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The ultimate public safety
broadband solution is a Blue Ocean one
For too long, public safety operations have been in need of good
broadband solutions for use in critical situations. This has arisen
because narrow band digital solutions can no longer provide the
bandwidth required by modern operations and applications, despite
continuing investment. The obvious and traditional solution to
enable broadband would be to build dedicated broadband networks
for public safety. Delivery of these modern services is proving
difficult, impossible in some cases, with this traditional approach of
dedicated spectrum and dedicated infrastructure and huge public
funding. This is an old business model which has not tracked the
changing technological landscape. There are new and better ways
of doing things.
In this white paper, I will point out another solution. The world has
changed a lot since the first digital PMR networks were built. A new
business model and a technological solution that saves money in
investment and operations and will perform better. A ‘Blue Ocean’
alternative that is likely to be the one implemented everywhere.
A short history of digital public
safety communications
In the past, there have been huge investments into public safety
networks around the world. Investments into digital voice solutions
with country-wide coverage are still ongoing in many countries, with
Germany and Norway being the latest and widest implementations.
Big infrastructure providers have been earning good revenue with
“In the past, there have
been huge investments
into public safety
networks around
the world.”
“With the new model, we
can reduce or even
eliminate investments
into new networks and
simultaneously improve
data security, reliability,
coverage and resilience.”
these national roll outs. Now, as the old technology cannot provide
the data rates required, many of the traditional players are planning
to sell new broadband networks the same way in the future.
There is however, a new Blue Ocean concept that changes the whole
business model for public safety broadband. This is good news for
taxpayers, but poses a significant risk for the previous rulers of the
marketplace. Before I get to that, let’s summarise what ‘Blue Ocean’
in this case stands for.
Introduction to Blue Ocean
strategy (BOS)
This term was invented by W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne in
their book Blue Ocean Strategy: How to Create Uncontested Market
Space and Make Competition Irrelevant. The idea is that you don’t
only develop and enhance your offering to win markets, but you can
redefine it by introducing aspects of elimination and reduction.
With the new model, we can reduce or even eliminate investments
into new networks and simultaneously improve data security,
reliability, coverage and resilience. And all this at a fraction of the
cost of the old business model.
The dilemma of over-serving
the public safety
communication market
Whenever talking about public safety, the argumentation for selling
solutions has been around the importance of the service itself. I’ve
heard arguments like “TETRA is the only technology you can trust
on your life” or “dedicated and government controlled networks are
the only solutions that fulfil the availability and resilience needs of
public safety”. As we know that Tetra is far better suited for critical
communications than a single commercial network, these
statements are still not true. The digital PMR, when introduced, was
the only suitable solution. It has given us, over the years, great
benefits, is very useful today and will continue to add value in the
future. However, we also know of numerous situations where TETRA,
Tetrapol or P25 networks have been down or unusable due to
congestion problems. These, like any single network solutions, are
still vulnerable to storms and other natural catastrophes. The
dedicated PMR networks too often get overcrowded when needed
most. Simultaneously, when there’s nothing important going on, the
networks are using as little as 2-5% of their capacity. This means that
there is a huge investment standing unused most the time, yet failing
unfortunately often when needed the most. If this is what the current
situation is, do we really need dedicated networks business model
in the future? Are there solutions that can outperform the availability
and resilience of a single network investment? I think these are
questions worth asking.
Alternative approaches to public
safety communication
The new strategic alternative comes from eliminating the need for
new networks. We already see solutions for fixed landline based
internet where dedicated secure networks are built inside a
commercially available one. VPN tunnelling or MPLS technologies
are commonly used in the PS sector today. The solution is to combine
commercial networks, as many as one wishes, and use secure
tunnels inside them. This way, the existing infrastructure of all
mobile operators can be used, taking advantage of the resilience,
availability and operational security, they can serve together. This is
very important to understand: the existing, separate networks are
able to offer these benefits when used in unison. The same reason
we have two ears and two eyes. It is possible using these separate
networks to have secure tunnelling running simultaneously across
them all. This means that the costs of the solution are magnitudes
lower than building an entirely new network anywhere with any
significant coverage.
The importance of availability
Since we are also talking also about saving lives, it is important to
note that the availability of the online information is of the utmost
importance. If one tries to fetch information from criminal records,
the latest blueprints of a building in case of fire, or send cardio
information to a doctor in hospital, connectivity is crucial. It might
not be a matter of a second or two, but one certainly cannot wait
minutes for data to be delivered.
When we talk about criticality, the command and control application
become a focal point. With an efficient C&C application one can share
information about other units’ locations, target drawings and other
various case specific information. The more instantaneous the data
is, the better security it provides for the officers on the case. We have
seen live situational pictures shared from the criminal site to
enhance co-operation and to minimise the inefficient use of mobile
voice terminals.
I wish to underline that 99.9% of the usage is outside of a big
catastrophe. This is normal day to day work for public safety personnel.
When this work can be made more efficient, the savings are immense.
One broadband network doesn’t
do the job:
Case study: Commercial networks
The most common mistake public safety has made is to rely solely
on one commercial broadband network. It almost seems like all
When we look at the model closer in regard
to public safety, this is how it fits in.
What to eliminate?:
n Big infrastructure investment;
n Dedicated frequencies; and
n Proprietary technology.
What to reduce?
Dedicated network
n Network upgrade investment.
What to raise?
n Local availability support; and
n Dynamic user prioritisation.
What to create?
n A multiple network approach;
n Ad-hoc network capability or satellite support; and
n IP-based applications for public safety users. 3
“More than 99.9% of the
usage is outside of a
big catastrophe.”
concentration with development is on the applications. Too often,
connectivity issues are handled without due consideration “Áoh and
we’ll use the broadband of the number one commercial operator,
with a dongle or similar.”
The fact is no single network, especially a commercial one, is ever
enough. The networks are built and designed in a way that do not
enable 100% availability regardless of coverage. Commercial
networks have occasional service breakdowns, on larger and
smaller scales. These networks also have IP addressing scheme
changes that cause links to break down. This requires new
connection set-ups that always take time. Typical availability, under
the coverage area, over any larger single network when in full
operation is about 96-98%.
Case study: Dedicated networks
The most obvious and most employed solution to the broadband
question in the market is to repeat the previous implementations in a
new environment. The communication of public safety has previously
been done by dedicated networks. It all started with
RF – radios. With digitisation, the P25, Tetra and Tetrapol technologies
were implemented. These regional or even countrywide
implementations have been paid for using taxpayers’ money and the
arguments in support of these networks have revolved around
availability during crisis situations. Well, no solution is 100% reliable
and despite little official communication on the subject, we know that
existing digital PMR networks are far from being perfect. A good
question today is whether a dedicated network is even needed for
voice services. There are novel push-to-talk possibilities and various
MVNO approaches that could, in time and with maturity, even replace
the existing networks. If we select a dedicated network for public
safety use, we should consider the cost versus benefit. If the network
has already been built, it certainly makes sense to use it, but building
a new one is another question.
The approximate amount of users on a dedicated network compared
to a commercial one is about 0.5%. Dedicated networks builders
argue that this small number of users isn’t interesting enough for
commercial operators. Is the answer to build another network with
even higher availability requirements? With a simple calculation, the
cost would be 200-fold per user. How much are the public really
prepared to pay for these services? There is always a limit to
everything and I have a hard time believing that a dedicated network,
especially a broadband one, would be accepted anywhere as the only
possible solution.
I understand the need for coverage in remote areas where there is
no business case for the connectivity of commercial networks. This
can however, also be covered by satellite.
Case study: Combined networks
This last alternative is somewhat like what FirstNet is doing in the
US, the Emergency Services Network (ESN) in UK, and Red
Compartida in Mexico. There are more, but these are perhaps the
most important ones right now. The idea is to combine the existing
infrastructures of commercial operators and to build more
infrastructure and robustness into the solution. The major thinking
behind these approaches are dedicated frequencies. The problem
here is that dedicated frequencies offer neither high availability nor
resilience. For that you need robust infrastructure.
This solution would also still rely on a single network at a time, with
all the associated problems. Why try to create robustness where it
already is available? The best solution is at hand with a multiple
network approach. Finally: implementing some resilience, like
battery backup for base stations, can occasionally be a good idea.
New infrastructure where no networks are available can be
justifiable, but there is no need to build anything extra when it is not
really needed.
The worst case scenario with these old-school approaches is that lots
of money will be spent and the customers will not be happy. Often in
these cases, after the false investment has been made, the critics are
silenced. Finally, and sadly, users are not given any alternative for a
better solution, which is a multiple network approach.
A multi-channel, multi-network
approach is needed
One benefit of using multiple networks comes through security in
case of interference. If someone tries to jeopardise the functionality,
or manages to block the traffic of one network, the possibility to use
several connections solves the problem. One can always use rapid
deployment connectivity via extra LTE or 5G networks, use WiFi, or
satellite alternative. The best about the solution Goodmill offers is
that these alternative networks can be used automatically; the
system selects the best or the most viable connection, depending on
how the switch over protocol is determined.
Everything previously discussed summarises that utilising a
combination of networks brings availability to the accepted level for
public safety mobile use. It is always a matter of resilience that
dictates what the approach selected in each region or country will
be: how many networks and what type of network enhancements
are required. In our experience, with constant monitoring capabilities
and mobile IP-enhanced session persistency, a multiple network
approach that auto selects the best network, exceeds the current
needs of public safety. There are, however, few important criteria that
must be met. First, the multichannel routing solution needs to have
a short switchover time between networks. Second, sessions need
to stay up when the IP addressing changes. Thus, the solution needs
to be network agnostic, so that the applications don’t have to know
anything about the occurring changes.
The multiple network solution has proved extremely reliable and
cost-effective all over the world. Goodmill has one of the largest
installed bases of managed multichannel routers in public safety in
the world. The solution has been proven in nationwide
implementations for years. Of course, the products need to meet the
highest standards. Goodmill products have MBTF of more than
400,000 hours for the routers in use. Our clients can constantly
monitor the connectivity situation. The remote management OTA
capabilities provide a constant online view of fleet connectivity and
provides access to routers whenever needed. This is the connectivity
platform that meets the hardest requirements.
Network slicing solution
against congestion
With the move to broadband IP we’ve opened a vast sea of services,
from detailed location information to HD video and real-time
database access, not to mention voice via VoLTE. Public safety
organisations are already using these services delivered to them
upon shared networks, but their lack of reliability is an unavoidable
consequence of best effort. This would remain the same even on a
private, dedicated network, because even if it is serving a smaller
number of users, this essential characteristic flaw doesn’t disappear.
All of this begs the question, not of how public safety organisations
are going to afford to build their own private networks, but rather
how we may offer the services they already use on shared
commercial networks more reliably? The great news is, we already
know the answer. Native to 4G LTE, and soon to be the dominant
feature of 5G, is network slicing, which amounts to a silver bullet for
public safety and much, much more. Even though the world’s public
safety users number only some 70 million, their equipment needs
to work well all of the time. The ability to provide dedicated,
SLA-assured slices on existing mobile networks not only removes
the pervading conundrum over shared versus private, but opens a 5
“Real-time data delivery
is already a component
in game-based training
where teams solve
problems in the field
with the help of instant,
AI-delivered data.”
huge number of opportunities for critical communications
organisations and the carriers that support them.
However, this coming change will need to be managed. Public safety
agents will be required to move with the times and onboard new
technologies that will radically extend their capabilities. While the
current cohort of agents, habituated to using group calls to get
information, will need to be re-trained, the next generation of
operatives will ask which AI system their dispatchers are using.
Real-time data delivery is already a component in game-based
training where teams solve problems in the field with the help of
instant, AI-delivered data.
Goodmill Systems w24h-S
Managed multichannel router
The Goodmill w24h-S router is the new member of the Goodmill
Systems’ w24h router family. It has been further developed from
w24e-S and offers a magnitude of higher capacities and more
advanced functionalities than its predecessor with cutting edge
processor technology. The router is also 5G ready.
The Goodmill w24h-S brings revolutionary wireless broadband
connectivity to the reach of mobile public safety and security
(PSS) organisations.
Law enforcement agencies, fire departments and emergency
medical service units need increasingly a constant flow of
information to perform their duties efficiently.
With the Goodmill w24h mobile multi-channel routers they can
create reliable, fast, and secure broadband data connection between
the HQ and the mobile units that meet current and future data
connectivity demands.
Goodmill Systems routers are always implemented with the best-
in-class remote management system that fulfils the hardest
requirement for over-the-air (OTA) configurations. You can manage,
monitor, and maintain thousands of devices with the same tool.
The main benefits
Highest possible data connection availability:
n Combining the availability of up to four freely selected
networks for broadband access; and
n Load sharing.
Maximising data connection capacity:
n Flexible network usage;
n Prioritise a network or;
n Always choosing the best performing link;
n Supports networks slicing for operator specific
prioritisation; and
n Load sharing possibility.
Completely secure:
n The connection is always protected by up-to-date
VPN techniques;
n Each network connection has an independent VPN,
firewall, and traffic priority (QoS); and
n OTA remote manager used for configurations
and updates.
n Subscription costs can be optimised using alternative
links; and
n Fast to install and operate.
OTA approach:
n Future proof;
n Supports a wide variety of wireless network
technologies e.g. LTE/3G/2G, LTE450, CDMA and WLAN
by embedded mobile terminals. 5G ready; and
n Easy to upgrade for new networks with just embedded
mobile terminal change.
Optimised operational costs:
n Comprehensive OTA remote management, diagnostics
and configuration.
“The Goodmill w24h-S
brings revolutionary
wireless broadband
connectivity to the reach
of mobile public safety
and security
(PSS) organisations.”
Goodmill Systems w24h-S router
Power supply
Power consumption
LAN interface
10-30V DC
Max. 30W
Options to be used
n 2 x GbE 10/100/1000
n WLAN 802.11 b/g/n
n RJ-45
n SMA-F (x2) MIMO
Compliance IEC60950-1:2005/EN60950-1:2006
WAN interfaces
Options (max. 4) with MIMO
n LTE radio modem
n CDMA radio modem
n LTE 450 radio modem
n WLAN 802.11 b/g/n
n 10/100/1000 GbE
n USB connected devices
n SMA-F (x2) MIMO
n SMA-F (x2) MIMO
n SMA-F (x2) MIMO
n RJ-45
n USB Type A
WLAN Access point 802.11 b/g/n, MIMO supported
WLAN Topologies
Relay Forward, Mesh
Positioning information sent to a location system by using NMEA protocol.
Antenna connector SMA-F
Temperature Range -30°C to 60°C operative
-40°C to 70°C storage
VPN functionality Supported on all priority level WAN links
n IPSec from fixed IP address
n IPSec from dynamic IP addresses
Encryption and key interchange functions supported. (e.g.):
n IKEv2
n HMAC SHA-2 up to 512 bits
n AES-256, AES-GCM
n DH groups 1,2,5,14,15,16, 22, 23 and 24
n DH elliptic curve groups 19, 20 and 21
Mobile IP Supported by integrated Mobile IP client in router and by Mobile IP server
Firewall Independently working for all network Interfaces
n Stateful inspection
n SNAT, DNAT, Port forwarding
Firmware upgrade Locally or remotely over-the-air online
Reversible (Revert to previous stored version)
Network Management Configuration, monitoring and firmware management of routers
n HTTPS protocol for safety and security
n Runs always on the active WAN connection
Dimensions H x W x L: 70 x 210 x 246mm (2,7” x 8,3” x 9,7”) Weight < 2kg (<4.4lbs 7
OTA Management System
Installed devices are constantly sending event and status messages to the management server. The server maintains a status view where
service personnel can always monitor the status of the devices. This logged information can also be used to create various reports. For
example, device usage and WAN link uptime reports can be created to monitor the total availability of the services.
If there is a fault or malfunction, the maintenance personnel can also find it immediately. A sophisticated remote management tool reduces
service outages and unnecessary service visits to the remote sites. Sometimes a new functionality is introduced in an updated embedded
software version. With remote management, you can quickly, easily, and securely download the new software to the installed devices without
costly site visits.
Goodmill routers always communicate with the OTA management server using a secure HTTPS protocol. Router and management server
authenticate each other before communication. This ensures that the management traffic is always protected even when transported over a
public network. Management sessions are also protected with individual usernames and passwords. Goodmill routers always initiate the
management connection. For this reason, the devices do not need public IP addresses even when located behind a third-party firewall.
OTA Manager main features
Creating new devices and configurations is a straightforward process that can be carried out well before the physical installation. Field
personnel do not need any skills on routing, firewalls, VPNs, etc. since dedicated specialists have created the necessary configurations in the
system database, and they will be automatically transferred to the devices during physical installation.
Full OTA configuration capability n Management channel always on using any WAN link
n Networking parameters
n Firewall
n WAN selection criteria
n QoS
n VPN parameters
Monitoring n Status information
n Statistics
n Trends
n Faults
Secure router installation and replacement Encrypted installation and replacement key
Integration to higher-level management systems Supported by integrated Mobile IP client in router and by Mobile IP server
Physical Memory 6GB RAM
Hard Discs Mirrored 300GB
Protected Power Source Yes
Linux Software CentOS7, Ubuntu
What is economically viable?
I have met many partners and customers who have stated that the
multiple network approach is an expensive solution, not only due to
hardware and software pricing, but also due to high network data
costs. Let’s look at this with a bit more detail.
First of all, one should look at the costs of the whole unit on wheels.
No matter if it’s an ambulance or police car, one can easily estimate
the costs of two persons in the vehicle and of the vehicle itself jointly
adding up to €100 to €200 per hour easily. The issue with the
broadband connectivity is efficiency. Can we use this expense more
efficiently if we have a reliable broadband in the vehicle? Well, for
sure we can.
The availability increase through using 2-4 WAN links instead of one
is very dependent on area and country. However, in almost all cases,
just the increase in availability and the efficiency it brings pays for the
system, per our calculations, in less than six months. In one case, the
savings reported equalled the cost of the system within seven weeks,
including all the extra network and equipment costs. The typical
availability increase is from 96% to 99.9% but we’ve also registered
increases from 80% to 99.5% compared to single network solutions.
In the table below we have collated some data from a police vehicle
used in Scandinavia. One key indicator is whether or not the users
start to do their work on the run. If the connectivity is not good
enough, no matter how cheap, the applications will not be used. As
an example, Goodmill’s router solution almost always brings
availability up to a commonly accepted ‘office level’, thus enabling
the full use of efficiency enhancing apps. The availability levels
required need to be more than 99% and in many cases, up to 99.9% is
required. This means that one does not need vehicle specific
applications. Having this level of availability ensures no drop off in
office application usage. When you have an ‘office on wheels’, that
allows all office tasks to be completed within the car, a huge
advantage is gained. Effective working time each shift is increased
by hours.
These savings are achieved because the reliability of connectivity is
so high that office work can be done in the field. Everything is done
only once, writing directly to the database. For instance, parking
tickets and other forms can be electronically completed in the car,
eliminating historical paper-to-computer tasks. Additionally, identity
checks can be made using online photos and videos, meaning
unnecessary trips to the precinct/station can be avoided. Additional
advantages include improved safety for officers, citizens and much
improved situational awareness. 9
“With Goodmill one does
not need vehicle specific
ExplanationItem Value Unit
Number of shifts per car/year
Resulting hours cars in use/year
Saved daily working hours
Persons per car
8 400
Car is in use almost all the time
Reasons for these savings listed below
Saved personal hours per car in a year
Estimated hourly salary per person
Monthly side costs 33%
Hourly personal costs
2 100
1.5 hours saved time per person per shift
Estimated hourly salary
Side cost level Scandinavia
Saved personal costs/year 97 755 EUR
Cost of multiple SIM cards per car/year
Price of a multi-channel router in one car
3 500
Two additional flat rate SIM cards
Average price of installed router with 2–3
WAN links -including antennas and installation
Annual total savings/vehicle 104 931 EUR
Payback time in days 12 days
Police payback calculations
It is thus proven that high data rate and high availability broadband
services give a tremendous advantage to all public safety
operators in the field. This is a direct response from users that
have used the technology for years already. Applications demand
more bandwidth all the time. In the future, online streaming video
will be the killer application.
Additionally, all the intelligence cannot remain confined to a vehicle’s
computer. This means that safe and high availability access to central
databases is a must. A managed multichannel routing solution is
the future proof answer to these needs that requires no huge upfront
investments. One can start easily with multiple commercial
operators. The links can also be easily upgraded to new dedicated
networks when they emerge. A wonderful benefit of Goodmill
systems is that they can use any available network technologies both
now and in the future.
Network congestion problems are solved by dynamic
prioritisation. This can be and needs to be done in both dedicated
and commercial networks. An important note to remember is that
dedicated frequencies themselves don’t provide for high
availability and non-congestion.
From a monetary point of view the multi-network approach is rock
solid. The system pays for itself in a few months and in some
cases, weeks.
Routers that can take full advantage of multiple networks are the
crucial element in creating this Blue Ocean for public safety
operations. The incumbents that have so far sold the digital PMR
networks are naturally interested in continuing their old business
model. But with novel alternatives it’s possible to minimise network
investments, and the main business will switch to other players. This
has already happened in Scandinavia and will likely be repeated in
other parts of the world. I hope for the taxpayers’ sake that the
modern approaches get the foothold they deserve.. 11
Juhani Lehtonen
Vice President
Sales and Marketing
Goodmill Systems Ltd.
Goodmill Systems Ltd.
Tarvonsalmenkatu 17
FI-02600 Espoo

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  • 1. The ultimate public safety broadband solution is a Blue Ocean one
  • 2. For too long, public safety operations have been in need of good broadband solutions for use in critical situations. This has arisen because narrow band digital solutions can no longer provide the bandwidth required by modern operations and applications, despite continuing investment. The obvious and traditional solution to enable broadband would be to build dedicated broadband networks for public safety. Delivery of these modern services is proving difficult, impossible in some cases, with this traditional approach of dedicated spectrum and dedicated infrastructure and huge public funding. This is an old business model which has not tracked the changing technological landscape. There are new and better ways of doing things. In this white paper, I will point out another solution. The world has changed a lot since the first digital PMR networks were built. A new business model and a technological solution that saves money in investment and operations and will perform better. A ‘Blue Ocean’ alternative that is likely to be the one implemented everywhere. A short history of digital public safety communications In the past, there have been huge investments into public safety networks around the world. Investments into digital voice solutions with country-wide coverage are still ongoing in many countries, with Germany and Norway being the latest and widest implementations. Big infrastructure providers have been earning good revenue with 2 “In the past, there have been huge investments into public safety networks around the world.” “With the new model, we can reduce or even eliminate investments into new networks and simultaneously improve data security, reliability, coverage and resilience.” these national roll outs. Now, as the old technology cannot provide the data rates required, many of the traditional players are planning to sell new broadband networks the same way in the future. There is however, a new Blue Ocean concept that changes the whole business model for public safety broadband. This is good news for taxpayers, but poses a significant risk for the previous rulers of the marketplace. Before I get to that, let’s summarise what ‘Blue Ocean’ in this case stands for. Introduction to Blue Ocean strategy (BOS) This term was invented by W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne in their book Blue Ocean Strategy: How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make Competition Irrelevant. The idea is that you don’t only develop and enhance your offering to win markets, but you can redefine it by introducing aspects of elimination and reduction. With the new model, we can reduce or even eliminate investments into new networks and simultaneously improve data security, reliability, coverage and resilience. And all this at a fraction of the cost of the old business model.
  • 3. The dilemma of over-serving the public safety communication market Whenever talking about public safety, the argumentation for selling solutions has been around the importance of the service itself. I’ve heard arguments like “TETRA is the only technology you can trust on your life” or “dedicated and government controlled networks are the only solutions that fulfil the availability and resilience needs of public safety”. As we know that Tetra is far better suited for critical communications than a single commercial network, these statements are still not true. The digital PMR, when introduced, was the only suitable solution. It has given us, over the years, great benefits, is very useful today and will continue to add value in the future. However, we also know of numerous situations where TETRA, Tetrapol or P25 networks have been down or unusable due to congestion problems. These, like any single network solutions, are still vulnerable to storms and other natural catastrophes. The dedicated PMR networks too often get overcrowded when needed most. Simultaneously, when there’s nothing important going on, the networks are using as little as 2-5% of their capacity. This means that there is a huge investment standing unused most the time, yet failing unfortunately often when needed the most. If this is what the current situation is, do we really need dedicated networks business model in the future? Are there solutions that can outperform the availability and resilience of a single network investment? I think these are questions worth asking. Alternative approaches to public safety communication The new strategic alternative comes from eliminating the need for new networks. We already see solutions for fixed landline based internet where dedicated secure networks are built inside a commercially available one. VPN tunnelling or MPLS technologies are commonly used in the PS sector today. The solution is to combine commercial networks, as many as one wishes, and use secure tunnels inside them. This way, the existing infrastructure of all mobile operators can be used, taking advantage of the resilience, availability and operational security, they can serve together. This is very important to understand: the existing, separate networks are able to offer these benefits when used in unison. The same reason we have two ears and two eyes. It is possible using these separate networks to have secure tunnelling running simultaneously across them all. This means that the costs of the solution are magnitudes lower than building an entirely new network anywhere with any significant coverage. The importance of availability Since we are also talking also about saving lives, it is important to note that the availability of the online information is of the utmost importance. If one tries to fetch information from criminal records, the latest blueprints of a building in case of fire, or send cardio information to a doctor in hospital, connectivity is crucial. It might not be a matter of a second or two, but one certainly cannot wait minutes for data to be delivered. When we talk about criticality, the command and control application become a focal point. With an efficient C&C application one can share information about other units’ locations, target drawings and other various case specific information. The more instantaneous the data is, the better security it provides for the officers on the case. We have seen live situational pictures shared from the criminal site to enhance co-operation and to minimise the inefficient use of mobile voice terminals. I wish to underline that 99.9% of the usage is outside of a big catastrophe. This is normal day to day work for public safety personnel. When this work can be made more efficient, the savings are immense. One broadband network doesn’t do the job: Case study: Commercial networks The most common mistake public safety has made is to rely solely on one commercial broadband network. It almost seems like all When we look at the model closer in regard to public safety, this is how it fits in. What to eliminate?: n Big infrastructure investment; n Dedicated frequencies; and n Proprietary technology. What to reduce? Dedicated network n Network upgrade investment. What to raise? n Local availability support; and n Dynamic user prioritisation. What to create? n A multiple network approach; n Ad-hoc network capability or satellite support; and n IP-based applications for public safety users. 3 “More than 99.9% of the usage is outside of a big catastrophe.”
  • 4. concentration with development is on the applications. Too often, connectivity issues are handled without due consideration “Áoh and we’ll use the broadband of the number one commercial operator, with a dongle or similar.” The fact is no single network, especially a commercial one, is ever enough. The networks are built and designed in a way that do not enable 100% availability regardless of coverage. Commercial networks have occasional service breakdowns, on larger and smaller scales. These networks also have IP addressing scheme changes that cause links to break down. This requires new connection set-ups that always take time. Typical availability, under the coverage area, over any larger single network when in full operation is about 96-98%. Case study: Dedicated networks The most obvious and most employed solution to the broadband question in the market is to repeat the previous implementations in a new environment. The communication of public safety has previously been done by dedicated networks. It all started with RF – radios. With digitisation, the P25, Tetra and Tetrapol technologies were implemented. These regional or even countrywide implementations have been paid for using taxpayers’ money and the arguments in support of these networks have revolved around availability during crisis situations. Well, no solution is 100% reliable and despite little official communication on the subject, we know that existing digital PMR networks are far from being perfect. A good question today is whether a dedicated network is even needed for voice services. There are novel push-to-talk possibilities and various MVNO approaches that could, in time and with maturity, even replace the existing networks. If we select a dedicated network for public safety use, we should consider the cost versus benefit. If the network has already been built, it certainly makes sense to use it, but building a new one is another question. The approximate amount of users on a dedicated network compared to a commercial one is about 0.5%. Dedicated networks builders argue that this small number of users isn’t interesting enough for commercial operators. Is the answer to build another network with even higher availability requirements? With a simple calculation, the cost would be 200-fold per user. How much are the public really prepared to pay for these services? There is always a limit to everything and I have a hard time believing that a dedicated network, especially a broadband one, would be accepted anywhere as the only possible solution. I understand the need for coverage in remote areas where there is no business case for the connectivity of commercial networks. This can however, also be covered by satellite. Case study: Combined networks This last alternative is somewhat like what FirstNet is doing in the US, the Emergency Services Network (ESN) in UK, and Red Compartida in Mexico. There are more, but these are perhaps the most important ones right now. The idea is to combine the existing infrastructures of commercial operators and to build more infrastructure and robustness into the solution. The major thinking behind these approaches are dedicated frequencies. The problem here is that dedicated frequencies offer neither high availability nor resilience. For that you need robust infrastructure. This solution would also still rely on a single network at a time, with all the associated problems. Why try to create robustness where it already is available? The best solution is at hand with a multiple network approach. Finally: implementing some resilience, like battery backup for base stations, can occasionally be a good idea. New infrastructure where no networks are available can be justifiable, but there is no need to build anything extra when it is not really needed. The worst case scenario with these old-school approaches is that lots of money will be spent and the customers will not be happy. Often in these cases, after the false investment has been made, the critics are silenced. Finally, and sadly, users are not given any alternative for a better solution, which is a multiple network approach. A multi-channel, multi-network approach is needed One benefit of using multiple networks comes through security in case of interference. If someone tries to jeopardise the functionality, or manages to block the traffic of one network, the possibility to use several connections solves the problem. One can always use rapid deployment connectivity via extra LTE or 5G networks, use WiFi, or satellite alternative. The best about the solution Goodmill offers is that these alternative networks can be used automatically; the system selects the best or the most viable connection, depending on how the switch over protocol is determined. Everything previously discussed summarises that utilising a combination of networks brings availability to the accepted level for public safety mobile use. It is always a matter of resilience that dictates what the approach selected in each region or country will be: how many networks and what type of network enhancements are required. In our experience, with constant monitoring capabilities and mobile IP-enhanced session persistency, a multiple network approach that auto selects the best network, exceeds the current needs of public safety. There are, however, few important criteria that must be met. First, the multichannel routing solution needs to have a short switchover time between networks. Second, sessions need to stay up when the IP addressing changes. Thus, the solution needs to be network agnostic, so that the applications don’t have to know anything about the occurring changes. The multiple network solution has proved extremely reliable and cost-effective all over the world. Goodmill has one of the largest installed bases of managed multichannel routers in public safety in 4
  • 5. the world. The solution has been proven in nationwide implementations for years. Of course, the products need to meet the highest standards. Goodmill products have MBTF of more than 400,000 hours for the routers in use. Our clients can constantly monitor the connectivity situation. The remote management OTA capabilities provide a constant online view of fleet connectivity and provides access to routers whenever needed. This is the connectivity platform that meets the hardest requirements. Network slicing solution against congestion With the move to broadband IP we’ve opened a vast sea of services, from detailed location information to HD video and real-time database access, not to mention voice via VoLTE. Public safety organisations are already using these services delivered to them upon shared networks, but their lack of reliability is an unavoidable consequence of best effort. This would remain the same even on a private, dedicated network, because even if it is serving a smaller number of users, this essential characteristic flaw doesn’t disappear. All of this begs the question, not of how public safety organisations are going to afford to build their own private networks, but rather how we may offer the services they already use on shared commercial networks more reliably? The great news is, we already know the answer. Native to 4G LTE, and soon to be the dominant feature of 5G, is network slicing, which amounts to a silver bullet for public safety and much, much more. Even though the world’s public safety users number only some 70 million, their equipment needs to work well all of the time. The ability to provide dedicated, SLA-assured slices on existing mobile networks not only removes the pervading conundrum over shared versus private, but opens a 5 “Real-time data delivery is already a component in game-based training where teams solve problems in the field with the help of instant, AI-delivered data.” huge number of opportunities for critical communications organisations and the carriers that support them. However, this coming change will need to be managed. Public safety agents will be required to move with the times and onboard new technologies that will radically extend their capabilities. While the current cohort of agents, habituated to using group calls to get information, will need to be re-trained, the next generation of operatives will ask which AI system their dispatchers are using. Real-time data delivery is already a component in game-based training where teams solve problems in the field with the help of instant, AI-delivered data.
  • 6. w24h-S Goodmill Systems w24h-S Managed multichannel router The Goodmill w24h-S router is the new member of the Goodmill Systems’ w24h router family. It has been further developed from w24e-S and offers a magnitude of higher capacities and more advanced functionalities than its predecessor with cutting edge processor technology. The router is also 5G ready. The Goodmill w24h-S brings revolutionary wireless broadband connectivity to the reach of mobile public safety and security (PSS) organisations. Law enforcement agencies, fire departments and emergency medical service units need increasingly a constant flow of information to perform their duties efficiently. With the Goodmill w24h mobile multi-channel routers they can create reliable, fast, and secure broadband data connection between the HQ and the mobile units that meet current and future data connectivity demands. Goodmill Systems routers are always implemented with the best- in-class remote management system that fulfils the hardest requirement for over-the-air (OTA) configurations. You can manage, monitor, and maintain thousands of devices with the same tool. The main benefits Highest possible data connection availability: n Combining the availability of up to four freely selected networks for broadband access; and n Load sharing. Maximising data connection capacity: n Flexible network usage; n Prioritise a network or; n Always choosing the best performing link; n Supports networks slicing for operator specific prioritisation; and n Load sharing possibility. Completely secure: n The connection is always protected by up-to-date VPN techniques; n Each network connection has an independent VPN, firewall, and traffic priority (QoS); and n OTA remote manager used for configurations and updates. Cost-efficient: n Subscription costs can be optimised using alternative links; and n Fast to install and operate. OTA approach: n Future proof; n Supports a wide variety of wireless network technologies e.g. LTE/3G/2G, LTE450, CDMA and WLAN by embedded mobile terminals. 5G ready; and n Easy to upgrade for new networks with just embedded mobile terminal change. Optimised operational costs: n Comprehensive OTA remote management, diagnostics and configuration. 6 “The Goodmill w24h-S brings revolutionary wireless broadband connectivity to the reach of mobile public safety and security (PSS) organisations.” Goodmill Systems w24h-S router
  • 7. Power supply Power consumption LAN interface 10-30V DC Max. 30W Options to be used n 2 x GbE 10/100/1000 n WLAN 802.11 b/g/n Connector n RJ-45 n SMA-F (x2) MIMO Compliance IEC60950-1:2005/EN60950-1:2006 Selectable WAN interfaces Options (max. 4) with MIMO n LTE radio modem n CDMA radio modem n LTE 450 radio modem n WLAN 802.11 b/g/n n 10/100/1000 GbE n USB connected devices Connector n SMA-F (x2) MIMO n SMA-F n SMA-F (x2) MIMO n SMA-F (x2) MIMO n RJ-45 n USB Type A WLAN Access point 802.11 b/g/n, MIMO supported WLAN Topologies GPS Relay Forward, Mesh Positioning information sent to a location system by using NMEA protocol. Antenna connector SMA-F Temperature Range -30°C to 60°C operative -40°C to 70°C storage VPN functionality Supported on all priority level WAN links n IPSec from fixed IP address n IPSec from dynamic IP addresses Encryption and key interchange functions supported. (e.g.): n RSA, ECDSA n IKEv2 n HMAC SHA-2 up to 512 bits n AES-256, AES-GCM n DH groups 1,2,5,14,15,16, 22, 23 and 24 n DH elliptic curve groups 19, 20 and 21 Mobile IP Supported by integrated Mobile IP client in router and by Mobile IP server Firewall Independently working for all network Interfaces n Stateful inspection n SNAT, DNAT, Port forwarding Firmware upgrade Locally or remotely over-the-air online Reversible (Revert to previous stored version) Network Management Configuration, monitoring and firmware management of routers n HTTPS protocol for safety and security n Runs always on the active WAN connection Dimensions H x W x L: 70 x 210 x 246mm (2,7” x 8,3” x 9,7”) Weight < 2kg (<4.4lbs 7
  • 8. OTA Management System Installed devices are constantly sending event and status messages to the management server. The server maintains a status view where service personnel can always monitor the status of the devices. This logged information can also be used to create various reports. For example, device usage and WAN link uptime reports can be created to monitor the total availability of the services. If there is a fault or malfunction, the maintenance personnel can also find it immediately. A sophisticated remote management tool reduces service outages and unnecessary service visits to the remote sites. Sometimes a new functionality is introduced in an updated embedded software version. With remote management, you can quickly, easily, and securely download the new software to the installed devices without costly site visits. Goodmill routers always communicate with the OTA management server using a secure HTTPS protocol. Router and management server authenticate each other before communication. This ensures that the management traffic is always protected even when transported over a public network. Management sessions are also protected with individual usernames and passwords. Goodmill routers always initiate the management connection. For this reason, the devices do not need public IP addresses even when located behind a third-party firewall. OTA Manager main features Creating new devices and configurations is a straightforward process that can be carried out well before the physical installation. Field personnel do not need any skills on routing, firewalls, VPNs, etc. since dedicated specialists have created the necessary configurations in the system database, and they will be automatically transferred to the devices during physical installation. Full OTA configuration capability n Management channel always on using any WAN link n Networking parameters n Firewall n WAN selection criteria n QoS n VPN parameters Monitoring n Status information n Statistics n Trends n Faults Secure router installation and replacement Encrypted installation and replacement key Integration to higher-level management systems Supported by integrated Mobile IP client in router and by Mobile IP server Physical Memory 6GB RAM Hard Discs Mirrored 300GB Protected Power Source Yes Linux Software CentOS7, Ubuntu 8
  • 9. What is economically viable? I have met many partners and customers who have stated that the multiple network approach is an expensive solution, not only due to hardware and software pricing, but also due to high network data costs. Let’s look at this with a bit more detail. First of all, one should look at the costs of the whole unit on wheels. No matter if it’s an ambulance or police car, one can easily estimate the costs of two persons in the vehicle and of the vehicle itself jointly adding up to €100 to €200 per hour easily. The issue with the broadband connectivity is efficiency. Can we use this expense more efficiently if we have a reliable broadband in the vehicle? Well, for sure we can. The availability increase through using 2-4 WAN links instead of one is very dependent on area and country. However, in almost all cases, just the increase in availability and the efficiency it brings pays for the system, per our calculations, in less than six months. In one case, the savings reported equalled the cost of the system within seven weeks, including all the extra network and equipment costs. The typical availability increase is from 96% to 99.9% but we’ve also registered increases from 80% to 99.5% compared to single network solutions. In the table below we have collated some data from a police vehicle used in Scandinavia. One key indicator is whether or not the users start to do their work on the run. If the connectivity is not good enough, no matter how cheap, the applications will not be used. As an example, Goodmill’s router solution almost always brings availability up to a commonly accepted ‘office level’, thus enabling the full use of efficiency enhancing apps. The availability levels required need to be more than 99% and in many cases, up to 99.9% is required. This means that one does not need vehicle specific applications. Having this level of availability ensures no drop off in office application usage. When you have an ‘office on wheels’, that allows all office tasks to be completed within the car, a huge advantage is gained. Effective working time each shift is increased by hours. These savings are achieved because the reliability of connectivity is so high that office work can be done in the field. Everything is done only once, writing directly to the database. For instance, parking tickets and other forms can be electronically completed in the car, eliminating historical paper-to-computer tasks. Additionally, identity checks can be made using online photos and videos, meaning unnecessary trips to the precinct/station can be avoided. Additional advantages include improved safety for officers, citizens and much improved situational awareness. 9 “With Goodmill one does not need vehicle specific applications.”
  • 10. ExplanationItem Value Unit Number of shifts per car/year Resulting hours cars in use/year Saved daily working hours Persons per car 700 8 400 1.5 2 No. hours hours persons Car is in use almost all the time Reasons for these savings listed below Saved personal hours per car in a year Estimated hourly salary per person Monthly side costs 33% Hourly personal costs 2 100 35.00 11.55 46.55 hours EUR EUR EUR 1.5 hours saved time per person per shift Estimated hourly salary Side cost level Scandinavia Saved personal costs/year 97 755 EUR Cost of multiple SIM cards per car/year Price of a multi-channel router in one car 720 3 500 EUR EUR Two additional flat rate SIM cards Average price of installed router with 2–3 WAN links -including antennas and installation Annual total savings/vehicle 104 931 EUR Payback time in days 12 days Police payback calculations 10
  • 11. Summary It is thus proven that high data rate and high availability broadband services give a tremendous advantage to all public safety operators in the field. This is a direct response from users that have used the technology for years already. Applications demand more bandwidth all the time. In the future, online streaming video will be the killer application. Additionally, all the intelligence cannot remain confined to a vehicle’s computer. This means that safe and high availability access to central databases is a must. A managed multichannel routing solution is the future proof answer to these needs that requires no huge upfront investments. One can start easily with multiple commercial operators. The links can also be easily upgraded to new dedicated networks when they emerge. A wonderful benefit of Goodmill systems is that they can use any available network technologies both now and in the future. Network congestion problems are solved by dynamic prioritisation. This can be and needs to be done in both dedicated and commercial networks. An important note to remember is that dedicated frequencies themselves don’t provide for high availability and non-congestion. From a monetary point of view the multi-network approach is rock solid. The system pays for itself in a few months and in some cases, weeks. Routers that can take full advantage of multiple networks are the crucial element in creating this Blue Ocean for public safety operations. The incumbents that have so far sold the digital PMR networks are naturally interested in continuing their old business model. But with novel alternatives it’s possible to minimise network investments, and the main business will switch to other players. This has already happened in Scandinavia and will likely be repeated in other parts of the world. I hope for the taxpayers’ sake that the modern approaches get the foothold they deserve.. 11 Juhani Lehtonen Vice President Sales and Marketing Goodmill Systems Ltd.
  • 12. Goodmill Systems Ltd. Tarvonsalmenkatu 17 FI-02600 Espoo Finland