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Risk appetite
A market study
2	Contents
3	        Foreword
4	        Executive summary
5	Background
6	Approach
10	Measures
14 	 Monitoring and reporting
18	       Future challenges
19	Conclusion

2    Risk appetite A market study

Welcome to the first Grant Thornton risk appetite
market study. Recent increased regulatory and
supervisory focus has demanded an articulation
of risk appetite and improved decision making for
organisations and this is the first in an ongoing series of
studies designed to monitor and report on progress and
future challenges across the market.

Our rationale for undertaking the            This is purely a study of market
study stems from our discussions          practice and is not intended to
with a range of senior market             recommend one approach over
participants and their general reaction   another, it simply conveys what the
to understanding the concept of risk      market told us.
appetite. There was a keen interest
into understanding what everyone
else was doing and how far they
had progressed. We also knew that
demand would be heightened with
timelines looming for delivery of draft
Own Risk and Solvency Assessments
(ORSA), in which the risk appetite
frameworks, high level statements, sub
statements and underlying metrics are
a key component.
   Our study set out to define current
maturity of practice, answering some of
the common questions coming out of        Stephen Kelly
the market. Our intention is to conduct   Risk and Capital Management
                                          Practice Leader
this study periodically; monitoring
                                          T +44 (0)20 7728 3073
overall progress and trends across the    M +44 (0)7976 963187
market in relation to risk appetite.      E

                                                       Risk appetite A market study   3
Executive summary

The study highlighted the vital nature of engaging the
board in discussions from day one. Persistency in this
regard has been proven to pay dividends. Notwithstanding
this, the time lapse from commencing efforts to gaining
initial sign-off is averaging at 12-18 months.

Those organisations that arrived at the     appetite?’ In reality they are symbiotic
conclusion that their risk appetite was     in nature and feed back into each other
inferred in their business plan have        in a continuous cycle. Companies are
made more significant progress and          flexing their risk appetite to accomodate
appear to be better placed to present a     the business plan for the coming year,
fully cohesive risk appetite framework.     where the business case exists. Where
   Respondents discovered that the          it does not, plans are being made to fall
vast majority of monitoring metrics         within appetite.
already existed within the business. It         A commonality of measures were
should be noted that these metrics were     arrived at and used by the contributors
heavily driven from the business plan       of the study, particularly around
which will not extend to operational        ‘Earnings at risk’, ‘Capital at risk’
risk metrics.                               and ‘Solvency at risk’, with most
   An actuarial led approach was, as        companies selecting a variety of ‘return
one would expect, more quantitive           period’ outcomes ranging from 1 in
in nature and tended to demonstrate         5 year occurrence to 1 in 1000 year
greater progress. However it also           occurrence. The 1 in 5 year and 1 in 10
appears responsible for the almost          year were found to be driven by the
exclusive focus on insurance and to         average board tenure. Almost all were
a lesser degree, investment risk. The       found to be measures of different points
risk management led approaches were         of the expected probability curve.
found to be more qualitative in nature          Most companies have now refreshed
focusing on operational risk issues.        their reporting in terms of format,
Additionally they haven’t achieved the      frequency and detail, revisiting who
same degree of buy-in to date.              receives which report.
   High level risk appetite statements          The future challenges included
were, in general, narrative in their        initiatives to embed the monitoring
structure with supporting sub               and reporting measures into business
categories designed from a quantitive       as usual (BAU) operations and many
standing.                                   respondents are now progressing to the
   As the business plans of our             next stage, introducing a suite of BAU
respondents were heavily influencing        performance measures in the business
the risk appetite frameworks,               which support, not only risk appetite,
companies began to ask the question         but contributes to both the business
‘does risk appetite drive the business      planning process and the completion of
plan or does the business plan drive risk   an organisation’s ORSA.

4   Risk appetite A market study

  “You cannot separate appetite
  from return”

The London insurance             Specifically this relates to the issues     a comprehensive sense of progress,
                                 around setting risk appetite for the        as well as the difficulties and pressure
market is enduring a period      organisation and determining how            points, one of the most significant
of significant reform as it      to translate that risk appetite into        findings of these discussions was the
grapples with increasing         meaningful day to day operating limits      disparity across participants with
                                 and tolerances. It also involves working    reference to most aspects of the study.
focus from regulators            out how to monitor and report on            The waters were muddied further from
and market supervisors,          adherence to both high level appetite       the inconsistency in the use of related
most pronounced through          and lower level limits. Grant Thornton’s    terminology. Rather than force the
                                 instinct was that of a market often         acceptance of a ‘common language’ the
Solvency II, but also relating
                                 struggling with the most appropriate        more mature organisations, in terms
to the market’s own drive        approach and facing difficulties in         of progress with designing their risk
towards greater operational      gaining consensus and buy-in from           appetite framework, chose to speak to
efficiencies. Revised capital    relevant stakeholders.                      their varied audiences in a language that
                                     Based on this understanding, Grant      those audiences would understand.
requirements and redefined       Thornton carried out a series of one to        Grant Thornton worked on the
reporting obligations are        one meetings with industry participants     overarching hypothesis that whilst ‘top
forcing the hand of the          who kindly agreed to be involved in an      down’ and ‘bottom up’ approaches
                                 informal study to examine the current       both come with their own merits, early
industry and within this;        approaches, measures, monitoring            adopters or those most advanced will be
risk appetite remains one of     metrics and reporting formats employed,     the participants that manage to combine
the most challenging areas.      along with the associated future            the two and embed meaningful risk
                                 challenges as seen through the eyes of      appetite limits and related processes
                                 the market. This was designed to allow      across the organisation. This report
                                 the participants to understand how their    relays what we heard from respondents
                                 peers were progressing, to observe the      without attributing the various findings
                                 degree to which the regulators were         to any one organisation or person. The
                                 guiding this and to understand what were    pre-eminence of the Lloyd’s Insurance
                                 the challenges and advantages from the      market in this study was the result of
                                 implementation of certain approaches.       proximity and ease of access, but Grant
                                 The general enthusiasm and willingness      Thornton has brought to bear its own
                                 to share experiences demonstrated the       experience outside of the London
                                 degree to which risk appetite is enjoying   Market to substantiate more general
                                 its moment in the spotlight.                insights and themes.
                                     Spanning the full spectrum of the
                                 London Insurance Market and providing

                                                                                           Risk appetite A market study   5

    “This is a journey – and education
    of the board is key”

The first and most                 One of the first things that became        wanted to remain part of the majority
                                   apparent was that whilst there was no      and so, ‘waiting and seeing what your
significant area refers to         single emerging industry standard,         peers were doing’ became a strategy in
the approach that our              consistent patterns were emerging when     itself for some organisations. Given the
participants favoured and          certain approaches were employed.          degree of transparency and availability
                                   We observed a distinction between          of data through knowledge sharing peer
the rationale behind this.         the actuarial led approach of some         groups in the market, this may become
Our working assumption             organisations and the risk management      an increasingly viable strategy. However,
was that most companies            led approach of others. As may have        with resourcing identified as a general
                                   been expected, risk management led         challenge, this reactive approach may
would have already started
                                   approaches were qualitative and had        not suit smaller operations. Indeed,
articulating their high level      an operational risk bias. Actuarial        our findings demonstrated that many
risk appetite statements           lead approaches while quantitative,        of those struggling to make notable
and begun the process of           displayed more discipline and, in          progress were held back by resource
                                   general, demonstrated greater progress.    constraints. In the main, companies
cascading these statements         In practice, those who have made           wanted to avoid being the trail blazers or
down to low level operating        the most headway in successfully           falling too far behind, due to both these
limits. In doing so, they          defining risk appetite have struck         positions attracting additional scrutiny
                                   a balance between a practical led,         from supervisors.
may have encountered               qualitative risk management method             When questioned regarding their
difficulties in maintaining        and the more rigorous and disciplined,     approach to different types of risk, the
cohesiveness when trying           actuarial approach. There was a            message was clear that insurance and
                                   further distinction between those that     (less so) investment risk are the only
to cascade from the                began their efforts from their business    areas in which participants were seeking
master statement down to           plan and underlying operating limits       to make a return. Within that, insurance
subcategory statements.            and worked back up (bottom-up)             risk was seen as the key focus with one
                                   and those who adopted a top-down           respondent commenting:
                                   approach from a high level risk appetite
                                   statement. Those that worked from          “While the net position is important,
                                   the ground up were better able to          we are an insurance organisation
                                   demonstrate a comprehensive and            and as such seek to make a gross
                                   cohesive risk appetite framework.          underwriting profit”
                                      In terms of where respondents were
                                   positioned on a continuum, the market      It was generally observed that
                                   had adopted a pack mentality. Keen         companies see other risks such as
                                   to avoid a public catastrophe, they        operational risk or credit risk as

6   Risk appetite A market study
2010	                                                       Premium Income

Class of	    Business Plan	 Current EPI £	     Signed	   Latest Forecast £	 Status	     Position last	   Comments
Business 	   Projection £		                    Premium £			                             month

A	 5554629	 4818915	2306651	 4744090			
B	 3994299	 3889750	1225633	 3832445			
C	 34484702	 34686121	19444258	 30263913			
D	 54998777	 74405939	59017289	 63585477			                                                              Comments on
E	 2964938	 2673797	2135218	 2488334			                                                                  current status,
                                                                                                         recent changes,
F	           13341423	 12893946	9767164	 12983274			
                                                                                                         and foreseen
G	 3813657	 3099983	3306938	 3590712			
H	 12056835	 21590900	12517968	 12274046			
I	 7131279	 6910691	4665524	 6168615			
J	 6686775	 5615184	5599111	 6168615			
K	 10951026	8055265	 5572418	 9851900			
L	           15810084	 18870930	11353116	 22319101			
Whole	 £171,788,423	 £197,511,421	 £136,911,288	 £178,270,522			                                         Comment on
Account							                                                                                           whole account

unavoidable consequences of being in
business which should not be used as       “Successful design and embedding
a measure of appetite but simply be        of a risk appetite framework
mitigated against. Fixed limits were       demands a huge education and
commonly set for these other risk          communication exercise”
                                           This led to the development of
“We distinguish between risk               measures, metrics and thresholds that
monitoring (eg. reserves,                  better supported senior management
operational risk) and those ones           decision making. On average companies
where we have an appetite and seek         were taking 12 to 18 months to achieve
a return (eg. insurance and to a           initial sign-off on their high level
lesser extent investments)”                statement. The statements derived were
                                           generally in narrative form, reflecting
The majority of respondents began          the practice by organisations of putting
their efforts with a workshop with         narrative principles in place that address
senior management, exploring the           the qualitative aspects of appetite
principles and defining a high level       including; the terminology used, the
statement of risk appetite. The more       time horizons and confidence levels.
advanced participants focused heavily
on educating the board, seeking an         “ABC Ltd aim at all times to
effective way of communicating with        maintain a 10% buffer above our
them and other significant stakeholders,   regulatory capital requirement”
to achieve a consensus. As one
company commented:

                                                                                           Risk appetite A market study    7

Some organisations also surveyed             There was a distinct divergence in the
the board and senior management              various approaches to achieving the
to capture their views and compared          underlying numbers. We observed
these to the internal model results. In      a general difficulty in cascading the
some instances, there was a remarkably       narrative or qualitative statement into
strong correlation between the               sub-risk categories. On reaching this
executive management view and the            juncture, companies appeared to be
modelled output.                             taking stock and considering other
   Having agreed the narrative               approaches, such as bottom up.
principles many respondents next step           At this point some respondents
was to follow with the numbers, as           concluded that their business plan will
summed up neatly by one company:             imply the organisation’s risk appetite,
                                             with one company commenting ‘we
“Start with the principles, follow with      put a lot of effort and discipline into
the numbers”                                 producing our business plan – let’s use

2010	                                                         Gross Incurred Loss Ratio

Class of	               Business Plan	      Current	           Latest Forecast	 Status	   Position last	   Comments
Business	               Projection GULR%	   Incurred LR%	      ULR%		                     month

A	                      82%	                55%	 88%			
B	                      58%	                3%	                60%			
C	                      71%	                41%	 66%			
D	                      77%	                25%	 55%			 Comments on
E	                      73%	                23%	 48%			 current status,
                                                         recent changes,
F	                      71%	                21%	 100%			
                                                         and foreseen
G	                      56%	                21%	 52%			
H	                      72%	                36%	 79%			
I	                      77%	                16%	 68%			
J	                      61%	                53%	 91%			
K	                      51%	                15%	 51%			
L	                      71%	                50%	 75%			
Whole	  68%	 30%	 69%			                                                                                   Comment on
Account						                                                                                              whole account

8   Risk appetite A market study
This generally resulted in the             categories, allowing companies to make      One company, displayed a conviction
measurement of performance by              statements regarding their overall risk     that their approach was fully cohesive
looking at variation against plan where    profile such as:                            by demonstrating that they could
a high level statement; narrative and                                                  cascade down to specific metrics
qualitative in nature, was agreed. The     ‘No less than 80% of our capital will       and aggregate back to their master
sub-category statements were then          support insurance risk’                     statement. They extracted their risk
derived from a more quantitative                                                       appetite from their business plan using
perspective and the supporting metrics,    With the previous year’s appetite           a disciplined, actuarial led approach
limits and tolerances were generally       measures being used as a ‘Stop /            that relied heavily on the use of their
arrived at by measuring volatility of      Go’ check as part of the business           internal model. They were unique
results against plan. Those companies      planning process. Some companies            in demonstrating this cohesiveness.
that had made this ‘leap of faith’         had embedded this concept into their        However, it was apparent that
concerning the relationship between the    governance structures by designing          developing and articulating a narrative
business plan and risk appetite found      mechanisms to ensure ‘flags’ were           describing the qualitative aspects of
that the vast majority of information      escalated to the board. If the plan falls   risk appetite, such as terminology,
required to monitor risk appetite in the   outside of the agreed appetite it will be   timeframes/horizons and then
form of metrics and tolerances already     flagged and escalated to the appropriate    following with the numbers to develop
existed within their management            forum (risk committee or board) for         the underlying, lower level supporting
information (MI). What followed was        challenge and decision. The decision        quantitative detail, was a favoured
a completeness check for required MI       arising is to either adjust the appetite    approach.
rather than a full scale gap analysis.     to accommodate the plan or scale
One respondent commented ‘Our              back the plan to fall within appetite.
business plan implies our risk appetite,   Respondents were then knowingly
therefore we monitor against plan’.        taking risk versus blindly taking risk
This then raised the question of which     with the rationale behind the decision
is influencing which, does risk appetite   documented and evidenced. This
influence the plan or vice versa? In       flexible approach appeared to be the
reality one will influence the other       most successful, with one organisation
and acts as a bench mark to reflect on     commenting
historical performance before agreeing
the business plan for the year ahead.      “We are more willing to have a
    Where companies had undertaken         variable result as we are more likely
an analysis of prior performance over      to experience better results on
the preceding 5 or more years, there       average while maintaining our risk
emerged a consistency in the application   of ruin”
of risk appetite and capital to key risk

                                                                                                     Risk appetite A market study   9

 We observed that the majority of respondents settled on
 a set of measures that, while variations on a theme, were
 common to most organisations. These measures, in nearly
 all cases, were different return periods derived from the
 same Expected Probability (EP) curve.

 Net Underwriting Profit                                                                                                          All figures quoted in £m



                                                        Budgeted Earnings
              £30                                            44.5%
                                                                                          Break Even
              £20                                                                           27.9%
Profit (£m)

                     70%      65%       60%   55%   50%      45%       40%       35%      30%       25%      20%       15%       10%       5%        0%



              -£40                                                                                                     Loss of Buffer
                                                                                                             Loss of Regulatory Capital
              -£60                                                                                                     0.05%

 The graph shows the probabilities of obtaining up to a particular profit. The probabilities of achieving less than the budgeted earnings, and less than the
 break-even point are identified, as are the probabilities of losing more than the buffer and losing more than the regulatory capital.

 “All measures come from different parts of the same EP curve”

 10           Risk appetite A market study
Net Underwriting Profit                                                                                                     All figures quoted in £m






                    -90   -80    -70             -60    -50         -40         -30         -20           -10   0          10          20          30
                                                                             Profit £m

                                       1 in 10                  1 in 2 profit              1 in 50 loss             1 in 200 loss

                                       1 in 5 profit            Break even                 1 in 100 loss            Plan

The graph shows the profits/losses associated with a range of pre-defined probabilities.

As can be seen in the adjacent exhibit
various points along the same curve                     Example Measures
have been selected to satisfy those areas               Earnings @ risk - over the planning horizon
that senior management are particularly
interested in.                                          Capital @ risk – investment return
                                                        Solvency @ risk – Regulatory 1:200 measure
“Earnings, liquidity and capital
are what the Board are concerned
about”                                                  Value @ risk measures
                                                        Regulatory capital ≤ 100% net written premium
The ‘near’ horizon return periods of 1
                                                        Desired net combined Ratio at 1:10 years ≤ 125%
in 5 and 1 in 10 years were commonly
selected to reflect the time horizons                   Desired Net Less Ratio @ 1:10 years ≤ 100%
that were of most interest to senior
                                                        Mean – Target return on equity
“1:10 return period was chosen as a                     1:5 year – Earnings @ risk – probability of loss
proxy for average Board tenure”                         1:200 year – Capital Adequacy Ratio
A selection of the most commonly
                                                        1:100 year – Concentration risk
observed measures are shown in the                      	          • % split by category ≥70% Insurance
exhibit opposite.
                                                        	          • % RDS ≤ X% of capital
                                                        Net tangible assets – Group Measure
                                                        % Gross written Premium – Syndicate measure
                                                        Earnings loss as a % of Net Assets gross and net.

                                                                                                                    Risk appetite A market study   11

  Net Underwriting Profit                                                                                                                                            All figures quoted in £m

             100%                                                                                                                                                                         26%




             60%                                                                                                                                                                          16%



             40%                                                                                                                                                                          10%




              0%                                                                                                                                                                          0%
























                                                                                                        Profit (£m)

                                                   1 in 10 profit                      1 in 2 profit                1 in 50 loss                  1 in 200 loss

                                                   1 in 5 profit                       Break even                   1 in 100 loss                 Plan

 The graph shows the probabilities of achieving different ranges of net underwriting profits, and the cumulative distribution of the profit. Profit and loss
 probabilities are specified. The profits which are at least achieved at the given probabilities are shown, as are the losses which are at least suffered at
 the given probabilities.

 Organisations had generally                                                      Some statements of appetite assume                       them to demonstrate they could
 undertaken a historical review of past                                        open ‘survival’ of the organisation                         survive an event that arose from
 performance against business plan.                                            following back to back catastrophes.                        anywhere in their portfolio.
 One company revisited the business                                            Some organisations have developed                              Respondents were found to be
 plan to derive a qualitative statement                                        and modelled such scenarios by using                        making good use of their internal
 of appetite, defining how much money                                          a tri-metric/tri-peril approach. This                       model and where an actuarial-led
 they were willing to lose using the                                           approach combines limit information,                        approach was employed, there was
 following underlying metrics:                                                 probable maximum loss information                           a focus on measuring insurance and
                                                                               and catastrophe model output,                               underwriting risk.
 •	 Earnings at risk – over the planning                                       coupled with expert judgement to
    horizon                                                                    arrive at an extreme but plausible
 •	 Capital at risk – investment return                                        scenario to test their liquidity limits
 •	 Solvency at risk – regulatory capital                                      and tolerances and answer the
    1:200 measure.                                                             question ‘do we have sufficient free
                                                                               funds to survive’. They were seeking
                                                                               to arrive at measures that allowed

 12           Risk appetite A market study
Net Underwriting Profit                                                                                                        All figures quoted in £m

              25%                                                                                                                                        25

              20%                                                                                                                                        20%

              15%                                                                                                                                        15%

              10%                                                                                                                                        10%

              5%                                                                                                                                         5%

              0%                                                                                                                                         0%
                    -40   -30               -20              -10                0               10                20               30               40
                                                                            Profit £m
                          Plan               Lower Quartile (25% deviation from plan)                 Upper Quartile (25% deviation from plan)

 The graph shows the probabilities of achieving different ranges of profits, along with a volatility measure showing the extremities of 25% deviations
 above and below the Plan.

    Measure	                                 Profit £m
    Plan	9.2
    25% positive deviation from Plan	 19.2 (10.0 above Plan)
    25% negative deviation from Plan	 -4.2 (13.0 below Plan)
    Maximum	80.1
    Minimum	-96.0

                                                                                                                          Risk appetite A market study    13
Monitoring and reporting

Due to the general interest, and in some cases requests
from study participants, this section includes both
sanitised and hybrid examples showing reporting
formats and typical contents generally being deployed
across the market.

Enquiries and discussions under this
area of the study highlighted the fact    Quarterly monitoring of risk triggers
that the majority of respondents were     Risk Triggers	   Quarter 1	   Quarter 2	    Quarter 3	   Quarter 4	   Comments
in the midst of revisiting and indeed
redesigning their reporting formats and
                                          Risk 1
the content. In some cases companies
were revising committee structures.
   Given the varying size and
complexity of insurers that we engaged    Risk 2
with as part of this study, we observed
some form of proportionality in
action. For example, most companies
had a small number of committees          Risk 3                                                                comment
that would receive risk management                                                                              explaining
reports, others had up to six                                                                                   quarterly
committees comprising for example:
                                          Risk 4
•	 Underwriting Committee
•	 Management Committee (dealing
   with operational issues)
•	 Finance Committee                      Risk 5
•	 Reserving Committee
•	 Risk and Capital Committee and
•	 Delegated Underwriting
   Committee.                             Risk 6

In a number of cases, management
information while produced monthly
was reported quarterly. A number of       basis. We observed that, in a number of       by risk category, had in an effort to
organisations were reappraising the       instances, insurers were redesigning or       embed it into the business, structured
reporting frequencies for different       indeed designing for the first time, risk     their statements by function/practice
risk categories though one common         dashboard reports or ‘flash’ reports          area: pricing, exposure management,
theme was the use of the Own Risk         with the information specifically             credit control and business planning.
and Solvency Assessment (ORSA) as         targeted for the end users.
a vehicle for reporting summary risk         Some companies, rather than
appetite information on a quarterly       organise their risk appetite statements

14   Risk appetite A market study
Likelihood and volatility of risks in and out of appetite



              Unlikely                                                                                                          Likely

                   Capital risks   Insurance risks      Liquidity risks   Market risks                 Insurance risks

There was a definite trend towards            such as exposure management reports        in most situations that these metrics
companies marrying risk management            addressing catastrophe risk. These         already exist and are generally being
information (using a variety of risk          range between 20 to 25 pages with a        reported as part of the current suite of
appetite monitoring metrics) and              single page dashboard for the board.       management information. This reflects
performance management information.           Similarly, it is common for the Chief      the growing recognition among insurers
Indeed a number of organisations had          Risk Officer report to cover the whole     that their business plan implies their risk
developed online dashboards with a            risk management process. However it        appetite, and by inference monitoring
screen for each of their supporting           could be seen that a number of insurers    performance against plan is a proxy for
risk appetite statements. In general          were making efforts to present risk        monitoring risk appetite. This avoids
companies were reporting monthly              information in a wide variety of formats   the development of standalone risk
by exception across areas such as large       to meet the needs of the wide variety of   monitoring metrics that have limited
losses, breach of tolerances and control      users of the information.                  business use.
effectiveness. A number of standing              With respect to the monitoring of
reports remain comprehensive in nature        risk appetite metrics, it is apparent

                                                                                                      Risk appetite A market study   15
Monitoring and reporting

We were keen to discover            Underwriting risk	                    Red Level	        Amber Level	       Green Level

the way companies were                                                    Appetite statement
handling risk appetite              		
                                    Amounts written in each class are      > x%	               y% to x%	      < y%
reporting including the             not to exceed x% of ABC’s book
                                    as whole
format, frequency and
                                    Deviation from average line written    > x%	               y% to x%	      < y%
sorts of data captured. Our         not to exceed x%
hypothesis being it was             		
                                    Planned LR not to be exceeded          > x%	               y% to x%	      < y%
clear that the reporting            by x%

of risk appetite should
                                    Reserving risk	                       Red Level	        Amber Level	       Green Level
leverage a whole raft of                                                  Appetite statement
data that currently exists.         		
                                    Deterioration of reserves is not to    > b%	               c% to b%	      < c%
It would just need to be            exceed b% in any one quarter
interrogated to the required        		
                                    1-in-200 deviation not to exceed       > b%	               c% to b%	      < c%
level of granularity and            b% of gross income

presented in the most               Credit risk	                          Red Level	        Amber Level	       Green Level
meaningful format to suit                                                 Appetite statement
the audience. A particular          		
                                    		 more than p% exposure to be
                                    No                                     > p%	               q% to p%	      < q%
challenge was the setting           held by any one counterparty
of threshold metrics to             		
                                    Aged debtor position is not to         > k days	           m to k days	   < m days
measure volatility on a             exceed k days

whole account and by line           Reinsurance risk	                     Red Level	        Amber Level	       Green Level
of business. This was seen                                                Appetite statement

as a key measure.                   		
                                    Exposure to any single reinsurer      y% to x%	            z% to y%	      < z%
                                    is to be less than x%

                                    Aged debtor position is not to        > k days	            m to k days	   < m days
                                    exceed k days
                                    Ensure that reinsurers have a         Any rating less
                                    credit rating not less than AA        than AA

16   Risk appetite A market study
Typical reporting structures and          Operational risk	                         Red Level	       Amber Level	             Green Level
formats state the target risk appetite,                                            Appetite statement
RAG rates the deviation against the       		
selected metrics supplemented with        		 tolerance for acceptance
                                          Zero                                      Any risk
explanatory narrative text. With some     of risks outside of the approved
companies comparing total capital         business plan
consumed to available funds. We also      		 tolerance for regulatory
                                          Zero                                      FSA reprimand
found that most organisations were        interventions such as FSA s166
making a concerted effort to build
                                          Tolerate material IT systems failure
                                          		                                        > v hours	          w to v hours	       < w hours
monitoring of risk appetite into their    for no more than v hours
business as usual operations which
will ultimately ensure the reporting
                                          Market risk	                              Red Level	       Amber Level	             Green Level
process becomes more embedded
                                                                                   Appetite statement
within the organisation. Risk appetite
was generally reported in dashboard       		 probability of negative return
                                          The                                       x%		                y%	                 z%
form, monitoring targeted risk appetite   in any year should not exceed x%
performance against deviation from a
                                          		 do not expect to lose q% of
                                          ABC                                       q%		                p%	                 r%
set of metrics defining acceptable and
                                          capital due to FX risk more than
unacceptable thresholds. Dashboards       once every B years
were supported by a narrative,
detailing the findings across the         Liquidity risk	                           Red Level	       Amber Level	             Green Level
quarter.                                                                           Appetite statement

                                          At a minimum, hold sufficient          Funds fall short   (100-a)%	(100-b)%
                                          funds to meet estimated                of estimated
                                          liabilities when they fall due         liabilities

                                          Liquidity must be sufficient to        Insufficient       (100-c)%	(100-d)%
                                          meet an RDS event without              to cope with
                                          unnecessary cost to ABC                simulated RDS

    “A distinction is generally drawn between monitoring and appetite”

                                                                                                              Risk appetite A market study   17
Future challenges

Many companies cited ‘going live’ with new committee
structures, reporting formats and frequencies.

There was a general acknowledgement         Many organisations were considering
that transitioning into business as usual   allocation of capital across lines of
would be an iterative and educational       business and looking to build on the
process. Some organisations are             work to date to introduce some form of
looking at developing ‘entity level risk    risk adjusted return on capital.
tolerances’ as well as grouping those          A key future challenge is that of
tolerances across the business. Other       finding thinking time and breathing
companies were undertaking a proof          space to conduct much needed analysis.
of concept around their risk appetite       A number of organisations have targeted
framework , testing how it sits together    the automation/industrialising of risk
and works in practice. The message          appetite reporting as key to the objective
was clear that there was more work          of achieving more time analysing – and
to be done to fully understand the          less time producing.
risk exposures of many businesses.

“We want to determine how much
capital is being consumed by line
of business and compare that
with available capital”

18   Risk appetite A market study

Grant Thornton observed a broad range of practices
in the market, each with varying degrees of success.
Respondents had adopted a pack mentality when it
came to progress, eager not to draw undue attention to
themselves from supervisors, either by leading the pack
or lagging behind.

On the whole, the market has made           That progress aside, there is an
strong progress that has been enabled    underlying danger that other areas
through iterative education of the       of risk may be being overlooked,
board and senior management.             operational risk for example; with
Unsurprisingly, given the need to        history indicating that this is the
introduce greater quantification         most consistent driver in the collapse
respondents made a conscious decision    of insurance companies, e.g. Sharma
to focus the majority of their efforts   2002, and Ashby and Sharma 2003. In
on insurance risk and, to a lesser       conclusion, any high level risk appetite
extent, investment risk. Within that     framework that is not balanced in its
we observed significant progress         inclusion of other significant areas of
in underwriting, with a variety of       risk, irrespective of whether or not
monitoring metrics derived from the      they generate a return, may be sub
business plan and appropriate triggers   optimal in its effectiveness.
and thresholds reporting on volatility
of results against plan.

For more information please visit:

                                                      Risk appetite A market study   19
© 2012 Grant Thornton UK LLP. All rights reserved.

‘Grant Thornton’ means Grant Thornton UK LLP, a limited
liability partnership.

Grant Thornton is a member firm of Grant Thornton International Ltd
(Grant Thornton International). References to ‘Grant Thornton’ are to the
brand under which the Grant Thornton member firms operate and refer
to one or more member firms, as the context requires. Grant Thornton
International and the member firms are not a worldwide partnership.
Services are delivered independently by member firms, which are not
responsible for the services or activities of one another. Grant Thornton
International does not provide services to clients.

This publication has been prepared only as a guide.
No responsibility can be accepted by us for loss occasioned
to any person acting or refraining from acting as a result of
any material in this publication.                                           21744

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Grant Thornton - Risk appetite: A market study UK 2012

  • 2. Contents 2 Contents 3 Foreword 4 Executive summary 5 Background 6 Approach 10 Measures 14 Monitoring and reporting 18 Future challenges 19 Conclusion 2 Risk appetite A market study
  • 3. Foreword Welcome to the first Grant Thornton risk appetite market study. Recent increased regulatory and supervisory focus has demanded an articulation of risk appetite and improved decision making for organisations and this is the first in an ongoing series of studies designed to monitor and report on progress and future challenges across the market. Our rationale for undertaking the This is purely a study of market study stems from our discussions practice and is not intended to with a range of senior market recommend one approach over participants and their general reaction another, it simply conveys what the to understanding the concept of risk market told us. appetite. There was a keen interest into understanding what everyone else was doing and how far they had progressed. We also knew that demand would be heightened with timelines looming for delivery of draft Own Risk and Solvency Assessments (ORSA), in which the risk appetite frameworks, high level statements, sub statements and underlying metrics are a key component. Our study set out to define current maturity of practice, answering some of the common questions coming out of Stephen Kelly the market. Our intention is to conduct Risk and Capital Management Practice Leader this study periodically; monitoring T +44 (0)20 7728 3073 overall progress and trends across the M +44 (0)7976 963187 market in relation to risk appetite. E Risk appetite A market study 3
  • 4. Executive summary The study highlighted the vital nature of engaging the board in discussions from day one. Persistency in this regard has been proven to pay dividends. Notwithstanding this, the time lapse from commencing efforts to gaining initial sign-off is averaging at 12-18 months. Those organisations that arrived at the appetite?’ In reality they are symbiotic conclusion that their risk appetite was in nature and feed back into each other inferred in their business plan have in a continuous cycle. Companies are made more significant progress and flexing their risk appetite to accomodate appear to be better placed to present a the business plan for the coming year, fully cohesive risk appetite framework. where the business case exists. Where Respondents discovered that the it does not, plans are being made to fall vast majority of monitoring metrics within appetite. already existed within the business. It A commonality of measures were should be noted that these metrics were arrived at and used by the contributors heavily driven from the business plan of the study, particularly around which will not extend to operational ‘Earnings at risk’, ‘Capital at risk’ risk metrics. and ‘Solvency at risk’, with most An actuarial led approach was, as companies selecting a variety of ‘return one would expect, more quantitive period’ outcomes ranging from 1 in in nature and tended to demonstrate 5 year occurrence to 1 in 1000 year greater progress. However it also occurrence. The 1 in 5 year and 1 in 10 appears responsible for the almost year were found to be driven by the exclusive focus on insurance and to average board tenure. Almost all were a lesser degree, investment risk. The found to be measures of different points risk management led approaches were of the expected probability curve. found to be more qualitative in nature Most companies have now refreshed focusing on operational risk issues. their reporting in terms of format, Additionally they haven’t achieved the frequency and detail, revisiting who same degree of buy-in to date. receives which report. High level risk appetite statements The future challenges included were, in general, narrative in their initiatives to embed the monitoring structure with supporting sub and reporting measures into business categories designed from a quantitive as usual (BAU) operations and many standing. respondents are now progressing to the As the business plans of our next stage, introducing a suite of BAU respondents were heavily influencing performance measures in the business the risk appetite frameworks, which support, not only risk appetite, companies began to ask the question but contributes to both the business ‘does risk appetite drive the business planning process and the completion of plan or does the business plan drive risk an organisation’s ORSA. 4 Risk appetite A market study
  • 5. Background “You cannot separate appetite from return” The London insurance Specifically this relates to the issues a comprehensive sense of progress, around setting risk appetite for the as well as the difficulties and pressure market is enduring a period organisation and determining how points, one of the most significant of significant reform as it to translate that risk appetite into findings of these discussions was the grapples with increasing meaningful day to day operating limits disparity across participants with and tolerances. It also involves working reference to most aspects of the study. focus from regulators out how to monitor and report on The waters were muddied further from and market supervisors, adherence to both high level appetite the inconsistency in the use of related most pronounced through and lower level limits. Grant Thornton’s terminology. Rather than force the instinct was that of a market often acceptance of a ‘common language’ the Solvency II, but also relating struggling with the most appropriate more mature organisations, in terms to the market’s own drive approach and facing difficulties in of progress with designing their risk towards greater operational gaining consensus and buy-in from appetite framework, chose to speak to efficiencies. Revised capital relevant stakeholders. their varied audiences in a language that Based on this understanding, Grant those audiences would understand. requirements and redefined Thornton carried out a series of one to Grant Thornton worked on the reporting obligations are one meetings with industry participants overarching hypothesis that whilst ‘top forcing the hand of the who kindly agreed to be involved in an down’ and ‘bottom up’ approaches informal study to examine the current both come with their own merits, early industry and within this; approaches, measures, monitoring adopters or those most advanced will be risk appetite remains one of metrics and reporting formats employed, the participants that manage to combine the most challenging areas. along with the associated future the two and embed meaningful risk challenges as seen through the eyes of appetite limits and related processes the market. This was designed to allow across the organisation. This report the participants to understand how their relays what we heard from respondents peers were progressing, to observe the without attributing the various findings degree to which the regulators were to any one organisation or person. The guiding this and to understand what were pre-eminence of the Lloyd’s Insurance the challenges and advantages from the market in this study was the result of implementation of certain approaches. proximity and ease of access, but Grant The general enthusiasm and willingness Thornton has brought to bear its own to share experiences demonstrated the experience outside of the London degree to which risk appetite is enjoying Market to substantiate more general its moment in the spotlight. insights and themes. Spanning the full spectrum of the London Insurance Market and providing Risk appetite A market study 5
  • 6. Approach “This is a journey – and education of the board is key” The first and most One of the first things that became wanted to remain part of the majority apparent was that whilst there was no and so, ‘waiting and seeing what your significant area refers to single emerging industry standard, peers were doing’ became a strategy in the approach that our consistent patterns were emerging when itself for some organisations. Given the participants favoured and certain approaches were employed. degree of transparency and availability We observed a distinction between of data through knowledge sharing peer the rationale behind this. the actuarial led approach of some groups in the market, this may become Our working assumption organisations and the risk management an increasingly viable strategy. However, was that most companies led approach of others. As may have with resourcing identified as a general been expected, risk management led challenge, this reactive approach may would have already started approaches were qualitative and had not suit smaller operations. Indeed, articulating their high level an operational risk bias. Actuarial our findings demonstrated that many risk appetite statements lead approaches while quantitative, of those struggling to make notable and begun the process of displayed more discipline and, in progress were held back by resource general, demonstrated greater progress. constraints. In the main, companies cascading these statements In practice, those who have made wanted to avoid being the trail blazers or down to low level operating the most headway in successfully falling too far behind, due to both these limits. In doing so, they defining risk appetite have struck positions attracting additional scrutiny a balance between a practical led, from supervisors. may have encountered qualitative risk management method When questioned regarding their difficulties in maintaining and the more rigorous and disciplined, approach to different types of risk, the cohesiveness when trying actuarial approach. There was a message was clear that insurance and further distinction between those that (less so) investment risk are the only to cascade from the began their efforts from their business areas in which participants were seeking master statement down to plan and underlying operating limits to make a return. Within that, insurance subcategory statements. and worked back up (bottom-up) risk was seen as the key focus with one and those who adopted a top-down respondent commenting: approach from a high level risk appetite statement. Those that worked from “While the net position is important, the ground up were better able to we are an insurance organisation demonstrate a comprehensive and and as such seek to make a gross cohesive risk appetite framework. underwriting profit” In terms of where respondents were positioned on a continuum, the market It was generally observed that had adopted a pack mentality. Keen companies see other risks such as to avoid a public catastrophe, they operational risk or credit risk as 6 Risk appetite A market study
  • 7. 2010 Premium Income Class of Business Plan Current EPI £ Signed Latest Forecast £ Status Position last Comments Business Projection £ Premium £ month A 5554629 4818915 2306651 4744090 B 3994299 3889750 1225633 3832445 C 34484702 34686121 19444258 30263913 D 54998777 74405939 59017289 63585477 Comments on E 2964938 2673797 2135218 2488334 current status, recent changes, F 13341423 12893946 9767164 12983274 and foreseen G 3813657 3099983 3306938 3590712 changes H 12056835 21590900 12517968 12274046 I 7131279 6910691 4665524 6168615 J 6686775 5615184 5599111 6168615 K 10951026 8055265 5572418 9851900 L 15810084 18870930 11353116 22319101 Whole £171,788,423 £197,511,421 £136,911,288 £178,270,522 Comment on Account whole account unavoidable consequences of being in business which should not be used as “Successful design and embedding a measure of appetite but simply be of a risk appetite framework mitigated against. Fixed limits were demands a huge education and commonly set for these other risk communication exercise” categories. This led to the development of “We distinguish between risk measures, metrics and thresholds that monitoring (eg. reserves, better supported senior management operational risk) and those ones decision making. On average companies where we have an appetite and seek were taking 12 to 18 months to achieve a return (eg. insurance and to a initial sign-off on their high level lesser extent investments)” statement. The statements derived were generally in narrative form, reflecting The majority of respondents began the practice by organisations of putting their efforts with a workshop with narrative principles in place that address senior management, exploring the the qualitative aspects of appetite principles and defining a high level including; the terminology used, the statement of risk appetite. The more time horizons and confidence levels. advanced participants focused heavily on educating the board, seeking an “ABC Ltd aim at all times to effective way of communicating with maintain a 10% buffer above our them and other significant stakeholders, regulatory capital requirement” to achieve a consensus. As one company commented: Risk appetite A market study 7
  • 8. Approach Some organisations also surveyed There was a distinct divergence in the the board and senior management various approaches to achieving the to capture their views and compared underlying numbers. We observed these to the internal model results. In a general difficulty in cascading the some instances, there was a remarkably narrative or qualitative statement into strong correlation between the sub-risk categories. On reaching this executive management view and the juncture, companies appeared to be modelled output. taking stock and considering other Having agreed the narrative approaches, such as bottom up. principles many respondents next step At this point some respondents was to follow with the numbers, as concluded that their business plan will summed up neatly by one company: imply the organisation’s risk appetite, with one company commenting ‘we “Start with the principles, follow with put a lot of effort and discipline into the numbers” producing our business plan – let’s use that’. 2010 Gross Incurred Loss Ratio Class of Business Plan Current Latest Forecast Status Position last Comments Business Projection GULR% Incurred LR% ULR% month A 82% 55% 88% B 58% 3% 60% C 71% 41% 66% D 77% 25% 55% Comments on E 73% 23% 48% current status, recent changes, F 71% 21% 100% and foreseen G 56% 21% 52% changes H 72% 36% 79% I 77% 16% 68% J 61% 53% 91% K 51% 15% 51% L 71% 50% 75% Whole 68% 30% 69% Comment on Account whole account 8 Risk appetite A market study
  • 9. This generally resulted in the categories, allowing companies to make One company, displayed a conviction measurement of performance by statements regarding their overall risk that their approach was fully cohesive looking at variation against plan where profile such as: by demonstrating that they could a high level statement; narrative and cascade down to specific metrics qualitative in nature, was agreed. The ‘No less than 80% of our capital will and aggregate back to their master sub-category statements were then support insurance risk’ statement. They extracted their risk derived from a more quantitative appetite from their business plan using perspective and the supporting metrics, With the previous year’s appetite a disciplined, actuarial led approach limits and tolerances were generally measures being used as a ‘Stop / that relied heavily on the use of their arrived at by measuring volatility of Go’ check as part of the business internal model. They were unique results against plan. Those companies planning process. Some companies in demonstrating this cohesiveness. that had made this ‘leap of faith’ had embedded this concept into their However, it was apparent that concerning the relationship between the governance structures by designing developing and articulating a narrative business plan and risk appetite found mechanisms to ensure ‘flags’ were describing the qualitative aspects of that the vast majority of information escalated to the board. If the plan falls risk appetite, such as terminology, required to monitor risk appetite in the outside of the agreed appetite it will be timeframes/horizons and then form of metrics and tolerances already flagged and escalated to the appropriate following with the numbers to develop existed within their management forum (risk committee or board) for the underlying, lower level supporting information (MI). What followed was challenge and decision. The decision quantitative detail, was a favoured a completeness check for required MI arising is to either adjust the appetite approach. rather than a full scale gap analysis. to accommodate the plan or scale One respondent commented ‘Our back the plan to fall within appetite. business plan implies our risk appetite, Respondents were then knowingly therefore we monitor against plan’. taking risk versus blindly taking risk This then raised the question of which with the rationale behind the decision is influencing which, does risk appetite documented and evidenced. This influence the plan or vice versa? In flexible approach appeared to be the reality one will influence the other most successful, with one organisation and acts as a bench mark to reflect on commenting historical performance before agreeing the business plan for the year ahead. “We are more willing to have a Where companies had undertaken variable result as we are more likely an analysis of prior performance over to experience better results on the preceding 5 or more years, there average while maintaining our risk emerged a consistency in the application of ruin” of risk appetite and capital to key risk Risk appetite A market study 9
  • 10. Measures We observed that the majority of respondents settled on a set of measures that, while variations on a theme, were common to most organisations. These measures, in nearly all cases, were different return periods derived from the same Expected Probability (EP) curve. Net Underwriting Profit All figures quoted in £m £60 £50 £40 Budgeted Earnings £30 44.5% Break Even £20 27.9% Profit (£m) £10 Percentile £0 70% 65% 60% 55% 50% 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% -£10 -£20 -£30 -£40 Loss of Buffer 1.2% -£50 Loss of Regulatory Capital -£60 0.05% The graph shows the probabilities of obtaining up to a particular profit. The probabilities of achieving less than the budgeted earnings, and less than the break-even point are identified, as are the probabilities of losing more than the buffer and losing more than the regulatory capital. “All measures come from different parts of the same EP curve” 10 Risk appetite A market study
  • 11. Net Underwriting Profit All figures quoted in £m 25% 20% Probability 15% 10% 5% 0% -90 -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 Profit £m 1 in 10 1 in 2 profit 1 in 50 loss 1 in 200 loss 1 in 5 profit Break even 1 in 100 loss Plan The graph shows the profits/losses associated with a range of pre-defined probabilities. As can be seen in the adjacent exhibit various points along the same curve Example Measures have been selected to satisfy those areas Earnings @ risk - over the planning horizon that senior management are particularly interested in. Capital @ risk – investment return Solvency @ risk – Regulatory 1:200 measure “Earnings, liquidity and capital are what the Board are concerned about” Value @ risk measures Regulatory capital ≤ 100% net written premium The ‘near’ horizon return periods of 1 Desired net combined Ratio at 1:10 years ≤ 125% in 5 and 1 in 10 years were commonly selected to reflect the time horizons Desired Net Less Ratio @ 1:10 years ≤ 100% that were of most interest to senior management. Mean – Target return on equity “1:10 return period was chosen as a 1:5 year – Earnings @ risk – probability of loss proxy for average Board tenure” 1:200 year – Capital Adequacy Ratio A selection of the most commonly 1:100 year – Concentration risk observed measures are shown in the • % split by category ≥70% Insurance exhibit opposite. • % RDS ≤ X% of capital Net tangible assets – Group Measure % Gross written Premium – Syndicate measure Earnings loss as a % of Net Assets gross and net. Risk appetite A market study 11
  • 12. Measures Net Underwriting Profit All figures quoted in £m 100% 26% 24% 22% 80% 20% 18% 60% 16% Probability Percentile 14% 12% 40% 10% 8% 6% 20% 4% 2% 0% 0% -£120 -£110 -£100 -£90 -£80 -£70 -£60 -£50 -£40 -£30 -£20 -£10 £0 £10 £20 £30 £40 £50 £60 £70 £80 £90 £100 £110 £120 Profit (£m) 1 in 10 profit 1 in 2 profit 1 in 50 loss 1 in 200 loss 1 in 5 profit Break even 1 in 100 loss Plan The graph shows the probabilities of achieving different ranges of net underwriting profits, and the cumulative distribution of the profit. Profit and loss probabilities are specified. The profits which are at least achieved at the given probabilities are shown, as are the losses which are at least suffered at the given probabilities. Organisations had generally Some statements of appetite assume them to demonstrate they could undertaken a historical review of past open ‘survival’ of the organisation survive an event that arose from performance against business plan. following back to back catastrophes. anywhere in their portfolio. One company revisited the business Some organisations have developed Respondents were found to be plan to derive a qualitative statement and modelled such scenarios by using making good use of their internal of appetite, defining how much money a tri-metric/tri-peril approach. This model and where an actuarial-led they were willing to lose using the approach combines limit information, approach was employed, there was following underlying metrics: probable maximum loss information a focus on measuring insurance and and catastrophe model output, underwriting risk. • Earnings at risk – over the planning coupled with expert judgement to horizon arrive at an extreme but plausible • Capital at risk – investment return scenario to test their liquidity limits • Solvency at risk – regulatory capital and tolerances and answer the 1:200 measure. question ‘do we have sufficient free funds to survive’. They were seeking to arrive at measures that allowed 12 Risk appetite A market study
  • 13. Net Underwriting Profit All figures quoted in £m 25% 25 20% 20% Probability 15% 15% 10% 10% 5% 5% 0% 0% -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 Profit £m Plan Lower Quartile (25% deviation from plan) Upper Quartile (25% deviation from plan) The graph shows the probabilities of achieving different ranges of profits, along with a volatility measure showing the extremities of 25% deviations above and below the Plan. Measure Profit £m Plan 9.2 25% positive deviation from Plan 19.2 (10.0 above Plan) 25% negative deviation from Plan -4.2 (13.0 below Plan) Maximum 80.1 Minimum -96.0 Risk appetite A market study 13
  • 14. Monitoring and reporting Due to the general interest, and in some cases requests from study participants, this section includes both sanitised and hybrid examples showing reporting formats and typical contents generally being deployed across the market. Enquiries and discussions under this area of the study highlighted the fact Quarterly monitoring of risk triggers that the majority of respondents were Risk Triggers Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Comments in the midst of revisiting and indeed redesigning their reporting formats and Risk 1 the content. In some cases companies were revising committee structures. Given the varying size and complexity of insurers that we engaged Risk 2 with as part of this study, we observed some form of proportionality in action. For example, most companies Narrative had a small number of committees Risk 3 comment that would receive risk management explaining reports, others had up to six quarterly movements committees comprising for example: Risk 4 • Underwriting Committee • Management Committee (dealing with operational issues) • Finance Committee Risk 5 • Reserving Committee • Risk and Capital Committee and • Delegated Underwriting Committee. Risk 6 In a number of cases, management information while produced monthly was reported quarterly. A number of basis. We observed that, in a number of by risk category, had in an effort to organisations were reappraising the instances, insurers were redesigning or embed it into the business, structured reporting frequencies for different indeed designing for the first time, risk their statements by function/practice risk categories though one common dashboard reports or ‘flash’ reports area: pricing, exposure management, theme was the use of the Own Risk with the information specifically credit control and business planning. and Solvency Assessment (ORSA) as targeted for the end users. a vehicle for reporting summary risk Some companies, rather than appetite information on a quarterly organise their risk appetite statements 14 Risk appetite A market study
  • 15. Likelihood and volatility of risks in and out of appetite Critical Significant Minor Unlikely Likely Capital risks Insurance risks Liquidity risks Market risks Insurance risks There was a definite trend towards such as exposure management reports in most situations that these metrics companies marrying risk management addressing catastrophe risk. These already exist and are generally being information (using a variety of risk range between 20 to 25 pages with a reported as part of the current suite of appetite monitoring metrics) and single page dashboard for the board. management information. This reflects performance management information. Similarly, it is common for the Chief the growing recognition among insurers Indeed a number of organisations had Risk Officer report to cover the whole that their business plan implies their risk developed online dashboards with a risk management process. However it appetite, and by inference monitoring screen for each of their supporting could be seen that a number of insurers performance against plan is a proxy for risk appetite statements. In general were making efforts to present risk monitoring risk appetite. This avoids companies were reporting monthly information in a wide variety of formats the development of standalone risk by exception across areas such as large to meet the needs of the wide variety of monitoring metrics that have limited losses, breach of tolerances and control users of the information. business use. effectiveness. A number of standing With respect to the monitoring of reports remain comprehensive in nature risk appetite metrics, it is apparent Risk appetite A market study 15
  • 16. Monitoring and reporting We were keen to discover Underwriting risk Red Level Amber Level Green Level the way companies were Appetite statement handling risk appetite Amounts written in each class are > x% y% to x% < y% reporting including the not to exceed x% of ABC’s book as whole format, frequency and Deviation from average line written > x% y% to x% < y% sorts of data captured. Our not to exceed x% hypothesis being it was Planned LR not to be exceeded > x% y% to x% < y% clear that the reporting by x% of risk appetite should Reserving risk Red Level Amber Level Green Level leverage a whole raft of Appetite statement data that currently exists. Deterioration of reserves is not to > b% c% to b% < c% It would just need to be exceed b% in any one quarter interrogated to the required 1-in-200 deviation not to exceed > b% c% to b% < c% level of granularity and b% of gross income presented in the most Credit risk Red Level Amber Level Green Level meaningful format to suit Appetite statement the audience. A particular more than p% exposure to be No > p% q% to p% < q% challenge was the setting held by any one counterparty of threshold metrics to Aged debtor position is not to > k days m to k days < m days measure volatility on a exceed k days whole account and by line Reinsurance risk Red Level Amber Level Green Level of business. This was seen Appetite statement as a key measure. Exposure to any single reinsurer y% to x% z% to y% < z% is to be less than x% Aged debtor position is not to > k days m to k days < m days exceed k days Ensure that reinsurers have a Any rating less credit rating not less than AA than AA 16 Risk appetite A market study
  • 17. Typical reporting structures and Operational risk Red Level Amber Level Green Level formats state the target risk appetite, Appetite statement RAG rates the deviation against the selected metrics supplemented with tolerance for acceptance Zero Any risk explanatory narrative text. With some of risks outside of the approved companies comparing total capital business plan consumed to available funds. We also tolerance for regulatory Zero FSA reprimand found that most organisations were interventions such as FSA s166 making a concerted effort to build Tolerate material IT systems failure > v hours w to v hours < w hours monitoring of risk appetite into their for no more than v hours business as usual operations which will ultimately ensure the reporting Market risk Red Level Amber Level Green Level process becomes more embedded Appetite statement within the organisation. Risk appetite was generally reported in dashboard probability of negative return The x% y% z% form, monitoring targeted risk appetite in any year should not exceed x% performance against deviation from a do not expect to lose q% of ABC q% p% r% set of metrics defining acceptable and capital due to FX risk more than unacceptable thresholds. Dashboards once every B years were supported by a narrative, detailing the findings across the Liquidity risk Red Level Amber Level Green Level quarter. Appetite statement At a minimum, hold sufficient Funds fall short (100-a)% (100-b)% funds to meet estimated of estimated liabilities when they fall due liabilities Liquidity must be sufficient to Insufficient (100-c)% (100-d)% meet an RDS event without to cope with unnecessary cost to ABC simulated RDS “A distinction is generally drawn between monitoring and appetite” Risk appetite A market study 17
  • 18. Future challenges Many companies cited ‘going live’ with new committee structures, reporting formats and frequencies. There was a general acknowledgement Many organisations were considering that transitioning into business as usual allocation of capital across lines of would be an iterative and educational business and looking to build on the process. Some organisations are work to date to introduce some form of looking at developing ‘entity level risk risk adjusted return on capital. tolerances’ as well as grouping those A key future challenge is that of tolerances across the business. Other finding thinking time and breathing companies were undertaking a proof space to conduct much needed analysis. of concept around their risk appetite A number of organisations have targeted framework , testing how it sits together the automation/industrialising of risk and works in practice. The message appetite reporting as key to the objective was clear that there was more work of achieving more time analysing – and to be done to fully understand the less time producing. risk exposures of many businesses. “We want to determine how much capital is being consumed by line of business and compare that with available capital” 18 Risk appetite A market study
  • 19. Conclusion Grant Thornton observed a broad range of practices in the market, each with varying degrees of success. Respondents had adopted a pack mentality when it came to progress, eager not to draw undue attention to themselves from supervisors, either by leading the pack or lagging behind. On the whole, the market has made That progress aside, there is an strong progress that has been enabled underlying danger that other areas through iterative education of the of risk may be being overlooked, board and senior management. operational risk for example; with Unsurprisingly, given the need to history indicating that this is the introduce greater quantification most consistent driver in the collapse respondents made a conscious decision of insurance companies, e.g. Sharma to focus the majority of their efforts 2002, and Ashby and Sharma 2003. In on insurance risk and, to a lesser conclusion, any high level risk appetite extent, investment risk. Within that framework that is not balanced in its we observed significant progress inclusion of other significant areas of in underwriting, with a variety of risk, irrespective of whether or not monitoring metrics derived from the they generate a return, may be sub business plan and appropriate triggers optimal in its effectiveness. and thresholds reporting on volatility of results against plan. For more information please visit: Risk appetite A market study 19
  • 20. © 2012 Grant Thornton UK LLP. All rights reserved. ‘Grant Thornton’ means Grant Thornton UK LLP, a limited liability partnership. Grant Thornton is a member firm of Grant Thornton International Ltd (Grant Thornton International). References to ‘Grant Thornton’ are to the brand under which the Grant Thornton member firms operate and refer to one or more member firms, as the context requires. Grant Thornton International and the member firms are not a worldwide partnership. Services are delivered independently by member firms, which are not responsible for the services or activities of one another. Grant Thornton International does not provide services to clients. This publication has been prepared only as a guide. No responsibility can be accepted by us for loss occasioned to any person acting or refraining from acting as a result of any material in this publication. 21744