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Bill HybelsEverybody wins when a leader gets better. Absolutely everyone. The stakes of leadership are sky high. Our troubled world is calling out for a better brand of leadership.
The world is waiting for leaders who will put the interest of others ahead of themselves. The highest value here at The Summit is humility. We have so much more to
learn about this mysterious force called leadership. Armed with enough humility, leaders can learn from anyone. In its simplest from, leadership is
moving people from here to there. Leadership is not protecting a position. It’s moving people. It’s energizing people. For team members to pay the
price needed to go from here to there, they are most assuredly going to have to feed off the passion of their leader. Passion is like protein for team. The
highest inspiration for team members is to work for or around a passion-filled leader. How does a leader get passionate? Passion is usually derived from the
mountaintops of a beautiful dream or the valleys of frustration of what is going wrong in this world. I have met leaders all over the world who are frustrated over
products poorly made…or children who are trafficked or churches who are poorly led or poorly fed. No one on your team really cares where your passion is derived
from. They just want to feel the heat and energy coming from the heart of their leader. They want their souls stirred by the leader. Whose job is it to fill a leader’s
passion bucket? It’s the leader’s job to fill his or her passion bucket. It’s your job to fire yourself up. Read passionate authors and passionate books. Even if
you start with shattered lenses you can build a beautiful culture. An organization will only ever be as healthy as the top leader wants it to be. We can do better and we
must do better. Hire a reputable outside firm to help you measure the health of your current culture. God really only treasures one thing in this vast cosmos – people.
Reduce transactional noise around your organization. Develop the skill of Talent Observation. If I discipline myself to sit in the back of the room and pay
attention, I will find tomorrow’s superstars. Leaders have to get stuff done. Speed of the leader, speed of the team. Our team wants to know exactly what
we are trying to move ahead. And what they really want to know is what we think of their progress. Every single worker you employ wants to know how
they’re doing. It is cruel and unusual punishment to employ a person and not tell them how they’re doing. A legacy is what people remember of you once you’re gone.
Everyone leaves one (a legacy). Leadership is not fundamentally about time. It is about energy. What do you put your energy in? There aren’t Do-Overs but there are
Makeovers. God helps people write new storylines. If your leadership journey would come to an end sometime soon, are you good with your legacy you
are leaving behind? God never intended our vocations to crowd out the rest of our lives. We are far more than commerce machines. Legacies can be made new in
a single moment in time. A single humble prayer at this moment can change what your future will hold. Leadership matters. It matters disproportionally. It matters
so much it scares me. We need to get better. Some of your lives are not exciting because there is nothing exciting happening in you. Do you drive your organizations
so hard it has to misbehave? You’re all leaving a legacy behind. Let’s make sure it’s a God-honoring one our grandkids can be proud of.
Bill Hybels – The Lenses of Leadership
The Lens of Passion
Leadership is not presiding over something or protecting a position, or pontificating to others – it’s moving people, It’s energizing people, it’s taking
people on a journey.
Getting everybody takes planning, prayer, problem-solving. For team members to pay the price to go from here to there, they will have to feed off the
passion of their leader. Passion is like protein – it energizes and sustains them on the way.
A motivated worker will outperform an unmotivated worker by 40% - what can a leader do to inspire team members to that 40% height?
While generous compensation, meaningful work, and healthy cultures matter – what matters most is to work for and around a passion-filled leader. Those
of you who have worked around a passion filled leader – you will never forget the thrill of it.
How does a leader get passionate? Passion is usually derived from the mountain tops of a beautiful dream, or the valley depths of an absolute frustration
of something going wrong in the world.
Leaders’ passions are inspired through exposure to beautiful ideas. Or leader’s passion are inspired by something that outrages them. Products that are
poorly made, services that are poorly rendered, children who are being neglected, trafficked, abused – these leaders reach a boiling point of wanting to
spend the rest of their life trying to fix this. It’s almost impossible to damn up this torrent – unbridled passion becomes an unstoppable force.
How filled is your passion bucket? Is it way up to the top so people feel the heat and the energy when they work around you? No one on your team really
cares if your passion is filled by a beautiful dream - they want the passion.
Whose job is it to fill a leader’s passion bucket? It’s the leader’s job to fill his or her own passion bucket. How does a leader keep their passion bucket
filled? This is where reflection time is warranted. Reading passionate authors, passionate books, getting around passionate people, and going to places
that stir your soul.
Sometimes helping out one kid just does wonders for a soul. I don’t know what specifically will fill your passion bucket, but you must do whatever you
must do. Never forget, everyone around you wins when you lead with enthusiasm and energy. When the pulse rate of an organization speeds up because
of the passion of a leader – it’s really cool.
Some of you haven’t found your passion – and the reason what you’re leading is not very exciting is because there’s nothing exciting in you. You’re giving
yourself to a lesser dream. You either haven’t found it or you haven’t fed it. God will unfold your passion to you if you ask him.
Bill Hybels – The Lenses of Leadership
Doesn’t matter where you start, you can grow and build a beautiful
An organization will only ever be as healthy as the top leader wants it
to be.
Cultures are begging to be transformed.
If you’re wondering where to start, hire an outside firm to measure
the culture. Work on whatever the survey results tell you needs
fixing the most. It will be way more rewarding than you think it will
We senior leaders have the unspeakable privilege of helping to change
the storyline and the futures of those we lead and love in our
God only really treasures one thing and that’s people. When he
takes what he treasure most, people, and he entrusts them to us
leaders, we simply must figure out how best to steward the people
responsibility. How do we love and lead those people to the zenith of
their potential.
When it comes to maximizing performance, sooner or later you will be
setting goals and working to achieve them.
Leaders have to get stuff done. Speed of the leader, speed of the team.
Team members want to know exactly what we’re trying to move
ahead. We really want to know if we are proud of our progress.
Leadership is about maximizing performance – doing so will require
constant readjusting of your leadership lenses regarding goals. It’s
critical to measure the right things for your team to thrive.
Every single worker you employ really wants to know how they’re
doing. It’s human nature. Please understand this. It is cruel and
unusual punishment to employ a person and not tell them how
they’re doing. When a boss never notices you, it kills the worker.
Do you drive your organization so hard that it has to misbehave? Do
you let it flounder around with no direction or inspiration? Get that
right so people know what hill to climb and how fast and whether
their leaders are proud of them.
Performance LensShattered Lenses
Bill Hybels – The Lenses of Leadership
Legacy Lens
We have to press ahead. We have to move our treasured people from here to there. We’ve got to inspire them and help them
perform. But every once in a while we have to peek in the rearview mirror and wonder what we’re leaving behind. This is the
legacy lens. What people remember of you once you’re gone. Everybody leaves one. Let’s draw an energy pie – leadership is not
fundamentally about time. It’s about energy. Where do you put your energy? Where do you invest your energy? Show me where
most of your energy goes.
There aren’t do-overs, but there are make-overs.
God has specialized in helping people write new narratives for the next chapters of their life. Starting tonight, draw a new energy
circle. Think about where God wants you to put your energy. Are you good with how you want to be remembered? If you
haven’t realized this yet – leadership can become a legal drug that provides a high that other parts of your life have a hard time
competing with. If you’re thriving at work, why would you ever want to go home and change a dirty diaper? No matter how fired
up we are about our work, God never intended our vocations to crowd out every other area of our life. His idea was that we
would flourish at work, in our faith, in our marriages, flourish with our friends. We would flourish holistically.
When you look in the rearview mirror, do you like the kind of legacy you’re leaving behind?
Legacies can be made new in a single moment. The forgiven Criminal – Today you will be with me in paradise. The repentant
thief. His legacy was that he got his last decision so right that it made up for his past decisions.
Chuck Colson – staff to president Nixon – did cruel and heartless stuff. While he was in prison he reflected on his legacy and he
hated what he saw. In a moment of deep humility he asked Jesus to guide him. When people remember his name today, they
don’t remember the hatchet man – they remember him for building a remarkable organization called Prison Fellowship. The
narrative of his life changed when he humbled himself to ask God for help to change his story. Pray a prayer of humility and
Leadership matters. The older I get, the more I realize it matters disproportionately. We need to get better.
Bill Hybels – The Lenses of Leadership
Alan Mulally, CEO, Ford
Working together principles and practices
1. People first – it starts with loving them.
2. Everyone is included – the suppliers, bankers, everyone.
3. Compelling vision, comprehensive strategy, and relentless
4. Clear performance goals – quality, safety, performance
requirements 5 years
5. One plan.
Facts and data matter
Everyone needs to know the plan, the status, and areas that
need special attention
Propose a plan, have a positive, “find a way” attitude
Respect, listen, help, and appreciate each other
Emotional resilience – trust the process – if you’re the leader
and you look like you’re sick and it’s not going well, the whole
place will feel sick.
Have fun – enjoy the journey and each other
The humor can never be at anyone else’s expense. No jokes
ever at anyone else’s expense.
Leadership is needed in our world more than
ever. People want to go from here to there.
Move from I to we. From me to service.
There’s just nothing neater than to be asked
to serve. The shadow of our leadership is so
important and it starts with us.
Melinda Gates - Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
All lives have equal value. There is no difference in what we want
for our children. There is only a difference in our ability to give it to
I consider myself an impatient optimist – the world is getting better,
despite the headlines we see – when you look, poverty has been
cut in half. Since 1990 child deaths and maternal deaths are down
by half. But I’m impatient. There are things that the developed
world has that if the developing world had, we could cut those
rates in half again.
If you get the best out of people and the best out of team, you get
the best results.
The importance of silence – silent retreats over 2 or 3 days.
Spiritual lectures and silence. I try to take time for silence every
day. I do a spiritual reading, journal, light a candle, and say a prayer.
How does the foundation function? The foundation is the
embodiment of our values in the world. This belief we have that all
lives have equal value, we put our hearts, our minds, and our
money behind that every single day. What can we do to make sure
people have the same start in life? If you are born in the United
States you are fundamentally lucky. If you grow up in Ethiopia,
Bangladesh – your chances are so much more diminished.
Go in as a learner with a curious mind. You have to listen. Show
Jossy Chacko, Founder and President, Empart
Enlarge your vision –
What does the conversation in your board room and leadership meetings revolve around? Is
it maintenance or is it multiplication? The time has come for us as leaders to reactivate the
gifts and talents we are trusted with and to take some risk and invest everything, all of it.
Then we will begin to see the fruit emerging around the world. It is what God has put inside
of you that – when people hear your vision, they should know the size and scale of your God.
When they hear your vision, they should be inspired to go do bigger things with their life.
Don’t let popularity determine your vision. Let your vision be determined by what the creator
has put in you. It means staying focused. But enlarging and getting a bigger horizon, allowing
your horizon to get bigger and bigger. You need to have a living vision with passion. People
will do anything for a passion-ary. A visionary with a passion. You need the help of others and
you need ongoing miracles.
Empower your people. –
Leadership is all about taking wise chances and giving people opportunities. Overcome your
past experiences and empower your people. Don’t be fooled by the package they come in. A
good test to see if you’re empowering your people? Take a long vacation and see what
happens to your vision. We are there to lay the foundation, and champion, and empower our
people. Focus on building the character before you empower them – people don’t fail
because of lack of information, they fail because of lack of character. Empowerment has to
be through relationship. It’s about leading alongside. Make sure you have the right agreed
outcomes and that you build the right process and systems to measure them. KPI’s – key
performance indicators.
Embrace Risk! –
You need to see risk as a friend to love, not as an Don’t allow the fear of losing what you have
keep you from losing what God has for you. It’s easy to take a risk when you have nothing to
lose. Your vision needs to be permanently hinged to the door of risk. See comfort and safety
as your enemies. Who is missing out because you are refusing to take the next step? Embrace
fear as your friend and comfort and safety as your enemies. One of the ways we play it safe is
we try to work it all out before we do anything. If Moses had board members or advisors,
they’d still be in Egypt. Don’t allow the earthly practicalities cause you to forget the heavenly
possibilities. It is critical that you begin to increase your pain threshold. Your leadership
capacity is a direct correlation of your pain threshold.
Travis Bradberry, Coauthor, Emotional Intelligence 2.0
People with average IQs outperformed above average IQ 70% of the time. Emotional
intelligence is the stronger predictor for success. Your IQ is only 20% of your success
IQ is not what you know, it’s how fast you can learn something.
EQ is not personality – it is a stable set of preferences and tendencies through which you
approach the world
Emotional Intelligence is a flexible skill – you can increase the flow of information
between your emotional and rational brain.
Self-Awareness – the ability to accurately recognize your emotions as they happen and
understand your general tendencies for responding to different people and situations. It’s
about leaning in to the discomfort and learning. You spot it, you got it. There are millions of
things around us that are perfectly annoying. Only a few things really annoy us and it’s
because they’re often a reflection of something in us we don’t like.
Self-management – what you do with this increased awareness. Using awareness of your
emotions to choose what you say and do, in order to positively direct your behavior.
Embrace the feeling and channel it into the behavior you want. Biggest mistake is that we
forget that positive emotions need to be managed too.
Social awareness – recognizing and understanding the emotions and perspectives of
others. Non-verbals. Focus more on the other person than you do on yourself. We’re
constantly thinking about what we’re going to say next – how what they’re saying affects
Relationship management – using awareness of your emotions and the emotions of others
to manage interactions successfully. Look at what the world looks like from the other
person’s perspective. The biggest mistake we see people make is winning the battle to lose
the war. The overall quality of the relationship erodes in the moment.
It’s seeing how your behavior impacts other people and adjusting accordingly.
Patrick Lencioni, Author, The Ideal Team Player
The Ideal Team Player is Humble, Hungry, and Smart.
Humble – you’re more interested in others than yourself, you’re not arrogant, you’re about the bigger picture, not yourself. It’s just the recognition of that which is
true. It’s not a lack of confidence. “It’s thinking of yourself less, not less of yourself.” - C.S. Lewis Hungry – they want to go above and beyond, they are generally
passionate about what they are doing – Smart – people smarts, common sense around people.
People who lack hunger and smart – who are just humble – we call them the pawn. They are generally not very effective on a team. They need our prayers, but we
probably don’t need to invite them to be on their teams.
People who are just hungry are the bulldozer. Lots of ambition, lots of drive – sometimes bulldozers can survive. But they don’t care about people.
People who are just Smart – they’re really good with people – they’re not humble, they’re not hungry. We call them the charmer. They never get things done.
They’re not that interested in people’s success.
We can’t be tolerating people who are egregiously lacking in one of these areas.
Don’t use these labels capriciously. Nobody’s perfect. We all struggle. What we’re talking about is over time, people demonstrating a consistent lack of one of these
Patrick Lencioni, Author, The Ideal Team Player
Now looking at the combinations –
People who are Humble and Hungry – they have good intentions, they want to get things done, but
they’re not smart. They are the accidental mess maker. They ruffle feathers unnecessarily.
Humble and Smart – the lovable slacker – they love their teammates – they just don’t want to do a
lot of work. They usually do just enough work to make it hard for you to let them go.
Smart interpersonally and really Hungry, but not humble. This is the skillful politician. They’re
ambitious and hard driving and they know how to make themselves look humble. People follow
them and then people wake up one day and they wonder “what are all these scars and why don’t I
have a job anymore?”
Hiring – somehow there’s a disconnect between what we say matters and who we hire. Generally
we overemphasize technical skills. We have very low rigor over hiring team players. We tend to over
focus on that which is measureable, verifiable – but behavior always rises to the top. We don’t get
people out of the office for their interviews. Get out and see how they’d be in a regular
environment. Ask the question a few different times. “How do you deal with conflict? What would
your wife say about whether you hold grudges?” Let’s stop doing these siloed interviews.
A big part of humility is forgiveness. Ask - Can you ask forgiveness? Can you accept an apology and
move on?
Scare people with sincerity. Be so clear with them – like southwest airlines – we are so silly and self-
deprecating – and if you’re not like that you don’t belong here. We are so committed to these things
and if you’re not, you probably will hate it here. And we probably won’t like working with you.
Chris McChesney, Author, The 4 Disciplines of Execution
The hardest thing a leader will ever do is drive a strategy and change human behavior.
Anytime the majority of people behave a particular way the majority of time it’s not the people, it’s the system.
1. – Focus on the wildly important
If a team loads up on 2-3 goals in addition to the whirlwind, they’re more likely to get it done. If you set 4-10 goals, they will achieve 1-2. If
you set 11-20 goals – nothing will get done. It’s the law of diminishing returns. Narrowing the focus is difficult and counterintuitive. The will
always be more good ideas than there is capacity to execute.
Rules for discipline 1:
Figure out the fewest battles necessary to win the war
One WIG per team at the same time (i.e. you’re going to blow the doors off this one thing)
You can veto, but don’t dictate. Let the subteams have a voice and let them tell you what they’re going to bring to the table.
A WIG must have a gap – from X to Y by when. From a concept to a target. X is the starting line, y is the finish line, when is the
When you set a Wildly Important Goal, accountability goes up. So does morale and engagement. There’s a little switch in people’s heads
that says “game on!” Think about the difference here in phrasing of a goal – do we want to lead the world in space exploration vs. get a
man on the moon. Which one is more inspiring?
2. Execution doesn’t like complexity. The two best friends of execution are simplicity and transparency.
Act on the lead measures.
Lag Measures – goal
Lead Measures – Predictive of goal success, influencable by the team. The golden rule of execution.
To lose weight
Lag measures – lbs.
Lead measure – diet and exercise…
Everybody knows diet and exercise, what everybody doesn’t know is how many calories I’ve eaten this morning and how many calories
I’ve burned. There’s a big difference between knowing a thing and knowing the data behind the thing. Give the frontline your best
thinking – don’t dictate. Lead measure – payless shoe source – transaction data vs. lead measure – measure the kids feet, they tripled
their sales. Bad news – data is hard to get Good news – it’s like solving a puzzle More bad news – people will forget about it in 3 days
Chris McChesney, Author, The 4 Disciplines of Execution
3. Keep a compelling scoreboard.
People play differently when they are keeping score.
What we’re looking for is a players scoreboard, not a coaches scoreboard.
These: Are simple, Are highly visible to the player, Have the right “lead” and “lag” measures
4. Create a cadence of accountability
The number 1 driver of morale and engagement is whether a person feels like they are winning. When it comes to
engagement, it’s about the work. Disciplines 1 2 and 3 create a winnable game. Do the people who work for me feel like
they are playing a winnable game?
Ask your team - What are the 1 to 3 most important things we can do this week that will have the biggest impact on the
lead measure – have a weekly 20 minute meeting. This is just-in-time strategic planning. They are never urgent things.
There are always 50 things in the whirlwind that are more urgent. Urgent trumps important. The worst part of a
whirlwind week – you didn’t actually get anything done. At these meetings - Report on last week’s commitments. Review
and update scoreboard. Make commitments for next week
As leaders, don’t give people their commitments, you gotta pull it. Great execution is about creating a pull – a high stakes,
winnable game.
Story about a valet service that was receiving bad reviews - What’s the most meaningful measure? It’s car retrieval time.
It was the one thing they weren’t measuring. They were measuring EVERYTHING else. In 2 weeks they figured out how to
measure it. In south beach Miami, one hotel had a wall, cars had to be parked 3 deep – during a wig session, one kid said
“that wall is coming down.” Didn’t check with anyone, didn’t ask permission, didn’t even ask if It was load bearing. The
team brought the concrete saws and busted the wall down. Leadership said “if we had come up with that idea, we
couldn’t have gotten them to do it by gunpoint”
The rules, the natural laws of execution, turn out to be the very same rules and laws for engagement.
As a leader, ask yourself -- Do the people who work for me feel like they are
playing a high stakes, winnable game?
Erin Meyer, Author, The Culture Map
Culture mapping – communicating, evaluating, leading, deciding,
trusting, disagreeing, scheduling, persuading.
Example of cultural difference in Communication -- Low vs, high
context communication. When we communicate, we assume that we
have a low level of context points. In the cultures of low context, we
believe communication is simple, explicit, and direct. In a high context
culture – we believe communication should be implicit, layered,
The Japanese is the highest context culture – there’s a word that
means you don’t read the atmosphere.
The US is the lowest context country in the world.
In French, there is a word that means don’t listen to my words, listen
to my meaning.
In low context cultures we tend to get things in writing. In high
context, we just know what is supposed to be done.
Global teams need low context processes. With low context people,
be as explicit as possible. Put it in writing, repeat key points. With high
context people ask clarifying questions, repeat yourself less, and work
on increasing the ability to read the air. – the culture map
Erin Meyer, Author, The Culture Map
John Maxwell, AuthorWhen you sow into a leader’s life, when you really commit to giving leaders the best you have and reproducing leaders, the return becomes quite amazing.
Everything rises and falls on leadership. When good leadership is in place, everything rises. Leaders lift.
If you are a leader you have the ability to either truly bless people or curse people.
The one thing I want you to do every day is intentionally add value to people. Adding value to people is so essential, it is the core of leadership.
The first question I ask world leaders is are you adding value to people or are you asking them to add value to you.
There is a thin line between motivating people and manipulating people. Manipulating people is always wrong.
There are three questions that followers ask leaders. Doesn’t matter the culture, country, or time,
Do you like me? - compassion
Can you help me? - competence
Can I trust you? – character
Everything worthwhile is uphill. Life is not easy, never has been, isn’t supposed to be. Everything we have in our life, if it’s precious and beautiful, it’s uphill. If you have a healthy marriage, if you’re
going to build into a person, if you’re going to be healthy, it’s uphill.
People have uphill hopes, and they have downhill habits. The only way that you and I can break a downhill habit is to get intentional in our life.
No one has ever spoken about accidental achievement. Intentional living is deliberate.
Significance is not about me, it’s about others. There’s a downhill habit that fights against significance, and that is selfishness. Significance and selfishness are incompatible.
Bishop T.D. Jakes, Author, Pastor, Filmmaker
We allow people to put a period where God puts a comma. There’s more than
one tree in a seed.
The haters are a symptom that you are on the right track. You can’t walk
through the door of destiny without walking through the hall of haters. They’re
not always wrong. Eat the meat and throw away the bones.
Great story telling is to allow people to see themselves without assaulting
them with the true they see.
If you’re going to affect the culture, you have to escape the walls of our
You are no greater than the people you put around you. Jesus spent more time
with the 12 than the 5,000. Your dream should be bigger than you. If you can
fill the whole dream with yourself, it’s too small. I don’t think you’re really great
until you can be around great people without feeling intimidated.
The art of being able to manage many things is to not neglect the same thing
twice, if you have to hold it to have it, you didn’t hire the right people. Any
time you take on new things, it takes you a while to learn how to manage it.
You don’t want to stay tired, whenever something is overwhelming to me, it
means I need to restructure in order to be able to carry weight. It is not where
we want to go that is the biggest problem, the biggest problem is what are we
willing to leave behind to get there. What do I need to let go?
A lot of times we’re trying to save bread, but God did not mean for you to save
yesterday’s vision. Give us this day our daily bread. How can I give you this
day’s bread when you’re holding on to yesterday’s bread, letting the worms
stop you? A lot of leaders have issues with this – if I let go of yesterday’s bread
it means I’ve failed, but sometimes the worms are a good thing.
Bishop T.D. Jakes, Author, Pastor, Filmmaker
We are tempted to dislike differences and to distrust people from a
different culture. We need a worldwide comprehensive plan that attacks
hunger, poverty, disease. The fevers are going to come out to anarchy.
Anarchy erupts because someone in power forgot about someone who
Faith without works is dead. We have to be intentional about love. You
have to be intentional about tearing down the natural propensity in
humans to remain comfortable.
There is not one thing God made that he did not put a seed in. you are
gifted with multiple gifts. That seed is potential. What are you going to
do with what God gave you? What he wants from us is to take what he
gave us and multiply it. God has given you more than your life shows,
than your occupation has demanded. You are more than what they call
you, pay you, or think about you. If you can think the impossible, the
invisible, the intangible, you will be shocked how you can reach the
John 1:5 – the light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not
overcome it. We’ve been given the power to scatter the darkness, no
matter how little the light may seem.
Self-reflection is a universal blind spot for type a leaders. If I don’t
punctuate my activity with times of self-reflection, I pay and everyone
around me pays. Take inventory.
Dr. HenryCloud, Author, The Power of the Other
Who are you connected to?
Only 4 possibilities of connection that are
either going to be restoring or killing your
Corner number 1. Corner of no
connection. God has put every human on
the earth with a chip searching for
connection. You still have that chip. But
we hear this myth – it’s lonely at the top.
Your brain is not going to work if you’re
Corner 2. Bad connection -- There’s
somebody in it with me but it doesn’t feel
too good. The hardest place to be with no
connection is in a relationship. But in 2 –
the connection leaves us feeling in some
way like I’m bad. Like I’ll never meet this
person’s expectations.
Corner 3 – good connection – it’s a fake
good though. We do something that
relieves the pain of feeling inferior or bad
or not good enough. It might be a
substance, could be driving your team to
greater and greater numbers.
Corner 4 – the only way to drive, the one
factor that drives all of this is real
connection. The power of the other. It’s a
relationship where I can walk into the
corner in a place of need. And I have
someone else in the corner that can meet
my needs.
Shauna Niequist, Author, Present over Perfect
I believed the myth that you are what you do, you are what you
build, you are what you measure, you are what other people think
of you. Over time I stopped seeing anything other than deadlines, to
do lists, ways to succeed or fail. Everything felt like an opportunity to
succeed or fail. The two emotions I felt most often were exhaustion
and isolation.
My greatest regret – I placed my family, my own soul, at the altar of
The love I was looking for all along was never found in the hustle –
you can’t earn it, compete for it – you can just make space for it
and listen for it.
The love you’re looking for is never something you can calculate. You
can’t buy, earn, or hustle for it. It’s something you receive. As you
practice the risky sacred act of being exactly who you are.
Conduct a satisfaction audit – on a 0-10 scale – where are you
finding satisfaction? Is the hustle worth it? Are you chasing
something that will ultimately leave you dissatisfied? Redefine what
success and true achievement is.
No matter how off course you’ve gone, God enjoys rewriting
stories. He loves to make all things new. Fix broken stuff. Heal stuff
that’s been torn apart. Loves to mend and restore. To make all
things new.
DanielleStrickland, Social Justice Secretary, Salvation Army
True humility is agreeing with God about
who you are.
Gideon plays the tape – but I am the least
in my family which is the smallest in the
tribe which is the smallest tribe in all of
Israel. We all have a tape.
We have to stop playing that tape and
replace it with the tape God plays for us –
come into agreement with what God says
we are.
Gideon is making pockets of dependency
in his personal life. We don’t struggle with
codependency, we struggle with self-
sufficiency. We lead our lives in such a way
that other than a good parking spot, we
don’t need God to show up. How can we
come to agreement about who God is if
we don’t have experience with who God is
in our lives. You have to create space in
your life where only God can meet you.
Horst Schulze, CEO, Capella Hotel Group
Look at the market segment – know what segment you’re in in order to be able to give that segment what they want.
How am I going to be successful in it? You have to be more sufficient than the competition. In order to do that you
have to know what the customer wants. You have to be more efficient. You have to know, - how am I going to make my
product to this customer better than the competition does. And how am I going to make sure it costs me less? Attach
and create leadership to this.
Management is excellence in efficiency and sufficiency.
The customer wants three things – 1. No defect, 2. That you serve them timely and 3. That you care. The caring piece
drives customer satisfaction more than anything else.
Do honor, As soon as the guest is announced, show complete humility by a bowing of the head. That is sufficiency in
hospitality. Let a superior sit with him, the superior shall break his fast for the sake of a guest. Let the abbot give the
guest water for his hands, let the abbot wash his feet. All guests should be received with care and kindness.
Taylorism out of the industrial revolution – management was created – we want to produce a lot of things very fast.
Before that it was the proprietor who had a few people working for them. Mass production took over. Mass
production says – we think and the workers do.
Management should be about managing processes and product. Not people. You lead people. Leadership cares and
involves people. Leadership asks if it is good for all concerned.
Show them day 1 what their destination is, who the organization is, tell them how it benefits all concerned. Alignment
means you align them to your heart and soul and belief system, and show them how they can benefit from it.
The first day is so important. Don’t hire people just for function. We shouldn’t hire human beings for function. The
chairs we sit in fill a function. We hire them to be part of a thought, a purpose, and a dream.
Always tell them why.
Adam smith wrote a book – human beings cannot relate to orders and directions. Human beings can relate to motive
and objective.
Statistics show that there are 56,000 mistakes per million transactions in every business. Efficiencies are not cutting
cost. Eliminate re-work. Eliminate unimportant work.
Look at every input, negotiate every item, you just became efficient.
The greatest saving, the greatest efficiency you can have in your business is the elimination of defects.
Wilfredo de Jesus, Pastor
We have a culture that’s drifting. How do
we lead in a culture that’s drifting? In a
world that’s dominated by fears? No one
drifts upstream. No one drifts to
holiness. It takes effort and
determination. Stay the course. It will get
you there. When we must stay the
course, we must establish a true north. A
map and a compass – a map changes, but
a compass always points due north. North
never changes.
How we respond matters. It’s important
to respond well to a culture drift.
You are the salt and you are the light. We
have to have equally radical
commitments to love and truth.
The American dream is to have it all. The
kingdom dream is to lose it all.
We belong to another king in a different
kingdom who has already established a
true north for us.

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Global Leadership Summit Summary 2016

  • 2. Bill HybelsEverybody wins when a leader gets better. Absolutely everyone. The stakes of leadership are sky high. Our troubled world is calling out for a better brand of leadership. The world is waiting for leaders who will put the interest of others ahead of themselves. The highest value here at The Summit is humility. We have so much more to learn about this mysterious force called leadership. Armed with enough humility, leaders can learn from anyone. In its simplest from, leadership is moving people from here to there. Leadership is not protecting a position. It’s moving people. It’s energizing people. For team members to pay the price needed to go from here to there, they are most assuredly going to have to feed off the passion of their leader. Passion is like protein for team. The highest inspiration for team members is to work for or around a passion-filled leader. How does a leader get passionate? Passion is usually derived from the mountaintops of a beautiful dream or the valleys of frustration of what is going wrong in this world. I have met leaders all over the world who are frustrated over products poorly made…or children who are trafficked or churches who are poorly led or poorly fed. No one on your team really cares where your passion is derived from. They just want to feel the heat and energy coming from the heart of their leader. They want their souls stirred by the leader. Whose job is it to fill a leader’s passion bucket? It’s the leader’s job to fill his or her passion bucket. It’s your job to fire yourself up. Read passionate authors and passionate books. Even if you start with shattered lenses you can build a beautiful culture. An organization will only ever be as healthy as the top leader wants it to be. We can do better and we must do better. Hire a reputable outside firm to help you measure the health of your current culture. God really only treasures one thing in this vast cosmos – people. Reduce transactional noise around your organization. Develop the skill of Talent Observation. If I discipline myself to sit in the back of the room and pay attention, I will find tomorrow’s superstars. Leaders have to get stuff done. Speed of the leader, speed of the team. Our team wants to know exactly what we are trying to move ahead. And what they really want to know is what we think of their progress. Every single worker you employ wants to know how they’re doing. It is cruel and unusual punishment to employ a person and not tell them how they’re doing. A legacy is what people remember of you once you’re gone. Everyone leaves one (a legacy). Leadership is not fundamentally about time. It is about energy. What do you put your energy in? There aren’t Do-Overs but there are Makeovers. God helps people write new storylines. If your leadership journey would come to an end sometime soon, are you good with your legacy you are leaving behind? God never intended our vocations to crowd out the rest of our lives. We are far more than commerce machines. Legacies can be made new in a single moment in time. A single humble prayer at this moment can change what your future will hold. Leadership matters. It matters disproportionally. It matters so much it scares me. We need to get better. Some of your lives are not exciting because there is nothing exciting happening in you. Do you drive your organizations so hard it has to misbehave? You’re all leaving a legacy behind. Let’s make sure it’s a God-honoring one our grandkids can be proud of.
  • 3. Bill Hybels – The Lenses of Leadership The Lens of Passion Leadership is not presiding over something or protecting a position, or pontificating to others – it’s moving people, It’s energizing people, it’s taking people on a journey. Getting everybody takes planning, prayer, problem-solving. For team members to pay the price to go from here to there, they will have to feed off the passion of their leader. Passion is like protein – it energizes and sustains them on the way. A motivated worker will outperform an unmotivated worker by 40% - what can a leader do to inspire team members to that 40% height? While generous compensation, meaningful work, and healthy cultures matter – what matters most is to work for and around a passion-filled leader. Those of you who have worked around a passion filled leader – you will never forget the thrill of it. How does a leader get passionate? Passion is usually derived from the mountain tops of a beautiful dream, or the valley depths of an absolute frustration of something going wrong in the world. Leaders’ passions are inspired through exposure to beautiful ideas. Or leader’s passion are inspired by something that outrages them. Products that are poorly made, services that are poorly rendered, children who are being neglected, trafficked, abused – these leaders reach a boiling point of wanting to spend the rest of their life trying to fix this. It’s almost impossible to damn up this torrent – unbridled passion becomes an unstoppable force. How filled is your passion bucket? Is it way up to the top so people feel the heat and the energy when they work around you? No one on your team really cares if your passion is filled by a beautiful dream - they want the passion. Whose job is it to fill a leader’s passion bucket? It’s the leader’s job to fill his or her own passion bucket. How does a leader keep their passion bucket filled? This is where reflection time is warranted. Reading passionate authors, passionate books, getting around passionate people, and going to places that stir your soul. Sometimes helping out one kid just does wonders for a soul. I don’t know what specifically will fill your passion bucket, but you must do whatever you must do. Never forget, everyone around you wins when you lead with enthusiasm and energy. When the pulse rate of an organization speeds up because of the passion of a leader – it’s really cool. Some of you haven’t found your passion – and the reason what you’re leading is not very exciting is because there’s nothing exciting in you. You’re giving yourself to a lesser dream. You either haven’t found it or you haven’t fed it. God will unfold your passion to you if you ask him.
  • 4. Bill Hybels – The Lenses of Leadership Doesn’t matter where you start, you can grow and build a beautiful culture. An organization will only ever be as healthy as the top leader wants it to be. Cultures are begging to be transformed. If you’re wondering where to start, hire an outside firm to measure the culture. Work on whatever the survey results tell you needs fixing the most. It will be way more rewarding than you think it will be. We senior leaders have the unspeakable privilege of helping to change the storyline and the futures of those we lead and love in our organizations. God only really treasures one thing and that’s people. When he takes what he treasure most, people, and he entrusts them to us leaders, we simply must figure out how best to steward the people responsibility. How do we love and lead those people to the zenith of their potential. When it comes to maximizing performance, sooner or later you will be setting goals and working to achieve them. Leaders have to get stuff done. Speed of the leader, speed of the team. Team members want to know exactly what we’re trying to move ahead. We really want to know if we are proud of our progress. Leadership is about maximizing performance – doing so will require constant readjusting of your leadership lenses regarding goals. It’s critical to measure the right things for your team to thrive. Every single worker you employ really wants to know how they’re doing. It’s human nature. Please understand this. It is cruel and unusual punishment to employ a person and not tell them how they’re doing. When a boss never notices you, it kills the worker. Do you drive your organization so hard that it has to misbehave? Do you let it flounder around with no direction or inspiration? Get that right so people know what hill to climb and how fast and whether their leaders are proud of them. Performance LensShattered Lenses
  • 5. Bill Hybels – The Lenses of Leadership Legacy Lens We have to press ahead. We have to move our treasured people from here to there. We’ve got to inspire them and help them perform. But every once in a while we have to peek in the rearview mirror and wonder what we’re leaving behind. This is the legacy lens. What people remember of you once you’re gone. Everybody leaves one. Let’s draw an energy pie – leadership is not fundamentally about time. It’s about energy. Where do you put your energy? Where do you invest your energy? Show me where most of your energy goes. There aren’t do-overs, but there are make-overs. God has specialized in helping people write new narratives for the next chapters of their life. Starting tonight, draw a new energy circle. Think about where God wants you to put your energy. Are you good with how you want to be remembered? If you haven’t realized this yet – leadership can become a legal drug that provides a high that other parts of your life have a hard time competing with. If you’re thriving at work, why would you ever want to go home and change a dirty diaper? No matter how fired up we are about our work, God never intended our vocations to crowd out every other area of our life. His idea was that we would flourish at work, in our faith, in our marriages, flourish with our friends. We would flourish holistically. When you look in the rearview mirror, do you like the kind of legacy you’re leaving behind? Legacies can be made new in a single moment. The forgiven Criminal – Today you will be with me in paradise. The repentant thief. His legacy was that he got his last decision so right that it made up for his past decisions. Chuck Colson – staff to president Nixon – did cruel and heartless stuff. While he was in prison he reflected on his legacy and he hated what he saw. In a moment of deep humility he asked Jesus to guide him. When people remember his name today, they don’t remember the hatchet man – they remember him for building a remarkable organization called Prison Fellowship. The narrative of his life changed when he humbled himself to ask God for help to change his story. Pray a prayer of humility and redirection. Leadership matters. The older I get, the more I realize it matters disproportionately. We need to get better.
  • 6. Bill Hybels – The Lenses of Leadership
  • 7. Alan Mulally, CEO, Ford Working together principles and practices 1. People first – it starts with loving them. 2. Everyone is included – the suppliers, bankers, everyone. 3. Compelling vision, comprehensive strategy, and relentless implementation 4. Clear performance goals – quality, safety, performance requirements 5 years 5. One plan. Facts and data matter Everyone needs to know the plan, the status, and areas that need special attention Propose a plan, have a positive, “find a way” attitude Respect, listen, help, and appreciate each other Emotional resilience – trust the process – if you’re the leader and you look like you’re sick and it’s not going well, the whole place will feel sick. Have fun – enjoy the journey and each other The humor can never be at anyone else’s expense. No jokes ever at anyone else’s expense. Leadership is needed in our world more than ever. People want to go from here to there. Move from I to we. From me to service. There’s just nothing neater than to be asked to serve. The shadow of our leadership is so important and it starts with us.
  • 8. Melinda Gates - Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation All lives have equal value. There is no difference in what we want for our children. There is only a difference in our ability to give it to them. I consider myself an impatient optimist – the world is getting better, despite the headlines we see – when you look, poverty has been cut in half. Since 1990 child deaths and maternal deaths are down by half. But I’m impatient. There are things that the developed world has that if the developing world had, we could cut those rates in half again. If you get the best out of people and the best out of team, you get the best results. The importance of silence – silent retreats over 2 or 3 days. Spiritual lectures and silence. I try to take time for silence every day. I do a spiritual reading, journal, light a candle, and say a prayer. How does the foundation function? The foundation is the embodiment of our values in the world. This belief we have that all lives have equal value, we put our hearts, our minds, and our money behind that every single day. What can we do to make sure people have the same start in life? If you are born in the United States you are fundamentally lucky. If you grow up in Ethiopia, Bangladesh – your chances are so much more diminished. Go in as a learner with a curious mind. You have to listen. Show humility.
  • 9. Jossy Chacko, Founder and President, Empart Enlarge your vision – What does the conversation in your board room and leadership meetings revolve around? Is it maintenance or is it multiplication? The time has come for us as leaders to reactivate the gifts and talents we are trusted with and to take some risk and invest everything, all of it. Then we will begin to see the fruit emerging around the world. It is what God has put inside of you that – when people hear your vision, they should know the size and scale of your God. When they hear your vision, they should be inspired to go do bigger things with their life. Don’t let popularity determine your vision. Let your vision be determined by what the creator has put in you. It means staying focused. But enlarging and getting a bigger horizon, allowing your horizon to get bigger and bigger. You need to have a living vision with passion. People will do anything for a passion-ary. A visionary with a passion. You need the help of others and you need ongoing miracles. Empower your people. – Leadership is all about taking wise chances and giving people opportunities. Overcome your past experiences and empower your people. Don’t be fooled by the package they come in. A good test to see if you’re empowering your people? Take a long vacation and see what happens to your vision. We are there to lay the foundation, and champion, and empower our people. Focus on building the character before you empower them – people don’t fail because of lack of information, they fail because of lack of character. Empowerment has to be through relationship. It’s about leading alongside. Make sure you have the right agreed outcomes and that you build the right process and systems to measure them. KPI’s – key performance indicators. Embrace Risk! – You need to see risk as a friend to love, not as an Don’t allow the fear of losing what you have keep you from losing what God has for you. It’s easy to take a risk when you have nothing to lose. Your vision needs to be permanently hinged to the door of risk. See comfort and safety as your enemies. Who is missing out because you are refusing to take the next step? Embrace fear as your friend and comfort and safety as your enemies. One of the ways we play it safe is we try to work it all out before we do anything. If Moses had board members or advisors, they’d still be in Egypt. Don’t allow the earthly practicalities cause you to forget the heavenly possibilities. It is critical that you begin to increase your pain threshold. Your leadership capacity is a direct correlation of your pain threshold.
  • 10. Travis Bradberry, Coauthor, Emotional Intelligence 2.0 People with average IQs outperformed above average IQ 70% of the time. Emotional intelligence is the stronger predictor for success. Your IQ is only 20% of your success IQ is not what you know, it’s how fast you can learn something. EQ is not personality – it is a stable set of preferences and tendencies through which you approach the world Emotional Intelligence is a flexible skill – you can increase the flow of information between your emotional and rational brain. Self-Awareness – the ability to accurately recognize your emotions as they happen and understand your general tendencies for responding to different people and situations. It’s about leaning in to the discomfort and learning. You spot it, you got it. There are millions of things around us that are perfectly annoying. Only a few things really annoy us and it’s because they’re often a reflection of something in us we don’t like. Self-management – what you do with this increased awareness. Using awareness of your emotions to choose what you say and do, in order to positively direct your behavior. Embrace the feeling and channel it into the behavior you want. Biggest mistake is that we forget that positive emotions need to be managed too. Social awareness – recognizing and understanding the emotions and perspectives of others. Non-verbals. Focus more on the other person than you do on yourself. We’re constantly thinking about what we’re going to say next – how what they’re saying affects us. Relationship management – using awareness of your emotions and the emotions of others to manage interactions successfully. Look at what the world looks like from the other person’s perspective. The biggest mistake we see people make is winning the battle to lose the war. The overall quality of the relationship erodes in the moment. It’s seeing how your behavior impacts other people and adjusting accordingly.
  • 11. Patrick Lencioni, Author, The Ideal Team Player The Ideal Team Player is Humble, Hungry, and Smart. Humble – you’re more interested in others than yourself, you’re not arrogant, you’re about the bigger picture, not yourself. It’s just the recognition of that which is true. It’s not a lack of confidence. “It’s thinking of yourself less, not less of yourself.” - C.S. Lewis Hungry – they want to go above and beyond, they are generally passionate about what they are doing – Smart – people smarts, common sense around people. People who lack hunger and smart – who are just humble – we call them the pawn. They are generally not very effective on a team. They need our prayers, but we probably don’t need to invite them to be on their teams. People who are just hungry are the bulldozer. Lots of ambition, lots of drive – sometimes bulldozers can survive. But they don’t care about people. People who are just Smart – they’re really good with people – they’re not humble, they’re not hungry. We call them the charmer. They never get things done. They’re not that interested in people’s success. We can’t be tolerating people who are egregiously lacking in one of these areas. Don’t use these labels capriciously. Nobody’s perfect. We all struggle. What we’re talking about is over time, people demonstrating a consistent lack of one of these things.
  • 12. Patrick Lencioni, Author, The Ideal Team Player Now looking at the combinations – People who are Humble and Hungry – they have good intentions, they want to get things done, but they’re not smart. They are the accidental mess maker. They ruffle feathers unnecessarily. Humble and Smart – the lovable slacker – they love their teammates – they just don’t want to do a lot of work. They usually do just enough work to make it hard for you to let them go. Smart interpersonally and really Hungry, but not humble. This is the skillful politician. They’re ambitious and hard driving and they know how to make themselves look humble. People follow them and then people wake up one day and they wonder “what are all these scars and why don’t I have a job anymore?” Hiring – somehow there’s a disconnect between what we say matters and who we hire. Generally we overemphasize technical skills. We have very low rigor over hiring team players. We tend to over focus on that which is measureable, verifiable – but behavior always rises to the top. We don’t get people out of the office for their interviews. Get out and see how they’d be in a regular environment. Ask the question a few different times. “How do you deal with conflict? What would your wife say about whether you hold grudges?” Let’s stop doing these siloed interviews. A big part of humility is forgiveness. Ask - Can you ask forgiveness? Can you accept an apology and move on? Scare people with sincerity. Be so clear with them – like southwest airlines – we are so silly and self- deprecating – and if you’re not like that you don’t belong here. We are so committed to these things and if you’re not, you probably will hate it here. And we probably won’t like working with you.
  • 13. Chris McChesney, Author, The 4 Disciplines of Execution The hardest thing a leader will ever do is drive a strategy and change human behavior. Anytime the majority of people behave a particular way the majority of time it’s not the people, it’s the system. 1. – Focus on the wildly important If a team loads up on 2-3 goals in addition to the whirlwind, they’re more likely to get it done. If you set 4-10 goals, they will achieve 1-2. If you set 11-20 goals – nothing will get done. It’s the law of diminishing returns. Narrowing the focus is difficult and counterintuitive. The will always be more good ideas than there is capacity to execute. Rules for discipline 1: Figure out the fewest battles necessary to win the war One WIG per team at the same time (i.e. you’re going to blow the doors off this one thing) You can veto, but don’t dictate. Let the subteams have a voice and let them tell you what they’re going to bring to the table. A WIG must have a gap – from X to Y by when. From a concept to a target. X is the starting line, y is the finish line, when is the deadline. When you set a Wildly Important Goal, accountability goes up. So does morale and engagement. There’s a little switch in people’s heads that says “game on!” Think about the difference here in phrasing of a goal – do we want to lead the world in space exploration vs. get a man on the moon. Which one is more inspiring? 2. Execution doesn’t like complexity. The two best friends of execution are simplicity and transparency. Act on the lead measures. Lag Measures – goal Lead Measures – Predictive of goal success, influencable by the team. The golden rule of execution. To lose weight Lag measures – lbs. Lead measure – diet and exercise… Everybody knows diet and exercise, what everybody doesn’t know is how many calories I’ve eaten this morning and how many calories I’ve burned. There’s a big difference between knowing a thing and knowing the data behind the thing. Give the frontline your best thinking – don’t dictate. Lead measure – payless shoe source – transaction data vs. lead measure – measure the kids feet, they tripled their sales. Bad news – data is hard to get Good news – it’s like solving a puzzle More bad news – people will forget about it in 3 days
  • 14. Chris McChesney, Author, The 4 Disciplines of Execution 3. Keep a compelling scoreboard. People play differently when they are keeping score. What we’re looking for is a players scoreboard, not a coaches scoreboard. These: Are simple, Are highly visible to the player, Have the right “lead” and “lag” measures 4. Create a cadence of accountability The number 1 driver of morale and engagement is whether a person feels like they are winning. When it comes to engagement, it’s about the work. Disciplines 1 2 and 3 create a winnable game. Do the people who work for me feel like they are playing a winnable game? Ask your team - What are the 1 to 3 most important things we can do this week that will have the biggest impact on the lead measure – have a weekly 20 minute meeting. This is just-in-time strategic planning. They are never urgent things. There are always 50 things in the whirlwind that are more urgent. Urgent trumps important. The worst part of a whirlwind week – you didn’t actually get anything done. At these meetings - Report on last week’s commitments. Review and update scoreboard. Make commitments for next week As leaders, don’t give people their commitments, you gotta pull it. Great execution is about creating a pull – a high stakes, winnable game. Story about a valet service that was receiving bad reviews - What’s the most meaningful measure? It’s car retrieval time. It was the one thing they weren’t measuring. They were measuring EVERYTHING else. In 2 weeks they figured out how to measure it. In south beach Miami, one hotel had a wall, cars had to be parked 3 deep – during a wig session, one kid said “that wall is coming down.” Didn’t check with anyone, didn’t ask permission, didn’t even ask if It was load bearing. The team brought the concrete saws and busted the wall down. Leadership said “if we had come up with that idea, we couldn’t have gotten them to do it by gunpoint” The rules, the natural laws of execution, turn out to be the very same rules and laws for engagement. As a leader, ask yourself -- Do the people who work for me feel like they are playing a high stakes, winnable game?
  • 15. Erin Meyer, Author, The Culture Map Culture mapping – communicating, evaluating, leading, deciding, trusting, disagreeing, scheduling, persuading. Example of cultural difference in Communication -- Low vs, high context communication. When we communicate, we assume that we have a low level of context points. In the cultures of low context, we believe communication is simple, explicit, and direct. In a high context culture – we believe communication should be implicit, layered, nuanced. The Japanese is the highest context culture – there’s a word that means you don’t read the atmosphere. The US is the lowest context country in the world. In French, there is a word that means don’t listen to my words, listen to my meaning. In low context cultures we tend to get things in writing. In high context, we just know what is supposed to be done. Global teams need low context processes. With low context people, be as explicit as possible. Put it in writing, repeat key points. With high context people ask clarifying questions, repeat yourself less, and work on increasing the ability to read the air. – the culture map 2015-1
  • 16. Erin Meyer, Author, The Culture Map
  • 17. John Maxwell, AuthorWhen you sow into a leader’s life, when you really commit to giving leaders the best you have and reproducing leaders, the return becomes quite amazing. Everything rises and falls on leadership. When good leadership is in place, everything rises. Leaders lift. If you are a leader you have the ability to either truly bless people or curse people. The one thing I want you to do every day is intentionally add value to people. Adding value to people is so essential, it is the core of leadership. The first question I ask world leaders is are you adding value to people or are you asking them to add value to you. There is a thin line between motivating people and manipulating people. Manipulating people is always wrong. There are three questions that followers ask leaders. Doesn’t matter the culture, country, or time, Do you like me? - compassion Can you help me? - competence Can I trust you? – character Everything worthwhile is uphill. Life is not easy, never has been, isn’t supposed to be. Everything we have in our life, if it’s precious and beautiful, it’s uphill. If you have a healthy marriage, if you’re going to build into a person, if you’re going to be healthy, it’s uphill. People have uphill hopes, and they have downhill habits. The only way that you and I can break a downhill habit is to get intentional in our life. No one has ever spoken about accidental achievement. Intentional living is deliberate. Significance is not about me, it’s about others. There’s a downhill habit that fights against significance, and that is selfishness. Significance and selfishness are incompatible.
  • 18. Bishop T.D. Jakes, Author, Pastor, Filmmaker We allow people to put a period where God puts a comma. There’s more than one tree in a seed. The haters are a symptom that you are on the right track. You can’t walk through the door of destiny without walking through the hall of haters. They’re not always wrong. Eat the meat and throw away the bones. Great story telling is to allow people to see themselves without assaulting them with the true they see. If you’re going to affect the culture, you have to escape the walls of our sanctuary. You are no greater than the people you put around you. Jesus spent more time with the 12 than the 5,000. Your dream should be bigger than you. If you can fill the whole dream with yourself, it’s too small. I don’t think you’re really great until you can be around great people without feeling intimidated. The art of being able to manage many things is to not neglect the same thing twice, if you have to hold it to have it, you didn’t hire the right people. Any time you take on new things, it takes you a while to learn how to manage it. You don’t want to stay tired, whenever something is overwhelming to me, it means I need to restructure in order to be able to carry weight. It is not where we want to go that is the biggest problem, the biggest problem is what are we willing to leave behind to get there. What do I need to let go? A lot of times we’re trying to save bread, but God did not mean for you to save yesterday’s vision. Give us this day our daily bread. How can I give you this day’s bread when you’re holding on to yesterday’s bread, letting the worms stop you? A lot of leaders have issues with this – if I let go of yesterday’s bread it means I’ve failed, but sometimes the worms are a good thing.
  • 19. Bishop T.D. Jakes, Author, Pastor, Filmmaker We are tempted to dislike differences and to distrust people from a different culture. We need a worldwide comprehensive plan that attacks hunger, poverty, disease. The fevers are going to come out to anarchy. Anarchy erupts because someone in power forgot about someone who wasn’t. Faith without works is dead. We have to be intentional about love. You have to be intentional about tearing down the natural propensity in humans to remain comfortable. There is not one thing God made that he did not put a seed in. you are gifted with multiple gifts. That seed is potential. What are you going to do with what God gave you? What he wants from us is to take what he gave us and multiply it. God has given you more than your life shows, than your occupation has demanded. You are more than what they call you, pay you, or think about you. If you can think the impossible, the invisible, the intangible, you will be shocked how you can reach the unfathomable. John 1:5 – the light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it. We’ve been given the power to scatter the darkness, no matter how little the light may seem. Self-reflection is a universal blind spot for type a leaders. If I don’t punctuate my activity with times of self-reflection, I pay and everyone around me pays. Take inventory.
  • 20. Dr. HenryCloud, Author, The Power of the Other Who are you connected to? Only 4 possibilities of connection that are either going to be restoring or killing your heart. Corner number 1. Corner of no connection. God has put every human on the earth with a chip searching for connection. You still have that chip. But we hear this myth – it’s lonely at the top. Your brain is not going to work if you’re isolated. Corner 2. Bad connection -- There’s somebody in it with me but it doesn’t feel too good. The hardest place to be with no connection is in a relationship. But in 2 – the connection leaves us feeling in some way like I’m bad. Like I’ll never meet this person’s expectations. Corner 3 – good connection – it’s a fake good though. We do something that relieves the pain of feeling inferior or bad or not good enough. It might be a substance, could be driving your team to greater and greater numbers. Corner 4 – the only way to drive, the one factor that drives all of this is real connection. The power of the other. It’s a relationship where I can walk into the corner in a place of need. And I have someone else in the corner that can meet my needs.
  • 21. Shauna Niequist, Author, Present over Perfect I believed the myth that you are what you do, you are what you build, you are what you measure, you are what other people think of you. Over time I stopped seeing anything other than deadlines, to do lists, ways to succeed or fail. Everything felt like an opportunity to succeed or fail. The two emotions I felt most often were exhaustion and isolation. My greatest regret – I placed my family, my own soul, at the altar of achievement. The love I was looking for all along was never found in the hustle – you can’t earn it, compete for it – you can just make space for it and listen for it. The love you’re looking for is never something you can calculate. You can’t buy, earn, or hustle for it. It’s something you receive. As you practice the risky sacred act of being exactly who you are. Conduct a satisfaction audit – on a 0-10 scale – where are you finding satisfaction? Is the hustle worth it? Are you chasing something that will ultimately leave you dissatisfied? Redefine what success and true achievement is. No matter how off course you’ve gone, God enjoys rewriting stories. He loves to make all things new. Fix broken stuff. Heal stuff that’s been torn apart. Loves to mend and restore. To make all things new.
  • 22. DanielleStrickland, Social Justice Secretary, Salvation Army True humility is agreeing with God about who you are. Gideon plays the tape – but I am the least in my family which is the smallest in the tribe which is the smallest tribe in all of Israel. We all have a tape. We have to stop playing that tape and replace it with the tape God plays for us – come into agreement with what God says we are. Gideon is making pockets of dependency in his personal life. We don’t struggle with codependency, we struggle with self- sufficiency. We lead our lives in such a way that other than a good parking spot, we don’t need God to show up. How can we come to agreement about who God is if we don’t have experience with who God is in our lives. You have to create space in your life where only God can meet you.
  • 23. Horst Schulze, CEO, Capella Hotel Group Look at the market segment – know what segment you’re in in order to be able to give that segment what they want. How am I going to be successful in it? You have to be more sufficient than the competition. In order to do that you have to know what the customer wants. You have to be more efficient. You have to know, - how am I going to make my product to this customer better than the competition does. And how am I going to make sure it costs me less? Attach and create leadership to this. Management is excellence in efficiency and sufficiency. The customer wants three things – 1. No defect, 2. That you serve them timely and 3. That you care. The caring piece drives customer satisfaction more than anything else. Do honor, As soon as the guest is announced, show complete humility by a bowing of the head. That is sufficiency in hospitality. Let a superior sit with him, the superior shall break his fast for the sake of a guest. Let the abbot give the guest water for his hands, let the abbot wash his feet. All guests should be received with care and kindness. Taylorism out of the industrial revolution – management was created – we want to produce a lot of things very fast. Before that it was the proprietor who had a few people working for them. Mass production took over. Mass production says – we think and the workers do. Management should be about managing processes and product. Not people. You lead people. Leadership cares and involves people. Leadership asks if it is good for all concerned. Show them day 1 what their destination is, who the organization is, tell them how it benefits all concerned. Alignment means you align them to your heart and soul and belief system, and show them how they can benefit from it. The first day is so important. Don’t hire people just for function. We shouldn’t hire human beings for function. The chairs we sit in fill a function. We hire them to be part of a thought, a purpose, and a dream. Always tell them why. Adam smith wrote a book – human beings cannot relate to orders and directions. Human beings can relate to motive and objective. Statistics show that there are 56,000 mistakes per million transactions in every business. Efficiencies are not cutting cost. Eliminate re-work. Eliminate unimportant work. Look at every input, negotiate every item, you just became efficient. The greatest saving, the greatest efficiency you can have in your business is the elimination of defects.
  • 24. Wilfredo de Jesus, Pastor We have a culture that’s drifting. How do we lead in a culture that’s drifting? In a world that’s dominated by fears? No one drifts upstream. No one drifts to holiness. It takes effort and determination. Stay the course. It will get you there. When we must stay the course, we must establish a true north. A map and a compass – a map changes, but a compass always points due north. North never changes. How we respond matters. It’s important to respond well to a culture drift. You are the salt and you are the light. We have to have equally radical commitments to love and truth. The American dream is to have it all. The kingdom dream is to lose it all. We belong to another king in a different kingdom who has already established a true north for us.