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I Had Became A Leader Essay
I've never been a leader. Growing up, whenever my friends wanted to play a game or do something I would just go along with it. I never argued
because I hated conflict. I always chose to follow them. I grew up thinking that being a leader was something you were born with. My friends were
supposed to lead and I was supposed to follow. Being a leader meant being bossy and opinionated. I was wrong. This quarter I have learned that I, too,
can be leader and all it takes is practice honing my skills.
As a leader, I will lead a team that is ethically responsible. Through possessing a positive attitude, being dependable, being responsible and showing
integrity I will show my team that I am someone they can trust. Respect has to be earned, but I always give respect when I meet a person and from
then on it can either go up or it can go down whichever way that person wants it.
There are 5 big traits that I want to possess as a leader. Agreeableness and conscientiousness are my most prominent traits. Extroversion, open to new
experiences and neuroticism are my least prominent traits. I believe I need to emphasize being extroverted as a leader. Talking to people and being
social is something I believe a leader should know how to do to communicate. I think my agreeableness needs to be downplayed. I struggle with
saying no and feeling like I need to do whatever I can whenever I can. Leaders have to make tough decisions and turn things down sometimes. I
struggle with that. Knowing that I
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What Leadership Means to Me Essay
My idea of leadership is being able to inspire others, motivate, set a vision, communicate, respect others, and of course, lead by example. A leader
must have an honest understanding of who they are, what they know, and what they are capable of. To be a successful leader, you have to be able
to convince your followers, not just yourself or your superiors, that you are worthy of being followed. In my opinion, this can build confidence in
their followers to have faith in you, in order to be able to lead. I strongly believe that good leaders are made rather, and not born. If you have the desire
and willpower, you can become an effective leader. Good leaders are developed through a never ending process of self–study, education, training, and more content...
The way in which I communicate either builds or can harm the relationship between my soldier and I. When an important moment of discussion
arises, I am always prepared to appropriately handle the situation at hand. More than anything else, I believe as a leader it is always important to
have great social skills in order to be communicative with clarity and objectiveness, and to have a good relationship with the ones I lead. As a
leader, I understand the meaning of recognition and praise when one is doing a good job, which too is significantly important. A leader is not
always the first to have an idea, but should be the one who is always seeking out new solutions. One way of being a productive leader is
discovering new ways to accomplish a set of tasks while maintaining a positive attitude. If a soldier is demonstrating a bad attitude because he feels
that he can not accomplish a task then my job as a leader, would be to steadily encourage that soldier to work at being all that he can be. A leader to
me, does not need to always know the answer, but believes it to be important to have the initiative to make an answer appear. One form of bad
leadership would be an NCO performing or demonstrating a task that he knows nothing about in front of his soldiers. In the result of the NCO not
performing or demonstrating the task at hand correctly, the soldiers then become incapable of knowing the proper ways of that task. However, if that
NCO had
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What Being A Leader Means
Being a great leader takes more than one quality. To be a leader requires courage bravery social skills and intelligence. Being a leader requires you
to have enough courage to do what needs to be done and what is right. Having enough courage to do what is right is most likely the hardest part
about being a leader it requires you to make decisions that you might not agree with. Being courageous means you have to do what is right even if it
means that you might lose something you thought was valuable. When you are a leader you have to have the courage to not k my make decisions but
also work with your group or team to accomplish set task. Being a leader means that you can't just sit there and watch as your group does the work
you more content...
Being a leader means you have to be smart enough to put the group ahead of personal gain. You have to be smart enough to know that if you don't
put the group first the group will turn on you and you will no longer be the leader. If a group looks to you as a leader it means they think that
you're smart enough to make the right decisions for the group. A leader is someone who will make the smart choice for the group and not for
personal gain. A leader also has to be smart enough to realize all his options and not get caught up on one or two. A leader also has to be smart
enough to know when to get involved in something and when not too. If a leader sees and situation that can be avoided they have to be smart
enough to know if the group would benefit or not from being involved. A leader has to know if being involved in something is the right choice or not
and you have to be able to think about what the outcome will be. A leader also has to be able to determine the outcome of the options presented to
them. If a leader isn't smart enough to think about the consequences of an action the leader could bring bad consequences on the group. The leader of a
group has to be smart enough to determine the consequences and see which will benefit the group the most. A leader has to be smart enough to see the
outcome of a situation and determine what the best option
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The Myth Of Selfishness And Being A Leader
How many jobs have you worked for that the leader is always right and will stop at nothing to get what they want? This is not uncommon to hear
and almost seems as if it is the norm in today's society. A leader being someone that you can turn to for trust and admired for his or her ethic
behaviors almost seems as if it is a myth. It seems that these traits are passed on by leaders and fellow coworkers, a 'monkey see, monkey do' affect.
But "what if we are born with raging little egos (as anyone who has ever tried to comfort a squalling infant at three in the morning will readily
attest), but also just as innately born to satisfy our self needs by being social and cooperative, even altruistic" (Conniff, 2005, p. 18)? This
contradictory statement almost seems absurd to even imagine that it would work. In this paper, I will talk about how being selfish and being a
leader can fit together and not always have negative outcomes and cynical backlash from employees. Back when I was in my teens, I was bussing
tables for a restaurant in Ohio. There was one server who always went out of her way to help the bussers out. She would help clear her own tables,
in her down time she would lend a hand with other duties and tip us a little more at the end of the night. In return, during our lunch and dinner rushes,
we would always cater to her tables a little more, that way she could wait on more tables and make more money. It was a system we had, we were
both selfish with our methods, but it
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Being a Good Leader Essay
Leadership is a term on which no one can develop a mutual consensus as it carries a different meaning for ach individual. Some people may
consider a person as their leader who is capable of taking them away from hardships, some people may consider the one as their leader who is quite
charismatic and can show them dreams of a bright future or some people may consider that man as a leader who can make them progress by
devising wise strategies for them etc. There is, somehow, something very common in all the perspectives that are the philosophy behind the
definition, which is related to choosing a best of the best person as their leader. Nobody wants to have a person as his leader who doesn't have
knowledge of the needs and aspirations of more content...
No one can get success without having the trust of people on his capabilities because without that he won't be able to gain enough confidence to
take desired actions without the fear of being rejected. Lastly, he must take some steps in order to prove him a leader and also to make him realize
his very own potential (Jim Murray). So, from the above definitions we may draw a difference between leaders and managers as leaders do have a
vision, goal and objective, which he tries to make effective and purposeful. On the contrary, the managers only have to maintain their efficiency on
day–to–day basis. In other words administration is the task of managers but innovation is the characteristic of leaders and there is a possibility of a
manager becoming a leader by setting high standards and goals for his people. It is not the task of this paper to present a difference between both
but it is important to present it only because of its being necessary to clear the concept of a leader. So, a good leader is a person who can look high
into the horizons when the people are looking down in the bottom line. This makes other people follow their footsteps as everyone wants to move
towards horizon to explore new dimensions of practicality. So, first and foremost quality of a leader is not only to see at high things but also make
the people see and strive for the same thing. For this purpose, they have to monitor even minor things by making people feel valued and inspired. A
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Essay on Qualities of a Good Leader
Qualities of a Good Leader
Monkey see monkey do; that is how people in a community follow their leader. They may not follow him or her action for action but in essence
they do. If the leader is selfish and greedy then the people will grow selfish and greedy. If a leader is humble and has a mind and heart to serve the
people instead of being served, the nature of the people will become more cordial. A leader is tasked with the governing and care of those under him
/her, says a leader is " a guiding or directing head". A leader should lead by example; serving willingly, taking responsibility, and
staying humble because the people under them will start to adopt and behave like their leader.
A good leader is humble, more content...
This story shows us that one quality a leader needs is trust. A leader needs to be able to trust his people; in order for a leader to be able to trust his
people he must get to know them. This is where king must be one with the people comes into the picture.
A leader who does not know his people will not be able to trust his people. It is also impossible to trust something you do not know or have a
relationship with. Christians place their trust in God because we have a relationship with Him. Knowing your people can also be applied to making
decisions for them. If a leader knows his people and knows their concerns, their needs, their desires, and their routines then he will be able to make
choices that will benefit the lives of his people. God makes decisions that are for our good. We may not understand right away why it is a good thing
but Jeremiah 29:11 assures us that it is for our prosperity.
Arthur provided and took care of his knights and people because he knew them. He ensured the people's security and peace; as for his knights, he
took care of their needs in the field and supported them if they needed it. In battle and out of battle, Arthur would have made sure to take care of his
knights and serve them. One way Arthur protected his Knights was training. Legend says King Arthur was an expert swordsman and he was a force in
battle. If he truly cared for the lives of his knights he would have taught them what he knows. He equipped his men
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The Role Of A Leader Essay
The role of a leader is often seen as to lead. However, there are many ways and styles that can be adopted by a leader, Until recently a manager was
seen as a leader, but there is an increasing differentiation made in the commercial world between a manager and a leader. Therefore, in this paper
there will be the aim of defining what a leader is, how they may be effective and how skills may be developed by a potential leader. Webster's
English Dictionary defines a leader as "One who, or that which, leads or conducts; a guide; a conductor. Especially: (a) One who goes first. (b) One
having authority to direct; a chief; a commander" ( This gives us the insight into how leaders are seen today. In the past a leader and a
manager were one and the same thing, with the advent of scientific management and the development of the theories of Frederick Winslow Taylor the
job of the manager or leader was to gain the greatest value from the employees. In many easy, this is still the role of the leader. However, the methods
and perceptions regarding the way in which this is achieved have changed greatly. The industrial revolution that embodies scientific management saw
standardisation in the use of procedures and tools, with the one best method being dictated to the most suitable employee, who was expected to perform
the task in their machine like manner. The tasks were broken down into the smallest components which would acquire the issues give or training. John
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What Makes A Good Leader? Essay
Being a leader can be challenging, especially if you do not know how to adjust your leadership techniques based on the situation. Things that might be
perfect in one case, can be absolutely disastrous in another. The ability to listen, watch and adjust according to the situation are some of the qualities
that define a good leader. I really enjoyed watching the video, where Tom Peters was talking about the importance of listening. I agree, that as a
manager you should be open to conversations with subordinates and peers, and should be open–minded in that matter. As it was mentioned in the video
and throughout the discussion board interactions, a lot of people are unable to listen to others, and usually intervene within the first 20 seconds. The
ability to listen is something that can be developed. Some leaders have the idea in their head, and are unable to change their mind. It does not matter
how many people they talk to, they just cannot accept a different view, or look at the situation from a different angle. They can hear, but do not
actually listen. We watched a lot of interesting videos of leaders and professors talking about the biggest mistakes that leaders can make. One thing
that most of them mentioned is the importance of living up to the same moral values that they propose to subordinates. It is important to lead "from
the front", being a role model for the people who work for you. This type of leaders have significantly more chances to build a team, where people
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Leader as a Role Model
Role Model People who influence our lives in positive ways a called role models, it is a key quality of a leader to be a role model. Followers want to
follow a leader who they can point to as an example in almost every thing they do. Good leaders set the pace for their followers by their lifestyle,
behavior, and actions. Leader as a role model Followers will become a fan for life for a leader who becomes a mirror through which they see
themselves and make adjustments to live a worthy and better life. If truly one wants to survive in the leader ship position he will have to pay close
attention to the needs of the followers. If the leader wants to lead by example it is not simply being proactive or taking initiative when a call to action is more content...
Be supportive to your team members and do every thing you can to encourage their success over your own. Be dependable. Being dependable is
an extremely important quality. When you say that you will do something, you should do it. Be punctual. People will be relying on you and it is
important to follow through on all your commitments. Always keep a positive attitude even when times are though. Smiles are catchy and
sometimes that is all one needs to brighten someone else's day. Always hope for the best but be gracious if disappointment comes your way.
Persistence is important for success. No matter what you do, there will be obstacles. Do not let the road blocks stop you. Stay focused and never
gives up. Have courage, be confident who you are and in your abilities. You worked hard to get where you are .believe in your self and your team. Be
generous with your time and with your talents. Spend time doing things for others in your community. Volunteer with local organizations your efforts
will not only be rewarded personally but also will be appreciated by those around you. Be respectful, mind your manners and practice proper etiquette.
Treat everyone you encounter with respect. Set an example of how to be kind to others and how to handle yourself with grace. Know your team, what
are their problems? What are they concerned about? What are
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I Am Becoming A Leader
As a child, I was the student that helped other students with their projects and homework. I was the one the teacher looked to, and knew I'd be
able to speak to my peers in a way that would make sense to them. I became a mentor to those that struggled, and a friend to those that required
more than just homework help. As an adult, this feeling and need to help others did not go away, it evolved. No longer am I helping with homework;
I am guiding coworkers and becoming the associate my boss relies on. I am becoming a leader; someone for others to look up to and motivate them to
do better. Inspiring others to stretch themselves and not give up is something I strive to do every day. By completing my graduate degree in more content...
Although those benefits are still important, they are not the only type of benefits an employer must offer. New employees are expecting benefits for
domestic partners, extended paid maternity/paternity leave as well as work–life balance. Similarly to the benefits employees are seeking today,
work–life balance tops the chart. People are beginning to integrate work and life on a daily basis. No longer do most employees want the nine–to–five
job, they want the flexibility to leave at two in the afternoon to see their daughter's play or work from home in the event of a repairman coming over.
Either way, work–life balance is an attractive arrangement for many and by allowing for this type of benefit, companies are having to be sure that the
time spent away from the office is an effective and efficient use of time and does not end up costing the company down time. I don't believe this
benefit will be going away anytime soon, just the opposite, I believe it will become a top contender when searching for employment, and those that
don't offer it may find they have a tougher time hiring qualified candidates. In addition to work–life balance, conducting business in the digital–era
comes with many of its own complications. First and foremost, companies must keep up with technology to stay competitive in the market place. This
means expensive computers, mobile devices for its employees and paying top dollar for
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Becoming A Leader
Becoming a leader is every challenging and complex task to accomplish. Many of us hope to become great leaders that will be loved by their
employees and colleagues. However, after reading the first nine chapters of the book, I realized the challenges ahead of me that I have to
overcome in order to become a good leader and a good healthcare administrator. When I first started doing the healthcare executive competency
assessment tool, I did not realize the impact it'll have or the benefit of it. At first I was skeptical of it, however, after completing the task I realized how
much gap and areas of growth that I needed to work on in order to become a great leader. I also came to a conclusion that in order to become a good
leader it takes more content...
Therefore, the best and the fastest way to gain knowledge is through experience. As I mentioned before the greatest way to narrow my gaps is to work
in a larger healthcare organization that would allow me to participate in different areas such as financial management. In addition to my gaps, I have
areas that require growth in this portion of the assessment, such as, the business side of healthcare and how to implement it in healthcare settings.
This can be achieved by becoming more involved in the business sector of healthcare. Overall, this assessment tool was very beneficial and useful.
It showed me my strengths, weakness and areas that need growth. I would be able to work on my gaps and weaknesses, so i could reach my full
potential and hopefully become a great leader. I'll continue to use this tool to assess myself regularly to see the progress i have made and areas that
still needs growth because there is always room for
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What Is A Leader? Essay
What is a leader? When thinking about this question I feel like you have to really know what it means to be a leader. Webster Dictionary definition
is: a time when a person holds the position of a leader. No one is born a leader, leaderships skills comes from life experiences, education and
employment. Everyone grows into a leader and then afterwards grow into a leadership style that will eventually begin to shape and inspire other
leaders. Having a title or high above power does not make you a leader. Inspiring and providing great communication, confidence, advice, laughs,
knowledge, honesty and reality. Those great skills help you become a great leader. Even with these great leadership skills, there are many different
kinds of leadership styles.
"Becoming the kind of leader that people would follow voluntarily; even if you had no title or position." –Brian Tracy
Are you a participative leader? Participative leaders or better known as democratic leaders include team members and others, but making the final
decision is up to the participative leader. Participative leaders build confidence and knowledge within team members because their inputs matter within
decision making. It helps team members think their opinions, help with decisions. If there is a change that needs to be implemented a participative
leader helps team members understand the change in a positive way. I would definitely consider myself a participative leader because I love gathering
as many
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Reflection On Being A Leader
I believe that being a leader is an opportunity. An opportunity to lead a team to better themselves while working alongside one another to accomplish a
common goal. A leader is someone who is always eager to learn and grow. Leaders understand that it is important to continue to improve their skills,
and they look for opportunities which will further their knowledge and strengthen their ability to lead. Effective leaders understand that listening is an
essential skill to understanding their team. After understanding what motivates each member, they will use this knowledge to inspire and drive each
member to greatness. Leaders are committed to their team, and the objective or goal the they have set. If a situation arises, a leader is
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One of the most important aspects of being a leader is understanding your strengths and weaknesses; while taking BUSI 4200, I identified my top
strengths and where I am not as strong. I now understand the top qualities of leaders, and I am able to identify these qualities within both myself
and others. One lesson I learned while leading is that most people do not listen to those that dictate rather than leading by example. During my
BUSI 3200 course, I found that if I took the initiative to start the research on our group project or I would send an email to all the team members,
the level of participation from the rest of the group was much higher. Not only was it more effective when I lead by example, but taking the time to
know and understand who I was working with was a key success to our team. Knowing the strengths and weakness of each individual for many of
the groups I have worked in over my time at East Carolina has proven to be effective for the team as a whole. One lesson that I have learned as a
follower, is that it is difficult to always have the answer in every situation, especially in a leadership role. Leaders will make mistakes; part of the
leadership process is to recognize the mistake one made and learn from it to grow as an effective leader. I have also found that even if you are not in
a leadership position, many leaders count on their followers to
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Essay about How to become a better leader
I believe good leaders have the desire and willpower to become an effective leader. Good leaders develop through a never ending process of self–study,
education, training, and experience. I think one of a leaders' main goals should be to inspire their workers into higher levels of teamwork, which can
be acquired through continual work and study. Good leaders should constantly be working and studying to improve their leadership skills. Leadership
is defined as a process by which a person influences others to accomplish an objective and directs the organization in a way that makes it more
cohesive and coherent. Leaders carry out this process by applying their leadership attributes, such as beliefs, values, ethics, character, knowledge, and more content...
I also have a hard time saying no if someone is willing to take control and lead the group. Another weakness of mine is communication. I am always
very good at paying attention in class and, therefore, if I hear the teacher give requirements for a project, I just assume that everyone else is paying
equal attention. I need to make a more conscience effort to make sure that everyone is communicating with one another and is aware of what needs
to be accomplished. This ensures the team will be building a healthy relationship and working together. Lastly, I have to remember that everyone is
different and that we all don't approach tasks in the same way. I must use my sense of judgment to assess each person and determine what kind of
work load I honestly think they will complete effectively based on their schedule. If the work is not completed when it is supposed to be done, I
need to learn how to confront that person and ask them why it has not been done and make sure that they understand that this is going to put us
behind. I always want people to like me and this is the main reason that I have a hard to giving constructive criticism and approaching people. These
are a few areas that would be holding me back from being an effective leader.
This summer I was the team leader for my group internship presentation project for Enterprise. Our topic was to explain how the founding values of the
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My Philosophy Of Being A Leader
During the course of leadership, my philosophy of being a leader changed from managing people to leading them. To be a leader means to help
people solving problems, being decisive and taking responsibility for decisions, creating teams, having individual approach to people using emotional
intelligence, connecting superior's needs with subordinates' outcomes in pleasant, effective environment. It is also essential for a leader to know
himself well. Knowing own personality it is easier to communicate effectively and achieve goals depicted above. Leader should also be fair, patient,
and stoic as giving good example creates high standard of working environment. Leader should also understand environment to create good structure of more content...
It is also important to react for improper, unacceptable behavior, even if such reaction could cost a leader his carrier. There should be no
exceptions and favor in teams, because such unequal treatment firstly undermines leader's authority, and secondly encourages team members to
fight for leader's favor. Such team quickly becomes toxic, and unhealthy competition between members engage energy, which is unproductive and
causes 'bad blood' in the team. Leader's job is to pay attention for such tendency in the team and as a team builder; leader needs to be just and
immune for compliments. Sometimes leader needs to clean toxic atmosphere by removing 'black ship' from the team. Such decision is not easy
to make and many times is leader's responsibility. Making decisions is one of the most important responsibilities of the leader. One of mine
leaders Col. Robert Cierniak said 'leader needs to make decisions, because not making it is worse than making wrong one. Being mistaken at least
gives you progress from the lesson learned. Not making decision gives you no progress at all. No progress means regress'. Even more, a good
manager make one good decision within three made. That is why making decisions means making mistakes. Moreover, it is important for the leader to
be not only a manager but also a psychologist. It is essential for good leader to understand that his decisions have impact on people, their lives, their
future behavior, beliefs. Every action
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The Essence Of Being A Leader
3Focus on the essence of being a leader
Being a leader is not a position you gain; it's not about having a special title or a specific role within an organisation. Being a leader is about behaviour
and actions. You can be a leader even if you aren't at a senior level at an organisation and you can find examples of people who call themselves leaders
because of their position of power, but who in fact act more like bosses. Whatever you do, always remember the essence of being a leader: sharing
your vision with people and inspiring them to follow your cause.
Examine different leaders, listen to them sharing their wisdom and discover the characteristics, skills and traits that make them successful at what they
do. You can find many resources onleadership and being a leader. One great way is to watch interviews. For example, the YouTube clip below has
Richard Branson sharing his views on the essential quality of a leader:
Use the information and experience to develop your own leadership style and strategy. Identify your strengths and weaknesses as a leader, utilising
them as part of your chosen style. By understanding your own behaviour and how it influences your abilities as a leader, you can continue developing
your skills. But more important is how it can help you realise how its your behaviour that defines your success as a leader, not your place within an
organisation's hierarchy.
You can't be complacent and expect people the look up to you as a leader when you gain a
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Effective Leadership Essay
In today's competitive world, leadership skills are crucial for both personal and professional development. Leadership is an important function of
management which helps an individual or a business to maximize efficiency and to achieve goals. Leadership has different meanings to various
authors.Most commonly, leadership is defined as influence, that is, the art of influencing people so that they will strive willingly and enthusiastically
toward the achievement of group goals. (Koontz). Leadership is the process of influencing the activities of either formal or informal group in the task
of goal setting and goal achievement. A leader is one whose magnetic personality innervates people for some cause. Not by words, but by their actions is more content...
People requires good leadership skills at personal, professional and social level. Personal leadership helps us to determine our desires, strengths and
abilities. It means Knowing what we want out of life; knowing what success is for us; what are our goals and how to achieve those goals regardless
of what other people think, say, or do. Personal leadership helps us to make our present better and shape a good future. Good leadership is also
important to run a business. Usually, in companies, management stresses more on decision– making skills. They believe a timely and smart decision
will help their company to succeed. They forget that implementation of those decisions are as important as making those decision. Without a proper
implementation , there will be no results. Like there is a saying that, it's easier to said than done. Similarly, making a decision will change nothing, its
how to get things done in a timely and an effective way will help an organization to accomplish their goals. Leadership is crucial in implementing
decisions correctly and successfully. Each of us understand importance of leadership when it comes to our country. We all try to vote for the best
person in elections because it matters who is in office. President make decisions concerning our lives, country, and the world. As a nation, we place no
greater responsibility on any one individual than we do on the president. Therefore, leadership
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Essay On Becoming A Leader
My Assessment Results as a Leader
It takes more than sustaining and improving current forms of value to build a platform for success in tomorrow's business environment. Organizations
need to explore strategic ways to devise new and innovative forms of value, a true innovation system relies on the ability to capture and interpret the
articulated and unarticulated needs of your current and future customers, it requires the leadership behavior, infrastructure, and processes to execute
effectively on key insights. Creating new value means more than developing new technologies, products, and services using traditional product
development processes. Strategic innovation covers all areas of the business model such as customer experiences, more content...
Learn from the past and take time to think through the implications of each decision for the future (Guidance for first time managers on becoming an
effective leader (n.d).
Do get to know each team member's work style, strengths, weaknesses, and motivators – Drive results by utilizing each individual's strengths. It is
critical that you assemble a team of individuals that are strong in different areas in order to capture all of the talents you will need to produce the end
result you want. Learn what motivates each individual and how to manage them in order to yield the best results from each person. By taking the time
to uncover the strengths of each individual on the team you can leverage each person's unique capabilities and drive superior performance. You will
get more energy and effort from your team if they are focused on expanding and accelerating what they are doing well versus trying to become
something they are not.
Do know that accountability is everything –Without follow–through even the best strategic plans go nowhere. As the business owner, leader, or
manager your job is to devise the strategy and plan but to put measuring, tracking, and follow–up in place in order to drive it to completion. What you
measure grows. Make sure that the most important pillars of your team's success are well defined, documented, and measured consistently. Do be
inspired and inspiring – You set the tone, pace, and expectation for your
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What Makes a Leader? Essay
To me, leadership is more than a title. It is more than just being in charge. Leadership is honestly, learning, listening, and most importantly application.
Leadership means going the extra mile or two, doing the right thing no matter who's looking, staying encouraged and encouraging other even when
times are hard and you have every reason to quit. Leadership doesn't mean you're rich, well known, liked, or respected but it does mean you are a
passionate, caring, and authentic. Leadership means you care about something so much you are willing to risk everything you have for this belief or
idea. Leadership is doing whatever you can in your power to make things better for those around you.
Although, that is the definition of leadership more content...
You don't have to be sure of every single action but you can't fear the future or change because in order to accomplish your goal change is often
necessary. A bold attitude is a definite must. Leaders will always come against someone or something that opposes what they believe, boldness
will give them the strength to keep going even when the people they lead have start to disappear or they have grown weak. At the first that you are
ready to give up they will abandon ship as the leader it must be a part of your character to be bold and keep going no matter how hard things may
seem. This characteristics tie in with the earlier trait of inspiration. When other see how bold you are they will realize that just maybe if you're willing
to put this much on the line, face the probability of being ridiculed and disowned by your and the rest of society just maybe you stand for something
that is right and maybe they should too.
These characteristics are all great but to have the ability to truly lead you need conviction. Conviction to keep going you going when your boldness
has eliminated your friends, when your yourself needs inspiration, when you don't want to be genuine, when you want to give up and take the easy
way out. Conviction is that thing that keeps us going, it helps us stay true to our task no matter where you go or what you do. Our conviction are our
roots, they keep us grounded and prevent us from
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I Had Became A Leader Essay

  • 1. I Had Became A Leader Essay I've never been a leader. Growing up, whenever my friends wanted to play a game or do something I would just go along with it. I never argued because I hated conflict. I always chose to follow them. I grew up thinking that being a leader was something you were born with. My friends were supposed to lead and I was supposed to follow. Being a leader meant being bossy and opinionated. I was wrong. This quarter I have learned that I, too, can be leader and all it takes is practice honing my skills. As a leader, I will lead a team that is ethically responsible. Through possessing a positive attitude, being dependable, being responsible and showing integrity I will show my team that I am someone they can trust. Respect has to be earned, but I always give respect when I meet a person and from then on it can either go up or it can go down whichever way that person wants it. There are 5 big traits that I want to possess as a leader. Agreeableness and conscientiousness are my most prominent traits. Extroversion, open to new experiences and neuroticism are my least prominent traits. I believe I need to emphasize being extroverted as a leader. Talking to people and being social is something I believe a leader should know how to do to communicate. I think my agreeableness needs to be downplayed. I struggle with saying no and feeling like I need to do whatever I can whenever I can. Leaders have to make tough decisions and turn things down sometimes. I struggle with that. Knowing that I Get more content on
  • 2. What Leadership Means to Me Essay My idea of leadership is being able to inspire others, motivate, set a vision, communicate, respect others, and of course, lead by example. A leader must have an honest understanding of who they are, what they know, and what they are capable of. To be a successful leader, you have to be able to convince your followers, not just yourself or your superiors, that you are worthy of being followed. In my opinion, this can build confidence in their followers to have faith in you, in order to be able to lead. I strongly believe that good leaders are made rather, and not born. If you have the desire and willpower, you can become an effective leader. Good leaders are developed through a never ending process of self–study, education, training, and more content... The way in which I communicate either builds or can harm the relationship between my soldier and I. When an important moment of discussion arises, I am always prepared to appropriately handle the situation at hand. More than anything else, I believe as a leader it is always important to have great social skills in order to be communicative with clarity and objectiveness, and to have a good relationship with the ones I lead. As a leader, I understand the meaning of recognition and praise when one is doing a good job, which too is significantly important. A leader is not always the first to have an idea, but should be the one who is always seeking out new solutions. One way of being a productive leader is discovering new ways to accomplish a set of tasks while maintaining a positive attitude. If a soldier is demonstrating a bad attitude because he feels that he can not accomplish a task then my job as a leader, would be to steadily encourage that soldier to work at being all that he can be. A leader to me, does not need to always know the answer, but believes it to be important to have the initiative to make an answer appear. One form of bad leadership would be an NCO performing or demonstrating a task that he knows nothing about in front of his soldiers. In the result of the NCO not performing or demonstrating the task at hand correctly, the soldiers then become incapable of knowing the proper ways of that task. However, if that NCO had Get more content on
  • 3. What Being A Leader Means Being a great leader takes more than one quality. To be a leader requires courage bravery social skills and intelligence. Being a leader requires you to have enough courage to do what needs to be done and what is right. Having enough courage to do what is right is most likely the hardest part about being a leader it requires you to make decisions that you might not agree with. Being courageous means you have to do what is right even if it means that you might lose something you thought was valuable. When you are a leader you have to have the courage to not k my make decisions but also work with your group or team to accomplish set task. Being a leader means that you can't just sit there and watch as your group does the work you more content... Being a leader means you have to be smart enough to put the group ahead of personal gain. You have to be smart enough to know that if you don't put the group first the group will turn on you and you will no longer be the leader. If a group looks to you as a leader it means they think that you're smart enough to make the right decisions for the group. A leader is someone who will make the smart choice for the group and not for personal gain. A leader also has to be smart enough to realize all his options and not get caught up on one or two. A leader also has to be smart enough to know when to get involved in something and when not too. If a leader sees and situation that can be avoided they have to be smart enough to know if the group would benefit or not from being involved. A leader has to know if being involved in something is the right choice or not and you have to be able to think about what the outcome will be. A leader also has to be able to determine the outcome of the options presented to them. If a leader isn't smart enough to think about the consequences of an action the leader could bring bad consequences on the group. The leader of a group has to be smart enough to determine the consequences and see which will benefit the group the most. A leader has to be smart enough to see the outcome of a situation and determine what the best option Get more content on
  • 4. The Myth Of Selfishness And Being A Leader How many jobs have you worked for that the leader is always right and will stop at nothing to get what they want? This is not uncommon to hear and almost seems as if it is the norm in today's society. A leader being someone that you can turn to for trust and admired for his or her ethic behaviors almost seems as if it is a myth. It seems that these traits are passed on by leaders and fellow coworkers, a 'monkey see, monkey do' affect. But "what if we are born with raging little egos (as anyone who has ever tried to comfort a squalling infant at three in the morning will readily attest), but also just as innately born to satisfy our self needs by being social and cooperative, even altruistic" (Conniff, 2005, p. 18)? This contradictory statement almost seems absurd to even imagine that it would work. In this paper, I will talk about how being selfish and being a leader can fit together and not always have negative outcomes and cynical backlash from employees. Back when I was in my teens, I was bussing tables for a restaurant in Ohio. There was one server who always went out of her way to help the bussers out. She would help clear her own tables, in her down time she would lend a hand with other duties and tip us a little more at the end of the night. In return, during our lunch and dinner rushes, we would always cater to her tables a little more, that way she could wait on more tables and make more money. It was a system we had, we were both selfish with our methods, but it Get more content on
  • 5. Being a Good Leader Essay Leadership is a term on which no one can develop a mutual consensus as it carries a different meaning for ach individual. Some people may consider a person as their leader who is capable of taking them away from hardships, some people may consider the one as their leader who is quite charismatic and can show them dreams of a bright future or some people may consider that man as a leader who can make them progress by devising wise strategies for them etc. There is, somehow, something very common in all the perspectives that are the philosophy behind the definition, which is related to choosing a best of the best person as their leader. Nobody wants to have a person as his leader who doesn't have knowledge of the needs and aspirations of more content... No one can get success without having the trust of people on his capabilities because without that he won't be able to gain enough confidence to take desired actions without the fear of being rejected. Lastly, he must take some steps in order to prove him a leader and also to make him realize his very own potential (Jim Murray). So, from the above definitions we may draw a difference between leaders and managers as leaders do have a vision, goal and objective, which he tries to make effective and purposeful. On the contrary, the managers only have to maintain their efficiency on day–to–day basis. In other words administration is the task of managers but innovation is the characteristic of leaders and there is a possibility of a manager becoming a leader by setting high standards and goals for his people. It is not the task of this paper to present a difference between both but it is important to present it only because of its being necessary to clear the concept of a leader. So, a good leader is a person who can look high into the horizons when the people are looking down in the bottom line. This makes other people follow their footsteps as everyone wants to move towards horizon to explore new dimensions of practicality. So, first and foremost quality of a leader is not only to see at high things but also make the people see and strive for the same thing. For this purpose, they have to monitor even minor things by making people feel valued and inspired. A good Get more content on
  • 6. Essay on Qualities of a Good Leader Qualities of a Good Leader Monkey see monkey do; that is how people in a community follow their leader. They may not follow him or her action for action but in essence they do. If the leader is selfish and greedy then the people will grow selfish and greedy. If a leader is humble and has a mind and heart to serve the people instead of being served, the nature of the people will become more cordial. A leader is tasked with the governing and care of those under him /her, says a leader is " a guiding or directing head". A leader should lead by example; serving willingly, taking responsibility, and staying humble because the people under them will start to adopt and behave like their leader. A good leader is humble, more content... This story shows us that one quality a leader needs is trust. A leader needs to be able to trust his people; in order for a leader to be able to trust his people he must get to know them. This is where king must be one with the people comes into the picture. A leader who does not know his people will not be able to trust his people. It is also impossible to trust something you do not know or have a relationship with. Christians place their trust in God because we have a relationship with Him. Knowing your people can also be applied to making decisions for them. If a leader knows his people and knows their concerns, their needs, their desires, and their routines then he will be able to make choices that will benefit the lives of his people. God makes decisions that are for our good. We may not understand right away why it is a good thing but Jeremiah 29:11 assures us that it is for our prosperity. Arthur provided and took care of his knights and people because he knew them. He ensured the people's security and peace; as for his knights, he took care of their needs in the field and supported them if they needed it. In battle and out of battle, Arthur would have made sure to take care of his knights and serve them. One way Arthur protected his Knights was training. Legend says King Arthur was an expert swordsman and he was a force in battle. If he truly cared for the lives of his knights he would have taught them what he knows. He equipped his men Get more content on
  • 7. The Role Of A Leader Essay The role of a leader is often seen as to lead. However, there are many ways and styles that can be adopted by a leader, Until recently a manager was seen as a leader, but there is an increasing differentiation made in the commercial world between a manager and a leader. Therefore, in this paper there will be the aim of defining what a leader is, how they may be effective and how skills may be developed by a potential leader. Webster's English Dictionary defines a leader as "One who, or that which, leads or conducts; a guide; a conductor. Especially: (a) One who goes first. (b) One having authority to direct; a chief; a commander" ( This gives us the insight into how leaders are seen today. In the past a leader and a manager were one and the same thing, with the advent of scientific management and the development of the theories of Frederick Winslow Taylor the job of the manager or leader was to gain the greatest value from the employees. In many easy, this is still the role of the leader. However, the methods and perceptions regarding the way in which this is achieved have changed greatly. The industrial revolution that embodies scientific management saw standardisation in the use of procedures and tools, with the one best method being dictated to the most suitable employee, who was expected to perform the task in their machine like manner. The tasks were broken down into the smallest components which would acquire the issues give or training. John Child Get more content on
  • 8. What Makes A Good Leader? Essay Being a leader can be challenging, especially if you do not know how to adjust your leadership techniques based on the situation. Things that might be perfect in one case, can be absolutely disastrous in another. The ability to listen, watch and adjust according to the situation are some of the qualities that define a good leader. I really enjoyed watching the video, where Tom Peters was talking about the importance of listening. I agree, that as a manager you should be open to conversations with subordinates and peers, and should be open–minded in that matter. As it was mentioned in the video and throughout the discussion board interactions, a lot of people are unable to listen to others, and usually intervene within the first 20 seconds. The ability to listen is something that can be developed. Some leaders have the idea in their head, and are unable to change their mind. It does not matter how many people they talk to, they just cannot accept a different view, or look at the situation from a different angle. They can hear, but do not actually listen. We watched a lot of interesting videos of leaders and professors talking about the biggest mistakes that leaders can make. One thing that most of them mentioned is the importance of living up to the same moral values that they propose to subordinates. It is important to lead "from the front", being a role model for the people who work for you. This type of leaders have significantly more chances to build a team, where people Get more content on
  • 9. Leader as a Role Model Role Model People who influence our lives in positive ways a called role models, it is a key quality of a leader to be a role model. Followers want to follow a leader who they can point to as an example in almost every thing they do. Good leaders set the pace for their followers by their lifestyle, behavior, and actions. Leader as a role model Followers will become a fan for life for a leader who becomes a mirror through which they see themselves and make adjustments to live a worthy and better life. If truly one wants to survive in the leader ship position he will have to pay close attention to the needs of the followers. If the leader wants to lead by example it is not simply being proactive or taking initiative when a call to action is more content... Be supportive to your team members and do every thing you can to encourage their success over your own. Be dependable. Being dependable is an extremely important quality. When you say that you will do something, you should do it. Be punctual. People will be relying on you and it is important to follow through on all your commitments. Always keep a positive attitude even when times are though. Smiles are catchy and sometimes that is all one needs to brighten someone else's day. Always hope for the best but be gracious if disappointment comes your way. Persistence is important for success. No matter what you do, there will be obstacles. Do not let the road blocks stop you. Stay focused and never gives up. Have courage, be confident who you are and in your abilities. You worked hard to get where you are .believe in your self and your team. Be generous with your time and with your talents. Spend time doing things for others in your community. Volunteer with local organizations your efforts will not only be rewarded personally but also will be appreciated by those around you. Be respectful, mind your manners and practice proper etiquette. Treat everyone you encounter with respect. Set an example of how to be kind to others and how to handle yourself with grace. Know your team, what are their problems? What are they concerned about? What are Get more content on
  • 10. I Am Becoming A Leader As a child, I was the student that helped other students with their projects and homework. I was the one the teacher looked to, and knew I'd be able to speak to my peers in a way that would make sense to them. I became a mentor to those that struggled, and a friend to those that required more than just homework help. As an adult, this feeling and need to help others did not go away, it evolved. No longer am I helping with homework; I am guiding coworkers and becoming the associate my boss relies on. I am becoming a leader; someone for others to look up to and motivate them to do better. Inspiring others to stretch themselves and not give up is something I strive to do every day. By completing my graduate degree in more content... Although those benefits are still important, they are not the only type of benefits an employer must offer. New employees are expecting benefits for domestic partners, extended paid maternity/paternity leave as well as work–life balance. Similarly to the benefits employees are seeking today, work–life balance tops the chart. People are beginning to integrate work and life on a daily basis. No longer do most employees want the nine–to–five job, they want the flexibility to leave at two in the afternoon to see their daughter's play or work from home in the event of a repairman coming over. Either way, work–life balance is an attractive arrangement for many and by allowing for this type of benefit, companies are having to be sure that the time spent away from the office is an effective and efficient use of time and does not end up costing the company down time. I don't believe this benefit will be going away anytime soon, just the opposite, I believe it will become a top contender when searching for employment, and those that don't offer it may find they have a tougher time hiring qualified candidates. In addition to work–life balance, conducting business in the digital–era comes with many of its own complications. First and foremost, companies must keep up with technology to stay competitive in the market place. This means expensive computers, mobile devices for its employees and paying top dollar for Get more content on
  • 11. Becoming A Leader Becoming a leader is every challenging and complex task to accomplish. Many of us hope to become great leaders that will be loved by their employees and colleagues. However, after reading the first nine chapters of the book, I realized the challenges ahead of me that I have to overcome in order to become a good leader and a good healthcare administrator. When I first started doing the healthcare executive competency assessment tool, I did not realize the impact it'll have or the benefit of it. At first I was skeptical of it, however, after completing the task I realized how much gap and areas of growth that I needed to work on in order to become a great leader. I also came to a conclusion that in order to become a good leader it takes more content... Therefore, the best and the fastest way to gain knowledge is through experience. As I mentioned before the greatest way to narrow my gaps is to work in a larger healthcare organization that would allow me to participate in different areas such as financial management. In addition to my gaps, I have areas that require growth in this portion of the assessment, such as, the business side of healthcare and how to implement it in healthcare settings. This can be achieved by becoming more involved in the business sector of healthcare. Overall, this assessment tool was very beneficial and useful. It showed me my strengths, weakness and areas that need growth. I would be able to work on my gaps and weaknesses, so i could reach my full potential and hopefully become a great leader. I'll continue to use this tool to assess myself regularly to see the progress i have made and areas that still needs growth because there is always room for Get more content on
  • 12. What Is A Leader? Essay What is a leader? When thinking about this question I feel like you have to really know what it means to be a leader. Webster Dictionary definition is: a time when a person holds the position of a leader. No one is born a leader, leaderships skills comes from life experiences, education and employment. Everyone grows into a leader and then afterwards grow into a leadership style that will eventually begin to shape and inspire other leaders. Having a title or high above power does not make you a leader. Inspiring and providing great communication, confidence, advice, laughs, knowledge, honesty and reality. Those great skills help you become a great leader. Even with these great leadership skills, there are many different kinds of leadership styles. "Becoming the kind of leader that people would follow voluntarily; even if you had no title or position." –Brian Tracy Are you a participative leader? Participative leaders or better known as democratic leaders include team members and others, but making the final decision is up to the participative leader. Participative leaders build confidence and knowledge within team members because their inputs matter within decision making. It helps team members think their opinions, help with decisions. If there is a change that needs to be implemented a participative leader helps team members understand the change in a positive way. I would definitely consider myself a participative leader because I love gathering as many Get more content on
  • 13. Reflection On Being A Leader I believe that being a leader is an opportunity. An opportunity to lead a team to better themselves while working alongside one another to accomplish a common goal. A leader is someone who is always eager to learn and grow. Leaders understand that it is important to continue to improve their skills, and they look for opportunities which will further their knowledge and strengthen their ability to lead. Effective leaders understand that listening is an essential skill to understanding their team. After understanding what motivates each member, they will use this knowledge to inspire and drive each member to greatness. Leaders are committed to their team, and the objective or goal the they have set. If a situation arises, a leader is more content... One of the most important aspects of being a leader is understanding your strengths and weaknesses; while taking BUSI 4200, I identified my top strengths and where I am not as strong. I now understand the top qualities of leaders, and I am able to identify these qualities within both myself and others. One lesson I learned while leading is that most people do not listen to those that dictate rather than leading by example. During my BUSI 3200 course, I found that if I took the initiative to start the research on our group project or I would send an email to all the team members, the level of participation from the rest of the group was much higher. Not only was it more effective when I lead by example, but taking the time to know and understand who I was working with was a key success to our team. Knowing the strengths and weakness of each individual for many of the groups I have worked in over my time at East Carolina has proven to be effective for the team as a whole. One lesson that I have learned as a follower, is that it is difficult to always have the answer in every situation, especially in a leadership role. Leaders will make mistakes; part of the leadership process is to recognize the mistake one made and learn from it to grow as an effective leader. I have also found that even if you are not in a leadership position, many leaders count on their followers to Get more content on
  • 14. Essay about How to become a better leader I believe good leaders have the desire and willpower to become an effective leader. Good leaders develop through a never ending process of self–study, education, training, and experience. I think one of a leaders' main goals should be to inspire their workers into higher levels of teamwork, which can be acquired through continual work and study. Good leaders should constantly be working and studying to improve their leadership skills. Leadership is defined as a process by which a person influences others to accomplish an objective and directs the organization in a way that makes it more cohesive and coherent. Leaders carry out this process by applying their leadership attributes, such as beliefs, values, ethics, character, knowledge, and more content... I also have a hard time saying no if someone is willing to take control and lead the group. Another weakness of mine is communication. I am always very good at paying attention in class and, therefore, if I hear the teacher give requirements for a project, I just assume that everyone else is paying equal attention. I need to make a more conscience effort to make sure that everyone is communicating with one another and is aware of what needs to be accomplished. This ensures the team will be building a healthy relationship and working together. Lastly, I have to remember that everyone is different and that we all don't approach tasks in the same way. I must use my sense of judgment to assess each person and determine what kind of work load I honestly think they will complete effectively based on their schedule. If the work is not completed when it is supposed to be done, I need to learn how to confront that person and ask them why it has not been done and make sure that they understand that this is going to put us behind. I always want people to like me and this is the main reason that I have a hard to giving constructive criticism and approaching people. These are a few areas that would be holding me back from being an effective leader. This summer I was the team leader for my group internship presentation project for Enterprise. Our topic was to explain how the founding values of the company Get more content on
  • 15. My Philosophy Of Being A Leader During the course of leadership, my philosophy of being a leader changed from managing people to leading them. To be a leader means to help people solving problems, being decisive and taking responsibility for decisions, creating teams, having individual approach to people using emotional intelligence, connecting superior's needs with subordinates' outcomes in pleasant, effective environment. It is also essential for a leader to know himself well. Knowing own personality it is easier to communicate effectively and achieve goals depicted above. Leader should also be fair, patient, and stoic as giving good example creates high standard of working environment. Leader should also understand environment to create good structure of more content... It is also important to react for improper, unacceptable behavior, even if such reaction could cost a leader his carrier. There should be no exceptions and favor in teams, because such unequal treatment firstly undermines leader's authority, and secondly encourages team members to fight for leader's favor. Such team quickly becomes toxic, and unhealthy competition between members engage energy, which is unproductive and causes 'bad blood' in the team. Leader's job is to pay attention for such tendency in the team and as a team builder; leader needs to be just and immune for compliments. Sometimes leader needs to clean toxic atmosphere by removing 'black ship' from the team. Such decision is not easy to make and many times is leader's responsibility. Making decisions is one of the most important responsibilities of the leader. One of mine leaders Col. Robert Cierniak said 'leader needs to make decisions, because not making it is worse than making wrong one. Being mistaken at least gives you progress from the lesson learned. Not making decision gives you no progress at all. No progress means regress'. Even more, a good manager make one good decision within three made. That is why making decisions means making mistakes. Moreover, it is important for the leader to be not only a manager but also a psychologist. It is essential for good leader to understand that his decisions have impact on people, their lives, their future behavior, beliefs. Every action Get more content on
  • 16. The Essence Of Being A Leader 3Focus on the essence of being a leader Being a leader is not a position you gain; it's not about having a special title or a specific role within an organisation. Being a leader is about behaviour and actions. You can be a leader even if you aren't at a senior level at an organisation and you can find examples of people who call themselves leaders because of their position of power, but who in fact act more like bosses. Whatever you do, always remember the essence of being a leader: sharing your vision with people and inspiring them to follow your cause. Examine different leaders, listen to them sharing their wisdom and discover the characteristics, skills and traits that make them successful at what they do. You can find many resources onleadership and being a leader. One great way is to watch interviews. For example, the YouTube clip below has Richard Branson sharing his views on the essential quality of a leader: Use the information and experience to develop your own leadership style and strategy. Identify your strengths and weaknesses as a leader, utilising them as part of your chosen style. By understanding your own behaviour and how it influences your abilities as a leader, you can continue developing your skills. But more important is how it can help you realise how its your behaviour that defines your success as a leader, not your place within an organisation's hierarchy. You can't be complacent and expect people the look up to you as a leader when you gain a Get more content on
  • 17. Effective Leadership Essay In today's competitive world, leadership skills are crucial for both personal and professional development. Leadership is an important function of management which helps an individual or a business to maximize efficiency and to achieve goals. Leadership has different meanings to various authors.Most commonly, leadership is defined as influence, that is, the art of influencing people so that they will strive willingly and enthusiastically toward the achievement of group goals. (Koontz). Leadership is the process of influencing the activities of either formal or informal group in the task of goal setting and goal achievement. A leader is one whose magnetic personality innervates people for some cause. Not by words, but by their actions is more content... People requires good leadership skills at personal, professional and social level. Personal leadership helps us to determine our desires, strengths and abilities. It means Knowing what we want out of life; knowing what success is for us; what are our goals and how to achieve those goals regardless of what other people think, say, or do. Personal leadership helps us to make our present better and shape a good future. Good leadership is also important to run a business. Usually, in companies, management stresses more on decision– making skills. They believe a timely and smart decision will help their company to succeed. They forget that implementation of those decisions are as important as making those decision. Without a proper implementation , there will be no results. Like there is a saying that, it's easier to said than done. Similarly, making a decision will change nothing, its how to get things done in a timely and an effective way will help an organization to accomplish their goals. Leadership is crucial in implementing decisions correctly and successfully. Each of us understand importance of leadership when it comes to our country. We all try to vote for the best person in elections because it matters who is in office. President make decisions concerning our lives, country, and the world. As a nation, we place no greater responsibility on any one individual than we do on the president. Therefore, leadership Get more content on
  • 18. Essay On Becoming A Leader My Assessment Results as a Leader It takes more than sustaining and improving current forms of value to build a platform for success in tomorrow's business environment. Organizations need to explore strategic ways to devise new and innovative forms of value, a true innovation system relies on the ability to capture and interpret the articulated and unarticulated needs of your current and future customers, it requires the leadership behavior, infrastructure, and processes to execute effectively on key insights. Creating new value means more than developing new technologies, products, and services using traditional product development processes. Strategic innovation covers all areas of the business model such as customer experiences, more content... Learn from the past and take time to think through the implications of each decision for the future (Guidance for first time managers on becoming an effective leader (n.d). Do get to know each team member's work style, strengths, weaknesses, and motivators – Drive results by utilizing each individual's strengths. It is critical that you assemble a team of individuals that are strong in different areas in order to capture all of the talents you will need to produce the end result you want. Learn what motivates each individual and how to manage them in order to yield the best results from each person. By taking the time to uncover the strengths of each individual on the team you can leverage each person's unique capabilities and drive superior performance. You will get more energy and effort from your team if they are focused on expanding and accelerating what they are doing well versus trying to become something they are not. Do know that accountability is everything –Without follow–through even the best strategic plans go nowhere. As the business owner, leader, or manager your job is to devise the strategy and plan but to put measuring, tracking, and follow–up in place in order to drive it to completion. What you measure grows. Make sure that the most important pillars of your team's success are well defined, documented, and measured consistently. Do be inspired and inspiring – You set the tone, pace, and expectation for your Get more content on
  • 19. What Makes a Leader? Essay To me, leadership is more than a title. It is more than just being in charge. Leadership is honestly, learning, listening, and most importantly application. Leadership means going the extra mile or two, doing the right thing no matter who's looking, staying encouraged and encouraging other even when times are hard and you have every reason to quit. Leadership doesn't mean you're rich, well known, liked, or respected but it does mean you are a passionate, caring, and authentic. Leadership means you care about something so much you are willing to risk everything you have for this belief or idea. Leadership is doing whatever you can in your power to make things better for those around you. Although, that is the definition of leadership more content... You don't have to be sure of every single action but you can't fear the future or change because in order to accomplish your goal change is often necessary. A bold attitude is a definite must. Leaders will always come against someone or something that opposes what they believe, boldness will give them the strength to keep going even when the people they lead have start to disappear or they have grown weak. At the first that you are ready to give up they will abandon ship as the leader it must be a part of your character to be bold and keep going no matter how hard things may seem. This characteristics tie in with the earlier trait of inspiration. When other see how bold you are they will realize that just maybe if you're willing to put this much on the line, face the probability of being ridiculed and disowned by your and the rest of society just maybe you stand for something that is right and maybe they should too. These characteristics are all great but to have the ability to truly lead you need conviction. Conviction to keep going you going when your boldness has eliminated your friends, when your yourself needs inspiration, when you don't want to be genuine, when you want to give up and take the easy way out. Conviction is that thing that keeps us going, it helps us stay true to our task no matter where you go or what you do. Our conviction are our roots, they keep us grounded and prevent us from Get more content on