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Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
Part 1: 
Definition of Growth Hacking 
Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
What is Growth Hacking? 
Growth Hacking is a new term created by Sean Ellis. 
Growth Hacking is the science of achieving incredible 
growth with non traditional strategies. 
Growth Hacking is also the science that helps you 
decide how to move users from one state to the next 
one consistently. 
Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
How can GH make a company grow? 
Growth Hacking can make a company growth as a 
result of a sum of hundreds of actions that will bring 
incredible and impactful growth. 
Growth Hacking can make a company growth, both 
virally because of one action or the sum of hundreds 
of actions. 
Effective Growth Hacking is the result of a lot of hard 
work. There is no shortcut. 
Growth Hacking only looks easy once you’ve found 
out the things that work for your product. 
Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
Which resources you need to start GH? 
Growth Hacking is a term now relegated for startups, 
a. They need a fast growth and 
b. They lack resources 
Growth Hacking can work without resources, and 
also with them. 
Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
Who is Growth Hacking for? 
Businesses looking for an alternative and impactful 
solution for their growth. 
Established companies looking to grow their 
Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
What is a Growth Hacker? 
“A Growth Hacker is a person whose true north is 
growth” – Sean Ellis 
A Growth Hacker is a business developer obsessed 
with GROWTH. 
Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
What is the mission of a Growth Hacker? 
Their power comes from their focus and obsession in 
They help early stages startups grow. 
Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
Who is the PERFECT Growth Hacker? 
He or she: 
• Is obsessed with Growth 
• Understands how people flow online 
• Is clever, ingenious, original, creative, inventive, curious, 
fearless and perseverant. 
• Is obsessed with Analytics 
• Know a little bit about psychology and viral loops 
• Understands very well technology 
• Pushes the boundaries to their limits for growth 
• Understands products can spread themselves 
• Is a Marathoner 
Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
To be a Growth Hacker you don’t need to: 
Be an engineer or a coder: there are amazing tools 
these days to substitute the coder of a team 
Have a degree on Marketing: You need to be creative 
and find many ideas for growth. 
Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
Growth Hackers and Analytics 
Growth hackers are extremely ANALYTICAL: 
• They love, depend and understand analytics. 
• Analytics are essential for a Growth Hacker. Why: 
 The only thing that counts are results, and results are backed up by 
 Without analytics a growth hacker cannot prove his changes are 
working (or not!). 
 Analytics can help them prioritize their to-do list. They keep the 
Growth Hacker focus. 
 Analytics make success repeatable (and stop what isn’t working) 
 Analytics can predict the future basing results in yesterday’s results. 
Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
Which tools a Growth Hacker 
A Growth Hacker uses whatever tools at their 
disposal to increase Grow and to measure it. 
• These are some of those tools: 
• To increase growth 
• Mail: Mailchimp 
• Social Sharing: Hootsuite 
• A/B Testing: LandPages 
• To measure it: 
• Google Analytics 
Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
Part 2: 
The Growth Hacking Process 
Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
A-.Checklist before you start GH 
1. Who are your customers? 
2. Where are they? 
3. What are your goals? 
4. Can you track your goals? 
5. What are your strengths? 
6. Execution 
7. Optimization and Repetition 
Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
1. Who are your customers? 
Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
2.How do you reach them? 
Existing customers: 
• Where do they come from now to your website? 
New customers: 
• Where do they hang around? Which websites, blogs, 
they read, comment or visit? 
Knowing who your customers are, it is easier to find 
where they hang out. 
Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
3. Define your goals 
Your Goals have to be NARROW. Break them down. 
They have to become individual tasks. 
Do not have broad goals because: 
You will not be effective 
You will get lost 
The results will be meaningless 
Your Goals have to be actionable 
Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
4. Implement Analytics 
Do you have a system to properly track your 
You need to TRACK if you have achieve your goals (or 
if you haven’t) 
Apart from Google Analytics you need to use other 
analytic software to track down other results. 
Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
5. Leverage your Strengths 
What do you have at your disposal that: 
• Requires little effort 
• Can produce a big impact? 
Then you have found gold! 
Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
6. Execute your experiment 
Make sure you have a control group to compare the 
Before you do it, WRITE DOWN your hypotheses because: 
They are a reflection of your assumptions 
They keep you honest 
Be realistic about the time and the resources is going to 
Do not despair if it fails. 
Learn from the experiment’s failure or success 
Don’t give up! 
Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
7. Optimize and Repeat the Experiment 
Transform it 
Repeat it 
*again, make sure you have a control group 
Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
B. The Growth Hacking Funnel 
These are the phases of the Growth Hacking Funnel: 
1. Acquisition 
2. Activation 
3. Retention 
4. Referral 
5. Revenue 
Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
1-. Acquisition: Definition 
In this phase you want to ACQUIRE potential 
customers to your product 
Your goal is to get VISITORS! 
• Marketing, SEO, social media, word of mouth, … 
• You visit a page because your friend shared it in 
Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
1-. Acquisition: Tools 
Optimize SEO – Slide 45 
Blog – Slide 46 
Guest Blog – Slide 47 
Content Sharing – Slide 48 
Landing Pages – Slide 49 
A/B testing – Slide 50 
Integrations and APIs – Slide 51 
Social Media Campaigns – Slide 52 
Get Viral – Slide 53 
Influencers – Slide 54 
Member gets Member – Slide 55 
Partnerships – Slide 56 
Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
1-. Acquisition: Measure 
Number of visits to your website through 
Google Analytics 
Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
2-. Activation 
A visitor gets activated when they come to your 
website and engage with you. How? 
They create an account 
They join the newsletter 
They download a report 
They access to competitions 
Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
2-. Activation tools 
Email with: 
Tips and tricks 
Free ebooks 
Entering competitions 
Mailchimp: first 2.000 subscribes free 
Hubstop: Paying service. Creates fast landing pages with 
prebuilt social media, mailing campaigns and great tracking 
A/B testing 
Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
2-. Activation Measure 
In your website with: 
New emails from users 
Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
3-. Retention 
Retention happens when users come back to your 
You get them to stay active. 
Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
3-. Retention Tools 
Emails with: 
Related topics 
Tips and tricks 
Notifications on others activities 
Related posts at the end of each article 
A/B Testing 
Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
3-. Retention Measure 
In mailing campaigns: 
Click through rate 
Email openings 
In your website with: 
Repeated visitors 
Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
4-. Referral 
Active users refer others to your website 
Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
4-. Referral Tools 
For your wordpress blog: 
SumoMe for sharing articles 
Other platforms: 
A/B testing 
Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
4-. Referral Measure 
Google Analytics 
Any other Analytics software, for example: 
Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
5-. Revenue 
Revenue happens when you monetize your active 
Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
5-. Revenue Tools 
A/B Testing 
Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
5-. Revenue Channels 
There are many tools you can use to get revenue from 
your website. You can: 
Sell your own product 
Sell other people’s product through affiliates 
Insert publicity 
 Private entities 
 Adsense, for example 
Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
5-. Revenue Measure 
Your own product 
You must have a registry of what is being sold 
Others products: 
They must have a registry of your sales 
They must also have the terms and conditions. For 
example, it is important to know the days they are 
retaining your cookies 
Other channels: 
Adsense pays you per click 
Private advertisers may pay you with a fix fee, a pay per 
click or a pay per impression. 
Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
Growth Hacking Software Tools for 
Landing Pages 
Visual Website Optimizer 
Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
Growth Hacking Software Tools for 
Heap Analytics 
Google analytics 
Keen IO 
Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
Growth Hacking Software Tools for 
Email Optimization 
Sent with us 
User fox 
Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
Growth Hacking Software Tools for 
User Analytics 
Fox Metrics 
Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
Growth Hacking Software Tools for 
Customer Experience 
SumoMe Heatmaps 
Crazy Egg 
Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
Acquisition Tool 1: Optimize SEO 
• Use it and optimize your website in order to receive organic 
Toosl for SEO 
• If you have a Wordpress site the best plugin for SEO I have 
found is “SEO by Yoast”. 
• Also I use “Google Adwords” and “Market Samurai” to find 
terms that have high search volumes before I post a new article. 
• Download plugin to get Rich Snippets. To add information 
about you in the post. 
• By the way, also improve your loading time by downloading 
W3 Total Cache, a plugin for wordpress. 
Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
Acquisition Tool 2: BLOG 
Create awesome and super helpful content for your 
Find out what they are interested in and write helpful 
stuff about it. 
Create images, videos, infografics for it 
Add social media widgets. I love SumoMe by 
You can automate idea generation using google 
trends on topics to cover. 
Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
Acquisition Tool 3: Guest Blog 
• Reach out to other blogs on your sector. 
• Most of the bloggers are always looking for content. 
• These are the main advantages: 
 It gives you targeted exposure 
 It gives you qualified traffic 
 It builds your credibility 
 It’s a great networking channel 
 It opens other’s social networks when they share your post 
 It opens business opportunities 
 It gets you more guest post offers 
• Blog in Quora please. It is a great place to blog! 
Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
Acquisition Tool 4: Share your content 
Get your content out there! 
Find relevant topics online and self promote 
Be useful to the community, not spammy. 
Automate. How? These are the tools I use: 
• Hootsuite: Master Hootsuite. It is the best tool7 
• In you blog: 
 Install SumoMe 
 Install Next Scripts, an awesome autoposting plugin 
Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
Acquisition Tool 5: Landing Pages 
If you are trying a new idea/experiment, in order to 
see the respond, try landing pages. 
I use It is easy and it does the 
Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
Acquisition Tool 6: Landing Pages 
If you are trying a new idea/experiment, in order to 
see the respond, try landing pages. 
Get their email address! 
Completing the process is the only way to leave the 
landing page (upssss, like Groupon) 
Groupon customizes the image on their landing page 
depending on your search term. 
I use It is free, easy and it does 
the job. 
Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
Acquisition Tool 7: Integrations and APIs 
You want to get 1% of the big companies clients. Thats works! 
Get there. 
Integration in numbers of users: 
Dropbox: 50m+ users; Shopify - 80.000+ shops signed up; 
Salesforce - 100.000+ users; Mailchimp - 2m+; Evernote - 30m+ 
Integrations have to make your product BETTER 
SalesForce is a very powerful integration because: 
the average Salesforce client pays a lot of money. 
 This is a QUALITY integration. 
Their changes to pay money for your products is very high. 
You can also ask your customers which products the use so you 
can integrate with those products. 
Make other large markets to work with your website is super 
beneficial for users (AirBnB created a feature to “post to 
craiglist” to get traction) 
Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
Acquisition Tool 8: Social Media Campaigns 
Leverage vanity and curiosity by teasing users 
User A: give him something cool and encourage him to 
User B: Gets curious and click, then also learn about 
your company 
Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
Acquisition Tool 9: Get Viral 
Be creative. Find the way to do it. 
• Jon Yongfook created a video game where at the middle 
point to keep on playing you had to invite another 
person to play. Worked great! 10k+ users in 2 days! 
Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
Acquisition Tool 11: Influencers 
Get influencers to talk about your product. 
• Offer it to them for free so they can try it and talk about 
• Give them a monetary compensation 
Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
Acquisition Tool 12: Member get Member 
Member get Member technique. How? 
Refer a friend and get: 
 a discount 
free shipping 
a monetary coupon. 
Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
Acquisition Tool 13: Partnerships 
Partnerships are very valuable 
Types of compensation: 
Revenue-Share: Easily set up an Affiliate program 
Up-front payment or revenue guarantee: sometimes 
In exchange for their service you can offer them a 
product or data for free 
Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
Laura Moreno Cabanillas 
Growth Hacker 
15+ years of experience in growth

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Growth Hacking 101 Pro

  • 1. The science of making companies GROW Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
  • 2. Part 1: Definition of Growth Hacking Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
  • 3. What is Growth Hacking? Growth Hacking is a new term created by Sean Ellis. Growth Hacking is the science of achieving incredible growth with non traditional strategies. Growth Hacking is also the science that helps you decide how to move users from one state to the next one consistently. Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
  • 4. How can GH make a company grow? Growth Hacking can make a company growth as a result of a sum of hundreds of actions that will bring incredible and impactful growth. Growth Hacking can make a company growth, both virally because of one action or the sum of hundreds of actions. Effective Growth Hacking is the result of a lot of hard work. There is no shortcut. Growth Hacking only looks easy once you’ve found out the things that work for your product. Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
  • 5. Which resources you need to start GH? Growth Hacking is a term now relegated for startups, because: a. They need a fast growth and b. They lack resources Growth Hacking can work without resources, and also with them. Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
  • 6. Who is Growth Hacking for? Businesses looking for an alternative and impactful solution for their growth. Startups. Established companies looking to grow their business. Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
  • 7. What is a Growth Hacker? “A Growth Hacker is a person whose true north is growth” – Sean Ellis A Growth Hacker is a business developer obsessed with GROWTH. Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
  • 8. What is the mission of a Growth Hacker? GROWTH! Their power comes from their focus and obsession in GROWTH. They help early stages startups grow. Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
  • 9. Who is the PERFECT Growth Hacker? He or she: • Is obsessed with Growth • Understands how people flow online • Is clever, ingenious, original, creative, inventive, curious, fearless and perseverant. • Is obsessed with Analytics • Know a little bit about psychology and viral loops • Understands very well technology • Pushes the boundaries to their limits for growth • Understands products can spread themselves • Is a Marathoner Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
  • 10. To be a Growth Hacker you don’t need to: Be an engineer or a coder: there are amazing tools these days to substitute the coder of a team Have a degree on Marketing: You need to be creative and find many ideas for growth. Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
  • 11. Growth Hackers and Analytics Growth hackers are extremely ANALYTICAL: • They love, depend and understand analytics. • Analytics are essential for a Growth Hacker. Why:  The only thing that counts are results, and results are backed up by Analytics.  Without analytics a growth hacker cannot prove his changes are working (or not!).  Analytics can help them prioritize their to-do list. They keep the Growth Hacker focus.  Analytics make success repeatable (and stop what isn’t working)  Analytics can predict the future basing results in yesterday’s results. Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
  • 12. Which tools a Growth Hacker uses? A Growth Hacker uses whatever tools at their disposal to increase Grow and to measure it. • These are some of those tools: • To increase growth • Mail: Mailchimp • Social Sharing: Hootsuite • A/B Testing: LandPages • To measure it: • Google Analytics Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
  • 13. Part 2: The Growth Hacking Process Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
  • 14. A-.Checklist before you start GH 1. Who are your customers? 2. Where are they? 3. What are your goals? 4. Can you track your goals? 5. What are your strengths? 6. Execution 7. Optimization and Repetition Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
  • 15. 1. Who are your customers? Age Gender Profession Income Training Hobbies Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
  • 16. 2.How do you reach them? Existing customers: • Where do they come from now to your website? New customers: • Where do they hang around? Which websites, blogs, they read, comment or visit? Knowing who your customers are, it is easier to find where they hang out. Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
  • 17. 3. Define your goals Your Goals have to be NARROW. Break them down. They have to become individual tasks. Do not have broad goals because: You will not be effective You will get lost The results will be meaningless Your Goals have to be actionable Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
  • 18. 4. Implement Analytics Do you have a system to properly track your Analytics? You need to TRACK if you have achieve your goals (or if you haven’t) Apart from Google Analytics you need to use other analytic software to track down other results. Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
  • 19. 5. Leverage your Strengths What do you have at your disposal that: • Requires little effort • Can produce a big impact? Then you have found gold! Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
  • 20. 6. Execute your experiment Make sure you have a control group to compare the results. Before you do it, WRITE DOWN your hypotheses because: They are a reflection of your assumptions They keep you honest Be realistic about the time and the resources is going to take Do not despair if it fails. Learn from the experiment’s failure or success Don’t give up! Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
  • 21. 7. Optimize and Repeat the Experiment Transform it Repeat it *again, make sure you have a control group Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
  • 22. B. The Growth Hacking Funnel These are the phases of the Growth Hacking Funnel: 1. Acquisition 2. Activation 3. Retention 4. Referral 5. Revenue Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
  • 23. 1-. Acquisition: Definition In this phase you want to ACQUIRE potential customers to your product Your goal is to get VISITORS! How? • Marketing, SEO, social media, word of mouth, … Example: • You visit a page because your friend shared it in facebook Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
  • 24. 1-. Acquisition: Tools Optimize SEO – Slide 45 Blog – Slide 46 Guest Blog – Slide 47 Content Sharing – Slide 48 Landing Pages – Slide 49 A/B testing – Slide 50 Integrations and APIs – Slide 51 Social Media Campaigns – Slide 52 Get Viral – Slide 53 Influencers – Slide 54 Member gets Member – Slide 55 Partnerships – Slide 56 Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
  • 25. 1-. Acquisition: Measure Number of visits to your website through Google Analytics KissMetrics MixPanel HubSpot Optimizely Marketo SumoMe Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
  • 26. 2-. Activation A visitor gets activated when they come to your website and engage with you. How? They create an account They join the newsletter They download a report They access to competitions Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
  • 27. 2-. Activation tools Email with: Updates Tips and tricks Promotions Free ebooks Entering competitions Software: Mailchimp: first 2.000 subscribes free Hubstop: Paying service. Creates fast landing pages with prebuilt social media, mailing campaigns and great tracking A/B testing Unbounce Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
  • 28. 2-. Activation Measure In your website with: New emails from users Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
  • 29. 3-. Retention Retention happens when users come back to your website You get them to stay active. Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
  • 30. 3-. Retention Tools Emails with: Related topics Tips and tricks Deals Notifications on others activities Related posts at the end of each article A/B Testing Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
  • 31. 3-. Retention Measure In mailing campaigns: Click through rate Email openings In your website with: Repeated visitors Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
  • 32. 4-. Referral Active users refer others to your website Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
  • 33. 4-. Referral Tools For your wordpress blog: SumoMe for sharing articles Other platforms: Hootsuite A/B testing Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
  • 34. 4-. Referral Measure Google Analytics Any other Analytics software, for example: Kissmetrics Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
  • 35. 5-. Revenue Revenue happens when you monetize your active users Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
  • 36. 5-. Revenue Tools A/B Testing Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
  • 37. 5-. Revenue Channels There are many tools you can use to get revenue from your website. You can: Sell your own product Sell other people’s product through affiliates Insert publicity  Private entities  Adsense, for example Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
  • 38. 5-. Revenue Measure Your own product You must have a registry of what is being sold Others products: They must have a registry of your sales They must also have the terms and conditions. For example, it is important to know the days they are retaining your cookies Other channels: Adsense pays you per click Private advertisers may pay you with a fix fee, a pay per click or a pay per impression. Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
  • 39. Growth Hacking Software Tools for Landing Pages Unbounce Optimizely Visual Website Optimizer Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
  • 40. Growth Hacking Software Tools for Metrics Mixpanel KissMetrics Heap Analytics Flurry Google analytics  Moz Localytics Keen IO Kontagent Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
  • 41. Growth Hacking Software Tools for Email Optimization  Vero Mandril Sent with us User fox  Klaviyo Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
  • 42. Growth Hacking Software Tools for User Analytics Fox Metrics Woopra Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
  • 43. Growth Hacking Software Tools for Customer Experience TestFlight Clicktale SumoMe Heatmaps Crazy Egg Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
  • 44. Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
  • 45. Acquisition Tool 1: Optimize SEO • Use it and optimize your website in order to receive organic visitors Toosl for SEO • If you have a Wordpress site the best plugin for SEO I have found is “SEO by Yoast”. • Also I use “Google Adwords” and “Market Samurai” to find terms that have high search volumes before I post a new article. • Download plugin to get Rich Snippets. To add information about you in the post. • By the way, also improve your loading time by downloading W3 Total Cache, a plugin for wordpress. Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
  • 46. Acquisition Tool 2: BLOG Create awesome and super helpful content for your visitors Find out what they are interested in and write helpful stuff about it. Create images, videos, infografics for it Add social media widgets. I love SumoMe by Appsumo. You can automate idea generation using google trends on topics to cover. Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
  • 47. Acquisition Tool 3: Guest Blog • Reach out to other blogs on your sector. • Most of the bloggers are always looking for content. • These are the main advantages:  It gives you targeted exposure  It gives you qualified traffic  It builds your credibility  It’s a great networking channel  It opens other’s social networks when they share your post  It opens business opportunities  It gets you more guest post offers • Blog in Quora please. It is a great place to blog! Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
  • 48. Acquisition Tool 4: Share your content Get your content out there! Find relevant topics online and self promote Be useful to the community, not spammy. Automate. How? These are the tools I use: • Hootsuite: Master Hootsuite. It is the best tool7 • In you blog:  Install SumoMe  Install Next Scripts, an awesome autoposting plugin Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
  • 49. Acquisition Tool 5: Landing Pages If you are trying a new idea/experiment, in order to see the respond, try landing pages. I use It is easy and it does the job Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
  • 50. Acquisition Tool 6: Landing Pages If you are trying a new idea/experiment, in order to see the respond, try landing pages. Get their email address! Completing the process is the only way to leave the landing page (upssss, like Groupon) Groupon customizes the image on their landing page depending on your search term. I use It is free, easy and it does the job. Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
  • 51. Acquisition Tool 7: Integrations and APIs You want to get 1% of the big companies clients. Thats works! Get there. Integration in numbers of users: Dropbox: 50m+ users; Shopify - 80.000+ shops signed up; Salesforce - 100.000+ users; Mailchimp - 2m+; Evernote - 30m+ Integrations have to make your product BETTER SalesForce is a very powerful integration because: the average Salesforce client pays a lot of money.  This is a QUALITY integration. Their changes to pay money for your products is very high. You can also ask your customers which products the use so you can integrate with those products. Make other large markets to work with your website is super beneficial for users (AirBnB created a feature to “post to craiglist” to get traction) Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
  • 52. Acquisition Tool 8: Social Media Campaigns Leverage vanity and curiosity by teasing users User A: give him something cool and encourage him to share User B: Gets curious and click, then also learn about your company Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
  • 53. Acquisition Tool 9: Get Viral Be creative. Find the way to do it. Example: • Jon Yongfook created a video game where at the middle point to keep on playing you had to invite another person to play. Worked great! 10k+ users in 2 days! Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
  • 54. Acquisition Tool 11: Influencers Get influencers to talk about your product. How?: • Offer it to them for free so they can try it and talk about it • Give them a monetary compensation Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
  • 55. Acquisition Tool 12: Member get Member Member get Member technique. How? Refer a friend and get:  a discount free shipping a monetary coupon. Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
  • 56. Acquisition Tool 13: Partnerships Partnerships are very valuable Types of compensation: Revenue-Share: Easily set up an Affiliate program Up-front payment or revenue guarantee: sometimes needed In exchange for their service you can offer them a product or data for free Laura Moreno Cabanillas - Growth Hacker – Blog:
  • 57. Thanks! Laura Moreno Cabanillas Growth Hacker 15+ years of experience in growth