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      (Guided Lesson Plans)
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Week 1        Prevention Philosophy ....................................................................................5

Week 2        Hospitality Business Structure........................................................................7

Week 3        Hospitality Business Structure........................................................................9

Week 4        Contract Basics .............................................................................................11

Week 5        Significant Hospitality Contracts..................................................................13

Week 6        Legally Managing Property ..........................................................................15

Week 7        Respecting Intellectual Rights ......................................................................17

Week 8        Mid-term Examination..................................................................................19

Week 9        Legally Selecting Employees........................................................................20

Week 10 Legally Managing Employees ......................................................................22

Week 11 Legally Managing Employees ......................................................................24

Week 12 Your Responsibilities as a Hospitality Operator (to Guests) ........................26

Week 13 Your Responsibilities for Guests’ Property ..................................................28

Week 14 Your Responsibilities for Guests’ Property ..................................................30

Week 15 Your Responsibilities when Serving Food and Beverage.............................33

Week 16 Legal Responsibilities in Travel and Tourism ..............................................35

Week 17 Final Examination.........................................................................................37


                             XXX XXX

                 First Semester, Academic Year 2009

Verified and Approved by:

            _______________________        ________________________
            (                      )       (                          )
                Date ___/___/_____               Date ___/___/_____
                      Dean                    Vice Rector for Academic

Guided Lesson Plan

WEEK 1 (Duration 180 Minutes)
        (20 mins Break)

Chapter 1 Prevention Philosophy
Objectives: The students will be able to:
           1. explain the importance of studying law related to the hospitality and
           2. evaluate management actions on an ethical basis.

  Time                                                                           Activities / Learning
                       Key Points / Steps
 (Min.)                                                                                  Aids
   30   1. Introduce to the course. Give an overview on                         Lesson Schedule
                  course objectives, assessment rules and
    10       2. Conduct “Get to know you” activity,                             Activity
                  allowing the students to get to know each
     5       3. Inform the students of the unit objectives.
     5       4. Give an overview of the unit and elicit their
                  knowledge related to the topics to be
             Chapter 1 Prevention Philosophy
    10       5. Discuss with the students about the future                      Discussion
                 hospitality manager and the legal
    10       6. Define “Law” and two major systems of law.                      Lecture
    10       7. Discuss the Historical origins of the Law.                      Discussion
    10       8. Explain judicial system and the evolutionary                    Judicial system chart in
                 of common law.                                                 PPT.
     5       9. Define “Preventive Legal Management”                            Lecture
    10       10. Discuss the term “STEM”                                        Discuss
    10       11. Explain the definition and importance of                       Lecture and Discussion

Guided Lesson Plan

  Time                                                                          Activities / Learning
                       Key Points / Steps
 (Min.)                                                                                  Aids
   10   12. Discuss the relation between ethics and law.                        Discussion
     5       13. Explain the ethical analysis guidelines.                       Lecture
    20       14. Evaluate those ethical issues from the                         Situational Analysis
                  guidelines with the case study.
    10       15. Summarize the contents of the unit and open                    Q&A
                  for discussion. Inform the class of the topic
                  for next week.

Resources:        PowerPoint Week 1
                  Barth, S. (2009). Chapter 1 Prevention Philosophy. Hospitality law:
                           Managing legal issues in the hospitality industry (3rd ed.). New
                           Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.
                  Situation from: Chapter 1 Prevention Philosophy, page 10. An Ethical
                           Situation. Hospitality law: Managing legal issues in the hospitality
                           industry (3rd ed.). New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.

Guided Lesson Plan

WEEK 2 (Duration 180 Minutes)
        (20 mins Break)

Chapter 3 Hospitality Business Structures
Objectives: The students will be able to:
           1. explain the importance of selecting the proper organizational and
              operational structures for a hospitality business.
           2. identify various organizational business structures used in the hospitality

  Time                                                                           Activities / Learning
                      Key Points / Steps
 (Min.)                                                                                  Aids
   10   1. Review the contents of the previous unit                             Discussion
     5       2. Tell the students what to be achieved in the                    Lecture
                  today’s unit objectives.
     5       3. Give an overview of the contents to be                          Lecture
                  covered within the unit.
     5       4. Define two types of business structures.                        Lecture
    10       5. Discuss the importance of business structure.                   Discussion
    45       6. Define the common hospitality                                   Lecture
                 organizational structures of the following:
                               Sole Proprietorship
                               General Partnership
                               Limited Partnership
                               C Corporation
                               S Corporation
                               Limited Liability Company
    20       7. Discuss the differences of liabilities in each                  Discussion
                 structure, and what the students think are                     See chart on page 70 in
                 pros and cons in each structure.                               the textbook for

Guided Lesson Plan

  Time                                                                           Activities / Learning
                       Key Points / Steps
 (Min.)                                                                                  Aids
   30   8. Divide the students into groups and assign                           Situational Analysis
                  the case study about Limited Partnership and                  Group work
                  let them analyze.
    20       9. Choose one group to present and let the other                   Presentation and
                  groups share their opinions.                                  Discussion
    10       10. Summarize the contents of the unit and open                    Q&A
                  for discussion. Inform the class of the topic
                  for next week.

Resources:        PowerPoint Week 2&3
                  Barth, S. (2009). Chapter 3 Hospitality Business Structures. Hospitality
                           law: Managing legal issues in the hospitality industry (3rd ed.).
                           New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.
                  Situation from: Chapter 3 Hospitality Business Structures, page 67. Analyze
                           the situation 3.1. Hospitality law: Managing legal issues in the
                           hospitality industry (3rd ed.). New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.

Guided Lesson Plan

WEEK 3 (Duration 180 Minutes)
        (20 mins Break)

Chapter 3 Hospitality Business Structures
Objectives: The students will be able to:
           1. identify the most common operational business structures used in the
              hospitality industry.
           2. identify the responsibilities and obligations created by an agency

  Time                                                                           Activities / Learning
                      Key Points / Steps
 (Min.)                                                                                  Aids
   10   1. Review the contents of the previous unit.                            Discussion
     5       2. Tell the students what to be achieved in the                    Lecture
                  today’s unit objectives.
     5       3. Give an overview of the contents to be                          Lecture
                  covered within the unit.
    35       4. Define the common hospitality operational                       Lecture
                  structures of the following:
                      Management Contracts
                      Condo Hotels
    20       5. Brainstorm with the students on the examples Brainstorming
                 of each operational structure in the
    15       6. Define concepts of the relationship between                     Lecture
                 the businesses and their hired help.
                      Independent contractor

Guided Lesson Plan

  Time                                                                           Activities / Learning
                      Key Points / Steps
 (Min.)                                                                                  Aids
   10   7. Explain the responsibilities and obligations                         Lecture
                  created by an agency relationship.
    50       8. Analyze the case study about the liability of                   Situational Analysis
                  the company. Brainstorm with the students                     Brainstorming
                  about question no. 1 and 2. Let the students                  Group assignment
                  work in groups to find the answer to question
                  no. 3.
    10       9. Summarize the contents of the unit and open                     Q&A
                  for discussion. Inform the class of the topic
                  for next week.

Resources:        PowerPoint Week 2&3
                  Barth, S. (2009). Chapter 3 Hospitality Business Structures. Hospitality
                           law: Managing legal issues in the hospitality industry (3rd ed.).
                           New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.
                  Situation from: Chapter 3 Hospitality Business Structures, page 79. Analyze
                           the situation 3.3. Hospitality law: Managing legal issues in the
                           hospitality industry (3rd ed.). New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.

Guided Lesson Plan

WEEK 4 (Duration 180 Minutes)
        (20 mins Break)

Chapter 4 Contract Basics
Objectives: The students will be able to:
           1. explain the basic types of valid business contracts.
           2. identify the essential components that must be presented to create a valid
           3. explain how to avoid the legal difficulties related to contracts before they

  Time                                                                           Activities / Learning
                      Key Points / Steps
 (Min.)                                                                                  Aids
   10   1. Review the contents of the previous unit.                            Discussion
     5       2. Tell the students what to be achieved in the                    Lecture
                  today’s unit objectives.
     5       3. Give an overview of the contents to be                          Lecture
                  covered within the unit.
     5       4. Define contract and the person concerned                        Lecture
                  with the contracts.
    15       5. Identify two types of contracts and give some Lecture and discussion
     5       6. Explain what enforceable contract is.                           Lecture
    20       7. Explain how contracts can be enforceable:                       Lecture
    15       8. Discuss with the students which ways the                        Discussion
                 offers can be accepted.
    30       9. Let the students analyze the situation related                  Situational Analysis
                 to the enforceable contract. The answer                        Group work
                 should cover the reasons supporting their

Guided Lesson Plan

  Time                                                                           Activities / Learning
                      Key Points / Steps
 (Min.)                                                                                  Aids
    5   10. Explain what Breach of contract is.                                 Lecture
    20       11. Explain and discuss the remedies and                           Lecture
                  consequences of breaching an enforceable
    15       12. Discuss with the students what to follow                       Discussion
                  when drawing up contracts to prevent breach
                  of contract.
    10       13. Summarize the contents of the unit and open                    Q&A
                  for discussion. Inform the class of the topic
                  for next week.

Resources:        PowerPoint Week 4
                  Barth, S. (2009). Chapter 4 Contract Basics. Hospitality law: Managing
                           legal issues in the hospitality industry (3rd ed.). New Jersey: John
                           Wiley & Sons.
                  Situation from: Chapter 4 Contract Basics, page 92. Analyze the situation
                           4.3. Hospitality law: Managing legal issues in the hospitality
                           industry (3rd ed.). New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.

Guided Lesson Plan

WEEK 5 (Duration 180 Minutes)
        (20 mins Break)

Chapter 5 Significant Hospitality Contracts
Objectives: The student will be able to:
           1. explain the contract clauses commonly utilized in hospitality contracts.
           2. point out the purposes of all contract types.

  Time                                                                           Activities / Learning
                     Key Points / Steps
 (Min.)                                                                                  Aids
   10   1. Review the contents of the previous unit.                            Discussion
     5       2. Tell the students what to be achieved in the                    Lecture
                  today’s unit objectives.
     5       3. Give an overview of the contents to be                          Lecture
                  covered within the unit.
    15       4. Explain essential causes for providing                          Lecture
                  products and services to guests.
    15       5. Explain essential clauses for purchasing                        Lecture
                  products and services.
    10       6. Explain exculpatory clauses.                                    Lecture
     5       7. Explain types of specialized contracts.                         Lecture
    15                Franchise Contracts
    15                Management Contracts
    15                Conference Services Contracts
                      -    Meeting and Space Contracts
                      -    Group Lodging Contracts
    20       8. Divide the students into two groups. Assign                     Case Study
                  them the situation from the case study (the
                  factual summary and issue for the court). If
                  they were in the court, what is their decision?

Guided Lesson Plan

  Time                                                                           Activities / Learning
                     Key Points / Steps
 (Min.)                                                                                  Aids
   20   9. Two groups present their decision. Allow                             Presentation and
                  them to share ideas and finally the teacher                   Discussion
                  shows them the actual court decision.
                  Compare decisions among those of their and
                  of the court’s.
    10       10. Summarize the contents of the unit and open                    Q&A
                  for discussion. Inform the class of the topic
                  for next week.

Resources:        PowerPoint Week 5
                  Barth, S. (2009). Chapter 5 Significant Hospitality Contracts. Hospitality
                           law: Managing legal issues in the hospitality industry (3rd ed.).
                           New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.
                  Case Study from: Chapter 5 Significant Hospitality Contracts, page 145.
                           The Hospitality Industry in Court: Opryland Hotel v. Millbrook
                           Distrib. Servs., 1999 Tenn. App. Lexis 644 (Tenn. Ct. App. 1999).
                           Hospitality law: Managing legal issues in the hospitality industry
                           (3rd ed.). New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.

Guided Lesson Plan

WEEK 6 (Duration 180 Minutes)
        (20 mins Break)

Chapter 6 Legally Managing Property
Objectives: The students will be able to:
           1. identify the differences between the real property and the personal
           2. evaluate the purchase vs. the lease decision from a legal perspective.

  Time                                                                           Activities / Learning
                     Key Points / Steps
 (Min.)                                                                                  Aids
   10   1. Review the contents of the previous unit.                            Discussion
     5       2. Tell the students what to be achieved in the                    Lecture
                  today’s unit objectives.
     5       3. Give an overview of the contents to be                          Lecture
                  covered within the unit.
    10       4. Explain types of property                                       Lecture
                      Real Property
                      Personal Property
    15       5. Read Situation#1 to the students. Discuss                       Situational Analysis#1
                  with the students to answer three questions.                  Discussion
    10       6. Explain how the real property can be sold                       Lecture
                  and purchased.
    10       7. Explain how the personal property can be                        Lecture
                  sold and purchased.
     5       8. Define what “leasing property” is.                              Lecture
    10       9. Explain and discuss the essential lease terms                   Lecture and discussion
                  as a lessor.
    10       10. Explain and discuss the essential lease terms                  Lecture and discussion
                  as a lessee.
    10       11. Explain and discuss what rights of the                         Lecture and discussion
                  landlord are.

Guided Lesson Plan

  Time                                                      Activities / Learning
                       Key Points / Steps
 (Min.)                                                             Aids
   15   12. Explain the legal considerations of buying vs. Lecture
    20       13. Divide the students into three groups; give                    Situational Analysis#2
                  them the situation and let them discuss and                   Group work
                  answer the questions.
    15       14. Let the students present their analysis.                       Presentation
    10       15. Summarize the contents of the unit and open                    Q&A
                  for discussion. Inform the class of the topic
                  for next week.

Resources:        PowerPoint Week 6
                  Barth, S. (2009). Chapter 6 Legally Managing Property. Hospitality law:
                           Managing legal issues in the hospitality industry (3rd ed.). New
                           Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.
                  Situation#1 from: Chapter 6 Legally Managing Property, page 152. Analyze
                           the situation 6.1. Hospitality law: Managing legal issues in the
                           hospitality industry (3rd ed.). New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.
                  Situation#2 from: Chapter 6 Legally Managing Property, page 167. Analyze
                           the situation 6.3. Hospitality law: Managing legal issues in the
                           hospitality industry (3rd ed.). New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.

Guided Lesson Plan

WEEK 7 (Duration 180 Minutes)
        (20 mins Break)

Chapter 6 Legally Managing Property (Respecting Intellectual Rights)
Objectives: The students will be able to:
           1. avoid infringement of patent, copyright and concept rights.
  Time                                                       Activities / Learning
                        Key Points / Steps
 (Min.)                                                              Aids
   10    1. Review the contents of the previous unit.       Discussion
     5       2. Tell the students what to be achieved in the                    Lecture
                  today’s unit objectives.
     5       3. Give an overview of the contents to be                          Lecture
                  covered within the unit.
     5       4. Explain what intellectual property is.                          Lecture
    10       5. Explain the Trademark. The different                            Lecture
                  symbols of trademark.
    10       6. Let the students participate in giving the                      Discussion
                  examples of trademark that they have come
                  across with in their daily life.
    10       7. Explain the Patent. Give some examples of                       Lecture and Examples
    10       8. Explain the Copyright. What rights does the                     Lecture
                  copyright law protect?
    15       9. Show them examples of suspicious copyright                      Examples
                  law violation. In PPT page 10, there are                      Discussion
                  MGM trademark and three imitative works.
                  Let the students discuss whether those three
                  works violate the law.
                      It can be seen that picture 2 with Tom
                      imitates the Lion. Does it violate the
                      copyright law, since Tom & Jerry cartoon
                      is owned by MGM?

Guided Lesson Plan

  Time                                                                           Activities / Learning
                      Key Points / Steps
 (Min.)                                                                                  Aids
    5   10. Explain about the Trade Dress.                                      Lecture
    15       11. According to Slide no.12, let the students                     Discussion
                  discuss the Trade Dress of the given                          Brainstorming
    15       12. Explain and discuss how to prevent                             Lecture
                  intellectual property rights infringement.
    35       13. Give the situation to the students. Divide                     Situational Analysis
                  them into three groups; give them one
                  question per group. First group presents their
                  analysis and all students comment; then takes
                  turn for another group.
    10       14. Summarize the contents of the unit and open                    Q&A
                  for discussion. Inform the class of the topic
                  for next week.

Resources:        PowerPoint Week 7
                  Barth, S. (2009). Chapter 6 Legally Managing Property. Hospitality law:
                           Managing legal issues in the hospitality industry (3rd ed.). New
                           Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.
                  Situation from: Chapter 6 Legally Managing Property, page 176. What
                           would you do? Hospitality law: Managing legal issues in the
                           hospitality industry (3rd ed.). New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.

Guided Lesson Plan

WEEK 8 (Duration 120 Minutes)
Mid-term Examination

  Time                                                                           Activities / Learning
                                 Key Points / Steps
 (Min.)                                                                                  Aids

Guided Lesson Plan

WEEK 9 (Duration 180 Minutes)
        (20 mins Break)

Chapter 7 Legally Selecting Employees
Objectives: The students will be able to:
           1. utilize job descriptions, qualifications and other tools for legally selecting
           2. explain the concept of collective bargaining and legal obligations when
              interacting with labor unions.

  Time                                                                           Activities / Learning
                     Key Points / Steps
 (Min.)                                                                                  Aids
   10   1. Review the contents of the previous unit.                            Discussion
     5       2. Tell the students what to be achieved in the                    Lecture
                  today’s unit objectives.
     5       3. Give an overview of the contents to be                          Lecture
                  covered within the unit.
     5       4. Define Employer & Employee.                                     Lecture
    10       5. Define Job description and job qualification.                   Lecture
    10       6. Explain what could be included in the job                       Lecture
    10       7. Show them the examples of job description                       Examples
                  and job qualification.
    30       8. Study a discrimination case of Nady Riad                        Case Study
                  together. Let the students read the case and
                  reflect their thoughts. Discuss why
                  discrimination issue is so important in the
                  hospitality industry.
    20       9. Explain application screening methods.                          Lecture
                      Pre-employment Testing
                      Background checks

Guided Lesson Plan

  Time                                                                           Activities / Learning
                       Key Points / Steps
 (Min.)                                                                                  Aids
   15   10. Identify two types of employment                                    Lecture
                      At-Will Employment
                      Labor Union and Collective Bargaining
    30       11. Let the students work in groups of 4 to 5.                     Group Activity
                  Each group would have to recruit a different
                  hospitality position such as server, waiting
                  staff, dishwasher, front desk, or chef. Each
                  group has to list at least five qualifications of
                  which the potential employee must have;
                  then identify and list the selection tools that
                  they would use to match the right applicant
                  with the job described.
    10       12. Summarize the contents of the unit and open                    Q&A
                  for discussion. Inform the class of the topic
                  for next week.

Resources:        PowerPoint Week 9
                  Barth, S. (2009). Chapter 7 Legally Selecting Employees. Hospitality law:
                           Managing legal issues in the hospitality industry (3rd ed.). New
                           Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.
                  Case Study from: Chapter 7 Legally Selecting Employees, page 211. The
                           Hospitality Industry in Court: Riad v. 520 South Michigan Avenue
                           Assocs, 78 F. Supp. 2d 748 (N.D. Ill. 1999). Hospitality law:
                           Managing legal issues in the hospitality industry (3rd ed.). New
                           Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.
                  Group Activity from : Chapter 7 Legally Selecting Employees, page 212.
                           Team Activity. Hospitality law: Managing legal issues in the
                           hospitality industry (3rd ed.). New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.

Guided Lesson Plan

WEEK 10 (Duration 180 Minutes)
        (20 mins Break)

Chapter 8 Legally Managing Employees
Objectives: The students will be able to:
           1. differentiate between an employment agreement and employee manual.
           2. Establish non-discriminatory work environment.

  Time                                                                           Activities / Learning
                     Key Points / Steps
 (Min.)                                                                                  Aids
   10   1. Review the contents of the previous unit.                            Discussion
     5       2. Tell the students what to be achieved in the                    Lecture
                  today’s unit objectives.
     5       3. Give an overview of the contents to be                          Lecture
                  covered within the unit.
     5       4. Explain employment agreement.                                   Lecture
     5       5. Explain what could be included in an                            Lecture
                  employment agreement.
    10       6. Explain employee manual.                                        Lecture
    10       7. Discuss with the students of the differences                    Discussion
                  between employment agreement and
                  employee manual.
    10       8. Explain and discuss how to prevent                              Lecture and Discussion
    10       9. Explain and discuss how to manage diversity. Lecture and Discussion
     5       10. Explain two types of sexual harassment.                        Lecture
    10       11. Explain the employer liability toward                          Lecture and Discussion
                  discrimination, and discuss together.
    10       12. Explain about Zero Tolerance.                                  Lecture
    10       13. Explain how to investigate a complaint.                        Lecture
    10       14. Explain how to resolve a complaint.                            Lecture
     5       15. Explain what Third-Party Harassment is.                        Lecture

Guided Lesson Plan

  Time                                                                           Activities / Learning
                      Key Points / Steps
 (Min.)                                                                                  Aids
    5   16. Explain what Liability Insurance is.                                Lecture
    25       17. Let the students read the case study about                     Case Study
                  sexual harassment. Let them discuss and
                  reflect the court decision.
    10       18. Summarize the contents of the unit and open                    Q&A
                  for discussion. Inform the class of the topic
                  for next week.

Resources:        PowerPoint Week 10&11
                  Barth, S. (2009). Chapter 8 Legally Managing Employees. Hospitality law:
                           Managing legal issues in the hospitality industry (3rd ed.). New
                           Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.
                  Case Study from: Chapter 8 Legally Managing Employees, page 257. The
                           Hospitality Industry in Court: Faragher v. City of Boca Raton, 524
                           U.S. 775 (1998). Hospitality law: Managing legal issues in the
                           hospitality industry (3rd ed.). New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.

Guided Lesson Plan

WEEK 11 (Duration 180 Minutes)
        (20 mins Break)

Chapter 8 Legally Managing Employees
Objectives: The students will be able to:
           1. legally manage complex areas of employee leaves, compensation and
           2. respond to claims properly.

  Time                                                                           Activities / Learning
                     Key Points / Steps
 (Min.)                                                                                  Aids
   10   1. Review the contents of the previous unit.                            Discussion
     5       2. Tell the students what to be achieved in the                    Lecture
                  today’s unit objectives.
     5       3. Give an overview of the contents to be                          Lecture
                  covered within the unit.
    15       4. Explain compensation.                                           Lecture
                      Minimum Wage and Overtime
                      Tipped Employees
                      Tip Pooling
    20       5. Let the students read and analyze the given                     Situational Analysis
                  situation about the tip. Let them share their                 Group activity
                  thoughts with other groups.
             6. Explain how to manage employee                                  Lecture
     5                Evaluation
    10                Discipline
    15                Termination
    10                In-House Dispute Resolution
    10       7. Explain unemployment claims                                     Lecture
    25       8. Let the class read the case about employee                      Case Study
                  complaints. Discuss and reflect the court                     Discussion

Guided Lesson Plan

  Time                                                                          Activities / Learning
                     Key Points / Steps
 (Min.)                                                                                  Aids
   10   9. Discuss employment records and retention                             Discussion
                  and what to be included.
    10       10. Explain workplace surveillance.                                Lecture
    10       11. Summarize the contents of the unit and open                    Q&A
                  for discussion. Inform the class of the topic
                  for next week.

Resources:        PowerPoint Week 10&11
                  Barth, S. (2009). Chapter 8 Legally Managing Employees. Hospitality law:
                           Managing legal issues in the hospitality industry (3rd ed.). New
                           Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.
                  Situation from: Chapter 8 Legally Managing Employees, page 232. Analyze
                           the situation 8.2. Hospitality law: Managing legal issues in the
                           hospitality industry (3rd ed.). New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.
                  Case Study from: Chapter 8 Legally Managing Employees, page 256. The
                           Hospitality Industry in Court: Romero v. Howard Johnson Plaza
                           Hotel, 1999 U.S. Dist. Lexis 15264 (S.D.N.Y. 1999). Hospitality
                           law: Managing legal issues in the hospitality industry (3rd ed.).
                           New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.

Guided Lesson Plan

WEEK 12 (Duration 180 Minutes)
        (20 mins Break)

Chapter 9&10 Your Responsibilities as a Hospitality Operator (to Guest)
Objectives: The students will be able to:
           1. differentiate between the types of legal duties required of a hospitality
           2. evaluate operational activities in light of their impacts on guest safety and
              potential legal damages.
           3. explain the legal responsibilities to admit guests and the circumstances
              when administration can be denied.
           4. explain how to protect guest’s right to privacy.
           5. explain how to operate and maintain a facility to maximize the safety.
  Time                                                           Activities / Learning
                         Key Points / Steps
 (Min.)                                                                  Aids
   10    1. Review the contents of the previous unit.           Discussion
     5       2. Tell the students what to be achieved in the                    Lecture
                  today’s unit objectives.
     5       3. Give an overview of the contents to be                          Lecture
                  covered within the unit.
    10       4. Explain what duties of care and standard of                     Lecture
                  care are.
    15       5. Explain the theories of liability and the                       Lecture
                  consequences of the failure to exercise
                  reasonable care.
     5       6. Explain types of legal damages.                                 Lecture
    10       7. Explain the processes of how the lawsuits are Lecture
                  filed against the hospitality manager.
    10       8. Show the students the appropriate process of                    Discussion
                  responding to an incident in the property.
    30       9. Let the students read the situation about Ski                   Situational Analysis
                  Resort. Analyze the situation and answer the                  Group Work

Guided Lesson Plan

  Time                                                                           Activities / Learning
                       Key Points / Steps
 (Min.)                                                                                  Aids
    5   10. Explain the differences between guests and                          Lecture
    10       11. Explain the legal responsibilities to admit                    Lecture & Discussion
                  guest and the rights to denied, and discuss
    10       12. Explain the importance of guest privacy.                       Lecture
    10       13. Explain the importance of facility                             Lecture & Discussion
                  maintenance. What issues should be
                  concerned? Discuss together.
     5       14. Discuss the hotel’s responsibilities to non-                   Discussion
    10       15. Discuss how the hotel legally removes the                      Discussion
                  guests from the property.
    10       16. Summarize the contents of the unit and open                    Q&A
                  for discussion. Inform the class of the topic
                  for next week.

Resources:        PowerPoint Week 12
                  Barth, S. (2009). Chapter 9 Your Responsibilities as a Hospitality Operator.
                           Hospitality law: Managing legal issues in the hospitality industry
                           (3rd ed.). New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.
                  Barth, S. (2009). Chapter 10 Your Responsibilities as a Hospitality Operator
                           to Guests. Hospitality law: Managing legal issues in the hospitality
                           industry (3rd ed.). New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.
                  Situation from: Chapter 9 Your Responsibilities as a Hospitality Operator,
                           page 264. Analyze the situation 9.2. Hospitality law: Managing
                           legal issues in the hospitality industry (3rd ed.). New Jersey: John
                           Wiley & Sons.

Guided Lesson Plan

WEEK 13 (Duration 180 Minutes)
        (20 mins Break)

Chapter 11 Your Responsibilities for Guests’ Property
Objectives: The students will be able to:
           1. explain the responsibility hospitality managers have to safeguard the
              personal property of their guests.
           2. carry out the procedures needed to limit potential liability for the loss of
              guest property.
           3. assess the theories of bailment.

  Time                                                                           Activities / Learning
                     Key Points / Steps
 (Min.)                                                                                  Aids
   10   1. Review the contents of the previous unit.                            Discussion
     5       2. Tell the students what to be achieved in the                    Lecture
                  today’s unit objectives.
     5       3. Give an overview of the contents to be                          Lecture
                  covered within the unit.
    10       4. Explain common law liability.                                   Lecture
    10       5. Explain limits on common law liability.                         Lecture
    10       6. Give examples of some common liability                          Discussion
    20       7. Let the student read the case study about                       Case Study
                  liability for guest’s property. Ask them,
                  would the decision be the same if the hotel
                  did post sufficient copies of the statute?
    15       8. Give a short situation to the students. Let                     Situational Analysis#1
                  them work in pairs to analyze the situation                   Pair work
                  and answer the questions.
     5       9. Explain what the bailment is.                                   Lecture
     5       10. Explain the relationship of bailments.                         Lecture
    10       11. Explain the types of bailment.                                 Lecture
    15       12. Discuss the examples of each type of                           Discussion
                  bailments with the students.

Guided Lesson Plan

  Time                                                                           Activities / Learning
                       Key Points / Steps
 (Min.)                                                                                  Aids
   15   13. Divide the students in groups of 4-5. Give                          Situational Analysis#2
                  them the situation about the bailment. Let                    Group work
                  them analyze the situation and answer                         (Keep question 3 for
                  question 1&2. Write in the paper.                             next week)
    15       14. Let each group share their thoughts and                        Discussion
    10       15. Summarize the contents of the unit and open                    Q&A
                  for discussion. Inform the class of the topic
                  for next week.

Resources:        PowerPoint Week 13&14
                  Barth, S. (2009). Chapter 11 Your Responsibilities for Guests’ Property.
                           Hospitality law: Managing legal issues in the hospitality industry
                           (3rd ed.). New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.
                  Case Study from: Chapter 11 Your Responsibilities for Guests’ Property,
                           page 324-325. The Hospitality Industry in Court: Frockt v.Goodloe,
                           670 F. Supp. 163 (W.D.N.C. 1987). Hospitality law: Managing
                           legal issues in the hospitality industry (3rd ed.). New Jersey: John
                           Wiley & Sons.
                  Situation #1 from: Chapter 11 Your Responsibilities for Guests’ Property,
                           page 314. Analyze the situation 11.1. Hospitality law: Managing
                           legal issues in the hospitality industry (3rd ed.). New Jersey: John
                           Wiley & Sons.
                  Situation #2 from: Chapter 11 Your Responsibilities for Guests’ Property,
                           page 316. Analyze the situation 11.2. Hospitality law: Managing
                           legal issues in the hospitality industry (3rd ed.). New Jersey: John
                           Wiley & Sons.

Guided Lesson Plan

WEEK 14 (Duration 180 Minutes)
        (20 mins Break)

Chapter 11 Your Responsibilities for Guests’ Property
Objectives: The students will be able to:
           1. identify the bailment liability.
           2. implement policies that limit potential legal liability.
           3. create the procedures required to legally dispose of personal property
              whose ownership status is in question.

  Time                                                                           Activities / Learning
                     Key Points / Steps
 (Min.)                                                                                  Aids
   10   1. Review the contents of the previous unit.                            Discussion
     5       2. Tell the students what to be achieved in the                    Lecture
                  today’s unit objectives.
     5       3. Give an overview of the contents to be                          Lecture
                  covered within the unit.
    10       4. Explain the liability under a bailment                          Lecture
    20       5. According to the situation about “The Fox                       Situational Analysis#1
                  Mountain Country Club v. Mrs. Weldo” that                     Group Work
                  the students worked in groups from the                        (Continual situation
                  previous class, let them decide on the                        from the previous
                  following:                                                    class)
                      If you are a court, is the Fox Mountain
                      County Club liable for the missing of
                      Mrs. Weldo’s coat? Why or why not?
                      If yes, how much, responsibility that the
                      Fox Mountain County Club would have
                      to take?
                      What should the club manager do in the
                      future to avoid situation such as this?
     5       6. Explain detained property.                                      Lecture
     5       7. Explain innkeeper’s Lien.                                       Lecture

Guided Lesson Plan

  Time                                                                           Activities / Learning
                     Key Points / Steps
 (Min.)                                                                                  Aids
   15   8. Explain types of property with unknown                               Lecture
    15       9. Discuss the differences between mislaid and                     Discussion
                  abandoned property. Ask the students the
                  following questions:
                      If you are a manager, how could you
                      teach your employees the differences of
                      between these two unknown properties?
                      Why is it so important to tell them
    15       10. Explain and discuss the process to dispose                     Lecture
                  the found property.
    15       11. Let the students work in groups of 4-5. Give                   Situational Analysis#2
                  them the situation to analyze and answer the                  Group work
    30       12. According to the situation above, let them                     Group work
                  draft a policy and procedures guide that will
                  instruct employees as to how to handle found
    10       13. Summarize the contents of the unit and open                    Q&A
                  for discussion. Inform the class of the topic
                  for next week.

Resources:        PowerPoint Week 13&14
                  Barth, S. (2009). Chapter 11 Your Responsibilities for Guests’ Property.
                           Hospitality law: Managing legal issues in the hospitality industry
                           (3rd ed.). New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.

Guided Lesson Plan

                  Situation #1 from: Chapter 11 Your Responsibilities for Guests’ Property,
                           page 316. Analyze the situation 11.2. Hospitality law: Managing
                           legal issues in the hospitality industry (3rd ed.). New Jersey: John
                           Wiley & Sons.
                  Situation #2 from: Chapter 11 Your Responsibilities for Guests’ Property,
                           page 321. Analyze the situation 11.3. Hospitality law: Managing
                           legal issues in the hospitality industry (3rd ed.). New Jersey: John
                           Wiley & Sons.

Guided Lesson Plan

WEEK 15 (Duration 180 Minutes)
        (20 mins Break)

Chapter 12 Your Responsibilities when Serving Food and Beverages
Objectives: The students will be able to:
           1. explain the responsibilities of foodservice establishments.
           2. apply truth in menu concepts to the service.
           3. assess the current legal risks associated with serving alcohol.

  Time                                                                           Activities / Learning
                     Key Points / Steps
 (Min.)                                                                                  Aids
   10   1. Review the contents of the previous unit.                            Discussion
     5       2. Tell the students what to be achieved in the                    Lecture
                  today’s unit objectives.
     5       3. Give an overview of the contents to be                          Lecture
                  covered within the unit.
     5       4. Explain the legal obligation of foodservice                     Lecture
    10       5. Explain and discuss how to legally manage                       Lecture
                  with guests’ complaint of foodborne illness.
    10       6. Explain what “Truth in Menu laws” is.                           Lecture
    15       7. Let the students read the situation about                       Situational Analysis#1
                  Jeffery and Latisha Williams. Analyze the                     Group work
                  situation and answer the questions.
    10       8. Explain the legal obligation when serving                       Lecture
    10       9. Explain what “BAL” is.                                          Lecture
    10       10. Discuss the common law areas of serving                        Discussion
    10       11. Explain the liability associated with alcohol                  Lecture
    15       12. Discuss the training for responsible service.                  Discussion

Guided Lesson Plan

  Time                                                                           Activities / Learning
                      Key Points / Steps
 (Min.)                                                                                  Aids
   25   13. Students work in groups of 4-5. Read the                            Situational Analysis#2
                  situation about Altoona Pike Country Club,                    Group Work
                  analyze and answer the questions.
    10       14. With the whole class, discuss their decision.                  Discussion
    10       15. Summarize the contents of the unit and open                    Q&A
                  for discussion. Inform the class of the topic
                  for next week.

Resources:        PowerPoint Week 15
                  Barth, S. (2009). Chapter 12 Your Responsibilities when Serving Food and
                           Beverages. Hospitality law: Managing legal issues in the
                           hospitality industry (3rd ed.). New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.
                  Situation# 1 from: Chapter 12 Your Responsibilities when Serving Food and
                           Beverages, page 334. Analyze the situation 12.3. Hospitality law:
                           Managing legal issues in the hospitality industry (3rd ed.). New
                           Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.
                  Situation# 2 from: Chapter 12 Your Responsibilities when Serving Food and
                           Beverages, page 348. Analyze the situation 12.6. Hospitality law:
                           Managing legal issues in the hospitality industry (3rd ed.). New
                           Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.

Guided Lesson Plan

WEEK 16 (Duration 180 Minutes)
        (20 mins Break)

Chapter 13 Legal Responsibilities in Travel and Tourism
Objectives: The students will be able to:
           1. explain the roles and potential liabilities of travel agents and tour
           2. identify those common carriers typically utilized by the travel industry.
           3. identify the recurrent areas of potential liability inherent in each of them.
           4. analyze how the unique characteristics of the Internet can impact
              restaurant and hotel managers’ effort to integrate the power of the Web
              into their own operations.

  Time                                                                           Activities / Learning
                     Key Points / Steps
 (Min.)                                                                                  Aids
   10   1. Review the contents of the previous unit.                            Discussion
     5       2. Tell the students what to be achieved in the                    Lecture
                  today’s unit objectives.
     5       3. Give an overview of the contents to be                          Lecture
                  covered within the unit.
     5       4. Discuss the law and travel industry.                            Discusssion
     5       5. Explain the components of the industry.                         Lecture
    10       6. Explain and discuss the complexity of travel                    Lecture and discussion
    10       7. Discuss the issues related travel agents.                       Discussion
     5       8. Explain the liability of travel agents.                         Lecture
     5       9. Discuss the issues related tour operators.                      Discussion
     5       10. Explain and discuss the relationships                          Lecture and discussion
                  between travel agents and tour operators.
     5       11. Explain the liability of tour operators.                       Lecture
    15       12. Discuss the issues related to transportation                   Discussion
                  and common carriers.
    10       13. Explain and discuss the potential liability of                 Lecture and Discussion
                  transportation industry.

Guided Lesson Plan

  Time                                                       Activities / Learning
                       Key Points / Steps
 (Min.)                                                              Aids
    5   14. Explain the issues related to tourism industry. Lecture
    15       15. Explain and discuss the unique                                 Lecture and Discussion
                  responsibilities of the following operations.
                      Gaming operations
                      Resort / Time-Share Operations
                      Amusement Park Operations
    10       16. Explain and discuss issues related to online                   Lecture and Discussion
                  travel sales.
    15       17. As the Internet has become popular, let the                    Discussion
                  students discuss how the Internet will impact
                  the hotel, and travel industry in the coming
    10       18. Explain how to manage legal internet                           Lecture
    10       19. Summarize the contents of the unit and open                    Q&A
                  for discussion.

Resources:        PowerPoint Week 16
                  Barth, S. (2009). Chapter 13 Legal Responsibilities in Travel and Tourisms.
                            Hospitality law: Managing legal issues in the hospitality industry
                            (3rd ed.). New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.

Guided Lesson Plan

WEEK 17 (Duration 180 Minutes)
Final Examination

  Time                                                                           Activities / Learning
                                 Key Points / Steps
 (Min.)                                                                                  Aids


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Guided lesson plan law

  • 1. HOSPITALITY AND TOURISM LAW (Guided Lesson Plans)
  • 2. No part of this course material may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the prior written permission of Dusit Thani College. 2
  • 3. TABLE OF CONTENTS Week 1 Prevention Philosophy ....................................................................................5 Week 2 Hospitality Business Structure........................................................................7 Week 3 Hospitality Business Structure........................................................................9 Week 4 Contract Basics .............................................................................................11 Week 5 Significant Hospitality Contracts..................................................................13 Week 6 Legally Managing Property ..........................................................................15 Week 7 Respecting Intellectual Rights ......................................................................17 Week 8 Mid-term Examination..................................................................................19 Week 9 Legally Selecting Employees........................................................................20 Week 10 Legally Managing Employees ......................................................................22 Week 11 Legally Managing Employees ......................................................................24 Week 12 Your Responsibilities as a Hospitality Operator (to Guests) ........................26 Week 13 Your Responsibilities for Guests’ Property ..................................................28 Week 14 Your Responsibilities for Guests’ Property ..................................................30 Week 15 Your Responsibilities when Serving Food and Beverage.............................33 Week 16 Legal Responsibilities in Travel and Tourism ..............................................35 Week 17 Final Examination.........................................................................................37 3
  • 4. LESSON PLAN HOSPITALITY AND TOURISM LAW Instructor XXX XXX First Semester, Academic Year 2009 Verified and Approved by: _______________________ ________________________ ( ) ( ) Date ___/___/_____ Date ___/___/_____ Dean Vice Rector for Academic 4
  • 5. Guided Lesson Plan ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEEK 1 (Duration 180 Minutes) (20 mins Break) Chapter 1 Prevention Philosophy Objectives: The students will be able to: 1. explain the importance of studying law related to the hospitality and tourism. 2. evaluate management actions on an ethical basis. Time Activities / Learning Key Points / Steps (Min.) Aids 30 1. Introduce to the course. Give an overview on Lesson Schedule course objectives, assessment rules and regulations. 10 2. Conduct “Get to know you” activity, Activity allowing the students to get to know each other. 5 3. Inform the students of the unit objectives. 5 4. Give an overview of the unit and elicit their knowledge related to the topics to be introduced. Chapter 1 Prevention Philosophy 10 5. Discuss with the students about the future Discussion hospitality manager and the legal environment. 10 6. Define “Law” and two major systems of law. Lecture 10 7. Discuss the Historical origins of the Law. Discussion 10 8. Explain judicial system and the evolutionary Judicial system chart in of common law. PPT. 5 9. Define “Preventive Legal Management” Lecture 10 10. Discuss the term “STEM” Discuss 10 11. Explain the definition and importance of Lecture and Discussion “Ethic”. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5
  • 6. Guided Lesson Plan ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Time Activities / Learning Key Points / Steps (Min.) Aids 10 12. Discuss the relation between ethics and law. Discussion 5 13. Explain the ethical analysis guidelines. Lecture 20 14. Evaluate those ethical issues from the Situational Analysis guidelines with the case study. 10 15. Summarize the contents of the unit and open Q&A for discussion. Inform the class of the topic for next week. Resources: PowerPoint Week 1 Barth, S. (2009). Chapter 1 Prevention Philosophy. Hospitality law: Managing legal issues in the hospitality industry (3rd ed.). New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons. Situation from: Chapter 1 Prevention Philosophy, page 10. An Ethical Situation. Hospitality law: Managing legal issues in the hospitality industry (3rd ed.). New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6
  • 7. Guided Lesson Plan ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEEK 2 (Duration 180 Minutes) (20 mins Break) Chapter 3 Hospitality Business Structures Objectives: The students will be able to: 1. explain the importance of selecting the proper organizational and operational structures for a hospitality business. 2. identify various organizational business structures used in the hospitality industry. Time Activities / Learning Key Points / Steps (Min.) Aids 10 1. Review the contents of the previous unit Discussion 5 2. Tell the students what to be achieved in the Lecture today’s unit objectives. 5 3. Give an overview of the contents to be Lecture covered within the unit. 5 4. Define two types of business structures. Lecture 10 5. Discuss the importance of business structure. Discussion 45 6. Define the common hospitality Lecture organizational structures of the following: Sole Proprietorship General Partnership Limited Partnership C Corporation S Corporation Limited Liability Company 20 7. Discuss the differences of liabilities in each Discussion structure, and what the students think are See chart on page 70 in pros and cons in each structure. the textbook for references. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7
  • 8. Guided Lesson Plan ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Time Activities / Learning Key Points / Steps (Min.) Aids 30 8. Divide the students into groups and assign Situational Analysis the case study about Limited Partnership and Group work let them analyze. 20 9. Choose one group to present and let the other Presentation and groups share their opinions. Discussion 10 10. Summarize the contents of the unit and open Q&A for discussion. Inform the class of the topic for next week. Resources: PowerPoint Week 2&3 Barth, S. (2009). Chapter 3 Hospitality Business Structures. Hospitality law: Managing legal issues in the hospitality industry (3rd ed.). New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons. Situation from: Chapter 3 Hospitality Business Structures, page 67. Analyze the situation 3.1. Hospitality law: Managing legal issues in the hospitality industry (3rd ed.). New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8
  • 9. Guided Lesson Plan ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEEK 3 (Duration 180 Minutes) (20 mins Break) Chapter 3 Hospitality Business Structures Objectives: The students will be able to: 1. identify the most common operational business structures used in the hospitality industry. 2. identify the responsibilities and obligations created by an agency relationship. Time Activities / Learning Key Points / Steps (Min.) Aids 10 1. Review the contents of the previous unit. Discussion 5 2. Tell the students what to be achieved in the Lecture today’s unit objectives. 5 3. Give an overview of the contents to be Lecture covered within the unit. 35 4. Define the common hospitality operational Lecture structures of the following: Owner-operator Franchise Management Contracts REIT Condo Hotels 20 5. Brainstorm with the students on the examples Brainstorming of each operational structure in the Philippines. 15 6. Define concepts of the relationship between Lecture the businesses and their hired help. Master-servant Agent-principal Independent contractor ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9
  • 10. Guided Lesson Plan ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Time Activities / Learning Key Points / Steps (Min.) Aids 10 7. Explain the responsibilities and obligations Lecture created by an agency relationship. 50 8. Analyze the case study about the liability of Situational Analysis the company. Brainstorm with the students Brainstorming about question no. 1 and 2. Let the students Group assignment work in groups to find the answer to question no. 3. 10 9. Summarize the contents of the unit and open Q&A for discussion. Inform the class of the topic for next week. Resources: PowerPoint Week 2&3 Barth, S. (2009). Chapter 3 Hospitality Business Structures. Hospitality law: Managing legal issues in the hospitality industry (3rd ed.). New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons. Situation from: Chapter 3 Hospitality Business Structures, page 79. Analyze the situation 3.3. Hospitality law: Managing legal issues in the hospitality industry (3rd ed.). New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10
  • 11. Guided Lesson Plan ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEEK 4 (Duration 180 Minutes) (20 mins Break) Chapter 4 Contract Basics Objectives: The students will be able to: 1. explain the basic types of valid business contracts. 2. identify the essential components that must be presented to create a valid contract. 3. explain how to avoid the legal difficulties related to contracts before they arise. Time Activities / Learning Key Points / Steps (Min.) Aids 10 1. Review the contents of the previous unit. Discussion 5 2. Tell the students what to be achieved in the Lecture today’s unit objectives. 5 3. Give an overview of the contents to be Lecture covered within the unit. 5 4. Define contract and the person concerned Lecture with the contracts. 15 5. Identify two types of contracts and give some Lecture and discussion examples. 5 6. Explain what enforceable contract is. Lecture 20 7. Explain how contracts can be enforceable: Lecture Legality Offer Consideration Acceptance 15 8. Discuss with the students which ways the Discussion offers can be accepted. 30 9. Let the students analyze the situation related Situational Analysis to the enforceable contract. The answer Group work should cover the reasons supporting their judgment. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11
  • 12. Guided Lesson Plan ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Time Activities / Learning Key Points / Steps (Min.) Aids 5 10. Explain what Breach of contract is. Lecture 20 11. Explain and discuss the remedies and Lecture consequences of breaching an enforceable contract. 15 12. Discuss with the students what to follow Discussion when drawing up contracts to prevent breach of contract. 10 13. Summarize the contents of the unit and open Q&A for discussion. Inform the class of the topic for next week. Resources: PowerPoint Week 4 Barth, S. (2009). Chapter 4 Contract Basics. Hospitality law: Managing legal issues in the hospitality industry (3rd ed.). New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons. Situation from: Chapter 4 Contract Basics, page 92. Analyze the situation 4.3. Hospitality law: Managing legal issues in the hospitality industry (3rd ed.). New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12
  • 13. Guided Lesson Plan ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEEK 5 (Duration 180 Minutes) (20 mins Break) Chapter 5 Significant Hospitality Contracts Objectives: The student will be able to: 1. explain the contract clauses commonly utilized in hospitality contracts. 2. point out the purposes of all contract types. Time Activities / Learning Key Points / Steps (Min.) Aids 10 1. Review the contents of the previous unit. Discussion 5 2. Tell the students what to be achieved in the Lecture today’s unit objectives. 5 3. Give an overview of the contents to be Lecture covered within the unit. 15 4. Explain essential causes for providing Lecture products and services to guests. 15 5. Explain essential clauses for purchasing Lecture products and services. 10 6. Explain exculpatory clauses. Lecture 5 7. Explain types of specialized contracts. Lecture 15 Franchise Contracts 15 Management Contracts 15 Conference Services Contracts - Meeting and Space Contracts - Group Lodging Contracts 20 8. Divide the students into two groups. Assign Case Study them the situation from the case study (the factual summary and issue for the court). If they were in the court, what is their decision? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13
  • 14. Guided Lesson Plan ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Time Activities / Learning Key Points / Steps (Min.) Aids 20 9. Two groups present their decision. Allow Presentation and them to share ideas and finally the teacher Discussion shows them the actual court decision. Compare decisions among those of their and of the court’s. 10 10. Summarize the contents of the unit and open Q&A for discussion. Inform the class of the topic for next week. Resources: PowerPoint Week 5 Barth, S. (2009). Chapter 5 Significant Hospitality Contracts. Hospitality law: Managing legal issues in the hospitality industry (3rd ed.). New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons. Case Study from: Chapter 5 Significant Hospitality Contracts, page 145. The Hospitality Industry in Court: Opryland Hotel v. Millbrook Distrib. Servs., 1999 Tenn. App. Lexis 644 (Tenn. Ct. App. 1999). Hospitality law: Managing legal issues in the hospitality industry (3rd ed.). New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14
  • 15. Guided Lesson Plan ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEEK 6 (Duration 180 Minutes) (20 mins Break) Chapter 6 Legally Managing Property Objectives: The students will be able to: 1. identify the differences between the real property and the personal property. 2. evaluate the purchase vs. the lease decision from a legal perspective. Time Activities / Learning Key Points / Steps (Min.) Aids 10 1. Review the contents of the previous unit. Discussion 5 2. Tell the students what to be achieved in the Lecture today’s unit objectives. 5 3. Give an overview of the contents to be Lecture covered within the unit. 10 4. Explain types of property Lecture Real Property Personal Property 15 5. Read Situation#1 to the students. Discuss Situational Analysis#1 with the students to answer three questions. Discussion 10 6. Explain how the real property can be sold Lecture and purchased. 10 7. Explain how the personal property can be Lecture sold and purchased. 5 8. Define what “leasing property” is. Lecture 10 9. Explain and discuss the essential lease terms Lecture and discussion as a lessor. 10 10. Explain and discuss the essential lease terms Lecture and discussion as a lessee. 10 11. Explain and discuss what rights of the Lecture and discussion landlord are. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15
  • 16. Guided Lesson Plan ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Time Activities / Learning Key Points / Steps (Min.) Aids 15 12. Explain the legal considerations of buying vs. Lecture leasing. 20 13. Divide the students into three groups; give Situational Analysis#2 them the situation and let them discuss and Group work answer the questions. 15 14. Let the students present their analysis. Presentation 10 15. Summarize the contents of the unit and open Q&A for discussion. Inform the class of the topic for next week. Resources: PowerPoint Week 6 Barth, S. (2009). Chapter 6 Legally Managing Property. Hospitality law: Managing legal issues in the hospitality industry (3rd ed.). New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons. Situation#1 from: Chapter 6 Legally Managing Property, page 152. Analyze the situation 6.1. Hospitality law: Managing legal issues in the hospitality industry (3rd ed.). New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons. Situation#2 from: Chapter 6 Legally Managing Property, page 167. Analyze the situation 6.3. Hospitality law: Managing legal issues in the hospitality industry (3rd ed.). New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16
  • 17. Guided Lesson Plan ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEEK 7 (Duration 180 Minutes) (20 mins Break) Chapter 6 Legally Managing Property (Respecting Intellectual Rights) Objectives: The students will be able to: 1. avoid infringement of patent, copyright and concept rights. Time Activities / Learning Key Points / Steps (Min.) Aids 10 1. Review the contents of the previous unit. Discussion 5 2. Tell the students what to be achieved in the Lecture today’s unit objectives. 5 3. Give an overview of the contents to be Lecture covered within the unit. 5 4. Explain what intellectual property is. Lecture 10 5. Explain the Trademark. The different Lecture symbols of trademark. 10 6. Let the students participate in giving the Discussion examples of trademark that they have come across with in their daily life. 10 7. Explain the Patent. Give some examples of Lecture and Examples Patent. 10 8. Explain the Copyright. What rights does the Lecture copyright law protect? 15 9. Show them examples of suspicious copyright Examples law violation. In PPT page 10, there are Discussion MGM trademark and three imitative works. Let the students discuss whether those three works violate the law. It can be seen that picture 2 with Tom imitates the Lion. Does it violate the copyright law, since Tom & Jerry cartoon is owned by MGM? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17
  • 18. Guided Lesson Plan ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Time Activities / Learning Key Points / Steps (Min.) Aids 5 10. Explain about the Trade Dress. Lecture 15 11. According to Slide no.12, let the students Discussion discuss the Trade Dress of the given Brainstorming examples. 15 12. Explain and discuss how to prevent Lecture intellectual property rights infringement. 35 13. Give the situation to the students. Divide Situational Analysis them into three groups; give them one question per group. First group presents their analysis and all students comment; then takes turn for another group. 10 14. Summarize the contents of the unit and open Q&A for discussion. Inform the class of the topic for next week. Resources: PowerPoint Week 7 Barth, S. (2009). Chapter 6 Legally Managing Property. Hospitality law: Managing legal issues in the hospitality industry (3rd ed.). New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons. Situation from: Chapter 6 Legally Managing Property, page 176. What would you do? Hospitality law: Managing legal issues in the hospitality industry (3rd ed.). New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18
  • 19. Guided Lesson Plan ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEEK 8 (Duration 120 Minutes) Mid-term Examination Time Activities / Learning Key Points / Steps (Min.) Aids ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19
  • 20. Guided Lesson Plan ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEEK 9 (Duration 180 Minutes) (20 mins Break) Chapter 7 Legally Selecting Employees Objectives: The students will be able to: 1. utilize job descriptions, qualifications and other tools for legally selecting employees. 2. explain the concept of collective bargaining and legal obligations when interacting with labor unions. Time Activities / Learning Key Points / Steps (Min.) Aids 10 1. Review the contents of the previous unit. Discussion 5 2. Tell the students what to be achieved in the Lecture today’s unit objectives. 5 3. Give an overview of the contents to be Lecture covered within the unit. 5 4. Define Employer & Employee. Lecture 10 5. Define Job description and job qualification. Lecture 10 6. Explain what could be included in the job Lecture qualification. 10 7. Show them the examples of job description Examples and job qualification. 30 8. Study a discrimination case of Nady Riad Case Study together. Let the students read the case and reflect their thoughts. Discuss why discrimination issue is so important in the hospitality industry. 20 9. Explain application screening methods. Lecture Application Interviews Pre-employment Testing Background checks References ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20
  • 21. Guided Lesson Plan ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Time Activities / Learning Key Points / Steps (Min.) Aids 15 10. Identify two types of employment Lecture relationship. At-Will Employment Labor Union and Collective Bargaining 30 11. Let the students work in groups of 4 to 5. Group Activity Each group would have to recruit a different hospitality position such as server, waiting staff, dishwasher, front desk, or chef. Each group has to list at least five qualifications of which the potential employee must have; then identify and list the selection tools that they would use to match the right applicant with the job described. 10 12. Summarize the contents of the unit and open Q&A for discussion. Inform the class of the topic for next week. Resources: PowerPoint Week 9 Barth, S. (2009). Chapter 7 Legally Selecting Employees. Hospitality law: Managing legal issues in the hospitality industry (3rd ed.). New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons. Case Study from: Chapter 7 Legally Selecting Employees, page 211. The Hospitality Industry in Court: Riad v. 520 South Michigan Avenue Assocs, 78 F. Supp. 2d 748 (N.D. Ill. 1999). Hospitality law: Managing legal issues in the hospitality industry (3rd ed.). New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons. Group Activity from : Chapter 7 Legally Selecting Employees, page 212. Team Activity. Hospitality law: Managing legal issues in the hospitality industry (3rd ed.). New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21
  • 22. Guided Lesson Plan ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEEK 10 (Duration 180 Minutes) (20 mins Break) Chapter 8 Legally Managing Employees Objectives: The students will be able to: 1. differentiate between an employment agreement and employee manual. 2. Establish non-discriminatory work environment. Time Activities / Learning Key Points / Steps (Min.) Aids 10 1. Review the contents of the previous unit. Discussion 5 2. Tell the students what to be achieved in the Lecture today’s unit objectives. 5 3. Give an overview of the contents to be Lecture covered within the unit. 5 4. Explain employment agreement. Lecture 5 5. Explain what could be included in an Lecture employment agreement. 10 6. Explain employee manual. Lecture 10 7. Discuss with the students of the differences Discussion between employment agreement and employee manual. 10 8. Explain and discuss how to prevent Lecture and Discussion discrimination. 10 9. Explain and discuss how to manage diversity. Lecture and Discussion 5 10. Explain two types of sexual harassment. Lecture 10 11. Explain the employer liability toward Lecture and Discussion discrimination, and discuss together. 10 12. Explain about Zero Tolerance. Lecture 10 13. Explain how to investigate a complaint. Lecture 10 14. Explain how to resolve a complaint. Lecture 5 15. Explain what Third-Party Harassment is. Lecture ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22
  • 23. Guided Lesson Plan ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Time Activities / Learning Key Points / Steps (Min.) Aids 5 16. Explain what Liability Insurance is. Lecture 25 17. Let the students read the case study about Case Study sexual harassment. Let them discuss and reflect the court decision. 10 18. Summarize the contents of the unit and open Q&A for discussion. Inform the class of the topic for next week. Resources: PowerPoint Week 10&11 Barth, S. (2009). Chapter 8 Legally Managing Employees. Hospitality law: Managing legal issues in the hospitality industry (3rd ed.). New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons. Case Study from: Chapter 8 Legally Managing Employees, page 257. The Hospitality Industry in Court: Faragher v. City of Boca Raton, 524 U.S. 775 (1998). Hospitality law: Managing legal issues in the hospitality industry (3rd ed.). New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23
  • 24. Guided Lesson Plan ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEEK 11 (Duration 180 Minutes) (20 mins Break) Chapter 8 Legally Managing Employees Objectives: The students will be able to: 1. legally manage complex areas of employee leaves, compensation and performance. 2. respond to claims properly. Time Activities / Learning Key Points / Steps (Min.) Aids 10 1. Review the contents of the previous unit. Discussion 5 2. Tell the students what to be achieved in the Lecture today’s unit objectives. 5 3. Give an overview of the contents to be Lecture covered within the unit. 15 4. Explain compensation. Lecture Minimum Wage and Overtime Tipped Employees Tip Pooling 20 5. Let the students read and analyze the given Situational Analysis situation about the tip. Let them share their Group activity thoughts with other groups. 6. Explain how to manage employee Lecture performance. 5 Evaluation 10 Discipline 15 Termination 10 In-House Dispute Resolution 10 7. Explain unemployment claims Lecture 25 8. Let the class read the case about employee Case Study complaints. Discuss and reflect the court Discussion decision. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24
  • 25. Guided Lesson Plan ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Time Activities / Learning Key Points / Steps (Min.) Aids 10 9. Discuss employment records and retention Discussion and what to be included. 10 10. Explain workplace surveillance. Lecture 10 11. Summarize the contents of the unit and open Q&A for discussion. Inform the class of the topic for next week. Resources: PowerPoint Week 10&11 Barth, S. (2009). Chapter 8 Legally Managing Employees. Hospitality law: Managing legal issues in the hospitality industry (3rd ed.). New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons. Situation from: Chapter 8 Legally Managing Employees, page 232. Analyze the situation 8.2. Hospitality law: Managing legal issues in the hospitality industry (3rd ed.). New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons. Case Study from: Chapter 8 Legally Managing Employees, page 256. The Hospitality Industry in Court: Romero v. Howard Johnson Plaza Hotel, 1999 U.S. Dist. Lexis 15264 (S.D.N.Y. 1999). Hospitality law: Managing legal issues in the hospitality industry (3rd ed.). New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25
  • 26. Guided Lesson Plan ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEEK 12 (Duration 180 Minutes) (20 mins Break) Chapter 9&10 Your Responsibilities as a Hospitality Operator (to Guest) Objectives: The students will be able to: 1. differentiate between the types of legal duties required of a hospitality operator. 2. evaluate operational activities in light of their impacts on guest safety and potential legal damages. 3. explain the legal responsibilities to admit guests and the circumstances when administration can be denied. 4. explain how to protect guest’s right to privacy. 5. explain how to operate and maintain a facility to maximize the safety. Time Activities / Learning Key Points / Steps (Min.) Aids 10 1. Review the contents of the previous unit. Discussion 5 2. Tell the students what to be achieved in the Lecture today’s unit objectives. 5 3. Give an overview of the contents to be Lecture covered within the unit. 10 4. Explain what duties of care and standard of Lecture care are. 15 5. Explain the theories of liability and the Lecture consequences of the failure to exercise reasonable care. Torts Negligence 5 6. Explain types of legal damages. Lecture 10 7. Explain the processes of how the lawsuits are Lecture filed against the hospitality manager. 10 8. Show the students the appropriate process of Discussion responding to an incident in the property. 30 9. Let the students read the situation about Ski Situational Analysis Resort. Analyze the situation and answer the Group Work questions. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26
  • 27. Guided Lesson Plan ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Time Activities / Learning Key Points / Steps (Min.) Aids 5 10. Explain the differences between guests and Lecture tenants. 10 11. Explain the legal responsibilities to admit Lecture & Discussion guest and the rights to denied, and discuss together. 10 12. Explain the importance of guest privacy. Lecture 10 13. Explain the importance of facility Lecture & Discussion maintenance. What issues should be concerned? Discuss together. 5 14. Discuss the hotel’s responsibilities to non- Discussion guests. 10 15. Discuss how the hotel legally removes the Discussion guests from the property. 10 16. Summarize the contents of the unit and open Q&A for discussion. Inform the class of the topic for next week. Resources: PowerPoint Week 12 Barth, S. (2009). Chapter 9 Your Responsibilities as a Hospitality Operator. Hospitality law: Managing legal issues in the hospitality industry (3rd ed.). New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons. Barth, S. (2009). Chapter 10 Your Responsibilities as a Hospitality Operator to Guests. Hospitality law: Managing legal issues in the hospitality industry (3rd ed.). New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons. Situation from: Chapter 9 Your Responsibilities as a Hospitality Operator, page 264. Analyze the situation 9.2. Hospitality law: Managing legal issues in the hospitality industry (3rd ed.). New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27
  • 28. Guided Lesson Plan ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEEK 13 (Duration 180 Minutes) (20 mins Break) Chapter 11 Your Responsibilities for Guests’ Property Objectives: The students will be able to: 1. explain the responsibility hospitality managers have to safeguard the personal property of their guests. 2. carry out the procedures needed to limit potential liability for the loss of guest property. 3. assess the theories of bailment. Time Activities / Learning Key Points / Steps (Min.) Aids 10 1. Review the contents of the previous unit. Discussion 5 2. Tell the students what to be achieved in the Lecture today’s unit objectives. 5 3. Give an overview of the contents to be Lecture covered within the unit. 10 4. Explain common law liability. Lecture 10 5. Explain limits on common law liability. Lecture 10 6. Give examples of some common liability Discussion laws. 20 7. Let the student read the case study about Case Study liability for guest’s property. Ask them, would the decision be the same if the hotel did post sufficient copies of the statute? 15 8. Give a short situation to the students. Let Situational Analysis#1 them work in pairs to analyze the situation Pair work and answer the questions. 5 9. Explain what the bailment is. Lecture 5 10. Explain the relationship of bailments. Lecture 10 11. Explain the types of bailment. Lecture 15 12. Discuss the examples of each type of Discussion bailments with the students. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28
  • 29. Guided Lesson Plan ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Time Activities / Learning Key Points / Steps (Min.) Aids 15 13. Divide the students in groups of 4-5. Give Situational Analysis#2 them the situation about the bailment. Let Group work them analyze the situation and answer (Keep question 3 for question 1&2. Write in the paper. next week) 15 14. Let each group share their thoughts and Discussion discuss. 10 15. Summarize the contents of the unit and open Q&A for discussion. Inform the class of the topic for next week. Resources: PowerPoint Week 13&14 Barth, S. (2009). Chapter 11 Your Responsibilities for Guests’ Property. Hospitality law: Managing legal issues in the hospitality industry (3rd ed.). New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons. Case Study from: Chapter 11 Your Responsibilities for Guests’ Property, page 324-325. The Hospitality Industry in Court: Frockt v.Goodloe, 670 F. Supp. 163 (W.D.N.C. 1987). Hospitality law: Managing legal issues in the hospitality industry (3rd ed.). New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons. Situation #1 from: Chapter 11 Your Responsibilities for Guests’ Property, page 314. Analyze the situation 11.1. Hospitality law: Managing legal issues in the hospitality industry (3rd ed.). New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons. Situation #2 from: Chapter 11 Your Responsibilities for Guests’ Property, page 316. Analyze the situation 11.2. Hospitality law: Managing legal issues in the hospitality industry (3rd ed.). New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29
  • 30. Guided Lesson Plan ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEEK 14 (Duration 180 Minutes) (20 mins Break) Chapter 11 Your Responsibilities for Guests’ Property Objectives: The students will be able to: 1. identify the bailment liability. 2. implement policies that limit potential legal liability. 3. create the procedures required to legally dispose of personal property whose ownership status is in question. Time Activities / Learning Key Points / Steps (Min.) Aids 10 1. Review the contents of the previous unit. Discussion 5 2. Tell the students what to be achieved in the Lecture today’s unit objectives. 5 3. Give an overview of the contents to be Lecture covered within the unit. 10 4. Explain the liability under a bailment Lecture relationship. 20 5. According to the situation about “The Fox Situational Analysis#1 Mountain Country Club v. Mrs. Weldo” that Group Work the students worked in groups from the (Continual situation previous class, let them decide on the from the previous following: class) If you are a court, is the Fox Mountain County Club liable for the missing of Mrs. Weldo’s coat? Why or why not? If yes, how much, responsibility that the Fox Mountain County Club would have to take? What should the club manager do in the future to avoid situation such as this? 5 6. Explain detained property. Lecture 5 7. Explain innkeeper’s Lien. Lecture ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30
  • 31. Guided Lesson Plan ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Time Activities / Learning Key Points / Steps (Min.) Aids 15 8. Explain types of property with unknown Lecture ownership. 15 9. Discuss the differences between mislaid and Discussion abandoned property. Ask the students the following questions: If you are a manager, how could you teach your employees the differences of between these two unknown properties? Why is it so important to tell them differences? 15 10. Explain and discuss the process to dispose Lecture the found property. 15 11. Let the students work in groups of 4-5. Give Situational Analysis#2 them the situation to analyze and answer the Group work questions. 30 12. According to the situation above, let them Group work draft a policy and procedures guide that will instruct employees as to how to handle found items. 10 13. Summarize the contents of the unit and open Q&A for discussion. Inform the class of the topic for next week. Resources: PowerPoint Week 13&14 Barth, S. (2009). Chapter 11 Your Responsibilities for Guests’ Property. Hospitality law: Managing legal issues in the hospitality industry (3rd ed.). New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31
  • 32. Guided Lesson Plan ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Situation #1 from: Chapter 11 Your Responsibilities for Guests’ Property, page 316. Analyze the situation 11.2. Hospitality law: Managing legal issues in the hospitality industry (3rd ed.). New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons. Situation #2 from: Chapter 11 Your Responsibilities for Guests’ Property, page 321. Analyze the situation 11.3. Hospitality law: Managing legal issues in the hospitality industry (3rd ed.). New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 32
  • 33. Guided Lesson Plan ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEEK 15 (Duration 180 Minutes) (20 mins Break) Chapter 12 Your Responsibilities when Serving Food and Beverages Objectives: The students will be able to: 1. explain the responsibilities of foodservice establishments. 2. apply truth in menu concepts to the service. 3. assess the current legal risks associated with serving alcohol. Time Activities / Learning Key Points / Steps (Min.) Aids 10 1. Review the contents of the previous unit. Discussion 5 2. Tell the students what to be achieved in the Lecture today’s unit objectives. 5 3. Give an overview of the contents to be Lecture covered within the unit. 5 4. Explain the legal obligation of foodservice Lecture industry. 10 5. Explain and discuss how to legally manage Lecture with guests’ complaint of foodborne illness. 10 6. Explain what “Truth in Menu laws” is. Lecture 15 7. Let the students read the situation about Situational Analysis#1 Jeffery and Latisha Williams. Analyze the Group work situation and answer the questions. 10 8. Explain the legal obligation when serving Lecture alcohol. 10 9. Explain what “BAL” is. Lecture 10 10. Discuss the common law areas of serving Discussion alcohol. 10 11. Explain the liability associated with alcohol Lecture service. 15 12. Discuss the training for responsible service. Discussion ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 33
  • 34. Guided Lesson Plan ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Time Activities / Learning Key Points / Steps (Min.) Aids 25 13. Students work in groups of 4-5. Read the Situational Analysis#2 situation about Altoona Pike Country Club, Group Work analyze and answer the questions. 10 14. With the whole class, discuss their decision. Discussion 10 15. Summarize the contents of the unit and open Q&A for discussion. Inform the class of the topic for next week. Resources: PowerPoint Week 15 Barth, S. (2009). Chapter 12 Your Responsibilities when Serving Food and Beverages. Hospitality law: Managing legal issues in the hospitality industry (3rd ed.). New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons. Situation# 1 from: Chapter 12 Your Responsibilities when Serving Food and Beverages, page 334. Analyze the situation 12.3. Hospitality law: Managing legal issues in the hospitality industry (3rd ed.). New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons. Situation# 2 from: Chapter 12 Your Responsibilities when Serving Food and Beverages, page 348. Analyze the situation 12.6. Hospitality law: Managing legal issues in the hospitality industry (3rd ed.). New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 34
  • 35. Guided Lesson Plan ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEEK 16 (Duration 180 Minutes) (20 mins Break) Chapter 13 Legal Responsibilities in Travel and Tourism Objectives: The students will be able to: 1. explain the roles and potential liabilities of travel agents and tour operators. 2. identify those common carriers typically utilized by the travel industry. 3. identify the recurrent areas of potential liability inherent in each of them. 4. analyze how the unique characteristics of the Internet can impact restaurant and hotel managers’ effort to integrate the power of the Web into their own operations. Time Activities / Learning Key Points / Steps (Min.) Aids 10 1. Review the contents of the previous unit. Discussion 5 2. Tell the students what to be achieved in the Lecture today’s unit objectives. 5 3. Give an overview of the contents to be Lecture covered within the unit. 5 4. Discuss the law and travel industry. Discusssion 5 5. Explain the components of the industry. Lecture 10 6. Explain and discuss the complexity of travel Lecture and discussion law. 10 7. Discuss the issues related travel agents. Discussion 5 8. Explain the liability of travel agents. Lecture 5 9. Discuss the issues related tour operators. Discussion 5 10. Explain and discuss the relationships Lecture and discussion between travel agents and tour operators. 5 11. Explain the liability of tour operators. Lecture 15 12. Discuss the issues related to transportation Discussion and common carriers. 10 13. Explain and discuss the potential liability of Lecture and Discussion transportation industry. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 35
  • 36. Guided Lesson Plan ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Time Activities / Learning Key Points / Steps (Min.) Aids 5 14. Explain the issues related to tourism industry. Lecture 15 15. Explain and discuss the unique Lecture and Discussion responsibilities of the following operations. Gaming operations Resort / Time-Share Operations Amusement Park Operations 10 16. Explain and discuss issues related to online Lecture and Discussion travel sales. 15 17. As the Internet has become popular, let the Discussion students discuss how the Internet will impact the hotel, and travel industry in the coming future. 10 18. Explain how to manage legal internet Lecture advertising. 10 19. Summarize the contents of the unit and open Q&A for discussion. Resources: PowerPoint Week 16 Barth, S. (2009). Chapter 13 Legal Responsibilities in Travel and Tourisms. Hospitality law: Managing legal issues in the hospitality industry (3rd ed.). New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 36
  • 37. Guided Lesson Plan ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEEK 17 (Duration 180 Minutes) Final Examination Time Activities / Learning Key Points / Steps (Min.) Aids ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 37