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Year 11 Ancient History Preliminary Course 2011: Historical investigation.

Process marks: 10 marks altogether.

Name and         Development of              Notetaking grids/3           Reflection sheets/ Use      Bibliography and         Essay and comment, including            Final mark:
final            enquiry question/2                                       of comment function         footnotes/3              research process.                       Essay and
question                                                                  /2                                                                                           process/
Hannah B:        Hannah grappled with        Sources:                     Used the logs well, shows   I’m surprised there      This is quite a good essay, marred      8+14 =
Cleopatra:       enquiry question            Cleopatra movie,             grappling with topic and    aren’t more sources      by a few expression errors, and         22/35
                 relating to Cleo’s          Rehabilitating Cleo and      many drafts of the essay.   in your reference        possibly also by your decision to
                 portrayal in media          Plutarch, Susan Walker ,     Not much use of the         list, as you certainly   only use these writers on Cleo,
                                             Schiff, and the primary      comment function.           looked at more.          which you don’t evaluate in terms
                 Final question:             sources at British           Reflection sheets show      You’ve omitted           of reliability and background, when
                 Throughout history          Museum. Movie                her struggling with         some bibliographic       you clearly had researched others.
                 there have been many        Cleopatra as well. Mixed     information overload, as    details as well,         It achieves what you set out to do
                 portrayals of               notetaking grids, very       well as structuring the     place published,         in the first paragraph, but could
                 Cleopatra’s life, but       brief at times, movie one    essay.                      publisher etc.           have done with your own
                 which portrayal of          good. Plutarch one very                                  Footnotes are            conclusion on who Cleopatra was.
                 Cleopatra is accurate?      good. Schiff good. She       2                           similarly sparse and     14
                 Or are none accurate?       didn’t use them all in the                               omit bibliographic
                 2                           essay.                                                   details. Some
                                             2                                                        footnoting errors.
Lucy C:          Looked at                   .Brennan, Herald Sun,        Independent researcher      Uses her deep            Very strong conclusion to a very        10 +23 –
Cannibalism      Mayan/Aztec; Stone          Macrae, in earlier grids,    who organized herself       research to cull         well reasoned essay about a             33/35
in the ancient   age England and             and began with Wikipedia     well in the logs, and did   down to a short and      complex topic. You’ve used
world:           Germany, leading her        Bahn, Bower, Cannibals       not seem to need the        very pertinent           evidence very well to support your
                 to consider                 of the Stone Age doco,       interaction available via   reference list.          arguments. This is an essay of
                 Mayans/Aztecs’              Boyes, Goldman, Turner       comment function.           Footnotes are            which you should be proud, and is
                 comparison?                 in final grid. Very          Reflection sheets very      outstanding.             probably a result of your strong
                 Final question:             analytical. Has done         thoughtful and used in a    3                        writing and reasoning skills, your
                 Did Ancient Civilisations   excellent synthesized        useful way for her                                   deep research, and your fascination
                 Practice Cannibalism. If    notes.                       research process. 2                                  with your (grizzly!) topic. Very well
                 So Why, and What            3                                                                                 done!
                 Evidence Is There To                                                                                          23
                 Support This?
                 Shows evidence of
                 thoughtful narrowing of
                 topic 2
Phoebe C:        Phoebe seems well            Womenintheancientworl        Independent researcher       Good reference list,   This is a competent essay, which       9+19= 28/35
Spartan          organized. Her topic         d, McDonald, Hibbison,       who wrote very good          essentially the same   could have had a tighter structure,
women: Role      grew from Spartan            legion14, BBC, Fantham –     logs, and did not use        sources as in your     outlining the main points you make
in society.      women, to Spartan            notetaking grids very well   comment function much.       notetaking grids.      in the introductory paragraph. It is
                 women and Athenian           synthesized, and are         Maybe does not need it,      Good attempt at        at times a little on the narrative
*** also         women to come to final       mostly the same sources      and prefers verbal           footnoting.            side, though you make excellent
Modern           enquiry question:            as used in reference list.   interaction. Reflection      2                      use of primary sources.
                 ‘Spartan women in 5th        3                            sheets very well used, to                           19/25
                 Century BC had far                                        develop and fine tune her
                 greater freedom than                                      question and structure
                 their Athenian                                            the essay. 2
                 counterparts’. To what
                 extent is this an
                 accurate statement. 2
Celeste de C:    Measured, rational           Notetaking grids             Very competent,              Bibliography is        There was a need for a tighter         9+19= 29/35
Hanging          approach to                  organized, pertinent,        organized process with       pertinent and          structure to this essay. I think you
Gardens of       development of enquiry       perhaps not synthesized      no fuss approach well        consists of material   needed an introduction that
Babylon          question, dictated by        enough, perhaps not          logged and described.        in your notetaking     directed your essay more tightly, as
                 growth in information.       enough information to        Reflection sheets very       grids. Footnotes       it was, the intro was a page long,
                 Final question:              account for the Ongoing      clear and reflect the        good.                  and left the reader searching for
                 Account for the              historical significance of   development of her           3                      ensuing structure. Additionally you
                 ongoing historical           the gardens, and are the     thought and research                                needed to proof read your writing
                 significance of the myth     same sources as appear       very clearly. 2                                     for expression errors, and for
                 of the Hanging Gardens       in reference list.                                                               keeping to the point, and for
                 of Babylon                   Competent switch mid                                                             picking up repetitive material and
                                              stream to Noodlebib.                                                             removing it. A difficult topic, and
                                              2                                                                                an excellent research process, let
                 2                                                                                                             down a little in the end by
                                                                                                                               roundabout expression. Your
                                                                                                                               ancient sources needed some
                                                                                                                               background and information about
                                                                                                                               reliability. 19
Kelsey E:        Early focus on reliability   Lanciani, Pomeroy, Baker,    Reasonably thoughtful        Well chosen            This is an excellent essay which       9+20 =
Vestal Virgins   of information around        Ramsey, Parker,Staples.      use of the logs and          reference list, with   gives a reasoned explanation of        29/35
                 VVs’ Early question:         Very well organized and      comment function. Bit        only what she          Vestals as sign, stranger and
                 Why were the vestals         synthesized notetaking. 2    brief. Reflection sheets     needed for her         scapegoat. It is well supported by
                 virgins? And what affect                                  very honest and show her     argument.              your thorough research. The only
                 did their virginity have                                  grappling with the           Accurately             thing I’d criticize is that the
                 on the ability for them                                   reliability of information   presented, same        question allowed more of a
                 to be sacrificed?                                         in this topic area.          sources as her         narrative than a debate. But well
                 Final question: Who                                       Reflection on learning       notes. Well            done. 20.
                 were the Vestal Virgins                                   was very honest and          constructed
and what role did they                                     detailed. 2                  footnotes.
                play in the Ancient                                                                     3
                Roman society? 2

Caitlin F:      Question development         Web Greece, wikpedia.         Good use of comment          Reference list         This is a very well written essay,      19 + 7 =
Greek myths     led her to the myth of       Bullfinch, Grade saver.       function for feedback and    contains much that     Caitlin, which gives a very good        26/35
and legends –   Theseus and the              Not very synthesized.         brief but useful logs.       she made notes on,     picture of the ways in which
Theseus and     Minotaur.                    Lots of time wasted at        Useful reflection sheets     but some new           Suzanne Collins has employed the
the Minotaur.   Final question: To what      beginning with too big a      where she documents her      sources. Not v         Theseus and the Minotaur myth in
                extent has author            topic. The Hunger games,      frustrations and             academic.              The Hunger Games. You’ve used
                Suzanne Collins              Margolis, Myths and           achievements in              Good job on            your research well, and made a
                reflected the well-          Legends, Oliver. Level of     narrowing down such a        footnotes.             good job of your footnotes. My
                known Greek myth             synthesis of notes            huge topic. Did she in the                          only reservations lie with the
                Theseus and the              improved towards the          end write an English         2                      question really, and whether it
                Minotaur in her novel        end when she knew what        essay?                                              allowed you to identify an area of
                The Hunger Games?            her question was, but still   2                                                   debate, as well as whether this
                Breadth of the area of       not v deep. 2                                                                     essay would be a better English
                inquiry was a problem                                                                                          essay than an Ancient History one.
                for Caitlin, though she                                                                                        19
                managed to narrow it
                down to a very specific
                question. But was it
                Ancient History? 1
Sophie H:       Final question: Assess       Stanley and Sheng;            Thoughtful and reflective    Reference list         This is an excellent essay, Sophie.     10 +24 =
Atlantis –      the likelihood of the        Stewart, Mansfield,           researcher, very fulsome     accurately             You have a scientific, analytical       34/35
Thera/Crete     Ancient Minoan               Govan, Wheeler, Krystek,      about her process.           presented, and had     approach to history, and put up
                Civilization, based on       Kemp, Wilson – all very       Reflection sheets show       most of the sources    such an excellent case for Atlantis
                the islands of Crete and     synthesized. Excellent        her grappling very deeply    in her notetaking      being Thira. Your extensive
                Thira, as the source of      notes. 3                      with the topic and           grids plus a few       research, and long sustained
                Plato’s story of Atlantis.                                 moving early to Plato as     more. Lot of           interest in this topic has led you to
                Showed intense                                             original source. 2           Clickview. Excellent   write a sound piece of historical
                interest and                                                                            footnotes, including   research, which could have been
                commitment from the                                                                     explanatory ones –     edited further, as it was over the
                beginning in developing                                                                 A couple of            word limit by 400 words.
                her question. 2                                                                         footnoting
                                                                                                        omissions.             24
Sally H:          Growth of enquiry             Has not detailed which        Has kept a reasonable log      Footnotes good –         This essay is well structured, well-       7+16 =
Spartacus –       question clear from           Questia sources she uses      of her process, does not       an ibid error and an     written, as was your Modern                23/35
***               general topic of              in notetaking grids.          use comment function.          unnecessary              essay, with only a few omissions of
                  Spartacus to portrayals       Notes better than for         Reflection sheets a bit        common                   citations. I think you needed to
                  over time, with final         Modern, but still pretty      brief, but quite useful to     knowledge citation.      define the terms of the question.
                  question being:               brief to start off with.      her.                           Bibliography very        You’ve contained your argument
                  Examine the Portrayal         Livius, Wesscholar,           1                              good, most of            very well, relating it to a
                  of Spartacus as a             Hoffman. Better in final                                     which come from          manageable number of ancient and
                  courageous                    grid.                                                        her notes.               modern portrayals, in an ordered
                  revolutionist and a                                                                        2                        fashion. This time your notetaking
                  fighter for social justice.   2                                                                                     grids are better, but I still think that
                  2                                                                                                                   they are not the ideal way for you
                                                                                                                                      to take notes. Take a look at
                                                                                                                                      Easybib. It’s easier than Noodlebib,
                                                                                                                                      and may be just what you need.
                                                                                                                                      Essay: 16.
Olivia-Jane H:    Assess the significance       Wikipedia, Sewell Ward,       Appeared to be a very          Reference list uses      Good conclusion. While this essay          7+19 =
Lost library of   of the Pharos                 text book, newsnational,      competent and                  same sources, not        presents your arguments well, if a         26/35
Alexandria?       Lighthouse and the  ,          independent researcher,        scholarly enough.        little slowly, it suffers from the
                  Great Library of    ,                aware of process and           Some footnoting          level of the sources you used. They
                  Alexandria in                 www.fortunecity. Not          gaps. Some use of              errors, and they are     were all open internet sources, and
                  establishing Alexandria       very scholarly.               comment function, but          a little on the scarce   I believe you could have used more
                  as a cultural centre of       Notetaking shows effort       does not appear to need        side to support an       scholarly ones, including books and
                  the Ancient World.            at synthesizing.              it. Reflection sheets show     argument. 2              Questia and State Library articles.
                                                                              her grappling with                                      You took quite a while to get into
                  I think she put in the        2                             information overload,                                   the significance of the lighthouse
                  two buildings because                                       gradually narrowing her                                 and library, but did so competently
                  she hadn’t done                                             focus from Alexandria to                                later in the essay. Your essay at
                  enough research to                                          the lost library. Reflection                            times reads more as a narrative
                  support just one of                                         sheets are very useful to                               than an argument, and I think this
                  them.                                                       her. 2                                                  goes back to your sources again.
                  1                                                                                                                   There are some footnoting errors.
Amelia H:         Amelia stuck with             Same sources in               Use of comment function        Excellent use of         Strong conclusion to a very                10 +20 = 30
Masada            Masada right from the         Reference list: Excellent     and daily logs show clear      footnotes, with          interesting essay. You’ve written a
                  beginning, and                research, useful notes, all   growth of focus towards        some errors over         well argued essay which uses your
                  narrowed it to Josephus       used in reference list and    enquiry question.              ibid and op cit.         rigorous research very well, and
                  and Yadin. Had                essay. Sources not            Reflection sheets were         Bibliography very        appears to have arrived at the nub
                  difficulties with             evaluated.                    useful to her process.         pertinent.               of the debate on Masada. You
                  assessing reliability of      2                             2                              3                        might have evaluated the writers
                  information, but                                                                                                    you used for reliability and context.
                  persevered through this                                                                                             Congratulations on your very
to arrive at an excellent                                                                                         committed research process and a
              enquiry question.                                                                                                 sound essay. 18
              Assess the
              archaeological and
              written evidence in
              relation to Masada.
Rose J:       To what extent was the;             Competent researcher,          Only two sources        This is a well argued essay, which is   7+ 18=25
Ancient       Carthaginian siege of,           who logged her process         on her reference        quite a bit under the word count.
Spain/Punic   Saguntum responsible None       well, did not do much          list, reflecting her    However, you structure it very well,
wars?         for the outbreak of the       of these useful to her in    with the comment               difficulties with the   use the minimal sources you have
Siege of      Second Punic War?             the end, because her         function. Reflection           too broad question.     very well, and have presented a
Saguntum      She began too broadly         topic went off in another    sheets mirror the              She uses them to        very balanced argument about
              with a wish to explore        direction. Very general      difficulties of starting too   very good effect,       your topic of the Siege of
              Ancient Spain because         notes, not enough of         broadly, and therefore         however. Footnotes      Saguntum. 18
              she was going there!          them. In final grid, uses    losing research time. But      very good, though
              This led to difficulties in   Bradley, which is what       she reflects very honestly     scarce. 2
              early information             she needed. This is a very   on her process. 2
              gathering and question        good grid.
              making. 2                     www.historyofwar
                                            These ones which looked
                                            good, she didn’t use. 2
Emma K:       How Sheba is portrayed, an           Logs show intense              Reference list has      This is a sudden and not very           6 +17=
Queen of      in Koran, Bible and           unnamed source, Negast       engagement with the            many errors in it.      illuminating ending. The essay          23/35
Sheba         Jewish sources. Final         and The Queen of Sheba       research, but not much in      But it is extensive,    probably suffers from trying to
              question is: Who was          (movie) She lists some       the way of interaction         contains some of        answer too many questions. I think
              the Queen of Sheba?           books, but takes no notes    using the comment              those in her            you’ve pretty much left the third
              How has she been              on them. Also Solomon        function. Reflection           notetaking grids.       one unanswered, why has she been
              represented                   and Sheba film.              sheets show her                Footnotes ok.           portrayed in the ways she was?
              throughout history and        Books by Cole, Wadud,        grappling with                 Quotes too long. 1      The other two are answered
              why has she been              Williams,                    information underload in                               satisfactorily. 17
              represented in these          Kitchen.jbq.jewishbible.or   some cases. 2
              ways? Essay suffered          g
              from having so much to        2
              answer. 1
Yolana K:       Question troubles: Too     Lendering, Library of         Record of progress using      Long reference list     This is a very good essay, in which     8 + 22 =
Alexander the   much info. Can’t decide    Hellas, Livius, McCarty,      the comment function is       with repeated           you do what you set out to do:          30/35
Great *         on direction. Is ,                very informative and          entries for same        Account for the influences and
                Alexander great? , Holt. All   reflective. Reflection        source. Would           motivations that led Alexander to
                Account for the            brief. Reference list on      sheets reflected her          have been better        create the Macedonian empire. I
                greatness of Alexander/    essay included many           difficulty with the           with fewer sources,     think your first paragraph might
                What influences shaped     more sources than those       overwhelming amount of        as you describe the     have been stronger, and more
                him? How successful        in the notetaking grids,      information available on      experience in your      directive of your argument, and
                was he in spreading        which look as if they were    Alexander the Great -         reflection sheets of    that some later sections needed
                Greek Culture?             of not much use to her.       one missing (2)               extreme                 some editing to stick to your
                Struggled with question    2                                                           information             arguments. Your footnotes are
                development.                                             2                             overload. Excellent     FANTASTIC! Well done. . 22
                Final question:                                                                        footnotes. Needs to
                Investigate Alexander                                                                  find a way of
                the Great’s influences                                                                 notetaking that is
                and motives that led to                                                                useful to her, as the
                the creation of the                                                                    notetaking grids
                Macedonian Empire                                                                      were clearly not
                2                                                                                      very useful, and she
                                                                                                       drowned in
                                                                                                       Advice for future:
                                                                                                       Choose a topic with
                                                                                                       less written about
                                                                                                       it? 2
Emma L:         Began with Vespasian.      Castleden,Michailidou,        Stressed, highly              Reference list very     This is a very competent essay          9 + 22 =
***             Emma has stalled on        Burrows, Romer, BBC,          competent and                 pertinent to essay,     which might have benefited from         31/35
                this because she is        McNeal, Waldman, EB,          idiosyncratic researcher.     and same sources        further editing, as there are places
                finding it difficult to    Macgillivrary. Very           Does not know how good        as in notetaking        where you repeat yourself a bit,
                assess which               thorough notes on             she is. Is very critical of   document. Some          e.g. about encyclopedias still taking
                archaeologist was          Noodlebib. Same sources       her own research              errors in citation of   Evans’ work as gospel. But you’ve
                correct. How true were     appear in essay.              process, which appears to     common                  persuaded me that Evans did not
                Evan’s ideas to the                                      work well in the end!         knowledge               do much of a job on Knossos. I
                actual culture of the      3                             Interesting and interested    examples, and           wonder if you could have found
                Minoans?                                                 reflection sheets.            some confusion          some positives about his work,
                Assess the usefulness of                                 Not much use of               over op.cit.            which was done after all when
                Arthur Evans’s                                           comment function, but         2                       modern archaeological methods
                “reconstruction” of the                                  very vocal about her own                              were unheard of. But you’ve
                court-complex at                                         needs during the process.                             written a mature essay on a fairly
                Knossos. Final question:                                 2                                                     vexed area. 22
                Assess the usefulness of
the work of Arthur
                Evans to our
                understanding of the
                Minoan civilisation.
                Clear grappling with
                development of enquiry
                question. 2/2

Isabella M:     Validity of the            Hope, Brumbaugh, Levy,        Very competent               Accurately             This is a very well constructed and     10 + 19 =
Atlantis –      Thera/Minoan culture       Lost Worlds,                  researcher, self aware in    presented              supported essay. You write very         29/35
Plato and       explanation of Atlantis,         logs. Does not use           reference list,        well, in a reasoned and direct way,
legend.         as portrayed in Plato. well       comment function much.       containing the same    with a few expression errors that
                Final question: Despite    synthesized, using            Question: Do these           sources as her         re-reading would have picked up.
                our modern-day             Noodlbib. She’s clearly       students prefer to talk      notes. Footnotes       Well done. Your essay shows your
                fascination with this      got to grips with some        rather than use wiki for     very well done.        thorough research process. You
                legend, it seems clear     scholarly writers in this     interaction? Shows           Check for common       were a bit below the word count
                that the Atlantis Plato    topic.                        herself a reflective         knowledge citation.    Background on sources? Are they
                described never            3                             researcher in her            3                      reliable? 19
                existed. Assess the                                      reflection sheets. 2
                various concepts/
                constructions of the
                Atlantis story.
Sophie Mc:      Sophie is doing Henry’s    www.elizabethean-             Does not show evidence       Quite a good           This essay answers your question        5 + 14 =
Henry V111      decision to separate, Wikipedia,           of much engagement           reference list. You    satisfactorily, but just does not       19/35
and lord        from the Pope,             Cheshire, Randell Later       with the topic in the logs   clearly got more       grapple with the historians who
chancellors’    although up till now       notetaking grid with the      or in using the comment      involved once you’d    write about this matter. Though
influences or   was other question.        two books in it is better.    function. Reflection         chosen your            you’ve a couple of books on your
Henry’s         Final question:            First very brief and not      sheets are similarly not     question. You need     reference list, you’ve not used
decision to     Examine the motives        good sources. She had         very engaged. 1              to understand the      them in the essay, which, while it is
separate        and reasoning behind       the books in the                                           common                 reasonably structured, narrates
from the        King Henry’s decision to   reference list, but did not                                knowledge              rather than argues its case. 14.
pope            separate from the          use them. Essay suffered                                   exception in
                Catholic Church.           from superficiality.                                       footnoting.
                She did not show much      1                                                          Anything that is
                engagement or interest                                                                widely known does
                during her research                                                                   not have to have a
                process. 1                                                                            citation. She does
                                                                                                      not use citations to
                                                                                                      advance an
                                                                                                      argument, using
                                                                                                      them instead to
narrate well known
                                                                                                   facts. 2

Emily M:                                Weiednbach, Instone,         Excellent use of logs and     Good reference list,   Well concluded. This is a well          8 + 16 =
Comparison   Final question: “Today's   NSW amateur boxing           comment function to sort      matching what          structured and argued essay that        24/35
of ancient   Olympic Games are          assoc, compare info base,    out her question.             you’ve taken notes     uses your research efficiently. I
and modern   based on what took         Olympic Museum, coupe        Reflection sheets             on mostly. You’ve      think it’s a better essay than your
Olympics     place at Olympia, in       and Scanlan;,     improved into a useful        made a very good       modern one, in that it’s used better
***          Greece, nearly three       Konstam;;          tool for her by RS3.          attempt at             sources, and probably because you
             millennia ago”-Dr          Crowther, IOC, Potted        2                             footnoting, while      didn’t change topic mid stream as
             Stephan Instone            history,,                                      some of them could     you did in Modern. Your sources
             To what extent is this     National Sport                                             have been left out     still could have been more
             statement true?            Information Centre                                         because they are       scholarly, but it’s perhaps true that
             Emily worked well          These were all used in her                                 common                 the ones you used are the most
             towards her enquiry        reference list. The notes                                  knowledge, i.e.        appropriate ones for this topic,
             question, after some       were not very detailed,                                    likely to appear in    which is not pure Ancient History.
             hitches with finding       but got better towards                                     pretty much any        Well done. 16
             information about          the end.                                                   source about the
             modern Olympics.           2                                                          topic. 2
Kate O’M:    Moved from initial         Collingridge, BBC Youtube    Competent and reflective      Excellent              This is a very good essay. Both the     7 + 21 =
Boudicca *   interest to                video, website Nymag. –      researcher, using logs and    bibliography. Very     introduction and the conclusion         28/35
***          representations over       all very brief notes. Good   comment function well.        good footnotes,        could have been expanded to make
             time, to: Is Boudicca’s    notetaking grid on           Excellent use of reflection   only one error. 3      reference to all of the major points
             story an exaggeration None of          sheets to sort out her                               you then make in the essay. But it
             or merely a fabrication    these sources are used in    thinking. Is a thoughtful                            is very reasoned, well written and
             of eventsCan we know       her essay, so think she      researcher.                                          makes excellent use of sources,
             the truth about            has another way of taking                                                         perhaps a little more on the
             Boudicca?                  notes.                       2                                                    secondary sources?
             Final question in essay:                                                                                     21
             Who was Boudicca?
             Transparent process of     0
             question development.

Romy P:      Romy was going to go       Oracle thinkquest,           Good, reflective,             Short reference list   Conclusion very general. This is an     5 + 14 =
Antony and   with the take up of, E.E. Rice: not    organizing use of both        with some              essay that contains quite a few         19/35
Cleopatra    Antony and Cleopatra,      very detailed, best source   the logs and the              formatting errors,     expression errors, and may have
             which is huge. We will     is Rice. 1                   comment function.             footnotes scarce,      suffered from its question. You’ve
             advise her to go with                                   Reflection sheets show        with some errors.      recorded some varying
something like, The                                     her grappling with her      Same sources as in       interpretations of the A & C story,
                 story of A & C: a simple                                topic, being flooded with   your notetaking          as you set out to do, and in most
                 love story? Or politically                              information but coming      grids. Two sources       cases, brought a critical light on the
                 motivated. Maybe                                        to a reasonable end,        are good, but she        sources you chose. My problem
                 focus on effects of their                               where focus is on the       puts them                with it is that it is so source –
                 liaison.                                                relationship being          alongside some not       driven, rather than argument-
                 Final question: Assess                                  romantic or political. 2    very good ones, e.g.     driven, so that it ends up being a
                 the different                                                                       Thinkquest.              summary of some interpretations
                 perspectives of the                                                                 1                        of A& C. I think you needed to use
                 relationship between                                                                                         historical sources.
                 Mark Antony and
                 Cleopatra.                                                                                                   Unclear argument, 14

                 Question ended up
                 being not very
                 historical. 1
Sophia P:        Is the legacy of Norse       Henkin: Seems              Reflective researcher in    Reference list very      This essay needed some clearer           5 + 15 = 20
Ragnorak –       Mythology all bloody         unsynthesised. Fasulo      use of log. Records late    brief. Footnotes         definition of argument in the first
Norse            and violent? Are there       also unsynthesised. Both   change in direction of      technically fine. Just   paragraph and a tighter drawing
mythology        peaceful claims to           on norse mythology.        question. No use of         don’t add much to        together of your three main areas –
How did the      fame? Sophia found           These were used in the     comment function.           the arguments, and       Religion and beliefs; the
creation story   the various countries in     essay, and two more.                                   some come under          environment in which they lived
and ideals of    Norse mythology              Grabianowski and Ritchie   1                           heading of common        and the daily lives of these people
an imminent      confusing, and came to       – gives impression of                                  knowledge i.e. facts     – in the conclusion. The essay
‘ragnarok’       put them all under one       more research needed.                                  that could               seems in some parts narrative,
impact on the    heading: Scandinavia,                                                               reasonably be            rather than argumentative, and it
lives of the     which made her essay         1                                                      expected in any          seems that you might have done
people. RS2      general and narrative                                                               history of Norse         more research to get a fuller
                 rather than analytical.                                                             people.                  picture of the nature of these
Were the         1                                                                                                            people 15
Ancient                                                                                              2                        5/10 for process.
Northern                                                                                                                      Unsure of argument
Germanic                                                                                                                      Abrupt conclusion
tribes                                                                                                                        Insufficient depth
influenced in                                                                                                                 No use of historical perspectives.
a peaceful or
violent way
by their
religion? RS3
Was the
culture of the
tribes of a
peaceful or

Jess P:          Jess is getting to          Michael Wood,                Made excellent use of the     Reference list and    Jess, this is not a very well            6 + 13 =
Arthurian        accounting for the          comment function and          footnotes fine. 2     structured essay, largely because        19/35
legends          lasting appeal of the       Notetaking grids very        used it specially to seek                           you didn’t set out in the first
What is the      Arthurian legends. I        brief indeed, and many       and respond to feedback                             paragraph what you were going to
Lasting          think she has enough        unable to be opened.         from T and TL. Difficulties                         argue about the lasting appeal of
appeal of the    information.                Sources appear in            with opening reflection                             King Arthur. You slip into narrative
Legend of        Had trouble with            reference list, but they     sheets. 2                                           about the story with which you are
King Arthur?     developing question as      are very brief notes. 1                                                          quite rightly fascinated, and
Final            area is so huge and                                                                                          without the structure of an
question:        mythical. Probably                                                                                           argument, the essay meanders a
Why has the      could have done with                                                                                         little. It is also well below the word
legend of        guidance earlier. She                                                                                        limit. Your footnotes and reference
King Arthur      had trouble answering                                                                                        list are well presented. 13/25
had an           the question as wanted
ongoing          to focus on the story,
appeal?          telling a narrative,
Phillippa S:     Still struggling with all,      Made good use of the log      Reference list well   I’m not sure you’ve persuaded me         9 + 15 =
Atlantis         the theories. Wants to      Donnelly, Muck,              entries, and not much of      presented,            that Plato’s account was accurate.       24/35
                 focus on Plato and the – Reasonably     the comment function.         contained more        This essay has some expression
                 Minoan theory. Her          well synthesised. Sources    Maybe does not need it.       than her notetaking   errors and roundabout ways of
                 notetaking grids not        in reference list a little   Reflection sheets well        grids. Footnotes      making points. But it does use your
                 there. How useful is        different, but on the        used.                         excellent.            sources to show Plato as the source
                 Plato to understanding      whole not very well          2                             2                     of the Atlantis legend, whether or
                 the Atlantis theory?        chosen to prove her                                                              not it was an historical fact in his
                 Final question: To what     question. 2                                                                      writing. Your reference list and
                 extent is Plato’s                                                                                            footnotes are good. Not critical of
                 account of Atlantis an                                                                                       the sources, no page references for
                 accurate one?                                                                                                Donnelly. 15
Ashleigh B-W     Final question: Assess      Eyewitness to history,        Comment function and          Well presented          This is a very convincing conclusion   10 + 24 =
Battle of        the immediate impact        Baldwin, Bury, Osborne,       daily logs shows close        reference list          to the best essay I’ve read yet from   34/35
Marathon         of the Battle of            Plutarch, Ehrenberg,          engagement with topic         substantially the       this group! Very well done. It
Worked in        Marathon and its            Herodotus, Califf, Creasy,    and growing interest.         same as the sources     presents a complex argument
hols.            lasting significance to     Lenardon. Very                Reflection sheets show        in your notetaking      without confusion, accounts for
                 history. Ashleigh           thoughtful, critical notes,   strong engagement with        grids, which            both the short and long term
                 worked very hard to         which were culled down        her topic and struggle to     demonstrated            effects of the Battle of Marathon in
                 define her question. 2      to the ones that best         narrow it. 2                  critical synthesis of   very convincing fashion. There
                                             supported her                                               what you were           could perhaps have been more
                                             arguments.                                                  reading. Excellent      explanation about why the Battle
                                                                                                         footnotes. 3            allowed for the rise of the western
                                             3                                                                                   world. This essay shows your
                                                                                                                                 diligent process and deep research
                                                                                                                                 into what is not an easy area, its
                                                                                                                                 greatest strength being the
                                                                                                                                 measured way in which you write.
Emily W:         Explain the importance      She has a variety of          Brief use of the comment      Reference list ok,      This is an essay that achieves what    5 + 13 = 18
Ancient          of religion in the          sources, e.g. Instone,        and logging functions.        footnotes were          it set out to do, show that the
Olympic          Ancient Olympic Games       Cartledge, Stack, Leuven,     Not particularly useful for   mostly of common        Ancient Olympics were more about
Games:Needs                                  Tufts Uni – she’s copied      her or us. Reflection         knowledge               religion than sport, without any
more time to     Final question was:         and pasted notes from all     really brief as well. 1       examples. 2             real depth of analysis. It is
solidify.        Examine the extent to       of them into one, so that                                                           reasonably structured, but tends to
She is looking   which the Ancient           you can’t tell where the                                                            become a bit repetitive. It’s a bit
at the           Olympic Games was           info comes from. Or                                                                 under the word count, and this
balance of       more focused on             notes might be from only                                                            may be accounted for by the fact
religion and     religion than sport         one. 1                                                                              that your research (if that is the
sport in the     Question ok, just didn’t                                                                                        same as what’s in your notetaking
Ancient          allow for any real                                                                                              grid) was a bit on the short side.
Olypmics.        debate. 1                                                                                                       13.
Emma W:          Begam with Scythians,,              Brief but pertinent use of    After all your          Conclusion is a bit on the weak        8 + 18 =
Scythians        and the Ice Maiden.                  daily logs, not much in       research, you’ve        side. This is a very good essay,       26/35
                 Found she had so much,            way of interaction on         used fairly few         which needed quite a bit of editing.
                 information she had to      Edwards, Atlas of world       comment function.             sources. But they       You certainly answer your question
                 leave out the Ice           history,                      Emma’s reflection sheets      are clearly the most    about daily life and culture of the
                 Maiden. Final question:      are very focused and          relevant. Rawlinson     Scythians, as well as writing a very
                 Our understanding of        , ,       show her very interested      has no notetaking       good section on the archaeological
                 different tribes and        Daily telegraph, All a bit    in her topic, and having      grid. Footnotes are     evidence. I wanted to know how
                 cities is based on what     unscholarly. But detailed     to swim through deep          very good. 2            you gleaned all this information
                 is left behind. What can    notes. One good source,       water. 2                                              about the Scythians’ way of life,
                 sources tell us about       The Scythian scourge,                                                               when Herodotus was the only
                 the lives of the Scythian   Blair. Also                                                             source, and he was unreliable. I
people? Refer to ‘The     Notes very synthesized,   think you lost sight of that in your
Histories’ by Herodotus   however.                  writing. 18
and the analysis of the   2
body of the Ice Maiden
of Siberia. 2

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Guided inquiry: process marking

  • 1. Year 11 Ancient History Preliminary Course 2011: Historical investigation. Process marks: 10 marks altogether. Name and Development of Notetaking grids/3 Reflection sheets/ Use Bibliography and Essay and comment, including Final mark: final enquiry question/2 of comment function footnotes/3 research process. Essay and question /2 process/ 35 Hannah B: Hannah grappled with Sources: Used the logs well, shows I’m surprised there This is quite a good essay, marred 8+14 = Cleopatra: enquiry question Cleopatra movie, grappling with topic and aren’t more sources by a few expression errors, and 22/35 relating to Cleo’s Rehabilitating Cleo and many drafts of the essay. in your reference possibly also by your decision to portrayal in media Plutarch, Susan Walker , Not much use of the list, as you certainly only use these writers on Cleo, Schiff, and the primary comment function. looked at more. which you don’t evaluate in terms Final question: sources at British Reflection sheets show You’ve omitted of reliability and background, when Throughout history Museum. Movie her struggling with some bibliographic you clearly had researched others. there have been many Cleopatra as well. Mixed information overload, as details as well, It achieves what you set out to do portrayals of notetaking grids, very well as structuring the place published, in the first paragraph, but could Cleopatra’s life, but brief at times, movie one essay. publisher etc. have done with your own which portrayal of good. Plutarch one very Footnotes are conclusion on who Cleopatra was. Cleopatra is accurate? good. Schiff good. She 2 similarly sparse and 14 Or are none accurate? didn’t use them all in the omit bibliographic 2 essay. details. Some 2 footnoting errors. 2 Lucy C: Looked at .Brennan, Herald Sun, Independent researcher Uses her deep Very strong conclusion to a very 10 +23 – Cannibalism Mayan/Aztec; Stone Macrae, in earlier grids, who organized herself research to cull well reasoned essay about a 33/35 in the ancient age England and and began with Wikipedia well in the logs, and did down to a short and complex topic. You’ve used world: Germany, leading her Bahn, Bower, Cannibals not seem to need the very pertinent evidence very well to support your to consider of the Stone Age doco, interaction available via reference list. arguments. This is an essay of Mayans/Aztecs’ Boyes, Goldman, Turner comment function. Footnotes are which you should be proud, and is comparison? in final grid. Very Reflection sheets very outstanding. probably a result of your strong Final question: analytical. Has done thoughtful and used in a 3 writing and reasoning skills, your Did Ancient Civilisations excellent synthesized useful way for her deep research, and your fascination Practice Cannibalism. If notes. research process. 2 with your (grizzly!) topic. Very well So Why, and What 3 done! Evidence Is There To 23 Support This? Shows evidence of thoughtful narrowing of topic 2
  • 2. Phoebe C: Phoebe seems well Womenintheancientworl Independent researcher Good reference list, This is a competent essay, which 9+19= 28/35 Spartan organized. Her topic d, McDonald, Hibbison, who wrote very good essentially the same could have had a tighter structure, women: Role grew from Spartan legion14, BBC, Fantham – logs, and did not use sources as in your outlining the main points you make in society. women, to Spartan notetaking grids very well comment function much. notetaking grids. in the introductory paragraph. It is women and Athenian synthesized, and are Maybe does not need it, Good attempt at at times a little on the narrative *** also women to come to final mostly the same sources and prefers verbal footnoting. side, though you make excellent Modern enquiry question: as used in reference list. interaction. Reflection 2 use of primary sources. ‘Spartan women in 5th 3 sheets very well used, to 19/25 Century BC had far develop and fine tune her greater freedom than question and structure their Athenian the essay. 2 counterparts’. To what extent is this an accurate statement. 2 Celeste de C: Measured, rational Notetaking grids Very competent, Bibliography is There was a need for a tighter 9+19= 29/35 Hanging approach to organized, pertinent, organized process with pertinent and structure to this essay. I think you Gardens of development of enquiry perhaps not synthesized no fuss approach well consists of material needed an introduction that Babylon question, dictated by enough, perhaps not logged and described. in your notetaking directed your essay more tightly, as growth in information. enough information to Reflection sheets very grids. Footnotes it was, the intro was a page long, Final question: account for the Ongoing clear and reflect the good. and left the reader searching for Account for the historical significance of development of her 3 ensuing structure. Additionally you ongoing historical the gardens, and are the thought and research needed to proof read your writing significance of the myth same sources as appear very clearly. 2 for expression errors, and for of the Hanging Gardens in reference list. keeping to the point, and for of Babylon Competent switch mid picking up repetitive material and stream to Noodlebib. removing it. A difficult topic, and 2 an excellent research process, let 2 down a little in the end by roundabout expression. Your ancient sources needed some background and information about reliability. 19 Kelsey E: Early focus on reliability Lanciani, Pomeroy, Baker, Reasonably thoughtful Well chosen This is an excellent essay which 9+20 = Vestal Virgins of information around Ramsey, Parker,Staples. use of the logs and reference list, with gives a reasoned explanation of 29/35 VVs’ Early question: Very well organized and comment function. Bit only what she Vestals as sign, stranger and Why were the vestals synthesized notetaking. 2 brief. Reflection sheets needed for her scapegoat. It is well supported by virgins? And what affect very honest and show her argument. your thorough research. The only did their virginity have grappling with the Accurately thing I’d criticize is that the on the ability for them reliability of information presented, same question allowed more of a to be sacrificed? in this topic area. sources as her narrative than a debate. But well Final question: Who Reflection on learning notes. Well done. 20. were the Vestal Virgins was very honest and constructed
  • 3. and what role did they detailed. 2 footnotes. play in the Ancient 3 Roman society? 2 Caitlin F: Question development Web Greece, wikpedia. Good use of comment Reference list This is a very well written essay, 19 + 7 = Greek myths led her to the myth of Bullfinch, Grade saver. function for feedback and contains much that Caitlin, which gives a very good 26/35 and legends – Theseus and the Not very synthesized. brief but useful logs. she made notes on, picture of the ways in which Theseus and Minotaur. Lots of time wasted at Useful reflection sheets but some new Suzanne Collins has employed the the Minotaur. Final question: To what beginning with too big a where she documents her sources. Not v Theseus and the Minotaur myth in extent has author topic. The Hunger games, frustrations and academic. The Hunger Games. You’ve used Suzanne Collins Margolis, Myths and achievements in Good job on your research well, and made a reflected the well- Legends, Oliver. Level of narrowing down such a footnotes. good job of your footnotes. My known Greek myth synthesis of notes huge topic. Did she in the only reservations lie with the Theseus and the improved towards the end write an English 2 question really, and whether it Minotaur in her novel end when she knew what essay? allowed you to identify an area of The Hunger Games? her question was, but still 2 debate, as well as whether this Breadth of the area of not v deep. 2 essay would be a better English inquiry was a problem essay than an Ancient History one. for Caitlin, though she 19 managed to narrow it down to a very specific question. But was it Ancient History? 1 Sophie H: Final question: Assess Stanley and Sheng; Thoughtful and reflective Reference list This is an excellent essay, Sophie. 10 +24 = Atlantis – the likelihood of the Stewart, Mansfield, researcher, very fulsome accurately You have a scientific, analytical 34/35 Thera/Crete Ancient Minoan Govan, Wheeler, Krystek, about her process. presented, and had approach to history, and put up Civilization, based on Kemp, Wilson – all very Reflection sheets show most of the sources such an excellent case for Atlantis the islands of Crete and synthesized. Excellent her grappling very deeply in her notetaking being Thira. Your extensive Thira, as the source of notes. 3 with the topic and grids plus a few research, and long sustained Plato’s story of Atlantis. moving early to Plato as more. Lot of interest in this topic has led you to Showed intense original source. 2 Clickview. Excellent write a sound piece of historical interest and footnotes, including research, which could have been commitment from the explanatory ones – edited further, as it was over the beginning in developing A couple of word limit by 400 words. her question. 2 footnoting omissions. 24 3
  • 4. Sally H: Growth of enquiry Has not detailed which Has kept a reasonable log Footnotes good – This essay is well structured, well- 7+16 = Spartacus – question clear from Questia sources she uses of her process, does not an ibid error and an written, as was your Modern 23/35 *** general topic of in notetaking grids. use comment function. unnecessary essay, with only a few omissions of Spartacus to portrayals Notes better than for Reflection sheets a bit common citations. I think you needed to over time, with final Modern, but still pretty brief, but quite useful to knowledge citation. define the terms of the question. question being: brief to start off with. her. Bibliography very You’ve contained your argument Examine the Portrayal Livius, Wesscholar, 1 good, most of very well, relating it to a of Spartacus as a Hoffman. Better in final which come from manageable number of ancient and courageous grid. her notes. modern portrayals, in an ordered revolutionist and a 2 fashion. This time your notetaking fighter for social justice. 2 grids are better, but I still think that 2 they are not the ideal way for you to take notes. Take a look at Easybib. It’s easier than Noodlebib, and may be just what you need. Essay: 16. Olivia-Jane H: Assess the significance Wikipedia, Sewell Ward, Appeared to be a very Reference list uses Good conclusion. While this essay 7+19 = Lost library of of the Pharos text book, newsnational, competent and same sources, not presents your arguments well, if a 26/35 Alexandria? Lighthouse and the, independent researcher, scholarly enough. little slowly, it suffers from the Great Library of, aware of process and Some footnoting level of the sources you used. They Alexandria in www.fortunecity. Not gaps. Some use of errors, and they are were all open internet sources, and establishing Alexandria very scholarly. comment function, but a little on the scarce I believe you could have used more as a cultural centre of Notetaking shows effort does not appear to need side to support an scholarly ones, including books and the Ancient World. at synthesizing. it. Reflection sheets show argument. 2 Questia and State Library articles. her grappling with You took quite a while to get into I think she put in the 2 information overload, the significance of the lighthouse two buildings because gradually narrowing her and library, but did so competently she hadn’t done focus from Alexandria to later in the essay. Your essay at enough research to the lost library. Reflection times reads more as a narrative support just one of sheets are very useful to than an argument, and I think this them. her. 2 goes back to your sources again. 1 There are some footnoting errors. 19 Amelia H: Amelia stuck with Same sources in Use of comment function Excellent use of Strong conclusion to a very 10 +20 = 30 Masada Masada right from the Reference list: Excellent and daily logs show clear footnotes, with interesting essay. You’ve written a beginning, and research, useful notes, all growth of focus towards some errors over well argued essay which uses your narrowed it to Josephus used in reference list and enquiry question. ibid and op cit. rigorous research very well, and and Yadin. Had essay. Sources not Reflection sheets were Bibliography very appears to have arrived at the nub difficulties with evaluated. useful to her process. pertinent. of the debate on Masada. You assessing reliability of 2 2 3 might have evaluated the writers information, but you used for reliability and context. persevered through this Congratulations on your very
  • 5. to arrive at an excellent committed research process and a enquiry question. sound essay. 18 Assess the archaeological and written evidence in relation to Masada. *** 2 Rose J: To what extent was the; Competent researcher, Only two sources This is a well argued essay, which is 7+ 18=25 Ancient Carthaginian siege of, who logged her process on her reference quite a bit under the word count. Spain/Punic Saguntum responsible None well, did not do much list, reflecting her However, you structure it very well, wars? for the outbreak of the of these useful to her in with the comment difficulties with the use the minimal sources you have Siege of Second Punic War? the end, because her function. Reflection too broad question. very well, and have presented a Saguntum She began too broadly topic went off in another sheets mirror the She uses them to very balanced argument about with a wish to explore direction. Very general difficulties of starting too very good effect, your topic of the Siege of Ancient Spain because notes, not enough of broadly, and therefore however. Footnotes Saguntum. 18 she was going there! them. In final grid, uses losing research time. But very good, though This led to difficulties in Bradley, which is what she reflects very honestly scarce. 2 early information she needed. This is a very on her process. 2 gathering and question good grid. making. 2 www.historyofwar Vessey, These ones which looked good, she didn’t use. 2 Emma K: How Sheba is portrayed, an Logs show intense Reference list has This is a sudden and not very 6 +17= Queen of in Koran, Bible and unnamed source, Negast engagement with the many errors in it. illuminating ending. The essay 23/35 Sheba Jewish sources. Final and The Queen of Sheba research, but not much in But it is extensive, probably suffers from trying to question is: Who was (movie) She lists some the way of interaction contains some of answer too many questions. I think the Queen of Sheba? books, but takes no notes using the comment those in her you’ve pretty much left the third How has she been on them. Also Solomon function. Reflection notetaking grids. one unanswered, why has she been represented and Sheba film. sheets show her Footnotes ok. portrayed in the ways she was? throughout history and Books by Cole, Wadud, grappling with Quotes too long. 1 The other two are answered why has she been Williams, information underload in satisfactorily. 17 represented in these Kitchen.jbq.jewishbible.or some cases. 2 ways? Essay suffered g from having so much to 2 answer. 1
  • 6. Yolana K: Question troubles: Too Lendering, Library of Record of progress using Long reference list This is a very good essay, in which 8 + 22 = Alexander the much info. Can’t decide Hellas, Livius, McCarty, the comment function is with repeated you do what you set out to do: 30/35 Great * on direction. Is, very informative and entries for same Account for the influences and Alexander great?, Holt. All reflective. Reflection source. Would motivations that led Alexander to Account for the brief. Reference list on sheets reflected her have been better create the Macedonian empire. I greatness of Alexander/ essay included many difficulty with the with fewer sources, think your first paragraph might What influences shaped more sources than those overwhelming amount of as you describe the have been stronger, and more him? How successful in the notetaking grids, information available on experience in your directive of your argument, and was he in spreading which look as if they were Alexander the Great - reflection sheets of that some later sections needed Greek Culture? of not much use to her. one missing (2) extreme some editing to stick to your Struggled with question 2 information arguments. Your footnotes are development. 2 overload. Excellent FANTASTIC! Well done. . 22 Final question: footnotes. Needs to Investigate Alexander find a way of the Great’s influences notetaking that is and motives that led to useful to her, as the the creation of the notetaking grids Macedonian Empire were clearly not 2 very useful, and she drowned in information anyway. Advice for future: Choose a topic with less written about it? 2 Emma L: Began with Vespasian. Castleden,Michailidou, Stressed, highly Reference list very This is a very competent essay 9 + 22 = *** Emma has stalled on Burrows, Romer, BBC, competent and pertinent to essay, which might have benefited from 31/35 this because she is McNeal, Waldman, EB, idiosyncratic researcher. and same sources further editing, as there are places finding it difficult to Macgillivrary. Very Does not know how good as in notetaking where you repeat yourself a bit, assess which thorough notes on she is. Is very critical of document. Some e.g. about encyclopedias still taking archaeologist was Noodlebib. Same sources her own research errors in citation of Evans’ work as gospel. But you’ve correct. How true were appear in essay. process, which appears to common persuaded me that Evans did not Evan’s ideas to the work well in the end! knowledge do much of a job on Knossos. I actual culture of the 3 Interesting and interested examples, and wonder if you could have found Minoans? reflection sheets. some confusion some positives about his work, Assess the usefulness of Not much use of over op.cit. which was done after all when Arthur Evans’s comment function, but 2 modern archaeological methods “reconstruction” of the very vocal about her own were unheard of. But you’ve court-complex at needs during the process. written a mature essay on a fairly Knossos. Final question: 2 vexed area. 22 Assess the usefulness of
  • 7. the work of Arthur Evans to our understanding of the Minoan civilisation. Clear grappling with development of enquiry question. 2/2 Isabella M: Validity of the Hope, Brumbaugh, Levy, Very competent Accurately This is a very well constructed and 10 + 19 = Atlantis – Thera/Minoan culture Lost Worlds, researcher, self aware in presented supported essay. You write very 29/35 Plato and explanation of Atlantis, logs. Does not use reference list, well, in a reasoned and direct way, legend. as portrayed in Plato. well comment function much. containing the same with a few expression errors that Final question: Despite synthesized, using Question: Do these sources as her re-reading would have picked up. our modern-day Noodlbib. She’s clearly students prefer to talk notes. Footnotes Well done. Your essay shows your fascination with this got to grips with some rather than use wiki for very well done. thorough research process. You legend, it seems clear scholarly writers in this interaction? Shows Check for common were a bit below the word count that the Atlantis Plato topic. herself a reflective knowledge citation. Background on sources? Are they described never 3 researcher in her 3 reliable? 19 existed. Assess the reflection sheets. 2 various concepts/ constructions of the Atlantis story. 2 Sophie Mc: Sophie is doing Henry’s www.elizabethean- Does not show evidence Quite a good This essay answers your question 5 + 14 = Henry V111 decision to separate, Wikipedia, of much engagement reference list. You satisfactorily, but just does not 19/35 and lord from the Pope, Cheshire, Randell Later with the topic in the logs clearly got more grapple with the historians who chancellors’ although up till now notetaking grid with the or in using the comment involved once you’d write about this matter. Though influences or was other question. two books in it is better. function. Reflection chosen your you’ve a couple of books on your Henry’s Final question: First very brief and not sheets are similarly not question. You need reference list, you’ve not used decision to Examine the motives good sources. She had very engaged. 1 to understand the them in the essay, which, while it is separate and reasoning behind the books in the common reasonably structured, narrates from the King Henry’s decision to reference list, but did not knowledge rather than argues its case. 14. pope separate from the use them. Essay suffered exception in Catholic Church. from superficiality. footnoting. She did not show much 1 Anything that is engagement or interest widely known does during her research not have to have a process. 1 citation. She does not use citations to advance an argument, using them instead to
  • 8. narrate well known facts. 2 Emily M: Weiednbach, Instone, Excellent use of logs and Good reference list, Well concluded. This is a well 8 + 16 = Comparison Final question: “Today's NSW amateur boxing comment function to sort matching what structured and argued essay that 24/35 of ancient Olympic Games are assoc, compare info base, out her question. you’ve taken notes uses your research efficiently. I and modern based on what took Olympic Museum, coupe Reflection sheets on mostly. You’ve think it’s a better essay than your Olympics place at Olympia, in and Scanlan;, improved into a useful made a very good modern one, in that it’s used better *** Greece, nearly three Konstam;; tool for her by RS3. attempt at sources, and probably because you millennia ago”-Dr Crowther, IOC, Potted 2 footnoting, while didn’t change topic mid stream as Stephan Instone history,, some of them could you did in Modern. Your sources To what extent is this National Sport have been left out still could have been more statement true? Information Centre because they are scholarly, but it’s perhaps true that Emily worked well These were all used in her common the ones you used are the most towards her enquiry reference list. The notes knowledge, i.e. appropriate ones for this topic, question, after some were not very detailed, likely to appear in which is not pure Ancient History. hitches with finding but got better towards pretty much any Well done. 16 information about the end. source about the modern Olympics. 2 topic. 2 2 Kate O’M: Moved from initial Collingridge, BBC Youtube Competent and reflective Excellent This is a very good essay. Both the 7 + 21 = Boudicca * interest to video, website Nymag. – researcher, using logs and bibliography. Very introduction and the conclusion 28/35 *** representations over all very brief notes. Good comment function well. good footnotes, could have been expanded to make time, to: Is Boudicca’s notetaking grid on Excellent use of reflection only one error. 3 reference to all of the major points story an exaggeration None of sheets to sort out her you then make in the essay. But it or merely a fabrication these sources are used in thinking. Is a thoughtful is very reasoned, well written and of eventsCan we know her essay, so think she researcher. makes excellent use of sources, the truth about has another way of taking perhaps a little more on the Boudicca? notes. 2 secondary sources? Final question in essay: 21 Who was Boudicca? Transparent process of 0 question development. 2 Romy P: Romy was going to go Oracle thinkquest, Good, reflective, Short reference list Conclusion very general. This is an 5 + 14 = Antony and with the take up of, E.E. Rice: not organizing use of both with some essay that contains quite a few 19/35 Cleopatra Antony and Cleopatra, very detailed, best source the logs and the formatting errors, expression errors, and may have which is huge. We will is Rice. 1 comment function. footnotes scarce, suffered from its question. You’ve advise her to go with Reflection sheets show with some errors. recorded some varying
  • 9. something like, The her grappling with her Same sources as in interpretations of the A & C story, story of A & C: a simple topic, being flooded with your notetaking as you set out to do, and in most love story? Or politically information but coming grids. Two sources cases, brought a critical light on the motivated. Maybe to a reasonable end, are good, but she sources you chose. My problem focus on effects of their where focus is on the puts them with it is that it is so source – liaison. relationship being alongside some not driven, rather than argument- Final question: Assess romantic or political. 2 very good ones, e.g. driven, so that it ends up being a the different Thinkquest. summary of some interpretations perspectives of the 1 of A& C. I think you needed to use relationship between historical sources. Mark Antony and Cleopatra. Unclear argument, 14 Question ended up being not very historical. 1 Sophia P: Is the legacy of Norse Henkin: Seems Reflective researcher in Reference list very This essay needed some clearer 5 + 15 = 20 Ragnorak – Mythology all bloody unsynthesised. Fasulo use of log. Records late brief. Footnotes definition of argument in the first Norse and violent? Are there also unsynthesised. Both change in direction of technically fine. Just paragraph and a tighter drawing mythology peaceful claims to on norse mythology. question. No use of don’t add much to together of your three main areas – How did the fame? Sophia found These were used in the comment function. the arguments, and Religion and beliefs; the creation story the various countries in essay, and two more. some come under environment in which they lived and ideals of Norse mythology Grabianowski and Ritchie 1 heading of common and the daily lives of these people an imminent confusing, and came to – gives impression of knowledge i.e. facts – in the conclusion. The essay ‘ragnarok’ put them all under one more research needed. that could seems in some parts narrative, impact on the heading: Scandinavia, reasonably be rather than argumentative, and it lives of the which made her essay 1 expected in any seems that you might have done people. RS2 general and narrative history of Norse more research to get a fuller rather than analytical. people. picture of the nature of these Were the 1 people 15 Ancient 2 5/10 for process. Northern Unsure of argument Germanic Abrupt conclusion tribes Insufficient depth influenced in No use of historical perspectives. a peaceful or violent way by their religion? RS3 Final question: Was the
  • 10. culture of the ancient Scandinavian tribes of a peaceful or violent nature? Jess P: Jess is getting to Michael Wood, Made excellent use of the Reference list and Jess, this is not a very well 6 + 13 = Arthurian accounting for the comment function and footnotes fine. 2 structured essay, largely because 19/35 legends lasting appeal of the Notetaking grids very used it specially to seek you didn’t set out in the first What is the Arthurian legends. I brief indeed, and many and respond to feedback paragraph what you were going to Lasting think she has enough unable to be opened. from T and TL. Difficulties argue about the lasting appeal of appeal of the information. Sources appear in with opening reflection King Arthur. You slip into narrative Legend of Had trouble with reference list, but they sheets. 2 about the story with which you are King Arthur? developing question as are very brief notes. 1 quite rightly fascinated, and Final area is so huge and without the structure of an question: mythical. Probably argument, the essay meanders a Why has the could have done with little. It is also well below the word legend of guidance earlier. She limit. Your footnotes and reference King Arthur had trouble answering list are well presented. 13/25 had an the question as wanted ongoing to focus on the story, appeal? telling a narrative, essentially. 1 Phillippa S: Still struggling with all, Made good use of the log Reference list well I’m not sure you’ve persuaded me 9 + 15 = Atlantis the theories. Wants to Donnelly, Muck, entries, and not much of presented, that Plato’s account was accurate. 24/35 focus on Plato and the – Reasonably the comment function. contained more This essay has some expression Minoan theory. Her well synthesised. Sources Maybe does not need it. than her notetaking errors and roundabout ways of notetaking grids not in reference list a little Reflection sheets well grids. Footnotes making points. But it does use your there. How useful is different, but on the used. excellent. sources to show Plato as the source Plato to understanding whole not very well 2 2 of the Atlantis legend, whether or the Atlantis theory? chosen to prove her not it was an historical fact in his Final question: To what question. 2 writing. Your reference list and extent is Plato’s footnotes are good. Not critical of account of Atlantis an the sources, no page references for accurate one? Donnelly. 15 2
  • 11. Ashleigh B-W Final question: Assess Eyewitness to history, Comment function and Well presented This is a very convincing conclusion 10 + 24 = Battle of the immediate impact Baldwin, Bury, Osborne, daily logs shows close reference list to the best essay I’ve read yet from 34/35 Marathon of the Battle of Plutarch, Ehrenberg, engagement with topic substantially the this group! Very well done. It Worked in Marathon and its Herodotus, Califf, Creasy, and growing interest. same as the sources presents a complex argument hols. lasting significance to Lenardon. Very Reflection sheets show in your notetaking without confusion, accounts for history. Ashleigh thoughtful, critical notes, strong engagement with grids, which both the short and long term worked very hard to which were culled down her topic and struggle to demonstrated effects of the Battle of Marathon in define her question. 2 to the ones that best narrow it. 2 critical synthesis of very convincing fashion. There supported her what you were could perhaps have been more arguments. reading. Excellent explanation about why the Battle footnotes. 3 allowed for the rise of the western 3 world. This essay shows your diligent process and deep research into what is not an easy area, its greatest strength being the measured way in which you write. 24. Emily W: Explain the importance She has a variety of Brief use of the comment Reference list ok, This is an essay that achieves what 5 + 13 = 18 Ancient of religion in the sources, e.g. Instone, and logging functions. footnotes were it set out to do, show that the Olympic Ancient Olympic Games Cartledge, Stack, Leuven, Not particularly useful for mostly of common Ancient Olympics were more about Games:Needs Tufts Uni – she’s copied her or us. Reflection knowledge religion than sport, without any more time to Final question was: and pasted notes from all really brief as well. 1 examples. 2 real depth of analysis. It is solidify. Examine the extent to of them into one, so that reasonably structured, but tends to She is looking which the Ancient you can’t tell where the become a bit repetitive. It’s a bit at the Olympic Games was info comes from. Or under the word count, and this balance of more focused on notes might be from only may be accounted for by the fact religion and religion than sport one. 1 that your research (if that is the sport in the Question ok, just didn’t same as what’s in your notetaking Ancient allow for any real grid) was a bit on the short side. Olypmics. debate. 1 13. Emma W: Begam with Scythians,, Brief but pertinent use of After all your Conclusion is a bit on the weak 8 + 18 = Scythians and the Ice Maiden. daily logs, not much in research, you’ve side. This is a very good essay, 26/35 Found she had so much, way of interaction on used fairly few which needed quite a bit of editing. information she had to Edwards, Atlas of world comment function. sources. But they You certainly answer your question leave out the Ice history, Emma’s reflection sheets are clearly the most about daily life and culture of the Maiden. Final question: are very focused and relevant. Rawlinson Scythians, as well as writing a very Our understanding of , , show her very interested has no notetaking good section on the archaeological different tribes and Daily telegraph, All a bit in her topic, and having grid. Footnotes are evidence. I wanted to know how cities is based on what unscholarly. But detailed to swim through deep very good. 2 you gleaned all this information is left behind. What can notes. One good source, water. 2 about the Scythians’ way of life, sources tell us about The Scythian scourge, when Herodotus was the only the lives of the Scythian Blair. Also source, and he was unreliable. I
  • 12. people? Refer to ‘The Notes very synthesized, think you lost sight of that in your Histories’ by Herodotus however. writing. 18 and the analysis of the 2 body of the Ice Maiden of Siberia. 2