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Ancient Greece
The Greek World
Geometric Period 
900 – 700 BCE
Centaur, from 
Lefkandi, Euboea, 
Late 10th c. BCE. 
Ceramic, height 
Ancient Greek Vessel Shapes
Geometric krater, 
from the Dipylon 
cemetery, Athens, 
Greece, ca. 740 BCE. 
3’ 4 1/2” high.
Hero and centaur 
(Herakles and 
Nessos?), from 
ca. 750–730 BCE. 
Bronze, 4 1/2” 
Corinthian black-figure amphora with 
animal friezes, from Rhodes, Greece, 
ca. 625–600 BCE. 1’ 2” high. 
Corinthian black-figure amphora with 
animal friezes, from Corinth, Greece, 
ca. 600 BCE. 11 ½ ” high.
Mantiklos Apollo, 
statuette of a youth 
dedicated by Mantiklos to 
Apollo, from Thebes, 
Greece, ca. 700–680 BCE. 
Bronze, 8” high.
Lady of Auxerre, ca. 650– 
625 BCE. Limestone, 2’ 1 
1/2” high.
Kouros, ca. 600 BCE. 
Marble, 6’ 1/2” high.
Calf Bearer, 
dedicated by Rhonbos on 
the Acropolis, Athens, 
ca. 560 BCE. Marble, 
restored height 5’ 5”; 
fragment 3’ 11 1/2” high.
Kroisos, from Anavysos, 
Greece, ca. 530 BCE. 
Marble, 6’ 4” high.
Peplos Kore, from the 
Acropolis, Athens, 
Greece, ca. 530 BCE. 
Marble, 4’ high.
from the Acropolis, Athens, 
ca. 520–510 BCE. Marble, 1’ 
9” high.
Temple Architecture
Plan of Temple A, Prinias, Greece, ca. 
625 BCE.
Peripteral Greek Temple 
Plan of a typical peripteral Greek 
Compare Doric and Ionic Orders
Plan of the Temple of Hera I, Paestum, Italy, ca. 550 BCE.
Temple of Hera I (“Basilica”), Paestum, Italy, ca. 550 BCE.
Paestum, Italy 
Background: Temple of Hera I (“Basilica”), ca. 550 BCE, 
Foreground: Temple of Hera II, ca. 470 – 460 BCE.
West pediment from the Temple of Artemis, 
Corfu, Greece, ca. 600–580 BCE. 
Limestone, greatest height 9’ 4”.
Reconstruction drawing of the Siphnian 
Treasury, Delphi, Greece, ca. 530 BCE.
Gigantomachy, detail of the north frieze 
of the Siphnian Treasury, Delphi, 
Greece, ca. 530 BCE. Marble, 2’ 1” high.
Temple of Aphaia, Aegina, Greece, ca. 500–490 BCE.
Plan (left) and GUILLAUME-ABEL BLOUET’S 1828 restored view of the 
façade (right) of the Temple of Aphaia, Aegina, Greece, ca. 500–490 
Dying warrior, from the west pediment of the 
Temple of Aphaia, Aegina, Greece, ca. 500–490 BCE. 
Marble, 5’ 2 1/2” long.
Dying warrior, from the east pediment of the 
Temple of Aphaia, Aegina, Greece, ca. 480 BCE. 
Marble, 6’ 1” long.
KLEITIAS and ERGOTIMOS, François Vase (Athenian black-figure 
volute krater), from Chiusi, Italy, ca. 570 BCE. 
General view (top) and detail of centauromachy on other side 
of vase (bottom). 2’ 2” high.
EXEKIAS, Achilles and Ajax playing a dice game (detail from an Athenian 
black-figure amphora), from Vulci, Italy, ca. 540–530 BCE. Whole vessel 
2’ high; detail 8 1/2” high.
The Suicide of Ajax, 
ca. 540–530 BCE. 
Dionysos with Maenads, 
ca. 540 BCE, 13”.
ANDOKIDES PAINTER, Achilles and Ajax playing a dice game (Athenian 
bilingual amphora), from Orvieto, Italy, ca. 525–520 BCE. Black-figure 
side (left) and red-figure side (right). 1’ 9” high.
EUPHRONIOS (painter) and Euxitheos (potter), 
Death of Sarpedon, ca. 515 BCE, 18”.
EUPHRONIOS, Herakles wrestling Antaios (detail of an Athenian red-figure 
calyx krater), from Cerveteri, Italy, ca. 510 BCE. Whole vessel 1’ 
7” high; detail 7 3/4” high.
EUTHYMIDES, Three revelers 
(Athenian red-figure amphora), 
from Vulci, Italy, ca. 510 BCE. 2’ 
PRIAM PAINTER, Women at a 
Fountain House, 520-510 BCE, 21”.
Temple of Zeus at Olympus (470 – 
457 BCE) 
• First great monument of Classical art and 
• Since it is largely in ruins today, compare to Temple 
of Hera II at Paestum (believed to have been 
influenced by Temple of Zeus) 
• Statuary of east pediment of Temple of Zeus remain 
• How do they differ from Archaic statuary?
Temple of Hera II, Paestum, Italy, ca. 460 BCE, 
modeled on the Temple of Zeus at Olympia
East pediment from the Temple of Zeus, Olympia, 
Greece, ca. 470–456 BCE. Marble, 87’ wide.
Seer, from the east 
pediment of the 
Temple of Zeus, 
Olympia, Greece, 
ca. 470–456 BCE. 
Marble, full figure 4’ 
6” high; detail 3’ 2 
1/2” high.
Athena, Herakles, 
and Atlas with the 
apples of the 
metope from the 
Temple of Zeus, 
Olympia, Greece, 
ca. 470–456 BCE. 
Marble, 5’ 3” high.
Kritios Boy, from the 
Acropolis, Athens, Greece, 
ca. 480 BCE. Marble, 2’ 10” 
Charioteer, from the 
Sanctuary of Apollo, Delphi, 
ca. 470 BCE. Bronze, 5’ 11”.
Warrior, from the sea 
off Riace, Italy, ca. 460– 
450 BCE. Bronze, 6’ 6” 
Zeus (or Poseidon?), 
from the sea off Cape 
Artemision, Greece, 
ca. 460–450 BCE. 
Bronze, 6’ 10” high.
MYRON, Diskobolos 
(Discus Thrower). 
Roman marble copy of 
a bronze original of ca. 
450 BCE, 
5’ 1” high.
Pan Painter, 
Actaeon, ca. 
470 BCE 
14 5/8” 
Polykleitos, Doryphorus
(Spear Bearer). 
Roman marble 
copy from 
Pompeii, Italy, 
after a bronze 
original of ca. 
450–440 BCE, 6’ 
11” high.
KRESILAS, Pericles. 
Roman marble herm 
copy of a bronze 
original of ca. 429 
Full herm 6’ high; 
detail 4’ 6 1/2” high.
Plan of the Parthenon, Acropolis, Athens, Greece, 
with diagram of sculptural program (after Andrew 
Stewart), 447–432 BCE.
IKTINOS and KALLIKRATES, Parthenon, (Temple of Athena 
Parthenos, looking southeast), Acropolis, Athens, Greece, 
447–438 BCE.
Aerial view of the Acropolis looking southeast, 
Athens, Greece.
Model of the Acropolis, Athens, ca. 447 - 432 BCE
Athena Parthenos, 
in the cella of the 
Parthenon, Acropolis, 
Athens, Greece, 
ca. 438 BCE. 
Model of the lost 
chryselephantine statue.
Helios and his horses, and Dionysos (Herakles?), 
from the east pediment of the Parthenon, 
Acropolis, Athens, Greece, ca. 438–432 BCE. 
Marble, greatest height 4’ 3”.
Three goddesses (Hestia, Dione, and 
Aphrodite?), from the east pediment of the 
Parthenon, Acropolis, Athens, Greece, ca. 438– 
432 BCE. Marble, greatest height 4’ 5”.
Details of the Panathenaic Festival procession frieze, from the Parthenon, Acropolis, 
Athens, Greece, ca. 447–438 BCE. Marble, 3’ 6” high. Horsemen of north frieze (top),; 
seated gods and goddesses (Poseidon, Apollo, and Artemis) of east frieze (center), 
Acropolis Museum, Athens; and elders and maidens of east frieze (bottom).
MNESIKLES, Propylaia (looking southwest), Acropolis, 
Athens, Greece, 437–432 BCE.
Plan of the 
Greece, ca. 
Erechtheion (looking northwest), Acropolis, 
Athens, Greece, ca. 421–405 BCE.
Caryatid from the south porch 
of the Erechtheion, Acropolis, 
Athens, Greece, ca. 421–405 
BCE. Marble, 7’ 7” high.
KALLIKRATES, Temple of Athena Nike, 
Acropolis, Athens, Greece, ca. 427–424 BCE.
Nike adjusting her sandal, 
from the south side of the 
parapet of the Temple of 
Athena Nike, Acropolis, 
Athens, Greece, ca. 410 
BCE. Marble, 3’ 6” high.
Grave stele of 
Hegeso, from the 
Dipylon cemetery, 
Athens, Greece, ca. 
400 BCE. Marble, 5’ 
2” high.
taking leave of his wife 
(Athenian white-ground 
lekythos), from Eretria, 
Greece, ca. 440 BCE. 
Approx. 1’ 5” high. 
PAINTER, Woman and Maid, 
ca. 440 BCE. Approx. 15” high.
NIOBID PAINTER, Artemis and Apollo slaying the children of Niobe (Athenian 
red-figure calyx krater), from Orvieto, Italy, ca. 450 BCE. 1’ 9” high.
PHIALE PAINTER, Hermes bringing the infant Dionysos to 
Papposilenos (Athenian white-ground calyx krater), 
from Vulci, Italy, ca. 440–435 BCE. 1’ 2” high.
Youth diving, painted ceiling of the Tomb of the Diver, 
Paestum, Italy, ca. 480 BCE. 3’ 4” high.
Aphrodite of Knidos. 
Roman marble copy 
of an original of ca. 
350–340 BCE. 6’ 8” 
or his 
Hermes and 
the infant 
from the 
Temple of 
7’ 1” high.
Grave stele of a 
young hunter, 
found near the 
Ilissos River, 
Athens, Greece, 
ca. 340–330 BCE. 
Marble, 5’ 6” 
(Scraper). Roman 
marble copy of a 
bronze original of 
ca. 330 BCE, 6’ 9” high.
Weary Herakles 
(Farnese Herakles). 
Roman marble copy 
from Rome, Italy, 
signed by GLYKON OF 
ATHENS, of a bronze 
original of ca. 320 BCE. 
10 ‘ 5” high.
Head of Alexander 
the Great, from 
Pella, Greece, 
third century BCE. 
Marble, 1’ high.
GNOSIS, Stag hunt, from Pella, Greece, ca. 300 BCE. 
Pebble mosaic, figural panel 10’ 2” high.
Hades abducting 
detail of wall 
painting from 
tomb 1, Vergina, 
Greece, mid-fourth 
BCE, 3’ 3 ½ ” 
PHILOXENOS OF ERETRIA, Battle of Issus, ca. 310 BCE. Roman copy 
(Alexander Mosaic) from the House of the Faun, Pompeii, Italy, late 
second or early first century BCE. Tessera mosaic, approx. 8’ 10” X 16’ 
Greece, ca. 350 BCE and later.
THEODOROS OF PHOKAIA, Tholos, Sanctuary of Athena Pronaia, Delphi, 
Greece, ca. 375 BCE.
POLYKLEITOS THE YOUNGER, Corinthian capital, from 
the tholos, Epidauros, Greece, ca. 350 BCE.
Choragic Monument 
of Lysikrates, Athens, 
Greece, 334 BCE.
Temple of the Olympian Zeus, Athens, 
Greece, mainly 2nd century BCE.
Didyma, Turkey, begun 313 BCE. Plan (left) and aerial view (right).
Restored view of the city of Priene, Turkey, 
fourth century BCE and later.
Stoa of Attalos II, Agora, Athens, Greece, ca. 150 BCE 
(with the Acropolis in the background).
Reconstructed west front of the Altar of 
Zeus, Pergamon, Turkey, ca. 175 BCE. 
Staatliche Museen, Berlin.
Athena battling Alkyoneos, detail of the gigantomachy frieze, from the 
Altar of Zeus, Pergamon, Turkey ca. 175 BCE. Marble, 7’ 6” high.
Gallic chieftain 
killing himself and 
his wife. Roman 
marble copy of a 
bronze original of 
ca. 230–220 BCE, 
6’ 11” high.
EPIGONOS(?), Dying Gaul. Roman marble copy of 
a bronze original of ca. 230–220 BCE, 3’ 1/2” high. 
Museo Capitolino, Rome.
Nike alighting on a warship 
(Nike of Samothrace), from 
Samothrace, Greece, 
ca. 190 BCE. Marble, figure 
8’ 1” high.
Aphrodite (Venus de 
Milo), from Melos, 
ca. 150–125 BCE. 
Marble, 6’ 7” high.
Sleeping satyr 
(Barberini Faun), 
from Rome, Italy, 
ca. 230–200 BCE. 
Marble, 7’ 1” 
Seated boxer, 
from Rome, Italy, 
ca. 100–50 BCE. 
4’ 2” high.
Old market woman, ca. 150–100 BCE. 
Marble, 4’ 1/2” high. 
Veiled and Masked Dancer, late 3rd or 
2nd century BCE. Bronze, 8 ½ ” high.
Roman marble copy of 
a bronze original of ca. 
280 BCE. 6’ 7 1/2” high.
his sons, from Rome, Italy, early first century CE Marble, 7’ 10 1/2” high.
head of Odysseus, 
from Sperlonga, Italy, 
early first century CE. 
Marble, 2’ 1 1/4” 

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Greece f gardner's 13th and stokstad 3rd 2010

  • 3. Geometric Period 900 – 700 BCE
  • 4. Centaur, from Lefkandi, Euboea, Late 10th c. BCE. Ceramic, height 14”.
  • 6. 6 Geometric krater, from the Dipylon cemetery, Athens, Greece, ca. 740 BCE. 3’ 4 1/2” high.
  • 7. 7 Hero and centaur (Herakles and Nessos?), from Olympia,Greece, ca. 750–730 BCE. Bronze, 4 1/2” high.
  • 8.
  • 9. Corinthian black-figure amphora with animal friezes, from Rhodes, Greece, ca. 625–600 BCE. 1’ 2” high. Corinthian black-figure amphora with animal friezes, from Corinth, Greece, ca. 600 BCE. 11 ½ ” high.
  • 10. 10 Mantiklos Apollo, statuette of a youth dedicated by Mantiklos to Apollo, from Thebes, Greece, ca. 700–680 BCE. Bronze, 8” high.
  • 11.
  • 12. 12 Lady of Auxerre, ca. 650– 625 BCE. Limestone, 2’ 1 1/2” high.
  • 13. 13 Kouros, ca. 600 BCE. Marble, 6’ 1/2” high.
  • 14. 14 Calf Bearer, dedicated by Rhonbos on the Acropolis, Athens, Greece, ca. 560 BCE. Marble, restored height 5’ 5”; fragment 3’ 11 1/2” high.
  • 15. 15 Kroisos, from Anavysos, Greece, ca. 530 BCE. Marble, 6’ 4” high.
  • 16. 16 Peplos Kore, from the Acropolis, Athens, Greece, ca. 530 BCE. Marble, 4’ high.
  • 17. Kore, from the Acropolis, Athens, Greece, ca. 520–510 BCE. Marble, 1’ 9” high.
  • 19. Plan of Temple A, Prinias, Greece, ca. 625 BCE.
  • 20. Peripteral Greek Temple Plan of a typical peripteral Greek temple.
  • 22. Compare Doric and Ionic Orders
  • 25. Plan of the Temple of Hera I, Paestum, Italy, ca. 550 BCE.
  • 27. Temple of Hera I (“Basilica”), Paestum, Italy, ca. 550 BCE.
  • 28. Paestum, Italy Background: Temple of Hera I (“Basilica”), ca. 550 BCE, Foreground: Temple of Hera II, ca. 470 – 460 BCE.
  • 29. West pediment from the Temple of Artemis, Corfu, Greece, ca. 600–580 BCE. Limestone, greatest height 9’ 4”.
  • 30.
  • 31.
  • 32. Reconstruction drawing of the Siphnian Treasury, Delphi, Greece, ca. 530 BCE.
  • 33. Gigantomachy, detail of the north frieze of the Siphnian Treasury, Delphi, Greece, ca. 530 BCE. Marble, 2’ 1” high.
  • 34. Temple of Aphaia, Aegina, Greece, ca. 500–490 BCE.
  • 35. Plan (left) and GUILLAUME-ABEL BLOUET’S 1828 restored view of the façade (right) of the Temple of Aphaia, Aegina, Greece, ca. 500–490 BCE.
  • 36. Dying warrior, from the west pediment of the Temple of Aphaia, Aegina, Greece, ca. 500–490 BCE. Marble, 5’ 2 1/2” long.
  • 37. Dying warrior, from the east pediment of the Temple of Aphaia, Aegina, Greece, ca. 480 BCE. Marble, 6’ 1” long.
  • 38. KLEITIAS and ERGOTIMOS, François Vase (Athenian black-figure volute krater), from Chiusi, Italy, ca. 570 BCE. General view (top) and detail of centauromachy on other side of vase (bottom). 2’ 2” high.
  • 39. EXEKIAS, Achilles and Ajax playing a dice game (detail from an Athenian black-figure amphora), from Vulci, Italy, ca. 540–530 BCE. Whole vessel 2’ high; detail 8 1/2” high.
  • 40. EXEKIAS, The Suicide of Ajax, ca. 540–530 BCE. AMASIS PAINTER, Dionysos with Maenads, ca. 540 BCE, 13”.
  • 41. ANDOKIDES PAINTER, Achilles and Ajax playing a dice game (Athenian bilingual amphora), from Orvieto, Italy, ca. 525–520 BCE. Black-figure side (left) and red-figure side (right). 1’ 9” high.
  • 42. EUPHRONIOS (painter) and Euxitheos (potter), Death of Sarpedon, ca. 515 BCE, 18”.
  • 43. EUPHRONIOS, Herakles wrestling Antaios (detail of an Athenian red-figure calyx krater), from Cerveteri, Italy, ca. 510 BCE. Whole vessel 1’ 7” high; detail 7 3/4” high.
  • 44. EUTHYMIDES, Three revelers (Athenian red-figure amphora), from Vulci, Italy, ca. 510 BCE. 2’ high. PRIAM PAINTER, Women at a Fountain House, 520-510 BCE, 21”.
  • 45.
  • 46. Temple of Zeus at Olympus (470 – 457 BCE) • First great monument of Classical art and architecture • Since it is largely in ruins today, compare to Temple of Hera II at Paestum (believed to have been influenced by Temple of Zeus) • Statuary of east pediment of Temple of Zeus remain • How do they differ from Archaic statuary?
  • 47. Temple of Hera II, Paestum, Italy, ca. 460 BCE, modeled on the Temple of Zeus at Olympia
  • 48. East pediment from the Temple of Zeus, Olympia, Greece, ca. 470–456 BCE. Marble, 87’ wide.
  • 49. 49 Seer, from the east pediment of the Temple of Zeus, Olympia, Greece, ca. 470–456 BCE. Marble, full figure 4’ 6” high; detail 3’ 2 1/2” high.
  • 50.
  • 51. 51 Athena, Herakles, and Atlas with the apples of the Hesperides, metope from the Temple of Zeus, Olympia, Greece, ca. 470–456 BCE. Marble, 5’ 3” high.
  • 52.
  • 53. Kritios Boy, from the Acropolis, Athens, Greece, ca. 480 BCE. Marble, 2’ 10” high.
  • 54.
  • 55.
  • 56. Charioteer, from the Sanctuary of Apollo, Delphi, ca. 470 BCE. Bronze, 5’ 11”.
  • 57. Warrior, from the sea off Riace, Italy, ca. 460– 450 BCE. Bronze, 6’ 6” high.
  • 59. Zeus (or Poseidon?), from the sea off Cape Artemision, Greece, ca. 460–450 BCE. Bronze, 6’ 10” high.
  • 60. 60 MYRON, Diskobolos (Discus Thrower). Roman marble copy of a bronze original of ca. 450 BCE, 5’ 1” high.
  • 61. Pan Painter, Artemis Slaying Actaeon, ca. 470 BCE 14 5/8” high.
  • 62.
  • 64. 64 POLYKLEITOS, Doryphoros (Spear Bearer). Roman marble copy from Pompeii, Italy, after a bronze original of ca. 450–440 BCE, 6’ 11” high.
  • 65. 65 KRESILAS, Pericles. Roman marble herm copy of a bronze original of ca. 429 BCE. Full herm 6’ high; detail 4’ 6 1/2” high.
  • 66. Plan of the Parthenon, Acropolis, Athens, Greece, with diagram of sculptural program (after Andrew Stewart), 447–432 BCE.
  • 67. IKTINOS and KALLIKRATES, Parthenon, (Temple of Athena Parthenos, looking southeast), Acropolis, Athens, Greece, 447–438 BCE.
  • 68. Aerial view of the Acropolis looking southeast, Athens, Greece.
  • 69. Model of the Acropolis, Athens, ca. 447 - 432 BCE
  • 70. PHIDIAS, Athena Parthenos, in the cella of the Parthenon, Acropolis, Athens, Greece, ca. 438 BCE. Model of the lost chryselephantine statue.
  • 71.
  • 72. Helios and his horses, and Dionysos (Herakles?), from the east pediment of the Parthenon, Acropolis, Athens, Greece, ca. 438–432 BCE. Marble, greatest height 4’ 3”.
  • 73. Three goddesses (Hestia, Dione, and Aphrodite?), from the east pediment of the Parthenon, Acropolis, Athens, Greece, ca. 438– 432 BCE. Marble, greatest height 4’ 5”.
  • 74.
  • 75.
  • 76. Details of the Panathenaic Festival procession frieze, from the Parthenon, Acropolis, Athens, Greece, ca. 447–438 BCE. Marble, 3’ 6” high. Horsemen of north frieze (top),; seated gods and goddesses (Poseidon, Apollo, and Artemis) of east frieze (center), Acropolis Museum, Athens; and elders and maidens of east frieze (bottom).
  • 77.
  • 78. MNESIKLES, Propylaia (looking southwest), Acropolis, Athens, Greece, 437–432 BCE.
  • 79. 79 Plan of the Erechtheion, Acropolis, Athens, Greece, ca. 421–405 BCE.
  • 80. Erechtheion (looking northwest), Acropolis, Athens, Greece, ca. 421–405 BCE.
  • 81.
  • 82. 82 Caryatid from the south porch of the Erechtheion, Acropolis, Athens, Greece, ca. 421–405 BCE. Marble, 7’ 7” high.
  • 83. KALLIKRATES, Temple of Athena Nike, Acropolis, Athens, Greece, ca. 427–424 BCE.
  • 84. 84 Nike adjusting her sandal, from the south side of the parapet of the Temple of Athena Nike, Acropolis, Athens, Greece, ca. 410 BCE. Marble, 3’ 6” high.
  • 85. 85 Grave stele of Hegeso, from the Dipylon cemetery, Athens, Greece, ca. 400 BCE. Marble, 5’ 2” high.
  • 86. ACHILLES PAINTER, Warrior taking leave of his wife (Athenian white-ground lekythos), from Eretria, Greece, ca. 440 BCE. Approx. 1’ 5” high. STYLE OF THE ACHILLES PAINTER, Woman and Maid, ca. 440 BCE. Approx. 15” high.
  • 87. NIOBID PAINTER, Artemis and Apollo slaying the children of Niobe (Athenian red-figure calyx krater), from Orvieto, Italy, ca. 450 BCE. 1’ 9” high.
  • 88. PHIALE PAINTER, Hermes bringing the infant Dionysos to Papposilenos (Athenian white-ground calyx krater), from Vulci, Italy, ca. 440–435 BCE. 1’ 2” high.
  • 89. Youth diving, painted ceiling of the Tomb of the Diver, Paestum, Italy, ca. 480 BCE. 3’ 4” high.
  • 90.
  • 91. 91 PRAXITELES, Aphrodite of Knidos. Roman marble copy of an original of ca. 350–340 BCE. 6’ 8” high.
  • 92. PRAXITELES or his followers, Hermes and the infant Dionysos, from the Temple of Hera, Olympia, Greece. Marble, 7’ 1” high.
  • 93. 93 Grave stele of a young hunter, found near the Ilissos River, Athens, Greece, ca. 340–330 BCE. Marble, 5’ 6” high.
  • 94. 94 LYSIPPOS, Apoxyomenos (Scraper). Roman marble copy of a bronze original of ca. 330 BCE, 6’ 9” high.
  • 95. 95 LYSIPPOS, Weary Herakles (Farnese Herakles). Roman marble copy from Rome, Italy, signed by GLYKON OF ATHENS, of a bronze original of ca. 320 BCE. 10 ‘ 5” high.
  • 96. 96 Head of Alexander the Great, from Pella, Greece, third century BCE. Marble, 1’ high.
  • 97. GNOSIS, Stag hunt, from Pella, Greece, ca. 300 BCE. Pebble mosaic, figural panel 10’ 2” high.
  • 98. Hades abducting Persephone, detail of wall painting from tomb 1, Vergina, Greece, mid-fourth century BCE, 3’ 3 ½ ” 98
  • 99. PHILOXENOS OF ERETRIA, Battle of Issus, ca. 310 BCE. Roman copy (Alexander Mosaic) from the House of the Faun, Pompeii, Italy, late second or early first century BCE. Tessera mosaic, approx. 8’ 10” X 16’ 9”.
  • 100. POLYKLEITOS THE YOUNGER, Theater, Epidauros, Greece, ca. 350 BCE and later.
  • 101. THEODOROS OF PHOKAIA, Tholos, Sanctuary of Athena Pronaia, Delphi, Greece, ca. 375 BCE.
  • 102. POLYKLEITOS THE YOUNGER, Corinthian capital, from the tholos, Epidauros, Greece, ca. 350 BCE.
  • 103. 103 Choragic Monument of Lysikrates, Athens, Greece, 334 BCE.
  • 104. Temple of the Olympian Zeus, Athens, Greece, mainly 2nd century BCE.
  • 105.
  • 106. PAIONIOS OF EPHESOS and DAPHNIS OF MILETOS, Temple of Apollo, Didyma, Turkey, begun 313 BCE. Plan (left) and aerial view (right).
  • 107. Restored view of the city of Priene, Turkey, fourth century BCE and later.
  • 108. Stoa of Attalos II, Agora, Athens, Greece, ca. 150 BCE (with the Acropolis in the background).
  • 109. Reconstructed west front of the Altar of Zeus, Pergamon, Turkey, ca. 175 BCE. Staatliche Museen, Berlin.
  • 110. Athena battling Alkyoneos, detail of the gigantomachy frieze, from the Altar of Zeus, Pergamon, Turkey ca. 175 BCE. Marble, 7’ 6” high.
  • 111. 111 EPIGONOS(?), Gallic chieftain killing himself and his wife. Roman marble copy of a bronze original of ca. 230–220 BCE, 6’ 11” high.
  • 112. EPIGONOS(?), Dying Gaul. Roman marble copy of a bronze original of ca. 230–220 BCE, 3’ 1/2” high. Museo Capitolino, Rome.
  • 113. 113 Nike alighting on a warship (Nike of Samothrace), from Samothrace, Greece, ca. 190 BCE. Marble, figure 8’ 1” high.
  • 114. 114 ALEXANDROS OF ANTIOCH-ON-THE-MEANDER, Aphrodite (Venus de Milo), from Melos, Greece, ca. 150–125 BCE. Marble, 6’ 7” high.
  • 115. 115 Sleeping satyr (Barberini Faun), from Rome, Italy, ca. 230–200 BCE. Marble, 7’ 1” high.
  • 116. 116 Seated boxer, from Rome, Italy, ca. 100–50 BCE. Bronze, 4’ 2” high.
  • 117. Old market woman, ca. 150–100 BCE. Marble, 4’ 1/2” high. Veiled and Masked Dancer, late 3rd or 2nd century BCE. Bronze, 8 ½ ” high.
  • 118. POLYEUKTOS, Demosthenes. Roman marble copy of a bronze original of ca. 280 BCE. 6’ 7 1/2” high.
  • 119. ATHANADOROS, HAGESANDROS, and POLYDOROS OF RHODES, Laocoön and his sons, from Rome, Italy, early first century CE Marble, 7’ 10 1/2” high.
  • 120. 120 ATHANADOROS, HAGESANDROS, and POLYDOROS OF RHODES, head of Odysseus, from Sperlonga, Italy, early first century CE. Marble, 2’ 1 1/4” high.

Editor's Notes

  1. Centaur, from Lefkandi, Euboea, Late 10th c. BCE. Ceramic, height 14”.
  2. Geometric krater, from the Dipylon cemetery, Athens, Greece, ca. 740 BCE. 3’ 4 1/2” high. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.
  3. Hero and centaur (Herakles and Nessos?), from Olympia,Greece, ca. 750–730 BCE. Bronze, 4 1/2” high. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
  4. Observe the creatures on this black-figure amphora. Are there any precedents for such composite creatures? L: Corinthian black-figure amphora with animal friezes, from Rhodes, Greece, ca. 625–600 BCE. 1’ 2” high. British Museum, London. R: Corinthian black-figure amphora with animal friezes, from Corinth, Greece, ca. 600 BCE. 11 ½ ” high.
  5. Mantiklos Apollo, statuette of a youth dedicated by Mantiklos to Apollo, from Thebes, Greece, ca. 700–680 BCE. Bronze, 8” high. Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.
  6. Lady of Auxerre, ca. 650–625 BCE. Limestone, 2’ 1 1/2” high. Louvre, Paris.
  7. Kouros, ca. 600 BCE. Marble, 6’ 1/2” high. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.
  8. Calf Bearer, dedicated by Rhonbos on the Acropolis, Athens, Greece, ca. 560 BCE. Marble, restored height 5’ 5”; fragment 3’ 11 1/2” high. Acropolis Museum, Athens.
  9. Why did Greek artists render the male form in the nude? Kroisos, from Anavysos, Greece, ca. 530 BCE. Marble, 6’ 4” high. National Archaeological Museum, Athens.
  10. Notice traces of encaustic paint on the Peplos Kore. Most Greek stone statues were painted. Notice also that the Peplos Kore is clothed. Peplos Kore, from the Acropolis, Athens, Greece, ca. 530 BCE. Marble, 4’ high. Acropolis Museum, Athens.
  11. Kore, from the Acropolis, Athens, Greece, ca. 520–510 BCE. Marble, 1’ 9” high. Acropolis Museum, Athens.
  12. Plan of Temple A, Prinias, Greece, ca. 625 BCE.
  13. Plan of a typical peripteral Greek temple.
  14. Elevations of the Doric and Ionic orders.
  15. Temple of Poseidon
  16. Plan of the Temple of Hera I, Paestum, Italy, ca. 550 BCE.
  17. Temple of Hera I (“Basilica”), Paestum, Italy, ca. 550 BCE.
  18. West pediment from the Temple of Artemis, Corfu, Greece, ca. 600–580 BCE. Limestone, greatest height 9’ 4”. Archaeological Museum, Corfu.
  19. Pediment of the Temple of Artemis on Corfu, 600-580 BCE
  21. Reconstruction drawing of the Siphnian Treasury, Delphi, Greece, ca. 530 BCE (John Burge).
  22. Gigantomachy, detail of the north frieze of the Siphnian Treasury, Delphi, Greece, ca. 530 BCE. Marble, 2’ 1” high. Archaeological Museum, Delphi.
  23. Temple of Aphaia, Aegina, Greece, ca. 500–490 BCE.
  24. Plan (left) and GUILLAUME-ABEL BLOUET’S 1828 restored view of the façade (right) of the Temple of Aphaia, Aegina, Greece, ca. 500–490 BCE.
  25. Dying warrior, from the west pediment of the Temple of Aphaia, Aegina, Greece, ca. 500–490 BCE. Marble, 5’ 2 1/2” long. Glyptothek, Munich.
  26. Dying warrior, from the east pediment of the Temple of Aphaia, Aegina, Greece, ca. 480 BCE. Marble, 6’ 1” long. Glyptothek, Munich.
  27. KLEITIAS and ERGOTIMOS, François Vase (Athenian black-figure volute krater), from Chiusi, Italy, ca. 570 BCE. General view (top) and detail of centauromachy on other side of vase (bottom). 2’ 2” high. Museo Archeologico, Florence.
  28. EXEKIAS, Achilles and Ajax playing a dice game (detail from an Athenian black-figure amphora), from Vulci, Italy, ca. 540–530 BCE. Whole vessel 2’ high; detail 8 1/2” high. Musei Vaticani, Rome.
  29. Amasis Painter, Dionysos with Maenads, c 540 BCE 13 in; Exekias, The Suicide of Ajax, c 540 BCE 27 in
  30. ANDOKIDES PAINTER, Achilles and Ajax playing a dice game (Athenian bilingual amphora), from Orvieto, Italy, ca. 525–520 BCE. Black-figure side (left) and red-figure side (right). 1’ 9” high. Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.
  31. Greek Archaic, Euphonios and Euxitheos, Death of Sarpedon, c 515 BCE, 18 in
  32. EUPHRONIOS, Herakles wrestling Antaios (detail of an Athenian red-figure calyx krater), from Cerveteri, Italy, ca. 510 BCE. Whole vessel 1’ 7” high; detail 7 3/4” high. Louvre, Paris.
  33. EUTHYMIDES, Three revelers (Athenian red-figure amphora), from Vulci, Italy, ca. 510 BCE. 2’ high. Staatliche Antikensammlungen, Munich; R: Priam Painter, Women at a Fountain House, 520-510 BCE, 21 in
  34. Temple of Hera II, Paestum, Italy, ca. 460 BCE.
  35. East pediment from the Temple of Zeus, Olympia, Greece, ca. 470–456 BCE. Marble, 87’ wide. Archaeological Museum, Olympia.
  36. Seer, from the east pediment of the Temple of Zeus, Olympia, Greece, ca. 470–456 BCE. Marble, full figure 4’ 6” high; detail 3’ 2 1/2” high. Archaeological Museum, Olympia.
  37. Greek Classical, Battle of Lapiths & Centaurs, west pediment of the Temple of Zeus, Olympia, 460BCE
  38. Athena, Herakles, and Atlas with the apples of the Hesperides, metope from the Temple of Zeus, Olympia, Greece, ca. 470–456 BCE. Marble, 5’ 3” high. Archaeological Museum, Olympia.
  39. Greek Classical Severe Style, Kritios Boy, front & side vws,
  40. Kritios Boy, from the Acropolis, Athens, Greece, ca. 480 BCE. Marble, 2’ 10” high. Acropolis Museum, Athens. Kritios Boy is the earliest known example of contrapposto, a relaxed and natural stance. Notice how his weight shifts to his left leg and how his head turns slightly to his right. Notice absence of Archaic smile
  41. New York kouros vs Kritios Boy
  42. Left: Kouros, Kroisos Anavyssos kouros (ca. 520 B.C.E.) (boy was named Kroisos), marble, 6’4”; Greek Archaic, Statue of a Youth, Kouros, 530-520 BCE Right: Ephebe ("Kritios Boy") ca. 480 B.C.E.
  43. Greek Classical Severe Style, The Charioteer of Delphi
  44. Warrior, from the sea off Riace, Italy, ca. 460–450 BCE. Bronze, 6’ 6” high. Museo Archeologico Nazionale, Reggio Calabria. This Riace Warrior, like most Classical Greek statues, was sculpted in bronze. Most Classical bronzes have not survived. Much of the Classical Greek sculptures today are Roman marble copies.
  45. Greek High Classical, Riace Warrior, 5c BCE
  46. Zeus (or Poseidon?), from the sea off Cape Artemision, Greece, ca. 460–450 BCE. Bronze, 6’ 10” high. National Archaeological Museum, Athens.
  47. MYRON, Diskobolos (Discus Thrower). Roman marble copy of a bronze original of ca. 450 BCE, 5’ 1” high. Museo Nazionale Romano—Palazzo Massimo alle Terme.
  48. Pan Painter, Artemis Slaying Actaeon, ca. 470
  49. Focus on representing perfect proportions of the human form
  50. Greek High Classical, Polykleitos, Doryphorus, ~450 BCE
  51. POLYKLEITOS, Doryphoros (Spear Bearer). Roman marble copy from Pompeii, Italy, after a bronze original of ca. 450–440 BCE, 6’ 11” high. Doryphoros (Spear Thrower), POLYKEITOS Originally titled Canon Established Polykleitos’ canon of proportions, setting ideal correlations among body parts Contrapposto Notice the harmony of opposites
  52. KRESILAS, Pericles. Roman marble herm copy of a bronze original of ca. 429 BCE. Full herm 6’ high; detail 4’ 6 1/2” high. Musei Vaticani, Rome. Pericles: Elected stratego, general of Athens 15X Instrumental in rebuilding and beautifying Athens after second Persian invasion, Notice his idealized appearance
  53. Plan of the Parthenon, Acropolis, Athens, Greece, with diagram of sculptural program (after Andrew Stewart), 447–432 BCE.
  54. IKTINOS and KALLIKRATES, Parthenon, (Temple of Athena Parthenos, looking southeast), Acropolis, Athens, Greece, 447–438 BCE.
  55. Aerial view of the Acropolis looking southeast, Athens, Greece.
  56. Model of the Acropolis, Athens, ca. 447 - 432 BCE
  57. PHIDIAS, Athena Parthenos, in the cella of the Parthenon, Acropolis, Athens, Greece, ca. 438 BCE. Model of the lost chryselephantine statue. Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto.
  58. Greek Classical, Parthenon e ped sculptures, left side, 448-432BCE; Greek Classical, Parthenon e ped sculptures, r side
  59. Helios and his horses, and Dionysos (Herakles?), from the east pediment of the Parthenon, Acropolis, Athens, Greece, ca. 438–432 BCE. Marble, greatest height 4’ 3”. British Museum, London.
  60. Three goddesses (Hestia, Dione, and Aphrodite?), from the east pediment of the Parthenon, Acropolis, Athens, Greece, ca. 438–432 BCE. Marble, greatest height 4’ 5”. British Museum, London.
  61. Greek Classical, Dionysus, East Ped of Parthenon, C440BCE; Greek Classical, Three Goddesses, East Ped of Parthenon, C440BCE
  63. Details of the Panathenaic Festival procession frieze, from the Parthenon, Acropolis, Athens, Greece, ca. 447–438 BCE. Marble, 3’ 6” high. Horsemen of north frieze (top), British Museum, London; seated gods and goddesses (Poseidon, Apollo, and Artemis) of east frieze (center), Acropolis Museum, Athens; and elders and maidens of east frieze (bottom), Louvre, Paris.
  64. MNESIKLES, Propylaia (looking southwest), Acropolis, Athens, Greece, 437–432 BCE.
  65. Plan of the Erechtheion, Acropolis, Athens, Greece, ca. 421–405 BCE.
  66. Erechtheion (looking northwest), Acropolis, Athens, Greece, ca. 421–405 BCE.
  67. Greek Classical, Porch of the Maidens, Erechtheum, Athens, 42
  68. Caryatid from the south porch of the Erechtheion, Acropolis, Athens, Greece, ca. 421–405 BCE. Marble, 7’ 7” high. British Museum, London.
  69. KALLIKRATES, Temple of Athena Nike (looking southwest), Acropolis, Athens, Greece, ca. 427–424 BCE.
  70. Nike adjusting her sandal, from the south side of the parapet of the Temple of Athena Nike, Acropolis, Athens, Greece, ca. 410 BCE. Marble, 3’ 6” high. Acropolis Museum, Athens.
  71. Grave stele of Hegeso, from the Dipylon cemetery, Athens, Greece, ca. 400 BCE. Marble, 5’ 2” high. National Archaeological Museum, Athens.
  72. L: ACHILLES PAINTER, Warrior taking leave of his wife (Athenian white-ground lekythos), from Eretria, Greece, ca. 440 BCE. Approx. 1’ 5” high. National Archaeological Museum, Athens. R: Style of Achilles Painter, Woman and Maid, c 450-440 BCE
  73. NIOBID PAINTER, Artemis and Apollo slaying the children of Niobe (Athenian red-figure calyx krater), from Orvieto, Italy, ca. 450 BCE. 1’ 9” high. Louvre, Paris.
  74. PHIALE PAINTER, Hermes bringing the infant Dionysos to Papposilenos (Athenian white-ground calyx krater), from Vulci, Italy, ca. 440–435 BCE. 1’ 2” high. Musei Vaticani, Rome.
  75. Youth diving, painted ceiling of the Tomb of the Diver, Paestum, Italy, ca. 480 BCE. 3’ 4” high. Museo Archeologico Nazionale, Paestum.
  76. Focus on representing perfect proportions of the human form
  77. PRAXITELES, Aphrodite of Knidos. Roman marble copy of an original of ca. 350–340 BCE. 6’ 8” high. Musei Vaticani, Rome. Aphodite of Knidos, G12, 145: “Praxiteles did not reject the themes favored by the sculptors of the High Classical Period. His Olympian gods and goddesses retained their superhuman beauty, but in his hands they lost some of their solemn grandeur and took on a worldly sensuousness.” PRAXITELES: Bold step to render a goddess in the nude, Sensuous and humanizing qualities – different from the cold, aloof gods and athletes of the High Classical
  78. PRAXITELES(?), Hermes and the infant Dionysos, from the Temple of Hera, Olympia, Greece. Copy of a statue by Praxiteles of ca. 340 BCE or an original work of ca. 330–270 BCE by a son or grandson. Marble, 7’ 1” high. Archaeological Museum, Olympia ; Hermes and the infant Dionysus: By follower of Praxiteles (son or grandson possibly), Notice S-curve of the body (pronounced contrapposto), New standard of adult and child interaction
  79. Grave stele of a young hunter, found near the Ilissos River, Athens, Greece, ca. 340–330 BCE. Marble, 5’ 6” high. National Archaeological Museum, Athens. Grave stele influenced by the work of Skopas of Paros (sculptor) – Known for including intense emotionalism in his work
  80. LYSIPPOS, Apoxyomenos (Scraper). Roman marble copy of a bronze original of ca. 330 BCE, 6’ 9” high. Musei Vaticani, Rome. Apoxyomenos, LYSIPPOS: Established a different canon of proportions from that of Polykleitos
  81. LYSIPPOS, Weary Herakles (Farnese Herakles). Roman marble copy from Rome, Italy, signed by GLYKON OF ATHENS, of a bronze original of ca. 320 BCE. 10 ‘ 5” high. Museo Archeologico Nazionale,Naples.
  82. Head of Alexander the Great, from Pella, Greece, third century BCE. Marble, 1’ high. Archaeological Museum, Pella.
  83. GNOSIS, Stag hunt, from Pella, Greece, ca. 300 BCE. Pebble mosaic, figural panel 10’ 2” high. Archaeological Museum, Pella.
  84. Hades abducting Persephone, detail of wall painting from tomb 1, Vergina, Greece, mid-fourth century BCE, 3’ 3 ½ ”
  85. PHILOXENOS OF ERETRIA, Battle of Issus, ca. 310 BCE. Roman copy (Alexander Mosaic) from the House of the Faun, Pompeii, Italy, late second or early first century BCE. Tessera mosaic, approx. 8’ 10” X 16’ 9”. Museo Archeologico Nazionale, Naples.
  86. POLYKLEITOS THE YOUNGER, Theater, Epidauros, Greece, ca. 350 BCE.
  87. THEODOROS OF PHOKAIA, Tholos, Delphi, Greece, ca. 375 BCE.
  88. POLYKLEITOS THE YOUNGER, Corinthian capital, from the tholos, Epidauros, Greece, ca. 350 BCE. Archaeological Museum, Epidauros.
  89. Choragic Monument of Lysikrates, Athens, Greece, 334 BCE.
  90. Temple of the Olympian Zeus, Athens, mainly 2nd c BCE
  91. Focus on representing perfect proportions of the human form
  92. PAIONIOS OF EPHESOS and DAPHNIS OF MILETOS, Temple of Apollo, Didyma, Turkey, begun 313 BCE. Plan (left) and aerial view (right).
  93. Restored view of the city of Priene, Turkey, fourth century BCE and later (John Burge).
  94. Reconstructed west front of the Altar of Zeus, Pergamon, Turkey, ca. 175 BCE. Staatliche Museen, Berlin.
  95. Athena battling Alkyoneos, detail of the gigantomachy frieze, from the Altar of Zeus, Pergamon, Turkey ca. 175 BCE. Marble, 7’ 6” high. Staatliche Museen, Berlin.
  96. EPIGONOS(?), Gallic chieftain killing himself and his wife. Roman marble copy of a bronze original of ca. 230–220 BCE, 6’ 11” high. Museo Nazionale Romano–Palazzo Altemps, Rome.
  97. EPIGONOS(?), Dying Gaul. Roman marble copy of a bronze original of ca. 230–220 BCE, 3’ 1/2” high. Museo Capitolino, Rome.
  98. Nike alighting on a warship (Nike of Samothrace), from Samothrace, Greece, ca. 190 BCE. Marble, figure 8’ 1” high. Louvre, Paris.
  99. ALEXANDROS OF ANTIOCH-ON-THE-MEANDER, Aphrodite (Venus de Milo), from Melos, Greece, ca. 150–125 BCE. Marble, 6’ 7” high. Louvre, Paris.
  100. Sleeping satyr (Barberini Faun), from Rome, Italy, ca. 230–200 BCE. Marble, 7’ 1” high. Glyptothek, Munich.
  101. Seated boxer, from Rome, Italy, ca. 100–50 BCE. Bronze, 4’ 2” high. Museo Nazionale Romano–Palazzo Massimo alle Terme, Rome.
  102. Old market woman, ca. 150–100 BCE. Marble, 4’ 1/2” high. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.
  103. POLYEUKTOS, Demosthenes. Roman marble copy of a bronze original of ca. 280 BCE. 6’ 7 1/2” high. Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Copenhagen.
  104. ATHANADOROS, HAGESANDROS, and POLYDOROS OF RHODES, Laocoön and his sons, from Rome, Italy, early first century CE Marble, 7’ 10 1/2” high. Musei Vaticani, Rome.
  105. ATHANADOROS, HAGESANDROS, and POLYDOROS OF RHODES, head of Odysseus, from Sperlonga, Italy, early first century CE. Marble, 2’ 1 1/4” high. Museo Archeologico, Sperlonga.