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Social Darwinism:
                                                This grew out of
                                                Charles Darwin’s
                                                theory of biological
                                                evolution. In 1859,
                                                he published, On the
                                                Origin of Species,
                                                where he described
                                                the process of
                                                natural selection.

        1850                   1859                  1860                     1861

Vanderbilt Family:       George Pullman: An                            Urbanization: This
American family who      American                                      was the growth of
became socially          industrialist and                             cities during the 19th
prominent during the     inventor who was                              century and beyond.
first half of the 19th   known for the
century. There           invention of the
family fortune was       Pullman Sleeping
established in the       Car. He was also
shipping and             known for violently
railroad industry,       suppressing strikers
The Vanderbilt’s are     in the company town
the seventh              he created, Pullman,
wealthiest family in     which later became
history.                 part of Chicago
                             Railroad: This was
                             the railroad system
                             that connected the
                             Atlantic and Pacific
                             coasts of the United
                             States. This was
                             completed in the
                             year 1869.

       1864                         1869                  1869                   1869

Sand Creek Massacre:                                Political Machine:     Kickback: This is an
November 29, 1864                                   This was an            illegal payment for
Colonel John Chivington                             organized group that   services. This is
and his troops descended                            controlled the         what political
on the Cheyenne and                                 activities of a        machines would use
Arapaho Indian tribe which                          political party in a   to get people to vote
contained about 200                                 city.                  for that party or
warriors and 500 women                                                     support them. They
and children who camped                                                    would “kickback”
at Sand Creek. The attack                                                  money to
occurred at dawn on the                                                    supporters.
29th and killed over 150
                                             Westinghouse: He
                                             was an American
                                             entrepreneur and
                                             engineer who
                                             invented the railway
Tammany Hall: This                           air break.
was New York City’s                          Westinghouse was
most powerful                                also a great pioneer
Democratic political                         of the electrical
machine.                                     industry.

      1869                   1869                  1869                        1871

                       Tweed Ring: This                             Long Drive: The overland
                       was a group of                               transport of animals
                       corrupt politicians                          where a trail boss and
                       led by Boss Tweed                            his crew would take their
                       in defrauding New                            cattle on a “long drive”
                       York City between                            that usually lasted about
                       the years 1869 to                            three months. A typical
                       1871.                                        drive consisted of one
                                                                    cowboy for every 200 to
                                                                    300 head of cattle; a
                                                                    cook who also drove the
                                                                    chuck wagon and set up
                                                                    camp; and a wrangler
                                                                    who cared for the extra
                                                                    horses .
John D. Rockefeller: He established the
                                                            Standard Oil Co. The company joined with
                                                            competing companies in trust
                                                            agreements. Rockefeller used these trust
                                                            agreements to gain total control of the oil
                                                            industry in America. In 1870 his company
                                                            only processed 2 or 3%of the Country’s
                                                            oil, by 1880 it controlled 90% of the
                                                            refining business. He kept most of his
                                                            assets, but he still gave away over $500
                                                            million, establishing the Rockefeller
                                                            Foundation, providing funds to found the
                                                            University of Chicago, and creating a
                                                            medical institute to find a cure for yellow

       1871                 1872                  1872                            1873

Mark Twain: Samuel    Southern Alliance:   Mail Order Catalog:
Langhorne Clemens     This was a group     This was a catalog
was a novelist and    that sympathized     that was companies
humorist. Twain       with many farmers.   would produce and
inspired a host of    The Southern         send out via mail
other young writers   Alliance was the     (postal service) for
and authors when      largest and they     people to look at
he declared his       sent lecturers to    and place orders
independence of       towns to educate     from. By the mid
“literature and all   people about lower   1990’s more than 13
that bosh.”           interest rates on    billion catalogs filled
                      loans and            Americans
                      government control   mailboxes.
                      over railroads and
George Armstrong
                                                                   Custer: Colonel
                                                                   Custer reported that
                                                                   the Black Hills had
                                                                   gold. From that point
                                                                   on the Gold Rush
                                                                   had begun.

       1873                 1873                  1874                   1874

Segregation: Laws     Patronage: The       Trust: These were
that separate white   giving of            agreements where
and black people in   government jobs to   the participants
public and private    people who had       turned their stock
places.               helped that          over to a group of
                      candidate get        trustees and in
                      elected.             return the
                                           companies were
                                           entitled to dividends
                                           on profits earned by
                                           the trust.
Battle of Little Big Horn: Also
                      known as Custer’s last stand.
                      This battle occurred on June
                      25th and 26th, 1876 near the
                      Little Big Horn River in
                      eastern Montana territory. It
                      was an overwhelming victory
                      for the Lakota, Northern
                      Cheyenne, and Arapaho                                           Alexander Graham
                      inspired by the visions of                                      Bell: The inventor of
                      Sitting Bull. The total casualty                                the telephone in
                      count was 268 dead and 55                                       1876.

       1876                   1876                             1876                          1876

Buffalo Soldiers:                                        Thomas A. Edison: He
These men were                                           became a pioneer on the
originally members                                       new industrial frontier
of the U.S. Calvary                                      when he established the
Regiment formed on                                       world’s 1st research
Sept. 21, 1866 at                                        laboratory in Menio Park,
Fort Leavenworth,                                        NJ in 1876. There he
Kansas. The nick                                         preferred the
name was given to                                        incandescent light bulb
the “Negro Cavalry”                                      which was patented in
by the Native                                            1880 and later invented
American Tribes the                                      an entire system for
fought.                                                  producing and distributing
Ellis Island: This is where
                      immigrants from mainly
                      European countries
                      entered the United
                      States. About 20% of
                      immigrants at Ellis Island
                      were detained for a day
                      or more before being
                      inspected but only about
                      2% were denied entry.
                      An estimated 17 million
                      immigrants passed
                      through the island.

       1876                     1876                         1877                   1877

Telephone: Invented                                 Civil Service:    Chief Joseph: The leader of the
in 1876 by                                          Government        Nez Perce Indian Tribe, the
Alexander Graham                                    Administration.   Wallowa band. He and his tribe
Bell. This changed                                                    traveled 1170 miles across
the speed of the                                                      Oregon, Washington, Idaho,
world forever.                                                        Wyoming and Montana while
                                                                      fighting against General
                                                                      Howard and his opposing
                                                                      cavalry. Finally after a 5 day
                                                                      battle during the freezing
                                                                      weather conditions with no food
                                                                      or blankets, Chief Joseph
                                                                      formally surrendered to General
                                                                      Nelson Appleton Miles on
                                                                      October 5th, 1877.
Nez Perce: An                                  Bessemer Process: This was
Indian tribe that was                          developed independently by
forced off of their                            the British manufacturer Henry
land in Wallowa                                Bessemer and American iron
County, Oregon in                              maker William Kelly around
1877 that returned                             1850. This technique involved
120 years later. In                            injecting air into molten iron to
1999 the number of                             remove the carbon and other
Nez Perce in                                   impurities. By 1880, most
Oregon was at                                  American manufacturers were
around 3,000. Chief                            using this new method to
Joseph was the best                            produce 90% of the nation’s
known Nez Perce.                               steel.

     1877                      1880                        1880                           1880

                        Wild Bill Hickok: He                                       Ragtime: A blend of
                        was a legendary                                            African American
                        figure who served as                                       spirituals and
                        a scout and spy                                            European musical
                        during the Civil War                                       forms,. Ragtime
                        then later a marshal                                       originated in
                        in Abilene, Kansas.                                        southern saloons
                        He was a violent                                           and led later to jazz,
                        man who shot a                                             rhythm and blues,
                        man who was                                                and rock and roll.
                        holding a pair of
                        aces and a pair of
                        eights, this hand is
                        still known as a
                        “dead mans hand.”
Sitting Bull: A member of the Sioux
Indian Tribe he earned the name of
sitting bull after a fight with the Crow.
He led his people by the strength of
his character and purpose. He was a
warrior, spiritual leader, and medicine
man. He was determined that whites                                      Melting Pot: A
should leave Sioux territory. His most                                  mixture of people of
famous fight was at the Little Big Horn                                 different cultures
River. After his surrender to the federal                               and races who
government in 1881, his dislike of                                      blended together by
whites did not change. He was killed                                    abandoning their
by a Native American Police in Dec. of                                  native languages
1890.                                                                   and customs.

         1881                               1881                              1883                   1883

                                       Booker T. Washington: A                                 Joseph Pulitzer: A
                                       prominent African American                              Hungarian immigrant
                                       educator that believed that                             who had bought
                                       racism would end once                                   the New York World
                                       blacks acquired useful labor                            in 1883, and
                                       skills and proved their                                 pioneered popular
                                       economic value to the                                   innovations, such as
                                       society. He graduated from                              a larger Sunday
                                       Virginia’s Hampton Institute .                          edition, comics,
                                       By 1881 he headed the                                   sports coverage,
                                       Tuskegee Normal and                                     and women’s news.
                                       Industrial institute. The
                                       institute aimed to equip
                                       African Americans with
                                       teaching diplomas and useful
Dawes Act:
                                                                        Congress passed
                                                                        this aiming to
                                                                        “Americanize” the
                                                                        Native Americans.
                                                                        The act broke up the
                                                                        reservations and
                                                                        gave some of the
                                                                        reservation land to
                        Samuel Gompers:                                 individual Native
                        He led the Cigar                                Americans- 160
                        Makers International                            acres for every head
                        Union to join with                              of household and 80
                        other craft unions in                           acres to each
                        1886.                                           unmarried adult.

       1884                   1886                     1886                  1887

Mugwumps: A group                               Jane Addams: She
of Republican                                   very strongly
activists who                                   believed in
Supported                                       settlement houses.
Democratic                                      She cofounded
Candidate Grover                                Chicago’s Hull
Cleveland in the US                             House in 1889. She
Presidential election                           was also an antiwar
of 1884.                                        activist, a
                                                spokesperson for
                                                racial justice and an
                                                advocate for quality
                                                of life issues. In
                                                1931 she was a co-
                                                winner of the Nobel
                                                Peace Prize.
Literacy Test: These
                          test the reading
                          ability of African
                          Americans to ensure                              Poll Tax: An annual
                          that they couldn’t                               tax that had to be
                          vote.                                            paid before
                                                                           qualifying to vote.

         1888                    1888                   1888                     1888

George Eastman:                                  Grandfather Clause:
He sold the first roll-                          This stated that
film camera. He                                  even if a man failed
called it the Kodak.                             the literacy test or
                                                 could not afford poll
                                                 tax, he was still
                                                 entitled to vote if he,
                                                 his father or his
                                                 grandfather had
                                                 been able to vote
                                                 prior to January 1st,
Ghost Dance: When the Sioux
                       continued to suffer poverty and
                       disease the turned to a Palute
                       prophet who promised that if the
                       Sioux performed a ritual called
                       the Ghost Dance, Native
                       American lands and way of life
                       would be restored. This                                                  Sherman Antitrust
                       movement spread rapidly among                                            act: This made it
                       the 25,000 Sioux on the Dakota                                           illegal to form a trust
                       Reservation. Military leaders saw                                        that interfered with
                       this as a threat and order the                                           free trade between
                       arrest of Sitting Bull. In Dec of                                        states and other
                       1890 he was shot while police                                            countries.
                       were trying to arrest him.

       1888                       1890                             1890                               1890

Jim Crow Laws: This                                 Wounded Knee: On Dec 28, 1890 the
was the nickname                                    Seventh Cavalry (Custer’s old regiment)
for segregation laws                                rounded up 350 starving and freezing
because of an old                                   Sioux and took them to a camp at
minstrel song that                                  Wounded Knee Creek in South Dakota.
ended in the words                                  The soldiers demanded that the Native
“Jump, Jim Crow.”                                   Americans give up all of their weapons. A
                                                    shot was fired, from which side was
                                                    unknown, but the cavalry responded with
                                                    a deadly cannon fire and within minutes
                                                    they had slaughtered as many as 300
                                                    mostly unarmed Native Americans and
                                                    left their dead bodies laying on the
Eugene Debs: He
                                             attempted to form
                                             the American
                                             Railway Union. Most
                                             of the union’s
                                             members were
                                             unskilled or
                                             semiskilled laborers.
                                             In 1894 the Union
                                             won a strike for
                                             higher wages.

       1891                 1891                     1894                  1895

Collective            Jacob Riis: He was                             W. E. B. Dubois:
Bargaining: This      a social reformer,                             The first African
was negotiation       “Muckraking”                                   American to earn a
between               journalist, and a                              doctorate from
representatives of    social documentary                             Harvard. He
labor and             photographer. He                               founded the Niagara
management, to        was known as one                               Movement which
reach oral            of the fathers of                              insisted that blacks
agreements on         photography                                    should seek a liberal
wages, hours and      because of his                                 arts education so
working conditions.   discovery of the use                           that the African
                      of flash.                                      American
                                                                     community would
                                                                     have well- educated
William Jennings
                     Bryan: He may be
                     considered a patron
                     of loss causes. He
                     was the nominee for
                     the Democratic
                     candidate for the
                     presidential election
                     of 1896.

       1895               1896                     1896                  1899

Vaudeville:                                  Settlement House:     Andrew Carnegie:
Performances that                            Community centers     He was one of the
included song,                               in slum               first industrial
dance, juggling,                             neighborhoods that    moguls to make his
slapstick comedy,                            provided assistance   own fortune. By
and sometimes                                to people in the      1899 the Carnegie
chorus lines of                              area, especially      Steel Company
female performers.                           immigrants.           manufactured more
Many black                                                         steel than all the
performers                                                         factories in Great
entertained here.                                                  Britain. He sold his
                                                                   business in 1901
                                                                   and his companies
                                                                   produced by far the
                                                                   largest portions of
                                                                   the nations steel.
Angel Island: Where
                                                                     Chinese immigrants
                                                                     came into the US in

      1901                  1902                    1903                   1910

Monopoly: Complete   Debt Peonage: A          The Wright Brothers:
control over its     system that bound        Created the first
industry’s           laborers into slavery.   airplane in Kitty
production, wages                             Hawk, NC
and prices.
•   All of my images came from Google

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  • 1.
  • 2. Social Darwinism: This grew out of Charles Darwin’s theory of biological evolution. In 1859, he published, On the Origin of Species, where he described the process of natural selection. 1850 1859 1860 1861 Vanderbilt Family: George Pullman: An Urbanization: This American family who American was the growth of became socially industrialist and cities during the 19th prominent during the inventor who was century and beyond. first half of the 19th known for the century. There invention of the family fortune was Pullman Sleeping established in the Car. He was also shipping and known for violently railroad industry, suppressing strikers The Vanderbilt’s are in the company town the seventh he created, Pullman, wealthiest family in which later became history. part of Chicago Illinois.
  • 3. Transcontinental Railroad: This was the railroad system that connected the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of the United States. This was completed in the year 1869. 1864 1869 1869 1869 Sand Creek Massacre: Political Machine: Kickback: This is an November 29, 1864 This was an illegal payment for Colonel John Chivington organized group that services. This is and his troops descended controlled the what political on the Cheyenne and activities of a machines would use Arapaho Indian tribe which political party in a to get people to vote contained about 200 city. for that party or warriors and 500 women support them. They and children who camped would “kickback” at Sand Creek. The attack money to occurred at dawn on the supporters. 29th and killed over 150 inhabitants.
  • 4. George Westinghouse: He was an American entrepreneur and engineer who invented the railway Tammany Hall: This air break. was New York City’s Westinghouse was most powerful also a great pioneer Democratic political of the electrical machine. industry. 1869 1869 1869 1871 Tweed Ring: This Long Drive: The overland was a group of transport of animals corrupt politicians where a trail boss and led by Boss Tweed his crew would take their in defrauding New cattle on a “long drive” York City between that usually lasted about the years 1869 to three months. A typical 1871. drive consisted of one cowboy for every 200 to 300 head of cattle; a cook who also drove the chuck wagon and set up camp; and a wrangler who cared for the extra horses .
  • 5. John D. Rockefeller: He established the Standard Oil Co. The company joined with competing companies in trust agreements. Rockefeller used these trust agreements to gain total control of the oil industry in America. In 1870 his company only processed 2 or 3%of the Country’s oil, by 1880 it controlled 90% of the refining business. He kept most of his assets, but he still gave away over $500 million, establishing the Rockefeller Foundation, providing funds to found the University of Chicago, and creating a medical institute to find a cure for yellow fever. 1871 1872 1872 1873 Mark Twain: Samuel Southern Alliance: Mail Order Catalog: Langhorne Clemens This was a group This was a catalog was a novelist and that sympathized that was companies humorist. Twain with many farmers. would produce and inspired a host of The Southern send out via mail other young writers Alliance was the (postal service) for and authors when largest and they people to look at he declared his sent lecturers to and place orders independence of towns to educate from. By the mid “literature and all people about lower 1990’s more than 13 that bosh.” interest rates on billion catalogs filled loans and Americans government control mailboxes. over railroads and banks.
  • 6. George Armstrong Custer: Colonel Custer reported that the Black Hills had gold. From that point on the Gold Rush had begun. 1873 1873 1874 1874 Segregation: Laws Patronage: The Trust: These were that separate white giving of agreements where and black people in government jobs to the participants public and private people who had turned their stock places. helped that over to a group of candidate get trustees and in elected. return the companies were entitled to dividends on profits earned by the trust.
  • 7. Battle of Little Big Horn: Also known as Custer’s last stand. This battle occurred on June 25th and 26th, 1876 near the Little Big Horn River in eastern Montana territory. It was an overwhelming victory for the Lakota, Northern Cheyenne, and Arapaho Alexander Graham inspired by the visions of Bell: The inventor of Sitting Bull. The total casualty the telephone in count was 268 dead and 55 1876. injured. 1876 1876 1876 1876 Buffalo Soldiers: Thomas A. Edison: He These men were became a pioneer on the originally members new industrial frontier of the U.S. Calvary when he established the Regiment formed on world’s 1st research Sept. 21, 1866 at laboratory in Menio Park, Fort Leavenworth, NJ in 1876. There he Kansas. The nick preferred the name was given to incandescent light bulb the “Negro Cavalry” which was patented in by the Native 1880 and later invented American Tribes the an entire system for fought. producing and distributing power.
  • 8. Ellis Island: This is where immigrants from mainly European countries entered the United States. About 20% of immigrants at Ellis Island were detained for a day or more before being inspected but only about 2% were denied entry. An estimated 17 million immigrants passed through the island. 1876 1876 1877 1877 Telephone: Invented Civil Service: Chief Joseph: The leader of the in 1876 by Government Nez Perce Indian Tribe, the Alexander Graham Administration. Wallowa band. He and his tribe Bell. This changed traveled 1170 miles across the speed of the Oregon, Washington, Idaho, world forever. Wyoming and Montana while fighting against General Howard and his opposing cavalry. Finally after a 5 day battle during the freezing weather conditions with no food or blankets, Chief Joseph formally surrendered to General Nelson Appleton Miles on October 5th, 1877.
  • 9. Nez Perce: An Bessemer Process: This was Indian tribe that was developed independently by forced off of their the British manufacturer Henry land in Wallowa Bessemer and American iron County, Oregon in maker William Kelly around 1877 that returned 1850. This technique involved 120 years later. In injecting air into molten iron to 1999 the number of remove the carbon and other Nez Perce in impurities. By 1880, most Oregon was at American manufacturers were around 3,000. Chief using this new method to Joseph was the best produce 90% of the nation’s known Nez Perce. steel. 1877 1880 1880 1880 Wild Bill Hickok: He Ragtime: A blend of was a legendary African American figure who served as spirituals and a scout and spy European musical during the Civil War forms,. Ragtime then later a marshal originated in in Abilene, Kansas. southern saloons He was a violent and led later to jazz, man who shot a rhythm and blues, man who was and rock and roll. holding a pair of aces and a pair of eights, this hand is still known as a “dead mans hand.”
  • 10. Sitting Bull: A member of the Sioux Indian Tribe he earned the name of sitting bull after a fight with the Crow. He led his people by the strength of his character and purpose. He was a warrior, spiritual leader, and medicine man. He was determined that whites Melting Pot: A should leave Sioux territory. His most mixture of people of famous fight was at the Little Big Horn different cultures River. After his surrender to the federal and races who government in 1881, his dislike of blended together by whites did not change. He was killed abandoning their by a Native American Police in Dec. of native languages 1890. and customs. 1881 1881 1883 1883 Booker T. Washington: A Joseph Pulitzer: A prominent African American Hungarian immigrant educator that believed that who had bought racism would end once the New York World blacks acquired useful labor in 1883, and skills and proved their pioneered popular economic value to the innovations, such as society. He graduated from a larger Sunday Virginia’s Hampton Institute . edition, comics, By 1881 he headed the sports coverage, Tuskegee Normal and and women’s news. Industrial institute. The institute aimed to equip African Americans with teaching diplomas and useful skills.
  • 11. Dawes Act: Congress passed this aiming to “Americanize” the Native Americans. The act broke up the reservations and gave some of the reservation land to Samuel Gompers: individual Native He led the Cigar Americans- 160 Makers International acres for every head Union to join with of household and 80 other craft unions in acres to each 1886. unmarried adult. 1884 1886 1886 1887 Mugwumps: A group Jane Addams: She of Republican very strongly activists who believed in Supported settlement houses. Democratic She cofounded Candidate Grover Chicago’s Hull Cleveland in the US House in 1889. She Presidential election was also an antiwar of 1884. activist, a spokesperson for racial justice and an advocate for quality of life issues. In 1931 she was a co- winner of the Nobel Peace Prize.
  • 12. Literacy Test: These test the reading ability of African Americans to ensure Poll Tax: An annual that they couldn’t tax that had to be vote. paid before qualifying to vote. 1888 1888 1888 1888 George Eastman: Grandfather Clause: He sold the first roll- This stated that film camera. He even if a man failed called it the Kodak. the literacy test or could not afford poll tax, he was still entitled to vote if he, his father or his grandfather had been able to vote prior to January 1st, 1867.
  • 13. Ghost Dance: When the Sioux continued to suffer poverty and disease the turned to a Palute prophet who promised that if the Sioux performed a ritual called the Ghost Dance, Native American lands and way of life would be restored. This Sherman Antitrust movement spread rapidly among act: This made it the 25,000 Sioux on the Dakota illegal to form a trust Reservation. Military leaders saw that interfered with this as a threat and order the free trade between arrest of Sitting Bull. In Dec of states and other 1890 he was shot while police countries. were trying to arrest him. 1888 1890 1890 1890 Jim Crow Laws: This Wounded Knee: On Dec 28, 1890 the was the nickname Seventh Cavalry (Custer’s old regiment) for segregation laws rounded up 350 starving and freezing because of an old Sioux and took them to a camp at minstrel song that Wounded Knee Creek in South Dakota. ended in the words The soldiers demanded that the Native “Jump, Jim Crow.” Americans give up all of their weapons. A shot was fired, from which side was unknown, but the cavalry responded with a deadly cannon fire and within minutes they had slaughtered as many as 300 mostly unarmed Native Americans and left their dead bodies laying on the ground.
  • 14. Eugene Debs: He attempted to form the American Railway Union. Most of the union’s members were unskilled or semiskilled laborers. In 1894 the Union won a strike for higher wages. 1891 1891 1894 1895 Collective Jacob Riis: He was W. E. B. Dubois: Bargaining: This a social reformer, The first African was negotiation “Muckraking” American to earn a between journalist, and a doctorate from representatives of social documentary Harvard. He labor and photographer. He founded the Niagara management, to was known as one Movement which reach oral of the fathers of insisted that blacks agreements on photography should seek a liberal wages, hours and because of his arts education so working conditions. discovery of the use that the African of flash. American community would have well- educated leaders.
  • 15. William Jennings Bryan: He may be considered a patron of loss causes. He was the nominee for the Democratic candidate for the presidential election of 1896. 1895 1896 1896 1899 Vaudeville: Settlement House: Andrew Carnegie: Performances that Community centers He was one of the included song, in slum first industrial dance, juggling, neighborhoods that moguls to make his slapstick comedy, provided assistance own fortune. By and sometimes to people in the 1899 the Carnegie chorus lines of area, especially Steel Company female performers. immigrants. manufactured more Many black steel than all the performers factories in Great entertained here. Britain. He sold his business in 1901 and his companies produced by far the largest portions of the nations steel.
  • 16. Angel Island: Where Chinese immigrants came into the US in California. 1901 1902 1903 1910 Monopoly: Complete Debt Peonage: A The Wright Brothers: control over its system that bound Created the first industry’s laborers into slavery. airplane in Kitty production, wages Hawk, NC and prices.
  • 17. All of my images came from Google Images.