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Grails: How To Plug In

Burt Beckwith

                         © 2010 SpringSource, A division of VMware. All rights reserved

 What Is A Plugin?
 Implementation Details
 Testing
 Source Control and Release Management
 Best Practices and Tips

                            CONFIDENTIAL   2
My Plugins
 Acegi                                       Flex Scaffold (major rework, not yet released)
 App Info
                                              SpringMVC
 BlazeDS
                                              Spring Security Core
 Cloud Foundry
                                              Spring Security ACL
 Cloud Foundry UI
                                              Spring Security App Info
 CodeNarc
                                              Spring Security Kerberos
 Console
 Database Reverse Engineering                Spring Security LDAP
 Database Migrations                         Spring Security Open ID
 Datasources                                 Spring Security CAS
 Dynamic Controller                          Spring Security UI
 Dynamic Domain Class (core code)            Twitter
 FamFamFam                                   UI Performance
 Flex

                                     CONFIDENTIAL                                               3
What Is A Plugin?

What Is A Plugin?

       “  A set of software components that
          adds specific abilities to a larger
          software application

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What Is A Plugin?

 Very similar to a Grails application project
 Plus a *GrailsPlugin.groovy plugin descriptor file
 Use grails create­plugin to create one
 Often adds artifacts, resources, scripts
 Good for code reuse
 Modular development

                            CONFIDENTIAL               6
What Is A Plugin?

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Application Directory Structure

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Plugin Directory Structure

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The Background

 Grails is designed to wire
  different libraries together and
  make them easy to use

 Can be seen as “platform for
  runtime configuration”

 Without well defined system, de-
  coupling those components was

                         CONFIDENTIAL   10
Extension Points

 The Build System
 Spring Application Context
 Dynamic method registration
 Auto Reloading
 Container Config (web.xml)
 Adding new Artefact Types

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Types of Plugin

 New functionality
  • Datasources, UI Performance, etc.
 Wrapper
  • Spring Security, Searchable, Quartz, etc.
  • Often have many scripts, e.g. Cloud Foundry, Database
 UI
 Bug fix
 Resource-only
  • famfamfam

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Plugin Architecture

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Plugin Goals

   Convention-based approaches
   DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself)
   Required extension points satisfied
   Easy to distribute & install
    • Without additional configuration

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What Can A Plugin Do?

 Enhance classes at runtime
 • Add methods, constructors, properties, etc.

 Perform runtime Spring configuration
 Modify web.xml on the fly
 Add new controllers, tag libraries, etc.

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A Basic Plugin

    class LoggingGrailsPlugin {
        def version = "0.1”
        def grailsVersion = "1.3 > *"
        def doWithDynamicMethods = {
          for (c in application.allClasses) {
             c.metaClass.getLog = {->

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Implementation Details

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Application Object

 'GrailsApplication' object
 • available with the 'application' variable
 • holds convention information
 Useful methods like:
 • get*Classes
   • Retrieve all GrailsClass instances for particular artifact, e.g.
 • add*Class(Class clazz)
   • Adds new GrailsClass for specified class,
    e.g. addControllerClass(myClass)
 • get*Class(String name)
   • Retrieves GrailsClass for given name,
    e.g. getControllerClass(name)

                                        CONFIDENTIAL                    19
Grails Artifacts

 Some resource that fulfills a convention
 • controllers, services, etc.

 Represented by the GrailsClass interface
  commons/package-summary.html for API of all artifacts

 Add new artifacts via the Artifact API

                                      CONFIDENTIAL                20
Grails Artifacts

 Design decision: include or generate artifacts?
  • Include is more automatic, no explicit step
  • Including requires workflow to override
  • Generate requires extra step but is more customizable
  • Generation is static – old files can get out of date
 Overriding domain classes?
  • Really only an issue with create-drop and update, not with migrations
 Overriding controllers?
  • “un-map” with UrlMappings
  "/admin/console/$action?/$id?"(controller: "console")
  "/console/$action?/$id?"(controller: "errors", action: "urlMapping")

                                        CONFIDENTIAL                        21
The GrailsClass Interface

 Implemented by Grails artifacts written in Groovy
 • getPropertyValue(String name)
 • newInstance()
 • getName()                ← logical name

 • getFullName()            ← class name including package

 • getShortName()           ← class name without package

 • getPropertyName()        ← class name as property name

 • getClazz()               ← actual java.lang.Class

                              CONFIDENTIAL                   22
Plugin Descriptor

 Metadata
 • version, grailsVersion range, pluginExcludes, dependsOn, etc.

 Lifecycle Closures
                                  ← Modify XML generated for web.xml at
 doWithWebDescriptor              runtime

 doWithSpring                     ← Participate in Spring configuration
                                  ← Post ApplicationContext initialization
 doWithApplicationContext         activities

 doWithDynamicMethods             ← Add methods to MetaClasses

 onChange                         ← Participate in reload events

                              CONFIDENTIAL                                   23
Configuring Spring

  class JcrGrailsPlugin {
    def version = 0.1               Bean name is method name,
    def dependsOn = [core:0.4]      first argument is bean class
      def doWithSpring = {
        jcrRepository(RepositoryFactoryBean) {
           configuration = "classpath:repository.xml"
           homeDir = "/repo"
      }                              Set properties on the bean

                                   CONFIDENTIAL                    24
Advantages Of Spring DSL

 Just Groovy code, so can contain complex logic
 dependent on:

 • environment
 • project conventions
 • anything!

 Easy to specify complex bean definitions
 • thanks to Groovy's neat lists and maps syntax

                            CONFIDENTIAL           25
Overriding Spring Beans

 Use loadAfter to define plugin load order; your beans
 override other plugins' and Grails'

 resources.groovy loads last, so applications can
 redefine beans there
  Import com.mycompany.myapp.MyUserDetailsService
  beans = {
    userDetailsService(MyUserDetailsService) {
      grailsApplication = ref('grailsApplication')
      foo = 'bar'

 BeanPostProcessor/BeanFactoryPostProcessor
                                 CONFIDENTIAL             26
Plugging In Dynamic Methods

                                                  Taken from Grails core, this
 def doWithDynamicMethods = { ctx ->              plugin finds all classes ending
   application                                    with “Codec” and dynamically
      .allClasses                                 creates “encodeAsFoo” methods!
      .findAll {"Codec") }
      .each {clz ->
            ."encodeAs${'Codec'}" = {
                                               The “delegate” variable
                                               is equivalent to “this” in
                                               regular methods

                                   CONFIDENTIAL                                27
Reload Events

  Grails apps must be reloadable during

  • Can mean many things
  • Plugin's responsibility

  Plugins can define
  firing onChange events
  when modified

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Example Reloading Plugin

class I18nGrailsPlugin {                           Defines set of files to watch
  def version = "0.4.2"                            using Spring Resource pattern
  def watchedResources =
    def onChange = { event ->
      def messageSource =
                                                       When one changes, event
                                                       is fired and plugin responds
                                                       by clearing message cache

                                    CONFIDENTIAL                                   29
The Event Object

   event.source
    • Source of the change – either a Spring Resource or a
     java.lang.Class if the class was reloaded
   event.ctx
    • the Spring ApplicationContext
   event.application
    • the GrailsApplication
   event.manager
    • the GrailsPluginManager

                              CONFIDENTIAL                   30
Adding Elements to web.xml

    def doWithWebDescriptor = { xml →

        def contextParam = xml.'context-param'
        contextParam[contextParam.size() - 1] + {
          'filter' {

        def filterMapping = xml.'filter-mapping'
        filterMapping[filterMapping.size() - 1] + {
           'listener' {

                                     CONFIDENTIAL                31
Dependency Management

   Jar files
   • Prefer BuildConfig.groovy → Maven repos
   • lib directory is ok if unavailable otherwise

   Other plugins
   • def dependsOn = [springSecurityCore: '1.1 > *']

   • def loadAfter = ['controllers']

   Grails
   • def grailsVersion = '1.2.3 > *'

                          CONFIDENTIAL                 32

 grails.project.dependency.resolution = {
   inherits 'global'
   log 'warn'

  repositories {

      flatDir name:'myRepo', dirs:'/path/to/repo'

      mavenRepo ''
      mavenRepo ''

                                    CONFIDENTIAL      33

    dependencies {
      runtime 'mysql:mysql-connector-java:5.1.13'
      compile group: 'commons-httpclient',
                name: 'commons-httpclient',
                version: '3.1'
      build('net.sf.ezmorph:ezmorph:1.0.4', 'net.sf.ehcache:ehcache:1.6.1') {
        transitive = false
      test('com.h2database:h2:1.2.144') {
        export = false
               'org.hibernate:hibernate-annotations:3.4.0.GA') {
        excludes 'xml-apis', 'commons-logging'

                                    CONFIDENTIAL                                34
Troubleshooting Dependency Management

   Run grails dependency­report
   • See for
    visualization tips

   Increase logging level
   • log 'warn' → 'info', 'verbose', or 'debug'

                         CONFIDENTIAL              35

   Gant:
   Groovy + Ant - XML
   Can be used in apps but more common in plugins
   Put in plugin's (or app's) scripts directory
   _Install.groovy
    • runs when you run grails install­plugin or
     when it's transitively installed - don't overwrite!
     might be reinstall or plugin upgrade

                           CONFIDENTIAL                    36

   _Uninstall.groovy
    • runs when you run grails uninstall­plugin so
     you can do cleanup, but don't delete user-
     created/edited stuff

   _Upgrade.groovy
    • runs when you run grails upgrade (not when
     you upgrade a plugin)

                            CONFIDENTIAL             37

                      eventCreateWarStart = { name, stagingDir →
   _Events.groovy    …
    • Respond to
                      eventGenerateWebXmlEnd = {
     build events     …

   Naming convention
    • Prefix with '_' → don't show in grails help
    • Suffix with '_' → 'global' script, i.e. doesn't need
     to run in a project dir (e.g. create­app)

                            CONFIDENTIAL                           38

   Reuse existing scripts with includeTargets
    • includeTargets << grailsScript("_GrailsWar")

   Include common code in _*Common.groovy
    • includeTargets << new 

                          CONFIDENTIAL               39
Testing Scripts

   Put tests in test/cli
   Extend grails.test.AbstractCliTestCase
   stdout and stderr will be in target/cli-output

   Run with the rest with grails test­app or alone
    with grails test­app ­­other

                            CONFIDENTIAL                40

                             Typical Structure
  includeTargets << new File(

  USAGE = '''
  grails cf-list-files [path] [--appname] [--instance]

  target(cfListFiles: 'Display a directory listing') {
    depends cfInit

      // implementation of script

  def someHelperMethod() { … }

  setDefaultTarget cfListFiles

                                      CONFIDENTIAL             41
Custom Artifacts

   ControllerMixinArtefactHandler extends

   interface ControllerMixinGrailsClass extends

   DefaultControllerMixinGrailsClass extends
   AbstractInjectableGrailsClass implements

                            CONFIDENTIAL           42
Custom Artifacts

  class MyGrailsPlugin {

      def watchedResources = [

      def artefacts = [ControllerMixinArtefactHandler]

      def onChange = { event →

                                      CONFIDENTIAL                                  43


   Write regular unit and integration tests in test/unit
   and test/integration

   'Install' using inline mechanism in
   • grails.plugin.location.'my­plugin' = '../my­plugin'

   Test scripts as described earlier
   Create test apps programmatically – all of the
   Spring Security plugins do this with bash scripts

                           CONFIDENTIAL                     45

   Use build.xml or Gradle to create single target that
   tests and builds plugin
   <target name='package' description='Package the plugin'
           depends='test, doPackage, post-package-cleanup'/>

   Use inline plugin or install from zip
   grails install-plugin /path/to/plugin/

                                   CONFIDENTIAL                    46
Source Control and Release Management

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Becoming A Plugin Developer

   Signup at Codehaus xircles
   • &
   Talk about your idea on the mailing list
   • Summarize your contribution and ask on the dev list
     for your request to be processed - include your xircles
     user name in the request
   Build (and test!) your plugin and run:
    • grails publish-plugin
   Done!

                              CONFIDENTIAL                         48
Source Control and Release Management

   Internal server for jars & plugins is easy with Artifactory or
  repositories {
    mavenRepo "http://yourserver:8081/artifactory/libs-releases-local/"
    mavenRepo "http://yourserver:8081/artifactory/plugins-releases-local/"

   Release with grails publish­plugin ­­repository=repo_name
  grails.project.dependency.distribution = {
        id: "repo_name",
        url: "http://yourserver:8081/artifactory/plugins-snapshots-local/") {
      authentication username: "admin", password: "password"
                                      CONFIDENTIAL                              49
Source Control and Release Management

   Use “release” plugin
   • Will be default in 1.4+, publish-plugin replaces release-plugin
   • Sends tweet from @grailsplugins and email to plugin forum
   • Will check code into SVN for you
     • disable with ­­noScm or grails.release.scm.enabled = false

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Best Practices and Tips

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Best Practices and Tips

   Delete anything auto-generated that you don't use
    • grails-app/views/error.gsp
    • _Uninstall.groovy and other generated scripts
    • Empty descriptor callbacks

   Exclude files used in development or testing
    • Use def pluginExcludes = [...]
    • src/docs
    • Test artifacts
   Use Ivy + Maven repos in BuildConfig.groovy, not lib dir

                             CONFIDENTIAL                      52
Best Practices and Tips

   Write tests
   Run them often
   Run tests before commit and especially before
    release (use build.xml)

   Create test apps (ideally programmatically)
   Programmatically build inline plugin location:
   def customerName = System.getProperty("")
   grails.plugin.location."$customerName" = "customer-plugins/$customerName"

                                   CONFIDENTIAL                                53
Best Practices and Tips

   Get to 1.0
    • Initial version 0.1 is just a suggestion
    • People trust 1.0+ more
   Start using source control early
    • Easy to run git init locally and later → github
   Support your plugin!

                          CONFIDENTIAL                  54
Best Practices and Tips



                               CONFIDENTIAL                  55

Signup for hackergarten here:

               CONFIDENTIAL      56

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GR8Conf 2011: Grails, how to plug in

  • 1. Grails: How To Plug In Burt Beckwith SpringSource CONFIDENTIAL © 2010 SpringSource, A division of VMware. All rights reserved
  • 2. Agenda  What Is A Plugin?  Implementation Details  Testing  Source Control and Release Management  Best Practices and Tips CONFIDENTIAL 2
  • 3. My Plugins  Acegi  Flex Scaffold (major rework, not yet released)  App Info  SpringMVC  BlazeDS  Spring Security Core  Cloud Foundry  Spring Security ACL  Cloud Foundry UI  Spring Security App Info  CodeNarc  Spring Security Kerberos  Console  Database Reverse Engineering  Spring Security LDAP  Database Migrations  Spring Security Open ID  Datasources  Spring Security CAS  Dynamic Controller  Spring Security UI  Dynamic Domain Class (core code)  Twitter  FamFamFam  UI Performance  Flex CONFIDENTIAL 3
  • 4. What Is A Plugin? CONFIDENTIAL 4
  • 5. What Is A Plugin? “ A set of software components that adds specific abilities to a larger software application CONFIDENTIAL 5
  • 6. What Is A Plugin?  Very similar to a Grails application project  Plus a *GrailsPlugin.groovy plugin descriptor file  Use grails create­plugin to create one  Often adds artifacts, resources, scripts  Good for code reuse  Modular development CONFIDENTIAL 6
  • 7. What Is A Plugin? CONFIDENTIAL 7
  • 9. Plugin Directory Structure CONFIDENTIAL 9
  • 10. The Background  Grails is designed to wire different libraries together and make them easy to use  Can be seen as “platform for runtime configuration”  Without well defined system, de- coupling those components was hard CONFIDENTIAL 10
  • 11. Extension Points  The Build System  Spring Application Context  Dynamic method registration  Auto Reloading  Container Config (web.xml)  Adding new Artefact Types CONFIDENTIAL 11
  • 12. Types of Plugin  New functionality • Datasources, UI Performance, etc.  Wrapper • Spring Security, Searchable, Quartz, etc. • Often have many scripts, e.g. Cloud Foundry, Database Migration  UI  Bug fix •,  Resource-only • famfamfam CONFIDENTIAL 12
  • 13. Plugin Architecture CONFIDENTIAL 13
  • 14. Plugin Goals  Convention-based approaches  DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself)  Required extension points satisfied  Easy to distribute & install • Without additional configuration CONFIDENTIAL 14
  • 15. What Can A Plugin Do?  Enhance classes at runtime • Add methods, constructors, properties, etc.  Perform runtime Spring configuration  Modify web.xml on the fly  Add new controllers, tag libraries, etc. CONFIDENTIAL 15
  • 16. A Basic Plugin class LoggingGrailsPlugin { def version = "0.1” def grailsVersion = "1.3 > *" def doWithDynamicMethods = { for (c in application.allClasses) { c.metaClass.getLog = {-> LogFactory.getLog(c) } } } } CONFIDENTIAL 16
  • 18. Implementation Details CONFIDENTIAL 18
  • 19. Application Object  'GrailsApplication' object • available with the 'application' variable • holds convention information  Useful methods like: • get*Classes • Retrieve all GrailsClass instances for particular artifact, e.g. getControllerClasses() • add*Class(Class clazz) • Adds new GrailsClass for specified class, e.g. addControllerClass(myClass) • get*Class(String name) • Retrieves GrailsClass for given name, e.g. getControllerClass(name) CONFIDENTIAL 19
  • 20. Grails Artifacts  Some resource that fulfills a convention • controllers, services, etc.  Represented by the GrailsClass interface • commons/package-summary.html for API of all artifacts  Add new artifacts via the Artifact API • CONFIDENTIAL 20
  • 21. Grails Artifacts  Design decision: include or generate artifacts? • Include is more automatic, no explicit step • Including requires workflow to override • Generate requires extra step but is more customizable • Generation is static – old files can get out of date  Overriding domain classes? • Really only an issue with create-drop and update, not with migrations  Overriding controllers? • “un-map” with UrlMappings "/admin/console/$action?/$id?"(controller: "console") "/console/$action?/$id?"(controller: "errors", action: "urlMapping") CONFIDENTIAL 21
  • 22. The GrailsClass Interface  Implemented by Grails artifacts written in Groovy • getPropertyValue(String name) • newInstance() • getName() ← logical name • getFullName() ← class name including package • getShortName() ← class name without package • getPropertyName() ← class name as property name • getClazz() ← actual java.lang.Class CONFIDENTIAL 22
  • 23. Plugin Descriptor  Metadata • version, grailsVersion range, pluginExcludes, dependsOn, etc.  Lifecycle Closures ← Modify XML generated for web.xml at doWithWebDescriptor runtime doWithSpring ← Participate in Spring configuration ← Post ApplicationContext initialization doWithApplicationContext activities doWithDynamicMethods ← Add methods to MetaClasses onChange ← Participate in reload events CONFIDENTIAL 23
  • 24. Configuring Spring class JcrGrailsPlugin { def version = 0.1 Bean name is method name, def dependsOn = [core:0.4] first argument is bean class def doWithSpring = { jcrRepository(RepositoryFactoryBean) { configuration = "classpath:repository.xml" homeDir = "/repo" } } Set properties on the bean } CONFIDENTIAL 24
  • 25. Advantages Of Spring DSL  Just Groovy code, so can contain complex logic dependent on: • environment • project conventions • anything!  Easy to specify complex bean definitions • thanks to Groovy's neat lists and maps syntax CONFIDENTIAL 25
  • 26. Overriding Spring Beans  Use loadAfter to define plugin load order; your beans override other plugins' and Grails'  resources.groovy loads last, so applications can redefine beans there Import com.mycompany.myapp.MyUserDetailsService beans = { userDetailsService(MyUserDetailsService) { grailsApplication = ref('grailsApplication') foo = 'bar' } }  BeanPostProcessor/BeanFactoryPostProcessor CONFIDENTIAL 26
  • 27. Plugging In Dynamic Methods Taken from Grails core, this def doWithDynamicMethods = { ctx -> plugin finds all classes ending application with “Codec” and dynamically .allClasses creates “encodeAsFoo” methods! .findAll {"Codec") } .each {clz -> Object .metaClass ."encodeAs${'Codec'}" = { clz.newInstance().encode(delegate) } } The “delegate” variable } is equivalent to “this” in } regular methods CONFIDENTIAL 27
  • 28. Reload Events  Grails apps must be reloadable during development • Can mean many things • Plugin's responsibility  Plugins can define watchedResources firing onChange events when modified CONFIDENTIAL 28
  • 29. Example Reloading Plugin class I18nGrailsPlugin { Defines set of files to watch def version = "0.4.2" using Spring Resource pattern def watchedResources = "file:../grails-app/i18n/*.properties" def onChange = { event -> def messageSource = event.ctx.getBean("messageSource") messageSource?.clearCache() } } When one changes, event is fired and plugin responds by clearing message cache CONFIDENTIAL 29
  • 30. The Event Object  event.source • Source of the change – either a Spring Resource or a java.lang.Class if the class was reloaded  event.ctx • the Spring ApplicationContext  event.application • the GrailsApplication  event.manager • the GrailsPluginManager CONFIDENTIAL 30
  • 31. Adding Elements to web.xml def doWithWebDescriptor = { xml → def contextParam = xml.'context-param' contextParam[contextParam.size() - 1] + { 'filter' { 'filter-name'('springSecurityFilterChain') 'filter-class'( } } def filterMapping = xml.'filter-mapping' filterMapping[filterMapping.size() - 1] + { 'listener' { 'listener-class'( } } } CONFIDENTIAL 31
  • 32. Dependency Management  Jar files • Prefer BuildConfig.groovy → Maven repos • lib directory is ok if unavailable otherwise  Other plugins • def dependsOn = [springSecurityCore: '1.1 > *'] • def loadAfter = ['controllers']  Grails • def grailsVersion = '1.2.3 > *' CONFIDENTIAL 32
  • 33. BuildConfig.groovy grails.project.dependency.resolution = { inherits 'global' log 'warn' repositories { grailsPlugins() grailsHome() grailsCentral() flatDir name:'myRepo', dirs:'/path/to/repo' mavenCentral() mavenRepo '' mavenRepo '' } CONFIDENTIAL 33
  • 34. BuildConfig.groovy dependencies { runtime 'mysql:mysql-connector-java:5.1.13' compile group: 'commons-httpclient', name: 'commons-httpclient', version: '3.1' build('net.sf.ezmorph:ezmorph:1.0.4', 'net.sf.ehcache:ehcache:1.6.1') { transitive = false } test('com.h2database:h2:1.2.144') { export = false } runtime('org.liquibase:liquibase-core:2.0.1', 'org.hibernate:hibernate-annotations:3.4.0.GA') { excludes 'xml-apis', 'commons-logging' } } } CONFIDENTIAL 34
  • 35. Troubleshooting Dependency Management  Run grails dependency­report • See for visualization tips  Increase logging level • log 'warn' → 'info', 'verbose', or 'debug' CONFIDENTIAL 35
  • 36. Scripts  Gant:  Groovy + Ant - XML  Can be used in apps but more common in plugins  Put in plugin's (or app's) scripts directory  _Install.groovy • runs when you run grails install­plugin or when it's transitively installed - don't overwrite! might be reinstall or plugin upgrade CONFIDENTIAL 36
  • 37. Scripts  _Uninstall.groovy • runs when you run grails uninstall­plugin so you can do cleanup, but don't delete user- created/edited stuff  _Upgrade.groovy • runs when you run grails upgrade (not when you upgrade a plugin) CONFIDENTIAL 37
  • 38. Scripts eventCreateWarStart = { name, stagingDir →  _Events.groovy … } • Respond to eventGenerateWebXmlEnd = { build events … }  Naming convention • Prefix with '_' → don't show in grails help • Suffix with '_' → 'global' script, i.e. doesn't need to run in a project dir (e.g. create­app) CONFIDENTIAL 38
  • 39. Scripts  Reuse existing scripts with includeTargets • includeTargets << grailsScript("_GrailsWar")  Include common code in _*Common.groovy • includeTargets << new  File("$cloudFoundryPluginDir/scripts/  _CfCommon.groovy") CONFIDENTIAL 39
  • 40. Testing Scripts  Put tests in test/cli  Extend grails.test.AbstractCliTestCase  stdout and stderr will be in target/cli-output  esting-your-grails-scripts  Run with the rest with grails test­app or alone with grails test­app ­­other CONFIDENTIAL 40
  • 41. Scripts Typical Structure includeTargets << new File( "$cloudFoundryPluginDir/scripts/_CfCommon.groovy") USAGE = ''' grails cf-list-files [path] [--appname] [--instance] ''' target(cfListFiles: 'Display a directory listing') { depends cfInit // implementation of script } def someHelperMethod() { … } setDefaultTarget cfListFiles CONFIDENTIAL 41
  • 42. Custom Artifacts  ControllerMixinArtefactHandler extends ArtefactHandlerAdapter  interface ControllerMixinGrailsClass extends InjectableGrailsClass  DefaultControllerMixinGrailsClass extends AbstractInjectableGrailsClass implements ControllerMixinGrailsClass CONFIDENTIAL 42
  • 43. Custom Artifacts class MyGrailsPlugin { def watchedResources = [ 'file:./grails-app/controllerMixins/**/*ControllerMixin.groovy', 'file:./plugins/*/grails-app/controllerMixins/**/*ControllerMixin.groovy' ] def artefacts = [ControllerMixinArtefactHandler] def onChange = { event → ... } } CONFIDENTIAL 43
  • 45. Testing  Write regular unit and integration tests in test/unit and test/integration  'Install' using inline mechanism in BuildConfig.groovy • grails.plugin.location.'my­plugin' = '../my­plugin'  Test scripts as described earlier  Create test apps programmatically – all of the Spring Security plugins do this with bash scripts CONFIDENTIAL 45
  • 46. Testing  Use build.xml or Gradle to create single target that tests and builds plugin <target name='package' description='Package the plugin' depends='test, doPackage, post-package-cleanup'/>  Use inline plugin or install from zip grails install-plugin /path/to/plugin/ CONFIDENTIAL 46
  • 47. Source Control and Release Management CONFIDENTIAL 47
  • 48. Becoming A Plugin Developer  Signup at Codehaus xircles • &  Talk about your idea on the mailing list • • Summarize your contribution and ask on the dev list for your request to be processed - include your xircles user name in the request  Build (and test!) your plugin and run: • grails publish-plugin  Done! CONFIDENTIAL 48
  • 49. Source Control and Release Management  Internal server for jars & plugins is easy with Artifactory or Nexus repositories { grailsPlugins() grailsHome() mavenRepo "http://yourserver:8081/artifactory/libs-releases-local/" mavenRepo "http://yourserver:8081/artifactory/plugins-releases-local/" grailsCentral() }  Release with grails publish­plugin ­­repository=repo_name grails.project.dependency.distribution = { remoteRepository( id: "repo_name", url: "http://yourserver:8081/artifactory/plugins-snapshots-local/") { authentication username: "admin", password: "password" } } CONFIDENTIAL 49
  • 50. Source Control and Release Management  Use “release” plugin • Will be default in 1.4+, publish-plugin replaces release-plugin • Sends tweet from @grailsplugins and email to plugin forum • Will check code into SVN for you • disable with ­­noScm or grails.release.scm.enabled = false CONFIDENTIAL 50
  • 51. Best Practices and Tips CONFIDENTIAL 51
  • 52. Best Practices and Tips  Delete anything auto-generated that you don't use • grails-app/views/error.gsp • _Uninstall.groovy and other generated scripts • Empty descriptor callbacks  Exclude files used in development or testing • Use def pluginExcludes = [...] • src/docs • Test artifacts  Use Ivy + Maven repos in BuildConfig.groovy, not lib dir CONFIDENTIAL 52
  • 53. Best Practices and Tips  Write tests  Run them often  Run tests before commit and especially before release (use build.xml)  Create test apps (ideally programmatically)  Programmatically build inline plugin location: def customerName = System.getProperty("") grails.plugin.location."$customerName" = "customer-plugins/$customerName" CONFIDENTIAL 53
  • 54. Best Practices and Tips  Get to 1.0 • Initial version 0.1 is just a suggestion • People trust 1.0+ more  Start using source control early • Easy to run git init locally and later → github  Support your plugin! CONFIDENTIAL 54
  • 55. Best Practices and Tips   %20Command%20Line.html#4.3%20Hooking%20into %20Events   plugins-with-grails-1-3/ CONFIDENTIAL 55
  • 56. Hackergarten Signup for hackergarten here: CONFIDENTIAL 56