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19th Century Time Line

    Alina Mandzyuk
                         architect Fredrick
                         Law Olmstead
                         spearheaded the
                         movement for
                         planned urban
                         parks. He and                              George M
                         Calvert Vaux                               Pullman finalized
                         helped draw plan                           design for the
                         for what was                               ‘Pioneer Car’.
                         selected to                                Founded Pullman
                         become Central                             Palace Car
                         Park, NYC.                                 Company.

     1850                     1857                 1862                  1863

Henry Bessemer                                Homestead act
and William Kelly                             was passed by
develop the                                   congress, offering
Bessemer Process,                             160 acres of land,
a Technique that                              free to any citizen
involves injecting air                        who was head of
into molten Iron to                           household. From
remove Carbon and                             1862 to 1900, over
impurities.                                   600,000 families
                                              took advantage of
                                              the offer.

Colonel Chivington
                                             and troops
                                             descended on the
                                             Cheyenne and
                                             Arapaho on what is
                                             known as the Sand
                       American Railroad     Creek Massacre.
                       construction          Attack was
                       Company called the    performed at dawn
                       Credit Mobilier was   on November 29th,
                       set up. It was        over 150 people
                       chartered by the      were killed, mostly
                       federal government.   women and children.

   1863-64                   1864                1864                            1865

Railroad was built                                                        The term Political
across the western                                                        Machine came to
half of US, which                                                         height in the US. A
linked existing                                                           political Machine is a
railway network with                                                      group controlling
eastern US. Atlantic                                                      activities of a
and Pacific coasts                                                        political party in a
connected for the                                                         city, they offered
first time.                                                               services to voters in
                                                                          exchange for
                                                                          political of financial

Social Darwinism
                      Comes to height in
                      US. Philosophy that
                      grew out of the
                      English naturalist
                      Charles Darwin’s
                      Theory of Biological                                 Tammany hall is
                      Evolution.                                           headed by Boss
                      Economists found it                                  tweed- Tammany
                      a way to justify the                                 halls graft.
                      Doctrine of Liassez

     1866                  1866                   1867                            1868
Buffalo Soldiers
formed on
September 21, 1866                           Oliver Hudson
at Fort Leavenworth                          Kelley is father of
Kansas. They were                            the order of patrons
originally members                           of husbandry.
of the US 10th
cavalry regiment of
US army. The
nickname was given
to the “negro
cavalry” by the
African American
tribes they fought.
Synonymous with all
African American
regiments formed in
1866.                                     And
John D
                                                                          Standard Oil
                                                                          Company processed
                                                                          2-3% of the
                        Urbanization takes                                countries crude oil.
                        height in the US, as                              He established the
                        immigrants move to                                Rockefeller
                        US. Cities grow                                   foundation, and
                        rapidly, mostly in                                provided funds for
                        regions of northeast                              University of
                        and Midwest.                                      Chicago.

      1869                   1870              1870                             1870

entrepreneur and                                  Reformers organize
engineer George                                   Civil Service
Westinghouse,                                     Reform association
invented the railway                              to secure legislation
air brake and was                                 to make reform
pioneer of electrical                             permanent.
industry, invented in
1869. He also
established the
Westinghouse Air
brake Company on
September 28, 1869

Eugene V Debbs
                                                                                     was a spokesman
                                                                                     for socialists. In
                       The Vanderbilt                                                1875 helped
                       family gains wealth                                           organize Local
                       and fame. Cornelius                                           Lodge of the
                       Vanderbilt was the                                            Brotherhood of
                       wealthiest                                                    Locomotive
                       industrialist of his                                          Firemen. He also
                       time. In 1873 he                                              formed the
                       contributed 1 million                                         American Railway
                       to Central University.                                        Union.

       1871                  1873                     1874                                 1875

                                                George A Custer
                                                reports that black
The tweed ring--                                hills have gold “from
Boss Tweed was                                  the grass roots
head of Tammany                                 down”, prompts gold
Hall, he led them in                            rush. He and his
defrauding the city.                            troops reach Little
In 1871 the tweed                               Big Horn river and
ring broke.                                     natives already
                                                awaited them, within
                                                an hour Custer and
                                                all his men of the 7th
                                                cavalry were dead.

Alexander G Bell
                                              and Thomas
                                                                          Racial laws called
                                              Watson unveil the
                                                                          the Jim Crow laws
                                                                          are passed in
                                              Telephone opens
                                                                          southern states.
                                              the way for a
                                                                          Made to separate
                                                                          white and black
                                                                          people in public and
                                                                          private facilities.

      1876                   1876                 1876                           1876

Sitting bull-
“Takanka Lytanka” is
leader of the Sioux.    Thomas Alva
He agreed to live on    Edison became a
the reservation         pioneer on the New
along the Mississippi   Industrial Frontier
 river.                 when he established
                        worlds 1st research
                        laboratory in Menlo
                        Park, New Jersey.

The Gilded age was            The Grandfather
                                              a term coined by              clause was created
                                              Mark Twain. It was a          to reinstate voters
                                              period from the end           who may have failed
                                              of reconstruction,            literacy test or could
                                              characterized by a            not afford the poll
                                              greatly expanding             tax. Stated that if
                                              economy and the               anyone encountered
                                              emergence of                  either issue, he
                                              plutocratic                   could still vote if his
                                              influences in the             father or grandfather
                                              government and                were eligible to vote
                                              society.                      before January 1

      1876                  1877                    1877                            1877

Literacy tests
                      Chief Joseph and
created for voters.
                      his men embark on
Tested ability of
                      a long march to
reading, only those
                      Canada. Journey
who passed were
                      included several
permitted to vote.
                      imp700 followers
                      (200 actual warriors)
                      embarked on a
                      1,400 impressive
                      victories against a
                      US force that
                      numbered over
                      2,000 soldiers.
                      Later, exhausted, he
                      surrendered, giving
                      one of the greatest
                      speeches in history.
Booker T
                      The dumbbell                                         Washington was a
                      tenements were                                       prominent African
                                              The National
                      introduced. They                                     educator. He
                                              Farmers Alliance
                      were cheap housing                                   graduated from
                                              was an organized
                      units, made in effort                                Virginia Hampton
                                              agrarian movement
                      to reform. The first                                 Institute. In 1881 he
                                              among American
                      law that led to them                                 headed the
                                              farmers. It included
                      was passed in 1879.                                  Tuskegee Normal
                                              the farmers alliance
                      later proved to be a                                 and Industrial
                                              and industrial union.
                      failure.                                             Institute.

      1877                   1879                    1880                        1881

Poll tax was a
requirement for
voting. It was an
annual tax that had
to be paid before
qualifying to vote.
Often African
Americans and poor
whites prevented
from voting.

Joseph Pulitzer
bought “NY world
war” in 1883, he
pioneered popular                            Mark Twain was a
innovations. The                             novelist and
paper emphasized                             humorist. He first
“sin, sex, and                               used term “gilded
sensation” in                                age” wrote many
attempt to surpass                           books, including the
competitor William                           classic “Adventures
Hearst.                                      of Huckleberry finn”.

      1883                 1884                    1885                      1885

                     Republican political                            The graft “system
                     activists who bolted                            was at height, and
                     the republican party                            very common. It was
                     by supporting                                   an illegal usage of
                     democrat Grover                                 political influence for
                     Cleveland in election                           personal gain.
                     of 1884 were called
                     Mugwumps. They
                     switched because of
                     financial corruption
                     associated with
                     republican James G.

Congress passed
                                             the Dawes Act,
                                             aiming to
                                             “Americanize” native
                                             Americans Many
                                             reservations were
                                             broken. 160 acres of
                                             land were given to
                                             the head of
                                             households, 60 to
Samuel Gompers
                                             those who were
led the Cigar makers
                                             single. Government
International Union
                                             sold remaining
to join with other
                                             reservations to
craft unions.

      1886                  1886                   1887                              1887

                                                                              Socialism originates
                       The Colored
                                                                              from the intellectual
                       Farmers Alliance
                                                                              and working class. It
                       was an organized
                                                                              was a political
                       agrarian movement
                                                                              movement that
                       among African
                                                                              criticized effects of
                       American farmers in
                                                                              industrialism and
                       the south where the
                                                                              private property on
                       granger movement
                       had been strong.

George Eastman                                  Jane Adams was a
developed a series                              pioneer settlement
of more convenient                              worker, founder of
alternatives to the                             house in Chicago
heavy glass plates                              along with Ellen
previously used for                             Gatesstar, one of
photography. He                                 the first social
introduced his                                  settlements in
Kodak camera 1888.                              United States.

      1888                   1889                    1889                                  1890

                      Jacob Riis was a                                             Battle of the
                      Danish American                                              wounded knee took
                      social reformer                                              place in December.
                      known for                                                    Custers 7th cavalry
                      photographic and                                             slaughtered 300
                      journalistic talents to                                      unarmed native
                      help impoverished in                                         Americans Brought
                      NYC. Photographed                                            the Indian wars/era
                      the slums.                                                   to a bitter end.

                                                                                     becomes a “famous”
                                                                                     process of
                         Ida B Wells was                                             negotiations
                         born into slavery,                                          between a group of
                         later moved to                                              employers aimed at
                         Memphis where she                                           reaching
                         worked as a teacher.                                        agreements to
                         She was later the                                           regulate working
                         editor of a local                                           conditions, a
                         paper and wrote                                             technique used for
                         about racial justice.                                       expanding industry.

       1890                     1890                   1890                               1890

Melting Pot was a                                Sherman anti trust
term becoming more                               act made it illegal to
common. More                                     form trusts that
immigrants were                                  interfered with free
coming in, etc. This                             trade between the
term described US                                states and other
as a land of different                           countries.
people and cultures.

Omaha platform, a
                      populist party, grew
                      out of a agrarian
                                                                            W.E.B Dubois was
                      revolt that rose
                                                                            the first African
                      because of the
                                                                            American to receive
                      collapse of the
                                                                            a doctorate from
                      agriculture prices
                                                                            Harvard. Later on
                      following the panic
                                                                            He founded the
                                                                            Niagara Movement.

      1891            1892                      1892                              1895

Settlement houses          Ellis Island, New York
were established by        harbor, a immigration
a few reformers.           station that was
They were                  moved from Castle
community centers          garden NY.
in slum
neighborhoods that
provided assistance
for that area.

Andrew Carnegie
                                                                    was one of the first
                                                                    industrialists to
                                                                    make his own
                      William McKinley                              fortune. Started with
                      was nominated by       William Jennings       nothing. Entered
                      the republicans to     Bryan ran against      steel business in
                      run against William    William M. He          1873, in 1899 the
                      Jennings Bryan. Had    received a low         Carnegie steel
                      millions of backing    number of votes,       company
                      funds, received        and delivered an       manufactured more
                      about 7 million        impassioned speech     steel than all
                      votes, became pres..   called the “cross of   companies in Great
                                             gold”.                 Britain.

      1896                1896                    1896                  1899

In the Plessy vs.
Ferguson case,
supreme court rules
separation of races
in public was legal
and did not violate
the 14th amendment.
It Permitted

Construction for
                      Debt pionage
                                                                                       Angel island starts.
                      forced some
                                                                                       It was an
                      Mexicans and
                                                                                       immigration station
                      African Americans to
                                                                                       for primarily the
                      work in order to pay
                                                                                       Chinese. More harsh
                      off debt to
                                                                                       condition than those
                                                                                       of Ellis Island.

      1899                  1902                        1903                                1905
                                                 Orville brothers
October 1899 Edwin                               experimented with
Milton Royle hailed                              new engines
Vaudeville Theatre                               powerful enough to
as “an American                                  keep in air. On
invention”.                                      December 17, in
Vaudeville had                                   Kitty Hawk NC they
sophisticated                                    had the first
musicals,                                        successful flight. It
performances, etc                                covered 120 ft and
                                                 lasted 12 seconds.


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  • 1. 19th Century Time Line Alina Mandzyuk
  • 2. Landscape architect Fredrick Law Olmstead spearheaded the movement for planned urban parks. He and George M Calvert Vaux Pullman finalized helped draw plan design for the for what was ‘Pioneer Car’. selected to Founded Pullman become Central Palace Car Park, NYC. Company. 1850 1857 1862 1863 Henry Bessemer Homestead act and William Kelly was passed by develop the congress, offering Bessemer Process, 160 acres of land, a Technique that free to any citizen involves injecting air who was head of into molten Iron to household. From remove Carbon and 1862 to 1900, over impurities. 600,000 families took advantage of the offer.
  • 3. Colonel Chivington and troops descended on the Cheyenne and Arapaho on what is known as the Sand American Railroad Creek Massacre. construction Attack was Company called the performed at dawn Credit Mobilier was on November 29th, set up. It was over 150 people chartered by the were killed, mostly federal government. women and children. 1863-64 1864 1864 1865 Transcontinental Railroad was built The term Political across the western Machine came to half of US, which height in the US. A linked existing political Machine is a railway network with group controlling eastern US. Atlantic activities of a and Pacific coasts political party in a connected for the city, they offered first time. services to voters in exchange for political of financial support. And
  • 4. Social Darwinism Comes to height in US. Philosophy that grew out of the English naturalist Charles Darwin’s Theory of Biological Tammany hall is Evolution. headed by Boss Economists found it tweed- Tammany a way to justify the halls graft. Doctrine of Liassez Faire. 1866 1866 1867 1868 Buffalo Soldiers formed on September 21, 1866 Oliver Hudson at Fort Leavenworth Kelley is father of Kansas. They were the order of patrons originally members of husbandry. of the US 10th cavalry regiment of US army. The nickname was given to the “negro cavalry” by the African American tribes they fought. Synonymous with all African American regiments formed in 1866. And
  • 5. John D Rockefellers Standard Oil Company processed 2-3% of the Urbanization takes countries crude oil. height in the US, as He established the immigrants move to Rockefeller US. Cities grow foundation, and rapidly, mostly in provided funds for regions of northeast University of and Midwest. Chicago. 1869 1870 1870 1870 American entrepreneur and Reformers organize engineer George Civil Service Westinghouse, Reform association invented the railway to secure legislation air brake and was to make reform pioneer of electrical permanent. industry, invented in 1869. He also established the Westinghouse Air brake Company on September 28, 1869 And
  • 6. Eugene V Debbs was a spokesman for socialists. In The Vanderbilt 1875 helped family gains wealth organize Local and fame. Cornelius Lodge of the Vanderbilt was the Brotherhood of wealthiest Locomotive industrialist of his Firemen. He also time. In 1873 he formed the contributed 1 million American Railway to Central University. Union. 1871 1873 1874 1875 George A Custer reports that black The tweed ring-- hills have gold “from Boss Tweed was the grass roots head of Tammany down”, prompts gold Hall, he led them in rush. He and his defrauding the city. troops reach Little In 1871 the tweed Big Horn river and ring broke. natives already awaited them, within an hour Custer and all his men of the 7th cavalry were dead. And
  • 7. Alexander G Bell and Thomas Racial laws called Watson unveil the the Jim Crow laws telephone. are passed in Telephone opens southern states. the way for a Made to separate worldwide white and black communications people in public and network. private facilities. 1876 1876 1876 1876 Sitting bull- “Takanka Lytanka” is leader of the Sioux. Thomas Alva He agreed to live on Edison became a the reservation pioneer on the New along the Mississippi Industrial Frontier river. when he established worlds 1st research laboratory in Menlo Park, New Jersey. And And
  • 8. The Gilded age was The Grandfather a term coined by clause was created Mark Twain. It was a to reinstate voters period from the end who may have failed of reconstruction, literacy test or could characterized by a not afford the poll greatly expanding tax. Stated that if economy and the anyone encountered emergence of either issue, he plutocratic could still vote if his influences in the father or grandfather government and were eligible to vote society. before January 1 1876 1877 1877 1877 Literacy tests Chief Joseph and created for voters. his men embark on Tested ability of a long march to reading, only those Canada. Journey who passed were included several permitted to vote. imp700 followers (200 actual warriors) embarked on a 1,400 impressive victories against a US force that numbered over 2,000 soldiers. Later, exhausted, he surrendered, giving one of the greatest joseph speeches in history.
  • 9. Booker T The dumbbell Washington was a tenements were prominent African The National introduced. They educator. He Farmers Alliance were cheap housing graduated from was an organized units, made in effort Virginia Hampton agrarian movement to reform. The first Institute. In 1881 he among American law that led to them headed the farmers. It included was passed in 1879. Tuskegee Normal the farmers alliance later proved to be a and Industrial and industrial union. failure. Institute. 1877 1879 1880 1881 Poll tax was a requirement for voting. It was an annual tax that had to be paid before qualifying to vote. Often African Americans and poor whites prevented from voting.
  • 10. Joseph Pulitzer bought “NY world war” in 1883, he pioneered popular Mark Twain was a innovations. The novelist and paper emphasized humorist. He first “sin, sex, and used term “gilded sensation” in age” wrote many attempt to surpass books, including the competitor William classic “Adventures Hearst. of Huckleberry finn”. 1883 1884 1885 1885 Republican political The graft “system activists who bolted was at height, and the republican party very common. It was by supporting an illegal usage of democrat Grover political influence for Cleveland in election personal gain. of 1884 were called Mugwumps. They switched because of financial corruption associated with republican James G. Blaine.
  • 11. Congress passed the Dawes Act, aiming to “Americanize” native Americans Many reservations were broken. 160 acres of land were given to the head of households, 60 to Samuel Gompers those who were led the Cigar makers single. Government International Union sold remaining to join with other reservations to craft unions. settlers. 1886 1886 1887 1887 Socialism originates The Colored from the intellectual Farmers Alliance and working class. It was an organized was a political agrarian movement movement that among African criticized effects of American farmers in industrialism and the south where the private property on granger movement society. had been strong. and
  • 12. George Eastman Jane Adams was a developed a series pioneer settlement of more convenient worker, founder of alternatives to the house in Chicago heavy glass plates along with Ellen previously used for Gatesstar, one of photography. He the first social introduced his settlements in Kodak camera 1888. United States. 1888 1889 1889 1890 Jacob Riis was a Battle of the Danish American wounded knee took social reformer place in December. known for Custers 7th cavalry photographic and slaughtered 300 journalistic talents to unarmed native help impoverished in Americans Brought NYC. Photographed the Indian wars/era the slums. to a bitter end.
  • 13. Collective bargaining becomes a “famous” process of Ida B Wells was negotiations born into slavery, between a group of later moved to employers aimed at Memphis where she reaching worked as a teacher. agreements to She was later the regulate working editor of a local conditions, a paper and wrote technique used for about racial justice. expanding industry. 1890 1890 1890 1890 Melting Pot was a Sherman anti trust term becoming more act made it illegal to common. More form trusts that immigrants were interfered with free coming in, etc. This trade between the term described US states and other as a land of different countries. people and cultures.
  • 14. Omaha platform, a populist party, grew out of a agrarian W.E.B Dubois was revolt that rose the first African because of the American to receive collapse of the a doctorate from agriculture prices Harvard. Later on following the panic He founded the in1873. Niagara Movement. 1891 1892 1892 1895 Settlement houses Ellis Island, New York were established by harbor, a immigration a few reformers. station that was They were moved from Castle community centers garden NY. in slum neighborhoods that provided assistance for that area.
  • 15. Andrew Carnegie was one of the first industrialists to make his own William McKinley fortune. Started with was nominated by William Jennings nothing. Entered the republicans to Bryan ran against steel business in run against William William M. He 1873, in 1899 the Jennings Bryan. Had received a low Carnegie steel millions of backing number of votes, company funds, received and delivered an manufactured more about 7 million impassioned speech steel than all votes, became pres.. called the “cross of companies in Great gold”. Britain. 1896 1896 1896 1899 In the Plessy vs. Ferguson case, supreme court rules separation of races in public was legal and did not violate the 14th amendment. It Permitted segregation.
  • 16. Construction for Debt pionage Angel island starts. forced some It was an Mexicans and immigration station African Americans to for primarily the work in order to pay Chinese. More harsh off debt to condition than those employers. of Ellis Island. 1899 1902 1903 1905 Orville brothers October 1899 Edwin experimented with Milton Royle hailed new engines Vaudeville Theatre powerful enough to as “an American keep in air. On invention”. December 17, in Vaudeville had Kitty Hawk NC they sophisticated had the first musicals, successful flight. It performances, etc covered 120 ft and lasted 12 seconds. www.