas tree. wider ministry outside the parish. Our the height of his ministry. Down the years Having asked the children several abiding memory is of the regular round the church of St Paul’s, Hadley Wood has questions whilst holding what looked like of Sunday services and midweek endeavoured to adapt the presentation of a billiard cue in his hand, he pointed to a gatherings for prayer and bible study, the gospel to changing times, whilst very dilapidated angel on the top of the mingled with Xmas Carol services and retaining its saving message and tree saying “Who can tell me what this summer BBQs (too often in the rain!), of adhering to its eternal agenda. is?’. To our utter amazement (and New Year’s Day tug of war contests and Alan Purser. Vicar of St Paul’s 1988-2004 embarrassment) David put up his hand Millennium night celebrations, of Sunday and in a clear confident voice said ‘It’s a School and SABS, of fireworks and Dear Editor helicopter”! harvests, of joy and sadness sharing in We lived in Hadley Wood from May 1994 Over the fifty odd years I lived in Hadley the ups and downs of many lives, of and attended St Paul’s Church until we 7
  • 8. HWN FEBRUARY 2011-Q7:Layout 1 15/02/2011 13:41 Page 8 group and for Pathfinders. The latter Dear Editor ‘took off’, mainly because of the really “I think it was a cover drive, or it might popular barge parties we organised – have been a square cut. Either way, it The Chapman weekend, 1991 how we did not drown someone I shall remains my fondest memory of St Paul’s never know; there was one slightly tricky Church, the day in the early 1980s when moved away in 2007. We enjoyed moment when I noticed one of the the Reverend Andrew Wingfield-Digby wonderful times of friendship and Northam twins floating past the stern of illustrated his sermon by producing his fellowship during our time at St Paul’s the boat. We were so warmly welcomed cricket bat and ball and letting rip. and Desmond had the privilege of by the whole community – not least the Fortunately I was near the back of the serving on the Church Council as well as Golf Club (honorary membership – what church and ducked in time. As far as I being a Church Warden for a couple of a privilege) and the Association. I used to can recall the ball only caught the old years. walk our dog most mornings past the lady in the pew behind a glancing blow. I One of the highlights and memorable school and over the railway and would be was about eleven or twelve years old at moments for Li and I was to be involved met by people sometimes complaining the time, and completely in awe of in the setting up of Rompers, a mother that ‘the Vicar’ was invisible because I Wingfield-Digby, a man who not only and toddlers group to reach out into the chose to wear a dog collar as little as knew how to preach but also how to community. This was soon followed by possible. They were happy years (1980- make Sunday school fun for us kids. the establishment of St Paul’s Pre-School 1984) and we are looking forward to Wide games on the common, barge in September 2002 which saw the first catching up with ‘survivors’ at the holidays on the Norfolk broads and of intake of six excited little children arriving Centenary course endless games of cricket. I last at a brand new St Paul’s Pre-School for Rev. Andrew Wingfield Digby (Vicar of St saw ‘Diggers’ at Lords in 2005, on the the very first time. I understand that Pauls 1980-1984) first day of the Ashes series against this was indeed a dream come true for Australia. I asked him to say a little prayer Jill Northam and Alan Purser of seeing on England’s behalf, and I guess he must a Christian Pre-School established at have done!” St Paul’s Church one day. We are Gavin Mortimer pleased to see that both Rompers and Pre-School are still running and serving Dear Editor the community in Hadley Wood. “This is all right, isn’t it?” I overheard one Desmond & Li Kong of the removal men say to another as they unloaded our stuff into 32 Crescent Dear Editor East in the summer of 1984. Indeed it Sue and I have so many happy memories was a lovely house – even if the drawing of Hadley Wood! room floor sloped away at the edges! – The Parsonage in Crescent East was and we missed the enormous rooms huge and we loved it. Our two oldest when we moved into the newly- children, Anna and Mark, were very constructed Parsonage a few months young and we rattled around a bit but of before our departure in 1988. Harsha and course the old snooker room was the I made some good friends while we were church hall effectively and we used it for Andrew and Sue WD with Jill Northam at St Paul’s, and keep in touch with quite Holy Ridiculous – our embryonic youth and Gareth Evans 1984 a number of them. Hadley Wood was a
  • 9. HWN FEBRUARY 2011-Q7:Layout 1 15/02/2011 13:41 Page 9 Gareth Evans Charles Mason and Jill Northam Rev Ray Williams with Cyril and Hatty, 1980 lovely place to live, though I found it a helped some to do so. must have been at St Paul’s at least once challenging place for Christian ministry, Charles Mason. Vicar 1984-1988 a week. We attended Sunday School as the materially wealthy often find it hard there and played music at the Christmas to see their need of God and the gospel Dear Editor carol service under Anne Purser’s patient of Jesus Christ. I hope and pray that I During the 80s and 90s, my sisters and I guidance, where the band was known to include a saxophone, bassoon, oboe, trumpet and clarinet! Cathy and Philip Edwards’ mulled wine and mince pies afterwards always warmed us up. On Friday nights my Dad, Howard, and Alan Purser gave up their precious evenings to ST PAUL’S CHURCH, HADLEY WOOD run the youth club. Katie Bolton also gave CENTENARY CELEBRATION WEEKEND up her Sunday afternoons to feed us tea COME JOIN THE PARTY and toast during Pathfinders sessions 25TH – 27TH MARCH in one of the side rooms. I remember a summer fete which involved a fun run FRIDAY 25 Hadley Wood’s Got Talent! around ‘the block’ (Crescent East, 7.30 p.m. Crescent West and Camlet Way) – as the dads gathered to take part you could tell SATURDAY 26 Fun Run or Walk that the fun element was quickly replaced 11 a.m. around the Crescent by competition. I’m sure the vicar won! Lucy Beharrel (nee Yates ) 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Flower Festival with Memorabilia Coffee, tea and cakes available Dear Editor 7.30 p.m. Candle lit Concert in Church When Anne and I became members of St Susan Collier and Friends Paul’s in 1958 there was only the church building with two small vestries. The Champagne and Canapés £20 billiard room of the Ministers house at 32 SUNDAY 27 Centenary Festival Service Crescent East was the place for meetings 10.30 a.m. Preacher: Andrew Wingfield Digby and the Sunday school. Since then there Followed by 100th Birthday Lunch £7 has been growth and development. In 1978 the new Church hall was built and later extended and in 1988 the Parsonage “Howlers and Growlers” was built. All this was funded by 3 p.m. Howlers’ Dog Show £3 per dog contributions from the congregation. In 6 p.m. Growlers’ Gig & Hog Roast the early 1990’s the 6.30pm service was discontinued so that the whole £20 adults, £10 under 16 congregation could come together in the FOR FURTHER DETAILS ON ANY EVENT SEE morning. At the Millenium a new cross HADLEY WOOD NEWS OR ST PAUL’S WEBSITE: was placed on the roof and a bell which CONTACTS 0208 449 2572 / 020 8440 2723 rings the hours, though not at night, and floodlighting was installed. During the ALL EVENTS WILL TAKE PLACE AT time we have attended the church ST PAUL’S CHURCH AND GROUNDS there have been eight ministers. Not- EVERYONE IS VERY WELCOME withstanding all these changes St Paul’s
  • 10. HWN FEBRUARY 2011-Q7:Layout 1 15/02/2011 13:41 Page 10 has continued to send out a clear gospel message, seen growth in the Sunday school and Bible Study Groups and instituted a flourishing Pre-school. Gareth Evans. Churchwarden 1984-93 Dear Editor The Hadley Wood we came to as newly- weds in 1956 was very different from today. Like many others we had no car, and walked to Barnet through the gated common for our shopping, though there were two shops near the station: one a post office and village shop and the other Come to either display your talent or be amazed Miss Frusher’s newsagent. She also sold haberdashery and had a branch of and entertained by the talent! Foyle’s library. Because there was only one tunnel there were only two railway tracks, so local trains had to be threaded H H between expresses. They were all steam trains. Lancaster Avenue had not been H H Friday 25th March at 7pm H H H H made up beyond Duchy Road. Nor were H St Paul's Church Hall H Parkgate Avenue and Crescent made up. H H Hadley Wood Primary School was only a H H dream. The Church was very active under Peter Barton, and had a thriving choir, H There will be a panel of judges made up of H H H with a particularly powerful alto line. The H various Hadley Wood luminaries. H Parsonage was in Lancaster Avenue. H H There was no church hall, and the H H Sunday School met in Mrs Cossar’s house in Camlet Way. We quickly made H Sign up for one of 3 age categories... H H H many good friends, though some, alas, H H have now passed on, and, although we H H moved away in 1992, we are delighted to H Under 12's • Under 18s H share in the centenary celebrations. H Over 18s (no upper age limit!) H Peter and Patricia Moore H H H H Dear Editor H H In October 2004, we ( the Stueber family H Sign up early as there are limited spaces in each H with Martin, Alexandra and Henrik) H category! H moved from Germany to Hadley Wood. H H Being new in the area with a toddler I was H H H H H Tickets: £2 to be in the audience, £3 to be on stage. H H H H H H Food and drink will be available so bring the H H H H H whole family for a fab night out at H H H H H H H 'Hadley Wood's Got Talent!' H H H H H H H H This event is one of several activities to celebrate H H H H the centenary of Hadley Wood’s church, H H H H St Paul’s 1911-2011 H H H H For more details and an application form H H email: H H H H H HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH H
  • 11. HWN FEBRUARY 2011-Q7:Layout 1 15/02/2011 13:42 Page 11 Open day, 1990 looking for a play group to meet other mums and kids. The very first week in Hadley Wood I went with Henrik (almost 2 yrs old) to the Wednesday play group at St. Paul’s Church. I received a very warm welcome. After our second visit to the mornings together. We made lots of VE day, 1995 play group I received a children’s party friends and Henrik and Paula loved invitation from Leisa Sanders for Lara’s spending time with other children from Dear Editor – Church garden and Bradley’s 2nd Birthday. I was the church family in the playgrounds. The When volunteers were asked to do a little overwhelmed. It was the beginning of a various events we spent together (e.g. “equal opportunities” maintenance in the lifelong friendship. And it was Leisa MOT marriage or Women’s church day) church garden at St Paul’s, it seemed a Sanders who introduced us to St. Paul’s will never be forgotten. We were really good way to contribute to the general church family. We started to attend the sad to leave St Paul’s Church and our upkeep of the area. Soon I was hard at church and were received with open friends behind when we returned to work with the late Air Commodore Ian arms by Rupert, Hillary, Mary, Jill, Joyce, Germany. We still talk about our lovely Stockwell, who was a wonderful Brian and many more ( I am not able to farewell lunch in the garden of St. Paul’s companion and a font of gardening mention everybody here, but be assured Church in the summer of 2009. Henrik knowledge. We put in bedding plants – we think about all of you). Henrik joined and Paula are very proud of their English neatly spaced and weeded and hoed – the weekly Sunday School and Paula, our bibles given to them as a present by the we ultimately completely replanted a rose daughter, born in 2005, started in the church family. Our time at St. Paul’s will bed – digging out all the old earth with crèche at St. Paul’s Church before be remembered in our hearts forever. We the help of my two sons – then visiting a moving on to the Sunday School. The wish you all a lovely Centenary and we well-known rose grower and planting out Sunday service was an important part of will be thinking of you. new roses in fresh soil. Ian being our life and we spent many lovely Alexandra and Martin Stueber obviously ex-RAF and extremely precise had made boards with pegs accurately spaced to make sure the bedding plants were all neatly set out, sadly I, being a little less than careful, sat on one of these boards and broke it, Ian was less than pleased, but, bless him he said not a word. Time has now taken its toll of volunteers – and there are plans afoot to grass over some areas of the St Paul’s garden which will make for easier maintenance and provide a superb area for community use. I very much enjoyed my time looking after the garden – it was very peaceful on a summers evening with the wind rustling the pines – now depleted, and commuters walking up from the station – many of whom would stop for a quick chat, and I’m pleased that the garden will be well used for the centenary celebrations at the end of March and for the continuing enjoyment of the residents of Hadley Wood. Pam Kern
  • 12. HWN FEBRUARY 2011-Q7:Layout 1 15/02/2011 13:42 Page 12 HADLEY GREEN CUFFLEY HADLEY WOOD Guide Price £3,750,000 £3,290,000 £4,750,000 Freehold Freehold Freehold Sole Agents Sole Agents Sole Agents 020 8449 3383 01707 661144 020 8440 9797 An elegant totally refurbished character home of approximately 7,500sq ft, A spectacular Georgian style detached residence which extends to just under This charming and spacious detached family home is situated on the areas located in this highly sought after tranquil setting with views across Hadley 7,000 sq ft, located in one of the area’s finest locations. The property is ap- premier road and benefits from well presented accommodation arranged over Green to the front and backing onto Old Fold Manor Golf Club to the rear. 5 proached via a remote controlled gated entrance and features: 3 reception 3 floors. Wrought iron gated carriage driveway, guest cloakroom, extensive bedrooms (all en suite), 3 reception rooms, kitchen/orangery, cinema room, rooms, cinema and games rooms plus a gym, kitchen/family room, 6 bed- drawing room, dining room, family room, morning room, study, kitchen/ indoor swimming pool complex, south facing rear garden approx. 250’. rooms, 5 bath/shower rooms, double garage and landscaped gardens. breakfast room, utility room, master bedroom suite with his & hers dressing rooms & luxurious en-suite bathroom, 6/7 further bedrooms, 4 further bathrooms (2 en-suite), rear garden approaching a quarter of an acre. HADLEY WOOD RADLETT MILL HILL £2,495,000 £1,850,000 £929,950 Freehold Freehold Freehold Sole Agents Sole Agents Sole Agents 020 8440 9797 01923 604321 020 8445 3694 A beautifully presented and spaciously planned 5/6 bedroom detached family Located in one of Radlett’s premier avenues, Willow Rise is a well presented A detached family home situated in this highly sought after residential residence constructed to a high specification by Banner Homes approximately and spacious detached 5 bedroom, 4 bathroom family home. Spacious and location offering further potential to extend (subject to planning permission). 5 years ago, situated in this private gated close with a southerly aspect rear welcoming hallway, a fully fitted kitchen/diner with utility room, split level 4 bedrooms, en suite shower to master bedroom, family bathroom, lounge, garden and benefiting from an NHBC warranty. Entrance hall, television/family family room with centre fireplace, formal reception room and downstairs dining room, kitchen and breakfast room. room, drawing room, reception room, guest cloakroom, kitchen, breakfast wc. The property benefits from off street parking for 2/3 cars and a pretty room, utility room, study, family bathroom, 3 en suite bathrooms, second secluded rear garden family shower room, rear garden, detached double garage. HADLEY WOOD HADLEY WOOD COCKFOSTERS £850,000 £850,000 £599,950 Leasehold Freehold Leasehold Sole Agents Sole Agents 020 8440 9797 020 8440 9797 020 8440 9797 Stunning ground floor apartment which has been finished to an excellent A beautifully three bedroom ground floor apartment in this unique A luxuriously appointed ground floor apartment in this exclusive development standard. Communal entrance hallway, entrance hall, lounge, kitchen, development situated on Hadley Wood’s premier road within easy reach of just eight apartments situated in this highly sought-after location. entrance snooker/dining room, guest cloakroom, 2 bedrooms (2 walk in wardrobes, of golf course, local shops primary school and mainline station. The M25 hall, reception room, kitchen, bedroom with luxury en suite bathroom and en suite shower and en suite bathroom), external area, allocated parking. is a short drive away. Kitchen, reception/drawing room, 2 en suite shower shower room. private patio, communal gardens and residents parking. rooms and a family bathroom. Allocated parking. The Hadley Wood Association 7 Crescent East Hadley Wood Herts EN4 0EL 8449 7193 Chairman Graham Sharp 020 8449 2133 Editor Publisher Rod Armstrong 020 8449 5924 Advertising and Centre Manager Lisa Winston 020 8449 7193 Hall Bookings Karen Fernandes 07831 753 268 Security Task Force Membership secretary/Admin Caroline Berlyn 020 8441 8020 Safe Neighbourhood Team Police Sergeant D.Walker 020 87212688 or 07920 233 775 The Hadley Wood News is published usually during the first weekend of each month. It is a community publication with the objective of bringing local news, views and events to the residents and friends of Hadley Wood. It is non-profit making with any surplus going to the Hadley Wood Association (HWA) for the direct benefit of residents. Content is produced voluntarily with the make-up, printing and distribution paid for by advertising. Thank you to all our advertisers, without whom this magazine would not be possible. If you would like to contribute to a future issue or receive updates via email, please contact the Editor and Publisher. The HWA and anyone associated with the content of this newsletter cannot accept any responsibility for the accuracy, claims or views expressed. The Hadley Wood News does not represent or endorse the accuracy or reliability of any of the advertisements or other information accessed directly or indirectly from this publication, nor the quality of any products, services, information or other materials displayed, purchased or obtained by anyone as a result of an advertisement or any other information or offer in connection with those products, services, information or other materials.Hadley Wood News shall not be responsible for any errors or omissions contained in any advertisement or other information within this publication. The Publisher reserves the right to amend, abridge or reject any copy supplied for publication. E&OE HWA December 2010 To download a copy of this and/or previous issues of Hadley Wood News, please visit 12