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                                                                  Chapter 7    From Foot Soldier to Leader             51
                                                                               Wan Mohamed Fusil Wan Mahmood

Introduction                                                 i    Chapter 8    Cashing In                             59

Foreword                                                    iii                Ganesh Kumar Bangah

A Note From Ashran Ghazi of Asia Stream about MSC Malaysia iv     Chapter 9    Playing for Keeps                      67
A Note From Chris Chan of TMS Asia about MSC Malaysia      vi                  Irman Nawawi
A Note From The Cradle Investment Program                 viii
                                                                  Chapter 10   With Guts Comes Glory                  75
Acknowledgement by TeAM Council 2007~2008                   x                  Leo Ariyanayakam

                                                                  Chapter 11   The Booksmart Businessman              83
Chapter 1   New Media Ahoy!                                01                  Norbik Bashah Idris
            Ashran Ghazi
                                                                  Chapter 12   Getting to Grips with the Intangible    91
Chapter 2   Collaborating His Way to Success               09
                                                                               David Oh
            Chris Chan
                                                                  Chapter 13   Look Ma, No Wires!                     99
Chapter 3   Method Man                                     19
                                                                               Rais Hussin
            Mathavan Chandran
                                                                  Chapter 14   An Alternative Approach                107
Chapter 4   Between a Rock and a Hard Place                27
                                                                               Rajen. M
            Stephen Chia
                                                                  Chapter 15   Head First                             115
Chapter 5   Rolling with the Changes                       35
                                                                               Ritakamal Sadiman
            Wei Chuan Beng
                                                                  Chapter 16   Upwardly Mobile                        123
Chapter 6   Ingenuity at Work                              43
                                                                               HY Sia
            William Du
Chapter 17   Old Dog, New Tricks                131
             Harres Tan
                                                      Technopreneurs—that’s a hefty word to say, isn’t it? Yet, I couldn’t think
Chapter 18   No Limits                          139
                                                      of a more apt word to describe the 21 people featured in this book.
             Edwin Tay
                                                      Whenever the phrase “entrepreneurs in technology” (an even more
                                                      convoluted phrase), I used to think of the Silicon Valley, of Steve Jobs
Chapter 19   Carpe Diem                         147
                                                      working in a garage with Steve Wozniak, of coffee-fueled nights and big
             Teoh Eng Kee
                                                      ideas drawn on napkin towels.

Chapter 20   Not a Stranger in a Strange Land   155
                                                      That, however, is just the romantic side of technopreneurship—the
             Harald Weinbrecht
                                                      stuff that inspires others to dream. What goes on behind the scenes, as
                                                      you’ll learn in this book, is something else entirely. If you’re an aspiring
Chapter 21   The Big Switch                     163
                                                      technopreneur, this is not appropriate bedtime reading. In here, you’ll
             David Wong
                                                      read about sleepless nights, gambles lost, and the inordinate amount of
                                                      self-belief required to make it to the top.

Appendix     Technopreneurs Association         172
                                                      “We had no money,” is a phrase you’ll come across often reading this
                                                      book. That says a lot about the perseverance these people have in
             of Malaysia (TeAM)
                                                      realizing their vision. Several of them have sacrificed their own savings
                                                      to keep their dream alive, and more importantly, to keep the dream alive
                                                      in others. There are so many so-called “entrepreneurs” who’ll cop out
                                                      at trouble and abandon those under their employ. Thankfully, there’s
                                                      none of that in here, which restores my faith that nice guys can and do
                                                      finish first.

                                                      Though the dotcom bust isn’t a period many of these technopreneurs
                                                      would like to remember, like it or not, it was key in weeding them out
                                                      from the quitters. The evolution of the technopreneurial landscape is an

accelerated Darwinism—happening in the space of a few decades—where
     only the fittest, bravest, and cock-sure survive. This book is where you’ll
     see it in action, and these are the people who have evolved, adapted and         Technopreneurs are a lot like pilgrims on a long journey. Sometimes
     triumphed. So yes, while each of them has gone through their dark times,         the journey is smooth, other times it’s bumpy. Most of them give up the
     all the stories have happy endings.                                              comforts of a secure job and family time to embark on this quest.

                                                                                      Along the way, these modern-day pilgrims meet good Samaritans like
     More importantly, however, these stories are Malaysian. Finally, here’s a
                                                                                      angels and venture capitalists who believe in their vision, while others
     book that says you don’t have to look at the Silicon Valley for inspiration.
                                                                                      soldier on alone or with a small band of fellow pilgrims who share the
     It’s proof that, in a wired world, you don’t have to be in US to strike it big
                                                                                      same entrepreneurial dream.
     as a technopreneur. Far too often, I’ve come across people who say they
     could’ve become a big shot with their big ideas, if only they were born in       All of them have remarkable stories to tell that could fill volumes of MBA
     the US. Nonsense. This is the book that says: If you have what it takes, do      course books. TeAM decided it’s time to compile some of these stories
     it, right here, right now.                                                       into a book. On behalf of MSC Malaysia, Multimedia Development
                                                                                      Corporation (MDeC) is proud and delighted to support this endeavour.
     Now get up and start living the dream.                                           Through various MSC Malaysia programs, MDeC is committed to help
                                                                                      technopreneurs on this journey. Our Technopreneur Pre-Seed Fund
     Oon Yeoh                                                                         Program, for example, addresses the funding gap at pre-seed stage and is
     April 2008                                                                       expected to boost the development of commercially viable ICT projects
                                                                                      and kick off a chain reaction in the creation of new local ICT companies.

                                                                                      MSC Malaysia’s Start-Up Development Program aims to generate a rich pool
                                                                                      of business and innovative technology ideas and boost technopreneurship,
                                                                                      thus encouraging entrepreneurial activity in Malaysia.

                                                                                      Our partner programs are designed to offer budding technopreneurs
                                                                                      with end-to-end facilitation and support by providing strategic and
                                                                                      development resources at each phase of the technopreneur and venture
                                                                                      development value chain process.

                                                                                      This dynamic ICT hub has put Malaysia on the world map as a country
                                                                                      committed to creating a knowledge-based economy. Its core initiatives
                                                                                      include building up the ICT industry, boosting ICT capabilities and using
                                                                                      ICT to spur socio-economic development.

                                                                                      Badlisham Ghazali
                                                                                      MDeC CEO
ii                                                                                                                                                                 iii
A Note From Ashran Ghazi                                                       MSC Malaysia trade missions to various countries have opened up
                                                                                    partnership possibilities and in the process helped us open our minds to
     of Asia Stream about MSC Malaysia                                              how foreign companies are doing things. It’s been a great form of informal

                                                                                    Going with such trade missions is also great because it imparts on us
                                                                                    credibility as people abroad are familiar with the MSC Malaysia brand.
     MSC Malaysia is a great initiative that has been giving much assistance
     to technopreneurs for more than a decade now.
                                                                                    Having MSC Malaysia Status has also assisted us when bidding for
                                                                                    some government projects that give preference to MSC Malaysia Status
     My company, Asia Stream Digital TV, has benefitted tremendously from
     the various programs MSC Malaysia has on offer to start ups like ours.

                                                                                    Lastly, MSC Malaysia’s incentives under its Professional Development
     Its knowledge sharing sessions have increased my personal understanding
                                                                                    for ICT Professionals program has enabled us to empower our key
     about the industry. They have also helped to expand my business network.
                                                                                    staff servicing accounts with PMP (Project Management Professional)
     This has been very fruitful to my business as we are able to cross-sell our
     products and bundle them in various ways for mutual benefit with many
     other companies.

     MSC Malaysia’s foreign guest delegation programs have proven to be
     greatly beneficial to us. Our best experience was during the recent visit by
     the Ruwad group from the Middle East. In a single meeting, we got them
     interested in our Internet TV product and services. The fact that we are
     an MSC Malaysia-Status company definitely helped because they were
     looking to do business with MSC Malaysia-Status companies.

     During their one week stay, we immediately negotiated a partnership
     agreement to promote and our products in the UAE and Syria. This is our
     first step towards penetrating the Middle East market. Finding a good
     reliable partner is indeed very crucial to the success.

iv                                                                                                                                                               v
A Note From Chris Chan                                                         TMS alongside companies software companies like XYBASE and PATIMAS
                                                                                    is developing an Asia Pacific alliance called Software Asia Alliance. MSC
     of TMS Asia about MSC Malaysia                                                 Malaysia made it possible for us to develop and promote this new alliance
                                                                                    to build a global brand presence.

                                                                                    With the help of MSC Malaysia we are able to promote local software
                                                                                    usage in government today. This includes using TMS products to power
     Like all start ups with big ambitions, TMS Asia has been benefited
                                                                                    some of MSC Malaysia’s online properties.
     significantly from MSC Malaysia.

     All start ups need financing in order to grow. We are grateful that MSC
     Ventures was willing to invest in TMS. We actually got to the stage where
     we got a formal offer but unfortunately, we did not take it up due to some
     technical reasons.

     As a software company, we need to spend a lot of money on research and
     development. We received an MSC Malaysia Research & Development
     Grant Scheme (MSG) worth RM2 million which helped us greatly.

     It allowed us to develop tmsFRAMEWORK, an application development
     platform that powers all our current Java-based software. The grant
     allowed TMS to do research and development on tmsFRAMEWORK for
     two years.

     I’m delighted to say that tmsFRAMEWORK today powers brands like
     AirAsia, Harvard Medical School, Khazanah National, Media Prima and
     many other famous brands.

     I’ve personally gone on several MSC Malaysia promotional trips, where
     we were introduced to different potential partners overseas. This is crucial
     for local start ups hoping to penetrate foreign markets. You can’t do it

vi                                                                                                                                                              vii
A Note From                                                                   CIP not only offers funding via its CIP Catalyst fund, but also other
                                                                                     business value-add like commercialization support, domain mentors,
                                                                                     strategic partnerships, training and competency building, networking,
       The Cradle Investment Program                                                 pitching and media publicity support - to help kick-start the budding
                                                                                     ideas of technopreneurs, to commercialization and further growth.

                                                                                     Mistakes are extremely costly for budding technopreneurs – and our role
       First and foremost, I would like to congratulate the Technopreneurs           in Cradle, is to ensure that they start on the right footing, with proper
       Association of Malaysia (TeAM) and Oon Yeoh on the great success of           planning, funding and support.
       coming out with “Go For Broke”, which is an inspiring book on the blood,
       sweat and tears, relating to technopreneurship in Malaysia.                   A partnership with CIP does not just begin and end with the funding
                                                                                     provided – it is a lasting membership of the Cradle business-building
       The stories shared by the 21 technopreneurs in this book, should              ecosystem for technopreneurs, which has been built to ensure that more
       serve as an inspiration point and guiding light to current and budding        CIP-funded technopreneurs will succeed.
       technopreneurs, in their search for success.
                                                                                     It is the business-building environment that makes up half the
       The theme running through the stories of these technopreneurs show            stimulus for growth and success – and Cradle is there to provide it,
       that the path to success requires a technopreneur to be determined,           for technopreneurs.
       persistent and to risk it all – to “go for broke” – to savour the fruits of
       wealth and recognition.                                                       Once again, congratulations to TeAM and Oon Yeoh on the launching of
                                                                                     “Go For Broke!”. It is a significant landmark – one that will be the catalyst
       The Cradle Investment Program (“CIP”) ( is proud            to growing the number of successful technopreneurs in Malaysia.
       to be a strong supporter of TeAM’s efforts within the industry and co-
       sponsor to the first edition of this great book.

       As is well-known, CIP is a RM100 million grant, (under the auspices of        Sincerely,
       the Ministry of Finance and administered under Cradle Fund Sdn Bhd)
       which was born out as a brainchild and lobbying efforts of TeAM, to help      Nazrin Hassan
                                                                                     Chief Executive Officer,
       seed innovative technology ideas into businesses and to spur technology       Cradle Fund Sdn Bhd
       commercialization, both within the public and private sectors.

viii                                                                                                                                                                 ix
                   by TeAM Council 2007-2008                                                         Chapter 1
          No project of this nature is possible without the collaboration of
       many dedicated people behind this project. This includes TeAM advisors
         Sivapalan Vivekarajah, Wilson Tay and Chris Chan, and the 21
                                                                                                Ashran Ghazi
                              technopreneurs featured.

             Special thanks goes out to our executive secretary, Eliza Elias,
    who tirelessly juggled managing the interview schedule as well as coordinating        New Media Ahoy!
       the funding for this project and our executive director, Andrey Abraham,
     for doing all the tireless logistics works to finalize the production of the book.

           We are also grateful to MDeC and Cradle for their sponsorship
            this project, without which this book would not be possible.

              Lastly, many thanks go out to the GoodBasic Media team
                              for producing this book.

Go For Broke ~ Tales of Technopreneurship                                                                 William Du • Ingenuity at Work

                                                                  William Du
                                                                  Ingenuity at Work
                                                                  Financing is an important component of entrepreneurship. Although
                                                                  some start-ups are able to make it without investors’ money, most do
                                                                  need this in order to take their business to the next stage.

                                                                  William Du’s Ingenious Haus helps start-ups get the financing they
                                                                  need and prepares them for investment – be it by venture capitalists,
                                                 William Du       corporate investors or angel investors.
                                                 Ingenious Haus

                                                                  In many ways, Du seems more like an entrepreneur himself than an
                                                                  investment broker or corporate advisor. “I take a very hands-on approach
                                                                  in building up the value of the companies we assist,” he says. “I don’t
                                                                  mind getting my hands dirty learning the ropes of the businesses those
                                                                  companies are involved in.”

                                                                  For a guy who is so tech-savvy and forward looking, Du has a very
                                                                  traditional finance background, graduating from the University of
                                                                  Hertfordshire with an MBA in 2000. His MBA thesis was entitled:
                                                                  “Acquisition of Midland Bank by HSBC”, about the latter’s acquisition
                                                                  of the UK bank, resulting in the creation of one of the largest financial
                                                                  services firms around. The paper was presented in the World Association
                                                                  for Case Method Research and application (WACRA) Conference in
                                                                  Mannheim, Germany in 2002.

                                                                  Upon graduation, Du worked for a London-based chartered accountancy
                                                                  firm, as a trainee doing auditing. But he learned more than just auditing

44                                                                                                                                              45
Go For Broke ~ Tales of Technopreneurship                                       Wan Mohamed Fusil Wan Mahmood • From Foot Soldier to Leader

                                                                     Wan Mohamed Fusil Wan Mahmood
                                                                     From Foot Soldier to Leader
                                                                     If you ask people to name the most established, well-entrenched local
                                                                     IT company, there’s a good chance Mesiniaga would crop up.

                                                                     In terms of brand recognition, revenue and profitability, there are not
                                                                     many local IT companies that even come close. But it was started by a
                                                                     band of unlikely entrepreneurs.

                                                                     “All of us were good soldiers, good administrators at IBM,” says Wan
                                                 Wan Mohamed Fusil   Mohamed Fusil Wan Mahmood. “Not entrepreneurs.”
                                                 Wan Mahmood
                                                                     In the late ‘70s, the government came out with a firm directive that
                                                                     companies doing business with the government must be locally

                                                                     IBM led by the late Ismail Sulaiman, formerly general manager of
                                                                     IBM Malaysia, responded with a proposal to form a new bumiputra-
                                                                     controlled company that would handle roughly 30% of IBM’s business
                                                                     and provide more effective skills transfer to locals.

                                                                     Fusil was amongst the five founders who got together to execute this
                                                                     plan with the full blessing and support of IBM. In late 1982, Mesiniaga
                                                                     was born.

                                                                     “I was 32 at the time and a 10-year veteran at IBM,” says Fusil.
                                                                     “I was excited and worried at the same time.”

                                                                     To facilitate the execution of this plan and to give the new start-up
                                                                     viability, IBM decided that they would close down an entire Information

52                                                                                                                                                 53
Go For Broke ~ Tales of Technopreneurship                                                                 Ganesh Kumar Bangah • Cashing In

                                                                       Ganesh Kumar Bangah
                                                                       Cashing In
                                                                       Starting young and dropping out of college to found your own company
                                                                       is a common story in the American tech landscape but is rare in this
                                                                       part of the world.

                                                                       That probably has to do with cultural factors. Over here, education is
                                                                       prized and paper qualifications are considered an important safety net
                                                                       in case your entrepreneurial ventures fizzle out.

                                                                       Not that any of these factors stopped Ganesh Kumar Bangah from
                                                                       getting into the “go-for broke” entrepreneurial spirit so typified by
                                                                       American technopreneurs.

                                                                       He demonstrated his entrepreneurial zeal early on. While still in
                                                                       secondary school in Johor Bahru, he would travel over to Singapore
                                                                       to buy computer parts and accessories to sell to his schoolmates. “I’d
                                                                       buy a soundcard for S$30 and bring it back to JB to sell for RM200,” he
                                                                       recalls. “I did brisk business. I even assembled PCs and sold them to

                                                                       After his Form Five exams in 1996, he worked for and later became a
                                                                       partner in Cyberfield, a small but successful software company that
                                                                       had the Johor State Government as one of its key clients. He continued
                                                                       working part-time in Cyberfield while in university.

                                                 Ganesh Kumar Bangah   He studied engineering at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia in Skudai but
                                                 MOL AccessPortal
                                                                       dropped out in his third year to pursue his entrepreneurial dreams.
                                                                       He did, however, get technical certifications — he has a Certificate in
                                                                       Computers Studies from the National Center for Information Technology

60                                                                                                                                                61
Go For Broke ~ Tales of Technopreneurship                                                               Rajen. M • An Alternative Approach

                                                                    Rajen. M
                                                                    An Alternative Approach
                                                                    There’s nothing like first-hand experience to convince you that
                                                                    something works. And that’s what got Rajen. M into the holistic
                                                                    medicine business.

                                                                    A trained pharmacist, the first time Rajen encountered holistic medicine
                                                                    was when he had difficulty getting rid of a rash on his back. He tried all
                                                                    kinds of pharmaceutical medication but to no avail.

                                                                    “Nothing worked,” he recalls. “I went to see all kinds of doctors too. One
                                                                    gave me a drug that worked 20%. I realized that if I were to take more of
                                                                    the drug it would end up killing me.”

                                                                    Rajen’s mother insisted that he see a traditional medicine man. “The
                                                                    homeopath was not a doctor in the Western sense of the word, so I was
                                                                    not confident about his abilities to cure me,” he says.

                                                                    The medicine man gave him sugar tablets that looked liked lizard eggs.
                                                                    It cured Rajen’s rashes. “That made me think, maybe I don’t know so
                                                                    much about medicine after all,” he says. “This spurred me to do more
                                                                    research on alternative medicine.” But it took a bad experience at work
                                                                    to make Rajen decide to come out start his own business.

                                                                    He had joined Ciba Pharma, a Fortune 500 company, as product
                                                                    manager in 1990. A self-described workaholic, he worked up to 18 hours
                                                  Rajen. M          a day. He even took up an MBA from the University of Strathclyde to
                                                  Holista Biotech   enhance his career prospects. Not surprisingly, he quickly rose through
                                                                    the ranks to become marketing manager within a few short years.

108                                                                                                                                                109
Go For Broke ~ Tales of Technopreneurship                              Harald Weinbrecht • Not a Stranger in a Strange Land

                                                  Harald Weinbrecht
                                                  Not a Stranger in a Strange Land
                                                  Doing business in Malaysia as a foreigner has its good and bad points.
                                                  It’s actually a positive when you deal with other foreigners. However,
                                                  when you deal with locals, especially those from mid-sized companies,
                                                  it can be a negative in more ways than one.
               Harald Weinbrecht
                         ISS Consulting
                                                  Firstly, they might get intimidated and assume that your costs would
                                                  naturally be very high. Secondly, they might think you don’t understand
                                                  their business.

                                                  Harald Weinbrecht has been through all that. “It’s a perception thing,”
                                                  he says. “‘What do you know, you’re just a kwailo’ – I used to get that at
                                                  first but I’ve lived here for many years now, so it’s not such a problem

                                                  That’s an understatement. Harald has actually done very well for
                                                  himself. His company, ISS Consulting, has the distinction of being the
                                                  only company listed on Mesdaq that’s owned by a foreigner. He also
                                                  has offices in Singapore, Thailand and Indonesia, as well as operations
                                                  in Dubai.

                                                  Not bad for a self-described kampung-boy. “I was born in a small
                                                  village of about 1000 people,” says the German-born Weinbrecht. “My
                                                  primary school and secondary school was just a few kilometers from
                                                  my house.”

                                                  He began his career in banking where he did an apprenticeship. It was
                                                  during that time that he first discovered the wonders of IT.

156                                                                                                                                 157
Technopreneurs Association                                                 Yet, success was elusive and soon all parties discovered that Silicon Valley
                                                                                 could not be built in a just a few short years. The government realised that
      of Malaysia (TeAM)                                                         policies without stakeholder input was not effective and technopreneurs
                                                                                 found that there was no avenue for them to voice out their concerns,
                                                                                 needs and interests.

                                                                                 Thus TeAM was born out of the need to further the interests of
      The Internet boom of the late 1990s and the setting up of the Multimedia
                                                                                 technopreneurs and to assist in the development of the knowledge
      Super Corridor in 1996 brought forth a new agenda for Malaysia; to
                                                                                 economy in Malaysia.
      reposition the nation from an industrial economy to an innovation- and
      technology-led economy.                                                    TeAM has three key initiatives and objectives:

      This new direction triggered an influx of economic and business            1) To act as a think tank and as a voice for technopreneurs. Much has
      activity creating a new class of entrepreneurs in Malaysia – technology       been accomplished in the six years since our formation. The first
      entrepreneurs or Technopreneurs.                                              initiative was the completion of a White Paper entitled “Fostering
                                                                                    A Sustainable Environment for Technopreneurship in Malaysia”.
      Technopreneurs were mostly young, highly-educated and technology-
                                                                                    This document received widespread acclaim in media, industry
      savvy entrepreneurs who wanted to live this new dream of creating the
                                                                                    and government circles for outlining the major issues and challenges
      next new billion dollar global technology company.
                                                                                    facing small- and medium-sized technology companies in a way that
                                                                                    encompasses the views of the industry’s grassroots. It served to share
      Armed with support from the Multimedia Development Corporation
                                                                                    the views of the community of technopreneurs with government
      (MDeC) and the government, they set forth building their companies
                                                                                    and led to better execution of the government’s plans for the MSC.
      from scratch, not knowing where the Internet was heading but wanting to
                                                                                    We continue to act through many discussions with key policy makers
      be in the slipstream of this exciting new era.
                                                                                    and help guide Government policy to have the greatest impact and
                                                                                    benefit for industry.
      The government too was as enthusiastic as these technopreneurs and
      spurred the growth of technology initiatives and policies from growth
                                                                                 2) The second and equally important objective is for the professional
      corridors to telecommunications infrastructure to venture capital
                                                                                    development of members and the industry in general. TeAM has
                                                                                    initiated many events to share information and knowledge that help
                                                                                    to develop the skills, knowledge and abilities of technopreneurs
                                                                                    including forums, seminars, workshops and dialogues. These

172                                                                                                                                                             173
initiatives are ongoing and we continue to provide innovative
          and invaluable programs to further the development of members
          and industry.

      3) The third objective is to provide community education and to bridge
         the digital divide. This has included technopreneurship programs
         offered to more than 25 public and private universities in the country
         where we promote technopreneurship as an alternative career path.

      There is still a long way to go. The nation is also promoting the growth
      of a biotechnology industry and TeAM supports this initiative. We now
      include this new industry within its objectives.

      While TeAM has been successful in achieving many of its objectives and
      is now a highly recognised industry organisation, the principal aspiration
      of making Malaysia globally-renowned and Malaysian firms globally-
      successful remains to be achieved.

      Hence TeAM will continue to work closely with the government and the
      different agencies promoting the ICT and biotech industries to strive
      towards creating more successful technopreneurs who can compete with
      the best in the region and globally.

      That is our goal and in championing the interests of our members and
      stakeholders, TeAM will continue to do its best to improve the ecosystem
      for technopreneurs and technopreneurship in Malaysia.


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Go for Broke - Tales of Malaysian Technopreneurship

  • 1.
  • 2. Contents Chapter 7 From Foot Soldier to Leader 51 Wan Mohamed Fusil Wan Mahmood Introduction i Chapter 8 Cashing In 59 Foreword iii Ganesh Kumar Bangah A Note From Ashran Ghazi of Asia Stream about MSC Malaysia iv Chapter 9 Playing for Keeps 67 A Note From Chris Chan of TMS Asia about MSC Malaysia vi Irman Nawawi A Note From The Cradle Investment Program viii Chapter 10 With Guts Comes Glory 75 Acknowledgement by TeAM Council 2007~2008 x Leo Ariyanayakam Chapter 11 The Booksmart Businessman 83 Chapter 1 New Media Ahoy! 01 Norbik Bashah Idris Ashran Ghazi Chapter 12 Getting to Grips with the Intangible 91 Chapter 2 Collaborating His Way to Success 09 David Oh Chris Chan Chapter 13 Look Ma, No Wires! 99 Chapter 3 Method Man 19 Rais Hussin Mathavan Chandran Chapter 14 An Alternative Approach 107 Chapter 4 Between a Rock and a Hard Place 27 Rajen. M Stephen Chia Chapter 15 Head First 115 Chapter 5 Rolling with the Changes 35 Ritakamal Sadiman Wei Chuan Beng Chapter 16 Upwardly Mobile 123 Chapter 6 Ingenuity at Work 43 HY Sia William Du
  • 3. Introduction Chapter 17 Old Dog, New Tricks 131 Harres Tan Technopreneurs—that’s a hefty word to say, isn’t it? Yet, I couldn’t think Chapter 18 No Limits 139 of a more apt word to describe the 21 people featured in this book. Edwin Tay Whenever the phrase “entrepreneurs in technology” (an even more convoluted phrase), I used to think of the Silicon Valley, of Steve Jobs Chapter 19 Carpe Diem 147 working in a garage with Steve Wozniak, of coffee-fueled nights and big Teoh Eng Kee ideas drawn on napkin towels. Chapter 20 Not a Stranger in a Strange Land 155 That, however, is just the romantic side of technopreneurship—the Harald Weinbrecht stuff that inspires others to dream. What goes on behind the scenes, as you’ll learn in this book, is something else entirely. If you’re an aspiring Chapter 21 The Big Switch 163 technopreneur, this is not appropriate bedtime reading. In here, you’ll David Wong read about sleepless nights, gambles lost, and the inordinate amount of self-belief required to make it to the top. Appendix Technopreneurs Association 172 “We had no money,” is a phrase you’ll come across often reading this book. That says a lot about the perseverance these people have in of Malaysia (TeAM) realizing their vision. Several of them have sacrificed their own savings to keep their dream alive, and more importantly, to keep the dream alive in others. There are so many so-called “entrepreneurs” who’ll cop out at trouble and abandon those under their employ. Thankfully, there’s none of that in here, which restores my faith that nice guys can and do finish first. Though the dotcom bust isn’t a period many of these technopreneurs would like to remember, like it or not, it was key in weeding them out from the quitters. The evolution of the technopreneurial landscape is an i
  • 4. accelerated Darwinism—happening in the space of a few decades—where only the fittest, bravest, and cock-sure survive. This book is where you’ll Foreword see it in action, and these are the people who have evolved, adapted and Technopreneurs are a lot like pilgrims on a long journey. Sometimes triumphed. So yes, while each of them has gone through their dark times, the journey is smooth, other times it’s bumpy. Most of them give up the all the stories have happy endings. comforts of a secure job and family time to embark on this quest. Along the way, these modern-day pilgrims meet good Samaritans like More importantly, however, these stories are Malaysian. Finally, here’s a angels and venture capitalists who believe in their vision, while others book that says you don’t have to look at the Silicon Valley for inspiration. soldier on alone or with a small band of fellow pilgrims who share the It’s proof that, in a wired world, you don’t have to be in US to strike it big same entrepreneurial dream. as a technopreneur. Far too often, I’ve come across people who say they could’ve become a big shot with their big ideas, if only they were born in All of them have remarkable stories to tell that could fill volumes of MBA the US. Nonsense. This is the book that says: If you have what it takes, do course books. TeAM decided it’s time to compile some of these stories it, right here, right now. into a book. On behalf of MSC Malaysia, Multimedia Development Corporation (MDeC) is proud and delighted to support this endeavour. Now get up and start living the dream. Through various MSC Malaysia programs, MDeC is committed to help technopreneurs on this journey. Our Technopreneur Pre-Seed Fund Oon Yeoh Program, for example, addresses the funding gap at pre-seed stage and is April 2008 expected to boost the development of commercially viable ICT projects and kick off a chain reaction in the creation of new local ICT companies. MSC Malaysia’s Start-Up Development Program aims to generate a rich pool of business and innovative technology ideas and boost technopreneurship, thus encouraging entrepreneurial activity in Malaysia. Our partner programs are designed to offer budding technopreneurs with end-to-end facilitation and support by providing strategic and development resources at each phase of the technopreneur and venture development value chain process. This dynamic ICT hub has put Malaysia on the world map as a country committed to creating a knowledge-based economy. Its core initiatives include building up the ICT industry, boosting ICT capabilities and using ICT to spur socio-economic development. Badlisham Ghazali MDeC CEO ii iii
  • 5. A Note From Ashran Ghazi MSC Malaysia trade missions to various countries have opened up partnership possibilities and in the process helped us open our minds to of Asia Stream about MSC Malaysia how foreign companies are doing things. It’s been a great form of informal education. Going with such trade missions is also great because it imparts on us credibility as people abroad are familiar with the MSC Malaysia brand. MSC Malaysia is a great initiative that has been giving much assistance to technopreneurs for more than a decade now. Having MSC Malaysia Status has also assisted us when bidding for some government projects that give preference to MSC Malaysia Status My company, Asia Stream Digital TV, has benefitted tremendously from companies. the various programs MSC Malaysia has on offer to start ups like ours. Lastly, MSC Malaysia’s incentives under its Professional Development Its knowledge sharing sessions have increased my personal understanding for ICT Professionals program has enabled us to empower our key about the industry. They have also helped to expand my business network. staff servicing accounts with PMP (Project Management Professional) This has been very fruitful to my business as we are able to cross-sell our Certification. products and bundle them in various ways for mutual benefit with many other companies. MSC Malaysia’s foreign guest delegation programs have proven to be greatly beneficial to us. Our best experience was during the recent visit by the Ruwad group from the Middle East. In a single meeting, we got them interested in our Internet TV product and services. The fact that we are an MSC Malaysia-Status company definitely helped because they were looking to do business with MSC Malaysia-Status companies. During their one week stay, we immediately negotiated a partnership agreement to promote and our products in the UAE and Syria. This is our first step towards penetrating the Middle East market. Finding a good reliable partner is indeed very crucial to the success. iv v
  • 6. A Note From Chris Chan TMS alongside companies software companies like XYBASE and PATIMAS is developing an Asia Pacific alliance called Software Asia Alliance. MSC of TMS Asia about MSC Malaysia Malaysia made it possible for us to develop and promote this new alliance to build a global brand presence. With the help of MSC Malaysia we are able to promote local software usage in government today. This includes using TMS products to power Like all start ups with big ambitions, TMS Asia has been benefited some of MSC Malaysia’s online properties. significantly from MSC Malaysia. All start ups need financing in order to grow. We are grateful that MSC Ventures was willing to invest in TMS. We actually got to the stage where we got a formal offer but unfortunately, we did not take it up due to some technical reasons. As a software company, we need to spend a lot of money on research and development. We received an MSC Malaysia Research & Development Grant Scheme (MSG) worth RM2 million which helped us greatly. It allowed us to develop tmsFRAMEWORK, an application development platform that powers all our current Java-based software. The grant allowed TMS to do research and development on tmsFRAMEWORK for two years. I’m delighted to say that tmsFRAMEWORK today powers brands like AirAsia, Harvard Medical School, Khazanah National, Media Prima and many other famous brands. I’ve personally gone on several MSC Malaysia promotional trips, where we were introduced to different potential partners overseas. This is crucial for local start ups hoping to penetrate foreign markets. You can’t do it alone. vi vii
  • 7. A Note From CIP not only offers funding via its CIP Catalyst fund, but also other business value-add like commercialization support, domain mentors, strategic partnerships, training and competency building, networking, The Cradle Investment Program pitching and media publicity support - to help kick-start the budding ideas of technopreneurs, to commercialization and further growth. Mistakes are extremely costly for budding technopreneurs – and our role First and foremost, I would like to congratulate the Technopreneurs in Cradle, is to ensure that they start on the right footing, with proper Association of Malaysia (TeAM) and Oon Yeoh on the great success of planning, funding and support. coming out with “Go For Broke”, which is an inspiring book on the blood, sweat and tears, relating to technopreneurship in Malaysia. A partnership with CIP does not just begin and end with the funding provided – it is a lasting membership of the Cradle business-building The stories shared by the 21 technopreneurs in this book, should ecosystem for technopreneurs, which has been built to ensure that more serve as an inspiration point and guiding light to current and budding CIP-funded technopreneurs will succeed. technopreneurs, in their search for success. It is the business-building environment that makes up half the The theme running through the stories of these technopreneurs show stimulus for growth and success – and Cradle is there to provide it, that the path to success requires a technopreneur to be determined, for technopreneurs. persistent and to risk it all – to “go for broke” – to savour the fruits of wealth and recognition. Once again, congratulations to TeAM and Oon Yeoh on the launching of “Go For Broke!”. It is a significant landmark – one that will be the catalyst The Cradle Investment Program (“CIP”) ( is proud to growing the number of successful technopreneurs in Malaysia. to be a strong supporter of TeAM’s efforts within the industry and co- sponsor to the first edition of this great book. As is well-known, CIP is a RM100 million grant, (under the auspices of Sincerely, the Ministry of Finance and administered under Cradle Fund Sdn Bhd) which was born out as a brainchild and lobbying efforts of TeAM, to help Nazrin Hassan Chief Executive Officer, seed innovative technology ideas into businesses and to spur technology Cradle Fund Sdn Bhd commercialization, both within the public and private sectors. viii ix
  • 8. Acknowledgement by TeAM Council 2007-2008 Chapter 1 No project of this nature is possible without the collaboration of many dedicated people behind this project. This includes TeAM advisors Sivapalan Vivekarajah, Wilson Tay and Chris Chan, and the 21 Ashran Ghazi technopreneurs featured. Special thanks goes out to our executive secretary, Eliza Elias, who tirelessly juggled managing the interview schedule as well as coordinating New Media Ahoy! the funding for this project and our executive director, Andrey Abraham, for doing all the tireless logistics works to finalize the production of the book. We are also grateful to MDeC and Cradle for their sponsorship this project, without which this book would not be possible. Lastly, many thanks go out to the GoodBasic Media team for producing this book. x
  • 9. Go For Broke ~ Tales of Technopreneurship William Du • Ingenuity at Work William Du Ingenuity at Work Financing is an important component of entrepreneurship. Although some start-ups are able to make it without investors’ money, most do need this in order to take their business to the next stage. William Du’s Ingenious Haus helps start-ups get the financing they need and prepares them for investment – be it by venture capitalists, William Du corporate investors or angel investors. Ingenious Haus In many ways, Du seems more like an entrepreneur himself than an investment broker or corporate advisor. “I take a very hands-on approach in building up the value of the companies we assist,” he says. “I don’t mind getting my hands dirty learning the ropes of the businesses those companies are involved in.” For a guy who is so tech-savvy and forward looking, Du has a very traditional finance background, graduating from the University of Hertfordshire with an MBA in 2000. His MBA thesis was entitled: “Acquisition of Midland Bank by HSBC”, about the latter’s acquisition of the UK bank, resulting in the creation of one of the largest financial services firms around. The paper was presented in the World Association for Case Method Research and application (WACRA) Conference in Mannheim, Germany in 2002. Upon graduation, Du worked for a London-based chartered accountancy firm, as a trainee doing auditing. But he learned more than just auditing there. 44 45
  • 10. Go For Broke ~ Tales of Technopreneurship Wan Mohamed Fusil Wan Mahmood • From Foot Soldier to Leader Wan Mohamed Fusil Wan Mahmood From Foot Soldier to Leader If you ask people to name the most established, well-entrenched local IT company, there’s a good chance Mesiniaga would crop up. In terms of brand recognition, revenue and profitability, there are not many local IT companies that even come close. But it was started by a band of unlikely entrepreneurs. “All of us were good soldiers, good administrators at IBM,” says Wan Wan Mohamed Fusil Mohamed Fusil Wan Mahmood. “Not entrepreneurs.” Wan Mahmood Mesiniaga In the late ‘70s, the government came out with a firm directive that companies doing business with the government must be locally incorporated. IBM led by the late Ismail Sulaiman, formerly general manager of IBM Malaysia, responded with a proposal to form a new bumiputra- controlled company that would handle roughly 30% of IBM’s business and provide more effective skills transfer to locals. Fusil was amongst the five founders who got together to execute this plan with the full blessing and support of IBM. In late 1982, Mesiniaga was born. “I was 32 at the time and a 10-year veteran at IBM,” says Fusil. “I was excited and worried at the same time.” To facilitate the execution of this plan and to give the new start-up viability, IBM decided that they would close down an entire Information 52 53
  • 11. Go For Broke ~ Tales of Technopreneurship Ganesh Kumar Bangah • Cashing In Ganesh Kumar Bangah Cashing In Starting young and dropping out of college to found your own company is a common story in the American tech landscape but is rare in this part of the world. That probably has to do with cultural factors. Over here, education is prized and paper qualifications are considered an important safety net in case your entrepreneurial ventures fizzle out. Not that any of these factors stopped Ganesh Kumar Bangah from getting into the “go-for broke” entrepreneurial spirit so typified by American technopreneurs. He demonstrated his entrepreneurial zeal early on. While still in secondary school in Johor Bahru, he would travel over to Singapore to buy computer parts and accessories to sell to his schoolmates. “I’d buy a soundcard for S$30 and bring it back to JB to sell for RM200,” he recalls. “I did brisk business. I even assembled PCs and sold them to teachers.” After his Form Five exams in 1996, he worked for and later became a partner in Cyberfield, a small but successful software company that had the Johor State Government as one of its key clients. He continued working part-time in Cyberfield while in university. Ganesh Kumar Bangah He studied engineering at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia in Skudai but MOL AccessPortal dropped out in his third year to pursue his entrepreneurial dreams. He did, however, get technical certifications — he has a Certificate in Computers Studies from the National Center for Information Technology 60 61
  • 12. Go For Broke ~ Tales of Technopreneurship Rajen. M • An Alternative Approach Rajen. M An Alternative Approach There’s nothing like first-hand experience to convince you that something works. And that’s what got Rajen. M into the holistic medicine business. A trained pharmacist, the first time Rajen encountered holistic medicine was when he had difficulty getting rid of a rash on his back. He tried all kinds of pharmaceutical medication but to no avail. “Nothing worked,” he recalls. “I went to see all kinds of doctors too. One gave me a drug that worked 20%. I realized that if I were to take more of the drug it would end up killing me.” Rajen’s mother insisted that he see a traditional medicine man. “The homeopath was not a doctor in the Western sense of the word, so I was not confident about his abilities to cure me,” he says. The medicine man gave him sugar tablets that looked liked lizard eggs. It cured Rajen’s rashes. “That made me think, maybe I don’t know so much about medicine after all,” he says. “This spurred me to do more research on alternative medicine.” But it took a bad experience at work to make Rajen decide to come out start his own business. He had joined Ciba Pharma, a Fortune 500 company, as product manager in 1990. A self-described workaholic, he worked up to 18 hours Rajen. M a day. He even took up an MBA from the University of Strathclyde to Holista Biotech enhance his career prospects. Not surprisingly, he quickly rose through the ranks to become marketing manager within a few short years. 108 109
  • 13. Go For Broke ~ Tales of Technopreneurship Harald Weinbrecht • Not a Stranger in a Strange Land Harald Weinbrecht Not a Stranger in a Strange Land Doing business in Malaysia as a foreigner has its good and bad points. It’s actually a positive when you deal with other foreigners. However, when you deal with locals, especially those from mid-sized companies, it can be a negative in more ways than one. Harald Weinbrecht ISS Consulting Firstly, they might get intimidated and assume that your costs would naturally be very high. Secondly, they might think you don’t understand their business. Harald Weinbrecht has been through all that. “It’s a perception thing,” he says. “‘What do you know, you’re just a kwailo’ – I used to get that at first but I’ve lived here for many years now, so it’s not such a problem anymore.” That’s an understatement. Harald has actually done very well for himself. His company, ISS Consulting, has the distinction of being the only company listed on Mesdaq that’s owned by a foreigner. He also has offices in Singapore, Thailand and Indonesia, as well as operations in Dubai. Not bad for a self-described kampung-boy. “I was born in a small village of about 1000 people,” says the German-born Weinbrecht. “My primary school and secondary school was just a few kilometers from my house.” He began his career in banking where he did an apprenticeship. It was during that time that he first discovered the wonders of IT. 156 157
  • 14. Technopreneurs Association Yet, success was elusive and soon all parties discovered that Silicon Valley could not be built in a just a few short years. The government realised that of Malaysia (TeAM) policies without stakeholder input was not effective and technopreneurs found that there was no avenue for them to voice out their concerns, needs and interests. Thus TeAM was born out of the need to further the interests of The Internet boom of the late 1990s and the setting up of the Multimedia technopreneurs and to assist in the development of the knowledge Super Corridor in 1996 brought forth a new agenda for Malaysia; to economy in Malaysia. reposition the nation from an industrial economy to an innovation- and technology-led economy. TeAM has three key initiatives and objectives: This new direction triggered an influx of economic and business 1) To act as a think tank and as a voice for technopreneurs. Much has activity creating a new class of entrepreneurs in Malaysia – technology been accomplished in the six years since our formation. The first entrepreneurs or Technopreneurs. initiative was the completion of a White Paper entitled “Fostering A Sustainable Environment for Technopreneurship in Malaysia”. Technopreneurs were mostly young, highly-educated and technology- This document received widespread acclaim in media, industry savvy entrepreneurs who wanted to live this new dream of creating the and government circles for outlining the major issues and challenges next new billion dollar global technology company. facing small- and medium-sized technology companies in a way that encompasses the views of the industry’s grassroots. It served to share Armed with support from the Multimedia Development Corporation the views of the community of technopreneurs with government (MDeC) and the government, they set forth building their companies and led to better execution of the government’s plans for the MSC. from scratch, not knowing where the Internet was heading but wanting to We continue to act through many discussions with key policy makers be in the slipstream of this exciting new era. and help guide Government policy to have the greatest impact and benefit for industry. The government too was as enthusiastic as these technopreneurs and spurred the growth of technology initiatives and policies from growth 2) The second and equally important objective is for the professional corridors to telecommunications infrastructure to venture capital development of members and the industry in general. TeAM has funding. initiated many events to share information and knowledge that help to develop the skills, knowledge and abilities of technopreneurs including forums, seminars, workshops and dialogues. These 172 173
  • 15. initiatives are ongoing and we continue to provide innovative and invaluable programs to further the development of members and industry. 3) The third objective is to provide community education and to bridge the digital divide. This has included technopreneurship programs offered to more than 25 public and private universities in the country where we promote technopreneurship as an alternative career path. There is still a long way to go. The nation is also promoting the growth of a biotechnology industry and TeAM supports this initiative. We now include this new industry within its objectives. While TeAM has been successful in achieving many of its objectives and is now a highly recognised industry organisation, the principal aspiration of making Malaysia globally-renowned and Malaysian firms globally- successful remains to be achieved. Hence TeAM will continue to work closely with the government and the different agencies promoting the ICT and biotech industries to strive towards creating more successful technopreneurs who can compete with the best in the region and globally. That is our goal and in championing the interests of our members and stakeholders, TeAM will continue to do its best to improve the ecosystem for technopreneurs and technopreneurship in Malaysia. 174