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ஆ ல பாட ப - 1 (Grammar Patterns 1)
ைமயான த ள க ட ஆ ல இல கண பாட ப .
இ பாடசாைல பாட ட ைத ேபா ேறா, ஆ ல ேப ப (Spoken English) ேபா ேறா
அ லாம , ைமயான த ள க ட ய ஆ ல இல கண பாட ட ைத ெகா ட .
இ சகல "Grammar Patterns" கைள உ ளட க ப ளன.
இ பாட ட இல கண ைழ ஆ ல ேபச , எ த , வா க க ெகா ளலா .
த ெமா ெபய ப ய ள க
உதாரணமாக "I do a job" எ வா ய ைத த ெமா ெபய ேபாமானா "நா ஒ ேவைல
ெச ேற ." எ தா ேவா . ஆனா நா இ த ஆ ல பாட ப "நா ெச ேற
ஒ ேவைல." எ ேற த ழா க ெச ேளா . இத கான காரண இ வா தா ஆ ல ைத த
ெமா ெபய க ேவ எ நா ற ைல. ஆனா தவைர ஆ ல நைட ஏ றா
ேபா த ள க ெகா ப ெச தா ; ஆ ல வா ைதக ம ம லாம , ஒ ெவா
ஆ ல ெசா க மான த அ த ைத ள க க இல வா இ எ ப எம
க தா .
ச பாட ெச ேவா .
பாட கைள ன ச ஊடாக
ெப க .
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ன ச வ பாட க
இ ேக "do a job" எ ஒ வா ைதைய இ ைறய பாடமாக எ ேளா . இ வா ைத த
அ த "ெச ஒ ேவைல" எ பதா . இைத "நா ெச ேற ஒ ேவைல, நா ெச ேத ஒ
ேவைல, நா ெச ேவ ஒ ேவைல" என ஒேர வா ைதைய 73 தமாக மா ப ெச வேத
இ பாட ட ேநா கமா . இ க இல வாக அ ைரவாக ஆ ல
க ெகா ள ய ஓ ப ைறயா .
do a job
1. I do a Job.
நா ெச ேற ஒ ேவைல.
2. I am doing a job.
நா ெச ெகா ேற ஒ ேவைல.
3. I did a job.
நா ெச ேத ஒ ேவைல.
4. I didn't do a job.
நா ெச ய ைல ஒ ேவைல.
5. I will do a job.
நா ெச ேவ ஒ ேவைல.
நா ெச ேற (ச ற ) ஒ ேவைல.
6. I won't do a job.
நா ெச யமா ேட ஒ ேவைல.
7. Usually I don't do a job.
சாதாரணமாக நா ெச ேற ைல ஒ ேவைல.
8. I am not doing a job.
நா ெச ெகா ேற ைல ஒ ேவைல.
9. I was doing a job.
நா ெச ெகா ேத ஒ ேவைல.
10. I wasn't doing a job.
நா ெச ெகா க ைல ஒ ேவைல.
11. I will be doing a job.
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இ வ க ெபறலா
Aangilam Archive
ஆ ல பாட ப 01
ஆ ல பாட ப 02
ஆ ல பாட ப 03
ஆ ல பாட ப 04
ஆ ல பாட ப 05
ஆ ல பாட ப 06
ஆ ல பாட ப 07
ஆ ல பாட ப 08
ஆ ல பாட ப 09
ஆ ல பாட ப 10
ஆ ல பாட ப 11
ஆ ல இல கண பாட க
நா ெச ெகா ேப ஒ ேவைல.
12. I won't be doing a job.
நா ெச ெகா கமா ேட ஒ ேவைல.
13. I am going to do a job.
நா ெச ய ேபா ேற ஒ ேவைல.
14. I was going to do a job.
நா ெச ய ேபாேன ஒ ேவைல.
15. I can do a job.
16. I am able to do a job.
என ெச ய ஒ ேவைல
17. I can't do a job.
18. I am unable to do a job.
என ெச ய யா ஒ ேவைல.
19. I could do a job.
20. I was able to do a job.
என ெச ய த ஒ ேவைல.
21. I couldn't do a job.
22. I was unable to do a job.
என ெச ய ய ைல ஒ ேவைல.
23. I will be able to do a job.
என ெச ய மாக இ ஒ ேவைல.
24. I will be unable to do a job.
என ெச ய யாம ஒ ேவைல.
25. I may be able to do a job.
என ெச ய மாக இ கலா ஒ ேவைல.
26. I should be able to do a job.
என ெச ய மாகேவ இ ஒ ேவைல
27. I have been able to do a job. (Perfect Tense பா க )
ஆ ல பாட ப 11
ஆ ல பாட ப 12
ஆ ல பாட ப 13
ஆ ல பாட ப 14
ஆ ல பாட ப 15
ஆ ல பாட ப 16
ஆ ல பாட ப 17
ஆ ல பாட ப 18
ஆ ல பாட ப 19
ஆ ல பாட ப 20
ஆ ல பாட ப 21
ஆ ல பாட ப 22
ஆ ல பாட ப 23
ஆ ல பாட ப 24
ஆ ல பாட ப 25
ஆ ல பாட ப 26
ஆ ல பாட ப 27
ஆ ல பாட ப 28
ஆ ல பாட ப 29
ஆ ல பாட ப 30
ஆ ல பாட ப 31
ஆ ல பாட ப 32
ஆ ல பாட ப 33
ஆ ல ேப வ எ ப ? 1
ஆ ல ேப வ எ ப ? 2
ஆ ல ேப ப க
ஆ ல ெசா ேத ெபா
ஆ ல க 01
ஆ ல க
ச / ட என ெச ய மாக இ ற ஒ ேவைல.
28. I had been able to do a job.
அ கால /அ என ெச ய மாக இ த ஒ ேவைல.
29. I may do a job.
30. I might do a job.
31. I may be doing a job.
நா ெச யலா ஒ ேவைல.
32. I must do a job.
நா (க டாய ) ெச ய ேவ ஒ ேவைல.(அ த )
33. I must not do a job.
நா ெச ய ேவ ய ைல ஒ ேவைல.
நா ெச ய டா ஒ ேவைல.
34. I should do a job.
நா ெச யேவ ேவ ஒ ேவைல. ( க அ த )
35. I shouldn't do a job.
நா ெச யேவ ேவ ய ைல ஒ ேவைல.
நா ெச யேவ டா ஒ ேவைல.
36. I ought to do a job.
நா எ ப ெச யேவ ேவ ஒ ேவைல. ( க க அ த )
37. I don't mind doing a job.
என ஆ ேசபைன ைல ெச ய ஒ ேவைல.
38. I have to do a job.
நா /என ெச ய ேவ ஒ ேவைல.
39. I don't have to do a job.
நா /என ெச ய ேவ ய ைல ஒ ேவைல.
40. I had to do a job.
நா /என ெச ய ேவ ஏ ப ட ஒ ேவைல.
41. I didn't have to do a job.
ஆ ல க 01
ஆ ல க 02
ஆ ல க 03
ஆ ல க 04
ஆ ல க 05
ஆ ல க 06
ஆ ல க 07
ஆ ல க 08
ஆ ல க 09
ஆ ல க 10
ஆ ல க 11
ஆ ல க 12
ஆ ல க 13
ஆ ல க 14
ஆ ல க 15
ஆ ல க 16
ஆ ல க 17
ஆ ல க 18
ஆ ல க 19
ஆ ல க 20
ஆ ல க 21
ஆ ல க 22
ஆ ல க 23
Glossary of Computer Terms
அ டவைண Common/Proper
அ டவைண Countable/Un
அ டவைண Infinitive + s/es
அ டவைண Irregular verbs
அ டவைண Prepositions
இ யா Career Path Table
உட உ க Body parts
க கைல ெசா க
சைமய (List of Provisions)
பழ க List of Fruits
ஆ ல அ டவைணக
நா /என ெச ய ேவ ஏ பட ைல ஒ ேவைல.
42. I will have to do a job.
என ெச ய ேவ ஏ ப ஒ ேவைல.
43. I won't have to do a job.
என ெச ய ேவ ஏ படா ஒ ேவைல.
44. I need do a job.
என அவ ய ெச ய (ேவ ) ஒ ேவைல.
45. I needn’t do a job.
என அவ ய ைல ெச ய ஒ ேவைல.
46. He seems to be doing a job.
அவ ெச றா ேபா ெத ற ஒ ேவைல.
47. He doesn't seem to be doing a job.
அவ ெச றா ேபா ெத ற ைல ஒ ேவைல.
48. He seemed to be doing a job.
அவ ெச றா ேபா ெத த ஒ ேவைல.
49. He didn't seem to be doing a job.
அவ ெச றா ேபா ெத ய ைல ஒ ேவைல
50. Doing a job is useful.
ெச வ (த ) ஒ ேவைல ரேயாசனமான .
51. Useless doing a job.
ரேயாசன ைல ெச வ ஒ ேவைல.
52. It is better to do a job.
க ந ல ெச வ ஒ ேவைல.
53. I had better do a job.
என க ந ல ெச வ ஒ ேவைல.
54. I made him do a job.
நா அவைன ைவ ெச ேத ஒ ேவைல.
மர க க List of Vegetables
அெம க ஆ ல வரலா
அெய அைன ல ேத
அ க - ந வர
ஆ ல உ ச ப
ஆ ல ஒ க
ஆ ல ெசா க எ ைக
ஆ ல எ ேகா க
ஆ ல ெமா வரலா
ஆ ல ெம ெபா
ஆ ல : இைண ர க
ஆ ல : உத க
இர டா ஆ ைற
எம பாட ட
ப ேவா கவன
தலா ஆ ைற
ெமா ெபய ள க
ஆ ல ஆ க க
இ தள இைண
வழ வத ல , ஆ ல
க க ஆ வல க
இைண வழ வத
55. I didn't make him do a job.
நா அவைன ைவ ெச க ைல ஒ ேவைல
56. To do a job I am going to America.
ெச வத ஒ ேவைல நா ேபா ேற அெம கா
57. I used to do a job.
நா பழ க ப ேத ெச ய ஒ ேவைல.
58. Shall I do a Job?
நா ெச யவா ஒ ேவைல?
59. Let’s do a job.
ெச ேவா ஒ ேவைல.
60. I feel like doing a job.
என ைன ற ெச ய ஒ ேவைல.
61. I don't feel like doing a job.
என ைன ற ைல ெச ய ஒ ேவைல.
62. I felt like doing a job.
என ைன த ெச ய ஒ ேவைல.
63. I didn't feel like doing a job.
என ைன க ைல ெச ய ஒ ேவைல.
64. I have been doing a job.
நா ட / லகாலமாக ெச ெகா ேற ஒ ேவைல.
65. I had been doing a job.
நா அ /அ கால ெச ெகா ேத ஒ ேவைல.
66. I see him doing a job.
என ெத ற அவ ெச றா ஒ ேவைல.
67. I don't see him doing a job.
என ெத ற ைல அவ ெச றா ஒ ேவைல.
க க ஆ வல க
க உதவலா . ேழ உ ள
ர ைட ெவ உ க
வா (Cut > Paste)
ஒ க . ந !
இைண ர க
Abbreviations and Acronyms
can / be able to
can and could
Common Nouns / Proper Nouns
Computer Acronyms
could , was / were able to
Date and Time
Future "going to"
Future Continuous Tense
Grammar Patterns 01
Grammar Patterns 02
Grammar Patterns 03
Grammar Patterns 04
Grammar Patterns 05
Grammar Patterns 06
Grammar Patterns 07
Grammatical Person in English
have / have got
History ofAmerican English
History of the English language
How To Use Capital Letters
IELTS Preparation
Irregular verbs
68. I saw him doing a job.
என ெத த அவ ெச றா ஒ ேவைல.
69. I didn't see him doing a job.
என ெத ய ைல அவ ெச றா ஒ ேவைல.
70. If I do a job, I will get experience.
நா ெச தா ஒ ேவைல என ைட அ பவ .
71. If I don't do a job, I won't get experience.
நா ெச யா டா ஒ ேவைல என ைட கா அ பவ .
72. If I had done a job, I would have got experience.
எ னா ெச ய ப தா ஒ ேவைல என ைட அ பவ . (ெச ய இ ைல
ைட க இ ைல)
73. It is time I did a job.
இ தா ேநர நா ெச வத ஒ ேவைல.
கவன :
உதாரணமாக ேமேல நா க ற பாட "do a job" எ வா ைத ல இல க க ேபா "doing a
job" எ வ ளைத அவதா க . அதாவ ரதான ைன ெசா ட 'ing' ைய
இைண பய ப ள . அ வா பய ப த பட ேவ ய இல க கைள ேழ ெகா ேளா .
அ ல க க ேபா எ ேபா ரதான ைன ெசா ட "ing" ைய இைண ேத பய ப த
ேவ எ பைத மன ைவ ெகா க .
Verb with + ing: 2, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 31, 37, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69.
உதாரண :
speak in English
speaking in English. எ வ ளைத அவதா க .
ேழ 10 வா ய க ெகா க ப ளன. அவ ைற ேமேல நா க றைத ேபா ஒ ெவா
வா ய கைள 73 தமாக மா எ ப ெச ய . எ ெபா வா வா
எ க . அ ேவ எ தாக உ க மன ப ய யதாக இ .
1. I speak in English.
List of Prepositions
May be able to
Parts of Speech
Passive Voice
Past Continuous Tense
Past Perfect Continuous
Polite and More Polite
Prepositions of Place
Prepositions of Time
Present Continuous Tense
Present Perfect
Present Perfect Continuous
Should be able to
Simple Future Tense
Simple Past Tense
Simple Present Tense
there is
Third Person Infinitive + s/es
Types of Nouns
Use a/an Vowels and Consonant
was / were going to
will be able to
இற த கால ெதாட ைன
எ கால ெதாட ைன
சாதாரண இற த கால
சாதாரண எ கால 01
சாதாரண எ கால 02
சாதாரண க கால
க கால ெதாட ைன
1. I speak in English.
நா ேப ேற ஆ ல .
2. I write a letter.
நா எ ேற ஒ க த .
3. I play cricket.
நா ைளயா ேற ெக .
4. I fill up the form.
நா ர ேற ண ப .
5. I go to school.
நா ேபா ேற பாடசாைல .
6. I do my homework.
நா ெச ேற பாட .
7. I read a book.
நா வா ேற ஒ ெபா தக .
8. I travel by bus.
நா ரயாண ெச ேற ேப .
9. I look for a job.
நா ேத ேற ஒ ேவைல.
10. I ride a bike.
நா ஓ ேற உ .
கவ க
உதாரணமாக "speak in English" எ ஒ வா ய ைத எ ெகா ேடாமானா அைத:
I speak in English.
நா ேப ேற ஆ ல .
I am speaking in English.
நா ேப ெகா ேற ஆ ல .
I spoke in English.
நா ேப ேன ஆ ல .
I didn't speak in English.
நா ேபச ைல ஆ ல .
I will speak in English.
நா ேப ேவ ஆ ல .
என (ேமேல எ கா ளைத ேபா ) அேத இல க வ ைச ரம 73 வா ய களாக மா
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எ ப ெச ய . இ க இல வான ஓ ப ைறயா .
Long Forms = Sort Forms
Do + not = Don’t
Does + not = Doesn’t
Did + not = Didn’t
Will + not = Won’t
Was + not = Wasn’t
Were + not = Weren’t
Can + not = Can’t
Could + not = Couldn’t
Have + not = Haven’t
Has + not = Hasn’t
Had + not = Hadn’t
Need + not = Needn’t
Must + not = Mustn’t
Should + not = Shouldn’t
Would + not Wouldn't
இ பாட ட ெதாட ைட இர ரம ெப ட க இைண ேழ ெகா க ப ளன.
அவ ைற ப ெச ெகா க .
Grammar Patterns 2
Grammar Patterns 3
ம இ ைறய பாட நா க ற 73 வா ய க (அேத இல க வ ைச ரம ) ஒ ெவா
பாட களாக வைட . அ ெபா அதனத பய பா ப , இல கண ைறக ப
வாக க கலா . வாக எ த ப ட பாட க ட வா ய ட இைண
வழ க ப . அ ைண ைப ெசா ட பாட ெச அத ைமயான
பய பா ைட க ெகா ளலா . ைழய ற உ ச ப பாட க ட இைண க ப
ஒ த ேகா கைள ெசா ப ெப க .
இ த ரம ெப ட கைள த ர ேம ல ரம ெப ட க உ ளன. அைவ உ ய பாட க ேபா
வழ க ப .
ஆ ல க , ஆ ல ெமா வரலா , அெம க ஆ ல ேபா றவ ைற
பா கலா .
எ ப ? - 2 (Asking for Directions)" via 59 secs
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R e a l - t i m e v i e·M e n u
க கா பக
ைன ைவ ெகா க
"ேப ெமா ைய தா இல கண களாக வ க ப ளேத த ர, உல எ த ஓ ெமா
இல கண கைள வ ம க ேப ழ க வர ைல."
இ உல உ ள எ லா ெமா க ெபா . எனேவ "ஆ ல இல கண " எ ற ட
அதைன க னமானதாக க தாம , ேமேல ற ப ள ைறக ப ெதாட ப
ெச க . அைவ உ க மன ப வ ண ெதாட ப ெச க . ஆ ல "Well
Begun is Half Done " எ ப , அத ெபா "எதைன ைறயாக ஆர க எ றாேல பா
ெவ " எ பேத ஆ . எனேவ இ த த பாடேம உ க கான ற த ஆர பமாக இ க .
ெதாட ப ெச க . தவைர அ ச ச தமாக ேப பழ க . ய ைர
இய பாக ஆ ல ேப ஆ றைல ெப க .
ெகா ேறா . இ க எ தாக ஆ ல க பத கான ஓ ப ைறயா .
ச ப கைள ெதாட க .
அ த பாட ச ேபா .
இ பாட ட ப ய உ க ஆ க வமான க கைள எ ட ப ெகா மா
அ ட ேக ெகா ேறா .
ந !
அ ட
அ HK Arun
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Posted by HK Arun at Monday, December 24, 2007
Labels: English Conversation Practice, English Grammar Lessons, English Grammar Patterns, Spoken English
through Tamil
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த த said...
இைத ஏ க ஒ ப உ ப த டா எ ேலா த த யாக ெச யாம
ஒ றாக ெச ய இல வாக இ நா ேவ மானா உ க ட இைண ேற
December 28, 2007 at 11:23 PM
TamilNenjam said...
very nice info
December 29, 2007 at 5:00 PM
ந ல ய . வா க .
January 8, 2008 at 10:02 AM
ர ச க said...
ஆ ல ெசா கைள அ ப ேய இட மாறாம - நா ெச ேற ேவைல - எ ப ெசய ைகயான
த ழா கமாக இ ற . நா ேவைல ெச ேற எ த வழ ஏ ப எ னாேல எ த
ெசா எத எ ம க ெகா ள மா டா களா?
January 10, 2008 at 5:15 AM
Arun said...
உ க க ைத ெத தைம க ந இர ச க .
ஆ ல வழ ஏ ப அ ப ேய இட மாறாம த ழா க ெச வ , ெசய ைகயான த ழா கமாக
இ எ ப உ ைமதா .
ஆனா இ ேக ஆ ல க பைதேய த ைம ப ேள . தவைர
ஒ ெவா ஆ ல ெசா க மான த அ த கைள ள க பதா ைரவாக ,
இல வாக க ெகா ள யதாக இ என நா க றா . அேத ேவைள ஆ ல
ெசா க கான ச யான த அ த ைத ள ெகா வா க அ லவா?
ஆர ப ஆ ல ெசா க கான ச யான த ள க ட க ெகா டா கேளயானா ,
கால ேபா அவ களாகேவ
த தம ேப வழ ஏ றவைக மா ெகா வா க அ லவா?
February 14, 2008 at 7:57 AM
ஜமால said...
பய ள உ க ய வா க .
February 18, 2008 at 6:23 AM
Arun said...
ந ஜமால !
February 18, 2008 at 9:25 AM
Anonymous said...
ந ல ய . வா க
March 7, 2008 at 6:57 PM
Arun said...
வா க ந Rajah
March 8, 2008 at 5:29 PM
ெச நாத ெச ல மா said...
Thanks for your efforts...
March 29, 2008 at 9:02 AM
Arun said...
வ ைக ட க ந ெச நாத ெச ல மா அவ க .
April 3, 2008 at 2:27 AM
Anonymous said...
Dear sir, thankyou for teaching english.i w'll refer to my friends.also ihave one small doubt.that, i w'll
send it to your email
April 15, 2008 at 10:34 PM
Anonymous said...
Very good. This will be simple way tp learn/understand english.
In some cases, tamil translation needs to be corrected.
June 6, 2008 at 8:08 AM
Arun said...
ந க மா ம அனா ம இ வ .
//In some cases, tamil translation needs to be corrected.//
இவ ைற கா களானா ச ப த இல வாக இ .
நா ய ெச ேற .
June 7, 2008 at 4:58 AM
Abu Mohamed said...
Please start English Grammar from the chapter of sentence
= A sentence is a group of words, which gives complete sense.
There are four kinds of sentences
=Assertive sentence (statement)
=Interrogative sentence (question)
=Imperative sentence (command and Request)
=Exclamatory sentence (Exclamation and sarrow)
June 26, 2008 at 10:56 PM
Arun said...
Abu Mohamed அவ க
உ க க க வரேவ க த க .
நா இ ேக வழ வ வ எம "HE English Institute" இ ஆ ல பாட ப ைறையேய.
"எம பாட ட " ப க பா கலா .
இ அவ க ய டய க உ ளட க ப ளன. எ வ பாட க
காணலா .
ேநர ைட ேபாேத எ வ வதா , உடன யாக எ லாவ ைற எ த யாைம
வ ேற .
ந !
June 27, 2008 at 5:06 PM
S.BALAJI said...
ஓ அ ைமயான ய .வா க
July 16, 2008 at 11:28 PM
HK Arun said...
வா க ந
July 16, 2008 at 11:38 PM
July 20, 2008 at 7:23 PM
Anonymous said...
ந ல பய ள ெசய .
ெதாட க .
வா க .
August 4, 2008 at 1:53 PM
saraganesh said...
Hello Sir,
Really, ur job is very Good ...
Please continue this......
August 22, 2008 at 5:39 AM
saraganesh said...
Hello Sir,
Really u r doing good job.....
Please continue this....
August 22, 2008 at 5:41AM
HK Arun said...
- Farook Abdulla
- Anonymouse
- Saraganesh
வர வா க ந
August 28, 2008 at 4:57 AM
அ ,
உ கள இ த ேசைவ எ கைள ேபா ற பலேபா க பய உ ளதாக அைம . இ
ேபா ைறய பாட ப கைள ெதாட ெகா க ேவ என ேக ெகா ேற .
உ கள ேசைவ என மனமா த ந .
August 30, 2008 at 2:31 PM
வ ேவல .ஆ said...
ந ல ேசைவ ெதாட ெச எ ேபா ற அைனவ ஆ ல க ெகா வாக
உய க
September 4, 2008 at 1:56 PM
HK Arun said...
வ ேவல ஆ
வண க
//ந ல ேசைவ ெதாட ெச எ ேபா ற அைனவ ஆ ல க ெகா வாக
உய க .//
எம இ த "ஆ ல " வைல தள ஆ ல க நா ேபேர உய வானா க அ ேவ
என மனம வானதா .
ந அ பேர!
September 5, 2008 at 4:59 AM
pondy said...
HELLO SIR, ur job is very good...
September 21, 2008 at 2:38 PM
rajanga said...
i really appriciated Mr.Arun..
you have done a very good job to tamil and tamil people.
Rajangbaoopathy Muniswamy
September 22, 2008 at 11:12 AM
HK Arun said...
- Pondy
- Rajanga
உ க ைடய க க ம ைவ த றன.
ந க .
September 22, 2008 at 4:14 PM
Anonymous said...
hello sir,
i search many sites and books for learn .all the ways are not suitable.but from your program i have the
confidence to speak english earlier.i am tamil medium students.through these program the tamil
people can understand the meaning of each and every word.your direction of approach is good and
correct.(direct translation)
November 8, 2008 at 12:25 AM
HK Arun said...
அ ட அனா மாணவ
ச ேயா ைழேயா எ க .
ச ேயா ைழேயா அ ச ேப க .
எத அ ச ெகா ள ேதைவ ைல.
//(direct translation)//
தவைர ேநர த ழா கமாகேவ தர ய ேறா . ள க க ேதைவெய
ேக ெட க .
ந .
November 20, 2008 at 9:38 AM
joshe said...
i am Nandhini . i am std 11th .
i will use your English patten sir
this is very easy, i want take to english sir . my school is not interest to english . so i will use you are
grammar patten sir.
it's nice sir ...
thanking you.....
November 27, 2008 at 10:01 PM
udhaya said...
க ந , க பய உ ளதாக இ ற ந பேர!!!
December 1, 2008 at 7:48 PM
Anonymous said...
From: Nandha Kumar.u
Today only i seen your blog....
Excellent work.........
Please continue your work....
Thank You.....
December 10, 2008 at 12:24 AM
Galeel Bhasha said...
க ந , க பய உ ளதாக இ ற !!!
ெதாட க உ ந ப !!!
December 22, 2008 at 8:26 PM
Chandran said...
க ந .வா க .
December 24, 2008 at 7:02 AM
Anonymous said...
வ ேதா ெச ேறா எ லாம த க ெத தைத, க ரம எ அைனவ
எ வ ணமாக ற பாக ெகா ர க ைவ க .
எ ப ந ெசா வ ெத ய ைல.
ெதாட க
December 31, 2008 at 3:00 PM
HK Arun said...
- Joshe
- Udhaya
- Anonymous 1
- Galeel Bhasha
- Chandran
- Anonymous 2
உ க அைனவ ைடய க க வா க ந க .
அ ட அ
January 2, 2009 at 5:46 PM
Hassan said...
Really it is a great job.
January 6, 2009 at 1:15 PM
Anonymous said...
February 9, 2009 at 6:34 PM
meera said...
February 9, 2009 at 6:36 PM
ெச ல said...
வண க ... அ க ர ெச ெகா க . இ ேபா றவ க வற தா
ச க இ வ த . அைத க இ ற க வா க .
ெதாட க உம பயண
- ெச ைன த ழ
February 18, 2009 at 12:49 AM
HK Arun said...
ெச ல
உ க அைனவர வ ைக க க க ந .
February 18, 2009 at 7:49 AM
salam said...
It is really very useful to many people who wants to learn english through their mother tounge. Pls. go
ahead. Wish you all success.
A.Salam - Palakkad
February 22, 2009 at 2:48 AM
Enat hu Payanam said...
Its really a nice starting point to learn English in a different way and different method.
Good effort. Thanks Arun.
Thanks Giving,
Krishna Prabhu,
February 23, 2009 at 8:29 PM
Anonymous said...
iam doing my pg. but still i dont know to speak english, i am planning to go to abroad. your approach
is very powerful and easy to learn. so pls teach me abroad slang also.
February 25, 2009 at 8:20 PM
Hi arun you done very nice job, thank you very much, It's very usefull for me.
March 11, 2009 at 1:24 AM
Hi arun you done very nice job,thanhk you very much. It's very usefull for me.
March 11, 2009 at 1:27 AM
Mut hiah said...
I am verry new to this blogspots Thanks to I hope it will be useful for me. I started my first
lesson today If i have any doubts while doing my exercises whom shall I contact. Thanks
Muthiah R
March 15, 2009 at 4:04 AM
haider said...
this is very easy ,very t hank!
March 17, 2009 at 1:41 PM
kalaiyarasi said...
it is a wonderful job many of us searching website for getting knowledge of english they will get more
things thanks
April 6, 2009 at 5:26 PM
kalai said...
this is very useful for many tamilians
April 6, 2009 at 5:46 PM
Priyamudan said...
hi arun,
u are good thinking like this spoken English, so much peoples confusing how to learn english, so
much of english classes r very tuf. anyway thanks for good initiative,
All the best
Once thanks for ur initative.........
April 13, 2009 at 1:34 AM
Anonymous said...
good very usefull lession to me
April 13, 2009 at 3:44 PM
Krishnan said...
thanks very usefull lession to me
April 13, 2009 at 3:46 PM
Suppan said...
You are doing a great job.
I am planning to do something similar to this.
April 13, 2009 at 11:53 PM
Anonymous said...
I wish,I had a English knowledge like you.
I think. I can improve my English knowledge like you. help with webside
April 18, 2009 at 12:16 AM
ம ராசா said...
வண க
வைல சர மாத உ க ப ைவ தா . அதனாேலேய வ வா ய . க
ந ல பய ள ேசைவ.
ஆ ல ஓரள ெத தா ட ைறய இல கண ைழகைள நா ெச வ . இ
வ அவ ைற இ ெத ப ெகா ள என ந ேற .
வா க . க ந .
April 18, 2009 at 1:31 PM
HK Arun said...
Enathu Payanam
Anonymous 1
Anonymous 2
Anonymous 3
அைனவர க க பாரா க க ந .
அ ட அ
April 19, 2009 at 2:00 PM
HK Arun said...
//வைல சர மாத உ க ப ைவ தா . அதனாேலேய வ வா ய .//
ந ம ராசா.
வைல சர மாத எ அ பான ந க .
April 19, 2009 at 2:04 PM
Anonymous said...
this is very useful site.
please continue it.
May 11, 2009 at 8:50 PM
bala said...
i think this is the best site of learn english,all the best.
June 5, 2009 at 2:27 PM
HK Arun said...
//this is very useful site.
please continue it.//
ந அனா ந பேர!
சயமாக ெதாட ேவா .
June 21, 2009 at 2:41AM
HK Arun said...
//i think this is the best site of learn english,all the best.//
உ க க ம ைய த ற .
ந .
June 21, 2009 at 2:43 AM
Bala said...
Dear Sir,
Your done a very good job keep it up
July 20, 2009 at 5:34 PM
Prasat h said...
Dear Sir,
I ever seen site like this. It's really good one and I hope in future most of the people will say thanks to
July 28, 2009 at 4:32 AM
Ranjit Sachin said...
Really you did the wonderful job for our tamil peoples... You are great... Continue this site.. Please
dont stop updating for any reason..
All the best..
Vazha pallandu..
July 30, 2009 at 3:43 PM
HK Arun said...
- Bala
- Prasath
- Ranjit Sachin
உ க க க ம ைவ த றன. ஊ க க ந க .
August 10, 2009 at 10:45 PM
arunan said...
உலகெம லா த ெமா பரவேவ எ றா
த ழ த ஆ ல ெத ய ேவ .
ந ல ப . உ க ஆ அ ல. ஆ ர ஆ க இ க ேவ . த ெத தவ
ஆ ல ெத ய ைல. ஆ ல ெத தவ த ெத ய ைல. ஆ ல ெத த
த ழ க உலகெம லா பர ேபா உலகெம லா த ேழாைச பர . அ வைக பர வைக
ெச த கள த ெதா ெதாடர .
உ க ெபய ேலேய உ கேளா உ க ட ஆ லம க ெகா ள ெப ைமயாக
இ ற .ந க பல பல.
August 13, 2009 at 7:15 PM
priya said...
good afternoon sir, i am priya. really you r doing a great job.Hats off to u sir. in yours, எ கா டாக
"I do a job" எ பைத த ெமா ெபய ேவாமானா "நா ஒ ேவைல ெச ேற "
எ தா ேவா . ஆனா இ த ஆ ல பாட ப அ வா இ லாம "நா
ெச ேற ஒ ேவைல" எ ஆ ல நைட ஏ பேவ த ழா க ெச ய ப ள . It's
difficult to understand sir. i know how tough it is to change. but if there are two meanings like i
mentioned above, it will be really helpful for us.And i have finished my B.E. this year. i was a Tamil
medium student till my higher secondary. now i want to speek good English to atten the interview. also
i did my college in an average college only. there students always speak only in Tamil. kindly help me.
how can i improve my communication skill. also i have no time. i have to atten many companies. thank
you sir, if i made any mistake sorry for that. i am excepting your reply sir.
August 26, 2009 at 5:13 PM
priya said...
good afternoon sir, i am priya. really you r doing a great job.Hats off to u sir. in yours, எ கா டாக
"I do a job" எ பைத த ெமா ெபய ேவாமானா "நா ஒ ேவைல ெச ேற "
எ தா ேவா . ஆனா இ த ஆ ல பாட ப அ வா இ லாம "நா
ெச ேற ஒ ேவைல" எ ஆ ல நைட ஏ பேவ த ழா க ெச ய ப ள . It's
difficult to understand sir. i know how tough it is to change. but if there are two meanings like i
mentioned above, it will be really helpful for us.And i have finished my B.E. this year. i was a Tamil
medium student till my higher secondary. now i want to speek good English to atten the interview. also
i did my college in an average college only. there students always speak only in Tamil. kindly help me.
how can i improve my communication skill. also i have no time. i have to atten many companies. thank
you sir, if i made any mistake sorry for that. i am excepting your reply sir.
August 26, 2009 at 5:17 PM
Several t ips said...
Good post.
September 8, 2009 at 6:31 PM
HK Arun said...
//உலகெம லா த ெமா பரவேவ எ றா
த ழ த ஆ ல ெத ய ேவ .//
த ெமா வள த ழ வளரேவ . இ ைறய ழ உலக அர த ழ ர
ஆ ல அ யாவ ய தா .
அேதேவைள ஆ ல க ேபா தம தா ெமா வள ப க பா களானா , பல
வள ப கைள நா எ டலா .
ந அ ண .
September 15, 2009 at 2:22 PM
HK Arun said...
அ ட யா!
//எ கா டாக "I do a job" எ பைத த ெமா ெபய ேவாமானா "நா ஒ
ேவைல ெச ேற " எ தா ேவா . ஆனா இ த ஆ ல பாட ப அ வா
இ லாம "நா ெச ேற ஒ ேவைல" எ ஆ ல நைட ஏ பேவ த ழா க
ெச ய ப ள . It's difficult to understand sir.//
உ க க ணமாக ெத வா ய கைள ேக ெட க .
இ வ பாட க க ணமான ேபா ேதா வா ய க இர தமாக
ள க த ேற .
September 15, 2009 at 2:25 PM
HK Arun said...
அ ட Several tips!
September 15, 2009 at 2:26 PM
Anonymous said...
I'm really very proud of you Mr.Arun. You are a very great person. Continue your good work. Very very
thanks to you.
S. Vidhya
September 18, 2009 at 6:14 PM
Kart hikeyan said...
Hi Arun,
You have great job, I appriciate that. I am having simple query about, How to differentiate can- could,
may-might-maybe, will-would. Please explain me, How to use that words in correct situations?
September 29, 2009 at 8:36 PM
HK Arun said...
- அனா
ட ந
September 29, 2009 at 10:34 PM
HK Arun said...
- Karthikeyan
How to differentiate can- could,
can இ ேக:
could இ ேக:
can - could இர ன ற பய பா க இ ேக:
//may-might-maybe, will-would. Please explain me, How to use that words in correct situations?//
இைவ எ வ பாட க த ேற .
ேக ந
September 29, 2009 at 10:39 PM
Ramanan said...
ந ல ேசைவ ெதாட ெச க .
October 3, 2009 at 8:55 PM
jahabar said...
Dear Mr.Arun Sir,
behalf of all learner I thanks to U for your super useful service to all human.Really It's amazing &
seems that your site is doing great job.I appreciate your good hardwork.Insha allah U will be good
position in ur place.I feel lucky to share my opinion to U.I would like to say some thing about It will be
number one site to learn Tamil to English communication in easy format and also quick way.Every
Tamil people Should know about your side.I try to do my best to ads your side to all.
October 4, 2009 at 2:37 PM
Anonymous said...
Really you did the wonderful job for our tamil peoples... You are great... Continue this site.. Please
dont stop updating for any reason..
All the best..
BABU Chennai
October 9, 2009 at 1:17 AM
HK Arun said...
-BABU Chennai
உ க க க ம ைய உ சாக ைத த றன. உ க ஊ கேள என உ
ச .
க க வா க க ந
அ ட அ | HK Arun
October 9, 2009 at 11:37 AM
Anonymous said...
hi arun im really happy abuot your work.good job.may god bless you and give more good health to
continue this.if u could please add some mini stories with different tense and with audio, then it will
useful us to improve our spoken english pls pls pl..............s br.arun.your student
October 12, 2009 at 11:08 PM
Anonymous said...
helo mr arun,
As some of the learners said that both the form of tamil sentence is required . if you give both together
it will be easy for us.
wish you all the best.
-as a learner-
October 30, 2009 at 3:24 PM
mj said...
Hello author,
First of all i would like to thank you for this great initiative and effort and this will help all level of people
who are interested in improving their skills...
Please continue this great work...
Let other get light for their candle from your knowledge
Great work keep it up
November 8, 2009 at 3:17 AM
mj said...
Hello author,
First of all i would like to thank you for this great initiative and effort and this will help all level of people
who are interested in improving their skills...
Please continue this great work...
Let other get light for their candle from your knowledge
Great work keep it up
November 8, 2009 at 3:17 AM
Anonymous said...
அ ட ந ப அ வண க
என வய 55 ஆ ல இல கண ைழ வ உ க இ த
பாட ெசா ெகா ைற ச யாசமாக இ தா
எ உ ப உ ள க ந ஆ ய அவ கேள ' ந ந
November 8, 2009 at 3:48 PM
HK Arun said...
//As some of the learners said that both the form of tamil sentence is required . if you give both
together it will be easy for us.//
ைர இ வ ெமா ெபய ட வழ க ய ேற .
அ தைம ந
November 8, 2009 at 9:46 PM
HK Arun said...
- Anonymous
//hi arun im really happy abuot your work.good job.may god bless you and give more good health to
continue this.if u could please add some mini stories with different tense and with audio, then it will
useful us to improve our spoken english pls pls pl..............s br.arun.your student//
உ க க ைத ெத தைம க ந . க ேக ட ஆ ல க , ஒ ப க
ேபா றன எ வ பாட க எ பா கலா .
November 8, 2009 at 9:51 PM
HK Arun said...
அ ட MJ
உ க க ஊ க ைத அ ற . எம பாட க ெதாட யாக வ .
November 8, 2009 at 9:54 PM
HK Arun said...
- Anonymous
வண க ஐயா (55)
உ க மன ற த க கேள எம கான உ ச யா ற .
//எ உ ப உ ள // எ க , அ ேவ எம ம யான .
உ க க க ந .
November 8, 2009 at 9:56 PM
Sivanant han said...
உ க பாட க எ தாக உ ளன. க இல ைகய எ ப எ க ெப ைமயாக உ ள i
am very proud of you. This will be simple way tp learn english. Thanks
November 30, 2009 at 10:04 PM
hhh said...
hai sir good evening this is very very useful to me i am very glad still after 5 months improve myself
thankyou very much sir
December 1, 2009 at 8:15 PM
HK Arun said...
- Sivananthan
- hhh
உ க க கைள ெத தைம ம
ந க
December 1, 2009 at 10:02 PM
hamaragana said...
அ ட ந ப அ வண க பட ஒ ேம வா ைதக உ வா எ த ப ேற
நா பா கலா .
i may watch t.v
i might watch t.v
i may be watch t.v.
ச தாேன .
December 2, 2009 at 10:05 PM
HK Arun said...
//i may watch t.v
i might watch t.v
i may be watch t.v.
ச தாேன.//
I may be watching t.v.
ஆ ச யாக தா எ க . ஆனா "ing" இடேவ ய இட கைள ச கவ எ
ப ெச க . ெவ சய .
December 2, 2009 at 11:44 PM
udaya said...
very nice
December 19, 2009 at 1:37 PM
Ranjit Sachin said...
Ungaludaya Vetri Payanam Thodaratum.
Idhayanganidhanda Vaazhuludan
December 20, 2009 at 11:00 PM
HK Arun said...
ந Udaya
ந Ranjit Sachin
December 20, 2009 at 11:23 PM
educat ions said...
எ ேலா தா ந வா க . இ த வைல க ந ல ஆ ய எ ப இ
க ைல. என ெத த வைர எ ைடய வைல ஆ ல எ ேற ஆதர தர ந
January 1, 2010 at 8:13 PM
NSK said...
உ க ேசைவ க ந , உ க உைழ வா க
January 15, 2010 at 8:36 PM
NSK said...
உ க ேசைவ க ந , உ க உைழ வா க
January 15, 2010 at 8:37 PM
HK Arun said...
உ க தா வா க உ தாக .
//இ த வைல க ந ல ஆ ய எ ப இ க ைல. என ெத த வைர
எ ைடய வைல ஆ ல எ ேற ஆதர தர .
உ க தள பா ேத ம !
அ ட HK Arun
January 16, 2010 at 12:18 AM
HK Arun said...
வண க NSK,
வா க ந ந பேர.
January 16, 2010 at 12:20 AM
Anonymous said...
நா க ட ைற 4 வ டமாக இ ேற . நா ப த த ய , வள த ேலா க
ம ைர, நா ஆ ல சரளமாக ேபச ெர ப ஆைச அத ச யான ைட க ைல. ஆனா
இ ேபா உ க ல இ த £ள ைட ள . உ க £ள ைக பா ப த ட என
ஒ ந ைக வ ள , எ னா ஆ ல ேபச எ . எ வா மற யாத
ளா இ உ .
......ந ேவ ந ....... ஆண த மா , அ பான (ம ைர)
January 17, 2010 at 9:33 PM
t hiruudhaya said...
Hi Sir,
January 18, 2010 at 12:02 AM
HK Arun said...
அ ட ஆண த மா ,
உ க க ைர ம ைய ஊ க ைத த ற .
ெதாட ப ேய ெவ ஒேர வ .
January 18, 2010 at 9:01AM
HK Arun said...
- Thiruuadhaya
உ க க ைர க ந உதயா.
January 18, 2010 at 9:05 AM
muju1988 said...
hai sir,,its very useful to us
February 1, 2010 at 5:54 PM
raja said...
very very usefull and very easy learning thanks ur help full mind
February 27, 2010 at 3:42 AM
HK Arun said...
- muju1988
- raja
உ க க ப க ந க
February 27, 2010 at 3:36 PM
Arasan said...
Hi, Mr.Arun really you are doing a great job. I am working as a software engineer in Corporate
company. when i came to chennai, i just remember my job searching days. i struggled a lot. But now
i'm good speaker in english by god's grace. I can help you if you wants anything. Your way of teaching
is pretty good and great. Take care.All the best..
February 28, 2010 at 8:08 PM
Arasan said...
Hi, Mr.Arun really you are doing a great job. I am working as a software engineer in Corporate
company. when i came to chennai, i just remember my job searching days. i struggled a lot. But now
i'm good speaker in english by god's grace. I can help you if you wants anything. Your way of teaching
is pretty good and great. Take care.All the best..
February 28, 2010 at 8:46 PM
PRAKASH said...
நா இ தா இ த வைல தள ைத கா ேற . ஆ ல க பத என க பய ள
தள என ந ேற . பாட ட ஒ ஆர ேற .
March 1, 2010 at 10:19 PM
HK Arun said...
- Arasan
//Your way of teaching is pretty good and great. Take care.All the best.//
உ க க ப க ந .
March 2, 2010 at 12:25 AM
HK Arun said...
//பாட ட ஒ ஆர ேற .//
ஆ ! அ ேவ இல வான . ரம ெப ட க 01, 02, 03 ந றாக ப
ெச ெகா களானா பா ெவ ெப க எனலா .
ப ெபா , எ , எ யவ ைற ச தமாக வா ப ெச க .
March 2, 2010 at 12:29 AM
Anonymous said...
aangilam karka arumaiyana vazhi kanbithu irukkinreergal.nanrigal nanbare!
March 12, 2010 at 9:41 PM
Gopikrishnan said...
நா இ ேற த கள பாட கைள ப அ ேத ..,
க ந ..
April 4, 2010 at 6:16 AM
deepa said...
its very useful to me...thank you
April 9, 2010 at 11:37 AM
sangeet ha said...
Dear sir,
This is sangeetha.
i hope this is very useful for people like me.
while speaking in english that my problem is no fluency because of hesitation and strike of vocabulary.
how to rectify this problem, sir.
Because i want to speak in english very very fluently, will you help me, sir.
If i download pdf files it will not be opened in my system.
will u send the lessons through e.mail, sir,
my id:
Thank you.
April 14, 2010 at 9:42 PM
HK Arun said...
- Anonymous
- Gopikrishnan
- deepa
உ க க ப க க ந
April 14, 2010 at 10:45 PM
HK Arun said...
- sangeetha
எம பாட க ெதாட வ அவ ைற ப ெச க . பாட க ெதாட பான ேமல க
ள க க ேதைவ ப ெதாட ெகா க . //If i download pdf files it will not be opened in
my system.//
PDF ேகா கைள உ க க ற பா பத , எ ேகா வா பா க
ேவ . இ த ப ைவ பா க
April 14, 2010 at 10:55 PM
vasnt vel said...
hai i am vasntvel from covai
April 17, 2010 at 7:26 PM
மர said...
வா க ..
April 22, 2010 at 11:44 PM
PRAKASAM said...
Hi sir, Good morning! What a excellent job! Best of luck! Keep it! We are waiting for your lessons!
April 26, 2010 at 1:52 PM
PRAKASAM said...
Hi sir, Good morning! What a excellent job! Best of luck! Keep it! We are waiting for your lessons!
April 26, 2010 at 2:07 PM
Anonymous said...
Its Very Helpful to me.
long time i searched this kind of website.
now i found it..
100 thanks to u..
April 29, 2010 at 7:01 PM
Yasir said...
man what a great job u r doing...hats off to you arun....God bless you
June 17, 2010 at 9:38 PM
Nagarajan said...
S. Nagarajan
Dear sir, thank you for teaching English's we'll refer to my friends.Also I am working in printing press
job design work I know read English & understanding English but I an not speak English your teaching
English very easy then sure I speak English . again Thank you very much
July 10 2010
July 10, 2010 at 3:59 PM
Rengasamy said...
Really a very good service to the Tamil People especially who is working / students studying in abroad.
July 12, 2010 at 12:52 AM
rajendran said...
this is really an amazing job mr.ARUN. i like your contribution and the commitment towards teaching
English to our people, in which language they can easily understand....
i would follow your chapters...
keep going....
all best
July 12, 2010 at 6:14 PM
HK Arun said...
- Vasntvel
- மர
- Shankari
- Yasir
உ க க ப க பாரா க ம ைவ த றன.
ந ந ப கேள!
July 20, 2010 at 9:47 AM
HK Arun said...
S. Nagarajan
//Dear sir, thank you for teaching English's we'll refer to my friends.Also I am working in printing press
job design work I know read English & understanding English but I an not speak English your teaching
English very easy then sure I speak English . again Thank you very much.//
ஆ ல இல கண ைறயாக க , ஆ ல சரளமாக ேபச யாம இ பல உ ளன .
அத கான காரண க ரதான காரண க : தலாவ ேப ெபா ஆ ல இல கண ைழ
ஏ ப ேமா எ அ ச , அத எம தள பாட க உத . இர டாவ
ஆ ல ெசா கைள ச யாக உ ச ேறாமா எ உ , அ ஏ ஏ ப றன எ றா ,
ஆ ல க ேபா ஆ ல ஒ கைள ைறயாக க தராதத ைள எ ேற நா
ேவ .
(ஆ ல ஒ க ) பாட ேமல க ள க கைள க காணலா .
July 20, 2010 at 9:53 AM
HK Arun said...
- Rengasamy
//Really a very good service to the Tamil People especially who is working / students studying in
பாரா ந ந பேர
July 20, 2010 at 9:58 AM
HK Arun said...
- rajendran
//this is really an amazing job mr.ARUN. i like your contribution and the commitment towards teaching
English to our people, in which language they can easily understand....
i would follow your chapters...
keep going....
all best//
உ க க ப க ந ந பேர
July 20, 2010 at 9:59 AM
Govindarajan said...
I unable to copy and paste the required part of the page in ms-word.
Which tamil font you are using?
How can i get printout for the part of the page
July 23, 2010 at 12:07 PM
Govindarajan said...
I want to take the print out for that 73 sentences and their tamil meanings only
Is it possible?
Expecting reply soon
July 23, 2010 at 2:08 PM
Ant huvan said...
Hello Arun, Its a great effort ! I appreciate your heart to help the needy! Its great! Keep do your good
work! God bless!
July 24, 2010 at 10:55 PM
Anonymous said...
i am new to this website.yesterday only i saw it.i have some doubt.
38. I have to do a job.
நா /என ெச ய ேவ ஒ ேவைல.
40. I had to do a job.
நா /என ெச ய ேவ ஏ ப ட ஒ ேவைல.
here u indicated.
seiya vendi irundathu in EX:40
y v don't call in ex:30
seiya vendi irrukku.
July 29, 2010 at 1:05 AM
Govindarajan said...
Your "Download as PDF" link is not working properly in Adobe Reader version 9.3 . Kindly check it
August 3, 2010 at 2:17 PM
jagan said...
hello sir this very nice and super sir i like your job thnk you sir....
August 16, 2010 at 11:36 AM
ganesh said...
//Dear sir, thank you for teaching English's we'll refer to my friends.Also I am working in printing press
job design work I know read English & understanding English but I an not speak English your teaching
English very easy then sure I speak English . again Thank you very much.//
September 23, 2010 at 3:14 AM
hema said...
Is it correct to say, i need to do a job.
October 15, 2010 at 6:55 PM
Goodway said...
எ ேம த மைழ ேய
இ தைன நாைள எ தா ..............?
இ வள ெப ய ய எ றா ந பா !!!!
உ ைன எ ப நா பாரா வ ......
உ அ
ந. நாயக
October 30, 2010 at 7:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Dear Arun,
Great efforts from you without any commercial motive. I wish you all the best.
I am unable to save in pdf format or I am unable to take pdf by acrobat writer also. Could you please
help me?.
Thank you,
Ravi (Bangalore)
November 10, 2010 at 1:27 AM
suresh said...
உ க இைணயதள ைத பா க ம அைட ேத
November 10, 2010 at 6:32 AM
A.ravi said...
வண க அ .
வா க .உ க ேசைவ க ந , உ க உைழ வா க
A.Ravi & family
November 17, 2010 at 9:16 PM
Jagaveran said...
. அ அவ க என ந . எ ைன அழகான ய ... அ தைமயா!
ைளக ெப யவ வைர த ழ த அைனவ ஆ ல க ற ெப த ற த ஒ
தள ைத உ வா ெசய ப ெகா வ க உ கைள ேபா ற ப த த ழ க பல
ைறக த ன உதவ ேவ . த ன இழ தைத ெட க இ ேபா ற
ய க ென க பட ேவ . உ கைள ேபா ஒ ப த ழ க தா ேபா ,
எ இன ேன எ ந ைக ம யாக இ த உலக ைத ேபாேவ .
வா க உ க ய ! வா க த ன !
November 26, 2010 at 2:44 PM
Aloysius BJ PIOUS said...
Nice approach , Really hats off to you Arun.
November 30, 2010 at 11:04 PM
chinna said...
How to say in word your do a very very good job is very useful to my life
Thank You Very Much
December 6, 2010 at 12:38 AM
sat hish said...
great job.... god bless you...
December 22, 2010 at 10:57 PM
alagu said...
hi arun,
i have to do a job.
i have do a job.
What differents between this two words..pls tell me
January 7, 2011 at 3:35 PM
Anonymous said...
Assalamu alaikum.I am nawas.I am a tamil mediam student.I am learing spoken english last 5 years.i
have used your english pattern last one year.i have finished your all lessons. but i know grammer
rules,writing rules and spoken rules. but when i speak in english i am afraid and i have used lot of
mistakes that time i know this speak is not correct.i want practice or anything else.pleas give me a
good solution.i am waiting for your advise.
January 10, 2011 at 1:33 PM
Anonymous said...
Dear Sir! Good Evening! I saw English grammar in Tamil before three days. It is very nice like SWEETS.
I want to your english book. Have your English Book available? Please without fail reply me.
Thanking you!
Mageswari R
January 15, 2011 at 9:06 PM
Anonymous said...
very much informative
February 8, 2011 at 9:29 AM
Anonymous said...
உ க ேசைவ க ந ,.... என ஒ உத ெச ய ேவ நா speaking ெச ேவ
இ ேபா என ஒ story எ தவ try ப ற , நா எ வ ச யா எ பா க ஏஅதவ
உத ெச களா please......
February 10, 2011 at 12:00 AM
Anbu said...
dear sir,
I'm anbu... Thanks a lot for ur helpful learning session...
Basically i'm very weak in this site it's for me...
Thank U so much.......
March 1, 2011 at 6:43 PM
Sat hya, USA said...
In 2008 I referred this website to my friend, that time i have seen two or three comments only.After a
long gab now i am looking this, Wow, amazing how many peoples are really utilizing this.....?!
Hats Off Sir!You have done a very good job for my Tamil Peoples.
Once again Thank you very much.
March 10, 2011 at 9:50 AM
nawas said...
assalamu alaikum arun. i am nawas from dubai. i using ur site past 3 years.i know all grammer rules.
but when i speak in english while i could not get word.will not come words.i was thinking that time.
what i do pls tell good solution.vassalam.
March 17, 2011 at 9:19 PM
SIVAHARI said...
Dear Mr.Arun ji.
It's great job for Tamil medium students. I wish to all get improve and successful achievments -
Regards Sivahari
March 23, 2011 at 12:05 AM
Venu said...
ேவ வண க . இ தா உ க ஆ ல பாட ப -1 பா க ெகா ள ஆர ேத .
க எ தாக இ . ந ேவ.....
April 4, 2011 at 8:15 PM
SIHANSof t said...
I'm reading your website everyday, Its very useful me.also,I speak with my friends about your website
day by day, exactly easy to learn for us.I don't know how to thank u....
best regards,
Saudi Arabian airlines(KSA)
June 13, 2011 at 6:35 AM
jil said...
பய ள உ க ய வா க .by sakthi
July 9, 2011 at 10:12 PM
nat araj said...
I am very happy to see this blog because your job it is very help for poor student in english,
best wishes continue your job.
July 21, 2011 at 5:39 PM
Ram said...
க ந
September 14, 2011 at 10:48 PM
Nandha said...
September 20, 2011 at 10:35 PM
Nandha said...
September 20, 2011 at 10:37 PM
usman mohamed said...
its realy good
September 23, 2011 at 11:04 PM
த ம said...
ந ல ய ! வா க .
ஆனா ,த தா மற ேபா ற . (நா ெச ேற ஒ ேவைல!!!)
October 8, 2011 at 1:05 AM
HK Arun said...
-Anthuvan s
-ந. நாயக
-Ravi (Bangalore)
-A.Ravi & family
-Aloysius BJ PIOUS
- chinna
-Mageswari R
-Sathya, USA
-usman mohamed
உடன யாக ப அ காைம ம க . உ க அைனவ ைடய க ப க
ந க . அவ பலர ேக க இ தன.அைவ ெதாட பான பாட க ைர வ .
ந !
அ ட
அ | HK Arun
October 8, 2011 at 3:09 AM
Madhesh said...
த ழா வா க! உ ய ந !
Madhesh C
November 3, 2011 at 3:30 AM
Madhesh said...
த ழா வா க! உ ய ந !
Madhesh C
November 3, 2011 at 3:30 AM
Gk said...
அ ந பேர இ ேபா தா உ க தள ைத பா ேத
என ஆ ல ேபசேவ ..
நா பழக ஆர ேற .
அத உ க மனமா த ந ..
ேவ சரண
அ ேப வ
November 4, 2011 at 2:27 AM
Mohan said...
thank you sir, நா ந ல ேவைல ேள ஆனா ஆ ல என க ன மாக இ ற
இ ேபா தா உ க தள ைத பா ேத
என ஆ ல ேபசேவ நா உ க ட இைண ேற
December 11, 2011 at 5:51 PM
Mohan said...
thank you sir, நா ந ல ேவைல ேள ஆனா ஆ ல என க ன மாக இ ற
இ ேபா தா உ க தள ைத பா ேத
என ஆ ல ேபசேவ நா உ க ட இைண ேற
December 11, 2011 at 5:52 PM
pudhut amil said...
good work thank you sir
January 3, 2012 at 6:53 PM
Rajesh said...
I have to say 10000 thanks for u because after started reading your lessons only i have learned
(more)English grammars. Thanks a lot.
I have a small doubt
I write a letter
I am writing a letter -- In these two sentences your tamil meaning almost like same meaning pola
thaan irrukku (in my understanding).
so please Guide me i already read your other lessons also but i couldn't understand this simple
present meaning in tamil because in my understanding its like present continuous tamil meaning. so
please please
explain me.
but i can easily understood your past tense and present continuous easily after studied your lessons.
I am writing a letter---(In tamil) eluthikgonuirrukinrean
I write a letter---In tamil-- eluthuginrean (I write a letter).
January 25, 2012 at 12:02 PM
niroshan06 said...
It is very very useful for me. Thanks for this.....
January 30, 2012 at 2:15 AM
Prabhu said...
it is useful to basic learners..also your home work is perfect one..Congratulations..
March 8, 2012 at 12:53 AM
Prabhu said...
it is useful to basic learners...your homework idea is awesome.. congratulation
March 8, 2012 at 12:54 AM
dhivya said...
am so proud of u..arun...thanks for teaching english very very fear with speak english to
others...pls give any tips for me...
March 9, 2012 at 4:42 PM
dhivya said...
am very proud of u...arun...thanks for teaching english very very fear with speak english to
others..please give any tips for me
March 9, 2012 at 4:46 PM
Hemalat ha said...
fantastic.very use full website.thanks a lot.
March 21, 2012 at 3:34 PM
Hemalat ha said...
very use full website. thank you very much.
March 21, 2012 at 3:35 PM
Sat heeskumar said...
க பய ள இல வன மான ஆ ல க ைக உக த இைணய தள . ந .
May 19, 2012 at 10:27 PM
mut hu said...
it is very useful
June 23, 2012 at 1:56 PM
epics said...
its really nice sir....its really a worthy work..
July 2, 2012 at 6:28 PM
epics said...
its really nice sir....its really a worthy work..
July 2, 2012 at 6:29 PM
Vivek said...
very nice sir
July 9, 2012 at 9:43 PM
f irt hous.hameed said...
intha inayahalam neenda naalaha naan thediya pokkisam kidaithathu pol irukkirathu...nanri..nanri..
July 14, 2012 at 3:14 AM
f irt hous.hameed said...
இ என ைட த க ெப உத ந ............
July 14, 2012 at 3:29 AM
muraliharan said...
sir you are doing a great job welldone...keep it up..muraliharan teacher kilinochchi srilanka
July 16, 2012 at 12:44 AM
muraliharan said...
sir you are doing a great job welldone...keep it up..muraliharan teacher kilinochchi srilanka
July 16, 2012 at 12:51AM
sivakumar said...
very good and very useful..
July 21, 2012 at 12:14 PM
sivakumar said...
very good and very useful..
July 21, 2012 at 12:15 PM
Raja Sekar said...
Now only,i see your is very useful to me...
Thanks a lot...
July 30, 2012 at 1:06 AM
ந. தரராச வ ேகா ைட said...
எ ேபா ற ஆ கல க க ேவா க பய ள பாடமாக அைம ள பாட
த ழ க ேசைவ ெச த க என மனமா த க ந வண க .....
August 10, 2012 at 10:20 AM
Damit h Gold said...
Can one of freinds here send me a link top web site or pdf lesson
wich shows tamil vern formulas
Eg. parr+kinru+een = parkireyn..nihal kalam
August 11, 2012 at 10:19 AM
Shobana said...
Its really amazing site.... i do refer this site to some of my friends.... easy to understand.... it could be
better if u release entire lessons through Mp3 cd and Pdf... it will be more helpful for us to learn often
through offline...
..................THANK YOU..........
October 10, 2012 at 2:07 PM
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இ த "ஆ ல " வைல தள பாட ப க பல பய பட ய என க னா இ தள இைண வழ க . இ தள பாட ப கைள ப ைகக ,
ச ைகக , இைணய தள க , வைல ப க , ம ற க , க கள க ேபா றவ வ மாக ெவ ஒ ப வைத தய ெச த க . அவ ய என க னா
பாட ஒ ப ைய ம இ , ட பாட கான ( URL) இைண வழ கலா . ெச தா க , ச ைகக எ றா க டாய எம வைல தள ெபயைர
(aangilam.blogspot .com) ட ேவ . அ ட எம ன ச ( arunhk.inf o AT கவ ஊடாகேவா அ ல ட பாட ட ஊடாகேவா
க டாய அ ய தர ேவ . பாட கைள மாக அ ப ேய ெவ ஒ ப ட , உ ளட க கைள மா ப ட , வ க யாக பய ப த ேபா றன றாக
தைட ெச ய ப ளன. இ பாட க ைர வ வாக "ேம ேம ப த ப ட ைல " ெவ வ எ பதைன அைனவ அ ய த ேறா . ந !
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Grammer pattern first person

  • 1. Home Grammar Lessons FAQ Q & Answers English Chat About Us Contact Us ஆ ல பாட ப - 1 (Grammar Patterns 1) ைமயான த ள க ட ஆ ல இல கண பாட ப . இ பாடசாைல பாட ட ைத ேபா ேறா, ஆ ல ேப ப (Spoken English) ேபா ேறா அ லாம , ைமயான த ள க ட ய ஆ ல இல கண பாட ட ைத ெகா ட . இ சகல "Grammar Patterns" கைள உ ளட க ப ளன. இ பாட ட இல கண ைழ ஆ ல ேபச , எ த , வா க க ெகா ளலா . த ெமா ெபய ப ய ள க உதாரணமாக "I do a job" எ வா ய ைத த ெமா ெபய ேபாமானா "நா ஒ ேவைல ெச ேற ." எ தா ேவா . ஆனா நா இ த ஆ ல பாட ப "நா ெச ேற ஒ ேவைல." எ ேற த ழா க ெச ேளா . இத கான காரண இ வா தா ஆ ல ைத த ெமா ெபய க ேவ எ நா ற ைல. ஆனா தவைர ஆ ல நைட ஏ றா ேபா த ள க ெகா ப ெச தா ; ஆ ல வா ைதக ம ம லாம , ஒ ெவா ஆ ல ெசா க மான த அ த ைத ள க க இல வா இ எ ப எம க தா . ச பாட ெச ேவா . TOTAL PAGE VIEWS பாட கைள ன ச ஊடாக ெப க . Your email address: ன ச வ பாட க
  • 2. இ ேக "do a job" எ ஒ வா ைதைய இ ைறய பாடமாக எ ேளா . இ வா ைத த அ த "ெச ஒ ேவைல" எ பதா . இைத "நா ெச ேற ஒ ேவைல, நா ெச ேத ஒ ேவைல, நா ெச ேவ ஒ ேவைல" என ஒேர வா ைதைய 73 தமாக மா ப ெச வேத இ பாட ட ேநா கமா . இ க இல வாக அ ைரவாக ஆ ல க ெகா ள ய ஓ ப ைறயா . do a job 1. I do a Job. நா ெச ேற ஒ ேவைல. 2. I am doing a job. நா ெச ெகா ேற ஒ ேவைல. 3. I did a job. நா ெச ேத ஒ ேவைல. 4. I didn't do a job. நா ெச ய ைல ஒ ேவைல. 5. I will do a job. நா ெச ேவ ஒ ேவைல. நா ெச ேற (ச ற ) ஒ ேவைல. 6. I won't do a job. நா ெச யமா ேட ஒ ேவைல. 7. Usually I don't do a job. சாதாரணமாக நா ெச ேற ைல ஒ ேவைல. 8. I am not doing a job. நா ெச ெகா ேற ைல ஒ ேவைல. 9. I was doing a job. நா ெச ெகா ேத ஒ ேவைல. 10. I wasn't doing a job. நா ெச ெகா க ைல ஒ ேவைல. 11. I will be doing a job. Get email updates Powered by FeedBlitz Subscribe in a reader இ வ க ெபறலா Aangilam Archive AANGILAM ARCHIVE ஆ ல பாட ப 01 ஆ ல பாட ப 02 ஆ ல பாட ப 03 ஆ ல பாட ப 04 ஆ ல பாட ப 05 ஆ ல பாட ப 06 ஆ ல பாட ப 07 ஆ ல பாட ப 08 ஆ ல பாட ப 09 ஆ ல பாட ப 10 ஆ ல பாட ப 11 ஆ ல இல கண பாட க
  • 3. நா ெச ெகா ேப ஒ ேவைல. 12. I won't be doing a job. நா ெச ெகா கமா ேட ஒ ேவைல. 13. I am going to do a job. நா ெச ய ேபா ேற ஒ ேவைல. 14. I was going to do a job. நா ெச ய ேபாேன ஒ ேவைல. 15. I can do a job. 16. I am able to do a job. என ெச ய ஒ ேவைல 17. I can't do a job. 18. I am unable to do a job. என ெச ய யா ஒ ேவைல. 19. I could do a job. 20. I was able to do a job. என ெச ய த ஒ ேவைல. 21. I couldn't do a job. 22. I was unable to do a job. என ெச ய ய ைல ஒ ேவைல. 23. I will be able to do a job. என ெச ய மாக இ ஒ ேவைல. 24. I will be unable to do a job. என ெச ய யாம ஒ ேவைல. 25. I may be able to do a job. என ெச ய மாக இ கலா ஒ ேவைல. 26. I should be able to do a job. என ெச ய மாகேவ இ ஒ ேவைல 27. I have been able to do a job. (Perfect Tense பா க ) ஆ ல பாட ப 11 ஆ ல பாட ப 12 ஆ ல பாட ப 13 ஆ ல பாட ப 14 ஆ ல பாட ப 15 ஆ ல பாட ப 16 ஆ ல பாட ப 17 ஆ ல பாட ப 18 ஆ ல பாட ப 19 ஆ ல பாட ப 20 ஆ ல பாட ப 21 ஆ ல பாட ப 22 ஆ ல பாட ப 23 ஆ ல பாட ப 24 ஆ ல பாட ப 25 ஆ ல பாட ப 26 ஆ ல பாட ப 27 ஆ ல பாட ப 28 ஆ ல பாட ப 29 ஆ ல பாட ப 30 ஆ ல பாட ப 31 ஆ ல பாட ப 32 ஆ ல பாட ப 33 ஆ ல ேப வ எ ப ? 1 ஆ ல ேப வ எ ப ? 2 ஆ ல ேப ப க ஆ ல ெசா ேத ெபா ஆ ல க 01 ஆ ல க
  • 4. ச / ட என ெச ய மாக இ ற ஒ ேவைல. 28. I had been able to do a job. அ கால /அ என ெச ய மாக இ த ஒ ேவைல. 29. I may do a job. 30. I might do a job. 31. I may be doing a job. நா ெச யலா ஒ ேவைல. 32. I must do a job. நா (க டாய ) ெச ய ேவ ஒ ேவைல.(அ த ) 33. I must not do a job. நா ெச ய ேவ ய ைல ஒ ேவைல. நா ெச ய டா ஒ ேவைல. 34. I should do a job. நா ெச யேவ ேவ ஒ ேவைல. ( க அ த ) 35. I shouldn't do a job. நா ெச யேவ ேவ ய ைல ஒ ேவைல. நா ெச யேவ டா ஒ ேவைல. 36. I ought to do a job. நா எ ப ெச யேவ ேவ ஒ ேவைல. ( க க அ த ) 37. I don't mind doing a job. என ஆ ேசபைன ைல ெச ய ஒ ேவைல. 38. I have to do a job. நா /என ெச ய ேவ ஒ ேவைல. 39. I don't have to do a job. நா /என ெச ய ேவ ய ைல ஒ ேவைல. 40. I had to do a job. நா /என ெச ய ேவ ஏ ப ட ஒ ேவைல. 41. I didn't have to do a job. ஆ ல க 01 ஆ ல க 02 ஆ ல க 03 ஆ ல க 04 ஆ ல க 05 ஆ ல க 06 ஆ ல க 07 ஆ ல க 08 ஆ ல க 09 ஆ ல க 10 ஆ ல க 11 ஆ ல க 12 ஆ ல க 13 ஆ ல க 14 ஆ ல க 15 ஆ ல க 16 ஆ ல க 17 ஆ ல க 18 ஆ ல க 19 ஆ ல க 20 ஆ ல க 21 ஆ ல க 22 ஆ ல க 23 Glossary of Computer Terms அ டவைண Common/Proper அ டவைண Countable/Un அ டவைண Infinitive + s/es அ டவைண Irregular verbs அ டவைண Prepositions இ யா Career Path Table உட உ க Body parts க கைல ெசா க சைமய (List of Provisions) பழ க List of Fruits ஆ ல அ டவைணக
  • 5. நா /என ெச ய ேவ ஏ பட ைல ஒ ேவைல. 42. I will have to do a job. என ெச ய ேவ ஏ ப ஒ ேவைல. 43. I won't have to do a job. என ெச ய ேவ ஏ படா ஒ ேவைல. 44. I need do a job. என அவ ய ெச ய (ேவ ) ஒ ேவைல. 45. I needn’t do a job. என அவ ய ைல ெச ய ஒ ேவைல. 46. He seems to be doing a job. அவ ெச றா ேபா ெத ற ஒ ேவைல. 47. He doesn't seem to be doing a job. அவ ெச றா ேபா ெத ற ைல ஒ ேவைல. 48. He seemed to be doing a job. அவ ெச றா ேபா ெத த ஒ ேவைல. 49. He didn't seem to be doing a job. அவ ெச றா ேபா ெத ய ைல ஒ ேவைல 50. Doing a job is useful. ெச வ (த ) ஒ ேவைல ரேயாசனமான . 51. Useless doing a job. ரேயாசன ைல ெச வ ஒ ேவைல. 52. It is better to do a job. க ந ல ெச வ ஒ ேவைல. 53. I had better do a job. என க ந ல ெச வ ஒ ேவைல. 54. I made him do a job. நா அவைன ைவ ெச ேத ஒ ேவைல. மர க க List of Vegetables அெம க ஆ ல வரலா அெய அைன ல ேத அ க - ந வர ஆ ல உ ச ப ஆ ல ஒ க ஆ ல ெசா க எ ைக ஆ ல எ ேகா க ஆ ல ெமா வரலா ஆ ல ெம ெபா ஆ ல : இைண ர க ஆ ல : உத க இர டா ஆ ைற எம பாட ட ப ேவா கவன தலா ஆ ைற ெமா ெபய ள க ஆ ல ஆ க க இ தள இைண வழ வத ல , ஆ ல க க ஆ வல க இைண வழ வத
  • 6. 55. I didn't make him do a job. நா அவைன ைவ ெச க ைல ஒ ேவைல 56. To do a job I am going to America. ெச வத ஒ ேவைல நா ேபா ேற அெம கா 57. I used to do a job. நா பழ க ப ேத ெச ய ஒ ேவைல. 58. Shall I do a Job? நா ெச யவா ஒ ேவைல? 59. Let’s do a job. ெச ேவா ஒ ேவைல. 60. I feel like doing a job. என ைன ற ெச ய ஒ ேவைல. 61. I don't feel like doing a job. என ைன ற ைல ெச ய ஒ ேவைல. 62. I felt like doing a job. என ைன த ெச ய ஒ ேவைல. 63. I didn't feel like doing a job. என ைன க ைல ெச ய ஒ ேவைல. 64. I have been doing a job. நா ட / லகாலமாக ெச ெகா ேற ஒ ேவைல. 65. I had been doing a job. நா அ /அ கால ெச ெகா ேத ஒ ேவைல. 66. I see him doing a job. என ெத ற அவ ெச றா ஒ ேவைல. 67. I don't see him doing a job. என ெத ற ைல அவ ெச றா ஒ ேவைல. க க ஆ வல க க உதவலா . ேழ உ ள ர ைட ெவ உ க வா (Cut > Paste) ஒ க . ந ! <a href="http://aangilam.b"/><img src=" com/kananikkalanjiya m/R6l6Hwniq7I/AAAA AAAAAXk/rZsKbzp11_ 8/s144/" /></a> ேம இைண ர க Abbreviations and Acronyms Articles can / be able to can and could Common Nouns / Proper Nouns Computer Acronyms could , was / were able to Date and Time Future "going to" Future Continuous Tense Grammar Patterns 01 Grammar Patterns 02 Grammar Patterns 03 Grammar Patterns 04 Grammar Patterns 05 Grammar Patterns 06 Grammar Patterns 07 Grammatical Person in English have / have got History ofAmerican English History of the English language How To Use Capital Letters IELTS Preparation Irregular verbs ENGLISH GRAMMAR LESSONS
  • 7. 68. I saw him doing a job. என ெத த அவ ெச றா ஒ ேவைல. 69. I didn't see him doing a job. என ெத ய ைல அவ ெச றா ஒ ேவைல. 70. If I do a job, I will get experience. நா ெச தா ஒ ேவைல என ைட அ பவ . 71. If I don't do a job, I won't get experience. நா ெச யா டா ஒ ேவைல என ைட கா அ பவ . 72. If I had done a job, I would have got experience. எ னா ெச ய ப தா ஒ ேவைல என ைட அ பவ . (ெச ய இ ைல ைட க இ ைல) 73. It is time I did a job. இ தா ேநர நா ெச வத ஒ ேவைல. கவன : உதாரணமாக ேமேல நா க ற பாட "do a job" எ வா ைத ல இல க க ேபா "doing a job" எ வ ளைத அவதா க . அதாவ ரதான ைன ெசா ட 'ing' ைய இைண பய ப ள . அ வா பய ப த பட ேவ ய இல க கைள ேழ ெகா ேளா . அ ல க க ேபா எ ேபா ரதான ைன ெசா ட "ing" ைய இைண ேத பய ப த ேவ எ பைத மன ைவ ெகா க . Verb with + ing: 2, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 31, 37, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69. உதாரண : speak in English speaking in English. எ வ ளைத அவதா க . Homework: ேழ 10 வா ய க ெகா க ப ளன. அவ ைற ேமேல நா க றைத ேபா ஒ ெவா வா ய கைள 73 தமாக மா எ ப ெச ய . எ ெபா வா வா எ க . அ ேவ எ தாக உ க மன ப ய யதாக இ . 1. I speak in English. List of Prepositions May be able to Parts of Speech Passive Voice Past Continuous Tense Past Perfect Continuous Polite and More Polite Prepositions Prepositions of Place Prepositions of Time Present Continuous Tense Present Perfect Present Perfect Continuous Pronouns Should be able to Simple Future Tense Simple Past Tense Simple Present Tense there is Third Person Infinitive + s/es Types of Nouns Use a/an Vowels and Consonant was / were going to will be able to இற த கால ெதாட ைன எ கால ெதாட ைன சாதாரண இற த கால சாதாரண எ கால 01 சாதாரண எ கால 02 சாதாரண க கால க கால ெதாட ைன DO YOU LIKE AANGILAM?
  • 8. 1. I speak in English. நா ேப ேற ஆ ல . 2. I write a letter. நா எ ேற ஒ க த . 3. I play cricket. நா ைளயா ேற ெக . 4. I fill up the form. நா ர ேற ண ப . 5. I go to school. நா ேபா ேற பாடசாைல . 6. I do my homework. நா ெச ேற பாட . 7. I read a book. நா வா ேற ஒ ெபா தக . 8. I travel by bus. நா ரயாண ெச ேற ேப . 9. I look for a job. நா ேத ேற ஒ ேவைல. 10. I ride a bike. நா ஓ ேற உ . கவ க உதாரணமாக "speak in English" எ ஒ வா ய ைத எ ெகா ேடாமானா அைத: I speak in English. நா ேப ேற ஆ ல . I am speaking in English. நா ேப ெகா ேற ஆ ல . I spoke in English. நா ேப ேன ஆ ல . I didn't speak in English. நா ேபச ைல ஆ ல . I will speak in English. நா ேப ேவ ஆ ல . என (ேமேல எ கா ளைத ேபா ) அேத இல க வ ைச ரம 73 வா ய களாக மா FEEDJIT LIVE TRAFFIC FEED Live Traffic Feed A visitor from Ashburn, Virginia viewed "ஆ ல - Learn English grammar through Tamil: ஆ ல பாட ப - 1 (Grammar Patterns 1)" 0 secs ago A visitor from Bangalore , Karnataka left "ஆ ல - Learn English grammar through Tamil: ஆ ல பாட ப - 1 (Grammar Patterns 1)" via 4 secs ago A visitor from Doha, Ad Dawhah left "ஆ ல - Learn English grammar through Tamil" via 9 secs ago A visitor from Ashburn, Virginia viewed "ஆ ல - Learn English grammar through Tamil: ஆ ல ேப வ எ ப ? - 1 (Asking the time)" 28 secs ago A visitor from Bangalore , Karnataka left "ஆ ல - Learn English grammar through Tamil: ஆ ல ேப வ எ ப ? - 1 (Asking the time)" via 33 secs ago A visitor from Doha, Ad Dawhah left "ஆ ல - Learn English grammar through Tamil: ஆ ல ேப வ
  • 9. எ ப ெச ய . இ க இல வான ஓ ப ைறயா . Long Forms = Sort Forms Do + not = Don’t Does + not = Doesn’t Did + not = Didn’t Will + not = Won’t Was + not = Wasn’t Were + not = Weren’t Can + not = Can’t Could + not = Couldn’t Have + not = Haven’t Has + not = Hasn’t Had + not = Hadn’t Need + not = Needn’t Must + not = Mustn’t Should + not = Shouldn’t Would + not Wouldn't இ பாட ட ெதாட ைட இர ரம ெப ட க இைண ேழ ெகா க ப ளன. அவ ைற ப ெச ெகா க . Grammar Patterns 2 Grammar Patterns 3 ம இ ைறய பாட நா க ற 73 வா ய க (அேத இல க வ ைச ரம ) ஒ ெவா பாட களாக வைட . அ ெபா அதனத பய பா ப , இல கண ைறக ப வாக க கலா . வாக எ த ப ட பாட க ட வா ய ட இைண வழ க ப . அ ைண ைப ெசா ட பாட ெச அத ைமயான பய பா ைட க ெகா ளலா . ைழய ற உ ச ப பாட க ட இைண க ப ஒ த ேகா கைள ெசா ப ெப க . இ த ரம ெப ட கைள த ர ேம ல ரம ெப ட க உ ளன. அைவ உ ய பாட க ேபா வழ க ப . ஆ ல க , ஆ ல ெமா வரலா , அெம க ஆ ல ேபா றவ ைற பா கலா . எ ப ? - 2 (Asking for Directions)" via 59 secs ago A visitor from Bangalore , Karnataka viewed "ஆ ல - Learn English grammar through Tamil: ஆ ல பாட ப - 1 (Grammar Patterns 1)" 1 min ago A visitor from Bangalore , Karnataka viewed "ஆ ல - Learn English grammar through Tamil: ஆ ல பாட ப - 1 (Grammar Patterns 1)" 1 min ago A visitor from Singapore left "ஆ ல - Learn English grammar through Tamil: ஆ ல ெபய ெசா க (Types of Nouns)" via 1 min ago A visitor from Bangalore , Karnataka viewed "ஆ ல - Learn English grammar through Tamil: ஆ ல பாட ப - 1 (Grammar Patterns 1)" 2 mins ago R e a l - t i m e v i e·M e n u Powered க கா பக
  • 10. ைன ைவ ெகா க "ேப ெமா ைய தா இல கண களாக வ க ப ளேத த ர, உல எ த ஓ ெமா இல கண கைள வ ம க ேப ழ க வர ைல." இ உல உ ள எ லா ெமா க ெபா . எனேவ "ஆ ல இல கண " எ ற ட அதைன க னமானதாக க தாம , ேமேல ற ப ள ைறக ப ெதாட ப ெச க . அைவ உ க மன ப வ ண ெதாட ப ெச க . ஆ ல "Well Begun is Half Done " எ ப , அத ெபா "எதைன ைறயாக ஆர க எ றாேல பா ெவ " எ பேத ஆ . எனேவ இ த த பாடேம உ க கான ற த ஆர பமாக இ க . ெதாட ப ெச க . தவைர அ ச ச தமாக ேப பழ க . ய ைர இய பாக ஆ ல ேப ஆ றைல ெப க . ெகா ேறா . இ க எ தாக ஆ ல க பத கான ஓ ப ைறயா . ச ப கைள ெதாட க . அ த பாட ச ேபா . இ பாட ட ப ய உ க ஆ க வமான க கைள எ ட ப ெகா மா அ ட ேக ெகா ேறா . ந ! அ ட அ HK Arun Find us on Facebook Aangilam Like 1,488 people like Aangilam. Facebook s ocial plugin
  • 11. 1K Posted by HK Arun at Monday, December 24, 2007 Labels: English Conversation Practice, English Grammar Lessons, English Grammar Patterns, Spoken English through Tamil Download As PDF +2 Recommend this on Google 1 – 200 of 213 Newer› Newest» 213 comments: த த said... இைத ஏ க ஒ ப உ ப த டா எ ேலா த த யாக ெச யாம ஒ றாக ெச ய இல வாக இ நா ேவ மானா உ க ட இைண ேற December 28, 2007 at 11:23 PM TamilNenjam said... very nice info December 29, 2007 at 5:00 PM said... ந ல ய . வா க . January 8, 2008 at 10:02 AM ர ச க said... ஆ ல ெசா கைள அ ப ேய இட மாறாம - நா ெச ேற ேவைல - எ ப ெசய ைகயான த ழா கமாக இ ற . நா ேவைல ெச ேற எ த வழ ஏ ப எ னாேல எ த ெசா எத எ ம க ெகா ள மா டா களா? January 10, 2008 at 5:15 AM Arun said...
  • 12. உ க க ைத ெத தைம க ந இர ச க . ஆ ல வழ ஏ ப அ ப ேய இட மாறாம த ழா க ெச வ , ெசய ைகயான த ழா கமாக இ எ ப உ ைமதா . ஆனா இ ேக ஆ ல க பைதேய த ைம ப ேள . தவைர ஒ ெவா ஆ ல ெசா க மான த அ த கைள ள க பதா ைரவாக , இல வாக க ெகா ள யதாக இ என நா க றா . அேத ேவைள ஆ ல ெசா க கான ச யான த அ த ைத ள ெகா வா க அ லவா? ஆர ப ஆ ல ெசா க கான ச யான த ள க ட க ெகா டா கேளயானா , கால ேபா அவ களாகேவ த தம ேப வழ ஏ றவைக மா ெகா வா க அ லவா? February 14, 2008 at 7:57 AM ஜமால said... பய ள உ க ய வா க . February 18, 2008 at 6:23 AM Arun said... ந ஜமால ! February 18, 2008 at 9:25 AM Anonymous said... ந ல ய . வா க rajah March 7, 2008 at 6:57 PM Arun said... வா க ந Rajah March 8, 2008 at 5:29 PM ெச நாத ெச ல மா said...
  • 13. Thanks for your efforts... March 29, 2008 at 9:02 AM Arun said... வ ைக ட க ந ெச நாத ெச ல மா அவ க . April 3, 2008 at 2:27 AM Anonymous said... Dear sir, thankyou for teaching english.i w'll refer to my friends.also ihave one small doubt.that, i w'll send it to your email s.kumar. April 15, 2008 at 10:34 PM Anonymous said... Very good. This will be simple way tp learn/understand english. In some cases, tamil translation needs to be corrected. June 6, 2008 at 8:08 AM Arun said... ந க மா ம அனா ம இ வ . //In some cases, tamil translation needs to be corrected.// இவ ைற கா களானா ச ப த இல வாக இ . நா ய ெச ேற . ந June 7, 2008 at 4:58 AM Abu Mohamed said... Please start English Grammar from the chapter of sentence
  • 14. = A sentence is a group of words, which gives complete sense. There are four kinds of sentences =Assertive sentence (statement) =Interrogative sentence (question) =Imperative sentence (command and Request) =Exclamatory sentence (Exclamation and sarrow) June 26, 2008 at 10:56 PM Arun said... Abu Mohamed அவ க உ க க க வரேவ க த க . நா இ ேக வழ வ வ எம "HE English Institute" இ ஆ ல பாட ப ைறையேய. "எம பாட ட " ப க பா கலா . இ அவ க ய டய க உ ளட க ப ளன. எ வ பாட க காணலா . ேநர ைட ேபாேத எ வ வதா , உடன யாக எ லாவ ைற எ த யாைம வ ேற . ந ! June 27, 2008 at 5:06 PM S.BALAJI said... ஓ அ ைமயான ய .வா க July 16, 2008 at 11:28 PM HK Arun said... s.balaji வா க ந
  • 15. July 16, 2008 at 11:38 PM FAROOK ABDULLA said... ந ல ய . வா க ;FAROOK ABDULLA;ABUDHABI.UAE July 20, 2008 at 7:23 PM Anonymous said... ந ல பய ள ெசய . ெதாட க . வா க . August 4, 2008 at 1:53 PM saraganesh said... Hello Sir, Really, ur job is very Good ... Please continue this...... Congrats.... August 22, 2008 at 5:39 AM saraganesh said... Hello Sir, Really u r doing good job..... Please continue this.... Congrats.... August 22, 2008 at 5:41AM HK Arun said...
  • 16. - Farook Abdulla - Anonymouse - Saraganesh வர வா க ந August 28, 2008 at 4:57 AM said... அ , உ கள இ த ேசைவ எ கைள ேபா ற பலேபா க பய உ ளதாக அைம . இ ேபா ைறய பாட ப கைள ெதாட ெகா க ேவ என ேக ெகா ேற . உ கள ேசைவ என மனமா த ந . August 30, 2008 at 2:31 PM வ ேவல .ஆ said... ந ல ேசைவ ெதாட ெச எ ேபா ற அைனவ ஆ ல க ெகா வாக உய க September 4, 2008 at 1:56 PM HK Arun said... வ ேவல ஆ வண க //ந ல ேசைவ ெதாட ெச எ ேபா ற அைனவ ஆ ல க ெகா வாக உய க .// எம இ த "ஆ ல " வைல தள ஆ ல க நா ேபேர உய வானா க அ ேவ என மனம வானதா . ந அ பேர! September 5, 2008 at 4:59 AM pondy said...
  • 17. HELLO SIR, ur job is very good... PLS CONTINUE........ September 21, 2008 at 2:38 PM rajanga said... i really appriciated Mr.Arun.. you have done a very good job to tamil and tamil people. Thanks.. Rajangbaoopathy Muniswamy USA September 22, 2008 at 11:12 AM HK Arun said... - Pondy - Rajanga உ க ைடய க க ம ைவ த றன. ந க . September 22, 2008 at 4:14 PM Anonymous said... hello sir, i search many sites and books for learn .all the ways are not suitable.but from your program i have the confidence to speak english earlier.i am tamil medium students.through these program the tamil people can understand the meaning of each and every word.your direction of approach is good and correct.(direct translation) November 8, 2008 at 12:25 AM HK Arun said... அ ட அனா மாணவ ச ேயா ைழேயா எ க . ச ேயா ைழேயா அ ச ேப க .
  • 18. எத அ ச ெகா ள ேதைவ ைல. //(direct translation)// தவைர ேநர த ழா கமாகேவ தர ய ேறா . ள க க ேதைவெய ேக ெட க . ந . November 20, 2008 at 9:38 AM joshe said... i am Nandhini . i am std 11th . i will use your English patten sir this is very easy, i want take to english sir . my school is not interest to english . so i will use you are grammar patten sir. it's nice sir ... thanking you..... bay.... November 27, 2008 at 10:01 PM udhaya said... க ந , க பய உ ளதாக இ ற ந பேர!!! -udhaya. December 1, 2008 at 7:48 PM Anonymous said... From: Nandha Kumar.u (Chengalpet) Today only i seen your blog.... Excellent work......... Please continue your work.... Thank You..... December 10, 2008 at 12:24 AM
  • 19. Galeel Bhasha said... க ந , க பய உ ளதாக இ ற !!! ெதாட க உ ந ப !!! December 22, 2008 at 8:26 PM Chandran said... க ந .வா க . December 24, 2008 at 7:02 AM Anonymous said... வ ேதா ெச ேறா எ லாம த க ெத தைத, க ரம எ அைனவ எ வ ணமாக ற பாக ெகா ர க ைவ க . எ ப ந ெசா வ ெத ய ைல. ெதாட க December 31, 2008 at 3:00 PM HK Arun said... - Joshe - Udhaya - Anonymous 1 - Galeel Bhasha - Chandran - Anonymous 2 உ க அைனவ ைடய க க வா க ந க . அ ட அ January 2, 2009 at 5:46 PM
  • 20. Hassan said... Really it is a great job. January 6, 2009 at 1:15 PM Anonymous said... THANK U SIR. February 9, 2009 at 6:34 PM meera said... THANK U SO MUCH SIR. February 9, 2009 at 6:36 PM ெச ல said... வண க ... அ க ர ெச ெகா க . இ ேபா றவ க வற தா ச க இ வ த . அைத க இ ற க வா க . ெதாட க உம பயண - ெச ைன த ழ February 18, 2009 at 12:49 AM HK Arun said... Hassan Anonymous meera ெச ல உ க அைனவர வ ைக க க க ந . February 18, 2009 at 7:49 AM salam said...
  • 21. It is really very useful to many people who wants to learn english through their mother tounge. Pls. go ahead. Wish you all success. Thanks A.Salam - Palakkad February 22, 2009 at 2:48 AM Enat hu Payanam said... Its really a nice starting point to learn English in a different way and different method. Good effort. Thanks Arun. Thanks Giving, Krishna Prabhu, Chennai February 23, 2009 at 8:29 PM Anonymous said... sir, iam doing my pg. but still i dont know to speak english, i am planning to go to abroad. your approach is very powerful and easy to learn. so pls teach me abroad slang also. thankyou rama February 25, 2009 at 8:20 PM NEELAKANNAN said... Hi arun you done very nice job, thank you very much, It's very usefull for me. March 11, 2009 at 1:24 AM NEELAKANNAN said... Hi arun you done very nice job,thanhk you very much. It's very usefull for me. March 11, 2009 at 1:27 AM
  • 22. Mut hiah said... I am verry new to this blogspots Thanks to I hope it will be useful for me. I started my first lesson today If i have any doubts while doing my exercises whom shall I contact. Thanks Muthiah R March 15, 2009 at 4:04 AM haider said... this is very easy ,very t hank! March 17, 2009 at 1:41 PM kalaiyarasi said... it is a wonderful job many of us searching website for getting knowledge of english they will get more things thanks April 6, 2009 at 5:26 PM kalai said... this is very useful for many tamilians April 6, 2009 at 5:46 PM Priyamudan said... hi arun, u are good thinking like this spoken English, so much peoples confusing how to learn english, so much of english classes r very tuf. anyway thanks for good initiative, All the best Once thanks for ur initative......... April 13, 2009 at 1:34 AM Anonymous said... good very usefull lession to me April 13, 2009 at 3:44 PM
  • 23. Krishnan said... thanks very usefull lession to me April 13, 2009 at 3:46 PM Suppan said... You are doing a great job. I am planning to do something similar to this. Suppan April 13, 2009 at 11:53 PM Anonymous said... I wish,I had a English knowledge like you. I think. I can improve my English knowledge like you. help with webside April 18, 2009 at 12:16 AM ம ராசா said... வண க வைல சர மாத உ க ப ைவ தா . அதனாேலேய வ வா ய . க ந ல பய ள ேசைவ. ஆ ல ஓரள ெத தா ட ைறய இல கண ைழகைள நா ெச வ . இ வ அவ ைற இ ெத ப ெகா ள என ந ேற . வா க . க ந . April 18, 2009 at 1:31 PM HK Arun said... salam Enathu Payanam Anonymous 1 NEELAKANNAN
  • 24. Muthiah haider kalaiyarasi kalai Priyamudan Anonymous 2 Krishnan Suppan Anonymous 3 அைனவர க க பாரா க க ந . அ ட அ April 19, 2009 at 2:00 PM HK Arun said... //வைல சர மாத உ க ப ைவ தா . அதனாேலேய வ வா ய .// ந ம ராசா. வைல சர மாத எ அ பான ந க . April 19, 2009 at 2:04 PM Anonymous said... this is very useful site. please continue it. May 11, 2009 at 8:50 PM bala said... i think this is the best site of learn english,all the best. June 5, 2009 at 2:27 PM HK Arun said... //this is very useful site. please continue it.//
  • 25. ந அனா ந பேர! சயமாக ெதாட ேவா . June 21, 2009 at 2:41AM HK Arun said... -bala //i think this is the best site of learn english,all the best.// உ க க ம ைய த ற . ந . June 21, 2009 at 2:43 AM Bala said... Dear Sir, Your done a very good job keep it up July 20, 2009 at 5:34 PM Prasat h said... Dear Sir, I ever seen site like this. It's really good one and I hope in future most of the people will say thanks to you July 28, 2009 at 4:32 AM Ranjit Sachin said... Really you did the wonderful job for our tamil peoples... You are great... Continue this site.. Please dont stop updating for any reason.. All the best..
  • 26. Vazha pallandu.. Luv Ranjit July 30, 2009 at 3:43 PM HK Arun said... - Bala - Prasath - Ranjit Sachin உ க க க ம ைவ த றன. ஊ க க ந க . August 10, 2009 at 10:45 PM arunan said... உலகெம லா த ெமா பரவேவ எ றா த ழ த ஆ ல ெத ய ேவ . ந ல ப . உ க ஆ அ ல. ஆ ர ஆ க இ க ேவ . த ெத தவ ஆ ல ெத ய ைல. ஆ ல ெத தவ த ெத ய ைல. ஆ ல ெத த த ழ க உலகெம லா பர ேபா உலகெம லா த ேழாைச பர . அ வைக பர வைக ெச த கள த ெதா ெதாடர . உ க ெபய ேலேய உ கேளா உ க ட ஆ லம க ெகா ள ெப ைமயாக இ ற .ந க பல பல. August 13, 2009 at 7:15 PM priya said... good afternoon sir, i am priya. really you r doing a great job.Hats off to u sir. in yours, எ கா டாக "I do a job" எ பைத த ெமா ெபய ேவாமானா "நா ஒ ேவைல ெச ேற " எ தா ேவா . ஆனா இ த ஆ ல பாட ப அ வா இ லாம "நா ெச ேற ஒ ேவைல" எ ஆ ல நைட ஏ பேவ த ழா க ெச ய ப ள . It's difficult to understand sir. i know how tough it is to change. but if there are two meanings like i mentioned above, it will be really helpful for us.And i have finished my B.E. this year. i was a Tamil medium student till my higher secondary. now i want to speek good English to atten the interview. also i did my college in an average college only. there students always speak only in Tamil. kindly help me.
  • 27. how can i improve my communication skill. also i have no time. i have to atten many companies. thank you sir, if i made any mistake sorry for that. i am excepting your reply sir. August 26, 2009 at 5:13 PM priya said... good afternoon sir, i am priya. really you r doing a great job.Hats off to u sir. in yours, எ கா டாக "I do a job" எ பைத த ெமா ெபய ேவாமானா "நா ஒ ேவைல ெச ேற " எ தா ேவா . ஆனா இ த ஆ ல பாட ப அ வா இ லாம "நா ெச ேற ஒ ேவைல" எ ஆ ல நைட ஏ பேவ த ழா க ெச ய ப ள . It's difficult to understand sir. i know how tough it is to change. but if there are two meanings like i mentioned above, it will be really helpful for us.And i have finished my B.E. this year. i was a Tamil medium student till my higher secondary. now i want to speek good English to atten the interview. also i did my college in an average college only. there students always speak only in Tamil. kindly help me. how can i improve my communication skill. also i have no time. i have to atten many companies. thank you sir, if i made any mistake sorry for that. i am excepting your reply sir. August 26, 2009 at 5:17 PM Several t ips said... Good post. September 8, 2009 at 6:31 PM HK Arun said... //உலகெம லா த ெமா பரவேவ எ றா த ழ த ஆ ல ெத ய ேவ .// த ெமா வள த ழ வளரேவ . இ ைறய ழ உலக அர த ழ ர ஆ ல அ யாவ ய தா . அேதேவைள ஆ ல க ேபா தம தா ெமா வள ப க பா களானா , பல வள ப கைள நா எ டலா . ந அ ண . September 15, 2009 at 2:22 PM HK Arun said...
  • 28. அ ட யா! //எ கா டாக "I do a job" எ பைத த ெமா ெபய ேவாமானா "நா ஒ ேவைல ெச ேற " எ தா ேவா . ஆனா இ த ஆ ல பாட ப அ வா இ லாம "நா ெச ேற ஒ ேவைல" எ ஆ ல நைட ஏ பேவ த ழா க ெச ய ப ள . It's difficult to understand sir.// உ க க ணமாக ெத வா ய கைள ேக ெட க . இ வ பாட க க ணமான ேபா ேதா வா ய க இர தமாக ள க த ேற . ந September 15, 2009 at 2:25 PM HK Arun said... அ ட Several tips! ந September 15, 2009 at 2:26 PM Anonymous said... I'm really very proud of you Mr.Arun. You are a very great person. Continue your good work. Very very thanks to you. S. Vidhya September 18, 2009 at 6:14 PM Kart hikeyan said... Hi Arun, You have great job, I appriciate that. I am having simple query about, How to differentiate can- could, may-might-maybe, will-would. Please explain me, How to use that words in correct situations? September 29, 2009 at 8:36 PM HK Arun said...
  • 29. - அனா ட ந September 29, 2009 at 10:34 PM HK Arun said... - Karthikeyan How to differentiate can- could, can இ ேக: could இ ேக: can - could இர ன ற பய பா க இ ேக: //may-might-maybe, will-would. Please explain me, How to use that words in correct situations?// இைவ எ வ பாட க த ேற . ேக ந September 29, 2009 at 10:39 PM Ramanan said... ந ல ேசைவ ெதாட ெச க . October 3, 2009 at 8:55 PM jahabar said... Dear Mr.Arun Sir, behalf of all learner I thanks to U for your super useful service to all human.Really It's amazing & seems that your site is doing great job.I appreciate your good hardwork.Insha allah U will be good position in ur place.I feel lucky to share my opinion to U.I would like to say some thing about It will be number one site to learn Tamil to English communication in easy format and also quick way.Every Tamil people Should know about your side.I try to do my best to ads your side to all.
  • 30. October 4, 2009 at 2:37 PM Anonymous said... Really you did the wonderful job for our tamil peoples... You are great... Continue this site.. Please dont stop updating for any reason.. All the best.. BABU Chennai October 9, 2009 at 1:17 AM HK Arun said... -Ramanan -Jahabar -BABU Chennai உ க க க ம ைய உ சாக ைத த றன. உ க ஊ கேள என உ ச . க க வா க க ந அ ட அ | HK Arun October 9, 2009 at 11:37 AM Anonymous said... hi arun im really happy abuot your work.good job.may god bless you and give more good health to continue this.if u could please add some mini stories with different tense and with audio, then it will useful us to improve our spoken english pls pls pl..............s br.arun.your student October 12, 2009 at 11:08 PM Anonymous said... helo mr arun, As some of the learners said that both the form of tamil sentence is required . if you give both together it will be easy for us.
  • 31. wish you all the best. -as a learner- r.balamurugan October 30, 2009 at 3:24 PM mj said... Hello author, First of all i would like to thank you for this great initiative and effort and this will help all level of people who are interested in improving their skills... Please continue this great work... Let other get light for their candle from your knowledge Great work keep it up November 8, 2009 at 3:17 AM mj said... Hello author, First of all i would like to thank you for this great initiative and effort and this will help all level of people who are interested in improving their skills... Please continue this great work... Let other get light for their candle from your knowledge Great work keep it up November 8, 2009 at 3:17 AM Anonymous said... அ ட ந ப அ வண க என வய 55 ஆ ல இல கண ைழ வ உ க இ த பாட ெசா ெகா ைற ச யாசமாக இ தா எ உ ப உ ள க ந ஆ ய அவ கேள ' ந ந November 8, 2009 at 3:48 PM HK Arun said... -R.Balamurugan
  • 32. //As some of the learners said that both the form of tamil sentence is required . if you give both together it will be easy for us.// ைர இ வ ெமா ெபய ட வழ க ய ேற . அ தைம ந November 8, 2009 at 9:46 PM HK Arun said... - Anonymous //hi arun im really happy abuot your work.good job.may god bless you and give more good health to continue this.if u could please add some mini stories with different tense and with audio, then it will useful us to improve our spoken english pls pls pl..............s br.arun.your student// உ க க ைத ெத தைம க ந . க ேக ட ஆ ல க , ஒ ப க ேபா றன எ வ பாட க எ பா கலா . November 8, 2009 at 9:51 PM HK Arun said... அ ட MJ உ க க ஊ க ைத அ ற . எம பாட க ெதாட யாக வ . ந November 8, 2009 at 9:54 PM HK Arun said... - Anonymous வண க ஐயா (55) உ க மன ற த க கேள எம கான உ ச யா ற . //எ உ ப உ ள // எ க , அ ேவ எம ம யான . உ க க க ந . November 8, 2009 at 9:56 PM
  • 33. Sivanant han said... உ க பாட க எ தாக உ ளன. க இல ைகய எ ப எ க ெப ைமயாக உ ள i am very proud of you. This will be simple way tp learn english. Thanks November 30, 2009 at 10:04 PM hhh said... hai sir good evening this is very very useful to me i am very glad still after 5 months improve myself thankyou very much sir December 1, 2009 at 8:15 PM HK Arun said... - Sivananthan - hhh உ க க கைள ெத தைம ம ந க December 1, 2009 at 10:02 PM hamaragana said... அ ட ந ப அ வண க பட ஒ ேம வா ைதக உ வா எ த ப ேற நா பா கலா . i may watch t.v i might watch t.v i may be watch t.v. ச தாேன . ந December 2, 2009 at 10:05 PM HK Arun said... -hamaragana //i may watch t.v i might watch t.v i may be watch t.v. ச தாேன.//
  • 34. I may be watching t.v. ஆ ச யாக தா எ க . ஆனா "ing" இடேவ ய இட கைள ச கவ எ ப ெச க . ெவ சய . ந December 2, 2009 at 11:44 PM udaya said... very nice December 19, 2009 at 1:37 PM Ranjit Sachin said... Thaliva, Ungaludaya Vetri Payanam Thodaratum. Idhayanganidhanda Vaazhuludan Ranjit December 20, 2009 at 11:00 PM HK Arun said... ந Udaya ந Ranjit Sachin December 20, 2009 at 11:23 PM educat ions said... எ ேலா தா ந வா க . இ த வைல க ந ல ஆ ய எ ப இ க ைல. என ெத த வைர எ ைடய வைல ஆ ல எ ேற ஆதர தர ந January 1, 2010 at 8:13 PM
  • 35. NSK said... உ க ேசைவ க ந , உ க உைழ வா க January 15, 2010 at 8:36 PM NSK said... உ க ேசைவ க ந , உ க உைழ வா க January 15, 2010 at 8:37 PM HK Arun said... உ க தா வா க உ தாக . //இ த வைல க ந ல ஆ ய எ ப இ க ைல. என ெத த வைர எ ைடய வைல ஆ ல எ ேற ஆதர தர . உ க தள பா ேத ம ! அ ட HK Arun January 16, 2010 at 12:18 AM HK Arun said... வண க NSK, வா க ந ந பேர. January 16, 2010 at 12:20 AM Anonymous said... நா க ட ைற 4 வ டமாக இ ேற . நா ப த த ய , வள த ேலா க ம ைர, நா ஆ ல சரளமாக ேபச ெர ப ஆைச அத ச யான ைட க ைல. ஆனா இ ேபா உ க ல இ த £ள ைட ள . உ க £ள ைக பா ப த ட என ஒ ந ைக வ ள , எ னா ஆ ல ேபச எ . எ வா மற யாத ளா இ உ . .. ..
  • 36. .. ......ந ேவ ந ....... ஆண த மா , அ பான (ம ைர) January 17, 2010 at 9:33 PM t hiruudhaya said... Hi Sir, VERY VERY USEFUL WEBSITE SIR THANKS SIR UDHAYA January 18, 2010 at 12:02 AM HK Arun said... அ ட ஆண த மா , உ க க ைர ம ைய ஊ க ைத த ற . ெதாட ப ேய ெவ ஒேர வ . ந January 18, 2010 at 9:01AM HK Arun said... - Thiruuadhaya உ க க ைர க ந உதயா. January 18, 2010 at 9:05 AM muju1988 said... hai sir,,its very useful to us February 1, 2010 at 5:54 PM
  • 37. raja said... very very usefull and very easy learning thanks ur help full mind February 27, 2010 at 3:42 AM HK Arun said... - muju1988 - raja உ க க ப க ந க February 27, 2010 at 3:36 PM Arasan said... Hi, Mr.Arun really you are doing a great job. I am working as a software engineer in Corporate company. when i came to chennai, i just remember my job searching days. i struggled a lot. But now i'm good speaker in english by god's grace. I can help you if you wants anything. Your way of teaching is pretty good and great. Take care.All the best.. February 28, 2010 at 8:08 PM Arasan said... Hi, Mr.Arun really you are doing a great job. I am working as a software engineer in Corporate company. when i came to chennai, i just remember my job searching days. i struggled a lot. But now i'm good speaker in english by god's grace. I can help you if you wants anything. Your way of teaching is pretty good and great. Take care.All the best.. February 28, 2010 at 8:46 PM PRAKASH said... நா இ தா இ த வைல தள ைத கா ேற . ஆ ல க பத என க பய ள தள என ந ேற . பாட ட ஒ ஆர ேற . March 1, 2010 at 10:19 PM HK Arun said...
  • 38. - Arasan //Your way of teaching is pretty good and great. Take care.All the best.// உ க க ப க ந . March 2, 2010 at 12:25 AM HK Arun said... - PRAKASH //பாட ட ஒ ஆர ேற .// ஆ ! அ ேவ இல வான . ரம ெப ட க 01, 02, 03 ந றாக ப ெச ெகா களானா பா ெவ ெப க எனலா . ப ெபா , எ , எ யவ ைற ச தமாக வா ப ெச க . ந March 2, 2010 at 12:29 AM Anonymous said... aangilam karka arumaiyana vazhi kanbithu irukkinreergal.nanrigal nanbare! March 12, 2010 at 9:41 PM Gopikrishnan said... நா இ ேற த கள பாட கைள ப அ ேத .., க ந .. April 4, 2010 at 6:16 AM deepa said... its very useful to me...thank you April 9, 2010 at 11:37 AM
  • 39. sangeet ha said... Dear sir, This is sangeetha. i hope this is very useful for people like me. while speaking in english that my problem is no fluency because of hesitation and strike of vocabulary. how to rectify this problem, sir. Because i want to speak in english very very fluently, will you help me, sir. If i download pdf files it will not be opened in my system. will u send the lessons through e.mail, sir, my id: Thank you. April 14, 2010 at 9:42 PM HK Arun said... - Anonymous - Gopikrishnan - deepa உ க க ப க க ந April 14, 2010 at 10:45 PM HK Arun said... - sangeetha எம பாட க ெதாட வ அவ ைற ப ெச க . பாட க ெதாட பான ேமல க ள க க ேதைவ ப ெதாட ெகா க . //If i download pdf files it will not be opened in my system.// PDF ேகா கைள உ க க ற பா பத , எ ேகா வா பா க ேவ . இ த ப ைவ பா க April 14, 2010 at 10:55 PM vasnt vel said... hai i am vasntvel from covai April 17, 2010 at 7:26 PM
  • 40. மர said... வா க .. April 22, 2010 at 11:44 PM PRAKASAM said... Hi sir, Good morning! What a excellent job! Best of luck! Keep it! We are waiting for your lessons! April 26, 2010 at 1:52 PM PRAKASAM said... Hi sir, Good morning! What a excellent job! Best of luck! Keep it! We are waiting for your lessons! April 26, 2010 at 2:07 PM Anonymous said... Its Very Helpful to me. long time i searched this kind of website. now i found it.. 100 thanks to u.. Regards, Shankari... April 29, 2010 at 7:01 PM Yasir said... man what a great job u r doing...hats off to you arun....God bless you June 17, 2010 at 9:38 PM Nagarajan said... S. Nagarajan Dear sir, thank you for teaching English's we'll refer to my friends.Also I am working in printing press job design work I know read English & understanding English but I an not speak English your teaching English very easy then sure I speak English . again Thank you very much
  • 41. July 10 2010 July 10, 2010 at 3:59 PM Rengasamy said... Really a very good service to the Tamil People especially who is working / students studying in abroad. July 12, 2010 at 12:52 AM rajendran said... this is really an amazing job mr.ARUN. i like your contribution and the commitment towards teaching English to our people, in which language they can easily understand.... i would follow your chapters... keep going.... all best July 12, 2010 at 6:14 PM HK Arun said... - Vasntvel - மர - PRAKASAM - Shankari - Yasir உ க க ப க பாரா க ம ைவ த றன. ந ந ப கேள! July 20, 2010 at 9:47 AM HK Arun said... S. Nagarajan //Dear sir, thank you for teaching English's we'll refer to my friends.Also I am working in printing press job design work I know read English & understanding English but I an not speak English your teaching
  • 42. English very easy then sure I speak English . again Thank you very much.// ஆ ல இல கண ைறயாக க , ஆ ல சரளமாக ேபச யாம இ பல உ ளன . அத கான காரண க ரதான காரண க : தலாவ ேப ெபா ஆ ல இல கண ைழ ஏ ப ேமா எ அ ச , அத எம தள பாட க உத . இர டாவ ஆ ல ெசா கைள ச யாக உ ச ேறாமா எ உ , அ ஏ ஏ ப றன எ றா , ஆ ல க ேபா ஆ ல ஒ கைள ைறயாக க தராதத ைள எ ேற நா ேவ . (ஆ ல ஒ க ) பாட ேமல க ள க கைள க காணலா . ந July 20, 2010 at 9:53 AM HK Arun said... - Rengasamy //Really a very good service to the Tamil People especially who is working / students studying in abroad.// பாரா ந ந பேர July 20, 2010 at 9:58 AM HK Arun said... - rajendran //this is really an amazing job mr.ARUN. i like your contribution and the commitment towards teaching English to our people, in which language they can easily understand.... i would follow your chapters... keep going.... all best// உ க க ப க ந ந பேர July 20, 2010 at 9:59 AM
  • 43. Govindarajan said... I unable to copy and paste the required part of the page in ms-word. Which tamil font you are using? How can i get printout for the part of the page July 23, 2010 at 12:07 PM Govindarajan said... Sir, I want to take the print out for that 73 sentences and their tamil meanings only Is it possible? Expecting reply soon July 23, 2010 at 2:08 PM Ant huvan said... Hello Arun, Its a great effort ! I appreciate your heart to help the needy! Its great! Keep do your good work! God bless! July 24, 2010 at 10:55 PM Anonymous said... i am new to this website.yesterday only i saw it.i have some doubt. Ex: 38. I have to do a job. நா /என ெச ய ேவ ஒ ேவைல. 40. I had to do a job. நா /என ெச ய ேவ ஏ ப ட ஒ ேவைல. here u indicated. seiya vendi irundathu in EX:40 y v don't call in ex:30 seiya vendi irrukku. July 29, 2010 at 1:05 AM Govindarajan said...
  • 44. Your "Download as PDF" link is not working properly in Adobe Reader version 9.3 . Kindly check it down August 3, 2010 at 2:17 PM jagan said... hello sir this very nice and super sir i like your job thnk you sir.... August 16, 2010 at 11:36 AM ganesh said... //Dear sir, thank you for teaching English's we'll refer to my friends.Also I am working in printing press job design work I know read English & understanding English but I an not speak English your teaching English very easy then sure I speak English . again Thank you very much.// September 23, 2010 at 3:14 AM hema said... Is it correct to say, i need to do a job. October 15, 2010 at 6:55 PM Goodway said... எ ேம த மைழ ேய இ தைன நாைள எ தா ..............? இ வள ெப ய ய எ றா ந பா !!!! உ ைன எ ப நா பாரா வ ...... உ அ ந. நாயக October 30, 2010 at 7:45 PM Anonymous said... Dear Arun, Great efforts from you without any commercial motive. I wish you all the best. I am unable to save in pdf format or I am unable to take pdf by acrobat writer also. Could you please help me?.
  • 45. Thank you, Ravi (Bangalore) November 10, 2010 at 1:27 AM suresh said... உ க இைணயதள ைத பா க ம அைட ேத November 10, 2010 at 6:32 AM A.ravi said... வண க அ . வா க .உ க ேசைவ க ந , உ க உைழ வா க A.Ravi & family November 17, 2010 at 9:16 PM Jagaveran said... . அ அவ க என ந . எ ைன அழகான ய ... அ தைமயா! ைளக ெப யவ வைர த ழ த அைனவ ஆ ல க ற ெப த ற த ஒ தள ைத உ வா ெசய ப ெகா வ க உ கைள ேபா ற ப த த ழ க பல ைறக த ன உதவ ேவ . த ன இழ தைத ெட க இ ேபா ற ய க ென க பட ேவ . உ கைள ேபா ஒ ப த ழ க தா ேபா , எ இன ேன எ ந ைக ம யாக இ த உலக ைத ேபாேவ . வா க உ க ய ! வா க த ன ! November 26, 2010 at 2:44 PM Aloysius BJ PIOUS said... Nice approach , Really hats off to you Arun. November 30, 2010 at 11:04 PM chinna said... How to say in word your do a very very good job is very useful to my life Thank You Very Much
  • 46. BY (CHINNA RAJA P) December 6, 2010 at 12:38 AM sat hish said... great job.... god bless you... December 22, 2010 at 10:57 PM alagu said... hi arun, i have to do a job. i have do a job. What differents between this two words..pls tell me January 7, 2011 at 3:35 PM Anonymous said... Assalamu alaikum.I am nawas.I am a tamil mediam student.I am learing spoken english last 5 years.i have used your english pattern last one year.i have finished your all lessons. but i know grammer rules,writing rules and spoken rules. but when i speak in english i am afraid and i have used lot of mistakes that time i know this speak is not correct.i want practice or anything else.pleas give me a good solution.i am waiting for your advise. January 10, 2011 at 1:33 PM Anonymous said... Dear Sir! Good Evening! I saw English grammar in Tamil before three days. It is very nice like SWEETS. I want to your english book. Have your English Book available? Please without fail reply me. Thanking you! Regards, Mageswari R
  • 47. January 15, 2011 at 9:06 PM Anonymous said... very much informative February 8, 2011 at 9:29 AM Anonymous said... உ க ேசைவ க ந ,.... என ஒ உத ெச ய ேவ நா speaking ெச ேவ இ ேபா என ஒ story எ தவ try ப ற , நா எ வ ச யா எ பா க ஏஅதவ உத ெச களா please...... February 10, 2011 at 12:00 AM Anbu said... dear sir, I'm anbu... Thanks a lot for ur helpful learning session... Basically i'm very weak in this site it's for me... Thank U so much....... March 1, 2011 at 6:43 PM Sat hya, USA said... In 2008 I referred this website to my friend, that time i have seen two or three comments only.After a long gab now i am looking this, Wow, amazing how many peoples are really utilizing this.....?! Hats Off Sir!You have done a very good job for my Tamil Peoples. Once again Thank you very much. March 10, 2011 at 9:50 AM nawas said... assalamu alaikum arun. i am nawas from dubai. i using ur site past 3 years.i know all grammer rules. but when i speak in english while i could not get word.will not come words.i was thinking that time.
  • 48. what i do pls tell good solution.vassalam. March 17, 2011 at 9:19 PM SIVAHARI said... Dear Mr.Arun ji. It's great job for Tamil medium students. I wish to all get improve and successful achievments - Regards Sivahari March 23, 2011 at 12:05 AM Venu said... ேவ வண க . இ தா உ க ஆ ல பாட ப -1 பா க ெகா ள ஆர ேத . க எ தாக இ . ந ேவ..... April 4, 2011 at 8:15 PM SIHANSof t said... A.MHD.SIHAN I'm reading your website everyday, Its very useful me.also,I speak with my friends about your website day by day, exactly easy to learn for us.I don't know how to thank u.... best regards, A.MHD.SIHAN, Saudi Arabian airlines(KSA) June 13, 2011 at 6:35 AM jil said... பய ள உ க ய வா க .by sakthi July 9, 2011 at 10:12 PM nat araj said... sir, I am very happy to see this blog because your job it is very help for poor student in english,
  • 49. best wishes continue your job. natarajmala Trichy July 21, 2011 at 5:39 PM Ram said... க ந September 14, 2011 at 10:48 PM Nandha said... ந September 20, 2011 at 10:35 PM Nandha said... ந September 20, 2011 at 10:37 PM usman mohamed said... its realy good September 23, 2011 at 11:04 PM த ம said... ந ல ய ! வா க . ஆனா ,த தா மற ேபா ற . (நா ெச ேற ஒ ேவைல!!!) October 8, 2011 at 1:05 AM HK Arun said... -Govindarajan -Anthuvan s
  • 50. -Anonymous -Govindarajan -jagan -ganesh -Goodway -ந. நாயக -Anonymous -Ravi (Bangalore) -suresh -A.ravi -A.Ravi & family -Jagaveran -Aloysius BJ PIOUS - chinna -(CHINNA RAJA P) -sathish -alagu -Anonymous -Anonymous -Mageswari R -Anonymous
  • 51. -Anonymous -Anbu -Sathya, USA -nawas -SIVAHARI -Venu -SIHANSoft -A.MHD.SIHAN -jil -nataraj -natarajmala -Ram -Nandha -usman mohamed உடன யாக ப அ காைம ம க . உ க அைனவ ைடய க ப க ந க . அவ பலர ேக க இ தன.அைவ ெதாட பான பாட க ைர வ . ந ! அ ட அ | HK Arun October 8, 2011 at 3:09 AM Madhesh said... த ழா வா க! உ ய ந !
  • 52. Great! Madhesh C November 3, 2011 at 3:30 AM Madhesh said... த ழா வா க! உ ய ந ! Great! Madhesh C November 3, 2011 at 3:30 AM Gk said... அ ந பேர இ ேபா தா உ க தள ைத பா ேத என ஆ ல ேபசேவ .. நா பழக ஆர ேற . அத உ க மனமா த ந .. ேவ சரண அ ேப வ November 4, 2011 at 2:27 AM Mohan said... thank you sir, நா ந ல ேவைல ேள ஆனா ஆ ல என க ன மாக இ ற இ ேபா தா உ க தள ைத பா ேத என ஆ ல ேபசேவ நா உ க ட இைண ேற December 11, 2011 at 5:51 PM Mohan said... thank you sir, நா ந ல ேவைல ேள ஆனா ஆ ல என க ன மாக இ ற இ ேபா தா உ க தள ைத பா ேத என ஆ ல ேபசேவ நா உ க ட இைண ேற December 11, 2011 at 5:52 PM pudhut amil said...
  • 53. good work thank you sir January 3, 2012 at 6:53 PM Rajesh said... Rajesh, I have to say 10000 thanks for u because after started reading your lessons only i have learned (more)English grammars. Thanks a lot. I have a small doubt I write a letter and I am writing a letter -- In these two sentences your tamil meaning almost like same meaning pola thaan irrukku (in my understanding). so please Guide me i already read your other lessons also but i couldn't understand this simple present meaning in tamil because in my understanding its like present continuous tamil meaning. so please please explain me. but i can easily understood your past tense and present continuous easily after studied your lessons. I am writing a letter---(In tamil) eluthikgonuirrukinrean I write a letter---In tamil-- eluthuginrean (I write a letter). January 25, 2012 at 12:02 PM niroshan06 said... It is very very useful for me. Thanks for this..... January 30, 2012 at 2:15 AM Prabhu said... it is useful to basic learners..also your home work is perfect one..Congratulations.. March 8, 2012 at 12:53 AM Prabhu said...
  • 54. it is useful to basic learners...your homework idea is awesome.. congratulation March 8, 2012 at 12:54 AM dhivya said... am so proud of u..arun...thanks for teaching english very very fear with speak english to others...pls give any tips for me... March 9, 2012 at 4:42 PM dhivya said... am very proud of u...arun...thanks for teaching english very very fear with speak english to others..please give any tips for me March 9, 2012 at 4:46 PM Hemalat ha said... fantastic.very use full website.thanks a lot. March 21, 2012 at 3:34 PM Hemalat ha said... very use full website. thank you very much. March 21, 2012 at 3:35 PM Sat heeskumar said... க பய ள இல வன மான ஆ ல க ைக உக த இைணய தள . ந . May 19, 2012 at 10:27 PM mut hu said... it is very useful June 23, 2012 at 1:56 PM
  • 55. epics said... its really nice sir....its really a worthy work.. July 2, 2012 at 6:28 PM epics said... its really nice sir....its really a worthy work.. July 2, 2012 at 6:29 PM Vivek said... very nice sir July 9, 2012 at 9:43 PM f irt hous.hameed said... intha inayahalam neenda naalaha naan thediya pokkisam kidaithathu pol irukkirathu...nanri..nanri.. nanri.. July 14, 2012 at 3:14 AM f irt hous.hameed said... இ என ைட த க ெப உத ந ............ July 14, 2012 at 3:29 AM muraliharan said... sir you are doing a great job welldone...keep it up..muraliharan teacher kilinochchi srilanka July 16, 2012 at 12:44 AM muraliharan said... sir you are doing a great job welldone...keep it up..muraliharan teacher kilinochchi srilanka July 16, 2012 at 12:51AM
  • 56. sivakumar said... very good and very useful.. July 21, 2012 at 12:14 PM sivakumar said... very good and very useful.. July 21, 2012 at 12:15 PM Raja Sekar said... Now only,i see your is very useful to me... Thanks a lot... July 30, 2012 at 1:06 AM ந. தரராச வ ேகா ைட said... எ ேபா ற ஆ கல க க ேவா க பய ள பாடமாக அைம ள பாட த ழ க ேசைவ ெச த க என மனமா த க ந வண க ..... August 10, 2012 at 10:20 AM Damit h Gold said... Can one of freinds here send me a link top web site or pdf lesson wich shows tamil vern formulas Eg. parr+kinru+een = parkireyn..nihal kalam August 11, 2012 at 10:19 AM Shobana said... Its really amazing site.... i do refer this site to some of my friends.... easy to understand.... it could be better if u release entire lessons through Mp3 cd and Pdf... it will be more helpful for us to learn often through offline... ..................THANK YOU.......... October 10, 2012 at 2:07 PM
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  • 59. இ த "ஆ ல " வைல தள பாட ப க பல பய பட ய என க னா இ தள இைண வழ க . இ தள பாட ப கைள ப ைகக , ச ைகக , இைணய தள க , வைல ப க , ம ற க , க கள க ேபா றவ வ மாக ெவ ஒ ப வைத தய ெச த க . அவ ய என க னா பாட ஒ ப ைய ம இ , ட பாட கான ( URL) இைண வழ கலா . ெச தா க , ச ைகக எ றா க டாய எம வைல தள ெபயைர (aangilam.blogspot .com) ட ேவ . அ ட எம ன ச ( arunhk.inf o AT கவ ஊடாகேவா அ ல ட பாட ட ஊடாகேவா க டாய அ ய தர ேவ . பாட கைள மாக அ ப ேய ெவ ஒ ப ட , உ ளட க கைள மா ப ட , வ க யாக பய ப த ேபா றன றாக தைட ெச ய ப ளன. இ பாட க ைர வ வாக "ேம ேம ப த ப ட ைல " ெவ வ எ பதைன அைனவ அ ய த ேறா . ந ! View My Stats Copyright 2007-11 ©,All rights reserved. Simple template. Powered by Blogger.