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Vol. Xll1. Salem, Virginia, Octob~r, 1912. NOe 9.
In the year 1907 the Canadian Meth-
odists started an Orphanage in far-
off Japan. It has done good work,
and, at present has 42 children in its
PItJ£S. OF BOARP, REV. L. A. Fox, D.D.
SAhu;M, VA.
81£C. 0:::' BOARD, R. W, Kime, 1£sq. SA-
LEjI. v s,
SUPERINTENDENT, J. T. Crabtree, AA- J. Jackson, of Kingston, N. C. has
LEM,VA. I . h G C
. recent y gIven er reene ountyMATRON, Mrs. ~l. D. aV1S.
ASST., Miss M. McSherry. farm,valued at$ 10,OOO.,tothe Meth-
HOUHEK1£EPER, Miss Dora Barrier. Iodist Orphanage in N. C. It has
TEACHER,Mrs. G. V. Ruhl. . .
PRIMARY TEACH1£R,;irs. K. 8. Crabtree been but a short time since Mr. &
8EWING 'l'EACHER, Miss Clem. Rellar~. Mrs. W. L. Kennedy, of the same
HELPER, Miss Mary Crabtree. f I bl
county, gave a ar more va ua e
farm to the Baptist Orphanage, at
Thomasville. N. C.
A $500. PLEDGE;:At the meet-
ing of the New River Baptist Asso-
ciation, held at Oak Hill Baptist
Church, Mouth of Wilson, Grayson
county, Va., the latter part of Au-
And this is October again.Fruits:
Blessings: Harvest Home. As the
forests become tinged with gole! and
brown, they invite us to"Stop :Look:
Listen:" The Year is waning: Look
at its mellowing tints and gorgeous
beauties: Listen to its call to us. Po
you hear the voice? What does it
t ? gust, the sum of $500.00 was report-say 0 us. .
• ! ed as pledged to the Salem Baptist
FEGHTLY HOME:- The Fegh1-1 Orphanage.
ly Home for Aged and Infirm lad- NEW MARKET'-"M' Z' kl .
. C' Ohi . ISS ir e, nice
ies,located at TIppecanoe ity , 10 1 t f"P' ." h t d th thio 0 ICnIC a san 0 er mgs,
is now reported to be full to over-
flowing, and there are other appli- SALEM:- Mr. Lambert 8 bu to-
cations. There is need for enlarge Imatoes ; Mr. & Mrs. Henry Hund-
nt, ' ley, T bu grapes.
this matter and get ready to do
! some thing worth while. One of the
------------- i
healthy signs of the times is that so
many people all over the land are
THE LUTHERAN ORPHAN HOME turning their attention to the
necessity of making better arrange-
________________ I ments for the care of Orphans, and
Iof other poor and needy children.
.25 i Speed the day of better things.
I - -
or I Bethlehem Orphan'sHome of New
Orleans,La. under the care of the
Missouri Synod, held its 31st Anni-
versaty the latter;art of July.There
was a large attendance and much
Entered at the Post-Office in active interest in the work.
SALEM,vA., as second class matter.
Single Subscription, one year
In Clubs of ten or more ....
To one address ten copies
more ten cents each.
~ All subscriptions must be paid
for in advance.
In advance a letter should be sent to
thc Supt.,giving an accurate list of ar-
ticles and names of donors (no atten-
tion is paid to names on packages, etc.
To get free transportation over the
Southem R'y and Atlantic Coast Line
address the Supt. at least ten days prev-
ous; or apply to local agent. The N.
& W. give half rates when not prepaid.
Express Companies do not give any re-
'duced rates at all.
ING:-"The Danville Conference
Cottage" is the name given to the
Cottage for Infant Orphans in the
Good Sheperd Home for Crippled
Children at Allentown, Pa.We learn
that this name has been given be-
cause this Conference has assumed
the cost of erecting the building
which is $4000.00. Let the good
work go on.
did you think of us orphans 'when Just stand aside, and watch you r
you were putting up your winter i self go by;
fruits and berries? you did?That's: Think of yourself as "He", instead
good. Just ship them along with: of "1".
the other things that you are going: Pick Ilaws-; ;ind fault, forget the
'to send us. We can use green apples: man in you,
in considerable quantities.O,if we ~And strive to make your estimate
only had some of the 'fruit that is; ring true,
. . f h '
gomg to waste m some ate I The faults of others then wil: dwarf
orchards of the readers of these' and shrink
r B k . t 'meso ut we now you are gomg a Love's chain grows stronger by one
send us some. mighty link,
TALK ABOUT A NEW BUILD- When you.with "He" as a substi-
ING:- We are waiting,- patientlY! rute for "I",
waiting for the friends. of our Have stood aside and watched your-
,.::c f;':" ~:::'0)]Jha;n ligwe---JYR.r;-li:;;to; thtnkj!-bqut ~;± '!' ~sel-f go by.
~t7: :;:. ;~ 1/' '. ;J '~..: _ /' J'. '. ' ), 1 ~--" • r:
Back home,-what memories it MOUNT PLEASANT,N.C. Master
brings, C. F. Weiser, 1 Incubator: Mothers'
What visions of familiar things: Thank-offering&Memorial Fund$2.
ThE old frame house, the pasture 50.
green, LEXINGT.ON, S.C.:- Nazareth
The wheat-field, golden in sheen Church .:-J.B. Waite, 7SCj Mrs.], B.
Of warm sunshine.the barn-yard too, Waite,4oc;Rev.P.DRisinger,IscjJ.F.
And orchard  where sweet apples L W D C t J T Sh Iown,27c .. rou ,2SC; .. ea -
grew; ley, 25CjJ'C' Balington, SOCjJ.P.
The old fOOL path with winding ways Corley, 25c; Mrs. Lydia Corley 10;
'I'hi ough peaceful scenes to where Ida Addy.ajc.
the haze ------------
Of twilight touched the hills.-> SPLINTERS IN CHILDREN'S
Back home!-the very mention fills FEET.
The heart, and makes it overflow To-day (Sept. r oth ) just as the
With memories cf long ago. last dinner bell was ringing and I
-G. B. Staff was passing by the little girls' Play-
• room door, one of the little ones
HOME FOR CRIPPLED OR- cried out, "0 come quick, Blankie
PHANS. has got such a big splinter in her
The Fourth Anniversaryof the foot." The "splinter tweezers" were
Home of the Good Sheperd for crip- promptly brought into work,and
pled orphans at Allentown, Pa. Rev. the splinter, fully a half-inch long,
J. H. Raker, Superintendent, was was taken out to. the great relief of
observed on Labor day with special the child. This subject of "Splinter"
Exercises held in the forenoon and Iis a serious one to us. The pine-board
in the afternoon. Over 3,000 persons Hall floors are so worn that splint-
attended the Exercises. A movement Iers frazzle up eveywhere,and splint-
was proposed to raise $100.000 for er pullers are always carried ready
equipment, enlargement and main- for instant use. These floors are a
tenance. May the good work go on. serious concern to all of 113. We
• have samples and prices of an extra
TA~lE IT :BRIrJl_E 1'1'. heavy Ruberoid Hall covering,
Fur ev-ry kind of bea-rs and hit (L one and a half yards wide. If we had
and of "e pentv, and of thing~ in th - the money we could get this Hall
s -a, 'S tamed, and hath been tamed covering, at a cost of 50 cts per
of mankind .but the tongue can 10 running yard. The material is said
man lame; It i- ".11 uur uly e vI, (,I'j to be very durable, -but it will take
of de aul y p.iiso« Th erc vit h b'e s 350 running yards to put a strip on
weG d,evt~llhe FZI.lh,r;aiilithe " all the Halls. One Dollar buystwo
wi+h c!;r c w e rn- n , wh ic ': a:e m,' yards, five dollars buys 10 yards.
af ter the lik e <'S of God. Out of Who feels like protecting our child-
the -arne mouth c. »uet h f (d th bl-ss ren's feet from the Hall spl inters?
ing- and cu r-i ng, 1) brethren, t hvse IWho feels like it to the 'extent of
l:l1ng~ousht not so to be. $2$~~"--_
One of the striking mottoes on
the walls of Carnegie Hall during
t}he Conservation Congress of the
11:en and Religion Forward Move-
ri lent was "Not 'Our Brother's Keep-
e r,'but 'Our Brother's Brother.' " It
h; remarkable how the new spirit
embodied in this motto is taking
h old on the thought of the Christ-
i.rn world, even where the motto
has not been heard. The interest in
tl ie rights of the workers, particu-
Ie irly in the women and children
w-orkers, of the home-lands, the
effort to give every child its chance,
a nd the feeling of responsibility for
tile old, the sick, the incompetent,
rl ie ~nemployed, is all a part of the
rr.ianifestation of this. new realiza-
ti on of the Christian message, and
is, at the bottom of the agitation
for better conditions and laws to THE LUTHERAN HOME for
m.eet present needs-not merely to Ithe Agpd, at Eri , Fa, has 29 resi-
to control, but to help and to de-I dents and il[l ex pense of $13· aS per
v.elop. Imember, per nonth.
'ongregation. four boxes, contain- II HOM ]~i.. received ~fSoo. frr.m the
inrg 2IO cans of peaches, tomatoes late MI"s Charlotte C. Wills, of
ai id apples. Brooklyn.
--- ..•...---
Brown and Brother, I crate cabbage, IThe sun g-ives ever; so the earth-
What it. can give so much 'tis wor t h ;
The Pilgrim Soul. The ocean give" in many ways-
M[arch on, my soul, nor like a lag- GIVe·, b.i I hs, givi s fishes, r ivers,
gard stay! I ba vs:
M:arch swiftly on, yet err not from So, too, t h-- air, II gives us brca th.
the way I . hell It <t op- gi·VI,lg. comes ill
 There all the nobly wise of aiel have I CI.; t I,
trod- • Give, give, be always giving;
T he path of faith made by the sons Who gives n l, is not living;
of God. The m. re you !!IVe
The more you live. -Inon.
better yet;
Press on.and prove the pilgrim hope
of youth-
That creeds are milestones on the
road of truth.- Henry Van Dy ke-
HOME for the crippled children has
received an endowment ·of !4, 000,
000. from Mr. P.A.B. Widener, of
at Buffalo, N,Y., maintained 40 old
folks last year, at an expense of $7,
058. That was $14. 70 per member
per month.
Pittsburgh Synod, has I9 resident s,
With an expense of $3 267. and a
deficit of $786. ThIS was $I4.80
per member, pe m nth
5, ::>mething to learn, and something
to forget:
B [old fast the good,
Don't complain when things go
and seek he wrong; right them up and go ahead.
CA '.3" WE"USE POT ATOES?- A s~ to them. If you lived in an
good friend wants to know if we can I Orphan Home how would you
use potatoes. Indeed we can,- like for outside Christian people to
"Sweets", or Irish. Potatoes are a! treat youin the matter of support-
great help to fill up our list of. ing the Home?
supplies. It is very hard to do with- I •
out them. TRUB RELIGION: The Apostle
-~. -----~-."- James says, "True religion and
THE DAMASCUS S. SCHOOL: undefiled, before God, the Father
If all the Sunday Schools of the is this, 'T0 visit the Iatherless and
United Synod were to have a plan widows in their afflictions, and to
of helping the Orphan Home like keep himself unspotted from the
this little school, there would be world.
very little want for supplies. This -- __•..•..---
school gives one Sunday's Collec- LOST:-There are FOUR things
tions each month to the Home, and, that come not back: the spoken
never forgets it- ; word, the sped arrow, the past life,
, I the neglected opportunity ..-You
.~ LEADE~.;; A~T~.D:-A Ihave the opportunity of doing "Or-
Friend recently said, Well, If each I phan Home work-'
Sunday-School and Congregaticn
had one LEADER who would simp-
Jy lead in the matter of getting up
coil> ctions of money and especially
supplies of all kinds for the Home
YI}U would have all you would need
for use in the Home." On thinking
about the matter we believe he is
right. The people are willing and
ready to help, and it some one just
takes the lead and says "Let's make
l.~ a shipment: bring things in on a
c("1'tain day and let us pack up, sack
up, or box up and send things to
the Homev.nearly everyone will
cheerfully respond and an abun-
dance will be sent In. Let tbe con-
gr~g.ltio~ s and Schools select a
Leader aud then cheerfully and
promptly tollow in this work.
ASK and ye shall rec ...ive: SEEK
and ye shall find: KNOCK. and It
shall be opened unto you. freely
ye have received,-freely gIve.
WHATSOEVER ye would that
men should do to you, do ye even
many are coming forward with
liberal contri butions to "The Com-
paign," ,-and inasmuch as the Banks,
all over the country are offering to
receive and transmit funds for'
Campaign Purposes ." we take the
opportunity of saying that our
Orphan Home will be glad to act as
a "Dep0i'itary" of the funds of any
and all who desire to contribute to
our Campaign. We mean,ot course,
the campaign against distress
poverty and want of dependent and
helpless children. Send us what you
desire to cheerfully contribute to
this work (for the Lord loveth a
cheerful giver) All amounts will
help.vones, five, tel'S twenty-fives,
fifties,hundred",thousands,can be so
",en used in Support, Repairs, and
-.' .
SALEM, VA.:Prof. Cannaday, 4Yz
bu nice grapes; Mr L Marcus, 6 bu
FOR CHARITY. The Will of
Nathan Hetman, dean of the N. Y.
Cotton Exchange, who died recent-
ly, gives $100,000. to Charity.
good act."
And remember, by breaking an egg.
We may lose a bird with a song,
When careworn, weary and I -nel y,
Some day, as you're passing along,
You'll rejoice that the egg wasn't
That gave you
From August 27th to Sept 27th
19T 2.
M.L. Pettyjohn. 17 oo;Mrs. W. J.
Winesett, 100; John Englehard.s s-
50; St. John's Charleston, 34.10;
Jesse B. Mays, Tre as S.S .Church
of the Redeemer, Newberry, S.c. 6.
oo;St. John's S.S. Wytheville, 3.25;
Chas. R. Goodm an.Mt , Ulla.N. C 3.
00; E.H Kohn, Treas .-Grace S. S.
,9.75, Ebenezer S.S ,11.05. G ace
S.S. 8 75. St. Paul's S.S. ,Pomaria, 3.
90, St. Paul's S.S .Columbia.r a.Sg ;
St. Mark's S.S .Roanoke.jxaj Mr«.
and heartless and W P. Co vc r.r o 00. Miss. Maud
Crabill, 1.00; Mi-s. Kate Evans, 100
;Mr5 Belle Agee. 25<'; Mock's
Chapel S.S·,3 6I;C.E. Jennings.8 5');
W. H Wood:7ard. 25.50; Nazareth
Churcb.t Lexing ton, S.C. 3 02; Mount
Pleasant Mur her 's Thank offeI"lng&
Memorial Fund,2.50; M.L. Rudrsil :
Cherryville,s· 00; ~'!ock's Chapel
the bird with its S.S. I.83;Rev. Dr. W.C. Seidel 25 00
;J E. Larson, 25.5o;M;ss Kate
-Farm journal. Burkett, Forestville, 3.00;Mrs Lydia
TrlE TIM-E-I-S-~-HORT:Liste'l T. Burkett, ,co;:vr:ss Grace M.
h h Id h h M
Burkett, r.oo.F. 11. Kessler, 500;
to w at t e 0 eat en, arcus ,
A I· id "D t f Rent .t a.ooyb'red Groebler, 22.50;
ur e rus.saru: 0 no act as I vou .
h d I d h
· Mr.& Mrs.O.G. Borden 5·00;S. M.
a ten tnousan years to trow .
D h d Ib

BOWman.5.00;M.L. PettYJohn,17.00;
away. eat sran s at your e ow. •
Be good for something while you SALEM, VA.:.Mr. Walter, Goode,
ive.and it. is in your power to do a 3 I-horse loads apPles.
~ i':~~~_~.~r;.;.: :7 If ~;iPi .:' ~i". ~ J f ~ ,r. ~. .: '.'
TER:-Reputation it:; what men and
women think of us;Character is
what God and the Angels know of
a pity that many of the thousands
of dollars that are annually wasted,-
and worse than wasted,-could not
be turned to the better purpose of
taking care of helpless, needy chil-
dren. All over the country the cry
goes up from the Orphan Home",
"Full to over-flowing", and "Need
enlargement" and "Support Need-
ed." At the same time the daily
papers teem with reports of thou-
sands, and even millions,-squan-
dered, embezzled, wasted on fol-
lies and selfish ambitions. Isn't it
a pity that some of this wasted
wealth conld not be turned to bet-
ter uses?
St. Paul's Congregarion, Wythe
county,Va., recently held a "Chil·
dren's Day Service"and raised a
Collection of $15.03 for our Horne.
Don't rob the birds of their egg~,
It is cruel
An Admirable Form of Bequest.
The late Capt. John C. Seegers,
of Columbia, S. C. (father of the
Rev. Dr. Seegers, of Reading, Pa.),
has set an example in the making
of a will which it were well for others
to follow. Besides bequeathing$s,ooo
each to the Lutheran Orphan
Home of Salem, Va.,and to the The-
ological Seminary at Columbia, he
requests his children to keep the es-
tate intact for a numher of years
and to devote ten per cent. of its
income to religious and charitable
purposes. While a request is not a
bequest, it .in this instance, has a
value far greater than the mere de-
vising of certain sums of money to
the Church could have; for here is
expressed a desire that what has
been the life-long practice of a fa-
ther who was devoted to the Church
nay become the practice of his
ehildren also. It is in reality an ef-
fort to bequeath a spirit of bene-
volence to those who come after .
Technically, and in the eyes of the
law, such a will has little binding
force; but morally it speaks louder
and more effectively than any well-
drawn-up legal paper could speak.
There is all the difference in the
world between bequeathing money
and a spirit. If Christain parents did
more to perpetuate through their
children the spirit of giving, there
would be fewer estates for heirs to
quarrel over. Here is a beautiful ex-
am pIe of a pious desire to hand
down to posterity a spirit and a re-
sponsibility as well as a legacy.
-The Lutheran.
(J. A. M.)
The world is always praising all the
great folk of the time;
The artists and the sculptors and
the orators sublime,
But to earth's greatest heroine they
seldom cast a look,
I'll tell you who she is at once-the
blessed household cook!
We hear a lot of lauding for the man
who goes to war,
For the doctor and the lawyer and
the prophet's wondrous lore,
Engineer and decorator and the au-
thor's famous book,
But we seldom hear a word about the
blessed household cook.
Perhaps you think she isn't worth
the praise that I would give,
But without her ceaseless kindness- long would we live?
We all would soon expire if of food
we ne'er partook
So I raise my hat in honor to the
blessed household cook!
She saves the lives of thousands by
her duties every day
Though she does it in a simple and
unnoticed, quiet way;
And when I am an author I shall
surely write a book
About the queen of womanhood-
the worthy household cook!
-Fruit Magazine.
"A crowd of troubles passed him
As he with courage waited.
He Slid: 'Where do you troubles fly,
When vou are thus belated?"
'We go, "thev said. ' to those who
Who IO<Jk on life dejected;
Who weakly say goodbye to hope;
We go where we're expected .'
-The late John G. Hees, in dispos-
ng of an Estate valued at $20,000,
eft $1,000 to the Orphan-Horne
and Asylum at Germantown, and
the same amount to the German
Hospital. The Samaritan Shelter
received $200. Several non-Luther
ran Institutions were also remember
ed, and the residue of his estate
goes to relatives.
president of Joint Synod of Ohio
recently reported the following
gifts:-$28,000 and home, the Rev.
Geo. Baughman estate, Easton,Ohio
;$60,000 from the estate of G. D.
Simen, Pittsburgh ;$27 ,600 from J.
A. Schultze estate Columbus, O.Un
-narned bequest 9,200; also 2,000
from the H. J. Hospenhelde estate
THEM?-Say, kind reader Perhaps
you were a "small boy" once.sand
had the experience of having an
ugly old thorn run into your bare
foot.- Of. kind lady reader,
perhaps YOu have similar"delight:·
ful recollections of your small girl-
hood days,-or boys and girls of
to-day:- have any of you recently
had any such experiences? Well,-if
you have, -you know how to
sympathize with our children when,
almost every day some one or ruo re
gets a pine plank splinter" in their
bare feet on our Halls. Do you
sympathize with them? How much? I
One dollar's worth? Fifty Dollar's
worth? How much?
Into use, but were found to be too
w eak to hold it. A pair of "Crane-
bill" nippers was hastily got ten
from "up-stairs", and after a sharp
pull, a splinter just three quarters
of an inch long, by careful mea-
surement, was extracted. ,and a
bandage, saturated with spts turpen-
tinewas applted to the foot.
For doing your level best,
For hearing before judging
For thinking before speak ing,
For standingby your principles,
For being generous to an enemy
For promptness in keeping pro.nises
Better strive and climb,
And never reach [he goal,
Than to drrf t along with time,
An aimless wo rthl ess soul.
Ay, better to climb and fall,
0, sow, though the yield l.e small,
Than to throw away day after day,
And never strive 'It all.
Give to the world the best vou have,
And the best will come back to
Give love and love to yom lift>will
A strength in your sword and deeds
Have faith and a score of heal ts will
Their faith in "syour word and
Buck, I crate cabbage .
aoth, Just after breakfast ,another ley, I brl apples.
child said, 'Ruth has got s big _
splinter in her foot. "The" Pocket ROANOKE, VA. :-Mrs. Hettel'S,
twe ezr rs' were immediately brought I doz owels, 4·prs hose.

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  • 1. r;J~ ~ ~ 16) ~ ~A-1'l1~ f}vw.. A~~ ~ THE MESSENG EI~. PUBLISHED BY THE LFTHERAN ORPHAN HOME. Vol. Xll1. Salem, Virginia, Octob~r, 1912. NOe 9. HOME DIRECTORY. ._--.•.•..----_. ORPHAN HOME IN JAPAN:- In the year 1907 the Canadian Meth- odists started an Orphanage in far- off Japan. It has done good work, and, at present has 42 children in its care. PItJ£S. OF BOARP, REV. L. A. Fox, D.D. SAL1£M, VA. V1CE PR ~:8IDEN'l', COL, A. M. BOWMAN, SAhu;M, VA. 81£C. 0:::' BOARD, R. W, Kime, 1£sq. SA- LEjI. v s, ·.cREAS. OF BOARD, Mr.IYA:K V. YONCE, • SALEM,VA. ORPHANAGE GIFT:-Mrs. M SUPERINTENDENT, J. T. Crabtree, AA- J. Jackson, of Kingston, N. C. has LEM,VA. I . h G C D . recent y gIven er reene ountyMATRON, Mrs. ~l. D. aV1S. ASST., Miss M. McSherry. farm,valued at$ 10,OOO.,tothe Meth- HOUHEK1£EPER, Miss Dora Barrier. Iodist Orphanage in N. C. It has TEACHER,Mrs. G. V. Ruhl. . . PRIMARY TEACH1£R,;irs. K. 8. Crabtree been but a short time since Mr. & 8EWING 'l'EACHER, Miss Clem. Rellar~. Mrs. W. L. Kennedy, of the same HELPER, Miss Mary Crabtree. f I bl county, gave a ar more va ua e farm to the Baptist Orphanage, at Thomasville. N. C. A $500. PLEDGE;:At the meet- ing of the New River Baptist Asso- ciation, held at Oak Hill Baptist Church, Mouth of Wilson, Grayson county, Va., the latter part of Au- And this is October again.Fruits: Blessings: Harvest Home. As the forests become tinged with gole! and brown, they invite us to"Stop :Look: Listen:" The Year is waning: Look at its mellowing tints and gorgeous beauties: Listen to its call to us. Po you hear the voice? What does it t ? gust, the sum of $500.00 was report-say 0 us. . • ! ed as pledged to the Salem Baptist FEGHTLY HOME:- The Fegh1-1 Orphanage. ly Home for Aged and Infirm lad- NEW MARKET'-"M' Z' kl . . C' Ohi . ISS ir e, nice ies,located at TIppecanoe ity , 10 1 t f"P' ." h t d th thio 0 ICnIC a san 0 er mgs, is now reported to be full to over- flowing, and there are other appli- SALEM:- Mr. Lambert 8 bu to- cations. There is need for enlarge Imatoes ; Mr. & Mrs. Henry Hund- nt, ' ley, T bu grapes.
  • 2. this matter and get ready to do ! some thing worth while. One of the ------------- i l healthy signs of the times is that so p__11_0_li_s_h_e_d_m_o_n_t_h_ly_b_y 1 many people all over the land are THE LUTHERAN ORPHAN HOME turning their attention to the I necessity of making better arrange- SALEM, VIRGINIA. ________________ I ments for the care of Orphans, and Iof other poor and needy children. .25 i Speed the day of better things. I - - .20 IORPHANS' HOME IN LA.:- the or I Bethlehem Orphan'sHome of New Orleans,La. under the care of the Missouri Synod, held its 31st Anni- versaty the latter;art of July.There was a large attendance and much Entered at the Post-Office in active interest in the work. SALEM,vA., as second class matter. THE KESSENGER. RATE OF SUBSCRIPTION. Single Subscription, one year In Clubs of ten or more .... To one address ten copies more ten cents each. ~ All subscriptions must be paid for in advance. D!RECTIONS FOR SHIPPING· In advance a letter should be sent to thc Supt.,giving an accurate list of ar- ticles and names of donors (no atten- tion is paid to names on packages, etc. To get free transportation over the Southem R'y and Atlantic Coast Line address the Supt. at least ten days prev- ous; or apply to local agent. The N. & W. give half rates when not prepaid. Express Companies do not give any re- 'duced rates at all. NEW ORPHAN HOME BUILD- ING:-"The Danville Conference Cottage" is the name given to the Cottage for Infant Orphans in the Good Sheperd Home for Crippled Children at Allentown, Pa.We learn that this name has been given be- cause this Conference has assumed the cost of erecting the building which is $4000.00. Let the good work go on. ".- FRUITS AND BERRIES:-Say,- STAND ASIDE did you think of us orphans 'when Just stand aside, and watch you r you were putting up your winter i self go by; fruits and berries? you did?That's: Think of yourself as "He", instead good. Just ship them along with: of "1". the other things that you are going: Pick Ilaws-; ;ind fault, forget the 'to send us. We can use green apples: man in you, in considerable quantities.O,if we ~And strive to make your estimate only had some of the 'fruit that is; ring true, . . f h ' gomg to waste m some ate I The faults of others then wil: dwarf orchards of the readers of these' and shrink r B k . t 'meso ut we now you are gomg a Love's chain grows stronger by one send us some. mighty link, TALK ABOUT A NEW BUILD- When you.with "He" as a substi- ING:- We are waiting,- patientlY! rute for "I", waiting for the friends. of our Have stood aside and watched your- ,.::c f;':" ~:::'0)]Jha;n ligwe---JYR.r;-li:;;to; thtnkj!-bqut ~;± '!' ~sel-f go by. ~t7: :;:. ;~ 1/' '. ;J '~..: _ /' J'. '. ' ), 1 ~--" • r:
  • 3. Back Home. GIFTS IN KIND. Back home,-what memories it MOUNT PLEASANT,N.C. Master brings, C. F. Weiser, 1 Incubator: Mothers' What visions of familiar things: Thank-offering&Memorial Fund$2. ThE old frame house, the pasture 50. green, LEXINGT.ON, S.C.:- Nazareth The wheat-field, golden in sheen Church .:-J.B. Waite, 7SCj Mrs.], B. Of warm sunshine.the barn-yard too, Waite,4oc;Rev.P.DRisinger,IscjJ.F. And orchard where sweet apples L W D C t J T Sh Iown,27c .. rou ,2SC; .. ea - grew; ley, 25CjJ'C' Balington, SOCjJ.P. The old fOOL path with winding ways Corley, 25c; Mrs. Lydia Corley 10; 'I'hi ough peaceful scenes to where Ida Addy.ajc. the haze ------------ Of twilight touched the hills.-> SPLINTERS IN CHILDREN'S Back home!-the very mention fills FEET. The heart, and makes it overflow To-day (Sept. r oth ) just as the With memories cf long ago. last dinner bell was ringing and I -G. B. Staff was passing by the little girls' Play- • room door, one of the little ones HOME FOR CRIPPLED OR- cried out, "0 come quick, Blankie PHANS. has got such a big splinter in her The Fourth Anniversaryof the foot." The "splinter tweezers" were Home of the Good Sheperd for crip- promptly brought into work,and pled orphans at Allentown, Pa. Rev. the splinter, fully a half-inch long, J. H. Raker, Superintendent, was was taken out to. the great relief of observed on Labor day with special the child. This subject of "Splinter" Exercises held in the forenoon and Iis a serious one to us. The pine-board in the afternoon. Over 3,000 persons Hall floors are so worn that splint- attended the Exercises. A movement Iers frazzle up eveywhere,and splint- was proposed to raise $100.000 for er pullers are always carried ready equipment, enlargement and main- for instant use. These floors are a tenance. May the good work go on. serious concern to all of 113. We • have samples and prices of an extra TA~lE IT :BRIrJl_E 1'1'. heavy Ruberoid Hall covering, Fur ev-ry kind of bea-rs and hit (L one and a half yards wide. If we had and of "e pentv, and of thing~ in th - the money we could get this Hall s -a, 'S tamed, and hath been tamed covering, at a cost of 50 cts per of mankind .but the tongue can 10 running yard. The material is said man lame; It i- ".11 uur uly e vI, (,I'j to be very durable, -but it will take of de aul y p.iiso« Th erc vit h b'e s 350 running yards to put a strip on weG d,evt~llhe FZI.lh,r;aiilithe " all the Halls. One Dollar buystwo wi+h c!;r c w e rn- n , wh ic ': a:e m,' yards, five dollars buys 10 yards. af ter the lik e <'S of God. Out of Who feels like protecting our child- the -arne mouth c. »uet h f (d th bl-ss ren's feet from the Hall spl inters? ing- and cu r-i ng, 1) brethren, t hvse IWho feels like it to the 'extent of l:l1ng~ousht not so to be. $2$~~"--_
  • 4. "OUR BROTHER'S BROTHER." One of the striking mottoes on the walls of Carnegie Hall during t}he Conservation Congress of the 11:en and Religion Forward Move- ri lent was "Not 'Our Brother's Keep- e r,'but 'Our Brother's Brother.' " It h; remarkable how the new spirit embodied in this motto is taking h old on the thought of the Christ- i.rn world, even where the motto has not been heard. The interest in tl ie rights of the workers, particu- Ie irly in the women and children w-orkers, of the home-lands, the effort to give every child its chance, a nd the feeling of responsibility for tile old, the sick, the incompetent, rl ie ~nemployed, is all a part of the rr.ianifestation of this. new realiza- ti on of the Christian message, and is, at the bottom of the agitation for better conditions and laws to THE LUTHERAN HOME for m.eet present needs-not merely to Ithe Agpd, at Eri , Fa, has 29 resi- to control, but to help and to de-I dents and il[l ex pense of $13· aS per v.elop. Imember, per nonth. BARBER, N. ·C.-Th~ Lebanon THE WARTBURG ORPHAN 'ongregation. four boxes, contain- II HOM ]~i.. received ~fSoo. frr.m the inrg 2IO cans of peaches, tomatoes late MI"s Charlotte C. Wills, of ai id apples. Brooklyn. --- ..•...--- RURALRETREAT:-MisCarriel IS THIS TRUE? Brown and Brother, I crate cabbage, IThe sun g-ives ever; so the earth- I What it. can give so much 'tis wor t h ; The Pilgrim Soul. The ocean give" in many ways- M[arch on, my soul, nor like a lag- GIVe·, b.i I hs, givi s fishes, r ivers, gard stay! I ba vs: M:arch swiftly on, yet err not from So, too, t h-- air, II gives us brca th. the way I . hell It <t op- gi·VI,lg. comes ill There all the nobly wise of aiel have I CI.; t I, trod- • Give, give, be always giving; T he path of faith made by the sons Who gives n l, is not living; of God. The m. re you !!IVe The more you live. -Inon. better yet; Press on.and prove the pilgrim hope of youth- That creeds are milestones on the road of truth.- Henry Van Dy ke- • THE' WIDOW;:;' MEMORIAL HOME for the crippled children has received an endowment ·of !4, 000, 000. from Mr. P.A.B. Widener, of Philadelphia. THE HOME FOR THE AGED, at Buffalo, N,Y., maintained 40 old folks last year, at an expense of $7, 058. That was $14. 70 per member per month. THE OLD PEOPLES' HOME, Pittsburgh Synod, has I9 resident s, With an expense of $3 267. and a deficit of $786. ThIS was $I4.80 per member, pe m nth 5, ::>mething to learn, and something to forget: B [old fast the good, Don't complain when things go and seek he wrong; right them up and go ahead.
  • 5. CA '.3" WE"USE POT ATOES?- A s~ to them. If you lived in an good friend wants to know if we can I Orphan Home how would you use potatoes. Indeed we can,- like for outside Christian people to "Sweets", or Irish. Potatoes are a! treat youin the matter of support- great help to fill up our list of. ing the Home? supplies. It is very hard to do with- I • out them. TRUB RELIGION: The Apostle -~. -----~-."- James says, "True religion and THE DAMASCUS S. SCHOOL: undefiled, before God, the Father If all the Sunday Schools of the is this, 'T0 visit the Iatherless and United Synod were to have a plan widows in their afflictions, and to of helping the Orphan Home like keep himself unspotted from the this little school, there would be world. very little want for supplies. This -- __•..•..--- school gives one Sunday's Collec- LOST:-There are FOUR things tions each month to the Home, and, that come not back: the spoken never forgets it- ; word, the sped arrow, the past life, , I the neglected opportunity ..-You .~ LEADE~.;; A~T~.D:-A Ihave the opportunity of doing "Or- Friend recently said, Well, If each I phan Home work-' Sunday-School and Congregaticn had one LEADER who would simp- Jy lead in the matter of getting up coil> ctions of money and especially supplies of all kinds for the Home YI}U would have all you would need for use in the Home." On thinking about the matter we believe he is right. The people are willing and ready to help, and it some one just takes the lead and says "Let's make l.~ a shipment: bring things in on a c("1'tain day and let us pack up, sack up, or box up and send things to the Homev.nearly everyone will cheerfully respond and an abun- dance will be sent In. Let tbe con- gr~g.ltio~ s and Schools select a Leader aud then cheerfully and promptly tollow in this work. ASK and ye shall rec ...ive: SEEK and ye shall find: KNOCK. and It shall be opened unto you. freely ye have received,-freely gIve. • WHATSOEVER ye would that men should do to you, do ye even CA {PAIGN FUNDS:While so many are coming forward with liberal contri butions to "The Com- paign," ,-and inasmuch as the Banks, all over the country are offering to receive and transmit funds for' Campaign Purposes ." we take the opportunity of saying that our Orphan Home will be glad to act as a "Dep0i'itary" of the funds of any and all who desire to contribute to our Campaign. We mean,ot course, the campaign against distress poverty and want of dependent and helpless children. Send us what you desire to cheerfully contribute to this work (for the Lord loveth a cheerful giver) All amounts will help.vones, five, tel'S twenty-fives, fifties,hundred",thousands,can be so ",en used in Support, Repairs, and f<·.nlargement. -.' . SALEM, VA.:Prof. Cannaday, 4Yz bu nice grapes; Mr L Marcus, 6 bu apple". '.
  • 6. FOR CHARITY. The Will of Nathan Hetman, dean of the N. Y. Cotton Exchange, who died recent- ly, gives $100,000. to Charity. good act." wrong, And remember, by breaking an egg. boys, We may lose a bird with a song, When careworn, weary and I -nel y, Some day, as you're passing along, You'll rejoice that the egg wasn't broken, That gave you song. CASH RECELVFD From August 27th to Sept 27th 19T 2. M.L. Pettyjohn. 17 oo;Mrs. W. J. Winesett, 100; John Englehard.s s- 50; St. John's Charleston, 34.10; Jesse B. Mays, Tre as S.S .Church of the Redeemer, Newberry, S.c. 6. oo;St. John's S.S. Wytheville, 3.25; Chas. R. Goodm an.Mt , Ulla.N. C 3. 00; E.H Kohn, Treas .-Grace S. S. ,9.75, Ebenezer S.S ,11.05. G ace S.S. 8 75. St. Paul's S.S. ,Pomaria, 3. 90, St. Paul's S.S .Columbia.r a.Sg ; St. Mark's S.S .Roanoke.jxaj Mr«. and heartless and W P. Co vc r.r o 00. Miss. Maud Crabill, 1.00; Mi-s. Kate Evans, 100 ;Mr5 Belle Agee. 25<'; Mock's Chapel S.S·,3 6I;C.E. Jennings.8 5'); W. H Wood:7ard. 25.50; Nazareth Churcb.t Lexing ton, S.C. 3 02; Mount Pleasant Mur her 's Thank offeI"lng& Memorial Fund,2.50; M.L. Rudrsil : Cherryville,s· 00; ~'!ock's Chapel the bird with its S.S. I.83;Rev. Dr. W.C. Seidel 25 00 ;J E. Larson, 25.5o;M;ss Kate -Farm journal. Burkett, Forestville, 3.00;Mrs Lydia TrlE TIM-E-I-S-~-HORT:Liste'l T. Burkett, ,co;:vr:ss Grace M. h h Id h h M Burkett, r.oo.F. 11. Kessler, 500; to w at t e 0 eat en, arcus , A I· id "D t f Rent .t a.ooyb'red Groebler, 22.50; ur e rus.saru: 0 no act as I vou . h d I d h · Mr.& Mrs.O.G. Borden 5·00;S. M. a ten tnousan years to trow . D h d Ib BOWman.5.00;M.L. PettYJohn,17.00; away. eat sran s at your e ow. • Be good for something while you SALEM, VA.:.Mr. Walter, Goode, ive.and it. is in your power to do a 3 I-horse loads apPles. ~ i':~~~_~.~r;.;.: :7 If ~;iPi .:' ~i". ~ J f ~ ,r. ~. .: '.' • • REPUTATlON AND CHARAC- TER:-Reputation it:; what men and women think of us;Character is what God and the Angels know of us. WHAT A PITY IT IS: Isn't it a pity that many of the thousands of dollars that are annually wasted,- and worse than wasted,-could not be turned to the better purpose of taking care of helpless, needy chil- dren. All over the country the cry goes up from the Orphan Home", "Full to over-flowing", and "Need enlargement" and "Support Need- ed." At the same time the daily papers teem with reports of thou- sands, and even millions,-squan- dered, embezzled, wasted on fol- lies and selfish ambitions. Isn't it a pity that some of this wasted wealth conld not be turned to bet- ter uses? St. Paul's Congregarion, Wythe county,Va., recently held a "Chil· dren's Day Service"and raised a Collection of $15.03 for our Horne. DON'T ROB THE BIRDS,BOY . Don't rob the birds of their egg~, boys. It is cruel
  • 7. An Admirable Form of Bequest. The late Capt. John C. Seegers, of Columbia, S. C. (father of the Rev. Dr. Seegers, of Reading, Pa.), has set an example in the making of a will which it were well for others to follow. Besides bequeathing$s,ooo each to the Lutheran Orphan Home of Salem, Va.,and to the The- ological Seminary at Columbia, he requests his children to keep the es- tate intact for a numher of years and to devote ten per cent. of its income to religious and charitable purposes. While a request is not a bequest, it .in this instance, has a value far greater than the mere de- vising of certain sums of money to the Church could have; for here is expressed a desire that what has been the life-long practice of a fa- ther who was devoted to the Church nay become the practice of his ehildren also. It is in reality an ef- fort to bequeath a spirit of bene- volence to those who come after . Technically, and in the eyes of the law, such a will has little binding force; but morally it speaks louder and more effectively than any well- drawn-up legal paper could speak. There is all the difference in the world between bequeathing money and a spirit. If Christain parents did more to perpetuate through their children the spirit of giving, there would be fewer estates for heirs to quarrel over. Here is a beautiful ex- am pIe of a pious desire to hand down to posterity a spirit and a re- sponsibility as well as a legacy. -The Lutheran. • A TRUE HEROINE. (J. A. M.) The world is always praising all the great folk of the time; The artists and the sculptors and the orators sublime, But to earth's greatest heroine they seldom cast a look, I'll tell you who she is at once-the blessed household cook! We hear a lot of lauding for the man who goes to war, For the doctor and the lawyer and the prophet's wondrous lore, Engineer and decorator and the au- thor's famous book, But we seldom hear a word about the blessed household cook. Perhaps you think she isn't worth the praise that I would give, But without her ceaseless kindness- long would we live? We all would soon expire if of food we ne'er partook So I raise my hat in honor to the blessed household cook! She saves the lives of thousands by her duties every day Though she does it in a simple and unnoticed, quiet way; And when I am an author I shall surely write a book About the queen of womanhood- the worthy household cook! -Fruit Magazine. • WHR E WE ARE EXPECTE D "A crowd of troubles passed him by, As he with courage waited. He Slid: 'Where do you troubles fly, When vou are thus belated?" 'We go, "thev said. ' to those who mope, Who IO<Jk on life dejected; Who weakly say goodbye to hope; We go where we're expected .'
  • 8. LEGACY TO ORPHAN HOME -The late John G. Hees, in dispos- ng of an Estate valued at $20,000, eft $1,000 to the Orphan-Horne and Asylum at Germantown, and the same amount to the German Hospital. The Samaritan Shelter received $200. Several non-Luther ran Institutions were also remember ed, and the residue of his estate goes to relatives. • LIBERAL BEQUESTS:- the president of Joint Synod of Ohio recently reported the following gifts:-$28,000 and home, the Rev. Geo. Baughman estate, Easton,Ohio ;$60,000 from the estate of G. D. Simen, Pittsburgh ;$27 ,600 from J. A. Schultze estate Columbus, O.Un -narned bequest 9,200; also 2,000 from the H. J. Hospenhelde estate DO YOU SYMPATHIZE WITH THEM?-Say, kind reader Perhaps you were a "small boy" once.sand had the experience of having an ugly old thorn run into your bare foot.- Of. kind lady reader, perhaps YOu have similar"delight:· ful recollections of your small girl- hood days,-or boys and girls of to-day:- have any of you recently had any such experiences? Well,-if you have, -you know how to sympathize with our children when, almost every day some one or ruo re gets a pine plank splinter" in their bare feet on our Halls. Do you sympathize with them? How much? I One dollar's worth? Fifty Dollar's worth? How much? • Into use, but were found to be too w eak to hold it. A pair of "Crane- bill" nippers was hastily got ten from "up-stairs", and after a sharp pull, a splinter just three quarters of an inch long, by careful mea- surement, was extracted. ,and a bandage, saturated with spts turpen- tinewas applted to the foot. • YOU WILL NEVER BE SORRY For doing your level best, For hearing before judging For thinking before speak ing, For standingby your principles, For being generous to an enemy For promptness in keeping pro.nises • STRIVE TO CLIMB Better strive and climb, And never reach [he goal, Than to drrf t along with time, An aimless wo rthl ess soul. Ay, better to climb and fall, 0, sow, though the yield l.e small, Than to throw away day after day, And never strive 'It all. • DO YOU.a. BEST Give to the world the best vou have, And the best will come back to you. Give love and love to yom lift>will flow, A strength in your sword and deeds Have faith and a score of heal ts will show Their faith in "syour word and deeds MADELINE S. BRID(',ES RURAL RETREAT, VA.:-W.B Buck, I crate cabbage . ANOTHER SPLINTER:-On Sept. BRISTOL, TENN. :-w. G. Crum? aoth, Just after breakfast ,another ley, I brl apples. child said, 'Ruth has got s big _ splinter in her foot. "The" Pocket ROANOKE, VA. :-Mrs. Hettel'S, twe ezr rs' were immediately brought I doz owels, 4·prs hose.