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Forandring og forankring af
innovative og motiverende it‐
støttede og digital videomedierede
undervisningsforløb, med fokus på
de lærendes motivation
Case: VUC Storstrøm, Global

What is Global Classroom?
The PhD-projekt
Research method
•  Students
•  Teachers
•  Organisation

•  Teamdevelopment
•  Teacher workshops
•  Spring 2014

New model – full class
The Global Classroom concept
"They [the teachers]need to ask as if I was sitting in
class, and then they should not feel, you know like..
this thing about that you feel a little like an alien
once you get to say something, because then: ”Oh was there a sound from out there?” - and then you
become like, completely – ”oh then I don’t want to
say anything”. But I don’t think that the way of
teaching should be different from when I sit there [in
”… It also gives some great
opportunities if people have
family, ... The fact that you still
have the ability to follow [the
teaching] at the video


”…you might feel a little bit
outside when there is some cool
discussion, and you can’t
participate – then the sound
doesn’t work - and then you’re
just frustrated.”(student sitting at
•  VUC Storstrøm - Adult Learning Center
•  2011 Campus-to-campus video streaming
•  2012 Hybrid campus and videoconference model - new territory for adult
learning centers.
•  HF - Higher Preparatory Examination Course (upper secondary general
education program) 2 years.
•  Attendance required
•  Starts bottom-up
•  Paper: How do students, teachers, and the organization experience a
start-up-project applying video conferences between campus and home?
•  Focus on pedagogical innovativeness, collaborative and technological

VUC Storstrøm
– HF Fulltime Course
•  Formålet med nærværende PhD projekt er: Gennem
aktionsforskning og kvalitative analyser på virksomhedscasen
VUC Storstrøm, at danne teori og udvikle retningslinjer for:
•  Problemformulering: Hvordan kan man skabe innovative
metoder, praksisser og evaluerings-værktøjer ift. den fortsatte
udvikling af anvendelse af IT i undervisningssammenhænge,
primært indenfor digitalt medierede undervisningsformer, med et
fokus på at kunne foretage kvalificerede valg i forhold til at skabe
motiverende og kvalificeret læring for de studerende.
•  Der foretages et praksisnært studie af hvordan og med hvilke
midler innovation og kompetenceudvikling kan forandre og
forankre IT-baserede og digitalt videomedierede
undervisningsforløb. Dette sker ved at undersøge undervisningens
aktører enkeltvis og relationelt. Mere specifikt undersøges
potentialer og barrierer i forhold til følgende:

PhD-Projektets målsætning
•  1) Uddannelsesorganisationens muligheder og ansvar ift. forandring og
forankring af IT-baserede og digitalt videomedierede
•  2) At udvikle et refleksivt, innovativt og kompetenceudviklende redskab
til underviseren, så denne kan foretage kvalificerede og relevante valg af
undervisningsteknologi samt gennemføre kvalificeret og relevant
planlægning, udførelse og teoretiseren over egen undervisning i ITbaserede og digitalt videomedierede undervisningsforløb omfattende
læringsdesign, relevante læringstyper og pædagogik i en
professionsfaglig kontekst.
•  3) Effekten på elevens læring og motivation i forbindelse med at lære
med og gennem IT, og hvorledes eleven evt. kan medvirke i den videre
innovative inddragelse af IT i undervisningen.
•  Her tages udgangspunkt i at en innovativ implementering af IT i et
undervisningsforløb sker i et samspil mellem forskellige aktører
(organisationen, underviserne og eleverne), og i dette PhD-projekt skal
innovation forstås indenfor rammen af læring på offentlige
undervisningsinstitutioner. PhD-projektet foregår i tæt samarbejde med
VUC Storstrøm og forskere fra ILD-lab på AAU med udgangspunkt i
både nationale og internationale projekter.

Action research/DBR
•  Action research studies with a user-centered approach
•  Focus of action research
•  Students experience
•  The continued development of the teachers’ educational designs
•  Organizational issues related to the transition to the Global
Classroom Model

•  Overall Research Objective for the PhD-study: “to investigate
the design of innovative methods, practices and evaluation
tools in relation to the use of IT in Global Classroom
settings, with a focus on how to enable teachers to create
motivating and qualified learning design for the students”

Improve GC ?

Student evaluation workshop – a qualitative workshop,
14 participants

February 2013

Meetings and ongoing conversation with project owners, Spring 2013 management and (IT) pedagogical consultants
Ongoing participation in ”Pedagogical udviklingsgruppe” at VUC

Spring 2013 -

Observations and semistructured interviews with

Spring 2013

Informal conversation with teachers

Spring 2013 -

Course developed

August 2013

8 Team workshops lasting 3 hours

August-October 2013

Global Classroom workshop talk

24th of October 2013

Exams Team-workshops

October-November 2013

Empirical data
•  Use of ICT in Global Classroom – inspires further
•  Motivation contributes to learning
•  Motivational elements

Own choise of learning environment
Shorter day – no transport
Intermediate solutions
•  Teachers use more innovative and motivating technology

The Students
•  Bottom-up approach – from scratch (Technology and
•  A traditional classroom?
•  Noise, silence and delay
•  Virtual “logistic problems”/communication – returning to class
•  Procedures for technological help?

The Students
- Technological -pedagogical issues
•  Teachers have different approaches
•  Difference in attention – towards home-students
•  Result: frustration
•  Asks for strategy
•  Develops workarounds

•  Students have different approaches!
•  On-line access to learning material
•  On-line assignments

The Students
– learning design
•  Rules
•  Have been developed bottom-up
•  Could be developed further

•  Pedagogical innovation
•  Working on the internet – Glogster
•  No innovative visions – so far – traditional thinking

•  Mostly positive impressions conc. videoconference

The Students

– rules and pedagogical innovation

Not employed for on-line learning
Short seminars and innovative workshops w. researchers
Working without role models - frustrating
Not resisting innovation in pedagogical practice
•  but – we have to learn
•  We are embedded in an educational culture
•  Involves the entire organization

The teachers

For now: mostly beneficial for students
Have developed new ways of teaching
Future: possibility for new innovations
•  Now we are looking for innovation in teams
•  That’s motivating

The teachers
- Motivational elements
•  Start: A lot of trouble – now it’s better
•  Cognitive demands

Many points of attention
After class: very tired
Too many media at play
Chat – no thanks!

The teachers
- Pedagogical-Technological issues
•  Facial decoding
•  Cannot read facial expressions
•  Easier to read faces in class - easier to act

•  Visual attendance
•  “Disappears" from the screen

•  80% attendance – how to interpret?
•  Extra responsibility - additional point of focus

The teachers
- Pedagogical-Technological issues
•  Rules
•  New rules on the basis of:
•  Facial decoding and visual attendance

•  Pedagogical innovation
•  Difficult to be innovative
•  Doesn’t use pedagogical and academic possibilities lying in front
of them
•  Attendance – how to interpret?
•  Need for
•  Work with IT learning tools
•  Support for the process of innovation and for the development of
innovative thinking

The teachers

– rules and pedagogical innovation
•  Classical issues in the change processes:
•  Project managers are ahead of the rest of the
•  Teachers lacked of insight into and influence on the
•  Teachers: Frustration because of challenges in
technology, pedagogy, and the organizational setup
•  Contrast to the project owners view

The organizasion
•  Tripartite role
•  1) ​Visionary designers for future learning,
•  2) Helping implementation process in cooperation with the
department managers and teachers
•  3) Contributing to the evaluation and anchoring of the many IT-ineducation-initiatives

•  Organizational challenges (de gør alt det her: støtter med
•  The teachers – a kind of hostages? Innovation -implementation
•  Asked to redefine their teaching role
•  Demand for a new GC framework

The organizasion

- IT-pedagogical roles & organisational change
•  Transition was challenging
•  Still technical difficulties.
•  Organization gained more consciousness of needed skills
in supporting innovative developments.
•  Need for an enrollment culture
•  Framework for “how we do Global Classroom at VUC”.

Conclusion to first evaluations
• The flexibility of Global Classroom is motivating
• Often traditional teaching is ok - but the acquired changes
are difficult
• High expectations to the communicative "flow” – but
• Difference in teachers and students views on active
• More knowledge about which pedagogical and learning
design activities should be supported
• Teachers: opportunity to practice new designs in safezones

Conclusion to first evaluations
•  Focus on: innovative IT-pedagogical elements - could
provide new opportunities.
•  Play and gamification and bodily activation
•  Learning games, students’ digital productions, role
playing, complex multimodal presentation forms etc.
•  Next step research: implement activities with workshops
and design-based research approaches.
•  Team- workshops – innovative pedagogical competence

Further perspectives
•  We need to be innovative!

Next step - teams

Difficult to be innovative – IT – Global Classroom
Difficult to distinguish the new needs
The teachers feel a bit ”victimized”
Difficult time-wise in daily life
Lack of the needed knowledge
Lack of methods to approach the problems

Improvements –
where and how?
•  To bridge the gap: teachers vs. administrative
•  Let the teachers take ownership of the process
•  To make an ”innovative tool”
•  To have the possibility to use theory and reflection
•  You learn more – knowledge sharing
•  You can see each others strengths and weaknesses
•  You can challenge each other – in a good way
•  It is more fun

Why Teams ?
•  Innovative learning designs - innovation
•  Competence development model as action research
•  Knowledge development and knowledge sharing
platform as action research - anchoring
•  Exam - and where do we take it next?

Team workshops - focus
• K3

”How do we make good
classdiscussions in Global

•  K2
•  K1

”How do I activate the
students at home in
Global Classroom”

•  Erling Lars Dale


”How can I use a learning
game in Global Classroom
to motivate my students”
•  Initial Findings
•  Brainstorm
•  Central places in the
interaction between
students and teachers
•  We have our issues

Team - start
Concept maker


Knowledge detective

Innovation Diamond

Lotte Darsø 2001

Pedagogical innovation
Leading the process
•  How do we enable good class discussions?
•  How do we activate students at home?
•  Can the learning design be more motivating and creative?

Examples of
new learning designs
•  How do we enable good class discussions?
•  How do we enable good class discussions?

Google docs

Examples of
new learning designs
•  How do we activate students at home?
•  Socrative
•  Potential: ” I tested Socrative on a class, and the students
were quite excited, ... They liked that they could follow the
voting process (I had chosen to make it anonymous), and it
created a lot of debate and explanation across the room,
where everyone either listened or talked - ABOUT THE
TOPIC!! So the tool is at least good at activating all and
they thought it was fun.”

Examples of
new learning designs
DNA – learning game

Student driven activity
•  Meeting with teachers from an american School
•  Sheridan Technical Center, Florida

Foreign teaching

Supporting technologies for work in Global Classroom
Google drive
Forum discussions

Examples of
new learning designs
Knowledge retention
•  Prompt
•  Discussion
•  Reflection
•  Documentation – knowledge sharing
•  New “assignment” – for next time

Pedagogical professionalism Innovative reflections in teams
•  Work with current problems
•  Creating a common language
•  Development and later refinement of the
Global Classroom model

Potentials of this model

Innovation is necessary in Global classroom
Reflective teams can increase innovative learning designs
Teamwork is very useful
Generates many ideas
Working on ”a good shape”
Exams -

Team development status?
IT-pædagogisk tænketank for lærere
- Model for refleksivt teamudviklingsarbejde i Global Classroom
IT-pædagogisk tænketank for lærere
- Model for refleksivt teamudviklingsarbejde i
Global Classroom
IT-pædagogisk tænketank for lærere
- Model for refleksivt teamudviklingsarbejde i
Global Classroom
IT-pædagogisk tænketank for lærere
- Model for refleksivt teamudviklingsarbejde i
Global Classroom
IT-pædagogisk tænketank for lærere
- Model for refleksivt teamudviklingsarbejde i
Global Classroom
IT-pædagogisk tænketank for lærere
- Model for refleksivt teamudviklingsarbejde i
Global Classroom
•  Student evaluation
•  Motivating to be able to choose learning environment
•  Wish for strategy for activation of the virtual students

•  Teacher interviews and observations
•  Traditional teaching
•  Difficulties in discussions – labs etc.

•  8 Team workshops
•  Innovative pedagogy
•  Reflection on own practise
•  Team development model

The results of
the research-project
- in short
•  Nu har jeg undersøgt ”rundt om Global Classsroom” –
samt motivation hos lærerne
•  Næste – ledere skal lære konceptet at kende
•  Hvordan ser det ud ift. OK – 13?
•  Spørgeskemaer til elever om motivation

NU – foråret 2014
•  Nu: ”i Global Classroom” – samt motivation hos eleverne
og lærerne
•  Lærings-spil design for lærere og elever i fællesskab
•  Eleverne designer læringsspil til hinanden
•  Et forsøg på at udvikle koncepter og derefter
implementere dem i spil
•  - ”gerne lidt smarte apps”
•  3-4 ugers forløb i marts

NU – foråret 2014

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Global Classroom VUC - Phd-Project so far Winter 2013

  • 1. Forandring og forankring af innovative og motiverende it‐ støttede og digital videomedierede undervisningsforløb, med fokus på de lærendes motivation Case: VUC Storstrøm, Global Classroom
  • 2. •  •  •  •  What is Global Classroom? The PhD-projekt Research method Findings •  Students •  Teachers •  Organisation •  Teamdevelopment •  Teacher workshops •  Spring 2014 Agenda
  • 3. New model – full class
  • 5. "They [the teachers]need to ask as if I was sitting in class, and then they should not feel, you know like.. this thing about that you feel a little like an alien once you get to say something, because then: ”Oh was there a sound from out there?” - and then you become like, completely – ”oh then I don’t want to say anything”. But I don’t think that the way of teaching should be different from when I sit there [in class]." ”… It also gives some great opportunities if people have family, ... The fact that you still have the ability to follow [the teaching] at the video conference” Experiences ”…you might feel a little bit outside when there is some cool discussion, and you can’t participate – then the sound doesn’t work - and then you’re just frustrated.”(student sitting at home).
  • 6. •  VUC Storstrøm - Adult Learning Center •  2011 Campus-to-campus video streaming •  2012 Hybrid campus and videoconference model - new territory for adult learning centers. •  HF - Higher Preparatory Examination Course (upper secondary general education program) 2 years. •  Attendance required •  Starts bottom-up •  Paper: How do students, teachers, and the organization experience a start-up-project applying video conferences between campus and home? •  Focus on pedagogical innovativeness, collaborative and technological issues. VUC Storstrøm – HF Fulltime Course
  • 7.
  • 8.
  • 9. •  Formålet med nærværende PhD projekt er: Gennem aktionsforskning og kvalitative analyser på virksomhedscasen VUC Storstrøm, at danne teori og udvikle retningslinjer for: •  Problemformulering: Hvordan kan man skabe innovative metoder, praksisser og evaluerings-værktøjer ift. den fortsatte udvikling af anvendelse af IT i undervisningssammenhænge, primært indenfor digitalt medierede undervisningsformer, med et fokus på at kunne foretage kvalificerede valg i forhold til at skabe motiverende og kvalificeret læring for de studerende. •  Der foretages et praksisnært studie af hvordan og med hvilke midler innovation og kompetenceudvikling kan forandre og forankre IT-baserede og digitalt videomedierede undervisningsforløb. Dette sker ved at undersøge undervisningens aktører enkeltvis og relationelt. Mere specifikt undersøges potentialer og barrierer i forhold til følgende: PhD-Projektets målsætning
  • 10. •  1) Uddannelsesorganisationens muligheder og ansvar ift. forandring og forankring af IT-baserede og digitalt videomedierede undervisningsforløb. •  2) At udvikle et refleksivt, innovativt og kompetenceudviklende redskab til underviseren, så denne kan foretage kvalificerede og relevante valg af undervisningsteknologi samt gennemføre kvalificeret og relevant planlægning, udførelse og teoretiseren over egen undervisning i ITbaserede og digitalt videomedierede undervisningsforløb omfattende læringsdesign, relevante læringstyper og pædagogik i en professionsfaglig kontekst. •  3) Effekten på elevens læring og motivation i forbindelse med at lære med og gennem IT, og hvorledes eleven evt. kan medvirke i den videre innovative inddragelse af IT i undervisningen. •  Her tages udgangspunkt i at en innovativ implementering af IT i et undervisningsforløb sker i et samspil mellem forskellige aktører (organisationen, underviserne og eleverne), og i dette PhD-projekt skal innovation forstås indenfor rammen af læring på offentlige undervisningsinstitutioner. PhD-projektet foregår i tæt samarbejde med VUC Storstrøm og forskere fra ILD-lab på AAU med udgangspunkt i både nationale og internationale projekter. Undersøgelsesområder
  • 12. •  Action research studies with a user-centered approach •  Focus of action research •  Students experience •  The continued development of the teachers’ educational designs •  Organizational issues related to the transition to the Global Classroom Model •  Overall Research Objective for the PhD-study: “to investigate the design of innovative methods, practices and evaluation tools in relation to the use of IT in Global Classroom settings, with a focus on how to enable teachers to create motivating and qualified learning design for the students” Improve GC ? Method
  • 13. Teams Student evaluation workshop – a qualitative workshop, 14 participants February 2013 Meetings and ongoing conversation with project owners, Spring 2013 management and (IT) pedagogical consultants Ongoing participation in ”Pedagogical udviklingsgruppe” at VUC Spring 2013 - Observations and semistructured interviews with teachers Spring 2013 Informal conversation with teachers Spring 2013 - Course developed August 2013 8 Team workshops lasting 3 hours August-October 2013 Global Classroom workshop talk 24th of October 2013 Exams Team-workshops October-November 2013 Empirical data
  • 14. •  Use of ICT in Global Classroom – inspires further •  Motivation contributes to learning •  Motivational elements •  •  •  •  Own choise of learning environment Shorter day – no transport Intermediate solutions Also •  Teachers use more innovative and motivating technology The Students
  • 15. •  Bottom-up approach – from scratch (Technology and pedagogy) •  A traditional classroom? •  Noise, silence and delay •  Virtual “logistic problems”/communication – returning to class •  Procedures for technological help? The Students - Technological -pedagogical issues
  • 16. •  Teachers have different approaches •  Difference in attention – towards home-students •  Result: frustration •  Asks for strategy •  Develops workarounds •  Students have different approaches! •  On-line access to learning material •  On-line assignments The Students – learning design
  • 17. •  Rules •  Have been developed bottom-up •  Could be developed further •  Pedagogical innovation •  Working on the internet – Glogster •  No innovative visions – so far – traditional thinking •  Mostly positive impressions conc. videoconference The Students – rules and pedagogical innovation
  • 18. •  •  •  •  Not employed for on-line learning Short seminars and innovative workshops w. researchers Working without role models - frustrating Not resisting innovation in pedagogical practice •  but – we have to learn •  We are embedded in an educational culture •  Involves the entire organization The teachers
  • 19. •  •  •  •  For now: mostly beneficial for students Have developed new ways of teaching Future: possibility for new innovations Also •  Now we are looking for innovation in teams •  That’s motivating The teachers - Motivational elements
  • 20. •  Start: A lot of trouble – now it’s better •  Cognitive demands •  •  •  •  •  Interruptions Many points of attention After class: very tired Too many media at play Chat – no thanks! The teachers - Pedagogical-Technological issues
  • 21. •  Facial decoding •  Cannot read facial expressions •  Easier to read faces in class - easier to act •  Visual attendance •  “Disappears" from the screen •  80% attendance – how to interpret? •  Extra responsibility - additional point of focus The teachers - Pedagogical-Technological issues
  • 22. •  Rules •  New rules on the basis of: •  Facial decoding and visual attendance •  Pedagogical innovation •  Difficult to be innovative •  Doesn’t use pedagogical and academic possibilities lying in front of them •  Attendance – how to interpret? •  Need for •  Work with IT learning tools •  Support for the process of innovation and for the development of innovative thinking The teachers – rules and pedagogical innovation
  • 23. •  Classical issues in the change processes: •  Project managers are ahead of the rest of the organization •  Teachers lacked of insight into and influence on the process •  Teachers: Frustration because of challenges in technology, pedagogy, and the organizational setup •  Contrast to the project owners view The organizasion
  • 24. •  Tripartite role •  1) ​Visionary designers for future learning, •  2) Helping implementation process in cooperation with the department managers and teachers •  3) Contributing to the evaluation and anchoring of the many IT-ineducation-initiatives •  Organizational challenges (de gør alt det her: støtter med processer) •  The teachers – a kind of hostages? Innovation -implementation •  Asked to redefine their teaching role •  Demand for a new GC framework The organizasion - IT-pedagogical roles & organisational change
  • 25. •  Transition was challenging •  Still technical difficulties. •  Organization gained more consciousness of needed skills in supporting innovative developments. •  Need for an enrollment culture •  Framework for “how we do Global Classroom at VUC”. Conclusion to first evaluations
  • 26. • The flexibility of Global Classroom is motivating • Often traditional teaching is ok - but the acquired changes are difficult • High expectations to the communicative "flow” – but difficulties • Difference in teachers and students views on active participation. • More knowledge about which pedagogical and learning design activities should be supported • Teachers: opportunity to practice new designs in safezones Conclusion to first evaluations
  • 27. •  Focus on: innovative IT-pedagogical elements - could provide new opportunities. •  Play and gamification and bodily activation •  Learning games, students’ digital productions, role playing, complex multimodal presentation forms etc. •  Next step research: implement activities with workshops and design-based research approaches. •  Team- workshops – innovative pedagogical competence development Further perspectives
  • 28. •  We need to be innovative! Next step - teams
  • 29. •  •  •  •  •  •  Difficult to be innovative – IT – Global Classroom Difficult to distinguish the new needs The teachers feel a bit ”victimized” Difficult time-wise in daily life Lack of the needed knowledge Lack of methods to approach the problems Improvements – where and how?
  • 30. •  To bridge the gap: teachers vs. administrative organisation •  Let the teachers take ownership of the process •  To make an ”innovative tool” •  To have the possibility to use theory and reflection •  You learn more – knowledge sharing •  You can see each others strengths and weaknesses •  You can challenge each other – in a good way •  It is more fun Why Teams ?
  • 31. •  Innovative learning designs - innovation •  Competence development model as action research •  Knowledge development and knowledge sharing platform as action research - anchoring •  Exam - and where do we take it next? Team workshops - focus
  • 32. • K3 ”How do we make good classdiscussions in Global Classroom” •  K2 •  K1 ”How do I activate the students at home in Global Classroom” •  Erling Lars Dale Pedagogical professionalism ”How can I use a learning game in Global Classroom to motivate my students”
  • 33. •  Initial Findings •  Brainstorm •  Central places in the interaction between students and teachers •  We have our issues defined! Team - start
  • 36. •  How do we enable good class discussions? •  How do we activate students at home? •  Can the learning design be more motivating and creative? Examples of new learning designs
  • 37. •  How do we enable good class discussions?
  • 38. •  How do we enable good class discussions? •  •  •  •  •  •  •  Chat Rules Forum Glogster Google docs Writing/talking? Etc. Examples of new learning designs
  • 39. •  How do we activate students at home? •  Socrative •  Potential: ” I tested Socrative on a class, and the students were quite excited, ... They liked that they could follow the voting process (I had chosen to make it anonymous), and it created a lot of debate and explanation across the room, where everyone either listened or talked - ABOUT THE TOPIC!! So the tool is at least good at activating all and they thought it was fun.” Examples of new learning designs
  • 40. DNA – learning game Student driven activity
  • 41. •  Meeting with teachers from an american School •  Sheridan Technical Center, Florida Foreign teaching assistance
  • 42. •  •  •  •  •  •  Supporting technologies for work in Global Classroom Glogster Socrates Google drive Forum discussions Wiki’s Examples of new learning designs
  • 44. •  Prompt •  Discussion •  Reflection •  Documentation – knowledge sharing platform •  New “assignment” – for next time Pedagogical professionalism Innovative reflections in teams
  • 45. •  Work with current problems •  Creating a common language •  Development and later refinement of the Global Classroom model Potentials of this model
  • 46. •  •  •  •  •  •  •  Innovation is necessary in Global classroom Reflective teams can increase innovative learning designs Teamwork is very useful Motivating Generates many ideas Working on ”a good shape” Exams - Team development status?
  • 47.
  • 48. IT-pædagogisk tænketank for lærere - Model for refleksivt teamudviklingsarbejde i Global Classroom
  • 49. IT-pædagogisk tænketank for lærere - Model for refleksivt teamudviklingsarbejde i Global Classroom
  • 50. IT-pædagogisk tænketank for lærere - Model for refleksivt teamudviklingsarbejde i Global Classroom
  • 51. IT-pædagogisk tænketank for lærere - Model for refleksivt teamudviklingsarbejde i Global Classroom
  • 52. IT-pædagogisk tænketank for lærere - Model for refleksivt teamudviklingsarbejde i Global Classroom
  • 53. IT-pædagogisk tænketank for lærere - Model for refleksivt teamudviklingsarbejde i Global Classroom
  • 54. •  Student evaluation •  Motivating to be able to choose learning environment •  Wish for strategy for activation of the virtual students •  Teacher interviews and observations •  Traditional teaching •  Difficulties in discussions – labs etc. •  8 Team workshops •  Innovative pedagogy •  Reflection on own practise •  Team development model The results of the research-project - in short
  • 55. •  Nu har jeg undersøgt ”rundt om Global Classsroom” – samt motivation hos lærerne •  Næste – ledere skal lære konceptet at kende •  Hvordan ser det ud ift. OK – 13? •  Spørgeskemaer til elever om motivation NU – foråret 2014
  • 56. •  Nu: ”i Global Classroom” – samt motivation hos eleverne og lærerne •  Lærings-spil design for lærere og elever i fællesskab •  Eleverne designer læringsspil til hinanden •  Et forsøg på at udvikle koncepter og derefter implementere dem i spil •  - ”gerne lidt smarte apps” •  3-4 ugers forløb i marts NU – foråret 2014