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              GREEN TRUCKS

Trucks are the workhorses of our         being written by International Truck     performance are best accomplished
economy. They move goods cross-          and Engine Corp., which has been         with integrated vehicle systems that
country or across town, transport        developing clean-burning diesel          deliver clean air and an outstanding
personnel during the workday, and        engines through years of extensive
bring packages to our doors. Their       research, laboratory testing, and
ubiquitous presence at such diverse      on-the-road demonstration.
locations as construction sites,              In 2000, Warrenville (Ill.)-based
major ports, and loading docks at        International brought its Green
retail stores and supermarkets is a      Diesel Technology to market, a
reminder that they are inextricably      three-level technology system that
tied to our daily lives. Their effect,   cuts gaseous hydrocarbons and
both environmentally and economi-        particulate emissions by 99%,
cally, is profound.                      to near-zero levels. Since
    Today, these trucks and the com-     that time, the technology
panies that depend on them face          has been used in buses in
increasing economic, environmental,      California, with more than
and regulatory pressures. High fuel      100 currently on the road.
costs take their toll on the bottom      A year after its introduction,
line, making operating efficiencies       California’s Air Resources Board
paramount. Environmental perfor-         certified the clean-air Green Diesel
mance is a focus and a challenge.        Technology school bus for inclusion
Fleet operators, truck manufacturers,    in its program to retire older school
and engine suppliers strive to bring     buses, qualifying Green Diesel
increasingly more sophisticated          Technology school buses to share
products to the highway to meet          in state funding for new bus pur-
these challenges head on.                chases by school districts.
    “Between fuel economy pressures                                               Above: This International/Eaton
                                              “The flexibility of Green Diesel     diesel-electric hybrid truck is part of a
and environmental regulations, the       Technology provides International        national pilot program.
trucking industry is going through a     the edge to design application-
period of rapid change,” points out      specific solutions,” says Jack            customer experience, like reduced
John Boesel, president and CEO           Allen, president of International’s      noise and vibration for the driver’s
of the advanced transportation           engine group. “Very clean diesel         environment, without sacrificing
consortium WestStart-CALSTART,           engines require the integration of       diesel performance or efficiency.”
based in Pasadena, Calif. “This is       multiple technologies, which Green
a time of great opportunity for          Diesel Technology provides through       SCRUBBING THE SULFUR
those manufacturers and fleets           advanced air management, selected        Like most efforts that are seeking
that are forward-looking and willing     fuel system applications, proprietary    to provide cleaner and more effi-
to make use of the best that tech-       combustion strategies, electronic        cient diesel product, International’s
nology can offer.”                       controls, and optimized after-treat-     advanced diesel technology requires
                                         ment solutions, benefiting society’s      ultra-low sulfur diesel (ULSD) fuel.
WITH CHANGE, OPPORTUNITY                 clean air goals and the performance      Though already available in some
WestStart-CALSTART, a non-profit          goals of business.”                      areas of the country today, starting
organization, facilitates the com-            “In 2007 and beyond, the impor-     in October 2006 the Environmental
mercialization of technologies that      tance of integration between truck       Protection Agency will require most
improve air quality and reduce           and engine design will be a competi-     diesel fuel intended for use on
dependence on foreign oil. Its 115       tive advantage for International         America’s highways to have sulfur
member companies are among               and International’s customers,”          levels that do not exceed 15 parts
the leaders in the commercial            adds Dee Kapur, president of             per million, a move likened by some
trucking industry, and each has          International’s truck group. “Clean      to taking lead out of gasoline in the
its story. One of these stories is       air goals and outstanding vehicle        1970s. This ULSD fuel enables the

                                       GREEN                     TRUCKS
                                                                                                          Willie Nelson
                                                                                                          offers his own
                                                                                                             brand of

                                    use of advanced emis-       11 million engines in use today. Fortunately, the same
                                   sions-control devices like   clean diesel technologies that will power the next
                                oxidation catalysts and         generation of on- and off-road diesel vehicles and equip-
                              particulate traps, which work     ment can be applied to some older engines, reducing
                            well with ULSD but suffer           emissions by up to 90%.
                         drastically reduced operating
                      lifetimes with high sulfur fuel.          BEHOLD THE 21ST-CENTURY TRUCK
                          “We look at it as the clean diesel    The 21st-Century Truck Program, inaugurated in 2000,
                  system really coming together,” says Allen    is a multi-agency and industry partnership aimed at
Schaeffer, executive director of the Diesel Technology          increasing fuel efficiency, reducing emissions, enhancing
Forum, an industry organization based in Frederick,             safety, reducing ownership and operating costs, and
Md. “The cleaner fuels, the advanced engines, and the           maintaining or enhancing performance. Government
emissions control systems are three pieces being                participants include the EPA, Department of Energy,
optimized that, working together, really chart the course       Department of Transportation, and Department of
for the next generation of clean diesel technology.”            Defense, which highlights common civilian and military
Schaeffer adds that major milestones coming up                  truck technology goals as well as the potential transfer
for heavy-duty highway commercial vehicles in 2007              of military and civilian technologies.
should bring greater than a 98% reduction in emissions              A key element is the program’s “roadmap.” This
of nitrogen oxides and particulate matter compared to           plan establishes technical targets and fuel efficiency
10 or 15 years ago, with an additional 90% reduction            goals, for 2010 and beyond, that seek to substantially
between 2007 and 9/12/05 6:20:55 PM
       NBB_Ad2a.pdf    2010.                                    increase truck fuel economy while meeting prevailing
    New EPA regulations do not affect the approximately         emission standards and also displacing petroleum fuels
                                                                by 5%. The program includes heavy-duty hybrids along
                                                                with its focus on diesel and renewable fuels.

                                                                UNITED IN A COMMON GOAL
                                                                An example of this focus on fuel efficiency is provided
                                                                by International and Eaton Corp., which were recently
                                                                selected to manufacture diesel-electric hybrid trucks
                                                                for a national pilot program serving the utility industry.
                                                                The two companies are developing an integrated diesel-
                                                                hybrid powertrain that will be tested in at least 20
                                                                factory-built International utility trucks, using an Inter-
                                                                national DT 466 in-line six-cylinder diesel engine with
                                                                an Eaton hybrid-electric drivetrain. WestStart, which
                                                                operates its Hybrid Truck Users Forum, will be admin-
                                                                istering the pilot program with the support of the U.S.
                                                                Army’s National Automotive Center.
                                                                    Bringing advanced hybrid-truck technology to
                                                                customers is also an area of focus at UQM Technolo-
                                                                gies Inc., in Frederick, Colo., a manufacturer of small,
                                                                lightweight, and efficient motors, generators, and
                                                                power electronic controllers. Applications range from
                                                                electrically intensive series hybrids, in which all power
                                                                to the wheels is provided by electric motors, to lower-
                                                                power parallel (mild) hybrids in which the engine and
                                                                electric motor both provide power to the wheels. UQM
                                                                systems are under evaluation in tractors, trucks, buses,
                                                                and on- and off-highway military vehicles such as the
                                                                U.S. military’s Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles (FMTVs),
                                                                plus manned and unmanned vehicle applications.

GREEN                  TRUCKS
 These advantages have attracted
 customers ranging from Deere
 & Co., Stewart & Stevenson, and
 Eaton to the U.S. Army, Navy, Marine
 Corps, and Air Force.
     UQM Technologies is additionally
 developing innovative ways to help
 engine and vehicle manufacturers
 meet 2010 diesel emission stan-
                                              We’re driving toward
 dards through improved auxiliary
 systems that eliminate parasitic
 loads on engines – an area of focus           a cleaner future.
 of the 21st-Century Truck Roadmap.
 By replacing belted, geared, and
 hydraulic driven water pumps, oil
 and fuel pumps, fan drives, and
 air conditioning with electrically
 driven units, electric auxiliaries can
 operate as needed, independent of
 any power supplied by the engine.
 This approach provides increased
 fuel efficiency and reduced engine
                                                 Pacific Gas and Electric Company is dedicated to
 load over conventional systems that
                                              developing low-cost, clean air transportation technologies
 operate continuously when directly
 connected to an engine.                             for our business and yours. Since rolling out
                                                 our first natural gas truck in 1985, we’ve expanded our
 Below: The military is evaluating advanced            fleet to include over 850 low-emission vehicles.
 hybrid truck technology for its FMTVs.
                                                            We’ve also formed partnerships with manufacturers,
                                                                    government organizations, and private
                                                                  companies, creating a nationwide network
                                                                   of over 500 fleets, operating thousands of
                                                                      natural gas vehicles. Through continued
                                                                  support of cost-effective technological advancements
                                                                    and environmental education, we’re proving to our
                                                                 customers and employees that clean air transportation
                                                               is not only good for the environment, it’s good for business.

                                                                If you’d like to learn more about clean transportation technologies,
                                                                visit our website at or call 1-800-684-4648.

                                                             ANOTHER WAY THE PEOPLE OF PG&E ARE DEDICATED TO ENERGY CONSERVATION.

 Diesel fuel is the trucking industry’s
 fuel of choice for many reasons,
 primary among them its widespread
 availability. However, there are
 markets where alternative fuels
 could become popular, especially
 where fleets always operate on the
 same route and regularly refuel at
 the same locations. Other possibili-
 ties include dual-fuel vehicles that
 can operate on an alternative fuel
 when available and conventional
 diesel fuel when it is not, or alterna-

                                   GREEN                  TRUCKS
                                    tive fuels that can be seamlessly           850 natural gas vehicles in its own
POWERING TOMORROW’S                 substituted for diesel fuel.                fleet, including gas service trucks,
VEHICLES, TODAY                          Biodiesel falls into the latter cat-   meter reader vehicles, and pool cars.
                                    egory. An alternative fuel that can             Providing alternative fuels with the
UQM Technologies Inc. (AMEX:
                                    be made from any fat or vegetable           opportunity to compete has long been
UQM) is a recognized technol-       oil, typically domestically grown soy-      a focus at San Francisco-based PG&E.
ogy leader in the development       beans, biodiesel works in any diesel        The utility’s support of its customers’
and manufacture of high-            engine with few or no modifications.         use of green technologies has brought
performance, power-dense,           It can be used in pure form or blended      many success stories, among them
                                    with petroleum diesel at any level,         26 compressed natural-gas refuse
and energy-efficient elec-
                                    the most popular fuel mixtures being        trucks operating in Sunnyvale, Calif.
tric motors, generators, and        B2 (2% biodiesel and 98% conven-            On a larger scale, hundreds of natural
power electronic controllers.       tional diesel), or B20 (20% biodiesel).
Applications include electric       In addition to its growing popularity for
                                    use in passenger vehicles, biodiesel is
propulsion systems for hybrid,
                                    used by more than 500 major com-
battery-electric, and fuel-cell     mercial fleets across the country.
vehicles, plus 42-volt under-       More than 500 retail filling stations
the-hood power accessories          make biodiesel available to the public,
and vehicle auxiliaries for         and some 1,400 petroleum distributors
                                    carry it nationwide.
greater efficiency. For 25 years,
                                         The use of biodiesel yields numer-
customers from major auto-          ous environmental benefits, including
makers to the U.S. military have    significant reductions in carbon mon-
benefited from “UQM Inside.”         oxide emissions, particulate matter,
See us at              unburned hydrocarbons, and sulfates.
                                    On a lifecycle basis, biodiesel reduces
                                    carbon dioxide by 78% compared to
                                                                                Above: PG&E has a fleet of 850
                                    petroleum diesel.                           natural-gas vehicles.
                                         According to the National Biodiesel
WESTSTART-CALSTART                  Board, a nonprofit trade association,        gas trucks are in operation with Waste
                                    in Jefferson City, Mo., dedicated to        Management Inc., California’s leading
is North America’s leading          coordinating the biodiesel industry and     provider of solid waste and recycling
advanced transportation             educating the public about the fuel,        services. Starting with one of the first
technologies organization.          this makes biodiesel the most effective     pilot projects in 1995, Waste Manage-
As a participant-supported          greenhouse gas-mitigation technol-          ment’s fleet of natural gas vehicles has
                                    ogy currently available for heavy-duty      grown to 462 trucks running on com-
non-profit of more than 115
                                    vehicles and equipment. Biodiesel’s         pressed and liquefied natural gas.
companies and agencies, it          inclusion in the landmark Energy Bill       Looking to the future, PG&E will contin-
is dedicated to expanding           recently signed into law shows recogni-     ue its focus on green technologies while
and supporting a high-tech          tion by Congress and President Bush         working with its customers and govern-
transportation industry             that biodiesel is an important part of      ment agencies to advance its vision of
                                    the solution for reducing dependence        clean natural-gas vehicles as part of
that cleans the air, creates
                                    on foreign oil, boosting the economy,       the solution to air quality challenges.
jobs, and improves energy           and benefiting the environment.                  “The state has been making good
efficiency, while lessening                                                      progress to improve air quality, but cur-
dependence on foreign oil           WALKING THE WALK                            rent policy ignores growing concerns
                                                                                about petroleum dependency,” says
and reducing global warming.        Another popular alternative fuel that’s
                                    been a focus of private, public, and        Brian Stokes, manager of the clean air
It plays a national role facili-                                                transportation division at PG&E. “The
                                    government fleets at all levels for
tating advanced systems and                                                     legislature has approved $150 million
                                    years is clean-burning natural gas.
fuels for transit and heavy-        One of the largest privately owned          a year in incentive programs to facilitate
duty vehicles, and new              fleets in the country is found at Pacific     fleet emission-lowering conversions and
                                    Gas and Electric Co., which has been        new cleaner vehicle purchases. How-
forms of mobility.
                                    operating alternative fuel vehicles         ever, most of these funds are going to
Visit                                                        diesel retrofits and re-powers because
                                    since 1985 and now has more than

       GREEN                           TRUCKS
the incentive program criteria are based on current
cost effectiveness. Unfortunately, improving petroleum
product performance by itself is only part of the solu-
tion, and we will never get to a diversified portfolio of
fuels with this strategy. The criteria need to be adjusted
to give emerging alternative fuels – that have the
potential of achieving cost-effectiveness with near-term
subsidies – a chance to compete.”

“Even with the advanced technology that lies on the
horizon for fuel cells and hydrogen vehicles, there’s
always going to be a vital role for diesel technology,”
says the Diesel Technology Forum’s Schaeffer.
“When we examine the reasons why people are
using diesel today, we find they’re the very same
reasons why people used diesel many decades ago.”
According to Schaeffer, it’s really the whole package
– a unique combination of fuel efficiency, perfor-
mance, and unmatched power density that’s able to
deliver more horsepower and more force to get the
job done using the lowest amount of fuel possible.
     Indeed, all technologies and fuels that make
trucks operate cleaner and more efficiently – from
advanced diesel and biodiesel to hybrid-electric and
natural gas – are increasingly important to not only
the bottom line, but energy security and our quality
of life. It’s a challenge that is being well met by com-
panies large and small in a dedicated effort to bring
trucks and fuels into a new era.

Diesel Technology Forum                Pacific Gas and             Electric Co.
International Truck and      
Engine Corp.                           UQM Technologies Inc.
National Biodiesel Board               WestStart–CALSTART Inc.     

Produced by Custom Publishing Group,
Written by Ron Cogan,
Designed by Segal Savad,
For more information about Special Advertising Sections, e-mail
Stacy Sass McAnulty, Director, Worldwide Special Advertising Sections,
Please visit

Green Car Journal is the car magazine of
today, positioned at the intersection of                                               98% Reduction
automobiles, energy, and the environment.
The award-winning magazine’s high produc-
tion values, environmental focus, and
                                                                         1990   1994         1998        2002   2006   2010
auto-enthusiast editorial voice provide a
                                                                                            Model Year
much-needed platform for the technologies
and fuels that enable today’s vehicles to
run more efficiently than ever before. With
perspective from industry and environmental leaders alike, the
magazine takes a balanced, thoughtful look at this growing field.
Visit us at

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Green trucks advanced transportation technology

  • 1. As seen in SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION Special Advertising Sections © Copyright 2005 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. GREEN TRUCKS DRIVING TRANSPORTATION TO BETTER EFFICIENCY AND PERFORMANCE Trucks are the workhorses of our being written by International Truck performance are best accomplished economy. They move goods cross- and Engine Corp., which has been with integrated vehicle systems that country or across town, transport developing clean-burning diesel deliver clean air and an outstanding personnel during the workday, and engines through years of extensive bring packages to our doors. Their research, laboratory testing, and ubiquitous presence at such diverse on-the-road demonstration. locations as construction sites, In 2000, Warrenville (Ill.)-based major ports, and loading docks at International brought its Green retail stores and supermarkets is a Diesel Technology to market, a reminder that they are inextricably three-level technology system that tied to our daily lives. Their effect, cuts gaseous hydrocarbons and both environmentally and economi- particulate emissions by 99%, cally, is profound. to near-zero levels. Since Today, these trucks and the com- that time, the technology panies that depend on them face has been used in buses in increasing economic, environmental, California, with more than and regulatory pressures. High fuel 100 currently on the road. costs take their toll on the bottom A year after its introduction, line, making operating efficiencies California’s Air Resources Board paramount. Environmental perfor- certified the clean-air Green Diesel mance is a focus and a challenge. Technology school bus for inclusion Fleet operators, truck manufacturers, in its program to retire older school and engine suppliers strive to bring buses, qualifying Green Diesel increasingly more sophisticated Technology school buses to share products to the highway to meet in state funding for new bus pur- these challenges head on. chases by school districts. “Between fuel economy pressures Above: This International/Eaton “The flexibility of Green Diesel diesel-electric hybrid truck is part of a and environmental regulations, the Technology provides International national pilot program. trucking industry is going through a the edge to design application- period of rapid change,” points out specific solutions,” says Jack customer experience, like reduced John Boesel, president and CEO Allen, president of International’s noise and vibration for the driver’s of the advanced transportation engine group. “Very clean diesel environment, without sacrificing consortium WestStart-CALSTART, engines require the integration of diesel performance or efficiency.” based in Pasadena, Calif. “This is multiple technologies, which Green a time of great opportunity for Diesel Technology provides through SCRUBBING THE SULFUR those manufacturers and fleets advanced air management, selected Like most efforts that are seeking that are forward-looking and willing fuel system applications, proprietary to provide cleaner and more effi- to make use of the best that tech- combustion strategies, electronic cient diesel product, International’s nology can offer.” controls, and optimized after-treat- advanced diesel technology requires ment solutions, benefiting society’s ultra-low sulfur diesel (ULSD) fuel. WITH CHANGE, OPPORTUNITY clean air goals and the performance Though already available in some WestStart-CALSTART, a non-profit goals of business.” areas of the country today, starting organization, facilitates the com- “In 2007 and beyond, the impor- in October 2006 the Environmental mercialization of technologies that tance of integration between truck Protection Agency will require most improve air quality and reduce and engine design will be a competi- diesel fuel intended for use on dependence on foreign oil. Its 115 tive advantage for International America’s highways to have sulfur member companies are among and International’s customers,” levels that do not exceed 15 parts the leaders in the commercial adds Dee Kapur, president of per million, a move likened by some trucking industry, and each has International’s truck group. “Clean to taking lead out of gasoline in the its story. One of these stories is air goals and outstanding vehicle 1970s. This ULSD fuel enables the
  • 2. SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION GREEN TRUCKS Left: Willie Nelson offers his own brand of clean-burning biodiesel. use of advanced emis- 11 million engines in use today. Fortunately, the same sions-control devices like clean diesel technologies that will power the next oxidation catalysts and generation of on- and off-road diesel vehicles and equip- particulate traps, which work ment can be applied to some older engines, reducing well with ULSD but suffer emissions by up to 90%. drastically reduced operating lifetimes with high sulfur fuel. BEHOLD THE 21ST-CENTURY TRUCK “We look at it as the clean diesel The 21st-Century Truck Program, inaugurated in 2000, system really coming together,” says Allen is a multi-agency and industry partnership aimed at Schaeffer, executive director of the Diesel Technology increasing fuel efficiency, reducing emissions, enhancing Forum, an industry organization based in Frederick, safety, reducing ownership and operating costs, and Md. “The cleaner fuels, the advanced engines, and the maintaining or enhancing performance. Government emissions control systems are three pieces being participants include the EPA, Department of Energy, optimized that, working together, really chart the course Department of Transportation, and Department of for the next generation of clean diesel technology.” Defense, which highlights common civilian and military Schaeffer adds that major milestones coming up truck technology goals as well as the potential transfer for heavy-duty highway commercial vehicles in 2007 of military and civilian technologies. should bring greater than a 98% reduction in emissions A key element is the program’s “roadmap.” This of nitrogen oxides and particulate matter compared to plan establishes technical targets and fuel efficiency 10 or 15 years ago, with an additional 90% reduction goals, for 2010 and beyond, that seek to substantially between 2007 and 9/12/05 6:20:55 PM NBB_Ad2a.pdf 2010. increase truck fuel economy while meeting prevailing New EPA regulations do not affect the approximately emission standards and also displacing petroleum fuels by 5%. The program includes heavy-duty hybrids along with its focus on diesel and renewable fuels. UNITED IN A COMMON GOAL An example of this focus on fuel efficiency is provided by International and Eaton Corp., which were recently selected to manufacture diesel-electric hybrid trucks for a national pilot program serving the utility industry. The two companies are developing an integrated diesel- hybrid powertrain that will be tested in at least 20 factory-built International utility trucks, using an Inter- national DT 466 in-line six-cylinder diesel engine with an Eaton hybrid-electric drivetrain. WestStart, which operates its Hybrid Truck Users Forum, will be admin- istering the pilot program with the support of the U.S. Army’s National Automotive Center. Bringing advanced hybrid-truck technology to customers is also an area of focus at UQM Technolo- gies Inc., in Frederick, Colo., a manufacturer of small, lightweight, and efficient motors, generators, and power electronic controllers. Applications range from electrically intensive series hybrids, in which all power to the wheels is provided by electric motors, to lower- power parallel (mild) hybrids in which the engine and electric motor both provide power to the wheels. UQM systems are under evaluation in tractors, trucks, buses, and on- and off-highway military vehicles such as the U.S. military’s Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles (FMTVs), plus manned and unmanned vehicle applications.
  • 3. SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION GREEN TRUCKS These advantages have attracted customers ranging from Deere & Co., Stewart & Stevenson, and Eaton to the U.S. Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force. UQM Technologies is additionally developing innovative ways to help engine and vehicle manufacturers meet 2010 diesel emission stan- We’re driving toward dards through improved auxiliary systems that eliminate parasitic loads on engines – an area of focus a cleaner future. of the 21st-Century Truck Roadmap. By replacing belted, geared, and hydraulic driven water pumps, oil and fuel pumps, fan drives, and air conditioning with electrically driven units, electric auxiliaries can operate as needed, independent of any power supplied by the engine. This approach provides increased fuel efficiency and reduced engine Pacific Gas and Electric Company is dedicated to load over conventional systems that developing low-cost, clean air transportation technologies operate continuously when directly connected to an engine. for our business and yours. Since rolling out our first natural gas truck in 1985, we’ve expanded our Below: The military is evaluating advanced fleet to include over 850 low-emission vehicles. hybrid truck technology for its FMTVs. We’ve also formed partnerships with manufacturers, government organizations, and private companies, creating a nationwide network of over 500 fleets, operating thousands of natural gas vehicles. Through continued support of cost-effective technological advancements and environmental education, we’re proving to our customers and employees that clean air transportation is not only good for the environment, it’s good for business. If you’d like to learn more about clean transportation technologies, visit our website at or call 1-800-684-4648. ANOTHER WAY THE PEOPLE OF PG&E ARE DEDICATED TO ENERGY CONSERVATION. IMAGINE THE POSSIBILITIES Diesel fuel is the trucking industry’s fuel of choice for many reasons, primary among them its widespread availability. However, there are markets where alternative fuels could become popular, especially where fleets always operate on the same route and regularly refuel at the same locations. Other possibili- ties include dual-fuel vehicles that can operate on an alternative fuel when available and conventional diesel fuel when it is not, or alterna-
  • 4. SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION GREEN TRUCKS tive fuels that can be seamlessly 850 natural gas vehicles in its own POWERING TOMORROW’S substituted for diesel fuel. fleet, including gas service trucks, VEHICLES, TODAY Biodiesel falls into the latter cat- meter reader vehicles, and pool cars. egory. An alternative fuel that can Providing alternative fuels with the UQM Technologies Inc. (AMEX: be made from any fat or vegetable opportunity to compete has long been UQM) is a recognized technol- oil, typically domestically grown soy- a focus at San Francisco-based PG&E. ogy leader in the development beans, biodiesel works in any diesel The utility’s support of its customers’ and manufacture of high- engine with few or no modifications. use of green technologies has brought performance, power-dense, It can be used in pure form or blended many success stories, among them with petroleum diesel at any level, 26 compressed natural-gas refuse and energy-efficient elec- the most popular fuel mixtures being trucks operating in Sunnyvale, Calif. tric motors, generators, and B2 (2% biodiesel and 98% conven- On a larger scale, hundreds of natural power electronic controllers. tional diesel), or B20 (20% biodiesel). Applications include electric In addition to its growing popularity for use in passenger vehicles, biodiesel is propulsion systems for hybrid, used by more than 500 major com- battery-electric, and fuel-cell mercial fleets across the country. vehicles, plus 42-volt under- More than 500 retail filling stations the-hood power accessories make biodiesel available to the public, and vehicle auxiliaries for and some 1,400 petroleum distributors carry it nationwide. greater efficiency. For 25 years, The use of biodiesel yields numer- customers from major auto- ous environmental benefits, including makers to the U.S. military have significant reductions in carbon mon- benefited from “UQM Inside.” oxide emissions, particulate matter, See us at unburned hydrocarbons, and sulfates. On a lifecycle basis, biodiesel reduces carbon dioxide by 78% compared to Above: PG&E has a fleet of 850 petroleum diesel. natural-gas vehicles. According to the National Biodiesel WESTSTART-CALSTART Board, a nonprofit trade association, gas trucks are in operation with Waste in Jefferson City, Mo., dedicated to Management Inc., California’s leading is North America’s leading coordinating the biodiesel industry and provider of solid waste and recycling advanced transportation educating the public about the fuel, services. Starting with one of the first technologies organization. this makes biodiesel the most effective pilot projects in 1995, Waste Manage- As a participant-supported greenhouse gas-mitigation technol- ment’s fleet of natural gas vehicles has ogy currently available for heavy-duty grown to 462 trucks running on com- non-profit of more than 115 vehicles and equipment. Biodiesel’s pressed and liquefied natural gas. companies and agencies, it inclusion in the landmark Energy Bill Looking to the future, PG&E will contin- is dedicated to expanding recently signed into law shows recogni- ue its focus on green technologies while and supporting a high-tech tion by Congress and President Bush working with its customers and govern- transportation industry that biodiesel is an important part of ment agencies to advance its vision of the solution for reducing dependence clean natural-gas vehicles as part of that cleans the air, creates on foreign oil, boosting the economy, the solution to air quality challenges. jobs, and improves energy and benefiting the environment. “The state has been making good efficiency, while lessening progress to improve air quality, but cur- dependence on foreign oil WALKING THE WALK rent policy ignores growing concerns about petroleum dependency,” says and reducing global warming. Another popular alternative fuel that’s been a focus of private, public, and Brian Stokes, manager of the clean air It plays a national role facili- transportation division at PG&E. “The government fleets at all levels for tating advanced systems and legislature has approved $150 million years is clean-burning natural gas. fuels for transit and heavy- One of the largest privately owned a year in incentive programs to facilitate duty vehicles, and new fleets in the country is found at Pacific fleet emission-lowering conversions and Gas and Electric Co., which has been new cleaner vehicle purchases. How- forms of mobility. operating alternative fuel vehicles ever, most of these funds are going to Visit diesel retrofits and re-powers because since 1985 and now has more than
  • 5. SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION GREEN TRUCKS the incentive program criteria are based on current cost effectiveness. Unfortunately, improving petroleum product performance by itself is only part of the solu- tion, and we will never get to a diversified portfolio of fuels with this strategy. The criteria need to be adjusted to give emerging alternative fuels – that have the potential of achieving cost-effectiveness with near-term subsidies – a chance to compete.” THE MORE THINGS CHANGE… “Even with the advanced technology that lies on the horizon for fuel cells and hydrogen vehicles, there’s always going to be a vital role for diesel technology,” says the Diesel Technology Forum’s Schaeffer. “When we examine the reasons why people are using diesel today, we find they’re the very same reasons why people used diesel many decades ago.” According to Schaeffer, it’s really the whole package – a unique combination of fuel efficiency, perfor- mance, and unmatched power density that’s able to deliver more horsepower and more force to get the job done using the lowest amount of fuel possible. Indeed, all technologies and fuels that make trucks operate cleaner and more efficiently – from advanced diesel and biodiesel to hybrid-electric and natural gas – are increasingly important to not only the bottom line, but energy security and our quality of life. It’s a challenge that is being well met by com- panies large and small in a dedicated effort to bring trucks and fuels into a new era. WEB DIRECTORY Diesel Technology Forum Pacific Gas and Electric Co. International Truck and Engine Corp. UQM Technologies Inc. National Biodiesel Board WestStart–CALSTART Inc. Produced by Custom Publishing Group, Written by Ron Cogan, Designed by Segal Savad, For more information about Special Advertising Sections, e-mail Stacy Sass McAnulty, Director, Worldwide Special Advertising Sections, at: Please visit Green Car Journal is the car magazine of today, positioned at the intersection of 98% Reduction automobiles, energy, and the environment. The award-winning magazine’s high produc- tion values, environmental focus, and 1990 1994 1998 2002 2006 2010 auto-enthusiast editorial voice provide a Model Year much-needed platform for the technologies and fuels that enable today’s vehicles to run more efficiently than ever before. With perspective from industry and environmental leaders alike, the magazine takes a balanced, thoughtful look at this growing field. Visit us at